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Born & Bred in WA


Parents Paper


For parents with children aged from birth to 14 • Free every month

Opening up the world of learning in-centre and on-line

State of the art IVF clinic opens in Joondalup

By Julie Courtis (Willetton)

By Laura Dugay (General Manager – Fertility North)


ip McGrath Education centres have been providing individualised learning programmes for children in Australia for over 35 years. Experienced teachers provide support for students who find school work difficult, for children wishing to excel or who are preparing for exams. Now, Online Tutoring opens up a whole new world of opportunities for children to be tutored at home with a qualified, caring teacher taking the lesson in real time. Kip McGrath’s multimillion dollar advances in technology allow children to access the proven methods of tuition only previously available in-centre. All you need is an up to date computer and an internet connection. At Kip McGrath Education Centres students work on individualised programs with computer and manual activities to revise and consolidate their learning. They learn how to learn as well as what to learn. Homework tasks are specifically designed to revise and consolidate the teaching and learning which takes place during sessions. Early intervention and development of confidence are the keys to getting on top of any issues that your child may be having with

learning. By identifying areas needing attention, individualising programs, using quality resources and professional tutors, Kip McGrath Education Centres are able to help students move forward with their learning, with particular emphasis on English and maths skills. All students can learn given the right teaching and Kip McGrath Education Centres pride themselves on assessing, devising programs and quality teaching to give students the opportunity to reach their full potential. If you are concerned about your child’s academic achievements in 2014 or believe that he/she is not reaching true potential, call your local Kip McGrath Centre today and discuss the in-centre and online options available. Proven methods gain results! They are here to help. For further information and to book your free assessment, visit or call: Balcatta (9240 2335), Ellenbrook (9297 3654), Gosnells (9490 7822), Jandakot (9414 8088), Joondalup (9301 2334), Mundaring (9295 6255), North Perth (9227 1043), Victoria Park (9472 7480), Willetton (9259 4833).


n Australia and New Zealand, one in six couples are having to cope with the disappointment and heartache of infertility, and unfortunately this is a number which is continuing to increase. Fertility North has experienced this increase in patients coming through their doors over the past 12 years and is now at a point where they need to expand their facility to accommodate and support this growing number of infertility patients. In October, Fertility North will be closing the doors on their old clinic which will be a bittersweet and emotional time for the staff. So many memories, both joyous and heartbreaking, have been made within the walls of the old clinic and it is going to be difficult to close the doors for one last time. That being said, excitement is building surrounding the relocation to their brand new facility and the fresh new surroundings will create an even more positive and productive environment for both patients and staff. The new facility is nearly three times the size of their old facility. It’s custom designed and built as a fertility treatment clinic. This customisation will provide staff with the

space and orientation to provide the highest level of patient care. In addition, Fertility North has invested in brand new state of the art medical equipment to fit out the new clinic, which will improve patient experience even further. The layout has been specifically designed to improve workflows, create a safe environment for both patients and staff and to utilise natural light wherever possible. The clinic design also optimises views of Lake Joondalup which creates a calming and relaxed atmosphere. Located in the new development, Joondalup Health Campus, the new Fertility North clinic continues to offer patients the safety and care of the Joondalup Private Hospital operating theatres, private wards and accredited anaesthetists. They’ll also continue to offer patients emotional support throughout their treatment journey via the clinic counsellors and highly trained fertility nursing team. Visit us at the new clinic located at Suite 30, Level 2, Joondalup Private Hospital, 60 Shenton Avenue, Joondalup. Visit call (08) 9301 1075.

Professional Tuition: Kindy to Yr 12 • English (primary and secondary) • Maths (all levels) • Kindy & Pre-Primary • Scholarship Preparation • Extension • Study Skills (secondary)





Programmes designed to suit individual needs.

FREE ASSESSMENT ONLINE TUITION OPTIONS AVAILABLE • Balcatta 9240 2335 • Gosnells 9490 7822 • Ellenbrook 9297 3654


• Jandakot 9414 8088 • Joondalup 9301 2334 • Mundaring 9295 6255

• North Perth 9227 1043 • Victoria Park 9472 7480 • Willetton 9259 4833



Get into Calisthenics

Join the fun at the John Hughes Big Walk


alisthenics is a team sport unique to Australia. It is recognised as a fun and healthy way to keep fit for children of all ages.


he John Hughes Big Walk on Sunday 16 November 2014 is a fundraising event for PMH Foundation that starts and finishes at Burswood Park. It’s not a race, you choose your pace and walk, run, skip or dance your way around one of three courses: 6km, 11km or 15km.

Calisthenics involves a team of participants learning routines choreographed to music and presenting these routines on stage at competitions and concerts. In addition to team items, participants can compete in solo and duo items.

New Classes start in Term 4. With many clubs located throughout Perth, it is a great opportunity to join this fantastic sport. For further information on the sport of

It’s one of the cheapest events to enter in Perth with online registration just $25 adults, $10 child, or $50 for a family (2 adults and 2 children, additional child $10). All registered participants go into a draw to win a new John Hughes Mitsubishi Mirage valued at $12,990.

Calisthenics please contact their Head Office on (08) 9274 3958 or visit

It’s a fun family day out and there’s plenty of entertainment for the kids afterwards at the Stitches Bear Fair at the finish line. Limited team and corporate marquees are

See their advert on page 3 for special free introduction class.

Subiaco Craft Collectibles and Community Fair

The Major Beneficiaries are University Camp for Kids, King Edward Memorial Hospital Rose Garden Maintenance Program, Homeless in Subiaco, Rotary Mental Health and Drug Rehabilitation, Foodbank, Shelter

Visit or call 08 9489 1100.


urbi is an app and web based program that manages the use of your childrens’ iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.


Entertainment includes Scotch College Pipe Band (opening act), Welcome to Country and Aboriginal Dances, Classical guitar soloist, WAPS, MSHS Guitar group and Kizzi Group.

The John Hughes Big Walk has grown to become one of the PMH Foundation’s key community fundraisers, with all proceeds from the walk going towards supporting children and families at the hospital’s oncology ward.

Curb your child’s internet use

atilda Bay Rotary hosts the Subiaco Craft Collectibles and Community Fair 2014, Sunday 26 October on the Oak Lawn at the University of Western Australia, Hackett Drive, Crawley from 9am4pm. Entry donation is $5 per adult, children under 12 years free with free parking and raffle draws.


For the first time, parents can have effective control over how their child uses their mobile and tablet device. curbi performs three key roles: 1. device usage rules can be set to block the internet (for Bedtime), block social media (for Study Time) and whatever other times/limits are required.

Box and Wheelchairs for Kids. Kids’ activities include face painting, colouring in competitions, ballooning and lots of games.

2. blocks inappropriate content. 3. generates usage information to show Parents how much time has been spent on each site per day and week.

Over 100 stalls of local handcrafted unique products, community stalls, delicious wares to whet the appetite and a sausage sizzle located in the “Snack Food Village” to nibble while browsing along the avenues of craft.

curbi is installed onto a child’s device, then controlled from a parent’s iPhone, iPad or from the Web. Parents are in control in a convenient and effective way, curbi uses simple rule settings such as “no internet after

Visit or email

Crescent Early Enrichment Centre BOOK EARLY for 2014‘s NEW Pre-Kindy and Kindy Enrichment Programs

✔ Get a Head Start for Big School ✔ Ideal for 18mths to 5 years ✔ Montessori & Reggio Emilia based program



Telethon Speech & Hearing’s world class Speech & Language Program is now accepting 2015 enrolments


Churchlands location

For more information and a FREE TRIAL of curbi, visit

Let’s Talk About It

Develop your child Emotionally & Intellectually

Text Selvi: 0423 820 777 E:

8.30pm” that are easy to adjust. You don’t have to be tech savvy to use Curbi! It is so effective that many schools use Curbi and it has also appeared on TV shows such as Sunrise. Curbi was also developed in Perth!

Amazing Parental Controls for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch


18 months – 5 years

9387 9846

Paint Scratches Small Dents Bumper Scuffs Alloy Wheel Scrapes Leather Redyeing

inappropriate content

WATCH your child’s internet access with detailed reporting

Curbi in the news!

School enquiries welcome

*Conditions apply

Call 9330 5005 or drop into 76B Norma Road, Booragoon


BLOCK adult and other


Bring your car in for FREE QUOTE & receive 10% OFF*

CURB your child’s screen time, use of social media and time wasting apps.



Calisthenics is a combination of Gymnastics, Ballet, Folk Dance, Jazz Ballet, Apparatus (Clubs and Rods), Figure Marching, Mime and Singing. Its assets are many, improving health and deportment and widening their musical knowledge.

EASY START MEMBERSHIP ATI will help your child develop a Black Belt mindset for success in life. Achieving a Black Belt will give your child Strength, Focus and Confidence Attributes that will prepare them well and compliment anything they choose to do in life.

Try a 2 month membership! Get a FREE uniform!

get the app! Search ATI Martial Arts

FREE TRIAL available at 02 Kids In Perth – The Parentsʼ Paper, October 2014

For kids ages 3yrs and above


Kids and Adults programs available

5 full time schools Malaga - 9248 7811 • Joondalup - 9301 0277 • Claremont - 9385 0577 • Midvale - 9274 1896 • Yanchep - 0414 557 389 • Ph 1300 660 284 for all other 17 WA ATI Locations check us out on the web:



Attend school with your child (3 months - 7 years). Baby/ToddlerSchool, Baby/ToddlerGym, Preschool & Kindy, School Readiness programs. LOTE PROGRAMS including Spanish Playgroup, French Playgroup, Italian Playgroup. Private tutoring for school children and Home-Tutor programs (grades 1-7). Home-school tutorship.


emand for early childhood services has grown rapidly in Australia, from 250,000 children in childcare 20 years ago to more than a million today. As more families accept the reality of needing two working parents, demand for long daycare services continues to exceed supply, exacerbating the skills shortages already challenging our industry.

MALAGA (north east) RIVERTON (south) WEMBLEY (north south west)

0412 481 708 |

Follow Us! the best educators in the mark et and ongoing career guidance.

Early Childhood education has undergone significant transformation with the introduction of the national quality framework aimed at boosting staff-to-child ratios and educators qualification levels.

They are proud to continue working with the sector and its professionals to mak e the best possible match which will benefit your children, the future of Australia.

Since 1993 Randstad Education has partnered with the early childhood sector every step of the way - from skill shortages to legislation changes through to providing

To find out more about potential employment or to find the best talent for your service call Randstad Education on 08 9320 1688 or visit


(October & November) First Aid Training for Parents of Babies & Toddlers

First-aid training specifically for parents of babies and toddlers, by one of WA’s most experienced first-aid instructors. Course covers: resuscitation, choking, burns, bleeding, poisoning, bites, allergic reactions, seizures etc. Course can be run in your

Cost $65 per person

home when convenient for you! Public Course 1 - Tues 21 & 28 October 7:00pm - 10:00pm Public Course 2 - Mon 3 & 10 November 7:00pm - 10:00pm

Steven Lewsen 9275 6666 / 0402 043 181 |

When should parents take first aid lessons?


FRANCHISE FR ANCHISE Opportunities Available Available


very parent of a baby or toddler should take part in a child-specific first-aid course!

First aid skills are vital and should be refreshed as your child grows because hazards are always evolving. When babies start crawling and picking up things, parents are concerned about choking. These concerns shift when the child is walking and exploring by opening cabinets and doors or falling over themselves because they haven’t developed their balance. Worries now start to shift to falling, poisons and burns. As a result, the first aid training offered by Family First Aid is different because it has a

ENROL NOW for term 4

PHONE: Bernice Sandler

Save-A-Child Courses




Randstad Education talks skills shortages

practical focus on children and family concerns. Developed by Steven Lewsen, a former ambulance officer and medical lecturer, it provides practical knowledge that can be applied immediately if required. Visit to view a short video of one of his students, Katrina, telling her story about how she saved her 7 month old son. To book a first-aid courses in your home please call 9275 6666 and talk to Steve.

Inspire Excel Succeed AGE GROUP 4 - 13

Looking for a Child Development Program that will: Lo Challenge your child to learn in new ways while cultivating creativity, multitasking asking and time managementt skills? pictures? Boost brainpower and teach your child to see in pictur es? Improve Impr ove your child's math grades and overall academic performance? turn Help tur n your child's struggle with arithmetic into a love of all things numerical?

WA W A Enquiries: T ((08) 08) 6260 8985 M 0424 279 675 Aus Wide 1300 223 499

Calisthenics ...The Artistic Sport


new attraction in town. • Have FUN and make friends • Develop confidence and enjoy team spirit • Learn a sport that incorporates elements of dance, gymnastics, ballet, singing and acting • Improve flexibility, coordination, strength and fitness

A glittering, interactive journey into gold. Discover the fascinating story of Western Australia’s golden heritage at our stunning new Gold Exhibition. A dynamic multimedia extravaganza combines with historic memories and aged artefacts to form the backdrop to a dazzling array of pure gold exhibits. Experience the magic, allure and wonder of gold.

For more information on the sport of Calisthenics or to find your nearest class, please contact our head office:

Calisthenics Association of WA Ph: 9274 3958 | E:


Open 7 days a week. 9am – 5pm. Gold Exhibition. Guided Tours. Shop. Café. 310 Hay Street, East Perth WA 6004 Telephone 1300 366 520 ^Y[]Zggc [ge£l`]h]jl`eaflÛÝÛloall]j [ge£h]jl`eafl

Kids In Perth – The Parents’ Paper, October 2014 03

Searching for Western Australia’s finest talent from 8–18 years


he Charlesworth Ballet Institute (CBI), one of Australia’s leading ballet schools is holding auditions in September and October giving young dancers the opportunity to join its unique College Program in 2015. Open to applicants from 8 years of age, the College Program uses the Russian Vaganova method of training, considered the finest syllabus for classical ballet.



Professionals Services Page 06-07

Kids in Perth - The Parents’ Paper is published monthly by Lasso KIP Pty Ltd at 8 Southport Street, West Leederville, WA 6007. Ph: (08) 9388 1600 Fx: (08) 9388 3566 A.C.N. 100 895 430 • ISSN No. 1443-3826

Family Dining 07 School Holiday 08-09 October Diary 10-13 12

School Holiday 14-15

Sales Manager: NIGEL WONG

Health, Sport & 16

Sales and Distribution: LINDA RUSSELL

Education & Performing 16-17

For more information email or phone 9201 1812.

Nursery 18



Production & Design: MICHAEL BAUMANIS

Printing: COLOURPRESS Distribution:


hobukan Karate has a unique program where they not only teach kicking and punching, but have developed teaching methodologies to embrace education and martial arts together. This makes their programs exciting and fun for your children.

Proudly produced in WA

Party 19



Karate kids learning life skills

Parents Paper

Kids in Perth - The Parents’ Paper is a resource guide for parents containing solely advertising features.

it to 1 Mabel Street, North Perth 6006.


Check out our website



CBI has an esteemed history that dates back to 1960 and is recognised and acclaimed nationally and internationally for its training methods. CBI is proudly home to Australia’s foremost full time professional program for ages 10 to 18 and has produced dancers who have gone on to achieve careers throughout the world. Interested applicants can apply by downloading and completing an audition application form from the website and returning


Now printing 74,000 copies per month, Kids In Perth is available every month at your local Supermarket, public library, places of family interest as well as online at

Competitions 19




Congratulations to the lucky winners of last month’s comps

CAB Audited April 2013 to September 2013 69,210 copies per month

Spare Parts Puppet Theatre

Beginner classes are for children 3 years and above. Karate builds the attributes such as self esteem, self confidence, respect and self discipline. The Martial arts belt system is one of the greatest goal setting tools you or your child will experience. It teaches both children and adults to set goals, attain them and see the visual results of their achievement.

skills like focus and concentration – then add the core life skills training - you can’t help but create a winning formula.

When you combine intense physical exercise with the proper teaching of mental

For a free trial call them on 9309 1444 or visit

T. Kurniawan

COPYRIGHT: All original material, film, separations and photography remain the property of the publishers and cannot be reproduced without written authority. DISCLAIMER: Every endeavour is made to ensure information contained is correct, however no responsibility is accepted for incorrect or misleading entries, or typographical or human error. Advertisers and advertising agencies will indemnify the publisher against all liability, claims or proceedings arising from the material supplied for this publication. All advertising shall comply with relevant state and federal laws and advertising codes of the Media Council of Australia. The opinions expressed throughout this publication are not necessarily held by the staff of Kids In Perth or Lasso Media Pty Ltd. Dates and information quoted in this issue were correct at time of printing but may be subject to variation.

Kindy Dance Time T. Whitaker Check more competitions on page 19

Gum Blossom


Unite in pink at your Girls’ Night In

Gum Blossom is a not-for-profit organisation that makes gifts for the families of babies who pass away before, during or shortly after birth

Call for Volunteers and Donations of materials Contact joanna on 0410 153 002 or email

Register now at or call 1300 65 65 85.


Parenting courses and private consults. We can help with behaviour, social skills and bullying issues. 123 Magic and Emotion Coaching specialists. Call 9382 1182 |

West Aussie Reptiles. Ph 0412 914 537

A humorous look at parenting, a serious look at discipline!

h e a l t hy

a c t i v e

h a p p y

k i d s

ecoegg Laundry Egg


30 DAY







FREE fun program for kids to become fitter, healthier & happier

Say goodbye to harsh chemicals, the Laundry Egg will leave laundry wonderfully fresh and clean.

Do you have children 7 to 13 years old? Are you worried about their weight?

It’s packed with our unique, natural and powerful cleaning pellets which activate in the water and are proven to gently lift away dirt and grime.

The Better Health Program runs for 10 weeks during each school term at various locations across Perth. It is completely FREE for eligible families to attend. Sessions are run twice a week and include games, activities, tips on healthy food, label reading and portion sizes plus much more!


Marg from Kingsley, WA Rep 0432 907 421, 9309 2558



b east y br affected by Support those and ers a nc ca l al ica gic log olo and gynaec t n tio en ev p pr , ch r ar ea se es fund vital rre ces rviice serv s and support ms am progrra ence. fer f dif a ke k ma err,, we can the eth ge og o To T g girlsnigh g 5 65 85 1300 65

04 Kids In Perth – The Parents’ Paper, October 2014

• Schools • Shopping Centres • Local Councils & Libraries • Agricultural Shows • Childcare Centres

To find out more call 1300 822 953or visit

KARATE Teaching Life Skills - EST 1974

For Kids & Adults

• Confidence • Concentration • Discipline • Self Esteem


Taking part is easy. Simply get the girls together and ask them to make a donation to

Snake Display & Show



Girls’ Night In is a great excuse to unite in pink with your girlfriends and inspire them with your commitment to beat cancer.

All donations go towards research into breast and gynaecological cancers, prevention programs and support services such as the Cancer Council Helpline (13 11 20).




your Girls’ Night In - in honour of your friendship or perhaps a loved one who has been affected by cancer.



hances are you don’t get to see your girlfriends as much as you’d like to. If you’ve been putting it off, then now is the time to do something about it. Not sure what to do? Host a Girls’ Night In!

FREE Trial Program Phone 9309 1444 • Joondalup • Wangara • Nollamara • Armadale check us out on the web:

Spring into action with free family fitness

limited spaces


• music and dance • exploring sensory stations • group activities

HBF trainer, Max Tamatoa said getting kids involved in excercise from a young age helped to set up healthy habits for the rest of their lives. “Our Family Active sessions are fun and accessible and a great way to spend time



Each class is full of stimulating sensory experiences including:

rom 6 October HBF Fitness returns, including its Family Active sessions. The sessions have been designed specifically for parents with children aged 514 years. They cater for all fitness levels, so entire families can have fun and move more together. HBF Fitness runs for eight weeks at 20 parks across WA. There’s a break over Christmas and they resume again for summer in January.

Follow Us!


6 mths to 4 yrs

Quinns Rock • Heathridge • Banksia Grove

together as a family,” Max said. To view the locations, session times or register for HBF Fitness, visit HBF Fitness is free for HBF members and non-members are welcome. For a parent and child to attend as a non-member it costs $120 for the eight-week program.

Be part of the fun in Belmont this November

Feel amazing and enjoy being active together!


here’s something for everyone to enjoy at the Let’s Celebrate Belmont Festival in November. A month full of events not to be missed!

Sessions are designed for parents with children aged 5-14 years and run in a fun group environment by expert trainers.

Free for HBF members

The Festival is held at various locations throughout the City of Belmont featuring events, activities and live performances. Highlights of the Festival include Jazz in the Park and Movie Under the Stars, a free outdoor family movie night. The Festival Finale will feature an international food festival, free live entertainment and fireworks spectacular.

Register now at

Most Festival events and activities are free, or in some cases a nominal fee may apply.

• Dramatic Play • Creative Movement • Story Telling • Songs • Language Skills • Confidence

For further information visit or phone the City’s Events Officer on 9477 7248.

TheSmile Club Paediatric Dentistry t t t t



Duncraig, Greenwood, Banksia Grove

Greenfields, Cooloongup

Ph: 9402 8744

Ph: 9529 1457


Central Suburbs Karrinyup, Leederville, Mt Hawthorn, Subiaco, Wembley

Ph: 9242 4722

Classes also held for 5 - 17 year olds throughout Perth

Specially trained Children’s dentist Positive dental experience From their first tooth to age 18 Nurturing, friendly environment


The Let’s Celebrate Belmont Festival is proudly brought to you by the City of Belmont – the City of Opportunity and supported by Perth Airport and Belmont Forum.

Make an appointment with us today

T 9443 3922

A Festival for Everyone

L ONT FESTIVA M L E B E T A R LET’S CELEB and 014 vities, events any FREE acti NOVEMBER 2

No referral required 148 Fairfield St, Mt Hawthorn

ont with m brating Belm Join us in cele ing: ances includ Lake, Kewdale live perform 4pm. Tomato at r be em ov N rk Sunday, 9 , Ascot Jazz in the Pa . Garvey Park ember at 6pm ov N 14 , ay id the Stars Fr , Cloverdale Movie Under . Faulkner Park m 5p at r be 29 Novem le Saturday, Festival Fina h more. UGHOUT As well as muc

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check us out on the web:

Kids In Perth – The Parents’ Paper, October 2014 05


Contact Nadia Sorgentano for a FREE no obligation property appraisal Be supportive of a Mum who provides Professional Quality Real Estate Service.

Professionals Services Page

My Midwives Perth - offering birth choices

Advanced breast density measurement to improve early detection of cancer


erth clinic Women’s & Breast Imaging have been using a new tool for objective breast density measurement since 2013 at their Cottesloe site, leading the charge in finding breast cancers earlier when they are easier to treat.


9250 4670 or 0417 213 488 18a The Cresent, Midland

The first site in Australia to install VolparaDensity software, the specialist team from Women’s & Breast Imaging believe it is crucial to have the best possible technology and resources available to detect breast cancer early, especially for women with dense breasts.

• Kindergarten, Primary & Secondary (Maths, Science & Humanities) • Early Numeracy • Naplan Preparation • Specialised 1 on 1 tutoring


or many women the thought of pregnancy, no matter how much they want it, can still be a daunting one. While parenthood may feel as though it starts at your child’s first breath when he/she enters the world, in reality, from the second your child is conceived you hold a precious life in your hands.

Resilience - can your child bounce back from setbacks?

The first 10 months of your child’s life, from conception to those first momentous weeks after they are born, are a true blessing and a joyous time. However, this beautiful journey can leave many parents-to-be, particularly first-timers, nervous and a little overwhelmed.


esilience is the ability to adapt to stress and adversity. Some children are naturally resilient as their temperament helps them to be mentally and psychologically tough. Such children get straight back up after a disappointment or setback, and being rejected in the playground doesn’t seem to worry them.

My Midwives Perth offers women the opportunity to experience one-on-one midwifery care, with your chosen midwife, from the beginning of the pregnancy, through your labour and birth until your baby is six weeks old, with many services available in the comfort of your own home. You have the option of birthing in hospital or at home and wherever you choose to be your midwife will attend you.

Not every child is like this but fortunately research tells us that we can develop resilience in our children. Promoting resilience is an ongoing process. Parents and care givers can help by nurturing their children, not solving all of their problems for them, actively involving them in family discussions, decision making and problem

Call My Midwives Perth on 9227 5465.






• Breastfeeding support • Medicare rebates available


Phone: 9227 5645 Clinic - 1/26 Cleaver Street, West Perth

D e sig n

Jennipher - 0403 173 790

• Birth choices and midwives with hospital visiting rights • On call care until your baby is six weeks old

Lakewood Dental Centre

• Stress management • Clear Anxiety & Depression • Weight Loss • Self Esteem

n d D ig n y o u es


• Continuity of care from a midwife you know and trust

5/876 Wanneroo Road, Wanneroo Phone 9405 1305

For further information or to arrange an appointment please call the office or Karen Huggett on 9300 2203 or 0466 506 948 or email

Coaching, Hypnotherapy & Consulting

Personalised pregnancy, birth & postbirth care • Antenatal Care and Classes

Leaving smiles on children’s faces!

Direction Psychological Services aim to assist children and their families who are suffering with low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and poor coping skills. They offer Social Skills groups for children aged 5-12 years old and Adolescents groups for girls aged 12-17 years. The team also see children for individual therapy and do assessments for ADHD, learning difficulties and IQ testing.


Gentle, professional, family friendly dental care by our new principal dentist Dr Sherry Wong

solving, and modelling a positive attitude towards life.


Love your Dentist!



For more information visit


Phone or SMS: 0401 315 370 for more info

Thirty-five to fifty percent of breast cancer goes undetected by mammography in women with dense breasts, as density masks the appearance of tumours (Boyd, Pisano and Berg).

Studies report that women with dense breasts have a five to six times greater risk of breast cancer compared to women with very low density. Density in breasts also decreases the sensitivity of the mammogram and can impact early detection.


All Subjects K - 12

9321 9133

Pensioners, Veterans, Children, Students and Health Care Card holders will be bulk-billed. If you don’t have a Medicare card a private fee will apply.

Independently owned and operated


Outstanding service, W&BI made the process comfortable and easy...

Ask you doctor for more information

103 Forrest Street, Cottlesloe T. 9383 2799

Freecall 1800 632 766 E.


06 Kids In Perth – The Parents’ Paper, October 2014

Kott Gunning has been providing family law advice for over 30 years. For practical advice in plain English call Loretta Carè, Alison Brooks or Kristy Vukovic on 9321 3755.

• Divorce • Property Settlements • Children’s Matters

• Financial Arrangements • Maintenance & Child Support

Kott Gunning Level 8, AMP Building, 140 St Georges Tce, Perth

Phone: (08) 9321 3755


Mammography & Gynaecological Ultrasound Your Local Specialist Children's Dentist (0-18yrs) No referral required

9384 8800

Please call to visit us today!

Dr. Justin Wong 263 Stirling Hwy, Claremont

check us out on the web:

Professionals Services Page


Separation and property divisions

A family culinary adventure


visit to Spencer Village Food Hall in Thornlie is like a culinary journey overseas, with a great atmosphere and truly authentic food that recalls the hawker food of Asia. And as they say, you can tell it’s authentic because you’ll always find lots of Malaysian and Singaporean families there enjoying a meal.


f you and your spouse or your de facto partner separate, you will need to consider how to divide the property you own.

The term “property” is widely defined, and can include obvious things like your house, car and boat, but also includes less obvious things, such as your furniture, shares, bank accounts, jewellery and personal effects.

Meals are very affordable and there is a great variety on offer, from Malaysian, Singapore Hawkers, Japanese, Malacca, Chinese, Penang, Indonesian, and Vietnamese Cuisine in the Food Court, plus Philippine, Indian and Pizza stores outside the Food Court as well.

Basically, “property” will include anything which has any value (i.e. can be sold for any sum of money), and it may include items held in your name, your spouse’s name or in joint names. It may also include items held in the name of a business, company or trust which you or your spouse have an interest in. If you were married, any Superannuation entitlements held by either party are included in the asset pool, however, if you were in a de facto relationship, in Western Australia, the Superannuation entitlements are considered as financial resources, and are treated differently. Kott Gunning Lawyers recommend that both parties obtain legal advice as to their rights and entitlements as soon as possible

Spencer Village Food Hall is spacious and totally family-friendly. There’s enough space for the whole family, with long tables and bench seats, and amusements to keep the

kids busy while they’re waiting for their food. You can relax and know they’re being entertained. Take the family on a culinary adventure to Spencer Village Food Hall, 202-212 Spencer Road, Thornlie.

Feast Café: the perfect place for all ages


he café was filled with happy chatter as I waited for my breakfast and coffee to arrive.

after separation in order to protect their interests. Please contact Loretta Carè, Alison Brooks or Kristy Vukovic on 9321 3755 or visit

On my left was a group of mums indulging in fresh cooked breakfasts and their children munching on pancakes, toast in the shape of dinosaurs and butterflies, plus Disney’s Frozen theme cupcakes!

New help for sleep apnoea

On my right were two elderly couples talking about how much they loved the quinoa salad and lamb suffre. In front of me, a cabinet filled with fresh salads and beautiful dishes with international influences was ready for a busy lunch.


leep apnoea, where breathing stops throughout sleep, is a condition that is growing in awareness. It’s an important health condition that has been linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack if left untreated, or inadequately treated. Recognising the need for more services to support those living with the condition, Kingsley Village Pharmacy has established Kingsley Sleep Apnoea & CPAP services. • Services provided include: • Home sleep studies (GP referral required) • CPAP trials • CPAP sales, machine downloads and troubleshooting • Provision of CPAP spare parts, masks, filters Kingsley Sleep Apnoea & CPAP services

Feast uses five senses coffee beans and mine arrived promptly in a fancy double walled glass cup. It was divine and certainly above average. My Country Mushroom breakfast came with perfect poached eggs, field mushrooms,

lemon-infused spinach, feta and parmesan cheese on sourdough, generously topped with creamy hollandaise sauce. Nothing was spared. Awesome with ticks in all the boxes!” – independent review. Located at 363A Cambridge Street, Wembley. Phone: 9287 1789, visit

are authorised agents for major brands such as ResMed, Fisher & Paykel and Philips Respironics, and has a wide range of equipment in stock. All services are provided from the comfort of a private CPAP clinic room. Book your appointment (Mon-Fri) with advisor Grant today. Call 9409 7373 or email Located within Kingsley Village Pharmacy, Shop A10 Kingsley Village Shopping Centre, Kingsley Drive, Kingsley.

Kingsley Sleep Apnoea & CPAP CP PAP A Services Serv

A division of



We are passionate about providing personalised service to ensure your Sleep Apnoea is treated eff ffe ectivelyy, whilst sup supporting those using CP PA AP P. Book your appointment with Grant, our sleep and CPAP advisor today! Yo our destination fo or...

• Home sleep studies ((GP GP rreferral eferral rrequired) equired) • CP CPAP AP sales sales,, machine do downloads wnloads & suppor supportt • CP CPAP AP tr trials ials • CP CPAP AP spar spare e par parts, ts, filt filters ers & ac accessories cessories Authorised agent for all major brands

International Flavours the whole Family will enjoy! Phone 9409 7373 | w

Shop A10, Kingsley VVillage illage Shopping CCentre, entre, Kingsley DDrive, rive, Kingsley W WAA 6026

POST BABY BODY GETTING YOU DOWN? Liposuction is a proven way to remove excess fat. Perth Liposuction Centre offers the latest techniques for maximum results at a more affordable cost. All treatments are by our highly qualified and experienced female doctor.

Affordable meals with a wide variety of choices. Comfortable and spacious, family friendly atmosphere.



Spencer Village is one of Perth's well kept secrets, with over 20 specialty stores including an International Food Hall featuring cuisine from Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Vietnam and Hong Kong. With plenty of space plus amusement rides and games to keep the kids entertained, the whole family can enjoy a meal of authentic Asian hawker cuisine without having to leave Perth!

International Food Hall Closed Monday & Tuesday LAS/JUL14

(except public holidays 11.00 am - 9.00 pm)



200 Spencer Rd, Thornlie To find out more ring 9301 4244 or visit check us out on the web:

Kids In Perth – The Parents’ Paper, October 2014 07

Have FUN and get fit GYMNASTICS activities for all school ages!

FREE - Come ‘n’ Try – Sat 11th October 2014

OUT THESE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Prehistoric playground experience Dinosaurs Return


hey’re back and better than ever! Garden City Shopping Centre is thrilled to announce the dinosaur prehistoric playground will revisit the centre in a special event: Dinosaurs Return from Saturday 27 September to 12 October. Located in the Promotions Court near Woolworths, junior shoppers will be able to take the form of Paleontologists; equipped with lab coats, goggles and digging tools, and hunt for prehistoric remains by digging up their very own fossilised egg. Fossil digging is free and will be open between 10am-4pm daily, and 11am-4pm on Sundays and public holidays. To add to the egg-citement, Garden City will also host a

range of ginormous animatronic dinosaurs throughout the centre, which move and roar. For more information call Lisa Barrat on 9467 7150.

WA Ballet’s Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs


ind yourself transported into an enchanting storybook world with the fairest of them all.

Snow White, beloved by all except the evil Queen (her jealous stepmother) is tricked into the forest by a huntsman. Although under orders to kill her, he sets her free and she finds shelter and friendship with seven spirited dwarfs. Will she ever be reunited with her beloved prince, or will the wicked, magical Queen find her first? With breathtaking, picture-book inspired scenery and costumes, the magic of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs will captivate all the

family. Approximate running time: 2 hours, 20 minutes. For more information visit


Sun 2 Nov 1pm & 3pm Perth Concert Hall


Tickets Tickets only $25! only $ 25!*

Ca Callll 9 9326 326 0000 0000 qu quoting oting 1064 10 6 4 Visit V isit oorr

* *Transaction Transac tion fees fees may may apply. apply.

08 Kids In Perth – The Parents’ Paper, October 2014

check us out on the web:


See animals in unexpected places Animals are making themselves at home on the walls of AGWA. Animal Ark brings together over 100 works that explore how generations of artists have used the animal motif in their art.


Free activities these school holidays



• Family guided tours daily at 11am (closed Tue) • Activity space where kids can draw or write about their favourite animals • Tristan’s Monsters | 4-13 Oct ANNUAL SPONSORS: WESFARMERS ARTS – PRINCIPAL PARTNER, 303LOWE, THE SUNDAY TIMES, AUDI.

John Paul Orpheus 1989. Oil on canvas, 183 x 167.8 cm. State Art Collection, Art Gallery of Western Australia. Purchased 1990.


*V *Valid Valid a during September/October 2014 public pu school holidays ever everyy day before 6pm. Price is per offer. T&C’s. s. person. Not valid with any other of fer. See for full T&C’


Trapeze Aerial Silk Acrobatics Tight wire walking • Chinese Hoop Diving

• • • • • •

Unicycling Diabolo Stilt Walking Tumbling Acro Flying Juggling & more

Please book early to avoid dissappointment. Call 0498 195 389 or email

Melville LeisureFit Centre!


Miniature Railways Bringing back school holiday train rides Wilson Park Station, Kent Street, Wilson

Wed Oct 1st and 8th 10 am - 2 pm

Kent Street Weir Phone 9356 2290 Enclosed foot wear must be worn

They’re back! But be quick, they go extinct 12 October! The dreadfully delightful dinosaurs are back at Garden City these holidays! Marvel at the giant animatronic displays and get your own fossil excavation going in our prehistoric playground, located in the Promotions Court, near Woolworths.*

It’s grrrrrrrripping holiday fun at Garden City these holidays!

27 September – 12 October 10am - 4pm Monday to Saturday 11am – 4pm Sundays and public holidays Entrance is FREE but a gold coin donation to Edmund Rice Camps WA is welcome

Brought to you by

YOUR HOME FOR PREHISTORIC PLAY *Fossil excavation activity open while stocks last. No bookings available

check us out on the web:

Kids In Perth – The Parentsʼ Paper, October 2014 09


october diary

Perth’s daily guide of things to do, places to go West Australian Ballet’s Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs Be transported into an enchanting storybook world with the fairest of them all. Snow White, beloved by all except the evil Queen (her jealous stepmother) is tricked into the forest by a huntsman. Although under orders to kill her, he sets her free and she finds shelter and friendship with seven spirited dwarfs. Will she ever be reunited with her beloved prince, or will the wicked, magical Queen find her first? With breathtaking, picture-book inspired scenery and costumes, the magic of Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs will captivate all the family. Ticket sales are now open for West Australian Ballet’s Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs. The show will be playing at His Majesty’s Theatre, Perth 21 November to 14 December 2014. Book now through Ticketek 1300 795 012 or online

Enrol for Calisthenics Term 4 Have fun and make friends while learning a sport that incorporates elements of dance, gymnastics, ballet, singing and acting. Your child will have the chance to perform on stage for concerts and during competitions. For more information on the sport of Calisthenics or to find your nearest class, ph. 9274 3958 or visit Treetops Montessori School Come along and find out more about the benefits of Montessori Education for your child. School Tours held on Wednesday mornings from 9.30am, for RSVP and additional details call 299 6725 or visit also on 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 October.

Barking Gecko School Holiday Workshops The Smarter Than Smoking BGTC Workshops program offers participants a chance to expand imaginations, learn new skills and meet others who share a similar interest in theatre. Smarter Than Smoking BGTC Workshops run year round with term classes and school holiday series. There are four workshop streams for children and teens aged between 7 - 16. Sep 30 – Oct 4. Book now via or phone 9380 3085.

Free School Holiday Activities at Kardinya Park Shopping Centre Miniature Railway Display & Diorama Workshop from 29 September to 5 October from 8.30am to 5.30pm and Thurs until 7pm. The trains are coming to Kardinya! Check out great miniature train displays and learn how to make your own model dioramas. Kardinya Park Shopping Centre located at Cnr North Lake Rd & South Street, Kardinya or call 9337 5522.

Free School Holiday Entertainment at your Local Shopping Centre Free school holiday activities at your local shopping centres. Come and make Sweet Treats Sun Catchers today, October 1, from 10am to 1pm. Activities at Alexander Heights (Dianella), Lakes Shopping Centre (South Lake), Springs Centre (Beechboro) and Parks Centre (Bunbury). See advert in Parents Paper for rest of the October holiday program.

Garden City Shopping Centre The dreadfully delightful dinosaurs are back at Garden City these school holidays! Marvel at the

giant animatronic displays and dig up your own fossil in our prehistoric playground. Little explorers are invited to take part as Palaeontologists; equipped with lab coats, goggles and digging tools, and hunt for prehistoric remains by digging up their very own fossilised egg. From 27 September to 12 October from 10am-4pm Monday to Saturday and 11am-4pm Sunday & public holidays. Display at Promotions Court, near Woolworths. Entrance is free, but a gold coin donation to Edmund Rice Camps WA is welcome. For more details visit

Training For Me Workshop for students studying early childhood courses today at Clarkson. New training academy address 241 Ocean Keys Boulevard, Clarkson (2 mins walk from the train station). Call 1800 ACADEMY (1800 222 336) or email also on Wednesday 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 October from 10am to 12pm.

Kids Circus Holiday Workshop

World Premiere Season

Our Circus trainers will teach you Trapeze, Aerial Silk, Acrobatics, Tight wire walking, Tumbling and Chinese Hoop Diving! Come and learn how to flip and have fun learning Unicycling, Diabolo, Stilt Walking, Tumbling, Acro Flying Juggling, Hula hoops, Circus acts and more now at Melville LeisureFit Centre! (Canning Hwy and Stock Rd Melville). Please book early to hold your place as numbed are limited enquires 0498 195 389 or email

Presented in Partnership with Collgar Wind Farm, CBH Group and the shire of Merredin. Inspired by stories from the Merredin community, Farm explores themes of change and resilience while celebrating the lives of the people who live and work on the land. For more information visit:

Perth Flying Squadron Yacht Club School Holiday Courses for primary & secondary school kids. Weekly programs from $195. Dalkeith. Contact Tony on 0400 504 144 or online bookings at

Toptots Australia

WA Symphony Orchestra Maximus Musicus Visits the Orchestra is an introduction to the symphony orchestra, its musicians, their instruments and the music they play. Follow Maximus Musicus, a mouse, who sneaks into a grand concert hall where an orchestra is rehearsing. Maxi explores the wondrous array of instruments and extraordinary individual sounds they produce. He enjoys himself so much that he stays. Based on an award-winning book, this concert opens up the world of classical music to children and features music by Ravel, Beethoven, Copland and more. Music is accompanied by beautiful illustrations on the big screen. Suitable for children 5-10 years old. Show plays on Sun 2 November at 1pm & 3pm. Perth Concert Hall. Purchase tickets today, tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased by calling 9326 0000 or visiting or Ticketek.

The Ballad of Pondlife McGurk Barking Gecko is delighted to be touring a new production of The Ballad of Pondlife McGurk into schools across WA. A coming-of-age tale about friendship, betrayal and overcoming adversity. Suits 8+. Subiaco Arts Centre. All tickets $20, available from Info

City of Perth

All new Toptots BabyGym and all new Toptots Preschool Kindy programme at Riverton on Wednesdays. Family French afterschool programme on Wednesdays at Wembley. Email bookings: or tel. 0412 481 708.

Telethon Speech & Hearing

World class speech & language program is now accepting 2015 enrolments. 18 months – 5 years. Call 9387 9846 or visit

Cockburn Wetlands Family Holiday Program This coming school holiday, let’s get wild about wetlands! Head down to Cockburn Wetlands Education Centre for some exciting environmental events. All events suitable for 5-12 yrs. Gold coin donations unless otherwise specified. Bookings essential ph.9411 3444 or email info:

School holiday train rides Castledare Miniature Railway are bringing back school holiday train rides, they will depart from Wilson Park station, on Wednesday 1 and 8 Oct 10:00am to 2:00pm. Castledare Miniature Railway is Australia’s longest 7 1/4� gauge railway, running trains through the Canning River Regional Park. They are also open to the public first and third Sundays. Wilson Park Station Kent St. Wilson. Info or (08) 9356 2290.


This school holidays, your kids can build, decorate and paint cardboard box houses and buildings on an ever-growing grid of streets at the Itty Bitty City. Event runs from September 29 to October 11 from 10am to 2pm, Forrest Place. No booking required, limited capacity. For other School Holiday activities, events and special offers, visit

Training For Me Workshop for students studying early childhood courses today at Rockingham. From 10.30am to 12.30pm at Community Library, Dixon Road, Rockingham. Call 1800 ACADEMY (1800 222 336) or email also on Thursday 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 October.

School of Puppetry Workshops A holiday workshop that encourages creativity, confidence and imagination! Opening the world of puppetry up to children between the ages 4-12. Not only will they build a puppet but they will also seeing our current show and meet the performers. One and two day workshops available throughout the October school holidays from $85-$150 and suitable for ages 4 – 12 year, at Spare Parts Puppet Theatre (1 Short Street, Fremantle).

Free School Holiday Entertainment at your Local Shopping Centre Free school holiday activities at your local shopping centres. Come and make Cupcake Magnets today, October 2, from 10am to 1pm. Activities at Alexander Heights (Dianella), Lakes Shopping Centre (South Lake), Springs Centre (Beechboro) and Parks Centre (Bunbury). See advert in Parents Paper for rest of the October holiday program.

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to Committed to Committed a ccessible and and accessible

FRIDAY 3 Free School Holiday Entertainment at your Local Shopping Centre Free school holiday activities at your local shopping centres. Come and enjoy Face Painting today, October 3, from 10am to 1pm. Activities at Alexander Heights (Dianella), Lakes Shopping Centre (South Lake), Springs Centre (Beechboro) and Parks Centre (Bunbury). See advert in Parents Paper for rest of the October holiday program.

Vaginal Birth After Caesarean - TheBumpWA This workshop is designed to help women who are interested in VBAC. It provides information on VBAC, as well as resources and emotional support. 10:30am – 12:30 Joondalup. Also 28 Cockburn. Call 9430 6882 or

Exam Preparation Courses Ace Tutoring is offering Exam Preparation Courses for Yr 11 and 12 Exam Preparation Courses all the way from 27 Sept – 9 Nov. Only $125 each or $99 for 2 or more! Ace Tutoring, Ph. 9324 2000. Email: 73 George Street, West Perth.

Alice and the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party Dance and Drama Classique presents a Children’s Production of Alice and the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. School Holiday Entertainment suitable for the whole family filled with dancing, acting, singing with a Live Orchestra. Shows starts 2 & 3 October 9.30am & 11am, 4 October 10am & 1pm. Book via

Barking Gecko School Holiday Workshops The Smarter Than Smoking BGTC Workshops program offers participants a chance to expand imaginations, learn new skills and meet others who share a similar interest in theatre. Smarter Than Smoking BGTC Workshops run year round with term classes and school holiday series. There are four workshop streams for children and teens aged between 7 - 16. Sep 30 – Oct 4. Book now via or phone 9380 3085.

The Ballad of Pondlife McGurk

All Subjects K-12


Principal: Samantha Leeman Boys and Girls 3 years to Pre-Professional Level



Dance and Drama Classique presents a Children’s Production of Alice and the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. School Holiday Entertainment suitable for the whole family filled with dancing, acting, singing with a Live Orchestra. Shows starts 2 & 3 October 9.30am & 11am, 4 October 10am & 1pm. Book via

1 on 1 Tui on Centre

Academie Etoiles

Classes Include: • Classical Ballet • RAD Exam Classes • Specialist Coaching • Contemporary • Conditioning • ISTD Modern

Alice and the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party

Study Buddy Tutoring

Full-Time Program Enquire Now - Places Limited


All new Toptots Spanish beginner’s 1 - 5 year old programme at Wembley on Thursdays. After school tutoring half hour for primary school children from 3.00pm available. Email bookings: or tel. 0412 481 708.

Barking Gecko is delighted to be touring a new production of The Ballad of Pondlife McGurk into

Specialist Classical Ballet Classes


Toptots Australia

Manning Park, Azelia Road, Hamilton Hill Tel: 9411 3444

Scan this QR code on your smartphone to find out more

Unit 3/7 Pitt Way BOORAGOON

9317 1569

10 Kids In Perth – The Parents’ Paper, October 2014

Wednesday, 29 October 10am - 1pm

• Kindergarten, Primary & Secondary (Maths, Science & Humanities) • Early Numeracy Program • Naplan Preparation • Specialised 1 on 1 tutoring



CALL TO ENQUIRE & BOOK A SPOT Study Buddy Tutoring ph: 0401 315 370

check us out on the web:

FOR FULL DIARY LISTINGS VISIT : schools across WA. A coming-of-age tale about friendship, betrayal and overcoming adversity. Suits 8+. Subiaco Arts Centre. All tickets $20, available from Info

SATURDAY 4 Peter & the Wolf by WA Youth Orchestra October 4 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, 10am, 11:30am & 1pm sessions. Sessions also available on Sunday 5 October 2014. Returning by popular demand, WAYO brings Prokofiev’s timeless musical classic to life – a tale which not only entertains but also facilitates learning about music and the instruments of the orchestra. Families will be spellbound by the story of a young boy’s adventures with his grandfather, a sly cat, a silly duck and of course – a wolf! Proudly presented by St John of God Health Care, Community & Family Partner. Tickets are $12 per person, Children under 2 free provided they do not need a seat of their own. For more details and to purchase tickets, visit

Active Birth Workshop TheBumpWA An intensive workshop full of tips and techniques to prepare for a great birth including visualisations, birth positions (floor, bean bag, fit ball, bath), relaxation, massage & the role of support person. Ideal 3-4 weeks before due date. 1pm-5pm Bentley. Also 11 and 25 Cockburn and 18 Joondalup. Call 9430 6882 or

Alice and the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party Dance and Drama Classique presents a Children’s Production of Alice and the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. School Holiday Entertainment suitable for the whole family filled with dancing, acting, singing with a Live Orchestra. Shows starts 2 & 3 October 9.30am & 11am, 4 October 10am & 1pm. Book via

SUNDAY 5 The Perth Mint’s exciting new Gold Exhibition is now open This world-class attraction uses the latest innovations in exhibition concept design and audio visual technology, to bring the history of Western Australian gold, and The Perth Mint, to life. Offering a unique combination of exhibits, the Gold Exhibition gives visitors the rare opportunity to experience the emotive journey of gold discovery. Marvel at the largest coin ever made, weighing one tonne of pure gold; view Australia’s most dazzling display of natural gold nuggets; watch molten gold being poured to form a gleaming solid gold bar; handle more than $500,000 worth of gold bullion and much more! Located at 310 Hay Street East Perth.

Markets Under The Pines Open first Sunday of Every Month from 9am to 3pm, Curtin University on Beazley Ave (Off Kent St),

When: Price:

Waterford. Stroll through the many stalls encompassing unique and innovative artisans’ creations, scrumptious food, local produce, wine and lots more - including animal farm, pony rides, train rides, and entertainment. Free entries, free parking.

Castledare Miniature Railway Castledare Miniature Railway is Australia’s longest 7 1/4” gauge railway, running trains through the Canning River Regional Park. They are open to the public first and third Sundays 10:00am to 2:00pm. Wilson Park Station Kent St. Wilson. Info or (08) 9356 2290.

Animal Ark Exhibition Animal Ark features works from the State Art Collection. Animal Ark includes art trails and activity sheets to make it a learning adventure for all ages. Visitors can draw or write about their favourite animal in the family exhibition space and then take their creation home or leave it on display. Animal Ark runs until 19 October, closed on Tuesdays. Free event. Info

move more together. HBF Fitness runs for eight weeks at 20 parks across WA. There’s a break over Christmas and they resume again for summer in January. HBF Fitness is free for HBF members and non-members are welcome. For a parent and child to attend as a non-member it costs $120 for the eightweek program. To view locations, session times or register for HBF Fitness, visit

School Holiday Sailing Courses South of Perth Yacht Club Sailing Courses for ages 7+. Between 6-9 Oct, 9am to 1pm. Adult keelboat sailing courses also available on Sat mornings. Visit for registration info or call 9364 5844. Coffee Point, Applecross. E:

Learn to Sail Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club will be running children’s holiday courses during the coming October school holidays. Range of courses designed for children 6 years and up. Dates are from Monday 6 Oct - Friday 10 Oct. For further information and bookings call Barry Martin on 9286 8209.


Celebrating Community Safety Month! Our friendly hosts will be at the Piazzarama in Northbridge to entertain your kids with free face painting and ballooning. Look out for the Superheros! For more information please visit

MONDAY 6 Free School Holiday Entertainment at your Local Shopping Centre Free school holiday activities at your local shopping centres. Come and make Halloween Foam Masks today, October 6, from 10am to 1pm. Activities at Alexander Heights (Dianella), Lakes Shopping Centre (South Lake), Springs Centre (Beechboro) and Parks Centre (Bunbury). See advert in Parents Paper for rest of the October holiday program.

School Holiday Entertainment Head to Sorrento Quay Boardwalk all this week with the kids where you’ll find our fabulous performers entertaining for free with face painting, balloon twisting and crafts. Visit for more details.

Free School Holiday Activities at Kardinya Park Shopping Centre Aussie Wildlife Display from 6 October to Friday 10 October from 11am to 3pm daily. Come and learn more about Aussie wildlife. Kardinya Park Shopping Centre located at Cnr North Lake Rd. & South Street, Kardinya or call 9337 5522.

HBF Fitness Spring into action with free family fitness! From 6 October HBF Fitness returns, including its Family Active sessions. Sessions are designed specifically for parents with children aged 5-14 years. They cater for all fitness levels, so entire families can have fun and

Tues 7 – Thurs 9 Oct 9:30, 10:30, 11:30am $10 per session

Bookings / Enquiries: Little Big Shots, Australia’s premier film festival for kids, is coming to Fremantle Arts Centre! An inspiring, hand-picked selection of leading international and Australian kids films, LBS includes short animations and live action films for all ages which will be screened outdoors in our idyllic Inner Courtyard. Founded in Melbourne in 2004, LBS now holds festivals right around Australia. Book your session now as this is sure to be the hottest ticket in Freo these school holidays.

Free School Holiday Entertainment at your Local Shopping Centre Free school holiday activities at your local shopping centres. Come and make Halloween Treat Bags today, October 7, from 10am to 1pm. Activities at Alexander Heights (Dianella), Lakes Shopping Centre (South Lake), Springs Centre (Beechboro) and Parks Centre (Bunbury). See advert in Parents Paper for rest of the October holiday program.

Maternity Care Options Information Evening My Midwives Perth Please come along for a cuppa, meet the midwives and hear about the personalised pregnancy, birth and post-birth options we offer. 6.30-8pm. 26 Cleaver Street, West Perth. Call 9227 5645 or email

The Tomatis Method Unlock your child’s potential with The Australian Tomatis Method for listening, learning & languages. New Information Webinar on 7 October at 6pm. For more information about the Tomatis Home Based Program, call now on 1800 677 010 and visit

Craft Workshop Parties Kids Remember will be at The Brooklands Tavern this Tuesday providing free entertainment for your children. Including face painting, ballooning and crafts, let us take care of your children while you enjoy that peaceful meal you’ve been waiting for! Visit for more details.

KidSafe WA Kidsafe WA Safety Demo House Guided Tour & Presentation on Wednesday 8 October. An interactive demonstration and workshop providing information on child safety and injury prevention around the home. Open to playgroups, parent groups or individuals from 10:30 to 11:30am, Cost $5, morning tea provided, bookings essential – visit call 9340 8509 or email

Treetops Montessori School Come along and find out more about the benefits of Montessori Education for your child. School Tours held on Wednesday mornings from 9.30am, for RSVP and additional details call 299 6725 or visit also on 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 October.

Free School Holiday Entertainment at your Local Shopping Centre Free school holiday activities at your local shopping centres. Come and make Halloween Bracelets or Bag Dangles today, October 8, from 10am to 1pm. Activities at Alexander Heights (Dianella), Lakes Shopping Centre (South Lake), Springs Centre (Beechboro) and Parks Centre (Bunbury). See advert in Parents Paper for rest of the October holiday program.

Little Sunshines Sensory Play Little Sunshines Sensory Play is offering $5 trial classes. Each 45 minute class is full of stimulating sensory experiences from parachute play, bubbles, group activities, music and dance to exploring the sensory stations and classes vary each week. Classes are available in Quinns, Heathridge and Banksia Grove. For more information please call visit

Toptots Australia All new Toptots BabyGym and all new Toptots Preschool Kindy programme at Riverton on Wednesdays. Family French afterschool programme on Wednesdays at Wembley. Email bookings: or tel. 0412 481 708.

School holiday train rides Castledare Miniature Railway are bringing back school holiday train rides, they will depart from Wilson Park station, on Wednesday 1st and 8th 10:00am to 2:00pm. Castledare Miniature Railway is Australia’s longest 7 1/4” gauge railway, running trains through the Canning River Regional Park. They are also open to the public first and third Sundays. Wilson Park Station Kent St. Wilson. Info or (08) 9356 2290.

The Kids Holiday Program at Fremantle Arts Centre has heaps of creative options for keeping kids active over the school holidays. Spread over two weeks with short courses running each weekday, kids are able learn in small groups under the guidance of professional artists and tutors. No matter what your child’s interest, there’s a course at FAC that can teach new skills in a fun and supportive environment. Learn crafts like clay sculpture, printmaking, drawing, photography, animation, music, acting, felting, jewellery, t-shirt printing and urban art. Courses are divided up into younger kids (5-8yrs), older kids (9-12yrs) and teens (13-18yrs). All FAC tutors are qualified to work with children and are professional artists and tutors with loads of experience. The Kids Holiday Program runs from 30 Sept – 10 Oct with a select range of courses available during term time. For more information and full program details visit

Fremantle Arts Centre, 1 Finnerty St, Fremantle check us out on the web:


Kids In Perth – The Parentsʼ Paper, October 2014 11

FOR FULL DIARY LISTINGS VISIT : Free School Holiday Entertainment at your Local Shopping Centre Free school holiday activities at your local shopping centres. Come and make Halloween Colour in Finger Puppets today, October 9, from 10am to 1pm. Activities at Alexander Heights (Dianella), Lakes Shopping Centre (South Lake), Springs Centre (Beechboro) and Parks Centre (Bunbury). See advert in Parents Paper for rest of the October holiday program.

The Tomatis Method Unlock your child’s potential with The Australian Tomatis Method for listening, learning & languages. Listening assessments in Perth are held on 9 & 10 of October. For more information about the Tomatis Home Based Program, call now on 1800 677 010 and visit

Toptots Australia All new Toptots Spanish beginner’s 1 - 5 year old programme at Wembley on Thursdays. After school tutoring half hour for primary school children from 3.00pm available. Email bookings: or tel. 0412 481 708.

Mandurah Performing Arts Centre MANPAC presents Night Zoo. Join Jamie and the inhabitants of the Night Zoo for a wild adventure on a night in which all her dreams might just come true. Showtimes 9, 10, 11 October, 10pm & 1pm. Book tickets early 9550 3900 or visit for info.

Successful Study Skills Course Ace Tutoring is offering Successful Study Skills Course for Yr 10, 11 and 12: 9th and 10th October. Only $245. Really small group numbers! Ace Tutoring, Ph. 9324 2000. Email: 73 George Street, West Perth.

FRIDAY 10 Free School Holiday Entertainment at your Local Shopping Centre Free school holiday activities at your local shopping centres. Come and enjoy Face Painting today, October 10, from 10am to 1pm. Activities at Alexander Heights (Dianella), Lakes Shopping Centre (South Lake), Springs Centre (Beechboro) and Parks Centre (Bunbury). See advert in Parents Paper for rest of the October holiday program.

Jungle Sports Registrations are Online Register online today for Jungle Sports programmes. Weekday and weekend sessions are available. Places go quickly for the 16mth to 7yr Indoor Sports sessions. Bubs, Soccer, Multi-Sports & Rugby. Venues in all areas of Perth. Visit, call 9499 1800 or email

Mandurah Performing Arts Centre MANPAC presents Night Zoo. Join Jamie and the inhabitants of the Night Zoo for a wild adventure on a night in which all her dreams might just come true. Showtimes 9, 10, 11 October, 10pm & 1pm. Book tickets early 9550 3900 or visit for info.

Successful Study Skills Course Ace Tutoring is offering Successful Study Skills Course for Yr 10, 11 and 12: 9th and 10th October. Only $245. Really small group numbers! Ace Tutoring, Ph. 9324 2000. Email: 73 George Street, West Perth.

Enrol for Calisthenics Term 4 Have fun and make friends while learning a sport that incorporates elements of dance, gymnastics, ballet, singing and acting. Your child will have the chance to perform on stage for concerts and during competitions. For more information on the sport of Calisthenics or to find your nearest class, ph. 9274 3958 or visit

SATURDAY 11 WA Baby Wearing Expo 2014

745 645 for a call back.

TUESDAY 14 Exam Preparation Courses Ace Tutoring is offering Exam Preparation Courses for Yr 11 and 12 Exam Preparation Courses all the way from 27 Sept – 9 Nov. Only $125 each or $99 for 2 or more! Ace Tutoring, Ph. 9324 2000. Email: 73 George Street, West Perth

At Fremantle Town Hall at 10am to 3pm. Come join us at Western Australia’s biggest Baby Wearing event! You will be able to learn about different carriers, try some on; view our Sling Libraries. An awesome day out in Fremantle! For more details, check or email

Creative Writing Course

Olympic Fun & Fitness Gymnastics

Free Arts and Crafts Every Tuesday

Free Come ‘n’ Try day. Gymnastics activities for all school ages. Don’t miss out! Call 9417 2153 to make a booking. 2 Lakes Way, Jandakot.

Mandurah Performing Arts Centre MANPAC presents Night Zoo. Join Jamie and the inhabitants of the Night Zoo for a wild adventure on a night in which all her dreams might just come true. Showtimes 9, 10, 11 October, 10pm & 1pm. Book tickets early 9550 3900 or visit for info.

SUNDAY 12 Animal Ark Exhibition Animal Ark features works from the State Art Collection. Animal Ark includes art trails and activity sheets to make it a learning adventure for all ages. Visitors can draw or write about their favourite animal in the family exhibition space and then take their creation home or leave it on display. Runs until 19 October, closed on Tuesdays. Free event. Info

MONDAY 13 This workshop is ideally taken at the beginning of pregnancy before 16 weeks, it covers the things you want to know about early pregnancy. 7pm-9pm, Cockburn. Also 22 Joondalup. Call 9430 6882 or

Open Day - My Midwives Perth Everyone is welcome to come along to meet us and see our lovely clinic in West Perth. Join us for a cuppa and chat and find out about the personalised pregnancy, birth and post-birth options we offer. Other health/wellness professionals welcome. 10am - 12noon. 26 Cleaver Street, West Perth. Call 9227 5645 or email

Play-doh Art Our friendly hosts will be at The High Road Hotel in Riverton every Monday to show your children how to make sculptures using coloured play-doh, they can even take a piece home! Offered as well as free face painting and ballooning let us take care of your kids this Monday night! Visit for more details.

The Better Health Program Free program for kids 7 to 13 years old. Runs for 10 weeks during each school term at various locations across Perth. Completely free for eligible families to attend. Sessions are run twice a week. Games, activities, tips on healthy food, label reading, portion sizes plus much more. Call 1300 822 953, SMS 0409

WA Market Directory For info and bookings visit

Open 1st Sunday of Every Month 9:00am to 3:00pm, Curtin University on Beazley Ave (Off Kent St), Waterford. We invite you, your family and friends to stroll through the many stalls encompassing unique and innovative artisans’ creations, scrumptious food, local produce, wine and lots more - including animal farm, pony rides, train rides, and entertainment. Free entries, free parking.

WEDNESDAY 15 Treetops Montessori School Come along and find out more about the benefits of Montessori Education for your child. School Tours held on Wednesday mornings from 9.30am, for RSVP and additional details call 299 6725 or visit also on 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 October.

Toptots Australia All new Toptots BabyGym and all new Toptots Preschool Kindy programme at Riverton on Wednesdays. Family French afterschool programme on Wednesdays at Wembley. Email bookings: or tel. 0412 481 708.

THURSDAY 16 All new Toptots Spanish beginner’s 1 - 5 year old programme at Wembley on Thursdays. After school tutoring half hour for primary school children from 3.00pm available. Email bookings: or tel. 0412 481 708.


Market |

SmokeFree WA Kelmscott Show

12 Kids In Perth – The Parents’ Paper, October 2014

Kidsafe WA Free Child Restraint Checking Day Come down for a free child restraint check and ensure your child’s car restraint is fitted and secured correctly and your child is fitted safely. Available at ‘The Shops’ Ellenbrook located Main Street, Ellenbrook from 9:30am to 1:30pm (Under shade sails outside the Woolworths entry). For more details visit call 9340 8509 or email

Save-A-Child First Aid Course for Parents First-aid training specifically for parents of babies and toddlers, by one of WA’s most experienced firstaid instructors. Course covers resuscitation, choking, burns, bleeding, poisoning, bites, allergic reactions, seizures etc. Public 2-day courses start either today over 2 Tuesdays 21 & 28 October or 2 Mondays over 3 & 10 November from 7pm-10pm, cost $65 per person. Private in-home courses are also available. For bookings call Steven Lewsen 9275 6666 or 0402 043 181 or visit

Breastfeeding Workshop - TheBumpWA Ideally taken before your baby’s birth, this workshop will also help you adjust to early parenthood with confidence. You learn how breastfeeding works, dispel any myths, understand why your breast milk is ‘liquid gold’, learn how to take care of your breasts and nipples, how to get started once your baby is born, where & when to get help, and beneficial foods to eat. We also offer individual lactation support Monday to Friday – call for an appointment, 10:3012:30 Cockburn. Call 9430 6882 or

Preparation for Childbirth - TheBumpWA A set of six workshops that inform, support and inspire parents-to-be to embrace the exciting and at times challenging journey into parenthood including childbirth and the first few weeks with a new baby. Ideal to do early in pregnancy with an Active Birth Workshop as a refresher closer to the due date. 7pm-9pm Bentley. Call 9430 6882 or Re-write your story. Story telling is healing. Hypnotherapy is a way or harnessing your creative talents and resources to express yourself in ways that please you. Course runs every Tuesday until November 4. Have a chat with Jennipher on 0403 173 790 or

The SmokeFree WA Kelmscott Agricultural Show is presented by the Kelmscott Agricultural Society on the 17 and 18 of October 2014. The Show is located at the Rushton Park Showgrounds, corner of River Road and Orlando Street, Kelmscott. Gates Open on Friday 4pm to 10pm and Saturday 9am to 9pm. Tickets are $15 for Adults, $8 for Seniors & Companion Card Holders (accompanying carer free), free Entry for Children 5-14 when accompanied by an adult or Under 5. There are no animal exhibits on Friday night. SmokeFree WA Fireworks Spectacular on Saturday night only. For further details visit

Treetops Montessori School

Animal Ark Exhibition

Early Days - TheBumpWA

Animal Ark features works from the State Art Collection. Animal Ark includes art trails and activity sheets to make it a learning adventure for all ages. Visitors can draw or write about their favourite animal in the family exhibition space and then take their creation home or leave it on display. Runs until 19 October, closed on Tuesdays. Free event. Info

SUNDAY 19 Castledare Miniature Railway Castledare Miniature Railway is Australia’s longest 7 1/4” gauge railway, running trains through the Canning River Regional Park. They are open to the public first and third Sundays 10:00am to 2:00pm. Wilson Park Station Kent St. Wilson. Info or (08) 9356 2290. Animal Ark features works from the State Art Collection. Animal Ark includes art trails and activity

WEDNESDAY 22 Come along and find out more about the benefits of Montessori Education for your child. School Tours held on Wednesday mornings from 9.30am, for RSVP and additional details call 299 6725 or visit also on 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 October. A set of six sessions facilitated by our educators to enable you to share and discuss your feelings and options around your new and sometimes confusing role as a mother. Most important of all, we expect that you will have fun and make new, invaluable supportive friendships over the weeks. 10:30-12:30, Cockburn. Call 9430 6882 or

Toptots Australia All new Toptots BabyGym and all new Toptots Preschool Kindy programme at Riverton on Wednesdays. Family French afterschool programme on Wednesdays at Wembley. Email bookings: or tel. 0412 481 708.

THURSDAY 23 1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching Parenting Course – Wembley This course will be presented by Behaviour Tonics over 3 Thursday evenings of 23 & 30 Oct & 6 Nov,


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Nit Pickers Head Lice Removal

To advertise your farmers market, swap meet, school fete or any other type of market, please contact the KIP office on 9388 1600


Creative Writing Course


Animal Ark Exhibition Weekend

26th October - Warwick Sports Centre, Lloyd Drive, Warwick. Market 9th November - Oasis Leisure Centre, Progress Way, Belmont. Baby & Kids Market is the original & largest market of its kind which provides excellent quality preloved & new goods by great brands at bargain prices. The perfect place to stock up on anything imaginable for babies and children. Admission $4. Kids in for FREE, free parking, pram & disabled access, refreshments and restrooms. 9:00am to 12:00pm.

Markets Under The Pines | Ph 0417 188 363

We’ll keep your children busy while you enjoy your meal out at The Whistling Kite! Suitable for children of all ages! Offered every Wednesday in conjunction with face painting and ballooning it is sure to be a great night out for you and the kids! Visit for more details.

Toptots Australia

Early Pregnancy Workshop - TheBumpWA

Baby & Kids Market | Ph 1300 55 44 76

Re-write your story. Story telling is healing. Hypnotherapy is a way or harnessing your creative talents and resources to express yourself in ways that please you. Course runs every Tuesday until November 4. Have a chat with Jennipher on 0403 173 790 or

sheets to make it a learning adventure for all ages. Visitors can draw or write about their favourite animal in the family exhibition space and then take their creation home or leave it on display. Runs until 19 October, closed on Tuesdays. Free event. Info



$500 — $4500+ Potential per month full/part time. Full training provided

For details visit

check us out on the web:

FOR FULL DIARY LISTINGS VISIT : 7pm to 9.30pm. This programme is for parents and carers of children aged 2-12 years (but with a focus on 2 to 5 year olds) offers a humorous look at parenting, with a serious look at discipline. To enquire or register, call 9382 1182 or go to

Toptots Australia All new Toptots Spanish beginner’s 1 - 5 year old programme at Wembley on Thursdays. After school tutoring half hour for primary school children from 3.00pm available. Email bookings: or tel. 0412 481 708.

FRIDAY 24 Riverlands Montessori School Come along and find out more about the benefits of Montessori Education for your child. Next School Tour held on 24 October at 9am, for RSVP and additional details call 299 6725 or visit

Kids’ Cushion Concerts WASO’s energetic 15-piece chamber ensemble, featuring one of each instrument of the Orchestra, is joined by an enthusiastic presenter who leads the audience in sing-alongs, dancing and music making. Event today on Fri 24 Oct from 9.45am to 11.15am at Midland Town Hall. Suitable for 0-6 year olds. Tickets just $15, call 9326 0000 or visit

Old Hands Preparation for Childbirth - TheBumpWA For second and subsequent pregnancies we offer a preparation for childbirth Old Hands course run over three hours. The old hands course gives time to debrief birth and breastfeeding experiences as well as to prepare for parenting more than one. 9:30am12:30pm Cockburn. Call 9430 6882 or

SATURDAY 25 Kerry Street Community School Open Day & Garage Sale Come and see our school during our Open Day on 25 October from 10 am to 2 pm. Kerry Street is a Community School run by parents on behalf of the children. Take an active part in your child’s education and find out how this provides a rich and unique schooling experience that is beneficial to your child. For more information visit or call 9335 1471. Located at 20 Forrest Road Hamilton Hill (Corner Kerry Street).

Kids’ Cushion Concerts WASO’s energetic 15-piece chamber ensemble,

featuring one of each instrument of the Orchestra, is joined by an enthusiastic presenter who leads the audience in sing-alongs, dancing and music making. Event today on Sat 25 Oct from 9.45am to 11.15am at Joondalup Reception Centre. Suitable for 0-6 year olds. Tickets just $15, call 9326 0000 or visit

Garage Sale What can you do with items that you no longer want but are too good to throw in the bin? Why not join the Garage Sale Trail? Find the treasure in your neighbourhood and mark the date, Saturday 25 October. To register a sale for free or to see what’s on offer at other local sales visit

SUNDAY 26 Subiaco Craft and Quilt Fair From 9am to 4pm, Located at Oak Lawn, UWA Hackett Drive Crawley. Entertainment includes Scotch College Pipe Band (opening act), Welcome to Country and Aboriginal Dances, Classical guitar soloist, WAPS, MSHS Guitar group, Kizzi Group. Entry donation $5 per adult and Children under 12 free.

Baby & Kids Market Baby & Kids Market at Warwick Sports Centre, Warwick from 9am to 12pm. Admission: $4/Kids Free, Free Parking, Pram & Disabled Access, Refreshments and Restrooms. For info and bookings visit or call 1300 55 44 76.

The Little Feet Festival The Little Feet Festival is back in 2014 in the form of a Treasure Hunt. Will you be able to find all of the hidden treasures? Come and immerse yourself in an event for children under 12 years of age and their families. Free Entry. 1.00pm - 5.00pm. Edith Cowan University, Joondalup. Visit or ph. 9400 4705.

TUESDAY 28 Creative Writing Course Re-write your story. Story telling is healing. Hypnotherapy is a way or harnessing your creative talents and resources to express yourself in ways that please you. Course runs every Tuesday until November 4. Have a chat with Jennipher on 0403 173 790 or

WEDNESDAY 29 Toptots Australia All new Toptots BabyGym and all new Toptots Preschool Kindy programme at Riverton on

Wednesdays. Family French afterschool programme on Wednesdays at Wembley. Email bookings: or tel. 0412 481 708.

Blue Gum Montessori School Come along and find out more about the benefits of Montessori Education for your child. Next parent information evening held on 29 October from 7.15pm to 9.30pm or classroom observations by appointment at other times. For RSVP and additional details call 9417 4060 or visit

Treetops Montessori School Come along and find out more about the benefits of Montessori Education for your child. School Tours held on Wednesday mornings from 9.30am, for RSVP and additional details call 299 6725 or visit also on 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 October.

WA Symphony Orchestra Maximus Musicus Visits the Orchestra is an introduction to the symphony orchestra, its musicians, their instruments and the music they play. Follow Maximus Musicus, a mouse, who sneaks into a grand concert hall where an orchestra is rehearsing. Maxi explores the wondrous array of instruments and extraordinary individual sounds they produce. He enjoys himself so much that he stays. Based on an award-winning book, this concert opens up the world of classical music to children and features music by Ravel, Beethoven, Copland and more. Music is accompanied by beautiful illustrations on the big screen. Suitable for children 5-10 years old. Show plays on Sun 2 November at 1pm & 3pm. Perth Concert Hall. Purchase tickets today, tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased by calling 9326 0000 or visiting or Ticketek.

Make Smoking History Canning Show 2014

THURSDAY 30 Maternity Care Options Information morning My Midwives Perth Please come along for a cuppa, meet the midwives and hear about the personalised pregnancy, birth and post-birth options we offer. 10-11.30am, 26 Cleaver Street, West Perth. Call 9227 5645 or email

Toptots Australia All new Toptots Spanish beginner’s 1 - 5 year old programme at Wembley on Thursdays. After school tutoring half hour for primary school children from 3.00pm available. Email bookings: or tel. 0412 481 708.

FRIDAY 31 The John Hughes Big Walk Get a team together and register for the John Hughes Big Walk Event. The John Hughes Big Walk is on Sunday 16 November 2014 and fundraises for PMH Foundation. It starts and finishes at Burswood Park. It’s not a race, you choose your pace and walk, run, skip or dance around one of three courses: 6km, 11km or 15km. Online registrations are $25 adults, $10 child, or $50 for a family (2 adults and 2 children, additional child $10). All registered participants go into a draw to win a new John Hughes Mitsubishi Mirage valued at $12,990. Fun family day out and there’s plenty of entertainment for the kids afterwards at the Stitches Bear Fair at finish line. All proceeds from the walk go to supporting children and families at the hospital’s oncology ward. Visit or call 09 9489 1100.

The annual Canning Show is presented by the Canning Agricultural, Horticultural & Recreational Society. This year’s show is the ‘Make Smoking History 2014 Canning Show’ proudly sponsored by Healthway running over October 31 and November 1. Friday evening is themed as Creepy Carnival while Saturday will be Family Farming Fun Day. Show Days consist of a full scheduled sixteen hour stage show, roaming entertainment and a large sideshow with games, rides, show bags and stalls of all kinds. The 2014 Make Smoking History Canning Show concludes with our interstate headline act GaGa Magic from 8:30pm! The 2014 Make Smoking History Canning Show runs over October 31 and November 1 at Canning Exhibition Centre located at corner of Albany Hwy & Station St, Cannington. For full Show programme, call (08) 9451 1820 or visit

Save-A-Child First Aid Course for Parents First-aid training specifically for parents of babies and toddlers, by one of WA’s most experienced firstaid instructors. Course covers resuscitation, choking, burns, bleeding, poisoning, bites, allergic reactions, seizures etc. Public 2-day courses start over 2 Mondays over 3 & 10 November from 7pm-10pm, cost $65 per person. Private in-home courses are also available. For bookings call Steven Lewsen 9275 6666 or 0402 043 181 or visit

read the paper online Find the latest issue of Kids in Perth with our location finder

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To advertise on our website or in the paper call 9388 1600 for more information & media pack check us out on the web:

Kids In Perth – The Parentsʼ Paper, October 2014 13

OUT THESE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Be an underwater explorer to win


isit AQWA these school holidays and become an underwater explorer!

You’ll go in the running to win a GoPro Hero 3 camera, so you can capture your amazing explorations. There will also be 3 Family Ocean Passes up for grabs, allowing the winners to revisit AQWA every school holidays for a year. You’ll start your underwater journey by surrounding yourself with huge sharks, stingrays and turtles in Australia’s largest single aquarium. Discover where the octopus is hiding; see rare and unusual sea creatures; enter the DANGERzone to meet some of the ocean’s deadliest animals; hold a starfish in your hand and stand amongst a bustling, colourful coral reef. Visit AQWA these school holidays (September 27- October 12) to explore it all and for your chance to win!



Fun and Excitement for the whole family Kids FREE Entry visit our website for details


Ceramic Donut Keepsakes

Sweet Treat Sun Catchers



Cupcake Magnet

Face Painting




Halloween Foam Masks

Halloween Treat Bags




Halloween Bracelets or Bag Dangles

Halloween Colour in Finger Puppets

Face Painting

Friday 17th and Saturday 18th October, 2014 Rushton Park, Kelmscott




Presented by Kelmscott Agricultural Society




AQWA is open every day from 10am-5pm. For more information visit or call (08) 9447 7500.

Cnr Mirrabooka Avenue & Griffon Way, Alexander Heights /alexheightscentre

Cnr North Lake Road & Omeo Roads, South Lake /lakesshoppingcentre

Cnr Beechboro Road North & Bridgeman Drive, Beechboro /springscentreperth

14 Kids In Perth – The Parentsʼ Paper, October 2014

Cnr Bussell Highway & Brittain Road, Bunbury /parkscentre

check us out on the web:

Bully defense workshop receives highly commended award

OUT THESE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS City of Canning kids gym


he City of Canning’s Riverton Leisureplex offer quality kids gym facilities which cater for babies through to 12 year olds. The kids gym is a multi-leveled playground offering kids fun, adventure, excitement and exercise. Bring your friends along to explore the structures and zoom down the slides. Kindy gym classes for children aged 1 to 4 years, comprise a structured class of warm up, circuit activities, music, games and lots of fun. Class includes free entry into the kids gym after the session.

Packages can also be organised to suit your budget and child’s needs.

Riverton Leisureplex also specialises in a range of kid’s birthday parties from catered and non-catered play parties to pool, waterslide and exclusive hire parties.

For more information or to book your child’s next birthday party, contact Riverton Leisureplex on 9231 0900 or email


housands of children have been taught the right preventative and conclusive tools on how to deal with the different levels of bullying through WA Institute of Martial Arts workshops. Their workshops were recently recognised with a Highly Commended Award by Children’s Week. Children who have learnt these skills are more confident and resilient when being confronted. Parents are present at these workshops and interact with the children throughout, so they’re also given information on how they can help their children through confrontations.

Headline acts announced for Canning Show


The workshops have also opened up a dialogue between parents and their children about different situations they’ve been in and how they can handle them better in the future. Parent’s feel they are actively helping their children to be more confident and resilient.

anning Agricultural, Horticultural and Recreational Society is proud to announce the headlining acts for the 2014 Make Smoking History Canning Show.

Direct from Melbourne, GaGa Magic and support act, Perth based support band Boys Boys Boys! The new initiative by the Society to introduce a Saturday evening headline act will close the show with a bang for two great

nights out! The Make Smoking History 2014 Canning Show will open on Halloween 5pm–10pm Friday 31 October 2014 and play host to a Creepy Carnival of ghouls, goblins, tricks and treats, followed by a family fun day 9am– 10pm Saturday 1 November 2014 celebrating the International Year of the Family Farm.

For the month of October, WAIMA would like to offer the community two weeks free training in their beginner classes. It is better to learn self-defense and not use it rather than needing to know self-defense and not know it.

For more show information call 9451 1820.

Cockatoo KIDS Club For kids who are wild about animals and nature! *Suitable for 5-14 year olds Contact CREEC for a Cockatoo KIDS starter pack. Yearly membership only $15 Canning River Eco Education Centre (CREEC) 08 9461 7160



LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT SCHOOL HOLIDAY ACTIVITY? Then consider Araluen Botanic Park, Roleystone: • Just an hour south east of Perth • Wholesome, educational & environmentally friendly fun • Running water all year round • Beautiful scenic bush walks • Picnic & BBQ areas • Gardens & heritage structures • Unique Chalet Healy Tearooms • Araluen Train operating at peak times (weather permitting) School holiday special: Organised activity fun days each Thursday during Spring school holidays. Featuring a range of educational fun-filled activities. Special entry & activity package only $6.00 adult, $4.00 child.

Open every day 9am–6pm. Modest Entry Fees apply (visit website for details) “Cut-price Tuesday” for concession cardholders.



Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club will be running children's holiday courses during the coming October school holidays -

Mon 29th Sept - Fri 3rd Oct or Mon 6th Oct - Fri 10th Oct 2014 Conducted on the safe, sheltered waters of Mosman Bay, the Club offers a range of courses designed for children 6 years and upwards, from the games based Tackers program to the log book based Discover sailing program, catering for complete novices to race level. Fees start from $160 for a 10 hour Little Tacker program, including use of Club boats and safety equipment. Recreational Power Boat Skippers Ticket courses also available forchildren 14 years and over. Participants must be able to swim and be water confident.


In keeping with tradition, Friday night Fireworks display, is the most dazzling affordable family night out but for more fun this year on Saturday night, the main stage will come to life with high energy, amazing dancers and incredible costumes.


September 29 to October 11 10am-2pm, Forrest Place This school holidays, your kids can build, decorate and paint cardboard box houses and buildings on an ever-growing grid of streets at the Itty Bitty City. No booking required, limited capacity. Go to for more.

For further information and bookings call Barry Martin on 9286 8209 or go to

Tumblers & Kindy Gym Tumblers Kids Gym

is open for play sessions 7 days a week. Children can explore the four leveled structure within a secured safe environment. Tumblers is a great place for children to play and exercise.

School Holidays at Tumblers School Term - Mon - Thurs 9:00am to 2:00pm. Fri 9:00am - 2:00pm & 4:00pm - 6:00pm. Sat/Sun 10:00am - 3:00pm Food and School Holidays - Monday - Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm drinks av aila Entry Prices 1 - 4 years $6.50 5 - 12 years $7.50 for purch ble ase at our AQU ACCINO CAFÉ Kindy Gym classes involve a structured class of warm up, circuit

Term 4 dates - 14 Oct - 9 Dect & 16 Oct - 11 Dec


activities, music, games and lots of fun for children aged 1 to 4 yrs

1- 2 yrs3 yrs - 4 yrs TUES THURS

9:15am - 9:45am10am - 10:45am 9:15am - 9:45am10am - 10:45am

Entry Prices $9.50 per class or $75 for 10 entry pass. Classes include entry into Tumbers for free play after class


Please call reception for more details. Creche available *Prices are subject to change

Riverton Leisureplex | Ph: 9231 0900 | Cnr High Rd & Riley Rd, Riverton check us out on the web:

Kids In Perth – The Parents’ Paper, October 2014 15

health, sport & safety

Education & Performing Arts

19 Brookland Street, Beckenham

Government of Western Australia Department of Health

Have you been involved in donor-assisted conception?

• Play Gym age 1-5 • Tue & Thur 9:30 - 11am • Bouncing Castles • Playground • Recrea onal & Compe ve Gymnas cs • Sports Acro Ph: (08) 9458 2104 • Birthday Par es Mob: 0412 983 652 • Sat & Sun

The Voluntary Register is a service for donorconceived adults, parents of a donor-conceived child, and donors in Western Australia. People involved in donor-assisted conception when donations were anonymous (before 1 December 2004) are particularly encouraged to register. This may help donor-conceived people gain information about their origins. For further information go to or


adcorp F94589



LifeCare BabySwim provides essential Water Safety & Swimming Lessons to children aged 3 months & above.

Jan de Jong Ju Jutsu is a selfdefence martial art suitable for all ages and levels of experience. Students will;

• Qualified instructors • Heated indoor pools • Exclusive use of pool area • Specialists in tuition to babies and young children


Weekend classes available


• learn to defend against a variety of situations • be taught many options in defence • understand the power of voice PERTH CLAREMONT MELVILLE

Kingsway - 9409 3993

For further info on these courses, children’s classes, Ju Jutsu, Aikido or any other class: 9321 8685 |



n u f s t r o p S ! e l g n u J e in th ffoor weekday Register nowessions! & weekend s g un



y 2yrs - 3




le Cubs


Jungle Bu


- 2yrs

e Multi-s ngl p Ju





le R

Ju yr

s - 7yrs

s your child bored, struggling or just cruising through school with average results? Would you like immediate feedback and results?


Julia Gilmore and her team of specialists, including Teachers, Occupational Therapists and Psychologists, provide highly successful academic and self-esteem programs for primary and high school students, in your home or at one of their centres. Comprehensive assessments and reports are available. Practical, back to basics programs or extension programs are designed individually for each child. English programs include reading,

comprehension, essay writing, spelling, phonics, editing, grammar, punctuation, handwriting and presentation. Confidence in mathematics means higher scores for primary and high school students. Term 4 is an excellent time for consolidation, remediating problem areas and preparation for scholarship, GATE and NAPLAN testing in 2015. Bookings for the January Holiday Booster Program are now open. Call Julia on 9402 5080 or 0411 420 218 or visit

NAPLAN 2014 results are out, now what? hat you need to know, wherever your child currently sits, is how to help them to advance to the next band. After years of reading reports, Janice McGuire at NumberWorks’nWords knows how to cut through the jargon and get on with what is needed to get students moving.


An independent, professional assessment with a complete, immediate face-to-face report will provide the up-to-date information about what will help your child to make that progress. Backed up with NumberWorks’nWords proven, specialist maths and English tuition, your child will have so much fun it doesn’t feel like learning.

Prompt intervention has been shown to work with huge gains in skills and confidence. A holiday course or weekly after school lessons in term 4 will start making the difference. Call Janice at NumberWorks’nWords Subiaco on 9388 3727 to book a free assessment and introductory lesson. Member of the Australian Tutoring Association.

health, sport & safety Happy, healthy kids with Jungle Sports stablished in 2003, Jungle Sports is one of Australia’s most popular kids multisports programmes. The award-winning programmes cater for kids aged between 16months and 7-years, helping them develop co-ordination, encourage social skills and increase confidence.


With each programme tailored around the age of the kids, Jungle Sports introduces them to the fun and excitement of the most popular ball sports. This includes soccer, rugby, footy plus child-friendly multi-sports activities. You’ll find Jungle Sports right across Perth, with safe indoor venues close to you. The family-friendly Jungle Sports concept means that you’re invited to learn and play

alongside your kids. It’s great for encouraging a happy and healthy lifestyle. Jungle Sports programmes run on a 9week season, but you can register at any time and fees paid pro-rata. To make it easy for busy mums and dads, weekday and weekend sessions are available. Sessions do fill fast, so don’t miss out! Visit


ugby/ Fo

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Julia Gilmore (M.Ed., B.Ed.,Dip.Tch.,TAE.) Literacy and Numeracy Specialist

s - 7yrs


gle Soc ce Jun


Jungle ungle Sports is one of Australia’s alia’s most popularr kids multi-sports programmes. ts prog ram The award-winning programmes are great for kids, helping them develop co-ordination, encourage social skills and increase confidence.

Boost for literacy, numeracy and self esteem

rs - 7yrs


16 Kids In Perth – The Parentsʼ Paper, October 2014

check us out on the web:

Calm kids learn


TERM 4 ENROLMENTS OPEN For Children 3 to 11

any children are stressed, agitated, angry, depressed, fed-up and tense. They’re not given a chance to relax and be kids. We race them to school, sports practice, music, to drama. When do they play? When are they allowed to dream, reflect or be creative? far more receptive to learning. Calm children definitely learn more! The EQ4KIDZ course is available for children who need to develop confidence, resilience, anger management and general emotional intelligence. This course is held in the October holidays as well as during Term 4. Please call 9271 4200 if you feel your child could benefit.


EMAS is a program designed to develop the right side of the brain using the abacus as a tool. Their aim is to accomplish whole brain development; it’s much more than a mathematics course!

SEMAS Academy Australia To book a FREE TRIAL & DEMONSTRATION call 1300 436 009 for more information

The SEMAS classroom includes learners as young as three years old. The method is also sensitive to the fact that very young learners respond best to short periods of intensive activity. SEMAS develops fast mental calculations and is also associated with creativity, memory and imagination. Students are able to draw upon the right-brain, which increases speed and accuracy.


o answer this question you will need to look at the qualities that a Montessori environment brings.

Your child will:

sweeping • Be offered lessons that are appropriate to ones abilities and interests • Learn how to work as a part of a caring community If these are attributes you work toward at home, then Little Things Montessori Childcare and Pre-School may be just the environment for your child. Visit or call 9445 7755.

• small groups • home tuition • study skills • exam preparation

And, despite the use of an abacus, it is most definitely not senseless repetition. SEMAS improves a wide range of skills that are needed in many areas. These include comprehension, concentration, listening, creativity and problem solving. Ultimately, SEMAS fosters a love of mathematics in children and boosts self-confidence!

Small groups of 6 or less (all questions answered) Focus on current class work (no set worksheets) Perth’s most affordable tuition (no contracts) Highly interactive sessions (not lectures) Ongoing evaluation of student goals (not just cirriculum delivery)

For more information visit email or call 1300 436 009.


Angelina Ballerina classes for 2½ - 5 year olds. All other dance classes from 5 yrs and above

Visit for enrolment details Majestique School Of Dance, 14 George Road, Roleystone (08) 93 97 6041 or 0408 924 338


'THE BALLET SPECIALISTS' Casual or Vocational Programmes: Girls and Boys ‘Twinkle Toes’ – 3 years & up Excellent Contemporary, Jazz 4/11 Gympie Way, Willetton 9354 3699 or 0438 844 184

Language Development Academic Achievement Tomatis auditory retraining program helps: • Auditory processing • ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia • Learning & listening difficulties • Attention, concentration problems • Poor memory, speech delay … For more information about the

Tomatis Home Based Program and to book a

Tomatis Listening Assessment in Perth

Visit Thurs 13th & Fri 14th November

NEW Information Webinars - 6pm Tuesday 7th October

677 010

Unlock your child’s potential with THE AUSTRALIAN TOMATIS METHOD for Listening, Learning & Languages

✔ Academic & EQ4KIDZ

… the NATURAL way through sound.


Victoria Carlton tuition programs

Fun October holiday programs


Private Class Openings Available

The Tomatis Method

Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Acro & Contemporary for all ages.


Is Montessori Childcare right for my child?

• Be given clear instruction then encouraged to choose and undertake tasks independently • Be encouraged to care for oneself independently such as dressing, putting on shoes, toileting, eating and washing • Undertake work for the pleasure of the activity rather than for reward • Be shown respect by caring professional educators as an example for the courtesy expected in return • Participate in the care of their environment such as cleaning, watering plants, feeding pets, washing dishes, polishing and

North Beach, Canning Vale, Livingston, Aubin Grove & Rockingham

Education assessments. Special help for children sitting NAPLAN. ✓ Assistance for all children with learning disorders. ✓ Challenge programs for gifted children. ✓ Intensive literacy and maths Scan here for a improvement programs for demonstration Primary students. ✓ High-School English programs ✓ EQ4KIDZ program to improve self esteem, motivation and resilience. ✓ Term and holiday programs. ✓ Both individual and group programs available. ✓


The teachers at ICE always get good results with children who are relaxed and find children who have done the prescribed meditation exercises and guided visualisations within the EQ4KIDZ course, are

• Develop the left and right side of your child’s brain. • Love of Maths & Build Confidence • Develops Problem Solving and Intuitive Thinking Skills • Greater Concentration, Mental Capacity and Memory • Increase IQ, speed reading and photographic memory

--- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---- -- --- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - - --- - -- - - -- - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---- -- --- -- ---------- -- -- -- -- ------ -- --- -- ----- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -- -- - -- - -- - -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- --

Educators at ICE are increasingly aware of this deep need children have to “be still”, reflect and gather themselves. Children need time to calm and the process of reflecting and being still has an incredible effect on learning basic skills.


Education & Performing Arts

SEMAS Abacus Math

What is SEMAS and how does it work?

Tuition for Children Training for Teachers

Contact ICE on 9271 4200, or victoriacarlton@

Unleash your child’s Creativity Develop their Problem

Solving Skills

Raise their Literacy and Numeracy Levels • Chinese language • Holiday programs • Individual tuition for Maths, Science, English & Chinese.

Call 9414 7191 or 0409 682 960


Our programs include: • Victoria Carlton's Education Program (English & Maths) • Creative MathsTM

NOW to enquire!

1/6 Blackly Row Cockburn Central E: W: check us out on the web:

Kids In Perth – The Parents’ Paper, October 2014 17


Work from Home Become a Family Day Care Educator Training Provided Families looking for Quality Family Day Care Enrolments Welcome For your Children Call the Office

Monday – Friday 9am - 5pm 17/639 Beach Road, Warwick Phone 9447 8080 Email:

Little Buds Kindy A non-denominational Pre-Kindy for 3-4 year olds. Address: 34 Clifton Crescent

MT LAWLEY WA For Enrolments 2015 & Waiting List 2016

Phone Rose: 0402 062 401 Val: 0411 680 611 *See our new website


The Nursery

26 years in Perth – no drownings



rownings occur at the water’s edge, not at the fence line. Children climb fences; it is a challenge to them and they are inquisitive little characters, finding all sorts of ingenious ways to climb over or under pool isolation fences. Gates present no obstacle to children. Aside from climbing over the gate, they are able to enter the pool area through the gate, as they often don’t close properly.

statistics when it comes to child drownings.

Aquanet swimming pool safety nets are all customised onsite. They form a barrier between children and the water. The safety nets are designed so it’s impossible for preschoolers to walk on them. Unfortunately this age group makes up most of the

The safety nets are designed to support children at the water’s edge, a “kiddie catcher” from which they can clamber off unharmed. Call Rodger at Aquanet on 9335 6986 all hours, or visit for more information.

Finding your nearest after hours GP is now child’s play


eing sick isn’t much fun, especially when it’s after hours and you urgently need to see a GP before the morning. Think flu, fever, coughs, headaches and upset tummies - we’ve all been there. And the matter becomes more worrying when you’re a parent and it’s your child that’s unwell, and all you want to do is help make them feel better.

To avoid this and to take away the stress of finding an after hours GP, Perth Central & East Metro Medicare Local has created a special website –

Like many parents you might rush to the hospital’s emergency department (ED), but you could find the ED team is managing medical emergencies so seeing a doctor could be a long wait.

At Percy’s Practice you can quickly find the nearest after hours GP practice or clinic by simply typing in your postcode and hitting the search button. It’s as easy as child’s play.

Funki Bums



& Dress Ups

limited spaces

Each class is full of stimulating sensory experiences including:

• Boy, girl & baby costumes • MCN’s from birth to toilet training & beyond • Premmie & adult nappies • Handmade baby items • Eco friendly

• music and dance • exploring sensory stations • group activities



6 mths to 4 yrs

Quinns Rock • Heathridge • Banksia Grove |

NO Drownings!!

Contact us if you wish to be included in our november chicdcare feature.

First installation 1972 Zero Drownings in 42 years


Swimming Pool Safety Net

For Their Protection


Phone 9388 1600


Your Little Star Could Be Ours Bettina Management requires children (6 months to 16 years) for TV commercials and catalogue work.

Phone: 1300 888 611 e:

18 Kids In Perth – The Parentsʼ Paper, October 2014

check us out on the web:


African Music Circles Birthday Winner

If your birthday is coming up in November, Tara’s Parties will be giving away a party for you and 10 friends valued at $200.

Birthday parties @ Book your childs birthday

starting from $15 per child

highest slide in wa


rock climbing • video games • Disco Room (most popular)

special Birthday Child Is Free

9444 4544 340 walcott st, Mount lawley

*Conditions apply

Tara’s Parties

For your chance to win, send in your

Children’s Birthday Parties

photo and details to November

Ages 6 ‐ 13years

Birthday Competition, PO Box 1133, LAS/OCT14

West Leederville, 6901 Entries close

20th October 2014 Please note photos will not be returned and winners are not drawn on the basis of the best photo.

entertain leaving a long lasting impression long after the performance has stopped.


ongratulations to Isabella Garcia from Belmont who will be turning 4 on October 3. Isabella has won an African Music Circles birthday party for 20 people.

Let’s Drum



Directed by Moses Nii Odartei, African Music Circles is an internationally recognised African Drum, Dance and Music performance company that has worked with students, professionals and travelers from around the world. They play, teach, perform and

African Music Circles presents an opportunity to see the real Africa. Drum ensembles from over five tribes can be recreated authentically. Booking are now sought out well in advance and the company performs and runs workshops at all types of events including festivals, schools, corporate events, weddings and much more. Visit

Boys are Brave, Girls are Glamorous and Mix & Match




The Most Memorable Party Experience Ever Kids Limo Parties 14 Seater Stretch Hummer

Fire Engine Fun: 0413 569 698

Singstar Karaoke, Playstation3, 100s of the latest songs. Includes chips, lollies & soft drinks

1300 139 631

• Birthdays parties for all ages • Kids tables and chairs for hire • Social & corporate events


Craft Parties Face Painting Special Effects Hair Feathers & Tinselling

Birthday Parties Kids over 6 years of age Enjoy our fully catered, 2 hour stress free parties.

Superslide or Pool Parties

Creative Parties for boys & girls

• • • •

Options include riding the rapid river on fun nuts, zooming down the 50m waterslide & playing games in the leisure pool.

• Jewellery Parties • Corporate Events • Baby Bump + much Casting & more! Painting

We offer free consultations.

More info & photos on our website

M: 0487 976 892 E:

Caroline: 0405 756 244 |


Candy Olympics, Glamour, and many more! 9450 5255 LAS2247/SEP13




MONDAY 20 TH: OCT 2014

WIN Wanneroo Show passes

WIN a double pass to Little Big Shots


ittle Big Shots, Australia’s premier film festival for kids, is coming to Fremantle Arts Centre! An inspiring, handpicked selection of leading international and Australian kids films, LBS includes short animations and live action films for all ages which will be screened outdoors in our idyllic Inner Courtyard. Founded in Melbourne in 2004, LBS now holds festivals right around Australia. Book your session now as this is sure to be the hottest ticket in Freo these school holidays.

he Wanneroo Show is an affordable fun filled family event with something for everyone. Walk through the Show Grounds and discover there is everything including the cute and cuddly at the Animal Farm, Sydney or the Bush, 10th Light Horse demonstration and display, add a visit to the Community Tent to your must see list. For the kids we have Competitions, Ricky Possum shows and much more along with sideshow alley packed with rides and stalls and show bags galore. Musical Fireworks Spectacular both nights at 9:15pm. 28 and 29 November are the dates to remember. Visit For your chance to win one of 15 family passes (2 adults, 2 children) to the 2014 Wanneroo Agricultural Show simply answer the question below and send it along with your details for your chance to win!

What time is the fireworks on each night at the Wanneroo Agricultural Show?

Hosted theme parties for ages 2-13yrs Fairy, Pirate, Disco, Face Painting, Star Wars, Princess

Riverton Leisureplex Cnr High Rd & Cnr Riley Rd Ph: 9231 0900




Call e orre or m n us fo io matiio fo in rrm uotte q or a


For your chance to win one of 2 double passes (adult or child) valued at $20 simply answer the question below and send it along with your details for your chance to win!


Where was Little Big Shots founded?

POP MAGIC Magical Entertainment

Birthday Parties Children's Shows Fairs & Fetes Special Events Magic Workshops | 0412 485 615


MAKE A SPLASH AT BEATTY PARK • Relax and have a stress free time • Let our friendly staff make your next pool party an enjoyable one • Indoor heated pool with slides • Birthdays Christmas End of Term & Class Parties • Qualified Lifeguards We can provide: Icecream Party Pies & Sausage Rolls Sandwich and Fruit Platters Chips Drinks And More

creative fruition 01588

Lots of fun-filled themes to choos from or we can tailor the event to match your party theme.

Shelvee Special Events will plan your day making it special and memorable!




Let US plan your child’s party!

Post your entry to: PO Box 1133 West Leederville WA 6901

9343 1383

0407 990 769


Party entertainment to suit childr aged 2-5 years. Songs, dances, musical activities, percussion instruments, props and puppets.

P 0466 442 823 E

Please make sure you write the name of the competition on the envelope & you must provide your name and phone number or email address to make your entry valid.


Carly - 0437 LIMO H2 (546642)

Ideal for: Schools, Childcare & Playgroup Incursions, Corporate & Public Events - Local Agricultural Shows, Team Building, School Fetes, Shopping Centres & Local Councils

‘Kids In Perth Competitions’


For more information please email us at or call 0437 234 423

African Music Performances & Drum Circle Activity




Contact our café for party packages : Phone: 9273 6083 Fax: 9273 6089

Call 9388 1600 now for our fantastic WEBSITE SPECIALS check us out on the web:



Kids In Perth – The Parentsʼ Paper, October 2014 19

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