edition #24
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from the editor "Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love." – Mother Theresa You may or may not have heard of Mother Theresa. She was a prominent nun, who lived in India. She was famous, not because of her riches or social media influence, but because of her love for the poor and the needy. What an amazing woman! This edition is all about influencing your world with love. We are privileged to feature Jessica Courtney (Preemptive Love Coalition) and Jaylen Arnold (Jaylen’s Challenge Foundation Inc.). Read their inspiring stories of how they influence their community with love.
We have also featured some drawings done by Syrian children living a refugee camp. Thanks to Preemptive Love Coalition for sharing these beautiful drawings. Also, don't forget to check out Tim Elmore's article "Two choices that can turn kids into influential leaders" and our Gift guide for world changers. Today, I want to remind you that no matter how big or small you are, and no matter which country you're from, your loving words and actions can make a huge difference in someone's life. Take care,
xo, Mia
bullying no way!
preemptive love coalition
syrian children's drawings
gifts for world changers
student submission
Chicken ham Burwich
Two Choices That Turn Kids into Influential Leaders
Kids Nation is a free digital magazine, dedicated to empowering kids around the world. It is published by MOS Design Creative (http://mosdesign.com.au). Copyright © Kids Nation magazine. All rights reserved. Reproducing without permission is prohibited. Copyright of articles and photos remain with the individual contributors and may not be reproduced without permission. 5
this edition’s contributors:
MIA SETYAWAN | AUSTRALIA EDITOR & FOUNDER of KIDS NATION MAG kidsnationmag.com Mia is a mother of two boys and owns an award winning graphic design studio in Australia. She is passionate about imparting positive values to the next generation. Mia has been a volunteer at a local children program for over 10 years.
Tim Elmore | usa founder & president of growing leaders growingleaders.com Tim is an international speaker, founder and president of Growing Leaders, an organization equipping today's young people to become the leaders of tomorrow. He is best-selling author of more than 30 books, including Generation iY: Our Last Chance to Save Their Future and the Habitudes® series.
Desi Trisnawati | INDONESIA food artist & chef consultant inspirational-chef.com Desi is the winner of Masterchef Indonesia 2012 and the first female Masterchef Indonesia. She is the author of 20 Fun Recipes of Strong Heart and creator of the Indonesia's first culinary board game Cooking with Inspirational Chef Desi.
this edition’s contributors:
jessica courtney | iraq co-founder of Preemptive Love Coalition preemptivelove.org Jessica founded Preemptive Love Coalition with her husband Jeremy in 2007. Today, Jessica leads our refugee empowerment program. In 2016, she spearheaded the launch of Preemptive Love’s Sisterhood Collective, bringing refugee-made soap, candles, and more to North America — and putting thousands of dollars into the hands of Iraq and Syrian women.
jaylen arnold | usa founder of Jaylen's Challenge foundation inc. jaylenschallenge.org Jaylen started the foundation at 8yo after being bullied for having Tourette Syndrome and Autism. To date, Jaylen has educated more than 225,000 students in assemblies and prevented 69 suicides. He has received many prestigious Awards such as the Princess Diana Legacy Award and TLC’s Give a Little Award. Jaylen has also been featured on the Ellen Show and People Magazine for his efforts.
cover: Caleb S. Website: kidsnationmag.com
photo: jaylen's challenge fouNDation
bullying no way! words: jaylen arnold | artwork: mia setyawan
hi I'm jaylen! I influence the world by Simply doing whatever I can to make people feel cared for and loved.
this is my story ...
I was bullied pretty severely at a young age for having a neurological disorder called Tourette Syndrome. I became so affected by the bullying that I physically could not function in school for a while ...
I never wants kids to have to go through something like that, but the darkness does exist and I just want to be one of the lights that help shine it out of our society.
so, that's how Jaylen's Challenge Foundation started. 9
photo: jaylen's challenge fouNDation
"You’re NEVER too young or weak to
stand up for others
or make a difference ... Even if it just means speaking up in a situation where someone is being victimized, or going and telling a needed adult... it can impact someone else’s life in a huge, positive way."
my advice for kids wanting to make a difference
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“Nothing you do to love others today is ever wasted.”
photo: preemptive love coalition
jessica courtney
jessica courtney | iraq co-founder of Preemptive Love Coalition preemptivelove.org
Tell us about Preemptive Love Coalition? We’re a coalition stretching across Iraq, Syria, the United States, and beyond, working together to unmake violence and create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. We do this by meeting families on the frontlines of conflict, providing them lifesaving food, water, and medical care. We also work to create jobs for those victimized by ISIS.
We provide small business grants, tools, and coaching so they can start again and so their families can flourish. As a network of people who love anyways, we are remaking the world with the hope that someday, this work will no longer be needed. I influence the world by... Focusing on the immediate needs and longterm dreams of the person who’s standing right in front of me. My advice for young people wanting to make a difference in their communities: “Nothing you do to love others today is ever wasted.”
These drawings are done by Syrian children at the child-friendly space in Barika Refugee Camp.
are you a school principal / teacher?
kids nation magazine is a great digital resource for students. please contact us to make this free resources available for students at your school.
gifts for
world changers
"Elsie de Wolfe" art – Hoekstra Decor habitudes® book – Dr. Tim Elmore 10% off Coupon code: KIDNATION10
peace doll – Preemptive Love Coalition "purpose" spoon – For Such A Time Designs 17
student submission by: caityln S. (USA)
photo: The Pixelman
Two Choices That Turn Kids into Influential Leaders BY: tim elmore 20
I get the privilege of meeting some of the greatest students as I work with schools across the world.
any of them are stepping forward to improve their communities, such as clean up a local pond, invent a gadget that helps achieve a goal, raise money for a great cause or even find a way to feed hungry younger children in their area. • Peyton Robertson created a sandless sandbag for areas hit by hurricanes. • Ann Makowsinski invented a flashlight powered by the heat of your hand. • Denis Estimon started, “We Dine Together” to ensure no kid eats lunch alone. • Virgil Smith saved 17 lives on an air mattress after Hurricane Harvey.
What I’ve noticed is — when kids do this, they almost always gain influence with others. Without trying to be a leader, they’re perceived as leaders.
What is It That Makes Kids Influential Leaders?
Every parent loves it when their child chooses to get involved in their world and in the process, is perceived as a leader. Just admit it — it makes us proud. It’s a great reflection on our parenting, right?
photo: Michal Jarmoluk
So, what common thread turns kids into leaders without them even knowing it?
It happens when they make two choices: 1. To solve problems. 2. To serve people. People who initiate in these two ways above, is naturally seen as a leader. Why? Because leadership has less to do with a position and more to do with a disposition. These kids didn’t wait for someone to ask them to solve a problem. They didn’t wait for an adult to give them a title and job description. They just began thinking about how they can help other people, by resolving a dilemma. Pure leadership simply begins with solving problems and serving people. It is about influencing people in a positive way, not the pursuit of power or position. This is what we must equip our kids to do in life.
Pure leadership simply begins with solving problems and serving people.
photo: desi trisnawati
Chicken ham Burwich by: desi trisnawati
Burwich is an amalgam of the words Burger and Sandwich. I usually use white bread for my sandwich. But we can use burger instead for this recipe.
Burger buns, split
1. Spread butter on burger bun base.
2. Assemble burger: bottom bun, ham, avocado, tomato, chicken, smoked cheese, BBQ sauce, top bun.
Ham Avocado Tomato Cooked chicken breast Smoked cheese BBQ sauce
3. Preheat a frying pan. Place burger in the pan and gently press it down with a spatula while cooking to compact filling and bread. 4. Turn over and cook other side until golden brown as well. Serve.
For more recipes, follow Desi on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
quote: mother theresa | artwork: mia setyawan
Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.