Kids Nation Magazine - Edition 16 March/April 2017

Page 1

mar/apr 2017

• tips for cultivating self-motivation in kids • easter crafts, recipe, handmade items

real STORIES, TIPS & printable

22. PrintaBle: when I grOw uP ...

8. tiPs: culTIvaTIng Self-mOTIvaTIOn In chIldren

24. sPeCial needs: dream bIg, lITTle One

14. insPire: raISIng STandardS

28. leadershiP: rebellIng agaInST lOw exPecTaTIOnS 21. win: SIgned memOrabIlIa frOm ben TrOuPe!

32. Cook: OlIve OIl hOT crOSS bunS

37. suBsCriBe

34. handmade & reader's offer: all ThIngS eaSTer

Kids nation is a bi-monthly magazine, dedicated to empowering kids around the world. It is published by mOS design creative (

38. Craft: egg-celenT eaSTer eggS decOraTIng IdeaS

frOnT cOver: atricia b. (australia)

copyright Š Kids nation magazine. all rights reserved. reproducing without permission is prohibited. copyright of articles and photos remain with the individual contributors and may not be reproduced without permission.

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FROM THE EDITOR "There is a plan and a purpose, a value to every life, no matter what its location, age, gender or disability." Sharron Angle I'm super excited to bring you this edition about Raising Standards. As a parent, I want my children to grow and become people who rise above the ordinary. I believe you do too. We are honoured to have these amazing young influencers — Jen Bricker (USA), Daniel Flynn (Australia), Ben Troupe (USA), Efren Peñaflorida Jr. (the Philippines) and Shéri Brynard (South Africa) — share about how they rose above the ordinary.


Ken R. Canfield PhD., Dr. Tim Elmore, Kathy Walker OAM and Brian Ó Maoileoin B.Ed.; M.Ed. give us valuable tips for cultivating self-motivation in children. Don’t forget to check out “Kids’ goals” printable from Andreja Vucajnk, PLUS Easter-themed crafts, handmade items and scrumptious hot cross buns recipe from Teresa Cutter (the Healthy Chef). Happy reading,

xo, Mia


this edition’s contributors:

MIA SETYAWAN AUSTRALIA EDITOR & FOUNDER of KIDS NATION MAG Mia is a mother of two boys and a business owner from Australia. She owns an award winning graphic design studio and print + stationery online shop. She also writes a lifestyle blog and volunteers at a local children program.

Ken R. Canfield PhD UNITED STATES FOUNDER grands matter Ken R. Canfield PhD., is a nationally known leader and scholar who has committed his life to strengthening fathers, families and grandparents. He founded the National Center for Fathering in 1990 and most recently the National Center for Grandparenting.

dr. Tim Elmore united states founder & president of growing leaders growingleaders. com Tim is an international speaker, founder and president of Growing Leaders, an organization equipping today's young people to become the leaders of tomorrow. He is best-selling author of more than 30 books, including Generation iY: Our Last Chance to Save Their Future and the Habitudes® series.

andreja vuČajnk slovenia founder of itsy bitsy fun www.itsybitsyfun. com Andreja is the creator of Itsy Bitsy Fun, a website that provides tons of free resources for kids such as educational worksheets, games, activities and craft projects. Connect with her on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.


this edition’s contributors:

kathy walker oam australia founding director of Early Life Foundations Kathy Walker OAM is one of Australia's leading parenting and education experts, public speakers and authors. Kathy is a lead author with Penguin Publishing and is the designer of the Walker Learning Approach, the first major personalised curriculum for schools in Australia, which is implemented across Australia and internationally. Brian Ó Maoileoin B.Ed; M.Ed. singapore junior school principal, UWCSEA dover Brian is UWCSEA's Principal of the Junior School. Brian has over 24 years' teaching and management experience, both in Ireland and Singapore. He has spoken at educational conferences on the topics of Curriculum Development, Curriculum Leadership and School Leadership.


Shéri Brynard south africa teacher, speaker & down syndrome ambassador Shéri is the only fully qualified teacher with Down syndrome in the world. She received the Presidential award in 2011 for people who have made a contribution to the lives of mentally handicapped people in South Africa. Shéri is also a motivational speaker and an ambassador for Down Syndrome International (DSi). Teresa cutter australia founder & director the healthy chef www.thehealthychef. com The Healthy Chef, Teresa Cutter is one of Australia's leading authorities on healthy cooking. She is a chef, nutritionist, author, accredited fitness trainer and media personality. Her new cookbook HEALTHY BAKING contains recipes that focuses on sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan, paleo and wholefood creations.

this edition’s contributors:

ben troupe UNITED STATES NFL motivational speaker Ben Troupe is a former NFL player and a highly-recognized speaker. Now as an NFL Ambassador, Ben focuses on changing lives. His motto “WEAWEN = we all win!” is one of the world’s authorities on leading athletic departments to succeed when there is a culture of discipline, resilience, and leadership both on and off the field.

JEN BRICKER united states Aerialist, author & Speaker Jen, born without legs, is an acrobat and aerialist. Seemingly against all odds, Jen went on to compete against able-bodied athletes, and became a State Champion in power tumbling. Her story is detailed in her memoir Everything Is Possible: Finding the Faith and Courage to Follow Your Dreams, which was a New York Times bestseller.

daniel flynn australia co-founder & managing director of Thankyou

Efren Peñaflorida Jr. The Philippines teacher & president of dynamic teen company

Daniel established Thankyou alongside a group of co-founders at 19. Daniel was awarded 2014 Victorian Young Australian of the Year, 2013 Victorian Young Achiever of the Year and named an honouree in the 2014 JCI Ten Young Outstanding People of the World program.

Efren Peñaflorida Jr. is a Filipino teacher. He gives Filipino youth an alternative to street gangs through education. Efren and his team of teen volunteers have taught basic reading and writing to more than thousands of children living in the slums. In 2009, he was named CNN Hero of the Year. Connect with him on Facebook. 7

photo: skeeze


cultivating self-motivation in children COMPILED BY: MIA SETYAWAN 8

— ken r. canfield phd.


t’s called grit. That’s the label which researchers have assigned to those, both children and adults, who can focus on a mission or task, and stay focused until success is achieve. At the core grit is related to self discipline, but it also includes facets of self-motivation, curiosity, and optimism. So the question is: what can we do as parents and grandparents to develop grit in our children? First, set up an achievable task for your child and become their cheerleader. Second, add complexity to the task, and be their cheerleader. Third, ask them to add to the difficulty to the task and be their cheerleader. It’s just that simple. Lastly, celebrate their success as their cheerleader.

Ken R. Canfield PhD UNITED STATES FOUNDER grands matter


Photo: ken canfield phd.

"become their cheerleader ..."


hese are some practical ideas to cultivate self-motivation in children:

Stop bribing and threatening. Use consequences instead. Encourage children and their attempts don’t always praise them for every single thing they do. Be honest: “I know its hard, but I think its good to have a go.” “ I think you can do this, you will need to put in some effort.” Model self motivation yourselves as parents. Stop teachers from putting up star charts for good behavior and publically shaming students with crosses on a board when they make mistakes. Help students think about their interests and passions and demonstrate some of their learning through their own projects or ideas. Ensure families meet regularly and talk regularly about issues so children feel able to raise issues, think of ideas for the family and to try out new things. kathy walker oam australia founding director of Early Life Foundations

Photo: Early Life Foundations

seven action points for Cultivating self-motivation in children




e live in a fast-paced world, and it’s evident in every area of our lives: Snapchat, high-speed internet access and fast-food. Unfortunately, when we have to wait on very little, we never learn to delay gratification. As a result, we will naturally lose motivation. These are some ideas to cultivate self-motivation in kids: Have your child set some age-appropriate goals and make them put efforts to reach them. Be careful not to avoid the process by offering a prize before they’ve worked and waited. Discuss the stories of people who model discipline and motivation. Find “true” celebrities who labor to add value to others and serve those in need.



— Brian Ó Maoileoin B.Ed; M.Ed.


hen you think about it, children are motivated all the time: if children are sitting in class or lolling about the house doing nothing, something is motivating them to do nothing. One reason can be fear of failure - if I don't try, I can't fail. The interesting thing is that success in one area transfers confidence to others - this is why a well rounded, holistic education is so important to us here. Managing, after several failed attempts, to negotiate the high ropes course, will make a student feel puffed up with success. They still feel like that when they walk into their Maths class. Top tip for increasing self-motivation in children? Don’t give into the understandable desire to smooth the path for your child. Give them plenty of opportunity to fail by themselves and to succeed by themselves.

Brian Ó Maoileoin B.Ed; M.Ed. singapore junior school principal of UWCSEA dover

Photo: uwcsea dover

"Don’t give into the understandable desire to smooth the path for your child"

check out previous editions of kids nation magazine here




raising standards compiled BY: mia setyawan

Jen, born without legs, is an acrobat and aerialist. Seemingly against all odds, Jen went on to compete against able-bodied athletes, and became a State Champion in power tumbling.


JEN BRICKER united states Aerialist, author & Speaker

Who has been your most influential role model? Why? My parents. They show me how to live life fully embracing me and all my quirks, not only tolerating it, but LOVING the odds and ends about me and personality. They allow me to be who I am vs. who they want me to be is huge and has played a huge role in my success as a person. I hope that when I have kids I can be as good of parents as they have been to me.

What WAs the biggest challenge in your life and how did you overcome it? My biggest challenge to overcome was body dismorphia. I had a huge challenge of body image, not about not having legs, but about becoming obsessed with being super thin, nothing was ever enough. Once I lost a ton of weight, became a size 00, then I realized I went too far. The journey of coming out of that was over 2 years, being OK with the fact I wasn't a 00 anymore, but realizing I was still beautiful with a little extra muscle and curves was a long long journey. I prayed and read my Bible every day, repeated scriptures, even covered up a huge floor to ceiling length mirror so I wouldn't be picking myself apart everyday, all in the efforts of choosing to overcome this extremely difficult time in my life.

Proudest moment? One of my proudest moments was the day my book was released and I was in NYC doing press/media for the release of my book. Such a long journey and to have my own book about my life and my journeys before I was 30 was absolutely a series of blessings and one I'll never forget.

What words do you live by? The title of my book "Everything is Possible" that's really what I live by, that's why I chose the title. I thought "What "motto" or saying could sum up how I live and/or what I believe in. And this is from a scripture in the Bible "Everything is possible to the one who BELIEVES" Mark 9:23. That's what I believe and how I live. 15

PhOTO: dYnamIc Teen cOmPanY

eFren PeñAFloridA Jr. is A fIlIPInO Teacher. he gIveS fIlIPInO YOuTh an alTernaTIve TO STreeT gangS ThrOugh educaTIOn. efren and hIS Team have TaughT baSIc readIng and wrITIng TO mOre Than ThOuSandS Of chIldren lIvIng In The SlumS.


Efren Peñaflorida Jr. the philippines teacher & president of dynamic teen company

Who has been your most influential role model? Why? I believe that everyone can be a life saver because I was saved by someone whom I just met then and later became my mentor. His name was Mr. Harnin Manalaysay. I called him KB. It has always been his mission to save lives of young children in Cavite, wherein gangs were very rampant then. I was bullied when I was in High School. All I thought about then was to get even and to seek revenge. I thought KB would help me to get back to those who bullied me in school but he told me to help others instead. He helped me see the needs of others and act upon those needs.

What WAs the biggest challenge in your life and how did you overcome it? When we started rolling out the Kariton Klasrum in the streets of Cavite City, we received negative reactions. Some scoffed and laughed at us. We were ridiculed because they thought that our program was worthless. Our volunteers felt discouraged and mocked. But KB told us that we should never be ashamed of doing what was right. He helped us to not let others look down on us because we were young. With that, we were inspired to continue in what we have been doing to help the Filipino youth.

Proudest moment? Every time a child learn how to read, write, to say “thank you” or learn to do things by him/ herself through the help of Kariton Klasrum ... and everytime we see a life transformed through education, we think it is all worth it.

What words do you live by? Our planet is filled with heroes, young and old, rich and poor, men and women of different colors, shapes and sizes. We are one great tapestry. Each person has a hidden hero within, you just have to look inside you and search it in your heart, and be the hero to the next one in need. 17

daniel flynn australia co-founder & managing director of Thankyou

Who has been your most influential role model? Why? My father has been my most influential role model. He’s taught me what it means to truly be values-led. He always said a person of integrity expects to be believed and if they're not, they let time prove them right. I never really understood these words as a kid but now I realise the profound weight they carry. We live in a world where not everyone takes you at face value and in our line of work, there's a real skepticism around 'giving’ and ‘charity'. I hold onto my dad's words that even if people don't quite understand or believe something, stick at it and in time they'll see.

What WAs the biggest challenge in your life and how did you overcome it? One of my biggest challenges was the initial launch of Thankyou Water. We were told many times that without millions of dollars behind us, we would never do it. With a great team, perseverance and by some kind of miracle we were able to launch what many saw was impossible.

Proudest moment? When my wife (and co-founder) Justine finally said 'yes' to going on a date with me after about a year of me trying! That was definitely a proud day.

What words do you live by? Impossibility is only an opinion, not a fact. 18

— daniel flynn


“Impossibility is only an opinion, not a fact."

ben troupe UNITED STATES NFL motivational speaker

Who has been your most influential role model? Why? My mom has been the greatest influential role model in my life, as a polite, honest, hardworking woman she taught me the values of leading by example, respect, responsibility, and integrity. She has always been a source of strength, as a Christian woman she prided herself on living life with integrity, truth, and love. She is not perfect though her positive attitude, compassion, and unwillingness to give up or give in has been the very thing that help make me the man I am today.

What WAs the biggest challenge in your life and how did you overcome it? The biggest challenge in my life was overcoming the fear or failing and thinking that no matter what I tried to achieve it wouldn't happen because I felt that I was destined to fail. I overcame it by changing my mindset and being willing to get out of my comfort zone and realizing that failing was just a part of success and just like night and day you can't have one without the other. 20

So now I use failure as a tool and because I use it as a tool it meaning failure it has afforded me tremendous opportunity and many successes in my lifetime although the best is yet to come.

Proudest moment? In 2012 I had the privilege to show my respect to the military and acknowledge the sacrifices they've made for all by participating in a celebrity basketball game honoring both the Cpl. John Stalvey Foundation and the Wounded Warriors. Cpl. John Stalvey, a 22-year-old Marine serving our country was killed in 2005 while in Afghanistan. That day was overwhelming, but at the same time, it was one of the proudest moments.

What words do you live by? "To whom much is given, much will be required."(Luke 12:48) Always remain humble, keep God first. Lead by example. Don’t compromise yourself. Speak truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Don't compromise yourself. Speak truth,even though it might create conflict or tension.

WIN SIGNED MEMORABILIA FROM BEN TROUPE! Question: What was Ben Troupe known for while on the field? Find the clues on Ben's website here.

Every correct answer will receive a signed memorabilia from Ben Troupe, for a limited time only. Contest opens to US residents. Contest ends May 3,2017.


photo: pro players promo


photo: Nguyen Dinh Lich


When I Grow Up ... BY: andreja vuÄŒajnk


We all wanted to be like someone amazing or inspiring when we were kids. it is no different with kids today. Your child might be aspiring to become an athlete, a famous actor or even to achieve greatness like some historical figures had. however, wanting is one thing and achieving is another. This simple printable will encourage kids to set goals for themselves, to help them become more like those people they aspire to be. Ready? click here to download the printable

Albert Einsten study hard


keep on trying 23

photo: Shéri Brynard

special needs

dream big, little one ... BY: Shéri Brynard

Meet Shéri Brynard. She is the only fully qualified teacher with down syndrome in the world. Shéri shares about how she motivated herself to reach her dream.


I was part of a family, who each had their own dreams and we all worked hard to try to make these dreams come true. I followed my sisters’ example — they never gave up on any dream that was important to them.


t times, my sisters got discouraged and cried when they had their disappointments, but they showed me how to focus and to handle setbacks, without ever giving up.

My father was proud of everything I had done and praised me in front of his friends. This motivated me to provide him with more opportunities to be proud of me. Although he loved me, he never spoiled me.

Their example taught me not to feel sorry for myself and to focus on what I could do, not on what was out of my reach. They taught me that I would never know what my abilities were, until I tried to stretch my boundaries and left my comfort zone.

I was in my first year of college when my father went missing after he fell from a waterfall. People searched for him for about a month before they found his body. During those times, we all had to assist my mother to do the normal chores of everyday life and we all cried a lot. It was a traumatic time in our lives, but each of us tried our best to stay positive.

It motivated me to see my mother working hard during her postgraduate studies and she did not give up before she acquired a PhD, while working full time and raising three daughters. And importantly, she always placed us first. We were all very unselfish and although we had the normal differences families have, we enjoyed each other’s company. My older sister said that I was the glue that kept a really loving family together. My father motivated me because he taught me how to handle my challenges with humor and determination.

My older sister, Marisa, was in grade 12 at that time. She did not use my father's incident as an excuse to not study. She was awarded one of the top achievers in Grade 12 that year, with 10 distinctions in her last examination. She set an example for me to follow.

"My sisters taught me not to feel sorry for myself and to focus on what I could do, not on what was out of my reach." 25

My younger sister, Suzette, was chosen as head girl of her Primary school in that same year. She had a lot of extra responsibilities, which she mostly had to perform on her own because of all the extra responsibilities we all had. I saw her courage, cheerfulness and determination to not let circumstances defined her. She was also a wonderful example for me to follow. We all had our bad days, but we always supported each other with humor and love. Humor has always played a very big role in my family. Giving up was not an option in our house. The only way I knew was to sleep less, to pray more and to keep on trying. I failed all my subjects the year my father died. I could not concentrate and I missed him terribly. In the following years, I also failed some of my subjects more than once because of the amount of work, the language and the difficulty of those subjects. My mother and sisters surrounded me with love and they always seemed to be proud of me. They focused on the marks I got and not on the marks I failed to get.

They always believed in my abilities. My mother then realized that a tutor twice a week for an hour, could help me very much. We could not afford more support at that stage. I was very happy about this assistance because I realized that I needed help. This made a huge difference in my study. My family did not expect me to graduate from college, but they did expect me to do my best. When I saw my mother's tears when she saw my final results, I realized that she was never sure that I would actually pass. Yet, she never put any pressure on me. I pressured myself because everyone in our family seemed to be successful in everything they did and I wanted my family to be proud of me, as I had always been so proud of them. I think the love of my family has always been my biggest motivation. When I received my diploma, my older sister surprised me by coming all the way from London to attend my ceremony. My mother invited all our friends to a small function to celebrate with us. My younger sister played the violin at my ceremony. We were happy, close and thankful to the Lord for blessing me.

"giving up was not an option in our house." shÉri brynard


photo: ShĂŠri Brynard

"My biggest motivation was the love and examples from my family, and my will to succeed. I still want to succeed in what I do and I know I have to work harder than other people, but it is more than worthwhile."


photo: Ff McDaniel mcdaniel photo:


Rebelling Against Low Expectations by: dr. Tim Elmore


n PhOTO: The rebeluTIO

I read a bOOK bY TwO TeenagerS named alex and breTT harrIS. MAybe you reAd it too — it WAs cAlled do hArd things. it chAllenged TheIr PeerS TO nOT SeTTle InTO The lIfeSTYle Of a TYPIcal hIgh SchOOl Or cOllege STudenT, geTTIng lOST In SelfIeS, vIdeO gameS, facebOOK uPdaTeS and narcISSISm. TheY gave credence TO The Idea ThaT we becOme The beST version oF ourselves When We “do hArd things.”

“there are so many ways in which doing hard things as a teenager and in college prepared me for what i’m doing today,” alex says, who is a graduate at harvard law School. he is an editor of the prestigious harvard law review and clerked for the 10th circuit court of appeals in colorado. the hArd choices Weren’t AlWAys big ones — oPting to reAd rAther Than waTch Tv, TO STudY raTher Than PlaY vIdeO gameS, TO jOIn The debaTe Team raTher Than The baSKeTball Team.

“doing hard things in one season prepares you to step into the next with momentum and purpose,” he wisely points out. Their books and their challenge (the rebelution movement) was launched by teens, for teens, and frankly, i believe that’s far more effective than a challenge from some baby boomer or gen xer. everything these guys do is counter-cultural and counter intuitive in our current world of speed, comfort and convenience … and it’s really working for them. “that’s because rebelling against low expectations and doing hard things is a mindset that grows with you,” his brother brett affirms. 29

photo: Pexels

What This Means Today Now here’s the clincher: Brett still works with their Rebelution movement but has spent most of the past few years caring full-time for his wife, Ana, who suffers from Lyme disease. A tick-borne illness, Lyme disease has serious implications if left untreated. Ana was probably bitten when she was 10 but wasn’t diagnosed until a few months after their marriage. Along with maintaining doctors’ appointments and medical options, Brett cooks for her, bathes her, carries her up the stairs and during her sickest months, helped her manage the panic attacks induced by the bacterial infection in her brain. Wow … talk about a whole new application for “doing hard things.” It now surrounds caring for his disabled wife — nothing glitzy or glamorous, nothing the media wants to cover or photograph. But listen to Brett’s rationale for how he handles his current hardship: “If I’d spent my teen years running away from responsibly and difficulty, what would I do now? I could have zoned out, played video games and found ways to escape. I could have pushed the responsibility onto her parents instead of taking that on myself.”


Our Take Away As I mused about these two guys in their mid-twenties now, I was challenged in my own parenting, teaching, coaching and training of students. These guys “got it” when they were teenagers. Somehow, the adults in their life weren’t consumed with “preventing” tough things from happening, but preparing the boys for life. Let me offer some principles we must buy into if we’re to do the same with our students: As leaders of learning, we must communicate that everything they do now either prepares or illprepares them for the future. Each stage is a rehearsal for the next stage. We must enable them to see the long-term ramifications of their actions. We must teach them to check their motives for what they do. Is it all about getting noticed or famous … or is it about their development? We must equip them to take on difficult challenges, knowing this acts as a workout for future challenges. I love the advice Alex and Brett have for parents today:

“We can’t shield our kids from hardship and then hope to release them into a suffering-free existence in adulthood. Loving your children means preparing them for hardship by allowing them to engage with the world, deal with the consequences of their actions and work through inevitable disappointments and failures.”


photo: the healthy chef




Delicious and indulgent, this classic recipe combines aromatic spices with honey and citrus flavours to create hot cross buns that just melt in your mouth.



330 g (11 ½ oz / 2 ¾ cups) wholemeal spelt flour

Makes 24 buns

50 g (1 ¾ oz / ½ cup) organic rye flour


10 g fresh yeast or 5 g dried yeast 2 tbsp honey 250 ml (8 ¾ fl oz /1 cup) milk of your choice 2 organic eggs zest of 1 orange 1 tsp vanilla paste 1/2 tsp sea salt 2 tsp ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground ginger 150 ml (5 ¼ oz) extra virgin olive oil 300 g (10 ½ oz / 2 cups) raisins or golden sultanas 100 g (3 ½ oz) dried chopped apricots 100 g (3 ½ oz) good quality 70 per cent dark eating chocolate, melted EGG WASH: 1 organic egg 2 tablespoons of milk

Start this recipe the day before. COMBINE the flours, yeast, honey, milk, eggs, orange zest, vanilla, sea salt, cinnamon and ginger into the bowl of your bench top mixer. MIX with a dough hook at low speed until combined, then increase the speed to medium and mix further for 8 minutes until smooth. ADD the olive oil slowly, a little at a time, until incorporated into the dough. MIX the raisins and apricots gently through the dough. TURN OFF your mixer and remove the bowl. COVER your bowl with plastic wrap and allow to rest at room temperature for about 1 hour. PLACE the dough into the fridge overnight to rest and develop for a further 12 hours. This dough is quite sturdy, so if you go over 12 hours, that’s ok, so long as you cook the dough the following day. Resting also loosens up the dough so you end up with a light and fluffy hot cross bun.

DAY 2 DIVIDE the dough into 24 even size portions. LEAVE to set in a warm place for about 2 hours. This depends on the warmth of your kitchen. I usually turn the oven on just to warm the kitchen to help them prove, and the dough should at least double in size. PREHEAT your oven to 180°C fan-forced (360°F). MAKE an egg wash by combining the egg and milk. BRUSH tops of the buns with the egg wash. BAKE for 35 – 40 minutes or until baked through and golden. COOL slightly. MELT chocolate then pipe over the buns before serving.

Notes and Inspiration Add 2 finely diced roasted apples, which combines wonderfully with the raisins. 33


all things easter compiled BY: mia setyawan

Lamb Lamb is a symbol of Jesus 'the Passover Lamb". Roast lamb is a traditional Easter dish in many countries.

Did you know?

In the United States, the Easter Egg Roll is an annual event, and is held on the White House South Lawn each Easter Monday for children (age 13 and younger) and their parents.*


amigurumi lamb: Rena Tienda (peru) | egg crayons: tinta crayons (australia) | FINGER PUPPETS: With Hugs and Kisses (uk)

Bunny Rabbit

Originating among German Lutherans, the "Easter Hare" originally played the role of a judge, evaluating whether children were good or disobedient in behaviour. In Australia, rabbit is a pest so the Easter Bilby is a preferred alternative.*

Hot cross buns

The cross represents the crucifixion of Jesus, and the spices inside signifying the spices used to embalm him at his burial.*

Coloured eggs Eggs are a symbol of new life. Some Christians symbolically link the cracking open of Easter eggs with the empty tomb of Jesus. In addition, one ancient tradition was the staining of Easter eggs with the colour red in memory of the blood of Christ, shed as at that time of his crucifixion.* *Sources: custom peg doll: Gnome werks (USA) | bunny doll: Creepy and Cute (the netherlands) | earrings: clay and clasp (australia) alphabet eggs: Having fun learning (canada)


Special Offers for Kids Nation Readers Rena Tienda (peru) 35% off Code: EASTERKNMAG2017 Expiry: August 31, 2017


tinta crayons (australia) 15% off Code: KNEE17 Expiry: May 1, 2017

clay and clasp (australia) 15% off Code: KIDSNATION Expiry: May 1, 2017

With Hugs and Kisses (uk) 10% off Code: KIDS17 Expiry: July 1, 2017

Creepy and Cute (the netherlands) 10% off Code: KIDSNATION Expiry: June 1, 2017

Gnome werks (USA) 10% off Code: KIDSNATION Expiry: April 30, 2017

Having fun learning (canada) 10% off, min. purchase $50 Code: kidsmagazine Expiry: December 31, 2017


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PhOTO: KaTharIna gOSSOw


egg-celent easter eggs decorating ideas cOmPIled bY: mIa SeTYawan


get the tutorials here:

ninja turles eggs by Crystal | A Pumpkin and a Princess

space eggs by Liska | Adventure in a box

animal eggs by Sarah | Look What I made

balloon easter eggs by Machelle | A Joyful Riot

monster eggs by Melanie | Artzy Creations

NINJA eggs by Amaryllis | Oh Oh Blog


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