ROUND THE BROOMSTICK Set up a table with an upturned plastic cup on one end, and a small (wrapped) chocolate or lolly placed on top. Take the kids to the other end of the room or yard (about 3 metres away) and give the first one a broomstick. Tell them to hold the broomstick with both hands and put their head up against it so they’re staring at the ground. Then they have to quickly turn around four or five times, keeping the broomstick touching the ground in the middle, until you say “now”. You then grab the broomstick and the child has to walk quickly to the table and try to pick up the chocolate without knocking it over. There may be a few spills and tumbles so if you play this game indoors, make it on a soft floor and allow plenty of space!
THE CLASSICS Musical Statues: Everyone stands up, play some music and everyone must dance. When the music stops, everyone must freeze. Anyone that moves is out and they become one of the judges. Musical Chairs: Get enough chairs for everyone in the party to sit down and place them in a row. Alternate which way each chair is facing. Then take the end chair away. When the music starts, all the children walk around the row of chairs. When the music stops, everyone must sit down. The one child left standing is out and becomes one of the judges.
G O L D C O A S T: PA R T Y & P L AY G U I D E 2022
Pass the Parcel: Ahead of time, buy a simple prize and wrap it in a layer of newspaper. Continue to wrap it in single layers of newspaper until you have a nice, big parcel. At the party, sit the kids in a circle and start the music. Children pass the parcel to each other in a clockwise direction. When the music stops, the child holding the parcel removes a layer. This continues until the last layer is removed. The child holding the unwrapped prize wins! Piñata: Always a party favourite, pick up a piñata from the local party or dollar store, pop some lollies in, hang it up and then let the kids take turns trying to burst it by hitting it with a broom handle.