Kids on the Coast Magazine - Sunshine Coast - Issue 51

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Issue 51 July/August 2012 sunshine coast


plus HOLIDAYS, PARTIES, what’s on Calendar and lots more!

contents - JulyAugust2012 -

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From the Editor Meet some of our Team WHAT’S NEWS CHECK THIS OUT: New, fun and funky things FEATURE: Helping kids cope with depression NEW TO THE COAST THE ‘P’ FILES: Born to be Wild (or Mild) EDUCATION: Real-world learning-spaces CALENDAR OF EVENTS

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Find out what’s happening on the Coast during July & August BABIES ON THE COAST: Doulas - mothering the mother


ONLY NATURAL: Naturally Clean PARENTVILLE: Around the World in Eighty Plays HEALTH: Brand medicine vs. generic? PARTNERSHIP PROFILE: Meet Sue Frost IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU DAD! LET’S CELEBRATE: Outsourcing Parties HAPPY HOLIDAYS: Adventure Holidays PARENTS IN BUSINESS: XS Entertainment Profile PARENTS IN BUSINESS: Business Directory REVIEWS

Editorial contributions for Issue 51: Maxine Arthur / Sandra Smith / Kim Lahey / Aleney de Winter / Belinda Hopper / Chaley-Ann Scott COVER: Allison Wills - Minty Photography. Chair & Rug from Finder’s Keepers - Peregian Beach. Featuring Amali with Ellie the poodle, Ellie the poodle courtesy of Animal Affair Dog Boutique and Grooming

Kids on the Coast magazine is printed with vegetable/soy based inks on paper supplied using pulp sourced from sustainable forests and manufactured to environmentally accredited systems. Kids on the Coast encourages recycling. Please keep this issue for future reference, pass onto your friends and family, use for craft projects or place into the recycling bin.

PUBLISHED BY: THINGS 4 KIDS PTY LTD. PO Box 491, Eumundi QLD 4562 PHONE: 1300 430 320 FAX: 07 5471 2372 WEB: ABN: 86 473 357 391. All editorial and advertising in Kids on the Coast is published in good faith based on material, verbal or written, provided by contributors and advertisers. No responsibility is taken for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. All material in Kids on the Coast is subject to copyright provisions. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Feedback/comments/ suggestions? Send to: We aim to reply to all correspondence but don’t guarantee to do so. Letters to the editor may be edited for length or clarity. PUBLISHER: Toni Eggleston ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER: Simone Bell EDITOR: Jackie Goldston EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS: Maxine Arthur, Sandra Smit, Kim Lahey, Aleney de Winter, Belinda Hopper, Chaley-Ann Scott ADVERTISING: For advertising enquiries please phone 1300 430 320 or email: LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY: Speak with your advertising coordinator or email: au Production Department: Email: ADMINISTRATION: Kellie Kruger DISTRIBUTION: Kids on the Coast (Sunshine Coast edition) is a free publication circulating over 20,000 copies from Caloundra to Noosa and through the hinterland. Separate edition covers the Gold Coast. For distribution enquiries please phone: 1300 430 320 or email: GRAPHIC DESIGN: Esther Bundellu JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


f some o

- meettheteam ESTHER BUNDELLU

Welcome to


kidsonthecoast It is the time of year that I would rather snuggle up in my warm bed than crawl out and swim, run or cycle. However, enjoying the sunrise over the ocean on a clear day in winter is truly beautiful and definitely makes up for the lack of sleep (although not for the morning cuddles from my kids!). We are very lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world. Unfortunately, not all of our children feel so positive and this month we examine the impact of childhood depression, talking to the experts at beyond blue. We also look at the innovative new learning spaces that are being created in some schools and what impact this is having on children’s engagement, motivation and success. When reading our story on birth order, I found myself nodding at some of the experts’ statements and cringing at the generalisations of others. I would love to hear what you thought! It is also the time of the year to start planning your spring or New Year holidays. We explore one of my favourite types of holidays: adventure holidays with kids; the first part of our two part series. As always, please feel free to contact me via kidsonthecoast, our website or email. And of course, keep an eye out for new competitions on our website as they are added regularly!

Esther is our graphic designer extraordinaire and while she only joined the team in October last year, you won’t have been able to miss the huge (and fabulous) impact she has had on the magazine. With a varied background in design, she’s worked on all sorts of bits and pieces; illustration, accessories, swimwear, and now publication. Family is the most important thing to Esther and she feels that KOTC is the perfect fit to balance her love of design with her reasonably new channel in life; motherhood.

30 Seconds with Esther My favourite book? I wish I had an inspiring answer to this question that would make me look intellectual and well-read but reading books (that aren’t kids’ books) is a rarity these days. I struggle to get through a magazine! My favourite childhood book: The Wishing Chair Again - Enid Blyton. This book lets little imaginations run free. I remember and cherish the memory of my beautiful Mumsie reading this to me time and time again as a child. It brings a smile to my face. Best advice I’ve been given: No one can control how you feel other than yourself. Absolute favourite food: My mums’ chicken curry: the famous Bundellu special. The funniest thing your child has said: Our 2 yr old cracks me up daily, but one thing that I will never forget is when I was having a ‘moment’ on deadline & he refused to go to sleep. In a tragic state of desperation I started crying & he said to me ‘Aw, don’t cry mummy, look at this! (jumping on the bed) - I’m a pretty funny guy’. He is a pretty funny guy : ) What did you want to be when you grew up? I had great ambitions as a youth: A doctor (not great with blood now). A lawyer (mum said I was good at winning arguments). A fashion designer (my sewing skills aren’t quite up to scratch post barbie dresses). A designer (Yay for me!) What is your Achilles heel? Coffee!


Maxine has been writing for Kids on the Coast for nearly 3 years – and in that time has only missed writing in one edition! After thirty years as a Special Education teacher, Maxine is now enjoying a second career as a journalist, with stints in retail and tourism along the way. Add to the mix a happy marriage and two daughters who give her joy every day.

30 Seconds with Maxine My favourite book: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini has it all – universal themes of friendship, loyalty and betrayal, woven into the cultural and historical fabric of Afghanistan. My favourite childhood book: The Famous Five and the Faraway Tree books by Enid Blyton. I wouldn’t leave home without: Notebook, pen and diary. Best advice I’ve been given: Don’t sweat the small stuff – save your energy for the big issues. Favourite Sunday activity: Driving my Astra Bertone convertible, a ‘significant birthday’ present from my husband…best present ever. My secret talent: I can spot a spelling mistake on a page of newsprint in three seconds flat. My mother told me: “Horses sweat, men perspire, and women glisten.”

Jackie Goldston Editor *See the website for competition terms and conditions


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

Absolute favourite food: Mooloolaba prawns and anything Thai. I am inspired by: Adventure travel. Not the five-star kind, but the backpacking kind. My favourite saying: “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page” – St Augustine

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst




- what’snews Can’t argue with that!

Make a difference SunnyKids is a Sunshine Coast based charity that supports at-risk children and young people to stay engaged with education, and provides crisis accommodation to women and children. ‘We’ve been working with families on the Sunshine Coast since 1999 and more recently in other communities around Queensland,’ say Chris Turner, CEO. ‘We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of their circumstance so we provide early intervention programs to remove barriers that might be preventing that from happening.’ ‘Jessica Watson has just come on board as our new Patron,’ says Chris. ‘We’re fortunate and proud to have such an inspirational young woman as a mentor for at-risk children, young people and families we see through our work.’ “I’ve been fortunate in my life to have the support of great people who have helped me achieve my dreams. As Patron of SunnyKids I will be able to support others to also reach their full potential,’ says Jessica. For more information about SunnyKids, go to

A study by the University of Virginia shows that young teenagers who are taught to argue effectively are more likely to resist peer pressure to use drugs or alcohol later in adolescence. “It turns out that what goes on in the family is actually a training ground for teens in terms of how to negotiate with other people,” said Joseph Allen, psychology professor and lead author of the study. Prof Allen said that parents often have a fear about peer pressure whilst being frustrated by their argumentative child. “What we’re finding is there’s a surprising connection between the two,” he said, with learning to argue in a reasonable manner assisting the child in becoming more assertive and confident.

Over saturated…

Taking care in the bath

A unique study of the eating habits of Australian preschoolers has just been published showing that while children were generally consuming adequate amounts of iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin C, and the recommended amount of calories, 95% of children over two exceeded the recommended saturated fat limit of 10% of dietary intake. About one-third of the children surveyed were overweight or obese. The poor nutritional intake was found in a study of children from both rich and poor backgrounds. Nearly all children in some age groups ate more than the recommended intake of saturated fats. (MJA 2012)

Recent information from the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian shows that bathtubs have surpassed swimming pools as the leading cause of residential drowning deaths for children under five. Commissioner Elizabeth Fraser urged parents and caregivers to be vigilant during bath time. “Children under the age of five should be supervised by an adult, within arms’ reach at all times while in or around water, no matter how shallow the water may be,” she said. “If a parent or caregiver needs to leave the bathroom at any stage during bath time, they should always take their child with them to remove the risk of being alone in or near water.” Ms Fraser said parents also needed to be aware of the dangers of bathing young children together.

Re-discover your local library this National Year of Reading Find out why 140,000 Sunshine Coasters keep coming back - with more than 600,000 books and info, fun events and interesting activities. Our local libraries offer innovative services including e-books and e-audiobooks, free WiFi and self-service machines to speed up your visit. Did you know your local library also offers a wide variety of professionally hosted public education workshops on a vast array of subjects? There’s something for everyone and an amnesty on any fees incurred by members for the rest of 2012. Visit or call your local library on 1300 LIBRARY (5427 279).

DID >> you > know? > 6

KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

Unless food is mixed with saliva you can’t taste it Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries The first letters of the months July through to November spell JASON Honey is the only natural food which never goes off

- CHECKthisout 1



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1. Box Band-its (Robo Bob): Build and decorate your own moveable paper robot with this kit. A very cool gift for boys aged 5+. RRP $14.95; Evolve - Peregian Beach 2. Livingstone Rock Pillows: Make a statement in your home with these gorgeous pillows. From $204 to $4000+ or (02) 8339 7570 3. IQ Puzzler: One of our favourite puzzles, 101 challenges in 2D or 3D. Take it anywhere, simply pack the puzzle pieces inside the handy pocket-sized case. $15.95 at 4. Doh Magic: Make your own play dough; just add water and oil and watch the colour magically appear. Fun, quick & easy. RRP $7.50 from 5. Glitterbaby tights: Are you ready to sparkle and shine? Glitterbaby tights come in all sizes from baby through to mum to be. From $40 at 6. Phil & teds smart buggy bundle: The smartest little stroller around. Super adaptable from newborn to toddler. From $299

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



CHILDHOOD DEPRESSION Helping kids cope by Sandra Smith Childhood should be a happy, carefree time, but children struggling with depression travel a rocky road. Everyday situations can seem overwhelming for depressed kids, who can’t just ‘snap out of it’ or ‘cheer up’. They need help and support to recover, as well as the unconditional love of their families through the tough times.


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

Sophie’s Story

with external stresses that could trigger a depressive episode.

Sophie suffers from depression. The problems started about four years ago, when Sophie was eight years old. She was always an anxious child who would panic about being late for a dancing lesson or not being able to do her homework.

Sophie is on a more even keel now, and after two years on medication, combined with parental support and regular hypnotherapy, she is learning to manage situations that would have upset her before. Nicole has learned to recognise the signs of an impending crisis, and she uses strategies that help Sophie avoid going into “ the zone” by working on the positives so her mood doesn’t escalate.

“The shoulders would slump and she’d be gone for hours,” Sunshine Coast mother-of three Nicole says. “I knew that this was more than just your usual outof-sorts.” Sophie’s symptoms escalated over the next two years, which were difficult times for the whole family, as Nicole’s husband was working away. “She couldn’t get to sleep at night and then by not sleeping, that actually sent her into a further kind of depression, because she started panicking about going to bed. Then we found that everything just made her really down and really sad all the time, because she was so tired,” Nicole says. Despite the sleepless nights, the “panic zones” and the deep feelings of sadness, Sophie functioned well at school. The only telltale signs were the dark shadows and scaly skin under her eyes from excessive crying. “She could have meltdowns until three o-clock in the morning and I would wake up absolutely shattered; she would wake up and go and do her normal school day,” Nicole remembers. Desperate for help, Nicole took Sophie to a paediatrician who initially considered a diagnosis of borderline Aspergers and obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, Nicole said the panic and OCD had led to deep depression and the paediatrician recommended anti-depressant medication to help Sophie build up her serotonin levels. As well as getting medical help, Nicole explored other options and found hypnotherapy treatment helped Sophie cope

I think the biggest thing is catching the signs early & knowing how to talk to her and what works for her. It’s about building her up and just keeping things very normal.

“I think the biggest thing is catching the signs early and knowing how to talk to her and what works for her,” she says. “It’s about building her up and just keeping things very normal.”

Causes of childhood depression There may not be an obvious cause for childhood depression; however, it can be triggered by stressful life events like bullying, family problems or bereavement. Children are also more likely to become depressed if there is a family history of depressive illness, but building resilience and family support will reduce that risk. Child and adolescent mental health expert Professor Brett McDermott says that depression rarely has a single cause and it’s usually a combination of factors that depend on the child’s innate coping abilities. A competent child with a range of coping strategies is less vulnerable to depression; however, anxious children with low self-esteem and other problems tend to become depressed more easily. Professor McDermott, who is a beyondblue director and spokesperson, says that the usual stressors in primary-aged children relate to the environment. Home-based stressors that can lead to depression include parental conflict, financial stress or the illness or death of a relative, while school-based stressors include bullying or personality conflict with another JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



student or a teacher, or feeling unable to cope with a particular class or school in general.

The shoulders would slump and she’d be gone for hours. I knew that this was more than just your usual out-of-sorts

Signs and symptoms of depression It’s not easy for parents to know the difference between ‘normal’ moods and behaviour, which can include sadness or irritability, and emerging depression, however, if the child is depressed, often there are obvious and persistent changes in the child’s thinking, feelings and behaviour that profoundly affect their enjoyment of life. When children are depressed, parents will usually notice behavioural changes, explains Professor McDermott. Children generally become more quiet and withdrawn, losing their vitality and interest in all the things that kids usually love, like going to the movies, parties or picnics. “Occasionally parents see other features in terms of behaviour, such as losing appetite and they might even notice some loss of weight or...a sleep disturbance. The other biological symptom that goes with this change of behaviour is loss of energy and they seem to fatigue more easily. In boys sometimes more so than girls, the behavioural change is more irritability, so they can have a poorer control of their behaviour and mood and they can go off with less provocation than usual,” Professor McDermott says. Pre-schoolers will usually show their feelings in terms of behaviour, because they are unable to verbalise their internal world, according to Professor


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

McDermott. Very young children are unlikely to talk about their feelings, so it’s difficult for parents to know what’s happening in the child’s mind. “You have to ask the right questions,” he says. “If the parent asks or the clinician asks, then the child can often describe feeling sad or feeling different in some way. They might say they’re tearful...but they won’t use adolescent concepts like hopelessness and helplessness and despair. They will just use more summary statements about feeling sad.”

Getting help If you’re worried about your child, it’s important to get help as soon as possible, to prevent the symptoms escalating. Start by seeing your general practitioner (GP) or school counsellor to talk over the issues and to ask for referrals to other experts in children’s mental health who can help with treatment. There are also telephone hotlines for phone support and internet sites for online help. Remember, if the situation seems serious, seek help immediately. “School counsellors have really good networks, and also if the child is coping reasonably well and it’s an environmental problem at school, like bullying, school counsellors can be very good at helping with that,” Professor McDermott says. “If it’s not an environmental problem that’s easily fixed, then the GP can direct families into appropriate treatment.” For more specialised help with your child’s depression, ask for a referral from your GP, school or health


FOR LIFE'S UPS & DOWNS Building Resiliency Workshops

10 week workshops on the Sunshine Coast

Enquiries 5476 3373

Children 4-7 years, 7-12 years and Youth 12-16 years

Children: • Learn how to be brave and use assertive communication skills • Develop an understanding of their own and others feelings • Learn how to recognise and self-regulate feelings • Learn strategies to change unhelpful thinking into more helpful thinking • Become aware of their self talk and that they can control what they are thinking • Recognise that our thinking affects the way we feel and the way we behave • Develop empathy skills and ways to use strengths to help others • Learn how to achieve goals or overcome fears • Develop ways to reward themselves for doing their best and having a go • Look for role models and support networks • Explore friendships- what makes a good friend and how to be a good friend

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Simple solutions to happy healthy kids. Raising kids is not an easy task and at times can be extremely hard.

of creating healthy happy kids.

Increasingly kids are facing depression, anxiety, bullying, learning difficulties, allergies, sleep problems and the list goes on.

You aren’t alone, there are simple and best of all effective solutions to your needs.

So how do we as parents help to guide them through it all? Well there is light at the end of the tunnel, there are simple solutions that don’t involve heavy medication or pulling your hair out.

Come to a free information afternoon at the Cooroy State School Hall, held by the Maple Street Acupuncture & Natural Medicine clinic, to discover some answers to your questions and maybe even get the solutions you need.

Each family and child has a particular set of needs that are relevant and are part of the solution. Building confidence, improving motor skills, socialisation, calming and working with individual family circumstances are all a large part

17th July From 3.30pm-5.30pm the whole family is welcome. For more info or any questions please phone Maple St Acupuncture & Natural Medicine on 07 5442 5526.

Maple St Acupuncture & Natural Medicine presents a

‘Children w�h depression’ �ee workshop Join us for an informative and inspirational evening with our experienced practitioners, discussing complementary & alternative ways to treat & manage signs of depression, anxiety, social disorders or learning disabilities within your child.

Tuesday July 17th @ Cooroy State School from 3:30pm

Maple St Acupuncture &

n a t u r a l

Ph: 07 5442 5526

m e d i c i n e

for more info or any questions please call the clinic.

12a Maple St, Cooroy, 4563 JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



“If you want to prevent adolescent and youth conditions, what you need to do is intervene in primary school”

professional to Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS), which offers free assessment and treatment for children aged 0-18, as well as a range of other services including family therapy.

Treating depression Regardless of what causes depression, it’s important to seek treatment to help children recover from what can become a long-term, debilitating condition. The main treatment for young people is psychological or talking therapy, a treatment method that can help children change their negative thoughts and feelings, and get involved in activities again. The first line of treatment for young children is either family therapy, if the depression is related to family stress, or individual cognitive behaviour therapy, according to Professor McDermott. Behavioural therapy includes scheduling pleasant events and rewarding children for getting back into life, while cognitive therapy identifies unhelpful thinking patterns and replaces these with a more optimistic way of looking at the world. Professor McDermott recommends parental involvement in therapy for primary aged children, as parents are “the motivators and the coaches and the rewarders of getting it right.”

Antidepressant medication should not be used as a single first-line treatment for children and young people with mild to moderate depression, according to Queensland Health. If medication is deemed necessary by a child mental health professional, the treatment will be more effective when combined with psychological therapies. “Under the age of 13, most practitioners would say that medication is certainly not the first line of treatment and probably should only be prescribed by a mental health specialist,” Professor McDermott explains. “Medication is something we don’t rush into with primary aged children, although in people with severe presentations it can be very helpful.” Professor McDermott says on rare occasions, depression in children is associated with other medical problems, such as insulin-dependent diabetes, post-traumatic stress disorder or a severe phobia. He explains that children often have complex presentations with several conditions at the same time. Depression may indicate the early onset of bipolar disorder, but most Australian child practitioners believe that bipolar is “extremely rare” in primary age children, according to Professor McDermott.


checklist Your child may be experiencing depression if for more than two weeks he/she: • has felt sad, down or miserable, or irritable most of the time • has lost interest or enjoyment in nearly all of the usual activities. Your child might also be:

• not doing well at school and/or • experiencing changes in relationships with family and friends. If this applies and there are four or more of the following symptoms, your child may have depression. • has lost or gained lots of weight • feels restless, agitated or slowed down • has lost a lot of energy and feels tired all the time • finds it difficult to concentrate or make up his/her mind • feels worthless or guilty • feels that life is not worth living. (Source: youthbeyondblue)

continued on next page...

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KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

00100111 10110010 11001011 00100111 10110010 11001011 00100111





Psychology Clinic & Centre for Autism Life is about to get a whole lot easier for you and your child!

MindMattrz is a specialist clinic committed to helping families with a wide range of conditions. In addition, we specialize in child, teen and adult assessment, diagnosis and intervention of Aspergers Syndrome and Autism. . (Founder, Director OUR TEAM: Tania Marshall, M.Sc uis (Practice Manager),







“Thanks to this program, my child has been able to make a real friend for the first time in his life”


For all enquiries, please contact Angelique or Michelle at 5446 3790 To view testimonials go to


A wide variety of groups running each school term


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Holiday programs/groups available



 Friendship Skills group for 4-6 year olds  Emotion Management group for 4-6 year olds  Sensory Detective Program group for all ages


Keinh and Autism Specialist), Michelle ion), Dr. Rana Manning Angelique Schwartz (Administrat (Sensory Detective Program es Franc Nelle (Psychologist), Johnson (Occupational Creator and Facilitator), Melanie h and Language Therapist) Therapist), Lauren Radley (Speec therapy dog-in-training) and Indigo Nevaeh (pet-assisted - 6 pm) Now open 6 days a week (8 am

A “Centre of Excellence”, providing ‘bestpractice’ multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis, assessment and intervention of children, teens and adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and related conditions. Research shows that the best outcomes for children with ASC and related conditions are achieved when health and education professionals work collaboratively using a team approach to provide high standards of interventions that include support for parents and carers.


































Practical health strategies for busy families With over 15 years in clinical practice, Karen McElroy, has a wealth of experience in women and children’s health. Passionate about children’s health, Karen loves to support parents in making healthy changes across the board, from diet & lifestyle to parenting strategies. Karen also uses safe and effective herbal medicines, homoeopathy & flower essences in her personalised treatment plan for your child. As a busy mother of two young children, Karen understands the importance of simple and practical strategies that work day in and day out. Karen also offers unique Wellness Programs for families that are tailored to your exact needs. These include home visits, kitchen audits & personalised supermarket trips to give you the necessary tools to make healthy and lasting changes. Karen runs popular Children’s Health workshops for parents that are packed with information on nutrition, child development, natural medicines and much more! Call to make an appointment today and start your journey to wellness!

Karen McElroy NATURAL HEALTH SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR CHILD: • Allergies, Eczema, Asthma • Recurrent Infections • ADHD & Autism • Behavioural & Sleep Issues • Picky Eating & Nutritional Deficiencies Clinic at 31 Mary Street, Noosaville ph: 5449 7958


Playing Games for Healthy Minds and Self Esteem Newton’s Apple are the experts in games of all sorts, especially for children. There is no doubt that we all benefit greatly from social interactivity and keeping our minds active. In these difficult times, fun and laughter is the best and cheapest medicine. The team at Newton’s Apple have found from their own experience and customer feedback, turning off the TV and computers, sitting down with children to play a game has remarkable positive effects for everyone. A lot of games take only 15 to 20 minutes to play but the benefits can be lifelong. Most people have fond memories of playing games; the team at Newton’s Apple hear it all the time in their stores, “I remember playing that, it was so much fun”. Some of the many benefits of game play are: • • • • • • •

Social interaction with friends and family as well as strengthened relationships. Building confidence and self-esteem. Stress relief. Stimulation of the mind, maintaining health and wellbeing. Strengthening cognitive thought processes and helping develop analytical skills. Strengthening verbal skills. Learning good sportsmanship will allow children to interact better with others, have a better attitude about life and even enjoy life more as well as learning to share and take turns.


Many young children, especially under 4 years, do not respond well to penalties such as “miss a turn” or “go back”, in this case they have a number of cooperative games where everyone wins and has fun, working together to complete the game. Please feel free to call Newton’s Apple for suggestions of games best suited to you.

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



Help for Depression

Talk to your family doctor or school guidance officer, who can make appropriate referrals depending on the family situation and your child’s needs. Help and support is also available from the following services: Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS): 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) ChildHealth/MentalHealth/index.asp Headspace:

Supporting your child

• Be reassuring and non-judgemental • Speak to the child in a calm, kind and Family support and a harmonious home respectful way environment can make a big difference to how • Encourage feelings of autonomy, optimism a child manages the depression. These simple and competence strategies can help a depressed child feel more • Praise any achievements relaxed, thus forming part of a holistic treatment • Listen to the child with your full attention, plan. acknowledging how he/she feels • After listening, work towards solutions • Have clear and consistent family routines to together reduce the child’s unwanted stress and worry • Help the child get to sleep with bedtime rituals • Be consistent with goals and expectations. like a warm bath or a bedtime story Building resilience • Ensure homework is done at an appropriate time after school, not late at night School-based programs that can increase children’s • Provide healthy meals resilience and prevent depression are available, and • Support social engagement with peers Professor McDermott believes that implementing • Keep the child busy with hobbies, clubs or these programs in primary schools can reduce the family activities need for adolescent mental health services. • Schedule a regular exercise routine for the “If you want to prevent adolescent and youth child conditions, what you need to do is intervene in • Nurture the child’s strengths, whatever they primary school,” Professor McDermott says. may be.

Improving communication It’s important for parents to empathise with the depressed child, who may appear withdrawn and quiet, or anxious and irritable, while struggling with low self-esteem, lack of motivation and dark, gloomy thoughts. Home is a safe haven, so nurture those feelings of security and connectedness.


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

The RAP (Resourceful Adolescent Program) is a school-based program that builds resilience and prevents teenage depression, with components for teenagers, parents and teachers. KidsMatter is a program specifically oriented to primary schools that provides methods, tools and support to help young children’s mental health and well-being.

Kids Help Line: 1800 55 1800 (free call from a land line) Lifeline: 13 11 14 (cost of a local call) MoodGYM: Parentline: 1300 301 300 Queensland Transcultural Mental Health Service: 07 3167 8333 (A service for people from culturally diverse backgrounds) Salvo Care Line: 1300 36 36 22 SANE Australia: 1800 7263 (1800 SANE) youthbeyondblue: 1300 22 4636

For more information, visit these websites: • RAP (Resourceful Adolescent Program): • KidsMatter:


Happy 5th Birthday

Curious Kids Can Curious Kids Can has improved me a lot. Before I started I always came home with some trouble but now I just come home with positive things to say. PW-R

Elissa has helped me understand my emotions and all throughout it, it was fun. I’ve learnt to be more assertive and listen to my intuition. MK

Every time I go to see Elissa she has a big smile on her face and it makes me feel happy. BM-P Google Curious Kids Can and see what other kids have to say. Curious Kids Can taught me how to express your feelings and understand other people’s attitudes. It helped me realise everything has a positive side. JA

When I first went to Curious Kids Can I didn’t know what to think and I didn’t want to do it but after 2 weeks it was heaps of fun! Curious Kids Can…just do it! DW

Change for the better If relationships, parenting, and life in general are making you feel stressed or unhappy, The Integrated Life Centre may be able to help. “We change how we feel about our lives by understanding and changing our approach to the various things that aren’t working for us. I teach people day-to-day skills to help with that,” says Pettina Stanghon, behavioural practitioner, psychotherapist and mother of two, who has been helping people on the Sunshine Coast for over 6 years. The Integrated Life Centre specialises in working with families to understand and overcome behavioural challenges—from toddler tantrums and preschool anxiety to “tween” rebelliousness. Many teenagers suffer anxiety or depression, form unhealthy eating and sleeping habits or become aggressive leaving parents desperate for support. Pettina will tailor a program specific to individual needs to bring harmony back in to the home, helping you reconnect as a family. Ongoing support and aftercare is available either onsite or online, giving you the confidence that help is at hand no matter where you live. Pettina also helps new parents, especially mothers, to deal with the demands of a new baby and post-natal issues, aiming to return them to integrated wellbeing. The Integrated Life Centre offers a variety of services including: • Counselling, NLP, clinical hypnosis and journey therapy

Before Curious Kids Can I hated talking in front of the class but now I have confidence actually getting praise from my teachers. Elissa has changed not just my schooling but my entire life for the better. SP

• Marriage and Family Therapy (weekend & evening sessions available) • Teenage mentoring and behavioural change • Mind Maintenance for Mums


Learn how to reach for the stars Does your kid ever say… • • • •

Curious Kids Don’t! Can your kid…

• Communicate thoughts & feelings effectively? • Understand & manage their emotions? • Think positively & for themselves? • Deal with peer pressure & stress?

Curious Kids Can!

Curious Kids are… • • • •


It’s too hard, I’m dumb! Everyone is mean to me! No-one will be my friend! I’m bored, I hate school!

Motivated to believe in themselves Empowered to overcome their fears Inspired to experience personal success Encouraged to always reach for the stars

MIND MAINTENANCE for MUMS... Mentor Elissa Seib MEd Child Lit, BA Dip Ed, Cert REd, MACE

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"Pettina is like the Mary Poppins of my mind, tidying up all the mess and showing me how to organise my thoughts & priorities!" BLUE CARD HOLDER specialising in working with children and families Rational Emotive Therapist utilising Personal Construct Psychology Certified NLP and Clinical Hypnosis | Certified ADI life coach | PSYCH-K approved practitioner

Visit the website for programs, fees and contact details

Invest in your child’s emotional intelligence


PH: 07 5448 1536 Email: JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


NEW TO THE COAST New to the Coast shares exciting new changes and products by local businesses that cater to Sunshine Coast parents and families. We think local kids and parents deserve just as much choice, style, fun, innovation and value for money as those living anywhere else. So if you agree, please join us in helping these new ventures to get off the ground by taking a look at what they’ve got to offer. And if you’ve got a new business you want to spread the word on, let us know!

OH NO MO! Smarty Safety Book Series: Coolum-based publisher and author Simon Doble has cracked the children’s book market with a colourful series on child safety, seen as the first of its kind to provide kids’ safety messages in one kid-friendly series. The OH NO MO! 12-book series is a true Sunshine Coast production, with the illustrations, production, distribution and sales coordinated through Catbird Media in Cooroy. Mr Doble says he has been overwhelmed by the response. And that is good news for two major Queensland charities, receiving part of the sales price. “We have already donated almost $1,000 to the Daniel Morcombe Foundation and KidsSafe Queensland, and that’s because of word-of-mouth recommendations spreading across the country. “The books are now in many libraries and schools across the country. And there are a fair few on kids’ bedside tables as well.” With three young children of his own, Mr Doble said he had not been able to find any information on child safety that kids would want to read. “The government has targeted us all at work with occupational health and safety messages, but the Aussie children have lacked any coherent text to cover the major risks for children. “I wanted something that would grab their attention and that they would remember, but also that they would love to read. All I could find were government leaflets which were more for the parents than the kids,” he said. “But I didn’t want to be seen to be preaching to the kids – that doesn’t work for my kids, so I didn’t think it would work for others. And it looks like we have pulled that off based on the wonderful feedback we are receiving.” The highly colourful photographs overlaid with painted illustrations feature Mo and his three friends: Archie, Luca and Wil and a rather lively cat who find themselves in risky situations that could turn into a disaster if the right action were not taken. Mum trips over the cat, the youngest almost gets through the open swimming pool gate and in another the children work out how to cope with a bully at school. “The feed-back from teachers, librarians and the kids reading them has been extraordinary. We thought sales would start off slowly, but we have been flatout since we put up the OhNoMo website. Mr Doble chose to publish locally, with photographs by Cooroy photographer Elly Bingham, providing the background for the watercolour illustrations and graphic design by Cooroy artist Maree James, with verse complied from Simon’s stories by former Cooroy resident and poet Patricia Young. Oh No Mo!


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

Be Amazed!

Support for Your Pregnancy & Birth

Outback D and Super Twisted are the latest colourful characters to emerge from the Be Amazed Entertainment dress up box. Armed with balloons aplenty and lots of games, magic, face painting and fun, Outback D and Super Twisted are so cool right now and very eager to entertain at your next party.

My Pregnancy Support Founder, Fiona Coe offers tailored support to women through pregnancy, birth and in the postpartum period and is passionate about helping reconnect women with the knowledge and tools they need. As part of her doula services, Fiona advocates birth preparation and runs specialised yoga and dance classes for pregnant women and new mums with their babies. PH 0422 145 569

Be Amazed Entertainment 0411 177 341

KOTC Family Forum After the success of the first Family Forum, Kids on the Coast are bringing together a diverse group of experts to discuss ‘Tweens and Technology. With social media being a ‘sign of the times’, many parents don’t understand what social media is and what role it plays in children’s lives. The panel is proposed to include a social media expert to educate parents, a policeman to talk about the dangers social media can present, a teenager or their parent to tell ‘their’ story and a behavioural expert to talk about social media etiquette. Both parents and their tweens/teens are welcome to come along. Family Forum: ‘Tweens and Technology’ Keep an eye on the KOTC Facebook page for further details.

Maze Mania is back! Maze Mania Indoor Playcentre and Cafe is a safe, secure venue where your kids can have hours of fun climbing, jumping, sliding and exploring. Maze Mania is now under new management and is cleaned, refreshed and better than ever. From the huge multilevel play structure to the extensive toddler play area, there is something for kids of all ages. Parents can sit back and enjoy the excellent coffee and new menu in the café or why not try one of the free massage chairs. The air-conditioning makes it comfortable any time of the year – a great escape for cold or wet weather (or of course on those stifling summer days!). New discounts are available for playgroups and mothers groups who visit regularly, with child’s entry only $10 including the child’s lunch as well as coffee or tea for mum or dad. There is also the new 10 visit discount pass for only $50, great value for those who visit the centre regularly. Why not have your next party at Maze Mania? There are three party areas and a range of party options, including catered and themed parties. Parties start from just $15 per child (minimum of 10 children) and include entry, food, drink and a return visit pass for the birthday boy or girl. Vegetarian and deluxe party options are also available. Maze Mania is open 7 days and is available after hours for private parties. Visit the new Maze Mania website at to book online and take advantage of bargain prices and no queuing, and sign up to receive free vouchers and special offers. With plenty of parking available, Maze Mania is located at 2/7 Norval Court, Maroochydore. It is an ideal venue for casual plays, birthday parties, mothers groups and private functions. Don’t forget your socks! Maze Mania 4 Kids 07 5451 1100

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


B or n to be Wild ( or Mild ) Does our Birth Order Define Us? by Belinda Hopper Firstborns want to rule the world, lastborns want to change it and middle children are the peacemakers. Firstborns are over-achievers, lastborns are the class clowns and middle children are the lost souls. Much is expected of the firstborn, middle children are overlooked, and the baby is a spoilt brat. How many of these generalisations have you heard? Do they sum up the family you came from? Can you see these characteristics emerging with your own children? The theory is: our birth order impacts, some say defines, the kind of person we become. Advocate, William Cane, author of The Birth Order Book of Love, believes it’s not just our personalities, but that our careers and romantic relationships are also determined by the order in which we happened to emerge from our mother’s womb. Psychologist, Dr Kevin Leman, author of The Birth Order Book believes that character traits of firstborns, middle children and lastborns are evidenced across families, proving a child’s position in the family is the determining factor of those traits. Such definitive claims could give parents little reason to think that parenting matters. But it’s not our birth order, per se, that has such power over who we become; it is more that we parent each child differently, according to their birth order. For instance research shows that youngest children are


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

immunised up to half the rate of firstborns. It’s also true that growing up in the same family can be a different experience depending on whether you have younger siblings, older siblings, or both. Again, parental expectations are different for each child, depending on their age and rank in the family. But is the power of birth order scientific theory, or poppsychology?

Stereotypes, or Science? Dr Alfred Adler, founder of individual psychology in the 1920s was the first psychologist to study birth order and its impact on personality development. Adler looked at the five personality traits of extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience, and argued that it is a child’s birth rank that determines their personality as defined by these five categories. There have been hundreds of research studies since. Even this year, a study at Adelphi University found that “firstborns are typically smarter, but younger siblings get better grades and are more outgoing”. Another recent business study found that firstborns are more responsible with money, middle children are the best savers and lastborns are the most financially irresponsible. Yet for every new study there are those who call the theory bunkum. Like psychologist Judith Rich Harris, author of The Nurture Assumption. Harris says it is

“bad science,” no more than “subjective impressions based on personal experiences, flawed or misleading research, the tendency for research to be published and publicised only if it supports the belief in birth order, the impressions psychotherapists get from listening to their patients, and biological factors”. But what are we to make of anecdotal evidence?

The President Factor It has long been established that most US Presidents and Nobel Prize winners are firstborns. A high proportion of successful entrepreneurs, such as Bill Gates and Donald Trump, are middle children. And as far as creative types and comedians go, the Hall of Fame is lined with babies of the family. So if the common denominator to career choice is birth order and the key to birth order is parenting, then perhaps parenting is more important than we think?

The Parenting factor We might not like to admit it, but research shows we don’t parent fairly--it’s the rare family where you’ll find an equal number of photos of all the children. Parents may not mean to divide their attention unevenly, but unless the age gaps are large enough that the firstborn is at school by the time the second child arrives, middle children don’t naturally get the exclusive attention firstborns receive as the only child, or lastborns receive once everyone else has grown continued on next page...


Do try this at home - with Blue Sky Science Can you imagine how things might have turned out if Albert Einstein was a kid today? With all the mind numbing distractions of TV, video games and social media, do you think young Albert would have been inspired to go on to develop the theory of relativity? Blue Sky Science activities are designed to provide kids with that spark of inspiration that will get them interested in the world around them. Our goal is to inspire the next generation of scientists to want to be scientists. So if you want your little genius to discover how exciting science can be, why not throw a Blue Sky Science party for their birthday? Or come along to one of the fun science workshops being held all around the Sunshine Coast. Check out the range of fun activities on offer at and keep up with what’s happening at

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BOOK YOUR SCIENCE BIRTHDAY PARTY NOW! Kids can explore the FUN side of science at a weekend science workshop any time of the year!

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JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


While firstborns are generally high-achievers, the danger is they can link their feelings of worth directly to their performance. up. And if the age gaps are close, the oldest child can articulate their needs and the baby will make themselves heard; it’s often middle children who are easily overlooked. It’s also true that sometimes parents simply run out of steam, or relax their expectations over the years, feeding the accusation by older children that the baby of the family gets away with anything. Then there’s ‘Position Empathy’. Leman says parents identify most closely with the child who shares the same position in the family as them, and try to minimise what they felt to be injustices of the rank. And if both parents share the same rank, the child might be buffeted from the perceived downsides of their position, as both seek to compensate the child. But it’s important to remember there are strengths and weaknesses to every position in the family.

First Born Benefits Firstborns might complain of being lumped with greater responsibility and expectations than their siblings and of being the guinea pig on whom all the parenting mistakes are made. But there are statistics to back up the claim that firstborns have the edge. Dr Leman’s book, The Firstborn Advantage, details the firstborn’s privileges over their siblings. The advantage stems from undivided parental attention. Even the smallest achievement is praised for the firstborn, leading to greater self-confidence. This leads them to perform well academically, which leads to higher education and higher-paying jobs

than younger siblings. Firstborns are often CEOs of companies, exercising leadership and responsibility skills honed in childhood. The flipside is, having parents teach them how to do everything, firstborns tend to approach things conservatively even into adulthood, as they think there is a particular way that things should be done. Firstborns are often perfectionists and perfectionism is the known enemy of creativity. While firstborns are generally high-achievers, the danger is they can link their feelings of worth directly to their performance. The oldest often takes on a mentoring role, reinforcing what they know by teaching their younger siblings, which reinforces the “bossy” label younger children tend to stick on the eldest child.

Middle Child Syndrome Have you noticed that characteristics of first and lastborns are labelled ‘traits’ but those of the middle child are labelled a ‘syndrome,’ on par with a psychological disorder? Surely that alone could cause the most robust middle child to develop the ‘inferiority complex’ our friend Adler coined! Although, Adler lauds middle children as having the best chance of growing up into successful, welladjusted adults because they experience neither the dethronement of the eldest child nor the overindulgence of the baby. (Perhaps now is the time to mention Adler was himself a middle child – who clearly didn’t have an inferiority complex).

Yet the ‘syndrome’ view of the middle child persists, and is propagated by middle children themselves. There are websites dedicated to ‘Middle Child Syndrome’ where fellow sufferers can share their laments of being “ignored/overlooked/hard done by”. And judging by these testimonies, being in the middle of large families, an odd number of children, or of same-sex siblings, heightens the feelings of exclusion. Feelings which could contribute to the ‘lost soul’ label attached to middle children. According to Cane, middle children can be confused about their identity, taking longer to find their niche talents and skills. This can delay parental praise which is directed at the siblings who already excel in some area, causing the middle child to feel ignored. But the social skills of middle children are welldeveloped above their siblings’. Dr Leman says this is because years of mediating make them excellent diplomats and helps them relate to a wider set of personality types. While it takes longer for a middle child to work out their identity, one thing you can be sure of: they will be the opposite of the firstborn. According to Leman, differentiating themselves from their older sibling is the first step in middle children defining who they are.

The Baby’s Charms Out-sized and out-smarted by their older siblings, the only option available to the youngest child is to outwit. Babies of the family often have a flamboyant humour which they use to disarm and charm their continued on next page...


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

“When children are happy and having fun – they learn” – Gina


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This production is licensed by Frederick Warne & Co. Ltd, 2012. Illustration© Frederick Warne & Co., 2012.

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


Once you know someone’s birth order, it’s easy to see the correlating character traits. But could you have picked their birth orders just from what you know about their personalities and achievements?

older siblings. But when the same charm is used on the parents, older siblings cry foul, labelling the baby of the family the ‘spoilt brat’. Most parents are more relaxed in their role by the time the last baby arrives. This makes for a more relaxed baby and an easy going temperament. And because they turn up after the party is well underway, babies of the family are the most observant of the children and learn to easily read people and situations, often with a comic twist. The ‘wild child’ tag of the youngest is due to their spirited nature. They question authority and are resourceful because they’ve seen there are many ways to approach a problem. But what youngest children call laidback, older siblings call irresponsible.

Exceptions & Exemptions According to Cane, an only child can show attributes of both the firstborn and the baby, as they are functionally both. Twins assume the same position in the family as they are treated the same and turn out similarly. Large age-gaps of seven years or more means the youngest child is effectively an only child, and adopted children display traits according to their order within their adoptive family. It is harder to place the birth order characteristics of children from blended families, as it depends on whether they have step or half-siblings and how much of the time they live together.


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

Gender also plays a role in birth order effects. For instance, middle children with same sex siblings show more traits, whereas being the middle child of opposite sex siblings can reverse the feelings of being overlooked.

Harnessing for Good Whether the Birth Order theory is an inexact science, or a self-fulfilling prophecy, Dr Leman says parents can learn to channel the particular birth order traits of each child for good. Instead of calling the firstborn bossy, see it as leadership training. Rather than stepping in to resolve a squabble, allow the middle child to negotiate. Don’t see the lastborn’s play as just mess, but an opportunity to encourage their creativity. Cane also encourages parents to focus on building up children’s weaker skills. Instead of telling the firstborn how something is done, give them time to be innovative so they learn to look at problems creatively. Create opportunities for middle children to be the decision maker, so they learn to be pro-active. If the youngest child loves to perform, instil inner discipline through chores and practise to help with their creative endeavours.

Fun Facts: Famous firstborns: Hillary Clinton, Winston Churchill, Sylvester Stallone and Bill Clinton

Famous middle children: David Letterman, Richard Nixon, Madonna and Princess Diana

Famous youngest children: Jim Carrey, Billy Crystal, Steve Martin, Cameron Diaz and Rosie O'Donnell.

Famous only Children: Robert De Niro, Oprah Winfrey & Justin Beiber

In the end, it is good that our children have different strengths and weaknesses. We just need to praise their strengths and encourage them in their weaknesses, remembering that children live up to the reputation we give them, whatever it may be.


Discover your child’s potential Fitness & Health

Core Strength Fitness (CFS) is much more than a gym, fitness or martial arts centre. It’s a community of people and families who want the best for their mind, body and soul.

More kids today are overweight than ever before. Statistics show that 7 out of 10 kids are above their ideal weight. But it’s not just the health risks we need to be concerned about. Overweight kids are picked-on more in school. They often get picked last in sports and as a result have low self-esteem. CFS classes will provide your child with a fun, non-competitive yet challenging workout that even the most non athletic kids love. Your child’s fitness levels will improve significantly through their complete workout, building strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, endurance, reflexes, speed, and agility.

Owners Brenden and Antoinette are parents to 3 beautiful girls and know firsthand the issues our families face. The kids program at CSF is more than just a sport, kid’s activity or even any other martial arts program. Sure, your child will learn authentic martial arts and practical self-defence but the real objective of our program is to lead your child to discover their true potential and be the best they can be, physically, mentally and emotionally. Expect life changing results Kids face challenges we never dreamed of before: unhealthy food, sex and violence on TV, drugs in school, bullies, gangs, and predators on the internet. It seems many kids are lacking in confidence, focus, discipline and self-esteem. That is why CFS have created a unique curriculum that integrates traditional martial arts and training with a personal development philosophy that’s guaranteed to bring real, lasting improvements in life’s key areas to help your child achieve. Self-Control & Attention Span

Respect for Self & Others

Has your child ever embarrassed you in public? Are you tired of the crying, fighting or temper tantrums? CFS will teach your child to control their impulses and behave appropriately even when things don’t go the way they want them to. Does your child have a hard time staying focused on anything other than video games? The CFS program will improve your child’s ability to concentrate. Parents have shared that after just a few lessons many of their children’s behaviour had changed dramatically.

During their classes CFS students are taught to have respect for themselves and others. At the start of session they greet their teacher and fellow students with a hand shake. During the session they work together and encourage each other to complete each drill. At the end they all line up and shake each trainers hand followed by each other. Phone 1300 CSF CSF, email INFO@CORESTRENGTHFITNESS.COM.AU 11/100 SUGAR RD MAROOCHYDORE 4558

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JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



Sustainability a way of life for the future Children are never too young to be taught about sustainability and where their food comes from and at New Leaf Early Learning Centre the staff are passionate about encouraging children to learn about the importance of their natural environment through a number of play and hands-on creative activities. From planting new vegetable seeds and caring for them, to transferring and planting out these seedlings in their organic vegetable gardens on-site at the Centre. Children at the Centre are encouraged to take an interest in not only knowing where their food comes from, but how to grow and sustain it naturally. Children are encouraged to water the vegetable garden and pick any produce to place in the basket at the front of the room for the parents to take home. Throughout the program children participate in discussions around sustainability and what part they play in helping to preserve our natural environment. In the Senior Kindy class, children have even made a recycled paper bin and are slowly filling it to make recycled Father’s Day cards later in the year with the old paper. The class are also encouraged to have a rubbish free lunch box and also have a worm farm for the fruit scraps.

One of the classrooms have even been turned into a forest using real plants, recycled boxes, cardboard, paper and bottles which the children have brought in to help create a natural learning environment.


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KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

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JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



Flexible , f u n

‘real-world’ learning-spaces by Kim Lahey “ We have learnt that space is both a fixed and fluid notion. It has an enormous impact on how we feel and think – the very core of our experiences of life,” Stephen Harris

The school day has begun. In this classroom there are fifty or so six-and-seven-year-olds, a truck and a train serving as ‘furniture’, and the kids are writing on the furniture… Back to the vehicles in a moment. First let’s delve briefly into why the design of a classroom, a teaching space, - built-pedagogy - has such power; power to shape the teaching and learning that happens within it. So what are we talking about when we refer to built-pedagogy? Essentially, the ways in which a space is designed shape the learning that happens in that space. As we dig into the goldmine of learning space literature, we unearth three strong


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

reasons to challenge learning-tradition. The first is, today’s learner is different to past generations. Today’s learner favours an active, participatory, experiential learning style. They prefer group activity, believe being clever is cool and are fascinated by technologies (no news there, you say!), the literature reveals. Multi-tasking, goal orientation, positive attitudes, and a collaborative style are their strengths. Next reason? Information technology has changed the face of teaching by offering new scope for interactivity and ‘anywhere’ learning. “I reckon it’s great to learn on a laptop...It’s just different, it’s more modern-day, it makes it more fun instead of working on a piece of paper,” explains

Emily Van Ameyde, NBCS then-year-six student. The third reason for action? We’ve discovered so much more about how people learn. Hands-on active learning works. And learning is a social process. Allow learners to get to know each other and tackle real-world problems and projects together, to collaborate, present their work, and assist others or give feedback, then everyone will reap richer rewards, learning specialists say.

Real-world relevance Cast your mind back to your school-days; how many of the skills you learnt then, do you put to use today?

continued on next page...

Do YOU need quality childcare? We have eDUcatOrs Offering care frOm nOOsa tO calOUnDra • We tailor our services to meet your family’s needs, including casual and OVERNIGHT care. • Flexible family environment • At very reasonable hourly rates • CCB and CCR available to qualifying families WOUlD YOU like tO becOme an eDUcatOr? • Do you enjoy the company of children? • Want to work from home? Be self-employed? • Assist other families with their childcare needs?


Individualised for maximum outcomes Blackall Range Independent School strongly focuses on the individual needs of students and developing educational programs that maximise the engagement of their intellect and creativity. While actively participating in the National Curriculum and its assessment requirements, our educational focus is to present learning that is joyful, challenging, involving and interesting to the students. With teacher/student ratios below 1 to 20, teachers present new learning to students through the integration of broadly based flexible programs rather than as a linear sequence. If you seek an alternative to State and non-government schools, where teachers note and respond to your child’s individual needs, then BRIS may be the perfect learning environment for your child. The school offers Prep to Year 10 classes and is accredited to Year 12.

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JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



“Today’s students often learn better by doing rather than by listening,” Nancy Van Note Chism*

Removal of the front-of-room single focus point, the industrial-era-education model of education, erases the idea that one person will ‘transfer’ information to others who will ‘take it in’. Contemporary teaching sees the teacher as a facilitator, of discussion and discovery; instead of that industrial-era ‘deliverer’ many of us recall so well. Science educator and Sydney Centre for Innovation in Learning (SCIL) director of 21st century pedagogy, Mark Burgess, says the key is to prepare students for the unknown and everincreasing rate of change in the world. What skills will prepare them? Collaboration, to be able to put their ideas out there and not crumble when they are crushed, curiousity, to be a creative problem-solver, to be able to discern what is valuable information, and what is not, Mark says. “Being a self-directed active learner.” Students need the know-how to seek-and-find answers for themselves. And an innovative, resourced space offers them a support-system to do just this.

“Spaces are change-agents. Changed spaces will change practice.” *Dr Diana Oblinger There’s a clear global movement toward education which is more relevant to our ever-changing lives, director of SCIL and principal of Sydney’s Northern


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

Beaches Christian School (NBCS), Stephen Harris notes. Technology presented the chance to be part of this movement for NBCS - a private, co-educational school of 1300 pre-school to high-school students – when the SCIL innovation team began work within the school in 2005 to ‘push the boundaries’ of physical space and IT. Today, there are some striking new open-plan buildings, but this whole-of-campus innovation is focused on an overhaul of existing industrial-erastyle classrooms and systems. A bright new long-truck, boat, wharf, bridges and park benches have ousted traditional desks and chairs (and walls) in the grade one and two learning area. The result is a highly engaging space with the fun-furniture making up work zones. And the furniture doubles-up as whiteboards. “We know the students love them,” Stephen says. Every child’s dream - walls you can write on! The Zone, a huge open space, flooded with natural light and well-stocked with plants, is home for year five and six, and has those writing kinds of walls. Well, walls of the outside of the space. Within The Zone there are sliding glass panels, open most of the time. This is open-plan learning, “It is one group of 180 students with six teachers, not six groups,” Stephen explains. continued on next page...

How would you like to treat your Pre-school aged children to an afternoon of FREE rides & entertainment?

Carnival Under the Stars Saturday 18th August 2012

1:00pm - 8:00pm

We are offering your pre-school aged children free access to age appropriate rides at our Carnival. By presenting this flyer to the Rides booth at the Carnival, they will be issued with a ride band entitling them to ride free for 6 hours on the Jumbo Slide, Merry-Go-Round, Cup & Saucer and Mega Jumping Castle. You can purchase ride tickets/bands for older children at the Carnival. The only condition for the free ride offer is that your child is under 6 years of age & not currently enrolled at Nambour Christian College.

Nambour Christian College offers a quality Christian education for students from age 3 to Year 12, for fees that may be a lot less than you think. Why not take this opportunity to have a look around the wonderful facilities of our College. If you have not visited our campus before, we believe you will be pleasantly surprised.

2 McKenzie Road, Woombye (Ample Parking)

What else can you expect to see at the carnival?

• Kids Corner with heaps of attraction • Show Bags • Early Learning Art Gallery • Fireworks Display • Stalls - cakes, craft, platters, plants, books • Coffee & Dessert Cafe • Non stop entertainment • Chef Laurent Food Court • Farm markets - organic fruit & vegie boxes, animal nursery, horses + more plus plenty of ‘Big Kid’ rides - Dominator, round up, sizzler & alien invader


P: 5451 3333


JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



“180 students + 6 teachers + one agile space + collaborative learning + BYOD (bring your own device) engaged learners + zero behavior issues.”

The group walk into their space, set-up wherever they like, and choose an online task. “If you are using a laptop you can sit on one of the couches, they are just a lot more comfortable than sitting at a desk,” student Alex Roch says. “...or if you do a group task you can go outside and work out there in the fresh air,” student David Madew shares. Teachers move around The Zone, talking oneon-one to students or running workshops with smaller numbers of students as needed. Learning targets are individually tailored for every child, with an individual learning ‘contract’ shaped by their learning preferences. This ‘Learning Matrix’ is based on a combination of Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences - a classification of student’s intelligences or capabilities - and Bloom’s Taxonomy, a classification of students’ learning objectives.

trade-off for them has been the rapid decline in the role of behaviour manager, as this becomes a minor component of their daily function.” The benefit of the change is well captured in this equation, he says. “180 students + 6 teachers + one agile space + collaborative learning + BYOD (bring your own device) = engaged learners + zero behavior issues.” The Zone teacher Skender Cameron says he has learnt so much from his team of six colleagues. “Have you heard of the power of one? Forget the power of one, the power of six in The Zone is even better,” he says.

Student Tanisha Phillips feels learning like this is worthwhile... “because you have a choice of what you are going to do and how you are going to do it.”

Far-from-ordinary furniture features in many NBCS spaces, and students have quite a hand in this. The Year seven and eight ‘Global Learning Village’, also an open, collaborative learning area, features the ‘Racer’ which replaces a chair, desk and locker. The ‘Racer’ is manufactured from a design created by a NBCS year 12 student for his major Design and Technology project. “The result is highly popular with students,” Stephen explains.

With collaborative teaching at the very heart of the re-design, a crucial step for teachers is learning new skills, ‘unlearning’ separate-classroom, separate-teacher skills, Stephen explains. “The

A new creative energy has emerged as teachers across the campus have all embraced the change process, facilitating new ways of learning, Stephen says. “It is a powerful and exciting process.”


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

Winning ingredients Rich learning-spaces are flexible, networked, physical or virtual, seamless, suited to both formal and informal activities, suited to individual or group work. A great space is all about interspersing interactivity, discussion, and group work because this engages learners. So furniture is movable, adjustable (and comfortable!) so it can be reconfigured to suit the activity. A motivating space has uplifting and welcoming layout, decoration, display and colour. And is adjustable and flexible all-round, whether it’s lighting, layout, acoustics. Wireless access allows mobile device use anywhere on the campus and many schools are extending learning spaces outside. Interactive and touchscreen technology and interactive surfaces like walls and windows for creative design, are partand-parcel of real-world spaces. ‘Fancy’ furniture is not a necessity for collaborative teaching; but it does make a difference because it means teachers use the space differently, Mark Burgess (SCIL Director) explains. What is a necessity though? “Collaborative teaching requires outstanding teaching,” he says. continued on next page...

Thursday, August 2

Thursday, August 2


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JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


EDUCATION A rich-learning space is very flexible, allowing a whole range of interspersed activities to keep learners engaged. The fun aspect is vital for this engagement, Mark says. Fun contributes to an atmosphere of ‘I can try anything’, ‘I’m free to learn from my mistakes’ and just the enjoyment of being in a place you like to be in, he explains. “We learn so effectively when we sometimes don’t realise we are learning, but playing,” he says. Fun is also important as it contributes to the level of safety students feel when they enter the space. For the same reason that shopping centres and high-end hotels put energy into their receptions and foyers, a learning space with a high degree of fun and comfort has a positive impact on students, Mark explains.

What are we waiting for?

“The greatest challenge to change in learning is our reticence to simply take action: change the space, change the program, expect high outcomes,” Stephen says. “The formula – do, then think!”

Find out more: Sydney Centre for Innovation in Learning. Northern Beaches Christian School. NBCS Principal Stephen Harris was awarded 2011 Australian Secondary Principal of the Year (NSW) at the Australian Awards for Outstanding Teaching and School Leadership. – e-book Learning Spaces, edited by Diana Oblinger, is a collection of learning-spacedesign research and ideas from US highereducation faculty, learning technologists, librarians and authors, including Nancy Van Note Chism* and Dr Oblinger* who are quoted in this article. - The Partnership for 21st Century Skills advocates life and career skills, together with information, media and technology skills, to ensure students acquire the skill-set needed for life success.

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KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! Come along & support our school fundraiser



& FAMILY FUN DAY • Build your own billy cart and join in the racing, contact the school to register • Garage sale, book sale • Petting farm , Face painting • Amusement rides and activities, pay as you ride or purchase a wristband for unlimited rides • Plant and produce stalls, art and craft stalls • Food court • Silent auction AND MUCH MORE!

Noosa Christian College, Belli Creek Rd, COOROY Ph: 5447 7808

REGISTER NOW TO BE IN TO WIN A free term’s worth of fees, personalised Kiddie Kicks soccer t-shirt & kids soccer ball (valued at $155).


JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


Calendar Sunshine Coast 2012


A calendar of regular weekly events is available online. For details of playgroups, library activities, weekly sporting events, craft classes, Australian Breastfeeding Association meeting times and much more, visit

1-8 July

The Ginger Factory “SUper Savers” Where: Yandina When: 9am – 5pm daily Each day, five special ‘buy one get one free’* offers will run hourly, ranging from free scoops of homemade ice cream and muffins, to free rides on Overboard and the Ginger Train with a double deal purchase or free admission into the live bee shows with every ticket purchased. Cost: Free

2-6 July

2-6 July

HAPPY FEET TWO CRAFT ACTIVITY Where: Riverwalk Stage, Sunshine Plaza When: 11am to 2pm daily The kids will love creating Happy Feet Two craft to take home. * Characters will not be appearing at this event. Cost: FREE

Varied activities at Libraries across the Coast When: Various times throughout the day From a Kids night in and Olympic Medal making to Rhythm Culture West African Drumming there is something for everyone. Check the library website for what’s on at your local library Cost: FREE Ph 1300 LIBRARY

20-21 July

8 July

FAMILY DAY Where: Noosa Regional Gallery When: 11am to 2pm Creative activities for families relating to the current exhibition. Cost: FREE. No bookings required. Ph 5449 5340.

CREATIVE GENERATIONSTATE SCHOOLS ONSTAGE 2012 Where: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre When: Check website for details Brilliantly choreographed and costumed, the show involves more than 1500 young singers, dancers and musicians alongside some of Queensland’s leading professional artists. Cost: From $14.50

28 July

Each week, Monday to Saturday Maleny Dairies Farm & Factory Tours

Where: Maleny Dairies, McCarthy’s Rd, Maleny When: 10:30am & 2:30pm. This interactive tour includes hand milking demonstrations, a tour of the dairy and a baby animal farm. Bring a picnic and enjoy the countryside. Kiosk now open with coffees, milkshakes, soft serves and sundaes. Cost: $9 per person.


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

Where: Noosa Civic Food Court Time: 10am & 2pm daily Miss Donna will be clowning around in the Food Court performing her live circus show, followed by a balloon workshop after each show where children can learn to shape balloons and take one home with them. Cost: FREE Ph 5440 7900

7-14 July

6 July

TRACKY DACK DAY Organisation: TLC for Kids On July 6, ‘dack up’, and wear a pair of trackies to raise awareness and money for kids battling illnesses in hospital. Simply hold your own ‘Tracky Dack Day’ at your School, Workplace, Club or with your mates; collect a gold coin donation from everyone who participates and deposit the funds via the TLC for kids website. If you can’t dack up, you can wear a sticker to show your support.

21 July

SCRAP IT recycled art Where: Butter Factory Arts Centre When: 10am to12noon Create free form sculpture work from recycled materials. This is the first in a series of free family orientated workshops at the Butter Factory Arts centre, next family day is Saturday 18 August 2012, same times. Cost: FREE Ph 5454 9050


Where: Butter Factory Arts Centre When: 10am to 4pm, Participants will learn how to make a ring & other forms from flat acrylic sheet & sterling silver. They will learn how the acrylic reacts to sawing, filing, sanding & polishing & explore the possibilities of using acrylic to add colour to designs. Participants will also have the chance to investigate use of other alternate materials & natural fibres. Cost: $55 plus $60 materials Ph 5454 9050

2- 6 July


Where: The Workshops Rail Museum, North Street, North Ipswich When: 9am to 5pm, daily Build it! is a history lesson delivered in a fun and interactive way. Walk in the footsteps of past workers with interactive activities that let kids explore the different trades that were carried out on this historic site. Cost: $20 Adult, $11.50 Child, Children under 3 Free Ph: 07 3432 5100

27 July


Regular Events

1- 15 July


Organisation: Planet Ark Each year around 250,000 Australian school students participate in Schools Tree Day - a special National Tree Day event just for kids. It’s a great opportunity for children to learn about nature, get outside and have fun at the same time. This Schools Tree Day, all schools and their students are encouraged get involved and plant some trees for a healthier planet! Get involved:

7 July

KIDS CLUB Where: Caloundra Regional Gallery When: 10am to 12noon Creative activities for families relating to the current exhibition. Cost: FREE. No bookings required. Ph 5420 8922

Where: Australia Zoo, Steve Irwin Way, Beerwah Time: 8am to 5pm Bindi Irwin is turning 14, & Australia Zoo is transforming into the ultimate bootcamp adventure! With performances from the Jabbawockeez, the Queensland Police Dog Squad & the Australian Defence Force. Cost: $59 Adult, $35 Child. All kids under 14 years FREE when accompanied by a paying adult. Ph 5436 2000

28 July

London Olympics Party Where: Mystery Island Kids Club, Maroochy RSL When: From 7pm Come compete like an athlete, all in good fun, with our Mystery Island Olympic mini games. Cost: $2.50 junior members, $4.50 non-junior members Ph 5443 2211

31 July & 28 August

27 July

Sunshine Coast’s got Young Talent

Organisation: Lifeline Australia Stress Down Day is a fundraising event to help cover the cost of running Lifeline’s 24 hour telephone counselling line - 13 11 14. Workplaces participate by enjoying a day of stress reducing activities, including wearing casual dress to work, in exchange for a donation to the cause. Get involved:

Where: Caloundra Surf Club When: 6:30pm to 8:30pm Circle of Sound presents Sunshine Coast’s Got Young Talent, an Open mic Variety night aimed at ages between seven to 17 years. This family event is designed to give students a chance to develop their confidence and perform for a very welcoming audience. Ph 0438 452 025

Stress Down Day

4TH Sunday of every month MINI STEam train rides

Swampy Gym


Where: Buderim Pool When: Wed 11am - 12noon & Thurs 2pm 3pm. Bring your baby for an hour of watery fun with swim toys, small inflatables, kickboards and music. Friendly, qualified instructors are on hand to give advice and tips.Cost: $6 for the first child and $3 for any subsequent children in the family. Newborns to five years all welcome! Ph: 07 5445 6685

Where: Kiah Park When: From 11am Saturday to 7am the following Saturday Includes accommodation with adult supervision, great meals, arena lessons, trail rides, learning how to keep and care for a pony/horse, gymkhana, animal feeding, collecting chook eggs, cow milking and fun night activities. Cost:$720

24 July


Every week Storytelling

Where: Sunshine Coast Libraries When: Various times see website for details. Storytelling sessions for pre-schoolers, babies and parents occur weekly at every library across the Sunshine Coast and are free! Cost: FREE.


Where: 1 Florence St, Nambour When: 10am to 3pm. Ride on 5” and 7¼” gauge Miniature Railway Model Live Steam and Diesel Locomotives. Tea, Coffee and Drinks available. Bring a picnic and stay for the day. Cost: From $3. Ph: 5450 8340

Where: Roma Street Station, Brisbane When: 10:10am and 11:40am on selected Sundays. All aboard! It’s Big Loud Fun as you board the steam train at Roma Street station for a one hour trip through the City. Cost: $20 Adult, $11.50 Child (Under 15 years), $59.00 Family (2 Adults, 2 Children)

* We publish information based on what is supplied to us - to the best of our knowledge all details were correct at time of printing, however we do recommend you check event details with the organisers.


7 August

1-7 August

WORLD BREASTFEEDING WEEK Organisation: United Nations World Breastfeeding Week aims to protect, promote and support breastfeeding, the best way to provide newborns with the nutrients they need. Get involved: or 5455 4455

11 August


Where: Australia Zoo, Steve Irwin Way, Beerwah Time: Garage Sale 8am to 11am; Zoo open 9 am to 5pm. Beerwah’s Great Garage Sale! Dust off your unwanted goods & bring them along to Australia Zoo. All monies raised will go to help support the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital! Cost: Garage Sale: FREE, Australia Zoo Admission: $59 Adults, $35 Child

17 - 19 August

40 Hour Famine Organisation: World Vision Australia The 40 Hour Famine is one of Australia’s biggest youth fundraising events. Raise money by spending 40 hours fasting, and getting a taste of what it’s like to go without. Get involved: au/40HourFamine.aspx

3 August

4 August



Children’s Medical Research Institute Jeans for Genes Day is the major fundraising event for the Children’s Medical Research Institute, who is on a mission to reduce the number of children born with genetic illnesses. Get involved:

11 August

Eighties Party 25 August


Where: Mystery Island Kids Club, Maroochy RSL Both nights are from 7pm Cost: $2.50 junior members, $4.50 non-junior members Ph: 5443 2211

Where: Caloundra Regional Gallery When: 10am to 12noon Creative activities for families relating to the current exhibition. Cost: FREE. No bookings required. Ph: 5420 8922.

Where: Riverwalk Stage, Sunshine Plaza When: 9am, 10am and 11am Enjoy storytelling with our favourite Madagascar character and have your face painted. Cost: FREE.

12 August


Where: Noosa Regional Gallery When: 11am to 2pm Creative activities for families relating to the current exhibition. Cost: FREE. No bookings required. Ph: 5449 5340.

Organisation: RSCPA Cupcake Day for the RSPCA is the biggest bakeoff in the Southern Hemisphere and involves Cupcake Cooks around Australia baking cupcakes and hosting a Cupcake Party to raise vital funds for the RSPCA. Get involved:

11- 19 August

NATIONAL SCIENCE WEEK Organisation: Department of Education National Science Week celebrates the contributions Australian Scientists have made to the world. There are loads of ways to get involved – go to an event, visit your local museum, take part in the online national project, organise your own event or get your school involved in an activity. Get involved:


August 19 - Sunny Coast Baby and Kids Market Where: Nambour PCYC, Youth Avenue, Burnside When: 8am - 12noon Pre-loved handmade clothes for under-fives. Cost: Entry $2 July 27 & August 31- (Last Friday of every month) - Nambour’s Moonlight Market Where: Town Square, Low Street, Nambour When: 5 - 9pm. The Nambour Friday Moonlight Market is more than a market. It is a community event with food, fun and entertainment for the whole family. Ph 5441 8339 Every Wednesday & Saturday - Eumundi Markets Where: Memorial Drive, Eumundi When: Wed 8am – 1:30pm, Sat 7am – 2pm. You’ll find original artworks, sculptures, furniture, handmade toys, homewares, and skincare, as well as cutting edge fashion and jewellery by local designers, all guided by our ethos of “we make it, bake it, grow it, sew it”. Cost: FREE entry.



Where: Sunshine Coast Libraries across the coast. Sunshine Coast Libraries spend the week celebrating books and Australian authors and illustrators. Libraries will hold displays and activities to highlight the importance of reading. This year’s theme is... Champions Read. Cost: FREE

July 22 - Sunny Coast Baby and Kids Market Where: Caloundra Indoor Stadium, North St, Caloundra When: 8am – 12noon. Pre-loved handmade clothes for under-fives. Cost: Entry $2

15 August

24 August

18-24 August


July 14 & 18 - Mammas Market Where: Buderim War Memorial Hall, Cnr Main St and Gloucester Rd, Buderim When: 9am - 1pm. Mamma’s Market is a high quality boutique style market with a focus on handmade, unique items and services catering to pregnancy, baby, children’s and family needs.Cost: FREE entry


Organisation: Cancer Council Australia, With one in two Australians diagnosed with cancer by age 85, there’s every chance your life will be affected. No matter who you are, Daffodil Day is for you. There are lots of ways you can get involved with Daffodil Day - make a donation or buy merchandise during August or order merchandise to sell.

24 - 26 August

Kiah Park Weekend Horse Riding Camp Where: Kiah Park, Beenham Valley Road, Beenaam Valley When: 6pm arrival, 3pm departure Weekend camps include arena lessons, trail rides and a gymkhana. Cost: $240 Facebook/MysteryIslandKidsClub

tickets on sale I-BUNYIP July 3 Lake Kawana Community Centre Sing-a-Long-a Sound of Music July 27 to 28 Playhouse, QPAC, South Bank, Brisbane Happy Birthday Peter Rabbit August 23 The Events Centre, Caloundra

Sleeping Beauty October 25 Imperial Russian Ballet Company The Events Centre, Caloundra Fairy Tales - Stories of Hans Christian Andersen December 1 to 19 QPAC, Brisbane

Treasure Island August 21 Lake Kawana Community Centre

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


BABIES on the coast

Photography by Belinda Kelly-Mandalis

Ideally, giving birth is a joyful, positive experience for a woman. In reality, many women feel let down by our maternity system and an increasing number are employing a doula to support them in achieving the birth they want. ‘Doula’ is a Greek word meaning ‘woman’s servant’. It has now come to mean a trained and professional woman, experienced in childbirth, who can provide non-medical physical, emotional and informational support to a pregnant woman before, during and after the birth. The overall goal of a doula is to care for the mother, working to ensure the woman feels safe and comfortable. There are birth doulas and postnatal doulas – many are trained in both.


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

What does a doula do? A doula is employed by the parents to work as part of the birth team in whichever setting they choose to have their baby, whether it be a public or private hospital, a birth centre, or at home. She does not have a medical role or perform clinical tasks. She does not make decisions for the couple, but is able to give balanced information about the options available and support the parents’ decisions. Renee Adair, director of the Australian Doula College, believes that a doula helps a woman ‘navigate the system’. “Our ability to just be there for a woman, without judgments or an agenda, and to be on her side, is by

far the most valued part of our role. Laboring women are so grateful for the continuity of care and for our relaxed and calm input and suggestions to assist them and their partners when they need it most,” Renee said. A birth doula helps the mother prepare for the birth. This may include creating a birth plan or referring the mother to other services. A doula supports the mother at home during early labour until it is time to leave for the hospital. She helps the labouring mother, offering guidance on breathing, relaxation techniques, movement and positions for active labour. Comfort measures such as massage may be offered. She will help the couple make informed choices as the birth proceeds and stay with the family for an hour or two

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JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


BABIES on the coast Attending births is like growing roses. You have to marvel at the ones that just open up and bloom at the first kiss of the sun but you wouldn’t dream of pulling open the petals of the tightly closed buds and forcing them to blossom to your time line. - Gloria Lemay Canadian midwife and doula educator

Photography by Belinda Kelly-Mandalis

after the birth. One or two follow-up visits at home are sometimes included in the package. A post-natal doula supports the mother at home after the birth. This may include breastfeeding support, massage, light home duties, or perhaps caring for older children so the mother can concentrate on her new baby. The role will vary depending on the mother’s needs.

Why hire a doula? Susan Ross, founder and director of Birth Right, is a midwife, doula, trainer, and author of Doulas:Why every pregnant woman deserves one. “All the research shows that having a continuity model of care is very important. Unfortunately, the true continuity lies with having a doula. A doula is representing only the woman/partner’s wishes, whereas a midwife’s first priority is to follow all the policies and protocols of a hospital,” Susan said. “Every pregnant woman needs an advocate, one who understands how the hospital system works, and how obstetricians, anaesthetists and midwives think. (Doulas) learn how to negotiate with staff, whilst remaining very respectful, but also making sure the woman has the birth experience she desires, as long as it is safe for mother and baby.” “The most common cause of complications during labour is fear… Birth is a normal event: it is not a medical event,” Susan writes in her book. “(Women) go into birth believing that their birthing bodies are


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

inadequate, but that they can be ‘delivered’ by drugs and technology, even when these interventions take them further away from normal and gentle birth for their babies.”

What are the benefits for mother and baby? Several research studies indicate improved outcomes for mother and baby when a mother has the support of a doula. These include fewer caesareans, fewer complications, less need for drugs to speed up labour, less pain and fewer requests for epidurals. Mothers express greater satisfaction with their birth experience and suffer less post-natal depression. Babies have shorter hospital stays, less need for special care nurseries and breastfeed more easily. It seems that when you are pregnant, everyone talks about birth plans. Tess Youd from Cariad Caring Doula ( says that when thinking of your birth plan, think realistically, “One should keep an open mind with the knowledge that sometimes things don’t go as we would like, so therefore, I prefer to call them “birth wishes”. Just because you have a birth plan, doesn’t mean you aren’t ‘allowed’ to change your mind at any time. No one will think any less of you. After all, when you write your plan up, you’re not giving birth! “Try to keep your birth plan short and sweet, a novel may sound good at the time, but realistically, by the time the midwife has finished reading it, you may have

already birthed! Your Doula will help with wording of your plan/wish.”

An instinct for caring Belinda Kelly-Mandalis, from Beautiful Beginnings ( explains that “a doula is often referred to as the “missing link” in maternity care, because the medical care providers often don’t have the time to offer the sort of care and comfort that a doula can, as they may be looking after other women at the same time. As well as this, medical staff often can’t provide massage for the labouring woman for hours on end, or simply be in the birthing room as emotional support. “Today’s birth servants are what midwives of old were: women who are with women during birth. They occupy a totally different space to those at birth with medical training, they’re focus is not on all the things that can go wrong in birth. Rather the birth servant’s focus in on serving the woman in labour, making her as comfortable as possible and assisting her in getting the birth experience she wants for her and her baby, ” shares Belinda. I asked Belinda if the dads feel left out with a doula assisting at the birth. “Doulas allow Dads to experience birth! Having a doula present allows Dads to witness birth in whichever way they are comfortable. A doula can hold mum’s hand so Dad can see the baby being born or can take pictures of the birth. A doula can support mum while Dad tells continued on next page...

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JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


BABIES on the coast


a doula Talk with two or three doulas before engaging one that you are comfortable with. Try to identify your primary reason for wanting a doula as this will help you find the doula with the skills and personality to match your needs.

10 questions to ask a doula 1. What training have you had? 2. Are you certified? By what organisation? What were the requirements for your certification? 3. Tell us about your experience with birth, personally and as a doula. 4. What is your philosophy about childbirth and supporting women and their partners through labour?

Photography by Belinda Kelly-Mandalis

Lynda Gray from Glasshouse Mountains hired a doula for her second birth.

was determined to have a natural birth vbac (vaginal birth after caesarean) for my second birth. I did a lot of research online, in textbooks and spoke to a lot of midwives about the process of birth. What I discovered during my research was that if you have had a previous caesarean, if you hire a doula you will have a 60% chance of achieving a natural birth, as opposed to a 14% chance without one. That to me was a fantastic statistic.”

“My first birth was by emergency caesarean section. I have found, as many other women I have spoken to, the recovery from this procedure is long and difficult - both physically and emotionally. Since I was an older mother over 35, when I went to give birth and requested a natural birth, I was advised against it. I

“I had no idea what a doula was. I was blessed to find Pernille from Birth Connection. Doulas support both you and your partner in any birth choice you make. They are non-judgmental about your choice be it natural, caesarean or vbac. They come to your home for a few visits and discuss with you everything

her she is the most powerful woman in the world. The options are endless. Doulas do not replace Dads! A partner will always have something over the doula, you love and know your partner!

Doulas support you and your birth choices

5. May we meet to discuss our birth plan and the role you will play in supporting us through childbirth? 6. May we call you with questions or concerns before and after the birth? 7. When do you join women in labour? Do you come to our home or meet us at the hospital or birth centre? 8. Do you meet with us after the birth to review labour and answer questions? 9. Do you work with back-up doulas that cover for you when you’re not available? May we meet them? 10. What is your fee? (Source: continued on next page...

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KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

2HR COMPREHENSIVE COURSE Minimum group size of 6 people only - 7 days a week WE COME TO YOU

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Nurturing your child’s journey Currimundi Community Kindergarten offer a child-centred, play-based, natural learning environment. You will find established climbing trees, a mud digging patch, veggie gardens, bike paths, gardens, sandpits, natural landscapes and cubbies to explore. They have their own art studio, light studio and construction area for children to explore and create in as well as a secret garden and beautiful indoor/outdoor play space. The Kindy groups are staffed by highly trained, passionate early childhood teachers. In each group children will work with an Early Childhood teacher and Program Assistant. For continuity and the strong formation of relationships, the teaching staff and other children in the group will remain constant throughout the year. Come for a visit! We have an open door policy and you and your child are welcome to have a look around anytime.


Currimund i Kindy Carnival!

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Bed Wetting | Learning Difficulties | Ear Infections | Irritable Babies | Feeding/Sleeping Dressing/Bathing difficulties | Flat Head | Constipation | Headaches | Reflux | Colic

Safe & Natural Treatment for EAR INFECTIONS & BEDWETTING

After trials in the UK revealed that Hypnosis Gastric Band Programs had up to a 95 % success rate in helping people lose weight safely and keep it off, it is now available on the Sunshine Coast. A leading hypnotherapist from the Mind Design Centre team that launched the program on the Coast said, “Rather than costly and serious surgery, we use the power of suggestion in hypnosis to train the mind and body to feel completely satisfied with far less food.”

Thank you Dr Scotty!

The program addresses issues such as food choices & portion size; stress, comfort or boredom eating; food cravings; motivation to exercise; and self-confidence & stress reduction. The only thing to give up is yo-yo dieting. Research shows that incorporating hypnosis into your weight loss program can more than double your success and your ability to keep it off. If you have been challenged by weight issues in the past, you can now learn how to conquer it once and for all. For more information contact the Mind Design Centre team on 1300 664 544 or 0468 849 536.

Dr Scott & Dr D’Arcy have successfully treated many or both of these conditions without the use of medication


Ear Infections- Gentle neck adjustments help the eustacean tube in the ear to drain properly, helping to clear the infection Bedwetting- Gentle lower back adjustments correct nerve communication between the bladder & brain, causing the child to wake when their bladder is full.


Dr D’Arcy Brown has been part of the practice now for 2 years treatin g adults, babies and children and has very similar techni ques to Scott. He has a specia l interest treating pregnant mothe rs for back pain & sciatic a and for those who are carrying a posterior or bre ech baby.

CALOUNDRA Shop 11 Centrepoint Plaza, 50 Bulcock St, Caloundra KULUIN (Maroochydore) Shop 3, 2-4 Melaleuca Street, Kuluin

5491 7743

Preferred providers with Medibank Private and MBF

Hypnosis Gastric Band Weight Loss Groups


Easy & Permanent Weight Loss 6 week Program

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P: 1300 664 544 M: 0468 849 536 or JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



BABIES on the coast

Photography by Belinda Kelly-Mandalis

Restoring your confidence with bladder control Dr Petra Ladwig from Suncoast Women’s Centre understands the problems most women face after giving birth. One of the most embarrassing side effects is often incontinence which can occur due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. A lot of women simply put up with this as the natural course of being a woman after child birth but this need not be the case. If addressed early these problems can be managed, improved and even cured by something as simple and painless as sitting in a chair, fully clothed for 20 minutes!

you want and need to know about birthing. They lend you books and videos so you understand the process. Unlike going into a hospital class with many other mothers, they spend quality time with you. You can discuss anything with them.” “The best part about having a doula is they believe in you, look after you through your whole pregnancy and birth experience (they ‘mother the mother’) and they are with you right from the start of your contractions until the end. They don’t leave the room like all the other health professionals. They don’t get stressed like birth partners can. They help you write a birth plan and know what you want for your birth experience. They believe you can do it. They also look after the other birth partners if needed. They come and see you after the birth to see how you are.”

The pelvic floor controls your urinary, bowel and sexual functions yet these muscles are your most neglected. The new ‘Wave Brilliance’ Magnetic Pelvic Floor Stimulation chair (magnetic chair) uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve impulses which rapidly flex and tighten your pelvic floor muscles. This is the equivalent of approximately 200 pelvic floor contractions every minute at 20 times greater the intensity than the patient can do themselves! It is the ideal way to kick start or regenerate the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles to restore strength, endurance and continence. Treatments are tailored to individual patients but a typical therapy program consists of two 20 minute treatments per week for eight weeks. Of course children are most welcome to attend with you and can simply sit and play whilst you undergo your treatment. For more information about the new Wave Brilliance magnetic chair treatment phone the Suncoast Women’s Centre on 5437 7244 or visit Suite 5, 5 Innovation Parkway, Birtinya (Kawana). Medicare rebates available.

“The only regret is that I didn’t hire a doula for my first birth…A huge reason I was able to achieve my birth my way was because I hired a doula.”

Availability and costs The number of doulas working in Australia is rapidly increasing. Website www. lists 12 doulas on the Sunshine Coast in June 2012. The cost of a doula’s services in Queensland ranges from $400 to $1500 to support a birth. Costs vary according to qualifications and experience, the amount of time they spend with the mother before and after the birth and extra services that may be required. The basic cost usually covers two home visits during the month before baby is due, on-call telephone support in initial labour, attendance at the labour and birth and a follow-up visit at home after the birth.

For further information Doulas: “Why every pregnant woman deserves one” by Susan Ross, Rockpool Publishing. (Doula training)


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012


Martial Arts revolution transforms Sunshine Coast lives Sunshine coast parents are calling it nothing short of a miracle, that suddenly they have a motivated, positive child in the home. Schoolteachers, too, are noticing the improvement in these youngsters.

Forget about associating martial arts with violent kicking and chopping, or the breaking of bricks with the forehead – an exciting new brand of the art is now taking Sunshine Coast by storm, and transforming the lives of adults and youngsters alike. Hundreds of towns throughout the UK are already benefiting from the remarkable Matt Fiddes Martial Arts Schools – and now there’s a regular class operating at Caloundra, Kawana, Buderim, Nambour, Mudjimba and Coolum with separate sections for adults, juniors and tots … or ‘Mighty Matts’ as they prefer to be known. Youngsters just love the fun and games at their classes, and the chance to emulate exciting Martial Arts techniques, not just boring repetitive drills which other classes may serve up. And while they’re having fun, they’re learning valuable life skills … like concentration and first aid, how to say ‘No’ to bullying, how to have self-respect and show respect, and how these values are important in everyday life. For perhaps the first time in their lives, the youngsters are shown respect by their instructors who call them Sir or Ma’am, while they return such courtesies, always with a little bow. The young members even have homework which includes getting parents to complete and sign a tick list, which certifies that their youngster is courteous and has completed certain tasks around the home, and finished school homework.

Adult members of the class are no less enthusiastic. For some it’s become a fun and inspirational way to gain suppleness and tone, or lose weight. For others, the Matt Fiddes classes have put the spark back into their lives – providing them with motivation and self-belief, a disciplined Black Belt lifestyle, and the chance to meet like-minded adults. “The secret of the success of Matt Fiddes Martial Arts Schools is that Sixth Dan Master Fiddes has put together a challenging but fun programme, which extends and challenges both members and staff … and compulsory monthly staff training keeps everyone fresh and motivated.”






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FREE SUNGLASSES for your children when they get their eyes examined by a Looking Smart Optometrist.

Did you know… 30% of children have some type of eye condition that affects vision?

Free pair of sunglasses

In most cases if the eye condition is detected early enough, exercises can be given to avoid it developing into a vision problem at school. In some cases vision problems exhibit themselves in children who have short attention spans but often are undetected by the parents or carers.

(Up to RRP $19.95) for each of your children when they have an eye examination with a Looking Smart Optometrist. (Age Limit from 2 years - 12 years)

At Looking Smart Optometrists we recommend a vision test for every child who is 2 years of age or older.

Easy parking

We bulk bill all eye tests so it costs you nothing to have it done, and you can feel secure that you are looking after your child’s eyesight.

Tests are fun for children

The test takes approx 15 minutes

All staff hold a current blue card Looking Smart Optometrists bulk bill

All eye examinations provided the patient has a Medicare or DVA card


Phone: 5439 7844

KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

Near Coles at Pelican Waters Shopping Centre, Pelican Waters Blvd, Pelican Waters Email: info@LSOPTOM.COM

We specialise in treating unsightly varicose & spider veins with no surgery and no down-time. The procedures are performed by a qualified Physician Dr Hugo Pin Cosm.Ph. in less than one hour. So why don’t you call us and say goodbye to your unwanted veins?

WE ALSO PROVIDE TREATMENTS FOR: • Varicose Veins (Laser & Injections) • Spider Vein • Skin Cancer • Wrinkle Treatments • Dermal Fillers • Injection lipolysis • Vein Gogh for facial veins

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JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



Over the last sixty years we have become increasingly reliant on synthetic chemical products in cleaning, building, maintaining and furnishing our homes. Many parents often find themselves cleaning their home like crazy, because they want to make sure their home is clean for their children. Marketeers commonly persuade us that a germ-free, sparkly home is safer for our children. But do the products we use actually cause more harm than good? Unfortunately most parents have no clue about the harmful toxins found in many household cleaning products. Many find themselves using bleach to clean items bought at yard sales, and even to clean walls or bathrooms, even highchairs, but in fact some of these common household products are now known to be hazardous to our health. Unfortunately our babies and children, even in utero, are at even greater risk when exposed to these chemicals.

Clean by Chaley-Ann Scott 46

KiDs on tHe CoAst – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2011

What is wrong with household cleaners? According to Safer Solutions, an initiative by the Department of Environment and Climate Change in NSW, “many modern day illnesses such as asthma, allergies and hyperactivity in children are now being linked to chemicals that we are exposed to daily within our homes. It is now widely recognized that babies and young children are at the greatest risk from this chemical exposure” .

A pregnant woman, for example, can pass the toxins from common cleaners to their unborn child. Greenpeace also recently found that chemicals found in perfumes and cleaning products can cross the placenta. According to recent research, the reason these cleaners are so damaging is because they commonly contain ingredients such as formaldehyde, phenol, benzene and toluene, which have all been linked to cancer and proven to be toxic to the immune system.

Why are children at greater risk? The research and clinical trials on the use of household cleaning products, and the effect it has on our children’s health and the environment are just too numerous to be ignored. The reason children are at greater risk is because they are still developing, and because they spend much of the day putting things in their mouths. Especially toddlers, they seem to put anything and everything in their mouths that they can get their hands on. The bottom line is that our children are exposed to chemicals from the moment of conception because chemicals can cross the mother’s placenta and reach the embryo and foetus during key developmental stages. Cleaning our homes with household chemicals means we are literally breaking down our children’s bodies and putting them at risk of many life threatening health concerns




Sometimes early intervention can avoid complicated orthodontics later.

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Groups of 4 mothers & over - If attending weekly or fortnightly it’s only $10 per child including entry & lunch! Mums get free coffee or tea.



07 5451 1100 2/7 NORVAL COURT, MAROOCHYDORE, QLD 4558

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



keeping a clean home

THIS IS it, all you will ever need to have a clean home that protects your family and the environmenT

pure soap flakes





Why are these products allowed to be on the market if they are potentially dangerous? Why indeed. There are many campaigns and initiatives to make it illegal for these products to be marketed for household use, or at least to place a warning on them. Currently in Australia and the US, however, manufacturers are not even required by law to list all the ingredients.

What products should I avoid? Products that contain these ingredients may be best to stay well away from: Petrochemicals: commonly listed as ethylene, propylene, benzene, benzol, annulene, phenyl hydride, diethanolamine, triethanolamine, monoethanolamine, and xylene.


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

Tetrachloroethylene: also called perchloroethylene. Naphthalene Methylene chloride: also called dichloromethane Ammonia Chlorine

What’s the alternative? There are a wealth of eco-friendly products in your supermarket or online. However, making your own products is both cheap and easy, and currently it is the only way to know for sure exactly what it is in them.


move away from commercial cleaners that can be quite a culture shock. Give yourself time to adapt, and just remember though that even if you used the above methods most of the time, and then only occasionally compromised and reverted to a chemical solution when nothing natural seemed to work, you would still be making a huge difference in your family’s chemical exposure and consumption. That reduction in chemical exposure will have a direct effect on the health of your family and of the world.

What if some doesn’t work for me? Remember that commercial product marketeers have convinced us that ‘clean’ sparkles and smells like bleach. It doesn’t, and when you first start to

continued on next page...


Don’t miss the Fun & Games! Join our Kids Club to receive invitations to regular special activities and surprises.

New locations for Cherub Childminding You’re invited to CCM’s 1st Birthday & Open Day: Saturday 11th August from 10am-2pm, with face painting, jumping castle, goodie bags, organic sausage sizzle, market stalls and other games and prizes to be won, meet CCM Educators and view one of our Family Day Care Services - RSVP to CCM: Cherub Childminding Services Family Day Care Scheme is so much more than Family Day Care; with the non for profit organisation: Cherub Charity, Between the Lines: Readers Group and Creative Cherub group. CCM has waitlists at various locations for children and Educators to join their extended CCM family. CCM completes all your childminding needs: for weddings, events and more. They will tailor their services to suit your needs. CCM also facilitates Playgroups and Children’s Birthday Parties. For more information please do not hesitate to contact CCM on the details below or look up each CCM group on Facebook:

We Provide : ls

• Organic Mea

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ASBESTOS – Here’s Why You Should Be Concerned… Did you know that it may only take one asbestos fibre to create a MAJOR respiratory problem including lung disease (asbestosis & mesothelioma) which can lead to lung cancer? Once detected, there is usually a very short lifespan, no chance of recovery and no cure for either disease. Homes and buildings built before 1990 and especially 1987 may have fibre cement sheeting or other asbestos containing products. Incredibly when you rent or purchase a home, there is currently NO duty of disclosure for the landlord or vendor to inform you of the asbestos that may be present in your home. Do you know if your home is safe?

So how do you find out if your home and family are safe? • Call Safe Asbestos Management on 1300 425 433 for an obligation free chat. • One of our highly trained MAKESAFE assessors will come and assess your risk, they’ll identify and MAKESAFE any dangerous broken asbestos. That’s right! They’ll reduce your exposure immediately. • Your MAKESAFE assessor will educate you, create a comprehensive report and perform a FREE roof cavity asbestos check on the spot.

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



The basic building block of all cleaning products is soap. Pure soap is the best thing you can get if you want to cut out the chemicals and reduce the chemical sensitivity problems in your life, not to mention the great impact you will be having on the environment. Don’t forget if it’s toxic to you, it is toxic to the environment as well.

Multi-purpose cleaner:

- Pure soap flakes (Sunlight or Lux),

Oven Cleaner:

- Borax

- 1 cup or more bi-carb soda - Water - Two teaspoons of pure soap

- Bi-Carb soda, - White vinegar, - Any essential oil, - 6 clean spray bottles. That’s it, all you will ever need to have a clean home that protects your family and the environment, and it takes no time at all to make up.

Window Cleaner: - 1/4-1/2 teaspoon pure soap - 3 tablespoons vinegar - 2 cups water - Spray bottle Put all the ingredients into a spray bottle, shake it up a bit, & use as you would a commercial brand. The soap in this recipe is important. It cuts the wax residue from the commercial brands you might have used in the past.


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

- A teaspoon of liquid soap - 10 drops of any essential oil (less if tea tree) - 3 tablespoons of white vinegar - Water Combine the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake.

Sprinkle water generously over the bottom of the oven, then cover the grime with enough bi-carb soda that the surface is totally white. Sprinkle some more water over the top. Let the mixture set overnight. You can easily wipe up the grease the next morning because the grime will have loosened. When you have cleaned up the worst of the mess, dab a bit of liquid detergent or soap on a sponge, and wash the remaining residue from the oven. If this recipe doesn’t work for you it is probably because you didn’t use enough bi-carb soda and/or water.

Air Freshener - Essential oil (3 teaspoons) - Water Any essential oil that you like the smell of works fine, and you can play around with the quantity. I keep

this in the kitchen and give a spray around when I need to freshen the room.

Mould Killer Nothing natural works for mould and mildew as well as this spray. I’ve used it successfully on a mouldy ceiling and a mouldy shower curtain. Tea tree oil is expensive, but a little goes a very long way. Note that the smell of tea tree oil is very strong, but it will dissipate in a few days. - Tea-tree oil (2 teaspoons) - 2 cups water Combine in a spray bottle, shake to blend, and spray on problem areas. Do not rinse. Makes two cups.

Washing Powder - Bi Carbonate Soda (one part) - Borax (one part) - Pure Soap Flakes (one part) - Stain Remover If there are stains, I add a few drops of white vinegar directly to the clothes and the wash. Also, bi-carb with lemon juice can help on whites. REFRENCE: Recommended reading:


Matters to consider when separating Garland Waddington understands that separation and divorce is an extremely emotionally draining, confusing and traumatic time. Some questions to consider when seeking legal advice are:

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Separating Married: Have you been separated for 12 months? De Facto: Have you been separated for 2 years? Married: Has anyone applied for a divorce?

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Parenting and Child support Are you involved in making decisions about important issues concerning your children such as where they attend school, what last name they used, what religion they practice and where they live? Do you spend time with your children as much as you would like and do they spend as much time with you as they would like? Are you paying or receiving the right amount of child support for your families’ circumstances? Property What are your current assets, including superannuation, available for division? Who contributed to the acquisition and maintenance of those assets? Who was the primary homemaker and caregiver to the children? Who is going to look after the children in the future? Who earns the most? Who is able to get money from another source in the future? Spousal maintenance Do you have money to support yourself while you are taking care of the children after separation, retraining or finding a job? Does your former partner have the capacity to pay you while you reestablish yourself? Please contact Candice Rosborough, our family law solicitor, for your initial 30 minute FREE consultation. Phone 5443 4866 or email


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The Chefs Toolbox is an Australian owned company which marries fast yet flavoursome recipes with clever kitchenware, to make cooking easier, healthier, faster and a lot more fun! Sharon McWilliams, mum of three, would like to introduce you to this exciting direct selling company. As a consultant you will run your own business, in one of the most enjoyable possible ways with flexible hours working from home or through running interactive cooking parties which are very social, informative and a fun way to demonstrate professional kitchenware. You don’t need to be a chef or a professional salesperson. Along with great income, training and support The Chefs Toolbox offers you working freedom.

For more info contact Sharon McWilliams on 0408 206 220 JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


parentville by Aleney de Winter

Present this voucher & receive


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Visit us at *excludes swing sets, trampolines, sales items and layby’s. Valid until 31.8.12


Around the World in Eighty Plays This morning my son packed his bag (with all the necessities - Elmo, a plastic dinosaur and sultanas) flung it nonchalantly over his shoulder and announced that he was off to climb the Eiffel Tower. Having a mum who writes about travelling with kids for a living my pint-sized Phileas Fogg is a savvy traveller who, though positively frenzied at home, astounds with his cool and calm on even the most eye-reddening long haul flight. In fact, flying makes him so uncharacteristically co-operative, there are times we’d consider living on an airplane permanently. That isn’t to say that the way we travel hasn’t had to change. Along the way we have learned that travelling en famille means compromise because, let’s face it, boutique hotels, endless museums and art galleries are not the way to a boy’s heart, and endless whining isn’t the way to ours. But travelling with kids isn’t hard. Being a parent is! Just like home, there is frustration and fun. We’ve realised that it’s not about the kids adapting their behaviour to suit us; it’s about us adapting our expectations and using our imaginations to make it fun for them through regular play. Sure, we need to stop when we want to go and go when we want to stop and there’s a whole world of public amenities out there that we’ve discovered through the hummingbird-sized bladder of our son. But he’s also made us look at the world afresh, through his joyously unjaded eyes.

Discover confidence, creativity and communication skills Improve your child’s self confidence through acting, voice training, improvisation & movement

Now when we travel, there’s more laughter, more merriment and far less selfconsciousness. People talk to and welcome us more through the common language of being parents, and the lunatic antics of our kids. Our travels have seen my eldest learn to hula, or “bottom dance” as he dubbed it, in the Pacific; ride a dribbling dromedary across the desert; rub lamp after lamp in a Middle Eastern Souk - convinced that at least one must be harbouring a blue genie voiced by Robin Williams; and lord it up on an imaginary horse through the laneways of Venice clipclopping all the way, looking and sounding for all the world like a scale version Monty Python movie. He’s even captained an old wooden “pirate” ship in swashbuckling style around the fortified walls of a medieval city - complete with feathered pirate hat, fake parrot, and terrified passengers (at least they would have been had they known a three-year-old was at the wheel).

ALSO RUNNING - Juniors (7-12 years) - Seniors (13-17) - Adults (15+)

Our tiny travel bug spends hours perusing brochures and planning his dream holidays. “I want to go to Africa and ride elephants next, Mama... or maybe a shark.” Right. Count me out of that one, Sharkboy. I’m thrilled that he’s keen to explore, the only fly in the ointment is that my compact travel-size companion still doesn’t quite get that destination-wise “everywhere in the whole world, ever” is not only a logistical impossibility but the economics involved are more suited to the Jolie-Pitt clan than ours.


Luckily, my loopy little astral-traveller is as happy to let his wild imagination fly and just like today is often found packing a bag, ready to dash off, in his mind, to wherever has taken his latest fancy - whether that be China, Croatia, or Currumbin!

Be a star in 2012 – For an information pack including a 2012 timetable phone Mary on 0418 795 186 or email

With no-one to blame for his itchy-feet but myself, as he heads off to “Paris” to climb his imaginary tower, all I can do is wave him off with a happy, “Bye-bye baby boy. Bonne chance”!

‘THE LANGUAGE OF PLAY’ S NEW CLASSES FOR 2-5 YEAR OLD ! *limited spots available - book now


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

goodhealth National Prescribing Service

Confused? Generic & Branded medicines National Prescribing Service (NPS) has developed a quick question guide designed to help parents make a safe and confident choice between medicine brands.

Ms Kaye says pharmacists will only offer an alternative brand of a medicine if it is bioequivalent to — that is, it works exactly the same way as — the original brand.


The 5 questions cover what parents and carers should ask their pharmacist when they are offered a different brand of their medicine so that they make the right choice for them. New research from NPS found that 74% of Australians who take prescription medicines were offered an alternative brand of one of their medicines by their pharmacist the last time they purchased it. Of those offered a choice, 72% accepted the offer and purchased the alternative brand while 25% stayed with the brand they were originally prescribed.

“When the patent for a medicine expires, other companies are able to manufacture medicines containing the same active ingredient and dose as the original brand. This means both brands have the same effect on your body,” says Ms Kaye.

1. Is it okay for me to choose a different brand of my medicine?

“For some people the benefits of choosing a different brand, such as a lower price, may not be worth the drawbacks, such as adjusting to a different-looking medicine packet. People with certain conditions or in certain circumstances may be advised by their doctor to stick with their original brand.”

3. Is there a difference in cost?

NPS Head of Programs Karen Kaye says that with changes to medicine pricing arrangements, the cost to consumers of many medicines will drop and some brands may become less expensive than others. “Many people will be offered different brands of their usual medicines and, for most people, cost will be an important issue,” says Ms Kaye. “Ultimately the choice lies with the consumer but it’s important people know that if they are offered an alternative brand of their prescription medicine, it will be just as safe and effective as their original brand.”

Medicine mishaps with generic medicines often come about because people don’t realise that the new brand of medicine is intended to replace an existing brand. Keeping a Medicines List is one way to keep track of the active ingredient in each medicine you’re taking to ensure you don’t double up. “If you are confused or unsure, talk with your doctor, pharmacist or health professional who can help work out which choice is best for you,” says Ms Kaye.

questions to ask when you are offered an alternative brand of medicine

2. What are the benefits and disadvantages for me if I use a different brand? 4. Which of my usual medicines does this replace? 5. What is the active ingredient in my medicine? Information about making safe medicine brand choices is available on the NPS website, bemedicinewise/brand_choices. People with questions about their medicines can also call the Medicines Line (1300 MEDICINE or 1300 633 424), Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm EST.

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



Meet sue frost Producer of the Women’s Lifestyle Expo Just over four years ago, the Women’s Lifestyle Expo was a pipe-dream for Sue Frost; something that she has been mulling over starting since she moved to Australia from her native New Zealand. Sue has always worked within the community. For many years she was a counsellor helping people who had drug and alcohol problems; working one on one with these men and women, accompanying them on their journey of rehabilitation and reintegration into a society that had long forgotten them. 54

KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

Creating the Women’s Lifestyle Expo

Biggest Learning Curve

The idea for the expo came about after many chats with friends, in particular women, about how to get more involved within the community, how to make a difference within the community on personal and commercial levels. Originally it started with a goal to help not- for- profit organisations, which evolved into fashion and lifestyle exhibits which has grown and grown each year. The Expo started out as a one day event which evolved into a two day event as attendees numbers increased. Each year, attendance has nearly doubled; with more than 8,000 people attended over two days last year.

The biggest learning curve for Sue has been believing that you can really do anything once you put your mind to it. When Expo started, attendance was approximately 1,000 people and in four years it has grown to more than 8,000 people. Sue has watched the Expo grow beyond what she could have hoped for or imagined!

Sue is producer and event organiser of Women’s Lifestyle Expo for the past four years. The Expo is an annual event where women can come together and enjoy a free, fun day out and visit the many exhibits, workshops and presentations. The Expo provides community focused exhibits as well as exhibits on lifestyle, fashion, beauty, health, finances, home to name a few. Sue is also involved in a mentoring and helping families connect through workshops as part of her ‘Inspire’ program Family Family is extremely important to Sue. She has been married to Darrel for many happy years. They have two beautiful daughters, Michelle and Nicole, as well as three grandchildren, Kayla (12), Noah (3) and little Saraya (1) who she loves spending time with. Sue also has numerous ‘adopted’ daughters from over the years from working within the community and through her mentoring.

Family Connect Sue and her team have started developing Family Connect. Kids on the Coast is excited to partner with the Women’s Lifestyle Expo team to work on this fantastic initiative. It’s a base for connecting families on the Coast, especially newcomers to the area who don’t have a support network here already. It will help give information on all manner of things that we take for granted living here many years. It is a work in progress and more information will be available soon. The Women’s Lifestyle Expo 2012 is about connecting. The Expo provides exciting and refreshing opportunities to be spoilt and captivated by more than 120 exhibits and a huge variety of workshops, all designed to meet the needs of women of all ages, cultures and interests. The 2012 Women’s Lifestyle Expo will be held on Friday 14 & Saturday 15 September 2012 at the Lake Kawana Community Centre (Sportsmans Parade, Lake Kawana)

Life defining moment There have been a couple of big life defining moments in Sue’s life; however, one highlight has been watching each of her grandchildren come in to the world. On a professional level, it was Sue’s recent award win out of 200 nominated businesses in Queensland. Sue won the ‘Emerging Leader’ category in the Project 200 Gala Awards at the Hilton in Brisbane produced by What Women Want.

GymbaROO KindyROO and


INFANTS (8wks to 12mths) TODDLERS (1-3yrs) PRESCHOOLERS (3-5yrs)

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Photographic studio opening at Shop 28 Ann St Nambour Plaza (inside)

GymbaROO is an established research-based educational

Australian program for children between 6 wks & 4 yrs old GymbaROO is designed and taught by professionally qualified instructors

Classes held at the Goodlife Community Centre, Buderim on Wed, Thurs, & Fri!!

Contact Rachel: 0403 897 842

check our website for details!


Ph 5441 7054

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


Are your kids driving you bonkers? Sick of scouring books and websites for answers? Well Hot91.1 is here to help. Send us your kiddie conundrums and our very own Todd & Sami along with Jan from Settle Petal could be coming to your rescue. Find out more about Settle Petal at If you’ve got a parenting question you’d like answered email it now to breakfast@


I have a 3 year old son who recently seems to have an aversion to swimming. Previously he enjoyed swimming lessons, but now he cries almost throughout his own lesson. Nothing particularly trau matic happened, but he seems really afraid. Am I better to stop him from swimming for a while until he is older or stick with it? SAMI Well, I am no Laurie Lawrence but I would suggest sticking with it dear ‘Swim Mum’. Who can blame the tacker for not really loving swimming lessons at the moment as he would probably rather be rugged up nice and snug while watching TV and eating warm chicken nuggets. Oh hang on, that’s my fantasy, not his! But we live on the Sunshine Coast and I feel it our duty to make sure our little ones can swim for fear they fall in a pool or river and disaster strikes. My little one is eighteen months old and LOVES swimming classes. It could be the fact it is a play session with some other little toddlers who have become her swimming buddies or it could be the reward at the end when I give her a packet of sultanas. Yes, she is too little yet to realise sultanas are not at all a treat but in fact their only goodness is the fact they are loosely related to the food family that bottles of wine also hail from! Are you following my logic here! Anyway, little Avalon waddles up to the edge of the pool with her gorgeous chubby little legs and bomb dives in her cute polka dot togs and sinks straight to the bottom. Her


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

enthusiasm is spectacular. Her actual swimming ability is spectacularly bad! But I am determined to keep up the lessons during Winter as I have covered so many stories over the years as a journalist where little ones have drowned. I had the pleasure of meeting Laurie Lawrence recently and he actually took Avalon for a swimming lesson. It was quite a fright for a mother to watch as our Aussie larrikin threw my only baby girl around as if she was a sack of potatoes and was so rough with her. You know what? Avalon loved it! Laurie’s advice to me was this “Loose hands make the best mothers in the pool”. No he didn’t mean have a grope with the hot swim instructor in the pool with you! He meant we all tend to clutch our bubs tightly to our bosom in the pool to make them feel secure but the more you let them bob around and be free, the more confidence it gives them. So dear ‘Swim Mum’ please try to persevere, which I know is easier said than done. Perhaps take Junior for a treat after the lesson or just try to make the class as fun as possible with singing and bright toys. And do not forget to give yourself a treat as lessons are exhausting! You can pick if you would rather sultanas or skip that stage and head straight for the bottle of wine!

JAN - From Settle Petal From personal experience – as a young child I stopped swimming lessons after I was thrown in the deep end without a bubble on my back (I guess that was the way they did it back then!). It was frightening and I wasn’t encouraged to continue lessons with any positive input, and to this day I am still not confident in the water and don’t have a love of swimming. Children are constantly learning and gaining competencies through play and experiences. At three years old it is important to consider whether these experiences are positive or negative ones. Ask your son what he is afraid of. It could be something he has misinterpreted that he saw about water on television or in a book - children don’t understand fact or fantasy until they are seven years old. Speak to your son’s swim teacher and get some helpful ideas to try during the lesson. It could be getting in the water with him, having your swimmers on and sitting on the side of the pool ready to support him when needed or enjoying fun games in the water. If his teacher is no help, either change teachers or change swim schools but don’t opt out of swimming lessons altogether as learning water skills saves lives. Be positive and encouraging and continue water play at home to keep the love of water and the enjoyment of water play alive.



Strawberries, award winning ice-cream and more! There is more to McMartin’s Strawberry Farm than you would expect. Of course you can pick your own strawberries or buy from the stall 7 days a week in season, from 8.30am to 4.30pm. However a visit to McMartin’s Farm is worthwhile for their award winning, gourmet ice-cream, made with their own fruit. The ice-cream won Champion Ice-cream at the Fine Food and Wine Competition at the 2012 EKKA. There are no entry fees to the farm and once you have picked your strawberries you can sit back and relax in the café, enjoy a light snack, coffee, tea or a sundae made with their award winning ice-cream! McMartin’s Strawberry Farm has been family owned since 1945 and is located just outside the beautiful town of Bli Bli on your way to the Maroochy River at Lot 7 Sports Road, Bli Bli (next to Maroochy Wetlands). Phone: (07) 5448 4912.



Mc Martins FARM

Strawberries. Home made gourmet ice creams, jams, devonshire tea, souvenirs & much more.

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(next to Maroochy Wetlands) Awarded Champion IceCream 2012

Clothing Gifts and Toys for boys and girls Ages 0000-14years

End of Sports Rd Bli Bli


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Drop in for a chat with your local Goodstart Centre Director today. Enrol now for a good start to a great life.

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


It’s All About

t e love tha h t n w o s& et sh ’s don’t gk at these fab find is d a D s e Sometim rve. Have a loo w Dad he really they deseas on how to sho Day! great ide ted this Father’s apprecia


Father’s Day throne Transform a lawn chair into a throne that literally puts within his reach everything he needs to be king for a day.

What you’ll need: - Lawn chair, clamps, tape, or string, wire, scissors, various chair accessories Suggested accessories: Clip on fan, back scratcher, plastic snap-on holders, newspaper, foot soaking tub, stubby cooler & beer of choice, travel pillow, selection of snacks, mini pool table or basketball hoop, red carpet/towel, or slippers.

how to make it: 1 Use tape, clamps or string to attach appropriate accessories from a shade umbrella to a back scratcher to a stubby cooler. 2 Fashion a halo made of wire to hold Dad’s favourite hat or crown and attach it to the back of the chair. 3 Include a bell for Dad to ring for service.

Playtime with Dad Infinity Martial Arts has always believed fathers play an important role with their child’s development and seen the skills learnt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes as the perfect fatherchild bonding activity. Now some excellent Australian research has proven what they already knew. A University of Newcastle Child Development researcher has found intense, physical play - such as that between children and fathers - may be as central to emotional and brain development as the nurturing traditionally associated with mothers. Researchers found fathers who participated most wholeheartedly in wild but good-humoured rough play were more likely to rate positively their children’s usual behaviour and social skills. So how can taking Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes help you with this? By learning how to wrestle effectively, you will be able to understand how to move around with your kids without hurting them, and you will also be able to show them the right way to move. In addition, the BJJ classes will keep you fit, and that is also an important part of being an interactive and engaging father. Head Instructor Neil Owen, who teaches at all Infinity Martial Arts academies, himself a father of 2 boys said “I don’t get to spend as much quality time with my family as I would like… but through Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling and training with my son, it has provided the key father-son bond that we both crave.” As a special promotion for Father’s Day, Infinity Martial Arts is offering a voucher that you can collect from any of our academies Infinity Martial Arts or phone 1300 853 161


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012


Here it is The GUS. We have 2 of these beautifully crafted pieces to give away, valued at $240 from Koolaman Designs The richness of the soft kangaroo leather coupled with the stylish simplicity of the hand stamped sterling silver pendant, makes the standout leather koolaman designs cuffs a definite must have. VISIT OUR KOTC WEBSITE TO ENTER

Whether you are looking for a touch of masculinity with the wide leather cuff, or the chic style of the braided leather there is something for everyone” Lisa says. “The cuffs can be worn traditional or trendy, casual or formal – they are so versatile’” “We like to think that pieces from our new collection will add a little bit of grit and sizzle to any look. They are a little bit tough, and a little bit elegant – perfect for the Australian man or woman. “Whilst leather may be a hot new trend this year” Lisa says, “The ‘Hide Collection’ is both timeless and personal, an undeniable factor in the success to date of the Koolaman Design range. The special names and phrases that people choose to have hand stamped on the pendant never date with each holding its own sentimental meaning to the owner,” she says. This unique jewellery is distributed via an online retail store and at various fairs and markets. View the ‘Hide’ collection online at

Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope. ~Bill Cosby

Capture special moments

Throw pappa from a plane! Win a 10,000ft Skydive over Coolum Beach

Studio Pix Ph 5441 7054

Father’s Day Special

Better Dads

Spoil Dad this fathers day with a delicious delivery of Cake Pops!

A gift box of 12 Cake Pops in a flavour of your choice, with a fathers day card for $36.00 The Cake Pop Boutique

Father’s day is about remembering the love you share with the man you call Dad. A great way to do this is have Studio Pix capture this bond in a family portrait or a keepsake. All packages include a CD and prints.

Better Dads is a community for Fathers who want to be Better. Sharing information to help the single, divorced and busy out of touch dads.

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


Let’s celebrate

Outsourcing Parties When you are organising a party, sometimes it is easier to outsource a few things… or even the whole party. We asked our Facebook readers what they have outsourced for a party; what worked and what they would change or do themselves next time.


Ask a friend to take photographs! Lucky me had an extremely talented friend coming along who grabbed my camera. If not for her - there would have been very few pics of the day

Jodie-Lee Pinterest I say, use Pinterest for planning and inspiration. I just did a rainbow party for my turning 7 yr old and am on Saturday doing a camping party for My girl turning 10! All of the ideas, arts & crafts, cakes, decorations were obtained from Pinterest! We are making glow jars, dream catchers & eating tee pee cupcakes etc, I love it! Paul: My wife wanted a huge party to celebrate our twins 5th birthday; however our son was only 4 weeks old – so we called a party planner. It made everything so much easier and didn’t cost as much as we expected. Our twins had a fantastic time, we got to spend more time talking to other parents and playing with the kids, rather than worry about the running of the party and there wasn’t much to clean up at the end. We will certainly do it again!

Lily Belle I’ve used the same party company a couple of times (Pirate + Circus themes) and they were fantastic. It was just so easy - everything was done for me. All I had to worry about was the food and cake. I’ve also had a Wildlife Party (a hit with the younger boys). Having the kids entertained, occupied and organised means happy children and relaxed parents. I’ve also learnt that less is more in terms of the guest list - a maximum of 8-10 works best.

Brooke I plan some details up to 8 months in advance for some parties. Google is a great tool for cake ideas. eBay is good for decorations. In the past I have done it all myself, this year I plan to add a jumping castle.


Our daughter is 2 soon. We are having a Dora party early in the day, then the adults will stay until late. I have found eBay is the best place to buy and with help from family and friends, we always have a successful time, both adults and kids! Easy!

Katie: I have held an enamelling party for my daughters 10th birthday. 8 kids together, the lady brought the kiln to our home and the girls learnt how to enamel your own necklace they could take home with them. Great fun and something a little different. I did all the food myself though. Jodie

I hate doing the food for parties! I always outsource the food, someone to take photos and someone to help with the games and even then I am still exhausted! I love to theme and decorate


I outsourced my baby shower last weekend to a girlfriend who has just started her own business doing high teas. She brought all the fancy tea sets, cutlery etc. and we had the best afternoon at my Mad Hatters Baby Shower Tea Party.

For more ideas, check out our facebook page

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KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

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JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


Let’s celebrate

Adventure Family Holidays - PART ONE by Jackie Goldston Are you planning your next family holiday and want something a little more adventurous? Whether you are enjoying a staycation or a trip to Europe our adventure holiday ideas will get your imagination flowing and keep the kids busy by day and sleeping well at night!

experience all the fun indoors. *available Monday nights only at the Noosa Leisure Centre ph. 54405444

Swimming with seals

Rock climbing Yes – I am talking real climbing with ropes and harnesses, not just walking up a path! Rock climbing is a fantastic way to develop trust, build self-esteem, and learn personal responsibility, as well as gaining a better understanding of our natural environment. There is no better place to try climbing than at Victoria’s Mt Arapiles or Grampian Mountains. Climbing is a technical sport and can be dangerous, so book an experienced guide to assist the whole family learn to rock climb (try Arapiles Climbing Guides There is a rustic campsite at the foot of Mt Arapiles or for the Grampians, try one of the many beautiful cabins, houses or B&Bs at Halls Gap. For something a little closer to home, there are a number of good sized indoor climbing centres in Brisbane. Urban Climb in Brisbane’s West End has harnesses that will fit a typical 3 year old – so if your little one is keen to get on a wall they can


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

I remember my first swim with seals and it is something that I will never forget. Getting up close and personal with the seals at an aquarium in the early 1990’s was a once in a lifetime experience. On the Sunshine Coast we are lucky to have the opportunity to take part in an interactive swim and play with these lovable creatures at Underwater World at Mooloolaba; perfect for the young (must be 13 years old) and the young at heart. If you want to get away from Queensland, check out Sea All Dolphin Swims ( based from historic Queenscliff, just outside of Melbourne. Experience the magic of dolphin and seal swims through a blend of adventure and education in the Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park, world renowned for its rich biodiversity and unique marine life (suitable for children with water confidence under their parent’s supervision). Get online and check out the ‘Swim with the Seals’ competition on our website.

Cave exploration Just outside the Blue Mountains, NSW (another wonderful location for rock climbing, and also some stunning walks suitable for all ages) is the amazing Jenolan Caves ( About 2 ½ hours’ drive from Sydney airport you can explore 11 spectacular caves, with underground rivers and breathtaking formations. You can choose from guided tours, children’s tours, night tours (including ‘Legends, Mysteries & Ghosts’ tour) as well as adventure caving

and live music deep underground. The caves range from very flat and well lit, to needing helmets, lights and ropes, with a cave for all ages and abilities. The Jenolan Caves has its’ own accommodation; however the Blue Mountains are only 40 minutes down the road (towards Sydney) and make a fantastic base for an active family holiday. There is a wide range of accommodation in Katoomba (home to the Three Sisters) as well as a wellestablished café culture and interesting shops to explore.

Horse riding Have you always wanted to ride off into the sunset? We are lucky to have many horse riding holiday options available within a short drive of the Sunshine Coast. For a beach riding holiday why not try Tassiriki Ranch ( with cosy cabin-style accommodation and boutique horse riding activities, around 2 ½ drive from the Sunshine Coast, near Ballina. Tassiriki offer rides suitable for nervous beginners through to intermediate riders, with safe guided beach rides for families (kids must be at least 10) as well as pony rides for younger children. Closer to home Kiah Park ( is a horse riding camp for children, established in1978 and situated in the beautiful Beenaam Valley 20km east of Gympie. Suitable for children from 6 years of age with all riding abilities welcome, Kiah Park offers a variety of experiences for your children from half days through to camps. We would love to hear about your adventure holidays and will be sharing more ideas over the coming editions.

Camps every school holidays with full accommodation & adult supervision Ages 6 to teens Beginners welcome Childcare rebate

even kids need their own luggage

7 DAY CAMPS 7 – 14 July 22 – 29 Sept 29 Sept– 6 Oct WEEKEND CAMPS 24 – 26 Aug 19 – 22 Oct (long w/end) DAY TRIPS AVAILABLE IN THE HOLIDAYS

1/19 Sunshine Beach Road, Noosa Heads Ph: (07) 5447 5333

Just mention “Kids on the Coast” at UnderWater World’s front reception for





Ph: 5486 6166

Open daily 9am – 5pm Phone 07 5458 6280

*Terms & conditions apply. This promotion is valid for an adult or pensioner/senior admission, not valid for students. Offer valid until 30/09/12. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer.

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


Parents in business

XS Entertainment:

MEET XANTHE & SAM COWARD - Interview by Jackie Goldston -

It is hard to pin down exactly what XS Entertainment is and what Xanthe and Sam Coward do, as it is so varied. But one thing that is unmistakable is their devotion to their six year old daughter Poppy. Sam is the President of the Sunshine Coast Theatre Alliance and the Director of (among other things) Shout! The Legend of the Wild One, which caused quite a stir in 2008. Xanthe is a qualified, registered teacher and drama & vocal specialist, having taught in Sunshine Coast schools and studios for over 10 years. She reviews Brisbane’s main stage productions, maintains an entertainment blog and coaches performers of all ages. Sam and Xanthe are passionate about the theatre and the arts; “We’re theatre makers. Our industry is the Performing Arts Industry, which is gradually becoming recognised on the Sunshine Coast as a valuable tourist attraction as well as providing the locals with some food for the heart, mind and soul. The theatre we choose to get involved in ranges from community work with local theatre companies to


KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012

large-scale events and spectacle theatre projects in unconventional spaces.” So how does their daughter Poppy, 6, fit into the mix? Xanthe explains, “We’re busy and we’re a bit unconventional. When we tell friends we’ll arrange a catch up or a play date in 3 months time, we’re not kidding! We don’t do routines, except for getting Poppy to dancing and swimming and yoga. She says she wants to make paper dresses and props for our shows and she coaches both of us, often learning our lines and lyrics before we do! Homework happens anytime (and not usually at home) and more often than not, we’re all at the theatre or taking a breath at the beach.” How do you balance family and work demands? We’re lucky that our only child is excited to be a part of the industry. She’s practically grown up in our local theatres and loves getting involved and being given a job back stage so it’s no trouble to have her with

us when we’re working. Sam enjoys his job – it’s very rewarding – but it’s a challenge to put on that suit early each morning after a late night in the theatre. We’re a good team and we support each other so that the bills get paid and we have some fun. What has been your most life defining moment? Poppy is our best collaborative production to date. Xanthe, what inspired your career change? I stepped away from the school system when I had Poppy and began to write. As a passionate advocate for the theatre, I was frustrated in a schooling system that was not catering to creative ways of thinking and was not encouraging artists. What business advice has had the biggest impact on you? Engage with your audience. This is old-school advice for actors but when we apply it in business, it means that not only do we build a strong presence online, we value the time spent networking

who created her business White House Celebrations out of nothing when she saw a gap in the event management market. We love working with Min because she schedules everything, making Sam follow to the letter, a detailed run sheet! What does a typical working day look like for you? Sam is a senior manager at STEPS Group Australia, which is a leading training and job placement company for people with disabilities. He’s the one who has kept the day job. We do most of our creative work in the evenings and rehearse on the weekends. While Poppy is at school, Xanthe has time to write, blog, read a play or the latest industry news and work one-on-one with performers who have finished their schooling. After school, Xanthe coaches singers and actors at Dance Edge studios in Kawana. and creating with people in real life and that’s where the real business still happens. What has been the biggest learning curve for you since becoming a working parent? Time management. We are still no good at it! We have to schedule meetings with each other just to catch up and find out what’s been happening in each other’s world. Who are your business role models? We both admire the tenacity and passion we see in Min Swan,

What would be an ideal day for you? Our ideal day is one of theatre making. We love the creative process, from inception, to rehearsals, to staging a show and if we could do that all day every day we would. What do you like to do in your spare time? We go to the beach or to the mountains. We have our favourite cafes. We see lots of great theatre; whether or not I’ve been asked to review a show, it’s something we all love to do.

What’s the motto you live by? Live now. What would you consider your greatest business achievement so far? We staged a production of Arthur Schnitzler’s risqué play, La Ronde, then reimagined it and took it to Sydney for the Fringe Festival in 2010, where it was well received. Its many reincarnations since have opened many doors for us, nationally and internationally. Where do you see yourselves in five years? We want to be creating and producing inter-disciplinary spectacle theatre and large-scale musicals on a regular basis on the Sunshine Coast and all over the world; in collaboration with some of the venues and producers we look to for inspiration. We aim to continue to raise the profile of local theatre and share our love for our art. Is there anything else you would like to share? Xanthe and Sam met at an information evening for a Buderim production of Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods in 1999. Sam says, “She was the Witch, I was the Handsome Prince and nothing’s changed.” He still thinks that funny.

P a r e n t s i n b u s i n e ss

D IRE C TORY Impressions to be remembered

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Forget-Me-Not Impressions 3D impressions of loved ones. Great or small. We come to you. 0407 196 231

Ginger Sport Fun Soccer Coaching for Boys and Girls aged 2 - 10 years old.

LABEL KINGDOM FREE postage on all orders. 1800 264 549

Childrens Entertainment with Fairies, Princess’s, Mermaids and Pirates 0400 218 423

The Cake Pop Boutique Cake Pops & cake treats for birthdays, weddings, baby showers & events.

Maple St acupuncture Natural medicine for Mind, Body & Spirit! 07 5442 5526

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


Books APPS & Movies

REVIEWS The Very Hungry Bear,


by Nick Bland, Scholastic RRP $15.99 A fun story about two bears who become friends through sharing and finding a new home. With colourful pictures and fun rhymes, it can be enjoyed over and over again. Review by Declan, aged 6. For ages 2 – 7 yrs.

The Children Who Loved Books, by Peter Carnavas, New Frontier Publishing RRP $24.95 Angus and Lucy love books. They have hundreds of them – almost too many. When all their books are taken away, the kids discover they need books more than they ever imagined. A sweet book to celebrate the National Year of Reading. Selected by Freya, aged 3. For ages 3 – 7 yrs.


Harbour Master Free for iPad A challenging game involving multi-tasking and organisational skills with a great deal of fun! You are the Harbor Master in a busy harbor. Direct boats into the docks, watch them unload their cargo, and direct them off the screen. But be careful not to let boats crash! Fun for ages 4 to adult.

PARENT’S APP Txt4Coffee Free for iphone & Andriod, or via the web Crafted from obsessive coffee drinkers who hate waiting for their brew, Txt4Coffee is an application that will get you your coffee on time. This free coffee ordering and payment app is simple to use and helps you jump the queue. With a growing number of quality, boutique coffee and espresso bars signing up on the Coast, there should be one near you.


MOVIE: FOR PARENTS The Dark Knight Rises In Cinema: July 19 Rating TBC Eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, the terrorist leader Bane arrives in Gotham City, pushing it and its police force to their limits, forcing its former hero Batman to resurface after taking the fall for Harvey Dent’s crimes. Director: Christopher Nolan Stars: Christian Bale, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Gary Oldman

MOVIE: FOR THE KIDS Finding Nemo 3D In Cinema: Aug 30 Rating G Nemo is back in 3D for a new generation of viewers. The adventurous young clownfish is unexpectedly taken to a dentist’s office aquarium. It’s up to Marlin (Albert Brooks), his worrisome father, and Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), a friendly but forgetful Regal Blue Tang, to make the epic journey to bring Nemo home. Marlin discovers a bravery he never knew, but will he be able to find his son?


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KiDs on tHe CoAst – JULY / AUGUST 2012





You’re invited to Bindi’s 14th BoOtcamp Birthday Party at Australia ZoO. And guesS what?! AlL kids get in for FREE!* Gates open early at 8.00am because we’ve got loads of FREE entertainment and action including special guest Margie, winner of The Biggest Loser 2012, an awesome 7.5m rock climbing wall, ultimate Laser Tag, MMA demos, Las Vegas sensation the Jabbawockeez LIVE in the Crocoseum PLUS much, much more. The battleground is ready so don’t miss it as we celebrate all things ‘BOOTCAMP’ for Bindi’s 14th Birthday!

* Children 14 years of age and under will be admitted to Australia Zoo on 24 July 2012 free of charge when accompanied by a full paying adult. Free child offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

JULY / AUGUST 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst

67 242

Family fun time! Unlimited

rides ALL day.

Every full price pass purchased receives a FREE Side Show Alley Game! Offer expires 5pm 31 August 2012. Passes must be used on day of purchase. CODE: KOTC0712 Must be an original Kids on the Coast Voucher, no photocopies.

s ’ d i K r o f t Grea ay Parties d h t r i B

So many thrilling rides & games! DSA AW8799

DSA AW8841

73 Frizzo Road, Bruce Highway, Palmview, Queensland, 4553 | Phone: 07 5494 5444 Open 7 days from 9am to 5pm. Rides start at 10am.

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