Kids on the Coast Magazine - Sunshine Coast - Issue 52

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Free! Issue 52 September/October 2012


Navigating the Social Media Maze The meaning of weaning Never Ending Stories Parenting and the law Only Organic


contents - SEPTEMBEROctober2012 -

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From the Editor Meet some of our Team WHAT’S NEWS CHECK THIS OUT: New, fun and funky things FEATURE: Navigating the Social Media Maze NEW TO THE COAST THE ‘P’ FILES: Parenting and the Law EDUCATION: Neverending Story CALENDAR OF EVENTS

Find out what’s happening on the Coast during September & October

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FASHION FEATURE: Bursting into Spring BABIES ON THE COAST: The meaning of weaning IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU! ONLY NATURAL: Only Organic PARENTVILLE: Broken Conversation HEALTH: What is Type 1 or Juvenile Diabetes? LET’S CELEBRATE: Tiny Chef Celebrations HAPPY HOLIDAYS: Adventure Holidays: Part 2 PARENTS PROFILE: Meet Leanne Southwell REVIEWS

Editorial contributions for Issue 52: Sandra Smith, Chaley-Ann Scott, Jackie Goldston, Gary Hands, Dr Sarah Lantz, Aleney de Winter COVER: Allison Wills - Minty Photography. Hair styling by Toni & Guy, Cotton Tree. Outfit by Sudo courtesy of Evolve, Peregian Beach A special thank you to Bodhi for being his wonderfully charming self.

Kids on the Coast magazine is printed with vegetable/soy based inks on paper supplied using pulp sourced from sustainable forests and manufactured to environmentally accredited systems. Kids on the Coast encourages recycling. Please keep this issue for future reference, pass onto your friends and family, use for craft projects or place into the recycling bin.

PUBLISHED BY: THINGS 4 KIDS PTY LTD. PO Box 491, Eumundi QLD 4562 PHONE: 1300 430 320 FAX: 07 5471 2372 WEB: ABN: 86 473 357 391. All editorial and advertising in Kids on the Coast is published in good faith based on material, verbal or written, provided by contributors and advertisers. No responsibility is taken for errors or omissions and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. All material in Kids on the Coast is subject to copyright provisions. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Feedback/comments/suggestions? Send to: We aim to reply to all correspondence but don’t guarantee to do so. Letters to the editor may be edited for length or clarity. PUBLISHER: Toni Eggleston ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER: Simone Bell EDITOR: Jackie Goldston EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS: Sandra Smith, Chaley-Ann Scott, Jackie Goldston, Gary Hands, Dr Sarah Lantz, Aleney de Winter ADVERTISING: For advertising enquiries please phone 1300 430 320 or email: LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY: Speak with your advertising coordinator or email: Production Department: Email: production@ ADMINISTRATION: Kellie Kruger DISTRIBUTION: Kids on the Coast (Sunshine Coast edition) is a free publication circulating over 20,000 copies from Caloundra to Noosa and through the hinterland. Separate edition covers the Gold Coast. For distribution enquiries please phone: 1300 430 320 or email: GRAPHIC DESIGN: Esther Bundellu SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst




- meettheteam RENEE ENGLISH




It seems growing up on the Sunshine Coast may have made me complacent as to just how lucky I am to live in such an amazing part of the world. I have been talking to many parents who have moved to the Coast in recent years about why they moved here. The number one reason is the diversity of lifestyle opportunities that the Coast provides for their kids growing up. The Coast has grown and evolved since my childhood. The society that our children are growing up in now is also very different and with the huge influence of social media; their record of their childhoods will have a very different footprint to that of the past. This edition of Kids on the Coast we look at social media and why we cannot escape the impact it is having (or will have) on our children, their relationships and their future. As we come to the end of the National Year of Reading, we discuss some simple steps to help our children develop a lifelong passion for reading. After many requests, we also examine some common laws that relate to general life as a parent, such as leaving a child alone or when to move to the next size child seat. As always, please feel free to contact me via kidsonthecoast, our website or email. And of course, keep an eye out for new competitions on our website as they are added regularly!

30 Seconds with Renee My Favourite Sunday activity: My husband works away from home but will often make it home on a Sunday. So my absolute favourite Sunday activity would be having bacon & eggs with my family and dividing up the ‘Sunday Mail’. I have always adored Francis Whiting’s Column as it never fails to makes me laugh out loud. I wouldn’t leave home without: Music and thanks to my i-phone the perfect song is always at hand. I was explaining to my girls the wonders of the disc man and walkman recently and how we used to tape our favourite songs from Take 40 on the radio, made me feel old. My favourite book: Growing up I loved “The Power of One”. It inspired me to rise above the challenges I faced during my own journey into adulthood. Now that I am a parent I have two favourite books. “Green Eggs & Ham” by Doctor Seuss and “Excuse me, but that’s my book” a Charlie & Lola title by Lauren Child, each book is a favourite for my girls and the memories created whilst reading them these books and then later with them reading them to me, will continue to make me smile and stay with me forever. The best advice I’ve been given is: That happiness is a choice. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning how to dance in the rain. My Achilles heel is: Coca Cola, as a non coffee drinker I find myself indulging far too often, especially at deadline time.


30 Seconds with Sandra Before I had children: I travelled the world. I trekked in Nepal, climbed the pyramids, visited the Taj Mahal and lived in Earls Court, London. My mother always told me: “A lady only has two drinks.” I remember when: I handwrote letters and posted them at the post office. My favourite childhood toy was: a doll that had scruffy, blonde hair and pink plastic limbs. I would bathe and dress her, then take her out into the garden to play. All I want for Christmas is: To have my children around me. If I could live anywhere in the world I would live: in Sydney. My secret talent is: I play the recorder. I am inspired by: Creative people. When I grew up, I was going to be: A poet.

Jackie Goldston EDITOR

My favourite saying is: When one door closes another door opens.

*See the website for competition terms and conditions


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


- WHAT’Snews Stay up to date with your local community news. If you have any unique news that you’d like to share, please contact our editor on

WALK TO CURE DIABETES The Sunshine Coast Walk to Cure Diabetes is on the 7th October at Cotton Tree Park. This is an annual community event where you can enjoy a healthy day of fun family activities and find out why it is so important to keep supporting Australian type 1 diabetes research and awareness.


To promote the Daniel Morcombe Foundation’s aims of making the world a safer place for our children, an annual awareness Day for Daniel is held, involving schools and local communities. A variety of activities are suggested and these range from a talk about internet safety in class, a presentation by a school based police officer, completing an interactive educational program like ‘Being Safety Smart”, watching our DVD titled ‘Foundation Red’ or participate in a Community Walk. These education activities are designed to provide life skills for children in a fun and informative manner without the fear factor. The Foundation encourages that a red flavour be incorporated in the day – a colour which links Daniel’s story in a discrete way to the importance of Child Safety Education. Day for Daniel is not a memorial day – it is a learning day for our Children.



The Living End. The John Butler Trio. The Cat Empire. Ben Lee. And that’s just for starters. Throw in Ball Park Music, Lanie Lane, The Whitlams, Boom Crash Opera and so much more. The 2012 Caloundra Music Festival is on from 28 – 30 September. Divisional Councillor Tim Dwyer said, “With the inaugural Caloundra Fringe Festival starting a week before the Music Festival – and with three major states having their spring holidays simultaneously – we are expecting a great atmosphere and a full house”. For more information visit


This year is going to be bigger and better than ever with lots of entertainment, fantastic stalls, an animal farm, jumping castle, hula fitness, face painting, nail art and so much more. You can register online before the day or at the event. Visit for more information.


OUR RESCUE HELICOPTER The Sunshine Coast’s emergency medical helicopter is hosting a Family Fun Day this September and you’re all invited! Each year the AGL Action Rescue Helicopter flies to the aid of sick and injured children, winches families from flood waters and provides specialist paediatric transfers for premature babies. But the helicopter is only partially funded and relies on donations and charity events to meet a $3.5 million dollar annual shortfall. Come to Aussie World on Saturday 15 September and enjoy half price entry, free rides and entertainment. And the best part – all proceeds go to the AGL Action Rescue Helicopter! Entry from 5:30pm. Book online at



Australia’s multicultural landscape is as diverse as ever following the release of 2011 Census of Population and Housing data by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). New Census data has revealed that almost a quarter (24.6 per cent) of Australia’s population was born overseas and 43.1 per cent of people have at least one overseas-born parent. The United Kingdom is the leading country of birth for the overseas-born population (20.8 per cent). It is followed by New Zealand (9.1 per cent), China (6.0 per cent) and India (5.6 per cent).

KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

- CHECKthisout 2


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1. ULTRASONIC VAPORISER: No heating element, no condensation and automatic switch off after 8 hours RRP: $99.95 From Pharmacies, Gift and Baby Stores or 2. RATBAGZ: Play mat and toy bag in one = PLAYBAG! Handmade on the Sunshine Coast $45 each + $10 postage or 0428 554 099 3. SLEEPY STORIES AND RELAXATION CD: Snuggle up and learn how to relax your body ready for sleep. For kids 3 – 9 years RRP $20 4. MAGIC WHITE BOARD: Use it... move it... wipe it... re-use! For use indoors or out sticks without glue - using static - on any flat surface From $15.95 5. PAIRS IN PEARS AND BANANAGRAMS: It’s exactly what they sounds like! A game of pairs inside a pear and an anagram game in a banana. $25.95 each 6. POP ART JEWELLERY & WIND UPS: from Faber Castell - simple, fun and very little mess! Make your own necklaces or wind-up toys RRP $8.95 each from supermarkets and major retailers

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



N AV I G A T I N G THE SOCIAL MEDIA MAZE by Jackie Goldston We have all seen the hysterical media headlines and felt the tiny (or rather large depending on the age of your child) ball of panic start to tighten as we realise that our children are growing up in a completely different digital landscape to that of our childhood. My first encounter with digital technology was Pong (as in Ping pong – the stick and dots/ ball game), followed by PacMan and in late high school some of the first versions of email. With no digital cameras tracking my every move and no social commentary tracking my every thought and friendship I entered adulthood with a somewhat clean slate. My employers checked my references, not my social media footprint.

the world. At school our kids are exposed from Prep or Grade 1 to online discussions, learning apps, iPads in class and spelling and maths homework on the computer. The 13 years olds who are now starting to use Facebook (officially) and other social media, are unlikely to have had the seven or eight years of online social interactions that the next generation of children will receive. Whether this early introduction to social “etiquette” assists, remains to be seen, but we certainly need to be there to guide our tweens and teens of today, as well as our toddlers and young children as they learn to navigate the complex world of social media.

My children’s introduction to the digital world and social media initially came through my husband and me; from photos on my phone, checking Facebook and looking at images of friends and family all over

The list of social media options for our children to delve into is longer than this article. From Instagram to Facebook there are so many ways for our children to express themselves, but also to


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012


put themselves at risk. As founder of the Creative Collective and early adopter of social media, Yvette Adams explains, as parents we simply cannot bury our heads in the sand and hope the phenomenon will bypass our children: “It is hard to believe that a few years ago social media didn’t exist and now it is a big part of the way we communicate. For those of you out there who are saying ‘oh it’s not my thing and it’s just a fad’, just remember back to when texting came along, or email and you thought the same thing. I say social media is definitely here to stay so jump on the bandwagon!” WHICH SOCIAL MEDIA? So who are the key players in social media? It is unlikely that you haven’t heard of Facebook; which is the world’s largest social network with over 900 million users and still growing fast. For those that haven’t yet found Facebook, it is a social platform that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. You are able to share and comment on almost anything. Children are not allowed to have an account until they are


TOP TIPS FOR Young Children • Young children’s internet use should be closely monitored. To help with this try to keep the computer in a shared or visible place in the home. • Be aware of how your child uses the internet and explore it with them. Bookmark a list of favourites you are comfortable with your child visiting and teach them how to access this list. • Establish rules around the types of content or information they should report to an adult. For example, one rule may be ‘tell Mum or Dad about any swearing or bad words you find’. • Talk to your child about personal information and why it is special. This sort of information can be used to identify or locate where they live, go to school or activities in which they are involved. • Set rules make sure your child knows what information they can share or post online and which websites they can visit. Telling a trusted adult before posting any personal information online, including for competition entry is a useful rule.

13 years old; however there are many reported cases of much younger children having access to Facebook accounts. Twitter is effectively like texting online, allowing only 140 characters per “tweet”. You can talk to people or about people using the @ symbol and hashtags (#) to combine content on a certain topic. Twitter has been growing in popularity and with Facebook has revitalised reality TV, allowing viewers to make comments and interact with other viewers around Australia and the world in real time. Unlike Facebook, most users of Twitter allow all of the “tweets” to be seen by the public; meaning anyone, anywhere in the world has access to the information or images tweeted. YouTube has continued to grow rapidly since being purchased by Google in 2006. It is particularly popular with kids and teenagers as it is easy for them to find clips they are interested in, when they want to watch them as well as be able to comment and share with others.

• Help your child understand that what they say and do online is important. Encourage your child to use the same manners, communicate with others in the same way and report others who aren’t being nice, just as they would in the offline world. (source Instagram is a photo sharing app which has been embraced by photographers posting amazing photographs from around the world and in more recent times by the general public, sharing photos of our daily lives, from travel and food images to families and pets. Instagram has more than 80 million users and has been more recently embraced by tech-savvy preteens who are enjoying the ability to look, often untracked, at any images posted (more on this later). LinkedIn was established 2002 and is a social network for business people, mainly used for networking, job seeking and business relationship building. Tumblr is a very popular blog website that lets people share anything and everything from text, photos, quotes, links, music, and videos from your browser, phone, desktop, email or wherever

you happen to be. It is also littered with soft-porn discussions and a variety of suggestive images. Google+ is considered Google’s fourth attempt at a social network to rival Facebook. Whilst they claim that they have over 250,000 million members, research has shown that members are spending less than five minutes a month on Google+ compared to over seven hours per month on Facebook. Pinterest is the fastest growing network having reached over 11 million users in only 18 months in operation. At this stage it is predominantly used by the Mums; the 20-45 year old female market are huge ‘pinners’. EARLY EXPOSURE Kids are being exposed to social media at a much earlier age now than even four or five

continued on next page...

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



CYBERSMART TIPS for older children


• If your child uses social networking websites help them sign up safely and use privacy settings to restrict their information to ‘friends’. Help them decide who to agree to have as a ‘friend’. You may also like to help them to develop an avatar or user name that doesn’t identify them of provoke unwanted attention. • Set rules make sure your child knows what information they can share or post online and which websites they can visit. Telling a trusted adult before posting any personal information online, including for competition entry is a useful rule. They should also report to you before uploading images or video of themselves or others. • Help your child understand that what they say and do online is important. Encourage your child to use the same manners, communicate with others in the same way and report others who aren’t being nice, just as they would in the offline world. • Advise your child not to respond to any negative messages and to report any negative messages they receive to you or another trusted adult.

• Talk to your child about cyber bullying before it happens. Work out strategies to address cyber bullying with which you are both comfortable so your child knows what to expect if they do report concerns to you. • Consider using filters, labels and safe zones to help manage your child’s online access. • Install and update anti-virus and other e-security software to restrict unauthorised access to data on the home computer and protect that data from corruption. Ensure that security features including a firewall are turned on, set to automatic scan and updated regularly to protect against the latest risks. • If your child shows changes in behaviour or mood that are concerning explore your concerns with them and if necessary seek professional support, including support through the Cybersmart Online Helpline at www. The Cybersmart Online Helpline provides free, confidential online counselling for children and young people. Your child’s school may also be able to provide guidance and support. • All the tips for younger children still apply (Source: continued on next page...


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012


Hypnosis Gastric Band Weight Loss Groups After trials in the UK revealed that Hypnosis Gastric Band Programs had up to a 95 % success rate in helping people lose weight safely and keep it off, it is now available on the Sunshine Coast. A leading hypnotherapist from the Mind Design Centre team that launched the program on the Coast said, “Rather than costly & serious surgery, we use the power of suggestion in hypnosis to train the mind and body to feel completely satisfied with far less food.” The program addresses issues such as food choices & portion size; stress, comfort or boredom eating; food cravings; motivation to exercise; & self-confidence & stress reduction. The only thing to give up is yo-yo dieting. Research shows that incorporating hypnosis into your weight loss program can more than double your success & your ability to keep it off. If you have been challenged by weight issues in the past, you can now learn how to conquer it once and for all. For more information contact the Mind Design Centre team on 1300 664 544 or 0468 849 536.


Easy & Permanent Weight Loss 6 week Program

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A fun introduction to Dance for Pre-Schoolers

• Mummy and Me 2-3yrs • Kinderballet 3-7yrs • Tiny Tappers 3-5yrs

Enquiries 5476 3373

Quality Home based child care

Mon: Peregian Beach NEW Tues: Bokarina Wed: Maroochydore Thurs: Maroochydore Fri: Peregian Beach NEW Sat: Nambour Fun & imaginative classes No uniforms/costumes to make or buy Limited class sizes Affordably Priced Make-up classes available


OUR CURRiCUlUm: We promote a holistic approach to children’s learning that is engaging & builds success for life. QUAliFiED EDUCATORS give secure, respectful & reciprocal relationships and partnerships. WE OFFER A safe, nurturing learning environment. We have vacancies Birth to 12yrs so give our friendly staff a call now!

PH 5476 3373 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



“I THOUGHT I HAD A FEW MORE YEARS BEFORE I NEEDED TO WORRY ABOUT THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON MY KID’S BEHAVIOUR.” years ago. Almost everyone you know has a Facebook account. Some families are widely documenting their children’s activities online, through blogs or sharing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or the like. Our children don’t understand the concept of having to wait to look at a photograph as we did growing up. The digital age is just the norm. ABC kids television show Playschool even recently talked about using Twitter, and of course its audience is predominantly children who cannot yet read or write. Coast mum, Peta, recently had a shock at just how capable her 6 year old son is with social media. She had given him her phone to play an app whilst she was ordering breakfast at a café. Deciding to “check in”*, she opened Facebook on her phone only to find her son had taken a picture of her daughter making a face, uploaded it to her Facebook account and made a comment about how she was being silly. Peta explains, “I had never shown Zac how to open or use Facebook, and I hadn’t thought that I would need to have a conversation with a six year old about taking photos of others and sharing them online, or about making appropriate or inappropriate online comments.” Mum of three, Sarah was also surprised at how social media was just an expected part of her children’s lives. Her 11 year old daughter often asks how many people have liked a photo that she knows her mum has posted of her on Facebook and has asked Sarah to check Twitter during reality TV shows so that she can keep up with the “conversation”. “I thought I had a few more years before I needed to worry about the impact of social media on my kid’s behaviour. I don’t think I had fully thought through the impact of taking photos of my kids and posting them on Facebook. They have always been tasteful and I have always made sure that my privacy


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

settings are as high as possible, but that doesn’t take into account how my daughter feels about being out there online. She is old enough now to feel that she is being judged and commented on. And that frightens me and has made me look closer at my online behaviour,” Sarah shared. Social media experts all agree that we need to start having conversations as early as possible with our children about social media. We also need to work out our own boundaries for what we feel is acceptable to share and not to share and set a good example for our children. Not for profit media website, Common Sense Media recommends that parents ensure their children stick with age-appropriate sites. HOW ARE KIDS USING SOCIAL MEDIA? As Sarah found with her 11 year old, kids are being exposed to social media through a variety of means. Reality TV had been revitalised by using Twitter and Facebook to make viewers feel more a part of the show. Unlike Facebook, Twitter accounts do not have an age restriction and research has shown that children as young as eight are Tweeting regularly. A medium that has flown under the radar to a large degree is Instagram. Instagram allows users to share, view and comment on images from around the world. This may sound harmless; however there are most certainly emotional risks involved. Father of two, George, recently found his 13 year old in tears after her “friends” posted a photo of her on Instagram. Other so-called friends all commented on her hair, clothes and even whether or not they found her sexy. George was understandably horrified and couldn’t understand why he had not realised that his daughter was

even using Instagram. “As I didn’t use Instagram, I didn’t fully understand it. When I logged in as my daughter I could see almost pornographic images that her friends had liked. I could see so many hurtful and age inappropriate comments.” George is now “friends” or follows his kids on all of their social media. WHAT TO DO When it comes to social media and our kids the whole concept of ensuring their safety online and protecting their reputation can seem overwhelming. A good place to start is to check how much you already know and what you need to learn. The Australian Government has an excellent website, which has a parents section. On this site there is a quiz to help you understand your base knowledge of your child’s safety online. It looks at topics such as instant messaging, using your own name online and uploading images and videos to social media sites. The team at Cybersmart explain, “You don’t need to be a technology expert to help keep your children safe online. The parenting skills for online safety are the same as they are in the physical world. While children might seem to have good technical knowledge, their online behaviour still requires parental monitoring and guidance. Computer filters and e-security software are good basic protective measures to have in your home. Education and communication are also important in helping to keep your child safe online. Knowing that children can make sound decisions to manage risks online is particularly important when they use the internet outside your home - and you’re not able to monitor their activities.” continued on next page...

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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



TIPS FOR PARENTS of teenagers • Stay involved in your teen’s use of new technologies. Ask them to show you the websites they use, including their social networking and gaming sites. If your teen agrees, ask them to help you set up your own accounts to better understand how the websites work. • Encourage your teen to use their privacy settings on social networking sites to restrict their online information to viewing by friends only, and to screen who they accept as friends. • Remind your teen to create screen names or IDs that do not indicate gender, age, name or location and are not sexually provocative. • Encourage your teen to think before they post information who might see this, could it be misread by others? Am I creating the right image for myself socially and for work and school opportunities? Am I putting myself at risk of cyber stalking? 14

KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

• Advise your teen to keep their online friends online. If they want to meet someone that they haven’t met in person encourage them to ask you or another trusted adult to go with them and to always meet in a public place, preferably during the day. • Recommend that your teen not respond to negative messages and to actively block and report abusive people to website administrators. Encourage them to tell you or another trusted adult about such incidents and to save negative messages for reporting. You may want to save the messages for them. • Talk to your teen about cyber bullying before it happens. Work out strategies to address cyber bullying with which you are both comfortable so your teen knows what to expect if they do report concerns to you.

Visit for the full list of tips for parents of teenagers. *Checking in is a Facebook term that tells people where you have visited.


This month on the Sunshine Coast KOTC is holding 3 Family Forums aimed at educating parents and their children on ‘Tweens & Technology’. Visit our facebook page to find out more about our event kidsonthecoast/events

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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


NEW TO THE COAST New to the Coast shares exciting new changes and products by local businesses that cater to Sunshine Coast parents and families. We think local kids and parents deserve just as much choice, style, fun, innovation and value for money as those living anywhere else. So if you agree, please join us in helping these new ventures to get off the ground by taking a look at what they’ve got to offer. And if you’ve got a new business you want to spread the word on, let us know!

Magic Shows for kids

Keeping Kids Healthy

Jodie the Magicianess, Grumbledore the friendly wizard and Magic the real white rabbit are back in Australia with their fantastic, affordable Magicianess Magic shows for birthday parties and special occasions. This brilliant show offers endless fun and is the only one of its kind in the country. Call them now to book or visit them on

Our children’s health is at risk due to the declining nutritional content of food and research shows children born after 1996 may have a declining life expectancy*. Introducing NutriVerus! A plant-sourced superfood powder packed with vitamins, minerals & antioxidants, NutriVerus supports healthy brain, immune, digestive, heart function and energy levels. Add it to any food or drink!

Magicianess Magic 0418 589 550

Wellness Kids 07 5446 7400

Jump into dancing Jump into dancing “Jump 2-3 Dance” is an innovative and exciting dance style for kids aged between 4 & 12 years, from the stars of ABC3’s Dancing Down Under. “Jump 2-3 Dance” introduces children to a style of dance which is not only unique, but unparalleled in its combination of Ballet, Jazz, Tap & Hip Hop. To say Irish Dancing, would make “Jump 2-3 Dance” seem folk like, when much could be said the same for “Zumba”. Dance however, has come a long way since “Riverdance” and “Lord of the Dance”. It has grown into a worldwide phenomenon that creates an environment which cannot be compared. “Jump 2-3 Dance” gets kids them moving and develops lifelong skills such as coordination, teamwork, performance and competition preparation. Jump 2-3 Dance 0411 815 473 - Noosaville, Sunshine Beach, Bli Bli, Mooloolaba

“NutriVerus fills in where your diet stops short”

Easy | Advanced | Affordable

Experienced Orthodontic Specialists Junction Orthodontics deliver timely and exceptional quality specialist orthodontic care in a professional but yet relaxed environment. Glenn Staples and Roland Hammond are the principal orthodontists in the practice, both training as dentists before completing 3 years further study to be registered as specialists by the Australian Dental Board. Junction Orthodontics recommend that initial assessment of kids be made by the age of 9 as there are some conditions that benefit from early intervention. The majority of kids will not require treatment until most of their permanent teeth are through, in order that efficiency is maximised and costs are contained, and despite emotional claims to the contrary, deferring treatment to this stage of dental development does not result in an increased need to extract teeth. Referrals to Glenn and Roland can be made through your dentist, directly by phone, email or via our website. Parents are encouraged to attend all appointments and enjoy the experience. Junction Orthodontics 5406 1215


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


Parenting & the law by Jackie Goldston BECOMING A PARENT IS A CHALLENGING AND REWARDING EXPERIENCE. SOMETIMES IT IS VERY CLEAR THE BEST PATH TO TAKE AND OTHER TIMES WE NEED GUIDANCE TO BE SURE WE ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING, BOTH TO KEEP OUR CHILDREN SAFE AND TO STAY ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE LAW. Unfortunately there is no single act of parliament that sets out the rights and duties of a parent. In general though, the law requires parents to: • • • • • •

Protect children from physical harm Provide food, clothing and shelter Financially support the child Provide safety, supervision and control Provide medical care Provide an education

Providing these conditions are met, parents are free to make choices about religion, education and discipline. DISCIPLINE AND SMACKING The issue of physical discipline is a highly emotive and controversial one in the community. From a legal standpoint, section 280 of the criminal code provides that a parent or person acting in the place of a parent (e.g. teacher) may use such force by way of correction as is reasonably necessary in the circumstances. What constitutes reasonably necessary will vary according to the circumstances. For instance, it is unlikely that it would be considered reasonable to use any force against a very young child, nor would force that resulted in lasting injury be considered reasonable.


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

OLDER KIDS AND THEIR RIGHTS As children get older, it’s common for them to test the boundaries of their independence and start to assert their own rights. In Queensland, children acquire certain rights and responsibilities as they get older. MEDICAL • Children are able to apply for their own Medicare card at age 15. • From age 14, children are able to visit the doctor on their own and the doctor is not required to inform the parents. RELATIONSHIPS • The age of sexual consent in Queensland is 16, though the courts will often be swayed by the relative ages of the participants in enforcing this law. • The minimum age to consent to marriage is 18, however 16 year olds may be able to get dispensation with their parents’ and the court’s permission. FAMILY • Children have traditionally been required to give consent to their own adoption once they reach the age of 12. However recent changes only require the court to take the child’s views into consideration.

WORK • 15 year olds are able to get a full time job and apply for a Centerlink benefit. EDUCATION • Children are able to leave school at age 15. CRIMINAL • At age 10, children can be charged with a criminal offense. Prior to this they cannot be held criminally responsible. • From age 10-13, even though they can be charged, it is up to the prosecution to prove that the child was aware that the nature of their act was wrong. • From 14-16, it is expected that children will know right from wrong and will be charged under the juvenile justice system. • At age 17, children are treated as adults by the court system. Various other rights including voting, buying alcohol and cigarettes, gambling, signing a contract, making a will and getting a tattoo are available only at age 18. KIDS, CARS AND WALKING TO SCHOOL Many parents have begun to wonder about their criminal responsibility for children in the car; both as regards adequate restraint & adequate supervision. continued on next page...

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CALL US NOW ON 5443 1661 Kids on the Coast are excited to present the second of their series of Family Forums titled...

TWEENS & TECHNOLOGY Kids on the Coast magazine invites Sunshine Coast parents & their tweens to learn the do’s and don’ts of social media. The team at Kids on the Coast have partnered with three Sunshine Coast schools to present the ‘Tweens and Technology’ forum. This family event has been designed to bring parents and their kids together to learn how to manage social media in our kids daily lives (as it is staying whether we like it or not).

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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


“CHILDREN ARE OUR MOST PRIZED CARGO. THERE IS NO PRICE YOU CAN PUT ON A CHILD’S LIFE AND SAFETY. SECURE YOUR CHILDREN BY MAKING SURE THEY ARE IN THE RIGHT RESTRAINT FOR THEIR SIZE AND AGE.” There is an offence under the Criminal Code Section 364A for leaving a child under the age of 12 unattended. The legislation states:

A person who, having the lawful care or charge of a child under 12 years, leaves the child for an unreasonable time without making reasonable provision for the supervision and care of the child during the time commits a misdemeanour.

There is also an offence under the Criminal Code Section 326 endangering life of children by exposure in which the legislation states:

Any person who unlawfully abandons or exposes a child under the age of 7 years, whereby the life of such child is or is likely to be endangered, or the child’s health is or is likely to be permanently injuries, commits a crime.

In short, this means that leaving a child


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

unattended in a vehicle, even for a short period, can leave you open to prosecution. What constitutes ‘reasonable’ and ‘unreasonable’ can be very confusing for parents. The age of the child, the length of time they were left for and the environmental conditions may all be relevant.

The flip side of this is that children die in cars, particularly hot cars. A Rockhampton man was tragically sentenced to 4 years jail in 2010 for the manslaughter of his 8 month old daughter who he’d forgotten about in the car on a 27 degree day.

There have been a number of highly publicised cases in Queensland recently where mothers were prosecuted for leaving their children alone in the car for as little as five minutes. Although the mothers were allowed to escape punishment, they were left in no doubt that they’d broken the law.

If you think it’ll be ok as long as you leave the engine running and the air conditioner on, it’s also worth remembering that Australian road rules require motorists to switch off the engine, engage the park brake and remove the keys if they move more than 3 meters from their vehicle unless there is a passenger over the age of 15.

There are also numerous examples of parents allowing their children to walk down to the shops, or catch a bus alone, only to find the child brought home by police officers. Some lawyers have stated that they believe the law as it stands opens parents to prosecution for allowing their children to walk to school unattended.

CAR SEATING A Transport and Main Roads spokesperson shared, “Children are our most prized cargo. There is no price you can put on a child’s life and safety. Secure your children by making sure they continued on next page...

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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


are in the right restraint for their size and age.” In a typical situation the following rules apply for car seats: All children up to the age of 7 are required to have an age and size appropriate child restraint fitted in the car. From age 0-6 months they are required to be in an approved rear facing infant restraint. From age 6 months to 4 years children are required to be in either an approved forward facing or rear facing restraint. It is recommended that they remain in a rear facing restraint for as long as their size allows.

AS CHILDREN GET OLDER, IT’S COMMON FOR THEM TO TEST THE BOUNDARIES OF THEIR INDEPENDENCE AND START TO ASSERT THEIR OWN RIGHTS. What if a child is too large for the type of restraint specified for the child’s age? If your child cannot fit into a restraint specified, you may move your child into the next level of restraint. A child is too big for a booster seat when:

From age 4 to 7 years children should be • the level of the child’s eyes is above the level of secured in an approved booster seat with adult the back of the booster seat; or lap/sash belt or H-harness. They should remain in the seat until their shoulders reach the upper • their shoulders reach the upper shoulder height marker height marker. The correct way to use a booster seat is shown above.

For example: A five-month-old who is too big for a rearward facing restraint can be seated in a forward facing infant restraint. We recommend infants stay in a rearward facing child restraint for as long as possible. A three-year-old who is too big for a child seat can be seated in a booster seat instead. A six-year-old who is too big for a booster seat can move up to an adult seatbelt For more information about this go to: POOL SAFETY

SO CAN A CHILD SIT IN THE FRONT SEAT IF THEY ARE UNDER SEVEN? The Transport and Main Roads spokesperson explains that this depends on whether there is more than one row of seats in the car and the child’s age. If there’s only one row of seats (such as in a ute), a child of any age can sit in the front if they are properly restrained. If the vehicle has a passenger airbag fitted, a rearward facing child restraint should not be used if the restraint is in front of the airbag.

All pools and spas in Queensland need to be registered. You can search the department of housing website to check if there is a registered pool at your property: pools/properties/propertySearch.action Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death for kids aged 1-4, with the peak being at age 2. Despite the number of swimming pools in Queensland doubling since 1991, when new pool safety laws were introduced, the rate of child drowning has halved.

The guidelines for the pool safety standard are available here: • A child younger than four cannot sit in the SiteCollectionDocuments/mp-3-4-swimmingfront row, even if they are three years old and pool-barriers.pdf large enough to be seated in a booster seat Remember that the pool owner is required to • A child aged between four and seven years maintain the pool safety barriers as well as cannot sit in the front row unless all the other implement them. It also makes no difference seats are being used by children younger whether you have children yourself or ever invite than seven years. them onto your property. A NSW man is currently facing manslaughter charges for allegedly failing If the back seat has two child restraints fitted and there is no room for a third, a non-tethered to fix a broken perimeter fence around his pool; in which a toddler, who wandered onto his property booster seat of booster cushion can be used, from next door, drowned. so long as the child using the booster seat is between four and seven years. Where there are two or more rows of seats:


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



Infinity Martial Arts Member Profile: Kian Strong Okay, that gives you an idea of what type of martial art BJJ is, so let’s get into the interview with Kian. So you have been a member with Infinity Martial Arts for over 6 years now, you must have learnt some cool moves - I understand BJJ involves submissions, where you win the match with technical skill. What is your favourite submission? The arm bar is my favourite – I got one in under 10 seconds in my last comp! I’m also working on getting my triangle choke down to perfection. You have entered lots of competitions while you have been training, do you enjoy testing your skills on the mat? I love it, I live for it! It’s great testing your skills against people you don’t train with every day. Kian with the gold at the recent QLD State Championships

In this issue of Kids on the Coast, we interview one of the original members of Infinity Martial Arts – Kian Strong. Kian started training with Infinity Martial Arts way back in 2006 at age 4. Being a member for 6 ½ years and recently achieving his junior black belt, Kian has seen the transformation of Infinity from its humble beginnings to what it is today: 5 full-time training academies with over 800 members in South-East Queensland. Kian trains in Infinity’s modern program for juniors, which is based on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). Before we interviewed Kian, we thought we should find out a little more about BJJ, and why it has become so popular lately. To find out we caught up with Infinity’s Head Instructor – Neil Owen. Neil is one of the country’s most experienced black belts, having trained and taught all over the world before settling on the Sunshine Coast with his family. Neil said that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu “focused largely on grappling and wrestling. It utilizes natural body leverage and proper technique to overcome bigger and stronger opponents.” This makes it the perfect martial art for children, as Neil explains “if you have ever watched a couple of kids playing together naturally, you will see that they love to wrestle, so BJJ is such a natural sport for kids. They pick it up faster than our adult members!”


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

What was your biggest competition achievement? That’s a tough question! Your biggest achievement is not always coming first. At the Queensland State Championships in 2011 I came second, but I also received the U/10 Sportsmanship Award. It’s a trophy that I’m very proud of.

and dad can afford to fly me there. Maybe I should get a sponsor! It sounds like Kian is busy with training for BJJ. Neil Owen said that “Kian is a great example of what kids can achieve in martial arts. He is a great competitor and shows a lot of talent – I can’t wait to see him compete as an adult black belt one day!” Neil also said “Keep in mind that not all of our junior members compete, in fact most train because they enjoy the sport. That’s the great thing about our programs - the kids are having fun, but parents like that their kids not only get fit and burn off some energy, they are actually learning to defend themselves and some really nice social skills along the way.” Infinity Martial Arts has three academies on the Sunshine Coast – Noosa, Maroochydore and Currimundi. They are offering readers of Kids on the Coast a special joining fee of only $10, and they are even throwing in a free uniform. You just need to let them know you heard about them through this magazine. Give them a call on 1300 853 161 for more information.

Do you plan to make use of your martial arts talents in your future career? What could you see yourself doing once you have finished school? 1. 2. 3. 4.

Sniper – special forces Instructor – special forces PE teacher Own an Infinity academy and become a martial arts instructor

How often do you train? I currently do seven classes a week (sometimes I train more than one class per day). I also like to assist with the little kids, so I try and get to the club early on my training days so I can help out. The Australian Champions Cup will be held in Brisbane this September, are you competing? Most definitely! Will you be competing at the Pan-Pacific Championships held in Melbourne this November? I would like to go, but we will have to see if mum

Kian Strong with Head Instructor Neil Owen after earning his junior black belt.

Junior Martial Arts Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Noosa Maroochydore Currimundi

Jo i $1 n n th 0 a ow ro nd fo w r un in we on ifo a w ly rm fre ill e !

1300 853 161 w w w. I n f i n i t y M a r t i a l A r t s . c o m . a u SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



BAMBINI CALOUNDRA NOW OPEN! Caloundra’s Bambini Early Childhood Development is quickly developing a reputation for excellence in childcare, after opening its doors to the Sunshine Coast community in April this year. The brand new double childcare facility is specifically designed to cater for different age groups from six weeks to school age, providing a total of 118 early childhood and kindergarten placements to the Caloundra region Owner and licensee Gabrielle Giufre explained, “Bambini Caloundra’s nurturing environment, open-ended age-appropriate learning programs and literacy-rich based curriculum, have been developed to stimulate the intuitive and creative dimensions of childhood and we are constantly introducing new ideas and learning programs as the children continue to grow.” “Bambini’s aim has been to approach learning with a different perspective and our philosophy is about engaging and inspiring free thinking, encouraging each child to learn through self imagination and exploration. “Our early learning educators are responsive and supportive to the children’s needs. They use interactive strategies to support the children’s learning and emotional development and the programs at the centre have been designed to incorporate education with active play. “A child’s growth both psychically and mentally is determined by their experiences from early childhood through to adolescence and we strive to ensure each child at Bambini feels comfortable and supported, receiving the best care possible as they progress in their early years of childhood.” The holistic early learning centre features the latest resources and equipment to

· 6 weeks to 5 years · Genuinely committed qualified educators embracing sensitive and responsive approaches · Unique natural sustainable environment that builds on the wonders of childhood · Nappies provided · Honouring a holistic perspective of learning · Water park playground

support the staff in creating engaging indoor and outdoor learning programs for the children. Bambini Early Childhood Development’s point of difference is its stimulating sustainable, natural outdoor learning environment with brand new play areas, including a jet-ski and floating pontoon water feature, free range chicken coop, bird aviary, putt-putt course, enchanted gardens and an organic vegetable patch. In addition, Bambini Caloundra also offers age-appropriate nutritious, seasonal morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea menus, prepared by a qualified chef and based on National Childcare Accreditation Council requirements. “Our aim is to support each child to discover their unique personality, encouraging a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Bambini Caloundra provides a safe and compassionate environment to enhance each child’s awareness of their inner strengths, esteem as individuals, dignity and autonomy, self-confidence and enthusiasm for learning,” said Mrs Giufre. Located on the corner of Lomond Crescent and Stornaway Avenue, Bambini Caloundra is currently taking applications for enrolments for both early childhood and kindergarten placements plus before, after and vacation care programs. Bambini Early Childhood Development has also recently acquired additional childcare centres across the Sunshine Coast, including centres at Peregian Springs, Meridan Plains and Sunshine Beach. The new Bambini centres are currently undergoing external transformations, to incorporate Bambini’s quality outdoor learning environments and signature play areas. For enquiries about enrolments at Bambini Early Childhood Development’s Sunshine Coast centres or for more information, visit

We believe each child’s remarkable and unique journey experiences alternating phases during their development and identify the importance of adapting the learning environment to his or her developmental stage. For enrolments or more information please call one of our centres below or visit our website.


Caloundra / Meridan Plains / Peregian Springs / Sunshine Beach Ph: 5438 1433


Ph: 5341 8206

KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

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Pacific Lutheran Early Learning Centre




Specialist early childhood teachers and assistants inspire a love of learning in children. Creativity and confidence are nurtured as children explore the Queensland Kindergarten Guidelines. Pacific offers the choice of: • Kindergarten in a long day model 5 days a week. • Sessional kindergarten 5 day fortnight.

Promoting Positive Partnerships

Enrolment forms or enquiries by calling Mrs Chris Henschke on 5436 7321 or emailing Woodlands Boulevard Meridan Plains 4551 SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



NE V EREND ING STO RY A lifelong passion for reading by Sandra Smith A LOVE OF READING BEGINS IN THE EARLY YEARS, WHEN PARENTS SHARE STORIES AND NURSERY RHYMES WITH THEIR BABIES AND TODDLERS. UNFORTUNATELY, READING BECOMES LESS APPEALING FOR MANY CHILDREN AS THEY GROW OLDER AND DON’T HAVE TIME TO READ. CURLING UP WITH A GOOD BOOK IS NOT EVERYONE’S IDEA OF FUN, ESPECIALLY FOR BOYS, BUT WE CAN TAKE SIMPLE STEPS TO HELP OUR CHILDREN DEVELOP A LIFELONG PASSION FOR READING. The family background strongly influences children’s engagement in reading, according to Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC), a study of child development which began in 2004. Factors in children’s early years that determine their reading later in life include the number of books in the family home, whether the child visited a library and the extent to which the child was read to. The LSAC study also found that while most children enjoy reading, only a minority are frequent readers and about 10% of children do not enjoy reading.


Reading to young children is beneficial because:

Sunshine Coast Libraries Heritage and Learning manager Louise Bauer says parents and caregivers have an important role in supporting the crucial early years of learning, from babies to toddlers. Parents and caregivers are the child’s first teachers, so the more stimulation provided to children by talking, singing and sharing rhymes and stories, the better the outcomes.

• The ability to develop pre-literacy skills increases when a child is read to from birth • Half a child’s brain growth occurs between birth and age four • By three years of age, 50% of our language is in place • Books enhance language development and develop a child’s imagination

“The development of the brain is very rapid in the early years, and research shows that just 10 minutes a day reading aloud to your child helps prepare them for school,” she says. “These years are critical to activating the neural pathways that are so important in shaping ability to learn, to understand our place in the world and to develop relationships with others.”


Louise says new babies love being held and hearing their parents’ voices, so it’s never too early to start reading together. “Baby rhyme time sessions introduce the importance of singing rhymes, sharing books, and help make reading a family habit,” she says. “The patterns and melodies of speech are the beginnings of literacy and of instilling a lifelong love of reading in your child.”

Louise says the 2012 National Year of Reading is about people discovering the joy of reading. “Public libraries and other creative organisations are working together to create fantastic opportunities to celebrate reading, writing, and the gift of reading with children—how reading enriches our lives in so many ways,” she says. “It is also a time to think about our literacy levels and what this means to us as a nation.” Families can find the tools to support early literacy development in their local library, which hosts regular sessions for parents and carers. “Public libraries value children and families, and have created special spaces, services and collections just for them. There are weekly story time sessions for babies, toddlers and older

continued on next page...


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

Foundation College (Prep to Year 2)




Specialist early childhood teachers support a strong focus on literacy, numeracy and problem solving. A warm, stimulating, nurturing environment founded on Christian values, featuring: • Strong parent partnerships • High levels of teacher aide support • A fostering of creativity and imagination

Enrolment forms or enquiries by calling Mrs Chris Henschke on 5436 7321 or emailing Woodlands Boulevard Meridan Plains 4551

Together we grow for a better tomorrow.

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



THE VALUE OF LITERATURE IS IT ENRICHES LIVES and I think that the pity is that so many children don’t have the chance for that enrichment, because there is so much going on children attended by mums, dads, grandparents, siblings, carers and friends,” Louise says. The informal community context of the library promotes a reading culture by providing resources and support. In a rapidly changing world, literacy is essential, along with the ability to understand and use new technologies, and Louise says libraries will continue to be “people places” at the heart of local communities. “In a digital age, places to meet, learn and create and engage with others will be important,” Louise says. “The contemporary library reflects the need for a welcoming, safe place in the community.” FINDING TIME TO READ Sunshine Coast University Associate Professor Gary Crew says that very young children have quite rich literary lives; however, many teens stop reading for pleasure due to the pressures of high school, along with their “out-and-about lifestyle, technology, gaming, all those things.” “The value of literature is it enriches lives and I think that the pity is that so many children don’t have the chance for that enrichment, because there is so much going on,” Dr Crew says. He remembers his daughters going straight to their homework after school and not finishing until 10 pm, so there was no time for reading novels. “That’s what kids have to do to survive, so when


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

are they supposed to read for pleasure?” he says. “Teenagers just don’t have time to read.”


a reader

YOUTH FICTION An ambassador for the National Year of Reading, Dr Crew is the author of more than 70 books and has won numerous awards, including the Children’s Book Council of Australia award four times. Dr Crew began writing for young adults more than 25 years ago when he was a high school teacher and a parent of three teenage children. After the success of his first young adult novels, The Inner Circle, The House of Tomorrow and Strange Objects, Dr Crew was encouraged by his publisher to try a picture book. The result was First Light, a book for older readers that won Picture Book of the Year in 1994 and started a new genre in Australia. However, Dr Crew says that nothing remains current for teenagers for very long, and he says the “macabre” young adult fiction that was so successful for him in the 1990s has now been “absolutely torpedoed” by the fantasy genre. Despite the overnight success of fantasy, he believes vampire books like the Twilight series are “cheap thrills” that will eventually “crash and burn”.

• Introduce your child to books at home • Make reading with your child a part of your daily routine • Visit your local library regularly • Seek advice from library staff about sharing books with infants • Participate in baby, toddler and children’s rhyme, song and storytelling sessions at the library • Become a reading role model—a book-rich home environment helps establish a lifelong reading habit. • Sing with your baby—nursery rhymes are fun and are excellent for language development • Read everything—signs and labels, books, newspapers and the internet continued on next page...


Sunshine Coast Libraries

Sunshine Coast Libraries have come a long way from the days when they were simply places to browse and borrow books. Now, residents and visitors alike can access a wide variety of services and activities through libraries.


Leading the Way in Literacy At Blackall Range Independent School (BRIS) literacy is a strong focus for students and teachers. This year one of their teachers was accepted into the Literacy Coach Program run by Independent Schools QLD. Learning the latest strategies to engage children in literacy, their Literacy Coach also learns the skills to mentor all other teachers within the school through professional development. Students at BRIS see their teachers learning AND receive the benefits of that new learning. Reflective of the whole school commitment to literacy, the Library is funded and administered by school community volunteers. A School Book Club, Reading Eggs and the Premiers Reading Challenge are just a few of the ‘extracurricular’ programs utilised to support the school and students on their path to literacy. BRIS offers Prep to Year 10 classes and is accredited to Year 12.

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WITH 10 LIBRARIES ACROSS THE COAST, THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING TO INTEREST YOU: ►borrow books, CDs, and DVDs ►download free eBooks to your device ►borrow toys from our toy libraries ►access free wireless internet using your

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ENROLLING NOW FOR 2013 The Blackall Range Independent School is situated on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland and provides an alternative education for prep-yr12. 551 Mapleton Road, Kureelpa QLD 4560 Ph: 07 5441 5227

Services for tourists and visitors: ► ► ► ► ►

free membership for visitors free access to WiFi free download of eBooks free access to public computers Red Hot Reads - hire a bestseller for $4 for 10 days.

Our Mobile Libraries stop at over 40 townships weekly. Beerwah 5439 2500 | Caloundra 5499 5444 Coolum Beach 5343 2000 | Cooroy 5454 9000 Kawana 5458 6500 | Kenilworth 5446 0101 Maleny 5435 3100 | Maroochydore 5475 8900 Nambour 5441 8332 | Noosa 5442 4411 Mobile Libraries 5475 8900

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



READING IN A FAMILY CONTEXT • Children who live in households with 30 or more books when aged 4–5 years are more likely to enjoy reading (88%) at age 10–11 years than are those who lived in households with fewer than 30 books (82%). • Visiting a library when aged 4–5 years is positively associated with children’s engagement in reading at age 10–11 years.

AND S H N R TTEOF SPEEC A S P G E TH ODIES GINNIN OF E MELE THE B CY, ANDLONG AR LITERA A LIFE G OF TILLING READIN. INS OVE OF R CHILD L YOU IN A READING CULTURE Dr Crew says that boys who read books were traditionally seen as “weak”, but he believes there has been a cultural shift in recent years. “There was very much a ‘poofter culture’ of a boy carrying a book. I don’t mean ‘poofter’ as in gay; it’s something else. The word ‘poofter’ means not a real man,” he explains. “Since Harry Potter, boys are allowed to be seen with books. I think Harry being cool and intelligent, academic but also physical, is quite cool.” Australia’s sporting culture is a big problem, according to Dr Crew, who says there are very few literary role models for children. “I never saw John Howard with a book, but every time there was a sporting event, John Howard was there, with his hat on, and he was watching the tennis or watching the cricket or watching the football or whatever. Never once was he seen in any sort of academic or literary environment,” he says. The appeal of the sporting culture is changing as boys are becoming alert to the endemic corruption and violence in football. “More and more and more people are seeing that exposure of brutality, both on the field and off the field,” Dr Crew says. “I’d like to see a greater sophistication in sport. I’m hoping for a more snaggy, sophisticated young male who is allowed


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

• Children aged 10–11 years who were read to when aged 4–5 years are more likely to enjoy reading and to have read on a specified diary day than children who were not read to. • Children with more highly educated parents are more likely to enjoy reading and to read more often than those in low education households (90% compared with 85%). • Just over one child in ten (11%) aged 10–11 years does not enjoy reading and did not read on a specified diary day. • More girls than boys enjoy reading and read for leisure on a specified diary day. Overall, girls read more often and are more likely to enjoy reading. [Source: Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC),]

to read a book and play sport, whereas you were not allowed to before—you were one or the other.” ENCOURAGING RELUCTANT READERS The 2011 National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) test results show that girls achieved higher average scores than boys in literacy, while boys surpassed girls in numeracy tests. According to the Growing Up in Australia (LSAC) study, girls read more often and are more likely to enjoy reading than boys. While some boys may never pick up a novel, illustrated books can help boys become interested in reading. “If people have got boys who don’t read, the answer is not to throw piles of words at them, but to encourage them by illustrated books, where they’re reading words and images,” Dr Crew says. Dr Crew remembers that the teenage boys in his high school classes liked images and he says there is pop culture evidence that boys are better at reading visuals and abstract symbols. “They really loved picture books - they would like surfing books with pictures, popular mechanics,

skateboard,” he says. “The illustrated book, with boys particularly, is a great answer, so I have made it my business to sell into that market. Books like The Watertower have been huge sellers.” As well as maturing later, boys tend to read differently from girls, according to Dr Crew. “Boys like to read in a pack, they like to share their reading...whereas girls would go to a corner and sit quietly, the boys would muck around, they couldn’t sit,” he says. “The testosterone is just too much, and it’s not their fault; it’s because they’re males.” Parents can encourage their children to read by being role models, says Dr Crew, so if children see their parents reading books they will emulate that. “ It’s becoming very hip and very in now for young fathers to read to children. That’s good,” he says. “We have very little role modelling in our culture for reading, however it is growing. Libraries are pushing fathers’ groups and that sort of thing. I think to be seen to be an active participant in and promoter of reading in front of children is hugely important.”

Safety & Fun

Packaged as one!

Catchy verse & bright illustrations make learning safety messages fun & engaging. AVAILABLE NOW: - says Hey! Shut the Gate - says NO to Bullying - says Be a Hero A percentage of money from the sale of each of the OH NO MO! safety books will be donated to Kidsafe & the Daniel Morcombe Foundation

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Opening doors to fun-filled learning To celebrate the successful growth of our Little Learners program, we will be opening our new purpose designed Kindy facilities in 2013. Kindy | 3½ – 4½ year olds A rich early learning program including music, PE, library and computer lessons. Updated play equipment and learning facilities.

Pre-Kindy | 2½ – 3½ year olds See our current Little Learners dance, sing, create, imagine and share their way through each day.

Book a tour by calling Janelle on 5451 3600

E. | A. Cnr Schubert & Kiel Mtn Rds, Woombye SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



How you do you know if your child is ready for school? The transition from home, day care, kindergarten or pre-prep to school is a major milestone for any family. How can you be assured that your child is ready?

able to focus on tasks, follow directions, cope with transitions and changes to routines, and understand school rules. Can your child sit still for short periods of time to listen to a story, or stay focussed on a set activity?

How children learn in Prep

Health and Physical Wellbeing: Can your child use a paintbrush, pencil, or scissors? Is your child able to walk and run without tripping, or sit quietly for longer periods without becoming distracted?

The Prep curriculum is based on active learning, which includes real-life situations, investigation and play. It recognises the importance of children’s brain development through learning using all 5 senses, and the role of adults in children’s learning. The prep year aims to develop: • social and emotional competence • health and physical wellbeing • language development and communication • early mathematical understandings • active learning processes, with a focus on thinking, investigating, and imagining and responding • positive dispositions to learning. In Queensland, children must turn five by the thirtieth of June to be able to start the Prep year. TO HELP YOU DECIDE WHETHER YOUR CHILD IS READY FOR PREP, YOU MAY WANT TO CONSIDER Social Skills: your child will need to be able to socialise and play with their classmates. They may also need to be able to deal with a more structured or more formal learning environment, such as being

Language skills: Your child will need to be able to understand what teachers are saying and follow simple instructions, as well as be able to communicate with teachers and the other students. Is your child beginning to show a greater interest in books, and in drawing and writing? Independence: Your child will need a range of skills to develop independence, which may include going to the toilet by themselves, dress and undress and organise belongings. All children are different and develop at different rates. Many children take longer to mature than their peers. Is your child smaller or younger than the other children? Is your child not yet really comfortable playing in groups of children or confident without adult support? If this is the case, then another year in the current setting may benefit your child greatly. Speak to your child’s current teachers and other health professionals to help you make your decision. Sunshine Coast Grammar School visit or call 5445 4444


Enquire now our Alpha Tykes French Program


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

Pre-Prep Education from 3 years - CCB approved • Free weekly specialist teacher lessons in Music & Sport • Weekly visits to onsite Junior Primary Library & regular onsite Farm excursions • Qualified teachers presenting a fun and educational Kindergarten program • $64 per day (up to 10 hours) including afternoon tea P: 5451 3333


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Our brand new state-of-the-art Kindergarten at Caloundra City Private School is now open. This fully air-conditioned, eco-friendly kindergarten is now open and the children love it. City Stars Kindergarten is open to all children 4 years of age by 30 June 2012. Classes are strictly limited to 24 students with individual needs catered for by a qualified teacher and assistant ensuring your child has every opportunity to thrive.

Proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government.

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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


CALENDAR Sunshine Coast 2012


A calendar of regular weekly events is available online. For details of playgroups, library activities, weekly sporting events, craft classes, Australian Breastfeeding Association meeting times and much more, visit

September 7

September 5


Where: Sunshine Plaza Riverwalk Stage When: 9am to 12noon Meet Raggs and create a musical masterpiece to take home. Cost: FREE! Ph 5443 4133

Where: The J Noosa When: 6pm to 8pm The Green Zone Disco has been extremely popular and is always welcomed back with enthusiastic cheers, with the same popular DJ and great prizes and giveaways. The age group is strictly eight to 12 years. Cost: $6 per Child


September 8

COMMUNITY FUN DAY Where: Mapleton State School When: 10am to 2pm Come along for a great fun day in the hinterland. Enjoy a jumping castle, animal farm, free family games and amazing competitions open to everyone, with fantastic prizes from local businesses!

From September 22

September 19


This September, thousands of people will Light the Night for Leukaemia Foundation. You can help create a sea of glowing lights at this Australian-first event by lighting a balloon to remember, celebrate and give hope to patients and families living with leukemias, lymphomas, myeloma and related blood disorders.

NEW OCEAN TUNNEL AT UNDERWATER WORLD! Where: Underwater World, Mooloolaba When: 9am to 5pm daily Walk through the new Ocean Tunnel and be introduced to four exciting new themed zones to the aquarium, including Shark Shipwreck, Coral Cove, Ray Lagoon and most exciting of all - Turtle Temple! Cost: Adult $35. Children (three to 14) $23. Family pass (two adults and two children) $96.

September 26

September 24 to 28

LORAX LAND CRAFT VILLAGE Where: Sunshine Plaza Riverwalk Stage When: 11am to 2pm daily Children can decorate an eco friendly pot and plant their own seedling Cost: FREE

September 8

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Where: Mystery Island Kids Club, Maroochy RSL When: From 7pm Happy 40th Birthday Maroochy RSL. Join the party with lots of games and prizes. Cost: Entry into Mystery Island - $2.50 junior members, $4.50 non junior members

Where: Lake Kawana Community Centre When: 9am to 4pm Enjoy more than 120 Exhibits and a huge variety of workshops all designed to meet the needs of women of all ages, cultures and interests. Cost: FREE Admission

September 24 to 28

September 24 to 28 & October 1 to 5

Where: Noosa Civic Food Court When: 11am Postman Pat is in a big muddle. With the help of his good friend and all the boys and girls in the audience at Noosa Civic, hopefully all the mail can be delivered to the right people on time. Join in all the singing and dancing as Postman Pat receives clues from everyone’s favourite nursery rhymes. Cost: FREE Ph 5440 7900

Where: The Ginger Factory When: 11am & 1pm. What do you call a female magician? A “magicianess” of course! Back by popular demand at the Ginger Factory is Jodie the Magicianess, her special white rabbit Magic and Grumbledore the friendly wizard. FREE Admission to The Ginger Factory. Tickets for the Magicianess Magic Show are FREE on a first-come basis.


September 26


Where: Noosa Regional Gallery September 26 Sculptured Foil Faces (4-8yrs) & 3D Mythical Creatures (8 – 12yrs) September 27 Exploring interconnecting shapes (4-8yrs) & Botanical studies of exotic flora (8-12yrs) Cost: $15 per child. Bookings essential. Ph 5449 5340

Where: The J Noosa When: 9am / 10:30am / 6:30pm BushLab Didjeridu Workshops are hands-on classes with maximum participation and fun learning to play the didjeridu (didgeridoo or vidaki). Ages six plus. Cost: $10 per person. Bookings essential. Ph 5455 4455

September 26


Where: Caloundra Regional Gallery When: Five to seven years - 10am to 11am & 11am to 12noon Eight to 12 years -12:30pm to 2pm Children will discover and draw objects surrounding us in the gallery and combine these in a new composition with a short written personal story. Cost: $15 per child. Bookings essential. Ph 5420 8299.

September 27

September 26

MASK MAKING AND SMALL ANIMALS IN CLAY Where: Butter Factory Arts Centre When: 10am to 12noon School holiday activity for kids aged six to 12 years. Cost: FREE. Bookings essential. Ph 5454 9050




Where: Art & Ecology centre, Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Gardens When: Five to eight years - 10am to 11:30am. Nine to 12 years - 12:30pm to 2pm. Students create a stunning 3D flying bird mobile using watercolour and collage techniques. Cost: $5 Registration fee per person. Bookings are essential. Ph 5475 7272

September 14 & 15



Where: Art & Ecology centre, Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Gardens When: Nine to 12 years - 9am to 12noon Looking at clay with the Clayworkers group. Cost: $5 Registration fee per person. Bookings are essential.

September 28

PIRATES OF THE VALLEY Where: Mary Valley Heritage Railway When: Depart 10am, Return 2:30pm Pirates should join Capt. Rattlebones at old Gympie Station to board the “Blueskellies Diesel Express” – the heritage train with a big blue diesel locomotive, to go and explore the Mary Valley with the Captain’s stolen maps to try and find the hidden treasure. Cost: Adult $30, Child $20. Ph 5482 2750


Where: Maleny Dairies, McCarthy’s Rd, Maleny When: 10:30am & 2:30pm. This interactive tour includes hand milking demonstrations, a tour of the dairy and a baby animal farm. Bring a picnic and enjoy the countryside. Kiosk now open with coffees, milkshakes, soft serves and sundaes. Cost: $9 per person. www.


Where: Sunshine Coast Libraries When: Various times - see website for details. Storytelling sessions for pre-schoolers, babies and parents occur weekly at every library across the Sunshine Coast and are free! Cost: FREE. www.


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012


Where: Buderim Pool When: Wed 11am - 12noon & Thurs 2pm - 3pm. Bring your baby for an hour of watery fun with swim toys, small inflatables, kickboards and music. Friendly, qualified instructors are on hand to give advice and tips.Cost: $6 for the first child and $3 for any subsequent children in the family. Newborns to five years all welcome! Ph: 07 5445 6685


Where: 1 Florence St, Nambour When: 10am to 3pm. Ride on 5” and 7¼” gauge Miniature Railway Model Live Steam and Diesel Locomotives. Tea, Coffee and Drinks available. Bring a picnic and stay for the day. Cost: From $3. Ph: 5450 8340

Where: The Butter Factory Arts Centre, Cooroy When: 10am to 12 noon These fun, free, family events will be held on the third Saturday of every month. Enjoy the current exhibition in a relaxed atmosphere, create a piece with a family member and enjoy the local food on offer. Fun for all ages. Cost: FREE. No bookings required. Ph: 5454 9050


Where: Anglican Church of Noosa, Bicentennial Drive, Sunshine Beach When: 8:45am to11am, Mondays. The kids will never guess that Storytime is a carefully designed literacy program. By making learning fun, kids learn about letters and words through play and have a great time doing it! Cost: FREE, community based program for zero to five year olds Ph: 0427 197 206 visit

* We publish information based on what is supplied to us - to the best of our knowledge all details were correct at time of printing, however we do recommend you check event details with the organisers.

October October 1

FAMILY DAY OUT 2012 Where: Kings Beach Precinct, Caloundra When: 9am to 4pm Family Day Out is an initiative of the Daniel Morcombe Foundation and is an event that is all about ‘Keeping Kids Safe’. The day promises to be one of the most entertaining and educational events staged in Australia where the community comes together in an inclusive and fun day of learning and laughs in a relaxed and familyfriendly environment. Cost: FREE

October 3

THE LORAX – SPEAK FOR THE TREES LIVE SHOW Where: Sunshine Plaza Riverwalk Stage When: Live Shows 11am & 1pm; Meet & Greet at 12noon Live show at the Riverwalk Stage. Plus, meet the Lorax! Cost: FREE Ph 5443 4133


Where: Caloundra Regional Gallery When: Five to seven year olds 10am to 11am Eight to 12 year olds 12:30pm to 2pm Explore facial features through your own mirror reflection. Using dry mediums children will explore colour and its relationship to emotions. Cost: $15 per child. Bookings essential. Ph 5420 8299

Where: Art & Ecology centre, Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Gardens When: Five to eight years - 10:30am to 12noon. These workshops for younger children will inspire them to create dramatic characters which can then interact in a mini performance/drama experience. Cost: $5 Registration fee per person. Bookings are essential.

October 6 to 13

Are You Ok Day is an annual national day of action that aims to get Australians, right across the entire spectrum of society, connecting with friends and loved ones, by reaching out to anyone doing it tough and simply asking: “Are you ok?” Talking about suicide with someone at risk actually reduces the chances of them taking their life.

SUNSHINE PLAZA FAMILY WEEK Where: Sunshine Plaza (various locations) When: Various A celebration of all things family during October School holidays! There will be a variety of entertainment & activities every day, including a FREE family portrait opportunity! Cost: FREE Ph 5443 4133

October 4



October 1 to 7

October 1 to 5

Where: Mystery Island Kids Club, Maroochy RSL When: From 7pm Bust a boogie on the dance floor with musical games, activities and plenty of fun. Cost: Entry into Mystery Island - $2.50 junior members, $4.50 non junior members

Where: Art & Ecology centre, Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Gardens When: Five to eight yrs - 10am to 11:30am. Nine to 12 yrs - 1pm to 2:30pm Linked to the “Spring into Action” theme, the students will study and draw items of bushland flora. Cost: $5 Registration fee per person. Bookings are essential.

October 7th


Where: The Majestic Theatre, 3 Factory Street, Pomona When: 6 - 9pm Come and celebrate the school holidays with a Friday night family disco! Lots of games, competitions and prizes to be won, including best dressed, best dancer, limbo and musical statues. Delicious meals and drinks available. Cost: $5 per person (children under 2 years free). Tickets available at the door.

October 14

Where: Mooloolah Community Centre – 43 Bray Road, Mooloolah Valley When: 9am to 2pm Fun day for the whole family free kids rides, stalls, food, live entertainment and music. Cost: FREE

October 26

October 27



Where: Event start: 6:30am Suncoast Christian College, Woombye Finish: 8am Briggs Park, Palmwoods (Rugby League Grounds). Parking available at start and finish. Shuttle bus operating from 6am. Walk for Daniel is the Daniel Morcombe Foundation Day for Daniel Event. Wear RED and walk the same path that Daniel walked.

Where: Art & Ecology centre, Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Gardens When: Five to eight years - 10am to 11:30am. Look at the minute detail in some of these beautiful plants using a hand lens or magnifying glass before using pressed plant material, photographs and paint to create your own individual artwork. Cost: $5 Registration per person. Bookings essential.

October 5


Where: Mystery Island Kids Club, Maroochy RSL When: From 7pm Show us your best Halloween costume or be part of our trick or treat games. Cost: Entry into Mystery Island - $2.50 junior members, $4.50 non junior members

October 3



October 13


October 2


Where: Lakefront Parklands, Amberjack St, Brightwater When: 11am - 3pm BYO Picnic lunch. Loads of entertainment and old fashioned games Cost: Free events

October 21 to 27


October 18

PINK PRECINCT FUN TRAIL Where: Butter Factory Arts Centre When: 7am to 9am Have fun, raise money and awareness for the National Breast Cancer Foundation, by joining the Pink Precinct Fun Trail. Ph 5454 9050.

Children’s Week is an annual event celebrated in Australia during the fourth week in October. Children’s Week celebrates the right of children to enjoy childhood. It is also a time for children to demonstrate their talents, skills and abilities. children.html

October 28

WALK 4 PAWS 2012 Where: East Bank Foreshore, Sportsmans Parade, Bokarina. A family fun day with a Charity Dog Walk, Pet Expo, Sausage Sizzle, Music, Raffle prizes and much more....... Cost: $5 per dog

Tickets on SALE Chant For Change 7th September Featuring performances from Boy & Girl, Kelsie Rimmer and Soul Studio Lake Kawana Community Centre Nickleby & His Magic Robot 27th September Lake Kawana Community Centre

Swan Lake: Russian National Ballet 1 October The Events Centre, Caloundra Dorothy the Dinosaur’s Beach Party 5 October The Events Centre, Caloundra

Sleeping Beauty 25 October Imperial Russian Ballet Company The Events Centre, Caloundra

Justine Clarke 28 November 2012 QPAC, South Bank, Brisbane

Potted Potter (The unauthorised Harry Potter experience) 6 to 11 November QPAC, South Bank, Brisbane

The Wiggles Celebration 15 & 16 December Brisbane Entertainment Centre

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


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Do try this at home - with Blue Sky Science Can you imagine how things might have turned out if Albert Einstein was a kid today? With all the mind numbing distractions of TV, video games and social media, do you think young Albert would have been inspired to go on to develop the theory of relativity? Blue Sky Science activities are designed to provide kids with that spark of inspiration that will get them interested in the world around them. Our goal is to inspire the next generation of scientists to want to be scientists. So if you want your little genius to discover how exciting science can be, why not throw a Blue Sky Science party for their birthday? Or come along to one of the fun science workshops being held all around the Sunshine Coast. Check out the range of fun activities on offer at and keep up with what’s happening at to a kids’ science workshop Come ese SCHOOL HOLI DAYS!! th

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KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


KOTC advertising feature


burst into spring with these bold new trends Evolve • mother baby home •

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ZANE WEARS: Munster Blazers Knit, Munster Dacked Short, Munster Wheelie T-Shirt & Walnut Cruise AVALON WEARS: Munster Barneys Pant & Sudo Selvedge Shirt. Bow tie - stylists own

Hair styled by Toni & Guy Cotton Tree 07 5451 0251

Hair styled by Toni & Guy Cotton Tree 07 5451 0251


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

KOTC advertising feature


bright new season fashions in your local area Noosa Juniors

Eco Child



GRACE WEARS: Love Lily Tye Dye Shift Dress Holster Slides Seafolly Cowboy Hat

MILA WEARS: Doodlebug Bamboo ‘Mila flower Pinnafore’ & blue striped tights OSCAR WEARS: Doodlebug Bamboo ‘Anchor tee’ and ‘Geenie pants’ in blue

Hair styled by Toni & Guy Cotton Tree 07 5451 0251

Hair styled by Toni & Guy Cotton Tree 07 5451 0251

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


BABIES on the coast

THE TRUE MEANING OF WEANING By Chaley-Ann Scott Weaning is a decision made far more difficult as parents have to wade through the controversy, myth, conflicting information, and out of date advice. This isn’t helped by the confusion surrounding the term ‘weaning’. There is ‘weaning’ (off the breast), ‘weaning’ (onto solids), ‘child-led weaning’, ‘mother-led weaning’, ‘extended weaning’, ‘exclusive breastfeeding’, ‘extended breastfeeding’…and so on. The issue of what and when we feed our little ones seems to be a complex one, so it is little wonder that many mothers are weaning off the breast and onto solids simultaneously due to lack of knowledge. CURRENT RECOMMENDATIONS The government guidelines used to be that we wean onto solids at 3 months, then 4, and now 6. The World Health Organization (WHO) released the results of their in-depth study on when to begin introducing solid foods into the diet of a breastfed or nursing baby. The WHO found that waiting until six months to start your baby on solid foods provides multiple benefits to both mother and child. FOR THE BABY: • better neuro-motor development • less infections and diseases, particularly diarrhoea FOR THE MOTHER: • longer delay in return to fertility • faster weight loss & return to pre-pregnancy weight.


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

Introducing solid foods too early may slow your baby’s growth as their digestive system may not yet be able to digest this host of new foods. Studies have also shown that the earlier solid foods have been introduced that those children are of higher risk for developing allergies. Introduction of solid foods will also have some impact on your milk supply which in turn may affect your long term breastfeeding goals. The WHO does not recommend weaning off the breast at the same time as introducing solids. In fact, they recommend breastfeeding for ‘two years and beyond’. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND TO WEANING Evidence suggests that in Egypt, 2300 to 4700 years ago, babies were starting solids at around 6 months of age, as were the Romans 1550 to 1750 years ago. During the 18th and 19th century, there was a belief that fresh fruit and vegetables were not tolerated by children and they were best weaned onto bland and starchy food. Most thought sugar was nourishing and often added salt to babies’ food. By the early 1900s through to around the 1920s, pediatricians were advising no solid foods until 12 months of age, supplemented by cod liver oil and orange juice (to prevent scurvy). However, it is difficult to know how many of these babies were weaned onto “solid food” and how many onto the “infant formulas” available since the late 1860s. It is likely that they were primarily weaned onto

“pap” and similar soft foods, as infant formula was often prohibitively expensive until around the 1920s-1930s when evaporated milk became widely used as an inexpensive base. Over the next 30 years the age at which solids were given became earlier, as there were concerns that babies were missing essential iron and vitamins when given breast milk alone. Flash forward to the 1950s and 1960s and it was not uncommon for babies to start solids as young as 3-6 weeks of age, and it was generally viewed as a milestone achievement. An MD in Miami in 1953 wrote a paper boasting about his success with feeding babies solids from 2 days old, and a 3 meal a day plan at 3 months (his schedule was backed in the paper by other medics). Historically breastfeeding for years was common practice in many times and places, but for the wealthy wet-nurses were often used. Until the twentieth century children in China and Japan were commonly breastfed until ages four or five. In 1850 in England and the US it was recommended until 1 year, but two was common. Anthropologist Margaret Mead, in 1967, whilst studying sixty-four cultures weaning practices discovered that only one culture routinely weaned their young at six months. WHAT IS NATURAL FOR A HUMAN BABY? According to attachment parenting advocates, extended breastfeeding is natural for babies. ‘If we were all first-time parents isolated on a deserted


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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


BABIES on the coast

EXTENDED BREASTFEEDING IS NORMAL FOR OUR SPECIES. IT’S NOT PERVERTED, IT’S NOT SEX, IT’S NOT WOMEN DOING IT FOR SOME PERVERSE NEED island without the advice of baby books, doctors, psychologists or in-laws, you would care for your child instinctively – breastfeeding, holding and carrying your baby during the day and sleeping with your baby at night.’ Dr William Sears (The Baby Book, 2003). Recent anthropological research on ancient tribes following attachment mothering principles produced some fascinating discoveries. World-renowned anthropologist and human sleep expert, Dr James McKenna (Sleeping with Your Baby: A Parent’s Guide to Cosleeping, 2007), argues that mammals carry and breastfeed their infants until well over two years old and humans should be no different. Contrary to popular opinion, these studies showed that it is perfectly natural for the majority of babies to want to be almost constantly held in the first couple of years, to want to breastfeed regularly until, on average, around three years old, to sleep with their mothers and to wake several times at night. This shows that our culture seems to be at odds with what our babies’ true needs are. EXTENDED BREASTFEEDING Even those who advocate ‘breast is best’ for a newborn, are often uncomfortable about a 14-month-old or a five-year-old. But are there any benefits to extended breastfeeding? Commonly, feeding a baby over 12 months of age is termed ‘extended’ breastfeeding, suggesting that it is against the norms of our society. It is assumed that once a child reaches that age they will be


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

weaned onto cow’s milk and/or solids because breast milk no longer has any nutritional value to them. However, there is plenty of research that supports the view that breast milk has numerous nutritional and physiological benefits, which grow with the age of the child. Many studies on extended breastfeeding have argued that it can reduce sickness and allergies. The American Academy of Family Physicians notes that children weaned before two years of age are at increased risk of illness (AAFP 2001). Goldman & Goldblum (Nutrition During Lactation, 1991) state that ‘some of the immune factors in breast milk increase in concentration during the second year and also during the weaning process.’ The World Health Organisation goes so far as to say ‘a modest increase in breastfeeding rates

could prevent up to 10% of all deaths of children under five: Breastfeeding plays an essential and sometimes underestimated role in the treatment and prevention of childhood illness.’ SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH by award-winning anthropologist, Katherine Dettwyler (Breastfeeding: Biocultural Perspectives, 1995), shows that 2.5 to 7.0 years of nursing is what our children have been designed to expect. ‘Extended breastfeeding is normal for our species. It’s not perverted, it’s not sex, it’s not women doing it for some perverse need,’ she says, ‘It’s normal like a nine-month pregnancy is normal.’ The health and emotional


Change for the better If relationships, parenting, and life in general are making you feel stressed or unhappy, The Integrated Life Centre may be able to help. “We change how we feel about our lives by understanding and changing our approach to the various things that aren’t working for us. I teach people day-to-day skills to help with that,” says Pettina Stanghon, behavioural practitioner, psychotherapist and mother of two, who has been helping people on the Sunshine Coast for over 6 years.


The Integrated Life Centre specialises in working with families to understand and overcome behavioural challenges—from toddler tantrums and preschool anxiety to “tween” rebelliousness. Many teenagers suffer anxiety or depression, form unhealthy eating and sleeping habits or become aggressive leaving parents desperate for support. Pettina will tailor a program specific to individual needs to bring harmony back in to the home, helping you reconnect as a family. Ongoing support and aftercare is available either onsite or online, giving you the confidence that help is at hand no matter where you live. Pettina also helps new parents, especially mothers, to deal with the demands of a new baby and post-natal issues, aiming to return them to integrated wellbeing. The Integrated Life Centre offers a variety of services including: • Counselling, NLP, clinical hypnosis and journey therapy • Marriage and Family Therapy (weekend & evening sessions available) • Teenage mentoring and behavioural change • Mind Maintenance for Mums



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BABIES on the coast

benefits to us are also considerable. Research has shown it can suppress ovulation; reduce the risk of breast, ovarian, uterine and endometrial cancer; protect against osteoporosis; reduce the risk of arthritis; and help weight loss. BREASTFEEDING AND BEHAVIOUR Elizabeth Baldwin (Extended Breastfeeding and the Law, 1993), a specialised researcher in extended breastfeeding, asserts that children who are breastfed until they decide to stop are more secure due to the fact that their developmental and emotional needs are met more closely by their mothers. According to Elizabeth’s research, ‘Breastfeeding is a warm and loving way to meet the needs of toddlers and young children. It not only perks them up and energises them; it also soothes the frustrations, bumps and bruises and daily stresses of early childhood. In addition, nursing past infancy helps little ones make a gradual transition to childhood.’ Baldwin continues: ‘Meeting a child’s dependency need is the key to helping that child achieve independence. And children outgrow these needs according to their own unique timetable.’ Children who achieve independence at their own pace are more secure in that independence than children forced into independence prematurely. BREASTFEEDING AND CULTURE Our culture does not completely support our


KiDs on tHe CoAst – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2011

babies’ needs to be breastfed until they are ready to stop. Maybe the route of this is our obsession with breasts – advertising and the media tell us they are sexy, desirable and they sell, sell, sell! So powerful are they, they can sell anything from cars to stationery and apparently can render a man dumbstruck by the mere sight of an impressive cleavage. With images of well-endowed, sexualised women all around us, it is little wonder that many of us feel so uncomfortable breastfeeding in public and for extended periods. Many of today’s new mothers are commonly surprised when breastfeeding is difficult and painful in the beginning and often turn to the bottle in despair. This isn’t surprising considering that most of us grow up unexposed to breastfeeding mothers so when it’s our turn we don’t know what to do. We have been taught all our lives to cover up our breasts as they are sexual objects, and now we have to get them out to feed our baby and master a new and, sometimes, difficult skill with little if any support. That is where the ABA, a good lactation consultant, midwife, or pediatrician can be a godsend. WHEN IT GOES WRONG It is clear that how we feed our children is a very personal issue and one which must take the needs of our unique child, and situation, into account. Sometimes, despite our very best efforts, our breastfeeding relationship is cut short. Bottlefeeding can still be bonding as you can hold your

HOW YOU RESPOND WHEN THEY CRY, HOW OFTEN YOU HOLD AND PLAY WITH THEM, AND HOW GENTLE YOU ARE AS A PARENT MATTERS FAR MORE THAN THE WAY YOU FEED THEM. child close to you, have skin-to-skin contact, and make eye contact. It is important to remember that your relationship with your child won’t be based solely on whether you bottle or breast-fed them. How you respond when they cry, how often you hold and play with them, and how gentle you are as a parent matters far more than the way you feed them.

FOR FURTHER HELP GO TO: Australian Breastfeeding Association: Breastfeeding Helpline: 1800 mum 2 mum (1800 686 268) Lactation Consultants:

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FAMILY FORUMS Picnic in the Park Tweens & Technology 7th October 30th August If there is a topic you would like 13th September to see discussed at our future 19th September Family Forums Let us know! ‘LIKE’ Kids on the Coast Facebook page to keep updated with upcoming events


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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst




A research team from the Central Queensland University found a sleeping partner is more disruptive to sleep than any other noises. Surprisingly it seems that parents are nearly twice as likely to share a bed with their pets as they are with the children. (Source: Sealy Sleep Census)


NEEDS TO KNOW In her new book, Dilvin Yasa shares the truth about sex, tattoos, babies, drugs, strange men and high heels – as well as many other quirky and thought provoking anecdotes from her own coming of age. This book is for mums who want to share with their daughters and for daughters who can’t always share with their mums. RRP $19.99 Pan Macmillion Australia.

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ESCAPE TO THE MOVIES in October and check our the new Toni Collette movie Mental. The story is based around the Moochmore girls, who are certain they all suffer from some kind of undiagnosed mental illness - because if they’re not crazy then they’re just unpopular. When their mother suffers a nervous breakdown their father impulsively picks up a hitchhiker named Shaz (Toni Collette) and installs her in his home as nanny to his daughters. Also starring Liev Schreiber and Anthony LaPaglia. Rating TBA.

FORGIVE EASILY and reap the rewards on the scales! Studies have shown that fewer stress hormones are produced in the more compassionate person which means a speedier metabolism.




KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

Track your personal expenses on the go with this easy-to-use app that you can use on your iPhone, iPod or Android phone. The free Track My Spend app from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission is simple to use, helping you get a clear picture of what you are spending your money on and to assist in gaining control of your money.

BE KIND TO YOURSELF! Located in beautiful Cotton Tree, Eco Organic Hair and Body have been leading the way in ammonia free/Organic colouring for 8 years. The experienced team offer a more natural approach to hairdressing and work to ensure that all clients leave the salon confident and fulfilled. Manufactured in Italy, herb’s range contain Organic vegetable based colour pigments which are gentle on both the hair and scalp and carries the ‘peta’ certificate. With no ammonia or corrosive chemicals the hair is left feeling healthy, shiny and with amazing manageability. Eco also offer beauty therapy and massage and are now stocking Kora Organic Skincare by Miranda Kerr. eco provide a friendly and professional environment to ensure a calming and relaxed salon experience with a personal touch. Eco Organic Hair and Body Shop 3/1 King St Cotton Tree 5451 1300

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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



These days we hear and see a lot about buying organic. With so much information and misinformation, how do you begin to understand what it all means? We asked two experts with very different backgrounds to help us understand the impact and the benefits of choosing organic products for our families.

RAISING ‘EM CLEAN AND GREEN – PESTICIDE EXPOSURE AND HEALTH Dr Sarah Lantz (PhD), Organic Farm Share WHAT DO I DO FOR A LIVING? I work in research – on projects that slice and dice placentas and umbilical cords and examine the chemical compounds inside of them. I’m deeply interested in the interplay between our personal environment (homes, lawns, schools) and the larger ecological world we all inhabit (systems of transportation, agriculture, energy, and toxics regulation). I want to know what makes its way into the human body (even before birth), and how this interplay affects the development of children. Perhaps not the most glamorous of jobs, but what


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

could be more important than the health and development of our children - and their children’s children? After all, other than the 23 chromosomes that each parent contributes to our children during the moment of their conceptions, their growing bodies are entirely made up of the sum of their environment. Our children are essentially the jet stream, the global food web, and the water cycle. Their lungs absorb oxygen. Water flows through their capillaries. Egg yolks, green beans, and peanut butter become their heart muscles, nerve fibers, and fingernails. And it’s the quality of all these factors that can profoundly interrupt their growth and development, or have them thrive and reach whatever purpose they came onto this planet to do.

SO WHAT HAVE WE FOUND IN THE BODIES OF NEW BORN BABIES? Lots of things - dioxin, teflon, perfluorochemicals, heavy metals, brominated flame-retardants, sulphates, parabens, phthalates, fragrances, flame-retardants, plastics, preservatives, methyl mercury. And probably the most disturbing of all are the industrial chemicals banned over 30 years ago. Most notably organophosphates pesticides. While long-term health effects of exposure to these toxicants are yet to be fully realized, they have been directly linked to a range of childhood morbidities including intellectual impairments, allergenicity, neurological and behavioral disorders, congenital malformations, asthma, and preterm birth.

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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


permitted for use in other parts of the world, are still widely used in Australia. The insecticide Endosulfan, for example, a chemical that has the potential for bioaccumulation and a known endocrine disruptor, was banned in Australia in 2010, reversing earlier rulings that said it was safe if used correctly. Whilst this was a landmark decision for families across Australia, 60 countries had already banned the toxic chemical years earlier. A salient feature of chemical exposure though, and one that gives me great hope, both as a researcher and as a parent, is that chemical exposure is largely an act of human activity, and because of this, it is a preventable and modifiable risk factor for many diseases. The decisions we make today - as parents, consumers, policy makers, citizens - in relation to the use of chemicals in the environment will directly (and indirectly) affect the heath of our children – both the current generation and future

It is no secret why many people, particularly young families are buying organic products and choose to eat in-season. generations. And for parents, toxicity of any kind, should not be a consumer choice.

The evidence of health impacts from pesticide exposure are linked to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome( ), birth defects, brain damage, infertility and cancer - prostate, mammary, breast, ovarian cancer.( ) A 2003 study measured levels of organophosphate in the urine of pre-school children in the US. Children with conventional diets had, on average, nine times more organophosphate insecticides in their urine than children fed organic produce. More recent research from Harvard University examined the relationship between ADHD and exposure to organophosphates. The researchers analyzed the levels of pesticide residue in the urine of more than 1,100 children ages 8 to 15 and found that those with the highest levels of dialkyl phosphates, which are the breakdown products of organophosphate pesticides, had the highest incidence of ADHD and behavioral disorders. Overall, they found a 35% increase in developing ADHD with every tenfold increase in urinary concentration of the pesticide residue. The effect was seen even at the low end of exposure: children who had any detectable, above-average level of the most common pesticide metabolite in their urine were twice as likely as those with undetectable levels to record symptoms of learning disorders.( )


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

UNCERTAIN RISK These findings are not really surprising when you think about it though. Pesticides, by design, are made to kill. In particular, they are designed to kill insects, bugs and rodents by disrupting (and destroying) specific neurotransmitters in the brain. And given that babies’ brains (up until the age of six-months) have open blood-brain barriers, they too are particularly susceptible to the brain-destroying risks of pesticides. In fact, at this stage of their lives, babies brains do not distinguish whether a molecule is toxic or a precious morsel of iron or calcium. The brain therefore affords free passage to most environmental chemicals in the early months after birth. Also consider that the science community does not know about thresholds of harm or what levels of pesticide exposure are sufficient to endanger health. We know even less about their effects on children. This is what we call ‘uncertain risk’. And while the Australian government has ratified a number of international policy agreements pertaining to chemicals and their regulation, such that we have some universally recognized concern for the future, it currently does not exercise the precautionary principle in its chemical regulations. This means that many pesticides no longer

So while the government is getting its act together to legislate in support of protective policies, it is necessary to consciously and deliberately create healthy habitats for our children. Consider that a return to our organic agricultural roots is at the heart of turning this all around. Supporting organic farming is an important investment into the health of children and families. Organic farms, such as Organic Farm Share, are based on an agricultural system that does not rely on toxic chemicals to produce the food we eat and supplies fresh produce directly to member families. In turn, their support of the Farm helps pay for the seeds, machinery, and labour, of farmers production expenses. This investment is returned via fresh, local produce, fruit and vegetables, eggs, herbs, flowers and artisan products such as fermented foods, jams, sauces, and honey. It is ecologically and nutritionally sustainable. It significantly reduces food miles – in the case of Organic Farm Share by 92% - nourishes growing bodies, and is a preventative measure for cancer, birth defects, asthma and behavioral disorders. And along with fresh local produce also comes intangible benefits of being connected to an organic farm. Children learn a lot about where food comes from - how animals are raised and vegetables grown without ‘icide’ chemicals.


Natural Medicine for Babies & Children Course Karen McElroy is a leading Sunshine Coast naturopath with over 15 years experience in treating women and children. Passionate about children’s health, Karen loves to support parents in making healthy changes across the board – from diet and lifestyle change to parenting strategies. Karen is pleased to be running her popular workshops on Natural Medicine for Babies and Children again in November. These workshops are packed with great practical information on child development, nutrition, vaccination, behaviour & discipline, natural medicine and how to manage common complaints. Come along and learn from an expert (who is also a mum!) and feel confident in supporting your child’s health. • Natural/Homeopathic First Aid kits, herbal teas & creams available • Comprehensive Children’s Health E-book is included Date: Saturday 3rd November 2012 Venue: Cooroy Library Info/registration:

Karen McElroy NATURAL HEALTH SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR CHILD: • Allergies, Eczema, Asthma • Recurrent Infections • ADHD & Autism • Behavioural & Sleep Issues • Picky Eating & Nutritional Deficiencies CLINIC AT 31 MARY STREET, NOOSAVILLE PH: 5449 7958



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SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


It is no secret why many people, particularly young families are buying organic products and choose to eat in-season.

biodiversity (more bees, birds, insects etc). You won’t find toxic nasties on organic farms, such as: Chemicals, Fungicides, Pesticides and Herbicides, which destroy insects, worms and wildlife. Bees are required to pollinate fruit trees and vegetables. Up to 70% of our crops need a bee….. No Bees, No Food! Farmers raising organic “Certified” livestock do not use antibiotics or other drugs, such as growth hormones or GM stock foods. Livestock & poultry are treated respectfully, and are truly free range, grazing on pastures in the sunshine. These animals are not imprisoned in feedlots or caged sheds.

AUTHENTIC AND CLEAN By Gary Hands, Organic farmer of Kookaburra Organics Authentic and Clean – this is how real food should taste! Every family deserves food grown with integrity and with appropriate labelling certification to support its origin. We need to have confidence in the food chain from farmer to plate. The importance of a healthy and nutritious source of clean food has never been so vital for many of us. As we become concerned with the increasing numbers of “modern illnesses” which are being attributed and linked to lifestyle and the reliance on “fast foods”. Do we need to keep subjecting ourselves and our families to artificial flavouring, preservatives and other food additives? Organic food is grown naturally and tastes the way it used to. Do you remember grandfathers’ veggie patch- the taste sensations when a carrot was a carrot, full of genuine flavour? It has been my experience with children who don’t like vegetables, soon crave them once they have the opportunity to experience the flavour of real, organic vegetables. Children have a clean palate and sensitive awareness towards things which are good for them. When children visit our farm and pick a bean or snow pea, they eagerly eat them without hesitation.


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

It is no secret why many people, particularly young families are buying organic products and choose to eat in-season. Certified Organic foods provides confidence and trust for buyers, with its certifying process. CERTIFIED ORGANIC Farmers who grow Certified Organic foods or raise livestock (beef, chicken etc.) are subject to a strict code of rules and regulations. This includes adhering to an Australian National standard for Certified Organics. Requiring annual farm audits and spot checks (farm inspections) where all aspects of the farm are assessed and scrutinised. It takes a minimum of 3yrs to attain organic “A” grade certification in Australia. Consumers can be assured when purchasing Certified Organic , the products have been subject to a rigorous qualification process. This is also the case for manufacturers of organic foodstuffs and is labelled appropriately. Eating in season is common sense. Just like a daffodil bulb knowing to break through the surface in spring. This is a natural process, consuming vegetables and fruit in season ensures you benefit from eating at the peak of the season e.g. citrus tastes superior after the cold snap or frosts to enhance the flavour and sweetness, which you would prefer? Organic farmers do not destroy beneficial insects or soil microbes, working always with the soil to enhance the natural environment and encourage

WHERE DO YOU FIND AUTHENTIC CERTIFIED ORGANIC FOODS? • Specialist retail outlets • Organic Farms Online (deliver to your door) • Farmers’ Markets. Farmers’ markets can be a good source for fresh foods however, buyer beware. Some produce sellers’ claim to be organic. Stall holders of certified organic produce should have their Certification on display. Remember if it’s not certified organic, then it’s not organic!! It costs a farmer as little as $9.90 per week to commence the organic certification process, so think twice about the non-organic sellers saying it’s too expensive to be certified. The best way to change to certified organic living is step by step. Each time you purchase a replacement product, choose which option is best for you: organic or non-organic. Gary Hands, Organic farmer of Kookaburra Organics, delivers his produce from the paddock to Sunshine Coast & Brisbane homes, cafés and retailers. He is a presenter of DIY Veggie Patch workshops at the heritage listed Crohamhurst Observatory kitchen garden, and is part owner of Adoptahive project.


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Bed Wetting | Learning Difficulties | Ear Infections | Irritable Babies | Feeding/Sleeping Dressing/Bathing difficulties | Flat Head | Constipation | Headaches | Reflux | Colic

Safe & Natural Treatment for EAR INFECTIONS & BEDWETTING

Though extensive research has concluded that “baby-brain” is real, it also suggests that it doesn’t last much longer than a year after the birth of a child and that its effects are mostly subtle. My brain clearly missed that memo because well passed the one year mark it is still fantastically fromage like. Let me share with you just one example of my ongoing feeble mindedness. This very afternoon I picked my kids up from childcare dutifully collecting their many accoutrements - water bottles, hats, jumpers and bags - yet couldn’t shake the feeling that I had forgotten something. As I secured my firstborn into his child seat and spotted the empty seat next to it, I twigged that the missing item was in fact my darling daughter. Sheepishly I returned for her. Luckily, the girls at childcare were already on high stupidity alert as I’d left her bag behind twice last week and signed my son in as ‘Madeleine’ the day before. Especially unusual given I don’t actually know anyone called Madeleine. Whether it be a physiological thing, a busy thing or a lack of sleep thing (like her brother, my little girl loves the nightlife, delighting in maternal tête-a-têtes during the wee dark hours) my brain has shrunken to the size of something very, very small that I can’t think of right now. Words evade me. This can prove a touch tricky to a person who writes them for a living. My conversation isn’t just broken - it’s been tossed from a ten story building, trampled by a herd of rampaging buffalo, set fire to and the remains buried, before having its grave danced merrily upon by four energetic little feet.

Thank you Dr Scotty! Dr Scott & Dr D’Arcy have successfully treated many or both of these conditions without the use of medication

Since my kids entered the world, my capacity for coherent conversation has exited. Speech has become a bunch of random words that someone else has to assemble into a sentence – a challenge not unlike constructing something from Ikea without an Allen key.


Ear Infections- Gentle neck adjustments help the eustacean tube in the ear to drain properly, helping to clear the infection Bedwetting- Gentle lower back adjustments correct nerve communication between the bladder & brain, causing the child to wake when their bladder is full.


Dr D’Arcy Brown has been part of the practice now for 2 years treatin g adults, babies and children and has very similar techni ques to Scott. He has a specia l interest treating pregnant mothe rs for back pain & sciatic a and for those who are carrying a posterior or bre ech baby.

CALOUNDRA Shop 11 Centrepoint Plaza, 50 Bulcock St, Caloundra KULUIN (Maroochydore) Shop 3, 2-4 Melaleuca Street, Kuluin

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I’d been cautioned before even falling pregnant that a side effect of both pregnancy and new motherhood was stupidity – generally referred to in more polite circles as “baby brain”. And not wanting to let the side down I have duly embraced this promised mental state. What no-one warned me was that it doesn’t appear to improve with the passage of time.

KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

This is an actual conversation I had with my husband on the weekend as my son frolicked amongst a flock of huge feathered birdlife and I held the baby. Me: Don’t let get him get so close to the penguins. Hubby: What penguins? Me: Those penguins. Hubby: You mean the pelicans? Me: Oh! Yes pelicans. Me (yelling): Sweetie, not so close to the penguins! Hubby: Idiot! Thank heavens for other mums, without whom I would presently be considering a vow of silence. This perfectly understood conversation occurred the same day with a fellow mum (fm) as we ordered drinks at a cafe and our partners looked on dumbfounded. fm: You know what’s her name is... coffee? me: Really? How far along is she? No, I feel like a thingy today. fm: Four months. Two flat whites and a skim hot chocolate, please? me: That’s great. Did you still want to do whatsy next month with umm? fm: Sure I’m keen, what day was it again? partners: What the? So though it seems I’ve lost the basic skills of discourse I’ve gained the skill of translating mum - a fair trade methinks.


GOODhealth Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

WHAT IS TYPE 1 OR JUVENILE DIABETES? Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong autoimmune disease that destroys the ability to produce insulin, which is vital for life. It is generally diagnosed in childhood but can arise at any age and is not currently preventable. The causes of the disease are not fully understood, but scientists believe that a person’s genes play a role, as well as a variety of environmental factors. Currently there’s no cure to this disease, which means that going on a diet or cutting down on sugar doesn’t stop or prevent type 1 diabetes. In fact, at this time, there is nothing that can be done to prevent the onset of type 1 diabetes. What are the initial symptoms and how is it diagnosed? Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease that usually has an acute onset. If you or your child are experiencing the following symptoms, seek medical attention as soon as possible: 1. Excessive thirst or hunger 2. Frequent urination 3. Skin infections or blotches 4. Drowsiness or lethargy 5. Sudden weight loss 6. Sudden vision changes 7. Heavy or labored breathing 8. Stupor or unconsciousness

Restoring your confidence with bladder control Dr Petra Ladwig from Suncoast Women’s Centre understands the problems most women face after giving birth. One of the most embarrassing side effects is often incontinence which can occur due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. A lot of women simply put up with this as the natural course of being a woman after child birth but this need not be the case. If addressed early these problems can be managed, improved and even cured by something as simple and painless as sitting in a chair, fully clothed for 20 minutes! The pelvic floor controls your urinary, bowel and sexual functions yet these muscles are your most neglected. The new ‘Wave Brilliance’ Magnetic Pelvic Floor Stimulation chair (magnetic chair) uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve impulses which rapidly flex and tighten your pelvic floor muscles. This is the equivalent of approximately 200 pelvic floor contractions every minute at 20 times greater the intensity than the patient can do themselves! It is the ideal way to kick start or regenerate the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles to restore strength, endurance and continence. Treatments are tailored to individual patients but a typical therapy program consists of two 20 minute treatments per week for eight weeks. Of course children are most welcome to attend with you and can simply sit and play whilst you undergo your treatment. For more information about the new Wave Brilliance magnetic chair treatment phone the Suncoast Women’s Centre on 5437 7244 or visit Suite 5, 5 Innovation Parkway, Birtinya (Kawana). Medicare rebates available.

A disease indication can be derived from a simple blood glucose test however a more comprehensive blood test by a pathologist is usually required for a formal diagnosis. In people without serious symptoms it is possible to test the blood for the presence of antibodies, which is confirmation that this autoimmune disease will likely take hold in the future. How do you treat type 1 diabetes? People with type 1 diabetes face a rigorous daily regime of blood glucose management, which usually involves testing their blood every 3 hours or so. It is important to keep the blood glucose in the normal range as otherwise there can have both short term and long term serious health complications. Blood glucose is influenced by food intake and daily activities as well as a variety of other factors. Depending on blood glucose levels, people with type 1 diabetes must take up to 6 insulin injections or receive a continuous infusion of insulin through a pump every single day, just to stay alive. However, insulin is not a cure. Although many people with type 1 diabetes may look healthy, over time, without strict management, the disease can ravage most organs and body systems. Health complications of diabetes can be common and severe, and can include kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage, amputation, heart attack, stroke and pregnancy complications. About JDRF JDRF is passionate about turning brilliant scientific ideas into tangible health improvements as quickly as possible. Globally, JDRF has funded the very best research into type 1 diabetes, giving kids and adults with type 1 diabetes a healthier life today and bringing us closer to a cure. Through local and international networks JDRF also steers the scientific agenda according to the needs of the type 1 community.

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


I like free time with the kids, but love free activities. FREE school holidays activities Get your hands back in the sand these school holidays with our FREE SandWizard Workshops. Using different coloured sand create an artwork that you can take home.




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KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

We’ve had a makeover!!!

COMPETITIONS Loads of prizes to win! For Mum, Dad, the kids, or the whole family! Check back often as prizes are updated regularly ARTICLES

All of our articles are now online. It’s easy to look back on past articles as well as recent ones.


Books, Movies, Apps, Websites you will find it here!


Now localised into Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast regions, or general news will be updated regularly


You’ll never be bored again! Quickly search for family events in your area







SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


Tiny Chef Celebrations Learning to cook has become very trendy and increasingly so for our kids, so we asked our Facebook family to share their experiences with cooking parties and get togethers. As always we thoroughly enjoyed their suggestions. SUZANNE We had a high tea party for Miss Six. All guests made the sandwiches, iced and decorated their own cakes, slices and biscuits. To keep it simple we had all the ingredients laid out before the party and the kids simply had to put it together. We still made a huge mess, but the kids had a fantastic time and it was a great success.

SARAH We are about to have one next month for my nearly 6. The first thing I did was to talk to one of the mums whose children have allergies, which helped me decide what we will make, use to decorate and how to make it safe. The kids will roll out pizza dough and put on topping, decorate cupcakes to take home, bake allergy free biscuits, grape necklaces. Each child will have their own place mat, apron and will sit down to eat the lunch they helped make. TANYA Every second Friday night we have a kids cooking night with friends. Usually paella or San Choy bow. There is a production line of kids chopping all the ingredients. They just love it, and it is amazing how much they eat when they are

involved! They have become so good at it that my 9 year old begs me to let him cook dinner himself a couple of nights a week! REBECCA We have played a Mini Master Chef game at a few of our kids parties over the past year or so. We take a very small amount of some ingredients (e.g. mint, brown rice, spaghetti, lime etc.) and place them individually in covered bowels. The kids then take turns coming into the room, guessing what each item is and writing it down. For the older kids we use a blind fold and for the younger kids we just let them look, taste and smell. It is really cute to watch and they have such a good time giggling over what each item is!

BELINDA My 10 year old daughter and 4 of her mates get together every 6 months for a ‘racklette’. Each child has a ‘station’ in our kitchen and each one is assigned their own tasks. They chop and prepare different varieties of meats, vegetables, cheeses and sauces. Using the hotplate on top of the racklette to cook the meats and the grill underneath to brown and melt the cheeses, the kids invent their own concoctions using their own mini frypans and tongs. We get to see some very interesting creations and we always make sure there is enough left over for the mum’s to enjoy afterwards! The kids have a wonderful time and so do the adults and best of all, it teaches them valuable lessons about fresh food - how easy it is to prepare, how good it is for them and how much yummier it is than processed garbage! JACK We have created our own cooking game for parties with our kids. We work out what we are going to make for the particular party, for example our most recent one was rice paper rolls. We write all the ingredient names on to pieces of paper and put them into a hat. We try to make sure that we list even the smallest of ingredients (like salt) to make it harder. We take a dice and the kids roll the dice to work out who gets to go first and so on. They then take turns to pull one ingredient out of the hat. The first child to work out what we are making wins. We then of course made the rice paper rolls!

We would love to hear any ideas you have for cooking games, parties or nights in – find us on Facebook or join the conversation on our website 62

KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

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Fun comedy magic shows for girls and boys for all occasions Meet Grumbledore the friendly wizard and Jodie the Magicianess Creating memories of a lifetime for children between 2 - 8 years old Meet Magic, the real white rabbit and give your child a party they’ll never forget

Jodie Swales M: 0418 589 550 E: SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



Adventure Family Holidays - PART TWO by Jackie Goldston Are you planning your next family holiday and want something a little more adventurous? Whether you are enjoying a staycation or a trip to Europe our adventure holiday ideas will get your imagination flowing and keep the kids busy by day and sleeping well at night! In our last edition of Kids on the Coast we explored the first part of our adventure family holidays feature. Are you ready for more? How about a trip to Italy? No, not to eat pasta and drink smooth red wine (although I am sure you may be able to fit in a little of this). What about a trip to the Whitsundays… on the water? Or why not challenge your little ones to circus school, either here on the Coast or at one of many exotic overseas locations. Let’s get packing! VIA FERRATA: DOLOMITES, ITALY If you are lucky enough to be planning a holiday to Italy, I cannot recommend highly enough taking the time to visit the Dolomites. This amazing region in Northern Italy combines beautiful vistas, with craggy, attainable (and not so attainable) mountains and mouth-watering food (very important after a day of via ferrataing). So what is a via ferrata? Whilst there are via feratta in many parts of Europe, the very first via ferrata were built on the Dolomites during the First World War, to aid the movement of the Italian mountain infantry. The mountain routes are fixed with chains, cables, ladders and some spectacular bridges which allow access to otherwise isolated areas; and are suitable for people with a wide range of fitness abilities. A good base for this region is Cortina, a winter ski village which has everything you need for a fantastic summer

holiday. There are plenty of outdoor shops with guides to assist you in choosing a route (or two) that is suitable for your family. SAILING: WHITSUNDAYS (OR MAROOCHYDORE!) What better way to explore the Whitsundays than on a yacht or catamaran. With endless stretches of sand, crystal clear seas and an almost perfect climate all year round, locations such as Airlie Beach and Hamilton Island a fabulous escape from your daily life. Of course, one of the best methods of exploring this region is to hire a boat and if you are brave, why not try one with a sail. Your children will love learning how to read a map (chart), steer the boat - taking into consideration where the wind is blowing, as well as the excitement of tacking, pulling in or up the sails and of course working out where to anchor for the night. The Whitsundays have a plethora of hire companies that can offer catered, guided or independent sailing holidays. If you would like to improve your skills before you go, make sure you take a trip down to the sailing school at Chambers Island, Maroochydore (http://www. CIRCUS SCHOOL: AT HOME OR OVERSEAS Do you want to learn a new skill over the holidays? Novotel Twin Waters Resort offers the Cirque Espace, a dedicated circus school that operates within the resort grounds. Your kids can learn a variety of circus skills including

the trapeze, tight wire, juggling and bungee trampoline from trained professionals. If you are looking to get away from home and like the idea of an all-inclusive package holiday, there are a number of Club Meds that offer Flying Trapeze Academy as part of the kids club. Bintan Island (Indonesia), Mexico, Brazil and Sandpaper Bay (USA) all offer your kids (over 5 years) a chance to take part in a variety of circus activities during your stay. Adults are welcome to give it a try as well. KAYAKING: SYDNEY Discover the beautiful middle harbour in Sydney on a kayak for a day you will always remember. Your whole family can enjoy a relaxing paddle exploring the harbour on your own or take a tour.

Camps every school holidays with full accommodation & adult supervision Ages 6 to teens Beginners welcome Childcare rebate 64

KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

7 DAY CAMPS 22 – 29 Sept 29 Sept – 6 Oct 1 – 8 Dec 8 – 15 Dec 15 – 22 Dec 29 Dec – 5 Jan 2013 5 – 12 Jan 12 – 19 Jan 19 – 26 Jan WEEKEND CAMPS 19 – 22 Oct DAY TRIPS AVAILABLE IN THE HOLIDAYS

Ph: 5486 6166

Of course if your children are like mine, there may be a race or two as well! Sydney Harbour Kayaks at the Spit Bridge in Mossman offer free lessons on Saturday mornings (from 9am – 12pm; bookings essential and kayak hire fees apply) and families are welcome to come along and learn from the experienced team. Kayaks are suitable for children from 3 years of age (with 2 adults), from 6 years of age (with 1 adult) or on their own (under supervision) from 14 years. For families who would like to take a tour, why not try the Coffee Tour (available any day of the week). Leaving from the Spit Bridge, you paddle toward Grotto Point and Middle Head giving you a taste of the life around one of Sydney’s wonderfully secret waterways, with a coffee/ drink break on one of

the pristine beaches before heading home (www. CANOPY WALKS: TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN OR VICTORIA Would you like to enjoy the rainforest from above, but keep your feet (almost) on the ground? The Tamborine Rainforest Skywalk offers an ecoadventure exploring the beautiful rainforest canopies and habitat in a different and thrilling way. Within 30 private acres of magnificent rainforest and alongside a kilometre of tumbling creek and rock pools, the Skywalk has over 300 meters of stable steel structured bridge through the higher rainforest canopy, combined with the 40 meter long Skywalk Cantilever soaring 30 meters over the creek below. The walk is pram

friendly and is around 1 hour for a round trip walk. ( ) If you are holidaying in Victoria, you might like to visit the Otway Fly Treetop Walk which enables visitors to experience a 600 metre walk through beautiful cool temperate rainforest. Experience the sensation of being 25 metres above the forest floor. The walk commences at the visitor centre, which subtly introduces you to the rainforest, descending gently to the entry structure and onto the steel trussed tree walk. Like the Tamborine Skywalk, the Otway Fly provides visitors of all ages and levels of mobility a unique and challenging experience at all times of the year and is around 2.5 hrs from Melbourne and 1.5 hrs from Geelong. (

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



Yearning for some quality family time? In our overly hectic lives, we often yearn to slow down, reconnect with the kids and live a life less complicated. Especially in summer when the beaches are packed with tourists and the crowds are unrelenting. It might not be possible to run for the hills permanently, but at Cedar Glen Farmstay it’s possible to escape for a little while. Cedar Glen has been in the Stephen’s family since 1882. Located at the foot of World Heritage Lamington National Park, this spectacular 1050 acre property is home to beef cattle, Arabian horses, milking cows, sheep, pigs and poultry. With private swimming holes, shady 100-year-old trees and cool summer breezes, Spring and Summer are great times to visit. Imagine the kids’ excitement as they get to feed the animals twice daily, or try their hand at milking the house cow each morning.

Escape to

A real highlight of Cedar Glen is the activities they have to offer. Don’t miss the opportunity to embark on a horse ride through some of South East Qld’s most spectacular country – riders of all ages and experience are catered for. You can also learn how to throw a returning boomerang and crack the Australian stock whip while enjoying a cup of billy tea and freshly made damper. Guests can stay in the stately 1901 homestead, or choose one of three historic cottages which have been renovated to maintain the charm and authenticity of a bygone era. All buildings are surrounded by wide breezy verandas perfect for a summer siesta. Mums in particular will love the optional fully catered holiday. Imagine leaving even the cooking behind!

Contact us now for great rates on your Spring or Summer getaway | (07) 5544 8170 | Lost World Valley, Qld

If watching Discovery channel is the closest you’ve been to nature in a while, do something for yourself and the kids, and visit Cedar Glen Farmstay.


KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012


PARADISE RESORT GOLD COAST Heaven for Kids…Paradise for Parents!

Paradise Resort Gold Coast is located just minutes from Surfers Paradise and is Australia’s favourite family resort, offering unlimited holiday fun! Set on five acres close to beaches and attractions, the Resort is renowned as the number one destination for families travelling to the Gold Coast. General Manager, David Brook, believes that the Resort’s wide appeal is in the delivery of exceptional value with a host of feature-packed amenities included as part of any stay. “Paradise Resort is dedicated to making a visit to the Gold Coast the most family-friendly experience possible”, said Mr Brook. The Resort offers a range of accommodation options throughout its 358 guest rooms, with family comfort top of mind. The newly refurbished King and Junior bunkhouses feature free use of the in-room Sony Playstation 2 plus free DVD and game hire, and a kitchenette including microwave, bar fridge (no mini bar), toaster and sink for added convenience. Resort family rooms (with an additional bedroom) and traditional interconnecting rooms are also available for larger families or for family members wanting their own space. Designed for families with two or three children, the Junior and King Bunkhouses feature a customised kid’s bunkhouse zone, nestled within an upsized hotel room with either a queen or king bed for mum and dad. These colourful bunkhouses feature themed bunk beds and provide smaller guests with their own space to sleep and have fun, while parent’s can relax with their own TV, bedding and space. But the real appeal of the Resort is what is outside each room.

The entire central resort area has been transformed to feature a giant lagoon pool, large heated spa and two enormous Zone for Kids (Z4K) waterpark attractions - one of the biggest Resort aqua play waterparks in the Southern Hemisphere. Both the 0-5 year and 5-12 year water park attractions sport a myriad of slides, water cannons and jets to entertain and engage the whole family, topped off with a giant bucket that fills with 600 litres of water before dumping it on the kids below in one enormous splash! And in what can only be described as the ultimate family holiday amenity, the Resort offers Zone for Kids Club – the fully supervised kids club offering separate play spaces ensuring age appropriate care and activities for kids aged 0-12. Unlike any other kids club in Australia, Z4K Club provides an engaging environment where children really want to spend time - with its 7 themed play spaces and experienced team, Z4K provides a host of activities including a subterranean play centre and maze, pedal cars, movie room, activities and more. Every accommodation package includes a daily complimentary session for each child, valued at $40 and meals can be pre-purchased for each session, allowing parents and older children time to escape the daily routine and indulge in some holiday sightseeing or precious down time. With sessions available from 8am-8pm each day Z4K is the perfect place for kids to have their own holiday adventures. To book or find out more about this amazing family holiday resort visit:

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst



Meet Leanne Southwell:

INSPIRING WOMAN OF ALL AGES - Interview by Jackie Goldston a time and she appreciates being able to share the parenting responsibilities when he is home. Not surprisingly, the whole Southwell family is extremely active. Leanne explained “We are a family that spends a lot of time being active and often retreat to the beach for “time-out”, to surf, to play, to “chill”, to read a book, meet friends, have brekkie, walk the dog , observe sea creatures or take photos. Living at Alexandra Headland means we often skate, walk, jog or an easy cruise to the beach.” For those of you unfamiliar with what an Ironman Triathlon entails, it involves a 3.8km swim, 180km bike ride and is finished with a 42.2km run (a full marathon). The World Ironman Championships in Hawaii is the pinnacle of the sport. The conditions are usually incredibly tough, often through extreme heat and strong, hot winds. Leanne has competed in 16 Ironman races, has won the World Long Distance Triathlon, placed at the World Ironman Championships and is the current age group Australian Ironman Champion and record holder.

Leanne Southwell isn’t one for spare time. When she isn’t training for the World Ironman Triathlon in Hawaii, she is playing with her kids, hanging out with her husband, cleaning her (probably already spotless) house, catching up with friends and planning her next goal. Of course she gets tired like us mere mortals, but other than the very occasional sleep in (to 6am) she sets out to make the most of every day. Leanne was born on the Coast. She has four children, Benny 18, Kirra 15, Ruby 13 and Charlie 7. Her husband, Tony, works away for 6 days at

With a life filled with family and sporting achievements, she finds it hard to nail down one defining moment, Leanne shared “There have been many important moments in my 43 years and 4 children. I grew up on the Coast but have lived in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne and am now content to be raising my family on the Coast. I love the relaxed, free-range experiences the children have growing up on the Coast.” “It’s been more than 18 years since I had Ben, so I can hardly remember a time I wasn’t a mum! I must be on my parenting “P-plates” by now? Before having children and after having children I was a professional athlete, fitness facilitator, swim school owner and coach. Having children is my lifestyle. I enjoy spending time with my kids every day. With four children I find I am nearly always involved in something related to my family. I learn something new from my children every day. They are my greatest joy and biggest challenge.”

SO WHAT LIFE MESSAGE DOES LEANNE MOST WANT HER CHILDREN TO LEARN? “Life is such a gift! Cherish every moment! Know that I love you always! A sense of humour is important…laugh at yourself!” She also explained how her involvement in sport has influenced the way she parents and guides her children. “My kids will laugh at this for sure: I believe one of the most powerful ways children learn is by what they live. I am a positive person who always looks for ways to encourage, support and reward personal achievement. I am a determined, goal oriented, focused, dedicated person thanks to the skills I have learnt from sport. I strive to be healthy and active and encourage my children to be healthy and follow healthy interests.” LEANNE IS FORTUNATE TO HAVE A JOB THAT SHE CAN WORK AROUND HER TRAINING SCHEDULE. BUT HOW DOES SHE BALANCE FAMILY LIFE AND TRAINING DEMANDS? Leanne laughed, “Balance? Juggle maybe! I start with what everyone needs that day and work around that; have a sense of humour and it usually works itself out in the end!” SO HOW DOES SOMEONE WHO HAS ENERGY TO BURN, RELAX? “Reading! Believe it or not I love relaxing, doing nothing! Exercise is my think time, problem solving time, planning time, de-stress time (I should be stress free, as I do enough exercise!). I also enjoy watching funny movies and having a laugh with the kids. My husband is very funny, so he is always making corny jokes the kids think are hilarious (well my son does, the girls laugh at him).” An amazing characteristic of Leanne’s is how she makes you feel you can achieve anything. She radiates a positive attitude and puts herself out to make a difference in the lives of those around her. SO WHAT IS THE MOTTO THAT DRIVES THIS WOMAN? “I don’t really have a motto, just do the best I can and parent with love.” Leanne is competing in the World Ironman Championships in Kona, Hawaii on October 13 this year.

Are your kids driving you bonkers? Sick of scouring books and websites for answers? Well Hot91.1 is here to help. Send us your kiddie conundrums and our very own Todd & Sami along with Jan from Settle Petal could be coming to your rescue. Find out more about Settle Petal at If you’ve got a parenting question you’d like answered email it now to

THIS MONTHS QUESTION… My two toddlers love to dress up. What are some quick and easy dress up ideas that don’t break the budget?

SAMI My one claim to fame in life is the fact I went to university with Karl Stefanovic. You know the The Today show guy who got drunk at the Logies a few years ago. Well, Karl always had star power even when he was eighteen and just dagging out at the local uni pub. He of course went on to fame and fortune and these days is buddies with James Packer and Hugh Jackman. He scored an invite to the christening of Lachlan and Sarah Murdoch’s daughter. Nice work if you can get it. I do have a photograph of Karl and myself wrapped in three rolls of toilet paper while on a group holiday camping with a bunch of buddies on Stradbroke Island. We were dressed as Mummies. We were going to a dress up party on the beach around a bonfire. We thought it was genius. And free. Which meant we could pour more of our scant money into Stones Ginger wine to drink in the sand dunes under the stars. Good times. However, there was a fault with our crafty craft. As the night wore on our toilet paper started to unravel/disintegrate and sag pitifully as we were left with our white body parts exposed. We did not look like the Walking Dead from an Egyptian sarcophagus but we did in fact resemble Lindsay Lohan after a big night out clubbing. Fast forward twenty years and dress ups is back on the agenda in my life, but this time for our kids. I love dressing my daughter up for birthdays. I also love dressing her up just because it is a Monday. My former days of doing outfits on the cheap has encouraged me these days to buy her dress up costumes. But they are often picked up at the $2 shops or at op shops or on sale at the big retail stores. Avalon has a tiger, lion, shark, butterfly and ladybird outfit. Just because. The key is to just look out for them all the time because trust me the day you NEED a pirate outfit is the day you will not be able to find one anywhere. And you can do just about anything with face paint. And some scraps of material are very easily transformed into super hero capes/princess veils/or magician cloaks. Have fun and enjoy watching the amazing imagination of little ones. Just stay well clear of the toilet paper!

TODD It’s a dress up party and you’re stuck for ideas and the bank balance is

leaner than Miranda Kerr in a bikini, on a beach, rolling around in the surf and sand while chanting my name…errr…sorry got a bit carried away…bottom line is the bucks are few and far between and your kiddy just has to have the grousest cozzie or else!!! Well never fear…the thrifty costume King is here…simply follow my tips and you’ll have the best fancy dressed kids getting round. Take one set of karate pants and an old brown dressing gown, paint a cricket wicket blue and BAM! You’ve got Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars. Now I would’ve killed for my Mum to have been this creative…when I was a kiddy she sent me to school in a dodgey old set of jeans that were hand me downs from my cousin Damien, and 2 sizes too big, add to that my Dad’s blue terry towelling dressing gown, a silk scarf, her high heeled boots and her ladies straw “sun hat” and I was apparently “The Man from Snowy River”! I looked more like the “Dude from Kings Cross”. I still carry the scars of this dress up debacle today so remember it’s important to make the kiddies look ace! If Obi Wan Kenobi’s not your bag then hook up a pair of fake ears from the novelty section at your local 2 buck shop and a set of budgie smugglers, mix them with some bad political policies and your kid is Tony Abbott. Or for the girls…get 3 kilos of chuck steak (cheap as) string them together to create a meat frock and badda bing badda boom…Lady Ga Ga! Having said that make sure u keep your daughter away from the family dog. And Clive Palmer. My job here is done…

JAN - From Settle Petal Dressing up for young children is a vital part of discovering the world - it is role play at its best. Children see what grown-ups do and want to do the same. This makes dress ups cheap and easy if you keep it simple. Often toddlers or pre-schoolers want to dress up and change their clothes several times a day. To save messing up the wardrobe and messing with your patience - have a box or suitcase in their bedroom with several outfits and mix and match accessories. Ideas that make great cheap and easy dress-ups are adult shoes (some with laces, some with heels and some bright colours), handbags, hats, ties, glasses and scarves. Wide ribbon and pompoms make great tails (charity stores often have cheap curtain tassels or men’s dressing gown belts with tassels). Tea towels and pegs or old baby blankets with a hole cut out for the head make great super hero capes. Be encouraging and available to enter into the world of make believe. It is their opportunity to discover and make sense of the world.

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


Books APPS & Movies

REVIEWS BOOK The Terrible Suitcase

by Emma Allen and Freya Blackwood, Scholastic RRP $24.99 Have you ever received something you simply didn’t want; but it turns out to be something you really enjoy? It is the first day of school and a little girl is very sad (and mad) as she has a suitcase instead of a backpack. A story about how imagination can make magic out of anything. Selected by Freya, aged 3. For ages 3 – 7 yrs.

BOOK Surf Safari

by Chad Kolcze, Active Kids Books RRP $19.95 A contemporary action-adventure story, Surf Safari brings surfing to young kids. When the humans go away, the creatures go out and play. However, like every surfers worst scenario ‘the waves aren’t in motion’! So do the creatures really surf? Or, do they just dream of surfing? For ages 2 – 8 yrs.

MOVIES Math Vs Zombies

Frankenweenie (3D) Rating TBA

Free for iPad & iPhone Zombies are attacking your house and only you can stop them... with your math-powered weapons!

In Cinemas October 25 In Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie, young Victor conducts a science experiment to bring his beloved dog Sparky back to life, only to face unintended, sometimes monstrous, consequences.

Twenty four exciting levels lets your kids sharpen their addition, subtraction and multiplication skills along with having loads of fun at the same time! Fun for ages 5 +.


MOVIES: FOR THE KIDS Tinkerbell & The Secret Of The Wings

In Cinemas September 20 Journey with Tinker Bell and her fairy friends into the mystical and forbidden world of the Mysterious Winter Woods, where curiosity and adventure leads Tinker Bell to an amazing discovery that will not only change her life forever, but will eventually unite the warm and cold seasons, bringing all of Pixie Hollow together.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (PG) In Cinemas September 20 School is out and Greg is ready for the days of summer, when all his plans go wrong. What on earth is he going to do all summer? Starring: Zachary Gordon, Robert Capron, Devon Bostick, Peyton List and Steve Zahn

To see more visit 70

KiDs on tHe CoAst – SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012

SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2012 – KiDs on tHe CoAst


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