March 2020 Mid-Michigan (DVW (GLWLRQ
Color Your Way To Camp!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
See Page 5! S
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Just For Kids! Kids’ World News
Volume 12, Issue 7, March 2020
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(517) 223-9115 HPDLO IRZOIHHGVHHG#VEFJOREDO QHW LANSING REHABILITATION SERVICE, PC Chinmay Zinzuvadia, DPT, CIMT 1568 Lake Lansing RD, STE B, Lansing, Mi 48912 Phone: (517) 483-2734 Fax: (517) 483-2840
*UHDWHU /DQVLQJ ,VODPLF 6FKRRO 1HZV A Little History about Robert Smalls by Aqsa Khalil 5REHUW 6PDOOV ZDV ERUQ RQ $SULO LQ %HDXIRUW 6RXWK &DUROLQD +H was born a slave, and he was owned by a man named Henry McKee. Henry was fond of Robert and treated him well. One day, he decided that Robert should work other places in Beaufort, but Henry would still keep his hardearned money. Eventually, Robert began to love the sea and found a job ZRUNLQJ RQ WKH GRFNV DQG VKLSV DW WKH 3RUW RI &KDUOHVWRQ 2YHUWLPH KH EHFDPH DQ H[SHUW QDYLJDWRU RQ WKH &KDUOHVWRQ +DUERU :KHQ KH ZDV VHYenteen years old, he fell in love and married a slave by the name of Hannah Jones. Hannah already had two daughters, and gave birth to one more. They were a slave family, but Robert planned their escape to the North on D VWROHQ VKLS 6DGO\ 5REHUW 6PDOOV GLHG RQ )HEUXDU\ LQ 6RXWK &DUROLQD
7KDQNV To All Of Our Sponsors Who Are Helping Us To Provide Great Information To Kids And Parents
,W·V $ *UHDW 'D\ $W .LGV· :RUOG 1HZV The color green dominates the month of March! Green is abundant in nature, showing VLJQV RI QHZ JURZWK DQG D KHDOWK\ HQYLURQPHQW 7KH ¿UVW GD\ RI 6SULQJ LV 0DUFK WK DQG luckily, we’ll be seeing a lot more green very soon. Speaking of luck St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th, when we celebrate all things Irish. Did you know that green is the national color of Ireland? It is believed that wearing something green on St. Patrick’s Day will bring you good luck! March is also National Reading Month. Reading is important because it gives you the basic information about the world around you. Reading can also transport you to different places and teach you things you never knew! Being able to read can help you do anything! Thank you for reading Kids’ World News and I hope you have a lucky day! Have a wonderful March!
If you would like to see Kids’ World News at your school or if you would like to be one of our proud sponsors, please call 517-285-6641 (e-mail: If you would like to submit an article from your school (limit 150 words), e-mail: Kids’ World News is designed to give exposure to all area schools, recognition of students and staff members. We welcome input from all our area schools. We do however, reserve the right to edit.
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
March 2020, Page 2
Cheery-O Bubble Art Winter is a wonderful time. It is so fun to play in the snow, go ice skating, make snowmen and drink hot chocolate. But sometimes, the weather is too cold to play outside. Next time you find yourself looking for something to do inside, try creating some art! Creating pictures with bright colors can make a dreary, cold day a little more cheerful. Try making bubble art to have some fun. Materials that you will need: • CD that isn’t used anymore. • Black marker, crayon or pen • Crayons, colored pencils, colored markers • Drawing paper or any paper you have.
Cheery-O Bubbles!
Trace around the outside of a CD to make a circle.
Move the CD and trace again. Make sure not to draw through your first circle.
Using the small center circle of the CD, make smaller circles.
Make smaller circles on top of the larger circles you have drawn. Add small circles in the empty spaces too!
Directions: 1. Place a CD in the middle of your paper. 2. Trace around the outside of the CD to make a circle. 3. Move the CD slightly off the CD you have just drawn. 4. Trace around the CD for the second time making sure to not draw through your first circle. 5. Repeat this as many times as you like. To make your drawing interesting, make sure some of your circles go off the edges of your paper. 6. Using the small center circle of the CD, make smaller circles on top of the larger circles you have drawn. Add small circles in the empty spaces also. 7. Using bright cheerful colors, color your bubbles!
Black & White Bubbles!
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Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
March 2020, Page 3
Low-key Loaches Loaches are cool bottom feeding fish. Some types are from Malaysia, Borneo and Create a dough loach! Sumatra. While other “true” loaches are from Eurasia and Morocco. Most loaches like What you will need: freshwater streams or muddy ponds. Some loaches have sucking discs that they can 1 cup salt Try This! use to hang on to rocks, and eat food. They have downward facing mouths with barbels 4 cups flour 11/2 cups water to suit their benthic lifestyle. food coloring
1. Mix ingredients ad knead to form a dough. 2. Use your new clay to make loaches, their habitat and more. 3. Have an adult bake them at 200’ until they are hard. 4. Let them cool and then paint your loach!
Loaches are mostly scavengers and omnivores. They will eat algae, detritus and anything else they find on the bottom. Their barbels help them search out food. Many loaches like to eat small worms and insects as well. Loaches come in all sizes, shapes and colors. Many are only a few inches long, but some can get quite big! Their shapes range from almost snake like, to very much like a long pyramid. Each type of loach has its own color pattern to help them blend in with their surroundings. This camouflage keeps them safe from predators. The names of loaches are just as unique as the fish themselves. There are clown loaches, dojo loaches... then there are horseface, skunk, kuhlii, yoyo, zebra, Bengal, hillstream, weather loaches and even more! Pollution can really harm these loaches, so it is important that we protect the ponds where they live.
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Preuss Pets
1127 N. Cedar Old Town Lansing 517-339-1762 **Teachers - we do fieldtrips!** Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
Lounging Loaches Loaches make a great addition to a community tank. Because they are not picky eaters, they are like the vacuum cleaners of your tank! They will cruise the bottom looking for a yummy morsel. With all the shapes, sizes and colors of loaches, you will be sure to find the coolest loach to fit in with your fishy friends. Their bottom feeding antics will entertain you for years,
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March 2020, Page 4
Color your way to camp! Win a FREE Week To Mystic Lake YMCA Camp, Since 1926!
RULES: Please color/add to the picture and turn it in to your teacher or mail by 4/10/20 to:
Kids World News 5747 Otto Rd, Charlotte MI 48813
The winner will be featured in the May edition.
A SUMMER OF FUN • A LIFETIME OF MEMORIES At Mystic Lake YMCA Camp, our goals are centered around helping each child: • Learn to lead a more healthy and active lifestyle • Learn about social responsibility through environmental stewardship, community living and working with one another in a group setting that builds friendships. Ü 'HYHORS DQG OHDUQ QHZ VNLOOV WR KHOS LPSURYH WKHLU VHQVH RI VHOI ZRUWK DQG FRQåGHQFH by creating an accepting environment where all are welcome and everyone belongs.
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
March 2020, Page 5
ATTENTION PARENTS: If you do not name a guardian to raise your child and the unlikely happens, would you want a total stranger to decide who will raise your child? Before it is too late, please call:
*RUPOH\ DQG -RKQVRQ /DZ 2IÂżFHV 3/& today for a free initial consultation regarding
7KH *RULOOD There are two different gorilla species (each with two sub-species). The Western Gorilla has the VXE VSHFLHV :HVWHUQ /RZODQG *RULOOD DQG &URVV River Gorilla; while the Eastern Gorilla has the sub-species: Mountain Gorilla and Eastern Lowland Gorilla. The two species live in central Africa, separated by a vast swathe of rainforest. Gorillas are considered the largest primate! The biggest species of gorilla can weigh up to 450 pounds for males and 300 pounds for females. They are about 5’5â€? when standing upright. Gorillas use all of their limbs while they walk, a technique called “knuckle-walkingâ€?. Western subspecies look mostly grey, while the Eastern subspecies have a more black coat. Gorillas are herbivores, which means they only eat plants! A majority of the gorilla’s day is spent eating bamboo, leafy plants and sometimes small insects. It isn’t uncommon for a male gorilla to eat up to 40 pounds of food! Gorillas also can make and use tools to help them retrieve food. Mothers often only have one baby at a time, but some cases of twins have been documented. Mothers carry the baby gorilla against their chest for the ÂżUVW IHZ PRQWKV DIWHU WKH\ DUH ERUQ DQG WKHQ FDU-
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.HUQ 5RDG 9HWHULQDU\ &OLQLF 3 / / & +HQU\ 0 9DXSHO ' 9 0 Iris R. Foote D.V.M 3HUU\ ) 5DJRQ ' 9 0 3HWHU / (VWHUOLQH ' 9 0 5DFKHO 0 6KUDGHU ' 9 0
ry their babies on their backs. Gorillas are known to be some of the most nurturing animals, and the babies typically are carried with the mother for 2.5 years. Gorillas build nests in which to sleep, both on the ground and in trees, made of leaves and branches. Gorillas face a lot of threats now. Only 700 mountain gorillas live in the wild today, and all gorilla populations are shrinking because of habitat loss DQG SRDFKLQJ FDXVHG E\ KXPDQ SRSXODWLRQV &OLmate change can also hurt mountain gorillas in their elevated habitat.
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Did You Know? • Gorillas have unique noseprints, much like huPDQ ÂżQJHUSULQWV ZKLFK FDQ EH XVHG WR LGHQWLI\ LQdividuals. • Male gorillas are often called “silverbacksâ€? because of their distinctive silver fur on their back. • Gorillas are considered very intelligent! A study conducted by a zoo once taught a gorilla named Koko how to speak sign language! Another gorilla named Michael learned it as well. • Scientists have shown that gorillas display individual personalities. • Gorillas have been observed displaying emotions such as grief. • A gorilla can live up to 50 years!
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March 2020, Page 7
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$5.00 OFF 6 Pack k off Admission Ad i i Tickets Ti Not valid with other offers or discounts. SHAWHAVEN FARM Must present coupon. Expires 4/27/2020 Farm 1/2 OFF Train Ride Buy y One e Fulll Price Ride Get A Secont Ride Ticket FREE!
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March 2020, Page 8
Cookin’ Fun Irish Soda Bread 2 cups all purpose flour 1 cup whole wheat flour 2 teaspoons baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup white sugar 1 1/2 cups buttermilk or plain yogurt 3/4 cup raisins 2 eggs Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine dry ingredients. In a separate bowl, mix eggs and buttermilk. Add to the dry ingredients. Add the raisins and mix up. Pour dough onto lightly floured cutting board and knead 10 times. Shape into a round loaf, adding flour if necessary. Place in a lightly greased pan. Bake for one hour or until the bottom of the loaf sounds hollow when tapped.
Leprechaun’s Shake Magic Cupcakes
1 cup milk 2 scoops vanilla frozen yogurt 1 teaspoon peppermint extract 2-3 drops of green food coloring Optional - whipped cream and sprinkles
1 - 18.25 ounce box of chocolate cake mix 8 ounces of cream cheese, softened 1/3 cup sugar 1 egg Dash of salt 1 - 6 ounce package of semi-sweet chocolate chips
Pour all these ingredients into a blender and whip until smooth and green!
First, mix the cake mix according to the directions on the box. Place paper baking cups in muffin pans and fill 2/3 full of cake mix. Set aside. Mix the cream cheese with the sugar - beat in the egg and salt. Stir in the chocolate chips. Drop one rounded teaspoonful of cheese mixture into each cupcake. Bake according to the cake package directions. Last, frost with your favorite icing.
Rules For The Kitchen! 1. Always ask an adult if you can use the kitchen. 2. Have all the ingredients before you start. 3. Wash your hands before you touch food. 4. Wear an apron or towel to keep your clothes clean. 5. Always clean up when you are finished.
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+RO\ 6SLULW &DWKROLF &KXUFK DQG 6FKRRO FHOHEUDWHG DQ HYHQWIXO &DWKROLF 6FKRROV :HHN -DQXDU\ - February 1st). Students were happy to step in as greeters, ushers, lecturers, altar servers and sing in the choir at Sunday’s all school Mass. We came together to support our community and collected diDSHUV IRU 7KH 3UHJQDQF\ +HOS &OLQLF :H DFNQRZOedged our faculty, staff and volunteers by presenting them with various goodies and personalized notes of gratitude. Our families continued to celebrate by showing support of our nation by putting together care packages for our troops. Students were motivated and inspired to seek God to show the way to God’s service with a special visit from Dawn HausPDQQ 'LUHFWRU RI &RQVHFUDWHG 9RFDWLRQV DQG &Rordinator of Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Lansing. The school week concluded with a dress down day and afternoon at Rollerama! Trivia Night concluded the week with a night of trivia enjoyed between the parish and school families. Our students are blessed to have a unique family setting and supSRUW V\VWHP DW +RO\ 6SLULW &DWKROLF 6FKRRO
6W 0DU\¶V 3LQFNQH\ (OHPHQWDU\ 1HZV Building Bridges of Hope In January, the students RI 6W 0DU\ &DWKROLF 6FKRRO worked with a group of parishioners to help bring medicine and homemade dolls to children in the Dominican Republic. Students collected vitamins and over the counter medicines for children in D SUHVFKRRO FDOOHG (O &KLYR This preschool is supported E\ D QRQ SUR¿W JURXS FDOOHG Building Bridges of Hope in cooperation with a Dominican group led by Dr. Angel Valdez Bdo called FUMSIL. After a group of ladies from the parish sewed the dolls together, 6W 0DU\ VWXGHQWV LQ JUDGHV HLJKW ¿YH DQG IRXU JDWKHUHG WR VWXII GROOV WKDW ZHUH VHZQ IRU WKH FKLOGUHQ RI WKH (O &KLYR preschool. “Students worked together to stuff the dolls. They discovered that it was more work than they thought to get HQRXJK VWXI¿QJ IRU ¿UP OHJV DUPV DQG ERGLHV ´ VDLG HLJKWK JUDGH WHDFKHU /LQGD 0DEOH
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March 2020, Page 10
Having Fun With Secret Code Riddles! To solve the riddles, finish each addition or subtraction problem and write the letter from the code boxes that correspond to your answer. Write that answer in the area provided to solve the riddle.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M 28 8 22 2 38 6 18 32 40 12 26 16 48 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 14 50 30 44 4 34 42 24 10 46 36 52 20 1.
If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what are four and five? 26 13 24 8 +14 + 1 +14 +6
What falls often in the winter but never gets hurt? 30 + 4
21 - 7
26 +24
24 - 10
15 +23
24 - 2
6. 16 +16
What is it that we often return and never borrow? 50 - 8
23 +23
What speaks every language? 35 - 7
63 - 13
50 - 18
50 - 22
50 - 36
50 - 24
50 - 16
What can pass before the sun without making a shadow? 23 17 23 7 20 26 +23 +15 +20 + 7 +16 +15
1 +1
What is that which has never been felt, seen, nor heard, never existed and still has a name? 9 30 20 15 5 20 9 +9 +30 +27 +9 +12 +10 +5
$500 OFF ANY PRE-OWNED VEHICLE - BOTH LOCATIONS! 2012 Jeep Cherokee Overland HEMI, 4x4, Loaded ANYTHING OF VALUE TAKEN ON TRADE! 5226 N. Grand River • Lansing
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Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
2012 Chevy Suburban Everyone Is Approved! FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR EVERYONE! 5436 S. Cedar • Lansing
March 2020, Page 11
You Don’t Have To Be An Athlete To Get Athlete’s Foot! Athlete’s Foot is a skin infection that is caused by a fungus called Tinea Pedis. This fungus is a plant-like microorganism that is very small. You can’t even see it with your eyes and anyone can get it. Your feet have a lot of old skin cells and this fungus eats it! Athlete’s Foot got it’s name because athletes often get it. It grows in warm, damp surfaces like public showers, locker rooms and pools. Walking barefoot on these surfaces can cause your feet to pick up the fungus. But just walking on these surfaces is not enough to cause the infection. The fungus likes it wet! It is important to dry your feet properly after swimming, showering or bathing. Don’t wear tight shoes when your feet are sweaty and do not wear the same pair of shoes or socks day after day. How do you know if you have it? You might have a rash that burns and itches. You may have bumps on your feet and they may be cracked, blistered or peeling most often between your toes. The skin between your toes may look cheesy and have an unpleasant odor. On the soles of your feet there can be redness and scaling. It can even spread to your toenails! A doctor that specializes in feet or skin such as a podiatrist or dermatologist can look at your feet and figure out if you have it. The doctor may swab off a skin sample on your foot to test for the fungus or bacteria. It won’t hurt - you have lots of layers of skin on your feet. For mild cases, treatment is simple. The doctor may have you apply a powder or cream that contains medicine that kills the fungus and your feet will
be better in a few days. Sometimes it takes longer for it to go away. Keep your feet dry and take your shoes off as much as you can because the fungus can’t grow in dry air. If it still doesn’t go away, the doctor may have to prescribe a stronger medicine. Something you swallow. If you get Athlete’s Foot, don’t put off telling your parents and going to the doctor because untreated, it will keep spreading and become harder to get rid of. Some ways to help prevent Athlete’s Foot: • Dry your feet thoroughly - especially between your toes. • Avoid wearing synthetic shoes or shoes that are too tight that don’t let your feet “breathe.” • Wear sandals or flip flops around pool areas, public showers and gyms to stay away from the fungus. • Wear cotton socks or socks that soak up wetness. • Change your socks each day. • Ask your parents to purchase anti-fungal powder to put in your shoes. • Spray your shoes with disinfectant and set them in the sun to dry to help kill the germs. • Don’t share towels or shoes. • Keep home bathroom surfaces clean - especially showers and tubs.
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Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
March 2020, Page 12