Kids World News, Holt Public Schools, April 2019

Page 1



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Kids’ World News

Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2019

Help The Bunny Deliver His Egg To The Empty Basket

Can You Unscramble These Words?

Spot The 7 Differences

fsdfoladi _______ kstabe _______ hcksic _______ ylbnealej _______ gges _______


bibrat _______ putli _______

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April 2019, Page 2

How Vertebrates Are Grouped Animals are grouped by common characteristics. Animals that have a backbone are called vertebrates. Humans have a backbone so we are a vertebrate also! There are five main animal groups in the vertebrate grouping. Mammals are animals that give birth to live babies, have hair on their bodies, are warm blooded, breathe air with lungs and nurse their babies with milk from their mother’s body. Humans are mammals. So are cows, dogs, cats and whales! Vertebrates only make up about 2% of all the animals in the world. The other 98% are invertebrates. These are animals without a backbone. Worms, insects, clams, octopus, coral, spiders, and jellyfish are all examples of invertebrates. Birds are animals with feathers, lay eggs with a hard shell, breathe air with lungs, have beaks and are warm blooded. All birds have wings, but not all birds fly. Penguins use their wings as paddles to help them swim. Ostrich and emus are too large and heavy to fly with the small wings they have. Reptiles are animals that are cold-blooded, breathe air with lungs, lay eggs or give live birth, and have dry skin covered with scales on their bodies. Snakes, turtles, lizards, alligators and crocodiles are all reptiles. Amphibians are cold-blooded, have moist skin

and lay jelly-like eggs in water. What does amphibian mean? It means “double life.” This name works as amphibians spend part of their life cycle in water breathing with gills like fish and part of their life cycle on land breathing air with lungs. Salamanders, toads and frogs are all amphibians. Fish are cold blooded, have scales on their bodies, lay jelly-like eggs in water and breathe with gills. Sharks are fish, but dolphins and whales are not. Dolphins and whales have a little hair on their bodies when they are young plus they give birth and nurse their babies with mother’s milk. Dolphins and whales are warm blooded and sharks are cold blooded. What does it mean to be cold blooded? Cold blooded animals like fish, amphibians, and reptiles cannot regulate their body temperature with their brain. They rely on their environment to regulate their body temperature. This is why you often see them “sunning” themselves. They need to lie in the sun to raise their body temperature. When they are warm, they move into the shade. Mammals like us keep a constant body temperature that is regulated by their brain. That is warm blooded.

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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

April 2019, Page 3

Have Fun Learning Golf! Playing golf is a great way to stay healthy, get some exercise, enjoy the outdoors, spend time with your family, and have fun all at the same time! Golf is not an easy game to master, but children are never too young to begin playing. The earlier you start there is a better chance that bad habits will not develop. Learning golf the proper way, not only leads to better play but a more enjoyable experience. It’s good idea is to take some lessons. Many golf courses offer instruction for kids. Also, some driving ranges will have a professional on staff that will give lessons for children. For older children, golf is a recognized sport in school and many high schools have golf teams. Learning the basics of golfing includes having a good grip, the importance of alignment, good posture and the rules of golf itself. Golf takes a lot of dedication and practice to continue to improve your game.

Golf Facts


► The first game of golf was played at Bruntsfield links in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1456 AD. ► Golf is played within the area of land that is designated by a golf course. The course is between 5000 to 7000 yards in length. ► Each hole has a guideline for how many times it should take a golfer to hit the ball (known as stroke) to get it in the hole. This is called par. At the end of the course, golfers compare their scores on each hole. ► Players carry many types of golf clubs during the game. There are three types of clubs that are called

Since 1960

irons, woods and putters. ► At the end of the game the golfer who has the least number of strokes or is the closest to or under par overall wins. ► Each hole is divided into three primary areas; a tee box (where you begin), a fairway and a putting green. ► A round basically consists of 9 or 18 holes that are played in the order which is determined by the course layout.

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April 2019, Page 4

What Is A Hurdy Gurdy?! The hurdy-gurdy is the first stringed instrument to which the keyboard principle was applied. The French name, Viella a Roue (wheel fiddle), describes the method by which sound is produced. The bowing action of the fiddle is replaced by a wheel cranked by a handle. The outer rim of the wooden wheel is coated with resin. When the crank is spun, the wheel turns and the gut strings vibrate. Just as the bag of the bagpipe acts as a reservoir of air for continuous sound, so too the wheel makes possible continuous sound by avoiding changes of bowing. Both bagpipe and hurdy-gurdy use drones, provided in the former by reed pipes, and in the latter by strings which sound fixed pitches. Other strings tuned in unison provide notes of the scale. Tangents activated by keys press these strings at the appropriate points to produce different pitches. There is evidence of the hurdy-gurdy in Europe in the twelfth century. By the end of this century, the instruments were highly regarded. Before the year 1300 the instrument (known then as the organistrum), was often long enough to require two performers, one to crank, and one to pull the keys upward. Because of the great force involved in moving the keys, only slow tunes were playable. The hurdy gurdy was then reduced in size and became single player instruments. The key mechanism then required pushing rather than pulling so they could play more complex techniques. It was widely used in the Middle Ages, and survived in the works of Vivaldi, Haydn, and Mozart. The hurdy-gurdy also became the ideal instrument for dance music. It has long been associated with street musicians, and it is still played as a folk instrument in Europe.


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April 2019, Page 5

HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS WELCOME! It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I write to welcome you and our exceptional learning community to the 14th edition of our very own Kids’ World News! For over 20 years, the Holt Business Alliance has been the force that shapes our community’s future. The membership serves as a powerful networking partnership of ORFDO EXVLQHVVHV VFKRRO UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV DQG JRYHUQPHQW RI¿FLDOV working together to promote the mission of developing strong community support for our businesses, local government and schools. With that, the Holt Business Alliance proudly sponsors this pubOLFDWLRQ (DFK PRQWK \RX ZLOO ¿QG FRQWHQW XQLTXH WR +ROW 3XEOLF and our greater learning community! By creating a personalized publication, we believe we will engage our students at a deeper level. While our district provides the core curriculum each day, the Holt Business Alliance is choosing to supplement our curriculum by supporting the Holt Public Kids’ World News each month! In an effort to connect with our public, I send a weekly email called the Peek at the Week to interested stakeholders. If you would like to be added to the weekly email blast, please send a note to with the word Peek in the subject line. Keep an eye on us as we Innovate, Educate and Inspire our learning community to achieve on every level! Together IS better! Throughout the school year, I urge you to engage with us on social media and I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Holt Public Kids’ World News sponsored by the Holt Business Alliance.

District Pride, Community Wide! Dr. David G. Hornak

Holt Kiwanis Egg Hunt by John Hayhoe Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 20th at 1pm for the annual Holt Kiwanis Egg Hunt. The Holt Kiwanis, with the help of Girl Scouts, Honor students, and Holt businesses, prepared some FDQG\ ÂżOOHG HJJV ZKLFK ZLOO EH KLGGHQ DW 9DOKDOOD 3DUN ,I you get there at 1:02pm, you will miss the event! There will be age groups, so little kids will not have to compete with older kids. Make sure to bring a basket or bucket.

So You Want to be in the Band? by Dennis Marvin President Holt High School Band Boosters “So You Want to be in the Band?,� presented by the Holt High School Band Boosters, features a high school band member each month describing why they became interested in music, when they did, and the impact it’s had on their life. The Band Boosters hopes this article will encourage kids to think about music, learning an instrument, and joining the band in middle school and for the rest of their years in Holt Public Schools. By: Dennis Marvin, President, Holt Band Boosters JENNA CADLE Jenna Cadle (JC) is a Sophomore at Holt High School. The following questions were posed by the Holt Band Boosters (HBB): HBB: play?

What instrument do you

-& , SOD\ WKH ÀXWH LQ WKH PDUFKing and symphonic bands. HBB: Why did you decide to play WKH ÀXWH DQG ZKHQ" -& , VWDUWHG WR SOD\ WKH ÀXWH LQ WK JUDGH , OLNHG WKH ÀXWH IRU its beautiful tones and initially thought it would be an easy instrument to play only to learn in 7th grade that it’s harder to play WKDQ , ¿UVW WKRXJKW HBB: When did you join the band? -& 0\ ¿UVW EDQG ZDV LQ WK grade at Hope Middle School. I decided to join the band because when I was younger, I watched the High School marching band and really liked how they looked in their uni-

forms. Even though I did not have any brothers or sisters in the band, I also would go watch them at summer band camp and saw how hard they worked, but how much fun they had. I had heard a lot of positive things about band and also about their trips, so it seemed like the perfect idea to get involved. HBB: What do you like most about being in the band? JC: The band is really more of a family. I like how everyone supports each other, especially the upper-class students who help the younger ones. It just seems like everyone is always willing to help out when needed. As for me personally, I like the challenge of being in the band. It makes me motivated to work hard, practice my instrument, and do all that I need to learn to march in the Marching Band. Of course, I also like all the things you get to do like our trip to Cincinnati last year when we got to march in a parade around King’s Island. It was hot, but it was “really cool.� I am looking forward to our trip to Cleveland next fall. HBB: Do you plan to stay involved in music or band after High School? JC: I’m not entirely sure how involved I will be at this point. I want to go to law school after college, but I am also thinking about majoring in music. I will probably start out at Lansing Community College and then maybe go to Michigan State University. If I go to MSU, I am

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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News



not planning on trying out for the Spartan Marching Band since they do not have any woodwinds, but I may want to try out for the MSU Orchestra. Even if I do go into law, I also want to play music professionally in the Lansing area such as with the Lansing Symphony. I have a lot to think about in the next few years. HBB: Why do you think younger kids should think about joining the band? JC: As I said before, I like the challenge of being in the band. I believe that you have to challenge yourself and be willing to work hard to get want you want or to be where you want to be. A lot of kids think that playing DQ LQVWUXPHQW LV WRR GLIÂżFXOW but that shouldn’t mean you are not capable. You just have to be willing to put in the hard work because music just might be your strong suit. Music and being in the band have been very rewarding for me because when I practice for playing a solo and then hear the reaction of the audience or see a standing ovation after I play it, it just gives me the feeling that “all my hard work has paid off.â€?



April 2019, Page 6

HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Holt Kiwanis Donation

Book Donations

by John Hayhoe On February 25, 2019 Lorri Miller - Mt. Hope Monument Co. received D &HUWLÂżFDWH RI $SSUHFLDWLRQ IURP the Kiwanis Club of Holt, in recognition of her generous and continuous donations to the Kiwanis Club of Holt. The Children’s Fund provides healthy snacks for at-risk elementary school children in the Holt School district. Lorri, manager at Mt. Hope Monument Co. says the company has donated $1,627 from February 2014 until February 2019, which is used to buy morning snacks for hungry children at Elliott, Sycamore, and Dimondale Elementary Schools. As Wayne Quick is fond of saying, “You

by John Hayhoe Laura Murphy, owner of the Bookshelf, in Holt, has donated hundreds of books for the Little Free Libraries in our communities, to Dr. Hornak to hand out in parades, and here she is donating 100 Easter books to be given out in the Holt Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 20th at Valhalla Park at 1pm. Thank you!

Picture by Jane Wallin can’t teach a hungry child.� Pictured is Wayne Quick, Holt Kiwanian, and Lorri Miller.

Talk with us Tuesday Podcast by John Hayhoe Dr. Hornak’s 122nd podcast was recorded from the Texas Road House during the South Lansing/Holt Rotary fundraiser. With the facility donating the food and staff the Rotary club was able to give three $2,000 scholarships to Everett seniors and three $2,000 scholarships to Holt seniors. Pat Brown, Holt Business Alliance President and South Lansing/Holt Rotarian, was the guest on the podcast and said the Alliance is giving away 3-4 $2,000 scholarships this spring. For the Business Alliance this makes $198,000 given since 1993 for a total of 83 scholarships. The 5RWDULDQV KDYH JLYHQ RXW LQ WKH SDVW \HDUV 7KDW GH¿QLWHO\ GHVHUYHV D wow, wow, super, wow!

Holt Business Alliance – Member Spotlight

M-STEP, No Sweat! by Principal, Walt Sutterlin

by John Hayhoe Holt & Dimondale Independent Insurance Agency was the business brainchild in 1960, of Frank Brown. Originally named Brown Insurance Agency and located at 2049 Cedar St. in Holt, his business philosophy of KRQHVW\ DQG LQWHJULW\ TXLFNO\ VKRZHG LQ his workload, so he reached out to Holt Public Schools for some help, and the inaugural school-to-work partnership was created. After purchasing smaller agencies in Holt and Dimondale, the agency name was changed to the Holt & Dimondale Agency and it is currently located at 2491 Cedar Park Dr. in Holt. $ VHFRQG RIÂżFH LV ORFDWHG LQ WKH 8QLRQ Bank building in Dimondale. Third and fourth generation owners Pat and Patrick Brown are supported by a staff of eight exceptional insurance professionals.

Hey kids, this month you will be taking those rascally, old M-STEP tests. I want you to know, directly from a school Principal, that you do not need to be stressed. There are three simple things you need to do to be successful: 1) Get a good night sleep, 2) Eat a healthy breakfast, and 3) Read carefully. Those are actually good tips for most things in life.

The goal is to create relationships, build trust, and educate our clients on their insurance needs. The Holt & Dimondale Agency continues the legacy of our originator: to give back to our community in all ways possible. Thank you, Holt and Dimondale, for 60 years of success!

Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

M-STEP tests are just a way for adults to think we understand how much you have learned at school. Something these tests are not able tell us is how you have learned to be kind, how you giggle when your friends make jokes at lunch, or how you make up games at recess. It is unable to tell us how you ask really

JRRG TXHVWLRQV GXULQJ FODVV GUDZ great diagrams and doodles when you’re listening, or how good you are at explaining things to your classmates. It might tell us how good you are at remembering some things, clicking a mouse, or coloring in bubbles on an answer sheet, but it will never completely tell us how great you are, because tests do not do that. They are just tests, and while adults want you to take them seriously, I encourage you to just focus and work hard like you should any other day at school, because YOU are important!

April 2019, Page 7

HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Destination Imagination News by Rex Menold It is Destination Imagination (DI) season again and Holt DI was well represented at the Regional tournament this year. Over 130 students from Kindergarten through 12th Grade attended the Region 5 tournament at Western HS in Parma this year. Holt DI had the most teams of any school district at the tournament again this year! What is Destination Imagination? Destination Imagination is a project-based learning program designed to complement K-12 education. Each year there are seven QHZ &KDOOHQJHV LQ WKH ¿HOGV RI 67($0 (science, technology, engineering and PDWKHPDWLFV ¿QH DUWV VHUYLFH OHDUQLQJ and early learning. Solving the challenges help the students learn creativity, problem VROYLQJ DQG FRQ¿GHQFH 7HDPV RI NLGV form teams in the fall to solve the challenge of their choice. This years challenges are: Rising Stars - made up of Kindergarten thru 2nd graders. These teams presented a performance that included a pop-up book DQG LQFOXGHG ERWK ¿FWLRQ DQG QRQ ¿FWLRQ elements in to their story. 7HFKQLFDO 8VH DQ DLUFUDIW WKDW FDQ À\

land, and drop a payload in to a marked targets while presenting a story about exploring a remote location ,PSURY 5HVHDUFK KLVWRULFDO ÂżJXUHV IRXQG on coins of the world and present an improvisational performance at the tournament that incorporates the research on these ÂżJXUHV 6FLHQWLÂżF 3UHVHQW D VWRU\ DERXW D PHGical condition that incorporates research about this condition and use a team-created element to diagnose a character in the story with the condition Fine Arts - Research a game and present research about the game in a story where all props, costumes, and set elements must be in a cache (box) at the start of the performance Engineering - Build a structure to hold weights, place weights on the structure during a performance where a monster makes an appearance Service Learning - Create a service project to help a community and present a story about the project that includes characters that are trying to attempt an escape

Teams must also participate in an Instant Challenge. Instant Challenges are spontaneous problem solving exercises where teams must teams demonstrate their creativity, teamwork and ability to think TXLFNO\ WR VROYH the timed challenge. Unlike the Central Challenge, which they practice for months, teams do not know what the Instant Challenge will be before they walk in the room. Our community was represented by 26 teams this year and had an amazing tournament! Our three Rising Star teams made amazing pop up books and presented creative stories. Our 23 Elementary, Middle and Senior level teams had a great tournament as well. Nineteen of our twen-

ty-three teams placed high enough at the 5HJLRQDO WRXUQDPHQW WR TXDOLI\ IRU WKH 6WDWH tournament on April 13th at Michigan State University. Holt DI also had a special award presented to one of our Holt Junior High teams. The Renaissance Award, which is given for Outstanding Design, Engineering, Execution, Performance, was presented to team (L.E.D.S.) from Holt Junior High, for designing and building a custom-made LED light panel and learning to program it using a program written in Mandarin Chinese.

Science Olympiad News by Heather Peterson and Jennifer Miller Science Olympiad in Holt Public Schools LV H[WUHPHO\ VWURQJ :H DUH SURXG WR ¿HOG two middle school teams, two junior high school teams and two high school teams. Each school has competed at invitational competitions this year and worked their way to the Regional Tournament at Lansing Community College on March 16th. There are over 500 Science Olympiad teams in the State of Michigan and Michigan ranks in the top 5 for the most teams overall in the nation. There will be 60 high school and 60 middle level teams at the State Tournament next month at MSU and we are proud to announce Holt will be represented! Both Holt Junior High School and Holt High School will be sending teams to the state tournament. Holt High School has competed in the State Tournament 34 times in 35 years. Go Holt Science! The high school team had a hard fought battle between local teams from East Lansing, Haslett, St. John’s, Okemos, Lansing, Ionia, Portland, Potterville and Holt. There was a tight margin between the top three teams and there were only six points separating them and typically one event can have an 11 point swing. There are 24 events to compete in and it has been a long season of hard work leading up to this. The high school team earned a 3rd place overall ¿QLVK DQG WKH WRS ¿YH WHDPV DGYDQFHG WR the State Finals which will be held on Saturday, April 27th at MSU.

The 2019 High School Science Olympiad team includes: Ryan Blackmer, Will Brown, Brandon Caldwell, Eric Carey, Carter Colligan, Caitlin Crittenden, Mai Doan, Brian Flahie, Sullivan Goren, Cora Haddad, Annie Hoang-Pham, Holly Holland, Kaitlyn Hua, CC Ly, Emery Miller, Annie Nguyen, Lucas Nunn, Ritvik Pasham, David-Michael Peterson, Ana Pislaru, Kaleigh Rios, Hannah Scheufele, Alexander Sperry-Harris, Skylar West, Maliah Williams. The coaches for the high school team include: Erin Lavey, Julian Sanders, Joshua Abatie, Jennifer Cook, James Parkinson, Dave Hildebrandt and head coach Heather Peterson. 7KH WHDP HDUQHG D VW SODFH ÂżQLVK LQ Anatomy and Physiology, Boomilever (Civil Engineering), Fermi Questions (conversions and powers of 10), Mission Possible (Rube-Goldberg device) , and Wright 6WXII OLJKW ZRRG DQG ÂżOP UXEEHU SRZHUHG airplane) . They earned 2nd place in Water Quality, Sounds of Music, Dynamic Planet DQG $VWURQRP\ UG SODFH ÂżQLVKHV ZHUH LQ Designer Genes, Fossils, and Thermodynamics. The Junior High Science Olympiad team is going strong. This year there were enough students participating to have two teams. Both teams have competed at the Holt Invitational and Regional competition and are learning more about themselves and their teammates every time they compete.

Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

This year, new head coach Ingrid Holtry, is encouraging the students to push themselves at practice and at the competitions by asking them, “Did you do better and did you learn something?� Science, engineering, and technology are best learned by “doing� and this year’s teams have been able to do just that. These students have spent countless hours building Battery Buggys, Boomilevers, Elastic Launch Gliders, Roller Coasters and Thermodynamic boxes. They have studied hard for events such as Anatomy & Physiology, Crime Busters, Dynamic Planet, Water Quality and several more. Their hard work paid off at Regionals when every student on the Gold team earned at least one individual medal. Between the two teams they earned 22 medals! It is because of this hard work and achievement the team took second place at Regionals. This year’s team members are Ethan Antieau, Jessie Bossenbroek, Norah Brand, Erin Burcham, Macey Cole, Grant Gathman, Jocelyn Gauna, Nathan Gephart, Ellie Gey-

er, Aiden Harry, Samantha Herrmann, Jaime Hines, Hannah Hoang-Pham, Clara Holtry, Sydnie Klauza, Cooper Lee, Hunter Lounds, Ellie Malinowski, Hailey McGrath, Sophie Miller, Taylor Peterson, Robert Reedy, Hailey Spaulding, Olivia Thompkins and Haileigh Yemc. The team is coached by: Ingrid Holtry, Becky Coppins, John Thon, Julie Herrmann and Jennifer Miller. Holt Junior High School also advances to the State competition. Washington Woods and Hope Middle School had a strong showing and also earned medals as well. This is extra special since these two WHDPV ÂżHOG WK DQG WK JUDGH VWXGHQWV WKDW compete with teams often full of 8th and 9th grade students, including competing against our own junior high school. Congratulations to all of our young scientists!

April 2019, Page 8

HOLT 2019 SPRING SPORTS SCHEDULE BOYS VARSITY BASEBALL Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Saturday Saturday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Saturday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Saturday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday

04/09/19 04/09/19 04/11/19 04/11/19 04/13/19 04/13/19 04/18/19 04/18/19 04/25/19 04/25/19 04/27/19 04/29/19 04/29/19 05/02/19 05/02/19 05/06/19 05/06/19 05/09/19 05/09/19 05/11/19 05/13/19 05/13/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/20/19 05/20/19 05/30/19 05/30/19

Williamston High School Williamston High School Eaton Rapids High School Eaton Rapids High School Lansing Christian HS Lansing Christian HS St. Johns High School St. Johns High School Okemos High School Okemos High School Midland Dow Tournament Waverly High School Waverly High School Lansing Everett High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School East Lansing High School Coldwater High School Coldwater High School Portage Northern Invite Dewitt High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Catholic High School Lansing Catholic High School Haslett High School Haslett High School

GIRLS VARSITY SOFTBALL Away 4:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Away 4:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Away 10:00 AM Away 12:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Away 12:00 PM Away 4:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Away 9:00 AM Away 4:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Away 4:00 PM Away 6:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM Home 4:00 PM Home 6:00 PM

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Williamston High School Williamston High School Eaton Rapids High School Eaton Rapids High School St. Johns High School St. Johns High School Okemos High School Okemos High School Waverly High School Waverly High School Lansing Everett High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School East Lansing High School Coldwater High School Coldwater High School Dewitt High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Grand Ledge High School Lansing Catholic High School Lansing Catholic High School Haslett High School Haslett High School

Home Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Away Away

4:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM

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St. Johns High School Traverse City Central Williamston High School Dewitt High School Holt Invite Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Holt Double Dual OPEN DATE Waverly High School Okemos High School OPEN DATE (Allegan Invite) Grand Ledge High School Okemos High School Portland High School Haslett High School OPEN DATE (MHSAA Regionals)

Away Away Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Home Away Away Away Home Away Away

4:00 PM 10:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 8:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 9:00 AM

04/11/19 04/16/19 04/18/19 04/23/19 04/25/19 04/30/19 05/02/19 05/04/19 05/07/19 05/14/19 05/15/19

St. Johns High School Williamston High School Dewitt High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School Waverly High School Okemos High School Holt JV Invite Grand Ledge High School Portland High School Haslett High School

Home Home Home Away Away Home Away Home Home Away Home

4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 9:00 AM 4:30 4:30 4:30

BOYS VARSITY GOLF Thursday Friday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Monday Tuesday

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BOYS VARSITY LACROSSE Away Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Home Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Home

4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 10:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM

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Williamston High School Williamston High School Eaton Rapids High School Eaton Rapids High School St. Johns High School St. Johns High School Owosso High School Owosso High School Okemos High School Okemos High School Waverly High School Waverly High School Lansing Everett High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School East Lansing High School Coldwater High School Coldwater High School Holt JV Round Robin Grand Ledge High School Grand Ledge High School Dewitt High School Dewitt High School Rockford High School Rockford High School

Home Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Away Home Home Home Home Home Away Away

4:00PM 5:30 PM 4:00PM 5:30 PM 4:00PM 5:30 PM 4:00PM 5:30 PM 4:00PM 5:30 PM 4:00PM 5:30 PM 4:00PM 5:30 PM 4:00PM 5:30 PM 4:00PM 5:30 PM 9:00 AM 4:00PM 5:30 PM 4:00PM 5:30 PM 4:00PM 5:30 PM

Tuesday Thursday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Monday Thursday Monday Saturday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday

04/09/19 04/11/19 04/13/19 04/17/19 04/20/19 04/22/19 04/25/19 04/29/19 05/04/19 05/06/19 05/08/19 05/10/19 05/13/19 05/15/19 05/17/19

Marshall High School Mason High School Otsego High School Okemos High School Caledonia High School Waverly High School Lansing Everett High School East Lansing High School St. Johns High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Eaton Rapids High School OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup) OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup) OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup Finals)

Away 5:00 PM Home 5:00 PM Home 11:00 AM Home 5:00 PM Away 11:00 AM Away 5:00 PM Home 5:00 PM Home 5:00 PM Away 10:00 AM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM Home 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM Away 5:00 PM


GIRLS JV TENNIS Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday

Williamston High School Williamston High School Eaton Rapids High School Eaton Rapids High School Dansville High School Dansville High School St. Johns High School St. Johns High School Owosso High School Owosso High School Okemos High School Okemos High School Chelsea Invite OPEN DATE Waverly High School Waverly High School Lansing Everett High School Lansing Everett High School Holt Varsity Round Robin East Lansing High School East Lansing High School Coldwater High School Coldwater High School Grand Ledge High School Grand Ledge High School Dewitt High School Dewitt High School Rockford High School Rockford High School


GIRLS VARSITY TENNIS Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

04/09/19 04/09/19 04/11/19 04/11/19 04/15/19 04/15/19 04/18/19 04/18/19 04/23/19 04/23/19 04/25/19 04/25/19 04/27/19 04/29/19 04/29/19 05/02/19 05/02/19 05/04/19 05/06/19 05/06/19 05/09/19 05/09/19 05/16/19 05/16/19 05/21/19 05/21/19 05/23/19 05/23/19


BOYS JV BASEBALL Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday

Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Saturday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Saturday Monday Monday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday

Holt Varsity Golf Invite Home St. Johns High School Away Okemos High School Away OPEN DATE (Groesbeck) Away OPEN DATE (CAAC Jamboree @ ElDo) Home OPEN DATE (CAAC Open @ TBD) Away Battle Creek Lakeview HS Away Waverly High School Away

9:00 AM 9:00 AM 2:00 PM 9:00 AM 2:00 PM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM

Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

Tuesday Thursday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Monday Thursday Saturday Monday Saturday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday

04/09/19 04/11/19 04/13/19 04/17/19 04/20/19 04/22/19 04/25/19 04/27/19 04/29/19 05/04/19 05/06/19 05/08/19 05/10/19 05/13/19 05/15/19 05/17/19

Marshall High School Mason High School Otsego High School Okemos High School Caledonia High School Waverly High School Lansing Everett High School Lansing Catholic High School East Lansing High School St. Johns High School Dewitt High School Grand Ledge High School Eaton Rapids High School OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup) OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup) OPEN DATE (CAAC Cup Finals)

Away Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Away Away Away Home Away Away Away

6:30 PM 6:30 PM 12:30 PM 6:30 PM 1:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 12:00 PM 6:30 PM 11:30 AM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM

BOYS JV GOLF Friday Thursday

05/10/19 05/23/19

Dewitt High School Holt JV Invite

Away 10:00 AM Home 10:00 AM

Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Monday

04/10/19 04/11/19 04/13/19 04/15/19 04/18/19 04/20/19 04/23/19 04/25/19 04/26/19 04/30/19 05/02/19 05/04/19 05/07/19 05/09/19 05/13/19

Chelsea HS St. Johns High School Swartz Creek High School Okemos High School Dewitt High School Caledonia High School Grand Ledge High School Haslett High School Howell High School Waverly High School East Lansing High School Battle Creek Lakeview HS OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney)

Away Home Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Away Away

7:00 PM 7:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

BOYS JV LACROSSE Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Monday

04/10/19 04/11/19 04/13/19 04/15/19 04/18/19 04/20/19 04/23/19 04/25/19 04/26/19 04/30/19 05/02/19 05/04/19 05/07/19 05/09/19 05/13/19

Chelsea HS St. Johns High School Swartz Creek High School Okemos High School Dewitt High School Caledonia High School Grand Ledge High School Haslett High School Howell High School Waverly High School East Lansing High School Battle Creek Lakeview HS OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney)

Away 5:30PM Home 5:30 PM Home 11:00 AM Home 5:30 PM Home 5:30 PM Away 11:00 AM Away 5:30PM Home 5:30 PM Home 5:30 PM Away 5:30PM Away 5:30PM Away 5:30PM Away 5:30PM Away 5:30PM Away 5:30 PM

GIRLS VARSITY LACROSSE Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday

04/11/19 04/16/19 04/18/19 04/20/19 04/23/19 04/25/19 04/29/19 04/30/19 05/02/19 05/06/19 05/08/19 05/10/19 05/13/19

St. Johns High School Okemos High School Dewitt High School Eisenhower High School Grand Ledge High School Haslett High School Portage Northern HS Waverly High School East Lansing High School OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney @ Okemos) Kalamazoo Central HS

Away 7:00PM Away 7:00 PM Away 7:00PM Away 12:00 PM Home 7:00 PM Away 7:00PM Home 7:00 PM Home 7:00 PM Home 7:00 PM Away 7:00 PM Away 7:00 PM Away 7:00 PM Home 5:30 PM

GIRLS JV LACROSSE Thursday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Thursday Monday Wednesday Friday

04/11/19 04/16/19 04/18/19 04/20/19 04/23/19 04/25/19 04/29/19 04/30/19 05/02/19 05/06/19 05/08/19 05/10/19

St. Johns High School Okemos High School Dewitt High School Eisenhower High School Grand Ledge High School Haslett High School Portage Northern HS Waverly High School East Lansing High School OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney) OPEN DATE (CAAC Tourney @ Okemos)

Away 5:30PM Away 5:30 PM Away 5:30PM Away 10:30 AM Home 5:30 PM Away 5:30PM Home 5:30 PM Home 5:30 PM Home 5:30 PM Away 5:30 PM Away 5:30 PM Away 5:30 PM

VARSITY TRACK & FIELD Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Friday Saturday Friday Friday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Saturday

04/12/19 04/16/19 04/19/19 04/23/19 04/26/19 05/03/19 05/04/19 05/10/19 05/17/19 05/21/19 05/23/19 05/28/19 06/01/19

Davison High School (Davison) Away TBA CAAC Quad Home 4:00 PM Chelsea HS (Chelsea Invite) Away TBA Waverly High School Away 3:00 PM Mason High School (Mason Invite) Away TBA Corunna High School (Corunna) Away TBA OPEN DATE (New Balance) Away TBA (CAAC League Championships) Home 2:00 PM OPEN DATE (MHSAA Regionals) Away TBA Okemos High School Away TBA Grand Ledge High School Away 4:00 PM OPEN DATE (Honor Roll at MSU) Away TBA OPEN DATE (MHSAA State Finals) Away TBA

JV TRACK & FIELD Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday

04/17/19 05/01/19 05/08/19

Dewitt High School (CAAC @ Dewitt) East Lansing High Schoo OPEN DATE (Holt JV Invite)

Away Away Home

4:00 PM TBA 4:00 PM

JUNIOR HIGH TRACK & FIELD Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Wednesday

04/17/19 04/24/19 05/01/19 05/08/19 05/13/19 05/15/19

Hayes Middle School Haslett Middle School Jackson Parkside MS Eaton Rapids Middle School Chippewa Middle School E.L. MacDonald Middle School

Away Home Away Away Home Home

4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM 4:30 PM

April 2019, Page 9


Win a Domino’s Pizza Party For Your Classroom! Each student in your class does their best coloring job on each entry. All entries are submitted to your teacher or mailed or dropped off at Domino’s Pizza located at 2068 Cedar St., Holt, Michigan by May 10, 2019. The winner will be featured in our June edition and the winning classroom will win a pizza party!

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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

Student: _______________________________ School: ______________________ Grade: ____ Teacher:_______________________________

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(517) 889-5459 Realtor ®

Steve Croze

Nikki Riley

Bruce Carpenter

April 2019, Page 10

rd i B g n i v i L t s The Large

! h c i r t s The O

• The ostrich which can be as big as 8 feet tall and 330 pounds. • The ostrich relies on it’s speed, size and strong kick rather than flight for safety. An ostrich can run up to 40 miles per hour. They are capable of powerful kicks against predators. The ostrich's thick eyelashes protect its eyes during • Ostriches live in flocks in dry parts of Africa. Flocks can sand storms. have as many as 600 birds in them. • Ostriches are vegetarian and spend much of their time searching out water of which they need a gallon-and-ahalf a day. Ostriches eat various seeds, grasses, bushes and forage on trees. Excellent eyesight and acute hearing are the ostrich's most important senses.


The eggs are about 6 inches long!

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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

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Public Skating • Private Parties • Laser Tag Lessons • Fundraisers • Rollers and Strollers Field Trips • Team Building • Birthday Parties Skate w/the Easter Bunny! Easter Egg Hunt! April 13th, 10am - 12pm

April 2019, Page 11

HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Upcoming Events - April 2019 1 2 3


• No School: Spring Break for Balanced Calendar Schools Only

• No School: Spring Break


• No School: Spring Break for Balanced Calendar Schools Only

• No School: Spring Break


• Recycle Rama @ Ingham County Health Department: 9am-2pm


• Board of Education Committee of the Whole: 5pm • Board of Education Tenure Reception: 6:30pm • Board of Education Regular Meeting: 7pm


• Dimondale PTO: 6pm • Junior High PAC Meeting: 6pm • Sycamore PTO: 6:30pm


• Late Start/Early Release


• High School Top Ten Dinner (Seniors Only)


• Late Start/Early Release


• High School 3.5 Dinner

• No School: Spring Break


• No School: Spring Break


• No School: Spring Break

8 9 10

• No School: Spring Break for Balanced Calendar Schools Only • No School: Spring Break for Balanced Calendar Schools Only • Horizon HOPS: 6:30pm • Wilcox PTO: 6:30pm • No School: Spring Break for Balanced Calendar Schools Only • Community Coffee @ Morninglory’s Café: 9am • High School National Honor Society Induction

Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News

• (Seniors with a 3.5 cumulative GPA)

April 2019, Page 12

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