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Kids’ World News
Volume 2, Issue 12, February 2020
Fun Dinosaur Facts!
• ‘Tyrannosaurus’ comes from the Greek words meaning ‘tyrant lizard’, while the word ‘rex’ means ‘king’ in Latin. • Tyrannosaurus rex is often abbreviated to T-Rex. • Tyrannosaurus rex lived in an area of the Earth that now makes up western North America. • Tyrannosaurus rex measured up to 42 feet in length, 13 feet at the hip and could weigh up to 7 tons! • The skull of a Tyrannosaurus rex alone measured up to 5 feet long. • The largest tooth of any carnivorous dinosaur found to this date is that of a T-Rex. It is estimated to have been around 12 inches long when including the root. • When Tyrannosaurus rex hit around the age of 14 its body size would increase rapidly, putting on around 1300 pounds a year over the next 4 years. • Tyrannosaurus rex had small arms that were extremely powerful and featured two clawed fingers.
• The name ‘Triceratops’ comes from the Greek language, with ‘tri’ meaning three and ‘keratops’ meaning horned face. • Triceratops lived in the late Cretaceous Period (around 65 million years ago). • It needed its three horns to try and protect itself from the Tyrannosaurus Rex which lived during the same time period. • It is believed that fully grown Triceratops were about 26 feet in length, 10 feet in height and weighed anywhere between 6 to 12 tons. • The skull of a Triceratops alone could grow over 7 feet in length. • The Triceratops was a plant eating (herbivore) dinosaur. • The first known fossils to be that of a Triceratops were horns attached to a partial skull, found near Denver, Colorado in 1887. • Triceratops had anywhere between 400 and 800 teeth, although only a small percentage of these were in use at any one time as they were constantly replaced throughout its lifetime. • The State of Wyoming lists the Triceratops as its state dinosaur.
• The Stegosaurus is the most famous dinosaur from a group of dinosaurs known as Stegosauria. They were all herbivores (plant eaters) and featured rows of unique bones that developed into plates and spines along their back and tail. • The name ‘Stegosaurus’ comes from the Greek words ‘stegos’ meaning roof and ‘sauros’ meaning lizard. • Stegosaurus fossils have been found in western North America. • In terms of size, the Stegosaurus was large and heavily built. On average, a fully grown Stegosaurus was around 30 feet in length, 14 feet in height and up to nearly 5 metric tons in weight. • Although the Stegosaurus body was large, the size of their brain was only around the size of a dog’s. • The 17 plates found along the back of the Stegosaurus arose from the skin rather than being attached to the skeleton. The largest plates were around 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide. • The Stegosaurus also featured tail spikes that reached around 2 to 3 feet in length.
• The Spinosaurus lived around 100 million years ago in what is now North Africa. • The name Spinosaurus means ‘spine lizard’. • Fossils of the Spinosaurus were first found in Egypt around 1910. • The Spinosaurus was larger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex and may have been the largest carnivorous (meat eating) dinosaur ever. • Studies estimate that it was around 49 feet in length and weighed anywhere between 7 to 20 tons. • The Spinosaurus featured distinctive spines which grew over 1.5 meters (5 feet) long. • The Spinosaurus had a long, thin skull. • While the Spinosaurus usually walked on two legs, studies suggest that it may have occasionally crouched on all four. • Spinosaurus were featured in the popular movie Jurassic Park 3.
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
February 2020, Page 2
Solve this Sudoku by adding the shapes to the puzzle (don’t forget the green one at the bottom). Hint: Each line, both horizontal and vertical, can only have one of each shape.
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February 2020, Page 3
“Make Sure You Take Your Vitamins!” Vitamins are very important substances that are found in the foods we eat. Last month in Kids’ World News, we talked about minerals found in food. Like minerals, vitamins are needed by your body to help it work properly. Every vitamin has a special role that it plays in your growth and development. There are two types of vitamins. They are fat soluble and water soluble. Fat soluble vitamins are stored in the fat tissues of your body and in your liver. They wait until your body needs them. It could be a few days or up to six months! When it’s time for the vitamin to be used, special carriers in your body take them to where they are needed. Fat soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K. Water-soluble vitamins don’t get stored as much in your body. They travel through your blood stream. What your body doesn’t use, comes out when you urinate. These vitamins need to be replaced often because of this. These vitamins include vitamin C and the vitamin B group. Have you ever heard the statement, “you are what you eat”? Vitamins come from the food you eat. Sometimes, kids take multi vitamins daily, but eating a variety of healthy foods is extremely important. Here’s some good examples:
Vitamin A - plays a big part in eyesight. It helps you see in color, see better at night, grow properly and aids in healthy skin. Foods that are rich in vitamin A are milk that’s fortified with vitamin A, fruits and vegetables like cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potatoes and dark green leafy vegetables like kale, collards, and spinach. Vitamin B Group
- has a lot of B’s and other vitamins. They are B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid. These vitamins are important in metabolic activity. What’s that? It means that they help make energy and release it when your body needs it. These vitamins also help make red blood cells which carry oxygen through your body. Every part of your body needs oxygen to work, so these are extremely important vitamins. Foods that are rich in vitamin B are whole grains (wheat and oats), fish and seafood, poultry and meats, eggs, dairy products, leafy green vegetables, beans and peas.
Vitamin C - is important for keeping body tissues like muscles and gums in good
shape. Vitamin C also helps you heal a wound or cut, as well as helping your body to resist infection. Foods that contain vitamin C are citrus fruits like oranges, cantaloupe, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, kiwi fruit and sweet red peppers to name a few.
Vitamin D - is what you need to have strong bones and teeth. It also helps your body absorb the calcium (a mineral) you need! What has vitamin D? Milk fortified with vitamin D, fish, egg yolks and cereal fortified with D plus, you can get vitamin D naturally from being in the sun. Vitamin E - is a hardworking vitamin! It maintains a lot of body tissues, like the ones in your eyes, skin and liver. It protects your lungs from becoming damaged by pollution. It also is important in forming red blood cells. Foods that have vitamin E are: whole grains, leafy green vegetables, sardines, egg yolks, nuts, and seeds. Vitamin K - helps your blood to clot! This is when cells in your body act like glue sticking together at the surface of a cut or wound to help stop bleeding. To get vitamin K into your system, eat leafy green vegetables, milk, yogurt, broccoli and soybean. So, when your parents say, “Don’t forget to take your vitamins!” or “Eat your vegetables!”, you know they are looking out for your health and making sure you get all the vitamins you need. That will help you say healthy!
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
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February 2020, Page 4
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS WELCOME! It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I write to welcome you and our exceptional learning community to the 24th edition of our very own Kids’ World News! For over 20 years, the Holt Business Alliance has been the force that shapes our community’s future. The membership serves as a powerful networking partnership of local businesses, school represenWDWLYHV DQG JRYHUQPHQW RI¿FLDOV ZRUNLQJ WRJHWKHU WR promote the mission of developing strong community support for our businesses, local government and schools. With that, the Holt Business Alliance proudly VSRQVRUV WKLV SXEOLFDWLRQ (DFK PRQWK \RX ZLOO ¿QG content unique to Holt Public and our greater learning community! By creating a personalized publication, we believe we will engage our students at a deeper level. While our district provides the core curriculum each day, the Holt Business Alliance is choosing to supplement our curriculum by supporting the Holt Public Kids’ World News each month!
Holt Business Alliance ~ Member Spotlight: M & M Moving and Storage by Nikki McClure M & M Moving and Storage is a family owned company established here in Lansing, MI. Although Mark Lewis owns the company, he credits Marisa and Matt Lewis and their employees for the success and reputation of the company. They are known for proving exceptional customer service, especially during the hectic and stressful time of moving. Mark is a 1979 graduate of Holt High School and maintains strong ties to the Holt community. No Senior Without a Christmas, Toys for Tots, Child and Family Charities, are just a few of the organizations M & M supports. For over 12 years, M & M has provided services to residential and commercial customers.
Whether your move is big or small, let a trusted, old-fashioned company take care of your needs. Contact M & M Moving at (517) 977-8859 or visit www.mmmovingandstorage.com
In an effort to connect with our public, I send a weekly email called the Peek at the Week to interested stakeholders. If you would like to be added to the weekly email blast, please send a note to suptofc@hpsk12.net with the word Peek in the subject line. Keep an eye on us as we Innovate, Educate and Inspire our learning community to achieve on every level! Together IS better! Throughout the school year, I urge you to engage with us on social media and I hope you enjoy reading this edition of the Holt Public Kids’ World News sponsored by the Holt Business Alliance.
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February 2020, Page 5
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS So You Want to be in the Band? by Dennis Marvin President Holt High School Band Boosters “So You Want to be in the Band?,� presented by the Holt High School Band Boosters provides information about the high school band experience. The Band Boosters hopes this article will encourage kids to think about music, learning an instrument, and joining the band in middle school and for the rest of their years in Holt Public Schools.
Ryan Bean Ryan Bean (RB) is a Sophomore at Holt High School. The following questions were posed by the Holt Band Boosters (HBB): HBB:
What instrument do you play?
RB: I play the snare drum in the marching band and different percussion instruments in the Wind Ensemble. I am also Section Leader of the Percussion Section.
HBB: Why did you get interested in music and decide to play drums? 5% , ¿UVW JRW LQWHUHVWHG LQ PXVLF DIter listening to my parents 70’s and 80’s rock-n-roll. I liked the sound of the drums so that is what led me to think about joining the band and playing GUXPV , JRW P\ ¿UVW GUXP ZKLOH , ZDV in 5th grade and started taking lessons, but could not join the band until 6th grade. HBB: When did you join the band? 5% 0\ ¿UVW EDQG ZDV LQ WK JUDGH at Hope Middle School. While I had started playing the drums, I had to audition to play drums in the band, which I could not do until December of my 6th grade. I started band by playing the trombone. I passed my audition and then started playing drums in band in January. I have not picked up a trombone since although I still have two. HBB: What do you like most about being in the band?
RB: I like hitting things, which drummers like to do, but seriously, most of my friends are in the band. The percussion section is more like a family. We support each other. Hang out together. I like playing at the football games and watching how the student section reacts to the music we play, especially when the drum line plays. I like watching them jump around and smile. I also like the trips we take. Last October we went to Cleveland and saw the Rock N’Roll Hall of Fame. It is probably something I would never done at this age had I not been in the band. Finally, I like both the marching band and the wind ensemble because of how Mr. Emerson (the High School Band Director) interacts with the percussion section. HBB: Do you plan to stay involved in music or band after High School? RB: I am not quite sure yet, but I am thinking about taking steps to become a professional musician. Either in a concert band or maybe a rock band. I would love to play in the Spartan March-
ing Band. Their drum line is one of the best, so it does not matter to me what percussion instrument I play if I get the chance. If it does not work out for me in music, then becoming a history professor or teacher is my second choice. I also would not mind getting involved in the movie industry. If I pursue that career, then maybe I could combine my ORYH RI PXVLF ZLWK ¿OP E\ ZULWLQJ PXVLcal scores for movies. HBB: Why do you think younger kids should think about joining the band? RB: If you like music, you should think about joining the band. It opens up a lot of opportunities. Even if you are not sure you want to play an instrument, you should try. Studies show musicians have higher IQ’s and stronger academics. As I have learned, the music teachers will help you a lot. Mr. Emerson, my high school band director, is probably the best teacher I ever KDG +H KDV EHHQ D JUHDW LQÀXHQFH LQ my life.
Talk with Us Tuesday Podcast
by John Hayhoe Dr. David Hornak, Holt Public Superintendent, and John Hayhoe, Delhi Township Supervisor hosted Dr. Holly Scott-Hetchler for our 168th consecutive Talk with us Tuesday Podcast! We learned a great deal about the Girl Scouts on our 168th Podcast, said Dr. Hornak! In addition to learning more about the Girl Scouts, each shared some information about the Township and the District, respectively! To listen to this podcast or previously recorded shows, visit: https://gohps.net/HPSPodcast168 or http://holtpublicsch.podbean.com/ Thanks for listening and remember to read! Enjoy!
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
February 2020, Page 6
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Holt Business Alliance Annual Awards On January 16, 2020, the Holt Business Alliance held their annual meeting. The following community members were acknowledged! Pictured, \RX ZLOO ¿QG 'HOKL 7RZQVKLS (PSOR\HH RI WKH <HDU 7HUU\ 3RZHUV DFFHSWLQJ KLV DZDUG IURP WKH 'HOKL 7RZQVKLS 6XSHUYLVRU -RKQ +D\KRH
Award Winners Bill Wahl received the Ron VanErmen Legacy Award Educator of the Year: Deputy Bill Belanger Delhi Township Employee of the Year: Terry Powers Business of the Year: Paper Image Honorary Lifetime Board Member: Shelley Slee
Holt Business Alliance Annual Meeting Photos
Holt Public Schools Kidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; World News
Submitted by Mary Breier, Kona Ice
February 2020, Page 7
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION State of Michigan legislation (MCL 380.1147) recognizes that children who turn five years of age between September 1 and December 1 of 2020 are eligible for kindergarten for the 20202021 school year.
Kindergarten “call in” takes place January 21 to January 31, 2020, from 9:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Call your home area school to pre-register (if you do not know your home area school, you may call 694-0625 or 699-1103 for assistance). After you call your school building you may proceed with the online enrollment process. Visit our District Website at www.hpsk12.net and go to Student Enrollment. Your child is considered enrolled only after you have attended your final appointment at the Curriculum Office.
For Holt/Dimondale Public School Residents: In-district Schools of Choice applications will be available in February for the 2020-2021 school year at all K-4 buildings, online or at the Curriculum Office (located in the North Campus Building, 5780 W. Holt Road). Applications are due on or before April 17, 2020. For more information, please call the Curriculum Office at 517-699-1103 or 517-694-5730.
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED AT TIME OF YOURFINALREGISTRATION APPOINTMENT: Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment so that you can complete a Kindergarten Survey. 1. Birth certificate – original certified with state seal (copies are not accepted)
NON-RESIDENT SCHOOLS OF CHOICE For students who do not reside within the Holt School District boundaries: Non-resident Schools of Choice applications will be available in May 2020. Beginning in March, please call 517-699-1103 for more information or to request an application packet.
2. Immunization record – LQFOXGLQJ +HSDWLWLV % DQG 9DULFHOOD LPPXQL]DWLRQV 3. Proof of residency – utility bill, lease, cable bill, etc. (two current documents needed) 3DUHQW *XDUGLDQ 3KRWR ,' If you don’t have the needed documents your appointment will be rescheduled. So please have all documents needed. If you have questions, please contact 517-699-1103. The documents required for students before starting kindergarten are: If you have these documents, please bring them with you at the time of your final registration. 5. Vision screening – Kindergarten and first grade only
Any parent/guardian wishing to claim a nonmedical waiver must receive education regarding the benefits of vaccination and the risks of disease from a county health department before obtaining the certified nonmedical waiver form from the local health department. The rule requires the use of the State of Michigan nonmedical waiver form dated January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020. For more information, contact the Ingham County Health Department at 517-887-4350.
CHILDCARE Holt Community Education provides before- and after-school childcare for students up through grade 6. For information please call 517-694-3411 or e-mail comed@hpsk12.net.
6. Hearing screening – Kindergarten and first grade only
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
February 2020, Page 8
BOYS VARSITY BASKETBALL Tuesday Friday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Thursday
02/04/20 02/07/20 02/14/20 02/18/20 02/21/20 02/25/20 02/28/20 03/03/20 03/05/20
Lansing Sexton H.S. Okemos High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School Williamston High School Lansing Catholic High School
Away Home Home Away Away Away Home Home Home
7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM
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5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM
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BOYS JV BASKETBALL Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday
02/04/20 02/06/20 02/13/20 02/18/20 02/20/20 02/25/20 02/27/20 03/03/20 03/05/20
Lansing Sexton H.S. Okemos High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School *Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School Williamston High School Lansing Catholic High School
02/04/20 02/06/20 02/13/20 02/18/20 02/20/20 02/25/20 02/27/20 03/03/20 03/05/20
Lansing Sexton H.S. Okemos High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School Williamston High School Lansing Catholic High School
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Lansing Sexton H.S. Okemos High School Mason High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School *Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School
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7:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM
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5:30 PM 7:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM
GIRLS JV BASKETBALL Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday
02/04/20 02/06/20 02/11/20 02/13/20 02/18/20 02/20/20 02/25/20 02/27/20
Lansing Sexton H.S. Okemos High School Mason High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School *Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School
Tuesday Thursday
02/04/20 02/13/20
Mason High School Dewitt High School
Home 6:00 PM Away 6:00 PM
VARSITY WRESTLING Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Saturday Friday Friday
02/05/20 02/08/20 02/12/20 02/15/20 02/19/20 02/22/20 02/28/20 03/06/20
Grand Ledge High School Okemos High School (Team Districts) (MHSAA Individual Districts) (MHSAA Team Regional) (MHSAA Individual Regional) (Team Finals) (MHSAA Individual Finals)
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6:30 PM TBA 6:00 PM 8:00 AM 6:00 PM 8:00 PM TBA TBA
JV WRESTLING Wednesday Saturday Saturday
02/05/20 02/08/20 02/15/20
Grand Ledge High School Okemos High School Holt JV Invite #2
Home 6:00 PM Away 9:00 AM Home TBA
BOYS FRESHMAN BASKETBALL Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday
02/04/20 02/07/20 02/11/20 02/14/20 02/18/20 02/21/20 02/25/20 02/28/20
4:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:00 PM
Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday
02/04/20 02/06/20 02/11/20 02/13/20 02/18/20 02/20/20 02/25/20 02/27/20
Lansing Sexton H.S. Okemos High School Mason High School East Lansing High School Haslett High School Dewitt High School *Waverly High School Grand Ledge High School
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4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM
OPEN DATE (CAAC @ Fowlerville) Away 6:00 PM
GYMNASTICS Saturday Wednesday Saturday Saturday Friday Saturday
02/01/20 02/05/20 02/22/20 03/07/20 03/13/20 03/14/20
Haslett High School Haslett High School CAAC League @ Fowlerville MHSAA Regionals @ Grand Ledge (MHSAA State Finals) (MHSAA Finals)
Away Home Away Away Away Away
9:00 AM 6:30 PM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM TBA TBA
HPS Kroger Community Rewards Program Holt Public has partnered with the Kroger Community Rewards Program! By registering your Kroger FDUG \RXU JURFHU\ DQG RU JDV EHQH¿WV ZLOO QRW EH LPSDFWHG KRZHYHU +ROW 3XEOLF ZLOO VWDUW WR HDUQ PRQey to be used to support our STEM/STEAM and Professional Development programs! We raised nearly $14,000 so far! Thank you Holt Public! The steps to register your card are below: â&#x20AC;¢ Simply register online at http://krogercommunityrewards.com â&#x20AC;¢ Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with Holt Public! â&#x20AC;¢ Enter our NPO number or Holt Public Schools. Our NPO Number is: (* â&#x20AC;¢ To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see Holt Public Schools on the right side of your information page. â&#x20AC;¢ Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 877-576-7587 to get your Kroger Plus card number. â&#x20AC;¢ Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count. This is an easy way to support Holt Public!
2019-2020 School Calendar Preview*
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Holt Public Schools Kidsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; World News
February 2020, Page 9
The World’s Smartest Horse I was born to run very fast and win horse races. My name is Lukas. My greatgreat-grandfather was a famous champion and my owners hoped I could be like him. I tried very hard to do what they wanted, but my legs weren't strong enough. Thoroughbreds like me are raced when we're only two years old, so I got hurt and couldn't race anymore. My owners found a new stable for me, but when my legs healed I was even slower, so they gave me away to someone else. This owner didn't want to keep me either, so I went to several other homes which got worse with each move. Finally, I ended up with people who couldn't feed me and I got very skinny and sad. One day, a lady drove by and saw me. She felt so sorry for me she offered to buy me. This lady was a trainer and wanted me to be a jumper. I tried my best, but the work was very hard and it hurt my sore legs. She put me up for sale too because she didn't want to keep a horse who couldn't win ribbons. I was advertised as a kind and sensitive horse - I was going to another new home, but this time it would be different. My next owner, Karen, had loved horses since she was a little girl. Her parents were too poor to buy her much, least of all a horse. So, when she grew up, she became a nurse and bought horses with problems, fixed them and found good homes for them. She fell in love with me at our first meeting. I had a lot of bad habits by then and was very wild. I was already nine years old and didn't know how to behave. It took Karen a long time to gain my trust and attention, but she wouldn't give up on me. For the first time in my life, I was allowed to be myself and she paid attention to what I wanted. I had a hard time focusing, so Karen helped me understand lessons using fun games. We played with all sorts of toys and I finally felt like I was special to someone. She gave me choices and showed me how to make the right decisions and I began to learn some very interesting things. Karen saw that I could be good at a lot of things. Her belief in me made me feel like I could succeed. I may not have been very fast, but maybe I could be the best at something else. Karen and I were having so much fun! She used tricks to build my confidence. Before long I was able to smile, nod yes, shake my head no, bow, curtsey, step onto my pedestal, wave, pose and hold it, pretend to be lame, yawn, kiss her even give her a big face lick if she asked! I could do the Spanish Walk (a big high walk), Passage (like skipping), stay and come, lay down, sit, fetch and catch. I did all these things out of love for Karen. She lets me be free and doesn't use any equipment (she doesn't even own a whip), so people can see that animals can be trained without any force. Karen could see how much I enjoyed learning and was always trying to come
up with new classes for me. Her belief that animals would be treated better if people realized how smart we were gave her an idea. How much could I really learn? So, together, we explored this patiently and kindly. Karen showed me different ways to think. I was able to understand many words and lessons and I became very calm and wise. I learned to spell, count, identify shapes, pick a color, put things where Karen asked, and understand same/different, bigger and when something was absent. Now, I'm very famous - the World Records Academy has recognized me as the World's Smartest Horse and Guinness World Records has officially recognized my history making achievement: "Most numbers identified by a horse in one minute." This seventeen year old met all the guidelines and identified NINETEEN numbers in less than sixty seconds. I've been on NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, HLN, Inside Edition and the Associated Press and America on Line have done feature stories about me. Karen has talked about me on Pet Talk Radio, Pet Talk Live Radio, Pet Place Radio, Animal Radio and RFD-Radio and I have appeared in newspapers, forums, blogs and newsletters all over the world. I was nominated for the 2010 Equine Vision Award sponsored by Pfizer and American Horse Publications. My web-site (http://www.playingwithlukas.com) has been visited by friends from fifty-one countries (I'm a million hit horse now!) and I have my own book and documentary. I have been invited to appearances all over the country and Karen makes speeches about me too. But it gets even better - Karen and I donate our time and services to share the happy results of kind training and to show how smart and wonderful animals are for their improved treatment. My favorite is meeting children. Karen dresses me up in costumes so they can see how fun horses are. I'm also the Spokeshorse for several rescue organizations and a therapy practice for sick people. The best part - Karen tells me that I am a champion after all.
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
February 2020, Page 10
Coloring Corner Fruits Are “Good For You” Food! Can You Identify And Color These? 1891 N Cedar St, Holt, MI 517-699-2001 www.EDRUSKATE.com
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Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
February 2020, Page 11
HOLT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Upcoming Events - February 2020 4 5
• Horizon HOPS
• Full Day of Instruction • Community Coffee @ Morninglory’s Café in Dimondale: 9am-10am
• Board of Education Committee of the Whole: 5:30pm • Board of Education Regular Meeting: 7pm • Dimondale PTO
• Elliott PTO • Sycamore PTO
• Full Day of Instruction: Count Day!
• Wilcox PTO
• Mid-Winter Break: Balanced Calendar Schools Only
• Mid-Winter Break: All Schools
Holt Public Schools Kids’ World News
• Mid-Winter Break: All Schools
• Mid-Winter Break: All Schools
• Mid-Winter Break: All Schools • Holt Business Alliance Breakfast Mixer @ 7:30am (Charlar Place)
• Mid-Winter Break: All Schools
• Late Start/Early Release
Happy Valentine’s Day!
February 2020, Page 12