August 2018 Mid-Michigan Edition
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Just For Kids! Kids’ World News
Volume 11, Issue 12, August 2018
63(&,$/ 7+$1.6 COLLABORATING WITH COMMUNITIES IMPROVING LIVES 0LFKLJDQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\¶V 2I¿FH IRU 8QLYHUVLW\ 2XWUHDFK DQG (QJDJHPHQW ZRUNV WR EURDGHQ WKH 8QLYHUVLty’s impacts on Michigan communities and beyond. In addition to other activities, it promotes access to MSU resources and faculty through public events, K-12 programming, and online resources.
Programs For Kids Spartan Youth Programs: *LIWHG DQG 7DOHQWHG (GXFDWLRQ JLIWHG PVX HGX MSU Science Festival: Learning at the MSU Museum: :KDUWRQ &HQWHU (GXFDWLRQ DQG (QJDJHPHQW
Accepting the Kids’ World News Thank You Certificate Dr. Hiram E. Fitzgerald Michigan State University
To All Of Our Sponsors Who Are Helping Us To Provide Great Information To Kids And Parents
Hi Kids!
,W·V $ *UHDW 'D\ $W .LGV· :RUOG 1HZV 6XPPHU KDV ÀRZQ E\ WKLV \HDU ,W¶V WLPH WR JHW UHDG\ IRU VFKRRO Some kids grow alot during the summer months and need new Expires 9/15/18
FORWKHV WKDW ¿W $1' VFKRRO VXSSOLHV 2Q RXU 6SRWOLJKW 2Q +HDOWK SDJH we have some excellent ideas to help you form some good school KDELWV 6WDUW SUDFWLFLQJ WKHP WRGD\ EHIRUH VFKRRO VWDUWV As always thank you to our sponsors for making Kids’ World News possible. We appreciate you.
If you would like to see Kids’ World News at your school or if you would like to be one of our proud sponsors, please call 517-285-6641 (e-mail: If you would like to submit an article from your school (limit 150 words), e-mail: Kids’ World News is designed to give exposure to all area schools, recognition of students and staff members. We welcome input from all our area schools. We do however, reserve the right to edit.
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
August 2018, Page 2
This is a zigzag search puzzle. Words go left, right, up, down, NOT DIAGONALLY and can bend at a right angle. There are NO unused letters in the grid and every letter is used only once! Good luck!
Can you find the 7 differences?
Help the hungry caterpillar get to his yummy green breakfast!
Protect your child’s future with an Auto-Owners Life Insurance Policy Save for your child’s future with an Auto-Owners Annuity ZZZ GDYLGFKDSPDQDJHQF\ FRP
Protect your family with Home, Auto, Farm and Business Insurance
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
August 2018, Page 3
Fun Food Facts For Kids! • Different parts of the world have their own local food they love. The diets and general food habits of various cultures depend on social, religious, economic and safety factors as well as the availability of different foods. Examples of food and cuisine that are popular or famous in certain areas of the world include hummus in the Middle East, apple pie in the United States, raw fish in Japan, cheese in France, roast meat and vegetables in England, curry in India and tortillas in Mexico. • There are approximately 2000 different plant types that humans use to cultivate food. • Some examples of popular vegetables include lettuce, carrots, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, potatoes and onions. • The sweet potato is a root vegetable and is NOT closely related to the potato! • Cutting onions releases a gas which causes a stinging sensation when it comes into contact with your eyes. Your body produces tears to dilute that irritant and remove it from your eyes. • Pumpkins are usually labelled as vegetables but they contain seeds and are technically fruit. • Some examples of popular fruits include apples, oranges, pears, strawberries, peaches, bananas, apricots and grapes. • Technically speaking, strawberries aren't even berries! Strawberries are edible and tasty, but technically, they are receptacles (the thickened part of a stem) rather than a berry. Making things even more confusing - the little hard pieces that appear to be seeds on a strawberry are actually a type of dry fruit called achene and they contain their own seeds! Figure that! • India is the world’s largest producer of bananas, producing nearly 22 million tons in 2007. • Humans use many different methods for gathering food which include farming, hunting, gardening, foraging and fishing. • Humans eat meat from a number of different animals that include meat from chickens, cows, sheep and pigs. Other food products that come from animals include milk, eggs and honey. • Although humans are omnivores (eating both plants and animals), many people choose not to eat meat and fish, they are known as vegetarians. Those who don’t eat or use any products made from animals (including eggs, dairy products and honey) are known as vegans. 600 E. Grand River, Brighton
• Food for human consumption is typically made from plants and animals but we also eat other products such as fermented foods and fungus. Some examples are mushrooms and cheese. • Cooking is an important part of food preparation that involves applying heat. In most cases this transforms the chemical make up of food, altering its texture, flavor, nutritional properties as well as appearance. The types of food used in cooking include ovens, microwaves, toasters, grills, pots and frying pans. The types of cooking methods are boiling, simmering, steaming, sauteing, pan frying, grilling and deep frying. • Around 70 million people suffer from food poisoning every year with around 7 million of these cases being fatal. Careful food storage, temperature control and preparation is necessary to avoid potentially dangerous bacteria, toxins and viruses. • Around 8% of children and 2% of adults have some kind of food allergy, this occurs when the body’s immune system incorrectly assumes a certain food protein is harmful and attacks it. Common examples of food allergies include reactions to peanuts, gluten and shellfish.
Katie Pikkarainen, Agent
119 E. Grand River, Fowlerville
215 E. Grand River, Fowlerville
(517) 223-4173
(517) 223-9832
Fall Fest
(517) 223-9193 Fax: (517) 223-9196 100 W. Grand River ~ Fowlerville 2IÀFH
Saturday, Sept. 15 at Livingston Centre Historical Village Fowlerville Fairgrounds Visit Historic Buildings, Games, Craft Demonstrations, Entertainment
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
Fowlerville Feed & Pet Supplies +DOH 6WUHHW ĥ )RZOHUYLOOH
Become a Kid’s World News Patron Sponsor by calling Pat today 517-285-6641
August 2018, Page 4
This page proudly sponsored by:
Preuss Pets
1127 N. Cedar Old Town Lansing 517-339-1762 **Teachers - we do fieldtrips!** Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
Live animal presentation for an in-store
Feed the fish
Birthday Party M-F parties, a $25 value Limit one per customer. Book before February 15,15, 2016 September 2018
in our indoor river! Get up close and personal with our cool koi.
Limit one per customer. Limited amount of food per day. 15,2016 2018 Use by September February 15,
August 2018, Page 5
The United Kingdom • The United Kingdom is an island located in Europe. It borders the North Sea, English channel, and the Atlantic Ocean. The United Kingdom consists of Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England. It’s about twice the size of New York state. • England is the most populated area, with 49 million people living there. Many of these people live in southern England, near London. London is the capital of the United Kingdom, and is home to about 7.6 million people! • The United Kingdom is often called Britain or simply the UK. • The official languages in the United Kingdom are English, Welsh, and a Scottish form of Gaelic. • The industrial revolution was born in the United Kingdom in the 18th century, making it the first industrialized nation. • The currency of the United Kingdom is the British pound. • The total population is estimated to be about 65 million people! • Major industries include machine tools, electric power equipment, automation equipment, railroad equipment, ship building, cereals, oilseed, potatoes, vegetables, cattle, and fish. • The government of the United Kingdom is a unitary parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. The Prime Minister is the head of the government. The queen right now is Elizabeth II and the prime minister is Theresa May.
• In the north and west of the United Kingdom, mountain ridges and deep valleys are common. The south countryside is mainly rolling hills. • In northwest England and the Scottish Highlands are dozens of lakes, called lochs. You’ve probably heard this term before when telling the story of the Loch Ness monster. Lock Ness is a lake in Scotland, and many people claim to see “Nessie” or a giant monster living there. • The United Kingdom used to be covered in thick forests. Now only 10% of the land is forest. • Soccer, rugby, cricket, boxing, and golf were all invented in the United Kingdom! • The United Kingdom has produced many great writers including William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and Robert Burns. J.K. Rowling, the writer of the Harry Potter books, is also from the UK! • Stonehenge is one of the most popular tourist sites in the United Kingdom! Located in England, this structure dates back to around 3000 to 2000 BC. Why they are there is unknown, but there are many theories, including religious reasons, burial grounds, and even aliens! • British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), is the largest broadcasting corporation in the world. The corporation is very popular in the United States for news as well is television programs. • London was the first city in the world to have an underground subway system! • London hosting the 2012 Olympics is the first time a city has ever hosted the Olympics three times. That was also the first Olympics that had at least one female athlete from every country.
Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England. It’s one of the most famous sites in the world. Archaeological evidence found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project in 2008 indicates that it could have been a burial ground.
Tower Of London
$500 OFF ANY PRE-OWNED VEHICLE - BOTH LOCATIONS! 2007 Chevy Suburban Runs Great! ANYTHING OF VALUE TAKEN ON TRADE! 5226 N. Grand River • Lansing
Auto Sales & Service Open Mon. - Fri. 9 to 8, Sat. 9 to 7
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
2016 Chevy Malibu 50,000 Miles FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR EVERYONE! 5436 S. Cedar • Lansing
August 2018, Page 6
New & Used Tires at The Best Prices in Town Lansing’s Oldest Used Tire Dealer
63(&,$/ 7+$1.6
Over 10,000 Used Tires In-Stock
Mt. Pleasant Agency, Inc., established in 1959, is a full service Independant Insurance Agency offering insurance protection and risk management services to families and businesses LQ &HQWUDO 0LFKLJDQ IRU $XWR +RPH %XVLQHVV /LIH ,QVXUance. As an Independant Agent they offer a high level of customized insurance services and products to meet their clients needs. They do not work for an insurance company, they work IRU \RX 7KH\ EHOLHYH LQ WKH JRRG ROG IDVKLRQHG YDOXHV RI 7UXVW +RQHVW\ ,QWHJULW\ DQG +DUG :RUN 7KH\ DUH LQYROYHG LQ WKHLU FRPPXQLW\ ZLWK +%$ RI &HQWUDO 0LFKLJDQ 7KH 8QLWHG :D\ 0W Pleasant Rotary, Kiwanis, Jr. Achievement, Keepin it Local in the 989, and the Isabella County Youth and Farm Fair.
The American Association Of Orthodontists recommends that all children have a check-up with an orthodontist no later than age 7. Call us today for a complimentary consultation!
Call Us Today For A Complimentary Consultation! Dr. Ulla Crouse
810-229-8200 •
Accepting the Kid's World News Thank You Certificate Niki Mathews, Tara Mills & Tammy Gruss of Mt. Plesant Agency - Central Insurance, sponsoring Kid’s World News since 2014.
119 S. Franklin Street Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 989-772-2977
Orthodontics Specialty License # 2901019249
Family Chiropractic Committed To Affordable Family Care
Charlotte Lithograph, Inc. are owned by J-Ad *UDSKLFV RXW RI +DVWLQJ MI. They are a commercial printer and print several of their own papers as well as Kids’ World 1HZV
Call Now For Free Evaluation! 309 E. Saginaw Hwy., Grand Ledge By Appointment 517-627-4547 Reeder Piano provides piano sales and piano restorations. They were established in 1990 and employ 12. Reeder Piano’s involvement in the community includes providing pianos for community concerts. Reeder piano has been with Kids’ World News for 4 years.
Accepting the Kids’ World News Thank You Certificate Phil Ermshar, Cheri Ermshar & James Reeder Reeder Piano
Accepting the Kids’ World News Thank You Certificate Brian Rayner & Staff Charlotte Lithograph, Inc. sponsoring Kid’s World News since 2014.
Reeder Pianos Inc.
144 Cochran Chalotte, MI 48813 (517) 543-4041
5660 W. Grand River Lansing, MI 1-800-225-8641 • (517) 886-9447
1891 N Cedar St, Holt, MI 517-699-2001
Public Skating • Private Parties • Laser Tag Lessons • Fundraisers • Rollers and Strollers Field Trips • Team Building • Birthday Parties
ROLLERS & STROLLERS Every Saturday 10:00am to 12:00pm
They pride themselves in giving their customers a quality product in a timely manner. They understand how important good cusWRPHU VHUYLFH LV
Brighton Family Dentistry & Fowlerville Family Dentistry • White Bonded FIllings/ Mercury FREE • Implant Reconstruction • Extractions • Root Canals
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Brian Petersburg DDS
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Senior Citizen Discount Available - Most Insurances Accepted
Two locations serving you
8641 W. Grand River Suite 6. Brighton
753 S. Grand Avenue Fowlerville
810.227.4224 517.223.8545
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
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August 2018, Page 7
0RQH\ 0DWWHUV Funny Filler
Ask a friend to come up with nouns (person, place or thing), verbs (action words like swim and walk) and adjectives (describing words, such as hairy or silly). Use them to fill in the blanks in this story. Read it aloud to share some big laughs!
I went to the _________ to buy some ____________ . But when I used my debit card, the cashier said “I’m sorry, but you don’t have enough PLURAL NOUN
__________ ___________ in your account.� I was very embarrassed. So I put a few __________ ____________ back on the shelf. I took the two ADJECTIVE
____________ out of my shopping _________ . And then I decided I could ______ without the ________ I had placed in the cart. PLURAL NOUN
I left the store with only a few __________ ___________ , but when you use a debit card, it’s important to know how much ___________ you have ADJECTIVE
to spend before you shop. Don’t make the same _______ as I did! NOUN
$5 Mrs. budgeted $25 for groceries this evening. Find the path that allows her to stay within her budget.
Wants and Needs
$9 $3 $2 69¢
$11.55 88¢
$6 $1
$18 810-229-2743
.HUQ 5RDG 9HWHULQDU\ &OLQLF 3 / / & +HQU\ 0 9DXSHO ' 9 0 Iris R. Foote D.V.M 3HUU\ ) 5DJRQ ' 9 0 3HWHU / (VWHUOLQH ' 9 0 5DFKHO 0 6KUDGHU ' 9 0
Look through the newspaper advertisements and make a list of 10 things you want (toys, movies, etc.) and 10 things you need (healthy food, a coat, etc.). Add up the cost of each list. Are wants or needs more expensive?
5023 S. Old US 23 Brighton
Oering Laser Therapy
746 South Grand Ave., Suite 101
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
Sign Up For Fall Classes Now! Ages 2 - Adult
August 2018, Page 8
63(&,$/ 7+$1.6 7KH *UDQG /HGJH $UHD 'LVWULFW /Lbrary serves the residents of the City RI *UDQG /HGJH 2QHLGD 7RZQVKLS LQ (DWRQ &RXQW\ DQG SDUWV RI 5LOH\ :DWHUWRZQ (DJOH DQG :HVWSKDOLD 7RZQVKLSV LQ &OLQWRQ &RXQW\ 2IIHULQJ ERWK SK\VLcal and digital materials for checkout, along with programming for all ages, the library has a circulation of approximately 100,000 items, 80,000 visitors, and 15,000 in program attendance anQXDOO\ 3XEOLF FRPSXWHUV RSHQ ZL¿ UHIerence services, and quiet study areas are available to the 8,000 library card holders and the general public during library hours.
Lanjopoulos Family Chiropractic has been in practice taking care of families for 37 years. They strive to educate their practice members about the healLQJ SRZHU RI WKH ERG\ 'U 5D\ WHDFKHV 7DL &KL DQG 'U &KDUPDLQH WHDFKHV yoga and competes in power lifting.
The initial stages of the library date back to 1911 with the incorporation of the Ladies Library Association. Throughout the years the library changes have included the transition to a district library in 2000, and a new addition and renovation of the main location in 2016.
Accepting the Kids’ World News Thank You Certificate Lise Mitchell -Library Director & Carrie Frazer - Marketing Coordinator Grand Ledge Area District Library
131 E. Jefferson St Grand Ledge, Mi 48837 (517) 627-7014
Family Chiropractic Accepting the Kid's World News Thank You Certificate Raymond Lanjopoulos, Lanjopoulos Family Chiropractic, sponsoring Kid’s World News since 2013.
(VWDEOLVKHG LQ DQG HPSOR\LQJ DURXQG (GUX 6NDWH is a skating/family fun center. They have school skate nights, skating lessons, laser tag, and QHZ ÀDYRUV RI LFH FUHDP They offer affordable fun and a safe atmosphere.
- - )XUQLWXUH DUH LQYROYHG with are churches, sports, and mission trips. (VWDEOLVKHG LQ - - )XUniture currently employs 5.
Accepting the Kids’ World News Thank You Certificate Jeff Dittmer J&J Furniture
1901 W. Saginaw Lansing, MI (517) 485-9300
309 E. Saginaw Hwy. Grand Ledge, MI 517-627-4547
Accepting the Kids’ World News Thank You Certificate Jackie Cortez, GM/Marketing Edru Skate
1891 N Cedar St, Holt, MI 517-699-2001
Do It Best Quality Paint • Electrical Plumbing • Lawn & Garden 201 E. Beech St. • Harrison, MI
† Health insurance † Dental insurance † Member life insurance † Hearing aid discount † LASIK eye surgery discount † Eyeglasses discount
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
† Prescription drug discounts † Grainger discount † Amerigas propane discount † Auto insurance † Roadside assistance † Car rental discounts
† Hotel discount † Golf Michigan discounts † Theme park discounts † Discounts at local businesses † And much, much more!
August 2018, Page 9
Get Prepared To Start School! Getting ready for school by starting good habits is extremely important. You have to get used to hearing the morning alarm clock again, getting up, grooming and getting dressed. PLUS you need to have a healthy breakfast and make it to school on time! That’s not an easy task after having less organization during the summer months. The night before the first day of school is not a good time to start creating your school habits! Start at least two weeks before school begins to get into the habit of an earlier bedtime. Is sleep important? YES! Everything that’s alive needs sleep to survive. Not only is sleep important for your body, it’s important for your brain. Most kids in elementary school need at least nine hours of sleep every night. Some kids need even more. When your body doesn’t get enough sleep, you may feel cranky, be unable to think clearly, have a hard time following directions and you’ll run out of energy on the playground. Lack of sleep can also affect your growth and immune system which keeps you from getting sick. That’s why it’s important to have a bedtime that you stick to. Eating a good healthy breakfast is very important before school. That doesn’t mean doughnuts either. It means things like grains which are breads and cereals that are hot or cold. Also fruits, eggs, french toast, waffles or pancakes, yogurt with fruit or nuts, milk,
cheese and so on. Kids who eat breakfast do better in school and are more likely to participate in physical activities because they have energy. Some good ideas to help with the morning rush before school is as follows: • Take your shower the night before. • Lay out the clothes you plan to wear for school the next day before you go to bed. • Make sure you pack up your backpack with homework assignments, permission slips, lunch money or COLOR books the night before. ME! • If you pack your lunch, make sure it’s healthy. Sometimes you can make it the night before and put it in the refrigerator. That way in the morning, it’s a quick toss in the backpack.
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
August 2018, Page 10
Compliments of D r. H a n k Vaupel State Representative 47th District Paid for by Dr. Henry Vaupel for State Representative Committee P.O. Box 357, Fowlerville MI 48836
+H\ NLGV :H DW 1HZ &RYHQDQW KRSH \RXœUH HQMR\LQJ your summer and getting ready to start school in a couple weeks. It’s hard to believe summer will be over soon, but take advantage of the last few weeks of sunshine, ZDUPHU ZHDWKHU DQG ERRNV 7KDWœV ULJKW²ERRNV 6XPmer is a great time to explore new types of books by going to the library more frequently and taking part in a summer reading program. Whether you’re reading a book by the pool, in a tree, or in your air-conditioned bedroom, make sure you’re taking time to enjoy the last bit of summer by picking up a book to read every chance \RX JHW
63(&,$/ 7+$1.6 Zap Zone is a family entertainment center specializing in Laser Tag, glow in the dark mini-golf, bumper cars and provides a large arcade. Their location also LQFOXGHV 6SULQJ] /DQVLQJœV ¿UVW WUDPSROLQH SDUN =DS Zone’s Lansing location was established in 2003 and currently employs 18 people.
Open 11am til 5pm, Closed Wed. & Sun. 3036 Bagley (US27) Ithaca (5 miles north of M-57 on US 27 Email:
Accepting the Kids’ World News Thank You Certificate Nick Velasquez - General Manager Zap Zone - Lansing sponsoring Kid’s World News since 2013.
936 East Mall Drive Lansing, MI 48917 (517) 327-0747
Committed To Helping You Find The Right Mortgage Product For Your Needs Nathan Ide - president/broker, Lifetime Haslett Resident MSU Graduate 5735 S. Cedar, Suite 1, Lansing 517-882-2015
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
Local Service 7 Days/Week!
Specializing In 1st Time Buyers August 2018, Page 11
Coloring Corner
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
August 2018, Page 12
63(&,$/ 7+$1.6
Sales • Rental • Service Ionia 616-522-1450 - Clare 989-386-2192 - Dewitt 517-669-5533
PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. +*% LV D ORFDO FRPPXQLW\ KRVSLWDO ZLWK D PLVVLRQ WR enhance the overall health and vitality of the people and communities we serve. +D\HV *UHHQ %HDFK 0HPRULDO +RVSLWDO KDV EHHQ WKH Charlotte community’s choice for health care for 85 years. +*% LV FRPPLWWHG WR ZRUNLQJ WRJHWKHU LQ KHDOWK WR SURYLGH quality care and enhance the vitality of the community. It expanded its vision beyond providing traditional hospital services to one that promotes health and well-being WKURXJK $/ 9( /HDUQ PRUH DERXW +*% DW ZZZ KJEKHDOWK FRP DQG $/ 9( DW ZZZ P\DOLYH FRP
Accepting the Kid's World News Thank You Certificate Elise March, Haylie Phillips & Priscilla Vandorpe Hayes Green Beach Memorial Hospital
Hayes Green Beach Memorial Hospital 321 East Harris Street, Charlotte, MI 48813 (517) 543-1050
With modern facilities and passionate providers, the +*% 8UJHQW &DUH DQG (PHUJHQF\ 'HSDUWPHQWV VWULYH WR provide the highest level of care to all patients. The Urgent Care is features private rooms, new technology and caring providers for non-emergency, but pressing medical needs. Make sure to take advantage of its online reserYDWLRQ V\VWHP +*%ÂśV (PHUJHQF\ 'HSDUWPHQW LV VWDIIHG E\ ERDUG FHUWLÂżHG HPHUJHQF\ PHGLFLQH SK\VLFLDQV FULWLFDO FDUH QXUVHV VRPH RI ZKRP DUH IHDWXUHG LQ WKH SKRWR DQG emergency medical services personnel skilled in providing patient care during a medical or trauma emergency.
Mechanical Conctractor 16825 Industrial Parkway • Lansing, MI 48906
(517) 886-2255
1680 Packard Hwy., Charlotte 517-543-0300
5301 N. US 27, 989-224-8874 St. Johns
Cottage Decor, Gifts & Candles 989-539-3551 • 234 E. Pine, Harrison
GILBERTS HARDWARE & RENTAL 7R ÂżQG D ]RRORJLFDO WURSLFDO SDUDGLVH \RX KDYH WR ORRN QR IXUWKHU WKDQ LQ /DQVLQJÂśV YHU\ RZQ 2OG 7RZQ DW 3UHXVV 3HWV 6LQFH 0LFKLJDQÂśV ODUJHVW IDPLO\ RZQHG SHW VWRUH KDV PDGH LWVHOI LQWR D GHVWLQDWLRQ IRU ORFDOV DQG WRXULVWV ZLWK LWV ULYHU RI ÂżVK colorful bus of furry animals and an area for exotic birds. “We create an environment with the approach of increasing an eye-opening experience for customers where they have a successful encounter and idea of pet NHHSLQJ ´ VDLG RZQHU 5LFN 3UHXVV Âł2XU JRDO LV WR VHUYH FXVWRPHUV ZKDW WKH\ ZDQW to make sure that their pet is healthy and that they understand the care that goes into pet keeping.â€? From marine and freshwater animals to gerbils, reptiles and birds, Preuss Pets provides top-quality products in its 22,000 square foot store. With over 30 years of experience in breeding, handling and maintaining different breeds of animals, their HPSOR\HHV ZRUN WR IXOÂżOO WKH GHVLUH WR HGXFDWH SHW RZQHUV DQG H[SDQG WKHLU KRUL]RQV more than they imagined.
Accepting the Kid's World News Thank You Certificate Debbie and Rick Preuss - Preuss Pets
1127 N. Cedar - Old Town Lansing 517-339-1762
12900 S. Hwy. 27 517-669-1200 DeWitt, MI
800.292.1668 800.292.16 2.166 68 Formerly Lansing Ophthalmology
Quality y eye care and eye wear for the entire re family..
Eaton Farm Bureau Co-Op 2166 East Clinton Trail Charlotte, MI 48813
517-543-1160 24 Hour Towing Service Local & Long Distance Light & Heavy Recovery Specializing In Lockouts
15890 S. US-27 (N. East St.) • Lansing, Michigan 48906 Lansing (517) 482-1959 • DeWitt (517) 668-1959
David McCleary
Rural Gas & Appliances
3354 S. State St., Ionia
14500 S. Old Hwy. 27 • DeWitt, MI 48820 (517) 482-2409 • rooďŹ
3865 N. Clare Ave., Harrison
820 S. Waverly Rd, Lansing, Mi 517-220-6155
NLeexvt e l Graphic & Design
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
Mfg Home Service & Supply 16442 S. US-27 • Lansing, MI 48906 800.783.8275 • 517-487-6295 •
Last Life Games, LLC New Owner
David Smith
1399 N. McEwan 150 Mary St. Clare Clare 989-424-5340 989-424-5340
August 2018, Page 13
7KH VHFRQG JUDGHUV DW 1RUWKZHVW (OHPHQWDU\ LQ +RZHOO FRPSOHWHG WKHLU ZULWLQJ UHVHDUFK project just before summer vacation. Students illustrated, researched, and created QR codes for 15 historical landmarks. They framed their ZRUN DQG KXQJ LW DURXQG +RZHOO VR WKH ZKROH community can learn about the history of our town “through the eyes of a second grader.�
Check Out Our Large Selection Of New & Used Appliances!
Students researched all of these landmarks: •
Indian Trail
Thompson Lake
Peanut Row
McPherson family
McPherson hospital
All Saints Chapel
First National Bank
Indian Tree
3RVW 2IÂżFH Washers & Dryers starting at $175 Refrigerators starting at $225 Freezers starting at $95 Stoves starting at $175 Vacuums starting at $25
• Appliances • Furniture • Flooring
1901 W. Saginaw, Lansing • 517-485-9300
REED INSURANCE AGENCY “Voted Favorite Insurance Company For 14 Years�
Students also created passports with First Impression and are hoping to use them as a fund raiser next year. The passports include the illustration of the landmark and a QR code so you can listen to the history of our WHUULÂżF WRZQ
ATTENTION PARENTS: If you do not name a guardian to raise your child and the unlikely happens, would you want a total stranger to decide who will raise your child? Before it is too late, please call:
today for a free initial consultation regarding
Wills / Trusts / Estate Planning.
Law Offices Of
DANIEL K. TEMPLIN Stop by & start YOUR journey TODAY! St. Johns – Fowler – Ovid 989.224.9511 -
Attorney at Law 321 W. Main St., Ionia Office 410 S. Clinton, Grand Ledge Office
(616) 527-1750
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
Since 1983
• A.R.E. Pickup Toppers • Truck Accessories Because you love • Tonneau Covers your truck • Detailed Car Cleaning James Motz - Owner
(989) 773-3477 610 N. Mission (3 blocks S. of Meijer) Toll Free (866) 772-3477 Fax: (989) 773-3483 Mt. Pleasant
August 2018, Page 14
Cookin’ Fun Chocolate Eclairs 2 individual packages graham crackers - crumbled 2 (3 ounce) packages instant vanilla pudding mix 3 cups milk 1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed 1 (16 ounce) package prepared chocolate frosting Line the bottom of a 9 x 13 inch pan with graham crackers. In a large bowl, combine pudding mix and milk. Stir well. Mix the whipped topping into the pudding mixture. Spread half of the mixture over the graham cracker layer. Top with another layer of graham crackers and the remaining pudding. Top all with a final layer of graham crackers and frost with chocolate frosting. Refrigerate for at least two hours before serving to allow the graham crackers to soften.
Chicken Quesadillas 1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast, diced 1 (1.27 ounce) packet fajita seasoning 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 2 green bell peppers, chopped 2 red bell peppers, chopped 1 onion, chopped 10 (10 inch) flour tortillas 1 (8 ounce) package shredded Cheddar cheese 1 tablespoon bacon bits 1 (8 ounce) package shredded Monterey Jack cheese Preheat the broiler. Grease a baking sheet. Toss the chicken with the fajita seasoning and spread it onto the baking sheet. Place under the broiler and cook until the chicken pieces are no longer pink in the center - about 5 minutes. Remove. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Heat the oil in a large sauce pan over medium heat. Stir in the green and red bell peppers, onion and chicken. Cook and stir until the vegetables have softened - about 10 minutes. Layer half of each tortillas with the chicken and vegetable mixture, then sprinkle with cheddar cheese, bacon bits, and Monterey Jack cheese. Fold the tortillas in half and place onto a baking sheet. Bake in the pre-heated oven until the cheeses have melted - about 10 minutes.
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
YUM! Rules For The Kitchen! 1. Always ask an adult if you can use the kitchen. 2. Have all the ingredients before you start. 3. Wash your hands before you touch food. 4. Wear an apron or towel to keep your clothes clean. 5. Always clean up when you are finished.
August 2018, Page 15
Complete The Math Problems, Then Color The Picture Using The Color Code! 1 = Pink 2 = White 3 = Black 4 = Brown 5 = Purple 6 = Green 7 = Blue 8 = Orange 9 = Yellow 10 = Red
Math Pyramids Add the adjacent numbers together and write their sum in the block above them. Continue until you have complete the pyramid. Tip: You may use the inverse operation of addition to help you find the numbers in the pyramid.
Let’s Practice Division! 24 ÷ 8 = ____
25 ÷ 5 = ____
63 ÷ 9 = ____
99 ÷ 11 = ____
27 ÷ 3 = ____
18 ÷ 6 = ____
16 ÷ 8 = ____
54 ÷ 6 = ____
69 ÷ 3 = ____
624 W. 5th Street Clare, MI 48617
Oil Change
14061 Northland Dr. Big Rapids
$ $
Limit 5 quarts of oil. Not valid with other offers. Limit 1 coupon. Expires 9/30/18
Kids’ World News • 517-285-6641 •
Towards New Or Used Vehicle Purchase Not valid with other offers. Limit 1 coupon. Expires 9/30/18
August 2018, Page 16