October 2016 0LG 0LFKLJDQ (DVW Edition Serving Ingham & /LYLQJVWRQ &RXQWLHV
10th Annual Coloring Contest Inside!
Happy Halloween!
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Just For Kids! Kids’ World News
Volume 10, Issue 2, October 2016
.LGV· :RUOG 'D\ October 29th, 1-4 pm
Costume Contest 3 pm in the Big Barn
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There is so much to enjoy about October! First of all, it’s one of the most colorful months in Michigan. Just look around you outside and see the trees turning brilliant shades or orange, red, purple, yellow and brown. You can also have fun raking a leaf pile and jumping in it! Have you ever pressed the leaves in wax paper? They make wonderful window ornaments. October is a great month to go visit an apple orchard and pick your own apples, run through a corn maze or take a ride through the pumpkin patch. Did you know that a pumpkin with a carved face and a candle or light inside is called a Jack-o-Lantern? Don’t forget to go to Kids’ World News Day on the 29th and enjoy an afternoon planned just for you!
That brings us to Halloween! The one night of the year that kids can dress up and get free candy. Pretty cool! If you go trick or treating or to a Halloween party, planning what you are going to wear for a costume is half of the fun! Is your costume going to be funny, spooky, crazy or surprising? Also, play it safe - trick or treat with a responsible adult and make sure they check the FDQG\ RXW 'RQ¶W IRUJHW \RXU ÀDVKOLJKW DQG WR JR WR KRPHV \RX NQRZ :KDWHYHU \RX HQMR\ GRLQJ KDYH D JUHDW WLPH WKLV 2FWREHU Kids’ World News 10th Annual Coloring Contest Rules 7KH FRORULQJ FRQWHVW UXOHV DUH DV IROORZV (QWHU WKH FRQWHVW E\ FRORULQJ WKH SLFWXUH SURYLGHG RQ SDJH 7KHUH ZLOO EH D ¿UVW place winner from each grade - 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, & 4th grade. The winner will receive prizes including a Kids ZRUOG 7 VKLUW FHUWL¿FDWH D SKRWR LQ .LGV¶ :RUOG 1HZV DQG RWKHU SUL]HV 7KH HQWULHV PXVW EH UHFHLYHG E\ .LGV¶ :RUOG 1HZV E\ November 13, 2016. They can be mailed in to Kids’ World News, 5747 North Otto Road, Charlotte, Michigan 48813 or taken to \RXU VFKRRO RI¿FH E\ 1RYHPEHU WK IRU RXU GHOLYHU\ GULYHUV WR SLFN XS The winners will be announced in the December edition of Kids’ World News! If you would like to see Kids’ World News at your school or if you would like to be one of our proud sponsors, please call 517-202-2365 (e-mail: rich@kidsworldnews.org). If you would like to submit an article from your school (limit 150 words), e-mail: charles@kidsworldnews. net. Kids’ World News is designed to give exposure to all area schools, recognition of students and staff members. We welcome input from all our area schools. We do however, reserve the right to edit.
Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 • www.kidsworldnews.org
October 2016, Page 2
Spot The 10 Differences!
Have A Safe And Happy Halloween!
How Many Words Can You Make From
HALLOWEEN ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
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Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 • www.kidsworldnews.org
October 2016, Page 3
Bowling Is Fun! Bowling is one of the most popular sports in the world! One of the reasons for it’s popularity is that children and adults of nearly every ability level can participate. It can be enjoyed as a relaxing fun exercise and social activity or as a competitive sport. Other major benefits of bowling is that its easy to find a place to play. Equipment is at the bowling alley and instructions, as well as practice, leagues and competitive play are all there too. Children too young to execute a full approach can stand near the
foul line and using two hands, shove the ball down the lane. Most bowling alleys have rails or bumpers up on the sides of the alleys for children on some of their lanes. This helps give kids the chance to knock down the pins! Also the bowling alleys have special bowling shoes to fit children and special balls that are not to heavy! Many bowling alleys have classes kids can take to learn how to play the game. Bowling is a lifetime fitness sport which contributes to balance, coordination and motor skills. Bowling is able to fill the needs of so many people because it is, above all, a simple game. The rules are not complex and the basics of how to roll the ball are quickly learned. The modern game of bowling is played on an indoor wooden or urethane lane. Ten pins are arranged in a triangular formation 30 centimeters apart. The game is played by rolling a ball down the lane in an effort to knock down all the pins stationed at the end of the lane. Each individual is allowed two attempts per frame to knock down the pins. One game consists of 10 frames. The person who has the highest score (meaning the one who has knocked down the most pins) is the winner. Bowling is an excellent recreational activity for all ages so the entire family can play and enjoy themselves. Check it out today!
Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 • www.kidsworldnews.org
October 2016, Page 4
Be a Leaf Peeper! Are you a “leaf peeper”? A leaf peeper is someone who loves to see the beautiful fall leaf colors. As the summer ends and fall begins, the days shorten and the temperatures cool. This change causes the green leaves of many plants and trees to turn yellow, red, or orange. When the trees become colorful, it is time to start searching for the prettiest trees. It is time to be a “leaf peeper”. You will discover that most people are leaf peepers, and you probably are too! Drawing and coloring fall leaves can be really fun. Follow the steps to draw your own leaves. After you have drawn and colored your leaves, cut them out and hang them or just create a picture by drawing several leaves on a piece of paper. Have fun leaf peeping and enjoying the fall activities! Contributed by Rebecca Nechuta
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Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 • www.kidsworldnews.org
October 2016, Page 5
Bizarre Black Ghost Knife Fish Although they make look fake, the black ghost knife fish are cool fish that come from the Amazon in South America. They like the warm waters of fast moving streams with sandy bottoms. South American natives named the unique fish. “Knife” is the easy part to see... from the side they look just like a machete. But where does the “ghost” come from? The native peoples think that the ghosts of our departed loved ones take up residence in the fish, hence the name. The Black Ghost Knife Fish is all black with two white bands around its tail. They also have a white stripe down their nose, and it will sometimes extend all the way to its tail. Do they look kind of slimy? That is because they don’t have scales! They move by wiggling their whole body and their bottom fin. Another cool thing about Black Ghost Knife Fish - they are slightly electric! They send out and receive little electrical impulses to find insect larvae and then the chomp on it for dinner.
Try This!
Design your own crazy fish! What you will need: construction paper poster board glue scissors markers friends, classmates, or siblings
1. Each person starts with a different color of construction paper. 2. On your paper, draw and cut out all the parts of a fish - fins, body, lips, eyes, and tail. 3. Mix everyone’s body parts up, then pick out a full set. Be sure to get a bunch of colors. 4. On your poster board, glue your body parts together to create your crazy fish!
Black Ghost Knife Fish are in captivity as pets and for research. Because of their electrical charge, they are a widely studied fish. But, they are also very popular as pets. They need big tanks just to stay happy because they can get to be 2ft long! They are mostly active at night, and during the day they like to hide in caves or tunnels. They don’t even care if the tunnel is clear, as long as they can hide in it. One of their favorite sports - air bubble dancing! If you have an air stone blowing bubbles in your tank, the knife fish will swim forward and backwards A fish can do somersaults? through the bubbles all day.
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Black ghost knife fish are pretty awesome pets! They like to play and show off. Their favorite toy - a piece of pipe! They will swim in and out and peek at you. Black ghost knife fish can even be trained! One man trained his fish to do somersaults. Now that is one super cool fish!
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October 2016, Page 6
Name__________________ School_________________ Grade_______T-Shirt Size __ See Contest Rules On Page 2
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October 2016, Page 7
6KHSKHUG RI WKH /DNHV (OHPHQWDU\ 1HZV On September 10 SOTL hosted the 6th annual Storm Run 1 mile, 5K, and 10K. The advanced band played a few tunes and then the national anthem to start the race. 5HEHFFD :LONLQ FDPH LQ ¿UVW for females in the 10K and 5HY %HQ 9RJHO FDPH LQ ¿UVW for the males. Konrad Lautenschlager HDUQHG ¿UVW SODFH LQ WKH . IRU males, and Ashlyn Tait earned ¿UVW SODFH IRU WKH IHPDOHV This year’s theme at Shepherd of the Lakes Lutheran School is “Count the Ways” and the theme verse is “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness,”
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'DQVYLOOH (OHPHQWDU\ 1HZV Dansville Elementary was provided with a grant by the Michigan Department of Transportation to participate in Michigan’s Safe Routes to School SURJUDP 7KLV QHZ SURJUDP EHJDQ RQ WKH ¿UVW day of school. This program is an opportunity to make walking to school safer and more available for kids, including those with disabilities, and to increase the number of children who choose to walk. This is an international initiative to get kids moving. Walking to school helps the students reach the recommended 60 minutes a day of
Before and After School Care to begin in early September.
physical activity, get to school with the energy to learn throughout the day, and take an active role in their health. Students who participate in this program gather at the local preschool before school starts and walk over as a large group. Then, at the end of the day, the same group walks back to the preschool where parents may pick them up which also helps them avoid the high WUDI¿F DUHD DURXQG WKH VFKRRO 7KHUH DUH EHQH¿WV for everyone! Dansville Elementary Sponsored By Suburban Ice
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Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 • www.kidsworldnews.org
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October 2016, Page 8
Colds And Kids! Everyone gets a cold at one time or another and they are not fun. What is a cold? It is an infection of the upper respiratory system that affects the nose, throat and ears. The most common cold virus is the rhinovirus, but there are more than 200 other viruses that can cause colds. Because there are so many viruses, there isn’t a vaccination or shot available to prevent colds! So how do you catch a cold? It’s easy. Mucus is the wet stuff inside the nose. When a person sneezes or coughs, mucus drops float in the air. Breathing in these drops can spread a cold from one person to another. You can also catch a cold if you touch your eyes or nose after handling something with the cold virus on it such as door knobs, school desks, telephones or video games. So it’s important to wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. When the cold virus sticks to the protective lining inside of your nose and throat - it triggers an immune system reaction that can cause a sore throat and headache and make it hard to breathe through the nose. Runny noses and sneezing actually help to prevent viruses from invading other parts of your body. You sneeze because your nerves detect the irritation in your nose and get the lungs to push a blast of air out through your nose and mouth. Did you know that a sneeze can travel at more than 100 miles per hour and up to 12 feet through the air! Colds are also most contagious during the first 2 to 4 days after symptoms appear. Cold symptoms are signs or clues that tell us when we’re sick. They usually take 2 to 3 days to begin after you’ve been in contact with a cold virus. If you have some of the symptoms listed - you probably have a cold. Mom or Dad need to be the first to know and you may need to go see your family doctor. Some symptoms are: • Low fever • Body chills or muscle aches • Itchy or sore throat • Sneezing, running nose, and watery eyes. • Coughing • Feeling tired and not hungry. • Congestion - when your nose is stuffy and it’s hard to breathe. If You Have Caught A Cold - Here’s Some “Feel Better” Tips: • Hot drinks soothe coughs and sore throats while also clearing mucus. So eat (or drink) your chicken soup!
• A steamy shower helps stuffy or irritated noses. Or run a humidifier (a small, quiet machine that sprays fine cool mist in the air) to relieve your scratchy throat, stuffy nose, and itchy eyes. Humidifiers make room air moist, which loosens mucus. • Practice healthy habits. Your immune system will be ready to fight colds if you eat a balanced diet, get plenty of sleep, and keep your body fit through regular exercise. • Blowing your nose is the best way to get rid of mucus. • Rest. Take a nap or go to bed a little earlier for a few nights. • Kids who are stressed out feel worse when they have colds. Relax and use the time to read, listen to music, or watch a movie. To Help Prevent A Cold From Spreading: • Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently, especially after blowing your nose. • Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. Sneeze or cough into a shirtsleeve - not your hands. This helps prevent the spread of germs. • Do not use the same towels or eating utensils as someone else. Do not drink from the same glass, can or bottle. • Do not pick up other people’s used tissues.
Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 • www.kidsworldnews.org
October 2016, Page 9
6W -RVHSK &DWKROLF +RZHOO 1HZV First Grade Super Hero: This year’s back to school theme is “Jesus is our 6XSHU +HUR´ 7KH ÂżUVW JUDGHUV PDGH capes as a way to relate to the theme. They made a cape for our Principal, Susan Doyle, who always actively participates in class projects throughout the year.
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.HUQ 5RDG 9HWHULQDU\ &OLQLF 3 / / & Fifth Grade Planet Project: Mrs. Blanton’s ¿IWK JUDGH FODVV WRRN RQ WKH WDVN RI FUHDWLQJ models of the planets in our Solar System. Students paired up and became the experts on the planet they were given. Each group made a model and fact sheet for their planet. Afterwards, Mrs. Blanton and her class used toilet paper squares to visualize the distance each planet is from the sun and from one another. The models came together wonderfully and it gave a great representation of our Solar System. Their hard work and research paid off!
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6W 0DU\ÂśV 3LQFNQH\ 1HZV The teachers at St. Mary Catholic School recently got a nice surprise at all school Morning Prayer. Latchkey students presented each teacher with a wooden apple that was painted especially for that teacher. “We like to have a project for students to do a couple of times each week,â€? said Mrs. Virginia Makins, one of the Latchkey coordinators. “Our students range in age from 4 to 13, but we thought it would be a great idea to have the older students do something for the teachers at the start of the school year.â€? Students were very excited to present the apples to each teacher as a way of saying welcome back to the school year.
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October 2016, Page 10
How Many Groups Can You Make? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
There are ____ pennies. How many groups of 5 are there? ____ How many groups of 2 are there? ____ How many groups of 4 are there? ____ How many groups of 3 are there? ____ How many are left over? ____ 1. There are ____ squares. 2. How many groups of 6 are there? ____ 3. How many groups of 5 are there? ____ 4. How many groups of 3 are there? ____ 5. How many groups of 2 are there? ____ 6. How many groups of 7 are there? ____ How many are left over? ____
1. There are ____ penguins. 2. How many groups of 7 are there? ____ 3. How many groups of 2 are there? ____
4. How many groups of 3 are there? ____ How many are left over? ____ 5. How many groups of 5 are there? ____ How many are left over? ____
Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 • www.kidsworldnews.org
1. There are ____ ducks. 2. How many groups of 6 are there? ____ 3. How many groups of 5 are there? ____ How many are left over? ____ 4. How many groups of 3 are there? ____ How many are left over? ____
1. There are ____ blue circles. 2. How many groups of 3 are there? ____ How many are left over? 3. How many groups of 5 are there? ____ 4. How many groups of 4 are there? ____ How many are left over? ____ 5. How many groups of 2 are there? ____ How many are left over? ____ 1. There are ____ squares. 2. How many groups of 6 are there? ____ How many are left over? ____ 3. How many groups of 5 are there? ____ How many are left over? ____ 4. How many groups of 3 are there? ____ How many are left over? ____ 6. How many groups of 7 are there? ____ How many are left over? ____
October 2016, Page 11
I Want To Play The Piccolo!
What is a piccolo you say? A piccolo is a small flute. The word piccolo is the Italian word for “little”. It has the same fingerings as the flute but the sound is an octive higher! The piccolo is one of the highest instruments within the orchestra or band with a brilliant piercing voice! In fact, it can be heard over the sound of the entire orchestra! The piccolo is a woodwind instrument. It is usually made of silver, gold, plastic, wood or a combination. The piccolo has a conical bore which means it tapers inwards towards the end of the instrument and the flute has a conical bore which tapers outwards. The first major composer to use the piccolo in his orchestra was Beethoven! One of the most famous piccolo solos is in John Philip Sousa’s march “Stars and Stripes Forever.”
How Many Words Can You Make From PICCOLO _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
______________ ______________ ______________ ______________
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Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 • www.kidsworldnews.org
October 2016, Page 12
Ready, Set, RUN! Gier Park recently hosted its annual Fun Run. Each of the school’s K through 3 classes had a chance to run around the large grounds of the school. There was a health fair in the gym - Ingham County Health Department and Capital Area District Libraries were there to support summer reading! Gier Park’s community partners also made an appearance, including Playmakers, Gone to the Dogs Grooming, Georgio’s Pizza, Verizon Wireless Dewitt, Golden Harvest Restaurant, Tanger Outlet Mall, Preuss’ Pets, Max and Erma’s, Quality Plumbing and more! The Lansing Police Department – another of Gier Park’s community partners – was on hand and representing their GREAT program (which HQDEOHV WKH QDWLRQ¶V \RXWK WR EHWWHU UHVLVW FULPLQDOLW\ DQG DQWL VRFLDO OLIHVW\OHV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK JDQJ LQYROYHPHQW ZLWK ERWK RI¿FHUV DQG volunteers alike.
Celebrating Differences Students at North Elementary participated in a school-wide project with a focus on celebrating differences amongst the student body’s very diverse population. Project Unify sponsored several events leading up to a week long campaign and assembly. The Leaders Encouraging Acceptance & Diversity (LEAD) 5th and 6th grade leadership group – led by their Project Unify Coordinator – helped implement several activities over the course of the project. LEAD members read “All the Colors of the Earth” by Sheila Hamanaka to each class and then the students participated in a school-wide art project – based on the book – where they painted rainbow colored self-portraits. The portraits were framed and used to create a video produced by a Lansing Community College media student. During “Celebrating Our Differences” week, LEAD members provided daily morning announcements on diversity and accepting our differences. Students attended the “Diversity is Cool” assembly at the end of the week. Staff and students viewed the “All the Colors of the Earth” video and were treated to a special ventriloquist performance.
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Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 • www.kidsworldnews.org
October 2016, Page 13
The Principality of
Andorra • Tiny, landlocked Andorra sits almost hidden in the high Pyrenees between France and Spain in Southwest Europe. It has a population of 84,082 people as of 2011. Andorra is a microstate, or a small nation that is recognized by larger nations. Another example of a microstate is Liechtenstein. • It is a co-principality since the 13th century. It has two princes as heads of state: France’s president and Spains Bishop of LaSeu d’Urgell (a historic town just south of Andorra). The country adopted a democratic constitution in 1993, creating a parliament and limiting the power of co-princes. • Andorra’s industry includes: tourism, cattle raising, timber and banking. • Leading agricultural products include: rye, wheat, barley, oats, and sheep. Their exports are tobacco products and furniture. • The official language is Catalan, but due to it’s location between Spain and France, Spanish, Portuguese and French are also common. • Andorra la Vella is the capital city. It is also the largest city, the highest capital city in Europe and is considered the cultural center of the country. • Andorra is a member of the United Nations, • There is no official army in Andorra, but if there is a natural disaster or an emergency, all able-bodied males between ages 21 and 60 are expected to aid the situation. Interesting Facts About Andorra • Children are required to attend school between the ages of 6 and 16. There is three school options in Andorra - French, Spanish, and Andorran school systems. Parents can choose the school system. About 50% of children attend French schools, the remaining half in Andorran and Spanish schools.
• Andorra has 240 well equipped police officers and only 120 firemen! • Andorra has an average of 300 days of sunshine. Since it lies in the mountains, they get more snow in the winter and enjoy cooler weather in the summer. • Tourists passing through Andorra are estimated to be around 10.2 million annually. • There are no railways, ports, or airports in Andorra, but there are heliports. • Most of the prominent festivals of Andorra are religious festivals. Christmas, St. George’s day, Easter, St. Lucia Fair, and St. John’s Day are celebrated in the country. On St. George Day books and roses are gifted to friends and family. In the St. Lucia fair typical Christmas goods are sold in the markets. On St. John’s Day bonfires are made in every city. This day also marks the beginning of summer solstice. In Andorra many festivals are related to art and music as well, like the ‘FesPictured above is Casa de la Vall tival of Classic Music, which is (House of the Valley) which is the held every September and In- seat of the General Council - Anternational Jazz Festival organ- dorra’s parliament. The house was ized every July. built in 1580 and restored in 1962.
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Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 • www.kidsworldnews.org
October 2016, Page 14
Cookin’ Fun Ghost Pops 3 ripe bananas Popsicle sticks 2 cups white chocolate Miniature chocolate chips Peel the bananas and cut in half widthwise. Insert a popsicle stick in each half through the cut end. Wrap each half in plastic wrap and freeze for 3 hours. Melt white chocolate and frost the whole banana halves - apply with a butter knife. Set on wax paper and press in miniature chocolate chips for eyes and the mouth. Freeze until ready to serve.
Creepy Crawler Pie 1 ready-made chocolate cookie pie crust 1/4 gallon orange sherbet 3/4 cup chocolate sauce 10 gummy worms
Spider Cookies 1 cup (2 sticks) of butter softened 1 1/4 cups of granulated sugar 1 egg 3 (1 ounce) squares of semisweet chocolate, melted and slightly cooled 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1/4 cup cocoa 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt Black licorice whips, black jellybeans, black decorating get, assorted Halloween candies. Cream the butter and sugar in a mixing bowl until fluffy. Beat in egg and then melted chocolate. Beat in flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt until combined. Divide dough in half and shape each half into a roll about 8 inches long. Wrap in wax paper or plastic wrap. Refrigerate at least 2 hours or overnight. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Take rolls out of refrigerator and cut into 1/4 inch slices. Place 1 inch apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake until cookies are set when lightly touched - 10 to 12 minutes. Cool completely. Cream Cheese Frosting
Soften sherbet slightly and spoon into pie shell. Drizzle with chocolate sauce to form “spider web” design. Freeze for at least one hour. Decorate with gummy worms.
Rules For The Kitchen! 1. Always ask an adult if you can use the kitchen. 2. Have all the ingredients before you start. 3. Wash your hands before you touch food. 4. Wear an apron or towel to keep your clothes clean. 5. Always clean up when you are finished.
1 (3 ounce) packages of cream cheese softened 2 cups confectioners’ sugar Combine cream cheese and confectioners’ sugar. Spread about 1 teaspoon of frosting each on half of the cookies. Top or sandwich with the remaining cookies and spread additional frosting on the top of the sandwich. Decorate the cookies with spiders - using jellybeans for bodies and licorice for legs. To make cobweb cookies, squeeze a small amount of the black get on the middle of the cookie - use the end of a toothpick to draw get from the middle of the cookies to the edges. Then put get across to connect the gel lines in a cobweb pattern. Cookies can also be decorated with a variety of ready made Halloween candy decorations. Once the cookies are frosted, keep them refrigerated.
Katie Pikkarainen, Agent
Compliments of D r. H a n k Vaupel State Representative 47th District Paid for by Dr. Henry Vaupel for State Representative Committee P.O. Box 357, Fowlerville MI 48836
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October 2016, Page 15
• The Lansing School District has 27 schools which include offerings in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), STEM, Spanish and Chinese Immersion, Global Studies, New Tech High, Visual and Performing Arts, International Baccalaureate, Montessori and many additional specialty offerings. • Over 85% of Eastern, Everett, and Sexton students move on to a two- or fouryear university. • The Lansing Promise scholarship awards all graduates of Lansing public schools - who attend four consecutive years - the financial assistance necessary to obtain a two-year degree or its equivalent at an eligible school. • Lansing School District students selected for the H.O.P.E. scholarship program as sixth graders, upon completion of high school, are awarded two free years of tuition at Lansing Community College. • On May 3, 2016 the Lansing voters overwhelmly approved a $120 million dollar bond that will improve facilities at all of our schools and will support the Lansing Pathway Promise.
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www.kidsworldnews.org IS YOUR CHILD BEING BULLIED? PARENTS OFTEN NEVER KNOW! Dear Fellow Parents, Bullying can range from severe physical abuse to very mild “silent treatment” or exclusion by friends. Both can have long lasting and devastating affects on children. Many parents never know about the mild and moderate bullying of their child. According to the book, Bullies and Victims in Schools, 96% of children will be bullied at least once in their lifetime. 46% of those children will suffer poor grades or will abstain from extra curricular activities because of the bullying. 2% of those children will commit suicide because of constant harassment from classmates. Is your child being bullied? Look for these signs in your child: 1. Bruises, cuts, scratches, torn clothing that cannot be explained and complaints about not feeling well. 2. Reluctance to go to school or requests to change school. 3. Books, money, lunch or belongings stolen, damaged, scattered around or “lost”. 4. Excuses to avoid going to school, or insistence that you take him/ her to school even though you live close by. 5. Insomnia or bed-wetting. 6. Frequent requests for money. 7. A sudden, unexplained deterioration in class work, and/or homework. 8. Lack of participation in school activities, staying near the teacher during breaks. 9. Anxiety, insecurity, distress, unhappiness, secretiveness, mood changes and anger. 10. Claims of “I’m okay” when questioned about obvious unhappiness. 11. Low self-esteem.
12. Unhappiness at the end of weekends or school vacations. 13. Few friends or no friends in class and is not invited to birthday parties or other social activities. 14. Teasing or being laughed at by his/her peer group. Bullying is a very difficult problem to stop. Our mission at Ohana Karate is to ensure every child has the right to feel safe and develop to their full potential. I feel that it is our responsibility to be a community leader and center for the fight against bullying. Can this crisis be stopped? First, we must develop an ethos in which bullying is always unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Second, it takes a whole community to save our children. We must arm the victim, bully, bystander, parents, schools and community with the anti-bullying tools and systems. Please contact us if we can help you or your family. Your partner in the fight against bullying.
Sam Larioza
Ohana Karate “Where Success is an Attitude and a Habit” For more information go to our website www.ohanakarate.com or call us at (517) 586-1001 P.S. If you think we might be able to help your family visit our website or call me at (517) 586-1001. P.P.S. Remember to ask about our free karate uniform, to the first 25 callers in the month of October who register!
Ohana Karate - “Where success is an attitude and a habit!” 1070 W. Highland Road, (M-59 across from Howell High School) • (517) 586-1001 • www.ohanakarate.com Kids’ World News • 517-202-2365 • www.kidsworldnews.org
October 2016, Page 16