KidzEra 2014 Volume 3

Page 1

Volume 3, 2014

A R E Z D I K ur d yo l r o w your


Table of Contents



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Girl on a seaside cliff drawing submitted by: Katie E., Age 12, Alta Loma Middle School, San Francisco, California

Talk Back

Talk Back

KidzEra, it’s been a while since I’ve seen your magazines. You have to do something with the points that a lot of kids have racked up during the years. Stickers are a good suggestion.

Monster drawing submitted by: Caleb V., Age 11, Detroit Epson Public School Academy, Detroit, Michigan

What do you think? Submitted by: UsuallyPanda

If it’s magazines that you want, it’s magazines you shall have!

We think stickers are a great suggestion! We’re hard at work on a new points system. Be on the lookout for site updates soon! -Team KE

Pick up a copy today! -Team KE

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: UsuallyPand

Submitted by




On Risks and Choices Poem submitted by: Ethan C., Grade 6, Weston Middle School, Weston, Connecticut

In everybody’s lives Risks have to be taken. They could be small, They could be big: From as big as doing right or wrong, Or as little as choosing what note To sing for a song. Risks are still the same, Choices are our lives They are what make us who we are. I wish these choices didn’t have to be so tough, It would make life much easier and not as rough, But if you make the right choice you might just say “Hey! I’m glad I made that choice!” And be happy for the rest of the day.

Watercolor submitted by: Rachel C., Age 11, Alamo Elementary School, San Francisco, California


Give Advice!

My problem is...a boy in my grade, who is my friend but is so annoying to my friends and I, is starting to make other boys act just like him. I told him to stop, but he won’t. I would get the teachers involved, but he might feel betrayed and eventually break our friendship. What should I do? 5


Those Lovely Graces— Four vignettes Submitted by: friendzyfriend


There was no need to retrace her steps – all the evidence he needed was already by his side. It was just a matter of time before it gave him away, that was for sure. Yet she still felt as if something had been forgotten. There was something lost, something unobtainable and she was sure it had been within her grasp. Nevertheless, as the two departed, she gave none but a longing glance behind.


The fridge was well stocked. Of course it was. There was hardly a time when guests weren’t expected at the house. Whether it was the mayor-elect dining over economics or family friends exchanging idle chatter, it was not a house if it was empty and silent. After all, Mrs. Peterson did grow up in an age when hardly a moment was to be wasted. If money couldn’t solve the issue, time would, and so far she hadn’t been wrong yet.

But Benjamin wasn’t one to follow orders. There were the Bananas Foster she planned to present as the appetizer, the broiled salmon steak that was to be announced to the guests upon their arrival. But Benjamin cared for none of that. All he needed was a small citrus, or at least a squeeze of pure lemon. Was it too much to ask to stock up real food in a refrigerator? He knew what the answer was. Why? she would ask him. Though the question was unnecessary in his opinion, he figured it was more for the authoritative effect than the actual value of the query. How terribly inefficient, he would respond. And yet he wouldn’t. He found a small lemon and shut the door. It closed with a loud burst, frightening the mice that dwelt in a house on the kitchen floor. It was ironic that the head chef of the house was the same person who had an infatuation for mice. Pet store, pedigree, mutt, there was no care for bloodline or even appearance. All his mother cared about was that they were alive and ready for experimentation. Although it was certainly true that hardly anyone had time to feed or even care for the mice, they remained well fed but seriously deprived of affection. Even Mrs. Patterson’s best attempts at cozying up the family with the idea of living alongside rodents had no effect whatsoever on their pride. What else could she expect, hosting a family of petulant creatures in their venerable household? With a sigh, Benjamin trudged back out, the lemon still clutched between his fingers.


Thursday evening. 6:40 PM, Eastern Time. Cloudy with a slight chance of thunder. Humid.

Samantha hardly even listened to the reports anymore. Her brother was off fighting a war in Iraq, courtesy of the new government policy that all men training in military camps were to be enlisted in the army “to learn greater discipline and to build character.” She had never thought much of it at the time, at least not until they came to her house. Her eyes squinted at the setting sun. How was it that creation and destruction were so intertwined? Her mother had been a mess. Ever since he had gone, the laboratory in the back of the garage – still brimming with various test tubes, reactors, and wire cutters – had been gathering a thin film of dust. Yet even as she ran her fingers across the wooden engravings in the chair, she couldn’t bring herself to disturb his work. He would throw such a fit if he had been able to see her the past few weeks, snooping through his books as best she could without disturbing his more delicate experiments. Still, it troubled her in the back of her mind. She wished with every ounce of her existence that things would have played out differently, but she never stopped having that feeling of helplessness, that odd hunch that there was more to the story than what she had been told. But who else could she trust if not her own mother? That was, unless it was her brother after all. He had been acting strangely, even more so than in the past, his actions secretive and evasive rather than direct. She even detected a slight whiff of acid in the air. If he was attempting anything, it had to be something related to his detainment. But at the moment, Samantha could do no more than sit back in her chair, rocking back and forth, back and forth, the wind gently caressing her soft mahogany curls.

submit your Writing!


Rural church drawing submitted by: Zahin, Age 11, International School of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Why would they even bother? If there was anyone who could have discovered a way to beat them, it was the boy. What other lad had the mentality, the consistency, the discipline to carry out such orders? When would they find another replacement so eager and dutiful?

Corporal Hocking had never had too great a connection with senior officials. They generally treated him like a child. He liked to remind them that the same man who suffered from Down’s Syndrome for the greater part of his manhood had been a war hero during his time in the army. Of course, anything he had done during that time failed to show up significantly enough to make a difference. There was simply no way to convince them that he did have an opinion. That girl. Was she related to him? He couldn’t remember, but with a scratch to his head he realized that she had told him to leave some sort of trace on his profile. Something to alert them, she had said. He wondered if he would be affected in any way, but remembered the words of his general. “Make your own choices, and you’ll go places.” “Well, I’m certainly making my choices,” he grunted. “I’m making my choices all right.” Maybe someone would be happy.


Top Artist

Ink drawing submitted by: Crystal, Grade 7, Idaho Arts Charter School, Nampa, Idaho


Being an artist isn’t all about how well you draw people. Or animals. Or even if you draw at all. And even for those who do draw, being an artist is about what you bring to everything else around you, to everyday life. It’s about the dreaming AND the doing. It’s about how you don’t stop believing, don’t stop creating, and keep trying to make the world a better place. Being an artist is about making something from nothing. Which is beyond magic, which cannot create or destroy but only transform. Art is big and powerful and everyone can do it. It’s about taking what you have and doing something with it that says something about who you are. It’s ideas made flesh, ideas made real from the material of the world. Your material might be the fabric of thrift store clothes, or words, or dance. Your material might be sound, space or food. It might not involve material at all, just ideas, conversations and cups of tea. Only you know what it is for you. Now go do it. -KE

Sorceress drawing submitted by: Dooshies


submit your art!


World Focus

Midnight sun drawing submitted by: Fiona H., Age 10, Overseas School of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Facts About Finland! Submitted by: Christina C., Age 10, Panther Run Elementary School, Wellington, Florida

My mom was born in Finland and I have been there twice. Here are some facts that I learned. Finland is in Northern Europe. The capital city is Helsinki. About 5.4 million people live in Finland. After Norway and Iceland, Finland is the third least populated country in Europe. Finland’s native language is Finnish. The Finnish alphabet is made up of 29 letters. For reference, there are 27 letters in the English alphabet! The land that is now Finland was settled after the Ice Age. That was about 10,000-12,000 years ago. It is very cold in Finland sometimes, because it is very far from the Equator. That’s why Finland specializes in winter sports like ice skating and ice hockey. In the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, Finland earned 5 medals: one gold and two silver in cross-country skiing, one bronze in ice hockey and one silver in snowboarding. The whooper swan is the national bird of Finland. The brown bear is the national animal. Other animals that live in Finland are the gray wolf, moose, reindeer, red fox, red squirrel, mountain hare and the arctic fox. Also, Finland has hundreds of thousands of lakes. The coldest days in southern Finland are commonly under -4 degrees Fahrenheit! The warmest days can be over 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Finland experiences something called the midnight sun where the sun doesn’t set for 73 days during the summer. Finland celebrates this unique event by holding festivals all over the country. Finland had a female president from 2000-2012. Her name is Tarja Halonen and in 2009, Forbes named her among the 100 Most Powerful Women in the World. Kiitos että luittë tämän! (Thank you for reading this!)

Swan drawing submitted by: Nikolay, Age 10, Sacrometo Elementary School, Portland, Oregon 10

submit your Travel Stories!

ases Finnish Phr enta Good morning:

Hyvää huom tah)

-mehn(HEY-vaa HOO-oh

ä yotä Good night: Hyvä ) (HEY-vaa UU-eu-ta rakastan sinua I love you: Minä SII-noo-ah) ns

(mi-naa raa-koo-sta

s (KEE-tohss)

Thank you: Kiito

Wolf drawing submitted by: Angelina L., Age 9, Blackstone Elementary School, Boston, Massachusetts

Large reindeer drawing submitted by: Meryl T., Age 12, Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Los Angeles, California

Small reindeer drawing submitted by: Jasmine A., Age 10, Walt Disney Magnet School, Chicago, Illinois



From this.................. this!

submit your pics

Photographs submitted by: enilorak

of spring!


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submit your jokes!

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Jokes and Fun!

d by: Lyd



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by: Keontez1


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d by: frie



Photograph submitted by: enilorak

d by: Dog

Dirtbike wordsearch submitted by: Jonathan L., Age 12, A.L. Standback Middle School, Hillsborough, North Carolina Color pattern drawing submitted by: Jocelyn R., Age 9, A.L. Holmes Academy, Detroit, Michigan

Motorcycle drawing submitted by: Hannah G., Age 14, Highland Junior High School, Gilbert, Arizona 15

A R E Z D I K E V O L TO W? t! o A g R u D us what yo


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