KidzEra 2014 Vol 1

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Volume 1, 2014


Drawing submitted by: NoahArk

Table of Contents

14- shenanigans 8- Inkslinger 4- pic-o-rama 12- Top ARtist 6- SOS

Dragons submitted by: machinegun123

Talk Back

Talk Back

I’ve noticed that in Top Artist .gif is allowed, so my question is if animated pictures can show up on here? .gif is the file type that allows the animation to happen and is what most artist use for a file for small animation. I’m curious of it because I have a lot of pixel dolls that I’ll like to post on here but they move and the file is a .gif.

Hi KidzEra! I love the new print option! Is it possible to print later issues? Thanks! Submitted by: enilorak

Heya, Yay! Isn’t it awesome?! You’ll definitely be able to order printed copies of the magazine from here on out, and we’ll be slowly working towards reformatting the older issues to fit the printer’s specs.

Submitted by: kikianimedrawer

Hey there,

We’ll be sure to let you know when new issues (and old ones!) are available to print.

Unfortunately even though we allow .gif files, they do not move! We’d still love to see your pixel dolls anyway!

The KidzEra Team

The KidzEra Team


Please complete this form and encolose with your submissions! All submissions must be your own original work.








KidzEra is excited that you are submitting an entry! KidzEra is created from student submissions. We do not necessarily endorse or agree with the content. Content in KidzEra is not guaranteed to be error-free and does not take the place of professional legal, medical or mental advice. It’s important that you know that KidzEra, or anyone who represents us, may publish your entry in our print, Internet, TV, mobile, apparel or consumer products. In KidzEra magazine, we can publish your first name and the first initial of your last name, age, grade, school, city, state and photo (if you send one), along with your entry. We can make changes to your entry if we feel they are necessary. If we publish your entry in KidzEra, we will award you Points. Allow up to 60 days to receive your Points. When you are published, KidzEra becomes the owner of your entry. However, you can still submit your entry to other publishers. We may transfer our ownership of your entry to someone else without your permission or additional compensation. KidzEra reserves the right to change our rates, rules and conditions without notice. KidzEra is published by Youth Intermedia. All contents herein are copyrighted 2014 by Youth Intermedia, with all rights reserved. KidzEra and the KidzEra logo are registered trademarks of Youth Intermedia.






SEND SUBMISSIONS TO: KidzEra PO BOX 20250 Boulder, CO 80308

We’ll return your art if you include a self-addressed and stamped envelope. You may also scan your art and send it on a CD. Writing cannot be returned.


“Music is the dream

submit your pics! 4

Photographs submitted by: Richele M., Age 13, Murdoch Middle Public Charter School, Chelmsford, Massachusetts

-John O'Donohue Irish poet

of silence.�



...there is this cute boy at school that likes my friend. She likes him too, but he’s going to middle school with me. I’m wondering if he will ask me out because he was kinda happy when I told him I’m going to the same middle school as him. Does anyone have any advice for me?

...stop worrying! Soak up all the cute boy attention you want and enjoy that he likes you! And if he does ask you out, then you can decide whether to: 1. Go out with him because YOLO! 2. Ask your friend if she’s ok with you going out with him - friends last way longer than boys, but maybe by that time, she’ll have moved onto another cute boy at her new school. 3. Tell him that he’s really adorable and that you’re thrilled he wants to go out with you, but you can’t just go out with every cute boy who asks you. Submitted by: CherryFud

...maybe ask him if he likes you? It might be hard but I would go for it! Sorry, I am not good at advice. Good luck! P.S. It might be a problem if your friend goes to a different school. Ask her if she likes that boy! Submitted by: Lydia11real

...if he and your friend like each other, but don’t go to the same school, it might not work out. Even so, just because he was happy when you told him you were going to the same school doesn’t mean that he likes you. But... you never know! I am not a futureteller (is that a thing?), so I have no way of knowing! Good luck! :) Submitted by: enilorak

Vote @ KidzEr Maybe he will ask you out, but maybe he is just excited to have someone he knows as a friend at middle school. Plus, since your friend likes him, you probably don’t want to go out with him, it would hurt her feelings. Submitted by: leslie-lemondrop

Here’s the important question: do you like him?? If that’s a no or maybe, just be clear with him that you’re just friends and maybe try to set up hangouts with you, your friend and him. If it’s a yes, have a chat with your friend. How into him is she? Would she be crushed if you went for it? Submitted by: CharlieTheCat

Drawing submitted by: Lucia B. Grade 8, Lawrence Middle School, Canoga Park, California

. . . s i m e l b My pro

I’m doing really bad in one of my classes and it’s close to the end of the school term. What should I do?!

Giveice! adv


The Real Boy (A Fairytale Remix) Seven dwarves stood solemnly, hats in hand. Before them in the flowering spring field lay a glass case containing a beautiful woman: Snow White. She was the fairest of them all and had been forced into an endless slumber by her jealous, evil stepmother. The only thing that could save her now was true love’s kiss. Soft footsteps had the dwarves turning their heads to see the approaching Prince on horseback. Getting off the horse, the Prince walked over to the case and peered in at the peaceful beauty. Removing the cover, the Prince leaned in for a kiss. POW! The Prince was halted by a staggering punch in the face. Snow White sat up and turned to the attacker, Sleeping Beauty. “What was that for?!” she asked. “I just saved you from some unbearable heartache. Consider yourself lucky,” Sleeping Beauty said. “What do you mean?” “This scumbag woke me up last week just to crush my heart.” Sleeping Beauty frowned at the Prince. Snow White turned to the Prince who was on the floor rubbing his face, “Is that true?” “No!” But as soon as he said it his nose started to grow. “See! He is a liar,” Sleeping Beauty exclaimed. “Well... maybe he left you because he fell in love with me. “ Snow White said. “You really can’t blame him. I am the fairest of them all.” “Oh, that is IT!” Sleeping Beauty went straight for Snow White’s hair. “STOP!” The princesses froze mid-fight and turned to the speaker. Doc continued, “The Prince has disappeared.” Grumpy said, “I saw him go that way towards Repunzel’s house.” Sleeping Beauty let go of Snow White’s hair, “He is far ahead now with his horse.” Snow White straightened her dress, “But he has to pay for what he did to us. Let’s get him!” The Prince stood at the foot of Rapunzel’s castle. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your long hair!” Thick golden tresses glided down to the Prince’s feet and he took hold and made his way up. Halfway up, his scrawny arms and legs, which were undetectable underneath his ridiculous clothes, barely managed to cling to the rope of hair. Upstairs, Rapunzel sat at her dresser preparing herself for the Prince. He was taking a long time so she called out, “Is everything okay down there?” He called back, “Yes, everything is fine. I will be up in no time.” And his nose grew even more.


Hearing this response, Rapunzel turned back to the mirror, “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” The Prince was having some trouble making it any farther up the tower. He held on and rested, but felt a sudden pain in his back. Ignoring it, he went back to climbing, but then he felt it again on his leg. He looked down to see Snow White and Sleeping Beauty throwing rocks at him. He called down in fear, “Stop! You are going to make me fall!!” They called back, “That is the POINT!” Rapunzel in the tower heard the entire ruckus and was concerned about the well-being of her hair. And she was curious. “What is going on down there?” The princesses, still throwing rocks, called back, “You can’t trust this liar. He has played us all. Just look at his nose.” Rapunzel was shocked, but believed the girls. She started shaking her hair to make him fall. And the princesses on the ground continued to throw rocks. A giant rock was thrust from Sleeping Beauty’s fingers and soared through the air, stopping only when it came in contact with the Prince’s head. He released his grasp on Rapunzel’s hair and fell the long distance from the midpoint of the castle. When he reached the ground he broke into a million pieces and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put the Prince back together again! Story submitted by: Remi L., Age 13, Bak Middle School of the Arts, West Palm Beach, Florida

Drawing submitted by: Peckaina L., Age 10, Agnes Cotton Elementary School, San Antonio, Texas Hearts submitted by: Michael D., Age 10, Our Lady of Grace School, North Bergen, New Jersey

submit your Stories!


Dragon submitted by: Rachel D., Age 12, Nazareth Area Middle School, Nazareth, Pennsylvania


Moon courtesy of:


n o o M e h t How Came to Be

Long long ago, there was a dragon who was rich and powerful. One day, the dragon found a rock that was rounder than any other ones he had ever seen. The rock was also really shiny. So the dragon decided to bring it back home. When he was flying over the ocean, a tornado hit him. The dragon dropped the rock into the ocean and it landed in a school of minnows. Then a whale swam by and ate the minnows along with the rock. The whale didn’t feel well. So he jumped out of the ocean and blew hard through his blowhole. The rock shot up into space and was caught by the stars. The stars’ magic made the rock bigger and shinier. It has been held up there ever since. And that’s how the moon came to be! Story submitted by: Henry Z., Age 10, Northeast Elementary School, Stamford, Connecticut

submit your Stories!


Stars submitted by: Naomi F., Age 7, River Glen School, San Jose, California

Whale submitted by: Alexandra R., Age 11, Bancroft Middle School, San Leandro, California

L A R U T L CU S S E N E R A W A I feel that more people should know about different cultures. Most of the time I hear inappropriate jokes about different cultures, from making fun of accents and degrading someone’s ethnic background to stereotypes,. It has to stop! This cultural ignorance is like a disease; it is spreading and is incurable because of a lack of exposure. Examples of this ignorance include: calling every Asian person you see Chinese, making fun of people with single-creased eyes, saying that all African-Americans have braids or coarse hair, that all Russians are communists, all Muslims are terrorists and Mexicans are all illegal. We, as humans, should know better! The country of America gets power in the last few hundred years and suddenly we think we’re better? We really need to reconfigure our ways of thinking. Most of these cultures have been around for thousands of years or more. The US has not been around very long and has very little history. Where do we get the right to judge people’s appearances, traditions, beliefs and religion? We have no right to judge them. Instead, we should look at how they solve their political problems and consider the choices they made and why. With that being said we should try to learn about other cultures and understand how a person from that culture thinks because of the traditions and ways that he or she has been taught. How important is cultural awareness to you and how do YOU think we should deal with racism and cultural ignorance?



should deal with


Submitted by: Imani Hill, age 14, grade 8. Annunciation B.V.M., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Kids drawing submitted by: Alondra F., Our Lady of Grace School, Fairview, New Jersey


Top Artist

Oolongteaholic INSPIRATION: What inspires me...that’s a really hard question to answer. How should I say’s nothing really. Drawing just makes me happy in a way, just like any other hobby other people have. If drawing makes you unhappy and you feel really bad about yourself for having to draw, take a break and find another hobby for a while. Then you can have the choice to get back to making art or keep with the other hobby. The countries to visit on my bucketlist are Europe, Indochina, Brazil, Mexico, Canada (visited there before and I really loved the trip), and Australia. Having one is just too little for me! RAVES & FAVES: My favorite snacks are pomegranates, 100% raw milk cheese and pears. My favorite movie would be the new movie released just recently, Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Rebellion. Overall, the movie was so sad and the whole theater was dumbfounded at the end. Gee, I don’t really have a favorite song. Sorry, guys! Also the songs I listen to are not family friendly! ADVICE: I have been waiting for this question for so long! First, do not trace another person’s drawing or draw over another person’s artwork. It will hinder your improvement and bad stuff happens once the original artist finds it, so don’t do it. Eyeballing the pose is a-okay, and referencing the pose is 100% just fine! You can take a bit of an idea from here and there if you get stuck sometimes and mash it up together for your own creation that you can be proud of. If you get stuck, and have this thing called an artblock, do not panic. I usually overcome my artblocks by not even trying at all to do art. Just scribble some lines, curves, add limbs, a face, and boom! Art!

submit your art!


Also, I had to google “words of encouragement” for this, but here goes: if you are camping in a place where bears are frequently sighted, don’t sneak food into your tent. THE FUTURE: I want to be a lawyer, an engineer, graphic designer, 3d modeling artist, computer programmer and webmaster. Oh! Don’t forget surgeon! I want to help people in my future.

AN INTERVIEW with sakuraxls2

INSPIRATION: When I was young, I always loved how many artists drew, and wanted to be like them one day. Once I found out about anime and manga, I wanted to draw it. The art was so amazing and I wanted to be able to draw like that! I usually draw on my computer. Every once a while I draw in my sketchbook in my bed or just sitting on a chair. I would love to visit Japan! I would want to see all the mountains, and the cherry blossoms! RAVES & FAVES: My favorite snack would have to be cookies!! They’re so tasty! My favorite movie would have to be Tangled! I always love Disney movies, and the graphics and everything were perfect in Tangled. My favorite song currently is Here’s 2 Us by the Victorious Cast. I love Victoria Justice so much—her voice is perfect! ADVICE: Although it does cost money, I would recommend using the paint tool SAI for drawing. The brushes and the settings are fun to play with and I love to experiment. But the thing is to keep on drawing! I would say just keep on doing what you are doing! If you love to draw then just keep on drawing. Also it goes with writing or photography! Make sure you’re having fun, and don’t stress out with your mistakes! That’s how you get better! THE FUTURE: I would like to be a manga artist, but being an animator also interests me. Both would allow me to draw every single day! I also want to be an actress, because I have always wanted to be in movies. It seems fun.


by Katherine L. 13

Jokes & Fun

Robot with laser drawing submitted by: Makai G., Grade 4, CCCS School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Robot with radio submitted by: Edmund L., Grade 5, Ann Street Elementary School, Los Angeles, California

& S T O B O R E C N A ROM Jokes!

Word Scramb le

osres _ ____ g s e t a ir p Where do eraht _ ____ do? y pepper e s o n a s e pidcu _ What do ____ dle? dacr _ _ _ fake noo a ll a c u o y o d _ What fun? o to have

d The Arr-ca



d by: Einst


Gets jalep

An impasta


book say


Boy, do I h

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With toma


to paste!

Car submitted by: Adrian R., Age 11, Leewood K-8 Center School, Miami, Florida


one math What did r? the othe


d by: Pom


Word Scr am submitte ble d by: Karl i P., Age 10, Th om School, Avo pson Brook n, Connect icut

Robot rocket submitted by: Raphael D., Grade 4, Conley School, Asbury, New Jersey

eno busine

velo _ _ _ _ rwoar _____


d by: Nad


submit your jokes!


Word search submitted by: Nneoma O., Age 12, CCA Baldi Middle School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Andra T., Age 10, Canadian Academy, Kobe, Japan; Urara G., Age 10, Canadian Academy, Kobe, Japan

Word scramble answersy: roses, heart, cupid, card, love, arrow

o t e lov Drawing submitted by: Katherine L., Age 11, Indian Hill School, Holmdel, New Jersey

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