KidzEra 2014 Volume 4

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Volume 4, 2014

Table of Contents

4 SOS 5 InkSlinger 6 Top Artist 10 World Focus 12 Pic-O-Rama 14 Jokes’n’Fun KidzEra is excited that you are submitting an entry! KidzEra is created from student submissions. We do not necessarily endorse or agree with the content. Content in KidzEra is not guaranteed to be error-free and does not take the place of professional legal, medical or mental advice. It’s important that you know that KidzEra, or anyone who represents us, may publish your entry in our print, Internet, TV, mobile, apparel or consumer products. In KidzEra magazine, we can publish your first name and the first initial of your last name, age, grade, school, city, state and photo (if you send one), along with your entry. We can make changes to your entry if we feel they are necessary. When you are published, KidzEra becomes the owner of your entry. However, you can still submit your entry to other publishers. We may transfer our ownership of your entry to someone else without your permission or additional compensation. KidzEra reserves the right to change our rates, rules and conditions without notice. KidzEra is published by KidzEra. All contents herein are copyrighted 2014 by KidzEra, with all rights reserved. KidzEra and the KidzEra logo are registered trademarks of KidzEra.


Talk Back

This summer, I’m gonna... ...get new clothes, hang out with friends, visit my grandparents, play my DSI, take lots of pictures, play with my pets and RELAX!!!

...go shopping, go to the beach, hang out with friends, travel, go to amusement parks, go see movies, go swimming, go to parties, relax and chill with my family and have cookouts!

Submitted by: Sumeya K., Age 10 Walt Disney Magnet School, Chicagoe, illinois

Plant photograph submitted by: OreoBoy

Submitted by: Samonia M., Age 16, WJ Keenan High School, Columbia, South Carolina

Talk Back



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Rabbit drawing submitted by: Anna G., Age 10, Ashley Elementary School, Denver, Colorado




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Give Advice!


A boy in my grade, who is my friend but is so annoying to my friends and I, is starting to make other boys just like him. I told him to stop but, he won’t. I would get the teachers involved, but he might feel betrayed and eventually break our friendship.

Boy drawing submitted by: Bo Ra H., Age 12, Bandung Alliance International School, Bandung, Indonesia


My advice is... if this person is annoying you, you should talk to him patiently. If he doesn’t listen then you’ll need to take action. He will feel betrayed yes, but he’ll learn not to bother you. If he breaks the friendship, it’ll be for the best. Just do what you feel like and if anything goes wrong, shrug it off because life is a game and everyone should learn how to play it. :)

Aspens drawing submitted by: Irena F., Grade 8, C.C.A Baldi Middle School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Submitted by: StoryBuzz

My advice is...well, maybe you don’t want him as a friend. If he’s being mean and doesn’t want to listen to you, then he’s not much of a friend anyway, you know what I mean? I hope it turns out OK! :) Submitted by: Jacaranda

My advice is...maybe he’s going through a phase and it will change over the summer. Maybe by the time you see him again in the fall, he’ll have had some experiences that will have made him come to his senses. You never know. Submitted by: lensface

Girl drawing submitted by: sakuraxls2



Violets photograph submitted by: BaileyJupiter



change dealing with

you ever moved to a new place, a new home?

Did you ever find an old science notebook deep in the recesses of your duffle bag, or maybe an old birthday card from a former friend of yours? If you have, it probably sparked a memory or two, about a private joke you probably shared with your best friend, or a time you had a fight with someone close to you. May it be good or bad, but that memory will always find a way into your heart.

It’s hard to deal with change. However, change will always be progress whether you like it or not. It does hurt to watch the years pass by and not get that letter your best friend promised to send you, or find out how much you’ve forgotten. What’s probably the worst thing is thinking you’ve replaced those memories with new ones. But they will never be replaced! Those people and the things you’ve done with them will always have a special place in you and vice versa. You can never forget them, like you can never forget your own name because they will always be there.


you progress through your new life, you’ll know you’ve changed.

You sometimes might feel like that isn’t you in the mirror, but you are who you are, despite how much you’ve changed. You will still be that same person, just more aware of what’s happening around you. There will always be new hobbies, friends and pleasures in your life. The best thing about change is the new memories that you make from new adventures!

What helps get people through change is hope. Hope is a beautiful gift that makes us confident that we’ll get through the obstacles set before us that sometimes set us back. Like everything else, hope will always be there inside of you as well. The day may be over but the dawn is never far away. A new day is coming and yesterday is a memory that will last forever! Submitted by: Marian Y., Age 12, Our Lady of Grace, Fairview, New Jersey

submit your Writing!

Top Artist KE: What kinds of tutorials do you like to do to learn more about drawing/painting? KK: The tutorials I normally look for are for realism and how to color realistically for multiple media. I also search for some animation tutorial from time to time because, well, it’s a hard thing to do. KE: Do you practice drawing/painting and how often would you say you draw in a given week? KK: To tell all truth, I don’t really practice drawing much, it just comes naturally to me. Though sometimes I have to do something over and over again to get the hang of it (such as animation). And I would have to say I practice about two to three hours a week

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submit your art!

KE: What kind of art do you like to look at? KK: The type of artwork I like to look at the most is semi-realism because it’s the main style I tend to do, and I can study the art and try out different ways to help me in the future. KE: Where does your inspiration come from? KK: My inspiration would mainly be my emotions, but lately my artwork has been done by impulse. KE: Do you like doing traditional painting/ drawing with pencil, canvas/paint, etc? KK: I do a lot of traditional artwork, especially since it’s school time and I tend to get really busy and won’t be able to do digital work. And I would mainly do pencil/pen work since my painting skills are still sketchy. KE: Do you listen to music/watch TV, etc while you draw or work on art? If so, what kind or if you prefer silence, why do you think that is? KK: I listen to music all the time no matter what I’m doing, I can’t watch TV and draw because I’ll get distracted easily from it. Although sometimes I’ll draw in silence and won’t even realize it because I was so caught up in the art. 7

Top Artist, con’t KE: What kinds of tutorials do you like to do to learn more about drawing/painting? NA: Nothing special. I am self taught, so every time I draw, I just keep telling myself that I need to be better!! KE: Do you practice drawing/painting and how often would you say you draw in a given week? NA: Paper and pencil—LOL. I draw almost every day!! KE: What kind of art do you like to look at? NA: Watercolor, digital art and line art.


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KE: Where does your inspiration come from? NA: Everywhere! :D Most of my drawings explain my feelings from that moment. Some of them could have a deeper meaning. For example, this drawing is called Naamfah, which is actually my nickname in Thai. Naam means “water” and fah means “blue”. In this drawing, I want to tell people who I am. KE: Do you like doing traditional painting/drawing with pencil, canvas/paint, etc? NA: Generally, I love drawing with pencil but sometimes I also draw digital art on the SAI program [Paint Tool SAI digital drawing software]. KE: Do you listen to music/watch TV, etc while you draw or work on art? If so, what kind or if you prefer silence, why do you think that is? Yes, I listen to music while I draw. I love all types of music. Especially, Ghibli studio songs. They’re so dreamy and free.

submit your art!


4/25/14, 1:06 PM

World Focus


India is a very fascinating country. I think the best part is the way we live. It’s normally a very peaceful place. India has a big history and there are many festivals and celebrations. My favorite festivals are Diwali, the Festival of Light, and Navratri, the Festival of God. Our country has many important people, places and a lot of important dates in its history. The flag of India is made up of the colors green, orange and white. The orange is on top and represents courage and sacrifice. In the middle is the white. It represents peace and purity. Inside the white is a circle with spokes. That represents self-reliance. This was an idea first developed by a great leader named Mahatma Ghandi for the flag. Ghandi was the one who drove out the British when they were ruling India. The green on the bottom symbolizes prosperity.

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India has many land features that all hold a special meaning to the people. I love learning about my culture. India is a developing country but it is still a great place! Submitted by: Dhruv G., Grade 5, Our Lady of Grace School, Fairview, New Jersey

submit your Travel Stories!

fast facts about India •

India is home to 1.2 billion people. It is the most populous democracy in the world.

India shares a border with six other countries: Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma and Bangladesh.

India became an independent nation in 1947. Mahatma Gandhi led the non-violent resistance movement that was critical to India’s independence.

Diwali spiritually marks the victory of light over dark, knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair. It is one of the happiest holidays in India!

Navratri means nine nights in Sanskrit. During the nine nights and ten days of the festival, the nine forms of the god Shakti are worshipped. Source:

With a map, Located on my lap, I see so many places That I can go and see.

The Pyramids in Giza, The Leaning Tower of Piza, I’m hungry for pizza!

The Eiffel Tower in Paris, The Danube in Budapest, Now all I have to do Is ace my geography test!

Submitted by: Gabriel D., Age 12, Apex Middle School, Apex, North Carolina

Modern thoughts Versus traditional sightseeing The Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, The Agora in Athens, Greece, Both wonderful and it all starts Now my mom wants me to find my fleece! With a map.

Traveling Advice Get ready for some summer travel!

When I was young, we used to travel all over the place—to Atlanta, Georgia, Willard, North Carolina and North Charleston, South Carolina. Taking trips is a fun thing to do, especially in the summer. Here are some fun ways to have a nice and easy trip: 1) Pack a backpack! Load up with games, crayons and books so you have something to do if you get bored on a plane or in the car. 2) Pack a snack for the ride too, but make sure your snack is something easy to digest in case the road gets bumpy! Pro tip: If you are packing something that needs to stay cold, make sure you put it in a cooler!

3) Check out audiobooks from the library, or download books to an MP3 player and make sure to bring lots of different kinds of music to listen to! HAVE FUN! Submitted by: Chioma L., Grade 7, Vista Peak School, Aurora, Colorado



We asked for picutres of green and spring, and we love these! A feast for cold eyes!

f o t o i R

submit your pics

Photographs submitted by: OreoBoy

of sUMMER!

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Jokes and Fun!

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Wolf submitted by: Annika L., Grade 6, Century Middle School, Thornton, Colorado

submit your jokes!

5 Fun Dog Facts! FACT 1: The shape of a dog’s face can tell how long it will live. Dogs with sharp, pointed faces that look like wolves live longer. Dogs with flat faces, like bulldogs, live shorter lives.

FACT 3: Basenjis are the only barkless dog, but they can whistle! FACT 4: The smallest dog was a Yorkie the size of a match box!

FACT 5: Dogs can see better than FACT 2: The most dogs ever owned by humans when the light is low. one person were 5,000 mastiffs owned Submitted by: Lydia11real by Kubla Khan!

Moon and stars submitted by: Jennie S. Age 10, Beachland Elementary School, Sebastian, Florida

! Z I U Q Y M O N O ASTR 1) Which planet has the most moons? a) Saturn b) Neptune c) Jupiter

2) Which planet has visible rings around it? a) Saturn b) Pluto c) Mars 3) How long does the light of the Sun take to reach Earth?

7) Which planet rotates on its axis from east to west? a) Mars b) Earth c) Venus

a) 8 seconds b) 8 minutes c) 8 days

8) Which planet rotates on its axis from west to east? a) Mercury b) Venus c) Jupiter

4) How many times is Jupiter larger than the Earth? a) 246 times b) 456 times c) 318 times 5) How many planets are there in our solar system? a) 10 b) 8 c) 12

9) The Earth is about how many kilometers from the Sun? a) 150 million b) 93 million c) 250 million

6) Which of the following is NOT a planet? a) Mercury b) Mars c) the Moon

10) The smallest planet in our solar system is? a) Venus b) Pluto c) Mercury

Submittted by: Kuldeep S., Grade 6, International School of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh 15

Answers: 1) c; 2) a; 3) b; 4) b; 5) b; 6) c; 7) b; 8) b; 9) a; 10) c

Got imagination?


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