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Apple Sustainability Report 2021

Apple Sustainability Report Think Different ­— But Not Too Different.


“We don’t pretend to have all the answers. What we do have are goals to strive for, and a global community of businesses committed to doing the right thing by people and the planet. “ Lisa Jackson, Vice President Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives


“Apple is a technology company, but we never forget that the devices we make are imagined by human minds, built by human hands, and are meant to improve human lives.” – Tim Cook, CEO


Table of Contents

01 02 03 04



Inclusion & Diversion

Supplier Responsibility 04


01 – Education Apple has been part of the ConnectED initiative since 2014, pledging $100 million of teaching and learning solutions to 114 under-served schools across the country. We’ve donated an iPad to every student, a Mac and iPad to every teacher, and an Apple TV to every classroom. And we’ve implemented a process that provides planning, professional learning, and ongoing guidance so every school can experience the transformational power of technology.



01 02 03 04

Apple and ConnectED Establishing Goals Building Infrustructure Delivering Devices to Students




Apple and ConnectED


760,320 feet of Internet cable have been installed in Apple ConnectED schools.


Apple ConnectED schools have received upgrades to wireless networks.


teachers are using iPad in Apple ConnectED schools.



Establis Education

“We all met to come up with our vision, mission statement, goals, and challenges.” –Tommy Evans, Aide

Every school faces unique challenges. That’s

powerful vision — that children are capable of

Apple ConnectED school to craft a vision for

motto is: College begins in prekindergarten,”

why we meet with administrators from each the role of technology in their classrooms.

As part of this planning, we work with school

leadership to form a core group of individuals

responsible for defining clear, measurable goals. At Berkley Campostella Early Childhood

Education Center in Norfolk, Virginia, Principal Dr. Doreatha White leads her faculty with a


anything if you give them the right tools. “Our

she says. “We have to guide a student’s whole thinking toward being successful beyond pre-K. But to truly start closing the digital

divide, we have to get our parents and the community to believe what we’re doing as well.”

shing Goals With that challenge in mind, Dr. White

children and prepare them for lifelong learning.

help parents understand the transformative

they’re also learning how to analyze and

created a community outreach program to power of technology in learning. And one

of her first goals was to get 100 percent of

the students’ parents to attend How to Use iPad with Your Child workshops, which she

That not only are they doing ABCs and 123s, synthesize instruction. And now they’re

excited about learning, which they’ll remember going into kindergarten and beyond.”

achieved with surprising ease. “In the

community’s eyes, it was a big thing. We could demonstrate how this would benefit their




Building Infrustructure “If you can understand the system, you can maintain it.” – Tommy Evans, Aide

Many Apple ConnectED schools do not have

management of the devices. Tommy Evans,

department. So before any products are

for the role. “They showed us where a signal

a strong network or a dedicated technology

delivered, Apple Project Engineers conduct a full survey of the school’s existing wireless infrastructure and help install or upgrade a network.

In the remote village of Nanwalek, Alaska, the

goes and how to tailor equipment around

students’ needs,” he says. “When things were put in place, it took off like a rocket.” The new wireless infrastructure has

profoundly affected the school, especially

K–12 school was making plans to improve its

students like Evans’s daughter, Tessie, who is

Our engineers consulted with district officials

she felt like she was the only one who is deaf.”

slow, satellite-provided Internet connection. to ensure that the school’s wireless

infrastructure would not only be fast, but

would also be ready to support the arrival of over 100 new Apple products. In addition to working with the district’s off site IT team, Apple Project Managers needed to find someone local to handle day-to-day


an aide and parent in the village, volunteered

hearing impaired. “Because we’re so isolated, But soon, Tessie was using Face Time and other iPad apps to communicate with

students and mentors all over the world.

Learn more about how access to technology connected Nanwalek students to the world

beyond their shores in a free book written by Principal Nancy Kleine.

“I’ve had to slow down because I get so excited about all you can do.” – Kit Gordon, Teacher To help every teacher become comfortable

that surrounds the school, Gordon teaches a

team provides a series of workshops

irrigation device invented in ancient Greece.

with new technology, the Apple Education

lesson about the Archimedes screw, an

designed specifically for educators. We start

Using animated simulations in apps, the

Apple TV into their curriculum and lessons,

3D look at how the machine works so they

engaging books, presentations, and other

In 2017, Gordon became part of the Apple

by helping them integrate iPad, Mac, and

then show them how to create original and learning materials.

“Apple made sure not to overwhelm us,” says Kirt Gordon, a third-grade teacher at Salida

del Sol Elementary School in Yuma, Arizona. “We could approach each session in small

lesson enables students to rotate iPad for a

can create models of their own.

Distinguished Educators (ADE) program, which celebrates pioneers of classroom technology. He is one of 13 ConnectED

teachers to join the global ADE community.

segments, enabling those of us who were further along to advance on our own.” Inspired by his professional learning

workshops and the agricultural community




Delivering Devices to Students With a strong infrastructure and inspired

screenplays using GarageBand. Tyrell, who

teachers, schools are ready to put an iPad into

was a sixth-grader at Westview Middle

All over the country, students at Apple

presentation in Keynote about the Bahamas

each student’s hands.

ConnectED schools are using iPad to learn in ways they never could have imagined.

Daveon was a ninth-grader at Riverview

Gardens High School in St. Louis, Missouri,

School in St. Louis, created a multimedia

after he used Flyover in Maps to take a tour of the islands. And in Nanwalek, Alaska, a

student named Severan discovered how important math is in pursuing his dream

when he used iMovie on his new iPad to direct

of being a pilot. He used apps like IXL and

surrounding his school and community,

tables, concepts he planned to put into action

a documentary about the misconceptions narrated by teachers and fellow students.

Creating the film gave Daveon a way to share

Notes to learn about angles and multiplication flying supplies and people to his village.

his perspective publicly. “It was like I stepped into a new reality,” he said.

In Mr. Nunez’s Language Arts class in Yuma, Arizona, students are learning about rhyme and meter by directing and recording

“When something’s on iPad, it’s automatically fun.” – Leondis, Student



02 – Environm Designing for low carbon. We’re making products with more recycled materials and working to reduce the amount of energy these devices use. Increasing energy efficiency. We’re using energy more efficiently across retail stores, offices, data centers, and manufacturing sites. Using renewable energy. We’re committed to transitioning our entire manufacturing supply chain to 100% renewable electricity generated from solar, wind, and other renewable projects. 15


01 02 03 04

Climate Solution More Power To You One Less Thing Earth Won’t Wait, Neither Will We

Avoiding direct emissions. We’re innovating the processes in our facilities and supply chain to avoid greenhouse gas emissions. Investing in nature-based solutions. We’re investing in working forests and ecosystem restoration in ways that respect communities and remove carbon from the atmosphere.




Climate solutions can help dismantle systemic barriers. Communities of color around the world

use 100% recycled rare earth elements in


Taptic Engine, and 100% recycled tin in the

often bear the greatest impact of climate But environmental solutions can help

advance equity for these communities.

Apple’s Impact Accelerator supports

Black- and Brown‑owned businesses and innovations that can also drive positive

outcomes in our supply chain. The Impact

Accelerator is part of our Racial Equity and Justice Initiative (REJI), which focuses on efforts that address education, economic

equality, and criminal justice reform in the

United States. REJI’s Impact Accelerator can help bring opportunity to Black and Brown businesses while creating innovative

solutions to climate change. iPhone is 100%

committed to using 100% recycled materials. iPhone relies on the availability of high-quality materials.

Our goal is to one day source all of these

valuable resources only from renewable and recycled alternatives. We’ve recently

transitioned to 100% recycled gold in the

plating of the main logic board and the wire in the front camera and rear cameras. We now


all magnets, 100% recycled tungsten in the solder of the main logic board and battery

management unit. We’ve also redesigned the packaging to create an unboxing experience that’s better for the environment, and just as delightful for you.

Energy-saving products reduce our carbon footprint. And yours.

Product energy use makes up 19% of our carbon footprint and affects the carbon footprint of each customer. Designing

products that require less energy is one of the

major ways we can lower their carbon impact, even as they’re being used. Innovations in energy efficiency in one product can

influence another. When you multiply these

improvements by all the Apple devices in the world, you’ll see the difference it can make. Nature can help us get to neutral.

Apple strives to bring our emissions down as

low as possible. But there are some emissions we can’t yet avoid. To remove unavoidable

carbon emissions from the atmosphere, we are looking to nature‑based solutions.


Over 2 billion acres of restored savanna can remove hundreds of millions of tons of carbon from the atmosphere every year.


94,000 acres have been added to Peru’s Alto Mayo Protected Area.


27,000 acres of restored mangrove forest can store up to 1 million metric tons of carbon over its lifetime.



More P Environment

Clean energy works best when shared.

people and progress one renewable energy project at a time.

We’ve made it our business to be 100% carbon neutral.

In April 2020, Apple achieved the exciting


Now that Apple Inc. runs on 100% clean

milestone of becoming 100% carbon neutral

democratizing access to renewable

part of this achievement was transitioning

Power for Impact program has funded

the retail stores you visit and the Apple data

social benefits. Solar projects in the

our commitment to green technologies even

provide cost-effective clean energy to us and

new renewables around the world. And to

challenges. And this year we announced our

now, we’ve partnered with Conservation

wind turbines in Denmark. We’re powering

estore grasslands, wetlands, and forests.

energy, we’ve turned our efforts to

across all of our corporate operations. A big

electricity around the world. Since 2019, our

in 2018 to 100% renewable electricity in all

projects with clear carbon, ecological, and

centers that run your devices. We’re taking

Philippines, Thailand, and South Africa help

further by investing in the development of

to communities facing energy access

help address emissions that we can’t avoid

investment in the world’s largest onshore

International on projects that protect and

Power To You Using recycled aluminum in devices

100% recycled aluminum alloy that can be

Many Apple products use aluminum as a

performance and durability. It has allowed us

lowers their carbon impact. And yours.

primary material. It’s strong and durable, and it helps your devices last longer. While all Apple devices with aluminum enclosures contain some recycled aluminum, making every product carbon neutral by 2030 means

incorporating even more recycled content.

To achieve this, we’ve engineered our own

recycled indefinitely while maintaining to transition to using 100% recycled

aluminum in the enclosures of many devices.

And when we have to use virgin aluminum, we work with our suppliers to source aluminum

smelted primarily with low-carbon sources of electricity, like hydroelectricity, further reducing our carbon footprint.




One Less Thing... Fewer chargers mean less environmen-

now in the 24‑inch iMac, is the first chip

amounts of certain materials, including

to run tasks as efficiently as possible,

tal impact. Power adapters use the largest

plastic, copper, tin, and zinc. Since removing them from iPhone and Apple Watch

packaging, we’ve avoided mining a significant amount of materials from the earth, and we’ve eliminated the emissions that come from

processing and transporting them. Using

smaller, lighter packaging lets us ship more

boxes at once, which helps reduce our carbon footprint. Leaving out adapters was a bold

change for Apple, and a necessary one for our planet.

iMac is designed to take carbon out of the equation. We design our products to have a lighter environmental footprint. The 24‑inch iMac is evidence. Not only is its enclosure

made with low-carbon aluminum, but it also uses recycled plastic, recycled tin, and

recycled rare earth elements. The M1 chip,


designed specifically for Mac. M1 is designed delivering outstanding performance while using significantly less power.

Products created with safety in mind.

Apple focuses on safety in product designs and strives to protect the people who

design, make, use, and recycle our products. We’re conducting industry-leading work to map, test, and switch to safer chemicals in

our products and manufacturing processes. The materials in Apple products are tested

to evaluate their compliance with our list of

regulated substances. We’re in the process

of collecting the chemical composition of all

the materials in our products to further assess their effect on human health and the

environment. Today more than 700 parts and

material suppliers share chemical information with Apple.





Earth Won’t Wait Neither Will We At final assembly sites, nothing goes

Built to last as long as you love it.

suppliers provides support to eliminate waste

Our goal is to build long-lasting products

to waste. Apple’s Zero Waste Program for going to landfills through reduction, reuse,

and recycling. We started by focusing on our highest waste producers: final assembly

facilities. Apple has already achieved zero

waste certifications for all established final

assembly facilities across iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, AirPods, HomePod, Apple TV, and Beats.8 We’re continuing to expand

our program beyond final assembly sites to include component manufacturers, and we won’t stop until we reach our goal of zero waste.

Durability is central to Apple’s product design. that you can rely on to handle the rigors of

everyday use. At the Reliability Testing Lab,

our engineers design customized, automated jigs that recreate the repetitive actions and

interactions a device might undergo, such as repeatedly pressing an individual key. Free

software updates can also increase product

longevity by offering access to new features and functionality for both the latest devices and older ones. And when repairs are needed, we provide easy access to

high-quality repairs through Apple retail

stores, through our worldwide network of over 5000 Apple Authorized Service

Providers, and through shipment to Apple Repair Centers.

Climate solutions can help dismantle systemic barriers. 24


03 – Inclusion Employee feedback is put into action. Our people are at the heart of our progress. Their voices and ideas drive innovation in everything we do — from informing racial justice initiatives to the inclusive benefits that support employees of all backgrounds through every life stage. Recently, people and communities across Apple have helped shape our internal inclusion and diversity strategy, the Racial Equity and Justice Initiative, and new product innovations like the Black Unity watch band.


01 02 03 04

& Diversion

Connection In DNA Where We Stand


All managers take inclusive leadership

training. Equitable, inclusive experiences for all employees begin with equipping

our leaders with the resources they need. Apple’s more than 15,000 managers take training on unconscious bias and

inclusive leadership. And managers are offered expert-led courses to support their ongoing education on topics

including race and justice, allyship, and

more. Plans are reviewed and progress is tracked.


Connec Inclusion & Diversion

culture of belonging through education,

Our internal culture is built so that everyone, in every part of Apple, feels supported, valued,

connected, and empowered to do the best work of their lives.

We know we are all better at what we do when we’re free to be who we are.

Building connections and understanding within Apple.

For more than 30 years, Apple employees have found community and connection in Apple’s Diversity Network Associations

(DNAs). These employee‑led groups foster a


leadership development, networking, and

volunteering — while also encouraging the

kind of open dialogue that leads to stronger allyship across Apple. Today over 47,000

Apple employees across the globe belong to groups like Accessibility@Apple, Amigos@

Apple, the Apple Asian Association, the Apple Indian Association, Black@Apple,

Indigenous@Apple, Pride@Apple, and

Women@Apple, and a range of faith‑based and cultural groups.

Whether thought-provoking or entertaining, each experience is designed to deepen connection and understanding.

ct in DNA Continuing to take action for communities everywhere.

We’ll continue to speak openly about our efforts to eradicate systemic racism and

injustice. We remain steadfast advocates on

behalf of LGBTQ+ people because LGBTQ+ rights are human rights. We stay true to our

values by acting when policies unfairly target

immigrants and other communities. And we’ll always stand against prejudice in any form.



Inclusion & Diversion

Where we The future is stand today. bright. We have about 160,000 talented

Currently, more than 60% of our Retail team

proud that when people join Apple, they find

leadership in the U.S. come from

employees across the world. And we are

fulfillment for many years. That also means

increasing overall representation takes time. Every hiring decision is made one role, and one person, at a time. We are taking

meaningful actions for more diverse

representation across every part of the

business. Because just 1% of over a hundred thousand represents change for thousands of people.


members and more than 50% of Retail

underrepresented communities. We continue

to make strides with our population of women, who represent 35% of global team members. And since 2014, we’ve seen continued progress with 35% growth for our U.S.

underrepresented communities and 50%

growth for our global population of women.

Global Female Representation

U.S. Underrepresented Community Representation



04 – Supplier R How we make is as important as what we make. Putting people first. Opening doors through education. And protecting the planet. We are deeply committed to working with our suppliers to ensure that the people in our supply chain are safe at work, that they are treated with dignity and respect, and that our planet is protected throughout the process of building our products. This responsibility goes far beyond compliance: it is a collective responsibility that includes supporting our suppliers in achieving the highest standards of labor, human rights, environmental protection, and health and safety.


01 02 03 04



Respected Rights Learning Opportunities Raising The Highbar




Supplier Responsibility




Supplier Responsibility




Supplier Responsibility



Supplier Responsibility

It’s a high bar. And we keep raising it. Apple has eyes and ears on the ground in hundreds of facilities in more than 50 countries. We partner closely with our suppliers to help them meet and exceed our workplace and environmental requirements. We also engage with independent human rights and environmental organizations and openly share our tools and l earnings with other companies and industries. Because the best way to accelerate progress is together.

1121 83% assessments of suppliers in 53 countries conducted in 2021


high–performing supplier facilities, a 36–point increase in five years

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