Europe goes
Green Maris Pajula
possibilities to make a change in our real lives! I hope these days managed move us all from the position that we have been before the project and we can not only feel the difference in ourselves but we can make it happen also around us wherever we are at this very moment. First of all I would like to thank Gea who have been like an angel during the project and without her we wouldn’t have the project Europe Goes Green.
If I think back to the summer 2009 the first things that comes to my mind is Vormsi island, wonderful people, green environment, calm atmosphere, a lot of fun and the same time hard working I could say it all in three words- Europe Goes Green. I believe through the 10 days that we have spent together in Vormsi island we have managed to make Europe greener at least in our hearts and minds. Our aim was to encourage people to think in the environmental and “green” issues during these days and be aware of the different
Our aim was to encourage people to think in the environmental and “green” issues
Big thanks to all the workshop leaders: Mari- Liis, Piret, Kadri, Kristiina, Dimitris, Lianne, Eneli, Aire, Paul, Kersti and Iliana. Thanks to your effort the youth exchange has become a meaningful and comprehensive event. We wouldn’t manage to implement
the project without the support and help from the local people and special thanks to Ms. Riima Koch for being there for us during all the 10 days. And my warmest greetings and gratitude to each of YOU who have been living these days in Vormsi island!
I don´t remember exactly when and in which circumstances was the first time I heard the term “green thinking”, but for some time now it has been in my head and I think once you have it up there, you can´t (and don´t want to) get free from it anymore. This is also one of the big reasons we decided to organize this youth exchange: to “plant” the idea of green thinking in the heads of young people who are interested and motivated in addition just to having the thought in their minds also to act upon it. Small initiatives and actions can have big and inflective results, and even more likely, when they have a bigger likeminded group of people behind them.
The subjects like ecological consumption, environment protection, global education etc. have been “in the air” a lot during the last few years and will for sure be a big discussion also in the years to come. Europe Goes Green created for young people the setting and atmosphere for sharing their opinions and views on these current issues, for discussing and creating together different methods and approaches for dealing with problems and opportunities related and of course for learning about cultural differences and good and bad practices concerning these subjects in various countries. Together in this project we brought to life small changes in the local community of Vormsi island, in the minds of each other - all the participants of this project - and of course in the minds of ourselves. This material is put together to share our ideas with you - to “plant” a “green thought” also into YOUR head and encourage YOU to act upon this thought!
Gea Grigorjev
“Europe goes green” - an international, multilateral youth exchange – took place on the 11.-21.08.09 on Vormsi island, Estonia. The project involved 7 partner countries and organizations: Greece (NGO Kids in Action), Latvia (Youth Centre Baze), The Netherlands (Richter Foundation – European Cultural Innovators), Spain (ACD La Hoya), Italy (Associazione culturale Arci-Strauss), Portugal (Onda Verde) and Estonia (Vormsi Noored)). From every country there was participating a group of 5 young people aged between 18-25 + group leader. This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community programme Youth. The development of the idea of this youth exchange was strongly influenced by the current situations in our surroundings. The subjects of ecological consumption and green thinking have gained more and more importance during the last years and it has become clear that we all live in a world with limited resources, therefore we should pay more attention to living our lives in a way that we take in
consideration the environment surrounding us and try to preserve resources, using them in the most effective way. The aim of the project “Europe goes green” was to circulate the idea of green thinking, globalization and sustainable lifestyles in the local community level and also European level (with the help of the partner organizations). The participants got deeper knowledge about the benefits of reuse and consuming organic products by sharing their
experience throughout practical workshops (multimedia, art, living library, forum-theatre, creative comics, reuse, music and voluntary work) and discussion groups where they were invited for intercultural dialogue during the whole exchange project. They got to know about different cultures and values by participating in cultural evenings and
team-games. In their free time participants were invited to explore the island on their bicycles and make contact with the local people. Hosting the youth exchange on Vormsi, an island where great emphasis is on traditional culture and living in a small community, gave participants the opportunity to involve locals to the activities of the project and a chance to give back something to the island community. In the end of the youth exchange the participating young people organized on voluntary bases on the island a flea-market, where they carried out different activities and performances prepared in the previous week, distributing the idea of green thinking and also invited local people to join in by giving them a chance to sell or/and exchange,
discuss between themselves (and of course with the multicultural group of participants) and to come together to have a good time in overall. In addition to this event, as and follow-up activity, this booklet and video-material has been put together with the great help of the participants. This material is a brief overview of methods used in the youth exchange “Europe Goes Green�. It has been created to inform and inspire youngsters in all the partner countries to think about these important subjects and encourage them to take action on their own to make changes in their surroundings.
Forum Theatre Method Mari-Liis Velberg Piret Soosaar FORUM THEATRE is a social, participatory, interactive and dialogue theatre. It is a part of Augusto Boali´s (Brazilian renewer of theatre) system of The Theatre of The Oppressed (www., that was developed by him in 1960s. The purpose of the mehtod is to help to restore the communication between people, so they can stand up for they interests and rights. To help all to develop themselves, so that they can help other to grow and develop. The Theatre of the Oppressed is a system of Exer-
cises, Games and Techniques based on the Essential Theatre, to help men and women to develop what they already have inside themselves: theatre. The basic aim of the Theatre of the Oppressed is to humanize Humanity. In FORUM THEATRE process a scene or a play is presented that must necessarily show a situation of oppression that the Protagonist does not know how to fight against, and fails. FORUM THEATRE is a collective rehearsal for reality, where people, that share the same oppression are trying out several possibilites to overcome oppressions. People learn how to live in society by playing theatre. FORUM THEATRE is meeting point of theatre and community work/social work. FORUM THEATRE can be seen also as a social pedagocial method, that develops Emotional and social Intelligence. Via encaging people into the problem solving process through emotions it is motivating people to find new behavioural patterns and to CHANGE.
Mostcommonly worldwidely used TOPICS in FORUM THEATRE: addiction problems; rassism; conflicts between and inside classes; homophobia; sexual discrimination; physical, emotional, material violence; HIV/AIDS; disability; different problems at schools etc. VAT Teater Forum Group from Estonia has been active since 1999. The main target group have been youngsters, but also specialists, who work with youngsters and other groups, such as teachers, students, prisoners, jailers and socialworkers. Some important discussion topics in our work have been: violence (in scool, home, street), drugs, stealing, discrimination. WORKSHOP IN VORMSI, „EUROPE GOES GREEN“ YOUTH EVENT: In the morning part we warmed up the group and for that we used Forum Theatre games. Games are important part of the process, because they help the group to open participants´ senses, to see more clearly the social problems that are important to them and would be presented through theatrical play. We also used Image Theatre in the morning part.
In the afternoon part we opened up the theme “environment” using different techniques. Participants were working towards the evening performance in the 4 different groups: 1. VOICE group was working with the question WHY? Finding key question in the theme - environment - that are important to them and training to ask these question as powerful as possible. For the evening performance it looked like choir of questions and solos. As it was first part of the performance it was good to make audience to think about the theme environment. 2. MOVEMENT and SOUND group was working with sounds and movements that represented for them theme environment. In the evening performance they were like choir of movements and sounds inspired by the theme environ-
ment and they also acted out a battle between people and nature using also only sounds and movements of there body. It was good to warm up different senses of the audience. Different sounds awake memories of people and expression of the body speaks sometimes much more than spoken words. It also made the audience to think more because they had to use more their own vision to get the idea of the act. 3. PICTURE/IMAGE THEATRE group was using improvisation theatre method that Forum Theatre uses a lot. They were training to create in the evening performance still images for the audience. So in the evening they were asking from the audience words about the theme of environment and then created pictures/ still images using their own body. They also asked the audience to reflect the images by telling, what was happening in these pictures. 4. FORUM THEATRE group prepared a Forum Theatre scene - play about the theme of environmental problem and they performed it in the evening performance after the first 3 groups had made a warm up through opening different aspect on the topic (voice, sound and movement and image theatre). During the interactive play, that was lead by Joker (facilitator), the audience was trying to find ways how this problem that was presented in the scene could have been solved in different ways. Active dialogue with performance participants took place.
We found the participants, who took place in the workshop, very enthusiastic and open to work with the topic though theatrical excercises. Eventhough it was quite challenging for them and for us to give the overview of Forum Theatre during so short time – one day. Especially brave was their dedication and acting (in all 4 groups) in the evening performance. We understood, that it is good, that at some moments such a big groups works in smaller groups separately and then comes togehter again and shares with each other the outcome of their individual work, they prepared. In this way also surprise as such, works, and consentration is better. Probaby the participants were motivated in a good way, because the prework by organizers with them was done very well and they knew, where and why they were coming. This is important in Forum Theatre aswell – people must care about the topic and must care about each other, before they start doing something creative and challenging together in a same space. CONTACTS: Mari-Liis Velberg, VAT Theatre Forum Group/ Forum Theatre project leader and Joker E-mail: / mariliis@ / Tel: +372 56 982 380 Piret Soosaar, VAT Theatre Forum Group/Joker E-mail: / Tel:+372 56656494
GLEN Aire Nurm
GLEN coordinator in Estonia 2009 & GLEN participant in South Africa 2008
Kersti Puhm GLEN participant in Cambodia 2008
INTRODUCTION OF GLEN GLEN stands for “Global Education Network of Young Europeans” and aims at contributing to a better understanding of global interdependency, fair and sustainable ways of living, to a responsible development policy and to North-South relations based upon equal partnership and mutual respect. One of GLEN activities GLEN raises public awareness and understanding of global development issues and of the interdependence of the life of people in Europe and developing/transition countries. GLEN thus supports Europeans’ informed action as responsible global citizens.
Eneli Meresmaa
GLEN coordinator in Estonia 2007-2008 & GLEN participant in South Africa 2007
Paul Senosi Global education facilitator, NGO Mondo
Global Education within GLEN Global Education is an active learning process which consists of three components at the same time: knowledge, values and skills. It starts with raising a first awareness of certain problems, then creates a deeper understanding of the complex issues behind. Thereby it aims at changing people’s attitudes and encourages them to reflect on their own role in the world. Through Global Education people are finally motivated and empowered to become active in a responsible way. GLEN multipliers contribute to global education with • workshops and activity days in
schools • seminars at university, with NGOs or else • contribution to campaigns, festivals, event days • newspaper articles, radio or TV documentaries • production and dissemination of a films, slide shows • photo exhibitions • many more GLEN in VORMSI GLEN workshops in Vormsi consisted of 3 different activities. 1. PolePole (Tanzanian/Finnish group) concert and african dance workshop 2. Horoscope of poverty discussion workshop 3. Global Campaign for Education
• As all the GLEN workshop leaders have done their internship in South (Africa and Asia) the main focus relied on reflection of the experience and it encouraged people to find the link between global issues (environment versus poverty for example). • The african dance workshop and PolePole concert was a lead-in activity towards the discussion of global issues and it gave an impulse to think further just before the workshop next day. • Horoscope of Poverty combines knowldege and creative composition to explore issues about concequences of poverty and the opportunities in
life which are denied to poor. The main objective was to understand the link of fundamentalities (interdependencies of the life of people – environment, social rights, globalisation) The workshop was a discussion workshop where the group was divided into small groups and the assignement with instroction was given to discuss it for 20 minutes. After this, each group presented their work and the feedback with question was given in the end. The materials: life cards, blank paper, markers, tape The workshop was successful as it brought up different questions and ideas and the main aim was to encourage people to dive deeper in these issues and find the links between global issues. And people were full of energy as these issues matter most probabaly. What we could have done different: there is always a time limit and when people open themselves, then there is a lot to discuss. Therefore it is necessary to find the right time limit for this. We had a bit of lack of time.
• Some tips for the activity: make sure the group understands the activity. Make sure the group has a bit of knowledge about global issues (if not, make a short introduction). Make sure the group feels inspired then the outcome is enormous. Make sure that everybody feels good about the activity, there is no right or wrong answers!!! • Global Campaign for Education - The workshop was based on Grassroots comics strip development from watching documentary films (The Island of Flowers and Testing Hope), group discussions where the storyboard is developed and leading into the actual drawing of comics. • The aim of the activity was to create awareness around the issues of education in other parts of the world, reasons why children are denied their right to education including child labour, poverty and child soldiers and we also dealt with the issue of consumption
comics and in such a way that even the illiterate person can understand them without being an artist.
The secondary aim was to show young people that stories can be told through
• The materials used in grassroots comics are very simple: A4 paper, pencil and rubber and a willingness to have fun. In our case we decided to recycle posters that have been used in an youth exchange and did our comics on the back of the posters. • At the end of the session participants had an opportunity to give their feedback and from the reports it is evident that young people regard this as a good tool to express grassroots issues in an easy and affordable manner and the documentaries in turn heightened their awareness of issues faced by students in third world countries. • It is crucial to be aware not to show doc films that are too long in order not to loose the group and also choose subject matter that is relevant and that will stimulate their interest. Some participants thought it was a small holiday and as such used every single moment during the youth exchange to do some other activities, but the vast majority took part. • What we could have done different :Perhaps one could include a small session on drawing of comics, a basic introduction.
Living Library is an opportunity for intercultural learning and personal d e ve l o p m e n t aimed at people who usually have little access to or time for non-formal Gea educational programmes. Grigorjev “A stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet.” This old anti-racist movement slogan is as simple as it is complex. Simple, in that it implies the pure necessity of communication: talking to and meeting with strangers who could potentially become friends; complicated, as it is, in fact, not that easy to meet and speak to people, who, depending on perspective, are indeed really ‘strange’. Surrounded by images and fragments of information about others, people are left to their own imagina-
tions and assumptions or to their prejudices and stereotypes, and very often the two go hand in hand. The Living Library gives people an opportunity to speak in private and personally to a ‘stranger’ in a structured, protected, yet completely free space – within a strictly limited time, but without any further commitment. This framework is probably one of the reasons why the Living Library has been so popular wherever it has been organised: readers can predict the risk they are taking in meeting the Other. In living library projects the living books are members of groups who are subject to discrimination and stereotypes. In a living library session a library of living books makes themselves available for borrowing by members of the public for a thirty-minute or so ‘reading’. Living libraries can take a number of forms and be organised for a range of purposes. Generalist living libraries are comprised of living books representing a range of backgrounds who might give themselves ‘book titles’
according to intersections of, for ex- exercise to find the similarities and difample, ethnicity, religion, sexuality or ferences between the participants which ability. Some living libraries operate on aimed to show how unlikely it is to meet a regular, ongoing basis, while others a person with exactly the same interests are organised for one-of special events and values and how it is important to recognize and respect this. Everybody such as festivals. The idea of a Living Library (Men- got the chance to think a little bit about neske Biblioteket = Human Library) was which could be the title and prejudices initially developed by the Danish youth if THEY would bee a book and all toNGO “Stop the Violence” (Forenin- gether a catalogue was put together. gen Stop Volden ) as part of the ac- After learning a little bit more about tivities the NGO offered to visitors at the Living Library in theory and good the Roskilde Festival 2000, Denmark’s practices, the workshop was continued largest annual music event. Based in with a practical play-trough of how Copenhagen, “Stop the Violence” was the actual library should be like and the roles of a peer-led youth librarians, initiative aimbooks, ading to educate vertisers young people to and readbe active in the ers were prevention of divided. violence among The Living Library The paryoung people. Organizers Guide ticipants of The Living LiR. Aberger, A .Rothemund, G.Titley, P.Wootsch the youth brary became part of the Council of Europe’s pro- exchange were given the opportunity gramme “Youth promoting human rights to put the skills gained in this workshop in use by arranging a Living Library on and social cohesion” in the year 2003. In the project “Europe Goes Green” the final event of the exchange – the Living Library was used as one method fair day. A small group of volunteers, to give the participants and members inspired by the workshop, took this of the local community an opportunity chance, prepared the setting and with to speak about different environmental the involvement of locals carried out a successful small Living Library with subjects. As an introduction to the method books titled like “Forest guard”, “Vormsi there was an intensive workshop, ex- island dictionary”, “Eco-farmer”, “Vegplaining the main points of the Living etarian” etc. Library. The workshop begun with an See also
“Don´t judge a book by its cover”
Re-use workshop
or text on it and etc. There are many different possibilities. At the workshop we concentrated on introducing some silk- printing possibilities.
Kadri Toom Kristiina Ribelus Idea: textile and clothing: to encourage people to use their clothing longer by giving your clothing new life and look by using different printing techniques and free design. Most probably we have all found ourselves in a situation while looking our clothes that have been used but we do not wear them anymore and we are in a dilemma: should we throw it away or keep it even if we never wear it. This kind of clothing are the best to re-use by changing them: design over, add or take something away, print some picture
Activity: Every participant took an old T- shirt with him/ her and at the spot everyone got a textile bag to decorate. First of all we printed the project logo on the bags and t-shirts using silkscreen print techniques. For further designing it was possible to use potato print, pattern boards, free drawing and painting in order to make your t-shirt more personal. For painting and printing we used textile colors. Result: Old T- shirts got a new life and 50 identical bags become 50 original artworks, witch still have practical use as well in participants’ everyday life. We hope that this workshop inspired people to use their own old clothe again by re-design them instead of buying new ones without thinking: „maybe I can be creative and design something new using my old?�.
Art- workshop Idea: to give a new look by decorating an old and horse cart using the local Vormsi symbolic and ornaments. For painting we used natural colors and we were mixing them by ourselves in order to get the suitable tone. We got inspired from the traditional handmade bags that are made by locals from the island and the bag is called BINDBOGEN. The bindbogen bag has many colorful stripes on it and this pattern was enlarged and used for decorating the horse cart. In the end of the workshop we gave to the old horse cart a new colorful and more traditional look that suits very well with the atmosphere of Vormsi is-
lad. In the workshop there was also the possibility to make post-cards using the re-use techniques. The results of both of the workshops were presented in the market in the last day!
Re-use work shop
Multimedia workshop
This Is My
Short Story Antonella
I have never participated in an intercultural cultural exchange before Europe Goes Green project and I didn’t think it could be so amazing and exciting! I thought it was a very nice and interesting way to spend original holiday or visit a new country, but a cultural exchange is not only this… for me it was one of the best experience of my life and I never forget Vormsi Island, Es-
tonian people and also all my new European friends!! All the group of the youth exchange was fantastic! I have find very nice, positive and open minded people! We did a lot of great activities like theatre, dance or paint but for me the best workshop was the flea market… because it was a great moment of meeting local people!
My way, the
greentosay! Rolf
Green, green, green. I hear it falling everywhere, as if it’s a late summer shower, actually it is the biggest problem of the latest hour. Plastics ruin environmental systems, choking fuels warm up the earth causing polar ice to melt. Plus let us not forget about our own health. However, for problems are solutions, and it starts with thinking. Thinking
about what could be better and how it could, or to be more specific, should be done. We live in a vast society that lives by the wealth of its spending. Consuming usually leads to a deteriorating position of our planet and therefore continuing in this wealthy way leads to an ending. How do we solve this tremendous problem? It will certainly not be something
that will go over by night. The last few years there has been a shift in mindset. More and more people get notice of our position and our “success”. With this shift in mindset new developments in the green theme have arrived, therefore in the first time of history green ideas have survived. Electric cars, developments in wind-, solar-, and tide energy, organic food.
It all becomes better. By bringing the right people together new cool projects arise and become a success. Let’s join this success because we can’t proceed like this, therefore I choose to go to Estonia to meet other people who would like to make a difference. “We know the problems, now act to work the solutions”
Europe goes green. An expectation? A fact? An obligation? A responsibility? Filippo
More or less 50 young Europeans discussed about environmental and global issues through non-formal activities and discussions. All this has been possible thanks to the Youth In Action program, a project made by European Union in order to promote the mobility across Europe and to give to young people the opportunity to exchange information and different points of view as far as a specific issue is concern. For a young person this is a very convenient way to travel, to meet friends and to confront (also because you only pay the 30% of the travel costs!) On this hand Europe seems to be more careful to young people than the National States. The philosophy of these “cultural
exchanges” is that the intercultural dialogue, encouraged also and above all within the young generation, is a winning instrument that help to prevent conflicts, allow to deal a problem from different points of view, can give different cultural answers as to a specific case, improve persons and the way the relate; in conclusion a richness. This programs, in my opinion, should be enlarged in all the world if we want to build an Earth in which people feel like “international citizens”. Yes. I believe in a worldwide citizenship in which “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” This in respect of the cultural differences. And is in this point that the cultural exchanges
contribute to meet each other and to discuss, to speak, to make questions, to relate. Yes, because the dialogue is a very important ingredient that help to transform all the diversities from fear to richness. In Vormsi Island I find a perfect organization, very kind people always
ready to help you, and a good activity program. I suggest to everybody to make an experience like this one. Why not? Try, if you don’t like you only have to suffer one week!!! Thanks to everybody a special hallo to all the participants.
How Europe went green Lee
A fairy-tale which you`ve never heard before. Be ready to hear this unbelievable tale of friendship, caring and changing. PS. Beware of the side-effects (green thinking, becoming a nature protector, signs of hippism, wearing only greencoloured clothes, becoming a fair-trade activist etc)! Once upon a time in a land called Estonia, not too far from here lived two fair maidens named Maris and Gea who were both witty and pretty. On one good day they both came to realize that they were`nt happy with the way things were and they decided to do something about that. But first, they had to see a wisewoman, who could tell them what to do. The wisewoman looked
into the future and said: „Ahaa! I see... I see many young people from different countries, they are all doing interesting things together, having fun, learning new things.. They are all changing in that progress.. I see changed personalities, world-views.. New ways of selfexpression.. Dancing.. I see the sea.. It`s everywhere.. Painting.. A dark man. And I see green.“ Maris and Gea looked each other in the eyes, they both knew what the old lady was talking about.. They both knew that they had to organize a youth exchange which will involve young people from different European countries who all would share the urge to make a difference. But what will be the theme of that youth exchange??
Two maidens looked around them and started to think. What was the thing that bothered them the most? They thought, thought and thought. All of a sudden they both saw the answer, it had been sitting right in front of them all this time. It was the consuming-based world surrounding them that made everyone unhappy. So, the two lovely maidens had they`re theme. They decided to name it „Europe goes green“. But a youth exchange needs participants also. One-two-three and girls had selected the countries which they thought should be involved: Greece, Estonia, Portugal, Netherlands, Spain, Latvia and Italy. When they had found contacts from all these countries, they realised they needed a place to invite all these people to. So they looked on the map of Estonia and there it was: a perfect little island laying on the west coast of Estonia, being like a small curtained place full of peace, beauty and clean nature. Then the girls wrote a project to the Founders and finally real work could began. As the girls wanted the exchange to be both – utterly fun and thoroghly educating, they had to do a lot of work to achieve that. But they managed well and already in the sunny summermonth of July they arranged an AVP on the island. Group-leaders from all participating countries came together, explored the island and met the local youngsters who were also going to participate. It
was clear, that the island was owerwhelming, but with little “buts“, which were luckily all manageable. Together they agreed on the time-schedule and important details. Everyone was looking forward to the exchange. Then the girls had a busy month doing the last preparations and finally in the middle of August all 50 people met on that small island called Vormsi. At first we all were a bit frightened because there were so many of us and none of us knew exactly what was going to happen. But as the wisewoman predicted, Maris and Gea had thought everything through so well that everyone had a good time and everyone learned new things. Thanks to the girls the participants were introduced to the different environmental problems that are surrounding us daily but which we may not notice, such as the water problems in India and Africa, the changing climate which has leaded to different seasons and due to that rising agricultural problems. Principals of Fair-Trade and ecoawareable consuming along with global education were explained through group-works and discussions. By forum theater we learned to express ourselves with our bodies and to trust oneanother. We made a play for the locals about green thinking. We danced and united in learning and performing traditional Tansanian dance. We learned about the culture of the participating countries. We made movies about en-
vironmental thinking. We sung different traditional songs of our countries. We painted with environmental-friendly colours. We used bicycles for transportation. We enjoyed ourselves. We grew fond of each other. We were friendly. We were tolerant. We were aware. We were green. The transformation that happened in that August was amazing. We all knew that we were changing in that progress and we all liked the change. We enjoyed to feel that we think differently, we enjoyed to know that we will make a difference. We all knew that the island also had an impact on us with it`s endless green forests, meadows, rocky beaches, fierce storms and warm sunshine. The island itself set a good example to all of us with it`s garbage collecting system: every village had it`s own garbage house with different contain-
ers for differend sorts of garbage. Everyone recycled. Everyone was happy. Everyone was green, wether they knew it or not.
Klaara my grandmother was 13 years old when she stepped on Vormsi island first time in her life. She came there with her mother, father, 3 sisters and one brother. Her family was
promised to get farm there for free, which one they did not know they just had to find which is suitable for them. It was year 1943, just little bit before 2nd World War. All Swedish people
And what happened in the end? In the end we all went home. But we were not the same persons who came on the island two weeks ago. We had more or less become economisers, we didn`t want to continue destroying our planet. We wanted to make a difference. And we will make a difference thanks to that amazing experience we shared on that small island off the west coast of a land not so far from here, called Estonia. And I guess I wouldn`t be lieing if I end this really happened yet unbelievable fairy-tale with words: And they all lived happily green ever after.
About Vormsi island through my Liisi thoughts
who used to live there since 24th century (that’s why all names of villages are in Swedish) had had to abandon their farms and leave. The family found farm on Sviby nearest village to the port. Grandmother started to go to school in Hullo same school what is there now. Since 14th century Swedish people lived on this island, there were more that 2500 inhabitants back then. Grandmothers family started to live there, and now sister of my Grandmother is still living in Sviby. So when I was a child I used to go to Vormsi to help to make hay for cows and other animals
my grandaunt had. Now on Vormsi island there are living 334 persons all through the year most of them Estonians some Swedish pensioners or people who have their summerhouses. Architecture on island has still strong Swedish influence. Swedish red and way windows have their special surroundings and white color which is used to make beautiful contrast. And it is wonderful place to hikes – lot of ways especially for people with bicycles. My favorite is Rumpo peninsula, were we all went and Saxby cape which is only of limestone and you can see really far to the sea.
Europe goes green Meldy
It’s always hard to find a challenging summer destination. A few days before I heard about the exchange, me and a friend where talking about the Baltic countries. It never crossed our mind to go there, we almost forgot they existed. While searching the internet for some cheap flights, plop an e-mail. The Dutch group was rapidly searching for people to join them. Immediately I ran down steers, grasped my phone and called Olwin.
On the flight to Tallinn I was pretty curious to whom the other people would be and if there would be any ‘cultural’ differences. I had been in other exchanges, but always with people from outside Europe. During the week noticed some small differences, especially with people from the southern countries. The way of pronouncing, body language, music, food, etc. all tiny fragments in which I felt small, though interesting, differences.
Europe goes
green Europe Goes Green has been my first youth exchange. I left Italy ready to have fun, but actually this Estonian experience has been even better than I had imagined! Even if our accomodation wasn’t exactly what you would call comfortable (sleeping on a light mattress on the floor, no pillow, sharing two bathrooms in almost 50 persons and so on) we all had a great time and I had a chance to prove myself that I could cope with situations I wasn’t used to. Besides, all the partecipants were so nice and caring that living with them, even if only for ten days, has tought me a lot and since I got back to Italy I have been feeling different: I am readier to accept new things and more open towords people. Of course people are always the most important factor to
enjoy a situation, but all the workshops and activities we have been doing were interesting and stimulating, too. I really enjoyed decorating the bags in the recycle workshop and acting during the forum theatre day, and trying to create some comic strips on a very impressive and involving topics such as the poverty in Africa linked to climate changes has been a very deep experience. Vormsi Island has been the perfect setting for this exchange, a very sparsely populated island with just a few pretty houses, a lot of trees and an incredible number of stars above. What else could I say? I will keep this Estonian summer in my heart, and thanks everybody for giving me the chance to live these wonderful moments with you!
Europe goes
During Europe Goes Green project I have learned about green thinking and
William learned it in an interesting and fun way! Coming to Vormsi Island was a great
experience as the island is full of forests and lakes and I couldn’t imagine of anything more greener. This shows that of the project was in a great location and I believe will ever forget that small island! To think back to the project I have many great memories: from riding a horse to making a short movie in a week was all something memorable. The way we learned about green thinking was not by sitting around and discussing for 10 days about what is good and what is wrong instead of this we were encouraged to think for ourselves about these issues through creative activities like art and drama and etc. For me the most interesting was multimedia workshop. The challenge of the workshop was to make a short movie
focusing on green thinking. The whole process of film making was great as we had to work in teams and I can say that from this team I have made some good friends with who I still keep in touch. Thanks to the film making we had the possibility to see fantastic locations and stunning views in Vormsi. The thing I loved the most about the project was that all the participants were involved, everyone was friendly! The island is kind of magical at day time I saw beautiful forests and sea and the loads of green land and during the night I could lie down and watch the stars and the frequent shooting stars. I am sure someday I will return to Estonia while I have to admit that I really fell in love with this country.
Europe goes
green Vormsi. I returned from that small island, where spent 9 days of exchange, two months ago. When I look back and remember what I lived there I wish I could go back to relive the experience that marked me so much. To begin with, I remember how peaceful and quiet it was there. That tranquillity helped me understand how I am inside. What I liked the most was
getting lost into the woods and feel the cold surrounded by huge trees, because I can not do it here in Spain. I really enjoyed the activities of “Europe goes green�, and I had a great time in the theatre, the African dance, the intercultural-night, the flea market ... On the other hand, there were activities that made me think and understand how lucky I am to have been born in a de-
veloped country. Furthermore, thanks to all the activities of “Europe goes green” I understood the meaning of teamwork, sustainability, and many other values that today are getting lost. But what I really miss are my teammates. There I made many friends with whom I shared moments that I will never forget: night talks with Jana, watching the stars with Meldy, many laughs with Antonella ... Although all this wouldn’t
had been the same without my Spanish group, especially my leader Ramón, who for being his first time as leader didn’t do it so bad, and Eva, my wholehearted support. And before saying goodbye, I would like to thank Maris, for her hospitality and for receiving me in this exchange, and Gea, for being the sun during the cloudy days.
Europe goes
A sound of a Dutch bike bell, taste of Italian parmegiano, Spanish chorizo, Latvian black balm, movie with Portuguese landscapes, Greek songs… where can you find all of this during just one night? Europe Goes Green brings you the answer: in a little Estonian island, Vormsi. All of these were experienced by the locals and us, the foreigners, during the intercultural night, when we all had a chance to get a genuine taste of this specific mixture of cultures, exchange ideas and share our opinions about what we really think of Spanish bulls or big Italian glasses. This intercultural melting pot was held, fortunately, not just for a one night. Youngsters from 7 different countries
Sumi were exposed to a Vormsi atmosphere during 10 days of August, during which we got actively involved in a life of calm Estonian community. Intercultural night, painting T-shirts, workshop of African Dances… The best about it all was the fact that the exchange was opened for the locals, who became a crucial part of it, offering us in return the essence of Estonia: a specific sense of humor, national dances show, an evening in a wooden sauna, to not to mention the unforgettable atmosphere created by the Estonian music played next to the fire. All of these carried out by some ordinary people, who were just happy to show the others what it means to be an Estonian from Vormsi. Along my experience with Youth
Exchanges I got familiar with some slogans about involving the local community, increasing awareness of different cultures and facilitating the exchange of the ideas. But until the Europe Goes Green in Vormsi I never really understood what it means. I was quite fed up with the projects that were focused just on the participants getting to know each, gaining some new skills and presenting their countries during just one night, usually in the form of few sentences directed to the public together with slicing a typical cheese or sausage
sprinkled with national drinks. Vormsi was different. We had a real chance to get to know the local community, who was very friendly and willing to know us. It was the first time that during an exchange like this, being a participant gave me an opportunity to not only learn, but also enrich the others in a very direct way. I will never forget that sunny day of a Flea Market, a smile of a blond Estonian girl who got a little butterfly on her cheek painted by me and my own smile when I got a pair of boots for 1 euro.
International youth Exchange Europe Goes Green was organized by Tallinn Youth Work Centre Tallinn Youth Work Centre (TYWC) belongs to Sports and Youth Department, was officially established in the begin-
ning of February, 2003. The oldest youth centre in our structure was established in 1998. TYWC is the umbrella organization that organizes regional youth work in Tallinn through its departments – Youth Centers and Tallinn Youth
Information Centre. The target group of TYWC, according to the Estonian Youth Work Act, is 7-26-year-old youth from different socio-economic background from Tallinn and its neighborhood. The aim is to support and create the possibilities for various development of a youth through self-initiative and developmental activities. The organization is collaborating with non-governmental organizations and other institutions working in the youth field to implement various activities and projects. According to “Joint Intentions´ Agreement” signed in 2003, the document associates all the youth centers in Tallinn as one effective collaboration network that enables to use the common annual membership cards and tightens the collaboration between the centers. The work of Tallinn Youth Work Centre can be divided into four fields: Youth Centers, Youth Information and Counseling, International projects, Youth Workers´ Training and Youth Work Development. Organizers: Maris Pajula, Gea Grigorjev, Liisi Saareväli
Partner organizations: NGO Kids In Action, Greece, Participants: Dimitris Vrakas, Diora Tsantekidou, Thomas Tsipoulanis, Makis Kertsalis, Iliana Christaki Youth Centre Baze, Latvia Participants: Jana Keibeniece, Dace Lēģere, Evija Šmoteka, Kārlis Krēsliņš, Nauris Vovers, Artis Krauklis Associazione culturale „Arci-Strauss“, Italy Participants: Giulia Rosa Maringoni, Diletta Colleto, Paola Castellotti, Filippo Facco, Antonella Cappellaro, Alice Marcellina Trevelin