Fresh ideas, wide-eyed optimism, offbeat humor and thinking outside the box define the young members of our staff. They have plenty to learn from our more seasoned pros—but they have something to teach as well. #FutureIsInGoodHands #Welcome
Alex Izant, men’s associate & buying assistant, Cleveland to the core, shoe addict, Tribe fan, trend spotter, Ferrari-dreamer.
Alex has spent seven years in the clothing business—that’s over 25% of his life. After four years with a national chain, he was ready for our offer to join the Trout team last spring, and has focused on building our clientele of younger guys—and taking good care of our core clients. On days off, he’s wearing sneakers (from his significant collection), hanging out at Chautauqua, or planning a triple-header dream date: a visit to the West Side Market, followed by an Indians game, capped off by a great steak dinner at Red. #FashionIsConfidence #CLE #WearWhatYouLike #StrongSuit #AllAboutTheDetails #TribeTown #NewJobNewSuit #StreetStyle Chelsea Robbins, women’s associate & buying assistant, Univ. of St. Andrews UK, feminist, Laurel Grad, equestrian/trainer.
It seems just yesterday that Chelsea was our “Saturday Girl,” fresh from high school and helping in the women’s store. Now she is a student in her final year of an accelerated dual degree M.A. program in International Relations and Art History at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Chelsea spent three years contributing her fashion sense to Dont Walk, the U.K.’s most innovative and philanthropic student-run fashion show, and while in the U.K. she continues to assist Andrea with buying for our women’s shop. Chelsea looks forward being in the store during the holiday season, and again when she finishes school next April. #MixItUp #Wear360Sweaters #LoveLuxe #FashionMatters Chrissy Stone, women’s associate, Dog and cat lover, New Yorker, local underground music, former gymnastics coach, Go KSU!
Chrissy arrived as a summer intern, and we invited her to stick around! She’s just nine months away from a Fashion Merchandising B.S. at Kent State University (the #2 program of its kind in the U.S.), and has an acumen for customer service and fashion. “Working with an independent retailer has given me opportunities that a chain couldn’t,” explains Chrissy. “I especially connected with the store’s mission of unhurried and uncommon service.” After graduation, she’s looking forward to a career in styling and visuals for a fashion magazine. #YoungAndFresh #TwentySomethingStyles #Rag&Bone Gianmarco Rinaldi, merchandise coordinator American, Canadian, bizarre food eater, electronic/chill listener, Montrealer.
You may not see Marco on the selling floor (yet), but that’s because his passion is learning the business from the inside out. He’s the heartbeat of the store: responsible for efficiently ordering, receiving and coordinating all merchandise between our vendors, the selling floor and our customer. An Ohioan through and through, but with Italian heritage and a Montrealer’s mentality (dual citizenship and a month in Quebec each year will do that to a guy), Marco is our resident conundrum. Like his other-motherland to the north, his outlook combines an old-world mentality with artistic and social freedom, dressed in a Billy Reid shirt, Gardeur jeans and Walk-Over boots. #DapperYoungGent #BillyReid #StyleGuys #Gardeur #WearWhatYouLike #LaceYourWalkOvers