April 15th, 2016

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week 16- 15


April, 2016 • Vol 43 • 15th Edition • ISSUE 2235 • Established MARCH 1973

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Friday 15th - Thurs 21st April 2016

© All images, design and content in the Killarney Advertiser is protected by copyright © for the benefit of the Killarney Advertiser or third parties. No part, image or design may be reproduced in any other publication without the prior appropriate written consent of the copyright holder.

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"what is told in the ear of a man is often heard 100 miles away" - Chinese Proverb

Let’s All Get In The Frame To Create History

IT’S TIME to get snap happy in Kerry. To mark the centenary of the Easter Rising 1916, Muckross House Research Library, is inviting everyone to help create a photographic record of Kerry on Saturday, April 23, and Sunday, April 24. The creative project will also raise funds for hugely deserving local charities, Kerry Life Skills, Kerry Diocesan Youth Service, Kerry Stars Special Olympic Club and Kerry Cancer Support Group. “The photograph should reflect an aspect of Kerry life or play,” said Patricia O’Hare of Muckross

House Research Library. “The first step is to take a photo on the weekend of April 23-24 and upload your image to www. snapciarrai.ie. You can then vote for one of these four charities: Kerry Life Skills, Kerry Diocesan Youth Service, Kerry Stars Special Olympic Club and Kerry Cancer Support Group. Each charity is guaranteed to receive a minimum of €2,016.” The website will show everyday life in County, Kerry street scenes, Kerry at work and at play, historical Kerry, and the county’s natural world.

Launching Snap Chiarrai are Denis Reidy, manager, Muckross House, Jay Galvin, Kerry Cancer Support Group, Denis Murphy, Kerry Stars, Paul O’Sullivan, Kerry Stars, Sheila Casey, Kerry Life Skills, Patricia O’Hare, Muckross House archivist, Audrey Reidy, Kerry Cancer Support, Tim O’Donoghue, Kerry Diocesan Youth Service, Jane Curran, Kerry Stars, and Chris Barron, Kerry Life Skills. PICTURE: VALERIE O'SULLIVAN

Little Green Cars Rev Up For Killarney Performance DUBLIN quintet Little Green Cars has been announced to headline Folkfest Killarney on July 8. Little Green Cars were still in their teens when they were spotted and signed to Glassnote and recorded their widely acclaimed 2013 debut Absolute Zero with producer Markus Dravs. That album changed their lives, taking the five former school friends on tour everywhere from Europe and Australia to Russia and the States, which they criss-crossed six times in three years. The US portion of the 2013 tour included a live performance of their single Harper Lee on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon Now all in their early 20s, Little Green Cars are both a different band and the same five

friends who met every Sunday aged 15 in singer Stevie Appleby’s garden shed to start writing songs. As with any five-piece band their style is made up of varying musical tastes, with a blend of folk and an alternative style which is similar to Mumford and Sons. Other acts confirmed for the 2016 Folkfest Killarney include Christy Moore, The Waterboys, Damien Dempsey, Colm Mac Con Iomaire, Iarla O Lionaird, We Banjo 3, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Mike McGoldrick Big Band and more acts to be announced. Tickets are on sale now via www.ticketmaster.ie, www.folkfestkillarney.com or INEC Box office on 064-6671555.

Editor’s View Snowmen and sun lotion compete for our attention QUEUING at the supermarket checkout on a sun-soaked Monday evening, I noticed how the cashier, like pretty much everyone that day, could not avoid a few quips about the weather. Seeing as Sunday’s snow had been succeeded by Monday’s soaring temperatures and sunshine, it was the topic on everyone’s lips when it came to smalltalk at the start of the week. The cashier and the man ahead of me had a swift incisive discussion about how it’s all down to global warming. “Put it this way, I’ve never in my lifetime seen snow in April,” was the customer’s parting shot as he grabbed his bag of groceries and bustled out the door into the dazzlingly bright and balmy evening. Saturday was rainsodden and to open the cur-

tains on Sunday morning to a Christmas card-vista as snow tumbled playfully to the ground outside was at first a little magical (on higher grounds the snow actually stuck around!). But as day wore on the snow became rain and sleet and the leaden skies and sharp easterly winds gave everyone the feeling that spring had sprung back into its shell and to paraphrase the Game of Thrones opener, that winter was coming – back. Last year New Zealand weather guru Ken Ring predicted that Ireland would experience snow around mid-April, and that our last “snow day” could be as late as May! Daffodils may be heralding that the new season is here, but snowmen on Ladies View are hitting home the global warming message of unsettled weather patterns. I suppose it shouldn’t come as a surprise seeing as the Latin

name for Ireland, Hibernia, reflects the ancient Romans’ take on our wintry climate. EVE KELLIHER, EDITOR A snowman gazes over Ladies View on Sunday. PICTURE: DON MacMONAGLE

•Have you got a story or an opinion you would like to share? Contact The Editor, Killarney Advertiser, Unit 1C Park Place, Killarney, telephone 064-6632215 or email newsdesk@killarneyadvertiser.ie

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Kerry Tourism Businesses Are Perfectly Pitched A NUMBER of Killarney representatives were among the tourism businesses from across the county that attended Fáilte Ireland’s largest trade fair this week. Meitheal, which was held in Dublin in conjunction with Fáilte Ireland’s sister agency Tourism Ireland, brought over 310 overseas buyers into the country to meet with 455 Irish tourism businesses, for two days of pitching and deal-making. An annual event, last year’s Meitheal resulted in over 2,650 new business contracts being signed, including almost 900 contracts with international operators who had never programmed Ireland before. At this year’s event, there were up to 40 tour operators in attendance who have not previously had Ireland on their


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books – predominantly from China, India, the Gulf States and South Africa. Fáilte Ireland’s CEO, Shaun Quinn said: “By bringing both overseas and Irish operators together eyeball to eyeball, we managed to generate deals and contracts which will ensure significant additional tourism activity next year – including in County Kerry.” In the run up to Meitheal, Fáilte Ireland also published its annual Visitor Attitudes Survey which shows that overseas holidaymakers to Ireland last year continued to rate the country as good value for money and that the country matched or exceeded their expectations as a holiday destination.

Alan O’Connor, Killarney Park Hotel and Joan Crawford, Fáilte Ireland.

Clio O’Gara, Destination Killarney and Joan Crawford, Fáilte Ireland. PICTURES: FENNELL PHOTOGRAPHY

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Muckross Schoolhouse To Host ‘After Sarah Miles’ THEATREGOERS will flock to The Schoolhouse at Muckross Traditional Farms on Thursday, April 28, as it hosts the acclaimed production After Sarah Miles. Written and performed by Michael Hilliard Mulcahy, the drama is directed by Andrea Scott. Hailed as a touching piece of quality Irish theatre, this one-man show is one of the best recent examples of contemporary Irish theatre pieces that balance the traditional with the modern. After Sarah Miles premiered at the Viking Theatre in 2013 and was hailed by Sunday Independent theatre critic Emer O’Kelly as “a lilting wonder…pure art perfection”. After Sarah Miles is Castlegregory native Michael Hilliard Mulcahy’s fourth play. In the play, Bobeen wrestles with the harsh tides that an Irish fisherman must endure and while he finds it hard to face the sea now, what he discovered in the mouth of the bay almost 30 years ago keeps calling him there and to the waters beyond it. This time it will connect him to what he thought was lost and gone forever. The play commences at 8pm on April 28 in the Schoolhouse. Admission is €12 and there will be a post-show talk and tea.

Question What can I do if I have a problem with an item I’ve bought online? Answer If you are not happy with an item you’ve bought online, you should always contact the trader first to make your complaint. If you are not satisfied with their response, you may be able to get help. If your complaint is against a trader here in Ireland, you can contact the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission for advice. If the trader is in another EU member state, you can contact the European Consumer Centre Ireland (ECC Ireland). The ECC may contact the trader and try to resolve your dispute. If this is not successful, ECC Ireland will forward your case to an alternative dispute resolution organisation in the other country. You can also use the new Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform. The online ODR platform is operated by the European Commission for consumers living in the EU. It aims to help consumers and traders settle online disputes without the need to go to court. You use the platform to find a neutral third party (called dispute resolution body) to handle your dispute. You don’t have to pay when you submit a complaint using the ODR platform. However, a dispute resolution body may ask you to pay a fee if it agrees to handle your case. When a dispute resolution body agrees to handle your case they'll tell you what the rules are, including how much you have to pay. The outcome can depend on the type of dispute resolution body and their rules and procedures. Some decisions may not be binding on the trader. If you disagree with the outcome you might be able to appeal the outcome or take your case to court. Sometimes there may be nothing more you can do. Further information is available from the Citizens Information Centre below.

Inmo Conference Is Killarney Bound THE Killarney branch of the Irish Nurses & Midwives Organization (INMO) will welcome over 350 delegates to Killarney on May 4-6 for its 97th annual delegate conference. The critical shortage of nursing staff will be one of the main issues on the agenda at the national event. This year’s conference will take place in the Killarney Convention Centre at The Gleneagle and its theme is Registered Nurses & Midwives Making the Difference – Professionals in Action. “There are almost 70 motions up for debate and a new president and officers will be elected on the final say of conference,” said Kerry delegate and Killarney native Sheila Dickson.

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15. 16 . 17 April

Shelia Dickson.

The conference last took place in Killarney four years ago when Ms Dickson was INMO president. There will be a charity quiz and raffle and the proceeds will go to the Holy Cross Day Care Centre which is fundraising for a new bus. The gala dinner with invited guests will be entertained by the newly formed local band Arklight.

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Director CORMAC CASEY Business Development Manager AIDAN QUIRKE Business Development Manager CATHERIONA CAHILL Customer Service CAROLINE DEVANEY Editor EVE KELLIHER Senior Graphic Designer RIA KAVANAGH Graphic Designer CAROL O’LEARY Contributing Editor EAMONN FITZGERALD

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Branching Out For World Record Bid GO ON, show your love for trees by giving one a big hug. A four-day celebration of trees in Killarney will include an attempt to create a record-breaking tree hug. The event, which was launched on Monday, will take in the restored Killarney House & Gardens on Friday, May 20, as part of the Celebrations of Trees event, which runs from Thursday, May 19, to Sunday, May 22. The tree hug will involve students from schools in the Killarney area as well as local businesses and visitors. TV personality and architect Duncan Stewart, who revealed details of the event at the launch in the Killarney Plaza Hotel, said: “The Killarney Celebration of Trees weekend is all about helping people to understand and appreciate the priceless contribution trees make to the quality of all our lives,” Carmel Brosnan of the organising committee invited all to the “mega tree hug” on May 20. “Assembly points will be announced on a dedicated website www. killarneycelebrationoftrees.com,” said Carmel. Other tree-related activities will include talks on trees by author and tree expert Thomas Pakenham and award-winning Chelsea Flower Show garden designer Mary Reynolds. Guided walks around Killarney National Park will also take place daily.

Tree huggers: Launching ‘Killarney Celebration of Trees’ are Pat Dawson, Regional Manager, National Parks & Wildlife Service, Duncan Stewart, Eco Eye TV series, who launched the festival, Tom Roche, Just Forests, Carmel Brosnan, organising committee, Johnny McGuire, Killarney Chamber of Tourism & Commerce. PICTURE: VALERIE O'SULLIVAN

The main event on Saturday, May 21, will be the ‘Sound of Wood’ concert in St Mary’s ‘Church of the Sloes’ (Church of Ireland. The newly refurbished Killarney House & Gardens is the setting for a talk by Duncan Stewart, and Fr Sean McDonagh, a leading campaigner on climate change, on Sunday, May 22 – UN International Day of Biological Diversity.

The weekend will culminate in the creation of the ‘Killarney Declaration on Nature’, which local businesses will be asked to sign up to. Cinema Killarney will host the Irish cinema premiere of ‘Nature is Speaking’ on Thursday, May 19. Killarney Library is the venue for an exhibition Wood of Life and Killarney Outlet Centre will host

Library leaders open new chapter in Killarney THE Library Association of Ireland/Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Ireland joint conference concludes in Killarney today, Friday, April 15. The event, which has been taking place in The Malton Hotel since Wednesday, has as its theme Survive and Thrive: Strategies for Success. Plenary sessions cover strategic planning and advocacy for libraries of all types plus a presentation on the leading joint-use library in the UK and Ireland. Speakers include Nick Poole, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals chief executive; Helen Osborn, Libraries NI; Susan Reilly, Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries/LIBER executive director; Helen Shenton, librarian and college archivist of Trinity College Dublin and Deirdre Ellis King, past-president of the LAI. Nearly 20 exhibitors are on hand to display and demonstrate a range of library supplies.


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a fascinating exhibition of the world’s most commercial timbers. The weekend is being organised by Just Forests in association with the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Killarney National Park, Killarney Tidy Towns, Killarney Chamber of Tourism & Commerce and the Trustees of Muckross House.

Charity fishing competition on Lough Lein THE annual charity fishing competition takes place this weekend on Lough Lein. Since 1987 this event has raised over €200,000 for various charities. “Entries are up again this year and we look forward to supporting the 2016 nominated charity, Killarney/ South Kerry branch of The Irish Cancer Society,” said Rory O’Flaherty. “Once again we thank our main sponsors for the fundraising raffle, Lee Strand,

Killarney Avenue Hotel and Kerry Coaches.” Lough Lein Anglers is delighted to facilitate the Senior Irish Men's International Team, who will be fishing the competition on Sunday. “They are using the competition as a practice run for the Four Countries International Competition, which is to be held on Lough Lein later this year,” added Rory. “Tight lines and safe fishing to all.”

Microtrack meeting

The Malton Hotel, which is hosting the Library Association of reland/CILIP Ireland Annual joint conference.

A PUBLIC meeting about the community microtrack in Killarney will highlight the current status and progress of the project. The meeting, organised by the South/East Kerry Community Rural Track Ltd group, takes place at 8.15pm on Friday, April 29, in the Killarney Court Hotel.

“It should be noted the positive impact of this project on the wider community, that this project will have. The facility is for all, has full planning permission, has been fundraising and is sustainable,” said spokesman Jerry Griffin.

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Fashion Pack To Hit The Catwalk DEDICATED followers of fashion will be hotfooting it to Killarney before the month is out, thanks to Killarney Legion GAA Club. Make sure you mark Thursday, April 28, in your diary as it will see leading Irish designers and boutiques unveil their latest collections at a style extravaganza in The Malton Hotel. Speaking at the launch of the event in Killarney House & Gardens, Killarney Legion GAA Club chairman Enda Walshe said: “Last year's show, which attracted close to 600 people, was a great night for fashion lovers and this year promises to be even better.” Norma O’Donoghue of the Norma O’Donoghue Model Agency added: “The line-up is a who's who of top Irish designers while the country's top boutiques will also be showcasing what's hot for summer 2016.” Norma and her team will host the evening. The agency’s models will be styled by Killarney's award-winning hair specialists at Sean Taaffe Hair & Beauty, complemented by makeup by Before and After Make-Up Artists. Pulling the strings on the night will be Radio Kerry's Alan Finn, joined by celebrity style guru Noel Cunningham. “Noel gladly mingled with the audience at the inaugural event last year, and his wit and charm wooed all in attendance,” added Norma. The best-dressed lady award is sponsored by Keanes Jewellers. The event will commence with a wine reception. Tickets, €25, can be booked from The Malton Hotel, Kerry's Boutique, Sewell’s Pharmacy and Keanes Jewellers.

Call for permanent sound system THE provision of a permanent sound system for Killarney would be invaluable to the town, according to Councillor Michael Gleeson. Cllr Gleeson has urged the council, and all interested parties, to progress the provision of such a facility saying it would be particularly useful for festivals and celebrations. The council replied the tourism unit of the council in co-operation with the Killarney Municipal District is liaising with Killarney Chamber of Tourism & Commerce in an effort to secure funding for a permanent sound system for the town. Councillor Gleeson welcomed the positive response, saying: “Every possible effort should be made to maximise the tourism potential of the area and that this system would greatly enhance the area.”

Norma O'Donoghue, Elaine Howard and Aoife Begley with Legion chairman Enda Walshe at the launch of the Legion GAA Club fashion show. PICTURE: EAMONN KEOGH

Making The French Connection THREE Irish tourism companies, including Killarney Hotels, travelled to France recently, to attend Salon Réunir International, a trade show for the MICE and business travel sector which took place at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris. The two-day event (formerly known as Meedex International) gave the participating tourism companies an excellent opportunity to meet, and do business with, more

than 2,000 of France’s most influential corporate meeting and event planners – through a series of workshops, seminars, networking events and at the ‘Meet in Ireland’ stand. Meet in Ireland is the official MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences and events) brand for the island of Ireland, which comprises three tourism authorities, Fáilte Ireland, Tourism Ireland and Tourism Northern Ireland.

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PROOF if it were needed that spring has sprung in earnest is the fact that the Wednesday evening clean-ups are recommencing. The clean-ups, organised by Killarney Looking Good/Killarney Tidy Towns, will start again next Wednesday, April 20, from 7pm to 8pm. All welcome. The group will meet outside Miss Courtney’s Tearooms on College Street and bags and gloves will be provided.

Liam O’Connor And Micheal O Muircheartaigh In Gneeveguilla

Eva Schmid, Killarney Hotels Ltd, on the Tourism Ireland stand


Killarney Looking Good Clean-Ups

LEGENDARY broadcaster Micheal O Muircheartaigh and accordion maestro Liam O’Connor will take centre stage in Gneeveguilla on Friday, April 22. The special 1916 concert will be held at Teach Fáilte. For information or tickets, contact Joan, 064-7756805, Cormac, 087-2338203, Yvonne, 086-3722463 or Mike 087-2682251.

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Summer Escape New day Spa from ESPA at The Europe Your experience includes: 75 minute back, face and scalp massage (30 min back neck and shoulder massage with hot stones, 30 minute express facial, 15 minute scalp message) Post treatment access to the spacious spa relaxation lounge and A delicious two course lunch in the stunning Spa Cafe and full use of the Active level and spa facilities This package includes 75 minute total treatment time, a two course lunch in our Spa Cafe and access to The Active Level facilities at ESPA at The Europe. â‚Ź150 per person Available from May 3rd until June 30th. Monday - Thursday only. Subject to availability (public holidays not included)

The Europe Hotel & Resort, Killarney, Kerry. Tel: 064 6671300 Email: reservations@theeurope.com website: www.theeurope.com 15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser



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Fourteen Of Dáil's Independent TDS Pulled Out Of Government Talks A GROUP of 14 Independent TDs agreed to abstain from yesterday’s vote for Taoiseach in what has been dubbed the ‘Ag House Agreement’. The 14 deputies include the Independent Alliance, the so-called ‘Rural Five’, the brothers Michael and Danny Healy-Rae and Maureen O’Sullivan. The decision to unite came following a meeting of the Independents in Agriculture House close to the Dáil. It became clear that a Fine Gaelled minority government or another general election are the most likely outcomes. The Independents who made the agreement to abstain yesterday afternoon released a statement as well as a copy of the signed document. "The fourteen undersigned Independent TDs have agreed to abstain on the votes for the two main parties for the position of An

Taoiseach today. "We are stepping back from the talks on the formation of a new government with both parties until they agree a reciprocal agreement that they will give mutual support to each other, in the event of either party leader becoming Taoiseach in a minority government. "We require that they agree to a minimum of three Budgets in order to give stability to the Irish people. We are offering to facilitate both parties in this task in any way that will hasten the formation of a government," the statement concluded. It is signed by Kerry Independents Michael and Danny Healy-Rae, the members of the Independent Alliance: Shane Ross, Seán Canney, Michael Fitzmaurice, John Halligan, Finian McGrath and Kevin 'Boxer' Moran as well as Dublin Central Independent Maureen O'Sullivan. The 'Rural Five' group of Denis

Deputies Michael and Danny Healy-Rae.

Naughton, Michael Collins, Noel Grealish, Dr Michael Harty and Mattie McGrath also signed. Meanwhile, the Dáil failed for the third time to elect a Taoiseach. Following the vote, Taoiseach Enda Kenny invited Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin to authorise his party's negotiating team to

Specsavers Killarney To Reach New Heights TOMORROW, Saturday, April 16, sees Specsavers Killarney’s fundraising activities reach new heights as staff participate in a stair climber challenge to raise much-needed funds for Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin. As part of the newly launched ‘Climb for Crumlin’ campaign, Specsavers staff member Tony Power will embark on the epic journey of climbing to Mount Everest Base Camp and employees and customers across the country will go the distance on stair climber machines. Customers in Killarney are invited to drop in to their local store on Saturday, April 16, and show their support by taking part in the climb or making a donation to the worthy cause. Alternatively, customers can purchase and complete their very own wish card which will be delivered to the monks at Everest Base Camp. Wish cards cost €1 and Specsavers will match every €1 raised from these cards, with all funds going to Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin. Thomas Doyle, director of Specsavers Killarney, said, “It is clear that Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin, has touched the lives of many Irish families and 14 children from Kerry were admitted to the hospital daily in 2014. We’re delighted to extend our commitment to the refurbishment of the hospital’s ophthalmology unit which provides treatment and care to the thousands of children who are affected by vision conditions.”

Tony Power with Mia Coleman and Max Barrett.


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resume talks with Fine Gael. Mr Martin told the Dáil it was time to move on and he said they would continue to participate in talks on a minority government. The Fianna Fáil parliamentary party was due to meet yesterday evening to discuss the outcome of the vote.

Family Fun Weekend In Aid Of Down Syndrome Kerry ALL are welcome to a family fun weekend taking place tomorrow, April 16, and Sunday, April 17, in aid of Down Syndrome Kerry. The programme will unfold from 12 noon to 5.30pm at Ballyseedy Home & Garden. Attractions on offer will include music, a barbecue, bouncy castles and giant games. You are also invited to dress up and bring along your teddy for the teddy bears’ picnic each day at 2pm, admission €2 per child. The event is being held in conjunction with the Tour De Munster, a four-day charity cycle covering 600km. “It cycles through all the six counties of Munster over these four days and its aim is to raise as much money for the six branches of DSI in Munster as is possible in order to provide vital services to our members to make up for the lack of what is provided by the Government,” said Debbie Dillon of Down Syndrome Kerry. A Tour De Munster partnership spin will take place tomorrow, Saturday, in which cyclists from Munster who are in training for the big event come together for a 60-100km cycle. “This is also incorporated into a fun weekend for all the public and our members who come out to support the cyclists when they leave Ballyseedy at 10am and welcome them back on their return, at around 3.30/4pm,” said Debbie. “This partnership was held last year in Ballyseedy and due to its success it has remained there this year. It was held in Cork the previous year.” The Tour De Munster will take place in August and will feature renowned cyclists Sean Kelly who has taken part in the tour for the last number of years.

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TOP GEAR STARS ROLL INTO TOWN SOME of the stars of Top Gear were spotted in Killarney last night, including a Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe which will feature prominently as the BBC show is filmed around Kerry’s roads today and over the weekend. The production crew arrived in town at dusk, with the gleaming €500,000 Rolls Royce in tow. The luxury car will be driven by one of the hosts of the show, Chris Evans or Matt LeBlanc, along the county’s highways and byways in coming days. Matt LeBlanc was also in Killarney and stopped to chat and pose for a photo with young Killarney Top Gear fan Daniel MacMonagle. Chris Evans revealed on Wednesday that he and the Friends star planned

Daniel MacMonagle with Matt LeBlanc.


on visiting Dingle and Killorglin this weekend. He said on his BBC Radio Two show: "Mr LeBlanc and I are going to Ireland on Friday to make a Top Gear film, actually to make a couple and then one combined, and we're thinking of going to the Dingle area." A Rolls Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe will feature in the filming.

Going By The Book To Remember 1916 KERRY authors will be opening new chapters on the history of the Easter Rising and events surrounding 1916. ​​​Killarney-based author Joan O’Reilly’s book "Simplified History - The 1916 Rising" will be launched by Irish Examiner editor Tim Vaughan in Killarney Library on Tuesday, April 19, at 7pm. Joan’s first book tells the whole story of the Rising, the people involved and what happened day by day. Meanwhile Kerry 1916: Histories and Legacies of the Easter Rising – A Centenary Record is edited by Bridget McAuliffe, Dr Mary McAuliffe and Owen O’Shea. It examines how key incidents in Kerry impacted on events in Dublin and beyond and charts the stories of almost 150 Kerry men and women arrested for their involvement. It will be published on April 22, with a launch at the Rose Hotel at 8pm.

Owen O'Shea, Dr Mary McAuliffe, Bridget McAuliffe.


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Joan O’Reilly.

Get On Your Marks For AIB Schools Fitness Challenge KERRY sharpshooter James O’Donoghue was on hand on Tuesday to help launch the AIB Schools Fitness Challenge. Last year over a thousand students took part in this major sporting event hosted by the South/East Community Rural Track group and St Brendan’s College and sponsored by AIB. The hugely successful 5k event, in aid of the Killarney Microtrack project on New Road, is being organised by the same trio of groups again this year. The AIB Schools Fitness Challenge will come under starters’ orders in Killarney National Park on Wednesday, April 20. It will be open to all secondary school students who will run/jog/walk a 5k route and fifth/sixth class primary students who will complete a 2k course on the day. “The Killarney Microtrack project aims to provide the Killarney and surrounding communities with a fantastic facility that all surrounding communities will benefit from,” said Brian Looney of AIB. Kerry GAA Stars Colm Cooper and James O’Donoghue will be on hand throughout the day to meet and greet the students. Registration begins at 12.15pm in the field in Knockreer next to the playground and the event will start at 1pm sharp. Participants €5 donation will go directly towards local community project, Killarney Microtrack Fund.

Paul O'Neill, Killarney Chamber, Bobby Dwyer, manager, AIB, Padraig Daly, Killarney Valley AC, Kate O'Leary, Killarney Chamber President, Tomas Griffin, AIB, Johnny McGuire, Killarney Chamber, and front, James O'Donoghue and Brian Looney, AIB.

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Best Actor Award For Michael Fassbender KILLARNEY’S Michael Fassbender was named Best Lead Actor in a Film at the Irish Film & Television Awards at the weekend. The Fossa man won the gong for his role in Steve Jobs, while Saoirse Ronan won Best Lead Actress in a Film for Brooklyn. Liam Neeson, meanwhile, received the award for

Outstanding Contribution to Cinema from President Michael D Higgins. Actress and producer Roma Downey, best known for her role as Monica in TV series Touched by an Angel, received the inaugural Irish Diaspora Award from Bob Geldof. The other big winner was Room. The Oscar-nominated

flick won seven awards, including Best Film, Best Director for Lenny Abrahamson and Best Script for Emma Donoghue. Cork native Sarah Greene was presented with the Best Supporting Actress in Drama award for her role in Penny Dreadful.

Marcus Wins Ifta For Klondike Script Michael Fassbender.

FARRANFORE native Marcus Fleming has been making a name for himself worldwide as a talented scriptwriter and at the weekend added sought-after IFTA award to his impressive haul of accolades. Marcus took a bow at the Irish Film & Television Awards when he won the award for Best Writer/Drama with the television series An Klondike. The TG4 Western drama reaped four awards for the Irish language channel, with the popular drama earning nine nominations in total. An Klondike was produced by Abú Media a production team that has received a number of previous IFTAs: it took an IFTA award in 2014 for its drama/history series 1916 Seachtar na Cásca, having taken an IFTA in 2013 for the reality series Jockey Eile. “An Klondike is a four-part Western drama series that tells the story of the Connolly brothers; three Irish immigrants who travel from Montana to the Yukon during the Klondike gold rush of the 1890s in the hope of striking it rich,” said Marcus. The son of Myra and Andrew Fleming, Marcus is a past pupil of Coolick National

School and St Brendan’s College. Congratulations were swift to flow in from across the globe for his award as well as from his three brothers and three sisters. The awards received by the TG4 drama included, the award for Best Drama, Best Lead Actor Drama: Dara Devaney, Best MakeUp and Hair: Ailbhe Fitzpatrick and Stephanie Smith, Best Writer Drama: Marcus Fleming.

Marcus Fleming with his IFTA.

Anthony Morris and his family pictured in happier times.

Anthony Morris's family, friends and members of Spa GAA Club are organising the fundraising coffee morning on April 29.


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

Killarney To Help Anthony In Battle Against Lyme Disease KILLARNEY man Anthony Morris has spoken of how moved he has been by the offers of help he has received as he battles chronic Lyme disease. A once very strong, fit and active man, the former Kerry footballer is now a shadow of his former self. Having been ill for the past eight years, Anthony is in constant pain and suffers from neurological symptoms. Doctors and Germany and the United States just recently confirmed the diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease. “For the first time Anthony has a treatment option that will significantly improve his quality of life,” said his brother Jim. “He is in constant pain and constantly tired with fatigue. It is now attacking his brain, his spinal fluid, his nervous system, his heart and his liver.” On May 10, Anthony will start his journey to Washington DC to begin his treatment in the USA. "I have been deeply moved and humbled by the overwhelming support and offers of help from friends and strangers alike, not only in Killarney but all around the county. Their encouragement and best wishes are greatly appreciated during this most difficult period of my life. I would sincerely like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart,” said Anthony. A coffee morning to support him will take place on Friday, April 29, in the Flesk Restaurant from 10am until 12.30pm. The coffee morning is being organised by the Morris Family, The Flesk Restaurant and members of Spa GAA club. “The Morris family look forward to welcoming you on the day for what is sure to be a morning of great food, music and with a host of spot prizes to be won. All donations will go straight to helping Anthony on his long journey ahead,” said Jim. In addition, a benefit dance will also take place on May 7 in the Manor Inn in Killorglin; contact family members for tickets.

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Rose Hotel Blossoms In Tralee The Rose Hotel was launched by owners Dick and Eibhlin Henggeler. PICTURE: DOMNICK WALSH

THE ROSE HOTEL opened its doors this week, marking a poignant occasion for its owners, Killarney native Eibhlin Henggeler and her husband Dick Henggeler. The couple have built on the initial investment of purchasing Fels Point Hotel last June, and have unveiled what can only be described as a complete transformation of the 165 bedroom hotel. Eibhlin and Dick are the parents of the late Dorothy, the 2011 Washington DC Rose who sadly passed away two years ago. The hotel includes Dott’s Bar, where you can relax with Irish whiskey, a cocktail or relaxing meal from the new menu created by executive head chef Odran Lucey. “Dott was so full of life and laughs like so many of our Irish friends and family and she would have absolutely loved The Rose Hotel and especially this bar,” said Eibhlin. The new gourmet restaurant is named The Rose Room.

The hotel’s function room, The Lee Suite, was renovated before Christmas and already has enjoyed huge local support and interest from the local community in terms of parties, dinner dances and weddings. The hotel employs 100 staff and from January-March 75 people from local companies were employed during the refurbishment programme. “This has been an incredible journey and one that Eibhlin and I have thoroughly enjoyed and we are now looking to the future and delighted to cement our long term commitment to Tralee, The Rose of Tralee International Festival and The Dome development,” said Dick Henggeler. “The Rose of Tralee Festival had a huge impact on Dorothy and us – we now have a much larger family because of it. We also like to thank Anthony O’Gara and The Rose of Tralee Team and our incredible team at The Rose Hotel and everyone involved in this refurbishment.”

Singing Friar To Take Centre Stage In Killarney THE celebrated Italian tenor Friar Alessandro, best known as the Singing Friar from Assisi, will be striking a chord with music fans in Killarney this weekend. Friar Alessandro who will take centre stage in St Mary’s Cathedral on Sunday, April 17. The Singing Friar will also perform in Athlone and all profits from the Irish concerts will go directly to the Franciscan Mission in Zimbabwe. Friar Alessandro shot to fame in 2012 on the release of his debut album Voice of Assisi. The album went to number one in the UK Classical Charts and was nominated in the Best Album of the Year Award in the Classic Brit Award 2013. His second album, Joy to the World, was released in 2013, followed by his third album, Voice Of Peace, in 2015. He is also the first religious brother to land an exclusive record contract with a major record label Universal Music. In his visits during 2014 and 2015, Friar Alessandro appeared on the Saturday Night Show twice and performed to thousands of fans in sell-out concerts in Dublin, Cork and Galway. The 34-year-old, a dedicated Franciscan Friar, is signed to Decca Records, part of the Universal Music Group. In keeping with the vow of poverty made by Friar Alessandro, all proceeds from his singing career go straight back to the Franciscan Order’s charitable works. His performance in St Mary’s Cathedral commences at 8pm. Tickets, €10, are available at the door, on Eventbrite.ie or can be purchased in advance from Killarney Cathedral. The supporting musicians at Friar Alessandro's concert will be Marina Cassidy, Killarney, a renowned harpist and singer, accompanied by organist Sr Anne Flanagan, a Mercy Sister from Athlone.

Classic Cars And Tractors Motor Into Action THE Killarney Valley Classic & Vintage Club is gearing up to host its charity run this Sunday, April 17. The event will feature classic cars and pre-’96 tractors. The entry fee is €20 and registration takes place at the Travel Inn Hotel, Fossa. As always, charity will be the big winner on the day, with the event raising much-needed cash for Down Syndrome Kerry, Kerry Cancer Support Group/Kerry-Cork Health Link Bus, the Irish Pilgrimage Trust and the Irish Kid-


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

ney Association. “Cars will be registered from 11am and leaving at 12 noon and tractors will be registered from 1pm, leaving at 2pm,” said Tom Leslie of the club. “In addition, on their return, there will be a trad session at the Travel Inn Hotel from 5pm to 8pm featuring Killarney School of Music.” Fur further details, contact Jacqueline on 087-3381842, Tom on 087-2383809 or Gearoid on 087-3526399.

Irish Wheelchair Association Commemorates 1916

Tom Leslie.

THE Killarney branch of the Irish Wheelchair Association will be holding its 1916 commemoration next Wednesday. The event, organised for members of the branch, will take place in St Mary’s Parish Hall at midday.

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AN EXCITING line-up is on the cards for residents of Muckross as the local community association hosts its night at the dogs on Saturday, May 28. The event takes place at the Kingdom Greyhound Stadium in Tralee in aid of the Muckross Community Centre. “The fundraiser is being organised to defray the debt on a 1,000sq ft extension to the community centre. Since its completion last year, the €145,000 extension is continuously being used by Muckross RC, Muckross Community Youth Club and Muckross Community Play School as well as other groups,” said Liam Kelly, chairman of Muckross Community Association. Liam added that a generous grant of €109,000 was allocated for the centre under the Leader programme with the assistance of South Kerry Development Partnership. “Muckross Community Association took out a loan to pay for the balance and needs to eliminate that €37,000 debt,” he said. Sponsors are needed for the races and people are also needed to nominate dogs. If you feel you can help out in any way, just contact community association chairman Liam Kelly, Loreto Road, or any of the other committee members. “Everyone will be entered for the buster race as part of their €10 entry fee,” said Liam. “There are six dogs in every race. A total of 720 combinations can be derived from those six numbers. These combinations will be printed on the tickets. The lucky person who comes up with the winning formula will be heading home with €250.”

Comedy Club In Killarney GET set for lots of laughs as Killarney welcomes its very own comedy club. Teddy O Comedies is located upstairs at Teddy O’Connor’s on High Street and will run every Sunday at 8.30pm for the season. The club is run by Kerry comedian Bernard Casey. The funnyman from South Kerry is an award winning comedian and won the prestigious "Toilet Duck" Award at TedFest 2016. He has supported Jason Byrne and Ardal O’Hanlon in their London shows and here at home has opened for Après Match, Karl Spain and PJ Gallagher. Bernard's YouTube videos are very popular - these include The B Team, GAA Stereotypes, Irish Language Post Match Interview and the audio/visual series Breaking Balls. This Sunday, April 17, Teddy O Comedies will host some of the best upcoming Stand Up comedians the country has to offer. Performing on the night alongside MC Bernard Casey are Danny Ryan, winner of Show Me the Funny 2015 at Electric Picnic, Stephen Ryan, Chortle UK Student Award finalist, and John Spillane. Doors open at 8.15pm and the show begins at 8.30pm. Entry is €5.


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Muckross Gets Set ‘To Go To The Dogs’

Members of Muckross Community Association launching their night at the dogs fundraiser.

Orla Hits All The Right Notes To Win Coveted Prize LEADING young musician Orla O’Connor took a bow at a major talent showcase in The Malton Hotel on Sunday when she was crowned Kerry School of Music’s 30th Young Musician winner. The competition ran from last Thursday, April 7, until Saturday, April 9, in the Kerry School of Music Fleischmann Studio in Tralee and culminated in the 30th Musician of the Year final on Sunday in Killarney. Fenit native Orla is the first traditional fiddler to claim the prize. She follows in the footsteps of West End leading lady Riona O'Connor and international mezzo-soprano Paula Murrihy, both of whom are past winners of the prestigious award. Indeed Orla’s teacher Maria O’Connor, herself a noted fiddler and ‘cellist, is also a past winner of the competition. Orla is also a classically trained soprano and ‘cellist and is a member

of the Kerry School of Music Senior Orchestra which was also performing on the night. The Kerry School of Music Junior Orchestra and Senior and Junior Flute Choirs also performed. Last year’s winner, Lixnaw flautist Muireann Ni Mhathúna was on hand to present the award to Orla. Joint second place runners-up were pianist Ben Johnson from Dingle, violinist Cliona Lynch from Killarney, violinist Caitriona Fitzmaurice from Young musician Tarbert, flautist Eva Munnel- winner Orla O'Connor. ly from Listowel and singer Eoin Foran from Killarney. Joint third place runners-up were 'cellist Eden Abrahams James Sugrue from Tralee. This from Tralee, violinist Caoilfaward is presented annually to hionn Doyle from Killarney, the Guitar student achieving the pianist Katarina Roberts from highest marks in the Musician Castlegregory, traditional fid- of the Year competition and is dler Clodagh Gaynor from Spa, made possible by a generous Tralee, and pianist Tess Dowling donation from an anonymous from Castlegregory. patron. The guitar prize was won by

Killarney Celtic Reunion THE Killarney Celtic League and Cup double-winning side of 1995/96 are holding a reunion on Friday, April 22, in the Fáilte Hotel at 9pm. Contact Noel Brosnan on 087-2340981 or Karl McMahon on 087-6383112 for further details.

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update A ROLLERCOASTER would be the best way to describe the last three months in Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra in Rathmore. The senior and junior girls football teams both won Munster finals and then went on to win All-Ireland semi-finals. “To reach two All-Ireland finals seemed hard to believe!” said a spokesperson for the school. Coaching both teams were Conni Vaughan and Kevin Coughlan. In addition, in February, football coach Conni Vaughan, managing to juggle football training with her own training, was selected to represent Ireland in the European Taekwondo Championships in Budapest. Here she won a bronze medal in individual sparring (65kg), a silver medal for team sparring, and a gold medal for team patterns. The senior final came first and despite a great second-half comeback from Rathmore, Gallan Community School proved too strong and came away with the win on the day. The under-16 All-Ireland final was played five days after the senior final giving little time for recovery for players who were involved

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with both teams. Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra hit six first-half goals on their way to victory over Mercy SS Ballymahon in the U16 All-Ireland Final. The player of the match in both the junior Munster final and the All-Ireland final was Ava Looney. Not to be outdone by their footballing counterparts, the under-19 girls basketball team qualified for the AllIreland qualifiers held in Naas during January. Indeed many of these girls were also members of the senior girls football team. The team qualified for the southwest finals where they defeated a much fancied Crescent College Comprehensive from Limerick. Following this victory, Rathmore hosted the All-Ireland qualifiers in early January. Rathmore defeated both St Mary’s from Mallow and Loreto, St Stephen’s Green. On reaching the All-Ireland quarter-finals, Rathmore won their first game against DLS Bagnelstown but lost out to a stronger team in St Mary’s from Naas by a narrow margin. Coaching this team were Mike McGillicuddy and John Hurley.

All-Ireland Glory For Rathmore

Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra Rathmore Senior girls football captain Sarah Murphy and Junior captain Sinead Warren. PICTURES: EAMONN KEOGH

The Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra Rathmore senior girls football team.

Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra Rathmore teacher Conni Vaughan who represented Ireland in the European Taekwon-do Championships in Budapest where she won gold, silver and bronze medals.


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The Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra Rathmore senior girls basketball team that reached the All-Ireland quarter-finals.

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school report

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Schools The Winners In Lee Strand Draw

Scoil Bhreac Chluain, Annascaul, which won €500 in the Lee Strand Cash 4 Schools Draw. PICTURE: DOMNICK WALSH

IT’S the cream of the crop when it comes to delighting schools and Lee Strand ensured the pupils at Annascaul school Scoil Bhreac Chluain were €500 richer this week. Following the Lee Strand Cash 4 Schools Draw, Mighty Mikey Milk created lots of excitement when he visited the school to present the cheque. Principal Mary Murphy said the school was delighted with the win. “We are very grateful to all pupils, parents and the wider school community who helped us collect lots and lots of tokens for the draw over the past few months. Ní neart go cur le chéile. Well done, everyone,” said Ms Murphy. John O’Sullivan, general manager, Lee Strand, said: “Lee Strand is delighted to continue Cash 4 Schools once again this year. A total of €2,000 will be presented to schools in Kerry and West Limerick, providing much-valued financial support for schools. We would like to congratulate our second winner this year Scoil Bhreac Chluain and wish all schools the best of luck in the next two draws.” Two more Cash 4 Schools €500 draws will take place in April and May. To enter simply collect 10 Mighty Mikey Milk mascots printed on Lee Strand one-litre and pint cartons or two-litre plastic bottles. Post your 10 mascots along with your name, address and telephone number to: Win €500 Cash 4 Schools Competition, Lee Strand, Ballymullen, Tralee. The next draw will take place at noon on Friday, April 29. For further information contact 066-71 21084 or visit www. leestrand.ie

Killarney Students In The Picture A CREATIVE and generous-spirited group of transition-year students from Killarney Community College put their photography talents to good use during the week. The class presented a framed collage of 48 different photographs, taken during their course with photographer Breda Daly, to St Columbanus/ Killarney Community Hospital. “They completed a four week photography course and decided they

would choose 48 of their favourite photographs and put them into a collage and frame it and present it to St Columbanus Killarney Community Hospital,” said transition-year coordinator Kerri McCarthy. The students presented the collage to staff and two of the residents, John Enright and Mary Flynn. The collage, which has as its title Magic in the Heart, is now displayed in the sitting room of the Heather and Hawthorn Back, Nora O'Connor (clinical nurse manager), Kathleen O'Donoghue (acting assistant director of nursing), Breda Daly (photographer), Marian Walsh (acting director of nursing) and Kerri McCarthy (transition-year Ward.

co-ordinator) and front, students Lauren O'Sullivan and Robyn Sheehan with John Enright and Mary Flynn.

Scoil Phobail Do The Double THE Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra second-year boys made history by becoming the first school team to win the 'A' Southwest Basketball Competition last Thursday in Mounthawk, Tralee. The Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra first year boys followed swiftly in the footsteps of the second years in the school on winning the' A' final on the following day at home in Rathmore. The Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra second-year boys who won the ‘A’ Southwest Basketball Competition.


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wedding update of the week update

"At news the touch of love everyone becomes a poet" - Plato latest news photos keeping you up to the minute .... latest news photos keeping you up to to the the minute .... latest ||| photos ||| keeping you up minute ....

From Madrid to Kerry for perfect big day BY EVE KELLIHER A SPANISH holiday set the scene for Paul Donnelly’s proposal to Leonie Casey. Leonie, from Shinnagh, Rathmore, and Paul, from Whitebridge Manor, Killarney, first met in Mustang Sally’s, Killarney, where Paul works, on January 1, 2012. He popped the question three years later, on April 10, 2015, while the couple were visiting Madrid. Leonie, the daughter of Sean Casey and the late Moira Casey, and Paul, the son of Kay Donnelly and the late Jim Donnelly, were married in St Joseph's Church in Rathmore by Fr Pat O'Donnell and held their reception in the Killarney Avenue Hotel. Padraig Healy of Evoque Photography captured the big day on camera, with the newlyweds posing at scenic spots in around Muckross and Killarney town. Leonie’s sister Martina Casey took on bridesmaid duties along with Emma Coffey, Cathy O'Donoghue and Siobhan Gavin. Paul’s brother James Donnelly was best man while his groomsmen were Sean O'Donoghue, Denis Nash and Darragh Donnelly. Emilie Clarke and Clodagh Donnelly enjoyed taking on the role of flower girls. The bride looked stunning in a dress sourced in Memories Bridal Boutique in Cork. The newlyweds, who live in Milltown, honeymooned in in Mexico and Boston as well as enjoying a Caribbean cruise. Leonie works in the reservations department of the O’Donoghue Ring Hotel Group and Paul works in Mustang Sally’s Bar and Nightclub.

•If you would like your big day featured in Killarney Advertiser Wedding of the Week contact Eve Kelliher on 064-6632215 or newsdesk@ killarneyadvertiser.ie


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

Leonie Casey and Paul Donnelly with their wedding party. PICTURES: PADRAIG HEALY, EVOQUE PHOTOGRAPHY

Leonie Casey with Martina Casey, Emma Coffey, Cathy O'Donoghue and Siobhan Gavin.

Leonie Casey and Paul Donnelly with Martina Casey Emma Coffey, Cathy O'Donoghue, Siobhan Gavin, James Donnelly, Sean O'Donoghue, Denis Nash and Darragh Donnelly.

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Intuitive Energy Healer Trisha Moloney Is an Intuitive Energy Healer who is a native of County Kerry. She teaches healing nationwide which helps the body and mind release stress and worry. Trisha works weekly in Tralee and Killorglin and will be starting soon in Killarney. Trisha says “my unique energy healing is a non-invasive treatment, very gentle yet powerful, life changing but very effective with immediate results. It treats everything from chronic anxiety, depression, emotional behavioural issues in kids, autism, ADHD, anger issues, digestive fatigue, low self-esteem issues (in teens), arthritis, trauma, headaches, migraine, back problems, to name a few.” Advice is also given on nutrition if required and Trisha also practices Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

One day workshops and two day retreats taking place over the summer in Kerry! For more information contact Trisha about clinic times and one-to-one healing sessions. Tel: 085-1625095 Also taking bookings for workshops in May.

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On Their Bikes For Charity ŠKODA and Liam Lynch Motors have got in gear to partner with the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle for fourth consecutive year. The Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle is the largest one-day charity fundraising event in Munster and celebrated its 30th year last year. Taking place on Saturday, July 2, the event welcomes thousands of leisure cyclists from across Ireland as they embark on a 180km journey along the spectacular Ring of Kerry to raise much needed funds for worthy Kerry-based causes. Cyclist, model and food blogger Roz Purcell described the cycle as “a fantastic event, and an important one which raises money for such worthwhile local causes”. Liam Lynch, of Liam Lynch Motors in Farranfore, said: “We are thrilled to partner with the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle for the fourth consecutive year. The atmosphere on the day is electric. We can’t wait to welcome the 10,000 riders to Kerry for what promises to be a great weekend of fundraising and festivities.” Last year, in excess of €1.85 million was raised for different charities in Kerry.” The designated charities for the 2016 edition are; Derrynane Inshore Rescue, Irish Kidney Association, Pieta House: Suicide and Self Harm Crisis Centre, Recovery Haven Kerry, South West Counselling Services Killarney, St Francis Special School, St Joseph’s Nursing Home in Killorglin, St Ita’s and St Joseph’s Post Primary Special School in Tralee and Talbot Grove. Cathal Walshe, PRO of the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle, said: “We’ve been working hard preparing for the 2016 edition of the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle and this year’s event is shaping up to be the best yet. Not alone does this event benefit worthwhile charities at a local level, but bringing 10,000 cyclists and their supporters to the area provides a huge local economic boost.”

Liam Lynch is pictured with a selection of staff of Liam Lynch Motors, official car partner to the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle. PICTURE: DON MacMONAGLE

Kerry Shows It Means Business With Ideas Showcase KERRY COUNTY COUNCIL is encouraging businesses and companies in Kerry to participate in the forthcoming Kerry Business and Jobs Expo at the INEC in Killarney on Sunday, April 24. The council, which is the lead sponsor of the event, says the expo provides a great opportunity for Kerry businesses to showcase their products and services. The cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council, Cllr Pat McCarthy, paid tribute to the organisers. “By coming together, participants can share ideas, learn from each other, and showcase their products and services,” said Cllr McCarthy. The cathaoirleach added that economic development, job creation and an improved business environment were key objectives for Kerry County Council. “The Local Government Act of 2014 gave local authorities like Kerry County Council a key role in economic development,” he said. “For the first time, local authorities have been designated as drivers of economic activity in their respec-

Launching the Kerry Business and Jobs Expo are Joanne Griffin (South Kerry Development Partnership), Mayor of Kerry Cllr Pat McCarthy, Liz Maher (Kerry Businesswomen’s Network), Breda Doyle, Sharon Browne (Kerry Education and Training Board), Mike Scannell, Kerry County Council, Fiona Leahy (Kerry Local Enterprise Office).

tive areas and have been given the mandate to work with other agencies and sectors to generate economic activity and create jobs locally. “Kerry County Council will soon publish its Local Economic and Community Plan which will set

out a number of key goals and strategies for the achievement of economic development and job creation in the county. It has been based on extensive consultation and has been formulated with the support of a range of agencies and groups in the county.”

Welcome For Water Pipe Replacement Works WORKS on water pipe replacement will commence in three locations in the Killarney area. Wecloming the news, announced at Wednesday’s meeting of Killarney Munic-

ipal District, in reply to his queries, Councillor Brendan Cronin said: “I have been campaigning for a number of years for this vital replacement works to the Mid Kerry water sup-

ply scheme and I hope these work will improve the water supply to the concerned communities. " The 2.2km pipe replacement at Bushmount to Cloonlara, Firies, will commence next

Monday, April 18th. The 1.5km Aglish to Coolbane works will begin in July. The 500 meter pipe replacement from Faha NS junction towards Rockfield will begin in June. Councillor Brendan Cronin.


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16


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It’s Nearly Show Time For Fiona Crowley Stage School

THE students of the Fiona Crowley Stage School are as busy as bees this week as they put the finishing touches to their much-anticipated endof-year showcase, which takes place on April 22 and 23. The curtain will go up at 7.30pm in the Killarney Racecourse Theatre. “We are so proud of all our students and the amount of hard work that they have put into making this year’s showcase one to remember,” said Fiona Crowley. “We have moved venue this year, to the wonderful Racecourse Theatre, where the students will perform extracts from various musical theatre favourites including Annie, Wicked and several others.” The school has also opened the ticket sales for this family show to the general public. “This show will have something for everyone, so come along and get lost in the world of musical theatre,” added Fiona. “To book your tickets you can ring 085-1068886 now as there is limited availability.”

Students of the Fiona Crowley Stage School getting ready for their show.

How To Reduce Sugar Cravings

Kerry-based Liz Byrne, who established White Feather Nutrition, has no shortage of advice when it comes to helping clients reach their optimal health potential Kerry nutritional therapy

At the presentation of prizes of the Gleneagle Squash Club monthly competition sponsored by The Aquila Club were seated from left, Sean Casey, Eoin Horan, Aquila Club, Eamon O'Donoghue, captain of winning team, Ken Malone and Eamonn Bowler. Back from left are Joe Carroll, Laurence Kelly, Donagh Crowley, Ryan Kavanagh, Bernice Enright, Paul Lynch, Mike O'Donoghue, Mike Crowley and Charlie Coakley. Picture: Eamonn Keogh

MY focus when working with a client is to assist them in reaching their optimal health potential by introducing a bespoke eating routine.' For instance, if you balance sugar levels in your body, you will be in control of your cravings. Avoid the vicious cycle of spiking sugar levels or you will “crash and burn”. 1. Include protein in every meal, in the case of snacks use plant sources e.g. hummus, as it promotes a slow release of energy from carbohydrates.

At the Spa GAA Club All-Ireland homecoming for the St Brendan’s College team were Gary McGrath (manager), David Carroll, Evan Cronin, Evan Cronin and Hugh Rudden.

2. Reduce “fast carbs” I call carbohydrates that convert to sugar in the body quickly 'fast carbs'. Examples include pasta and white breads these will increase your sugar level quickly but set you up for that crash that usually begins around noon after your 11 o'clock break. Try longer lasting carbohydrates such as brown rice or wholegrain brown bread/

oat bread with a lick of hummus and a side of a colourful selection of salad. 4. Ensure you consume between seven to ten portions (your nutritional therapist will recommend an amount suitable for you) of fruit and vegetables in your daily diet. 5. Exercise for 20 minutes or more per day (seek advice on what is suitable for you as everyone has different needs in this respect). By increasing your heart rate your body can deliver all the gorgeous nutrients you are putting in to their different port of calls as well as losing any excess weight if necessary. I also recommend yoga in addition to your cardio workouts. •For more, see www.whitefeathernutrition.org, email whitefeathernutrition@gmail.com or call Liz Byrne on 087-9508252.

15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser



birthday photos, wedding anniversary, 30th birthday - whatever the occassion....

Guess who's 60? Lots of love from Maria, David. Linda, Thomas & Niall

Caroline O'Sullivan, Dromavalla, Tralee, and Kieran O'Neill, Skibbereen, Co Cork, who were married in St Gertrude's Church, Firies. The couple will reside in Currow. They are pictured with Alan O'Sullivan, Timmy O'Donovan, Michelle Meaney and Mary O'Neill. Picture: www.PaperHearts.ie

Happy Big Birthday Eugie! Love from John, Marie, Alice & Michael WOULD YOU LIKE TO INCLUDE A BIRTHDAY PHOTO FOR SOMEONE? Please submit your photo by Wednesday at 5.30pm e20 per photo

Pictured at the fundraising walk to Saint Finian’s Holy Well, Commane, Glenbeigh, in aid of Saint Joseph's Home, Killorglin, were Mike Sullivan, Connie Naughton, Francis Flynn, Joan Crowley, Marion O’Sullivan, Anthony Naughton, Matt Cahillane, Maria Naughton, Angela Cahillane, Maura Lynch, Mary O'Connor, Eileen Quinn and Mary Naughton. PICTURE: MICHAEL G KENNY

The Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra Rathmore junior girls football team that won the Munster and All-Ireland U-16 final. In front are team managers Conni Vaughan and Kevin Coughlan with captain Sinead Warren. PICTURE: EAMONN KEOGH


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

Joan Culloty, left, and Phyllis O'Regan to the right with Killarney Bridge Club president Pauline Lyne. Phyllis and Joan recently came third in Ireland in the simultaneous pairs competition.


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Kilcummin Turns Back Time

Participants in the Kilcummin Comhaltas 1916 commemoration.

THE re-enactment of the 1916 Rising and the Comhaltas Easter raffle was held in Kilcummin recently. Children from the three national schools as well as second-level students treaded the boards, displaying huge talent. In particular the transition-year students from the St Brendan's College along with other young people from the parish and St Brigid’s Secondary School students put in a huge effort to bring this event to fruition, bringing history alive to the local community. Local man Conor Doolin opened up the event, giving a very informative presentation that highlighted the Kerry connections in the Easter Rising. Following the re-enactment the large and appreciative audience were treated to a wealth of local talent showcasing their skills in music, singing, poetry, dancing and artwork. “A sincere word of thanks to everyone who organised, participated and supported a very entertaining event and the Comhaltas branch,” said a spokesperson. “Míle buíochas do na daoine go léir agus tá muintir Cill Chuimín an-bhuíoch as an iarracht a dheíneadar.” There will be CDs available on sale of the event for a nominal fee; contact Marie Lehane at 087-9181973 for details.

Dancers get in step for the Kilcummin Comhaltas production.

Claire and Ivan O'Sullivan and Aine and Aoife Doolan.

Young people in costume for the Kilcummin 1916 commemoration.

Fr John Lucid and President of Kilcummin Comhaltas Joan McCarthy. 15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser



our entertainment guide | cinema | DVDs | books | music | Sudoku | recipes

TIME FOR A TIPPLE In association with CarryOut Off Licence, Tralee and Muckross Rds., Killarney

Irish whiskey making waves across the globe WHEN you see articles in Forbes and Fortune magazine’s comparing the highest-end Scotch and Irish whiskeys to see which is better, as you have in recent months, you know that the Irish offering is making waves on the international level. In each if these pieces the Irish whiskey compare very favourably but come comparisons between the two are plainly ridiculous. For instance, in 2014 worldwide


exports of Scotch amounted to €5.2 billion while exports of Irish whiskey for the same period were valued at €365 million. Thankfully this latter figure is growing but it should also be noted that all of the big names in Irish whiskey are now foreign-owned. Jameson, Paddy and Powers are owned by Irish distillers which are controlled by Pernod Ricard, the French multinational. Cooley Distillery, which makes Kilbeggan,


Banana and walnut ginger bread INGREDIENTS 9 oz self-raising flour 2 teaspoons ground ginger 4 oz treacle 4 oz butter 6 oz golden syrup 1 egg 1 box chopped walnuts 2 bananas, mashed

2 1 9 8 3 5 6 4 7

Last Week’s Sudoku answers

is owned by American giants Beam Inc. Bushmills is owned by a Mexican Company, Casa Cuervo. While Teeling, Dingle and some others remain in Irish hands for now there is no guarantee that this situation will persist. Teeling Small Batch is currently on promotion for only €29.99 (usually €34.99) and is aged in Rum casks for a delicate but different finish to most Irish whiskeys on the market.

6 5 3 2 4 7 1 8 9 7 4 8 1 9 6 3 5 2 8 9 5 7 2 3 4 6 1 3 7 2 4 6 1 8 9 5 4 6 1 5 8 9 7 2 3 9 3 4 6 7 2 5 1 8 1 8 7 9 5 4 2 3 6 5 2 6 3 1 8 9 7 4

this week’s prize...

e30.00 MARTINA HEALY, KANTURK, CO CORK Deadline for suduko entries is tuesday at 5.30PM.

Please enter your NAME, ADDRESS and TELEPHONE below and send your sudoku answers to the Sudoko Competition, KILLARNEY ADVERTISER by the following TUESDAY AT 5.30pm and you will be entered into a free prize draw. Strictly one per household. Prizes must be collected within four weeks.



METHOD Pre-heat oven to 160C/325F Gas 3. Grease and line 2lb loaf tin. Put treacle butter and golden syrup into a saucepan over low heat and melt. Sieve flour ginger into a bowl. Bet the egg and add to mashed bananas. Add treacle mixture and

the egg mixture to flour and walnuts and mix well. Transfer to the prepared tin. Bake in the centre of the oven for 50 minutes to one hour. Remove from oven leave in tin for 20 minutes. Cool on a wire tray.

The Killarney Royal Hotel’s head chef Joe Hurley shares this recipe for a delectable teatime treat

sudoku SUDUKO Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. No math, nothing has to add up – solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic.

5 6 9 8 5 6 2 1 7 8 1 9 9 4 7 3 6 1 5 6 8 4 9 6

tel. no:


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

3 1 2

BANK HOSTS COMMUNITY AND ENTERPRISE EVENT THE town is pulling out all the stops as the Bank of Ireland Enterprise Town event arrives in Killarney from today, Friday, April 15, and tomorrow. The programme of events will take place today from 5pm to 8pm at the Killarney Sports & Leisure Centre and tomorrow, from 12pm to 3pm at the Killarney Racecourse. You will get to enjoy a business, community and sports expo as well as plenty of family-friendly activity throughout the day. The Bank of Ireland Enterprise Town event has been organised by the bank in partnership with the local community, said Deirdre Twomey, Bank of Ireland, Killarney branch manager. Events are free to attend for all the family and are open to both customers and non-customers of Bank of Ireland. This evening, broadcaster Weeshie Fogarty will facilitate a panel discussion with Gillian O’Sullivan, world champion walker and personal trainer; Brendan Kealy, Kerry footballer and start-up business owner; Michael Stack, Tricel Ireland owner and manager; Kate O’Leary, Killarney Chamber of Tourism & Commerce president, and Michael Buckley, Kerry Coaches owner and manager. Well-known TV chef and author Rachel Allen will also be in attendance. On Saturday there will be a sports panel discussion with Mick Galway, former Munster and Ireland rugby player; Liam Sheedy, former Tipperary hurling manager; Killian Young, Kerry footballer; and Jim Culloty, former jockey and horse trainer. A second panel will consist of Siobhan Lenihan, founding member of Defibrillator Action; Cathal Walshe, from Ring of Kerry Cycle; Pat Dawson, from Killarney House Redevelopment and Henry Clifton.


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Moments in Time

The plush offices of the Liebherr Factory in the 1960s. PICTURE SUPPLIED BY MOMENTS IN TIME


Tribute To Mick Walsh, RIP IT WAS a moment of great sadness for all of us, friends of Mick Walsh from Fossa, when we heard of his sudden passing on the morning of Palm Sunday, March 20, 2016. Mick was a fixture at every game Fossa played over the past 46 years, knew every player by name, and it was a fitting tribute that such a large number of these, formed the guard of honour at his removal to Fossa Church. Mick was born on a farm at Knockalougha Duagh in April 1927, so he was just a month from his 89th birthday. One of 11, raised on the family farm, Mick emigrated to England in the mid-1940s. While there he played his beloved Gaelic football, and he captained his team to victory over Coventry in 1949. Before emigrating Mick played with Knocknagoshel, the parish of the love of his life Dora O’Connor, where among his teammates was the great Eddie Walsh (no relation),

who remained a friend all his life. Mick, Dora, and three sons Liam Philip and Michael returned to Ireland in the early 1960s where he first worked as a welder at the Mallow Sugar Beet factory. In 1964 he started working at Liebherr Ireland Ltd as a welder, and remained there until his retirement in April 1992. He bought a house and some land from the late Sean O’Connor the artist, and he had lived there since. He regaled us, the young lads of Fossa, with tales of the Kerry team of the 1940s, and stories related to him of the great four in a row team of 1929 to 1932. Who was better Barrett or Keohane, he’d ask, and then he’d answer his own question by quoting his fellow emigrant Brendan Reidy who played in goal behind both of them, “Barrett was the best”. From what he heard Jackie Ryan was the best forward Kerry ever had, and this was the nickname he put on our young David Clifford a number of years ago.

Indeed at the time of his death Mick was looking forward to watching David line out for the Sem in Croke Park in the Hogan Cup final on April 2. His first meeting with his great friend Mick Myers was in Hussey’s bar after the 1968 O’Donoghue Cup Final. “Were you above at the match” Walsh asked. “I was playing in it,” said Myers. “The Crokes beat us.” “The Crokes didn’t beat ye, Tom Long beat ye,” said Walsh. Tom had scored 2-01 that day. As well as football he had many other interests, the gun club, the greyhounds, the politics, and he was a keen follower of horses. He visited Killarney most days where he visited Donie and Liam Sheehan, Donal Culloty and Cathal O’Grady among many others to “hop a few balls”. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam. Fossa GAA Club, Via email

Welcome For New Employers In Kenmare I AM glad to welcome the announcement this week of new employers to Kenmare. My lifelong friend, Sean Jones of the Kenmare Innovative Centre, has secured new business for his establishment in Kilmurry, Kenmare. The company Starwood Hotel and Resorts are presently interviewing potential employees and it is envisaged that they will be up and running in early Summer 2016 with an additional workforce of 15 people. This is a most welcome development for Kenmare and the surrounding parishes as these much needed jobs will create a financial spin-off in our town. I extend every good wish to Caroline Cooney-Hurrell, who is the vice-president of customer contact, and all the potential employees and I hope that this business will grow as I expect it will. Sean Jones's forward thinking in having a state of the art premises with all modern technology on site was most important in securing this new employer for Kenmare. Michael Healy-Rae TD, Sandymount, Kilgarvan

Editor’s Note: If you have an opinion you would like to air, you can write to Letters to the Editor, Killarney Advertiser, Unit 1C Park Place, High Street, Killarney, or email newsdesk@killarneyadvertiser.ie All letters must be accompanied by a name, address and phone number for verification purposes. These can be omitted with prior approval of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to edit all letters 15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser



SWEET DREAMS WITH REFLEXOLOGY Reflexology is a gentle therapy that encourages the body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance, says Jill Duggan of Killarney Toning & Beauty Studio

REFLEXOLOGISTS use a map of the feet where all the organs, glands, and corresponding parts of the body are laid out. The toes reflect the head. The ridge beneath the toes on the top part of the ball of the foot is a natural shoulder or neck line. The ball of the foot reflects the chest. The arch mirrors the digestive organs, and the heel and ankles contain reflexes for the reproductive system. The inside curve of each foot (where we find the spinal reflex) corresponds to the actual curves of the spine. Here’s a 15-minute routine in four easy steps that you can incorporate into your bedtime ritual: Relax the feet, one at a time, with simple relaxation techniques – pressing and squeezing, lightly slapping or gently kneading. On the bottom of each foot, “walk” your thumb up from the base of the heel to each toe (imagine your thumb is a caterpillar inching its way up your foot), then press these reflex points with the outer edge of your thumb or tip of your forefinger.

Touching the top of each toe promotes clarity and positive thinking. The pituitary or “master gland” (center of big toe) stimulates/ balances hormone secretions of all other glands. The pineal gland (outer side of big toe) secretes melatonin which controls our circadian rhythm/sleep cycle. The thyroid (base of big toe) balances metabolism. The neck/shoulders (ridge of toes) releases tension Chest/lungs (ball of foot) calms breathing. The solar plexus/diaphragm (under ball of foot in the center) encourages profound relaxation and peacefulness. Apply the relaxation techniques again, and finish with another thumb press on the solar plexus point on both feet. End with “breeze strokes” — lightly running your fingertips down the tops, bottoms and sides of each foot in a feathery motion.

Get ready for the wedding season

Killarney fashion blogger Laura Mac Sweeney helps you prepare for spring/summer weddings

I'M not sure what exactly it is that makes us ladies go star crazy when it comes to weddings but it’s likely one of the few occasions where weeks of outfit planning and obsessing over accessories is more than acceptable. However, the Vintage-inspired formal dress, Miss task of finding Darcy’s Boutique, €230, snakeskin that perfect print clutch, TK Maxx, €16.99. outfit can sometimes be harder than it looks. I started my own hunt just a couple of weeks ago and was amazed by the choice and variety our little town had to offer.

Bardot top, €22.99, and bodycon skirt, €24.99, New Look, headpiece, Cathy Troth, €75, and snakeskin pyramid handbag Ana Faye, at GlenAran, €120.


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

My first outfit is from Kerry’s Boutique on Plunkett Street. This Verso two-piece suit instantly caught my eye.

This next outfit from Miss Darcy's Boutique caught my eye the minute I walked into the shop. Created by rising American brand and celeb favourite Stop Staring, this vintage-inspired formal dress is a star buy. My last ensemble is from New Look and is available at a steal of a price. I've chosen this pretty headpiece by local designer Cathy Troth to bring the outfit full circle and a pyramid handbag by another Irish designer, Ana Faye. See more on www.lauramacsweeny. com

For this shoot, the hairstyling was by Peter Mark, Killarney; make-up by Carmel O’Callaghan, Mirash Beauty Salon, Killarney, while the photos were taken by www.PawelNowak. ie at popular wedding venue The Malton Hotel. Verso pencil skirt, €55, and top with collar, €49.99, from Kerry's Boutique; clutch, Dunnes Stores, €15, and heels, Penneys, €15.


latest news | photos | keeping you up to the minute ....

HARDCORE HENRY A MAN wakes up in a Moscow laboratory to learn that he's been brought back from the dead as a half-human, half-robotic hybrid. With no memory of his former life, a woman who claims to be his wife tells him that his name is Henry. Before she can activate his

voice, armed thugs storm in and kidnap her. As Henry starts to understand his new abilities, he embarks on a bloody rampage through the city to save his spouse from a psychopath (Danila Kozlovsky) who plans to destroy the world.

TOP TEN •The Angriest Man in Brooklyn •Two Men In Town •The Good Dinosaur •The Last Witch Hunter •Black Mass •The Dressmaker

NEW RELEASES •A Walk In The Woods •Steve Jobs •Bad Words •The Hunger Games MockinjayPart Two •The Lady In The Van •Carol

Golf Outing On A Par With The Best THE members of the Old Killarney Inn Golf Society swung out for success during their outing in Kenmare last Saturday. Documenting the event on camera was Kevin Regan. This was the golf society’s first outing of 2016. Groups of three competed against each other and the prevailing winners were Brian O' Leary, John Healy and Tadhg Healy.

Brian Fitzgerald, Donald O'Reilly, Mary O'Reilly, Tim Lynch, Neil O'Mahony and Pat Moynihan. PICTURES: KEVIN REGAN

Brian Moriarty and Tom Houlihan.

The Kerry People Every picture paints a thousand words, they say, and Kerry snappers Sally MacMonagle and Michael Ledwith are capturing the faces and stories of Kerry people on camera in their project the Kerry People, which is inspired by the hugely popular Humans of New York blog and bestseller

Bernard Brosnan. Tim Lynch in action on the Old Killarney Inn Golf Society outing.

l, college, good job. I studied in Cork “BY IRISH standards I did it right. Schoo my weekends in Killarney. I always ing and then lived and worked there, spend had to, I worked hard and I was I when so sful, succes be to d wante knew I the career I wanted. I could see in job good a with up ended lucky it paid off. I mortgages, but at 25 there was rings, s, babie the guys in my office, new cars, f as an outdoors kinda person, mysel d no way this was for me. I always viewe chance to take a break from it and the had I day. all box this in was, I yet there so many different possibilities of buildI took it. Travelling opened my eyes to The more people I met, the more I ture! adven ing your worklife around your people, to focus on what they want for realised how important that year out is in my future; I worked so hard for be s alway will eering Engin lives. from their that come with the job, but I am levels stress the crave I go. it I couldn’t let it months climbing. No permanent six work, s month definitely in travel mode. Six contracts...yet!" Dan Casey PHOTOGRAPH BY SALLY MACMONAGLE

15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser


community spirit

In this weekly column, the clergy and members of the pastoral council offer an update on issues concerning the Church locally, nationally and globally

Dig in for Earth Week

EARTH WEEK in the Diocese of Kerry will take place from this Sunday, April 17, to Sunday, April 24, organised by the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation committee. The keynote speaker will be Fr Sean McDonagh, Columban missionary and eco theologian, on The Prophetic Challenge of Laudato Si. This talk will take place St Brendan’s Parish Centre, Upper Rock Street, Tralee on Thursday, April 21, at 7.30pm. All are welcome. This year the chosen theme for Earth Week is “Loss of Biodiversity”. This is taken from Pope Francis’ Encyclical or letter called Laudato Si...On Care for our Common Home. The letter is a call or challenge to “every person living on the planet” to care for “common home”. All parishes and parishioners are invited to respond to this call by making their grounds and private gardens more biodiversity rich by protecting and encouraging the variety of plants, trees and habitats for wildlife including bees. A series of meetings have been held around the diocese and a leaflet has been distributed to parishes with some specific advice including a checklist and actions to take, for example, planting herbs, leaving a small area of lawn uncut, protecting a native hedgerow or starting a compost heap. Some parishes are undertaking audits of their grounds to see what they can do to promote biodiversity and have received help for this from the Biodiversity Officer of Kerry County Council assisted by local biodiversity tutors. There are various events taking place during the week. Killorglin has a very busy schedule. Fr McDonagh will launch his new book, On Care for Our Common Home. In this, he reflects on the encyclical’s various themes and covers the development of Catholic theology on creation of the past half-century, and offers ideas on how to transform Pope Francis’ vision in Laudato Si into meaningful action and a central piece of Catholic theology. Earth Week calls individuals and communities to take steps to stem the loss of biodiversity in our gardens, communities and parishes.

Support Groups

COULD YOU NOT WATCH ONE HOUR WITH ME? Eucharistic adoration. Church of the Resurrection-Tuesday 9.30-8.30pm. St. Mary’s Cathedral Wednesday 10.30-6.00pm. St. Columbanus Church-Thursday 6.30 -7.30pm. The Friary-Friday 2.00-7.00pm. The Friary-Sunday 6.00-7.00pm METHODIST CHURCH, EAST AVENUE Sunday worship 9am & 11am. (Créche and Children’s church during 11am service) Prayer meetings Tuesday & Thursday 8am - 9am (from 1st September) Parent and Toddler Tuesday 10am - 12 noon (term time) Wednesday evening Bible Study 7.30pm. Drop-in Coffee morning Friday at 11am (not during August) ‘No biscuits’ ladies lifestyle group, last Monday of the month at 11am. Everyone is welcome. Failte Isteach. Info: Rev Karen Spence. 064 6631613. Website: www.irishmethodist.org/ kerry Aware Killarney Depression Support Group Aware Depression Support Group meets: Killarney - Mondays, KDYS at 8pm. Aware Support Groups are free to attend, no referral necessary. www.aware.ie The Well Christian Ministries Jesus Christ says ‘If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink.’ (John 7:37) We wish to announce that we have moved to a new venue. Join us on Sundays at 10.30am for worship and Bible teaching and on Tuesdays at 8.15pm for Bible study at 69 New Street, Killarney. For more information contact Ian on 085-7659548 or visit us online at www.thewellministries.eu Kerry Positive Option Crisis Pregnancy Counselling Service Free - confidential - non judgemental services. All options explored. Killarney Southwest Counselling Centre Emmett’s Road, Killarney Tel: 064 6636416. Open: Monday to Friday 9am -5pm.Saturday 10am-1pm. Funded by the HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme.

Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre provides a free professional counselling and support service for female and male survivors of sexual violence and their families in a safe and confidential environment with highly qualified and professional counsellors. It can be contacted by freephone 1800-633333 or by email krcc@eircom.net Killarney Al Anon The Killarney Al Anon meetings are held Tuesday nights at 8.30pm, also Thursday morning at 11am in Ozanam House, Green Lawn. Contact Mairead 087-7808106. MS Support Group A support group for people with MS meets every Wednesday 11am to 1pm, at MS Meeting Rooms, Cheshire Homes Killarney. SUICIDE PREVENTION HELPLINES Console 1Life Suicide Freefone 1800247100, centre in Tralee 066 7129700 web: www.console.ie, Text HELP to 51444, 24-hour; Samaritans 1850609090 or freephone 116123; Pieta House, free counselling, 066-7163660 www. pieta.ie; South West Counselling Centre, Killarney, free suicide prevention and bereavement counselling, 064-6636416/6636100; Living Links, Kerry, 087-9006300; HSE South: Suicide Prevention Helpline 1800 742 745, Farm & Rural Stress Helpline 1800742645. Grace Baptist Church Due to Cultural Centre renovationsuntil further notice: Sunday meetings will be held at the Brehon Hotel, Muckross Road (next to INEC) Sunday: worship 11am. Wednesday: Bible study 8pm in various homes. For information: Tel. 064-6632600 or 064-6635461. Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”https://www.facebook. com/KillarneyBaptistChurch Alcoholics Anonymous If you think you have a problem with alcohol please contact 066-7128720 or 087-0522911.

This column is available to clubs and SUPPORT groups to promote upcoming fundraising events, agms etc. To guarantee publication an administration charge OF €10 will apply

Please contact 064 6632215 for more details DEADLINE FOR EVENT INFO IS TUESDAY 5.30PM

Students plant the community fruit and nut orchard in the Town Park in Tralee.


THE parish welcomed the visit of the Icon to St Mary’s Cathedral last week and thanked the Redemptorist Order who brought it, the schools who joined the celebration, and all who helped during the visit, especially the Order of Malta. The Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help occurs on Monday evenings in the Cathedral incorporated with the 6.15pm Mass to which all are welcome.


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

Ceiliúradh na nÓg Celebration Day 2016

OVER 300 post-primary students from across the Diocese of Kerry are gathering together for a celebration day in the Brandon Hotel, Tralee on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. All post-primary schools in the Diocese of Kerry were invited to participate in Ceiliúradh na nÓg. The purpose of this initiative is to develop the faith life of Transition and Fifth year students. This was achieved through school or parish based initiatives. Ceiliúradh na nÓg forms part of a comprehensive approach to Youth Ministry initiated by the Diocese of Kerry. It is coordinated by the diocesan advisor in collaboration with the principals, teachers, chaplains and students of the diocesan post-primary schools. For further information contact Tomás Kenny at 0646630531 or 086 3683778 or email tomaskenny@dioceseofkerry.ie


latest news | photos | keeping you up to the minute ....

Firies Players Unveil Their New Look Firies Coiste na nÓg is proud to announce that its long-established connection with Henderson’s in Firies village will continue for the forthcoming season. Johnny and Frances Henderson have long supported the mighty blues, be it sponsorship for numerous age levels, volunteering within the club and Frances’s enthusiastic coaching; The club is delighted that this association will continue again this season. The club’s new jerseys, generously sponsored by Henderson’s, for the under-14 boys were unveiled to the delight of the Firies Coiste na nÓg chairman, Eugene Cosgrave, and its coach, Mike Daly. Eugene said the club was very grateful to the Henderson family for “their resounding commitment to the club”, adding: “We hope the Henderson establishment will be repaid by many flourishing days on the pitch. “Their utter dedication to the club has always been very much appreciated and will continue in the future. ”

Mike Daly, Frances, Conor and Johnny Henderson and Eugene Cosgrave.

Killarney Badminton Club juvenile members enjoying the county mixed competition in Killarney Sports & Leisure Centre.

The girls football team from Cullina National School will compete in the county final of the Mini 7's Football Competition after their victorious win last Thursday in Glenbeigh. They are trained by Amy Foley.

Want to showcase your business to best advantage? Whether you are a start-up or an existing enterprise, our

Business of the Week section

will let you spread your message throughout the community. This hugely popular profile always generates welcome business for those featured. For information on booking your slot in Business of the Week or to enquire about rates, call 064-6632215 or email info@killarneyadvertiser.ie

Want your business to stand out from the crowd? Killarney Advertiser, Unit 1C Park Place, High St. Killarney | Tel: 064 6632215 - Fax 064 6632722 | Email: info@killarneyadvertiser.ie - www.killarneyadvertiser.ie 15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser


The Provocateur



TIME FOR TAILGATERS TO BACK OFF FEW things are more annoying when you are behind the wheel than a persistent tailgater. Granted, it can also be irritating to be stuck behind a “Sunday driver” who drives well below the speed limit while hogging the centre line. There are plenty of the dreaded species lurking about the Kerry roads. Inconsiderate driving is one thing, but the sheer aggression factor that goes with some tailgaters can be unnerving for many. Tailgating is downright dangerous and trying to deal with a culprit should you be unlucky enough to encounter one is tricky. The key thing, I guess, is to remain calm and act sensibly. It’s said that there are both “passive” and “aggressive” varieties of this often-spotted species. An aggressive tailgater is the type who clearly means to overtake you and suddenly drives up close to your vehicle in the classic fashion that says, “I’m extremely important and busy, get out of my way!” The usual advice is simple – let them pass as soon as it is safe to do so. This type of scenario can often escalate into a road-rage situation and life is just way too short.

Passive tailgaters, on the other hand, don’t appear to have the remotest intention of passing you out but simply drive too close for comfort. Whatever tailgater you encounter in your rear-view mirror, they can be as unpredictable and as unsettling as rattlesnakes, so take care out there – and don’t be a tailgater yourself!

Do you have an opinion you would like to air on the above or any other issue? Let us know your views at newsdesk@killarneyadvertiser.ie


GAS FROM CHEESE! Hundreds of homes in Cumbria will be heated using cheese from next month, as a new government-backed green energy plant starts producing gas from cheddar manufacturing waste. The anaerobic digestion plant at the Lake District Creamery will receive millions of pounds in subsidies for turning whey and other residues from the cheese production process into “biogas”. Some of the gas will be used to generate electricity on-site, while the remainder will be processed and fed into the local gas grid where it will be used by homes and business for their heating and cooking. Clearfleau, the company that built the new plant, said the total amount of gas being fed into the gas grid each year would be equivalent to the annual gas needs of 4,000 homes. About 60 per cent of that gas is expected to be taken back out of the grid for the creamery’s own use in steam-making, leaving the equivalent of 1,600 homes’ annual gas usage circulating to homes and businesses in rural Cumbria. The project is going ahead thanks to a lucrative Government subsidy scheme which rewards homes and businesses for producing energy from renewable sources, in order to meet EU renewable energy targets and UK climate change goals. Lake District Biogas, the developer which is funding the up-front cost of the project, is expected to receive about £2 million a year in subsidies, paid for by consumers through levies on their energy bills, for the next 20 years. Further subsidies will be paid for the electricity produced on site, while the project will also serve to cut the costs of energy and waste disposal at the creamery, which produces thousands of tonnes of cheddar every year. The cheese-based gas is produced by pumping liquid whey residues that are left over from the cheesemaking, together with water that is used to clean down cheesy equipment, into a giant tank. Bacteria then feed on the fats and sugars in the cheese residues over a period of 50 days, producing “biogas” – a mixture of methane and other gases - through a process of anaerobic digestion. The plant will produce about 1,000 cubic metres of biogas per hour. While some of that is used in a small power plant on site, the majority will then be “upgraded” by removing carbon dioxide to leave “bio-methane”, which is comparable in energy content to North Sea natural gas. This can then be fed into the grid.

Kerry teenagers hailed as heroes

TWO Kerry teenagers have been hailed as heroes after they rescued a mother and baby from a river. The woman and her five-week-old child were dramatically plucked from the river in Castleisland on Tuesday afternoon after the baby’s buggy plunged into the water. Shay Walsh from Scartaglin and his girlfriend Alison Jones from Ballymacelligott were walking along the bank of the River Maine when they heard the woman’s cries for help. After the buggy with the little girl slipped from the riverbank into the water, it forced the five-week-old underneath the surface. The frantic mother dived into the river in a bid to save the baby. The two students raced to the scene and helped lift out the mother and the pram. The fast action of the mother and Shay and Alison helped save the young baby from serious injury. Both of the teenagers’ secondary school principals spoke on Radio Kerry of their pride in the teenagers’ actions.

Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16



Inspired By Danny Casey

VIEWS FROM KERRY AND AROUND THE WORLD BONO TALKS... U2 singer reassures Senate subcommittee he is serious about using comedians to humiliate ‘goosestepping’ Isis, adding that refugee crisis is issue of national security. Never one for holding back on an opinion, Bono has come up with a new way of destroying Islamic State – not with bombs, but with belly laughs. The U2 singer said sending comedians such as Amy Schumer and Sacha Baron Cohen would be an effective alternative to airstrikes. Bono was speaking in front of a Senate subcommittee on Tuesday, April 12, during a wide-ranging discussion on the Middle East and the refugee crisis. He said: “Don’t laugh. I think comedy should be deployed. It’s like, you speak violence, you speak their language. But you laugh at them, when they’re goose-stepping down the street, and it takes away their power. So, I’m suggesting that the Senate send in Amy Schumer, and Chris Rock, and Sacha Baron Cohen, thank you.” The 55-year-old had to reassure the crowd at the Dirksen Senate Office Building that he was “actually being serious” and in response he received a serious reply. “Actually, that’s not the first time I’ve heard experts on how do we counter violent extremism talk about that,” said Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Democrat for New Hampshire. “It’s one of the things that we’re looking at.” Speaking on the refugee crisis, Bono said: “Aid in 2016 is not charity; it is national security. It could be the best bulwark we have against violent extremism.” The U2 singer had been invited to speak by Lindsey Graham, chairman of the subcommittee, Republican senator and former 2016 presidential candidate.

OUR FARMERS ARE SUFFERING Lousy weather, poor milk prices and the threat of cheap meat imports from South America are making life very difficult for our farmers. While there has been plenty rain, the lack of heat and light means there’s no growth and this could lead to a forage shortage sooner rather than later. I’m not sure how the Late Late Show helped their situation by highlighting how some people might make sausages. Philip Boucher Hayes appeared on last week’s show and turned the stomachs of the audience by preparing a disgusting sausage meat mixture. Maybe the Boucher part of his name has some connection with the French ‘Boucherie, ’ but the end result of the exercise was a sickening pink mush. As the audience tucked into cocktail sausages, he proceeded to make sausages, bulking up the pork with water and sodium triphosphate (most commonly used in laundry detergents as a water softener). Then he added sodium ascorbate to keep the colour in check, sodium metabisulifite, which is used as a preservative, monosodium glutamate, carmine and sugar. There’s nothing mysterious or upsetting about any of these food additives but if Mr Hayes was trying to put people off sausages he went about it with great energy. I am happy to report that my butcher buys in pork bellies to make his home-made sausages and adds preservatives and other food additives but his sausages are 78% meat and they’re really tasty. We love them! Irish farm produce is highly regarded. Indeed, many supermarket chains use fictional farm names on their own-brand products and this gives the impression that they are either supporting local producers or that their products are produced locally. That’s flattery. Farmers need all the help they can get to move their product as the US-imposed sanctions on Russia are having a very serious effect on their incomes.

Three-year-old girl abducted from UK Primark store TWO teenage girls were arrested by British police on suspicion of kidnapping a three-yearold girl in Newcastle. The toddler disappeared from a Primark in the city centre at around 5pm on Wednesday evening. It triggered a city-wide search after officers found she had left the store with two teenage girls she did not know, leaving her mother "incredibly" distressed. Police trawled through CCTV from Newcastle City Council, local shops, Newcastle University, bus companies, the metro and their own cameras in search of the girl. The child was eventually found nearly three miles away and over an hour later in Gosforth, north Newcastle, by a police officer. The alleged kidnappers, aged 13 and 14, were arrested on suspicion of child abduction and taken for questioning.

Nigeria Chibok girls 'shown alive' in Boko Haram video A VIDEO released by Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram appears to show some of the schoolgirls kidnapped two years ago from the town of Chibok. It is the first footage of the girls to be seen since May 2014. The video, apparently filmed in December, was sent to the Nigerian government and shows 15 girls in black robes identifying themselves as pupils abducted from the school. Some of those filmed have been identified by their parents. The kidnapping of the 276 girls triggered the global social media campaign #BringBackOurGirls, involving US first lady Michelle Obama and a host of celebrities. But despite their efforts, most of the girls are still missing. Meanwhile, hundreds of parents are due to hold a march in the Nigerian capital, Abuja, to demand the government does more to find their daughters.

15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser 31.10.14

43 41

appointments APPOINTMENTS appointments

The Malton Hotel invites applications for the following positions:


Fully qualified chef with experience in a hotel environment ***

Muckross Road, Killarney We are currently looking for experienced:

Accommodation Supervisor Accommodation Assistants Food & Beverage Assistants


Enthusiastic and passionate about pastry ***


Full-time & part time positions available.

Previous experience in a hotel environment Applications in writing with a current curriculum vitae to: The HR Department, The Malton, East Avenue Road, Town Centre, Killarney. Or Email: personnel@themalton.com

Candidates should forward their C.V via email to: info@victoriahousehotel.com




Killarney Town Centre

This is not a seasonal position. Requires serving experience in a busy restaurant, references from employers, excellent customer service, fluent spoken English and eligibility to work in Ireland. Competitive salary based on experience.

Email your CV to: kerryrecruit@gmail.com

ACCOMMODATION ASSISTANTS PART/FULL TIME for busy 4 star town centre property Applications by email to: info@killarneyfairview.com or in writing to: The Fairview, College Street, Town Centre, Killarney. Tel: 064 6634164 Mob: 087 2351900 Web: www.killarneyfairview.com


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

• Responsible for general warehousing duties • Experience in picking and packing beneficial

• Must be motivated and a good team player

Please forward CV with references to: jobs@iihealthfoods.com Independent Irish Health Foods Ltd., Unit 12 Ballyvourney Industrial Estate, Ballyvourney, Co. Cork.

2 Chefs Required Flexible Working Hours Experience Essential

Please forward CV to: glencarresorthotel@gmail.com

Tel. 066-9760102

appointments appointments

BROOK LODGE HOTEL Msgr. O’Flaherty Road, High Street, Killarney, Co. Kerry We require experienced personnel for The following positions:


For Breakfast 5 Morning’s per week


Applications in writing to above address or apply with CV to:

info@brooklodgekillarney.com Tel: 064 6631800 www.brooklodgekillarney.com


Immediate Start Must have a clean Car/Truck Licence. Experience in sales would be beneficial. Fluent English. Apply to: O’Shea’s Fruit & Veg, Woodlands Industrial Estate, Killarney, Co. Kerry. or info@osheasfruitandveg.com

The Killarney Oaks Hotel are now accepting applications for the following positions:


:: RECEPTIONIST :: BAR STAFF Experience Essential Please submit CV’s to: The Killarney Oaks Hotel, Muckross Road, Killarney, Co. Kerry or

info@killarneyoaks.com +353-64-6637600


SHOP ASSISTANT • HACCP certificate or experience is highly preferable. • Experience in a similar or relevant role is favourable. • An interest in healthy food is favourable • Available to work weekends. • Flexibility with your days and hours. • Work from part time up to full time as required throughout the year. This is a hands-on role which will comprise of sales, merchandising, house-keeping, food preparation, till, HACCP, assisting customers with information about the products, working in a team to achieve store KPI’s and any other duties that may arise.

Email CV and a cover letter to: truekillarney@gmail.com

PART TIME WEBSITE & OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Macbees Killarney is looking to add a new member to our team to help develop our website www.macbees.ie and complete office administrative work.

Responsibilities will include: • Photographing stock for the website, Inputting stock into the website • Promoting Macbees and macbees.ie through social media • Collaborating and co-ordinating with other members of staff to keep on top of the busy goings on in store. • Office Administration

Requirements: • Computer literacy • Experience using social media and a digital camera would be of great benefit but not essential • Knowledge and interest in current fashion and emerging trends • Self motivation and enthusiasm Please apply in store or e-mail CV to info@macbees.ie MACBEES, NEW ST, KILLARNEY, CO. KERRY. (064) 6633622



Must be willing to work weekends Experience necessary Apply with CV to Box No. 3353, Killarney Advertiser, Unit 1C, Park Place, High Street, Killarney.


• Proficient in Excel and Microsoft Office Programs • Typing skills essential • Impeccable attention to detail and organisational skills required • Experience with HR an advantage

Please forward CV with references to: jobs@iihealthfoods.com Independent Irish Health Foods Ltd., Unit 12 Ballyvourney Industrial Estate, Ballyvourney, Co. Cork. 15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser


appointments APPOINTMENTS appointments


Staff Vacancy at

WE WISH TO STRENGTHEN OUR EXISTING TEAM Requires experienced person for Waitressing and Housekeeping duties. May - September. Please send CV to info@kathleens.net

Telephone 064/6632810


PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST Apply to: heather@killarneyroyal.ie

064 6631853


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16


STAFF NURSES AND CARE ASSISTANTS The ideal candidates: * Previous Experience of employment in the nursing home sector or in care of the elderly would be an advantage but not necessary. * Must have fluent level of English both written and oral.

Please send your CV to Director of Nursing Linda Smith lin63da@gmail.com or to Our Lady of Lourdes Care Facility, Kilcummin | 0646643012

IT WAS a profitable Wednesday evening in Kerry for one BoyleSports punter, who scooped over €9,000 on a Lotto bet. The customer, who wishes to remain anonymous, placed intuitive 5 cent four-fold bets, totalling a stake of 25 cent, and a 20 cent five-fold both on the five numbers 4, 10, 19, 29, 40 on the Lotto Plus 1 draw. The numbers were all drawn, with 19 being the bonus ball, and saw the 5 cent four-fold bets return €1,325.30. The 20 cent five-fold returned

€8,000.20, bringing the total winnings up to an impressive €9,325.50. Should the numbers have been done with the National Lottery the punter would have received just €50. Aoife Heffron, PR Executive for BoyleSports, said: “The €9,325.50 windfall in Kerry was no doubt a welcome mid-week bonus for this Kingdomer. We want to wish them all the best with their winnings and congratulate them on their astute Lotto betting.”

notices notices

Castleisland Clinic: River Island Hotel Last Friday of every month at 9.30pm

Killorglin Clinic: Jim Shea’s Vintage Bar 2nd Monday of every month at 7.00pm

Kenmare Clinic: Atlantic Bar Every Saturday night at 10.00pm

Kilgarvan Clinic: Healy-Rae’s Shop 9pm-10pm every Sunday Healy-Rae’s Bar 10pm-11pm every Sunday

A Mass will be celebrated for the late Michael Galvin New Jersey and formerly of The Park, Killarney. On Friday April 22nd at 6.15pm in St. Mary’s Cathedral.

Madam Riea

Clairvoyant & Palmist Back by popular demand

Appearing at the Killarney Heights Hotel on

Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd April

2 days only. I can see the past, present and future I can read the face, palm and crystal ball I am one of the top clairvoyants in Europe and the only one in the world that can read the face. Will give advice on love, career, health and happiness. Ring now for details and appointment

087 4552773

Strictly by appointment only

Susan Randles, Randles Hotel, Killarney, with Siobhan King, Fáilte Ireland, at the Meitheal trade fair in Dublin organised by Failte Ireland in association with Tourism Ireland. 15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser


property TO LET TO Let Four bed house in Barradubh village in very good condition. 4 bed house in Aghadoe area in good condition, 2 miles from town centre, approx. 6 month contract. Three bed house in Faha, electric storage heating. Three bed bungalow Ballyhar area, 6 miles from town. Two bed apartment on Fleming’s Lane. Rooms in Woodlawn. Tel. Roger 086-8136888. TO Let 2 bedroom apartment Park Road area, opposite big Tesco. All mod cons, fully furnished. Private parking. €900 per month. Tel. 087-3101222. TO Let 2 bed house, centre of town, oil fire heating and solid stove. Tel. 087-6237841. TO Let Newly renovated 2 bedroom house in Marian Terrace, available from 29th April. Tel. 087-6237841. TO Let Room to let 10 minutes from town centre. Tel. 087-2484804. TO Let 3 bedroom house, adjacent to town, all mod cons, fully furnished, private parking, no pets. €900. Tel. 087-9583371 after 5pm only.

buy, sell or lease property in Killarney....

TO Let Apartment for rent, 2 double bedroom first floor apartment. No pets, town centre, Pawn Office Lane. €140 pw, bins included, no parking, long term only, minimum 1 year. Tel. 087-6971395. TO Let 3 bed bungalow beside Beaufort village, well insulated, totally refurbished, OFCH, wood stove, long term, careful tenants. Tel. 086-1049169.

COMMERCIAL TO Let Prime retail premises available to let in New Street Killarney town. Excellent street frontage and neighbouring retailers Dunnes Stores, Post Office, Ulster Bank and Tesco. Long term lease available. Tel. 087-6356565. TO Let Bar to rent in North Cork. Tel. 087-4364182 for details.

WANTED Wanted House and apartments in and around Killarney for management and letting. Tel. Roger 086-8136888.

MARK DOE EVENT HAS THE RECIPE FOR SUCCESS THE ultimate in opportunities for aspiring chefs came courtesy of O’Leary’s Expert Electrical last Saturday. The Plunkett Street business hosted leading chef Mark Doe who took centre stage for an afternoon that saw attendees boost their culinary expertise in mouth-watering fashion. During the afternoon, Mark introduced the gathering to the multi-award wining Bauknecht appliances as he presented the hugely enjoyable cookery demonstration. Bauknecht has been a leading German kitchen appliance mak-

er since 1919. The award-winning brand represents the best of German ideology – attention to detail and passion for perfection. “Bauknecht appliances have the award-winning performance to deliver perfect results with energy-saving innovations,” said Steve O’Leary. Firies-based Mark Doe has spent over 20 years working in some of Europe’s finest restaurants. These include The Ritz, London, The Four Seasons Hotel, London, The Merrion Hotel, Dublin, The Portmarnock Hotel & Golf Links Dublin, and The Queen Elizabeth 2 cruise liner.

Mark Doe gives a cookery demonstration at O’Leary’s Expert Electrical.


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

PROPERTY PRICES RISE IN KERRY HOUSE prices rose by an average of 5.9% in the year to March 2016, according to the latest house price report released this week by leading Irish property website Daft.ie. In Kerry, prices between January and March 2016 were 6% higher than a year previously, compared to a rise of 8% seen a year ago. The average house price is now €165,000, 17% above its lowest point. The divide between Dublin and the rest of the country persists, with prices effectively stable in the capital – rising just 0.9% in the last year – compared to a rise of 9.7% on average outside Dublin. In almost all parts of the country, however, inflation now is less than three months ago. The national average asking price in the first quarter of 2016 was €210,000, compared to €198,000 a year ago and €164,000 at its lowest point. In Dublin, prices have risen by an average of €91,000 – or 41% - from their lowest point in mid-2012. Outside the capital, the average increase has been €37,500, or 28%, since the end of 2013. While prices are stable in Dublin, they continue to increase strongly in other cities. Compared to the same period in 2015, prices in the first quarter of 2016 were 14.9% higher in Cork, 14% higher in Galway and 18% higher in both

Ronan Lyons.

Limerick and Waterford cities. Inflation outside the cities varies from 8.3% in Leinster to 10.4% in Connacht-Ulster. Addressing the shortage in supply is a must, said Ronan Lyons, author of the Daft.ie Report. “It is interesting to note that in yearon-year terms, prices are now falling in five Dublin markets – Dublin 2, Dublin 6, Dublin 16, Dublin 18 and South County Dublin. These are some of the most expensive markets in the country and show the effectiveness of the Central Bank rules. Nonetheless, across the country, prices continue to rise, because the increase in population each month is not being matched by an increase in new homes. Addressing the shortage of supply – in particular the high cost base on construction – must a top priority for the new Government.”

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15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser



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Top Gear in Kerry Matt LeBlanc and Chris Evans are hitting Kerry this weekend NEW Top Gear duo Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc will be in Kerry to film for the new season of the hugely popular and controversial motoring show. Chris Evans revealed the news on his BBC Radio 2 show on Wednesday morning about the pair's upcoming trip to the Ireland which presumably will include a spin along the Wild Atlantic Way. "Matt LeBlanc and I are going to Ireland on Friday to make a Top Gear film," he explained. "And we're thinking of going to the Dingle area. Is that a good thing to do?" After being told about some of the delights of Dingle, he added that the duo might sample some local hospitality, while pointing out that "technically

we'll be working, obviously." The 50-year-old presenter also mentioned Killorglin as a destination for Top Gear, adding that they "don't want to go inland - want to go on the coast road. Better for shots." Former Labour TD Michael McCarthy had previously written to the BBC and the head of Fáilte Ireland to ask Top Gear to feature the West coast and the Wild Atlantic Way on the show. "We’re inviting them over to do a show here which would be a wonderful promotion of the Irish tourism industry and I think also it will be very good for the programme itself," he said. “As well as the very vibrant tourist sector in the area, there’s a very fine road network."

Matt LeBlanc, Chris Evans in Kerry this weekend; there are no reported sightings of the Stig.

Meeke And Nagle Will Return To WRC Action On The Gravel Roads Of Rally De Portugal (May 19-21) KRIS MEEKE and Paul Nagle will head a three-car DS 3 entry in Portugal alongside Stéphane Lefebvre and Khalid Al-Qassimi. Meeke and Nagle finished fourth in Portugal last season when the rally returned to the north of the country. The Abu Dhabi squad is contesting a selection of WRC rounds this season while the factory Citroën Racing team develops its new C3 World Rally Car ahead of a return to full-time action next year.

Its two previous 2016 appearances were at Rallye Monte-Carlo, which Meeke and Nagle led before retiring when an impact with a rock damaged his gearbox, and Rally Sweden when a similar collision broke their suspension when in second. The pairing have been the only team this season to match the times of the current WRC champion Sebastian Ogier. A trouble free run should present a podium result if not the top step.





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JOHN FLEMING Crash Repair Service Upper Lissivigeen, Killarney, Co. Kerry

Tel 064 6625444 Mobile 087 2506631 Complete Crash Repair Service Low bake oven, Car Sales and Servicing, 24 hour recovery, Trade enquiries welcome Insurance Claims Handled EPA Certified Operator


For Sale ‘05 Toyota Corolla, 215k km, 1.4 litre. Tel. 086-8136888. For Sale ‘04 silver Ford Fiesta, hatchback, NCT Oct 2016, very clean genuine car.

Tel. 087-2311187. For Sale ‘06 Passat 1.9 TDI, 336,000 km, e2,300. ‘06 Transporter (VW) 8 seater,

1.9, €5,300. Tel. 087-6812268.

RSA report says defective tyres played role in many road deaths VEHICLE factors, such as defective tyres, had a role to play in over 100 fatal road traffic accidents between 2008 and 2012, a major new report has revealed. According to the Road Safety Authority, vehicle factors contributed to one in every eight fatal collisions between 2008 and 2012 - that is 101 collisions in total. A total of 111 people died and 30 were seriously injured following collisions where vehicle defects were a contributory factor. Defective tyres were the most significant vehicle factor identified and were linked to 71 road deaths and 19 serious injuries between 2008 and 2012. Defective brakes were also a big factor, contributing to 18 deaths and six serious injuries. Drivers aged between 17 and 24 accounted for 47% of fatal collisions involving defective, worn or underinflated tyres. The highest proportion of drivers with defective tyres were in Donegal, followed by Cork and Kerry. The RSA says this analysis shows that


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

defective tyres are a bigger contributory factor to deaths and injuries on Irish roads than previously identified. It will now begin a major awareness and safety campaign. In a statement Minister for Transport Paschal Donohoe said the report "highlights just how important it is that every aspect of a vehicle, whether a car, truck, van or motorcycle, is in proper, roadworthy condition. "None of us can predict what will happen when we use the roads - we may encounter other drivers behaving poorly, or weather conditions could be particularly bad. "But we can take personal responsibility for ensuring our vehicle is properly maintained so that we can rely on our tyres responding to the conditions as they should or our brakes working when they need to." He added work is under way to bring the offence of defective and non-roadworthy tyres within the penalty point system.

Tel: 064 6639875 Email: killarneytc@eircom.net


First quarter new car sales motor 30% higher NEW figures from the Central Statistics Office show that new car sales rose by 30.1% in the first quarter of the year. The CSO said that a total of 68,375 new private cars were licensed in the first three months of the year compared to a figure of 52,543 the same time last year. The number of used or imported cars also increased in the first quarter, rising by 8.2%. In March, the number of new cars licensed rose by 17.8% to 20,096. A total of 5,276 used cars were also licensed, up 17.5% on the same month last year. Volkswagen was the most popular make of new car sold last month, with 2,456 new VWs leaving forecourts despite the company's ongoing difficulties over its cheating of emissions tests. Toyota had the second highest sales at 2,030, followed by Hyundai (2,009), Nissan (1,921) and Ford (1,507). The CSO figures also reveal a 14.3% increase in the number of new goods vehicles licensed last month to bring the total to 2,847. Seven out of every ten cars licensed in March ran on diesel.


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15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser



latest news | photos | keeping you up to the minute ....

Rising Stars Get Tips From The Top As Colm Cooper Visits Listry

ALL at Listry Coiste na nÓg welcomed Kerry legend Colm Cooper to Allman Park last Friday night, April 8. Colm spent some time coaching the club’s under-6s, under-8s


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

and under-10s. Colm was very well received by the young footballers who listened intently to his advice. He then retired to Listry Community centre where he presented the

club’s under-12s from 2015 with their medals. This visit was organised s prize in the Opel Kits for Clubs as Colm is an ambassador for Opel. “Thanks to senior team physio

Trish Lynch who nominated us for the visit, and thanks also to anybody who helped out in anyway with the event,” stated the club.

FASTFINDER fastfinder FOR SALE For Sale Firewood and turf, 8x4 trailer chopped and stacked hard wood, 1 load €105 or 2 for €200. Soft €80 or 2 for €150. Net bag 11 for €35, turf 8x4 trailer €80. All delivered. Tel. 086-3895141. For Sale Unique design marble cream coffee table. Lovely piece in any living room. €100 T: 087 644032 For Sale 8 radiators of various sizes, all doubles with brackets, never used, slight paint damage. Tel. 087-6756976. For Sale Suite of furniture in great condition including 3 seater couch and 2 armchairs, only €350. Tel. 087-1210566. For Sale Kitchen Table with six leather chairs - good condition. €200 T: 087 6440323 For Sale Bales of good quality haylage, cut in early June. Tel. 087-1200426. For Sale Top Quality Topsoil for Sale (Lorry loads only) Killarney area. Tel. 087-2491422. For Sale Mobile homes (Torino model), 31-foot, excellent condition. Telephone 064-6631727 (11am-6pm, Monday-Friday).

available AVAILABLE Church music for wedding and funeral ceremonies- personal and meaningful ceremony. Tel. Helen Kerins 087-9508050.

AVAILABLE Qualified experienced childminder, K.C.C. Registered, Childminding Ireland registered First Aid and Garda vetted, safe and secure play area, homely atmosphere, Muckross. Tel: Sinead Sweetman 087-2359466. AVAILABLE Window and door repair, hinges, locks and handles, replace foggy and stained double-glazed units. Tel. Donie 087-9777333. AVAILABLE Music lessons, violin, fiddle, guitar, piano, mandolin, banjo. Garda vetted, now enrolling. Tel. John or Maggie 087-6801392. AVAILABLE Swift Ironing Service, 7 days. Tel. 087-6403442. AVAILABLE Counselling services available from Masters Level trained therapist. Fee for all of 2016 is €30! Open 7 days a week. Tel. 089-4507050 to inquire or to book an appointment. AVAILABLE Wedding music- Church Ceremony/ Civil Ceremony/ Drinks Reception. Please visit www. gracefoley.ie or Tel. Grace on 087-6710087. AVAILABLE Experienced lady for housekeeping duties, very reasonable rates. Tel. 089-4468068. AVAILABLE Leaving Cert Music Grinds available. Covering all aspects of the course. Please Tel.Grace on 087-6710087. AVAILABLE Experienced childminder, Killarney town, short drop offs to cover appointments or full days, available Monday to Friday. Tel. 087-4502370. AVAILABLE Church music for all occasions. Vocals in harmony and a variety of instruments. Reasonable rates. Tel. 087-6836612/0879014681.

AVAILABLE Mindfulness course commencing Wednesday 20th April (7-9.15pm) in Listry Community Centre, Faha for 8 weeks. Cost e200. Includes CDs, resource material and 1 full day of mindfulness. Tel. Ciaran Ryan 085-7168019. AVAILABLE Childminder available FETAC Level 5, Garda vetted with years of experience. K.C.C. Registered and insured setting. Full days or flexible hours catered for. References available on request. Tel. 087-9613856.

wanted Wanted Reliable person, with good English, required immediately, for guest house duties- dining/ bedrooms/reception- in large guest house Killarney. Please email C.V. etc. to marypguerin@yahoo.com Wanted Leaving Cert student looking for higher level biology grinds. Tel. 087-1248254. Wanted Housekeeper, non-smoker for bed and breakfast on Tralee Road, 2 miles from town. Tel. 087-2998924. Wanted Teacher for grinds for junior cert maths pass level, Kilcummin/ Killarney area. Tel. 087-6363821. Wanted Housekeeper required in the Kilcummin Area. 5 Weekdays from 1pm to 5pm daily. Duties include cleaning, cooking and school collections. Car Owner with full driving licence. Tel. 087-312 98 33.

animals ANIMALS HUG: Homes for Unwanted Greyhounds (CHY 19414), formerly Kerry Greyhound Connection, takes in, rehabilitates and finds homes

for unwanted racing greyhounds. We are looking for people to help us by offering a foster home for a greyhound as a ‘half-way-home’ until we can find a permanent home for the dog. Fostering is a really valuable and ‘hands on’ way to be involved in greyhound rescue work. There is no cost to fosterers as HUG will cover all food and veterinary expenses. Please get in touch if you’d like to help. For further details please contact us on 087 9822695 or email homesforunwantedgreyhounds@eircom.net. ANIMALS Heaven Animal Rescue Tel. 086-1076729. suzanne@ahar. ie. Huge rescue centre in Crag, Castleisland, Co. Kerry. We take all unwanted animals and re-home them. We have beautiful dogs and cats waiting for homes. Donations of funds and blankets for dogs, cats and horses, dog nuts, cat food and horse feed, hay, straw and shavings badly needed. Bank Of Ireland 90760272 sortcode 90.57.58 KLAWS (Kenmare and Locality Animal Welfare Society) We have a number of adult cats (all colours) awaiting homes. 087-9729240 or 087-9704480. FOr Sale Setter pup, 10 weeks old, well bred. Tel. 087-9756475.

social & personal Personal Pursue Happiness. Ladies & gentlemen from 30 years upwards. Escape that lonely life. I will introduce you to a sincere respectable companion. A new happy world awaits you. Very high success rate. Fully confidential. Tel. Sheila on 087-7680163.


A Legion Of Memories

A Glimpse Of The Past

Seated, Legion Hall of Fame recipient John Joe Sheehan with his wife and front, John Keane, back, Donie Murphy All-Ireland winner 1953 (RIP), Paul Coghlan, Peter O’Leary and Sean O’Grady (chairman).

Enjoying the Wild Atlantic Way showcase TOURISM buyers from across the globe were enjoying fact-finding tours around the country in the run-up to Meitheal, Ireland’s largest tourism trade fair which took place in Dublin on April 11 and 12. The Wild Atlantic Way is featuring strongly in the itineraries.

Flying the colours on Mizen Head: Jane Stokes, Fáilte Ireland, Rachel Brodie, USA, and Nicole Gruening, Germany. PICTURE: VALERIE O'SULLIVAN 15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser



services wanted and available

this directory will help you... find or what need anwho instant; deadline Tuesday thiswho directory willyou help youin find or what you need in an5.30pm instant deadline wednesdays 5.30pm

Eamonn Forde


- Industrial - Commercial - Residential

Tel 087 - 2607673

» CARPET CLEANING & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING deep extraction method, chimneys cleaned by brush and vacuum. Dan Fitzgerald Extract Away Cleaning Service Tel (064) 6644365. » PAINTING, POWERWASHING Spraypainting, general maintenance. Tel. Dan Joe Moynihan 086-8217771.

» REMOVAL SERVICE House, office, local, nationwide, deliveries, anytime - anywhere. 7 days a week, also all kinds of clearouts etc. Also Lawn cutting and strimming. Tel.0872600407/064-6631979. » BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM, RE-BALANCE YOUR BODY, RELAX & DE-STRESS. Treatments in Reflexology & reiki. Gift Vouchers available. Contact Siobhan Dwyer 087-9665881.


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

this directory will help you find who or what you need in an instant; deadline Tuesday 5.30pm

Services S E RV IC E S SERVICES services

» LAWN CARE Strimming long grass, edging, shrubs and beds. 3 mile radius of town. Tel. 086-6633739 or 064-6632650. » HOME IMPROVEMENTS KILLARNEY Donie Cronin, painting and plastering, power washing, fascia, soffit and gutters cleaned and put up. No job too small. Tel. 087-2145452

» JAMES LYNE MOTORS AND VALETING SERVICES Lawlors Cross, Tel: 087 2465405 or 064 6633504. Have your vehicle valeted inside and outside, and preparations for N.C.T. can be arranged. Wash is available 6 days a week from 10am to 6pm. If you require a quotation do not hesitate to contact us.

15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser



» PAINTING & DECORATING Interior and exterior. All sanding and varnishing including floors. Wallpapering. Tel. Martin 087-9306943. » BRENDAN HERLIHY HOME MAINTENANCE/ RENOVATIONS Carpentry, painting, power washing, gardening, garden sheds repaired etc. Tel: 0879364895/ 064-6643317.


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

services wanted and available ...find this who directory will you helpneed you find or what you need in an5.30pm instant this directory will help you or what in anwho instant; deadline Tuesday deadline wednesdays 5.30pm

this directory will help you find who or what you need in an instant; deadline Tuesday 5.30pm

Services SERV IC ES SERVICES services

» L A N D S C A P I N G SERVICES Covering all Kerry. We offer a wide range of garden services, grass cutting, hedge maintenance, seasonal clean ups, weed control, planting, veg gardens, decking and garden design. Stone walls, driveways and patios. Competitive prices. References available. Tel. Sergio at 089-4692923. » FOR ALLYOUR PAINTING REQUIREMENTS Tel. Colm 086-1011567


CAO LATE APPLICATIONS AND CHANGE OF MIND Career guidance counsellor Eithne Teahan gives an overview of the Central Applications Office process Late applications IF YOU are considering making an application to a course at third level through the CAO but have not yet submitted an application form you should be aware that the closing date for Late Applications is Sunday, May 1st. The Closing Date for Normal Applications to the CAO for entry to first year undergraduate courses was Feb 1st. The late online application fee is e50.00 or e80.00 for the late paper application. However, remember that you cannot apply at this stage for Restricted Application Courses (which have early assessment procedures) as they will not be considered by the CAO. If you require assistance completing your CAO form remember to consult with your career guidance counsellor and refer to the CAO handbook and website. Change of mind If you have already made an application but wish to change the course choices you have selected on your CAO form you can do so from Tuesday, May 5, when the Change of Mind

facility becomes available to applicants. Your change of course/s can be registered online or by posting the Change of Mind form, once received, to the CAO. There is no fee involved and courses can be added, removed or re ordered as often as required until July 1. Once you are satisfied with your course selection all courses should then be listed in genuine order of preference on the new list. As soon as a Change of Mind has been submitted it cancels all previous course choices in any category in which changes are made. If you change courses online, an acknowledgement will be sent to your email address, which you should check carefully and inform CAO immediately if any errors or omissions have been made. Ensure to keep a copy of any changes for yourself as well as your certificate of posting, if applicable, for your own records.

At the presentation to the Murphy’s Bar Darts Champions 2016 were Sean Murphy and Mullins Cup winner Laura Keane.

At the presentation to the Murphy’s Bar Darts Champions 2016 were Mike Landers Cup winners Dave Stack and Neil O’Donoghue.

• You can contact Eithne Teahan by emailing info@ careeroptionskerry.com or calling 087-2028185

At the presentation to the Murphy’s Bar Darts Champions 2016 were Sean Murphy and Dave Stack, winner of the Peg Murphy Cup, and Kevin McCann, winner of the Murphy Cup.

15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser


in memoriam 5th anniversary

29th anniversary

9th & 6th anniversary

5th anniversary





In loving memory of Sheila Daly Knockeenduve, Killarney, who died on 16th of April 2011. R.I.P

In loving memory of Ellen O’Leary late of Knocklebede, Kilcummin, Killarney who died on the 17th of April 1987.

In loving memory of Charlie and Mary Tangney late of Rockfield, Faha, Killarney whose anniversaries occur around this time.

In loving memory of Bridie O’Shea late of Deelish Park, Beaufort Killarney who died on the 14th of April 2011.

A mother’s love is special A gift beyond compare You only know the meaning When she is no longer there. She lived her life with little needs Filled instead with selfless deeds For all of us you did your best May God grant you eternal rest. No matter what the future brings Or what may lie ahead We know that you will walk with us Along the path we tread. To the world she was a mother To her family she was the world.

Aunt You cannot choose your family But if it was possible to do, I know I could not ever choose A better Aunt than you. In all the things I have to say, You always listened and understood If problems suddenly arose You lent a helping hand So thank you Aunt for being you. I just want to remember you And I love you more than words can say. Sadly missed by your sister Kathleen and all your nephews and nieces.

Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Maura, John, Eileen and family. Anniversary Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral on Wednesday 20th April at 6.15pm.

May they rest in peace Dear Jesus, In thy heavenly home above, With the sacred heart of Jesus, In His own eternal love. Always in our thoughts and prayers. Fondly remembered by ye’re family.

5th anniversary

5th anniversary

23rd & 27th anniversary buckley


In loving memory of Noel O’Donoghue late of Rockfield, Faha, Killarney whose anniversary occurs on the 7th of April. In loving memory of Seamus O’Connor late of Clydaugh, Kilcummin who died on April 17th 2011.

From all your loving family. Annivesary Mass on Tuesday 19th of April at 6.15pm in St Mary’s Cathedral.

13th anniversary o’hanlon

Anniversary Mass on Saturday 16th of April Beaufort Parish Church at 7.30pm.


10th anniversary

A daily thought, a silent prayer A constant wish that you were here An empty place no one can fill We miss you and always will.

Your weary hours and days of pain Your troubled nights have passed Your ever patient, willing soul Has found sweet rest at last. Lovingly remembered by your husband Mike.


In loving memory of Christy Brady late of 40 Daltons Avenue, Killarney who died on the 19th April, 2006.

What she suffered she told but few She did not deserve what she went through Tired and weary she made no fuss But tried so hard to stay with us.

The hands of time keep turning The years are slipping away But in our hearts and memories Seamus you are with us everyday. Loved and remembered by his loving wife Sandra, daughters Tara and Fiona, grandsons Glen and Ross, brothers and sisters, son-in-law Brian and father-inlaw Joe. Anniversary Mass on Saturday 16th of April at 7.30pm in Our Lady of Lourdes Church Kilcummin.

No one knows our heartaches Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that we bear in silence For the one we loved so well. Sadly missed and always remembered by his wife Goretti, Kieran, Tina, Cathal, Aidan, Triona, David, Marian, grandchildren, sisters, brothers, extended family, relatives and friends.

In loving memory of our dear father Jerry, who died on 16th April 1993, also our brother John, who died on 15th April 1989. Late of St. Brendan’s Place, Killarney. R.I.P. Silent memories keep you near, As time unfold another year. Out of our lives you may have gone. But in our hearts you will always live on. Always remembered by Sheila, Trevor, Lorraine and families.

15th anniversary Dinneen

23rd & 27th anniversary

18th anniversary


O’Sullivan In loving memory of Anne Dinneen Crohane, Clonkeen, Killarney who died on the 7th April, 2001.

In loving memory of Joseph (Josie) O’Hanlon late of East End, Rathmore who died on 14th April, 2003. RIP. We hold you close within our hearts And there you shall remain To walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet again.

In loving memory of Michael O’Sullivan, late of St Brendan’s Place, Killarney who died on the 15th of April 1998. R.I.P. Silent memories keep you near As time unfolds another year Out of our lives you may be gone But in our hearts you still live on.

Sadly missed and always remembered by your loving wife Mai, son Tomás, daughter in law Veronica and grandson Darragh.

Sadly missed and always remembered by your loving daughter Nora Ann, son-inlaw Michael and grandchildren Darren and Amy.



Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. R.F.

Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. E.O.C.


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

We hold you close within our hearts And there you shall remain, To walk with us throughout our lives, Until we meet again. So rest in peace, dear loved one And thanks for all you’ve done. We pray that God has given you The crown you’ve truly won.

In loving memory of my dear father Jerry Buckley late of 12 St. Brendan’s Place who died on the 16th of April 1993 and my dear brother John Buckley late of 65 St. Brendan’s Place who died on the 15th of April 1989.

Very sadly missed by her loving Husband Denis, Pádraig and Martina, Aileen and Sean, Kathleen and James and all her grandchildren.

The happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still, But death has left a vacant place, This world can never fill.

May she rest in peace.

Sadly missed by Jeremiah, Patricia and family.

prayer to saint jude May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and throughout the world now & forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, Healer of the hopeless, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. Amen. (Say this prayer 9 times a day for 9 days, by the 9th day prayer will be answered, it has never been known to fail - publication must be promised.) D.O.K.

NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. C. L.

in memoriam 2nd Anniversary Buckley

In loving memory of Jerh Buckley, late of Lismongane, Fossa, Killarney, who died on the 16th April, 2014. Somewhere beyond the sunset Where loved ones never die You sleep in a beautiful garden Beneath a golden sky Though heaven and earth divide us We are never far apart For you are always in our thoughts And forever in our hearts. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Mary. Micheál, Aoife, Miceál, Eoin and their families.

2nd Anniversary Buckley

In loving memory of Jerh Buckley, late of Lismongane, Fossa, Killarney, who died on the 16th April, 2014. God looked around His garden And found an empty place He then looked down upon His earth And saw your loving face. He put His arms around you And lifted you to rest His garden must be beautiful He always takes the best. You’ve left us precious memories Your love is still our guide You live on through your children You’re always by our side. It broke our hearts to lose you But you did not go alone For part of us went with you On the day God called you home. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Demetria, Andrew, Cáitlín and Séarlait.

4th Anniversary O’SULLIVAN

4th Anniversary O’SULLIVAN

In loving memory of our dear son Stephen O’Sullivan, late of Slievenamon House, Minish, Killarney who passed away on the 12th of April 2012, aged 29 years.

In loving memory of Stephen O’Sullivan, late of Slievenamon House, Minish, Killarney who passed away on the 12th of April 2012.

Of all the special gifts in life However great or small To have you as our son Was the greatest gift of all A special son we can’t replace With aching hearts we whisper low We love you son and miss you so. xxx Love Mam and Dad xxx Anniversary Mass on Monday 18th April in St Mary’s Cathderal at 6.15pm.

4th Anniversary O’SULLIVAN

In loving memory of Stephen O’Sullivan, late of Slievenamon House, Minish, Killarney who passed away on the 12th of April 2012. Everyday in some small way Memories of you come my way Though absent, you are always near Still missed, loved and always dear. I can’t have the old days back When we were all together But secret tears and loving thoughts Will be with me forever. Your life was a blessing Your memory a treasure.... You are loved beyond words And missed beyond measure. Loved and missed dearly everyday, Love always Your brother Alan and Claire. xxx

4th Anniversary O’SULLIVAN

Buckley In loving memory of Stephen O’Sullivan, late of Slievenamon House, Minish, Killarney who passed away on the 12th of April 2012.

Hoping these few simple words Which carry so much love Will somehow find their way to you In heaven up above Because today, the sadness In our hearts is overflowing And if you get this message Then you’ll have some way of knowing How much we always miss you And how much you meant to us For you were simply everything A special Dad should be So today and every day And all our whole life through We’ll think of nothing else, dear Dad But yesterday and you. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Teddy, Kathleen and Tim.

Missing you everyday, my angel in the sky, my dear brother Stephen. Love always your loving sister Aisling and Michael. xxx

My uncle I love you And I really find it unfair That Stevie was too good for earth And had to go up there.


In loving memory of Michael Culloty Maulykevane, Headford, Killarney who died on the 18th of April 2013. R.I.P. Your gentle face and patient smile With sadness we recall You had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. We miss you in so many ways We miss the things you used to say And when old times we do recall It’s then we miss you most of all. Sadly missed and never forgotten by your loving daughters and their families. Anniversary Mass Sunday 17th April at 10am in Gneeveguilla Church.

24th, 17th, 12th anniversaries MANGAN In loving memory of Margaret, Jeremiah and Donie Mangan of Milleen, Kilcummin, Killarney. Whose anniversaries occur at this time of the year. Time unfolds another year Memories keep you very near No need for words except to say You are loved and thought of everyday. Masses offered.

22nd anniversary

From your family.


21st anniversary Harrington

In loving memory of a dear husband and father Mortimer O’Donoghue late of The Blackthorn House, High Street, Killarney who died on 14th April, 1994. Our hearts are full of memories With love we speak your name Though life goes on without you It will never be the same. Will those who think of him today A little prayer to Jesus say.

2nd Anniversary

In loving memory of Jerh Buckley, late of Lismongane, Fossa, Killarney, who died on the 16th April, 2014.

Day by day I think of you, How can all of this be true? I can’t believe you’re really gone, I still can’t accept it, Even after so long. Just the thought of you makes me cry, I never even got the chance to say goodbye. Every picture, every letter, I don’t know if it will get better. I always smell your familiar scent, It makes me think of all the times we’ve spent. So many things I never got to say, I never imagined you’d ever be so far away. You were my brother, And I loved you like no other. In my heart you’ll always be, You’ll be my guide and help me see.

3rd anniversary

Loved and sadly missed by your wife Teresa and family, Máire, Deirdre, Fiona, Siobhán and Seán.

3rd anniversary Foley

In loving memory of John Harrington late of 99 Ballyspillane, Killarney who died on the 16th of April 1995. Though your smile is gone forever, And your hand we cannot touch, We still have so many memories, Of the one we loved so much. Your memory is our keepsake, With which we’ll never part, God has you in His keeping, We have you in our hearts. Always loved by your wife Bridget, sons, daughters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law and grandchildren.

5th anniversary O’Leary

Always missed by your nephew Cian. xxx

4th anniversary Clifford In loving memory of Frank Clifford late of Torc Terrace Killarney who died on 23rd of April 2012. R.I.P. We hold you close within our hearts And there you shall remain To walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet again So rest in peace dear loved one And thanks for all you’ve done We pray that God has given you The crown you’ve truly won. Sadly missed and always remembered by your loving son John.

In loving memory of John Joe Foley Barleymount Fossa, who passed away on the 13th April 2013.

In loving memory of John O’Leary Clounts, Rathmore, who died on 21st April 2011.

Silent thoughts sincere and true From a family who thought the world of you No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts you are always there.

Silent memories keep you near As time unfolds another year Out of our lives you may be gone But in our hearts you still live on.

Always loved and remembered by Patricia, Colm, Jenette and Brian.

Loved and remembered always by your wife Kathleen and family.

Anniversary Mass Saturday April 16th in Fossa Church at 7.30pm.

Anniversary Mass St. Joseph’s Church Rathmore on Saturday 23rd of April at 6pm (Vigil).

15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser


in memoriam 9th anniversary

10th anniversary


O’Meara (Nee O’Donoghue)

10th anniversary o’meara

Special Wedding Anniversary Remembrance Fleming

In loving memory of our dear husband, father and grandfather Con Crean late of Sliabh Luachra, Gneeveguilla who passed away on the 15th April 2007. A bouquet of beautiful memories Sprayed with a million tears Wishing God would have spared you If just for a few more years. It does not take a special day For me to think of you Each Mass I hear, each prayer I say Is offered up for you. Loved and sadly missed by your loving wife Joan. We seldom ask for miracles, But today just one would do, To have the front door open, And to see you walking through. We travel to your graveside, Some flowers we lay with care, But the hardest thing to do, Is turn and leave you there. Sadly missed by your son Ger and daughter-in-law Eileen. I’m sending a dove to heaven With a parcel on it’s wings Be careful how you open it It’s full of beautiful things It’s filled with a million kisses Wrapped up with a million hugs It’s from your daughter Yvonne Who sends it with all her love. Too good to be forgotten. Loved and missed by your daughter Yvonne and son-in-law Paudie. We lost a father with a heart of gold, How much we miss him can never be told, He shared our troubles and helped us along, If we follow in his footsteps we will never go wrong. Lonely is the home without you, Life is not the same, All the world would be like heaven, If we could have you back again. Sadly missed and loved by your daughter Marion and son-in-law Donie. Grandad We’re sending you a kiss Up to the sky so blue So catch it Grandad it’s just for you. Missed by your grandchildren Danny, Ciaran and Yvonne.

16th anniversary Murphy

In loving memory of Michael F. Murphy late of Kilquane Headford, Killarney, who died on April 18th 2000.

In loving memory of Maura O’Meara nee O’Donoghue late of Muckross, Killarney who died on the 14th April, 2006.

In loving memory of Maura O’Meara late of Loughguittane, Muckross who died on the 14th April, 2006.

Will those who think of her today a little prayer to Jesus say.

Forgive me Lord if I still cry I never wanted my friend to die With a broken heart I whisper low I love you Maura and I miss you so I keep my memories one by one Things you’ve said and things you’ve done They bring a smile and many a tear For a friend I miss and love so dear.

Sadly missed by Mam. A loving sister with a heart of gold The best this world could ever hold A special person so very rare When we needed you, you were always there. You were someone we could talk to On you we could depend You were always our best friend You are always in our thoughts You are simply the best. Sadly missed by your loving sister Karen, Jimmy, your nieces Beth and Kate and your nephew Danny. Your memory is a keepsake with which we never part Those special days will not return When we were all together God has you in His keeping But with love and memories in our hearts you will walk with us forever.

No longer in our lives to share But in our hearts you are always there Quietly today your memory we treasure Loving you always forgetting you never Time passes memories stay Those we love don’t go away They walk beside us every day In Gods care you rest above In our hearts you rest with love. Sadly missed by your brother Cono and Anne and niece Moira. May you always walk in sunshine And God’s love around you grow For the happiness you gave us No one will ever know. Sadly missed by your loving brother Michael and Edel. Anniversary Mass on Sunday 17th of April at 9.30am in Muckross Church.

10th anniversary O’Meara (Nee O’Donoghue)

In loving memory of Maura O’Meara nee O’Donoghue late of Muckross, Killarney who died on the 14th April, 2006. We lost a mother with a heart of gold How much we miss her can never be told She shared our troubles and helped us along If we follow in her footsteps we will never go wrong. Sadly missed by your loving sons Eoin and Micheál.

Always remembered by your family, grandchildren, great grandchildren and extended family.


Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16








be praised, glorified and honoured throughout the whole world now and forever. Repeat this 3 times. R.K.

Precious people are very few, That is why there was only one of you, Lord, treasure her in your garden of rest, Because on earth she was one of the best. Sadly missed by your loving husband Pat, daughter Marcella, sons David and John, son-in-law David, daughter-in-law Katrin and grandson Conor Patrick.

A silent thought a quiet prayer For someone special in God’s care. Always remembered, sadly missed Brian, Gary, Luke and Hollie.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & 1st Anniversary Mangan

Lovingly remembered always by your loving brother Hugh and Eileen and your nephews Michael and David.

Will those who think of him today A little prayer to Jesus say. On his soul sweet Jesus have mercy.

Miss you so much today and everyday Gill.

In loving memory of Sheila Fleming late of Clydine, Kilcummin Killarney on our 37th Wedding Anniversary.

Michael Mangan Late of Crohane, Fossa and formerly of Lisaree, Ballymalis who died on the 19th of April 2015. On the first anniversary of Michael’s passing, his wife Noreen, daughter Fiona, son-in-law Jamie, grandchildren Ella and Eilidh, sister Kathleen and brother James would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of those who helped us through that most difficult time. Your support and kindness has been most greatly appreciated. We would like to express our gratitude to Southdoc, the Ambulance and Garda service who attended to Michael. Our thanks go to Fr. Gerard O’Leary and Fr. Harrington who celebrated Michael’s funeral Mass. Frank Anderton and Marie Falvey for the beautiful singing and music. Also to Listry GAA for their very thoughtful guard of honour. A special thanks to Michael O’Shea and all at O’Shea’s funeral home for their compassion and professionalism. We wish that we could thank individually all of those who sympathised with us and provided support, however as this is not possible we hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions. We miss your smile your joking ways, We miss the things you used to say, And when old times we do recall, It’s then we miss you most of all. Michael’s first anniversary Mass will take place on Tuesday 19th April at 7pm in the Church of The Immaculate Conception Listry.

thanksgiving For favours received from St. Claire, St. Theresa, St. Patrick, Infant Child of Prague, St. Gerard, St. Anthony, St. Joseph, Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Martin, St. Jude, St. Francis, St. Perigrine, St. Beuelwanda, John Paul, St. Bridget, Holy Spirit, Precious Mother of Jesus, Padre Pio, Blessed Virgin Mary, all the Angels and Saints and all the Holy Souls. C.D.

POWERFUL NOVENA This novena never fails. Say it on the hour for 9 hours. Jesus who has said, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open to you. Through the intercession of Mary, the Most Holy Mother, I knock, I ask that my prayer will be granted (Make your request). Oh Jesus, has said all you ask the Father in my name, he will grant through the intercession of Mary, the Most Holy Mother. I humbly beg and urgently ask the Father in thy Name that my prayer be granted (Make request here) Oh Jesus who has said Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away through the intercession of Mary, the most Holy Mother. I feel confident my prayer shall be answered. (Make request). This novena is to be said at the same time every hour for nine consecutive hours one day. Promised publication, never fails. N.L.

Novena to the holy spirit O Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can attain my goal. You gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget all evil against me and that in all instances of my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things you have given me as you confirm once again that I never wanted to be separated from you in spite of all material illusions. I wish to be with you in Eternal Glory. Thank you for mercy towards me and mine. This prayer must be said for three days, after three days the favour will be granted. D.P.

prayer to the virgin mary O Most Beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful vine, Splendour of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin assist me in this my necessity. O Star of the Sea help me and show me herein you are my mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mary I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine. Amen. This prayer must be said for three days and after that the request will be granted and the prayer must be published. Thank you for favours received. E.F.

killarney notes

The week in sport | Deadline Tuesday 5.30pm | Sports Editor Eamonn Fitzgerald

Beaufort Golf Club

Results Club Weekend Away to Dungarvan A very enjoyable two night trip away was had by the 28 people who travelled and it was nice to see so many new members partaking. 1st Shane O’Sullivan (6) 37pts, 2nd Joe Kennedy (5) 36pts, 3rd Timmy Lyne (21) 32pts. 7th April: Open Seniors - 1st John Doherty, 2nd Edwin Spence. Fixtures 14th April: Thursday’s Open Seniors at 10am. 15th April: Open Friday competition. 16th/17th April: 1st round GOTY, strokeplay from yellows tees. 24th April: Macroom Swop Day.

Euro Bridge Club

March 29th 1st. Mike O’Shea and Ger Sweeney 2nd. Anne O’Shea and Harry Milner April 5th 1st. Anne O’Shea and Harry Milner 2nd. Mike O’Shea and Ger Sweeney.

Euro Bridge Club members presenting a cheque, proceeds of its charity night, to the Oncology Department, Kerry University Hospital, from left, Lynda O'Connor, secretary, Euro Bridge, Theresa Walsh, oncology nurse manager, Finola Spillane, president, Euro Bridge, and Sandra Murphy, oncology nurse.

Ring of Kerry Golf Club

Results 18 Hole V-Par; 1st Jey Steadman (15) 3Up. Next weekend 15/16/17th 18 Hole Stroke. The ‘Inbher Sceine Swing 2016’ open golf competition played from 18th to 24th April in Kenmare and Ring of Kerry Golf Clubs.

Gneeveguilla Athletic Club

Lotto: No winner of our lotto draw 08/04/2016, numbers drawn were 1, 12, 22 & 25. Bonus not won numbers drawn were 1, 6, 12 & 25. Next week’s jackpot €10,000 plus €1,000 bonus. Training: Summer training schedule as follows: Boherbue Comprehensive School 6.00 – 7.00pm, Riocht Track Wednesday 7.00- 8.00pm, Barradubh sports Field Friday 7.00 – 8.00pm. Couch to 5K: In Barradubh Field Monday 8.00pm, Wednesday 7.00pm, Friday 8.00pm. Everyone welcome to join still not too late. A 5K will be held at the end of the programme for all those who completed the programme. Gneeveguilla AC open Sports: Will be held on Sunday April 24th in Riocht Track – keep the date free.

Killarney Camera Club

Another great themed competition tonight, it was great to see so many different interpretations! We had 24 entries and here are the results: Unrestricted Category: 1st: Terry MacSweeney: Drop Leaf 144 points 2nd: Paul Garnett: A Knotty Problem 142 points 3rd: Seamus Long: Blue Mitt 130 points In the Novice category, well done to Adrian Healy who came tops with his Grid Iron photo, the results were: 1st: Adrian Healy Grid Iron 130 points 2nd: Maryann Heidkte Slipway 113 points 3rd: David O’Connor Rings 112 points. The photos can be seen on our face-

book page. Two more competitions left in this year’s photographer of the year competition, currently Terry leads the Unrestricted category on 91 points and Adrian leads the Novice category on 72 points. The closing date for the next competition which has an ”open Macro theme” is on the 21st April.

Murphy’s Bar Darts

End of Year Results Murphy’s Darts Season came to a conclusion on the 29st March with the final of the Murphy Cup. What a fantastic season of darts we had. The season began on the 16th November with the Mullins Cup where Laura Keane had to fight very hard to defend her title against former winner Geraldine O’Sullivan. From the 24th November to the 21st December 16 teams battled it out for the Mike Landers Cup doubles competition. Neil O’Donoghue and Dave Stack won the cup for the 3rd time in a row beating Dale McCarthy and Richie O’Connor. The Maye Breen Cup (mixed doubles) got under way on the 12th January with a total of 20 participants. On the 18th January Breda & Edmund Kelliher won the final beating Lindsey Cronin & John O’Brien. The Pat Murphy Cup (over 50s) was played over 3 nights and on the 26th January Kevin Breen won the title. This was Kieran’s third time claiming the Pat Murphy Cup title beating Mike Teahan. The battle for the 40th Murphy Cup and 17th Peg Murphy Cup began on the 27th January consisting of 16 groups fighting for a place in the last 16. Kevin McCann claimed the title beating Edmond Kelliher in the final. It was Kevin’s third time winning the title in 2001 and 2014. Dave Stack won the Peg Murphy Cup. We would like to congratulate the winners of the Killarney Dart League Div 4 Mustang Sally A, Div 3 Dunloe Lodge B, Div 2 The Golden Nugget (old timers) & Div 1 The Tatler Jack (with the help of the Murphy Cup winner Kevin McCann.) We would also like to thank Roland Sauter and assistant Catherine Lucey

for all their hard work and dedication in organising all the tournaments during the season. This year has been the most successful year to date. Looking forward to seeing you all for more thrilling action next season starting 7th November. Murphy’s Bar Darts Champions 2016 Mullins Cup: Laura Keane Mike Landers Cup: Neil O’Donoghue & Dave Stack The Maye Breen Cup: Brenda & Edmund Kelliher Pat Murphy Cup: Kieran Breen Peg Murphy Cup: Dave Stack Murphy Cup: Kevin McCann.

Ross Golf Club Gents

Fixtures: On Sunday April 17th we will hold the re scheduled third round of the M D O’Shea spring league with an 18 hole single stableford competition. The time sheet is now available in the clubhouse so please add your name to it as soon as possible.

Spa Muckross Community Games

SWIMMING: The County competition takes place on Sunday 1st May in Tralee. Please contact Emir Coffey 087 2258776, if you’re interested in participating. CONGRATULATIONS: to St. Brendan’s College on their recent Hogan Cup win. Well done to Spa Muckross Community Games area lads, Billy Courtney, Dara Moynihan, David Carroll, Evan Cronin & David Spillane & anyone else on the panel who may have competed with us over the years. Spa figure dancers became All Ireland Senior Scór champions the same weekend. Well done to the girls & their mentors. A fantastic weekend for the parish of Killarney EVENTS: Anyone interested in competing in Community Games events should contact Margaret O’Sullivan after 1.30pm on 087 6735782. Details of all events in Kerry can be found on http://www.kerrycommunitygames. ie/ as well as their Facebook page,

Kerry Community Games. The national body’s website is http://www.communitygames.ie/, and there is also a Facebook page, Community Games.

Castlerosse Golf Club

Results Competition on Sunday 10th April cancelled due to weather conditions. Result of 3 person mixed scramble played on Tuesday 5th April, best net return, Gintaras Bendaravicius, Roger O’ Sullivan & Kay Spillane. Fixtures Weekend competition, 18 Hole Stableford to be played on Saturday or Sunday. Ladies & Gents mixed scrambles continue each Tuesday evening, draw for partners at 6pm. Scrambles are an ideal practice to learn/improve your technique. Open to non-members. Ladies, give Golf a go. Free taster evening at Castlerosse Golf Club on Monday April 18th April from 7pm to 9pm. Further details contact Mary at 086 8404243. Membership now available for 2016 contact Castlerosse 064 6631144 for details.

Killarney Valley AC

Congratulations & well done to Tony Harty who ran in the Rotterdam Marathon and to John O’Leary and Phillip Gammel who ran the Manchester Marathon last weekend. An Ríocht and Killarney Valley AC had a friendly match in Castleisland on Monday 11th April and great fun was had by all – thanks to all in Ríocht for having us all. It is always a great evening. There has been great attendance at the indoor training nights since September but indoor training is finished and the athletes will now train outdoors on Wednesdays only at the An Ríocht Track, Castleisland, at 6-7pm sharp. They will be coached in the relevant age groups as usual by our volunteer coaches. Please bring €3, drinking water, warm gear and rain-wear. Upcoming Events Day 1 of Leevale 2016 - Sunday 17th

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killarney notes April, CIT Track. With a complete programme catering entirely for juveniles, this provides an ideal opportunity for athletes to have an outdoor T&F competition in advance of their respective county club and schools championships. AIB Schools Challenge - Wednesday 20 April 2016 Killarney National Park. Gneeveguilla AC Open Sports: Will be held on Sunday April 24th in Ríocht Track – keep the date free. Kerry Juvenile Track & Field Championships - 7th & 8th of May 2016 Details for all of the above on www. facebook.com/KillarneyValleyAC Remember: Athletes must wear the club singlet when representing their club. These are available from Brid Stack. We are always looking for people to help to train our young athletes and now more than ever as our numbers have grown. Our volunteer coaches give up a lot of free time to coach the athletes but there is no such thing as too much help – if you are interested in being a volunteer coach then please contact the club on 0872499566. Don’t forget Killarney Parkrun is on every Saturday morning at 9.30 am sharp in Muckross near the Muckross Traditional Farm. More information and to register online www.parkrun. ie/killarney If you have any news you would like to include in the notes please email killarneyvalleyac@gmail. com and please like our Facebook Page www.facebook.com/KillarneyValleyAC to get our news and updates.

Muckross Rowing Club

SYMPATHY The club extends its sympathies to Padraig Leane and to all members of the Leane and McCarthy families on the death of Rena Leane. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis. SKIBBEREEN REGATTA Well done to all our crews who competed in the Skibbereen Grand League Regatta on Saturday last, which was the first regatta of the season for the club and also the first major national event on the regatta calendar of 2016. Congratulations to Sean Fleming, who was winner of the C Final in the Mens Division 2 Single Scull, following a commanding win in the earlier heat. Sean’s finish time also placed him ninth overall at J18 level. Well done also to Caoimhe Kelly and Aldina Murphy who were third in the B final of the Womens Division 2 Double Scull and to Aoife Farrell and Aoife Courtney, also taking third in the C final of the same event. A long day of racing was finished out with second and third place finishes in the heats of the Womens Division 2 Single Scull. Well done to Aldina Murphy and Aoife Farrell. Finally, we say well done also to our Womens J15 girls who were taking part in their first sliding event regatta. Caoimhe O’Connor, Hannah Daly, Emer Beazley, Niamh Coffey and Clare Joy competed in the Womens Junior 15 Quad and Division 2 Double events and will have learned lots for the competitions to come. Our thanks to all the parents, coaches and adult members who supported the trip. LIMERICK BOUND Next weekend, the club competes in the Limerick Regatta and Schools Regatta, both taking place at O’Briens-

bridge on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th May respectively. Best of luck to all our crews! FUNDRAISER BBQ A Fundraiser Barbecue in aid of the club will be held on the May Bank Holiday Sunday 1st at the Muckross Park Hotel. The event is generously sponsored by the Muckross Park Hotel and all proceeds raised will go towards essential equipment upkeep, maintenance and replacement. Over the last few years, the event has become hugely popular with all ages and it is always a great day out for younger and older, with great food and children’s entertainment in the best of surroundings. No better way to spend a Bank Holiday Sunday afternoon! All are welcome and we look forward to seeing all our club members, past and present, supporters, family members and friends. Tickets will be available through all club members and a limited number on the day. Adult: €15. U18: €10. Family: €50. Book your tickets early to avoid disappointment and don’t forget to spread the word! Enquiries by phone or text to 087 448 2935.

Deerpark Pitch & Putt Club

Last week’s Seniors Outing in Tralee attracted a fine turnout of members from Newmarket, Castleisland, Gleneagle and Deerpark Results Nett Dan O’Callaghan (Castleisland) and John Murphy (Deerpark) Gross Johnny McCarthy (Castleisland) and Jim O’Sullivan (Newmarket). A special word of thanks to the Tralee club for hosting the competition at short notice as other courses were deemed unplayable. Next Outing will be to Castleisland on Wednesday May 6th 10.15am. Sunday Competition Due to the inclement weather conditions last Sunday’s competition was cancelled. Weather permitting it is hoped to have a Singles Competition on this Sunday morning under the new PPUI rules time to be confirmed by text later. Details of new rules are available on PPUI website. Newmarket Fundraiser Newmarket club are running a Pitch & Putt Classic as a club fundraiser on Sunday April 24th with all proceeds going to the further development of their club. Luke McCarthy club PRO has informed us that there are some nice prizes to be won. Entry is €60 per team of three adults or €30 per team of three juveniles. Full details from Luke at 087-7543668. Munster Matchplay Best wishes are extended to our competitors in the Munster matchplay competition in Tralee on Wednesday April 20th. National Inter-Club competitions The club is expected to enter teams for the forthcoming Inter-club competitions - Gents Handicap and Scratch events and Ladies Handicap events. Members wishing to enter for those competitions are advised to contact Jason O’Connor by Sunday April 24th.

Killarney Golf and Fishing Club Men’s

Club Captain Liam Hartnett was in the

Local clubs weekly round-up | Deadline Tuesday 5.30pm

vanguard of a 40 strong contingent of Members of the Men’s Club who travelled to Lahinch last weekend, which surprisingly turned out to be very pleasant from a weather perspective, despite a forecast to the contrary, for most of the time spent on the Golf Links. On Friday a doubles competition was played over a curtailed course of 14 holes due to the lateness of the tee times that were allocated to us, and it was won by Dan Joe Cahill and John O’Shea with a incredible score of 35 points, they were 5 points clear of those in second place who were Sean Goulding and Ger Lenihan with 30 points. On Saturday, the singles competition was played in almost Mediterranean like conditions and we had, once again a late start, and the last three groups endured the start of the horrible conditions that followed and remained with us for the remainder of the weekend. 1st was Bernard O’Shea (19) with 43 points. 2nd was Pat Favier (15) with 42 points. 3rd was James Curran (10) with 37 points. 4th was John Herlihy (8) with 36 points. 5th was John Lynch (12) with 36 points. 6th was Michael O’Neill (13) with 35 points. 7th was Ger Moroney with 35 points. 1st nine holes winner was Derry McCarthy (5) with 19 points. 2nd nine holes winner was Brian O’Regan (6) with 18 points. Bernard was a most popular winner, and in his acceptance speech Bernard paid tribute to his recently departed, and long time Golfing ambassador, and former Captain of our Club, Sean O’Shea. Best Dressed was Donal “gap” O’Sullivan, closely followed by James Curran, and in third place wearing trousers that would have been most appropriate on St. Patrick’s Day was Brendan Keogh.!!! The foul weather that closed in at about 7.30pm continued into the evening and all of Sunday but it did not dampen the spirits of the doughty band of travellers, but it did totally wipe out the intended “sightseeing” that had been planned for Sunday. Club competition, Singles stableford sponsored by Clifford’s Cash and Carry Tralee on Killeen on Sunday last was called off 30 minutes after it started due to the inclement weather conditions, and it will be re-scheduled for a date later in the year. Captain Liam Hartnett, on behalf of the entire membership of the Club wishes to pass on his sincere condolences to the family of our former Captain Tommy Doran, who was Captain in 1991 when the Carroll’s Irish Open was played in Killarney, to Tommy’s wife Joan and all of Tommy’s extended family. A most fitting and appropriate tribute was paid to Tommy with, no less than four different groups lined up as “Guards of Honour” for Tommy’s funeral, Killarney Golf and Fishing Club, Killarney Fire Brigade, Buckley’s Tours, and members of the former Killarney UDC. Captain Liam would also like to extend the same condolences to the wife and family of our member Tom Murphy, whose untimely passing came just weeks before Tom was due to take retirement from Liebherr Container Cranes Ltd. May the Good Lord extend his welcoming arms to them

both, and no doubt a “fourball” will be lined up with Tommy Doran and James Loughnane taking on Tom Murphy and Sean O’Shea, on the “Killarney” Golf course in the heavens.

Killarney South Community Games

Killarney South Community Games eagerly awaited Area Finals will be held on Tuesday 26th April at 6:30 PM in the St. Oliver’s Primary School field in Ballycasheen. This has been a tremendous success in the last few years with no age restrictions and the proper athletics ethos of participation being displayed. Unfortunately, as per Community Games, we can only cater for the athletes in the Killarney South Area as we have had huge numbers of requests from Athletes from other areas in recent years. This event is the highlight athletic event in the Killarney South Area with record numbers participating and also serves as a qualifier for the County Athletics Finals in Castleisland in June. We also are requesting all Parents in the Area to please help out on the night. The Swimming Finals take place on Sunday, May 1st in the Tralee Sports Complex, commencing at 9 A.M. Please notify Swimming Co-ordinator, Mike Hickey, as entries are currently being processed. Finally, huge congratulations to Killarney South Community Games Chairman, Anthony Greaney, who recently won 4 gold medals in the All-Ireland Masters Indoor Finals in Athlone, surely establishing Anthony as one of the top master Athletes in Ireland.

St Brendan’s Rowing Club

REMINDER: Next club meeting will be held on Friday 29th of April at 7pm in the Parish Hall. We hope to see you all there. REGISTRATION FEES: For anyone who has yet to pay their club membership money please contact Nicola. Fees are €20 for U18s & Students and €60 for adults. NEW MEMBERS: New members are always welcome for both sliding and sixing so if you think rowing might be the sport for you why not come and give it a try. Please contact Ciaran Sheehan on 085-1487743 if you would like to arrange a practice session. CONTACT: For any other details please contact Teddy O’Brien on 064-6633838 or email stbrendansrowingclub@gmail. com

Workmen’s Rowing Club

Training News Training continues as usual for all our underage and adults as per coaches texts. Beginners rowing takes place at Reen Pier, Ross Castle every Saturday at 10am. Remember, you can take up rowing at any age, so all beginners, young and not so young, can come along to speak to our experienced coaches and get a feel for the sport. Whether you would like to row for pleasure or competition, Workmen’s Rowing Club will welcome you at Reen

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killarney notes

The week in sport | Deadline Tuesday 5.30pm | Sports Editor Eamonn Fitzgerald

Pier, Ross Castle. For further information regarding Beginners Rowing you can call Mary Burns on 086 8098182. Skibbereen Regatta Congratulations to all of our brave rowers who took on the hailstones in Iniscarra last Saturday, and did themselves and Workmen’s proud in some fantastic races. Some results of note were: Seán Farndon J15 Single Scull who came home 2nd place in his final. Dylan Bartlett, Kamil Kunicki, Tom O’Leary, Michael O’Donoghue. Cox; Ciara Browne. Mens Division 2 , 4X+ who took 1st place in the ‘B’ Final. Annie O’Donoghue and Ciara Moynihan qualified for finals in Womens Div 2 , Single Sculls. Ciara came in a very close 2nd in her final. Ruadhán Mac Curtáin and David Bartlett, Mens Div 2 , double scull who qualified for a final and came in 3rd place overall in J16. Tom O’Leary and Brendan Joy, also Kamil Kunicki and Dylan Bartlett qualified for the finals of the Mens Div 2, double sculls. Great racing boys! Lauren McCarthy, Womens Div 2 1x, had a very strong row in her heat despite appalling icy hail conditions. She should have just about thawed out by now. And bringing home the hard won medals were: Annie O’Donoghue, Ciara Browne, Leona Browne and Ciara Moynihan. Womens J16, Division 2 , coxed by Michael O’Donoghue who won 1st place and carried home the gold! And also, Ciara Browne and Annie O’Donoghue. U16 double who won 1st place in their final. Gold medals again for the ladies! Our next event is the Schools Regatta which takes place at O’Brien’s Bridge Limerick on Sunday 24th April. For a full list of upcoming rowing events, please visit www.rowingireland.ie Membership For anyone who has not already done so, please pass on your membership to Pauline or Siobhán.

Killarney Tennis Club

This year the club is 23 years in existence and we play at the Gleneagle Hotel Tennis courts. We play on Monday and Wednesday evenings and new members are always welcome to come along and try it out. Club members will always be at courts to meet you. The club is affiliated to Tennis Ireland which allows it to develop and become involved in more external events Coaching for our Junior section is available every Saturday. Our Junior section is U16 and caters for all levels. Our qualified coach will normally group juniors by age and we run one hour sessions each week for each age group. Anyone interested please email to davidbutler1@eircom.net or call 086-8136426.

Killarney Celtic

Celtic Park to Host U18 International This Thursday sees Celtic Park host the U18 Centenary Shield Match between Ireland and Scotland at 7.00pm. This is a great honour for the club and testament to the standard of our facilities and the hard work done by wonderful volunteers on previous occasions. We

ask that everyone try to arrive early if possible and please show our neighbours the same courtesy and consideration that they have always shown us. 40th Anniversary Commemorations Our Club has a big birthday when it turns 40 this year. To help mark the occasion and to preserve our history for future Killarney Celtic generations, we will shortly be compiling a Digital Archive of club photos, news reports, memorabilia etc. That will require current and past members to rummage out whatever you might have in display cases, old biscuit tins and photo albums. We’ll be publishing more details here and via the press on the project and how you can get us your materials (and get them safely back). 1995/1996 Reunion A Reunion of the Killarney Celtic double winning side of 1995/96 [20 years] will take place on Friday 22nd April 2016 in the Failte Bar at 9pm. A few beers, finger food and a chat so spread the word. Contact Noel Brosnan 087 2340981 or Karl McMahon 087 6383112. Congratulations In a week where Killarney Celtic has the honour to host the Irish U18 team, this has been a very rewarding one for Kerry soccer in many ways. Jesse Stafford Lacey is on that U18 panel. Savannah McCarthy ended her underage career with the Irish U19s and will feature on senior Irish teams for many years to come. Shane McLoughlin scored for Ipswich, Brendan Moloney led Northampton to promotion, Rian O’Sullivan captained Brighton to a win over Derby. Pride of place, however, goes to Killarney Celtic’s own Hannah O’Donoghue, who opened the scoring in the Ireland U16s win over Wales. Club Shop Our range of Celtic gear has been updated and is now available from the club shop on Saturdays from 12 noon to 2.00pm. Contact Mary Lyne 0866485809 or Mags O’Neill on 087 6451913 for enquiries. Results Jimmy Falvey Youth Cup: Killarney Celtic at home to St. Brendan’s Park, Saturday, 2.30pm U16 Division 1: Asdee 3 Killarney Celtic B 2 An enthralling duel, and Celtic can be hugely proud of their effort while congratulating the winners. Keelan Deegan and Trevor O’Shea got our goals, while Mark Cooper and Tommy McGuire were outstanding. U15 Division One: Castleisland 2 Killarney Celtic B 5 This was a great performance by a hugely improved team from the start of the year; great to see the hard work paying off! U14 Cup: Killarney Celtic 5 Listowel Celtic 2 Killarney Celtic were the first team into the semi-finals of the Tom Hayse 14’s Cup thanks to a 5-2 win over Listowel Celtic. The North Kerry side went 2-0 up before Killarney Celtic too over thanks to goals from Ruairi Doyle, Jason Kerins, Ryan O’Grady and two from Niall McGillicuddy. U14 Cup: Castleisland 5 Killarney Celtic B0 Killarney Celtic B beat Castleisland in mid-week to go through to the weekend’s quarter finals. Harry Buckley 2, Paul O’Sullivan, Nathan Fleming, Darragh Geaney and Caires Prusek got the Celtic goal.

U14 Cup: Killarney Celtic B 1 Mastergeeha 6 Unfortunately, that big win over Castleisland was negated as Celtic B bowed out at the hands of an excellent Mastergeeha, despite us opening the scoring through Paul O’Sullivan. U12 Cup Quarter-Final: Park 3 Killarney Celtic 0 The team gave it everything, with Patrick Lyons, Senan O’Leary, and Luke Crowley giving it everything, but Park were too strong on the day. U12 Cup Quarter-Final: Killorglin 6 Killarney Celtic C 1 Strong and capable Killorglin got an early surprise as Celtic opened the scoring through Brian O’Sullivan, but the home side deservedly took control and ran out winners. Nonetheless, this was a hugely creditable display by a C team against an A side. U12 Division Three: Killarney Celtic C 6 MEK 2 Celtic led 3-0 at half time thanks to two goals from Robbie Harnett and one from Kelvin O’Sullivan. Luke O’Neill, Eoghan Crowley and Robert Brooks added goal in the second half. Congratulations to U12 player Robbie Harnett on making the Kerry Schoolboys/Schoolgirls Team of the Week. Fixtures Denny Premier: Killarney Celtic away to Camp, Sunday, 11.30am Jimmy Falvey Youths Cup: Killarney Celtic at home to Park, Friday, 7.30pm U17 League: killarney Celtic away to Ballyhar Dynamos, Saturday, 2.30pm U15 Div One: Killarney Celtic B at home to Mastergeeha, Saturday, 12.30pm U14 Premier: Killarney Celtic away to Listowel Celtic, Tuesday (19th), 7.00pm U14 Girls: Killarney Celtic away to Listowel Celtic, Saturday, 3.30pm U13 Premier: Killarney Celtic away to Camp, Saturday, 11.30am U12 Girls: Killarney Celtic away to Listowel Celtic, Saturday, 2.30pm Lotto Numbers drawn 1, 4, 7, 22. No winner. Next week’s jackpot €4800, draw in the Failte on Monday night. Tickets available from all club officers. Yearly tickets available. Pitch Bookings Contact Mary Lyne 086-6485809 to book our All Weather full size pitch or training area. If anyone has information for the notes contact Jimmy O’Sullivan Darcy 087 9633397 or jimmyosdarcy@gmail.com. Check out www.killarneyceltic.com for Killarney Celtic news, match reports, or photos.

Killarney Athletic

Fixtures: Thursday 14th April 2016 U16 Division 1 Killarney Athletic v Mastergeeha 6.30pm Friday 15th April 2016 U14 Premier Killarney Athletic v Killarney Celtic 6.30pm Saturday 16th April 2016 John Murphy U12 Shield Quarter Finals Killarney Athletic B v LB Rovers 11-45am MWFAI 16’s Cup Round 1 Killarney Athletic v Carraigaline 2pm League Fixtures U13 Division 1 Mastergeeha v Killarney Athletic 10.30am U15 Division 1

Iveragh v Killarney Athletic 12.30pm Girls League Fixtures U12 Girls Premier Killarney Athletic v Inter Kenmare 12.30pm Tuesday 19th April 2016 Park A v Killarney Athletic 6.45pm Sunday 17th April: Denny Premier A: Mastergeeha v Killarney Athletic 11.30am Reserve Cup 3rd Round Killorglin FC v Killarney Athletic B 2.30pm Athletic Abroad: The club wish to congratulate Former Athletic Player Brendan Moloney on winning won Football league one with Northampton town. A great achievement. 300 Club: 300 club forms are still available for this years draw. Any member or parent not yet signed up are asked to support the club and if possible a friend too. Forms can be got from any committee member. Killarney Athletic Website: Please check the website on www. killarneyathletic.com or facebook for match reports, club information and contact details. Contact: If you have anything to add to the Killarney Athletic A.F.C Notes please Contact Alan Daly on 085-1913244 or aland15@live.ie Sympathies: Deepest sympathies to the Leanes family Tralee road on the passing of their wife and mother Rena Leane. Our condolences to all the Leane families at this time. AGM: Our new date for this years AGM has been changed to Monday the 18th of April at 9pm sharp at the Killarney Oaks Hotel . This is a very important meeting and we request as many members to be there at this time. Congratulations: Belated Congratulations To our mighty oarswoman Aine Coakley on her recent engagement to Ger McGuillycuddy. The very best of wishes to both of you in the future.

Killarney Salmon & Trout Angling Club

Our next competition beckons on Lough Lein on Sunday 01st May when we will fish for the Batty O’Brien Memorial Cup. Entries can now be lodged with any club Officer - entry is on a pick your partner basis. Also with regard to our cancelled competition on Caragh Lake, we have now got a potential new date of the Sunday the 15th May and will give out entry details in coming editions. A quick review of dates looks as follows : 01/5/16 - Lough Lein - Batty O’Brien Memorial Cup 15/5/16 - Caragh Lake Annual Competition - Revised competition date 14/8/16 - Caragh Lake - Plans afoot presently to have a new trophy for this particular competition - we will give more details closer to the event 04/9/16 - Waterville - Church Island Cup 02/10/16 - Annual Competition on Lough Lein Juvenile Calendar will be announced shortly.

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15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser


on the ball

The week in sport | Deadline Tuesday 5.30pm | Sports Editor Eamonn Fitzgerald

KERRY CRUISE INTO ALLIANZ LEAGUE FINAL KERRY cruised into their first Allianz League final since 2009, and a meeting with Dublin, following a comprehensive ten points victory over Roscommon at a windy Croke Park on Sunday afternoon last (3-15 to 0-14). Three first half goals by Colm Cooper, Donnchadh Walsh and Darran O’Sullivan for the Kingdom killed off the Connaught side’s challenge and there was never a remote chance that Roscommon would repeat their Round 2 victory over the wearers of the green and gold. Aidan O’Mahony, captaining his county for only the second time at senior level, won the toss and pointed in the direction of the Davin goal to play with the elements and Kerry wasted little time in letting the ball do the work when wind assisted. At the break they led by 3-8 to 0-5 and the game was as good as in the bag at that stage. Kerry went through the motions in the second half and Roscommon, deprived of the oxygen that a goal can give, gave of their best but on the day it was just not good enough to deprive Kerry of a first meeting with the metropolitans since 1987. The teams will meet in Croke Park on Sunday, Apil 24, at 3.30pm a game that will be preceded at 1.30pm by the Division 2 final between Tyrone and Cavan. There is also a major entertainment event planned for Croke Park on that day to celebrate the centenary of 1916. Tickets, costing €35 are already on sale.

Garveys SuperValu Senior County Football Championship Draw

The draw for the Garveys SuperValu Senior County Football Championship Round 1 was made on Saturday last live on Radio Kerry. Kevin McCarthy representing Garveys SuperValu and Peter Twiss, Secretary Kerry County Committee did the honours. Also present were


Coiste Na nÓg U16: Currow hosted Dr Crokes on Monday 4th April in the East Kerry League, in a good encounter Currow proved to be too strong for their opponents winning on a score line of Currow 4-12 to Dr Crokes 3-05, Next game is against Kilcummin on Monday 11th April in Currow. U14: Currow welcomed Gneeveguilla on Wednesday 6th April in the County League, played in soft conditions both teams were eager to claim the points. In a very close game Currow were the team to come out on top winning on a score line of Currow 1-10 to Gneeveguilla 1-09, Next fixture is against Knock/Brosna on Wednesday 13th April in Currow. U12: Our U12 team were due to play Spa on Sunday 10th April but was called off because of weather conditions, next game is vs. Ballyheigue at home on Sunday 17th April. Feile 2016: We have been placed in Division 8 for the forthcoming Feile competition, where we are delighted to be hosting Scotland for this competition, which will take place on the 24th,25th and 26th June. After being drawn in group B, Currow will play Scotland, Kilkenny and Scart/

Leona Twiss. Cultural Officer and John O'Leary County PRO. As usual, the draw threw up some intriguing ties with champions South Kerry travelling to Tralee to take on Kerins O’Rahillys. Dr Crokes, already many people’s favourites to lift the Cup, have a home game against West Kerry while there is a big all club meeting in Rathmore where the locals take on Dingle. First Round games will be played on the weekend on May 14 and 15. The draw resulted in the following pairings: Dr Crokes V West Kerry; Milltown/Castlemaine V Killarney Legion; Kerins O'Rahilly's V South Kerry; Mid Kerry V Kilcummin; East Kerry V Austin Stacks; St Kierans V Feale Rangers; and Rathmore V Dingle, and St Brendan's V Kenmare District. Kerry lose out to Cork in Munster Under 21 Final The concession of three goals, two in the first half when wind assisted, and the other at the three quarter stage at a time when Kerry had forged ahead, ultimately cost Kerry dearly after a tremendous hour’s football in the Eirgrid Munster Under 21 Football Final at Tralee’s Austin Stack Park on Wednesday night last, (3-9 to 1-14). It was a game that at times displayed Gaelic Football at its best and we witnessed four top class goals and a number of excellent points from both sides. Kerry had the use of the strong wind in the first half but it was Cork, thanks to two goals, who led at the break, 2-4 to 0-7. Kerry enjoyed a good third quarter thanks to a tremendous goal by Mark O’Connor but Cork replied with a similar score and though Kerry rallied to tie the scores as the game entered added on time, it was Cork who broke away for the winner.

Kerry followers can take comfort from the fact that twelve of the starting fifteen and three of the subs used on the night are eligible for next year’s competition which of course will be the last at that grade as the age limit is under 20 from 2018.

Cordal. U6, U8, U10s: training continues this coming Saturday at 10am in Currow GAA ground.

Shamrocks. All the players had great fun on the bus and they played some really exciting football. It was a brilliant trip and credit to the Kenmare club for their top class hospitality. U12 Both under 12 teams were due to host Kilcummin at home on Sunday evening but the games were called off due to poor weather conditions. The games will be re-scheduled for a later date. Next fixtures Both teams will play Glenflesk at 6pm in Lewis Road on Sunday, 17th April. U14 It was a mixed start to the year for our under 14 teams as both teams travelled to Tralee to play Austin Stacks in the County League on Wednesday evening. Stacks took all two points in the Division 1 clash after they won on a scoreline of 6-8 to 0-12. The Dr Crokes Amber team got off to a winning start with a terrific 6-7 to 1-6 victory. Next fixtures Dr Crokes Black (home) v Laune Rangers at 7pm on Wednesday, 13th April. Dr Crokes Amber (away) v Firies at 7pm on Wednesday, 13th April. U16 There was no joy for our under 16 footballers in the East Kerry league last week as both sides were defeated. In

Dr Crokes

County League Division 1 - Round 3 Dr Crokes 3-21 John Mitchels 1-5 As a result of this good win over John Mitchels we stand as joint leaders of the Division with six points from three games played. Under 14 Girls Dr Crokes under 14 girls who played Kerins O’Rahillys in County League Division 4. Both sides superbly observed a minutes silence before throw in, in respect of their fellow under 14 GAA sister Ciara Ryan who tragically passed away while playing with her club side in Gorey, Co. Wexford. In the game itself Crokes industry and ability to create and take goal scoring opportunities were the deciding factors. But the sad passing of Ciara Ryan in Wexford rightly served to diminish the importance of the result and emphasised how much we should cherish the health of our young children. Juvenile Football Academy Our under 8 and under 10 boys teams were on the road at the weekend as they travelled to play Kenmare

Kerry Minors open defence of their Munster and All Ireland titles

Kerry Minor footballers open the defence of their Munster and All Ireland titles when they travel to Dungarvan on this Wednesday evening for their first outing in the Electric Ireland Munster Minor Football championship (7pm). There are seven survivors from last year’s All-Ireland match day panel including Billy Courtney, Bryan Sweeney, Cormac Linnane, Mike Breen, Graham O’Sullivan, Sean O’Shea, and Daniel

,O’Brien while the likes of Darren Casey, David Shaw, Niall Collins, Michael Reidy and Ferdia O’Brien were among those on the extended training panel last year which should stand to them in the coming campaign. Kerry have named a strong side with four of the match day squad for last year’s All Ireland starting while Hogan Cup champions, St Brendans College Killarney, have four players on the team. Wednesday’s team will be captained by Sean Ó Lúing of An Ghaeltacht as county champions Dingle do not have a player on the starting fifteen. The winner of Wednesday’s game will play Clare or Limerick in the semi-final on May 11 while the loser will go forward to the round-robin series of matches. The team is managed by Peter Keane of St Marys and selectors are Tommy Griffin of Dingle and James Foley of Kilcummin while Chris Flannery and Padraig Murphy are the physical trainers.

Kevin McCarthy, representing Garveys SuperValu, Leona Twiss, cultural officer, Kerry County Committee and Peter Twiss, secretary, Kerry County Committee at the Draw for the Garveys Supervalu Senior Football Championship at the county championship draw at Radio Kerry last Saturday.

the Division 1 game, Rathmore came out of the blocks the quickest and the scoring lead they built up in the first half proved too difficult for our lads to overturn. In the finish the visitors won by 1-14 to 0-12. In Division 5, our second team were defeated away to Currow. Next fixtures: Monday 18th April: Div 1 – Bye Div 5 – Home v Kenmare at 7pm Lotto Lotto numbers 2, 3, 8, 22. Jackpot €3600 Not won Match 3 11 by €40. Next draw Sunday 17th of April in Tatler Jack. Jackpot €3900.

East Kerry

East Kerry Junior League The East Kerry Junior League got under way during the week. Dr Crokes had a comfortable win away against Rathmore, 4-13 to 0-10. Legion had a bye and the Spa V Glenflesk and Kilcummin V Gneeveguilla games could not go ahead due to unplayable pitches. The league continues on Tuesday nights. Under 13 Kenmare Skills Final Kenmare District Board U13 Skills competition took place last week in Kenmare GAA pitch. The standard was high with all players showing great

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Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16

on the ball

The week in sport | Deadline Tuesday 5.30pm | Sports Editor Eamonn Fitzgerald

skill levels on the day. All clubs took part with Kilgarvan securing top spot with a fantastic team performance. Corey Murphy, Tadgh O’Donoghue and Eoin O’ Shea have now qualified for the county final on Thursday 14th April at 6pm in a Tralee venue. Thanks to PJ Reidy and Mike Hussey for supporting Vince Cooper East Kerry/ Kenmare GDA in completing the well run event. Well done Scór na bPaistí Well done to all the East Kerry participants in the County Scór na bPaistí, South Kerry Semi Finals last Saturday. The standard was very high and all were a credit to their family, clubs and district. Very best wishes in the County Finals next Sunday in Foilmore to participants from East Kerry and to participants from the East Region: Rince Foirne and Rince Seit – Kilcummin; Sean Nós – Tousist, Gneeveguilla; Ceol Uirlise- Kilcummin, Keel; Leiriú- Firies; Bailead GhrúpaGlenflesk, Keel. Amhranaiocht Aonair – Keel; Aithriseoireacht- Kenmare. Best of luck to quiz teams in the County Finals in ISK, Killorglin, starting at 11am. Under 8 Go Games Groups The groups for the East Kerry/Kenmare Under 8 blitzes are as follows: Spa (H), Kilcummin and Dr Crokes; Gneeveguilla (H), Rathmore and Glenflesk; Legion (H), Fossa, Firies and Listry; Templenoe (H) Kenmare, Tuosist, Kilgarvan and Sneem. Host clubs to contact clubs playing in the group. Clubs may use St Brendans College referees for blitzes. The starting date for these East Kerry/ Kenmare Under 8 Go Games Blitzes is the 2nd of May. Fixtures East Kerry Junior league Tuesday 19th April- at 7.30pm Round 3 Glenflesk v Legion Crokes v Gneeveguillia Rathmore v Spa Kilcummin a bye East Region U16 League Monday 18th April at 7pm – note time Round 4 First named team has home venue Division 1 A Spa V Legion Rathmore V Glenflesk Dr Crokes - bye Division 1B Firies V Gneeveguilla Cordal/Scartaglin V Fossa Beaufort V Kilgarvan/Tuosist Division 5 Listry-Keel V Kilcummin Dr Crokes B V Kenmare Currow – bye.

Firies/Ballyhar Coiste na nÒg

Scór na bPáistí Congratulations & best of luck to the Scór group who qualified for the County Final (taking place on Sunday, 17th) on Saturday, 9th April in Foilmore. The qualifying winners of Leiriu include Cian Sheehan, Peter Cosgrave, Luke Costelloe, Stephen Palmer, Amy Brosnan and Jack Brosnan. U6 Boys (U8 & U10 Boys) Our training academy for the U6 boys recommences on Saturday, 16th April at 10:30am in Páirc Eamon. If your child has not already registered with the club this year but is interested, please bring the exact registration fee (€15 per

boy) on Saturday morning. It is €2 per session. Gum-shields are obligatory without exception for training sessions. Training for our U8 & U10 boys continues as normal. Under-age County Football League Fixtures and Results. The following are the fixtures for our juvenile boys: U16 Boys - Firies v Gneeveguilla on Monday 18th April at 7pm at home. U14 Boys – Firies A v Fossa on Wednesday 20th April at 7pm away. U12 Boys - Firies A and B v Keel on Sunday 24th April at 6pm at home. Please come out and support our future stars. Please check out our Facebook page, search Firies Coiste na nÓg or our twitter handle @fir_coistenanOg for all our match reports and latest updates. The second half saw Firies up the tempo with inspirational captain Tomas Clifford leading the way. Firies impressive display of skill and in particular team work was evident for all to see and as a result outscored the mighty Rockies by 1-8 to 1-2 in the second half to leave Connolly Park victors on a score-line of Austin Stacks 2-7 to Firies 4-10. This win sets up our chargers nicely for next weeks game against Beaufort. Based on this performance, this is one team to watch out for in the coming weeks! New Volunteers/Coaches Always Welcome If you have some spare time and would like to assist, be it coaching, administrative or something to enhance our club, please contact Coiste na nÒg Chairperson Eugene Cosgrave at 086-2950021.


GLENFLESK SENIORS: GLENFLESK 1-14 ST MICHAELS/FOILMORE 1-07 Our Seniors moved on to 4 points in the County league thanks to a great away win over St Michaels/Foilmore. It took a great team performance to get the win. The ever reliable Shane Courtney and Jerry Kennedy put in brilliant defensive performances in the full back line but it was the in form Dara Roche who caught the eye once more scoring 1-05. Glenflesk sit joint 4th in the table after 3 games and don’t play round 4 until June, a home fixture against Listry. FIXTURE: Intermediate Championship Glenflesk Vs Templenoe Sunday April 17th at 2 30pm in Glenflesk Glenflesk welcome All Ireland Junior Champions Templenoe to Glenflesk on Sunday in the first round of the Intermediate championship. GLENFLESK MINORS: GLENFLESK 1-13 ST MARYS/RENARD 0-12 After defeats in the opening 2 rounds of the County league our minors got a confidence boosting win over St Marys/ Renard. Just 3 days after winning the Hogan Cup with the SEM Christopher O’Donoghue lined out at midfield and showed no ill effects to put in a controlled midfield display and this, along with the superb Sean Doherty at centre forward who finished with 1-04 from play laid the foundations for the win. Glenflesk lead by 0-8 to 0-4 at the break playing with the wind and our defence with Sean Lucey and Denis Connor excellent, and up front Ryan Casey who showed well and Shane Courtney who was as gutsy and brave as ever worked very hard in the

second half to retain this lead until the final whistle. With Daniel O’Brien to return from suspension and the Darcy brothers also to return the minors can look forward to the rest of their season with renewed confidence. GLENFLESK U12S: Our U12s are away to Dr Crokes on Sunday April 17th at 6pm in round 3 of the County league GLENFLESK U14S Glenflesk 1-13 Churchill 1-10 Glenflesk U14S kept up their 100% record in the Co. League with a good win over Churchill on Wednesday night in Glenflesk. Dylan Doona made some great saves in goals and Sam Casey got the all important goal. GLENFLESK U16S Our U16s came up against a strong Legion team in round 2 of the East Kerry and got well beaten. Despite this Darragh Fleming impressed scoring 2-01 and Mark Kelliher pulled off a few great saves in goal. FIXTURE Monday April 18th at 7pm Round 4 of the East Kerry league. Glenflesk Vs Rathmore in Rathmore LADIES FOOTBALL: Unfortunately the weather played havoc with the ladies fixtures so only one game went ahead last week and that was a first round preliminary fixture for our U12s on Tuesday April 5th at home to Dr Crokes. This was a first ever competitive game for a lot of these girls and they acquitted themselves very well and came away with the win. COMHALTAS NEWS: A charity concert and céilí will be held on Friday April 8th 2016 in the Gleneagle Ballroom in aid of Recovery Haven (cancer) and Jigsaw (mental health). Tickets €10, Contact Margaret Creedon 087-2706390. County Fleadh Cheoil will be held in Tralee on 21st and 22nd May. Closing date for entries 14 April. No entries taken after that Date. Contact Margaret Creedon for Entry forms 087 2706390 RAHEEN NS: Raheen Parents Association would like to thank everyone who supported our recent bingo. Congratulations to Bernadine Roche who had the winning lotto no. 13 on Saturday the 9th of April. PATRICK Glenflesk and Rathmore have teamed up for the production of “Patrick” a musical drama of 1916 Captain Patrick O Connor whose mother hailed from Glenflesk. All the usual local Thespians from Glenflesk and Rathmore will be performing. Its running in the Rathmore Community centre on the 23rd and 24th of April. Tickets are €10 but pick one up quick from St Joseph’s Daycare centre in Rathmore as the demand is huge. BARRADUFF TIDY VILLAGE GROUP Barraduff Tidy Village Group in conjunction with Barraduff National School(Parents & Staff) would like to invite you to our 1916 Commemoration Walk and family day on the 17th of April. Please join us at Barraduff National School at 2 O Clock for events which include a walk with local guide Pat Healy, Launch of our new book, Tree Planting, Light Refreshments & Music. As always we would appreciate your support, and we extend a warm welcome to all. Scór na bPaistí Our Ballad group have made it through

to the County Final of Scór na bPáistí which will take place in Foilmore next Sunday 17th at 2pm. Best of luck also to the quiz team of Ben Switzer, Caoimhe O’Sullivan, Muireann Darcy and Darragh O’Connell who will take part in the County Final of the quiz next Sunday also at 11am in the ISK, Killorglin. BARRADUFF COMMUNITY FIELD Barraduff Community Field launch their 300 club this Friday April 15th at 6 30 with Kerry captain Brian Sheehan and Rathmores in form centre forward Paul Murphy. A family fun day is organised with face painting, balloon modelling and much more. To join the 300 club, it’s €100 for family membership of the Barraduff Community field and entry to the monthly draw for 12 months with €900 in prizes each month. First draw June 5th 2016. CONTACT We welcome items of local interest. Please contact PRO Paudie on 087 7692220 or pro.glenflesk.kerry@gaa.ie


Gneeveguilla GAA lotto numbers 3, 8, 21, 23. No Jackpot winner next weeks jackpot €9,500 Gneeveguilla defeated Annauscaul Saturday evening in wet and cold conditions. Gneeveguilla opened the scoring with a Padraig O’Sullivan free and quickly went into a 4 point lead. Annauscaul battled away with scores from Jason Hickson and Gene Farrell but were reduced to 14 men after 20 minutes. Gneeveguilla dominated the rest of the half with Padraig O’Sullivan in excellent free taking form and points from play. At half time Gneeveguilla 0-07 Annauscaul 0-04. Gneeveguilla started the second half brightly and on the 5th minute Annauscaul had another player sent off leaving them with 13. Points from John Sheehan Micheal Murphy and Padraig O’Sullivan were topped off with a great team goal scored by Darren Brosnan. Gneeveguilla ran out comfortable winners 1-12 to 0-07. Gneeveguilla seniors at home to Kenmare in Rd1 time and date tbd. Congratulations to Seán O’Keeffe who got through to the scór na bpaistí Kerry county final in sean nós dancing which will be held in Foilmore next Sunday 17th April.

Milltown Castlemaine

Lotto: NUMBERS DRAWN: 5, 8, 23 and 29 Our Lotto jackpot for €6,800 was not won on Friday night. Our next Lotto jackpot is €7,000. Just €2 a ticket or 3 for €5 can win you the lotto jackpot or a share in it. One can also avail of a yearly ticket for just €50 or 3 yearly tickets for €100. UNDER 16 BOYS: A good performance on Monday night last, at home, meant our Under 16 boys ran out comprehensive winners over Kerins O’ Rahillys, on a score line of 3/12 to 0/04. Well done to David Heasman and his management team and of course the Under 16 panel. They take on An Ghaeltacht at home on Monday April 11th. On next Sunday April 18th, they will take on Annascaul/Lispole away, with the kick off scheduled at

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15.04.16 Killarney Advertiser


on the ball 7pm. BOYS Under 10, 12 AND 14 TRAINING: A wonderful evening of fun and football was had at our pitch on Friday evening with our Under 10’s, 12’s and 14’s engaging in a variety of activities, learning new skills and making new friends. The sun was shining and all our dedicated coaches ensured that the children had a fun filled evening. Well done to you all. UNDER 12’S game versus Scartaglin was cancelled on Sunday because of the adverse weather conditions. They will train on Tuesday April 12th at 6.15-7.15 sharp. Under 6’s and Under 8’s: Training continues every Thursday from 6.15 to 7.15 sharp. Don’t forget your gum shield and €2. UNDER 1O GIRLS: Training on Thursdays also -6.15 to 7.15 sharp. Don’t forget your gum shield and €2. COUNTY FINAL SCÓR NA BPÁISTÍ: Best of luck to our quiz team of Cathal Daly, Brendan Casey, Sarah Flaherty, Richard Boyle and Dáire McCarthy who will represent our club in the Scór na bPáistí County Finals on Sunday next April 17th - in the I.S.K. Killorglin at 11am. This team has been busy over the past few weeks - researching new questions and learning them. Well done to you all. COUNTY LEAGUE-DIVISION 1-SENIORS: In Milltown Castlemaine’s encounter with Dingle on Saturday evening last, it took the Mid Kerry side 28 minutes to register their first and only point of the first half - a free from Jonathan O’ Sullivan. Full time score 3-14 to 1-07. Comhgairdeas to Daingean Uí Chúis. They gave a superb exhibition of championship level football. Commiserations to Milltown Castlemaine. They tried very hard, in a sporting game of football, but undoubtedly were beaten by a far better team. Next outing is this weekend coming -in the first round of the Senior Club Championship against Austin Stacks. Date and venue to be confirmed. We will meet Killarney Legion in the first round of the County Championship on the weekend of May 14/15th. EMAIL ADDRESSES: We are in the process of updating our contact details, which includes email addresses. If you have new contact details, you can private message me (Deirdre O’Sullivan) on my Facebook Page with new details. Some emails are coming back with an undelivered status. SOCIAL MEDIA: To keep in line with social media guidelines, please do not tag anybody in any of our photographs on FACEBOOK. Your ongoing cooperation is very much appreciated. MILLTOWN/CASTLEMAINE GAA: : LÁ NA gCLUB As part of Lá na gClub 2016 celebrations, the club is organising a get together to celebrate the achievements of the 1988 to 1996 teams. In that eight year period they had phenomenal success, winning Division 3 & 2 of the county league, thus gaining promotion to Division 1 for the first time ever; they also won the County Junior Championship and contested four County Intermediate finals in six years-winning two and narrowly losing the other two. That successful period in the club’s history certainly laid the foundations

The week in sport | Deadline Tuesday 5.30pm | Sports Editor Eamonn Fitzgerald

The Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra first year boys followed swiftly in the footsteps of the second years in the school on winning the' A' final on the following day at home in Rathmore.

for where the club is today. To recognise that success the club has organised: What: A Reunion Buffet, with Live Music/Late Bar When: Saturday 7th May Where: Faha Court Hotel at 8pm If you have any memorabilia -photographs, match reports, programmes etc., from any year, we would be very grateful if you forwarded them to us. We hope to put a slideshow together for this momentous occasion. Please contact Mike Carroll on 087/2256548 or mikecarroll@eircom. ie. All memorabilia will be returned to you on the night.


SYMPATHY Is extended to the family of the late Bridie O’Leary, Glounonea who died recently. May she rest in peace. SPRING CLEAN UP We would like to thank everyone who participated in our Parish Spring Clean Up. However not all road sides are yet complete and anyone who would like to help out and have an hour to spare please contact John at 086 – 1579381. Your help is greatly appreciated. COMHALTAS COUNTY FLEADH Closing date for Fleadh entries is 17th April, entrants please contact Marguerite on 086 -0810208 and note that you must be a Comhaltas member to enter. UNDER 12 BOYS Following the cancellation of their games last Sunday the Under 12 Boys game against Dr Crokes have been rearranged for Thursday 14th April. Arrangements have yet to be made for the game against St Pat’s away. All three teams play Laune Rangers at home at 6pm on 17th April in the County League. UNDER 14 BOYS Play Kenmare away on 13th April in the County League at 7pm and Na Gaeil away on 20th. UNDER 16 BOYS Play Listry/Keel away at 7pm on 18th April.

UNDER 14 GIRLS Play Inbhear Sceine Gaels at home on 17th April at 5pm. UNDER 12 GIRLS Play Milltown-Listry away at 6.30pm on 19th April. UNDER 12 HURLERS Play Tralee Parnells at home 7pm on 15th April. UNDER 14 HURLERS Play Tralee Parnells at home on 16th April at 7pm. KILCUMMIN RAMBLING HOUSE Will be open on Friday 6th May at 8.30pm for its last session of the season. In addition to its general programme this meeting will feature the Kilcummin Drama Group and their staging of the hilarious sketch “Aunt Maggie” Proceeds from the night will go towards the Killarney Branch of Friends of the Children of Chernobyl charity. As always there will be storytelling, song ceol, tae agus braic. Fáilte isteach. SCÓR NA BPÁISTÍ Well done to our Scór na bPáistí acts who make it through to next week’s County Final in Foilmore on Saturday last. They include our Rince Foirne and Rince Seit groups as well as the Ceol Uirsile group. Commiserations to Liam Randles on missing out on making the Final of the Solo Singing competition after a great performance. These groups join our Quiz team who will be taking part in a straight County Final at the Intermediate School, Killorglin next Sunday at the early time of 11am. SENIOR FOOTBALL FIXTURES County Championship Draw Kilcummin are drawn away to Mid Kerry on week-end 14th/15th May. Senior Club Championship Kilcummin are away to Dr Crokes on this Saturday 16th at 6.30 in Lewis Rd. COUNTY LEAGUE ROUND 3 Kilcummin 2-7 Legion 1-9. Our Lads got their first two points courtesy of this win over Legion on Saturday last. Mickey O’Shea and Kevin McCarthy were the goad scorers in both halves but the entire team played their part in this victory.

Noel Duggan, William Maher, Damien O’Leary, Philip Casey and Daniel Moynihan can take particular pride in their performances, not forgetting that legend of a clubman Tommy Brosnan who lined out in goal. GAA GOLF Kilcummin GAA club are holding a Golf Classic on April 30th. The venue is Killarney Golf Club. Teams of 3 for €150. Teams need to be organised and sponsorship secured as a great event is anticipated. Sponsorship for Tee boxes and Greens is available for €50.00. All funds raised are necessary to maintain and develop facilities. Contact Mike Casey 087-7945103 for Tee times. GAA SOCIETY GOLF Kilcummin G.S. had their 1st outing on Saturday in the Ross Golf club and it turned out to be a very enjoyable occasion with 18 people competing and the weather being very kind despite snow overnight. Results 1st Kevin O’Riordan, Thado McCarthy and Jim Casey. 2nd Denis Casey, Tony Sugrue and Sean B Doherty. 3rd Muiris Healy, D.J. Fleming and Dermot O’Connor. KILCUMMIN GAA LOTTO There was no winner on Sunday 10th April 2016. Numbers drawn were 1, 14, 18, 23. Next Draw Monday, April 25th 2016. Jackpot now €3,250.

Mastergeeha FC

U12 KERRY CUP Mastergeeha 1 Tralee Dynamos 0. Mastergeeha qualified for the semifinal of the Kerry Cup with a home win on Friday evening. In this close game against premier side the boys battled all the way with Dara O’Callaghan leading by example. With 10 minutes remaining Mark O’Shea got the winning goal. All played well. U4 SHIELD Killarney Celtic B 1 Mastergeeha 6. The lads stormed into the semi-final of the shield following a super 2nd half performance against our local

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Killarney Advertiser 15.04.16


latest news | photos | keeping you up to the minute ....

rivals in Celtic Park. Trailing 1-0 at the break we were soon back on level terms as Darragh Cashman set up Darren Lehane to fire home. Philip O’Leary put us ahead from the spot after Ian O’Connor was brought down. Further goads from MOTM O’Leary who hit 4 and Cashman sealed the win. A good team performance from all involved with centre backs Sean Kennedy and Daniel Herlihy outstanding. YOUTHS Killorglin 1 Mastergeeha 1. In this close game the boys had to battle all the way for the point away on Saturday afternoon. In the opening half Mastergeeha created the better chances with Paul O’Connor going closest. In the second half the home side took the lead early on but after this Mastergeeha pushed forward and Sean O’Leary scored a deserved equaliser from a free just outside the box after James Nagle was fouled. All did well. TOMMY HEALY CUP Mastergeeha 1 QPR 1. In this local derby the seniors had to settle for a replay. Mastergeeha opened the scoring early in the second half but QPR got the equaliser with 10 minutes remaining. LOTTO There was no winner on Friday 8th April 2016. Numbers drawn were 8, 16, 17, 22. Jackpot now €5850.


COUNTY LEAGUE Our seniors suffered a narrow defeat in Kilcummin on Saturday evening in Round 3 of the County League. Kilcummin held on for a 2-7 to 1-9 win. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP We’re at home to Kerins O’Rahillys this Saturday, April 16th in the Club Championship. Throw-in: 6.30pm. COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP DRAW We’ve been drawn to play Milltown-Castlemaine in the first round of the County Championship. The game will take place in Milltown on the weekend of May 15th. MINORS The minors finished off a busy week with a great win over Laune Rangers on a scoreline of 2-18 to 1-7. A feature of the game was the scoring return of recent Hogan Cup winner Peter McCarthy who accounted for an incredible 2-13. They have now qualified for the County League semi-final. Congratulations to all involved. U-12 GIRLS The U-12 girls played Ballymac last week in what was, for some of them, their first competitive outing. It took the girls some time to settle and a bigger Ballymac team took advantage of a fast start to get ahead by half time. Our players improved as the game wore on and we finished the stronger team. Showing great heart and a willingness to compete there’s no doubt this game will bring them on a ton. Final score: Ballymac 2-5, Legion 1-1. U-16 BOYS Well done to the U-16s who opened up their East Kerry League campaign with a comfortable win over Glenflesk last Monday (April 4th) in Derreen. The lads were always in

control and showed great pace and skill from start to finish. ACADEMY We were delighted to welcome Austin Stacks to the Academy last Saturday for their annual trip to Derreen. Well done to the players, Seánie and all his crew and thanks to all the Austin Stacks mentors and players for a great day of football. KERRY Congratulations to Brian Kelly, Podge O’Connor and Jonathan Lyne, members of the Kerry panel who defeated Roscommon in Croke Park on Sunday. Brian started in goal and kept a clean sheet. They now face Dublin in the final on Sunday, April 24th. FASHION SHOW Don’t forget: we’re heading back to The Malton Hotel on Thursday, April 28th for another fashion show. Tickets are great value at just €25, which includes a wine reception. You can get your tickets at The Malton Hotel, Sewells Pharmacy, Keanes Jewellers, Kerry’s Boutique and any member of the Club Executive. LOTTO ‘EASY PAY’ The club has introduced a new ‘Easy Pay’ direct debit method whereby once you sign up, your numbers are automatically included each and every week. You can opt for the money to be taken directly from your bank account either monthly (€9), quarterly (€25), half yearly (€50) or annually (€100). Direct debit forms are available from Seánie Culloty, Maura McCarthy, Paul Trant, Dan Murphy, Kevin Griffin or any lotto committee member. LOTTO SELLERS A reminder that the club are still seeking new lotto sellers in an effort to raise much needed funds to run the club. We’re looking for as many people as possible to sell just five tickets a week. We’re looking for parents, players and supporters to row in behind us in this venture as every euro raised goes towards improving the club’s facilities. If interested please contact Seánie Culloty on 087-2225325. CLOTHES COLLECTION The next collection time is this Saturday, April 16th before twelve noon. Bags can be dropped to the clubhouse during training times.


AGM Annual General Meeting Of Listry Community Council Ltd will be held in the Community Centre on Thursday Night April 21st at 8pm. As this is a Public Meeting the general public are invited to attend. Nomination for O’Shea Award Nominations for this year O’Shea award, You are invited to nominated any individual or group of people, just drop nomination to the centre. It will be given to person or group the night of AGM. VOTE OF SYMPATHY: At a recent meeting of Listry Community Council Members a vote of sympathy was passed to the bereaved Family, Relatives and Friends of Mary Courtney (Nee Murphy) Lissivane West. Pauline Ferris, Holland & Faha. Christina Leslie (Nee Murphy) Aughacureen, Killarney. Tom Murphy,

Flintfield, Faha. Sean Curran, Coolbane & England. Nell O’Leary (Nee Murphy) Cahir, Aghadoe. Sean Murphy Slievegaura. Thomas Doran, Allman Terrace, Killarney. Tom O’Shea, Beaufort. Kevin Heffernan, England. May their soul rest in Peace. Listry Social Committee: We wish to remind Seniors in the Listry/Milltown and surrounding areas that the next Social Day will be held in Listry Community Centre on Tuesday April 26th from 12 to 4pm. The usual bus service will operate and start collecting passengers at 11am approx. Meals On Wheels: Do you or someone known to you meed a hot meal delivered to your door? A meal on wheels service operates from Listry Community Centre each Monday, Wednesday & Friday. It is a great service for those living alone, the elderly, those convalescing from illness or those not in a position to provide or prepare a meal for themselves. Give Cathriona a ring at 087 9381063. Meals a presently delivered to persons in Listry, Milltown, Faha, & Ballyhar areas. Lotto Results: Sunday 10th April, 2016 Winning Numbers 12, 17, 23, 26 Jackpot €3,050 not won. Jackpot next week, Sunday 17th April €3,200. County League Division 2 Saturday April 9th in Listry. Final score Listry 0-8 Finuge 0-8 This County League Division 2 game played in Listry on Saturday evening last ended in a draw which was probably a fair result for both teams. Listry now play Glenflesk as Finuge host Laune Rangers. Colm Cooper comes to Listry Listry Coiste na nÓg welcomed Colm Gooch Cooper to Allman Park last Friday night, April 8th. He spent some time coaching our U6s U8s and U10s. Colm was very well received by our young footballers who listened intently to his advice. He then retired to Listry Community centre where he presented our U12s from 2015 with their medals. This visit was a prize in the Opel kits for clubs as Colm is an ambassador for Opel. Thanks to senior team physio Trish Lynch who nominated us for the visit. Thanks also to anybody who helped out in anyway with this evenings event. U14s Listry U14s combined with Keel had a great win on the road last week, Wednesday 6th April beating Knocknagoshel Brosna on a scoreline of 3.08 to 1.03. Well done boys. Book Launch Joan O’Reilly is a Killarney-based author & historian who recently published Simplified History - The 1916 Rising, part of her Simplified History series designed to present historical stories and facts in a user-friendly way to both adults and children. Joan’s book will be officially launched at Killarney Library on Tuesday 19th April at 7pm by Tim Vaughan, Editor of the Irish Examiner.

Mid Kerry

Scór na bPaistí Well done to all who participated in Scór na bPaistí Semi Finals last weekend and Congratulations to Keels Ballad Group, Solo Singer & Instrumental Music group who qualified for the County Final which be held in Foilmore Community centre Sun next 17th at 2pm. Best Of luck to all and also best wishes to all who will take part in the Quiz which will be held in the intermediate School Killorglin Sun next 17th at 11am. Ghaeltacht Grants Reminder to all clubs all applications have to be into Mid Kerry Secretary Joan by Friday next 15th. Church Gate Collections Will be held in Killorglin & Cromane this weekend. County Senior Football Championship Mid Kerry will take on Kilcummin weekend of 14th/15th May.

Kerry Coiste na nÓg

Enthusiasm is growing around the county and further afield about The John West Feile na Peil 2016, hosted by Kerry, Cork, and Limerick. It will be the biggest and most inclusive of its kind and host clubs are already putting huge effort into preparing a broad Kerry welcome for our visitors to what will be a massive sporting adventure. Many clubs have taken the time to send short introductory videos to GAA Féile on facebook and twitter from GAA Féile (@feilegaa). It is especially great to see the great encouragement of inter-county players, all of whom came through coiste na nog development and juvenile clubs themselves and many of whom got their first taste of glory and communal pride at Feile. The John West Feile na Peil 2016 will be launched at Brosna on May 9th and everyone is welcome to attend. Kerry Coiste na nÓg As important as Feile is, it is worth noting that Kerry Coiste na nÓg caters for all ages and grades and, as always, a huge and often under-appreciated amount of hard work is being done by clubs all around the county. While some games did have to be cancelled last Sunday because of the inclement weather – and of course safety and welfare is always and will always be our primary concern – last week saw almost 350 players in 21 county football games, with 81-186 scored in total and 63-155 conceded, while 240 kids played in 14 county hurling league games, with 47-100 scored and 40-80 conceded That’s 752 scores in total across 35 games, or over 20 scores per game. That’s great scoring across the board and a great sign of young players confident in their skills and encouraged to develop them. It is also noticeable that all clubs have been rotating players and giving game time to substitutes whenever possible, something that is very much to be encouraged.

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