1 minute read
Spring into action to prepare your home for the market

As the evenings begin to stretch, we can look forward to some brighter spring weather with the tantalising prospect of those long dry summer evenings to come.

Following the long winter, we can get ahead of our indoor spring cleaning by sprucing up our gardens in preparation for brighter times ahead. This applies to us all but particularly so to those looking to sell in the spring market. The garden is often neglected during the colder months, so is in dire need of a good spring clean. This process does not have to be stressful and can be completed easily.
It is worth the effort - there’s nothing more satisfying than a neat garden space to go with a clean home and it’s a great opportunity to get outside in the fresh air.

Below is the first instalment of our essential jobs to complete in a garden spring clean:

If making additions is a priority, like adding new accessories or garden beds, then reviewing the space and making a plan is crucial to making sure no money is wasted. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

• TACKLE THE WEEDS Catching and removing weeds in spring is necessary to prevent them from growing out of control. Dig the roots out as soil can still be fairly moist in spring months and leaving any of the plant in the ground can lead to re-rooting.
Grass can easily creep out into beds during winter months, and springtime is an optimal time to remove it. The soil is normally damp and once weeds are removed it should be fairly easy to spot and pull up.
Spring is an ideal time for plants to start growing, and you can encourage this by pruning them. It is best to wait until temperatures are consistently above 10 degrees Celsius as insects like native bees and lacewings will hibernate in branches and stems until temperatures increase. Get out and make a start and prepare your garden for spring. It will pay off. We will continue our tips for a successful garden spring clean in our next piece.
REA Coyne & Culloty
2 Main St, Killarney
E: info@rea.ie
T: 064 663 1274
Ted Healy
11 New St, Killarney
E: killarney@dng.ie
T:064 639000
Billy Hennigan Auctioneers
66 New St, Monearmore, Killarney, E: info@henniganauctioneers.com
T: (064) 663 4582
Property Partners Gallivan Killarney Business Centre, High St., Killarney, Co Kerry
E: killarney@propertypartners.ie
T: 064 6634177