vol 94 • 20th Edition • Issue 2338 • Established March 1973 • www.Killarneyadvertiser.ie • 064 6632215 • info@killarneyadvertiser.ie
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In This Week’s Edition … P6
8th Amendment Special Ian meets Conor McGregor
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Directors: Cormac Casey & Noelle Casey General Manager: Aidan Quirke Assistant General Manager: Kieran Healy Editor: Eve Kelliher Senior Graphic Designer: Orla Dunlea Customer Service: Linde Bot Hutchinson
Sports Columnists: Adam Moynihan, Eamonn Fitzgerald, Liam Murphy, Eamonn Keogh, John O’Leary Contributing Columnists: Anne Lucey, Debby Looney, Chris Reina, Kevin O’Connell, Trevor O’Donoghue, Grace Foley, Jill Duggan Photographers: Dylan Clifford, Eamonn Keogh, Don MacMonagle, Sally MacMonagle, Valerie O’Sullivan, Konrad Paprocki, Marek Hajdasz
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The Eighth Amendment Debate The Law As It Stands Is Simply Wrong Words: Adam Moynihan As it stands, a woman or girl who is raped and subsequently discovers that she is pregnant is not permitted to terminate the pregnancy. I cannot even imagine the psychological distress this must cause someone who has already been the victim of an unspeakably awful crime. As it stands, if there is a diagnosis of a fatal foetal abnormality, i.e. the mother is told that her baby will not survive the pregnancy, the mother cannot have an abortion. Again, I can’t begin to understand how deeply traumatic such an experience must be. As it stands, Irish women do not have access to adequate healthcare in their home country. Since 1980, over 170,000 women and girls have been forced to leave Ireland and travel abroad to get treatment. Countless others have resorted to purchasing abortion pills online. This has served only to reinforce the stigma surrounding unwanted pregnancies as well as bring unnecessary stress at an already difficult time in any woman’s life. As Dr Ross Kelly puts it: “The Eighth Amendment never stopped abortion. It made it hidden and dangerous.” In plain terms, the law as it stands is simply wrong. The Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has voiced its support for a ‘yes’ vote, as have over 1,000 Irish doctors. The World Health Organisation told the Joint Committee on the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution that “abortion services should be integrated into the health system to acknowledge their status as legitimate health services and to protect against stigmatisation and discrimination of women and health-care providers.” When it comes to medical issues, I personally have no reason to doubt the views of qualified obstetricians, gynaecologists, doctors or the World Health Organisation. As far as I’m concerned, it’s staggering in this day and age that we’re even having this conversation. The way some people are talking, you’d swear the government were trying to legalise some mysterious, newly-discovered medical procedure. This isn’t new. We are literally decades behind many developed countries when it comes to abortion. Is it not time we finally caught up? Throughout this debate, there have been suggestions that repealing the Eighth will lead to the floodgates opening and women getting abortions left, right and centre, as if having an abortion is somehow desirable. No woman would be so blasé about such a serious matter and suggesting that they would is completely unfair and disrespectful. Speaking to the Irish Times, obstetrician Dr Louise Kenny summed it up well when she said: “In 25 years, I’ve never met a woman who wanted a termination but I’ve met many who needed one.” Above all else, this referendum is about respecting women and trusting them to make the right decisions for themselves and their bodies. I was an extremely proud Irishman when the marriage equality bill passed in 2015. The majority of us here in Ireland stepped up to the mark and showed the rest of the world what our country and our people are really made of. Next Friday’s vote is another opportunity to reinforce our position as a tolerant, forward-thinking, open and inclusive society that cares for all of its citizens, including women, equally. I hope that we take it.
The Killarney Advertiser is neutral and is offering a platform to both sides to express their opinions on this important issue. Any views published are those of the individual writer and not of the Killarney Advertiser.
My Life Should Not Be Up For Negotiation Words: Tracy Healy (Killarney)
The moment I became pregnant in this country my right to bodily autonomy and right to life was diminished by the Eighth Amendment. It affects pregnant women who carry to term, who want an abortion and who have a miscarriage. It affects the decisions made by our maternity services to deliver the best care needed. To say this Amendment in no way affects the decisions of those entrusted with our maternity care is simply false. In order to treat a pregnant woman to avoid the legal ramifications of the Eighth Amendment her life has to hang in the balance - MY life has to hang in the balance. Who determines this? A doctor having to be 51% sure someone’s life was in danger before taking her to theatre, in the case of Savita Halappanavar, balanced by a much-wanted baby who would not survive regardless of this 51%. Savita died. 51% and she died. My life and the lives of Irish women should not be up for negotiation. Yes, Savita died of sepsis. However, the delay in her treatment and refusal to be given the termination she requested is in no small part down to the Eighth Amendment. The Eighth Amendment prevents women from having the choice to have a termination. It ties the hands of the health care professionals in cases where there is a weak foetal heartbeat and yet no hope of survival in this heart-breaking situation. The consequence of this is a higher risk of developing sepsis. Every time Savita’s name is mentioned, the ‘no’ side go
into frenzy stating the Eighth had nothing to do with it, “stop bringing up the ‘hard cases’”, they say, “the yes side is using her name”. I wish I did not know her name. She is not just a “hard case”. She had a name. She was a living, breathing woman. She had a mother, a father, a partner. She is every woman in Ireland, she is your daughter, your niece, your neighbour. She is me. What about the nameless women? The alphabet women? The women who have suffered at the hands of the Eighth Amendment, from rape victims to fatal foetal abnormality diagnoses? To pass them off as a few “hard cases” is to insult and dismiss them. There is a simple fact that remains key to this referendum. Regardless of your views on abortion, whether your moral compass allows you to agree or disagree with someone having an abortion, abortion does happen and continues to happen in Ireland. Women get on planes and take abortion pills every day. Women receive fatal feotal abnormality diagnoses and are raped every day. Women suffer miscarriages every day. Women go through crisis pregnancies every day. The women of this country should not be forced to travel and be exported to receive basic health care they should be able to get in Ireland freely, safely and legally. I cannot, will not and do not believe that the decision to terminate a pregnancy is ever made lightly. Life is not black and white. Repeal the Eighth.
Abortion Is Not Healthcare Words: Dr Siobhán Crowley GP (Killarney) I am proud to practice medicine in a country which respects the right to life of both mother and baby. On May 25, voters will decide if they want to remove all constitutional protection from all preborn babies. Doctors will be asked to deliberately end life at its beginnings. This is a fundamental violation of the first principle of care, to do no harm. The government intends to allow unrestricted abortion up to 12 weeks. The baby at this stage has developed arms and legs, facial features and hair on her head. She can yawn and suck her thumb. The pills that we as GPs are being asked to prescribe have one purpose - to end the life of this human being. This is not the purpose of medicine, and cannot be described as healthcare. Fear has been instilled into the debate by those who claim that the Eighth harms women. In fact, the Eighth Amendment and the Medical Council guidelines allow and indeed compel doctors to act when there is a risk to a woman’s life. That threat does not need to be imminent or inevitable. Audits of maternal health show that Ireland is one of the safest places in the world to be pregnant and Dr Peter Boylan has said in December 2017 that “these figures should offer reassurance about the high level of maternal care and safety of the Irish maternity services for women and babies”. The rationale behind the provision of abortion on demand up to 12 weeks, we are told, is to cater for cases of pregnancy following rape. Rape accounts for less than 1% of all abortions. Abortion does not heal the trauma of this vicious attack. The majority of Irish women who become pregnant through rape choose to have their baby and go on to parent them. The reality of unrestricted first trimester abortion is that most abortions will be carried out on healthy mothers carrying healthy babies. With the advent of early screening tests, abortions for disability will hap-
pen in this timeframe also. The bill permits abortion up to full term for ‘fatal foetal abnormality’. The abortionist who addressed the Oireachtas Committee, Dr Peter Thompson, prefers the more encompassing term “substantial risk of serious handicap”. This is a very clear discrimination against disability. Each human being, regardless of age, gender, disability or circumstance, has an equal and irreplaceable value and dignity and is recognised and protected by our constitution. If we, as a society, decide to pick and choose which human lives are worthy or unworthy of protection, we diminish respect for all human life, born and unborn. It is impossible for any doctor to accurately predict how long a baby diagnosed with a life-limiting condition will survive. Many will live for longer than predicted and sometimes doctors get the diagnosis wrong. What is needed in these tragic cases is a supportive environment to help parents through the pregnancy and grieving process. Ending the pregnancy early does not end the grieving, and experience suggests it may in fact prolong and complicate it. A perinatal hospice provides the best environment and should be available countrywide. The reality of approximately 3,000 women travelling from Ireland for abortions annually must be addressed. However, the government’s promotion of abortion as the solution shows a singular lack of vision. In all of the deliberations over the last five years, never once did politicians ask what alternatives to abortion might help women to resolve crises. Instead of abortion, we should push for enhanced counselling, social supports and world class perinatal hospice care. The 2016 statistics show that, in England and Wales, for every four babies born, one is aborted. We can, and we must, do better. Compassion and true healthcare are never found in abortion. This is why I will be voting ‘no’ on May 25 (ironically, this is also International Missing Children’s Day).
YES We as publishers welcome contributions from those on both sides of this debate and we encourage all of our readers to exercise their right to vote on May 25.
The Government’s Proposals Lack Real Compassion Words: Cllr John Joe Culloty (Chairman, Kerry Right to Life) I will be voting ‘no’ in the upcoming referendum, as removing the Eighth Amendment will take away the only constitutional protection for the unborn. The right to life is the most fundamental human right of all human rights. If we vote to remove the Eighth Amendment, we would, in effect, be handing over our control of protection of life during pregnancy to this and future governments. The present government’s proposals, should the Eighth Amendment be removed, are for abortion of a healthy baby, on request, up to three months. This would also allow for the abortion of a healthy baby in the first six months of a pregnancy, where a mother’s mental health is deemed to be at risk. The government’s proposals, if enacted, lack real compassion, and would only serve to promote a coarse undercurrent in our society, which exists in other countries, who have chosen a culture of death for unborn babies. Many countries in Europe, and around the world, present shocking figures of 1 in 5 pregnancies ending in abortion. If this government and opposition TDs who are seeking to extinguish the right to life of unborn babies are serious about helping women
in crisis pregnancies, there are simple and relatively inexpensive measures which can be undertaken, for example better perinatal hospice care. This model of care delivers continuity of care for pre-born babies with life-limiting conditions. It provides the family with a dedicated team who are aware of the baby’s diagnosis, and the parents do not have to explain the situation at every appointment. It also ensures that the parents are properly informed about their baby’s condition. It makes a special separate room available for the family when the baby is born. It makes counselling available for the family throughout the pregnancy, and bereavement counselling available afterwards. This model of care already exists, but needs to be introduced to all hospitals throughout the country. Other meaningful measures, for example, would be better adoption services and better mental health care services for women during pregnancy. I have no doubt that if a sincere effort is made by any government to implement such measures, Ireland would become a shining light and would lead the way in the world by reducing the numbers seeking abortions, and proving that there is always a better alternative to abortion.
‘Yes’ Vote Will Normalise Something That Is Not Normal Words: Joe and Annette Green (Killarney) May 25 is the date of the most important referendum in Irish history. The result will shape the future of our country for generations. We are urging people to vote ‘no’ because a ‘no’ vote will safeguard the only right unborn babies have, the right to life. Voting ‘no’ will acknowledge that unborn babies have the right to make it out of the womb alive. A ‘no’ vote is a vote for compassion. It says to pregnant women that real healthcare does not destroy the lives of their babies. Voting ‘no’ sends out a clear message that pregnant women deserve better than abortion, they deserve our support, love and care. Voting ‘no’ will protect our GPs, nurses and midwives who are worried that they will have to leave their professions because they do not want to end the lives of healthy babies in the womb. Voting ‘no’ will help to ensure Ireland continues to be one of the safest countries in the world for pregnant women. Voting ‘no’ says to our politicians that we want women to be supported when they have a crisis pregnancy, that we cherish all of our children equally, born and unborn, irrespective of how they are conceived, whether they have a disability or how long they will live. Voting ‘no’ rejects the extreme abortion bill being pushed by Simon Harris, abortion up to 12 weeks for any reason, up to 6 months on vague health grounds and up to birth for ill babies. In Ireland we understand that life is so precious and irreplaceable that we do not give ourselves the mandate to take it. And abortion? Suddenly we are on the cusp of being the first country where the people as opposed to the judiciary or the politicians will directly vote for the extinguishing of the life of their own people.
We desire choice but in any other circumstance do not give it to ourselves where the consequence of that choice is a mortal loss to the other. The arguments for abortion are predominantly based upon the “hard cases”. In England, this original strict definition has now been expanded to encompass 1 in 5 pregnancies including conditions such as cleft palate. Children with Down syndrome no longer have the right to exist in our neighbouring countries. This is proven by the numbers as a percentage of the population. Mothers do find themselves in difficult situations. As a progressive nation we must have the capability, creativity and ingenuity to seek new solutions that will address these real issues without resorting to ending the lives of babies. Thousands travel to the UK to have abortions each year and 49 from Kerry in 2016. That’s a disaster for the mother but something far worse for the baby. Because something awful is happening it is not logical then to say that we should embrace it here. The facts from our European neighbours show that removing the protection of the Eighth will lead to an increase in abortions, in no way will it prevent them. The pain will still be there but in greater numbers. As in the UK, a ‘yes’ vote will normalise something that is not normal, is not humane. We can look after our sisters, mothers and daughters here at home without saying that the answer is to end the life of the baby. As a state we must surround both with real love, real care. This will cost and it needs to be done. The government’s proposal should deal with the difficult issues and not propose abortion on demand.
The Eighth Was Designed To Keep Women In Their Place Words: Anne Lucey
I am voting ‘yes’ on May 25 because as a mature woman who has lived under the cosh of the 1983 Amendment and has seen first hand its awful repercussions, direct and indirect, for generations of girls and women, in what is now a pluralistic society, there is “no” other way to vote. I am also voting ‘yes’ because of the ‘no’ crowd. These were the people, powerful people, who held sway over this country for far too long, forcing the crude chastity belt of the Eighth Amendment on a nation struggling to modernise itself and to allow its women a modicum of equality and dignity and control of their own fertility and sexuality. When I began writing on this subject, way back in January, it was in the context of the re-opening of the Kerry Babies case in a column entitled ‘Back to the Future’. I recalled how the 1983 Amendment a few short months earlier was a swaddling cloth for the Kerry Babies and how women could be brutally treated in public, as well as in private. The Eighth Amendment was an Orwellian reaction to the cheek of women demanding contraception and daring to speak about sex and demand they be more than birth machines. The Eighth was designed to keep women in their place and to put a finger in the dam against the rise of women. What it did, of course, insultingly was equate a woman with an embryo and it has had devastating and, indeed, fatal consequences for women and girls. The Kerry Babies put on naked display this country’s attitude to women and the wrath unleashed by church and a conservative middle and professional class, which supported it against the audacity of a vocal minority in voting against them. Just remember, the judge in the tribunal of inquiry threatened to jail the head of the Tralee Women’s Group for daring to object to Joanne Hayes’ treatment by an all-male legal courtroom. The Eighth Amendment was designed to put women back into their boxes as second-class citizens (and to a large extent it has succeeded in doing so). Women’s health did not and does not to this day matter to this State. And, as I wrote in this column: this was and is about fear of women, hatred of women, and suspicion of women under the guise of pity for the poor babby and cringing pretence at being soft-hearted! It is a Trojan horse. In these columns I flagged early the central issues that were to become defining lines. In this amendment we are the equals of the most repressive regimes of this world and some of the poorest. I could not have anticipated the depth of narrow-minded meanness in what emerged as an orchestrated reaction to my remarks in the Back to the Future and subsequent column. But I am glad I did see it. It was back to the future too when a short time later, I tried to do my work and contacted a leading light in the ‘no’ campaign for a comment, and was refused any co-operation. I was chillingly accused of having subjective issue with abortion! There are signs of hope: this time only 10 of our 33 councillors are coming out for ‘no’, along with three of our five TDs. And two senators. And guess how many of these ‘no’s are women? One! Just one! There is a perfect storm at the moment with the cervical smear scandal. It is of course a direct result of the Eighth Amendment, in the sense of its relegation of women’s health issues. That storm will only abate as soon as we do the decent thing on May 25 and unfasten that corrosive, suffocating belt imposed on one half of society by church and State. Let us blow the Eighth away on May 25.
NEWS Conor McGregor Thanks “Inspirational” Ian O’Connell
Words: Adam Moynihan Brave Killarney teenager Ian O’Connell was already a hero to the people of Killarney but last weekend his positive message reached a whole new audience; it even touched one of the biggest superstars in the world. Ian suffered serious injuries to his neck and spine when he fell from his bike in the National Park last August and is currently paralysed from the shoulders down. On Friday night the 16-year-old student from Pinewood appeared on RTÉ’s Late Late Show alongside his father Michael to talk about his accident and ongoing recovery. The nation was blown away by Ian’s positivity in the face of such tremendous adversity with viewers taking to social media in their thousands to express their admiration for the plucky Killarney youngster. The following night, Ian was attending an event at Dublin’s 3 Arena and bumped into a very famous fan: MMA legend and one of the most successful Irish athletes of all time,
Conor McGregor. In a heart-warming Instagram post which has received over 1.5 million likes, McGregor explained the chance meeting. “Watching the Late Late show last night and on comes this young man!” he wrote. “I was blown away by him and his attitude to life and in facing adversity! Then tonight, by complete chance, I bumped into him at an event and end up getting to watch the main event fight ringside with him! Thank you Ian it was great to meet you my brother, you are some man! Your quote literally blew me away! ‘If you
can’t stand up, STAND OUT!’ I think I speak for every Irish man and woman that watched you on the Late Late show last night by saying you are a true inspiration to us! Thank you brother.” Donations to the Ian O’Connell Fund poured in over the weekend and at the time of going to print, it had reached €42,000. The current goal is €50,000. Ian’s family hope the money raised will allow them to make important changes to their home in light of Ian’s return from rehab. To make a contribution, visit Ian’s GoFundMe page or select the Ian O’Connell Fund when registering for the upcoming Ring of Kerry Cycle.
“Matt Would Be Feeling So Loved Right Now” The family of the late Matt Hodd (42) have expressed their gratitude to the people of Killarney for the outpouring of support they have received since the sad news broke of his untimely death. Matt, an ecologist and the founder of Poetry in the Park, had last been seen in the Whitebridge/Millroad area of the Flesk River on Friday. A large-scale search involving Kerry Mountain Rescue, a coast guard helicopter, Killarney Water Rescue and the Civil Defence, got under way at first light on Saturday. Mr Hodd is well known in literary circles. His body was discovered on Saturday evening in the White-
bridge area. Gardaí who had appealed for the public’s assistance thanked the people of Killarney and the search teams for their assistance. They said foul play was not involved. In a statement, Mr Hodd’s family said: “Matt’s family are overwhelmed by the support and love they have received from the people of Killarney. They also want to thank all those who searched tirelessly to bring Matt home: the volunteers, the gardaí, the emergency services, SARDA as well as Water and Mountain Rescue. “We can only think that Matt would be feeling so loved right now.”
Reports Of Royal Visit Are Premature, Officials Confirm Reports that members of the British royal family are set to visit Killarney are premature, the Killarney Advertiser can reveal. It had been claimed in various news outlets this week that Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, would come to the town as part of their Ireland trip in mid-June but senior officials have clarified that such a visit is yet to be officially confirmed. The Prince of Wales will follow in the footsteps of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, on June 14 when he flies into Cork. He and Camilla are expected to stay in Ireland for three days in total and in addition to spending some time in Cork city, it is believed that they will also come to the Kingdom. Senior gardaí from the Crime and Security Branch in Dublin have travelled to Cork to meet with senior officers
from Cork City, Cork North and Kerry Divisions to put in place security measures for the royals. Whether or not they actually visit Killarney is still unknown. Speaking to the Killarney Advertiser, President of the Killarney Chamber of Tourism and Commerce Paul O’Neill said that “nothing has been confirmed yet”. If Charles does visit Killarney with Camilla, he will be following in the footsteps of his great-great-great-grandmother,Queen Victoria, who visited Heaven’s Reflex in 1861. Queen Victoria, who was accompanied by her husband Prince Albert and their three children, were met by massive crowds during their three-day visit in August 1861 when they famously stayed in both Killarney House and in Muckross House.
white logo on black background
TOWNTALK Killarney Park Music Video A Viral Hit Staff and management at the fivestar Killarney Park Hotel have shown their musical side in a brilliant new marketing video which was released earlier this week. The light-hearted and expertly shot mini-movie shows employees from various departments miming to Be Our Guest from Disney’s iconic Beauty and the Beast and showing off all the world-famous hotel has to offer. It has already been viewed over 23,000 times on Facebook alone. The video, which was devised by Ciara Treacy and produced by Adrian McCarthy of Grand View Media, was premiered at the Fáilte Ireland #WOWSummit2018 at the Guin-
ness Storehouse in Dublin where General Manager, Niamh O’Shea was a keynote speaker. If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to check it out!
Celtic Steps
Basketball Legend Paudie Talented O’Neill Sisters To Get Killarney Send-Off To Star In New Show The funeral of former Irish basketball legend and Mayor of Killarney Paudie O’Connor will take place at St Mary’s Cathedral tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 10.30am. The funeral will arrive at the church at 9.45am and following the requiem mass at 10.30am, interment of ashes will take place immediately afterwards in Aghadoe Cemetery. Paudie passed away on May 1 at his home in Las Vegas. A funeral service took place in Guardian Angel Cathedral, Las Vegas last week. Predeceased by his parents Mai (1987) and Dan (2001) and brother Benny (2009), Paudie is survived by his beloved daughter, Morgan (nee O’Connor) Mauro, her mother, Marty; son-in-law, Marcello Mauro; grandson, Luciano Connor Mauro; brothers, Séamie and Mike; sisters-in-law, Fidelma and Peggy; nephews Patrick, Richard and Philip O’Connor, relatives and a large circle of friends.
Celtic Steps Entertainment presents a new sensational Irish show, Songs From Ireland, starring the fabulous vocals of the O’Neill Sisters. The show will take place every Saturday night from 8.30pm at the Killarney Racecourse. The O’Neill Sisters, who are renowned locally for their talents, have also recently received much acclaim worldwide thanks to their online cover of the Irish classic Red Is The Rose, which has over 5 million views on Facebook. Seán Murphy of Celtic Steps commented: “We are absolutely delighted to be producing a show with the O’Neill Sisters as their passion for traditional Irish music is akin to our
News Briefs ...
Canadian Man Dies On Carrauntoohil
There was tragedy in the MacGillycuddy’s Reeks this week when a Canadian tourist fell more than 100m to his death on Carrauntoohil. His fiancée, who was walking with him, raised the alarm at around 3pm on Tuesday and Valentia Coastguard co-ordinated an operation by Kerry Mountain Rescue in the Hag’s Glen/ Brother O’Shea’s Gully area of the mountain.
Over 20 members of the Kerry Mountain Rescue Team participated in the search. Conditions at the time were poor, with fog and low cloud hampering visibility. His body was located at around 9pm last night and recovered from the mountain at around 1am. The man is believed to have been in his late 20s or early 30s and had been holidaying in Kerry with his partner.
own, and we hope that together our joint vision and combined musical capabilities will result in something truly magical.” The show will be aimed at highlighting some of Ireland’s best-loved classics from upbeat numbers such as Danny Boy and Where The Blarney Roses Grow to national favourites such as Ireland’s Call and many more. The show will also feature the Celtic Steps World Champion Irish Dancers who will showcase the intricacy and fluidity of traditional Irish dancing at its very best. . The show commences this coming Saturday evening at 8.30pm and tickets are available now from the box office on 064 66 26666.
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The Chatroom
The Chatroom
Remembering Major Colgan Muckross Park Hotel’s Danny McClure visited us in The Chatroom this week to talk about the new name of their main bar out in Muckross Park Hotel, Major Colgan’s! Who is Major Colgan, I hear you ask? Well, no better man to tell us about him than Danny, who has spent the last few months researching the Major. Danny tells us where he was from, his involvement in the 1916 Rising, the reason he wound up in Killarney and how
he ended up owning the Muckross Park Hotel. All in all, a fascinating story of an unsung local hero! Danny also fills us in on what you can expect from a night out in Major Colgan’s, from good craic to Irish nights to a great gastropub experience from their award-winning chef John O’Leary. • You can catch all the action on our website www.killarneyadvertiser.ie or on our Facebook page tonight at 9pm.
Ozzy De Quadros
With the Kerry International Tattoo Convention just around the corner, we invited the organiser Ozzy De Quadros into The Chatroom to tell us all about it. Ozzy’s Pachamama Tattoo Studio has been open in Killarney for 10 years and this is his 6th year running the Tattoo Convention. The convention will run in the INEC on the June bank
holiday weekend in conjunction with the BikeFest. 1,000 people are expected to come through the doors and 60 tattoo artists are going to be on site. So if you like your tattoos, it’s definitely going to be worth a visit! • You can check out our chat with Ozzy next Tuesday at noon on our website www. killarneyadvertiser.ie or on our Facebook page.
SCORCHERS Put Ireland On The Cheerleading Map The Killarney Scorchers put Ireland on the world cheerleading map at the recent Summit Cheerleading Championships held in Orlando, Florida. Up against the might of the United States, the very cradle of cheerleading, Scorchers held their own and won second place in the first round. It was only last year that the Scorchers earned a paid bid to compete in the American competition, the first Irish team to do so. Since then, it was been a demanding round of training and fundraising to get the team
of 21 out there to wave the flag for Ireland on the May 3 & 4. The jubilant team returned home last week exhilarated and, two days later, were back in training in Killarney for their next competitive outing to in Liverpool at the end of June. The Scorchers have extended their sincere gratitude to parents, sponsors and supporters in the knowledge they did them all and, indeed, Ireland, proud.
Big-Hearted Bikers Rally Together for Charity Big-hearted motorcyclists and scooter riders worldwide will take to the roads on June 3 to raise funds for charity. Ride Sunday is the international day of riding for a cause and any rider with a motor and two wheels is encouraged to participate and raise funds for charity. At Ireland BikeFest, which takes place in Killarney across the June bank holiday weekend, bikers, regardless of bike style or riding preference, will ride in the famous BikeFest Parade through the streets of the town on Sunday morning at 11am in aid of Muscular Dystrophy Ireland. The Ride Sunday parade is just one of many events taking place during Ireland BikeFest. There is also a jam-packed programme of free live entertainment across three stages, including international headline acts such as The Affray, The Irish Rolling Stones, JoanovArc, The Harleys and festival legends Hells Bells. Located on the grounds of The Gleneagle Hotel, the Bike Village is the main hub of activity throughout the weekend, featuring the Harley-Davidson® Experiential Zone, Free H-D Demo Rides around Killarney, the Custom Bike Show, traders, merchandise, motorcycle rentals, Ladies Garage Party and the Novelty Dog Show. The Bike Village also offers the best festival food, fantastic family fun and the popular Harley® Bar. For bikers keen to take in the incredible scenery along the Skellig Coast, Ring of Kerry and Slea Head, there are daily ride-outs along the Wild Atlantic Way marshalled by Celtic Thunder Chapter Ireland and Gaelic Chapter Ireland. And if you are not a biker don’t worry! Ireland BikeFest Killarney also welcomes visitors, tourists and families
who just want to experience the Bike Village, have fun and enjoy the free live entertainment. You don’t even have to own a bike; you can just bask in the glory of some slick, well-built machines and enjoy the unique party and convivial festival atmosphere of Ireland BikeFest. You may even win your own motorcycle in the Win a Harley-Davidson® Raffle in aid of Muscular Dystrophy Ireland.
To keep up-to-date with festival news as it happens stay tuned to www.irelandbikefest.com or check out their Facebook page www.facebook.com/irelandbikefest/ Ireland BikeFest Killarney is supported by Harley-Davidson® UK and Ireland, Authorised Dealers and H.O.G.® Chapters in association with Fáilte Ireland, Wild Atlantic Way and Destination Killarney Ltd.
Cardiac Response
St Brigid’s 2nd Year Action Project 2nd year students at St Brigid’s Presentation Secondary School in Killarney organised and carried out a project on reducing waste and pollution locally. Yvonne Quill from Killarney Tidy Towns kindly accepted an invitaion and gave up her time to be a guest speaker at the school. Ms Quill’s talk gave students a better understanding of the wide range of work volunteers in KTT do to better our local area and environment but also it helped raise awareness of the diverse programmes they are involved in, the challenges they sometimes face and how young people can help to create a better future. Inspired and motivated by our guest
speaker, as well as the recent County Clean-Up, students decided to be pro-active and put what they had learnt into action. The girls took part in a two-hour clean up at the Killarney National Park. Park Ranger, Mr O’Neill, was extremely helpful on the day with guiding students to problem areas and offering words of advice. Students have seen the consequences anti-social behaviour can have and how littering can have such a devastating impact in areas of natural beauty. They felt it was a great learning experience, helping to enforce their attitude towards the reduction of waste and the protection of the environment. After 2 hours students had filled 15 bags.
Members of the Killarney Cardiac Response Unit who attended a training day in Tralee last Saturday with the National Ambulance Service.
Killarney Rás Team Best of luck to the Killarney Rás team! The Rás, Ireland’s most prestigious cycle race, starts on Sunday, May 20 with a stage end in Listowel on Tuesday, May 22. On Wednesday, the Rás leaves Listowel for Glengarriff.
The Grill Restaurant at The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens Open daily from 11:30am until 9:30pm Now taking reservations The Dunloe Hotel & Gardens is now open again after undergoing a stunning 18 month renovation project of the restaurant, bar, reception, lobby and lounge spaces as well as the enhancement of the gardens and carpark. Enjoy the best of local produce in the new Grill Restaurant with panoramic views overlooking the Gap of Dunloe. Al fresco dining is also available. For reservations call 064 6644111 or email reservations@thedunloe.com
Mahers Meats: The secret ingredient is quality This week, popular Killarney butchers Mahers Meats celebrates 10 great years in the business and proprietors Noel Maher Sr and Noel Maher Jr say quality has been the key ingredient to their continued success. “We always pride ourselves on our quality meat,” Noel explains. “That’s something we’ve always been particular about since the day we opened. We try to source the best local produce and make sure it’s handled correctly and hung for the correct amount of days before being boned and served.” The Mahers, who are originally from Mitchelstown but have been living in Killarney for 25 years, are steeped in tradition when it comes to butchering. Noel’s father, Noel Sr, butchered locally for 15 years before opening up his own store at the Reeks with Noel Jr in 2008. The younger Maher previously worked as a butcher for eight years in the town and also spent two years in retail management in Dublin. Over the course of the past decade, the business has grown from strength to strength and Noel says the relationship that exists between the team at Mahers Meats and their loyal customers has been essential. “We think our customer service is the best around,”
he says. “That’s something we always pride ourselves on. We have all local staff who live within a couple of miles of the front door of the shop, and they’ve been with us since the day we’ve opened. We see the same people on a daily basis, sometimes five or six times a week. Sometimes twice a day! We have an exceptionally loyal customer base.” To reward these loyal regulars, Mahers introduced their Be Local loyalty card system. With every €1 spent in the store, customers earn a point and when they reach 300 points, they get a €10 meat voucher for their next shop. Mahers are the only butcher shop in Killarney operating such a system and it has proven to be extremely popular since its inception two years ago. Mahers Meats like to keep things fresh, both literally and figuratively. They continuously research and develop new products to try and bring them to market first. Every week, they introduce something new into
the business to make sure their customers have a wide variety of products to choose from. Work has recently been completed on a revamp of the store which has included the introduction of a new frozen foods section. This has allowed Mahers to expand their range dramatically. There are two new self-service fridges and they’ve launched an extensive range of ready-cooked meals and convenient products that just go straight into the oven. Ideally located at the Reeks Gateway (where they were one of the first businesses to open their doors), Mahers Meats is accessible via the Cleeney roundabout from the Tralee Road, the bypass, Rock Road and Dr Hans Liebherr Road. The store is surrounded by useful amenities such as the petrol station, pharmacy, doctors’ office, off licence and Lidl, and parking is available right at the door. As Mahers Meats celebrate their 10th anniversary, Noel has expressed his gratitude to the people of Killarney who continue to choose his family-orientated business. “We want to thank all of our customers for supporting us from the very start and sticking with us,” he said. “We’re really grateful to all of you and we look forward to taking care of your needs in the future.”
Grow Your Business
Mahers The Reeks Gateway Open: 8am-6.00pm - Monday - Saturday Tel: 064 6620853
To Celebrate our 110th Anniversary we are pleased to offer
Offer valid Wed 23rd May only. While stocks last.
We accept all major credit and debit cards
NEWS Visitors Hail Another M&S Celebrates 10 Years In Killarney Superb Kerry EXPO
Marks & Spencer Killarney marks 10 years trading in Killarney this week. To celebrate, M&S have a number of in-store activities organised to officially mark the milestone. All customers who shop in the Killarney store this week can enter a free draw to win a luxury M&S hamper to the value of €100. A children’s colouring competition will be taking place with the opportunity of winning a €50 hamper. There will also be some great offers on for our customers in the food hall including an M&S Meal Deal for two for €14 from the Taste of Summer range. Well done to everyone at Marks & Spencer Killarney on 10 memorable years in the business.
Ronan, Olan and Isla O’Driscoll meet up with R2-D2 at the Kerry Expo.
Organisers have thanked the 140 businesses, institutes and organisations from all over Kerry who seized the opportunity to take part in the Kerry EXPO 2018, which was held in the INEC, Killarney last Sunday. The event attracted thousands of visitors the feedback from both the exhibitors and the general public was overwhelmingly positive. The diversity of businesses and the people ranged from IT and manufacturing to banking and employment agencies, from photographers and consultants to marketing and communications, not to mention health, education and retailers. In fact, businesses from A to Z were all well represented throughout the event. The success of the event is largely due to the guidance received from the steering committee, and the financial input from both sponsors and supporting partners. Visitors and exhibitors were able to find opportunities to collaborate, discover new local businesses and check out the competitive landscape. Organisers say that the EXPO is expanding its reach and aims to become a shop window for those contemplating moving to Kerry in search of a better quality of life, higher living standards and greater career opportunities and will continue to extend its offerings year on year. Families attending the event were treated to a whole host of free entertainment including kids workshops and music with Jack Patrick Healy and
Drum Dance Ireland. Visitors eagerly gathered around galaxy heroes including R2D2, Darth Vader and Robot Ted for some excellent photo opportunities. Adults took advantage of the free health checks from the Bon Secours Hospital, Tralee and Breda McEllistrim said there was an overwhelming interest. The Taste Kerry stand provided lots of tasty cooking demos throughout the day and by late afternoon many foodies saw their products sold out. Football fans were not forgotten as they gathered to listen to the GAA Panel discussion featuring football legend Séamus Moynihan. Meanwhile Astellas, who are based in Killorglin, announced Caherleaheen NS, Tralee as the winner of their Lab Junior Science Challenge competition. The school named the scientist, “Professor Pro Graft”. Enda Sheehan (4th class) was the lucky winner of the €50 prize and will become Astellas’ 2018 Mascot. Other lucky winners included Blair House Farm who won the EXPO award for Most Interactive Exhibitor, while Busy Botanists were the winners of the EXPO’s Best Marketing Award. Bon Secours Hospital were voted by the public as Favourite Stand and Skellig Soaps won the EXPO’s Best Presented Stand. Organisers say that over half the exhibitors have already signed up for the 2019 EXPO and they look forward to working together to serve the business community and create wealth and opportunities in the Kerry region.
Mayor All Set To Tie The Knot
Mayor Niall Kelleher will take a rare break from politics tomorrow when he marries his bride-to-be Linda Gordon at St Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney. The Mayor has had a busy week already: on Wednesday he was interviewed by Fianna Fáil top brass about being added to the party’s ticket for the next general election, and later that afternoon he welcomed President Michael D Higgins to Killarney for the Fórsa conference at the INEC.
But the working and campaigning and hand-shaking will be put to one side for one day at least as he weds his partner, Linda. The reception will be held at the Great Southern Hotel and over 370 people are expected to attend. Their Kenyan honeymoon will be put on hold until Niall completes his term as Mayor. Best of luck to the happy couple from everyone at the Killarney Advertiser! Pic: Konrad Paprocki
At the Launch of Multiple Sclerosis Society (South Kerry Branch) Family Fun Walk on Saturday, June 9 were Kay Fleming , Zara Daly, Mary O’Connor, Pat O’Neill, Mary F. O’Connor and Les Nolan. Starting at 11am at the Deenagh Cottage. Walkers, joggers, families and pets are welcome. Adults: €10. Children and teenagers: €5. Family of 4: €20. Registration from 10am.
18.05.18 Career Options
Words: Niamh Dwyer
Getting The Balance Right In The Lead Up To Exams
Pics: Dylan Clifford
Avoca Celebrate 25 Years At Molls Gap A great evening was had by all at Avoca Molls Gap as they celebrated their 25th birthday on Thursday. Fashion designer Liz Quinn was in attendance and renowned performer Jack Patrick Healy wowed the attendees with his musical prowess. The event also features showcases from suppliers Voya Beauty and jeweller Garret Mallon. Congratulations to everyone at Avoca on 25 years in the business from the Killarney Advertiser. Here’s to 25 more!
The last couple of weeks leading up to exams can be difficult. Students who have worked hard are feeling exhausted while many feel overwhelmed by the amount they have left to do and worry about running out of time. Regardless of the work rate up to now, it is important to get the balance right in the lead up to the Leaving & Junior Certificate which begin on June 6. Consider the following suggestions to ensure that you can give them your best shot. Plan the remaining time carefully. At this stage the study plan should have the essential topics to be revised in each subject, taking account the schedule of the actual exams. Actively engage with the subject material. Instead of sitting silently looking at your notes, read them aloud. Hearing the information will make it more memorable. Move around if necessary to keep up energy levels. Become the teacher, research has shown that the most effective way of learning something is by having to teach someone else. If you don’t have willing students, pretend you do and explain out loud what you know about the topic. Use Flashcards. Long detailed notes need to be condensed into keywords or simple diagrams. They are ideal to focus your attention the night before the exam. Focus on Exam Paper layout, sample questions and marking schemes. On www.examinations.ie you will find past papers, solutions and marking schemes. Study these carefully. Once you have revised a topic, read through the questions on that topic in past papers and see if you could attempt them, then look up solutions. Practice timing in key questions. If you are concerned about your
timing in certain subjects pick a couple of questions and practice against the clock. Vary the routine of subjects and topics. At this stage it can be more difficult to concentrate so move from one subject to another more frequently. For example, revise a topic in geography and then move onto a question in accounting. Avoid social media while studying. Put away the mobile phone. A huge amount of valuable study time is lost by responding to messages on the likes of WhatApp and Snapchat so for the coming weeks put away the phone while studying. Switch off. The mind requires rest in order to function effectively in study sessions and exams so it is essential that you learn to take breaks. On study days, get up early. Treat it like a working day (9am-5pm). Take short breaks in the morning and afternoon and an hour for lunch. Then relax in the evening. Watch TV, go to a match or for a walk or meet up with friends. Maintain some balance. Although it is difficult to think of anything other than exams in the final weeks, it is essential to strike a balance. Exercise, fresh air and healthy eating are hugely beneficial for the brain and they ensure the best chance of staying focused, maximizing concentration and making optimum use of the remaining time. They also help to perform more effectively in exams. Consider exercise an integral part of both your relaxation and your study plan.
Niamh Dwyer is a guidance counsellor in Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra, Rathmore and is PRO of the Kerry Branch of Guidance Counsellors. She can be contacted at careerfocusnow@gmail. com.
BAFTA TV Awards 2018
Celeb NEWS
The best of the British television industry descended upon London’s Royal Festival Hall on Sunday night for the awards show, hosted by Sue Perkins It was a night of shocks for many as Love Island scooped the prize for Best Reality and Constructed Factual. Peaky Blinders played a blinder and took the main drama prize, while the Handmaid’s Tale won in the international category. Dec took to the stage along with the Britain’s Got Talent producers and judges
Amanda Holden and Alesha Dixon - but his presenting partner Ant McPartlin was noticeably absent. Three Girls and This Country were the big winners of the night with two awards each, while big nominees Line Of Duty and Black Mirror went home empty-handed Netflix also saw its first ever BAFTA win as Vanessa Kirby scooped the Best Supporting Actress award for The Crown - but Claire Foy lost out for Best Actress .
Make Michelle’s taldup-@krys using awn_mua iconic. her fave @ inator london Illum t glow and prep se at mist for th ! ow gl a tr ex
Cardi B Has DELETED Her Instagram Due To Feud Joe Wicks (aka The Body Coach) Announces Baby News
Joe Wicks has revealed he is expecting his first child. The fitness guru, who is also a best-selling author, revealed he is going to be a father. Sharing the news on his Instagram, where he has over 2 million followers, Joe shared a photo of his girlfriend Rosie Jones’ ultrasound. “I’m gonna be a Daddy,” he wrote. “This is the first time I’ve ever shared a photo of myself with Rosie. “I’ve always chosen to keep my personal life and relationship private but with such an amazing new thing coming into our lives I thought it would be nice to share the news with you myself. “We are both absolutely buzzing to be parents.” “We don’t know the sex of the baby but it’s due in just over 10 weeks time. #TheBabyCoach coming soon,” he added. This will be Joe, 31, and model Rosie’s, 27, first child. Joe has never shared photos with his other-half before, but she is well known in the UK, and was previously a page 3 model. Joe had been in Dublin this weekend to take part in Wellfest.
Cardi B has deleted her Instagram! And we don’t mean deleted it as in just deleted the posts on it á la Blake Lively promoting her new movie, we mean it’s GONE! She has also set her Twitter account to private so unless you’re one of the privileged few she follows you can’t get your daily dose of Cardi. The Bronx rapper is feuding with Azelia Banks and that led to her getting rid of her account. Azelia criticised Cardi telling the Breakfast Club there was a “really intelligent conversation going on nationally” about black women’s
culture, “then everything kind of changed. Then it was Cardi B.” She went on to say, “If my spelling and grammar was that bad I’d be canceled.” Before deleting her accounts Cardi B responded on Twitter saying “all of a sudden I’m the reason the world is such a terrible place.” Later she was more annoyed and tweeted, “B*tch you stressed, you can’t flex get some money hoe tell me why I’m pressed.” She expressed her opinion that Azelia should suck her ass and then made her profile private.
Cannes Film Festival
igen Chrissy Te rth s bi announce as she y of baby bo d John and husban eet Legend tw s y’ ‘somebod !’ herrrrrrre
The Travolta family: John Travolta and his wife Kelly Preston turned the Gotti premier into a family affair as they walked the red carpet with their two children on Tuesday. Later that night, going viral in a clip shared to social media, the actor didn’t appear to have a care in the world as he grooved along while the rapper performed his hit, Just a Lil Bit
nner @kendallje wearing ghHi rd pa #Cho on the Jewellery ps famous ste
Words: Kieran Healy Pics: Valerie O’Sullivan
Take That, Killarney! Barlow Wows INEC Gary Barlow took to the INEC stage last Saturday night to a chorus of screams, which had me wondering if we had time travelled back to the mid 1990s… He left the stage at the end of a triumphant gig to a chorus of even louder screams which honestly I didn’t think was possible. In the two hours in between, the Take That superstar proceeded to deliver an absolutely polished pop music masterclass. The set was littered heavily with Take That gems both from the early days and their man-band days, as well as some of Barlow’s solo material. Songs like Greatest Day, Pray, Rule The World, Back For Good, Shine, A Million Love Songs, Patience and the epic Never Forget left an ecstatic Killarney crowd on their feet and I even heard a few say that the young pretender to the pop music throne, Ed Sheeran, could have learned a few things from Barlow’s performance.
Killarney Fans Say Yes To Snow Patrol
The excitement was palpable in the INEC on Monday night when Snow Patrol took to the stage for their first Killarney gig since their reworked show back in 2009. With their new album Wildness coming out next week, the band have embarked on their first tour in five years and fans couldn’t help wondering if they were going to be playing mostly new songs. Gary Lightbody and co. appeared on stage at 9pm to a rapturous Killarney welcome and very quickly eased those fears as they opened with fan favourites Open Your Eyes, Chocolate and Take Back The City. New songs were previewed and received well by the crowd, including the current single Don’t Give In, and you could see the band were clearly relishing the idea of the upcoming album being released. Lightbody himself said it’s “the best thing they’ve ever done”. The hits continued to flow with the INEC crowd in full voice for the mass sing-alongs of Run and Chasing Cars before ending the night with Just Say Yes, leaving the suitably impressed Killarney crowd on a high.
Words: Kieran Healy Pics: Sally MacMonagle
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A Weekly Round-Up Of News + Views From Kerry And Around
Pro-Life Group Erect Giant ‘No’ Sign On Ben Bulben A giant ‘NO’ sign was erected on the side of Sligo’s Ben Bulben mountain on Wednesday by a team of pro-life campaigners. The sign was made with plastic sheeting by a group of 20 people who were reportedly working on the mountain through the night. A number of images of the sign ap-
peared on social media yesrerday morning, with some locals criticising the group for defacing the iconic mountain. The group behind the sign say they haven’t broken any laws and that it will remain on the mountain until after polling day in the Eighth Amendment referendum on May 25.
Trump Corner EU Leader: With Friends Like Trump, Who Needs Enemies? The president of the European Council has torn into Donald Trump, warning that the US president is a bad friend who acts with “capricious assertiveness”. Speaking on Wednesday, Donald Tusk said he was “grateful” for Mr Trump because he had “made us realise that if you need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of your arm”. The EU leader told reporters at a summit in the Bulgarian capital Sofia that Europe had to be prepared to go it alone in some circumstances because the new shift in American politics made the US an unreliable ally. European heads of state and government are gathering at the Western Balkans summit to discuss the region’s future, but they will also hold talks about how to respond to renewed US aggression on trade and foreign affairs. The warning comes after the US pulled out of a key deal on Iran’s nuclear programme, unilaterally moved its Israel embassy to the dis-
Never fails to entertain
puted city of Jerusalem, and threatened new tariffs against European steel and aluminium producers. Mr Tusk said he wanted Europe to “stick to our guns” against Mr Trump’s new policies, and called for a permanent exemption from the metals tariffs. He branded a US move to use national security grounds to justify the protectionism as “absurd” and not based in “reality”. “Besides traditional political challenges, such as the rise of China or the aggressive stance of Russia, we are witnessing today a new phenomenon: the capricious assertiveness of the American administration,” Mr Tusk said at the start of the summit. Later, he added, “with friends like that, who needs enemies?”
“Is There A Doctor On Board?” “Is there a doctor on board?” the flight crew asked, when a passenger lost consciousness before take-off on board a US Delta Air Lines plane. There is indeed, the answer came… From no less than the country’s top doctor. US Surgeon General Jerome Adams helped with a medical emergency on Wednesday on board the aircraft, which was due to leave Florida for
Georgia. He and two nurses then recommended that the individual, who had regained consciousness, be taken to hospital. The passenger is reported to be in a stable condition following the incident on board the Delta flight, which was due to leave Fort Lauderdale airport in Florida bound for Atlanta, Georgia. The surgeon general is the US government’s top spokesperson on matters of public health.
North Korea Won’t Speak To South Until “Issues” Are Resolved North Korea says it will not resume talks with the South until issues between the two countries are resolved. Its chief negotiator dismissed the South Korean authorities as incompetent and senseless. Pyongyang is angry at continuing US-South Korea joint military exercises. Planned talks between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have also been thrown into doubt. South Korea has offered to act as a bridge between the two sides. But that now looks less likely following North Korea’s statement. Chief negotiator Ri Son-gwon reverted to the angry language the North has used before, in comments reported by state news agency KCNA. He also criticised the South Korean authorities for allowing “human scum” (a reference to a North Korean defector) to speak at the Seoul National Assembly. On Tuesday North Korea pulled out of a meeting with South Korea scheduled for the following day because of anger over the start of US-South Korea joint military
drills. It later released a statement saying it might pull out of the summit with the US if the Trump administration insisted it gave up its nuclear weapons unilaterally. The highly anticipated meeting between Mr Trump and Mr Kim is due to take place in Singapore on 12 June. A White House spokesperson said on Wednesday that the US president remained ready. Thursday’s criticism of South Korea marks yet another shift in tone from Pyongyang just weeks before the planned US summit. Experts have noted that Pyongyang appears to be putting pressure on both the US and South Korea and refusing to talk until some concessions are made.
The World
Home&Away Inspired By Danny Casey
Aiken Blame Ed Sheeran Seating Issues On Late Fans
Aiken Promotions has said seating issues at Ed Sheeran’s concert at the Phoenix Park in Dublin on Wednesday were due to people arriving late. A number of fans have complained about being unable to see or hear the concert properly, while there was also some confusion about whether or not people had standing or seated tickets. The company added that about 5,000 people “arrived late” last night, leading to a number of issues. “Please leave plenty of time to get to the venue. Please check online for details on where concessions and toilets are located and your best routes from the area you are in to those facilities,” the statement notes. Aiken said that the movement of people “through the large gap between two banks of seats (that is the connection between
the concessions area/entrances and the viewing area/pitch) worked well all night until Ed took to the stage when approximately 5,000 people were still to come in”. When Ed went on stage those people who were in the concessions/toilet area and those still entering came in through the gap but did not move on to take a place in the designated standing area, they just stopped inside the gap to watch the show. This gap was not meant to be a viewing area, it was designed to facilitate movement between areas. As a result, the company said, people behind those who had stopped were “unable to get into the viewing area and likewise some people were unable to get back out to the toilets for a time”, stating: “It took time and many stewards and gardaí to move them on in.”
Body found in search for missing Dublin girl (14) Gardaí believe that a body found in Lucan, Co Dublin on Thursday is that of missing teenager Anastasia Kriegel. Gardaí have been searching for the missing 14-year-old schoolgirl since Monday. Her death is being treated as suspicious and a full inquiry, with the resources of a murder investigation, has now been launched. An incident room has been es-
tablished at Lucan Garda Station. Gardaí are not commenting further on the nature of the inquiry but there are indications she suffered a violent death. The discovery was made this afternoon in a disused, vacant farmhouse near the town on the Clonee Road, between Lucan and Clonsilla, during a large-scale search.
Man Killed By Exploding Vape Pen A US man died when a vape pen blew up and projected fragments into his skull, a post-mortem examination has found. Tallmadge D’Elia also suffered burns over 80% of his body in a fire on May 5 caused by the exploding e-cigarette, according to forensic officials. The 38-year-old’s body was discovered by firefighters in the burning bedroom of his family home in the beach resort of St Petersburg, Florida. It is believed to be the first US death from a vape pen explosion. The television producer’s death has been ruled an accident.
The Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner said the official cause of death was “projectile wound of head”, reports the Tampa Bay Times. Two pieces of the vape pen were found in his cranium, according to the autopsy. The report said emergency crews encountered “extensive” fire damage to the bedroom where the body was found, but minimal smoke. The electronic cigarette was manufactured by Smok-E Mountain, said the medical examiner. Christopher D’Elia, the dead man’s father, told ABC Action News it was a “terrible shock”.
Ebola Outbreak Spreads To Congolese City The Ebola outbreak in DR Congo has spread from the countryside into a city, prompting fears that the disease will be increasingly hard to control. Health Minister Oly Ilunga Kalenga confirmed a case in Mbandaka, a city of a million about 130km from where the first cases were confirmed. The city is a major transportation hub with routes to the capital Kinshasa. At least 44 people are thought to have been infected with ebola and 23 deaths are being investigated. Ebola is a serious infectious illness that causes internal
bleeding and often proves fatal. It can spread rapidly through contact with small amounts of bodily fluid and its early flu-like symptoms are not always obvious. The World Health Organization (WHO) has called an emergency meeting of experts to talk about the risk that Ebola might spread beyond DR Congo. It will meet on Friday to decide whether to declare an international public health emergency which would trigger a larger global response, like in the case of the 201416 Western African Ebola outbreak and the 2016 Zika virus in Latin America.
Man Threatens To Report Spanish-Speaking Staff A video of a man threatening to report Spanish-speaking restaurant workers to US immigration authorities in New York has gone viral on social media. The footage shows a customer berating staff for speaking Spanish at the premises in Manhattan. “Your staff are speaking Spanish to customers when they should be speaking English,” he tells one employee. He then threatens to call the US deportation force, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). “My guess is they’re not documented, so my next call is to ICE to have each one of them kicked out of my country,” he says. Other patrons at the restaurant can be seen laughing at
the man during the incident on Tuesday, which was captured in footage posted on Facebook and contains some strong language. Social media users have strongly criticised the man in the video, who local media report is a New York-based lawyer.
Netflix - Bridge to Terabithia
Review: Arctic Monkeys - Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino After five years it is finally here. Arctic Monkeys have released their sixth album Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino. Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino has been one of the most hotly anticipated releases of 2018. The band, led by principal songwriter Alex Tuner, have sprung a surprise by taking an entirely different musical direction. Tranquillity Base Hotel & Casino appears to be a concept album.
Alex Turner gives the listener a tour around a seedy, 1970s-era hotel in space. Sheffield’s finest are the house band as we are introduced to the strange guests staying there. One of the album’s standout songs is set on a rooftop Mexican restaurant, which has received good reviews. BBC 6 Music presenter Stuart Stuart Maconie drew comparisons with David Bowie, writing: “New Arctic Monkeys is totally Aladdin Sane.”
On The Box
(2010, Science Fiction) A talented thief uses hi-tech devices to enter other people’s dreams so he can steal their secrets. An industrialist hires him to perform a far more challenging job - to implant an idea into a corporate heir’s mind, so he will think it is his own. However, the mission is compromised by the thief’s own troubled psyche. Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi thriller, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Tom Hardy.
FA Cup Final Live
TV3| May 19th, 16:00 Chelsea v Manchester United (Kickoff 5.15pm). Tommy Martin presents coverage of the final, which takes place at Wembley Stadium, as Antonio Conte and Jose Mourinho’s men battle it out for the famous trophy.
Watch The Graham Norton Show
May 18th, Fri 22:35 The guests on Graham’s sofa are Emilia Clarke, starring in Solo: A Star Wars Story, Gloria Estefan, who discusses a new show about her life and music called On Your Feet, former Doctor Who and star of Broadchurch David Tennant, and the irrepressible Miriam Margolyes, chatting about her role in Call the Midwife. Plus music from Leon Bridges, who performs his new single Beyond.
RTÉ Two| May 19th, 21:20
Based on Katherine Paterson’s Newbery Medal-winning 1977 book, this touching adaptation is the ultimate story of boy-girl friendship. Forget the zeitgeist of iPod-carrying, text-messaging, gadget-obsessed tweens, and meet two 10-year-olds who prefer to use their imaginations. Despite their different upbringings, Jess Aarons (Josh Hutcherson), a poor mechanic/small-time farmer’s son, and his neighbor Leslie Burke (a glowing AnnaSophia Robb) -- the only daughter of intellectual back-to-the-landers -- form a fast friendship. When Leslie decides that they need a special place to call their own, the two construct a magical land in the woods behind their houses, a secret kingdom dubbed “Terabithia” that’s populated by wonders only they can see. And though Jess and Leslie’s friendship continues to grow, as in the book, it doesn’t devolve into pre-adolescent dating. It’s as true a friendship as fiction offers. When tragedy strikes, quickly and unexpectedly, the fragility of Terabithia is exposed. Yet somehow, the magic continues.
The Big Big Movie
Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang RTÉ One
May 19th, 17:10 (2010, Comedy) A woman is left running the family farm alone while her husband is fighting in the Second World War. The wart-faced magical nanny is on hand to help her cope with her unruly children, their even more mischievous evacuated cousins, and her scheming brother-in-law, who wants the farm for himself. Fantasy comedy, with Emma Thompson, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Sam Kelly. Includes European Weather, The Angelus and RTÉ News and Weather.
Harry and Meghan - The Royal Wedding TV3
May 19th, 12:00 Julie Etchingham and Phillip Schofield present coverage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding ceremony, live from St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle. Presenters and correspondents including Mary Nightingale, Nina Hossain, Charlotte Hawkins and royal editor Chris Ship will be providing further updates throughout the day, while James Mates leads commentary of the service and Rageh Omaar joins Sentebale - the charity co-founded by Prince Harry - for celebrations in Lesotho.
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Adam Moynihan chats with up-and-coming Killarney singer/songwriter Cathal Flaherty about his new EP, hearing himself on Today FM and his relationship with his fans Hi Cathal. You’re launching your new EP The Head & Heart next week. What’s the plan for that? Yeah, next Friday at the INEC Acoustic Club. So May 25. It’s been booked for five or six months at this stage. When I started recording songs, I booked that date before I even considered bringing out the CD. That was my deadline. So it’s been a while in the works but I’m looking forward to it. The plan is I’m going to be singing all the songs off the EP, so there’s five on that, I have songs that I wrote years ago that were on another CD so I’ll be playing a few of them, and I’ll be doing a few covers as well on the night. The singles have all been very well-received. You must be pleased with the reaction so far? Yeah, it’s gone great. I think it all kind of started when I brought out A Thousand Miles on December 29. The day that came out, Fergal D’Arcy played it on Today FM. That was a huge boost for me because that would have been on the bucket list, to be played on Today FM, because it’s a station I listened to growing up. After that happened then I was like, “right, I’m actually going to record this EP now.” Since then I’ve brought out two singles. All We Need came out in March and then Grow came out last week. All We Need did really, really well on the likes of Today FM and it was playlisted on RTÉ Radio 1 and Radio Kerry and Spin South West and a good few stations around the country. It’ll take another couple of weeks before I know how well Grow does because we don’t even have a music video recorded for that yet. We’re hoping to get it done in the next week or two. Fingers crossed the latest single goes as well the first two. What’s it like releasing a song or an EP? Do you get nervous? I wouldn’t be nervous bringing out a single because you can only put it out there and hope for the best. But with the EP, it’s an investment because I’m putting a lot of my own money into it. You’re kind of hoping that once the actual physical CD is out that people will buy it. A lot of people are streaming music basically for nothing on Spotify or Apple Music so it’s very hard to get people to buy music now. It’s always a risk bringing out a physical copy of a CD because they cost quite a bit of money to produce. So I’d be nervous in the sense that I don’t want to have boxes at home full of CDs. I’m going to try and make it my mission to sell as many as possible. How do you find the recording process? Has it been challenging? Not really, no. I’m working with Brendan O’Connor who’s a really good producer and he’s also from Killarney. We started recording around two months before the first single came out and we gelled really well. We have very similar music tastes and he’s very positive about my music. He does his best to bring out the best in me. It’s been fun. You write your own songs as well. Is that something that comes naturally to you? Most of the time it does, yeah. I go through phases. I could go through a month of writing nearly every day, and then I could go two or three months without doing a thing. It just kind of comes and goes all the time. So when I do feel like I’m writing good stuff, I try to write as
much as I can at that time. If I feel like it’s not coming, you can’t really force it because it’s going to end up being crap. Since we finished recording three weeks ago, I haven’t written much but I know that once the EP is out I’ll be writing again. Definitely over the summer because I’m trying to get more singles out anyway. You’ve already built up a loyal fanbase. How would you describe your relationship with your fans? I kind of started using Facebook and Instagram a lot more when I started recording and bringing out music. It’s mad, like… Obviously people from Killarney would come into contact with my Facebook page but it’s great when you get people from other parts of the country messaging you on Facebook and stuff, and they’re saying, “we heard you on Today FM”… It’s cool. I always reply to everyone who gets on to me. I think that’s really important. I had a chat a few months ago with Picture This and they were telling me how important it is to like everything and just reply to people. I’m always on my phone anyway as well, so why wouldn’t I do as much as I can? What’s it like being a musician in Killarney? Is it a good place to make music? I think it is. I’ve been gigging in bars in Killarney for 10 years now. I kind of got in by accident but the years started flying by and I’m still doing it at the weekends. For people who are starting out, it’s quite hard to get into bars here because there are a lot of the same people playing the same things all the time. I’m lucky that the likes of Charlie Foley’s and The Fáilte and other place around town have been so good to me over the last number of years. I’ve never had a weekend off unless I took it off myself. But I know there are other people who are finding it hard to get gigs around the place, especially in the summer because a lot of places are booked months in advance. What’s your favourite music venue? I love Whelan’s. It’s obviously up there as one of the best live music bars in the country because of the amount of people who have played there over the years. Van Morrison has played there, Hozier started off there and you still get huge artists going back. Ed Sheeran played there two years ago. It’s just one of those iconic music venues and it’s always been a dream of mine to play there. I’ll be there on June 3 so that’s going to be another big gig to cross off the bucket list. What’s your proudest moment in music? In terms of my own music, probably getting national airplay. Last year I played guitar for Shane Filan and Nadine Coyle on The Late Late Show as well so that was a cool moment. But I’d prefer if I was doing my own thing rather than playing for someone else. And have you had any embarrassing moments? Oh loads. Jesus. My guitar has fallen off me a good few times. I broke my last one because it fell off me… It fell on the stage and the whole thing just shattered.
Cathal Flaherty Was this mid-song? In the middle of a song, yeah. The strap just fell off. I had it taped together for ages but I had to get a new one in the end. I’ve done gigs where the sound system has broken and that’s your worst nightmare. I was doing an outdoor gig and the whole sound system went. We still had five songs left so I decided to just get up on one of the tables and do the gig acoustically. It actually turned out alright. But there have definitely been a lot of embarrassing moments. Well, hopefully everything goes to plan next Friday night! All the best with the EP. Thanks Adam. •
Cathal will take to the stage at the INEC Acoustic Club to launch his brand new EP The Head & Heart on Friday, May 25. Tickets are €12 ex. booking fee and are available to buy today at INEC.ie and ticketmaster.ie
He will also headline Dublin’s iconic Whelan’s on Sunday, June 3. Tickets available at whelanslive.ie
| Conor Myles
| Dan O’Connor
Conor Myles and Dan O’Connor,
Partners of Terence F. Casey & Company Solicitors, 99 College Street, Killarney, present information on legal issues
INQUEST There has been a lot of discussion in recent times regarding the role of an inquest and whether or not it is fit for purpose.
are entitled to attend an Inquest and may, if they so wish, have legal representation as are other interested parties.
An Inquest is an official public enquiry presided over by a Coroner into the cause of a sudden unexplained death. In some cases this will also involve a jury. An Inquest is held to assist in helping to establish the cause of death. Inquests usually would not be held if a postmortem examination can give an explanation as to the cause of death.
There are a number of verdicts open to a Coroner or jury to return depending on the circumstances of the case.
The Coroners Act, 1962, makes provision in law for the holding of an Inquest into a death. Witnesses may be required to attend to give evidence. In some circumstances evidence may be given by way of deposition which is read into the record. An Inquest is concerned with ascertaining when, where and how a death occurred. It does not make findings of a criminal or civil liability. The family of a deceased
A Coroner may make general recommendations designed to prevent similar matters occurring into the future. An inquest may be formally opened and adjourned if there are criminal proceedings pending. This can cause significant delays for families concerned. The above is a discussion piece only and does not purport to be legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. In respect of any specific circumstances, you should consult your solicitor to obtain specific legal advice and Terence F. Casey & Company do not accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions herein.
| Terence F. Casey & Company | Solicitors
(Incorporating Michael C. Casey, Solicitor)
99 College Street, Killarney, County Kerry Phone: 064-663 2516/663 2991 Fax: 064-663 2248 Email: info@tfcasey.ie
Darkness Into Light:
Turnout For Nathan’s Walk
The people of Killarney and the wider area turned out in huge numbers to take part in the annual Darkness Into Light walk last Saturday morning. The Killarney version of the walk is held in memory of the late Nathan O’Carroll and once again the hard work of the O’Carroll family and their many helpers ensured the entire event went off without a hitch. The morning was perfectly planned, from the set-up at the Killarney Racecourse to the stewarding around the route, and participants enjoyed a thoroughly pleasurable walk, all in aid of the suicide and self-harm prevention centre Pieta House.
Pics: Konrad Paprocki
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Wedding of the week
Pics: Mícheál O’Sullivan
Great Southern Wedding For
Miriam & Eamonn
Congratulations to Miriam O’Shaughnessy and Eamonn O’Flaherty who recently said ‘I do’ surrounded by family and friends in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Glin. Reception afterwards was at the recently renamed Great Southern Hotel, Killarney and a truly memorable evening was had by all in attendance. Miriam’s maid of honour was Íde O’Shaughnessy and her bridesmaids were Denise Cooley, Ella Darmody and Myra Sheeran. Eamonn’s best man was Micheál O’Flaherty and his groomsman were Michael Sheehy, John Michael Kennelly and Mike Galvin. Also in attendance were the bride and groom’s parents, Eddie, Helen, Edward and Brigid. Miriam’s beautiful dress was from Áibhéil in Adare and the flowers were by Tie the Knot. Their videographer was the excellent Kevin Daly.
Pics: Dylan Clifford 085-7630199
Holy Cross staff night out.
Jacinta, Marian and Maria.
Catherine Dullea’s communion party.
Jadwiga Korbela and Adrian Korbela.
Lucinda Gahan and Declan Hickey.
A Disney-themed hen party.
English lads out in Killarney. Linda Brosnan’s hen party.
Josie McCarthy’s 21st birthday party.
Mary Ryan, Diane Dennehy and Linda Ryan.
Mags Harty, Pearl Myers and Miriam Harty.
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18.05.18 The new Sothys treatment has the potential to make skin look up to six years younger, says Jill O’Donoghue of Killarney Toning & Beauty
Looking Younger Has Never Been So Easy!
Kate Darmody (Barraduff National School) who made her First Holy Communion last Saturday. Pic: Tara Donoghue Photography.
More than just a myth, today’s anti-ageing treatments and skincare are backed by numbers and evidence showing tangible results. Parisian brand Sothys’ new Youth Intensive Treatment and line of Youth Creams are testament to that. Around 80% of ageing is said to be caused by the environment, while 20% is purely biological. A product of cutting-edge science and technology, the range of five Youth Creams contains a special component called βP3. Tri-Complex™, which could just be the solution. Created by the Sothys Advanced Research team, the βP3 is a tri-complex solution that contains two botanical active ingredients (saffron and sophora) with new generation peptides. These components work together to fight oxidative stress and signs of chronological ageing. The line of creams consist of the Firming Youth Cream, Restructuring Youth Cream, Redensifying Youth Cream, Vitality Youth Cream, and Wrinkle Targeting Youth Cream. Each has a specific objective and takes you a step closer to youthful looking
skin. It starts off with two steps of exfoliation, followed by multi-zoning action, which uses specific products to target different areas on the face, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lift slackened skin. This includes some of the brand’s star products: high performance serums. After steps to hydrate the skin and an indulgent three-layer masking towards the end of the treatment, specific youth serums that launched in April this year and a youth cream are selected according to the needs of the client and applied for a pleasant finale. After just one session, results showed that test subjects’ wrinkles were 30% smoother and their skin was 35% firmer. After three treatments, results improved to 51% and 50% respectively. In other words, a course of three treatments has the potential to make skin look up to six years younger. It’s not hard to believe, considering the sophisticated products and ingredients used to target specific skin concerns. • For more information or to book an appointment call Jill 064 66 32966.
Switzer A R C H I V E
Main Street 1986 : Mackey O’Shea’s, Cranitch’s Chemist, Hilliard’s & Son’s all sadly gone today (see inset:
original invoice from Hilliard’s)
Reproduced with permission by Switzer Archive ©
11.05.18 For Sale FOR SALE: Rock boulders for landscaping - various different sizes available. Collection only from Lissivigeen area. For more info ring: 086-3090507.
FOR SALE: 2 tickets to thirty seconds to mars. Wed 30th May €80. Tel Michael: 0863561992. FOR SALE: 2 Tickets to Michael Buble Concert - Croke Park Dublin Saturday July 7th. Genuine Reason for Re-sale due to change of circumstances. Contact R O’Sullivan: 0879076370
Available AVAILABLE: Removal Service House, office, local, nationwide, deliveries, anytime - anywhere, 7 days a week. Also, all kinds of clear outs etc. Tel.087-2600407 / 064-6631979. AVAILABLE: Music lessons, violin, fiddle, guitar, banjo. Garda vetted, Tel. John 087-6801392. Piano lessons Tel. Maggie 087-6961681. AVAILABLE: Church music for all occasions. For a personal and meaningful ceremony, let the voice of experience guide you through your music. Tel. Helen Kerins 087-
Deadline | Tuesday 5.30pm 9508050. AVAILABLE: Boost your immune system, re-balance your body, relax & de-stress. Treatments in Reflexology & reiki. Gift Vouchers available. Tel. Siobhan Dwyer 087-9665881. AVAILABLE: Experienced child-minder. First Aid and Garda vetted, safe and secure play area, homely atmosphere. Tel: 0872359466. AVAILABLE: Painting, general property maintenance and power washing etc. Tel Dan Joe Moynihan 0868217771. AVAILABLE: Brendan Herlihy home maintenance/renovations. Carpentry, painting, power washing, gardening, garden sheds repaired etc. Tel. 087-9364895/ 064-6643317. AVAILABLE: Wedding music Church Ceremony/ Civil Ceremony/ Drinks Reception. Please visit www. gracefoley.ie or Tel. Grace on 0876710087. AVAILABLE: Church music for all occasions. Vocals in harmony & a variety of instruments. Reasonable rates, Tel: 0876836612 / 0879014681. AVAILABLE: Xpress Removal Service – Fast friendly & reasonable. Home Office, apartment removal, Garage, Attic, Shed Clear Out. Legal Disposal of all unwanted items. Collection &
delivery service. Anything, Anytime, Anywhere. Available 7 days a week. Call Joe on 0872652126. AVAILABLE: 20 years’ experience in building block work, plastering, roofing, tiling. Any jobs small or large. Contact: 0860770181. AVAILABLE: Mita’s Beauty, Killarney Shopping Arcade, 95/96 New Street, Killarney will be opening soon!!!! For enquiries ring: 0899464761. AVAILABLE: Plastering services available with 30 years experience, no job too big or small. Tel: Pat on 0872070009. AVAILABLE: Sewing camp, Killarney in July. Suitable for children 8years and over. Contact: Eibhlin, 0863148832.
Personal PERSONAL: BEST DATES – Avoid struggle and time. Meet your ideal partner. High success rate. Phone: 0877680163.
Wanted WANTED: Girl 20+ to help in B&B. Phone: 0861676388. WANTED: Student for B&B duties in the Muckross area. Ring Margaret on: 0876789990.
Animals ANIMALS: HUG: Homes for Unwanted Greyhounds. For further details please contact us on 087 9822695 or email homesforunwantedgreyhounds@eircom.net.
ANIMALS: KLAWS (Kenmare and Locality Animal Welfare Society) We have a number of adult cats (all colours) awaiting homes. 087-9729240 or 087-9704480.
18 18th, 2018 on the
HERE www.killarneyadviser.ie
Guess who’s 21??? Happy birthday, Love from Mom, Dad and Mark
Love from Mom, Dad, Nicole & Ben xxx
Happy 21st Birthday Fiona, Love from Mom, Dad, Sinéad and Eimear xxxx
Joshua Sheahan, Cullen, who made his communion last Saturday. Pic: Eugine Ferris Denis Breen with Country Western Singer Cliona Hagan, on Sunday last in The Westlodge Hotel, Bantry.
Twins Kaylee & Lucie Smith, (Mercy School Killarney), who received their 1st Holy Communion last Saturday.
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tel. no:
KERRY POSITIVE OPTION CRISIS PREGNANCY Counselling Service Free - confidential - non-judgemental services. All options explored. Killarney Southwest Counselling Centre Emmett’s Road, Killarney Tel: 064 6636416. Open: Monday to Friday 9am -5pm.Saturday 10am-1pm. Funded by the HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme. KERRY RAPE AND SEXUAL ABUSE CENTRE Provides a free professional counselling and support service for female and male survivors of sexual violence and their families in a safe and confidential environment with highly qualified and professional counsellors. It can be contacted by freephone 1800-633333 or by email krcc@eircom.net KILLARNEY AL ANON The Killarney Al Anon meetings are held Tuesday nights at 8.30pm in St Claire’s, Vincent De Paul Building, Tesco Car Park, Beech Road, Killarney. Contact 086-8616001. MS SUPPORT GROUP A support group for people with MS meets every Wednesday 9.30am to 1pm, at MS Meeting Rooms, Cheshire Homes Killarney. SUICIDE PREVENTION HELPLINES Console 1Life Suicide Freefone 1800247100, centre in Tralee 066 7129700 web: www.console.ie, Text HELP to 51444, 24-hour; Samaritans 1850609090 or freephone 116123; Pieta House, free counselling, 066-7163660 www.pieta.ie; South West Counselling Centre, Killarney, free suicide prevention and bereavement counselling, 0646636416/6636100; Living Links, Kerry, 087-9006300; HSE South: Suicide Prevention Helpline 1800 742 745, Farm & Rural Stress Helpline 1800742645. EPILEPSY IRELAND SUPPORT GROUP Support Group: The next support meeting for peple with epilepsy will be held on Wednesday 23rd May at the epilepsy Ireland office on Park Road at 10.30am. The next meeeting for parents of children with epilepsy will be held at the Manor West Hotel on Tuesday 9th May at 10.30am. For further details contact Kathryn on 064-6630301 NATIONAL EPILEPSY WEEK: MAY 14TH – 20TH Epilepsy Ireland will host a public information session on Epilepsy on Thursday 17th May at the KDYS Centre at 7.30pm. Topics to be covered include: What is Epilepsy? What are the different types of seizures and how to manage a seizure. For further details contact Kathyrn at 064-660301
3 5 1 9
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Support Groups
Words: Debby Looney
Garden Magic Power Tools For The Garden Following the article about gardening tools, I was very surprised at the amount of questions and feedback I received! Thank you so much for your emails and texts! There were a few recurring questions which I thought I might write about this week. The first was advice on power tools for the garden. Lawnmowers are a large investment and absolutely necessary for a lawn. Oldfashioned rotary mowers give the best cut because of the amount of blades, and the way in which they cut. However, they are not always practical. Affordable ones are generally person-powered, and one needs a certain level of fitness! Also the lawn needs to be extremely level. Petrol mowers should be strong, robust and easy to manoeuvre, with a decent-sized collection bin. Check the width of the blade. This is often proportionate to the price. Hover mowers such as Flymos are a popular choice for those with smaller gardens, however it was pointed out to me that they can be heavy to carry when bringing to the storage area. What has really surprised me recently is the improvement in battery-powered tools. The invention of the lithium ion battery has revolutionised the industry. They have an excellent memory, charge quickly, and can last surprisingly long. We bought a battery-powered hedge trimmer this year and I must say I was dubious, having been used
to the petrol variety. We cut all the hedges around an acre of land on one battery charge. Impressive! Most brands will have tools where the battery is interchangeable, so you need only buy one battery, thus saving money. The range of tools is limitless, blowers, blower/vacuum combos, strimmers, lawnmowers, hedge trimmers and even chainsaws are powered by battery nowadays. Maybe it is not a very PC thing to say, but I think these tools are all much more lady user-friendly! The hedge trimmer we used to have was heavy, bulky and heavy. Yes, so heavy it deserves to be mentioned twice! However, batteries are much lighter and cleaner. Also the range of tools seem to be geared more towards the home gardener so the sizes are practical and, dare I say it, even dinky! I saw a 12” chainsaw recently and am very tempted by it. Now, I would never have even contemplated a chainsaw before as they seem dangerous and risky, and the noise makes them seem even more so. A battery-powered 12” chainsaw is quiet, clean, and light. I know they are every bit as dangerous as their petrol counterparts but now at least there is an option for those who did not need such a large, powerful one. Safety should always be a priority, and the garden can be a high risk environment. When using powertools, use safety eyewear, or a face guard. Ear protection is also important. There are special trousers for those using chainsaws.
This column is available to clubs and SUPPORT groups to promote upcoming fundraising events, agms etc. To guarantee publication an administration charge OF €10 will apply. Please contact 064 6632215 for more details. DEADLINE FOR EVENT INFO IS TUESDAY 5.30PM
ESTATE AGENT & AUCTIONEER’S DIRECTORY IN KILLARNEY Ted Healy 064639000 killarney@dng.ie 11 New St, Killarney
Brian O’Leary 0646635733 info@olearyauctioneer.com Rock View, Upper High Street, Killarney
Ken O’Sullivan 0646671858 erakenosullivan@gmail.com 69 New St, Killarney
Roger O’Sullivan (Lettings) 086-8136888
Property Letting & Selling TO LET: 2 bedroom apartment in Loretto, 3 bedroom house on Muckross Road, Contact Roger: 086-8136888. TO LET: 2-bedroom apartment, Muckross National Park area. Beautifully appointed. Suit professional person or couple. Stove, private pation/garden. Tranquil beautiful surrounds. Wifi, refuse included. Available from mid-June. Cost €800 p/month. Apply to PO BOX:3662, Killarney Advertiser, High Street, Killarney. TO LET: Room to let, 5 minutes from town. Ring: 0879034130. TO LET: 2-1 double bedroom in 2 bedroom house in Killarney town centre. Tel: 0899867646.
TO LET: Room in spacious quiet house in town. Sharing with two others. Longterm. Would suit professional. Approx €330 per month. Free parking. 0892121317. TO LET: Deluxe double room to rent, 2 mintutes walk from town centre. New house by Muckross road. Contact Ali on 0899637710.
TO LET: A room ensuite to let for 3 months in Cahernane Meadows. 300 a month. Contact 0877502362, 0870609246.
Wanted WANTED: Houses & apartments in & around Killarney for management & letting. Tel. Roger 086-8136888.
TO LET: Room ro rent, short term, 5 mi town centre. 0879295914. TO LET: 2 bedroom apt in town centre. Phone: 0876471898. €850 p/month. 1 bed apt to rent immediately. Suitable for 1 person. Town centre. Phone: 0894228668.
Paul Nagle Swaps Seats To Support IMSF Paul Nagle swapped his frantic WRC seat for a spin in another, more sedate motorsport discipline: mudplugging. Nagle was a guest speaker at last weekend’s Irish Motorsport Support Fund (IMSF) Mondello 50 event in Mondello Park, which was a fundraiser to help tackle the rising insurance cost of Irish motorsport. The Killarney man was in good company at the gala dinner with Malcom Wilson, M-Sport, Gerard Quinn, Ford Motorsport, Martin Birrane, Mondello Park, Irish rally legend Rosemary Smith and Craig Breen, Citroen WRC driver to name a few. Paul spoke of the need for all motorsport disciplines to come together in supporting the IMSF’s efforts in tackling the current insurance issue. He also highlighted the lack of support within the grass roots rallying community at a time when the sport is fighting against spiralling insurance costs. He continued by highlighting the urgency in safeguarding the sport to ensure that further events are not lost, calling on all competitors to come out and support the IMSF’s efforts. Killarney is well-represented in the this newly formed IMSF committee. 2018 Rally of the Lakes Clerk of the Course Dermot Healy is one of the members tasked with raising the vital funds and, more importantly, raising awareness within the motorsport community. Dermot is well known for his contributions to community events and recog-
nises the benefits of hosting well-managed events in Killarney. Killarney has had a long tradition of hosting some of the best rally events the country has to offer. From the Circuit of Ireland days to the present day Cartell.ie Rally of the Lakes and the Killarney Historic Stages Rally, the town has long been to the forefront of Irish rallying. 2019 will be a milestone for the Cartell.ie Rally of the Lakes event as it celebrates its 40th year. It promises to be a very special event.
Citroen WRC co-driver Paul Nagle samples some mudplugging with Robin Taylor at the Irish Motorsport Support Fund (IMSF) Mondello 50 event at Mondello Park. Pictured at the Irish Motorsport Support Fund (IMSF) Mondello 50 gala dinner at the Citywest Hotel, Dublin were renowned rally driver Rosemary Smith, Dermot Healy (Clerk of the Course, Cartell.ie Rally of the Lakes and IMSF committee), Cormac Casey (Killarney Advertiser) and Citroen WRC driver Craig Breen. Pics: Martin Walsh.
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2011 TOYOTA AURIS Diesel
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181 Master 130 LM White Demo 181 Trafic Crew Cab Sport 125 Black/White 181 Trafic 125 LM Business White 172 Kangoo 1.5 dci White 152 Kangoo 1.5 dci white 54km 151 Master MM35 125 White 90km 172 Kangoo 1.5 dci White €12,900 152 Kangoo 1.5 dci white 54km €9,750 151 Master MM35 125 White 90km €16,900
161 Duster 1.5 dci Signature 32km Silver 161 Duster Alternative 1.5 dci Black 53km 152 Nissan Juke 1.5 dci SV Red Pack Silver 23km 151 Duster 1.5 dci Signature Silver 113km 151 Duster 1.5 dci Alternative Silver 58km 142 Grand Megane 1.5 dci Silver 120km 132 Nissan Qashqai +2 1.5 dci Black 7 seats 94km 12 Nissan Qashqai 1.5 dci Silver 75km 11 Scenic 1.5 dci Dynamique Silver 139km 11 Grand Scenic 1.5 dci Dynamique Silver 81K €9,900 11 Qashqai 1.5 dci Black Extras 95K 10 Grand Scenic 1.5dci Tom Tom Black 182km
1.4 D4D AURA
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151 Focus Zetec 5dr 1.6 Tdi Blue 4km 151 Fluence 1.5 dci Limited Edition Silver 79km 151 Fluence 1.5 dci Limited Edition 45km Grey 151 Captur 1.5 dci Signature Silver/Black 65km 151 Golf 1.6 Bluemotion tdi Black comfort A/T 114 Km 141 Fluence 1.5 dci Dynamique Black 141 Megane GT Line 110 Silver 121km 141 Captur 1.5 dci Intense Ivory/Black 44km 142 Peugeot 2008 1.4 hdi Bronze 55Km 132 Kia Ceed 1.6 crdi Silver 69K 131 Megane 1.5 dci Expression Grey Silver 68km 131 Fluence 1.5 dci Expression Grey Silver 93km 12 Kia Rio 1.6 Blue 98km 11 Seat Exeo 2.0 Tdi 140 Sport Grey 118km 11 Fluence 1.5 dci Dynamique 110 Grey Silver 108km 10 Fluence 1.5 dci Twilight Blue 165km 09 Toyoto Auris 1.3 TR 108K Grey 09 Toyoto Auris 1.3 TR 108K Grey
1.4 H/B NOT 2018 PETROL
Hamilton Wins Spanish GP To Extend Lead Lewis Hamilton drove his Mercedes to victory in Spanish GP for his second victory of the season on Sunday. The race was marked by a crash on the opening lap that saw the exit of Grosjean, Gasly and Hulkenberg. Hamilton extended his lead in the drivers’ World Championship to 17 points when he roared to an imperious victory as Mercedes scored a one-two triumph in Spain. The defending four-time world champion dominated from start to finish, save for a spell during the mid-race pit-stops, and clocked a series of record laps as he registered his second successive win. Finn Valtteri Bottas came home second in the second Mercedes ahead of Dutchman Max Verstappen of Red Bull who resisted late pressure from four-time champion Sebastian Vettel, who led Hamilton by 17 points after the opening three races this year. The German, who made a good start, was second until he took an ill-judged second pitstop (under virtual safety car conditions) midway through the race, dropping two places. Australian Daniel Ricciardo was fifth in the second Red Bull ahead of Kevin Magnussen of Haas and Spaniards Carlos Sainz (Renault) and two-time champion Fernando Alonso (McLaren). Sergio Perez of Force India came home ninth ahead of Charles Leclerc of Sauber.
Pope’s Lamborghini sells for €715,000 If you’ve ever wondered what sort of car His Holiness Pope Francis would drive if given free reign with the Vatican’s gilded purse strings, this €245,000 Italian exotic sports car most certainly wouldn’t be it. This 5.2-litre V10 engine ultra-rare Lamborghini Huracan LP5802 blasts from 0-100km/h in 3.4secs and a top speed of 320km/h. It also has a nifty drift mode when flamboyance and flair is required. The Lamborghini Huracan is finished with a heavenly white paint job, but the Pope was never tempted to drive it. That’s because Jorge Bergoglio, the 266th Pope, is on record as saying that it’s not befitting priests, nuns and clergy to be driving around in fancy cars while “many children are dying of hunger in the world”. Instead the Pope signed the car and agreed to ga-
rage it, but that’s about it. The Lamborghini Huracan subsequently sold at Sotherby’s Monte Carlo auction for an astonishing €715,000, almost three times its retail price. The car was donated to the Pope by Lamborghini in November 2017. Yep, this is one righteous Lamborghini. It’s not clear who the buyer of the tyre-shredding Lambo is but the money raised from the sale of the unique Lamborghini will go directly to the Pope who plans to disperse the funds to “diverse projects” including helping Christians rebuild Iraqi homes and churches. The Pope attends formal events in the back of his bulletproof Mercedes-Benz M-Class SUV but you get the feeling that when visiting friends for a luncheon or going for a blast in the hills east of the Vatican, he’d be content driving a Honda Jazz.
FASTFINDER FOR SALE: 09 Toyota Corolla D4D. Perfect condition. 0871683574.
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1.20% APR €1,200 Cashback & 3 Years’ Servicing Model Shown: Clio Dynamique S Nav TCe 90 Starting RRP €19,590 (with optional metallic paint €540). Finance example: Clio EXPRESSION 1.2 16V 75. RRP €15,990. Deposit €5,377. Term 36 monthly payments of €125. APR 1.2%. Total cost of credit €311 inc completion fee €75. Optional final payment €6,348. Includes 3 year service plan. Offer exclusive to Renault Bank. Excess mileage plus excess wear and tear charges may apply upon return of Vehicle. Offer is made under a hire purchase agreement. Subject to lending criteria. Terms and conditions apply. See Renault.ie [Warning: You will not own these goods until the final payment is made]. Renault Bank is a trading name of RCI Banque Branch Ireland and is authorised and regulated by the French banking authority and supervised by the Central Bank for conduct of business purposes.
DONAGH HICKEY MOTORS Shinnagh Cross, Rathmore, Co. Kerry Tel 064 775 80 30 www.donaghhickeymotors.com
Book a test drive
KILLARNEY BRANCH OF KERRY MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION Would like to thank all the volunteers and the public for supporting the Annual Flag Day on 4th and 5th of May 2018 Your support is greatly appreciated
Thank you
18.05.18 Graduation
Brownies Brownies from Kilcummin and Lissivigeen units enjoying the South West Regional Fun Day in the grounds of Killarney Community College last Saturday. It was organised by leaders from South Kerry area and was attended by 300 members from Kerry, Cork and Waterford. It was a fabulous day of fun, crafts and activities.
Tom Griffin who recently got his masters in Science in Personal & Management Coaching, supported on the day by his wife Sheila Griffin, his dad Tim Griffin,daughter and son inlaw and grandkids Sandra Tommy T.J and Millie Evans.
Music “Two country celebrities meet at The Porter House on Sunday.”
Ladybird from units in Fossa, Kilcummin and Lily Ladybird Killarney enjoying the fun day in Killarney.
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We are currently recruiting for the following
Part-time Person for General Guesthouse Duties Experience desirable
Rock Rd, Killarney Apply by email to: info@ashvillekillarney. com or post CV to above address.
DINING ROOM STAFF Experience essential
Experience essential. Fluent English. Apply with C.V. Email: failtehotel@gmail.com Phone: 064 6633404
FULL TIME SECRETARY Required for a busy and expanding legal firm in Killarney Applications by email only to killarneyofficeposition@gmail.com
Before 5pm Friday 25th May 2018
Foster Carers for children and young people in Kerry are currently being recruited by TUSLA Child & Family Agency.
If you are interested in becoming a Foster Carer or would like more information a public information evening will take place in:
Killarney Heights Hotel, Killarney Tuesday 22nd May - 7.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. Wednesday 23rd May - 10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Manor West Hotel, Tralee Wednesday 23rd May - 7.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. Thursday 24th May - 10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Listowel Arms Hotel, Listowel Monday 21st May - 7.30p.m. - 9.30 p.m. Thursday 24th May - 10.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
The Europe Hotel & Resort are known for our award winning service, hospitality, luxury and culinary excellence. Ranked as one of the finest 5 star groups we pride ourselves on providing the very best there is to offer our guests. Join our award winning team. We are currently recruiting for the following roles:
CHEF DE PARTIE ACCOMMODATION ASSISTANTS STORES / ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT (SUMMER MONTHS) Apply Online: www.theeurope.com Email: jobs@killarneyhotels.ie
We are now inviting applications for the position of:
RECEPTIONIST Full time & Part time positions available
● ●
Responsible for general warehouse duties Experience in picking and packing beneficial Must be motivated and a good team player
Can you put adds in for the following Advertiser & Outlooks
HOTEL IS OPEN ALL YEAR ROUNDJarveys – waiting Staff, Bar Tender, Assistant Manager Banqueting – Bar Tender Please email: jobs@odrhotels.com Thank you for further details or call: 064 6621069
WE ARE GROWING... We are seeking an
The 5* Muckross Park Hotel & Spa is now inviting application for the following positions:
EXPERIENCED GRAPHIC DESIGNER to join our successful team Key Responsibilities: •Ad design and page layout •All aspects of print design •Develop new products in conjunction with the sales team Successful candidate will possess the following: •Excellent time-management skills •An eye for detail and quality design •A positive attitude to deadlines •Ability to make quick decisions in a fast-paced environment •WordPress site management is desirable
Full time & part time roles also available. Please submit your application in writing to: The Human Resources Manager,
Muckross Park Hotel & Spa, Muckross, Killarney, Co. Kerry or email daniel@muckrosspark.com
You must show proficiency in all elements of Adobe CC and MS Office Excellent package and working conditions for the successful candidate. Apply to Killarney Advertiser, Unit 1C, Park Place, High St, Killarney Po Box 3657
5 STAR PROPERTY The Award winning Killarney Park Hotel invites applications for the following positions:
FOOD & BEVERAGE PERSONNEL Previous Experience. Excellent Customer Care Skills Fluent English and Excellent Communication Skills and phone Etiquette. Ability to work in a busy environment.
BAR PERSONNEL, FULL & PART TIME Previous Experience essential. Excellent Customer Care Skills Fluent English and Good communication Skills
SPA THERAPIST Excellent Customer Care skills and Fluent English. May suit a recently trained therapist or just finishing college. Attention to detail and High Standards.
CONCIERGE DAYS/NIGHTS Fluent English and Good Communication skills. Full Driving licence Team Player and driven by High Standards. Excellent Customer Care Skills Desire to work in a 5 Star property. Very good local knowledge of surrounding area. Ability to work on own initiative
ACCOMMODATION ASSISTANT Team Player and driven by High Standards. Previous Experience Preferable Fluent English and Excellent Customer Care Skills. Attention to detail.
Applications in writing to:
The Personnel Manager, Killarney Park Hotel, Town Centre, Killarney, Co. Kerry Email: info@killarneyparkhotel.ie Or stop by the hotel to fill out an application form before the 29th May 2018. THE KILLARNEY PARK HOTEL IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER
in memoriam In Memoriam
Cherished memories of a loving husband, father and grandfather, David Hegarty, late of Park Road, Killarney Who departed this life on 24th of May 2014.
In loving memory of Tim Moriarty, Late of Mangerton View, Killarney, Who died on May 18th 1983.
Saturday, 21st April, Dooks
NextTee-Time outing10.10am Saturday 26th May, – 11.30pm O’Mahony’s Point Sponsor: MAURICE FOLEY ELECTRICAL Time Sheet in Bar Tee-Time 9am-10.50am Sponsor: QUILLS Time Sheet in Bar
BUSINESSMENS FELLOWSHIP Venue: Killarney Heights Hotel
Date: Friday 25th May at 8.30pm
Speakers: Joseph Forsuh, Co.Mayo
Distance may separate us, But my heart will never let you go, For I carry a part of you with me always, It keeps me going through the day, It brings a smile to my face, And tears to my eyes, It is part of my dreams That I live for and cherish, That part is my wish, my only one, To see you again soon, I know that wish will someday come true, But for now, I will hold in my heart, The memory of you, And never let you go. Loved and missed everyday by your wife Nancy. Remember him with a smile today, He wasn’t one for tears, Reflect instead of memories, Of all the happy years, Recall to mind the way he spoke, And all the things he said, His strength, his wisdom, The way he was, Remember them instead.
– Healing Ministry
Admission free. All Welcome.
Kilcummin Village Inn Golf Society
Lovingly remembered by your children David & Noreen, Patrick, Lisa and Alan, Maureen & Thys. Wrap your arms around him Lord, Don’t leave him on his own, For it’s his anniversary, And he can’t come home, Call his name softly, And when he looks your way, Tell him we love him, And miss him everyday.
Saturday May 19th
Beaufort Golf Club Tee Time: 9.30am – 10.30am
Treasured memories of a wonderful grandfather, Jessica, Andrea, Daniel Hegarty, Scott, Jamie and Kenneth O’Meara, Annie Rose Vogels.
Stephen: 087-6485709 • Philip: 087-6195963
Anniversary Mass Thursday, May 24th at 9.30am, Church of the Resurrection.
We hold you close within our Hearts, And there you shall remain, To walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet again. So rest in peace dear loved one, And thanks for all you‘ve done, We pray that God has given you, The Crown you‘ve truly won. O most Sacred Heart of Jesus We place all our trust in You Jesus, Mary, we love You, save souls. Fondly remembered by your Children, grandchildren and extended families.
29TH ANNIVERSARY HICKEY In loving memory of Andrew Hickey 10 Dalton’s Avenue Killarney Who died on May 19th 1989. On a lonely May evening, You heard an angel call, You took the hand of Jesus, And quietly left us all. Always remembered by your family.
NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. R.F
Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. M.S.
For wonderful favours received from the Holy Spirit, St. Anthony, St. Pio, St. Martins, St. Joseph, St. Jude, St. Blaise, St. Peregrine, St. Francis, St. Oliver, St. Dennis, St. John Macias, St. Teresa, St. Martha, St. Lucy, St. Walburga, St. Bridget, St. Claude, St. Dominic, St. Gerard, St. Patrick, St. Dympna, St. Brendan, Divine Infant of Prague, Mary Our Queen and our Mother Divine Infant, Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Holy Souls, Pope John Paul II, Ivan, Father Power. MT, JOSL, O.M.D CMOSR.
O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for his creatures made you worthy when on earth to possess miraculous powers. Miracles awaited on your word which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought I implore you to obtain for me my request (request). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even though you are the Saint of Miracles, O gentle and loving St. Anthony whose heart was ever full of human sympathy. Whisper my petition into the ear of the sweet infant Jesus who loved to be held in your arms and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Promise publication. D.F. O.M.D
Holy Spirit You make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me. I in this short dialogue I want to thank you for everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with You and my loved ones in Your perpetual Glory. Amen. (Say this prayer three consecutive days without stating the request, after the 3rd day the request will be granted no matter how difficult it may be. Promise to publish this as soon as your request is granted.)
In loving memory of Edward (Ned) O’Sullivan Late of 34 O’Kelly’s Villas, Killarney, Who died on the 15th May 1968. When God was making Fathers, He must have made a fuss, He spent a lot of time on one, And gave that one to us. Of all the gifts in life, However great or small, To have you as our Father, Was the greatest gift of all.
NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. T.J.H
Loved and missed every day of every year, your loving family.
Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. E.D.
May your Sacred Heart Lord Jesus, be praised, glorified and honoured throughout the whole world now and forever. Repeat this 3 times. M.H
May your Sacred Heart Lord Jesus, be praised, glorified and honoured throughout the whole world now and forever. Repeat this 3 times. C.D.
Because you were so special, No words could ever say, How much we love and miss you, Today and everyday.
killarney advertiser 21 april 2006
in memoriam
In Memoriam
In loving memory of Stephen Byrne, Orchard Close, Countess Road, Killarney and formerly of Sandyford, Dublin Who died on 18th May 2017. As we loving remember Stephen on his 1st anniversary, his partner Majella and son Charlie would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all who helped us and comforted us in our sad and tragic loss. Your support and kindness will never be forgotten. Deepest thanks for the support we received from our family, relations, friends, colleagues and neighbours. Many of you called to our home, attended the removal and funeral, sent mass cards, letters or messages of condolence and contributed to our nominated charity - we thank you. We are very grateful to Fr. Niall Geaney and all those who contributed to Stephen’s funeral mass, Mike O’ Shea and staff at O’ Sheas Funeral Directors for their sensitive and professional handling of arrangements, Garda Joe Sullivan, my colleagues at Muckross House, Gardens and Traditional Farms & Killarney National Park and to Stephen’s colleagues at Pat McDonnell Paints, Tralee. Special thanks to Pieta House for their exceptional support in the past year. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation and gratitude. “ Always loved, never forgotten, forever missed” First Anniversary Mass for Stephen and mass for our babies Sam and Luke Mangan Byrne on Sunday 20th May, at 10.30am in St. Mary’s Cathedral.
In loving memory of our dear son and brother Stephen Carroll, Maulykevane, Headford, Killarney, Who died on 20th May 2009. We Miss You, We miss your smile, Your joking ways, We miss the things, You used to say. And when old times, We do recall, It’s then we miss you Most of all. Lovingly remembered forever by his parents Michael and Sheila, his brothers Adrian, Fergus, Ciarán, Eoghan and sister Sinéad. Anniversary Mass Wednesday 23rd May at 7.30pm in Kilcummin Church.
When thoughts go back As they often do, We treasure the memories We have of you, Just as you were You will always be, Someone special in our memory. Always remembered and loved by Dad, Mom, Linda and Mandy
Memories of you are lovingly kept, Of someone special to never forget, Quietly thought of everyday, Loved and missed more Than words can say. Always remembered and sadly missed by the Mangan Family.
killarney advertiser 21 april 2006
A life cut short, a light scattered, I hope you know you always mattered, You were there in the sunshine And in the rain, Your heart was huge despite all the pain. You are free my son To soar with the stars, Your soul is at peace, No more hurt, No more scars, We were graced with your presence, We will never forget, All the life that you gave us, And all that you met. Soar my dear son, To the highest of places, Surrounded by love and smiling faces, We celebrate you now, And the lives that you touched, All the friendships and love, That matters so much. Please know you will never walk alone. Love and miss you every day, Mom x
2ND ANNIVERSARY In loving memory of Ann Brosnan Late of Ballycasheen, Killarney Who died on the 20th May, 2004. Time slips by and life goes on, But from our hearts, you’re never gone, We think about you always We talk about you too, We have so many memories, But we wish we still had you. Loved always and missed more each day by Moss, Mike, Ann, Tommy & Siobhan, your sons and daughters in law Mag, Kevin, Joanne & John and your grandchildren who send hugs & kisses to Nana B Darragh, Aine, Aaron, Kian, Caitlin, Eva, Danny & Kate.
In loving memory of Breda Daly (Nee Spillane), Late of Rossalia, Glenflesk, Killarney, Co. Kerry, Who passed away on 19th May 2017. R.I.P. The family of the late Bread Daly would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with us on our sad loss. Those who travelled long distances, sent mass cards & enrolements, messages of sympathy and floral tributes. To all those who attended the Rosary, removal, funeral mass and burial. We would like to especially thank our extended family and Breda’s many kind friends who visited her while she was in hospital. A special word of thanks to her GP Dr Andrew Regan and Dr Patricia Sheehan, the Chaplains and all the staff at UHK, who were so kind to Breda. Thanks to Fr George Hayes and Fr Bill Radley and all those who participated in the beautiful and meaningful funeral mass. Thanks to O’Shea’s funeral directors for their professionalism and sensitivity and also to the grave diggers. Thanks to everyone who donated to the Pallative Care ward in UHK. Thanks to Sean and all the staff of the Kerryway Bar for the great food and hospitality after the funeral.
In loving memory of Dessie Clarke Late of Coolegreane Park, Killarney Who died on May 22nd 2016. That cheeky smile, That hearty laugh, Sam protecting the fireside hearth, Cups of tea and Lidl’s scones, GAA and the craic with bones, Walks in the park, Sometimes in the dark, Gazing at stars with dreams from afar, Talking it out what it’s all about. We wonder still, We always will. Forever loved and missed. Love, your sister Caroline and brother Brian. xx
As it would be impossible to thank each person individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude. The holy sacrifice of the mass has been offered for your intentions. Your life was filled with kind deeds, A helping hand for all our needs, Sincere and caring, true in heart, God’s gift to us from the very start. Anniversary mass for Breda will be on Saturday 26th May in St Agathas Church, Glenflesk at 7pm.
In loving memory of Dermot O’Donoghue Late of Lacca, Kilcummin, Killarney Who died on the 18th of May 2015. No matter how life changes, No matter what we do, A special place within our hearts, Is always kept for you, Time will pass and fade away, But memories of you will always stay.
In loving memory of Stephen Byrne, Orchard Close, Killarney, Who died on 18th May 2017.
In loving memory of Dessie Clarke, Late of Coolegreane Park, Killarney, Who died on May 22nd 2016.
Anniversary Mass on Saturday 19th May at 6.15pm in the Cathedral.
Anniversary Mass Saturday 19th May, Church of the Resurrection, 7.30pm. In loving memory of Stephen Byrne, Orchard Close, Killarney, Who died on 18th May 2017.
Sadly missed and always remembered by your wife Mary, Daughter Marie and Son-in-law Dara, Son Pat and Daughter-in-law Niamh, Son Diarmuid and Daughter-in-law Ash. Also the Grandchildren. Anniversary Mass will take place in Kilcummin Church on Sunday 20th May at 11.15am.
In loving memory of Dessie Clarke Late of Coolegreane Park, Killarney Who died on May 22nd 2016. Glory days from Crokes and more, Anthems sung with heart galore, Memories of teenage years, Cycles to Dundag, And shared warm beer, Years of life under our belts, Seasons of warmth and Winter melts, A joyful heart, A caring soul, Finding a path to make us whole. Talking it out what’s it all about We wonder still, We always will. Forever loved and missed. Love, your brother Seán, sister in law Briget, Nephews Jonathan and Paul xxxx
In loving memory of Breda Daly (Nee Spillane), Late of Rossalia, Glenflesk, Killarney, Co. Kerry, Who passed away on 19th May 2017 R.I.P. We hold you close within our hearts, And there you shall remain, To walk with us through our lives, Until we meet again. So rest in peace dear loving one, And thanks for all you’ve done, We pray that God has given you, The crown you truly won. Remembering our Auntie Breda, with much love on her 1st anniversary from her nephew Richard, her nieces Mary, Joanne and Breda, grandnephews Josh, Sean, Ryan and Dylan and grandniece Olivia.
in memoriam59
In Memoriam
In loving memory of Mary T. Galvin Late of “Iona”, St. Anne’s Road, Killarney Who died on the 18th May 2017. Mother my love, If you give me your hand, And go where I ask you to wander, I will lead you away to a beautiful land, The dreamland that’s Waiting out yonder. We’ll walk in a sweet Posie-garden out there, Where moonlight and starlight Are streaming, And the flowers and birds Are filling the day, With the fragrance and Music of dreaming, So Mother my love, Let me take your dear hand, And away through starlight we’ll wander, Away through mist to the beautiful land, The dreamland that’s waiting out yonder. ************** I am I, You are you, Whatever we were to each other in life, We shall remain so in death. Sadly missed by your sons, Pat, Tommy, Seamus, Daughter-in-law Mary, Grandchildren Myles, Honor & Keith.
In Loving Memory of Mairead Kingston Late of Mill Road, Killarney Who died on the 19th May, 1993.
Treasured memories of Noreen Murphy, Late of Aughacureen Who died on 24th May 2010.
We hold you close within our hearts, And there you shall remain, To walk with us throughout our lives, Until we meet again.
Her saintly life and pure heart, Her charming ways and smiling face, Are a pleasure to recall, She had a kindly word for each, And died beloved by all.
So rest in peace dear loved one, And thanks for all you’ve done, We pray that God has given you, The crown you’ve truly won. Dearly remembered by your husband Jack, son Gary, daughters Katherine, Maura, Marguerite, daughter-in-law, sons-in-law and grandchildren.
Fondly remembered every day by all sons, daughters, grandchildren, great grandchildren & extended families Rest in Peace Mass will be celebrated in Ballyhar Church 18/05/18 at 7.30pm.
In loving memory of Pat Joe Kissane, Breanlee, Kilgobnet, Beaufort, Co Kerry Who died on the 15th May 2015. Time passes, memories stay, Quietly remembered everyday. Always remembered and sadly missed by your sister Teresa, Jimmy and family. Anniversary mass on Thursday 24th May at 6.30pm in St. James Church, Killorglin.
So rest in peace dear loved one, And thanks for all you’ve done, We pray that God has given you, The crown you’ve truly won. Sadly missed and always remembered by your son Michael, daughter-in-law Joan, grandchildren Jessica and Diarmuid.
Always remembered and loved by your sisters Noreen and Esther, families and grandchildren. xxx
In loving memory of Noreen Murphy, late of Aughacureen Who died on 24th May 2010. We remember our Mother, Nanny Noreen And hold you dear within our hearts, Now rest in peace dear loved one, And thanks for all the good deeds of the past.
Always remembered by your son Sean, wife Anna and grandchildren Jack, Kate, Luke and Abigail.
In loving memory of our dear Mother, Grandmother and Mother-in-law, Chris O’Sullivan, late of White Bridge, Who died on 21st May, 2002. It’s hard to face tomorrow, When the ones we love are gone, Its harder still to realise, That life must still go on, The sadness and the heartache, May not always show, People say it lessens, How little do they know. They say we have our memories, But they do not understand, We cannot touch a memory’s face Or hold a memory’s hand, So through this vale of sorrow, We sadly walk today, Our thoughts are always with you Mom, As life goes on its way.
Birthday Remembrance of Tim Crowley Late of Knockancore, Kilcummin Whose Birthday occurs on Friday 18th May. Will those who think of him today, A little prayer to Jesus say. Sadly missed by his daughters Eileen, Mary and Katie and grandchildren Padraig, Dave and Shannon.
On the First Anniversary of Willie’s death, his family would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who supported us at the time of our sad loss. We would like to thank all those who called to the house, called to the Funeral home, attended the Funeral, sent Sympathy Cards, Mass Cards, Floral Tributes and all who travelled to offer their condolences. We also wish to thank the doctors, priest, nurses and all who made his life more comfortable during his illness. We thank Sheehan’s Undertakers, Farranfore for their guidance with regard to the funeral arrangements.
Willie’s Anniversary Mass will take place on Sunday, 20th May at 10.00a.m. in the Church of the Sacred Heart, Ballyhar.
Your touch, your smile, Was always so tender, Today, tomorrow, We will always remember.
In loving memory of Julia O’Neill Late of Mastergeeha, Kilcummin Who died on the 17th May 2008. We hold you close within our hearts, And there you shall remain, To walk with us throughout our lives, Until we meet again.
In loving memory of Willie O’Leary, Late of Lower Rossanean, Farranfore, County Kerry, Who passed away on 24th May 2017.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually it is hoped that this acknowledgement will serve as a token of our deep appreciation and gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.
Those we love don’t go away They walk beside us everyday Unseen, unheard, but always near Still loved, still missed, still very dear.
In loving memory of Donal ‘Donie’ O’Sullivan, 15 D’alton’s Ave., Killarney, Who died on the 21st of May 2011, Also all the O’Sullivan family.
Sadly missed by your daughter Marie.
No matter how life changes, No matter what we do, A special place within our hearts, Is always kept for you.
Your presence I miss, Your memory I treasure, Loving you always, Forgetting you never.
10TH ANNIVERSARY In loving memory of our Mom & Nan, Josephine Courtney nee Allen, Doonkinane, Faha, Killarney, Who died on 18th May 2017. Also remembering our Dad Who died on 6th March 1997.
We think of you as living, In the hearts of those you touched, For nothing loved is ever lost, And you were loved so much. Loved and remembered always by your sons Tim, Con, Danny & John, daughters Caroline & Noreen, son-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren & great grandchildren. Anniversary Mass on Tuesday, 22nd May in St. Mary’s Cathedral at 6.15 pm.
In loving memory of Christy O’Donoghue, 22 O’Kelly’s Villas, Killarney, Who passed away on 24th May 2014. Remember him with a smile today, He wasn’t one for tears, Reflect instead on memories, Of all the happy years, Recall to mind the way he spoke, And all the things he said, His strength, his wisdom, The way he was, Remember them instead. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by Miriam & Ollie, Anna Marie & Vincent, Timothy & Katie, and grandchildren. Anniversary Mass will be held on Wednesday 23rd of May at 6.15p.m. in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Killarney.
In loving memory of Marie Scully, Late of Beaufort Village, Killarney, Who died on the 21st May 1993. 25 years have passed since that sad day, You closed your eyes and went away, Gone are the days we used to share, But in our hearts you are always there, Loving times together. Always in our thoughts, Your loving husband Denis, daughters Eileen, Claire and grandchildren xxxxxx
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caught the eye for Legion, who are now on four points in seventh. Rathmore defeated Dingle by six points in Rathbeg and the West Kerry club are now rooted to the bottom of the table with zero points from their opening four games. Down in Division 2, Intermediate champs Kilcummin showed no signs of a hangover as they beat Ardfert in Ardfert by 2-15 to 2-11. Kilcummin were missing seven of their starting team from the final but goals in each half from the ever-reliable Shane McSweeney propelled them to another important win. Glenflesk, meanwhile, suffered a disappointing defeat at home to Austin Stacks. Castleisland are currently out in front in the second tier with eight points from their opening four games. In Division 3, Listry came out on top of their feisty clash with Dr Crokes B with five points
Spa 4 4 0 0 84 65 19 8 Dr Crokes 4 3 0 1 66 43 23 7 Kerins O’Rahilly’s 4 2 1 1 69 61 8 5 An Ghaeltacht 4 2 1 1 68 63 5 5 Rathmore 4 2 1 1 75 73 2 5 John Mitchels 4 1 1 2 56 56 0 4 Killarney Legion 4 2 2 0 53 58 -5 4 Templenoe 4 1 2 1 66 66 0 3 St Mary’s 4 1 2 1 56 62 -6 3 Beaufort 4 1 2 1 60 69 -9 3 Glenbeigh-Glencar 4 0 3 1 55 67 -12 1 Dingle 4 0 4 0 40 65 -25 0
to spare. It was their first win of the season and they now find themselves in eighth place on three points. Crokes’ second team are currently in third, three points behind leaders Annascaul who have won all of their games so far. Gneeveguilla lead the way in Division 4 following their comprehensive victory over Ballylongford while Firies and Fossa, who defeated Skellig Rangers and Renard respectively, are in a fourway tie for second with Castlegregory and Tarbert.
Division 1 Rathmore An Ghaeltacht Dr Crokes John Mitchels Killarney Legion Spa Division 2 Ardfert Glenflesk Division 3 (selected) Listry Division 4 (selected) Renard Skellig Rangers Ballylongford
1-15 v 1-09 1-14 v 1-12 2-13 v 3-08 0-15 v 2-09 1-13 v 2-09 0-21 v 0-15
Dingle Glenbeigh-Glencar Templenoe St Mary’s Kerins O’Rahilly’s Beaufort
Division 1 Table
See Our Columnists’ Coverage Of The Week In Sport And Catch Up On Killarney Notes And On The Ball
Spa & Crokes Still Unbeaten In Division 1 Spa maintained their 100% record in Division 1 of the County League last Saturday evening as they defeated Junior Premier champions Beaufort in Tullig. Mike McCarthy, Evan Cronin, Mike O’Donoghue and Ryan O’Carroll all impressed for the hosts and the result means that the Killarney club, who were only promoted this year, are still in first place. Spa are closely followed by near neighbours Dr Crokes who had a narrow victory over Templenoe in Lewis Road, a late goal by substitute Jordan Kiely proving crucial in the end. Legion also secured a crucial win at home to Kerins O’Rahilly’s as an impressive first half display helped them to a hard-fought one-point victory in Derreen. Lively forward Peter McCarthy scored the goal but it was Jamie O’Sullivan who really came up trumps for the home team as he kicked the winner late on. Stand-in goalkeeper Colm ó Cuív also
2-11 v 2-15 Kilcummin 0-09 v 1-13 Austin Stacks 2-14 v 1-12 Dr Crokes 0-11 v 1-10 Fossa 0-09 v 2-11 Firies 0-05 v 1-14 Gneeveguilla
Dr Crokes To Launch Healthy Club Initiative Dr Crokes has been selected by Croke Park to pilot phase 3 of a new GAA Healthy Club initiative, which will be rolled out to all GAA clubs in 2020. The Crokes will formally launch their Healthy Club initiative next Sunday, May 20 and the launch is being incorporated into the Cycle in Memory of Amy and Annual Club BBQ events. The Cycle event organiser, John McEnery, expects a large crowd to turn up on Sunday to cycle in memory of inspirational young member, the late Amy O’Connor, who was a big part of the club’s journey to their second All-Ireland Club Championship victory last year. Who will ever forget the sight of Amy and Johnny raising the Andy Merrigan Cup in the Hogan Stand that afternoon? Registration will commence at 11am in the Victoria House Hotel, with a cycle through the National Park kicking off at 11.30am. This is followed by the Annual Club BBQ at the clubhouse grounds, Lewis Road, which commences at 1.30pm until 6pm. The GAA Healthy Club initiative encourages clubs to focus on aspects of the club that engenders
healthy activities for mind, body and spirit with club members of all ages, gender and background. It aims to instil a healthy lifestyle, not just for club members but also for the wider local community. While being involved in our national games is a healthy activity in itself, the Healthy Club initiative challenges clubs to incorporate a broader aspect of health and wellbeing.
Chairperson of the Dr Crokes GAA Healthy Club Initiative, Eileen Buckley, said: “We hope to build on the blocks that already exist within the Dr Crokes club, like Fr Paddy’s card nights, the winter evening walks organised by our ladies’ section, John McEnery’s cycle events, the Clear Air Boys’ boat and walk trip through the Gap and many more similar initiatives. It is hoped to expand on these activities and to supplement these with other initiatives like making Dr Crokes’ grounds in Lewis Road a smoke-free zone, participation in Operation Transformation and implementing the Recipe for Success initiative, to mention a few.” The Healthy Club Initiative has an 18-month implementation period, but Eileen and her sub-committee hope that it will have a long-lasting benefits for Dr Crokes’ members and the wider Killarney community. Back: Matt O’Neill, Colm ó Súilleabháin, John McEnery, Eoin Brosnan and Eileen Buckley. Front: Fionn Dineen, Órlaith ó Súilleabháin, Elizabeth Brosnan, Colm Óg ó Súilleabháin, Annie Brosnan and Muireann ó Súilleabháin.
Words: Eamonn Fitzgerald The race for the 2018 Sam Maguire began in earnest last weekend with games in the three provinces but no action in Munster. That Munster series gets underway tomorrow at the Gaelic Grounds where Clare and Limerick meet at 7pm. It is of special interest to Kerry as the winners of tomorrow’s game will meet the Kingdom in the Munster semi-final on the June bank holiday weekend (June 3) in Killarney. The other semi-final is on June 2 when Cork meet the winners of Tipperary and Waterford. The Munster final is fixed for June 23 and if Kerry are in it the fixture will be an away game for Kerry. While tradition points to a Kerry v Cork Munster final, it’s not a foregone conclusion. Clare v Limerick should be a very close affair but I fancy Clare to win this one, even if though they are away from home. Kerry fans will be assessing the chances of a team that will be very different to the one which lined out last year. Retirements of defenders Marc ó Sé and Aidan O’Mahony have weakened the new Kerry backline and that was very evident in the league when Kerry conceded 10 goals. Mark Griffin will probably be at full back with Shane Enright at corner back and Fionn Fitzgerald in the other corner. Paul Murphy will certainly be selected, probably at wing back but he can also play in the corner. Tadhg Morley, Killian Young and Peter Crowley will be hoping to start in the other two half back positions. Other options include Brian ó Beaglaoich, Jason Foley, Ronan Shanahan and Gavin White, who is just back after a long spell out through injury. He came on in the last 20 minutes for Dr Crokes in the club final against Dingle and scored
a goal. He has the potential to make it at intercounty level but will not start in this game.
I could see him entering the fray at some stage in the second half depending on how the game is developing. The defence as a whole is the weak link in this team. David
Moran took a long rest during the league but he will line out at midfield along side Jack Barry. Johnny Buckley is an option also. Forwards win matches and Kerry have some exciting options. I don’t expect Kieran Donaghy to start , but James O Donoghue will get the nod if he has fully recovered from the injury which kept him out of action for so long. It will be very interesting to see if Fitzmaurice will give senior championship starts to two brilliant ex-minors, David Clifford and Seán O’Shea. Micheál Burns has slotted in well in the league so he might get a call up at wing forward. Paul Geaney has been consistently Kerry’s best forward for the past few years and Stephen O’Brien also has plenty of experience. Who will lead the attack in the absence of Gooch who has retired? Donaghy is a good playmaker, but he hasn’t the legs for the 40. They may take a gamble with James O’Donoghue who has the pace. Johnny Buckley and Daithí Casey are other options, but they may not be in the frame to start. There is a panel of 40 players training in the new complex at Currans so Eamonn Fitzmaurice has plenty of choices in this his sixth season in charge. My hunch is that he will start three new players and hope that they will provide the winning blend probably against Clare. Exciting times for Kerry supporters and this is just round one. They should be good enough to win in Munster on route one and so avoid the big guns in the round robin series later in the summer. Main pic: Kerry’s James O’Donoghue shoots for goal in last year’s Munster final against Cork. Inset: Kieran Donaghy in action during the 2017 All-Ireland semi-final between Kerry and Mayo in Croke Park. Pics: Don MacMonagle.
Five-Star Celtic Remain Unbeaten, Blues Slip Up Again
Words: Adam Moynihan | Pics: Konrad Paprocki A Peter McCarthy hat-trick helped Killarney Celtic to an easy 5-1 victory away to Castleisland on Sunday and Eoghan Donnellan’s men are now 12 points clear at the top of the table. Danny Roche and Vukasin Ocic completed the scoring in another rout. If you take the Inter Kenmare walkovers out of the equation Celtic are averaging five goals a game. It has been relentless from them up to this point. Dingle moved into second with a 4-2 win over Tralee Dynamos and they look like they’ll be staying there at this stage. They are two points ahead of Athletic with a game in hand. Fenit will be the opposition in both of their remaining fixtures and all they need is two points to secure a spot in the league final. You would put your house on them, to be honest. We had another poor result on Sunday against Fenit and the air has really gone out of our tires by this stage. Goals from Shane Lynch and Tony Brosnan (penalty) had us 2-0 up at half time but we conceded within 20 seconds of the restart and ended up drawing 2-2. It’s the third time this season we’ve let a two-goal lead slip and we’ve dropped eight points in total from winning positions. It would be funny if it wasn’t so depressing.
The only positive is the fact that we’re going to have all of our league games played by May 20. We play Dynamos at home on Sunday in our 16th and final league fixture of the season. It’s a match that Dynamos really have to win if they want to stay up. They’re currently second bottom, one point behind Mastergeeha who also have a game in hand. Dynamos’ other remaining fixture is away to Celtic. Geeha have Fenit home and away and Listowel at home but they’ll be hoping that neighbours Athletic and Celtic do them a favour and turn Dynamos over. If we do, Geeha will be safe regardless of what happens in their own games. Celtic at home to Tralee Celtic in the quarter final of the Greyhound Bar KO Cup. The Tralee side drew their Premier B league final against Mitchels Avenue last Friday so the destination of the title is yet to be decided but both teams will play Premier A football next season. The first round of the Reserve Cup also takes place this weekend and Cedar Galaxy have been handed a tough away fixture against Rattoo Rovers. Fellow Division 1A title contenders QPR are away to Mitchels Avenue, while Ballyhar Dynamos host Castlegregory in Murt Scott Park.
Premier A
1 Killarney Celtic 2 Dingle Bay Rovers 3 Killarney Athletic 4 Castleisland 5 Fenit Samphires 6 Listowel Celtic 7 Mastergeeha 8 Tralee Dynamos 9 Inter Kenmare
15 14 15 16 12 15 13 14 16
14 10 8 6 5 3 4 4 0
1 1 5 5 2 5 2 1 0
0 3 2 5 5 7 7 9 16
71 45 47 29 24 21 16 35 0
+58 +20 +18 +0 +5 -11 -20 -16 -54
43 31 29 23 17 14 14 13 0
Friday, May 18 Greyhound Ba r KO Cup ¼ Fina l 7.30pm Killarney Celtic v Tralee Celtic Sunday, May 20 Premier A 11am Dingle Bay Rove rs v Fenit 11.30am Killarney Athlet ic v Tralee D ynamos Division 1B 2pm Killarney Athlet ic B v Asdee Ro vers Reserve Cup 1s t Round 11am Ballyhar Dynam os v Castlegr egory Celtic 11.30am Camp United v Killorglin B 11.30am Mitchels Avenue v QPR 11.30am Rattoo Rovers v Cedar Galaxy 1.30pm Spa Road v Castleisland B 5.30pm Listowel Celtic B v Ballyhe igue Athletic
With the big kick-off just a few weeks away, Adam Moynihan picks out the top 10 kits that will be on show in this summer’s World Cup. 10. England.
The 1982 World Cup-inspired pre-match shirt (as seen here on Marcus Rashford) is especially eye-catching. Perfect for getting knocked out in the last 16. 9. Senegal.
The only Puma entry on the list, Senegal’s classy white and green away shirt features a large but subtle lion graphic on the front.
8. Japan.
The first Adidas strip on the list (but not the last). Whereas the majority of this year’s Adidas World Cup shirts are based on designs from previous tournaments, they went a bit further back in time for the Japanese kit. This home design is inspired by traditional samurai armour. 7. Belgium.
The home shirt looks like something Arnold Palmer might wear but it’s still very cool.
6. Denmark.
It should have been us! Hummel and Denmark always seem to have classy kits and these are no exception. 5. Iceland.
I’m as surprised as anyone that an Errea jersey made the top five but this Iceland shirt is class. It also helps that they released it via an excellent marketing campaign (follow @AdvertiserSport on Twitter to check it out). 4. Spain.
Inspired by their 1994 World Cup kit, Spain’s home shirt for this tournament is gorgeous. Hopefully the team make up for their failings at the last World Cup and do it justice.
3. Germany.
The home shirt, which is a nod to West Germany’s classic strip at Italia ’90, is nice but the away shirt is a thing of beauty. 2. Colombia.
Heavily influenced by their 1990 design, as worn by the likes of Carlos Valderrama (pictured), Colombia’s yellow shirt with red and blue stripes is undoubtedly one of the stand-out efforts from Adidas’ 2018 World Cup range.
1. Nigeria.
Very wavy. Generally speaking, Adidas won the traditional World Cup shirts battle with Nike this year but the American company’s Nigeria collection deserves the top spot just because it’s so out there. The bucket hat, the zippies, the mad designs and the colour schemes… It doesn’t even look like football gear, which is exactly why it’s so great.
At the presentation of jerseys to the Killarney Athletic U-12s were Helen Courtney Power (Killarney Credit Union), Diarmuid O’Carroll and Ed O’Neill (management team) and players.
John Paul Doyle and his Kerry Stars teammates wearing their gold medals from a Special Olympics event in Cork last Saturday.
UFC Last month, SBG Killarney hosted Icelandic UFC fighter Gunnar Nelson for a two-hour grappling seminar. Gunnar, who is no stranger to Ireland having prepared for many of his fights in SBG Dublin under the guidance of John Kavanagh, was on a whirlwind tour of Ireland where he visited numerous SBG gym. Although his stay was short, he was very impressed with our beautiful town and all its attractions and has promised to return in the near future. Many thanks to all who attended. For anyone looking to take up one of Ireland’s fastest growing sports, SBG Killarney are kicking off a beginner-friendly 10 week course on Monday, May 21 at 6.30pm. For enquiries, please contact Mark on 086 8867867.
Rugby News ... Words: Liam Murphy
Last weekend, the European Champions Cup and European Challenge Cup finals took place in Bilbao, Spain. On Friday night, Cardiff took on Gloucester in the European Challenge Cup in an enthralling match worthy of the Champions Cup itself. It literally went down to the wire with a last gasp penalty winning it for the Welsh outfit. At the end of the first half, the Cardiff blues were 20–6 down and deserved the win in what was a fantastically exciting match. In a huge contrast, the Champions Cup final between Leinster and Racing 92 never lived up to the hype surrounding this fixture. It never looked like either side would score a try and in the end Leinster won with a last minute penalty taken by captain Isa Nacewa rather than the usual Johnny Sexton. Leinster went on to lift the European Cup for a record-equalling fourth time. The match was woeful but a good day for Irish rugby and a decent back up to the 6 Nations Grand Slam. Tomorrow, Munster take on Leinster at the RDS in the semi final of the Pro14. Given that the tick-
Leinster Edge Dull Champions Cup Final ets were on a general sale, I would imagine the Red Army will aim to outnumber the hosts and will be hoping that Leinster celebrate their European Cup glory. Munster will have their work cut out given their recent shaky display against Edinburgh two weeks ago. It would be a great
send-off for Zebo, Copeland and Grobler if we could get to the final, however the other finalist will be either Glasgow or Scarlets. A tough final awaits but Munster will be hungry for silverware as it has been too long without a big win for the province.
39 Clubs In Killarney Advertiser This Week
Epilepsy Ireland Support Group
SUPPORT MEETING: The next support meeting for people with epilepsy will be held on Wednesday 23rd May at the Epilepsy Ireland office on Park Road at 10.30am. The next meeting for parents of children with epilepsy will be held at the Manor West Hotel on Tuesday 9th May at 10.30am. For further details contact Kathryn on 064-6630301 NATIONAL EPILEPSY WEEK, MAY 14TH – 20TH: Epilepsy Ireland will host a public information session on Epilepsy on Thursday 17th May at the KDYS Centre at 7.30pm. Topics to be covered include: What is Epilepsy, what are the different types of seizures, and how to manage a seizure. For further details contact Kathryn at 064-660301
Castlerosse Ladies’ Club
RESULTS: 10th May to 12th May, 9 hole Stableford, 1st Chan Martyn (22) 17 pts. Runner-up Una Moroney (35) 16pts
Crusaders Bridge Club
RESULTS: President Prize, Ist Joan Culloty & Garry Leahy, 2nd Anne Looney & Marie Moloney, 3rd Joan Lenihan & Pauline Lyne, 4th Joan Meagher & Kay Clement. Ist Session Eileen Twomey & Neilius O’Regan, 2nd Session John O’Shea & Eileen Crehan. The club will reopen for Bridge in September.
Deerpark Pitch & Putt Club
RESULTS: Event held in the Gleneagle last Sunday morning: First Nett: Sean Ashe & Aidan O’Keeffe 36 (B9), Gross: Sean O’Brien & Willie O’Keeffe 47 and Second Nett: Willie O’Keeffe & John Murphy 36. Back to Deerpark again for this Sunday’s draws. NATIONAL MATCHPLAY QUALIFIERS: Well done to Damien Fleming, John McGrath and Jason O’Brien on securing their places in the National Men’s Matchplay Finals in Tullamore Co. Offaly on the June Bank Holiday Weekend last week in Tralee. John and Damien were first and second in the opening Kerry Team Trial in Deerpark last Sunday with 16 and 15 under par respectively as Jason O’Brien, Ger Casey and John O’Brien also shot double figures last Sunday. BOB CASEY: The second leg of the Bob Casey takes place in Tralee next Tuesday evening with the competition open to all adult Kerry registered members. A club needs to submit one gross and four nett cards to be eligible for the club event as there are also individual gross and nett prizes each night. Entry €10 for entire event or €5 for a single night’s play. Please be present for 6.30pm as it is a 7pm shotgun start for play.
Firies Community Games
Congratulations to the U11 boys hurling team who won Certs in the co final at the weekend. The competition took place in Ballyduff. Thank you to the coaches J.W. O Connor and Frances Henderson who managed and coached the team. Well done to Jon-
athan O Sullivan, Daniel Cronin, John Henderson, Jack O Connor, Kianan Cronin, Evan Donna, Jonathan Galvin, Marcus Clifford, Padraig O Sullivan, Jamie Quirke and James Barry. Firies has 3 teams taking part in the Skittles Co Final on Friday night in na Gael, u12, u14 & u16. We would like to wish all three teams the best of luck in the competition.
Fossa Community
RESULTS: Congratulations to Ciara Kennelly, Dromin who achieved her U18 European standard in the High Jump at the Leevale Open Juniors recently in CIT Cork. TWO MILE COMMUNITY NATIONAL SCHOOL: Currently enrolling for all classes for September 2018. Contact 064 6633018 or email principal@ twomilecns.ie PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK: Parishioners wishing to join the Fossa Parish pilgrimage to Knock on Saturday, May 26th are asked to contact Fr Tomás Looney in the presbytery (0646631996) as soon as possible. The cost, which includes breakfast, is €30 for adults and €20 for children and it must be pre-paid. The bus will depart from O’Callaghan’s Coach Tours yard on the Tralee Road at 7.00am sharp, leaving Knock for the return journey at 5.30pm (with a stop for dinner). KILLARNEY LIBRARY: The National Learning Network Open Day in Killarney library on Thursday 24th May from 11am - 1pm. Guest speakers include past-pupils of the National Learning Network’s training courses and local employers. Free admission. FOSSA/TWO MILE COMHALTAS: Come along to a music and singing session for young musicians and singers in Fossa GAA Clubhouse, Fossa on Friday, 18th May from 7 - 8pm. All ages and abilities. Adult musicians wishing to help are welcome. Further details contact Tim on 087 2413116 or Eileen on 087 6284053.
Killarney Golf and Fishing Club, Men’s Club
RESULTS: Derry McCarthy Captain of the Men’s Club was fulsome in his praise for the fantastic effort put in by the Club’s Jimmy Bruen Shield Team, in the West Munster Area Semi-Final at Castleisland Golf Club on Sunday last, but unfortunately they were beaten by the host Team by the odd match out of 5 games. The Team under Team Manager Tommy Barry had earned their place in the Semi-Final with very close fought battles against Kanturk on Saturday and Doneraile on Sunday morning, both games were won by margins of 3/2. The Sunday afternoon results were Baden Maher & Ian Prendergast won by 4/2, Derek Pyne & Peter McEnery lost 1 down, Donal “Gap” O’Sullivan & Tom Long won 2/1, Gerard Hogan & Dermot Roche lost 4/3, and Alan Mac Sweeney & Sean Brosnan lost 2/1. The other Team Members who played over the weekend were Sean Moynihan, Sean Casey, Ian Cronin, Miceal Dennehy,
James Curran, & Derek O’Keeffe, the other panel members were Derry McCarthy, DeclanMcCarthy, Ger Moroney and Mike Maher. Team Manager Tommy Barry would like to thank all Club Members who turned up at Castleisland to support the team on both Saturday & Sunday, Tommy said that the support was just fantastic, and very much appreciated by the Team Members. The Club Team in the J.B. Carr Trophy Competition were defeated 3/2 by Killorglin in their first round played at Killorglin, the results were as follows, Donie MacSweeney & Matthew O’Connor won 5/4, Enda Curtayne & Jack Buckley lost 4/3, Derry O’Connor & Padraig Griffin lost on the 19th, Dermot Roche & Michael Crowley won 7/6 and Michael O’Neill & Michael Dennehy lost 2 down. The Clubs Boys team were defeated in the Kerry Area Semi-Final of the Fred Daly Competition by Ballybunion at Newcastlewest recently, the Team Members were Ryan Kelliher, Jay Steadman Kieran O’Connor, Colm Cagney, & Ian Prendergast, the result was 4/1 in Ballybunion’s favour, Ryan Kelliher was our sole winner, but the result belies the fact that all matches were closely fought and our Boys were only beaten over the closing few holes. The Competition on Sunday last was the Seamus Weldon Ground-care Equipment sponsored Singles stableford Competition played on Killeen Course. The Competition was played in lovely weather conditions over Saturday & Sunday, and the entry of over 200 was a record for any Competition outside of either The Captain’s or President’s Prizes. The results were as follows 1st Ivan Tangney (18) 46 Pts. 2nd Crohan Fitzgerald (11) 44 Pts. 3rd John Herlihy (8) 42 Pts. 4th Colin Feeley(11) 42 Pts. 5th Colm Cagney(11) 41 Pts. Best Gross Stephen O’Neill(1) 40 Pts. Cat2. Padraig Sweeney (9) 40 Pts. Cat3. George Lenihan (13) 41 Pts. Cat4. Roland Janssen (18) 41Pts.
Kilcummin Community
KILCUMMIN P.O.: Going on holiday to U.S.A., U.K., Australia or Canada? Post FX Currency Card now available. Also Sterling & U.S. Dollars cash, commission free. KILCUMMIN HISTORICAL GROUP: Kilcummin Historical Group are looking for information from anyone who have unmarked graves in Old Kilcummin Graveyard. Contact 087-1527050 or email kilcumminhistoricalgroup@ gmail.com. LIXNAW FÉILE CHEOIL: See Kerry CCÉ website for details June 15th – 17th. SUMMMER CAMP: Moriarty School of Dancing will host ‘Kilcummin Steps & Tunes Summer Camp’ from the 30th July to 3rd Aug in the Recreational Hall from 10am to 2pm. The camp promises to be a week of fun with Set, Sean Nós & Brush dancing with Adrian, Music sessions with Conor, face painting and loads more fun and games. Children 4 years upwards welcome. Fee €55 per child, concession for families. Limited number of places
available. Enquires and booking to John on 086-1579381. DEFIBRILLATOR GROUP: Refresher training on Wednesday May 30th at 7.30pm in Kilcummin School, cost €10 per person. Pre-pay please to a member of Committee or drop in to Kilcummin P.O. in a named envelope.
Mastergeeha FC
RESULTS: U13 PREMIER Mastergeeha 0 Iveragh 2; U13 DIV 2 Killorglin 2 Mastergeeha 2. David O’Riordan and Euan Evans got the goals in a deserved draw away on Saturday morning; U14 DIV 1 Killorglin 0 Mastergeeha 9. Mastergeeha had a good win away on Saturday morning with Colin O’Leary, Oisin O’Leary, Mark O’Shea, Donagh Fahy and Jack Higgins getting the goals. U16 DIV 2 Fenit Samphires 1 Mastergeeha 0. After winning the league in midweek the lads were beaten by the only goal midway through the first half by the league runners up in perfect conditions in Fenit. Well done to all the players and the management team on their success and they now look forward to the shield semi-final as they bid for the double. FAI SUMMER CAMP: Places for the FAI summer camp which will be hosted in Kilbrean Park from July 2nd - July 6th can now be booked through the FAI summer schools website. Please book early to avoid disappointment at www.summersoccerschool.ie. LOTTO: There was no winner on Friday 11th May, 2018. Numbers drawn were 2, 7, 10, 14. Jackpot now €6,800.
KILGOBNET NATIONAL SCHOOL FAMILY GUNGE RUN/WALK: Our annual family fun run/walk fundraiser is this weekend, Sunday 20th May, 2pm (please arrive at the school by 1.30pm). Everyone in Beaufort and beyond is welcome to join us for an afternoon of messy family fun! We will be doing a 5km circular route from the school. There will be some added messy fun on the way round again, and this year it’s colourful GUNGE! White clothing will give the best rainbow effect and, although washable colours will be used, old clothes are recommended. We recommend bringing your own water with you but there will also be water stops along the way. Your efforts will be well rewarded when you get back to the school with refreshments for all. There will also be a raffle. Sponsorship forms available from the school or donations are welcome on the day. For further information please call Gemma Robins, Secretary, Kilgobnet N. S. Parents Association, 0857513567. Killarney Active Retired Our AGM was held on last Friday. Our new officers are chairperson Mary Ryan, Secretary Mary Hegarty, Treasurer Betty McCarthy. We meet every Friday from 2pm to 4pm at the KDYS (Next to the Friar). New members always welcome.
Sport 39 Clubs In Killarney Advertiser This Week Killarney Athletic A.F.C.
RESULTS: Under 12, Killarney Athletic 1 St Brendan’s Park 1 Tom Benson scoring for Athletic. Man of the match Noah Sexton. Under 14, Killarney Athletic 1 Killarney Celtic 1 Sean Dineen scoring, best for Athletic Darren Ryan Sam Benson and Conal Gallagher. Under 17 League, Killarney Athletic 4 Ballyhar Dynamos 0, scoring for Athletic were Tadhg Doolan, Tomas Cronin, Liam Kelliher and Harry Potts. Seniors, Denny Premier A Killarney Athletic 2 Fenit Samphires F.C. 2, scorers for Athletic Shane Lynch and Tony Brosnan. FIXTURES: Saturday 19th May 2018, Under 13 John Joe Naughton Cup Semi Final, Killorglin v Killarney Athletic 10.30am; Tuesday 22nd May 2018, Under 12 Tom Murphy Cup Semi Final, Killarney Athletic v Castleisland 19.00pm KILLARNEY ATHLETIC GOLF CLASSIC: To be held on 29th June in Mahony’s Point. €400.00 for a team of 4 and €100.00 for tee box. Big fundraiser for the Astro Pitch.
Killarney Celtic
LOTTO: Numbers Drawn 7,12,19,27. No jackpot winner.3 Lucky Dip winners. Next jackpot €4,400.
Killarney Salmon & Trout Angling Club
The club was delighted to hear that, on completion of the weigh in for The Munster Lake competition last Sunday, one of our entered teams had won the overall team prize. The team was captained by Billy O Dea and comprised of Tom Sweeney, Gerry Buckley and Jimmy Fleming. Heartiest congratulations to them. Tom Sweeney also scooped third individual overall. We will await the full list of placings post the event to establish who will be fishing in the interprovincial competitions.
Killarney Swimming Club
RESULTS: Congratulations to our eight swimmers who took part in the Munster/Connaught Gala recently. This is the business end of the season with only the finest swimmers invited to attend. Boys U16 – Charles O’Brien, who specialises in the breaststroke, showed everyone that he is right up there with the best in the country by winning a gold medal in the 200 breaststroke and a bronze in the 100 breaststroke. Girls Over 17 – Margaret O’Brien, who is a long-distance specialist, won an outstanding gold in the 400 Individual Medley, an incredibly difficult race. Paul O’Leary and Ellen O’Connor were also in flying form, making it into the final heats and both achieving top ten finishes and their Division Two times. Star of the day, however, was our very own Alan O’Shea who swam like the hordes of hell were on his tail to break the one-minute marker for the 100 freestyle – a first for a Killarney swimmer and a record set at 59.13 seconds! Well done, Alan – a huge achievement for you, your coach, Cathal O’Brien,
and for our club. Thanks to our lead coach, Cathal O’Brien who, as always, gave huge support and encouragement to our swimmers. Thanks also to all parents for travelling and taking part in timekeeping duties.
Killarney Toastmasters
MEETING 8th MAY: We had a very enjoyable meeting tonight. Our meeting was opened by Alan, our President at 8pm sharp. Paul, our Toastmaster for the night explained that he had a tight agenda as the meeting was finishing 15 minutes early as we were to have our AGM after the normal meeting. He introduced the officers of the night: Miriam as timer; Yolande as Ah Counter; and Renee as General Evaluator. Our poem for the night was ‘Digging’ by Seamus Heaney, read by Liz. Alan told us his Toastmasters story in Member’s Moment. Liz facilitated a fabulous light hearted topics session beginning with asking us how we enjoyed the weekend. It set a wonderful tone for the evening. We had three prepared speeches. Bridget told all about herself as she gave her icebreaker - our first Pathways speech! Liz told us about the determination of never giving up and breaking boundaries. And Jan gave us a longer speech telling us about the cultural differences between life in Kerry and life in the Netherlands. After the tea break, our General Evaluator introduced the evaluators and asked for the reports from the club officers.
Killarney Valley Athletic Club
RESULTS: County Juvenile Championships in Castleisland. Gearoid Sugrue 2nd, U13 Long Jump and 2nd, U14 High Jump; Sam Griffin 1st, U16 High Jump; Mia Griffin, 3rd, U13 Long Jump; Conor Gammel, 2nd, U15 Long Jump. U10 Girls Relay, 2nd with Team of Emily O’Shea, Kate Fleming and Aoife and Kate O’Shea. U15 Boys Relay, 1st with Team Karl McCarthuy, Alex Hennigan, Cian Lynch and Conor Gammel. U14 Boys Relay 3rd, with Team of Finn Kennelly, Gearoid Sugrue, Oisin Lynch and Alex Hennigan. Brilliant running from Kathryn Ryan, Aoibhin Gleeson and Hannah Ryan in the U13 600m. It was a very close race with Kathryn coming 2nd and Aoibhin and Hannah were in a photo finish to come 3rd and 4th respectively. Oisin Lynch 2nd, U13 600m; Karl McCarthy 2nd, U15 800m, Eanna Hennigan, 2nd in the U9 300m. Aoibhin Gleeson 3rd, 60m sprint. Jamie Vousden, 2nd, U12 sprint. Alex Hennigan, 1st in both the 75mHurdles and the 200m. Conor Gammel, 3rd in the U15 100m sprint. FIXTURES: Primary School Sports takes place at Killarney Community College field on Friday 18th May at 6pm sharp. Best of luck to all our KVAC athletes competing in the Munster Schools T&F Championships on this Saturday 19th May at An Riocht Track. Please note that Wednesday Training after school has now finished.
Killorglin Rowing Club
RESULTS: Lee Sprint Regatta. With over 400 crews, we had five wins at the weekend. Sean Houlihan won the Men’s U18 1x, Anna Tyther and Rhiannon O’Donoghue won the Women’s U18 double scull. The Women’s Club 4x was won by Eimear O’Donovan, Katie Boyle, Rhiannon O’Donoghue, Anna Tyther with David O’Donoghue as cox. Airida Mateviciute won both the U12 1x and the U15 1x.
MEK United
FAMILY FUN DAY: May 27th from 2-4pm, Fossa Astropitch. End of season medal presentation, fun activities & games! We also have a club raffle which includes 2x Ireland v USA tickets, summer camp spots and loads more! We are looking for Mom’s & Dad’s to play in the Parents team, captained by Maurice Lyons, v the coaches. They will be taking on the might of the MEK Coaches, captained by Jerry Hayes. If you are up for the cup, contact Pa Murphy on 087-7943220. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates.
Gneeveguilla Athletic Club
LOTTO: No winner of our lotto 11/05/2018. Numbers drawn were 5, 19, 23 & 27. Sellers prize winner Tom Joe O’ Donoghue. Bonus not won numbers drawn were 17, 20, 27 & 30. Next week’s jackpot €8,800 plus €1,000 bonus. RESULTS: County Juvenile Championships: Held on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th May, a special word of thanks to our trainers and parents who helped out over the weekend. Numerous medals were received in the throwing events, no doubt Shelia O’ Donoghue & Eileen O’ Riordan must be given credit for this. A word of praise for Eileen O’ Riordan who did the job of setting out the relays. Medal winners were as follows: Danielle ‘Riordan, Paddy Hickey, Jack O’ Riordan, Noah Clifford, Patrick O’ Donoghue, Elaine McSweeney, Beth Healy, Naoise Quinlivan, Claragh O’ Connor, Catherine Browne, Norma Kerrisk, Caoimhe O’ Donovan, Elma Cremin, Delia Foley, Aislinn Browne, Beth Healy, Jack Greaney, Jack O’ Leary, Dylan Scannell, Oisin O’ leary, Frank O’ Riordan & Sarah O’ Connor. COMMUNITY GAMES: Qualifiers are invited to train with the club on Sunday mornings in Gneeveguilla at 11.00 am to 12 noon. Commencing Sunday 20th May.
Milltown Listry
MILLTOWN LISTRY COMHALTAS: The County Fleadh will return to Milltown in just over 4 weeks and we invite all interested in getting involved in this exciting community event to meet in Nagle Rice Community Centre on Monday, May 21st at 8:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity meet people and help organize and run our free, family-friendly, five-day festival. If you can give an hour or a day, all help welcome and appreciated.
Muckross Rowing Club
REGATTA SEASON: Last Saturday was a very successful day out for the club in Cork, as the club took the annual Lee Regatta by storm with nine race wins and a number of second place finishes in the hotly contested sprint regatta. Over 480 crews from 21 clubs made up the bumper entry. The race wins were divided between our men’s and women’s crews and several our newer rowers enjoyed their first medal win. We say congratulations to all our winning crews, including the Mens and Womens J14 Quads, Mens J15 Single, our Mens J14 Octuple and Double crews, Womens J16 Eight and Four crews, Mens J15 Quad and Mens Masters Quad. A great day of racing enjoyed by all and some fantastic results. Well done to all the rowers, coxes and coaches. Thanks to all the coaches, parents and adult members who helped on the day. FIXTURES: Next up is the Castleconnell Sprint Regatta this Saturday 19 May at O’Briensbridge. Best of luck to all our crews competing! Other upcoming fixtures include Dublin Metro Regatta Sat 26 May, Carlow Regatta 2-3 June, Cork Regatta 16-17 June, Fermoy Regatta 1 July and Killarney Regatta 1 July.
Beaufort Golf Club, Ladies’ Branch
RESULTS: 2018 Spring League – 9 Hole Re-entry (best 2 scores to count) – Sponsored by Ladies Branch, 1st Noreen Kinsella (29) 33 pts, 2nd Lady Captain Aideen Ryan (32) 32 pts. FIXTURES: 20th May – Swap Day with Castlegregory – 18 Hole Stableford. Club Fundraiser – 4th June – Single Stableford open to ladies and gents – Entry Fee €. Ring Clubhouse to book a time. Club Scramble every Wednesday – starts 9th May – Meet at clubhouse at 5.45pm for 6.15 pm shotgun start.
Beaufort Golf Club, Men’s Section
RESULTS: 12th/13th May – 18 Hole Stableford (Yellow Tees, 1st Joe Kennedy (5) 40 pts, 2nd Padraig G O’Sullivan (10) 39 pts, 3rd Ken West (18) 39 pts. FIXTURES: 20th May – Exchange Day with Castlegregory – 18 hole Stableford. Club Fundraiser – 4th June – Single Stableford open to ladies and gents – Entry Fee €30. Ring Clubhouse to book a time. Club Scramble every Wednesday – starts 9th May – Meet at clubhouse at 5.45pm for 6.15pm shotgun start. Every Friday – Open Single Stableford – open to gents and ladies – Entry Fee €25 – Ring Clubhouse on 064-6644440 to book a tee time.
Killarney Golf & Fishing Club, Ladies’
RESULTS: The following are the results of today’s competition 13th May 2018. There was great excitement here as Fidelma O Connor (9) had a hole in one on the 6th on Killeen. Fidelma used a 4 wood. 1st Betty O Farrell (16) 40 pts, 2nd Ciara O Mahony (14) 38 pts, BG/4th Anne Moynihan Rudden (6) 30 gross pts and 36 points, 3rd Sinead O Shea (17) 37 pts, 5th Margaret O Dono-
39 Clubs In Killarney Advertiser This Week
ghue (21) 34 pts (B9), 6th Winnie Ryan (21) 34 pts, 7th Sharon Ormonde (14) 33 pts (B9), 8th Grace Dennehy (28) 33 pts. CSS was 35 stableford points. The following are the results from 10th MAY 2018 Australian Spoons competition: 1st and BG Amy Arthur & Anne Moynihan 41 pts, 2nd Liz Kelliher & Bridie Doyle 40pts, 3rd Fiona Leacy & Mary Leacy 39pts. Winning pair will go forward as Best Gross and 2nd will go through to District Final in Killorglin Golf Club 25th July. FIXTURES: There is an evening mixed competition on the Killeen course on Friday May 18th. The Killarney Cups will be played for in this competition. Sunday May 20th is a stroke competition on Mahony’s Point. Good luck to the Ladies Senior Cup Team who are playing either East Cork or Clonmel in Clonmel on Saturday May 19th at 1.00pm
Ross Golf Club, Gent’s Club
RESULTS: The results of the M D O’Shea Spring League are as follows: Winners, Team D (Ivo O’Sullivan, Tadhg Moynihan, John Cushkelly, Sean Walsh); runners up, Team E (Terence Mulcahy, Michael Courtney,Larry Daly, Thomas Horan). Category Winners: Cat 1 Jonathan Casey, Cat 2 Johnny Brosnan, Cat 3 Tom McSweeney, Cat 4 Sean O’Brien. The Jimmy Bruen: The Ross GC team played their hosts Ceann Sibeal recently in this competition, however after a good battle Ceann Sibeal won the match. FIXTURES: Please note that the entry sheet for the Killarney Medal & Trophy Centre Club Matchplay Championship is now available on the club noticeboard and all players are urged to add their names immediately.
Spa Muckross Community Games
U14 GIRLS GAELIC: The girls participated in the county competition held in Fossa on Monday 7th May. We played Spa/Fenit/Barrow first and played fantastic football, and ran out easy winners on a scoreline of 3-4 to 0-2. The next game v Moyvane/Knockanure was to top the group. The North Kerry girls were an excellent team, and won out on a scoreline of 3-1 to 1-1. Well done to all the Spa Muckross girls who never gave up in the warm sunshine. ATHLETICS COMPETITION: Our local athletics competition will take place at 6pm on Monday 21st May at Killarney Community College. The first 4 children in each event qualify for the county athletics competition 23rd24th June in Castleisland. Children can only participate in one individual track event at the county competition. Whichever is the first race that your child comes 1st to 4th place at our local competition, will be the event they progress to at county level. €2 charge per child (please bring exact change). More details are available on our Facebook page. NATIONAL FINALS: Distribution of ID badges, track suit tops and singlets for cross country and marathon takes place in Tralee Sports Complex squash
court on Tuesday May 22nd at 7pm. All others are to collect at 8pm.
St. Brendan’s College, Killarney
Fayre Day, Sunday 20th May 2018 (SEM field, beside Cathedral, Port Road), 1pm-4pm. Fun for all the family, various stalls, home baking, gourmet burgers, tea/coffee. Live music throughout the whole afternoon. Sporting events and fun games for all ages. Stephanie O’Sullivan Memorial Charity Cycle Sunday 3rd June 2018, 9am Sharp. 2 Routes: 40km & 80km. Register: Saturday 7pm-8pm or Sunday 7.30am8.30am, Nagle Rice Community Centre, Milltown.€20. BBQ & refreshments for all participants. Contact: Dan Joe O’Sullivan 0876955819. Proceeds will benefit Kerry Samaritans & Killorglin Mental Health Association.
Wellbeing Walking Group
M.A.T.E.S: Maintaining Activity Through Each other’s Support. Walk and Talk, meeting every Saturday morning at 10:30am at Deenagh Bridge, across from the Cathedral. Contact Des on 087 6600100. Come join us for a leisurely walk. All welcome.
Workmen’s Rowing Club Notes
RESULTS: The Marina in Cork was the venue for Lee Regatta last week over a 500m course. A very successful regatta for our club with gold place positions in 6 events and second place in a further 8. Our 1st places were WJ15 4X+ and WJ164X+. Then MJ14 2X, MJ152X, MJ15 4X+, and in the pelting hailstone M Club 2 4X+. The crews in the 2nd positions in their finals were WJ142X, WJ152X, W J16 2X in each of their finals and Women’s Masters 2X. Then MJ14 1X, MJ16 2X and MClub 2 2X. We are extremely proud of each and every sculler who competed in heats and finals. A special mention however to our members who competed for the first time, to those who took on new events, to our 2 coxes Leona and Joe, to our boat haulers Timmy and Kieran and our coaches and parent helpers who helped tirelessly on the day. FIXTURES: Tomorrow we head to Castleconnell, Co Limerick for another 500m sprint Regatta. Continued success to our Junior 18 Ladies, Ciara Browne, Ciara Moynihan and Annie O’Donoghue as they attend May Trials this weekend in the National Rowing Centre. We wish them well.
Fossa Rowing Club
On the water. We are delighted to have boats on the water and to get training underway for the 2018 Killarney Regatta and Irish Coastal Rowing season. Many thanks to Killarney Golf Club for facilitating the club once again. Training for all will be from the pier and scheduled as per messenger.
On The Ball Dr Crokes GAA
RESULTS: County League Division 1 Round 4 Dr Crokes 2-13 Templenoe 3-8 CYCLE & BBQ: The Dr Crokes Remembrance Cycle of Amy O Connor will take place on 20th May from Victoria House Hotel leaving at 11.30am with registration at 11am. The cycle will take in Muckross House and Dinis Cottage and there is €5 entry fee. The BBQ is from 1.30pm to 3.30pm and we will have Music afterwards from 3.30pm to 5.30pm. All welcome for a lovely day.
Firies Coiste na nÓg
U6, U8 & U10 BOYS: We take this opportunity to send best wishes to all those receiving their First Holy Communion in Firies National School this weekend and please note that the academy will be taking a short sabbatical on Saturday, 19th May. Whilst we are taking a short breather in training, Firies U8 boys continue their Go Games in Killarney Legion on Thursday, 17th and 24th May at 6pm in Direen. Best of luck to our Firies troops. U12 COUNTY HURLING LEAGUE: Another solid performance against Crotta O’Neills Hurling Club in division three of the league has the Firies side faring well in their division. Crotta 1-00 Firies 5-11. Next on the schedule has Firies welcoming St. Pat’s to Pairc Eamonn on Friday, 18th May at 7pm where support would be greatly appreciated.
Fossa GAA
LOTTO: 13th May 2018. Numbers drawn were 1, 2, 3, 20. There was no jackpot winner. Next week’s jackpot will be €3,450. RESULTS: Seniors: County League Rd 4, Renard 0-11 Fossa 1-10. U16 Boys: EK League, Fossa 2-10 to Kilcummin 0-8. U14 Boys: Fossa 5-13 to Legion 3-07.
Listry GAA
RESULTS: County League Rd 4: Listry 2-14 Dr Crokes 1-12. U14 County League Rd 5: Keel Listry 4-10 Beaufort 2-05. SENIOR FIXTURES: Listry V Fossa on Sunday May 20th in Fr. Allman’s Park, Faha at 2pm in the East Kerry Super League, Round 5 Division 1A. LOTTO: Numbers drawn; 9 13 15 23. Next Sunday 20th May Jackpot €5,450. CÚL CAMP: Listry Cul Camp will be held on 2nd July - 6th July. Further details http://www.kelloggsculcamps. gaa.ie
East Kerry GAA
FIXTURES: Division 1 (First team named is at home) Round 5 Division 1A Sunday 20th May at 2.00 pm Listry v Fossa. Round 5 Division 1B Sunday 20th May at 2.00pm Killarney Legion V Dr. Crokes, Rathmore V Gneeveguilla. East Kerry Super League Final, Division 2 Sunday 20th May at 2.00pm (Neutral
Venue) Spa v Cordal EAST KERRY GAA BOARD MONTHLY MEETING: Will be held this Tuesday night 22nd May at 9pm at Killarney Heights Hotel. Please note the changed date of this month’s meeting from 29th - to 22nd May. All delegates requested to attend.
Gneeveguilla GAA Notes
RESULTS: Our seniors beat Ballylongford 1 14 to 0 05 last weekend. CLUB BAR: Open every Sunday from 4pm. LOTTO: There was no winner of last weeks lotto. Numbers drawn were 3,4,15,17. Next week’s jackpot €5,250. Thanks for your support and to all our ticket sellers.
Glenflesk GAA
SENIORS: Our Senior team suffered a disappointing loss in the Co. League to Austin Stacks on Saturday last. Despite a good start Stacks ran out comfortable winners in the end. Next weekend and are back in Co. League action away to Ballymac on May 26th. MINORS: Our Minors play Fossa in the Co. League final on Friday May 18th at 7 pm in Kilcummin, Best of Luck to the team and management. All Support welcome. JUNIORS: Our Juniors begin their season this Saturday May 19th against Spa in the Co. Junior League in Barraduff Community Field at 7pm. LOTTO: No winner of the lotto which took place in Spillanes Bar on 09/05/2018. Jackpot €3,200. Numbers were 10, 15, 27, 28. The next draw will take place in Corner Bar on 21/05/2018 and the Jackpot is €3,400. GLENFLESK COMHALTAS: Fleadh Cheoil Chiarrai will take place in Miltown from 21st to 24th June 2018. All entries to Margaret Creedon before 5th May 2018. 087 2706390 BARRADUFF COMMUNITY FIELD: Active kingdom coming to Barraduff Community field again July 16th. Find out more at www.activekingdom.ie Kilcummin GAA SENIOR FOOTBALL CREDIT UNION CO LEAGUE RD 4: Ardfert 2-11 Kilcummin 2-15. Our next game is at home to Currow in two weeks
Killarney Legion GAA
RESULTS: Co.League Rd 4, Killarney Legion 1-13 Kerins O Rahillys 2-9. Girls U16 Killarney Legion 5-11 Scartaglin 2-8. FIXTURE: Co.League Rd.5 26/27th May v An Gaeltacht in Gallarus. LOTTO: Winning no’s 6,12,25,26. No winner. Next week’s jackpot €8,100. Play online at www.legiongaa.com
Mid Kerry GAA
FIXTURES: Mid Kerry Senior League, both games Sun 20th May at 2pm, Cromane host Laune Rangers & Keel entertain Beaufort. Mid Kerry Junior League Rd 1, Tuesday 22nd May 7.30pm, Beaufort home to Glenbeigh/ Glencar, Laune Rangers entertain Cromane, Miltown/Castlemaine- bye.
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