Toast Post | April 2015 Newsletter

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Kent Meridian l Renton l Lindbergh l Kentwood l Hazen l Kentridge l Tahoma l Kentlake PNW KEY CLUB 2015

April 2015 Volume 1 issue 1


03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26


Letter from LTG What is Key Club? Why you should join! Eliminate Project Preferred Charities Feng of the Dragon Momma Dragon Goodbyes & Hellos March Precon DCM April Earth Day DCM Dcon Recap Calendar Toasty Thermometer Stay Keynected Inclusiveness Key Club Family Recap on Service ICON Divisional District Division 32 Officers Thanks for Reading

If you ever need anything please feel free to Facebook message me or email! Feel free to just say HI! (: Hello Division 32 Dragons, My name is Kim Tran and I am ecstatic to be serving as your Lieutenant Governor of the 2015-2016 year. I am a junior at Renton High school and I hope everyone had a fantastic time at DCON recently. Other than that I also hope everyone had a fantastic year of service and is ready for the new chapter ahead. Each and everyone of the key clubbers had shown passion for service each day and showed spirit at DCON that makes me so happpy to be a part of this division. Ever since I walked into my first Key club meeting I never expected to be the next Lieutenant Governor of Division 32. I never expected to break out of my shell and stand in front of a crowd as I speak my passion. I will never regret that decision as I take the next step to bring service to our homes, school, and community. We have had a long line of amazing lieutenant governors and I am prepared to fill those shoes. I love you guys <3

In love and service, Kim Anh Tran

Liieutenant Govenor of Division 32 Pacific Northwest District 425-442-9530






Major Emphasis: Children: Their Future, Our Focus.

United nations foundation that focuses on children. They provide heath care, education, water, Child protection, etc to make sure children in developing countries are healthy.

We help moms have full-term pregnancies and research health problems of babies. We're helping moms take charge of their health with practices in perinatal health.

PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE THE MIRACLES ARE! The moment a child arrives at their Children's Miracle Network Hospital, a miracle is made. With your support, we raise money for hospitalized children.


The 'Feng' of the Dragon


Dear Key Clubbers, While my term is over, my dedication to service is not. Key Club is not just an organization-- it's a way of life. We care about others, we serve our communities, we actively work to better the world. That is who we are and who we will always be. Whether you're a freshman just starting their journey or a senior ending it, I hope you carry the core values everywhere you go. In my four years of Key Club, I met countless inspiring role models No matter where you are in your Key Club journey, know that your actions as a servant-leader can and will make a difference in the lives of others. But while position is by no means an indicator of your impact, I nevertheless highly encourage you to consider getting more involved and running for positions! Both of my wins and losses in elections were some of the greatest learning experiences, and I know they will be for you too. - Jenny Feng, Your Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor


I'm a Dragon

Hey Baby Dragons! Quite some time has passed since I’ve needed to write something like this so nostalgia’s hitting prett y hard right now. It warms my heart so see each and every Baby Dragon work hard from the beginning of my term to the end of Jenny’s. You guys are fabulous! I wouldn’t have been able to serve as your lieutenant governor without your love and support. Division 32 is the best division out there and y’all are TOASTY for that. Many of you never fail to make me feel loved and appreciated. Thank you for still treating me like your Mama Dragon. Please remember that I still care unconditionally for everything and everybody that makes up this unbelievable division. Shout out to you, Jenny Feng, for leading our division. You’ve done so much and I’m glad you were the one to jump in and serve in the circumstances. I would like to thank the outtie officers for adjusting well and giving your all. Good luck to the innies! A new Key Club year has started and I hope you all grow into amazing leaders! I also can’t forget about the advisors for always being there to support us! Thank you so much Sue Owens for being a phenomenal club advisor for Lindbergh and Area Administrator. I’m touched Kim asked me to be in her first newsletter. She’s done a great job so far and I know y’all are in amazing hands. She’s ready to serve and work with you guys. Keep in mind that Kim is a friend who always cares. I am so proud to call her my innie. <3 Even though I graduate this June, I will still root for you guys from college. <3 See y’all at Kim’s first DCM on April 25th! Let’s go out there and plant some trees!

Yours always in caring, love, friendship, and service Morgan Lucena Past Lieutenant Governor of Division 32



Hello. Key Clubbers! I’m truly looking forward to getting to know you all and spending another exciting year of service in Key Club. I know we will create many unforgettable memories together! In Love and Service, Aleah Lucena Hello. I am eager for the 2015-2016 Key Club! It's an immense pleasure to serve for Key Club. Service is a passion to be shared with others, and I look forward to doing so with you all in the upcoming year! Emily Siangkam


Hello and GoodBye. Serving as Hazen High School's vice president was such an enriching experience. Everything that I have learned I will provide a welcoming home for my club's members as president Jacquelin Huang

Goodbye and Hello. Thank you to Emily Ly, Bryan Raganot, Elise Nguyen, Kelsey Tran, and Calvin Nguyen for guiding me through my term as Treasurer.Hello to the new board. It's going to be a fun, crazy adventure as I go through my final key club year, senior year, with all of you. Let's have fun and make memories. Kimberly Ly Hello and Goodbye. "Throw as many highlighters as you can." Sarah Turner

Good Bye. To Carolyn, Luis, Aishah, and Yuna: Inclusiveness, you got to have that. Keep Kentwood's Key club's legacy lve and well. Nancy Tran Goodbye and Hello from 8 generations of Division 32 LTGs dating back to 2006. it was really cool to hear the stories of how Key Club has changed over the years and how Division 32 has grown. It is such an honor to be a part of this incredible network. These LTG's are a part of our division no matter how much time has past. Do not be afraid to reach back to your ancestors. In Division 32, we are like Aang and his past avatars. They are there to give you insight when you need it. Kim A. Tran

Goodbye. I know all my officers will lead Kentridge Key Club to greater heights than I did. Remember, when your eyes turn red, take a breather. Make me proud and take the initiative. You are all leaders at heart and I can't wait to see the you'll do. Michelle Nguyen

HELLO The Chapter Begins Today.. How will you Serve?






Our March Precon DCM was to prepare everyone for DCON 2015 at Kentridge. Key Clubbers came prepared to know the schedule and cheers for DCON. From hug me signs, spirit gear, swords, Tshirts, and Division 32 spirit! We were definitely ready for DCON.



APRIL DCM Arbor Day and Earth Day: Plant Trees April 25th Join Division 32 Key club for the first DCM of the year. We will celebrate Arbor and Earth day at Gene Coulon memorial park in Renton to promote the planting and care of trees. This service project will give us the chance to unite and protect the environment. Join many volunteers in planting trees and flowers, spread landscaping chips, and clean areas in the park to promote a healthier environment.

Check in is at 9 am until 1 pm. Lunch will be provided and with all your hard work, you also get a Tshirt! From 1pm until 3 pm is when the DCM starts with bonding!


How Was DCON?!? I don't know what I was expecting from it, but it was definitely not what went down that weekend. From the moment I pulled up to the hotel, I was in awe at all the spirit represented by the divisions there. I thought my school had spirit.. after DCON, I know that it's definitely nothing compared to what I witnessed and experienced that weekend. I can't express how kind and enthusiastic the Key Clubbers were to each other, screaming their cheers at each other and for others, dressing up to represent their division, helping others out when they were lost or confused, and befriending others. All of this came easy to them, which I admire because on a daily basis, it's not easy to go up to a stranger and ask who they are or where they're form. The speakers were also a significant part DCON. The motivational speaker, Scott Backovich, was the one I most enjoyed listening to, because his message really hit home and made everyone pay attention. Clara C's performance also brought up the mood quite a bit. I felt like the workshops were a great part of Saturday, and really helped the incoming officers with their duties and making Key Club fun. The Governor's banquet and dinner, as well as Closing Session, was such a memorable part, and I could not imagine wanting spending that weekend any other way. - Emily S.

DAY 1:


DAY 2:

Seattle, Washington

DCON 2015 To infinity and Beyond. Whats Next?!


April 11th - Kiwanis One Day

April 10th - Newsletter and Reports

April 5th - President, VP and Secretary Reports


April 25th - Earth Day DCM


As a division we will work together in raising 1000 points before the next DCON. WE are not meant to compete separately but as a division together. If we are able to earn 1000 points and become such a strong division, there will be a prize. Maybe prizes for each member or even punishment for your LTG. Be Excited to see the therometer Burst, and the toast be toasted. How to earn points: Increase in members Member Attendance DCM attendees Eliminate or projects Reports Kiwannis Meeting

OUR GOAL 1000 Points


Email me at if interested in Emaled UPDATES!

With these text messages I can send out reminders and information. I will be continuing Jenny's messages!

Follor the Division 32 on instagram! @d32pnwkeyclub Hashtag #swaggindragons for a chance to be featured. A picture can say a thousand words.


Add your members into the Facebook Group. Division 32 of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International. This will be the best way to stay Key nectedwith everything in the Division. From DCM, Updates, and newsletters!



During this time of the school year, members get busy with sports and extra-curriculars. To keep memebers involved in key club we can... 1. Take turns inviting different people. One thing for sure is people feel that they are not welcome if they have not paid dues. It is important to pay dues but to be inclusive it is fine to let others participate even if they are not offical members, just let them pay next year and get them more involved! At least one member should be expected to bring a guest every week. This effort could be conducted in alphabetical order, based on the members’ first or last names. 2. Organize teams. Organize teams of 4 or 5 club members. The goal of each team is to recruit one new member within a few weeks. 4. Feature great programs and interesting meetings. Once you succeed in getting guests to a meeting, make sure they like what they see. Organize interesting club meeting programs that will make those guests want to come back for more. 5. Educate members. The more your members know about Key Club, the better they will be able to gain prospective members. Make sure your club meetings can feature the lieutenant governor newsletters. 7. Look up old friends. Pull out some of your club’s old membership rosters and circle the names of those who have left the club. Give those members a call, their situations may have changed since they left and they may be ready to return to your club. If for some reason they are unable to rejoin, ask them for the names of some people they think would make good members. 8. Make the most of your service projects. Every time your club conducts a service project (which is hopefully often); promote Key Club to those you’re serving. 9. Reach out to your school. Not just announcements but talk more about key club in assemblies. Make videos and show to your school, or have members reach out to each grade level.


Kiwanis Club of Renton Renton VOTECH, Renton Technical College Thursdays, 7:27 AM HAZEN KEY CLUB Lecture Hall Mondays, 2:15 pm

LINDBERGH KEY CLUB Cafeteria Mondays, 2:15 pm

RENTON KEY CLUB Conway - Rm. 367 Wednesdays, 2:15 pm

Kiwanis Club of Kent Golden Steer Restaurant, Kent Firdays 12:00 Noon Kent-Meridian Key Club East Wing Auditorium Wednesday, 2:30 pm




Meridian-Kent Kiwanis Club Down Home catering, Kent Wednesdays, 12:00 PM Kentridge KEY CLUB Room A20 Every other Friday, 2:20 pm


Kentwood KEY CLUB Room 822, 2:15 pm Every other Mondays,

Kiwanis Club of Covington IHOP Convington Tuesdays, 7:30 AM TAHOMA KEY CLUB Lecture Hall Wednesdays, 7:40 AM


Kentlake Key Club Room 2523 Wednesday, 2:15 pm

Division 32


RECAP of the Previous Year: The Service in Division 32 Our club volunteered at the Renton's Farmers Market every Tuesday in the summer and I learned how important it is for us young teens to put our best efforts into helping our community. We should always put our 200% into everything we do, just like the vendors participating in the event. Seeing them work so hard and passionately motivates me to work equally as hard. Also, we shouldn't forget that people truly appreciate what we do for them. Aleah Lucena The one that always comes to mind is the STAR Laptop Distribution. This touched me because I could see the faces of underprivileged children light up when holding their own laptop for the first time. Many would be very bouncy, as excited kids are, and smiles were always present. I learned that I truly appreciated seeing the impact of our work and dedication myself, and that I also enjoy the local impact of our service. - Theresa Tran


OCTOBER- One of my favorite service projects was the

UNICEF - Trick or treat. It was cool being able to go around and raise money to save lives. I learned that just by simply asking someone for some loose change, you can help change a life or possibly save a life. - Tony Vo.

DECEMBER- My favorite service project was definitely (I

forgot the name) where I assembled Christmas gifts for families who couldn't afford their own. It showed me that we can make impact onto those who are close to us. The families we helped were all local so it really pushed me to try harder in more service projects. - Crystal Tam Last winter our club had a service project called Spread the Spirit. We ask our counselling office for a list of students at Kentridge who are in need, and get wish lists from each of the students and their families. Our club members donate items based off of those wishlists, and then we wrap the donations and give them to the families as Christmas presents! This year, we were able to provide business clothes, high chairs, books, toys, etc. to 11 families in our community. From this project, I learned just how much of an impact our club is able to make on our community. - Jessica Lou Our club volunteered at the Renton's Farmers Market every Tuesday in the summer and I learned how important it is for us young teens to put our best efforts into helping our community. We should always put our 200% into everything we do, just like the vendors participating in the event. Seeing them work so hard and passionately motivates me to work equally as hard. Also, we shouldn't forget that people truly appreciate what we do for them. -Jacquelin Huang

The main service projects I helped oversee this past year were our school's blood drives. I learned that I am able to help coordinate such events, and that the members of my school club are very committed and willing to help. It was also a good learning experience for next year, for when I help run the blood drive again, and train the other officers to do so as well. -Sarah Turner

WHY GO TO THE CONVENTION? Because it’s the biggest event of the Key Club year! Imagine celebrating the amazing things Key Club does with more than 1,600 Key Clubbers from all across the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. • Share innovative service project and fundraising ideas. • Listen to amazing speakers and Learn about servant leadership. • Elect next year’s Key Club International Board. • Celebrate 100 years of Kiwanis and its clubs (including Key Club!). • Hear about our success so far with The Eliminate Project—and how you can help eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. • Discover new charities and organizations you and your club can team up with. • Have fun and make memories and friendships that last a lifetime.


Tyler Bosser tylerbosser.pnwgo (253)-(355)-(2783)

I am both honored and beyond grateful to have the opportunity to serve you as your District Governor for the 2015-2016 term. I look forward to working alongside such caring and passionate leaders like you. I am certain this year will be one of the best the Pacific Northwest has seen. In this upcoming year, I want to focus on providing the district with what it needs to strive. That is aiding you- the members,

Tran Hoang tranhoang.pnws (971)-(267)-(9235)

Words cannot adequately describe my excitement to serve you as District Secretary for the 2015-16 term. I'm eager to see what we as a district can accomplish this year. I know that through our continuous efforts, from club to district level, pouring endless hours into giving back to our community, we can hit many new milestones, and our achievements will definitely soar. In caring service,

Suvir Copparam copparam.suvir@ (425)-(445)-(6199)

JoJo Saunders jojosaunders.pnwe (206)-(790)-(7510)

This year, I plan to effectively educate club treasurers with detailed resources, monitor district spending with our first budget, grow district membership, and ultimately help all of you improve your clubs, so we can have a larger impact as a district. I am available to all of you as a resource, but also as a friend. In Caring & Service,

During my term I plan on making sure editors have the proper training to make newsletters through either workshops, videos or one-on-one help. I also want to try and focus on connecting the club and district level a bit more while also being able to give you guys more news on a more frequent basis. In love and service,

District Treasurer.



I’m Ryan Miura and I will be serving as your 2015-2016 District Convention Chair. I am so excited to be planning DCON 2016! There are a lot of great things that will come this year, so be on the lookout for updates and videos during our time before DCON.


District Editor


President - Jessica Lou VP - Theresa Tran Secretary - Tiffany Wong Treasurer - Anthony Nguyen Bulletin Editor - Danika Overstreet Public Relations Raymond Nguyen


President - Sarah Turner Vice President - Carolyn Phung Secretary - Luis Moreno Treasurer - Aishah Mohamed Editor - Yuna Park


President - Jacquelin Huang Vice President Crystal Tam Secretary - Andy Luu Treasurer - Yena Nguyen Bulletin Editor - Andy Ly


President: Emily Siangkam VP: Tony Vo Secretary: Kimmy Nguyen Treasurer: Kim Tran PR: Jennnifer Lai


President Jasmin Etafo Vice President Ashley Villanueva Secretary Tera Chea Treasurer Alayna Romano Bulletin editor Siahna Iim and Event planner Aaron Carino


President: Aleah Lucena Vice President: Yanni Zhang Secretary: Kelsey Gelle Treasurer: Huy Manh Bulletin Editor: Kim Luu


President: Natalie Cerna VP: Katarina Hunt Secretary: Katie Sherick Treasurer: Danae Golding PR: Anne Sweeney


President: Kimberly Ly Vice President: Calvin Nguyen Secretary: Nathan Nguyen Treasurer: Simon Manivong Bulletin Editor: Kim Ha Public Relations: Lb Crisanto

D I V . 3 2 O F F I C E R C O N T A C T S

Area Administrer: Sue Owens Div. 33 & 32 Kiwanis LTG: Div. 32 Greg Smith





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