1 minute read
By Isabel ‘24
Stepping free from your sheets and Trespassing on your sleek black floors They betray my dry bare feet. Clinging to my smooth soles, I stick across the gleaming floor, Through the glass walls, My ghost prints vanishing in the pale, cloud-stained sun.
Vanishing to any eye but yours. Why is it
That where there was never any print but yours - spotlessThese walls forget so soon?
Spotless, print-less far too soon. You are everywhere as always, In all the places that you should have been, In all the places that I never wanted you, In all the places that belonged to you. But you’re already gone. Your perfume, scent, and soap
Cling to your clothes and Clutter your empty shelves, Drip from your walls, But in the dark,
I know how long it’s been since you stood here: It was that entire lifetime ago Of a few months
That you stood here.
There is a calm here that could not exist before, Though I am an unfaithful creature to name it
I do not know what loyalty or love I owe you, but
This place is not better for your absence. I am still the welcome trespasser here.

People, People everywhere
They judge you
For how you
Look Walk Speak
Smile Learn Dress.