1 minute read
Where IAm From
Spencer ‘26
I am from the cold snap of a can of seltzer water, from Price Chopper, and brachycephalic dogs.
I’m from the green country style 2 story house I call home, many windows, and tall ceilings.
It feels like I’m right where I belong.
I’m from the Maples, the Oaks, Tall and tough, they hold their ground. But I am no oak, nor maple tree standing in hundreds, thousands, millions, all tall and proud I have felt weak, like there was no way I could ever be forgiven.
I’m from sorrow, remorse, regret.
I’m from forgiveness, and empathy, and “I love you”. I’m from the crepes on Thanksgiving, and brown hair. From Caden, and Mom, and Dad.
I’m from Canaan Village Pizza, and watching movies every Sunday.