Just Go

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Just Go. a book about

road trips

contents 05


chapter one “Travel for the Soul” by Anatoly Pentrenko “The Classics” Playlist



chapter two Entries submitted by Claire M, Whiteney W, E. Smith, and Leyla A. “Sunny Day” Playlist



chapter three “Planning the Departure” by Katie Streckly “The 50 States” by Suzy Strutner “Indie & Folk” Playlist


book designed by kimberley taylor-duncan

i haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.


chapter one


travel for the soul -----— by anatoly pentrenko

Did you know that having a fulfilling life is the

Taking a road trip alone has a wonderful possi-

intention behind all of our desires? Fulfilling

bility to increase self-awareness and insight into

life, poetically referred as a nurtured soul is not

one’s own life. Going for a road trip alone could

something that exists independently as some kind

be very stimulating. The process itself creates a

of an entity with crude definitions of shape, vol-

mental cocoon where a necessity to be focused

ume or taste. The term soul is a pointer to a vast

on the road combined with operating a car keeps

interdependent quality of consciousness. Clouded

the mind in the present moment. This helps the

by limited interpretation of reality as a response

mind to relax from grasping to a habit of incessant

to earlier experiences our soul could loose the

thinking and give rise to a spontaneous sense of

expression of its intrinsic luminosity. One of the

freedom. Traveling could be a great use of being

goals of therapeutic approach to travel is to recov-

alone for self-nurturing and inner rejuvenation. It

er this fantastic quality of being fully alive — a

could be a one-day or multi-day adventure. When

fulfilled life. You most likely had a taste of it when

planning for the trip alone, approach it with

you were traveling. It might have felt like nothing

intention of nurturing yourself with adventure of

was missing and everything was just right. Perhaps

self-discovery. This can result in deepened self-ap-

it came to you when time stopped being a gov-

preciation, acceptance and awareness of who you

erning factor of your daily life. Maybe it came to

are along with many unexpected “aha” moments.

you in a culmination of rapture of intimation with

By the nature of limited distraction available,

totality of your experience — Oneness, as a state

driving a long distance has a magic of opening

of sensuous joy known as bliss. An experience of

up deeper levels of mind. Some old memories

therapeutic travel is connected to the awareness

may come up to be looked at in a different light.

of a nurtured soul. Within this context, a purpose

Lulled by continuous focus on the road, some

for going to travel is not to find and somehow

spontaneous inspiration may rise to reveal your

assemble the elements of it from experience, but

heart’s desire. You may suddenly find solution to

to surround yourself with conditions that promote

the area of your life that seemed impossible to

a direct experience of it naturally from within.

change. A road trip alone could be magical.

It’s so hard to leave— until you leave. and then it’s the easiest goddamned thing in the world.

” 07

travel as much as you can, as far as you can, and as long as you can. life isn’t meant to be lived in one place.

the classics

playlist 01 TOM PETTY / free fallin’ JOHN MAYER / why georgia ALABAMA SHAKES / hold on

go travel to fall in love with your life------


There is only one constant in life, and that is

home” sets in motion their whole journey of

change. You could say that travel is a process of

personal transformation and revelation of the

accelerated sequence of changing events along

life meaning and purpose. That one step of

the journey. It is a symbol, a reminder pointing

leaving the comfort zone behind is the promise

toward awareness of impermanence that our

of transformation, a transcendence of individual

whole life is just a visit. Perhaps urge to travel is a

consciousness. It is this fear of leaving a comfort

manifestation of spiritual instinct to be free. It is

zone that makes it acceptable for most of us to

a subconscious desire to transcend the mundane

live on auto pilot suppressing inner quest for life

and the limited that became a definition of who

with meaning and purpose. You are an infinite

you are and your life’s experience. The world

spiritual being, an energy field expressed in a

around us is constantly changing and if we cling

particular human experience. That is perhaps

relentlessly to habitual ways of doing things and

why “leaving home,” a life of ordinary identity

insisting on ways of being that are no longer valid,

formed by familiar concepts, has the potential to

we will find ourselves suffering. I remember a

get to know yourself on a deeper level. We take it

moment from Tolkien trilogy Lord of The Rings

to the road to unwind, to unload, to change the

when Frodo and Sam are set to leave the Shire.

scene. All those are indirect names for our soul

Sam stops Frodo by announcing: “This is it. If I

to become free. It is possible to learn to be much

take one more step, this will be the farthest away

happier by stopping resisting what is happening

from home I ever be.” That one step “away from

and become a compassionate witness.


chapter two


sunny day

playlist 02 MUMFORD & SONS / i will wait SHEPPARD / geronimo X AMBASSADORS / renegades HIGH HIGHS / open season

My dad and I always prefer to travel by car when

we’re together. For spring break one year, my

My dad was still a police officer and had a couple

dad and I drove thirteen hours from California

of classes he had to take there, so we were all able

to Utah just so we could go snowboarding in ac-

to go to Disney World. We got to take one of the

tual snow instead of the fake stuff they made on

police SUV’s down there. It was painted up like

the mountains near us. We always are okay with

the American flag, and on the inside of it were lit-

taking detours if one of us finds something that

tle TV’s behind each of the seats. The inside was

looks interesting along the way. We’ll go about

big enough to lay down and take naps. As nice as

an hour out of our way just for a good restaurant.

napping and watching cartoons sounded, I spent

claire M.

entry 01

it feels good to be lost in the right direction

whitney w.

entry 02

Back in 2007 we were headed down to Orlando.

we travel not to escape life, but for life to not escape us ----

my eight hours of traveling or so staring out the window listening to my iPod. As I watched the scenery rush behind me, I got lost in thought. And suddenly, everything was like a music video. There were mostly trees, but it was not any less beautiful to me. And it was just so amazing to me that we could travel in such an amazing vehicle with such amazing people. The trip down there was just about much fun as being in Orlando.


if i’m going to procrastinate for finals in birmingham, i might as well procrastinate for finals in new orleans. want to come?

e. smith


entry 03

I had just started dating a new girl and, despite usually soloing my road trips, I took her along for the five hour jaunt to Nola. Car rides are great times for bonding; we listened to each other’s favorite bands, talked about places we wanted to go, and complained about the stupidity of other drivers on the road. When we got to New Orleans from Birmingham, we ate dinner and then drank for ten hours straight. I had not slept that well in a long time, together in a tiny hotel room with a tiny hotel bed. We woke up in the morning, took a hot shower, and headed hoe for final exams. Ten hours of driving for fourteen hours in a different place... totally worth it.


— leyla a.

entry 04

the trouble is, you think you have time.

The summer after graduating from college, I

most securely kept treasures was by car. Unfor-

went on a road trip with a close friend of mine.

tunately, I was afraid to navigate the half-paved

While we were suppose to drive my super-cool

roads that were sprawled out before me. And my

Dodge Stratus that served as more of a sports car

then-boyfriend never learned how to drive, so

than anything useful, we ended up taking his very

we were left to Turkey’s bus system and our own

Alabama-like pick-up truck, which was good for

thumbs. When the buses, barely lobbing over

haulin’, less so for road trippin’. We inched up the

the Turkey’s harsh landscapes, puttered out, we

east coast of the United States, while he would

started hitchhiking. Before we realized that our

occasionally let me smoke cigarettes out of his

thumbs would be more valuable than our coins,

pick-up windows, and I would marvel at how big

we had taken a small bus from the bigger station

the US is and how it takes so damn long just to

on a desolate, straight road, a relative relief from

get to our nations capital. All the people I met on

the byzantine routes we found hard to navigate.

our five-day journey edging up the eastern coast

We asked to get off the bus when we spotted the

did not want to be where they wanted. Instead of

sign for Hattusha, the old Hittite capital. Much

easing my sense of restlessness, everyone I met

to our chagrin, no cars were passing to go in the

seemed to add onto it. So much so that by the

direction the sign pointed to, with a twelve kilo-

time the trip was over, I couldn’t make heads or

meter walk to reach the ancient city. We started

tails of my experience. And it left me unsettled.

walking in the direction, when two men pulled up in a tractor and offered us a ride. The two men

One time, I flew to a country in order to take a

graciously drove us to where we needed to be,

road trip. I wanted to explore the wide range of

making what I thought was polite conversation

geographical wonders (from ancient Hittite ruins

with my boyfriend, while I sat on the casing cov-

boasting magnificent gymnasiums to calcified

ering the wheel, trying not to fall off the tractor,

rock on the side of a mountain that make it seem

which was undoubtedly older than my tempo-

like it snowed year around) Turkey had to offer.

rarily traveling companions combined. I spoke a

The only way to fully experience the country’s

couple friendly words in my rudimentary Turkish,



while my boyfriend had a look on his face that conveyed he wished he wasn’t a native Turkish speaker. After finally reaching our destination with all my bodies parts intact, I was ecstatic at the serendipity of having run into two Turks willing to help two college-aged kids in need. Once you set out on the road and realize the distance of your fingernail on a map could take half a day to cover by car, you realize the vastness by which we live. Your problems at home that seemed to dominate your existence melt away. You see different people, being shaped by different environments and different neighborhoods and your mind begins to wonder how starkly different someone else’s life can be automatically from birth. You come to realize you have less control over your outside surroundings and more over your internal thought processes. You learn how to be resourceful and how to make snap decisions and stick with them. For all the differences you learn when you meet new people, you learn there are several more similarities, much of which can be communicated without speaking a common language. I would also say that traveling a long distance is a privilege in today’s world. If you cannot travel to seemingly exotic places or don’t want to make the leap too soon, look into more local places to go. There’s always an experience if you open yourself up to it. It’s not about being halfway around the world, it’s about having an open mind and an open heart that leads to fully grasping onto what life has to throw at you.

take every chance you get in life, because some things only happen once.


chapter three


planning the departure — by katie steckly

We all have the constant struggle—the urge to

travel against our ability to shell out the money to do it. As a student, I feel that struggle even harder, between tuition costs and seeing friends going on exchanges or summers abroad. But this summer, I discovered what I believe to be the best and most affordable remedy for the travel bug—road trips! I drove from Ontario to British Columbia this summer, staying with family along the way and seeing local attractions in each city. The cost of gas round trip was about the price of a single plane ticket to Vancouver— and two of us went on the trip, meaning we basically got 50% off the cost of our trip, plus a way more unique and exciting experience. But planning such a robust trip can certainly be intimidating. There’s a lot of driving and a lot of places to see. But, with my experience of a cross country road trip under my belt I thought I could share my tips and tricks for planning a fun and adventurous road trip.

1) decide on a route The first step to road trip planning is deciding where you want to go. It’s best to start brainstorming places that you might want to be your final destination, and then find locations of interest in between. This way, you can punctuate your long days of driving with some active moments in between.

indie & folk

playlist 03

SHAKEY GRAVES / house of winston TOWN OF SAINTS / easier on paper JOSHUA RADIN / beautiful day NOVO AMOR / from gold

2) find people to stay with My number one tip for an inexpensive, but also more fun and enlightening travel experience is to find people to stay with. Skip the expense of a hotel and track down some long lost relative or grade school friends. You’ll get to hear the local perspective on places to visit along the way.



3) make a list of attractions Once you have a route determined and accommodations lined up, it’s time to decide what you want to see. Look into local tourism websites, or the official websites of the province or state. Better yet, check out what travel bloggers have to say! Alternatively, look for bloggers who are from the places you want to visit. Just like the locals you plan to stay with, they’ll be a way better resource than any tourism website.

4) don’t forget sense of adventure As much as it’s important to budget your time and have a solid plan before you set out, it’s also essential that you don’t become overly focused on following your plans. Leave room for inspiration! If you change your plans last minute, it’s no big deal. In fact, you’re more likely to learn more and have more fun if you take ideas and inspiration from interesting locals and quirky places you find along the way.

5) get packing Really it’s quite simple: think about what you will actually need. Like, actually. We all like to over plan and overestimate, but really try to keep it simple. There’s no need to be stressing about clothes while traveling, it will take away from your experience. My quick guide: the number of days you’re traveling equals the number of tops you will need. A third of that number is the number of bottoms. From there, fill in as necessary.

6) just go. And that’s it! Now you’re ready to embark on your adventure. There’s a lot to see, even in our own backyards. Just get out there and go. It is time.


one thing you must do in every state. by suzy strutner

georgia eat at olde pink house

This Savannah restaurant has played roles as a residence, a bank and an army headquarters. Patrons have reportedly seen Mr. Habersham’s ghost hanging around the bar.





u.s. space & rocket center

arctic national wildlife refuge

havasu falls grand canyon

visit the garvan woodland gardens

Aspiring astronauts go to Space Camp in Huntsville for a chance to sleep in bunks, spin in the Multi-Axis Trainer, and handle a crisis on simulated intergalactic missions.

The villages of Kaktovik and Barrow are especially spectacular spots to stay the night, meet a guide, and watch polar bears live wild and freely in their real habitat.

Spend a night on the floor of the Grand Canyon. Yes, you could settle for a standard daytime walk around the rim. But that way, you would not see Havasu Falls.

210 acres of flowers, streams and waterfalls is a Anthony Chapel which ismade of pine beams and floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

florida climb shark valley tower

Bike around this zone of Everglades National Park. There’s an observation tower you can climb and see just how alligators lurking in the swamps.





state route one through big sur

snowboarding at great sand dunes

eat at frank pepe pizzeria

walk rehoboth beach boardwalk

Nothing is more California than a coastal road trip, and pass some of the most precious views on Earth. Stop at Nepenthe for sunset cocktails on cliffs over the water.

If you thought Colorado’s mountains were shreddable, wait till you speed down the tallest dunes in North America on a fiberglass board.

“Pepe’s” is one of the oldest pizza joints in the country. It was Frank Pepe himself who invented apizza. Pepe’s white clam apizza has been called the best pizza in America.

At precisely one mile long, your stroll will last the perfect amount of time to finish a Kohr Brothers cone. Stop at Arena’s Deli for a sandwich if you’re still hungry.


you were not meant to spend your whole life in one place. iowa


butter cow at iowa state fair

gella’s diner & lb brewing co

A dynasty of five master artists have sculpted the Butter Cow over the years. At 600 pounds, the Butter Cow could butter 19,200 slices of toast.

Gerald Wyman’s wife told him to stop brewing beer in their kitchen. Wyman had a charming-yet-modern storefront and a Gold World Beer Cup Award for his Oatmeal Stout.





climb stairway to heaven

drive interstate 90 panhandle

visit the hancock building

eat sandwiches at ivanhoes

Ok, we can’t exactly promote this hike, since it’s technically illegal. But the view is actually spectacular. People still sneak in early morning hours before the security guard arrives.

This fast, furious, & fun 75-mile zoom across Idaho’s top portion will remind you why driving is an American pastime. Stop in scenic Coeur d’Alene for a cold PBR.

Whether it is the sunset hour or late at night, the best way to see Chicago is from a table at The Signature Lounge on the 95th floor, with an delicious esquire martini in hand.

This family-run restaurant in Upland has 100 shakes and sundaes to choose from. Also thinpounded, deep-fried pork loin on a hamburger bun.





drive & drink the bourbon trail

go to french quarter festival

vist cadillac mountain

crack crab at cantler’s

This pre-planned route leads you past eight of Kentucky’s distilleries, from Jim Beam to Maker’s Mark. If you can’t be trusted to operate a motor vehicle, hire a party bus.

New Orleans’s hits its prime during this free three-day music festival every spring. It’s also the best way to fit every local delicacy into your stomach at once.

Most of the year, this is the first place the sun comes up in the whole United States. It’s also the most famous hike in beautiful Acadia National Park.

You can drive your boat directly up to this “riverside inn,” where they sort crabs in a wash basin right before your eyes. Accompany with lots of Old Bay seasoning.

massachusetts beachcomber at cape cod

This old-school dance bar is parked right on the beach. The live reggae and rock will make you feel supercharged enough to sprint into the ocean.

michigan visit the shinola store

Shinola is aiming to “reinvigorate the storied American brand” by manufacturing quality watches, bikes and leather goods right in the heart of the city.

minnesota canoe the boundary waters

There are over a thousand individual lakes in this slice of Superior National Forest. Paddle past majestic pine groves and hulking rock formations.






order at the nugget

wall at the keen pumpkin festival

climb barnegat lighthouse

balloon glow at balloon fiesta

long island’s north fork

Gamblers say they’re coming to Reno for the refreshingly lowkey vibe at Peppermill Casino. What they’re actually after, is The Nugget’s world-famous Awful Awful Burger.

Every year, people lug pumpkins to Keene-- they’re battling to either defend or win back the official world record for “most jack-o’-lanterns in one place.”

There are 217 steps in this tower, which locals affectionately refer to as “Barney.” It’s clearly not the tacky Jersey shore you’ve seen on TV.

Hundreds of hot air balloons hit the big blue sky at once. When they light up for a Balloon Glow night ascent, you feel all magical and ticklish inside.

You’d never guess that 30 picture-perfect wineries were so close to the city-- or so insanely cheap to tour. A strawberry pie from Briermere Farms will further alter your life.





blues at the lyric in oxford

explore the ozark caverns


popcorn days in north loup

When you need a break from the bars in Oxford, hide out in this movie-theater-turned-concerthall. It first served as a stable for William Faulkner’s family

Out of the caves in Missouri, the most famous feature is Angel Showers, where water constantly flows from the ceiling like a waterfall.

You’ll feel like you’re in one of those nature-themed IMAX movies during this 50-mile drive through Glacier National Park.

At this festival, Nebraskans pay tribute to their state’s most prosperous crop with three days of polka dancing, turtle racing, bull riding, and lots of unlimited free popcorn!


North Carolina north dakota




tour the amazing biltmore estate

climb the white butte

greater’s ice cream shop

go to norman music festival

go to powell’s city of books

Exploring the largest private residence in the United States feels like being at the Palace of Versailles. And you can rent bikes to whiz freely around the gigantic property.

This massive hill outside the town of Amidon is the highest point in the whole state, at 3,507 feet above sea level. The snake filled hike to the top only takes about an hour.

This adorable store has been selling its famous, ultra-thick ice cream (made in tiny two-gallon batches) for well over 100 years. Get a scoop of black raspberry chocolate.

What started in 2008 as a tiny, one-day music fest has exploded into a three-day concert experience with multiple stages, art walks, and local food tastings... all for free.

This bookstore in Portland claims it’s the largest one in the world. It has 1.6 acres of bookshelves and nine color-coded rooms.


rhode island

south carolina

south dakota

mud sale in lancaster county

take cliff walk in newport

sweatman’s barbeque

visit the mitchell corn palace

Mud sales (named for the wet ground in springtime) are the live auctions and craft sales that happen every year in Amish Country.

Ocean on one side, gigantic Gilded Age mansions on the other. Your only problem in life will be deciding which view to look at.

They call this 100-mile barbecue because it’s totally worth the long drive to Bub Sweatman’s house-turned-buffetroom in the town of Holly Hill.

The outside is truly a sight. The building is actually decorated with crop art and is redesigned each year with a new theme!

TENNESSEE spend a day in dollywood The park, in Pigeon Forge, is run in a partnership between the great Dolly Parton and Herschend Family Entertainment. Think food, waterslides and all things Dolly.

texas tube the guadalupe river

Nothin’ says Texas like drifting down the river on a toasty summer day with all your best friends and a massive floating cooler of Coors.





hike to delicate arch

take a brewery tour

byrd theater in carytown

It’s the most famous sandstone formation in Arches National Park. The Olympic torch even passed through the arch in 2002, making this hike both beautiful and historic.

Vermont Breweries Association offers a full list of options. Make sure to check out Magic Hat Brewery in South Burlington and take a free guided tour.

The Byrd is the big, glamorous old-time movie palace that’s been showing films since 1928-- on Saturdays, you can still hear an organ performance before your movie.

west virginia



eat at country club bakery

dane county farmer’s market

go to cheyenne frontier days

Never heard of a pepperoni roll? That’s because they’re basically only in West Virginia. The Country Club Bakery in Fairmont is where it all began.

Everyone in Madison shops the Saturday smorgasbord that sets up around the Capitol building. Be sure to pick up some classic Wisconsin cheese curds.

Pass through seven national parks to get a feel for the state’s supreme scenery. Then, go to a 10-day rodeo-meets-smalltown-bonanza with free pancake breakfasts and concerts.

washington hike the ape caves

They’re actually ultra-long lava tubes near Mount St. Helens, one of our country’s “highest threat” volcanoes.

I love the feeling of being anonymous in a city I’ve never been before.


Just Go.

i dont know where i’m going, but i’m on my way.

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Just Go.-----a book about road trips

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