Tidbits of Ventura County

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of Ventura CountySimi Valley Edition of Ventura County Week of July 27, 2015

The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read

LigntningBiz, Inc.

Vol. I Issue No. 31 VCTidbits.com


MUSTARD by Kathy Wolfe

August 1st is National Mustard Day!!! And no better time for Tidbits to examine the particulars on this favorite condiment! • The word “mustard” actually means two things – it refers to the actual spice itself as well as to the concoction made from the tiny seeds of the plant. The seeds measure between 1 and 2 mm, about 1/8 inch in diameter. There are three different kinds of mustard plants – black mustard, brown Indian mustard, and white or yellow mustard. The seeds are ground, cracked, or left whole, then mixed with salt, water, lemon juice, or vinegar, along with some ÀDYRULQJV DQG VSLFHV WKDW JLYH WKH SDVWH D VZHHW RU spicy taste. It doesn’t become an aromatic substance until the seeds are cracked and mixed with liquid. This activates the oils in the mustard seed that gives it its taste and smell. ,W¶V EHOLHYHG WKDW WKH DQFLHQW 5RPDQV ZHUH WKH ¿UVW to concoct prepared mustard. Their blend consisted of ground seed mixed with unfermented grape juice and spices. The juice was known as “must,” and when mixed with the seeds, it became “burning must,” or mustum ardens, which was shortened to mustard. They added caraway, coriander, dill, celery, thyme, oregano, honey, vinegar, and oil. • The ancient Egyptians considered mustard seeds a symbol of good fortune. Seeds were placed in King Tut’s tomb for his next life. • To the Greeks, mustard was considered a medicinal item long before its use with food. The writings of Hippocrates recommended mustard paste as a remedy for muscle aches, toothaches, to help clear sinuses, and increase blood circulation. French monks also used it to treat wounds. • The Bible’s New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke all feature the Parable of the Mustard Seed, used by Jesus as a symbol of the Kingdom of God starting from a tiny beginning and growing quickly into something very large. Jesus was referencing the fact that the mustard seed is the smallest seed that his listeners planted in the ground, one which grew to 20 feet (6.1 m) in just a few years. He also used the seed Continued Next Page...

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in relation to a person’s faith, saying, â€œâ€Śif you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.â€?

• Grey Poupon gained great popularity in the 1980s when a TV commercial informed the public that “one can HQMR\ WKH ÂżQHU WKLQJV of life with white wine mustardâ€? without paying high prices. The ad featured a Rolls Royce pulling up next to another Rolls Royce, and one passenger asking the other, “Pardon me, would you happen to have any Grey Poupon?â€? to which the other replied, “But, of course!â€?

• Every bit of the mustard plant is edible, from the leaves (known as mustard greens) to the stems to the seeds. Just one acre of mustard produces one ton of seed, which in turn produces 1,940 OEV NJ RI PXVWDUG ÀRXU ZKLFK LV WXUQHG into 10,490 lbs. (4,758 kg.) of wet mustard, which can produce 47,600 jars of mustard. There are about 100,000 seeds in one pound (0.45 kg) of yellow mustard seeds. •

C a n a d a • Beer mustard is a popular item in America’s g r o w s Midwest, a blend that substitutes beer for the m o r e vinegar. m u s t a r d • Brothers George and Francis French debuted than any their “Cream Salad Brandâ€? mustard at the 1904 o t h e r St. Louis World’s Fair with resounding success. country in Twenty million people, about 25% of the U.S. the world. The tiny country of Nepal is second, population at that time, sampled the new and other growers include Hungary, Great condiment over the course of the exhibition. Britain, and India. Afterward, it could be purchased for 10 cents • Of the more than 700 million pounds per 9-oz. jar, which came with a little wooden (317,514,659 kg) of mustard eaten around the paddle for serving. French’s began using world every year, Americans are the greatest the trademark red French’s pennant in their consumers. In Yankee Stadium alone, in one advertising in 1921. Within a few years, annual season of baseball, more than 1,600 gallons sales skyrocketed to $5.3 million. Although the are consumed, and that’s not even counting the brothers sold their 2,000,000 little individual packets! business in 1926, • The most familiar type of mustard is yellow, a the name has mixture of yellow mustard seed (the mildest of carried on into the all types), vinegar, water, turmeric, salt, cloves, 21st century. and coriander. It’s the turmeric that gives the • Mustard also has mustard its bright yellow color. Spicy brown its place in folklore. German legend advises mustard uses much the same ingredients, but a bride to sew mustard seeds into the hem of the brown seed gives the paste a much more her wedding dress, which will guarantee her SXQJHQW Ă€DYRU +RW PXVWDUG XVHV EURZQ RU dominance of the household. In Denmark and Indian seeds, and adds allspice, tarragon, and India, there is a custom of spreading mustard other seasonings. seeds around the outside of a home, which is • Dijon mustard originated in Dijon, France, and said to keep out evil spirits. blends brown mustard seed, vinegar, water, salt, • When in Middleton, Wisconsin, a stop by the and tarragon. The addition of white wine to the National Mustard Museum is in order. Home to the mix is what gives this smooth-textured mustard world’s largest collection of mustard and mustard its distinctive taste. In 1855, Maurice Grey was memorabilia, the museum was established in producing an award-winning Dijon mustard 1992, when founder and curator Barry Levenson and had invented a machine that increased the left his job as the Assistant Attorney General speed of projection. However, he lacked the for the State of Wisconsin to open this unusual ÂżQDQFHV WR PDNH LW VXFFHVVIXO $QRWKHU 'LMRQ attraction. Visitors can view more than 5,400 mustard maker Auguste Poupon provided the mustards from all 50 states and 70 countries, IXQGV DQG WKH SDLU PDQXIDFWXUHG WKH ÂżUVW *UH\ as well as attend the National Mustard Day Poupon mustard in Dijon in 1866. festivities hosted by the museum every August.

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Noteworthy Inventors: ALAN SHUGART

You may not recognize the name of Alan Shugart, but you most likely reap the EHQHÂżWV RI KLV LQYHQWLRQ HYHU\ VLQJOH GD\ /HWÂśV WDNH D ORRN DW WKH LQYHQWRU RI WKH Ă€RSS\ GLVN VRPHWKLQJ WKDW UHYROXWLRQL]HG WKH VWRUDJH RI FRPSXWHU GDWD • With a brand-new degree in engineering physics from the University of Redlands, Alan Shugart started work at IBM in San Jose, California, the day after he graduated LQ DW DJH +LV ÂżUVW SRVLWLRQ ZDV D ÂżHOG VHUYLFH HQJLQHHU UHSDLULQJ SXQFK card accounting machines. • Shugart rose quickly through the ranks at IBM and was transferred to their research laboratory. In 1955, he and his team were responsible for developing the ÂżUVW GLVN GULYH QDPHG WKH ,%0 5$0$& DEOH WR VWRUH ÂżYH PLOOLRQ FKDUDFWHUV RI data. It was released commercially in 1959. ‡ ,Q 6KXJDUW GHYHORSHG WKH Ă€RSS\ GLVN DQ LQFK Ă€H[LEOH SODVWLF GLVN FRDWHG ZLWK PDJQHWLF LURQ R[LGH 7KH ÂżUVW ÂłPHPRU\ GLVN ´ DV LW ZDV FDOOHG KHOG .%V of data and provided a method of transferring data from computer to computer. • Shugart left IBM for Memorex in 1969, taking several IBM engineers along with him. He stayed with that company until 1972, when he launched his own business, 6KXJDUW $VVRFLDWHV WKDW ZRXOG SHUIHFW D ORZHU FRVW PDVV SURGXFHG Ă€RSS\ GLVN Two years later, after a dispute with the company’s board, he resigned. • In 1976, Shugart developed the smaller 5.25â€? disk drive and diskette, able to store up to 1.2 MB of data. He and a partner, a former co-worker from Memorex, started up Seagate Technology in 1979, with the goal of producing hard disk drives for the rapidly-growing personal computer market. • Seagate Technology grew to be the world’s largest producer of disk drives.


‡ 6KXJDUW H[SDQGHG KLV KRUL]RQV LQ E\ RSHQLQJ )DQGDQJR D SRSXODU ÂżYH VWDU restaurant on California’s Monterey Peninsula. His partner was a French-born chef whose family had operated a restaurant in Provence, France, since 1737. Shugart wrote a book about the process in Fandango: The Story of Two Guys Who Wanted to Own a Restaurant, published in 1993. • As a clever way of protesting against the country’s major political parties, in 1996, Shugart entered the name of his Bernese Mountain on the ballot as a candidate for Congress. He also founded a political action committee aimed at getting citizens more involved in the political process. Shugart recorded his experiences about the dog’s unsuccessful Congressional campaign in the book Ernest Goes to Washington (Well, Not Exactly). • In 1998, when Shugart was 68 years old, the board of directors of Seagate Technology forced their founder to resign, claiming he was becoming “slow.â€? • Four years after leaving Seagate, Shugart published his autobiography, Al: The Wit and Wisdom of Alan Shugart. He died in 2006 at the age of 76. • “It is important to remember when starting and growing a new company that cash is more important than your mother.â€? – Alan Shugart

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Woman Is Fit, Yet Can Barely Stand DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 66-year-old white female, 5 feet, 5 inches tall (was 5 feet, 6 inches), weighing 170 pounds. Even though I use gym weight machines for upper and lower body three times a week, walk daily for two miles and spend 15 minutes on a motion trainer at the gym, I cannot stand up easily after gardening on my knees or getting on my knees on the floor. Is there anything I can do to regain the ability to get up off the floor/ground without a struggle? — S.C. ANSWER: It sounds to me that despite your good exercise regimen, you may have weakness specifically in your thighs — what we call “proximal muscle weakness.” There is a very long list of medical illnesses that affect these muscles specifically (my textbook lists 28 different diagnoses), including common conditions such as low thyroid levels and vitamin D deficiency. I would recommend a visit to your doctor for a careful exam of your nerves and muscles to see if my suspicion is correct. Your doctor may suggest a trial of vitamin D. If no medical cause is found, I would work specifically on strengthening the hip muscles, which extend the thighs. A trainer at the gym can show you those exercises. *** DEAR DR ROACH: I am a 65-year-old man, and two weeks ago I developed a painful hemorrhoid almost overnight. I had never had hemorrhoids before. My primary-care doctor examined me and said I had a “thrombosed hemorrhoid.” It is not very large and

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in the past week, the pain has diminished, but the bulging vein is still present, albeit less tender. Should I have this removed surgically, or will it eventually disappear? — S.D. ANSWER: A hemorrhoid, a normal vascular structure, can develop a blood clot (“thrombosis”), and then can be exquisitely painful. Often, the clot is removed at the time of examination, giving immediate relief. In most cases, the clot will be reabsorbed within a few days. However, in very large hemorrhoids, occasionally surgery is necessary. There is some suggestion that thrombosed hemorrhoids may indicate a higher risk for colorectal cancer. You should be sure that you have had a recent colonoscopy. *** DEAR DR. ROACH: A few years ago, my granddaughter, who was raised in Costa Rica, got Dengue fever. I heard that if you get it a second time, it can be fatal. Is this justified? I am worried about her going back to Costa Rica for holidays. Is there a vaccination or specific treatment? — A.R.B. ANSWER: Dengue fever is common, but people who live in areas with Dengue are at much higher risk than travelers. The worst complication of Dengue, called Dengue hemorrhagic fever, happens in people who previously have had an episode of Dengue, so the concern for your granddaughter is justified. There is no commercially available vaccine for Dengue (yet), and no specific treatment. The most effective prevention for travelers is avoiding mosquitos by staying in well-screened or air-conditioned buildings, wearing protective clothing and using effective mosquito repellant. *** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. To view and order health pamphlets, visit www. rbmamall.com; or write to Pamphlets, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2015 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

No matter how you spell it, ketchup is one of the world’s favorite condiments. Most labels today are spelled either “ketchup” or “catsup,” but over the year, other manufacturers have used catsip, cotsup, katshoup, cackchop, kotpock, and cutchpuck, among others.

• Ever wonder how fast Heinz NHWFKXS ÀRZV IURP WKH ERWWOH" ,WV VSHHG is about 0.028 mph (0.045 km/hr), which translates to about 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) per second. That’s about the same speed as a typical garden snail. If you want your ketchup to come out faster, put a drinking straw down to the bottom RI WKH ERWWOH 7KLV ZLOO DOORZ DLUÀRZ WR WKH ERWWRP DQG PDNH WKH NHWFKXS ÀRZ more easily.

• Ketchup had its beginnings in Asia, RULJLQDOO\ DV D VSLF\ ¿VK VDXFH PDGH of anchovies, mushrooms, walnuts, and kidney beans, and named ke-tsiap. British sailors brought the concoction • In 1975, Heinz featured the Carly Simon home in the 1600s and it became hit “Anticipation” in their television NQRZQ DV FDWFKXS 7KH ¿UVW (QJOLVK advertising, boasting about “the taste version of ketchup was published in a that’s worth the wait.” In 1983, Heinz 1727 cookbook, calling for anchovies, made it easier by introducing the plastic shallots, white wine vinegar, white squeezable bottle. It wasn’t until 2002 wine, mace, ginger, and cloves. that the packaging featured the upsideTomatoes weren’t added to the mix down plastic bottle. until the late 1700s. The entry in the • Know why ketchup tastes so good? It’s :HEVWHU¶V 'LFWLRQDU\ GH¿QHV 25% sugar! It’s also high in salt, with just “catchup” as a “table sauce made from one teaspoon containing about 10% of mushrooms, tomatoes, and walnuts.” the maximum daily required amount of • The average person consumes about sodium. The good news is that ketchup three bottles of ketchup every year. is a good source of the antioxidant About 97% of American homes have a lycopene, which has been shown to help bottle of ketchup in their refrigerator. It prevent prostate and colon cancers. takes 4 tablespoons of ketchup to equal • Ketchup isn’t just for your hot dog. Due the nutritional value of one medium to its acidity from tomatoes and vinegar, tomato. it’s an inexpensive cleaner of copper • Most of the world’s ketchup is and bronze. Coat tarnished pots and manufactured by Heinz, Hunts, and pans, lamps, or jewelry with ketchup, DelMonte. Heinz introduced its let it stand for 10 minutes, and rinse it tomato ketchup in 1876. Today, Heinz off. Although ketchup can also shine up sells more than 650 million bottles of stainless steel sinks and silverware, it ketchup and about 11 billion individual can ruin silverware if it’s left on for too packets every year. They purchase long. Rinse it off after just 10 minutes. about 2 million tons of tomatoes Ketchup can also restore blonde hair every year to produce their blend. that has turned green from too much However, ketchup wasn’t Heinz’ exposure to chlorine. ¿UVW SURGXFW 7KH FRPSDQ\ KDG EHHQ • Although folks love ketchup on just selling bottled horseradish for seven about anything, surveys indicate that years before introducing ketchup. it ranks third in popularity among condiments, with mayonnaise and salsa edging it out.

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PAWS CORNER By: Sam Mazzotta Adopting a ‘War Dog’ DEAR PAW’S CORNER: How can I adopt a war dog like the dog in the movie “Max?� -- J.T. via email


DEAR J.T.: While “Maxâ€? is a compelling movie, adopting a former military working dog takes a fair amount of research on your part, and the ability to care for dogs that have high energy and need plenty of attention and continuing training. All military dog adoptions are handled through the Department of Defense Military Working Dog Adoption Program at Lackland AFB in Texas. Dogs eligible for adoption were retired due to age, injury or sickness. Not all dogs saw combat. Some worked in national security, while others were trained as working dogs but did not meet the standards for military service. Be prepared for a long wait after submitting the application -- up to a year or more. First priority for adoption goes to law-enforcement DJHQFLHV LI WKH GRJ LV VWLOO ÂżW IRU GXW\ ,I QRW WKH GRJÂśV KDQGOHU FDQ adopt it. Only after that do dogs become available for adoption to civilians. Some dogs, sadly, are not adoptable due to temperament or severe injuries. ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR SDWLHQFH EH DZDUH WKDW \RX GRQÂśW KDYH FRQWURO RYHU what type of dog is made available -- although you can state your preference on the application. Be prepared for some pre-adoption H[SHQVHV DV ZHOO ,I VHOHFWHG WR DGRSW D 0:' \RXÂśOO QHHG WR WUDYHO to where the dog is being kept (most likely, Lackland) at least twice, once to be interviewed and meet the dog, and again to pick it up if your application is approved. Send your questions about pet care to ask@pawscorner.com. (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.


•ADOPT A PET .......................................................adoptapet.com • DOG DAYS ANIMAL RESCUE VOLUNTEERS ...dogdaysforever.com arvsimi.org • KIRBY’S PET DEPOT ..........................................kirbyspetdepotsimi.com • PETSMART ..........................................................stores.petsmart.com • SIMI VALLEY MISSING PETS .............................simivalleymissingpets.org • TINY LOVING CANINES ......................................tinylovingcannies.org • UNLEASHED BY PETCO.....................................unleashedby.petco.com • COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER...............................vcas.us

Women Athletes: More Body Than Sport? I suppose there will come a day when a woman’s looks aren’t factored into her sporting prowess, but I’m guessing that day will not be coming very soon. The comments and conjecture engendered by Serena Williams at Wimbledon and the women’s World Cup provided more than enough fodder for that thought. With a broad brush, Serena was alternately described as having a “manly physique,� or, dressing like a “Disney princess� for the Champion’s Ball. Many of the athletes on the field for the Cup were physically described in the usual terms—hot or not—by fans and announcers alike. Danica Patrick, we were told, spent July 4 in a bikini and a few days later was seen cursing out Dale Earnhardt Jr. for an on-track collision. His lament was not so much that his brakes failed and he hit a driver, as much as it was his brakes failed and he hit HER, of all drivers, so now he would never hear the end of it—just like an episode of “The Honeymooners� or any other show that features a woman nagging a guy over something. When Serena won Wimbledon, J.K. Rowling took to defending her body image. The top three stories on Google News the day after were about “appreciating� Serena, her

TidbitsÂŽ of Ventura County body and her dress. Not one story (and this column is guilty as charged, too) about 6-4, 6-4, game, set, match, Williams. At the same time, a look at Serena’s own Facebook biography describes her as, “an Athlete, an Icon...[who] embodies style, power, beauty and courage.â€? When you go to Roger Federer’s Facebook page, his bio states that he is a “A Swiss professional tennis player.â€? It goes on to say that many pundits consider him to be the greatest tennis player who ever lived, which for the Swiss, who may on occasion cop to making pretty decent chocolate and nice enough timepieces, is about as large a statement the country has ever made outside of one of their banks. Nowhere will you read that he is “handsome.â€? And not that there is anything wrong with that, either. With the exception of maybe Joe Namath and Andre Agassi, you’d be hard-pressed to find many male athletes talking about looks or fashion in their player bios anyway. Danica Patrick, Maria Sharapova and, yes, Serena, make no apologies for having traded a bit on their looks. But it was on their terms. The sexes will never have an even playing field, and for another generation at least, men’s athletics will outdraw female athletics and earn more at the gate. There may never be a truly “levelâ€? playing field in that regard. But in the meantime, here’s hoping that the next time a woman leaves the starting line, steps up to the plate or walks out of a tunnel, the adult sport fans among us will notice more than what she is wearing but what kind of game she is bringing. Mark Vasto is a veteran sportswriter who lives in Kansas City. Š 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

1. When was the last time before 2014 that the Baltimore Orioles won the A.L. East? 2. Who was the last Oakland A’s player to have 100-plus RBIs in a season? 3. In the 2014 Super Bowl, Seattle’s Malcolm Smith became the third linebacker to be named MVP of a Super Bowl. Who were the other two? 4. Who was the last No. 7 seed before UConn in 2014 to reach the Final Four in men’s basketball? 5. In the 2014-15 season, Washington’s Alex Ovechkin became the sixth player in NHL history to have six seasons of 50-plus goals. Who are the others? 6. At the 2014 Winter Olympics, Ted Ligety became the fifth American male with two or more Olympic Alpine skiing medals. Name three of the other four. 7. Who was the last repeat captain of the U.S. Ryder Cup squad before Tom Watson (1993, 2014)? Answers 1. It was 1997. 2. Frank Thomas had 114 RBIs in 2006. 3. Dallas’ Chuck Howley (1971) and Baltimore’s Ray Lewis (2001). 4. Virginia, in 1984. 5. Wayne Gretzky, Mike Bossy, Mario Lemieux, Marcel Dionne and Guy Lafleur. 6. Bode Miller, Phil Mahre, Tommy Moe and Andrew Weibrecht. 7. Jack Nicklaus, 1983 and 1987.

1. It was 1997. 2. Frank Thomas had 114 RBIs in 2006. 3. Dallas’ Chuck Howley (1971) and Baltimore’s Ray Lewis (2001). 4. Virginia, in 1984. 5. Wayne Gretzky, Mike Bossy, Mario Lemieux, Marcel Dionne and Guy Lafleur. 6. Bode Miller, Phil Mahre, Tommy Moe and Andrew Weibrecht. 7. Jack Nicklaus, 1983 and 1987.

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Š 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

• When I needed a new tire for my truck because I ran over a nail, the shop guy suggested I purchase a slightly used tire that was closer to the age and wear of the others. I spent less on the tire, and the tires will wear evenly. They’re always looking out for me! — O.E. in Mississippi • When baby’s teething, try this trick from a grandma: Wet a washcloth and put it in a zip-top baggie in the freezer. When frozen, remove it from the bag and let the baby chew on it. Its texture and temperature are soothing to little gums, and it can be rinsed and refrozen easily. • For fresh oil stains, sprinkle with kitty litter and grind into the oil with your foot or a stiff brush. Then sweep up. Repeat as necessary. • Hardware stores sell special bladders that can be filled and put inside a toilet tank to take up space, allowing the toilet to use less water per flush. I use a brick. Same effect. — C.L. in Kansas • Dusting shelves with lots of knickknacks can be a real chore. Try slipping a knee-high stocking over the hose of your vacuum wand. You can get very close to the items on the shelf without sucking anything up but dust. If something did get sucked up, the stocking will catch it for you. This also works for toolboxes. — W.U. in South Carolina • Over-the-door shoe racks are perfect for holding a variety of cleaning products and small cannisters of wipes. I have everything I need at a glance on the back of the utility-room door. I even store batteries in various sizes there. — A.A. in Colorado Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. Š 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

of Dermatology, one of the top causes of skin wrinkles is your habitual sleeping SRVLWLRQ 5RXQGLQJ RXW WKH WRS ÂżYH FRQWULEXWLQJ IDFWRUV DUH VXQ H[SRVXUH JUDYLW\ smoking and facial expressions. * An anteater can grow to be 6 feet long, yet its mouth is only 1 inch wide. by Samantha Weaver * It was Henry Brooks Adams, American historian and descendant of two U.S. presidents, who made the following sage observation: “They know enough who know how to learn.â€? * In show business, a name can make or break you, and many aspiring stars have tried to make themselves more appealing E\ JHWWLQJ ULG RI WKH QDPH WKH\ ZHUH ERUQ ZLWK 7DNH IDPHG ÂżOP noir actor Peter Lorre: He was born Laszlo Lowenstein. Beloved cowboy actor Roy Rogers was named Leonard Slye; Doris Day was originally Doris Kappelhoff; and Natasha Gurdin changed her name to Natalie Wood. And would Boris Karloff have been VR ZHOO NQRZQ DV D YLOODLQ LI KHÂśG XVHG KLV JLYHQ QDPH :LOOLDP Henry Pratt? * Edgar Rice Burroughs, the author of “Tarzan of the Apesâ€? and its 25 sequels, never actually visited Africa. ,I \RXÂśUH RI D FHUWDLQ DJH DQG IDFLQJ XS WR ZULQNOHV \RX PLJKW be interested to learn that, according to the American Academy

* Reportedly, anyone caught in the jaws of a crocodile can release him- or herself instantly by pressing on the DQLPDOÂśV H\HEDOOV WKRXJK , cannot personally attest to the veracity of this claim). * In a recent survey of nearly 1,500 American adults, only 36 percent of respondents could correctly name all three branches of the United States government. Even PRUH GLVWXUELQJ D IXOO SHUFHQW FRXOGQÂśW QDPH HYHQ RQH EUDQFK *** Thought for the Day: “It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating.â€? -- Oscar Wilde (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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*DPH &KDQJHUV by Jason Jenkins

Hip to Be Square Not every greenside bunker shot is played the same, which implies that not every set up for these shots should be the same. Bunker shots can be divided into two basic categories: good lies and poor lies. Good lie situations call for an open face wedge position, preferably the one lofted wedge with a high bounce. This orientation of the clubhead allows the club to glide through the sand without digging too deeply. Great for hitting the sand a few inches behind the ball when it’s resting in a good lie or soft sand. %XW PDQ\ WLPHV \RX¶OO ¿QG \RXU EDOO LQ D SRRU lie which should call you to make the one most critical adjustment: square the clubface at address! By simply squaring the clubhead, you’re creating a digging instrument that can excavate enough sand under and with the ball to send it out of the bunker. An RSHQ IDFH IURP SRRU OLHV OHDGV WR D UHÀHFWLQJ clubhead off the sand or simply puts the leading edge into the equator of the ball. After you’ve squared the clubface, lean the bodyweight and the clubshaft toward the target slightly so that you can achieve a sharper strike into the sand. Try hitting closer to the ball with your new square face alignment as well. Jason Jenkins was a 16-year member of the Jim McLean Golf School teaching staff and was one of GOLF Magazine’s Top 100 Teacher Nominees 1999-2010. He was named one of the Golf Digest Top Teachers in California in 2011. Contact Jason at 760-485-2452 or GHYJRO¿QVWU#JPDLO FRP

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