Tdbits of Ventura County

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R N E V O LIO y L s Weekl I M 4 ader de! Re tionwi Na

of Ventura CountySimi Valley Edition of Ventura County Week of July 6, 2015

The Neatest Little Paper Ever Read

LigntningBiz, Inc.

Vol. I Issue No. 28


by Janet Spencer On July 5, 1858, the first shoe manufacturing machine was patented in Massachusetts. Come along with Tidbits as we wear shoes! IN THE BEGINNING • A slipshoe was an old word for a slipper, comfortable footwear for use in the home. People who wore these informal slippers in public places instead of the regular shoes were said to be "slipshod." Now it means anything done in a careless fashion. •When horses are "rough-shod" they have shoes on which have the ends of the nails sticking out. This gives the horse more traction, but it tears up the ground the animal travels over. When someone "rides rough-shod" over another person, they are trampling the ground beneath them without caring. •Wooden shoes called "sabots" were popular in days gone by because they were cheaper than leather shoes. They gave us our word "sabotage." One story is that when workers went on strike, they would throw their "sabots" into the factory's machinery, ruining the gears in an act of "sabotage." Another more likely story is that because walking in wooden shoes is clunky and clumsy, and people wearing them tended to be bungling, therefore anything that was deliberately bungled up was "sabotaged." •Stiletto comes from the Italian word stilo meaning 'dagger' or 'stylus.' The contemporary stiletto was invented in the 1950s by Italian shoe designer Salvatore Ferragamo, who made his ¿UVW SDLU IRU 0DULO\Q 0RQURH XVLQJ DOOLJDWRU KLGH The styles back then were tame by today's standards, with heels no taller than about 3 inches. • The word "sneaker" is often attributed to an advertising agent who, in 1917, coined the term because the rubber sole made the shoe stealthy. The name "sneakers" referred to how quiet the rubber soles were on the ground, in contrast to noisy hard leather-soled dress shoes. Someone wearing sneakers could "sneak up" on you while someone wearing standard shoes could not. • Australian fashion lore has it that Ugg really does stand for "ugly." The sheepskin boots have been used by outdoorsy Australians for decades, but they were designed to be utilitarian rather than fashionable. 6DQGDOV ZHUH ¿UVW ZRUQ LQ ZDUP FOLPDWHV ZKHUH the soles of the feet needed protection but the top of the feet needed to be cooler. Continued Next Page...

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• Before the 19th century there was no left or right shoe, they were both identical. •"Schubert" and "Schumann" both mean shoemaker.

IF THE SHOE FITS • 88% of women wear shoes that are one or WZR VL]HV WRR VPDOO XVXDOO\ EHFDXVH WKH\ ZHUH RQFH WKDW VL]H EXW KDYHQ W EHHQ SURSHUO\ measured in years. • The best time to try on shoes is usually at the end of the day when your feet are the most swollen. • 43% of women confessed they have been at least moderately injured by shoes and 8% reported serious injuries like sprains or breaks. • Because of stringent new environmental laws in Europe, the chemical composition of Barbie dolls changed to a softer plastic that doesn't produce as many toxic gases when burned. To show that the new plastic was non-toxic to children who might swallow pieces of Barbie, they tied plastic Barbie shoes togtether and fed them to pigs. The shoes were retrieved at various points in the digestive process and weighed to show that there was no absorption. • In the 1950s, DuPont decided leather was no good for shoes because leather wears out. DuPont invented an imitation leather that they claimed would never wear out. They called it Corfam. Not only did Corfam never wear out, it also never broke in. Shoes would not mold WKHPVHOYHV WR ¿W WKH ZHDUHU V IRRW OLNH OHDWKHU does. Instead, the shoes "wore like armor SODWH DFFRUGLQJ WR 7LPH PDJD]LQH &RUIDP did not breathe like leather, resulting in hot sweaty feet, and it was also more expensive than leather. DuPont lost over a quarter million dollars on Corfam shoes.

BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW • Some islanders used to use the skin of sea cucumbers to make shoes. • Up until the 1700s, both men and women wore high heels. ‡ 7KH ZRUOG V ODUJHVW VKRH VL]H ZDV $$ worn by Robert Wadlow back in 1940. Wadlow was the tallest man in the world at 8 ft. 11 inches (2.7 meters). • The average American woman buys about ¿YH SDLUV RI VKRHV HDFK \HDU DQG WKH DYHUDJH

TidbitsŽ of Ventura County man, about two pairs. • Cowboy boots have heels to help a rider's feet stay in the stirrups. • The inside of a banana peel is a great shoe polisher for patent leather. • There are about a quarter million sweat glands in an average pair of feet.

SHOES IN SPORTS ‡ %REE\ -RQHV ZDV JRO¿QJ LQ WKH 6RXWKHUQ Amateur Tournament in New Orleans in 1920 when his ball landed inside an old shoe that was sitting on top of a wheelbarrow. Jones decided not to take the penalty for dropping the ball out of the shoe, and instead he played the shoe. He whacked it as hard as he could. 7KH EDOO ÀHZ RXW DQG NHSW UROOLQJ ODQGLQJ D few feet from the green. Jones made par. • During a 1967 soccer game in Bulgaria, the referee got down on one NQHH DQG ERZHG KLV KHDG 0HPEHUV of both teams assumed he was praying, so they also got down on their knees to pray. The spectators joined in the moment of reverent silence. 7KHQ WKH UHIHUHH ¿QLVKHG W\LQJ KLV shoelace. ‡ -RKQ 0F(QURH WLHG KLV VKRHODFHV seven times during a single Wimbledon match in 1979 in an effort to stall for time. ‡ :ULWHU DQG SUDQNVWHU :LOVRQ 0L]QHU ZDV playing poker when an opponent took out his wallet and tossed it into the pot saying, "I call \RX 0L]QHU UHSOLHG E\ UHPRYLQJ KLV VKRH DQG placing it on the table as well. He announced, "If we're playing for leather, I raise!"

FAMOUS SHOE OWNERS • Darlene Flynn owns 7,765 shoe-related items, including a replica of the Disney Cinderella glass slipper, leather moccasins, cloth shoes, cast iron boots, a red-stiletto shoe phone, and even a shoe made from the ash FROOHFWHG DW 0RXQW 6W +HOHQ V YROFDQLF HUXStion. ‡ ,PHOGD 0DUFRV RZQHG RYHU SDLUV RI shoes, which, if laid heel-to-toe, would equal almost the length of the Eiffel Tower. Some people estimate that she actually had between 3,000 and 7,500 pairs of shoes, but some were stolen or destroyed when her KXVEDQG 3UHVLGHQW )HUGLQDQG 0DUFRV ZDV deposed. She also had 15 mink coats, 508 gowns, and over 1,000 handbags.


7KH ÂżOP Âł&DVDEODQFD´ LV FRQVLVWHQWO\ considered to be one of the best movies ever made. However, executives at Warner BrothHUV GLGQÂśW H[SHFW PXFK IURP WKH ÂżOP DQG JDYH * It was Italian novelist and philosopher Um- the producers an extremely small budget. In berto Eco who made the following sage obfact, they were so strapped for cash that the servation: “Fear prophets and those prepared SODQH XVHG LQ WKH PRYLHÂśV LFRQLF ÂżQDO VFHQH to die for the truth, for as a rule they make was no more than a cardboard cutout. many others die with them, often before them, and at times instead of them.â€? * The original American Express card was not green, but purple. The now almost-ubiquitous * Iconic American rock band the Grateful green wasn’t introduced until 1969. Dead were originally known as the Warlocks. * Those who study such things say that if you * It takes an average of 45 seconds in a mihave bad breath, you’re more likely to be bitcrowave to make a Twinkie explode. ten by a bat. * Dedicated experts at the University of Connecticut Alcohol Center conducted a study in which it was determined that light beer is more likely to cause a hangover than dark beer is. Evidently, lighter beers tend to be more highly carbonated, which causes the alcohol to go through the system faster.

Answers on page 7

* In the 1970s, there was an epidemic of WHHQDJHUV VQLIÂżQJ DLUSODQH JOXH WR JHW KLJK In order to discourage this practice, the glue manufacturers began adding an intense oil of mustard to the formula. *** Thought for the Day: “Happiness is good health and a bad memory.â€? -- Ingrid Bergman

* It’s been reported that the Department of Defense has contracted a private lab to come (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc. up with a smell that’s so bad, it can be used to control unruly crowds.


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Tidbits of Ventura County Published and Distributed Weekly by: LightningBiz, Inc. 4212 E. Los Angeles Ave #3607 Simi Valley, CA, 93063 Email: All rights reserved. For advertising info, visit or Call: (805) 285-0254 News content in the Tidbits Paper is provided by both Tidbits Media, Inc. and other news sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of all information published cannot be guaranteed. Tidbits of Ventura County does not accept political advertising or news matter of any nature submitted for publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising from any business, individual, or group for any reason deemed inappropriate or not in the Publisher’s best interest. Published news matter and advertising content does not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher of LightningBiz, Inc. Tidbits of Ventura County is not an adjudiciated publication and therefore cannot accept offical legal notices for publication. All copy, photos, and graphic illustrations submitted for advertising publication are subject to publisher’s approval. We do not offer mail subscription services.

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NOTEWORTHY INVENTORS... WILLIAM SCHOLL • William Scholl was born in LaPorte, Indiana in 1882 as one of 13 children. Even as a boy on a midwestern farm, William was interested in feet and shoes. As a teen he learned to make shoes, and then was apprenticed to a cobbler. • When he moved to Chicago to set up his own shop, he noticed how many people had trouble with corns, bunions, and fallen arches, and he was appalled. So he worked as a shoe salesman by day and put himself through medical school by night, becoming a podiatrist in 1904 at the age of 22. • That same year he patented an arch support which he peddled to other shoe salesmen, and its popularity gave him the capital he needed to invent more products for the feet, including remedies for corns, bunions, warts, calluses, foot odor, ingrown toenails, athlete’s foot, and many other foot-related ailments. • He established a correspondence course to teach basic podiatry to shoe store clerks and sent a team of trained sales representatives around the country to deliver public lectures on proper foot care. ‡ ,Q :LOOLDP 6FKROO VSRQVRUHG WKH QDWLRQDO &LQGHUHOOD )RRW &RQWHVW WR ¿QG WKH PRVW EHDXWLIXO IHHW LQ WKH 8 6 /DGLHV ÀRFNHG WR VKRH VWRUHV E\ WKH WKRXVDQGV WR KDYH WKHLU IHHW PHDVXUHG DQG VFUXWLQL]HG DQG SLFWXUHV RI WKH SUL]H ZLQQLQJ IHHW ZHUH SXEOLVKHG LQ PDJD]LQHV DQG QHZVSDSHUV QDWLRQZLGH 7KHQ WKH ODGLHV ÀRFNHG WR GUXJVWRUHV E\ WKH WKRXVDQGV to buy Scholl's products in order to make their feet look more beautiful. • By the time he died in Chicago in 1968, William Scholl's line of foot care products eventually expanded to include over a thousand different items. He left the company to his QHSKHZV DQG LW VWLOO ÀRXULVKHV WRGD\ Answers on page 7

Answers on page 7

TidbitsÂŽ of Ventura County

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ment. I have not found any evidence that laser treatment is effective. My advice is to first be sure of the diagnosis. An EMG test is a study of nerve function, which can confirm the diagnosis and may be able to predict how much damage there is and provide guidance on treatment. If damage is not too severe, other treatments such as splinting, medication, yoga or ultrasound may be helpful. If advanced, surgery done quickly still may be your best bet. *** DEAR DR. ROACH: I just found out that I have lipedema, a rare disease. What can I do about it? My mom and dad don’t have it, nor other family. Should I try to find relatives who have it? I am told that it is an inherited disease. None of these “family� ever had it! — L.Q. ANSWER: Lipedema is indeed a rare disease, although it may be underdiagnosed. It almost always is found in women, and is suspected when there is marked fat deposition symmetrically between the waist and ankles. The areas affected often are tender or painful to the touch. It is not the same as lymphedema, fluid increase due to poorly functioning or damaged lymph vessels, although people with lipedema can develop lymphedema. Treatment includes compression garments or manual lymph drainage, often combined with surgical treatments such as liposuction. Only about 15 percent of people with lipedema have a family history. It’s not surprising that you can’t find relatives with it. More information is available at several support groups, and at *** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to To view and order health pamphlets, visit www., or write to P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.

Persistent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome DEAR DR. ROACH: I had surgery late last year on my right wrist for carpal tunnel syndrome. The numbness in my fingers has not changed. Now I’m faced with the same problem in my left hand. I’m going to forget surgery, seeing as it wasn’t successful in my right hand. I decided to go to an acupuncturist for laser treatments. I also had a cortisone shot. Neither of these has helped. Do you know of a solution for my problem? — P.M. ANSWER: Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compression on the median nerve, as it runs down the arm through a “tunnel� of bone and connective tissue deep in the wrist. It may cause pain, numbness and weakness of the wrist and hand. The thumb and middle three fingers are most often affected. In advanced cases, the hand muscles may become atrophied. The sooner the pressure on the nerve is relieved, the more likely there will not be permanent nerve damage. It sounds to me like the first surgery was not done soon enough to prevent damage. If that’s the case, then surgery on your left hand, done sooner after the onset of symptoms, might prevent the long-term numbness present in your right hand. However, it’s possible that the diagnosis was wrong or that the surgery might not have been effective, even if done promptly. At least one study of needle acupuncture showed that it is as effective as a cortisone injection. This study excluded people who already had fixed numbness in the fingers, who are less likely to be helped by any treat-

Noteworthy Inventors Quiz: ADOLPH DASSLER Born in Germany in 1900, Adolf Dassler, who went by the nickname of Adi, loved tap dancing. He began creating his own tap shoes and got a lot of advice from his father, who worked in a shoe factory, manufacturing cleats for athletes. After he returned from service during World War I, he set up a cobbler's shop in his mother's laundry. Adi decided to go into the dance shoe business, and his brother joined him in the venture, which they called the Dassler Brothers Shoe Company. • At the World Tap Dancing Competition in $GL RXW¿WWHG D QXPEHU RI WKH WRS FRPSHWLtors, and sales of his shoes climbed. During World War II, Adi was drafted into producing boots for soldiers. • After the war, Adi and his brother split up and his brother started a sports shoe company called Puma. Adi renamed his own company, FRPELQLQJ VHYHUDO OHWWHUV IURP ERWK KLV ¿UVW DQG last names. He designed his company’s threestriped logo. He branched out and soon was making 30 different types of shoes for 11 different sports. ‡ 0XFK RI KLV VXFFHVV ZDV GXH WR KLV close contact with the athletes who wore his shoes, and his persistent presence at sporting events. Sales skyrocketed after Germany won the World Soccer Cup in 1954 with every member of the team wearing his shoes. He got many famous athletes to use his footwear LQFOXGLQJ -HVVH 2ZHQV DQG 0XKDPPDG $OL • Aggressive marketing was a cornerstone of his business, and he expanded into many different sporting goods. When Adi died in 1978, his son took over the business. Today the shoe company Adi founded is the second largest sportswear manufacturer in the world.

Can you name it?

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How to Tie your Shoes from Ian’s Shoelace Site

Answers on page 7

Answers on page 7

PAWS CORNER By: Sam Mazzotta *ROGÂżVKÂśV 6LGHZD\V 6ZLPPLQJ ,V 1R 6WXQW '($5 3$:Âś6 &251(5 +HOS , ZHQW WR IHHG P\ JROGÂżVK “Sparks,â€? this morning, and he was having trouble swimming. It’s almost like he’s swimming sideways. What’s wrong with him? -New to Aquariums in Oakland, California '($5 1(:%,( What’s happening is most likely a worrying condition commonly called “swim bladder disease.â€? While it’s not precisely a disease, it can happen for a couple of reasons, and you need to take action immediately. $ FKDQJH LQ WKH ZDWHUÂśV S+ IRU RQH FDQ FDXVH \RXU JROGÂżVK almost immediate distress. If you recently changed the water or cleaned the tank, or if you haven’t done either in a while, that pH balance may be the culprit. Change the water again, paying close attention to the water conditioner you’re adding, and making sure to match the temperature of the new water with that of the old to prevent stressing out Sparks. The other possibility is diet. When fed nothing but dried pellets, or IHG WRR PXFK ÂżVK FDQ JHW FRQVWLSDWHG RU EORDWHG 7KDW FDQ PDQLfest as distressed swimming -- like swimming sideways, or even upside down. Don’t feed Sparks anything for two or three days. Then, start with a low-protein food -- many aquarium owners recommend chopping a IUR]HQ SHD LQWR WLQ\ ELWV DQG IHHGLQJ WKH ÂżVK Once Sparks recovers, watch him carefully in case he develops an illness, like white spot disease (also known as ich), which can hapSHQ ZKHQ ÂżVK DUH VWUHVVHG $QG ORRN LQWR MRLQLQJ DQ DTXDULXP RU QHDUE\ JROGÂżVK RZQHUV FOXE VR \RX FDQ OHDUQ DERXW NHHSLQJ \RXU ÂżVK KHDOWK\ Send your questions or tips to (c) 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.



TidbitsÂŽ of Ventura County

HOT DOGS %HFDXVH -XO\ LV 1DWLRQDO +RW 'RJ 0RQWK WDNH D bite out of these hot dog facts! ‡ 7R FHOHEUDWH 1DWLRQDO +RW 'RJ 0RQWK WKH $PHULFDQ 0HDW ,QVWLWXWH VSRQVRUV WKH DQQXDO +RW 'RJ Lunch on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Over ODZPDNHUV RIÂżFLDOV DQG FRQJUHVVLRQDO staff help themselves to 4,000 hot dogs (enough to circle the Capitol dome four times) along with potato chips and Cracker Jacks while hob-nobbing with various baseball personalities. In 2001, People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sponsored a vegetarian event on the same day as the Hot Dog Lunch. Playboy bunnies clad in lettuce-like bikinis served up vegetarian “notdogsâ€? to interested staffers. The event, billed as “Lettuce Entertain You,â€? offered cholesterol-free fat-free veggie dogs to about 500 people.


• Every year, Americans down an estimated seven billion hot dogs. Laid end-to-end, that’s enough hot dogs to circle the equator 27 times. Two billion of them are eaten during July. • Just over 26 million hot dogs are eaten every year in major league baseball stadiums, making franks the most popular item with baseball fans. Dodger Stadium in L.A. ranks as Top Dog, selling an estimated 1.5 million Dodger Dogs each season. Cleveland’s Progressive Field comes in second with 1.1 million dogs annually. Some 15% of hot dogs eaten are purchased from street vendors and 9% are eaten at ball parks. • People in New Orleans eat more hot dogs per capita than any other city, followed by L.A., San Antonio, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, New York City, and Chicago. ‡ ,Q D SROO VSRQVRUHG E\ WKH $PHULFDQ 0HDW Institute and the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, hamburgers ranked #1 among American adults as the top food item for summertime grilling. Some 32% of people polled said they go for a burger above all else at backyard barbecues. Another 19% named hot dogs, making it the second place choice. Chicken was third, followed by steak. • In a similar poll, mustard ranked #1 as the favorite hot dog topping, with 30% of people choosing it above all other toppings. Another 22% picked ketchup, which came in second place, followed by chili and onions.

1. In 2014, Jhonny Peralta set a record for most home runs by a St. Louis Cardinals shortstop (21). Who had held the mark? 2. Which player had the most RBIs during the decade of the 1970s? 3. Who holds the record for most touchdown passes in an Orange Bowl game? 4. Name the last Orlando Magic rookie to score 35 points in a game before Victor Oladipo did it in 2014? 5. In 2015, Nicklas Backstrom became the Washington Capitals’ alltime leader in assists (427). Who had been No. 1? 6. Who holds the record for most medals in the Winter Olympics? 7. Name the last PGA golfer before Jimmy Walker (2014-15) to win backto-back Sony Opens? Answers 1. Edgar Renteria had 16 home runs for St. Louis in 2000. 2. Cincinnati’s Johnny Bench, with 1,013 RBIs. 3. West Virginia’s Geno Smith, with six TD passes in 2012. 4. Shaquille O’Neal, in 1992. 5. Michal Pivonka, with 418 assists. Current teammate Alex Ovechkin is now second on the team with 420. 6. Ole Einar Bjoerndalen of Norway has won 13 medals in the biathlon. 7. Ernie Els, in 2003-04.

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Answers on page 7

LOST DOG??? • In June of 2002, Will Keller and Paula PendleWRQ ZHUH GULYLQJ WKH 2VFDU 0D\HU :LHQHUPRELOH across the country on a year- long tour of barbecue cook-offs and charity events. In Washington, D.C., they got lost and ended up going down a road near the Pentagon that is off limits to vehicles with six or more wheels. The road was FORVHG WR WUXFN WUDI¿F IROORZLQJ WKH 6HSW DWtacks for fear someone would drive a truck bomb close to the Pentagon. The Wienermobile was quickly pulled over by troopers who expected the wurst, and the drivers of the giant hot dog were grilled. Troopers found no bomb in the back of the hot dog, which was packed with boxes of Wienerwhistles, Wienermobile Hot Wheels, Wienie bean bag toys, and a karaoke machine featuring Wiener songs. Apparently not many terrorists pick a 27-foot long bright red vehicle shaped like a hot dog to pull off a terrorist attack. When it was determined that they posed no threat to national security, the Wienermobile was released and the driver was directed to the proper road. They did not receive a ticket.


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• On July 16, 1863, the draft riots enter their fourth day in New York City in response to the Enrollment Act, which allowed wealthier citizens to pay $300 to avoid military duty. More than 1,000 people died in the violence, which was only contained by the arrival of Union troops from the battlefield at Gettysburg. • On July 19, 1879, Doc Holliday kills a man for shooting up his saloon. Despite his reputation as a deadly gunslinger, Doc Holliday engaged in just eight shootouts and killed only two men. The second was at the O.K. Corral in 1881. • On July 17, 1944, an ammunition ship explodes while being loaded in Port Chicago, California, killing 332 people. Poor procedures and lack of training led to the disaster. The blasts were felt as far away as Nevada. • On July 15, 1971, President Richard Nixon stuns the nation by announcing that he will visit communist China. Since the Communists came to power in China in 1949, Nixon had been one of its most vociferous critics. • On July 13, 1985, in London, Prince Charles and Princess Diana officially open Live Aid, a worldwide rock concert to raise money for the relief of famine-stricken Africans. The 16-hour concert was globally linked by satellite to more than a billion viewers in 110 countries. • On July 14, 1995, the MP3 file compression format is born, allowing music files small enough to be stored in bulk. • On July 18, 1999, New York Yankee David Cone pitches the 16th perfect game in major-league history with a no-hit, no-walk victory over the Montreal Expos. Cone needed only 88 pitches, 68 of them strikes, to set down 27 Expos in a row. © 2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

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