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Innovation & Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurshi
en•tre•pre•neur [ahn-truh-pruh-nur, -noor] noun a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, esp. a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. Known for creating tomorrow’s business and industry leaders, Kettering deliberately infuses all of our disciplines with the concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship. Combine that with small classes, state-of-the-art facilities and co-op that starts as early as freshman year – it’s no surprise that Kettering students are the thinkers and doers of the future. Catch the spirit.
Kettering University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
A team of three helps students who are searching for housing on college campuses. Their website provides information to student renters and connects them to reputable housing and landlords. Kettering students Kristen Winter, Blake Gowing and Steve Schwartz started to meet a need!
“Youth of Tomorrow” was started by Kettering engineering and business student, Marc Alexander. The company is devoted to helping the youth of Michigan develop their educational and professional skills. Find out more at .
Businesses and industries of the future need bright, young minds and Kettering University is poised and ready. We are evolving along with industry; in some cases, our students already have the solutions. Kettering’s commitment to the entrepreneurial spirit is the key. Minds allowed to dream, test and try will be the ones making the difference. Kettering encourages students to test limits, rethink ideas. We have deliberately built entrepreneurial classes into our curriculum for this reason, something no one else can say. Throughout history, our economy has gone through many changes.
Kettering student and entrepreneur, Scott Skelton, has started two companies. “High Performance Outlet” offers customers high performance auto parts and services at the lowest price available, while offers college students a free service to compare textbook prices.
We have moved from the agricultural age to the industrial age, then to information age, all redefining how we work. Now, industries around the world are once again rethinking, rebuilding, and reinventing. We are now in the innovation age. What will the future look like? Whatever the outcome, Kettering will be ready. Our students will be educated and ready to lead the charge. Through our entrepreneurial culture Kettering students will be the most agile, free thinking group of workers to lead our country and the world. Are you up to the challenge?
Kettering students Matthew Gaidica and Brad Birdsall were instilled with the entrepreneurial spirit. It inspired them to launch their creative design company, “Prime Studios.” Find out more at
ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACROSS THE CURRICULUM Kettering’s nationally innovative program will infuse all courses offered in the disciplines of engineering, math, science, computer science and business with the concepts of both entrepreneurship and innovation. Kettering University is the home of the exclusive “Entrepreneurship Across the Curriculum” program.
All students will be exposed multiple times to these concepts by the time they complete their studies. This is just one more way that Kettering nurtures and inspires our students into new and innovative business development. This truly is the time for “thinking outside the box.” Are you up to the challenge?
“Our faculty members have focused exclusively on exposing Kettering students to innovation and entrepreneurship at every level of their college education. We are preparing the next generation of American innovators because Kettering’s intellectual and practical capacities are cutting edge.” Dr. Michael Harris Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
ENTREPRENEURSHIP ENCOURAGES NEW THINKING. HOW IT WORKS: Students gain a broad understanding of how innovative ideas are spurred and supported internally by companies. Our students show great interest in developing innovative entrepreneurial opportunities. While large research universities generate a lot of high potential technology, it often takes years to commercialize ideas into a business. Through Kettering’s cooperative education program, students can realistically implement their ideas and build a business, which is a big advantage.
SUPPORT RUNS DEEP TO KEEP THE ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT ALIVE. Kettering University received a generous grant from the Kern Family Foundation to develop a nationally innovative program focused on teaching entrepreneurship across the curriculum. The grant prepares students to excel in engineering, science and business while valuing and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. It is consistent with Kettering’s mission and enhances our capacity to provide opportunities to prepare for and even create the jobs of tomorrow.
The grant, awarded as part of the Kern Entrepreneurship Education Network (KEEN), encompasses 22 universities and colleges across the country. KEEN aims to graduate engineers equipped with an innovative, entrepreneurial mind-set who contribute to business success and transform the U.S. workforce. The strength of the program is the network of colleges sharing best practices in producing entrepreneurialminded graduates. Are you up to the challenge?
Professors title this “patent commercialization,” which involves taking a corporation’s unused intellectual property and converting it into a saleable product or valuable process. It provides companies access to Kettering faculty who work with student teams to develop projects to a realistic conclusion, and it provides them with employees who can use this experience and duplicate it on other projects. For students, it’s simply an excellent experiential learning lab, Are you up to the challenge?
LIVE, BREATHE, THINK INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP Kettering students can’t get enough of making stuff happen and trying things a new way. You can catch the spirit too and join The Kettering Entrepreneur Society (KES). This student-led organization sponsors business plan competitions and provides support services and seed funding for start-up businesses in an effort to promote an entrepreneurial culture based on innovation at Kettering.
Developed through the efforts and support of passionate faculty, KES has shown tremendous success in attracting students interested in exploring their business ideas and launching viable companies. Learn more at: .
Contact Information Office of Admissions Kettering University 1700 W. University Ave. Flint, MI 48504
Don’t be discouraged by any obstacle or challenge put before you. Look at the situation and learn from it. I explored my options and am now the owner of Youth of Tomorrow, and the co-owner of Solo Dynasty, Inc. You can achieve anything you put your mind to.
Toll-Free: (800) 955-4464, ext. 7865 Phone: (810) 762-7865 Fax: (810) 762-9837
TAKE THIS JOB AND LOVE IT: THE KETTERING CO-OP PROGRAM There’s simply no substitute for game-time experience. That’s why Kettering gets you into co-op sooner than any other university.
That will put you far ahead of graduates from other schools who didn’t start co-oping until their junior year.
Through Kettering co-op you will work as a paid professional for one of our partner companies, (We have more than 600 of them, including some of the biggest, best known, and most respected companies in the world.) You may even start co-op as early as your freshman year.
It’s worth repeating: You’ll be a paid professional, not an unpaid intern. And the money is yours to keep. Some Kettering students have earned as much as $65,000 at their co-ops.
By the time you graduate, you’ll have as much as two-and-a-half years of on-the-job experience on your résumé.
By the way, your co-op experience is rewarding to someone else, too: us. We’re constantly reshaping our curriculum and facilities based on what you tell us about your real-world working experiences.
EXAMPLES OF CO-OP EMPLOYERS Beaumont Hospitals Bahamas Oil Refining Company Medrad Spectranetics Continental Structured Plastics Biomet Borg-Warner ATEK Medical Manufacturing Stryker Corp. Eaton Corp. Orchid Orthopedic Solutions Cardiovascular Systems Inc. Becton Dickinson TRW Johnson & Johnson Ethicon Endo-Surgery Inc. Symmetry Medical Zimmer UPS Henry Ford Health Systems