Experiments with LLMs

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Experiments with LLMs Early tests on the utility of Large Language Models

2024 © K. W. Bridges www.kimbridges.com Version 4: January 1, 2024

Please Note This is a very preliminary document that will be updated as more work is done. Some of the tests, viewed nearly a year after they were done, now seem to be relatively unsophisticated uses of the technology. Nonetheless, the examples posted here serve as reminders, and to a certain extent landmarks, in the quest to understand this new technology. The best use of the LLM technology often involves the use of several steps where there is a sequential refinement of the questions and responses. That strategy is not used in most of the examples given here. As a result, this document fails to serve as a good model for crafting questions using LLMs and the quality of the answers is likely to be poorer than might otherwise be possible by using a better query strategy. In general, the quality of the answers is not evaluated. There may be some areas where there are hallucinations that have not been flagged.


Cover art: OpenAI’s DALL-E. The result is the image on the cover.


Experiments with LLMs Early tests on the utility of a Large Language Model K. W. Bridges A series of experiments were done with OpenAI’s ChatGPT starting in January, 2023. A few of the earliest tests used version 3.5 while most used version 4. Google’s Bard was released with the addition of Gemini in December, 2023. Some examples using this alternative LLM were starting at this date. The Bard questions are prefaced with the word Bard. Use the Table of Contents to jump to an example of interest.

Table of Contents Writing Assistance Dictation Association Index Bibliographic Information Citation Clean-up BibTex Formatting Difficult OCR Statistics & Data Analysis Basic Statistics Cluster Analysis Network Diagrams Two-Way Tables Data Grubbing Messy Spreadsheet Data Extraction Reducing Data Precision Data Extraction and Clean-up Structuring Taxonomic Records Cut-and-Paste from a Website Applied Mathematics Field Area Calculation General Queries Law Degrees Ethnobotany Storable Foods 4

Sweet Potato vs Yam Origin of Chili Peppers Ethics Biopiracy Academic Activities Existential Threats Lecture Darwin’s Worms Lecture Introductory Lecture on Evolution Socially-Relevant Ecology Course Lecture with Personal Stories Introduction from a CV Application Rejection Debate on Nature vs Nurture Discussion: Role of the Hypothesis Text Simplification Text Extraction from Activity Logs Data Extraction Survey Planning Public Health Data Creating a Grading Rubric Travel Information Japan Travel Eagles in Canada Bird Spotting in Central America Trip Around the World Musical Lyrics DNA Song Poems Life’s Speed Image Processing Flower Identification Translation Complex Interactions Exam Creation & Grading Essay Exams Testing Comprehension


Writing Assistance The LLMs are built for writing. There are a lot of aspects to writing. The examples here look into how this tool can be beneficial.

Dictation Creating a photo-essay is a practice we often follow during our travels. We do this for most of our big trips as a way to document what we've seen and done for future reference. It also allows us to reflect on specific aspects of our trip in more detail (e.g. by closely examining the photos) and learn things that will improve our future travels. However, it can be a lot of work to record and document each day's activities, particularly with regards to the writing, typing, and editing process. This can sometimes lead to delays in completing our essays, which can be frustrating and lead to feelings of guilt over unfinished projects. This Dictation Test is an attempt to streamline the process of creating photo-essays by focusing on text entry and editing. The goal is to make it possible to produce essays in near real-time. The following experiment will test this approach. In the following text, comments and ChatGPT requests are given in bold, while ChatGPT responses are in normal font.

The following paragraph was dictated into a Samsung Tab S8+ tablet using the microphone in Google Docs. This is a made-up story created only for testing. As you can see, there are none of the usual sentence markers (e.g., commas, periods and caps). We went from downtown Tokyo to Akihabara there we were looking for a camera store we needed to buy some memory for the Sony camera this is very expensive in the US but hopefully the yen to dollar conversion rate will make it less expensive in Japan once we had gotten that we were very hungry what's the best thing to do in Tokyo of course it's to seek out ramen so that was our next goal find a ramen shop we're not too particular as we're not ramen experts but we wanted something good or at least something typical of Japan so we walked for quite a few blocks looking at the advertisements in the windows looking at the plastic models on display in front of each restaurant it was after 20 minutes or so that we were getting pretty hungry and we decided that it was time to make a decision The next thing to do was to clean up the text. ChatGPT was opened, “Please fix the following paragraph.” was typed in and the Google Doc text was pasted following the request. Here is the result.


We went from downtown Tokyo to Akihabara, where we were looking for a camera store to buy some memory for our Sony camera. This can be very expensive in the US, but we hoped the yen to dollar conversion rate would make it less expensive in Japan. Once we had gotten what we needed, we were very hungry and decided to seek out some ramen. We're not ramen experts, but we wanted something good or at least something typical of Japan. We walked for quite a few blocks, looking at the advertisements in the windows and the plastic models on display in front of each restaurant. After about 20 minutes, we were getting pretty hungry and decided it was time to make a decision.

You can see that the changes were a bit more than an addition of punctuation. It smoothed out the story a bit, too. What followed were a few additional prompts to ChatGPS, mostly asking for changes in the tense of the story. These worked fine. The last two steps asked for a conversion into past perfect tense, then a request to “improve the latest version.” The following text was the result. We had just arrived in Akihabara, a neighborhood known for its electronics stores, and were on the hunt for a camera store to buy some memory for our Sony camera. We knew that this type of equipment could be very expensive in the United States, but we hoped that the favorable exchange rate between the yen and the dollar would make it more affordable in Japan. After we had found what we needed, we were famished and set our sights on finding a tasty bowl of ramen. Although we weren't experts on the subject, we wanted to try something authentic or at least representative of Japan. We walked for several blocks, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling street and examining the plastic food displays and advertisements in the windows of various restaurants. It wasn't long before our stomachs began to growl, and we decided it was time to make a decision and choose a place to eat. This appears to be a remarkable way to gain efficiency when producing documents of this genre. Recall that this document was dictated on a tablet, there were a few simple cut-and-paste operations, and the few commands were given to ChatGPT. Here are a few observations: ● ● ●

The text needs some editing to fix the tense. The overall structure might be improved by breaking the narrative into paragraphs. The story has been embellished. Is this a correct reflection of the situation? The results seem to have more “energy” as some visceral emotions (e.g., “stomachs began to growl”) have replaced fairly bland statements (e.g., “getting pretty hungry”).

This result shows there is considerable promise using a combination of dictation and AI-based editing as a way to produce the text for photo-essays in “near real time.”


Association Index Some years ago, Marsh Fisher developed an “Association Index.” He spent millions of dollars on this. It involved hiring professionals in many fields to list terms and phrases that are relevant in a particular domain. His product never took off as a commercial success even though it has great utility. The following tests whether ChatGPT can do the same sort of work as Fisher’s Association Index. What are words and phrases associated with the color orange? Here are some words and phrases that are commonly associated with the color orange: ● Citrus ● Warmth ● Energy ● Vibrancy ● Enthusiasm ● Creativity ● Fun ● Playful ● Excitement ● Halloween (as a complementary color to black) ● Harvest ● Autumn (as a color associated with the changing leaves) ● Sunsets ● Citrus fruits (e.g., oranges, tangerines, etc.) ● Traffic cones (as a safety symbol) ● Tiger (as a reference to the animal's stripes) ● Basketball (as the color of the ball) ● Fire (as a symbol of warmth and heat) ● Spice (as a color associated with many spices, such as paprika, turmeric, etc.) These are just a few examples, and the associations with the color orange can vary depending on cultural, historical, and personal contexts.

Several other words were used as prompts. All of the tests gave acceptable results. The conclusion is that this is a pretty good substitute for the Fisher software (which is no longer available).


Bibliographic Information WARNING: The citations in the responses below are likely (read: completely) to be completely wrong! (tested: February 28, 2023)

What are some research papers describing ethnobotanical information for lowland Costa Rica? Here are some research papers that describe ethnobotanical information for lowland Costa Rica: 1. Gentry, A. H. (1982). Ethnobotany of the Rama of Nicaragua. Advances in Economic Botany, 1, 1-62. This paper includes information on the ethnobotanical knowledge of the Rama people, who live in the southeastern region of Nicaragua and adjacent areas of Costa Rica. 2. Barrantes, R., & Rojas, J. (2008). Ethnobotany of the Huetar indigenous people of Costa Rica. Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 4(1), 1-16. This paper presents an ethnobotanical study of the Huetar people of Costa Rica, including information on their use of medicinal plants, food plants, and plants for other purposes. 3. Marín-Rodríguez, A., & Cedeño-Maldonado, A. (2011). Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used by traditional healers in Trinidad and Tobago for gastrointestinal disorders. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 133(3), 776-784. While this paper focuses on Trinidad and Tobago, it includes some information on the use of medicinal plants for gastrointestinal disorders by traditional healers in the Limón province of Costa Rica. 4. González, J. A., & Garcia-Barriuso, M. (2011). Knowledge and use of fungi by a mycophilic community in lowland Nicaragua. Economic Botany, 65(2), 121-133. This paper includes information on the traditional knowledge and use of fungi by the Miskitu people, who live in the northeastern region of Nicaragua and adjacent areas of Costa Rica. 5. Van der Hammen, T., & Bernal, R. (2001). Pre-Columbian use of annatto (Bixa orellana L.) in the Caribbean region and the American tropics: archaeological and ethnobotanical evidence. Economic Botany, 55(4), 534-547. This paper discusses the pre-Columbian use of annatto by indigenous peoples in the Caribbean region and the American tropics, including the lowland regions of Costa Rica. These are just a few examples of research papers that describe ethnobotanical information for lowland Costa Rica. There are many other studies available that explore the traditional uses of plants and fungi in this region.

What about papers on fungi? 9

Here are some research papers that focus specifically on fungi in lowland Costa Rica: 1. Ovrebo, C. L., Lodge, D. J., & Carroll, G. C. (1997). Fungal diversity in the canopy of a neotropical forest: a case study from Monteverde, Costa Rica. Mycologia, 89(2), 198-211. This paper describes the diversity of fungi found in the canopy of a neotropical forest in Monteverde, Costa Rica, including information on species richness, diversity, and distribution. 2. Mueller, G. M., & Schmit, J. P. (2007). Fungal biodiversity and ecology in the tropics: perspectives and opportunities. Mycologia, 99(2), 195-201. While this paper is not specific to Costa Rica, it provides a broader perspective on fungal biodiversity and ecology in tropical regions, including the lowland areas of Costa Rica. 3. Bills, G. F., & Mueller, G. M. (2008). Biodiversity of fungi in Costa Rica: inventory, current knowledge, and conservation. Revista de biología tropical, 56(Suppl. 4), 15-38. This paper provides an overview of the fungal biodiversity in Costa Rica, including information on the most commonly encountered groups of fungi, their ecological roles, and the conservation status of different fungal species. 4. Montoya, L., Leiva, G., & Erazo, S. (2012). Macrofungal diversity of Costa Rica: a review. Revista de biología tropical, 60(3), 1257-1274. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the macrofungal diversity in Costa Rica, including information on the different types of habitats where fungi can be found, the ecological roles of different fungal groups, and the importance of fungi in the culture and economy of the country. 5. Cáceres, A., Hernández-Restrepo, M., & Guarro, J. (2016). Fungi from Costa Rica: the current status of their taxonomy and diversity. Mycosphere, 7(11), 1765-1794. This paper provides an update on the taxonomy and diversity of fungi in Costa Rica, including information on the most commonly encountered groups of fungi, their distribution and habitat preferences, and the challenges associated with fungal taxonomy and identification. These are just a few examples of research papers that focus specifically on fungi in lowland Costa Rica. There are many other studies available that explore different aspects of fungal diversity, ecology, and conservation in this region.

Who are the indigenous people in this region? There are several indigenous groups that live in the lowland region of Costa Rica. Some of these groups include:


1. Bribri: The Bribri people are one of the largest indigenous groups in Costa Rica, and they live primarily in the southern part of the country, including the Talamanca region. They have a rich cultural heritage, including traditional agricultural practices, medicinal plant use, and storytelling. 2. Cabécar: The Cabécar people are the largest indigenous group in Costa Rica, and they live primarily in the eastern part of the country, including the Talamanca region. They have a unique language and cultural practices, including traditional agriculture, hunting, and fishing. 3. Guaymí: The Guaymí people live primarily in the southern part of Costa Rica, including the Osa Peninsula and the Golfito region. They have a rich cultural heritage that includes traditional crafts, music, and storytelling. 4. Boruca: The Boruca people live primarily in the southwestern part of Costa Rica, including the Puntarenas and Corredores regions. They have a strong tradition of mask making and weaving, and they are known for their elaborate Boruca masks. 5. Terraba: The Terraba people live primarily in the southern part of Costa Rica, including the Osa Peninsula and the Golfito region. They have a rich cultural heritage that includes traditional agriculture, medicinal plant use, and dance. These are just a few examples of the indigenous groups that live in the lowland region of Costa Rica. There are many other groups, each with their own unique cultural practices and traditions.

Are there research studies on the Guaymí? Yes, there are research studies on the Guaymí people of Costa Rica. Here are a few examples: 1. Hernández-Aguilar, R. A., & Crewe, W. (2017). Traditional ecological knowledge and management practices of edible caterpillars in the Guaymí community of Costa Rica. Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 13(1), 23. This paper presents an ethnobiological study of the Guaymí people's traditional ecological knowledge and management practices related to the harvesting and consumption of edible caterpillars. 2. Paniagua-Zambrana, N. Y., López-Carretero, L., & Sánchez-Mata, D. (2021). Nutritional composition and fatty acid profile of some traditional foods consumed by the Guaymí indigenous community of Costa Rica. Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 17(1), 22. This study analyzes the nutritional composition and fatty acid profile of traditional foods consumed by the Guaymí community, including plantains, yams, beans, and other locally grown crops. 3. Nielsen, M. R., Bruun, T. B., Treue, T., & Meilby, H. (2012). Assessing the potential for community-based monitoring of forests using expert-based


information: a case from the Guaymí people in the Talamanca region of Costa Rica. Ecology and Society, 17(4), 21. This paper explores the potential for community-based monitoring of forests in the Guaymí community using expert-based information, including knowledge from local elders and leaders. 4. Romain, J. (2012). The cultural and spiritual values of forests in the indigenous communities of Talamanca, Costa Rica. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 21(3), 204-219. This study examines the cultural and spiritual values of forests in the Guaymí community of Talamanca, including traditional beliefs about the role of forests in maintaining the balance between humans and nature. These are just a few examples of research studies on the Guaymí people of Costa Rica. There are many other studies available that explore different aspects of Guaymí culture, traditional knowledge, and natural resource management practices.

How large an area do the Guaymí people occupy? The Guaymí people are one of the largest indigenous groups in Costa Rica and Panama, and they occupy a wide geographic area that includes both countries. In Costa Rica, the Guaymí people live primarily in the southern part of the country, including the Osa Peninsula and the Golfito region, as well as in the Talamanca region along the border with Panama. In Panama, the Guaymí people live primarily in the western part of the country, in the provinces of Chiriquí, Bocas del Toro, and Veraguas. According to a report by the Costa Rican Ministry of Culture and Youth, the Guaymí people are estimated to number around 41,000 in Costa Rica, making them one of the largest indigenous groups in the country. However, the exact number of Guaymí people in both Costa Rica and Panama is difficult to determine due to factors such as migration, assimilation, and intermarriage with non-indigenous populations.

Citation Clean-up Making the format of bibliographic references consistent is a challenge for new researchers. The following example tests ChatGPT’s ability to reformat a slightly messed up set of references. Make the following set of bibliographic references consistent in terms of bibliographic citation style. Barrera, M., Castro, F. G., Strycker, L.A., Toobert, D.J. (2013). Cultural adaptations of behavioral health interventions: A progress report. J Consult Clin Psychol., 81(2):196‐205.


Bernal, D. D. (1998). Using a Chicana feminist epistemology in educational research. Harvard Educ Rev. 68, 555–582. Benish, S. G., Quintana, S., and Wampold, B. E. (2011). Culturally adapted psychotherapy and the legitimacy of myth: A direct-comparison meta-analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(3), 279–289. Bernal, G., Bonilla, J., and Bellido, C. (1995). Ecological validity and cultural sensitivity for outcome research: Issues for cultural adaptation and development of psychosocial treatments with Hispanics. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 23, 67-82. Bernal, G., Jiménez-Chafey, M. I., and Domenech Rodríguez, M. M. (2009). Cultural adaptation of treatments: A resource for considering culture in evidence-based practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(4), 361–368. Botvin, G. J. (2004). Advancing prevention science and practice: Challenges, critical issues, and future directions. Prevention Science, 5, 69–72. Bourassa, S. C. (1988). Toward a theory of landscape aesthetics. Landscape and Urban Planning, 15, 241-252. Buckley, C., McCormack, B., Ryan, A. (2017). Working in a storied way—Narrative-based approaches to person-centred care and practice development in older adult residential care settings. J. of Clinical Nursing, 27(5-6): e858-e872. Cajete, G. (1994). Look to the mountain: An ecology of Indigenous education. Durango, CO: Kivaki Press. Castro F. G., Barrera, M., Martinez, C. R. (2004) The cultural adaptation of prevention interventions: Resolving tensions between fidelity and fit. Prevention Science. 5(1), 41–45. Castro, F. G., Barrera, M., Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2010). Issues and challenges in the design of culturally adapted evidence based interventions. Annu Rev Clin Psychol, 6, pp. 213-239. Chowdhary, N, Jotheeswaran, A. T., Nadkarni, A., Hollon, S. D., King5, M., Jordans, M. J. D.,Rahman, A., Verdeli, H., Araya, R. and Patel, V. (2013). The methods and outcomes of cultural adaptations of psychological treatments for depressive disorders: a systematic review. Psychological Medicine, 44(6):1-16.


Cochran, P. A., Marshall, C. A., Garcia-Downing, C., Kendall, E., Cook, D., McCubbin, L., and Gover, R. M. (2008). Indigenous ways of knowing: implications for participatory research and community. American Journal of Public Health, 98(1), 22–27. Chavez-Korell, S., Benson-Flórez, G., Delgado Rendón, A., and Farías, R. (2014). Examining the relationships between physical functioning, ethnic identity, acculturation, familismo, and depressive symptoms for Latino older adults. The Counseling Psychologist. 42(2) 255–277. Datta, R. (2017). Traditional storytelling: An effective Indigenous research methodology and its implications for environmental research. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 1(14), 35-44. Barrera, M., Castro, F. G., Strycker, L. A., & Toobert, D. J. (2013). Cultural adaptations of behavioral health interventions: A progress report. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 81(2), 196-205. Bernal, D. D. (1998). Using a Chicana feminist epistemology in educational research. Harvard Educational Review, 68, 555-582. Benish, S. G., Quintana, S., & Wampold, B. E. (2011). Culturally adapted psychotherapy and the legitimacy of myth: A direct-comparison meta-analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(3), 279-289. Bernal, G., Bonilla, J., & Bellido, C. (1995). Ecological validity and cultural sensitivity for outcome research: Issues for cultural adaptation and development of psychosocial treatments with Hispanics. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 23, 67-82. Bernal, G., Jiménez-Chafey, M. I., & Domenech Rodríguez, M. M. (2009). Cultural adaptation of treatments: A resource for considering culture in evidence-based practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(4), 361-368. Botvin, G. J. (2004). Advancing prevention science and practice: Challenges, critical issues, and future directions. Prevention Science, 5, 69-72. Bourassa, S. C. (1988). Toward a theory of landscape aesthetics. Landscape and Urban Planning, 15, 241-252. Buckley, C., McCormack, B., & Ryan, A. (2017). Working in a storied way—Narrative-based approaches to person-centred care and practice development in older adult residential care settings. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(5-6), e858-e872. Cajete, G. (1994). Look to the mountain: An ecology of Indigenous education. Durango, CO: Kivaki Press.


Castro, F. G., Barrera, M., & Martinez, C. R. (2004). The cultural adaptation of prevention interventions: Resolving tensions between fidelity and fit. Prevention Science, 5(1), 41-45. Castro, F. G., Barrera, M., & Holleran Steiker, L. K. (2010). Issues and challenges in the design of culturally adapted evidence-based interventions. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 6, 213-239. Chowdhary, N., Jotheeswaran, A. T., Nadkarni, A., Hollon, S. D., King, M., Jordans, M. J. D., Rahman, A., Verdeli, H., Araya, R., & Patel, V. (2013). The methods and outcomes of cultural adaptations of psychological treatments for depressive disorders: a systematic review. Psychological Medicine, 44(6), 1-16. Cochran, P. A., Marshall, C. A., Garcia-Downing, C., Kendall, E., Cook, D., McCubbin, L., & Gover, R. M. (2008). Indigenous ways of knowing: implications for participatory research and community. American Journal of Public Health, 98(1), 22-27. Chavez-Korell, S., Benson-Flórez, G., Delgado Rendón, A., & Farías, R. (2014). Examining the relationships between physical functioning, ethnic identity, acculturation, familismo, and depressive symptoms for Latino older adults. The Counseling Psychologist, 42(2), 255-277. Datta, R. (2017). Traditional storytelling: An effective Indigenous research methodology and its implications for environmental research. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 14(1), 35-44.

BibTex Formatting The objective here is to get a bibliographic citation formatted so that it can be used in one of the citation library programs or processors. The BibTex format is pretty standard. But it is a pain to convert a citation to this format manually. This is a simple test to see if ChatGPT can handle the task. Here is the test citation that is pasted into the ChatGPT box: Monson, C. M., Fredman, S. J., & Adair, K. C. (2008). Cognitive-behavioral conjoint therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: Application to operation enduring and Iraqi freedom veterans. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 64, 958-971. https://doi:10.1002/jclp.20511 Make a BibTex format entry for the following bibliographic citation. Monson, C. M., Fredman, S. J., & Adair, K. C. (2008). Cognitive-behavioral conjoint therapy for 15

post-traumatic stress disorder: Application to operation enduring and Iraqi freedom veterans. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 64, 958-971. https://doi:10.1002/jclp.20511 Here's the BibTeX entry for the given citation: @article{monson2008cognitive, title={Cognitive-behavioral conjoint therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: Application to operation enduring and Iraqi freedom veterans}, author={Monson, Candice M and Fredman, Steffany J and Adair, Kathryn C}, journal={Journal of Clinical Psychology}, volume={64}, pages={958--971}, year={2008}, url={https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.20511}, doi={10.1002/jclp.20511} }

Note that the ChatGPT response placed the BibTex version in a code box with a copy button. That makes it easy to add the citation to a citation collection.

Difficult OCR Here is an image of the scanned document sent to ChatGPT-4. The original is 8.5x11 inches.


This is an old memo that was scanned. Can you do OCR on it and then produce a text document that resembles the original but has been corrected as best you are able? ----[... Some text not visible ...] No change is contemplated in the upper division offerings in 17

Greek and Latin (Classics) or Russian, which will remain as they are. [... Some text not visible ...] LATIN (CLASSICS) 50-217. CLASSICAL CIVILIZATION [...] A survey in English on the major aspects of Greek and Roman civilization with special attention to the influences on Western culture. The first semester is devoted to Greek civilization; the second to Roman. Students may enter the second semester. [...] (Note: Offered 1955-56.) 260-261. CLASSICAL LITERATURE (3,2) [...] The major writers of Greece and Rome in English translation. The first semester will be devoted to Greek literature; the second to Roman literature. Students may enter the second semester. [...] with R50-217. [...] (Offered once every alternate semester.) 299. DIRECTED READING (2-4) 1st & 2nd. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor. [...] RUSSIAN 261. NINETEENTH-CENTURY RUSSIAN NOVEL (2-4) 1st & 2nd. A survey of the great novels written in English translation, particularly Gogol, Goncharov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy. Emphasis is given to the political and social context. 299. DIRECTED READING (4-8) 1st. Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. [...] -----

There were a few “creative” insertions made by ChatGPT. And there were a few places where text was missed. However, given the very poor quality of the original scanned document, the result is quite good. I tried a few modifications of the original request to ChatGPT, but the deficiencies remained. Someone better able to frame requests might improve on this text extraction.


Statistics & Data Analysis I’m mostly interested in computer code so I can analyze data. Here are some examples.

Basic Statistics This example works through a very basic use of statistics, that of comparing two populations. What is the python code used to run a simple t-test? Here's an example Python code for running a simple independent samples t-test using the scipy.stats module: import scipy.stats as stats # Define two groups of data group1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] group2 = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # Run a two-sided t-test assuming equal variances t_statistic, p_value = stats.ttest_ind(group1, group2) # Print the results print("T-statistic:", t_statistic) print("P-value:", p_value) In this example, we define two groups of data (group1 and group2) and then use the ttest_ind function to perform an independent samples t-test. The ttest_ind function returns the t-statistic and p-value for the test. The ttest_ind function assumes that the variances of the two groups are equal. If this assumption is not met, you can set the equal_var parameter to False to perform a Welch's t-test, which does not assume equal variances. Note that the scipy.stats module provides many other statistical functions and tests, and it is a powerful tool for statistical analysis in Python.

Can this code be converted to R?


Yes, the code for a simple t-test can be easily converted to R. Here's an example code for running a two-sample t-test in R: # Define two groups of data group1 <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) group2 <- c(6, 7, 8, 9, 10) # Run a two-sided t-test assuming equal variances t_test <- t.test(group1, group2) # Print the results print(t_test) In this example, we define two groups of data (group1 and group2) and then use the t.test function to perform a two-sample t-test. The t.test function returns an object of class "htest" that contains various information about the test, such as the t-statistic, the degrees of freedom, the p-value, and a confidence interval for the difference in means. The t.test function assumes that the variances of the two groups are equal by default. If this assumption is not met, you can set the var.equal parameter to FALSE to perform a Welch's t-test, which does not assume equal variances. R is a powerful statistical programming language and offers a wide range of built-in functions and packages for statistical analysis. The t.test function is just one example of the many statistical functions available in R.

What would I change if I suspect the variances are different? If you suspect that the variances of the two groups are different, you can perform a Welch's t-test instead of the standard independent samples t-test assuming equal variances. In R, you can specify the var.equal parameter to be FALSE to perform a Welch's t-test. Here's an example code: # Define two groups of data group1 <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) group2 <- c(6, 7, 8, 9, 10) # Run a two-sided t-test assuming unequal variances t_test <- t.test(group1, group2, var.equal = FALSE) # Print the results print(t_test)


In this example, we set the var.equal parameter to FALSE in the t.test function to perform a Welch's t-test. The t.test function will now assume that the variances of the two groups are different and will calculate the degrees of freedom using a different formula. Note that the standard independent samples t-test assuming equal variances has higher power when the variances are actually equal. However, if you suspect that the variances are different, it is generally more appropriate to perform a Welch's t-test, as it is more robust to unequal variances.

In this example, what would I add to the code to test for unequal variances? To test for unequal variances before running a t-test, you can use the var.test function in R. The var.test function tests the null hypothesis that the variances of the two groups are equal. Here's an example code that tests for unequal variances before running a two-sample t-test: # Define two groups of data group1 <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) group2 <- c(6, 7, 8, 9, 10) # Test for unequal variances var_test <- var.test(group1, group2) # Print the results of the variance test print(var_test) # Run a t-test assuming unequal variances t_test <- t.test(group1, group2, var.equal = FALSE) # Print the results of the t-test print(t_test) In this example, we first use the var.test function to test for unequal variances. The var.test function returns an object of class "htest" that contains various information about the test, such as the F-statistic, the degrees of freedom, and the p-value. If the p-value from the variance test is less than the significance level (typically 0.05), it indicates that the variances of the two groups are significantly different. In this case, we set the var.equal parameter to FALSE in the t.test function to perform a Welch's t-test.


Note that testing for unequal variances before running a t-test is a good practice, as it ensures that the assumptions of the t-test are met and can help to avoid incorrect conclusions due to unequal variances.

Cluster Analysis Finding patterns in data is an important task in many data analysis studies. It isn’t something that finds its way into statistics classes (to my knowledge). This example jumps right in with a very direct question. What is a K-means analysis? K-means analysis is a popular unsupervised machine learning technique used for clustering and data exploration. It is a type of clustering algorithm that groups data points into clusters based on their similarity. The "K" in K-means refers to the number of clusters that the algorithm should create. The algorithm starts by selecting K initial centroids (points that represent the center of the clusters), and then iteratively assigns each data point to the nearest centroid and updates the centroid based on the mean value of the points in that cluster. This process continues until the centroids no longer move significantly, at which point the algorithm converges. The output of the K-means analysis is a set of K clusters, where each data point is assigned to one of the clusters based on its similarity to the centroid. The clusters are constructed in a way that maximizes the similarity between the points within each cluster and minimizes the similarity between the points in different clusters. K-means is a useful technique for discovering underlying patterns or structure in data, identifying outliers, and reducing the dimensionality of data by grouping similar data points together. It is widely used in fields such as data science, pattern recognition, and image processing.

Can this be shown with a simple example? Certainly! Here's a simple example to illustrate how the K-means algorithm works: Let's say we have a dataset consisting of 10 two-dimensional points (x, y): (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6), (10, 15), (12, 17), (11, 16), (25, 28), (24, 27), (27, 30), (30, 33) Our goal is to group these points into two clusters using the K-means algorithm.


Step 1: Initialization We start by randomly selecting two initial centroids. Let's choose (3, 5) and (27, 30) as our initial centroids. Step 2: Assign points to clusters Next, we assign each point to the cluster that is closest to its centroid. Using the Euclidean distance metric, we calculate the distance between each point and each centroid: For centroid (3, 5): - Point (2, 4) is 1.41 units away - Point (3, 5) is 0 units away - Point (4, 6) is 1.41 units away - Point (10, 15) is 12.21 units away - Point (12, 17) is 14.14 units away - Point (11, 16) is 13.45 units away - Point (25, 28) is 25.94 units away - Point (24, 27) is 24.74 units away - Point (27, 30) is 25 units away - Point (30, 33) is 30.68 units away For centroid (27, 30): - Point (2, 4) is 36.4 units away - Point (3, 5) is 33.54 units away - Point (4, 6) is 30.68 units away - Point (10, 15) is 19.21 units away - Point (12, 17) is 15.81 units away - Point (11, 16) is 17.1 units away - Point (25, 28) is 2.24 units away - Point (24, 27) is 3.61 units away - Point (27, 30) is 0 units away - Point (30, 33) is 4.24 units away Based on these distances, we assign each point to the cluster with the closest centroid. In this case, the assignments are: Cluster 1: (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6) Cluster 2: (10, 15), (12, 17), (11, 16), (25, 28), (24, 27), (27, 30), (30, 33) Step 3: Update centroids Now that we have assigned the points to clusters, we update the centroids by calculating the mean of the points in each cluster: Cluster 1: (2+3+4)/3 = (3, 5)


Cluster 2: (10+12+11+25+24+27+30)/7 = (20.14, 23.86) Step 4: Repeat until convergence We repeat steps 2 and 3 until the centroids no longer move significantly. In this case, after one more iteration, the centroids converge and the algorithm stops.

The final [note: the answer stops here, but that’s OK for this example.] What would that look like in R code? Sure! Here's an example of how to perform K-means analysis in R using the built-in kmeans() function with the same data as in the previous example: # create a data frame with the data data <- data.frame(x = c(2, 3, 4, 10, 12, 11, 25, 24, 27, 30), y = c(4, 5, 6, 15, 17, 16, 28, 27, 30, 33)) # perform K-means analysis with 2 clusters kmeans_result <- kmeans(data, centers = 2) # print the cluster assignments and centroids print(kmeans_result$cluster) # cluster assignments (1 or 2) print(kmeans_result$centers) # centroid coordinates # plot the data with the clusters colored differently plot(data, col = kmeans_result$cluster) points(kmeans_result$centers, col = 1:2, pch = 8, cex = 2) This code creates a data frame with the x and y coordinates of the points, then performs K-means analysis with 2 clusters using the kmeans() function. The resulting cluster assignments and centroid coordinates are printed to the console, and the data points are plotted with the clusters colored differently and the centroids marked with large points. The kmeans() function takes several arguments, including the data, the number of clusters (centers), and the initialization method (nstart, which specifies the number of random initializations to try). It returns a list with several elements, including the cluster assignments (cluster) and the coordinates of the final centroids (centers).

As a test, the code was put into R (using RStudio) and run without modification. The results follow. Perhaps not the visually compelling presentation, but this is confirmation that the code works. [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 24

x y 1 7.0 10.5 2 26.5 29.5

Network Diagrams Bill is friends with Sue, Fred, Max and Mary. Sue counts Bill, Max and Jane as her friends. Fred knows Bill, Sue and Jane. Max only knows Bill. Jane knows Sue and Fred and is also friends with Sam. Mary knows Bill and Sam. Generate some R code to represent the relationships between these people. # Install and load the igraph package ##install.packages("igraph") library(igraph) # Create a list of all the people people <- c("Bill", "Sue", "Fred", "Max", "Mary", "Jane", "Sam") # Create a matrix to represent the relationships between the people # If person i is friends with person j, then the element at row i, column j is set to 1 # Otherwise, it is set to 0 relationships <- matrix(0, nrow = length(people), ncol = length(people)) rownames(relationships) <- people


colnames(relationships) <- people # Set the elements of the matrix to reflect the relationships described in the question relationships["Bill", "Sue"] <- 1 relationships["Bill", "Fred"] <- 1 relationships["Bill", "Max"] <- 1 relationships["Bill", "Mary"] <- 1 relationships["Sue", "Bill"] <- 1 relationships["Sue", "Max"] <- 1 relationships["Sue", "Jane"] <- 1 relationships["Fred", "Bill"] <- 1 relationships["Fred", "Sue"] <- 1 relationships["Fred", "Jane"] <- 1 relationships["Max", "Bill"] <- 1 relationships["Jane", "Sue"] <- 1 relationships["Jane", "Fred"] <- 1 relationships["Jane", "Sam"] <- 1 relationships["Mary", "Bill"] <- 1 relationships["Mary", "Sam"] <- 1 # Create an igraph object from the matrix g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(relationships, mode = "undirected", weighted = TRUE) # Plot the graph plot(g)

The code above reflects the original answer and the addition of the request to visualize the results. This did what was needed, although the graphics quality needs some help.

Two-Way Tables A two-way table is an essential tool for phytosociologists and other scientists to analyze and summarize data on the presence or absence of different categories or groups. It can be particularly useful when studying the distribution of plant species in different plots of land or other ecological settings. To create a two-way table, a researcher can record the presence or absence of different tree species in multiple sites and organize the data in a table format. The rows of the table represent the different tree species, while the columns represent the different sites. A value of "1" is placed in the table for each species that occurs on a site, and a value of "0" is placed for each species that is absent. Due to the high number of 0 values often present in a two-way table, traditional numerical computations may not be effective for analyzing the data. Instead,


researchers can calculate the similarities between the columns (site comparisons) or the rows (species comparisons) to analyze the relationship between the different categories. The problem is that many people are unaware of the ways to analyze the two-way table data. That sets us up for a conversation with ChatGPT. What is a two-way table as it is used by phytosociologists? In phytosociology, a two-way table, also known as a crosstabulation table, is a table that displays the frequencies or counts of two categorical variables in a cross-tabulated format. It is used to analyze and summarize the relationship between the two variables. For example, suppose a phytosociologist is studying the distribution of plant species in a particular ecosystem. They might collect data on the presence or absence of certain plant species in different plots of land within the ecosystem. The phytosociologist could then create a two-way table to summarize the data, with one variable representing the presence or absence of each plant species and the other variable representing the different plots of land. The two-way table allows the phytosociologist to see how the presence or absence of each plant species varies across the different plots of land. It can also be used to calculate statistical measures such as relative frequency, percentage, and chi-square to analyze the relationship between the two variables.

How can a cross-tabulation table be used to create a dendrogram? A dendrogram is a graphical representation of a tree-like structure that shows the hierarchical relationship between different categories or groups. In phytosociology, dendrograms are often used to visualize the relationship between different plant species or plant communities based on their presence or absence in different plots of land. One way to create a dendrogram from a cross-tabulation table is to use a clustering algorithm. Clustering algorithms are mathematical techniques that can be used to group similar objects together based on their characteristics or features. To create a dendrogram using a cross-tabulation table, the phytosociologist would first need to calculate a measure of similarity or dissimilarity between the different plant species or plant communities. This can be done using a variety of techniques, such as Jaccard similarity, Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, or Euclidean distance. Next, the phytosociologist would use a clustering algorithm, such as hierarchical clustering, to group the plant species or plant communities into clusters based on their similarity or


dissimilarity. The dendrogram is then created by plotting the clusters on a tree-like diagram, with the most similar clusters closer together and the least similar clusters further apart. The dendrogram can be used to visualize the relationship between the different plant species or plant communities and to identify patterns or trends in the data. It can also be used to guide further analysis, such as determining the optimal number of clusters or identifying relationships between different ecological factors.

Can you show me the R code to perform such an analysis? Certainly! Here is an example of how you can use the vegan package in R to create a dendrogram from a cross-tabulation table of plant species presence or absence in different plots of land: # First, install and load the vegan package install.packages("vegan") library(vegan) # Next, load your data into R. Here, we'll use a built-in dataset from the vegan package called "varespec" data("varespec") # The varespec dataset is already in the correct format for creating a dendrogram, but you can use the following code to # reshape your own data into the correct format if necessary: # data <- as.matrix(your_data_frame) # Calculate the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity between the different plots of land using the vegdist function dissimilarity <- vegdist(data, method = "bray") # Use the hclust function to perform hierarchical clustering on the dissimilarity matrix cluster <- hclust(dissimilarity, method = "ward.D2") # Plot the dendrogram using the plot function plot(cluster) # You can also use the cutree function to cut the dendrogram at a certain height and create clusters # Here, we'll cut the dendrogram at a height of 50 clusters <- cutree(cluster, h = 50)

This code will calculate the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity between the different plots of land based on the presence or absence of different plant species, perform hierarchical clustering on the dissimilarity matrix, and plot the resulting dendrogram. You can adjust the method argument in the vegdist and hclust functions to use a different similarity or dissimilarity measure or clustering method if desired. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


I got an error: Error in hclust(dissimilarity) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 10) It looks like you are encountering an error when trying to perform hierarchical clustering using the hclust function. This error can occur if the input data contains missing values (NA) or infinite values (Inf). To troubleshoot this error, you can try the following steps: Check your data for missing or infinite values using the is.na and is.infinite functions. For example: # Check for missing values any(is.na(data)) # Check for infinite values any(is.infinite(data))

If you find any missing or infinite values in your data, you will need to handle them before you can perform hierarchical clustering. One option is to remove any rows or columns that contain missing or infinite values using the complete.cases function: # Remove rows or columns with missing or infinite values data <- data[complete.cases(data), complete.cases(data)]

If you prefer to impute missing values rather than removing them, you can use one of the many imputation methods available in R. For example, you can use the imputeTS package to impute missing values using linear interpolation or the mice package to impute missing values using multiple imputation by chained equations. After handling any missing or infinite values in your data, try running the hclust function again. If the error persists, there may be other issues with your data that are causing the error. You can try running the summary function on your data to get more information about the data, or you can try using a different similarity or dissimilarity measure in the vegdist function to see if that resolves the error. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Can the 'hclust' function work with missing values? The hclust function in R is designed to work with complete data and does not have built-in capabilities to handle missing values. This means that if your data contains missing values (NA), the hclust function will return an error when you try to perform hierarchical clustering.


To use the hclust function with data that contains missing values, you will need to handle the missing values in some way before running the function. One option is to remove any rows or columns that contain missing values using the complete.cases function: # Remove rows or columns with missing values data <- data[complete.cases(data), complete.cases(data)] Alternatively, you can impute the missing values using one of the many imputation methods available in R. For example, you can use the imputeTS package to impute missing values using linear interpolation or the mice package to impute missing values using multiple imputation by chained equations. Once you have handled the missing values in your data, you can then run the hclust function as usual to perform hierarchical clustering. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Can you show me some example data for the cross-tabulation table? Certainly! Here is an example of a cross-tabulation table that displays the presence or absence of three plant species (A, B, and C) in four different plots of land (1, 2, 3, and 4): Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 A 1 0 1 1 B 0 1 0 1 C 1 1 0 1 In this example, the value "1" indicates that the plant species is present in the plot of land, and the value "0" indicates that the plant species is absent. You can create a cross-tabulation table like this in R using the table function: # Create a data frame with the presence or absence of each plant species in each plot data <- data.frame( A = c(1, 0, 1, 1), B = c(0, 1, 0, 1), C = c(1, 1, 0, 1), Plot = c(1, 2, 3, 4) ) # Create the cross-tabulation table using the table function table(data$Plot, data$A)

This code will create a cross-tabulation table with the presence or absence of plant species A in each plot of land. You can use the table function to create a cross-tabulation table for any combination of variables in your data. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


The result was a successful run with R. A dendrogram was produced.

Data Grubbing Getting data into a proper format is one of the challenges of data analysis. Several experiments were performed to see how ChatGPT can (or can’t) help in the data clean-up process.

Messy Spreadsheet A spreadsheet with pretty messy data was copied and given to ChatGPT. Here is that spreadsheet.
















PGA Tour







Auto Racing









Men's NCAA

November 9, 2021

March 13, 2022

August 27, 2022

December 10, 2022





A few rounds of requests were given, such as determining the approximate length of each season and to sort in descending order. Finally a request was entered to have the data formatted as a CSV file for use in R. This was pasted into R and a few standard commands added (library, output using gt). Here is the result:


Data Extraction I provided a set of data that I got from scraping a website. Here is the URL: https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/benchmarks/1612340.html

It’s a pretty messy table. I trimmed out some of the text as there was too much text for ChatGPT to handle. Then I gave the following request. The following table has identification information and geographic locations of benchmarks in the Honolulu, Hawaii, region. Extract either the Designation or Station ID for each benchmark location, along with its longitude and latitude. Put these in a table. Here is the data: A cut-and-paste sample of the input to ChatGPT follows. Station ID: 1612340 PUBLICATION DATE: 12/12/2003 Name: HONOLULU, HONOLULU HARBOR, OAHU ISLAND HI NOAA Chart: 19367 Latitude: 21° 18.4' N ( 21.30670) USGS Quad: HONOLULU Longitude: 157° 52.0' W (-157.86700)



PRIMARY BENCH MARK STAMPING: B.M. ELV. 8.06 FEET DESIGNATION: 161 2340 BM 8 MONUMENTATION: Bench Mark disk VM#: 23 AGENCY: US Geological Survey (USGS) IDB PID#: TU0286 SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Concrete bulkhead OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 21° 18.3' N ( 21.30519) LONGITUDE: 157° 51.8' W (-157.86397)

BENCH MARK STAMPING: DESIGNATION: 161 2340 TIDAL 2 ALIAS: 2 1872 MONUMENTATION: See descriptive text VM#: 22 AGENCY: Hawaiian Government Survey Department IDB PID#: TU0283 SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Stone pilaster base OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 21° 18.3' N ( 21.30553) LONGITUDE: 157° 51.6' W (-157.85983)

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Page 2 of 9

Station ID: 1612340 PUBLICATION DATE: 12/12/2003 Name: HONOLULU, HONOLULU HARBOR, OAHU ISLAND HI NOAA Chart: 19367 Latitude: 21° 18.4' N ( 21.30670) USGS Quad: HONOLULU Longitude: 157° 52.0' W (-157.86700)


BENCH MARK STAMPING: NO 11 1925 DESIGNATION: 161 2340 TIDAL 11 MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 25 AGENCY: US Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) IDB PID#: TU0284 SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Concrete foundation OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 21° 18.3' N ( 21.30575) LONGITUDE: 157° 51.8' W (-157.86389)

BENCH MARK STAMPING: NO 12 1925 DESIGNATION: 161 2340 TIDAL 12 MONUMENTATION: Tidal Station disk VM#: 26 AGENCY: US Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) IDB PID#: TU0288 SETTING CLASSIFICATION: Concrete floor OPUS PID: LATITUDE: 21° 18.4' N ( 21.30631) LONGITUDE: 157° 51.6' W (-157.86036)


I got a table with just what I’d asked for as data fields. The locations were in DMS format so I asked for a conversion to the decimal format. Then I asked for the data to be formatted as a CSV file for use in R. The following lines are the result. "Designation/Station ID","Latitude","Longitude" "161 2340 BM 8",21.30519,-157.86397 "161 2340 TIDAL 2",21.30553,-157.85983 "161 2340 TIDAL 11",21.30575,-157.86389 "161 2340 TIDAL 12",21.30631,-157.86036 "161 2340 TIDAL 13",21.30569,-157.85792 "161 2340 TIDAL 14",21.30681,-157.85903 "161 2340 TIDAL 20",21.30333,-157.86467 "161 2340 TIDAL 21",21.30383,-157.86367 "HONOLULU GSL 2340",21.30392,-157.86289 "161 2340 A",21.30458,-157.86342 "161 2340 B",21.30670,-157.86700 "161 2340 C",21.30542,-157.86061 "161 2340 GPS Bolt",21.30333,-157.86453

Reducing Data Precision Obtaining geographic coordinates from Google Maps is as simple as right-clicking on a map location and then clicking on the coordinates at the top of the pop-up menu. This copies the latitude and longitude to the clipboard. You can then place these values in an R program by pasting. Each of the coordinate values has a lot of decimal digits (typically 13 or 14). All that is needed are five decimal places. That’s about 1 meter precision. If you have a lot of values, the deletion of the “extra” decimal digits is tedious. The following command (with data) was used (just the first few lines are shown): Reduce the precision of the following numbers to five decimal digits by rounding. Please keep the format the same. kakaako <- read_csv(col_names = TRUE, file = "lat, lon 21.29581026845934, -157.86933082782653 21.290453065875973, -157.8611762129575 21.294491797759502, -157.8573570253844 21.293172401795047, -157.8550395867404 The result is just what is needed:


kakaako <- read_csv(col_names = TRUE, file = "lat, lon 21.29581, -157.86933 21.29045, -157.86118 21.29449, -157.85736 21.29317, -157.85504

This saved a lot of time.

Data Extraction and Clean-up I entered some travel data with the following request. Here is a set of data. Make it into a CSV file. 1/19/23 (Thursday): 10:24 AM: LV Tokyo Station (Platform 22) on Shinkansen Kagayaki 509 to Kanazawa 1/21/23 (Saturday): 9:02 AM: LV Kanazawa on Thunderbird No 14 to Kyoto 1/24/23 (Tuesday): 10:13 AM: LV Kyoto on Hikari 633 to Shin-Osaka 1/24/23 (Tuesday): 11:18 AM: LV Shin-Osaka on Sakura 553 (platform 21) to Hiroshima Station 1/25/23 (Wednesday): 10:55 AM: LV Hiroshima Station on Sakura 549 (platform 11) to Kagoshima-chuo 1/25/23 (Wednesday): 12:33 PM: LV Hakata on Midori No. 27 (platform 4)to Takeo-onsen 1/25/23 (Wednesday): 1:58 PM: LV Takeo-onsen on Bullet Train Kamome No. 29 (platform 11) to Nagasaki 1/26/23 (Thursday): 11:45 AM: LV Nagasaki Station on Kamome No. 24 to Takeo-onsen 1/26/23 (Thursday): 12: 16 PM: LV Takeo-onsen on Relay Kamome No. 24 (platform 10) to Shin-tosu This worked as requested. But I realized the table I would be building would be a bit messy by including the platform information that is found with some of the entries. I typed in a new request: Please remove the platform information and make the CSV file again. The response follows: Sure, here is the revised CSV file with the platform information removed: Day,Time,Departure Location,Train,Destination 35

Thursday,1/19/23,10:24 AM,Tokyo Station,Shinkansen Kagayaki 509,Kanazawa Saturday,1/21/23,9:02 AM,Kanazawa,Thunderbird No 14,Kyoto Tuesday,1/24/23,10:13 AM,Kyoto,Hikari 633,Shin-Osaka Tuesday,1/24/23,11:18 AM,Shin-Osaka,Sakura 553,Hiroshima Station Wednesday,1/25/23,10:55 AM,Hiroshima Station,Sakura 549,Kagoshima-chuo Wednesday,1/25/23,12:33 PM,Hakata,Midori No. 27,Takeo-onsen Wednesday,1/25/23,1:58 PM,Takeo-onsen,Bullet Train Kamome No. 29,Nagasaki Thursday,1/26/23,11:45 AM,Nagasaki Station,Kamome No. 24,Takeo-onsen Thursday,1/26/23,12:16 PM,Takeo-onsen,Relay Kamome No. 24,Shin-tosu

This worked just right. There were even some typing corrections made.

Structuring Taxonomic Records The material came from a PDF scan of a book. OCR had been done on the page, but that was quite a few years ago so there are some artifacts. Some of these artifacts were corrected before submitting to ChatGPT. Here is the request. The following text contains herbarium records of Halodule uninervis. I need a table that structures these data in a format where I can compare the various properties. Here is the text: WESTERN AUSTRALIA.. Carnarvon, washed ashore in the mouth of the Gascoyne River, 15-9-1967, a. den Hartog 540 (L); south-west of Carnarvon, in mangrove creek, forming a belt in front of the Avicennia pneumatophores, on rather soft, sandy mud, 16-9-1967, a. den Hartog 556 (L); Carnarvon, in mangrove creek on Babbage Island, 16-9-1967, 0. den Hartog 559 (L); Carnarvon, Shark Bay, interspersed in the Posidonia australis meadows, 17-9-1967, 0. den Hartog 567 (L). QUEENSLAND. Thursday Island, on coral sand, low-littoral, fl.., 11-11-1967, 0. den Hartog 1007 (L); on the north-eastern side of the island, very narrow-leaved form, in the middle part of the eulittoral belt on firm sand and mud as well as in shallow depressions, 12-11-1967, a. den Hartog 1025 (L). Cairns, Yule Point, on compact mud, below low-water mark, 1-11-1967, 0. den Hartog 943 (L); Cairns, Double Island, very common on muddy and sandy substrata, 30-10-1967, a. den Hartog 918 (L); Green Island near Cairns, on sand bank about low-tide mark, 17-8-1963, S. T. Blake 22086 (K); very common on coral sand, 29-10-1967, 0. den Hartog 908 (L). Townsville, between Cape Pallarenda and Shelly Beach, on eulittoral mud-flat, 5-10-1967, 0. den Hartog 739 (L); Townsville, Magnetic Island, Cockle Bay, in muddy sand on dead reef platform, 5-10-1967, 0. den Hartog 727 (L); sandy beach of Cockle Bay, narrow-leaved speci mens in the intertidal belt, fr. in sublittoral, 36

5-10-1967, 0. den Hartog 732 (L).

The response provided a nicely formatted table. However, I couldn’t copy the table for use here as the format characters are not recognized. Instead, I asked ChatGPT to create a CSV file. "Location","Specific Location","Description","Date","Collector","Number","Herbarium" "Western Australia","Carnarvon, mouth of the Gascoyne River","Washed ashore","15-9-1967","a. den Hartog","540","L" "Western Australia","South-west of Carnarvon, in mangrove creek","Forming a belt in front of the Avicennia pneumatophores, on rather soft, sandy mud","16-9-1967","a. den Hartog","556","L" "Western Australia","Carnarvon, in mangrove creek on Babbage Island","","16-9-1967","o. den Hartog","559","L" "Western Australia","Carnarvon, Shark Bay","Interspersed in the Posidonia australis meadows","17-9-1967","o. den Hartog","567","L" "Queensland","Thursday Island","On coral sand, low-littoral","11-11-1967","o. den Hartog","1007","L" "Queensland","North-eastern side of Thursday Island","Very narrow-leaved form, in the middle part of the eulittoral belt on firm sand and mud as well as in shallow depressions","12-11-1967","a. den Hartog","1025","L" "Queensland","Cairns, Yule Point","On compact mud, below low-water mark","1-11-1967","o. den Hartog","943","L" "Queensland","Cairns, Double Island","Very common on muddy and sandy substrata","30-10-1967","a. den Hartog","918","L" "Queensland","Green Island near Cairns","On sand bank about low-tide mark","17-8-1963","S. T. Blake","22086","K" "Queensland","Green Island near Cairns","Very common on coral sand","29-10-1967","o. den Hartog","908","L" "Queensland","Townsville, between Cape Pallarenda and Shelly Beach","On eulittoral mud-flat","5-10-1967","o. den Hartog","739","L" "Queensland","Townsville, Magnetic Island, Cockle Bay","In muddy sand on dead reef platform","5-10-1967","o. den Hartog","727","L" "Queensland","Sandy beach of Cockle Bay","Narrow-leaved specimens in the intertidal belt, fr. in sublittoral","5-10-1967","o. den Hartog","732","L"

The CSV file was processed in R with the following result. Note that it is possible to do a bit of clean-up, but this table, as it is, shows the potential for the reformatting done with ChatGPT.


Cut-and-Paste from a Website The spring training schedule for Chicago Cubs games is given on their website. A quick highlighting and copying was done of the first few items in the schedule. This was pasted into Notepad and then copy-and-pasted into ChatGPT. A lot of extra text came in using this procedure. The request follows. Note that there were many, many lines of text that didn’t apply to the question that were not edited out prior to submitting the text for ChatGPT processing. Just a few of those are included here, along with a few lines showing the format of the schedule data.


The following data show the Chicago Cubs home game schedule for 2023. Please make it into a neat table. Chicago Cubs Tickets High Demand Event ORDER WITH CONFIDENCE The checkout cart is encrypted and verified by Norton for your privacy. Every order is backed by a guarantee that your ticket will arrive before the event. Please note that the checkout cart is hosted by and orders are processed by a third-party platform. For more details, please view the Terms & Privacy Policy (Link opens in new tab). [ A large section of text is not shown here.] SAT FEB 25 1:05 PM Spring Training - San Francisco Giants at Chicago Cubs Sloan Park – Mesa, AZ MON FEB 27 1:05 PM Spring Training - Cleveland Guardians at Chicago Cubs (Split Squad) Sloan Park – Mesa, AZ WED MAR 01 1:05 PM Spring Training - Seattle Mariners at Chicago Cubs Sloan Park – Mesa, AZ THU MAR 02 1:05 PM Spring Training - Oakland Athletics at Chicago Cubs Sloan Park – Mesa, AZ SAT MAR 04 1:05 PM Spring Training - Los Angeles Angels at Chicago Cubs Sloan Park – Mesa, AZ

A neat and concise table was produced. A request was then made for a CSV table to use in R. Here is that result: Date,Opponent,Time,Venue 2/25/2023,San Francisco Giants,1:05 PM,Sloan Park – Mesa, AZ 39

2/27/2023,Cleveland Guardians,1:05 PM,Sloan Park – Mesa, AZ 3/1/2023,Seattle Mariners,1:05 PM,Sloan Park – Mesa, AZ 3/2/2023,Oakland Athletics,1:05 PM,Sloan Park – Mesa, AZ 3/4/2023,Los Angeles Angels,1:05 PM,Sloan Park – Mesa, AZ

This worked well.

Applied Mathematics The LLMs are supposed to be quite good at doing mathematical problems.

Field Area Calculation I am measuring the area of a field. Each of my steps is 19 inches. I start by walking 118 steps toward 42 degrees. I then turn and go 208 steps toward 354 degrees. I turn again toward 261 degrees and walk 125 steps. I then return to the starting point by walking 197 steps. What is the area of the field in square feet? The problem describes a polygon that has four sides with the lengths of 118, 208, 125, and 197 steps each. We know that each step is 19 inches. However, calculating the area of this polygon is a bit more complex because we don't have right angles at each turn. Instead, we are given directions in degrees which are not simple right angles. Therefore, we can't simply calculate the area as a rectangle, for example. Given the nature of the problem, it's most feasible to approach it using the law of cosines to calculate the lengths of the diagonals and then using Heron's formula to calculate the areas of the resulting triangles. First, we need to convert the length of each side from steps to feet (since there are 12 inches in a foot). 118 steps * 19 inches/step / 12 inches/foot = 186.5 feet 208 steps * 19 inches/step / 12 inches/foot = 327.33 feet 125 steps * 19 inches/step / 12 inches/foot = 196.875 feet 197 steps * 19 inches/step / 12 inches/foot = 310.42 feet Second, we need to convert the angles to the one between adjacent sides: Angle 1 (between sides of 186.5 and 327.33 feet) = 42 degrees Angle 2 (between sides of 327.33 and 196.875 feet) = 312 degrees (since 354 - 42 = 312 degrees) Angle 3 (between sides of 196.875 and 310.42 feet) = 93 degrees (since 354 - 261 = 93 degrees) Angle 4 (between sides of 310.42 and 186.5 feet) = 217 degrees (since 261 - 42 = 217 degrees) Note: You can get these angles by subtracting each given direction from the next one. If the result is negative, add 360 until you get a positive result. Next, we will use the law of cosines to calculate the diagonals: Diagonal 1 (between vertices of sides 186.5 and 196.875 feet) = sqrt(186.5^2 + 196.875^2 2186.5196.875*cos(312 degrees))


Diagonal 2 (between vertices of sides 327.33 and 310.42 feet) = sqrt(327.33^2 + 310.42^2 2327.33310.42*cos(93 degrees)) After getting the lengths of the diagonals, you can split the polygon into two triangles and use Heron's formula to find the area of each triangle. Heron's formula is used to calculate the area of a triangle when you know the lengths of all three sides: Let a, b, c be the sides of the triangle and s be the semi-perimeter of the triangle. Then the area of the triangle is given by the formula: Area = sqrt[s*(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)], where s = (a + b + c)/2. Perform these steps for both triangles and add the areas to get the total area of the polygon. Note: Make sure you use the correct units and convert degrees to radians when using trigonometric functions in most programming languages and calculators.

Can you do the calculations? Certainly, let's perform the calculations based on the information given. First, we have already converted the length of each side from steps to feet: 118 steps * 19 inches/step / 12 inches/foot = 186.5 feet 208 steps * 19 inches/step / 12 inches/foot = 327.33 feet 125 steps * 19 inches/step / 12 inches/foot = 196.875 feet 197 steps * 19 inches/step / 12 inches/foot = 310.42 feet And the angles between the adjacent sides: Angle 1 (between sides of 186.5 and 327.33 feet) = 42 degrees Angle 2 (between sides of 327.33 and 196.875 feet) = 312 degrees Angle 3 (between sides of 196.875 and 310.42 feet) = 93 degrees Angle 4 (between sides of 310.42 and 186.5 feet) = 217 degrees Remember, the cosine function in most programming languages and calculators use radians instead of degrees, so we need to convert these angles to radians. We use the conversion factor π/180. 42 degrees = 0.733 radians 312 degrees = 5.445 radians 93 degrees = 1.623 radians 217 degrees = 3.784 radians Next, let's calculate the diagonals using the law of cosines: Diagonal 1 (between vertices of sides 186.5 and 196.875 feet) = sqrt(186.5^2 + 196.875^2 2186.5196.875*cos(5.445 radians)) ≈ 241.69 feet Diagonal 2 (between vertices of sides 327.33 and 310.42 feet) = sqrt(327.33^2 + 310.42^2 2327.33310.42*cos(1.623 radians)) ≈ 368.66 feet Now, we have two triangles to find the area of: Triangle 1 (sides: 186.5, 196.875, and 241.69 feet) Triangle 2 (sides: 327.33, 310.42, and 368.66 feet) Let's use Heron's formula to calculate the area of each triangle.


Triangle 1: s1 = (186.5 + 196.875 + 241.69) / 2 = 312.5325 feet Area1 = sqrt[s1*(s1 - 186.5)(s1 - 196.875)(s1 - 241.69)] ≈ 17413.55 square feet Triangle 2: s2 = (327.33 + 310.42 + 368.66) / 2 = 503.205 feet Area2 = sqrt[s2*(s2 - 327.33)(s2 - 310.42)(s2 - 368.66)] ≈ 48165.77 square feet Finally, let's add the two areas together to get the total area of the polygon: Total area = Area1 + Area2 = 17413.55 + 48165.77 = 65579.32 square feet. So, the approximate area of the field is 65579.32 square feet.

A “back of the envelope” calculation indicates that this looks like a valid answer.

General Queries Asking for “long form” answers seems to be a good use for the LLMs. Multiple rounds of questions that follow up on details is a very important role of these systems.

Law Degrees What is meant by the "esq" used by lawyers as part of their name? "Esq." is an abbreviation for "Esquire." It is a title that is traditionally used by lawyers in the United States and some other English-speaking countries. The term "Esquire" has its origins in medieval England, where it was originally used to refer to a young man who aspired to become a knight. Over time, the term came to be associated with members of the gentry or the landed nobility who did not hold noble titles. In the United States, the title "Esquire" has become a professional title for lawyers. It is used after a lawyer's name as a way of indicating that they are licensed to practice law. However, its use is optional and not required by law. Some lawyers choose to use "Esq." in their professional correspondence and on their business cards, while others do not. It's worth noting that the use of "Esq." after a lawyer's name is not an indication of their level of experience or seniority in the legal profession. It is simply a title that is available to all licensed lawyers who choose to use it.

Does the use of this title run counter to the US Constitution's prohibition of titles? 42

No, the use of the title "Esquire" by lawyers in the United States does not run counter to the U.S. Constitution's prohibition of titles. The U.S. Constitution prohibits the granting of titles of nobility by the federal government to individuals. However, the use of the title "Esquire" by lawyers is not a title of nobility. Rather, it is a professional title that is used to indicate that someone is a licensed lawyer. Furthermore, the use of the title "Esquire" is not granted by the government, but is instead a personal choice made by individual lawyers. It is a common practice in the legal profession, but it is not required by law or by any governmental authority. In summary, the use of the title "Esquire" by lawyers in the United States does not run counter to the U.S. Constitution's prohibition of titles of nobility. It is a professional title that is used voluntarily by individual lawyers to indicate their status as licensed legal professionals.

Must I be a graduate of a law school to use the title? In the United States, there is no formal requirement that one must have graduated from a law school in order to use the title "Esquire" or "Esq." In general, the use of the title is based on being licensed to practice law, which is typically obtained through passing the bar exam in a given state. In some states, an individual may be eligible to take the bar exam and become licensed to practice law based on other qualifications, such as completing an apprenticeship program. In these cases, an individual who is licensed to practice law would be entitled to use the title "Esquire" or "Esq." regardless of whether they graduated from a law school. It's worth noting that the use of the title "Esquire" is optional and not required by law. Some lawyers choose to use it in their professional correspondence and on their business cards, while others do not. The decision to use the title is a personal choice made by individual lawyers.

Is there a professional degree equivalent to a doctor of law? In the United States, the professional degree that is equivalent to a Doctor of Law (J.D.) is the Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D. or J.S.D.) degree. The Doctor of Juridical Science degree is an advanced research degree that is typically pursued by individuals who have already earned a J.D. or equivalent degree and who wish to pursue advanced research in the field of law. The S.J.D. or J.S.D. degree is usually awarded to individuals who have completed a significant amount of original


research and have produced a dissertation that makes a substantial contribution to legal scholarship. While the J.D. degree is the standard degree required for admission to the bar and to practice law in the United States, the S.J.D. or J.S.D. degree is a highly specialized and advanced degree that is typically pursued by individuals who are interested in academic or research careers in the legal profession.

Do judges have to have passed the bar exam? In the United States, the qualifications for becoming a judge vary depending on the level of the court and the jurisdiction. However, in general, most judges are required to be licensed attorneys and have passed the bar exam. For example, in most states, individuals must be licensed attorneys and have passed the bar exam in order to be eligible to become a judge in a trial court or a court of appeals. Similarly, to become a federal judge, an individual must typically be a licensed attorney and have been admitted to practice law in the jurisdiction where the court is located. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, in some states, individuals who are not licensed attorneys but who have extensive experience in the legal profession may be eligible to serve as judges in certain limited circumstances. Additionally, some states allow non-lawyers to serve as judges in small claims courts or other specialized courts. Overall, while the qualifications for becoming a judge can vary, being a licensed attorney and having passed the bar exam is a common requirement.

How long does it usually take to go through law school? In the United States, law school typically takes three years to complete if attending full-time. However, there are some law schools that offer part-time programs that can take longer to complete. During the three years of law school, students take a variety of courses that cover legal topics such as contracts, torts, criminal law, civil procedure, and constitutional law. In addition to classroom work, law students are often required to participate in legal clinics, moot court competitions, or other experiential learning programs that allow them to gain practical legal skills. After completing law school, graduates must take and pass the bar exam in the state where they wish to practice law. The bar exam is typically a two or three-day exam that tests the applicant's knowledge of legal principles and ability to apply them to various


scenarios. The time it takes to prepare for the bar exam can vary, but it is generally several months of full-time study. In summary, law school typically takes three years to complete if attending full-time, and passing the bar exam is also required to become a licensed attorney in the United States.

Ethnobotany What is the main area of study for the scientific field of ethnobotany? The scientific field of ethnobotany is the study of the relationships between plants and people, specifically the way in which plants are used for medicinal, cultural, and spiritual purposes. Ethnobotanists study the traditional knowledge and practices of different cultures and societies in their use of plants and plant-based resources, and also investigate the ecological, evolutionary, and cultural factors that have shaped these interactions. Ethnobotany combines the fields of botany, anthropology, and pharmacology, among others, and is concerned with understanding the complex relationships between humans and the natural world.

Did the Navajo have a plant-based remedy for headaches? Yes, the Navajo have used a number of plant-based remedies for headaches. One such remedy involves the use of the plant yarrow (Achillea millefolium). Yarrow is a common plant found throughout North America and has been used for medicinal purposes by many indigenous cultures. In Navajo tradition, yarrow is prepared as a tea by steeping the plant's leaves and flowers in hot water. The tea is then consumed to alleviate headaches and other ailments. Yarrow is believed to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, which make it a popular natural remedy for headaches. In addition to yarrow, the Navajo have also used other plants for headache relief, including sage (Salvia spp.), lavender (Lavandula spp.), and willow bark (Salix spp.). These plants are believed to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and calming properties, which make them effective remedies for headaches and other pain-related conditions.

What are the main scientific societies for ethnobotanists? There are several scientific societies and professional organizations that cater to ethnobotanists and related fields, including:


1. Society for Economic Botany (SEB): Founded in 1959, SEB is a global organization that aims to advance research and education in the study of economic botany and related fields. The society publishes a quarterly journal and organizes an annual conference that brings together ethnobotanists, botanists, ecologists, and other related professionals. 2. International Society of Ethnobiology (ISE): Established in 1988, ISE is a non-profit, interdisciplinary organization that promotes the study of the relationships between humans and their environments, including the use of plants and other natural resources. The society publishes a quarterly journal and hosts a biennial conference that attracts researchers and practitioners from around the world. 3. Society of Ethnobiology (SoE): Founded in 1980, SoE is a professional organization that brings together individuals and groups who study the relationships between humans and the natural world. The society publishes a peer-reviewed journal and organizes an annual conference that focuses on ethnobiology and related fields. 4. American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP): Founded in 1959, ASP is a professional organization that promotes the study of natural products and their applications in medicine, industry, and agriculture. The society publishes a quarterly journal and organizes an annual meeting that includes presentations and workshops related to ethnobotany, pharmacognosy, and related fields. These organizations offer opportunities for ethnobotanists to connect with other professionals, share their research, and learn about the latest developments in the field.

Storable Foods Bard: I need an hypothesis that tests whether foods that can be stored before they are eaten are more common in temperate human settlements than in tropical areas. Hypothesis: Human settlements in temperate regions, characterized by distinct seasonal variations in temperature and food availability, rely more heavily on staple foods with longer storage lifespans compared to tropical settlements, where food availability is relatively constant throughout the year. Sub-hypotheses: ●

The percentage of calories derived from storable grains and legumes will be significantly higher in temperate settlements compared to tropical settlements.


The average storage lifespan of staple foods (grains, legumes, tubers) will be longer in temperate settlements compared to tropical settlements. ● The diversity of traditional food preservation methods (drying, salting, fermentation) will be greater in temperate settlements compared to tropical settlements. Operationalization: ●

● ● ● ● ●

Temperate settlements: Defined by Köppen climate classifications Cfa, Cfb, Dfa, Dfb (Humid subtropical, Marine temperate, Continental with hot summer, Continental with warm summer). Tropical settlements: Defined by Köppen climate classifications Af, Am (Tropical rainforest, Tropical monsoon). Storable grains and legumes: Grains (wheat, rice, maize, barley), legumes (beans, lentils, peas) with demonstrably long storage lifespans (>6 months). Food availability: Measured by agricultural production data, supplemented by market surveys and household dietary surveys. Storage lifespan: Measured through historical and ethnographic data on traditional food preservation techniques and their effectiveness. Diversity of preservation methods: Measured by the number and variety of documented food preservation techniques used in each settlement.

Testing: ● Compare the percentage of calories derived from storable grains and legumes in temperate vs. tropical settlements using dietary surveys or analysis of agricultural production data. ● Compare the average storage lifespan of staple foods in each region using historical and ethnographic data on food preservation techniques. ● Compare the diversity of food preservation methods used in each region using ethnographic and archaeological data. Expected findings: ● ● ●

Temperate settlements will exhibit a higher reliance on storable grains and legumes compared to tropical settlements. Staple foods in temperate settlements will have longer storage lifespans compared to those in tropical settlements. Temperate settlements will exhibit a greater diversity of food preservation methods compared to tropical settlements.

Limitations: ● ●

Access to data on traditional food practices in different settlements. Variation in food availability and preservation practices within both temperate and tropical regions.


Potential influence of cultural factors beyond climate on food storage practices.

This hypothesis provides a framework for investigating the relationship between climate, food storage practices, and human settlements. By testing the sub-hypotheses through quantitative and qualitative data analysis, we can gain insights into the diverse strategies employed by humans to ensure food security in different environments. Remember, this is just a starting point. You can modify and refine the hypothesis based on your specific research interests and available data.

Sweet Potato vs Yam Bard: What is the difference between a sweet potato and a yam and why might this be interesting to someone who studies human migrations.

There are several key differences between sweet potatoes and yams, both from a botanical and culinary perspective. Here's a breakdown: Botanical: ● ●

Family: Sweet potatoes belong to the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae), while true yams belong to the yam family (Dioscoreaceae). Root structure: Sweet potatoes are tuberous roots, meaning they grow as thickened underground stems. Yams are true tubers, which are modified stems that store nutrients. Appearance: Sweet potatoes have smoother, thinner skin with reddish-brown hues. Yams have rougher, thicker skin with a darker brown or even purple color, often resembling tree bark.

Culinary: ● ● ●

Taste: Sweet potatoes, as their name suggests, are naturally sweeter than yams. Yams have a more starchy, neutral flavor, closer to a regular potato. Texture: Cooked sweet potatoes have a softer, creamier texture than yams, which tend to be drier and less fluffy. Preparation: Both can be boiled, roasted, baked, or fried, but yams need to be cooked for longer due to their density.

For a human migration scholar, these differences could be interesting for several reasons:


Tracing trade routes: Different yam and sweet potato varieties are native to specific regions. Studying the presence of these tubers in archaeological sites can help track trade routes and migration patterns of ancient societies. Understanding dietary adaptations: The contrasting sweetness and nutrient profiles of yams and sweet potatoes suggest different dietary needs and adaptations by migrating populations. Linguistic connections: The diverse names for yams and sweet potatoes across different cultures can provide clues about historical interactions and language evolution.

For example, the presence of sweet potatoes in Polynesia could be linked to migrations from South America, while the widespread cultivation of yams in Africa and Asia sheds light on ancient trade networks and agricultural practices. Overall, understanding the botanical and culinary distinctions between yams and sweet potatoes can provide valuable insights for researchers studying human migration and cultural exchange throughout history.

Origin of Chili Peppers Bard: What is the botanical origin of chili peppers (such as capsicum)? The botanical origin of chili peppers (including capsicum) is a fascinating story with multiple chapters: Region: While some sources point solely to Mexico, the current understanding is that chili peppers originated in multiple locations across the Americas, including: ● ● ● ●

Highlands of Bolivia: Recent research suggests independent cultivation as early as 6,000 years ago. East-central Mexico: This region is often cited as the first cultivation site, around 6,000 years ago. Central Mexico: Evidence also points to independent cultivation here, potentially around the same time. Amazon Basin: Recent research suggests possible early cultivation in this region as well.

Genus and species: Chili peppers belong to the Capsicum genus, within the nightshade family (Solanaceae). The most common species of chili peppers is Capsicum annuum, which includes bell peppers, jalapeños, and many other varieties. Evolutionary adaptation: The capsaicinoid compounds that give chili peppers their heat are believed to be an evolutionary adaptation to deter mammals from eating the fruits. 49

This allows the seeds to be dispersed by birds and other animals that are unaffected by the heat. Domestication: The first inhabitants of Mesoamerica are credited with the domestication of wild chili pepper plants around 6,000 years ago. Selective breeding led to the incredible variety of chili peppers we enjoy today, with different shapes, sizes, colors, and heat levels. So, while Mexico is often mentioned as the primary origin of chili peppers, the story is actually more complex, with independent cultivation and domestication happening across multiple regions in the Americas. The Capsicum genus and its diverse species have become a staple in cuisines worldwide, adding heat and flavor to countless dishes. If you're interested in learning more about the specific origins of different chili pepper varieties, I'd be happy to help!

Ethics Is it ethical to mislead someone even though you think that it is in their best interest to do so. No, it is not ethical to mislead someone even if you believe that it is in their best interest. Misleading someone violates their right to make informed decisions and can undermine their trust in you and others in the future. While there may be situations where it is difficult to be completely transparent, honesty and transparency are generally considered to be the ethical approach in most situations. If you believe that someone would benefit from a particular course of action, it is generally more ethical to provide them with all the relevant information and help them make an informed decision based on their own values and priorities. If you are concerned that they may not be able to make the best decision, you can offer your guidance and support, but you should not deceive them in order to influence their decision. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to make their own choices and they should be empowered to do so based on accurate information.

What are the best steps to take in evaluating an ethical dilemma? Evaluating an ethical dilemma can be a challenging and complex process. Here are some general steps that can help guide you in evaluating an ethical dilemma: 1. Gather information: Collect as much information as possible about the situation, including the relevant facts, circumstances, and stakeholders involved.


2. Identify the ethical issues: Determine the ethical issues at stake, and identify any conflicting values, principles, or interests. 3. Evaluate alternatives: Consider the various options available for addressing the ethical dilemma, and evaluate their potential consequences for all stakeholders involved. Think about what actions are in line with ethical principles and values, and what actions could cause harm. 4. Consider the consequences: Analyze the short-term and long-term consequences of each option, including potential benefits, risks, and unintended consequences. 5. Reflect on personal values: Reflect on your own personal values, beliefs, and principles, and how they may impact your decision-making process. 6. Seek input from others: Consult with others who have expertise or experience in the relevant field or situation, and seek input from people with different perspectives and backgrounds. 7. Make a decision: After weighing all the relevant information, make a decision that is consistent with your ethical principles and values, and that takes into account the potential impact on all stakeholders involved. 8. Monitor and evaluate: After making a decision, monitor and evaluate the outcomes, and be open to revisiting the decision if new information or circumstances emerge. Remember, ethical dilemmas can be complex and there may not always be a clear right or wrong answer. It's important to approach these situations with an open mind and a willingness to consider different perspectives and values.

Is there a good reference book that focuses on making ethical decisions? Yes, there are many good reference books that focus on making ethical decisions. Here are a few suggestions: 1. "Ethics for the Real World: Creating a Personal Code to Guide Decisions in Work and Life" by Ronald A. Howard and Clinton D. Korver. This book presents a practical approach to ethical decision-making that can be applied in both personal and professional contexts. 2. "Making Tough Decisions: Tactics for Improving Managerial Decision Making" by David A. Garvin and Michael A. Roberto. This book provides a framework for making tough decisions that integrates ethical considerations with other factors. 3. "Practical Ethics" by Peter Singer. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to ethical theory and practical applications of ethics, including decision-making. 4. "The Right Thing to Do: Basic Readings in Moral Philosophy" by James Rachels. This book provides a collection of classic and contemporary readings in moral philosophy that can help readers develop a deeper understanding of ethical issues and decision-making.


5. "Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues" by Barbara MacKinnon. This book provides an overview of ethical theory and its practical applications, including decision-making. These are just a few examples of the many excellent reference books available on the topic of ethical decision-making.

Biopiracy I am doing a botanical survey in a foreign country and I come across a rare, endemic plant species. A local informant says that it is useful for a particular kind of cancer. This is a cancer for which there is no known effective cure in my country. I take some of these plants home by sneaking them into my luggage. I'm sure that I've done something good for many people in my country and have not harmed the country or the people where I did the collection. What are the ethical considerations of my actions? While your intentions might be noble, there are several ethical considerations to keep in mind when it comes to removing plants from a foreign country without permission. Here are some key points to consider: 1. Legal implications: Many countries have strict laws and regulations regarding the collection and export of their biological resources, especially when it comes to rare and endemic species. By sneaking the plants into your luggage, you may have violated these laws and could potentially face legal consequences. 2. Biodiversity and conservation: Removing plants from their natural habitat can have negative impacts on the local ecosystem and the overall biodiversity. This is particularly true for rare and endemic species, which may already be at risk of extinction. Moreover, removing a significant number of specimens could further endanger the species. 3. Intellectual property and biopiracy: Taking a plant with potential medicinal properties without proper authorization can be considered an act of biopiracy. This is when biological resources are taken from their country of origin and used for personal or commercial gain without proper compensation or benefit-sharing with the local communities who have traditionally used or preserved the resource. 4. Respect for local knowledge and customs: By taking the plant without proper consultation, you may have disregarded the rights and interests of the local community that shared the knowledge about the plant's potential benefits. This can lead to mistrust and exploitation of traditional knowledge. 5. Fair distribution of benefits: If the plant does prove to be effective in treating the specific cancer, it is important to ensure that the benefits are fairly distributed


among all stakeholders, including the local communities who provided the information and the country from which the plant was taken. 6. Scientific collaboration: Instead of taking the plants without permission, it would be more ethical to establish collaborative research efforts with local scientists and communities. This would help ensure that any potential discoveries are pursued in an ethical, legal, and mutually beneficial manner. In conclusion, while your intentions may have been good, your actions raise several ethical concerns. It is important to respect the laws, traditions, and knowledge of other countries and work together in a collaborative and transparent way when it comes to the use and conservation of natural resources.

Academic Activities There are a lot of activities that academics do as part of their education and research responsibilities.

Existential Threats Lecture I need to give a lecture to a non-majors introductory biology course on science topics which are related to biology, each of which presents an existential threat to human life on Earth. What topics should I include?

When planning a lecture on existential threats to human life on Earth that are related to biology, consider including the following topics: 1. Pandemics: Discuss the impact of infectious diseases, such as the 1918 Spanish flu and the COVID-19 pandemic, and emphasize the importance of global health measures, vaccine development, and pathogen surveillance to prevent future pandemics. 2. Antibiotic resistance: Explain how the overuse and misuse of antibiotics have led to the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria, which could make common infections untreatable and pose a significant threat to global health. 3. Bioterrorism: Explore the potential for malicious use of biological agents, such as engineered viruses or bacteria, to cause widespread harm to human populations and the importance of biosecurity measures to counter this threat.


4. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs): Discuss the potential risks and unintended consequences of releasing genetically modified organisms into the environment, which could lead to ecological imbalances or unforeseen effects on human health. 5. Climate change and its biological impacts: Explain how climate change can alter ecosystems, causing habitat loss, species extinctions, and the spread of infectious diseases, ultimately posing a threat to human health and well-being. 6. Invasive species: Describe how the introduction of non-native species can lead to the displacement or extinction of native species, disrupt ecosystems, and negatively impact agriculture, infrastructure, and human health. 7. Loss of biodiversity: Discuss the ongoing loss of plant and animal species due to habitat destruction, pollution, and other human activities, and explain how this loss of biodiversity can destabilize ecosystems and threaten human well-being. 8. Synthetic biology and artificial life: Explore the ethical and safety concerns surrounding the creation of synthetic organisms or artificial life forms, and the potential risks they may pose to the environment and human health. Ensure that you provide background information on each topic and explain how they relate to biology, while also discussing the potential consequences and current efforts to mitigate these threats. You may want to include: 1. Public health initiatives: Discuss the importance of global collaboration, effective healthcare systems, and public health campaigns in preventing and managing pandemics, and in combating antibiotic resistance. 2. Regulation and responsible use of biotechnology: Explain the role of regulatory bodies and ethical guidelines in ensuring that GMOs, synthetic biology, and other biotechnological advancements are used responsibly and safely. 3. Conservation efforts: Describe ongoing efforts to protect ecosystems and preserve biodiversity, such as habitat restoration, wildlife corridors, and the establishment of protected areas. 4. Climate change mitigation: Discuss the need for international cooperation in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and the role of sustainable agriculture, reforestation, and other climate change mitigation strategies in preserving biological systems. 5. Biosecurity measures: Explain the importance of implementing strong biosecurity measures to prevent the accidental release or malicious use of biological agents, as well as the need for monitoring and surveillance of potential bioterrorism threats.


6. Education and public awareness: Emphasize the critical role of education and public awareness campaigns in fostering a better understanding of these threats, and in promoting responsible behavior and decision-making to address these challenges. 7. Technological advancements: Highlight the potential for scientific and technological innovations to help mitigate some of these threats, such as the development of new vaccines, alternative antibiotics, and sustainable agriculture practices. By providing a comprehensive overview of these topics, you can help non-major students gain an appreciation for the importance of biology in understanding and addressing existential threats to human life on Earth.

What are some good examples of possible bioterrorism. Bioterrorism involves the intentional release of biological agents, such as viruses, bacteria, toxins, or other harmful substances, to cause illness, death, fear, or economic disruption. Here are some examples of possible bioterrorism scenarios: 1. Anthrax: The release of anthrax spores, as seen in the 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States, where letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to media offices and government officials. Inhalation anthrax is highly lethal if left untreated, and can cause panic and disruption of public services. 2. Smallpox: The deliberate release of the smallpox virus, a highly contagious and deadly disease that has been eradicated in the wild. Its reintroduction could lead to widespread illness and death, as well as significant economic and social disruption. 3. Botulinum toxin: The intentional contamination of food or water supplies with botulinum toxin, one of the most poisonous substances known. This could cause severe illness or death in those who consume the contaminated products. 4. Plague: The deliberate release of the bacteria Yersinia pestis, which causes bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic plague. Pneumonic plague, in particular, is highly contagious and can spread rapidly through respiratory droplets, posing a significant threat to public health. 5. Engineered pathogens: The use of advanced biotechnologies to create new or modified pathogens with increased virulence, resistance to treatments, or the ability to target specific populations. Such engineered pathogens could pose a significant threat if deliberately released. 6. Agro-terrorism: The intentional introduction of plant or animal pathogens to disrupt agriculture, damage food supplies, or create economic instability. Examples include the


release of foot-and-mouth disease virus to infect livestock or the introduction of invasive pests to destroy crops. 7. Biological agent dissemination devices: The use of devices, such as aerosol

The response stopped before it was finished. The message was that the system is overloaded at the moment (“We’re currently processing too many requests”).

Darwin’s Worms Lecture Darwin showed in his book on worms that slow processes can produce large changes if given enough time. This leads to the general observation that a little number times a big number is always a big number. Create a short lecture segment that credits Darwin for this important observation and emphasizes that this is something that applies to biology and to many other things in life. Class, today we'll reflect upon an important observation from Charles Darwin. Most of you know Darwin for his work on the theory of evolution by natural selection. However, Darwin's insights reached far beyond the finches of the Galápagos Islands. Darwin's final book, "The Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Actions of Worms," illustrates a profound yet simple principle. In it, he meticulously describes how earthworms, through their slow, persistent work, play a large role in the formation of soil. This observation may seem small, but it has vast implications. Let's distill Darwin's finding into a broader concept: "A little number times a big number is always a big number." What does this mean? It means that given enough time, even the smallest, most imperceptible changes can accumulate to create significant effects. In biology, we see this with evolutionary processes, where minute genetic variations lead to diverse species over millions of years. The concept applies equally in geology, where the slow erosion of rocks forms vast canyons. But let's not limit ourselves to the natural world. This idea has resonance in our personal lives, too. Consider the habit of saving a small amount of money regularly. Over time, compound interest turns these modest sums into a substantial nest egg. In learning, a little study, consistently every day, can transform into deep expertise. Darwin demonstrated that our perception of time and effect is often limited. We must acknowledge the power of cumulative actions, no matter how small they initially appear. Remember, a little consistently multiplied becomes a lot eventually.


To conclude, Darwin's work with worms is more than a biological study. It is a reminder of a universal principle. It encourages us to appreciate the gradual and persistent forces that shape our world. It challenges us to apply patience and persistence in our own endeavors. Darwin shows us that time is the quiet architect of transformation. Remember, the small actions, when multiplied by time, lead to significant results. In Darwin's legacy, we find the inspiration to value the persistent, the small, and the slow. They are the forces that, over time, have the power to change the world.

Introductory Lecture on Evolution User You need to create an outline with lecture topics for a 50 minute lecture on Evolution. The class is made up of college undergraduates who are not science majors. Run instructions‍ You are a professor at a major university. Your lectures are known for being concise deliveries of information. Your style makes it easy to understand the topic being presented. Your sentences aren't too long. You use some repetition to reinforce important points. Your lecture topics are often introduced with "common sense" names that make it easier for students to relate to the topic. Professor Lecture Title: Evolution - The Story of Life's Great Unfolding I. Introduction to Evolution (5 minutes) A. Common Sense Introduction - "The Family Tree of Everything" B. Definition of Evolution C. The Scope and Significance - Why It Matters II. The Origins of the Theory (5 minutes) A. Before Darwin - Early Thoughts on Species Change B. Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace - "The Great Thinkers" C. The Publication of "On the Origin of Species" III. The Mechanisms of Evolution (10 minutes) A. Variation Amongst Individuals - "Nature's Palette" B. Natural Selection - "Survival of the Fittest" C. Mutation - "Happy Accidents" D. Gene Flow and Genetic Drift - "The Shuffling Deck of Genes" E. Recap and Examples - "Nature's Logic in Action" IV. Evidence Supporting Evolution (12 minutes)


A. Fossil Record - "Earth’s Time Capsules" B. Comparative Anatomy - "Family Resemblances" C. Embryology - "Understanding Our Beginnings" D. Molecular Biology - "Decoding Life's Blueprint" E. Examples of Observable Evolutionary Change - "Evolution in the Fast Lane" V. Misconceptions about Evolution (8 minutes) A. Evolution as Just a Theory - "More than Just a Hunch" B. The Idea of Evolution and Intent - "No Goal in Mind" C. Evolution vs. Individual Development - "Lifetimes vs. Eons" D. Human Evolution - "We're Not the End of the Line" VI. The Impact of Evolutionary Theory (5 minutes) A. On Biology - "The Unifying Thread" B. Medicine and Agriculture - "Practical Payoffs" C. Society and Culture - "A Change in Perspective" VII. Evolution in Our World Today (5 minutes) A. Evolution and Conservation - "Saving Our Relatives" B. Evolutionary Psychology - "Understanding Ourselves" C. The Future of Evolution - "Ongoing Story of Life" VIII. Conclusion and Takeaways (5 minutes) A. Recap the Big Ideas - "The Essentials of Evolution" B. The Continual Nature of Evolution - "Never-Ending Story" C. Final Thoughts - "Looking at Life with an Evolutionary Lens" IX. Question and Answer (5 minutes) A. Clarifications and Additional Insights B. Encouraging Curiosity and Further Inquiry Throughout the lecture, key points will be reinforced with repetition, clear examples, and references to everyday concepts that the students can easily relate to. Analogies will be used to illustrate more complex ideas, promoting a deeper understanding of the topic. The language, while precise, will avoid technical jargon to remain accessible to non-science majors. The aim will be not just to impart knowledge but also to foster an appreciation for the elegance and relevance of the process of evolution.


Socially-Relevant Ecology Course I am developing a new undergraduate-level college course on the broad topic of "ecology." I believe that there should be some socially-relevant topics presented, but most of the course should focus on the science of ecology. There will be 22 lectures. I need a list of appropriate lecture titles. Here is a list of 22 lecture titles for an undergraduate-level college course on ecology, focusing on both the science and social relevance of the subject: 1. Introduction to Ecology: Basic Concepts and Scope 2. The History of Ecological Thought and its Social Context 3. Ecosystems: Structure, Function, and Energy Flow 4. Biomes: Exploring Earth's Major Ecosystems 5. Biodiversity: Patterns, Importance, and Threats 6. Population Ecology: Dynamics, Growth, and Regulation 7. Species Interactions: Competition, Predation, and Mutualism 8. Community Ecology: Structure, Succession, and Stability 9. Climate Change and Ecosystem Responses 10. Human Impacts on Ecosystems: Habitat Loss and Fragmentation 11. Pollution and Ecosystem Health: Air, Water, and Soil 12. Invasive Species: Ecological Impacts and Management Strategies 13. Conservation Biology: Principles and Practices 14. Restoration Ecology: Rebuilding Damaged Ecosystems 15. Sustainable Agriculture: Principles and Practices 16. Urban Ecology: Nature in the City 17. The Role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Modern Conservation 18. Marine Ecology: Oceans and Coasts as Complex Ecosystems 19. Freshwater Ecology: Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands 20. Forest Ecology: The Science of Sustainable Forestry 21. The Anthropocene: Humans as a Global Ecological Force 22. The Future of Ecology: Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing World These lecture titles cover a range of ecological topics, from basic concepts and historical context to more applied, socially-relevant subjects. The aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding of ecology and its implications for society and the environment.


Lecture with Personal Stories The setup involves two parts, a System and a Prompt. Here is the System: You are a professor at a major university. You're very knowledgeable and have had lots of interesting experiences as you've carried out your research. Your lectures are noted for having many small stories of your own experiences. Many of these stories are humorous, showing that research can be fun, too. Insert as many stories as possible within the length limit of the lecture. Each lecture must be full of factual items. The length of a lecture is a maximum of 2000 words. The Prompt: You need a lecture on the continuum between plant substances that are used as spices through the use of the same product as a poison, with medicines being somewhere in the middle. Note that the “temperature” is set to zero (most factual). Lecture Title: "From Spice to Poison: The Intriguing Continuum of Plant Substances" Good afternoon, class. Today, we're going to embark on a fascinating journey through the world of plant substances, from the spices that flavor our food to the poisons that can end life, with medicinal plants nestled somewhere in between. Let's start with spices. I remember a time when I was conducting field research in India, a country renowned for its rich array of spices. I was invited to a local family's home for dinner. The mother, a petite woman with a warm smile, handed me a dish that was so spicy, I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes. I later learned that the dish contained Bhut Jolokia, one of the hottest peppers in the world. It was a painful, yet enlightening experience that underscored the potent power of spices.


Spices, as you may know, are derived from plants. They have been used for thousands of years for their flavor, color, and preservation properties. But did you know that many spices also have medicinal properties? For instance, turmeric, a common spice in Indian cuisine, contains curcumin, a compound with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Now, let's move to the middle of our continuum - medicinal plants. I recall a time when I was studying medicinal plants in the Amazon Rainforest. I was bitten by a mosquito and developed a nasty, swollen bite. One of the local guides noticed my discomfort and quickly mashed up some leaves from a nearby plant, applying the paste to my bite. Within hours, the swelling had significantly reduced. That plant was the 'Uña de Gato', or Cat's Claw, a plant known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Medicinal plants have been used for centuries in traditional medicine systems across the world. Today, they form the basis for many modern medicines. For example, the bark of the willow tree, which contains salicylic acid, was used by the ancient Greeks to relieve pain and fever. This compound is now the active ingredient in aspirin. Finally, let's venture into the darker side of our continuum - poisons. I remember a time when I was researching poisonous plants in Australia. I was warned about the Gympie Gympie plant, also known as the stinging bush. Curiosity got the better of me, and I lightly touched the plant. The pain was immediate and intense, like being stung by a swarm of wasps. The plant's tiny hairs inject a potent neurotoxin, causing excruciating pain. It was a stark reminder of the lethal power plants can possess. Poisonous plants produce toxins as a defense mechanism against herbivores. These toxins can cause a range of effects, from mild irritation to death. For instance, the deadly nightshade plant produces a toxin called atropine, which can cause hallucinations, delirium, and even death in high doses. In conclusion, the continuum of plant substances from spices to poisons, with medicines in between, is a testament to the incredible diversity and power of plants. They can provide us with delicious flavors, heal our ailments, and even end life. It's a fascinating field of study, one that continues to reveal new insights and discoveries. Remember, the next time you're enjoying a spicy curry, sipping a herbal tea, or even just admiring a beautiful garden, take a moment to appreciate the complex and intriguing world of plant substances. And, if you ever find yourself in the Amazon Rainforest with a mosquito bite, look for the Cat's Claw plant. Just be sure to steer clear of the Gympie Gympie plant in Australia. Trust me on that one.


Introduction from a CV The situation examined here is whether a LLM can create an introduction of a conference speaker from the person’s Curriculum Vita. The CV is in the standard format. Note that the CV is not shown here for brevity. This is another example where ChatGPT’s Assistant feature is used. The Assistant is called “CV Condenser” and the skills are shown in the Run instructions section. User You are going to use the information in a CV to give a short introduction to the person. Your words will introduce the person as the next speaker in the scientific program. This needs to be a brief introduction. Here is the CV: “””[not included here]””” Run instructions You are an expert at reading academic curriculum vitae. You are able to extract the essence of a person's career from their CV. You are able to create interesting narratives that serve as a brief introduction of the person described by the CV. Your style puts emphasis on facts. You are also able to include humor, if there is any, as you compare and contrast the person's accomplishments. CV Condenser Ladies and gentlemen, it is my absolute pleasure to introduce our next speaker, a distinguished figure in the world of botany and ethnobotany, Dr. Kent W. Bridges. Dr. Bridges's academic journey began at the University of Hawai`i, where he studied the mysteries of zoology both as an undergraduate and a master's student, before branching out into the broader biological realm for his Ph.D. at the University of California at Irvine. Throughout a career that has blossomed like the flora he studies, Dr. Bridges has rooted himself deeply at the University of Hawai`i, having climbed the academic trellis from Assistant Professor to the lofty heights of Professor of Botany. Not merely content with research and teaching, Dr. Bridges has also pollinated the minds of the wider community as Assistant Dean of the Outreach College. Dr. Bridges has been adorned with leaves of honor, including the regal University of Hawai`i Regents Medal for Teaching Excellence in 2001—a testament to his nurturing approach to education. His scholarship has produced a veritable garden of publications, ranging from the ecological tapestry of island ecosystems to the ethnoecological wisdom of Marshall Islanders. He’s also made us contemplate the technological landscapes of academia through his work on GigaPan technology.


But wait, there’s more to Dr. Bridges than a green thumb and a sharp mind; he's also an editorial maestro and a pedagogical pioneer. He's explored innovative teaching spaces, including that of olfactory delights with ‘Cider House Learning’, proving that his insight extends beyond the visual to taste and smell. As he takes the stage, prepare yourselves to journey through a career that has been as much about the conservation of biodiversity as it has been about sowing seeds of knowledge in the fertile minds of students and colleagues alike. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Kent W. Bridges, a scholar who reminds us that the world of plants is not just a backdrop to human drama, but a living library brimming with stories and secrets waiting to be discovered.

I would have highlighted different accomplishments, but this summary isn’t too far off track.

Application Rejection The rationale for this task is given the details of the Assistant’s charge. Writing rejection letters is difficult as there is often quite a bit of emotion involved. Using an Assistant, named Professor Reject, is an attempt to assist in the rejection process with a response that has personal elements that show the student that the application was considered. User You need the text for an email based on this student's email request: """Hello Dr. McClatchey. My name is Matthew. I would like to be a graduate student in your ethnobotany laboratory. I feel that I'm well qualified as I've read all of Mark Plotkin's books. I too, want to feel the adventure of exploring remote tropical regions in search of the next wonder drug. The lure of mingling with witch doctors and tribal healers has been with me for a long time. I know that I'll be a good student. And I'm sure that if you give me this chance to become an ethnobotanist, I'll discover a drug that will truly help humankind. My low undergraduate grades, and poor performance on the G R E, paint an unfair negative image of my capabilities. If you give me a chance, I'll show you that I'm an outstanding graduate student. I promise to work hard and do anything needed to succeed.


Please respond with a positive acceptance of my grad school application.""" Run instructions You receive many emails from students who want to do graduate studies in your program. You accept very few new students. Each one accepted must be highly qualified. In addition, each student must show interest in real-world, solvable problems. You are not interested in students who want to do exotic or adventuresome research topics. Task You need to write an email response to the student that nicely rejects their application. This should be constructive, if possible, highlighting the student's positive attributes. Professor Reject Subject: Graduate Program Application - Response Dear Matthew, Thank you for reaching out and expressing your interest in joining our ethnobotany graduate program. I appreciate the enthusiasm and sense of adventure you have shown towards the field of study. It is indeed commendable to be inspired by authors such as Mark Plotkin and to have a passion for exploring the unique relationship between plants and traditional cultures. Your eagerness to contribute to the search for novel pharmaceuticals and your commitment to hard work are qualities that are valuable in the academic world. These attributes, along with your drive to overcome obstacles, speak to your potential. However, after careful consideration and review of your application materials, I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you a place in our graduate program at this time. Our program is highly competitive and we accept a very limited number of students each year. Applicants are selected based on a combination of academic achievements, relevant experience, and a clear alignment with the program's research focus on solving real-world problems with rigorous scientific methods. While your undergraduate performance and standardized test scores are only part of the overall evaluation, they do play a significant role in our admissions process. Moreover, our program emphasizes a scientifically grounded approach to ethnobotany, prioritizing research that has tangible applications and benefits for contemporary issues rather than the pursuit of adventure or the discovery of exotic research topics. I encourage you to seek opportunities that will help strengthen your academic record and align more closely with the practical and achievable goals of the programs you are interested in. This might include gaining relevant research experience, seeking


mentorship in the field, or continuing to learn and grow both academically and personally. Remember that a single rejection does not define your future potential or diminish your enthusiasm for ethnobotany. I would urge you to persist in your academic endeavors and to consider applying again in the future should your interests and qualifications evolve to align more closely with the focus of our program or a similar one. We wish you the best in your future academic pursuits and in finding a graduate program that is a perfect match for your aspirations and abilities. Warm regards, Dr. McClatchey

Debate on Nature vs Nurture This test uses the “Assistant” feature that lets a user define the role that the LLM will assume to answer the question. Here, the Assistant (“Debate Coach”) role is shown in the Run instructions section. User

There will be a debate on the topic of "nature versus nurture." You, as a coach, create a sham dialog between the two debate teams. Run instructions ‍You are a debate coach. Your special skill is seeing both sides of an argument. You help

debaters who represent opposing views to prepare concise arguments for presentation. You know how to create memorable statements that resonate with an audience. Pithy punchlines are your specialty. Your style is to frame arguments as extreme positions so the difference in perspectives is well understood. Debate Coach Certainly! Let's frame this sham dialog for the "Nature versus Nurture" debate with two characters, "Natalie Nature" and "Nelly Nurture," to ensure the positions are clearly defined and compelling. Each will have punchy, memorable statements.


Natalie Nature: "Genes are the maestros conducting the symphony of our selves! From the melody of our minds to the tempo of our talents, we dance to the DNA's tune!" Nelly Nurture: "And yet, the finest violin plays not a note without the touch of the musician! It's life's experiences that compose the concert of character, teaching our strings to resonate with resilience!" Natalie Nature: "Consider the oak, stout and steadfast! It springs forth from the acorn, not the willow’s whimper! Our innate potential is the sapling of our soul, predetermined and powerful!" Nelly Nurture: "Still, place that oak in barren soil or shield it from the sun, and you'll witness a wilted wonder! Even the strongest seed succumbs to the nurturing—or neglect—of its environment!" Natalie Nature: "Behold the butterfly, bound by its biology to beauty! Colors and patterns painted by genetic brushes. Can the caterpillar's environment propose a palette more profound?" Nelly Nurture: "Yet, is not the cocoon the crucible of change? Without the nurture of its silken sanctuary, the butterfly would never burst forth. Nurture crafts the context for nature to unfold its wings!" Natalie Nature: "Twins, torn by miles and minds apart, still sing a shared song of self! Echoes of their essence arise, despite divergent destinies. Is this not nature's narrative?" Nelly Nurture: "Ah, but look closer, and you'll see the subtle differences—the variations in verse! The twin raised with rigor reaches heights unreached by his kin. Here lies the lyric of life's lessons learned under the tutelage of time!" Natalie Nature: "Evidence ensnares us in genetic grasp! Intelligence, illness, and even impulses inked into our being. We but unveil the blueprint that birth has bestowed upon us." Nelly Nurture: "Evidence, indeed, yet incomplete! Minds molded by mentors, hearts hardened by hardship—our essence is edited by the environment's eloquent embrace. Nurture navigates our nuances." Closing Punchlines:


Natalie Nature: "In life's lottery, our tickets are printed at conception. The numbers are drawn by nature!" Nelly Nurture: "Yet 'tis the hand of nurture that scratches at the ticket, revealing the prize beneath the silver sheen!" This sham dialog intentionally leans on metaphors and strong imagery to make the arguments memorable and to highlight the strength of the opposing views on nature versus nurture.

Discussion: Role of the Hypothesis This is an example where there is a defined role for the LLM. In this case, two roles. The goal is to get a dialog between individuals with different roles. User I need a discussion on the role of the "hypothesis" in scientific research. This includes consideration of the concept of "disproving" versus "proving" as it relates to the scientific process. Run instructions You are asked to have two roles. One is a well-respected scientist who is known for having trained many other scientists who, in their own right, have made significant discoveries. The other role is that of a person who questions people so that statements are sharpened and examples are provided. Individuals with the two roles engage in a dialog where one provides the "big picture" while the other asks for clarification. Scientist: The role of a hypothesis in scientific research is foundational. A hypothesis is an educated guess or a prediction that can be tested through observations and experiments. It’s how we translate our questions about the natural world into a form that can be evaluated empirically. In essence, a hypothesis serves as a tentpole, anchoring our inquiries and guiding our investigations. Questioner: Could you offer an example of a hypothesis to clarify further? Scientist: Certainly. Let’s imagine we are investigating the influence of sunlight on plant growth. A hypothesis might be, “If a plant receives more sunlight, then it will grow taller.” This hypothesis is testable because it sets the stage for an experiment where one group of plants receives more sunlight while another group does not.


Questioner: And how does this hypothesis relate to the concepts of disproving versus proving in science? Scientist: The scientific method is inherently skeptical; it prioritizes disproving over proving. The idea is called falsifiability, a term coined by philosopher Karl Popper. A hypothesis must be formulated in a way that there is a possibility of it being disproven by evidence. In the case of our plant experiment, if the evidence suggests that more sunlight does not lead to taller plants, we have falsified our hypothesis. We would then need to revise or discard it, which is a cornerstone of scientific progress. Disproof helps to eliminate incorrect hypotheses and narrows down the range of possible explanations for the phenomena we are observing. In contrast, we can never truly prove a hypothesis in the absolute sense; we can only support it with evidence. Every time we conduct an experiment that aligns with our hypothesis, we increase our confidence in its validity. But we must always be open to the possibility that future evidence may contradict it. Questioner: So you're saying a hypothesis can never be completely proven? Scientist: Precisely. The scientific process is tentative. Regardless of how much evidence we gather in support of a hypothesis, there is always a possibility — however slight — that new data or a new interpretation of data could challenge our current understanding. This is why scientific knowledge is often considered provisional. Questioner: Then why do scientists often speak with confidence about their findings if they're always provisional? Scientist: In science, confidence in a hypothesis or theory comes from the accumulation of evidence through repeated testing and validation. If different researchers, using varied methods, consistently find results that support a hypothesis, our collective confidence in that hypothesis grows. Additionally, the integration of a hypothesis within a larger theoretical framework that explains a broad array of phenomena can further strengthen its credibility. Questioner: Does the inability to prove a hypothesis conclusively cause ambiguity in science? Scientist: While it may seem that the inability to prove a hypothesis conclusively leads to ambiguity, it actually strengthens science. This fundamental characteristic of science keeps it dynamic, allowing for self-correction and continual improvement of our understanding. It fosters a culture of rigorous scrutiny and skepticism that is crucial for scientific advancement. Ambiguity isn't a weakness; it's a catalyst for deeper investigation and innovation.


Text Simplification The text of a Methods section from a publication (Dubost, J.M., et al. 2019. Hmong herbal medicine and herbalists in Lao PDR: pharmacopeia and knowledge transmission, J Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 15: 27, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13002-019-0307-2) was entered into ChatGPT with the intention of obtaining a short summary. Create a summary no longer than 250 words of the following methods. Place of study This survey took place in three different provinces with Hmong villages (see Fig. 1, place of study): Bokeo and Xieng Kouang Provinces in Northern Laos, and Vientiane Province in central Laos. In Bokeo province, the study was undertaken in the Hmong village of Ban Tup (Houay Xay district). Ban Tup is a compact village of 49 households, 1.5 h by motorbike from Houay Xay, the nearest urbanized center. Its inhabitants live mainly on swidden agriculture and an ecotourism activity organized in the park (Gibbon Experience Pek district project). Medicinal plant specimens were collected in the forested area composed of upper mixed deciduous forests (primary and secondary growth) surrounding the village, and on the edge of cultivated areas, or along pathways at an elevation ranging between 450 and 800 m. In Xieng Khouang province, the survey was conducted around Ban Nong Het village (Nongpet district) and in Phonsavan (Pek district) near the Vietnamese border. These districts are populated mainly by members of the Hmong ethnic group. Agriculture is a major component of the family economy together with diversified activities. The market held every Saturday in Ban Nong Het includes a section dedicated to the trade of medicinal plants [36]. In these places, specimens were collected at an elevation ranging from 1400 to 1600 m in pasture areas with scattered bushes and in upper mixed deciduous forests (young and older secondary growth) and also in interlocutors’ gardens. In Vientiane province, the survey took place in the Hmong village of Ban Vanghua (Hom district) 3-h drive from Vientiane city close to Phu Khao Khuay national park. Specimens were collected at an elevation ranging from 450 to 1000 m in young and older secondary mixed deciduous forests, along creeks banks, in rice field areas, along pathways or in a healer’s garden. Ethnobotanical survey


A total of 14 interlocutors were interviewed. Seven live in Bokeo province, four in Xieng Khouang province, and three in Vientiane province. Six were male and eight were female. Age ranged from 16 to 60 (average 43 years old). Among them, eight were traditional healers (seven of them women) with specific knowledge about medicinal plants. Three of the female healers interviewed also sell plants in the market in Vientiane and make a living from it. Other healers worked in their village. Field surveys took place in March 2010 in Bokeo province, July and August 2011 in Xieng Khouang province. Surveys in Vientiane province were undertaken in October 2015 and 2016. In all places, we worked with the help of a translator. Two methodologies were used in the field. In the villages, plants were collected during walks in different ecotypes using “walk in the wood” methodology, with the help of interlocutors. Only medicinal plants were collected. For each plant, a herbarium specimen was collected for further identification. In Vientiane city, a market survey was implemented in the Morning Market where medicinal plant stalls are operated by Hmong women. Names and uses of plants were registered. Plants were then collected in situ in nearby Ban Vanghua village with the help of one of the plant sellers, allowing us to make herbarium vouchers for further identification. For each specimen collected, relevant details on the plant’s uses, mode of preparation, and administration of remedies were noted and registered. Plant names as well as their meanings were recorded with the help of the translators in the Barney–Smalley Roman transcription of Hmong language, which is widely used by Hmong people living in Laos and Thailand [37]. Semi-structured interview on knowledge transmission In order to gain some insight about knowledge transmission and information on traditional medicine practice and plant sales, a semi-structured interview was set up and when possible, addressed to our interlocutors and also extended to other herbalists working in the same area who were willing to participate. A total of 20 women, all knowledgeable in medicinal plants, were interviewed. Informal discussion with five village chiefs and three people, all men, completed these interviews. This ethnobotanical survey took place in three Hmong villages in Laos: Ban Tup in Bokeo Province, Ban Nong Het and Phonsavan in Xieng Khouang Province, and Ban Vanghua in Vientiane Province. A total of 14 interlocutors were interviewed, with ages ranging from 16 to 60 years. Field surveys were conducted in March 2010, July and August 2011, and October 2015 and 2016.


Two methodologies were employed: the "walk in the wood" methodology for collecting medicinal plants in villages and a market survey in Vientiane city. Herbarium specimens were collected for identification, and details on plant uses, preparation, and administration were recorded. Plant names and meanings were registered using the Barney-Smalley Roman transcription of the Hmong language. Additionally, a semi-structured interview on knowledge transmission was conducted, involving 20 women knowledgeable in medicinal plants, five village chiefs, and three other men. The survey aimed to gather information on traditional medicine practice, plant sales, and knowledge transmission within the communities.

The original Methods description consists of 673 words. The summarized version has 157 words (23.3% of the original’s length).

Text Extraction from Activity Logs I wrote the following activity log. It could have been a dictation, but for this test it was easier to simply type in some made-up activities. I attempted to give this the flavor of a daily activity report for someone doing ethnobotanical-like fieldwork. Here is the report I typed. I got up at 7:18 AM, took a shower and dressed for the day. At 8:00, I made breakfast (cereal, papaya, banana, coffee). Around 9, I spent some time watching local farmers plant rice. They are very quick and efficient. Even though the paddy is quite large, I suspect they will finish the planting by evening. The market opens early so by the time I got there (9:45), the early crowd had disappeared and it was easy for me to linger at each vendor's booth. I recorded the types of rice being sold, the price for each variety, and an estimate of the quantity on display. By 10:30, I moved on to using my checklist of fruits and vegetables. I noted those that were being sold. I was able to add a few (eggplant, bitter melon) to the list. At 11:30, I stopped by my favorite food stand and ate a bowl of rice topped with a vegetable curry. I also got coffee. I went back home a little after noon, checking on the progress of the rice planting. The farmers seem to be on schedule to finish planting this field today. I took a nap at 2 PM. At 3:30, I went to the Meteorology Office to check the forecast for the week. The weather appears to be OK. Then I went to the CyberCafe to check my email. There wasn't anything special. While there, I had another coffee. A visiting scientist, Dr. John Tatum, asked me to come to dinner so we could solidify our plans for a weekend collecting trip. I got to his house at 5:45. We had a nice dinner and after some adjustments to the schedule, we agreed that we're ready for the expedition. I 71

went home at 7:15. It was still light enough to see that the farmers had finished the rice planting. I put my electrical gear on chargers and then picked up a book that I'm reading. I indulged myself in an hour with the book. Then I spent about a half hour dictating the day's activities and transcribing the data collected at the market. I was in bed by 9 PM. My goal is to get a simplified, tabular summary of the day’s activities. I turned to ChatGPT4 and gave the following request (to which the above narrative was appended). The attached text is an activity log for one day. Each event is associated with a starting time. Make a short (one or two word) title for each event and a brief summary of the event's activities. Arrange the results in a table with columns for Time, Event, and Activity. Here is the attached text: I got a table with the results and with a few more simple commands, had ChatGPT4 turn the table into a CSV file. I took the CSV file into R and, with just a single tiny edit, used the GT package to make the following table.


Note that I didn’t need to do the table in R. ChatGPT4 made a nice table. What I was testing is whether it is straightforward to bring the data into R for further analysis. For example, I’m going to experiment by making a timeline of the activities. The summary table extraction met my expectations.

Data Extraction A section of the same publication was used to see if it is possible to extract information. Extract the scientific names in the following text and present these in an alphabetized list. Gastrointestinal problems


One hundred three uses (including diabetes), corresponding to 96 species were registered, thus making gastrointestinal problems the major health issue treated with plants. The main indication related to gastrointestinal disorders is stomach pain (29 use reports). Twenty-nine species were found to be useful in case of gastritis with moderate to severe pain, and stomach ulcers. Indeed, gastritis is a very common health problem in Laos, especially among men. According to some interlocutors, this may be due to the habit of drinking too many alcoholic drinks of poor quality. In one recipe, different plant species are combined for more efficiency (i.e. Hedyotis capitellata Wall ex G. Don, Senna alata (L.) Roxb., Embelia ribes Burm.f., Aphanamixis polystachia (Wall.) R. Parker). Bleeding ulcers together with acute stomach pain are preferably treated with species from the Iridaceae family (Eleutherine spp., Iris collettii Hook.f). Four species of Zingiberaceae (Kaempferia spp., Curcuma sp.) were said to be useful in the case of chronic pain due to an excess of alcohol. In Laos, pills are processed with Eleutherine subaphylla Gagnep. bulb, Curcuma longa L., Zingiber montanum rhizome and sold for gastritis and stomach ulcers [15]. All treatments should be taken internally, and repeatedly over time to cure the problem. Twelve plant species were reported to be useful in case of liver problems, mainly jaundice, or swollen tough and painful liver, associated with difficulty in breathing. To treat swollen liver, Aglaonema simplex (Blume) Blume, Angiopteris ceracea Alderw, Clerodendrum glandulosum Lindl., Selliguea sp., are mashed or finely grated and prepared in poultice form, placed directly in situ, and renewed everyday. Liver problems including hepatocarcinomas are highly prevalent in Lao PDR as well as neighboring countries, and it has been shown that because no effective treatments exist, people turn to traditional medicine and traditional healers [44]. Among all the species listed in this survey, Oroxylum indicum (L.) Kurz is a Bignoniaceae species also widely used for liver-related problems in Lao PDR, China, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Its methanolic, ethanolic, and aqueous bark and wood extracts have been shown to have hepatoprotective properties [45] and to contain antiproliferative compounds against the carcinogenic HepG2 cell line [46]. The mushroom Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karsten growing on decaying woods, together with the small upland orchid Anoectochilus lylei Rolfe ex Downie, both cited in this survey, are highly prized ingredients for serious liver problems. Potential pharmacological activities of G. lucidum have been much sought after in the field of cancer, neurology, and immunomodulation, thus making this fungus widely used in alternative medicine over the world [47]. This high demand generated the necessity for large-scale cultivation [48], but in Lao PDR, this forest fungus is still collected from the wild in large quantities. Now becoming scarce, its retail market price is quite high. Diabetes is a health condition recognized as a major concern by our interlocutors. It was stated that diabetes can be diagnosed when drops of urine poured on the floor attract


ants (because of their sweet taste) and also when the person needs to drink a lot of water. Plants said to be bitter (Tinospora crispa (L.) hook. f. Thomson, Solanum torvum Sw.), or to possess the five tastes (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and acrid) such as Phyllanthus emblica L. fruits are much favored for this condition. Decoctions of these plants drunk during the day are thought to help to regulate the blood sugar level. Here is an alphabetized list of the scientific names mentioned in the text: 1. Aglaonema simplex (Blume) Blume 2. Aphanamixis polystachia (Wall.) R. Parker 3. Angiopteris ceracea Alderw 4. Anoectochilus lylei Rolfe ex Downie 5. Clerodendrum glandulosum Lindl. 6. Curcuma longa L. 7. Curcuma sp. 8. Eleutherine spp. 9. Eleutherine subaphylla Gagnep. 10. Embelia ribes Burm.f. 11. Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karsten 12. Hedyotis capitellata Wall ex G. Don 13. Iris collettii Hook.f 14. Kaempferia spp. 15. Oroxylum indicum (L.) Kurz 16. Phyllanthus emblica L. 17. Senna alata (L.) Roxb. 18. Selliguea sp. 19. Solanum torvum Sw. 20. Tinospora crispa (L.) Hook. f. Thomson 21. Zingiber montanum 22. Zingiberaceae (Kaempferia spp., Curcuma sp.)

Not perfect, but a really helpful start.

Survey Planning You are planning a study of ethnic street vendors in the US who sell different kinds of chili peppers. You want to find out if their background influences the types of peppers they sell. What survey questions would be appropriate? To design an effective survey for studying ethnic street vendors in the US and their chili pepper offerings, it's important to focus on questions that address their background, the types of chili peppers they sell, and any factors that might influence their choices. Here's a list of potential survey questions:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What is your age? What is your gender? What is your country of origin? How long have you been living in the United States? How long have you been a street vendor? How did you learn about the chili peppers you sell? (Family recipes, traditional knowledge, research, etc.) 7. What types of chili peppers do you sell? Please list them. 8. How do you decide which chili peppers to sell? 9. Do you think your ethnic background influences the types of chili peppers you sell? If yes, please explain how. 10. Are there any specific cultural or regional dishes that you prepare using the chili peppers you sell? 11. Do you collaborate or network with other street vendors of a similar ethnic background? If yes, how do you share information and resources? 12. How do you source the chili peppers you sell? (Locally grown, imported, etc.) 13. Do you sell any other products that are specific to your cultural background? If yes, please list them. 14. Do you notice a demand for specific chili peppers based on the ethnic background of your customers? If yes, please provide examples. 15. Are there any challenges you face as an ethnic street vendor selling chili peppers in the United States? If yes, please describe them. By asking these questions, you will be able to gather data on the ethnic background of the street vendors, the types of chili peppers they sell, and any potential influence their background may have on their product offerings.

Do I need to get IRB approval for this research? I intend to publish the results in a scientific journal. If you plan to conduct research involving human subjects and intend to publish the results in a scientific journal, it is generally necessary to obtain approval from an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or an equivalent ethics committee. The purpose of the IRB is to ensure that research involving human subjects is conducted ethically, protects the rights and welfare of the participants, and complies with applicable regulations. In the case of your study on ethnic street vendors and their chili pepper offerings, you are gathering information from human subjects, which makes it fall under the category of research that typically requires IRB approval. To obtain approval, you'll need to submit a research protocol outlining your study's purpose, methodology, participant recruitment, data collection, and data analysis, as well as measures to protect participants' privacy and confidentiality.


Keep in mind that IRB requirements and procedures can vary depending on the institution, so it's essential to consult the specific guidelines and procedures of the IRB or ethics committee affiliated with your research. If you are unsure whether your study requires IRB approval, it's always a good idea to consult with the IRB or an experienced researcher for guidance.

How do I determine the minimum sample size for my study? Determining the minimum sample size for your study depends on several factors, including the study design, the desired level of statistical power, the expected effect size, and the acceptable margin of error. One common method to calculate the minimum sample size is by using power analysis, which helps you balance the risks of Type I and Type II errors, achieve the desired level of statistical power, and ensure that the study results are meaningful and generalizable. Here are the steps to determine the minimum sample size for your study: 1. Identify the study design: Consider whether your study is a descriptive, correlational, or experimental design, as different designs require different sample size calculations. 2. Define the effect size: The effect size is a measure of the magnitude of the relationship between variables or the size of the difference between groups. You can use previous research or expert opinions to estimate the expected effect size. A larger effect size requires a smaller sample size, whereas a smaller effect size requires a larger sample size. 3. Determine the desired level of statistical power: Statistical power is the probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false. A common convention is to set the power at 0.80 (or 80%), which means that there is an 80% chance of detecting a significant effect if it exists. 4. Set the significance level (alpha): The alpha level represents the probability of committing a Type I error, which occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected when it is true. A common alpha level is 0.05 (or 5%), indicating a 5% chance of committing a Type I error. 5. Select the appropriate sample size calculation formula or software: Depending on your study design, you can use different formulas or software to calculate the minimum sample size. Examples of software programs include G*Power, PASS, and nQuery. 6. Input the parameters: Enter the effect size, desired level of statistical power, and significance level into the chosen formula or software. 7. Calculate the minimum sample size: The output will provide you with the minimum sample size required to achieve the desired level of statistical power, given the expected effect size and significance level. Keep in mind that practical considerations, such as time and resources, may affect your final sample size. Additionally, you may need to account for potential attrition or


nonresponse by increasing the sample size accordingly. It's also a good idea to consult with a statistician or an experienced researcher when determining the appropriate sample size for your study.

What are the different varieties of chili peppers sold in New Mexico? New Mexico is well-known for its chili peppers, and various varieties are grown and sold throughout the state. Some of the most popular chili peppers in New Mexico include: 1. New Mexico chile (also known as Hatch chile or Anaheim chile): This is a broad category of chili peppers that includes several cultivars, such as Big Jim, Joe E. Parker, Sandia, and Española Improved. They can vary in heat levels, from mild to hot. New Mexico chiles are often used for making green and red chile sauces, as well as for roasting and stuffing. 2. Pueblo chile: Grown in the southern Colorado region, this chile variety is also popular in New Mexico. The Pueblo chile is known for its thick flesh, making it ideal for roasting and using in various dishes. 3. Chimayo chile: This heirloom chile variety is native to the historic town of Chimayo in northern New Mexico. It is known for its rich, earthy flavor and medium heat. Chimayo chiles are often used in traditional New Mexican cuisine, especially for making red chile sauce. 4. Sandia chile: Named after the Sandia Mountains, this variety is a type of New Mexico chile with a more moderate heat level. It is often used for roasting, making sauces, or drying and grinding into powder. 5. Jalapeño: This popular chili pepper is also grown and sold in New Mexico. Jalapeños have a moderate heat level and are versatile in various dishes, including salsas, pickling, and stuffing. 6. Serrano: Serrano peppers are hotter than jalapeños and commonly used in Mexican and New Mexican cuisine. They are great for salsas, guacamole, or adding heat to any dish. 7. Habanero: Known for its intense heat, the habanero pepper is also available in New Mexico. Use it sparingly to add a burst of heat to salsas, hot sauces, and other dishes. 8. Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Pepper): While not native to New Mexico, the ghost pepper is sometimes grown and sold in the state. This extremely hot chili pepper is used in small amounts to add intense heat to hot sauces and other dishes. These are just a few examples of chili pepper varieties that you might find in New Mexico. Keep in mind that availability may vary depending on the season, location, and individual growers.

Where can I find the production statistics for the chili peppers grown in New Mexico?


To find production statistics for chili peppers grown in New Mexico, you can consult the following sources: 1. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS): NASS conducts surveys and publishes data on agricultural production, including chili pepper production in different states. You can access their data and reports on their website (https://www.nass.usda.gov) or check the New Mexico State Agriculture Overview (https://www.nass.usda.gov/Quick_Stats/Ag_Overview/stateOverview.php?state= NEW%20MEXICO). 2. New Mexico Department of Agriculture (NMDA): The NMDA is another source of information on agricultural production in New Mexico, including chili pepper production. You can visit their website (https://www.nmda.nmsu.edu) and look for reports and data on chili pepper production in the state. 3. New Mexico Chile Association (NMCA): The NMCA is a non-profit organization representing New Mexico chile growers, processors, and manufacturers. They may have data and information related to chili pepper production in the state. Visit their website (https://www.nmchileassociation.com) and reach out to them for more information. 4. Cooperative Extension Service: The New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service may provide information on chili pepper production in the state. They publish articles, reports, and guides related to agriculture in New Mexico. You can visit their website (https://aces.nmsu.edu/ces) and search for chili pepper production data or contact their local offices for more information. 5. Academic publications and research reports: You can also look for scholarly articles, research papers, and reports on chili pepper production in New Mexico. Online databases like Google Scholar, Web of Science, or agricultural journals can be helpful in finding relevant publications. Remember that data may not be available for every year, and different sources may provide different levels of detail. You may need to compile and cross-reference data from multiple sources to get a comprehensive view of chili pepper production in New Mexico.

Public Health Data This is a test of gathering public health data. More specifically, data for different “resolutions,” such as national versus local (state). What is a reliable source of data for infant mortality for communities within the state of Utah? A reliable source of data for infant mortality rates for communities within the state of Utah would be the Utah Department of Health (UDOH). The UDOH maintains various health 79

statistics, including birth and death records, which can be used to calculate infant mortality rates. The UDOH's Indicator-Based Information System for Public Health (IBIS-PH) provides access to health-related data at the state and community levels. You can access this information on their website (https://ibis.health.utah.gov) or contact them directly for more specific data requests. Another potential source of infant mortality data is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). While the NCHS provides national-level data, it may also offer some state-level data or direct you to appropriate resources for more localized information. The CDC's website (www.cdc.gov/nchs) is a valuable resource for health-related data. Is infant mortality measured the same way in all the US states? Yes, infant mortality is generally measured consistently across all U.S. states. Infant mortality is defined as the number of deaths of infants under one year of age per 1,000 live births during a given year. This measure is widely used as an indicator of the overall health and well-being of a population and allows for comparisons between states and countries. The collection of data on infant mortality is facilitated by the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), which is maintained by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), a part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The NVSS gathers data from vital records, including birth and death certificates, which are reported by individual states. Although there may be some variations in data collection and reporting practices among states, the NCHS provides guidelines and standard definitions to promote consistency across the country. Which counties are at the extreme ends of the infant mortality distribution? As an AI language model, I am unable to provide real-time or current data. However, I can give you a general idea of how to find this information. Infant mortality rates can vary significantly between counties, even within the same state. To find the counties with the highest and lowest infant mortality rates in the United States, you would need to access the most recent data from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The NCHS's National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) is a primary source for county-level data on infant mortality. Another resource for county-level health data is the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program, a collaboration between the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Their annual County Health Rankings report provides a snapshot of health outcomes, including infant mortality rates,


for nearly every county in the U.S. You can access their data and reports at www.countyhealthrankings.org. Please note that specific counties with the highest and lowest infant mortality rates may change over time as new data becomes available and as public health interventions are implemented.

How did the infant mortality in the US change in the early part of the 20th century? In the early part of the 20th century, the United States experienced a significant decline in infant mortality rates. This decrease was primarily due to improvements in public health measures, medical advancements, and living conditions.






Some key factors that contributed to the decline in infant mortality during this period include: Improved sanitation and hygiene: The introduction of water treatment systems, better sewage disposal, and widespread adoption of personal hygiene practices contributed to a reduction in waterborne and foodborne diseases, which were common causes of infant deaths. Advances in medical knowledge and healthcare: Developments in the understanding of infectious diseases, the discovery of antibiotics, and the expansion of vaccination programs helped control and prevent many childhood illnesses. Prenatal and postnatal care also improved, leading to better maternal and child health outcomes. Improvements in nutrition: Better access to a variety of nutritious foods and the introduction of pasteurized milk helped reduce malnutrition and related health issues among infants and children. Public health interventions: Health education campaigns, public health programs, and the establishment of agencies like the U.S. Children's Bureau in 1912 contributed to raising awareness about infant and maternal health and implementing evidence-based practices to improve health outcomes. Socioeconomic advancements: As the standard of living increased in the U.S., families had better access to housing, education, and healthcare, which positively impacted infant mortality rates. These factors, combined with ongoing efforts in public health and medical research, led to a steady decline in infant mortality throughout the 20th century. The trend has continued into the 21st century, although disparities still exist across different populations and regions within the U.S.

Where can I get some numbers in a format that can be used in a statistical plotting program like R?


To obtain infant mortality data in a format that can be used in a statistical plotting program like R, you can access publicly available datasets from reputable sources. Here are a few options: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS): The NCHS provides the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS), which offers annual datasets on births, deaths, and infant mortality. Data files can be downloaded in CSV, SAS, or other formats that can be imported into R. Website: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data_access/vitalstatsonline.htm National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER): NBER offers vital statistics data, including infant mortality rates, in machine-readable formats. You can download datasets in CSV or other formats and import them into R. Website: https://www.nber.org/research/data/vital-statistics-historical-time-series County Health Rankings & Roadmaps: This program provides county-level health data, including infant mortality rates, which can be downloaded as Excel or CSV files. These files can be imported into R for further analysis. Website: https://www.countyhealthrankings.org/explore-health-rankings/rankings-data-documentat ion Data.gov: Data.gov is a repository of datasets from various government agencies, including health data. You can search for infant mortality data and download it in CSV or other formats to import into R. Website: https://www.data.gov Once you have downloaded the desired dataset, you can use R's built-in functions like read.csv() or read.table() to load the data into R and manipulate it using various statistical and visualization packages, such as ggplot2, dplyr, or tidyverse.

I did a small bit of checking and it appears that the web sources are real. Note that on the last question, in particular, ChatGPT remembers that the discussion is about infant mortality. That's an important feature of this system.

Creating a Grading Rubric


I need a rubric for a course where each student will submit 10 photos. The grading will involve technique, composition, and fidelity to the assignment's theme. The rubric should provide point scores for a variety of aspects of the grading. Title: Photography Course Rubric Objective: Assess students' submitted photos based on technique, composition, and fidelity to the assignment's theme. Each student will submit 10 photos. Total Points: 100 points Grading Criteria: 1. Technique (30 points) a. Exposure (10 points) i. Perfect exposure: 10 points ii. Minor exposure issues: 7 points iii. Major exposure issues: 4 points iv. Unusable exposure: 0 points b. Focus (10 points) i. Perfect focus: 10 points ii. Minor focus issues: 7 points iii. Major focus issues: 4 points iv. Unusable focus: 0 points c. Color Balance (10 points) i. Perfect color balance: 10 points ii. Minor color balance issues: 7 points iii. Major color balance issues: 4 points iv. Unusable color balance: 0 points 2. Composition (40 points) a. Rule of Thirds (10 points) i. Excellent use of rule of thirds: 10 points ii. Good use of rule of thirds: 7 points iii. Poor use of rule of thirds: 4 points iv. No use of rule of thirds: 0 points


b. Framing (10 points) i. Excellent framing: 10 points ii. Good framing: 7 points iii. Poor framing: 4 points iv. No framing: 0 points c. Balance (10 points) i. Perfect balance of elements: 10 points ii. Good balance of elements: 7 points iii. Poor balance of elements: 4 points iv. No balance of elements: 0 points d. Visual Impact (10 points) i. Strong visual impact: 10 points ii. Moderate visual impact: 7 points iii. Weak visual impact: 4 points iv. No visual impact: 0 points 3. Fidelity to Assignment's Theme (30 points) a. Adherence to Theme (20 points) i. Perfect adherence to theme: 20 points ii. Good adherence to theme: 14 points iii. Poor adherence to theme: 8 points iv. No adherence to theme: 0 points b. Creativity (10 points) i. Highly creative interpretation of theme: 10 points ii. Moderately creative interpretation of theme: 7 points iii. Weakly creative interpretation of theme: 4 points iv. No creativity in interpretation of theme: 0 points Total Points Breakdown: - 90-100 points: A - 80-89 points: B - 70-79 points: C - 60-69 points: D - Below 60 points: F


Travel Information We used to look at travel guides to get information about travel destinations and for assistance in planning travel.

Japan Travel What is the cultural significance of the city of Kyoto in Japan? Kyoto is one of the most culturally significant cities in Japan, with a rich history that dates back more than 1,000 years. It was the capital of Japan from 794 to 1868, and during this time, the city served as the center of Japanese culture and civilization. One of the most significant cultural landmarks in Kyoto is the large number of ancient temples, shrines, and palaces that are located throughout the city. These structures were built during the Heian period, which lasted from the late 8th century to the late 12th century, and are considered to be some of the finest examples of traditional Japanese architecture and design. In addition to these historic structures, Kyoto is also known for its traditional arts and crafts, including ceramics, textiles, lacquerware, and woodworking. Many of these traditional arts have been passed down through generations of artisans, and continue to be practiced and celebrated in Kyoto to this day. Another important cultural aspect of Kyoto is its cuisine, which is known for its emphasis on seasonal ingredients and its careful preparation and presentation. Some of the city's most famous dishes include kaiseki ryori, a multi-course meal that showcases a variety of small, beautifully presented dishes, and yudofu, a simple but delicious tofu dish that is often served in traditional tea houses. Overall, Kyoto is a city that is deeply rooted in Japanese culture and tradition, and its many historic landmarks, traditional arts and crafts, and exquisite cuisine continue to attract visitors from around the world who are interested in experiencing the rich cultural heritage of Japan.

About how many people per year? Kyoto is a popular tourist destination and attracts a large number of visitors each year who are interested in experiencing its rich cultural heritage. While the number of visitors can vary from year to year, in 2019, Kyoto welcomed approximately 53 million visitors, according to the Kyoto City Tourism Association. This number includes both domestic and international tourists who come to explore the city's many historic landmarks,


traditional arts and crafts, and delicious cuisine. However, it's worth noting that the number of visitors has likely been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and it may take some time for tourism to fully recover to pre-pandemic levels.

Can I get by if I only speak English? While English is not widely spoken in Japan, it is still possible to get by as a tourist in Kyoto with only a basic understanding of English. Many signs and menus in popular tourist areas are written in both Japanese and English, and many locals, especially those who work in the hospitality industry, have at least a basic level of English proficiency. That being said, it's always a good idea to learn a few basic Japanese phrases before traveling to Japan, as it can make communication much easier and can help you to navigate more easily. It's also worth noting that while many locals may not speak English fluently, they are often very helpful and welcoming to visitors, and will do their best to help you even if there is a language barrier. Additionally, there are many resources available to help English-speaking tourists in Japan, including translation apps, English-language guidebooks, and tourist information centers where you can get help with directions and other travel-related questions.

If I'm in Tokyo, how do I get there? If you are in Tokyo and want to travel to Kyoto, there are several transportation options available: 1. Bullet Train (Shinkansen): The most popular and fastest way to travel from Tokyo to Kyoto is by taking the Shinkansen bullet train. The journey takes approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes, and there are multiple departures throughout the day. You can take the Shinkansen from Tokyo Station, Shinagawa Station, or Ueno Station, and the train will take you directly to Kyoto Station. 2. Airplane: If you prefer to fly, you can take a domestic flight from Tokyo to Osaka and then travel to Kyoto from there. Tokyo has two major airports: Narita International Airport and Haneda Airport. You can take a domestic flight from either airport to Osaka's Kansai International Airport, which is located about an hour and a half from Kyoto by train or bus. 3. Bus: Another option is to take an overnight bus from Tokyo to Kyoto. There are several bus companies that operate overnight buses between the two cities, and the journey takes approximately 8-9 hours. 4. Driving: If you have a car, you can also drive from Tokyo to Kyoto. The journey takes approximately 6-7 hours, depending on traffic and weather conditions.


Overall, taking the Shinkansen bullet train is the most convenient and efficient way to travel from Tokyo to Kyoto, but there are other options available depending on your budget and preferences.

What's the cost of a train trip? The cost of a train trip from Tokyo to Kyoto depends on the type of train you take and the class of service you choose. The fastest and most convenient way to travel between the two cities is by taking the Shinkansen bullet train. The cost of a one-way ticket on the Shinkansen between Tokyo and Kyoto ranges from around 13,080 yen (about $120 USD) for a standard class (unreserved seat) ticket to around 28,000 yen (about $257 USD) for a first-class (Green Car) ticket. The exact cost will depend on the specific train and departure time you choose, as well as whether you opt for a reserved or unreserved seat. It's worth noting that if you plan to do a lot of traveling around Japan, you may want to consider purchasing a Japan Rail Pass, which offers unlimited travel on most JR trains, including the Shinkansen, for a fixed period of time. The cost of the Japan Rail Pass varies depending on the duration of the pass and the class of service, but it can be a cost-effective option for those who plan to travel extensively by train. However, the Japan Rail Pass must be purchased outside of Japan and can only be used by foreign tourists on a temporary visitor visa.

Eagles in Canada Where are some good places to see eagles on Vancouver Island in British Columbia? Vancouver Island in British Columbia is home to a significant population of eagles, particularly the majestic Bald Eagle. Here are some great locations on the island where you have a good chance of spotting these impressive birds: 1. Goldstream Provincial Park: Located near Victoria, this park offers excellent opportunities for eagle watching, especially during the annual salmon run in the fall. 2. Campbell River: This city on the east coast of Vancouver Island is known as the "Salmon Capital of the World," and attracts many eagles due to the abundant food supply. 3. Qualicum Beach: This picturesque coastal town offers great opportunities for eagle watching, particularly at the nearby Little Qualicum River Estuary.


4. Sidney Spit: Part of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve, Sidney Spit is a popular spot for bird watching, including eagles. The park is accessible by ferry or private boat. 5. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve: This park, which includes the popular Long Beach Unit and the West Coast Trail, offers excellent bird watching opportunities, including the chance to see eagles. 6. Cowichan River: Located in the Cowichan Valley, this river is another great spot for eagle watching, particularly during the salmon run. 7. Esquimalt Lagoon: Situated near Victoria, this lagoon is a bird sanctuary and a great place to spot eagles, particularly during the winter months. Remember to bring binoculars or a spotting scope for better viewing and always follow proper birdwatching etiquette to minimize disturbance to the wildlife.

When is the annual salmon run in the Campbell River? The annual salmon run in Campbell River, British Columbia, typically occurs between late summer and early fall, with peak activity happening from mid-September to mid-October. The timing can vary depending on factors like water temperature, rainfall, and the specific salmon species involved. Several species of Pacific salmon, including Chinook, Coho, and Chum, return to the Campbell River and its tributaries during this time to spawn. The abundance of salmon attracts a wide variety of wildlife, including eagles, bears, and other predators, making it an exciting time for wildlife watching.

Bird Spotting in Central America Where are the best places to observe bird diversity in Central America? Central America is home to a remarkable diversity of bird species, making it a popular destination for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. Some of the best places to observe bird diversity in Central America include: 1. Costa Rica: ● Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve: Known for its resplendent quetzals and other cloud forest species. ● La Selva Biological Station: Located in the Caribbean lowlands, it's home to more than 450 bird species. ● Carara National Park: A transitional forest that supports a high diversity of both dry forest and rainforest species.








Tortuguero National Park: A great spot for observing migratory and water birds, as well as various forest species. Panama: ● Pipeline Road, Soberanía National Park: Famous among birdwatchers for its rich bird diversity, including trogons, toucans, and antbirds. ● Coiba National Park: This island park is home to unique subspecies and a high density of seabirds. ● Darién National Park: A remote and pristine area with diverse habitats, hosting species such as the harpy eagle and various endemics. Guatemala: ● Tikal National Park: An important Mayan archaeological site that also boasts over 400 bird species, including the ocellated turkey and orange-breasted falcon. ● Sierra de los Cuchumatanes: A highland region with unique species like the horned guan and pink-headed warbler. ● Biotopo del Quetzal: A cloud forest reserve where you can spot the iconic resplendent quetzal. Honduras: ● Pico Bonito National Park: A diverse park with over 400 bird species, including the lovely cotinga and keel-billed toucan. ● Copán Ruinas: Another Mayan archaeological site that is home to a variety of bird species, such as the scarlet macaw. Nicaragua: ● Indio Maíz Biological Reserve: One of the most biodiverse areas in Nicaragua, with many species of parrots, toucans, and raptors. ● Mombacho Volcano Natural Reserve: A cloud forest reserve with species like the long-tailed manakin and blue-throated goldentail. Belize: ● Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary: A protected area with more than 300 bird species, including the keel-billed toucan and king vulture. ● Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary: A wetland reserve that is an important stopover for migratory birds and home to species like the jabiru stork. El Salvador: ● El Imposible National Park: A diverse habitat supporting many bird species, including the emerald toucanet and king vulture. ● Montecristo National Park: A cloud forest reserve where you can find species like the resplendent quetzal and black-capped warbler.

Remember that bird diversity can vary depending on the time of year, so it's a good idea to research the best times to visit each location. Also, hiring a local guide can be invaluable in helping you spot and identify bird species in their natural habitats.

In general, when is the best time to go if I'm interested in diversity?


In general, the best time to visit Central America for bird diversity is during the dry season, which typically runs from December to April. During this time, you can expect more favorable weather conditions, making it easier to explore the various habitats and spot birds. However, there are some factors to consider when planning your trip: 1. Migratory birds: If you're interested in observing migratory species from North America, the best time to visit is during the winter months (December to February) when these birds are escaping the cold temperatures up north. 2. Breeding season: The breeding season for many bird species in Central America takes place between February and May. This period is great for birdwatching, as many species are more active and display colorful plumage or perform courtship rituals. 3. Rainy season: Although the rainy season (May to November) is generally considered less optimal for birdwatching, it can still be a rewarding time to visit some areas. For example, the onset of the rainy season can trigger a burst of activity for certain bird species, and the lush vegetation provides a vibrant backdrop for your observations. However, heavy rain can make some areas less accessible, and you may need to be prepared for wet conditions. In summary, the best time to visit Central America for bird diversity is generally during the dry season (December to April). However, you should also consider factors such as migratory patterns and breeding seasons to optimize your birdwatching experience.

Where is it best to find hummingbirds and when is the optimal time to go look at them? Hummingbirds are widespread throughout Central and South America, with over 300 species inhabiting diverse ecosystems, from rainforests to mountainous regions. Some of the best places to find hummingbirds in Central America include cloud forests, highland areas, and protected reserves. Here are some excellent locations for observing hummingbirds in Central America: 1. Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, Costa Rica: This cloud forest reserve is home to more than 30 species of hummingbirds, including the violet sabrewing and the purple-throated mountain-gem. 2. La Paz Waterfall Gardens, Costa Rica: Located near San José, this private reserve features hummingbird feeders that attract numerous species, such as the green-crowned brilliant and the green thorntail. 3. Boquete, Panama: The highland area around Boquete is known for its diverse population of hummingbirds, including the long-tailed sylph and the white-tailed hillstar.


4. Savegre Valley, Costa Rica: This valley in the Talamanca Mountains is home to many hummingbird species, including the iconic resplendent quetzal and the fiery-throated hummingbird. 5. Cusuco National Park, Honduras: A highland region with several hummingbird species, including the wine-throated hummingbird and the violet-crowned woodnymph. The optimal time for observing hummingbirds can depend on the specific location and species. In general, the dry season (December to April) is considered the best time to visit Central America for birdwatching, as the weather is more favorable for exploring habitats and observing wildlife. However, hummingbirds can be found year-round in many locations, and their activity may not be as influenced by seasonal changes as some other bird species. If you're planning a trip specifically to observe hummingbirds, you might want to research the best time for the particular region you're interested in visiting, as well as the activity patterns of the specific hummingbird species you hope to see. Remember that hiring a local guide can greatly enhance your birdwatching experience, as they can help you locate and identify hummingbird species in their natural habitats.

What camera gear works best for photographing hummingbirds in these places? Photographing hummingbirds can be challenging due to their small size, rapid movements, and fast wing beats. To capture stunning images of these unique birds, you'll need a combination of appropriate camera gear and technique. Here's a list of camera gear that works best for photographing hummingbirds: 1. Camera body: A DSLR or mirrorless camera with a fast autofocus system and a high frame rate is ideal for capturing sharp images of hummingbirds in action. Look for cameras with good low-light performance, as you might need to shoot in darker environments, like cloud forests or shaded areas. 2. Lenses: A telephoto or zoom lens with a focal length of at least 300mm is recommended for photographing hummingbirds from a distance without disturbing them. If you're using a crop sensor camera, a 200mm lens may be sufficient. A lens with a fast aperture (f/2.8-f/4) will help you achieve faster shutter speeds and better background blur (bokeh) in your images. 3. Tripod: A sturdy tripod can help stabilize your camera and lens, reducing camera shake and resulting in sharper images. A gimbal head can also be useful for tracking fast-moving hummingbirds with your camera. 4. External flash: A flash can be beneficial for photographing hummingbirds, as it can help freeze their rapid wing movements and bring out their iridescent colors. Look for a flash with high-speed sync capabilities, which allows you to use faster shutter speeds while still syncing with the flash. A flash extender or off-camera


flash setup can help you direct the light and reduce the risk of red-eye or harsh shadows. 5. Accessories: A remote shutter release can help minimize camera shake when pressing the shutter button. Extra batteries and memory cards are also essential, as photographing hummingbirds can consume a lot of battery power and storage space. 6. Lens filters: A UV filter can protect your lens from scratches and improve image quality in bright sunlight. A polarizing filter can help reduce glare and enhance colors, especially when photographing birds with iridescent plumage. When photographing hummingbirds, it's essential to use a fast shutter speed (1/1000 to 1/2000 sec or faster) to freeze their rapid wing movements. Experiment with different camera settings, such as continuous autofocus mode, burst shooting mode, and adjusting ISO levels to achieve the best results. Finally, practice and patience are key, as capturing stunning images of hummingbirds may take time and perseverance.

Trip Around the World This uses the ChatGPT Assistant capabilities where the role of the LLM is defined, in part, as a separate section. The defined role is shown in the Run instructions section. User I want to do an around the world trip. I will start in Honolulu. I prefer to travel in a general east to west direction. I would like to stop in a dozen or so locations. The trip should last three or four weeks. What are the cities that would be good stops en route? Run instructions‍ You are good at finding airline routes, especially for international travel. You understand that the preferred airline is Delta Airlines or one of its partner airlines. You understand that redeye flights are to be avoided. Avoiding very long flights should also be avoided unless there is no other option. Route Advisor Planning an around-the-world trip starting from Honolulu and traveling in an east-to-west direction while flying primarily with Delta Airlines or its partner airlines (under SkyTeam Alliance) presents an interesting challenge. Let's plan a route that connects major cities, maximizing the network of Delta and its partners, and minimizes long and redeye flights where possible. Here's a suggested itinerary with city stops: ​ ​ ​

Honolulu, Hawaii (HNL) - Start your journey from Honolulu. Tokyo, Japan (NRT or HND) - Fly from Honolulu to Tokyo, a major hub for Delta partner airlines.


​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Seoul, South Korea (ICN) - Short flight from Tokyo, and a great opportunity to explore another East Asian culture. Beijing/Shanghai, China (PEK/PVG) - Both are major cities served by SkyTeam partners. Bangkok, Thailand (BKK) or Singapore (SIN) - Southeast Asian crossroads with SkyTeam connections. Delhi, India (DEL) or Mumbai, India (BOM) - Explore the diverse culture and history of India. Dubai, United Arab Emirates (DXB) - Although not a SkyTeam hub, it's a significant connection point and can be reached from India. Note: You may have to use a non-partner airline for this leg. Rome, Italy (FCO) or Paris, France (CDG) - Both serve as major European hubs for SkyTeam and offer a wealth of historical and cultural sights. Amsterdam, Netherlands (AMS) - A key SkyTeam hub with KLM and offers an easy connection to your next destination. New York City, USA (JFK) - Fly across the Atlantic to enter North America, an important Delta hub. Atlanta, USA (ATL) - Delta's primary hub and good for connecting to your next destination. Los Angeles, USA (LAX) - Opt for a transcontinental flight within the US, from east to west. Honolulu, Hawaii (HNL) - Return to your starting point to complete your around-the-world journey.

​ This proposed itinerary avoids redeyes and very long flights where possible, with a few exceptions due to the long distances involved. In some cases, you might need to compromise on the duration of the flight, particularly when crossing continents. Keep in mind that schedule availability, seasonal routes, and changes in airline partnerships can affect your options, so it's important to plan and book in advance. Also, remember to factor in sufficient time at each destination to adjust to new timezones, and rest, especially if you are trying to avoid very long flights which can otherwise reduce travel times between stops.


Given the complexity of such a trip and the need to coordinate with airline schedules and alliances, it is always a good idea to consult with a travel agent or use a specialized planning tool to ensure that you can book the desired routes and that your trip goes smoothly.

User I need the airline miles between the following cities (assume that this is an ongoing route): Honolulu, Seoul, Singapore, Mumbai, Rome, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Honolulu. Route Advisor Calculating airline miles between cities can be done using various online tools or consulting with the airlines directly for their specific route distances. Since actual flown miles can vary due to routes taken, air traffic, weather conditions, and other factors, the values provided here will be approximations based on the most direct flight paths. For Delta Airlines and its SkyTeam partners, the following are approximate distances for each leg of the journey: ​

Honolulu (HNL) to Seoul (ICN) ​ Approximate distance: 4,660 miles (7,500 km) ​ Seoul (ICN) to Singapore (SIN) ​ Approximate distance: 2,885 miles (4,645 km) ​ Singapore (SIN) to Mumbai (BOM) ​ Approximate distance: 2,400 miles (3,862 km) ​ Mumbai (BOM) to Rome (FCO) ​ Approximate distance: 3,900 miles (6,276 km) ​ Rome (FCO) to Atlanta (ATL) ​ Approximate distance: 5,015 miles (8,073 km) ​ Atlanta (ATL) to Los Angeles (LAX) ​ Approximate distance: 1,940 miles (3,122 km) ​ Los Angeles (LAX) to Honolulu (HNL) ​ Approximate distance: 2,550 miles (4,103 km) ​ To calculate the total miles for this route, you simply add up all the individual legs: Total approximate distance = 4,660 + 2,885 + 2,400 + 3,900 + 5,015 + 1,940 + 2,550 miles ≈ 23,350 miles (37,579 km) Please note that these are rough distance estimates for direct flights. The actual miles credited by the airline for frequent flyer accounts could be based on their specific formulas and may differ slightly from the direct point-to-point distances listed here.


Furthermore, actual flight paths could change due to various reasons, which could either increase or decrease the miles traveled on each leg. Always check with the airlines for the most accurate and up-to-date mileage information.

Musical Lyrics Creating lyrics that describe specific entities or processes might be a way to inform and get the interest of people. Note: The information needed to style this composition was aided, in part, by creating an Assistant in OpenAI. Here are the instructions for the Musical Lyrics Writer assistant: You know how to write lyrics that fit different styles of music. You are particularly good at constructing lyrics that express the intent of the request in specific rhythmic styles. You can adapt to different musical genres.

DNA Song I need lyrics that describe the biological process in which DNA codes ultimately become proteins that control biological processes. The Tom Lehrer style of music would fit this problem well.

(Verse 1) Inside the nucleus, oh so meticulous, Chromosomes are lined in a beautiful series, With genes that are scribed in a spiral so curious, A code that unwinds for the biological queries. (Chorus) Oh, transcription to mRNA takes our hand, From the nucleus to cytoplasm, it's quite grand! Ribosomes read the message, so clear and so bright, In translation, codons bring amino acids to light. (Verse 2) The double helix, a twisty genetic conveyor, Unzips down the middle with helicase flair, Transcription factors and polymerase players, Transcribe the code with extraordinary care. (Bridge) From the A to the T, from the G to the C, The base pairs they match with a binding delight. Introns out, exons keep, spliced so fastidiously, A messenger strand that's ready to take flight.


(Chorus) Oh, with a cap and a tail, mRNA's robust, It's off to the ribosome, it's off with a lust. tRNAs bring amino acids anew, Peptide bonds link them in a polypeptide crew. (Verse 3) These complex machines, so small and so mighty, Translate three bases to one protein role. Codon by codon, the sequence so tidy, Until a stop signal will halt the whole stroll. (Bridge) A protein is born, folds into a new shape, A functional marvel, a cellular cape. Enzymes, receptors, the functions diverse, In cytoplasmic ballet, a molecular verse. (Chorus) It's the central dogma dance, oh, what a sight to see, From DNA to RNA, and then to protein glee! Through replication and expression, life finds a way, In the fantastic factory where the cells hold sway. (Tag) So let's cheer for the code where life’s secrets are sewn, In the beautiful dance where the proteins are grown. From one tiny cell to a creature complete, It's the wonder of life that never will deplete! (Note: These lyrics are inspired by Tom Lehrer's witty, fast-paced, and educational songwriting style. Lehrer, known for his humorous and satirical songs, often included scientific or mathematical themes in his work.)

Poems Life’s Speed This is a test to determine if ChatGPT can understand (and use) a link between the choice of words and a special property of the words (in this case, the speed at which the words are spoken). Note that in the latest version of ChatGPT, it’s possible to give instructions to the LLM that should help guide its behavior. You'll see the Assistant definition, as it's called, in the section with the Run instructions label. The specific request has a User label. In this example, the LLM response comes with the Poet with Rules label. User I'd like you to write a short poem about a boy and a man having a conversation about how time goes slow when you're young and fast as you get older. Run instructions 96

You are a poet. You know about Pope's Essay on Criticism, specifically about how the sounds of words echo the sense of the statement. Here is a poem that further explains and illustrates this concept. True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, As those move easiest who have learn'd to dance. 'Tis not enough no harshness gives offence, The sound must seem an echo to the sense. Soft is the strain when Zephyr gently blows, And the smooth stream in smoother numbers flows; But when loud surges lash the sounding shore, The hoarse, rough verse should like the torrent roar. When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to throw, The line too labours, and the words move slow; Not so, when swift Camilla scours the plain, Flies o'er th' unbending corn, and skims along the main. Note the comparison: the line "When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to throw," sounds slow while the line "Flies o'er th' unbending corn, and skims along the main", which is actually two syllables longer, moves along quickly. You use this strategy that uses specific words to guide the reader with the intended pace of the poem. Poet with Rules In childhood's grasp, each minute lingers long, Sweet dalliance in the endless fields of dawn. A youth with wonder in his ever gaze, Speaks soft to Time, "Why trot when you can laze?" An old man chuckles, strokes his silver beard, "Time's gait," he muses, "is not what it appear'd. When I was but a boy like you, so small, Each hour was vast, a never-ending hall. "But now, you see, Time sprints on fleetest feet, A hurried drum, its rhythm swift and fleet. The years, a blur, they gallop fast away, And moments bleed to moments in a day." Young ears absorb the tempo of this truth,


How hours can race beyond the bounds of youth. Yet in this talk, a gentle bridge they span— The ticking ties that bind a boy to man.

Image Processing Flower Identification Please identify this flower.

The flower in the image you provided is a Dahlia. Dahlias are known for their layered petals and full-bodied blooms, and they come in a variety of colors and forms. The one in your photo appears to have a gradient of white to purple petals, which is characteristic of many cultivated Dahlia varieties. They are popular in gardens and as cut flowers due to their striking appearance and relatively long blooming season.

Please identify this flower.


The flower shown in your image is from the genus Metrosideros, commonly known as the ʻōhiʻa lehua. It is native to Hawaii and is often associated with the Hawaiian goddess Pele. This flower is particularly significant in Hawaiian culture and is known for its striking red tufts of stamens. The ʻōhiʻa lehua is also an important part of the ecosystem in Hawaii, as it is a key species in native forests.

Translation The photo was taken with a cell phone camera. The image was cropped a bit and straightened.

Translate this sign from a museum exhibit.

ChatGPT The image provided appears to be a sign or panel, likely from a museum exhibit, written in Japanese. I'll translate the text for you: Challenges Faced by Space Exploration Space is a harsh environment, unlike Earth, with extreme temperatures and a vacuum that humans cannot survive in without proper protection. To conduct activities in space, a spaceship must overcome numerous difficulties. One such difficulty is the microgravity environment. On Earth, gravity allows us to sense up and down, but in space, this is not possible, which affects the human body. For instance, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) conducts various experiments in the International Space Station (ISS) to study these effects. 99

The term "space medicine" refers to medical activities related to space. In space, the human body experiences various changes. To prepare for long-duration space flights, it is essential to understand these changes thoroughly and to develop countermeasures against them. Please note that due to the image quality and the complexity of the language, this translation may not capture all nuances.

Complex Interactions Exam Creation & Grading The first part deals with creating the exam. In this case, exam questions are “fill in the blank” sentences. The second part uses the exam that was created and grades an answer sheet in which the answers have been written by hand. This required an intermediate step of printing the exam, filling it in and scanning the completed exam. Part 1: Creating a Fill-in-the-blank Exam

User Create a test consisting of five fill in the blank questions on the topic of "The History of Evolutionary Thought". Run instructions‍ You are a university professor who teaches biology classes. You like to give exams where a student must answer questions by filling in a missing blank in a sentence. The answers should always be a single word. Fill In Blank Certainly! Here are five fill-in-the-blank questions focusing on the history of evolutionary thought: 1. __________ was a naturalist who developed the theory of natural selection independently of Charles Darwin. (Answer: Alfred Russel Wallace) 2. The book "On the Origin of Species," which outlines the theory of evolution by natural selection, was published by Charles Darwin in the year __________. (Answer: 1859)


3. Prior to Darwin, the theory of __________________________, proposed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, suggested that organisms could pass on traits acquired during their lifetime to their offspring. (Answer: inheritance of acquired characteristics or Lamarckism) 4. __________ is known for his concept of catastrophism, which influenced early thoughts on the Earth's geological history before the idea of uniformitarianism took a stronger hold. (Answer: Georges Cuvier) 5. The ancient Greek philosopher __________ proposed an early version of evolutionary thought, suggesting that life formed from non-living matter and that complex forms of life evolved from simpler forms. (Answer: Anaximander) Part 2: Grading the Exam

As described earlier, the intention was to print the exam, fill in the answers, and scan the exam with OCR. Unfortunately, the OCR couldn’t be done with this version of ChatGPT. Adobe Acrobat, which does OCR, couldn’t handle the cursive script answers. Rather than stopping, the answers were typed and a text document was produced. This document was submitted for grading. Note that no answers were provided for the grading process. ChatGPT was required to determine the correct answer. Also, the “missing” term is not identified in the answers. User The following text is the result of a scan and OCR of a student's test. Please grade the answers. Here is the text to use: """Exam 1: History of Evolutionary Thought ​ Wallace was a naturalist who developed the theory of natural selection independently of Charles Darwin. ​ The book "On the Origin of Species," which outlines the theory of evolution by natural selection, was published by Charles Darwin in the year 1859 ​ Prior to Darwin, the theory of inher. of acquired char. proposed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, suggested that organisms could pass on traits acquired during their lifetime to their offspring. ​ Cuvier is known for his concept of catastrophism, which influenced early thoughts on the Earth's geological history before the idea of uniformitarianism took a stronger hold. ​ The ancient Greek philosopher Plato proposed an early version of evolutionary thought, suggesting that life formed from non-living matter and that complex forms of life evolved from simpler forms."""


Run instructions‍ You are a teaching assistant at a university. Your job requires you to grade exams for "The History of Evolutionary Thought" course. Exams are the "fill in the blank" type. Usually, a single word is sufficient for a correct answer. Your task requires you to mark each question and, when possible, comment on wrong answers in a way that it might help the student learn the subject. Exam Grader Exam 1: History of Evolutionary Thought 1. Wallace was a naturalist who developed the theory of natural selection independently of Charles Darwin. ​ Correct. 2. The book "On the Origin of Species," which outlines the theory of evolution by natural selection, was published by Charles Darwin in the year 1859. ​ Correct. 3. Prior to Darwin, the theory of inher. of acquired char. proposed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, suggested that organisms could pass on traits acquired during their lifetime to their offspring. ​ Correct. 4. Cuvier is known for his concept of catastrophism, which influenced early thoughts on the Earth's geological history before the idea of uniformitarianism took a stronger hold. ​ Correct. 5. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato proposed an early version of evolutionary thought, suggesting that life formed from non-living matter and that complex forms of life evolved from simpler forms. ​ Incorrect. Plato actually proposed a concept called the "Theory of Forms," suggesting that non-material abstract forms (or ideas) were the truest reality. He didn't advocate an evolutionary process where life formed from non-living matter or that complex forms of life evolved from simpler forms. Instead, it was another ancient Greek philosopher, Anaximander, who might be credited with early evolutionary thought along those lines. Please revisit this topic to better understand the distinctions between the ideas of various ancient philosophers regarding the origins and development of life. Part 3: Reexamining OCR The filled-in exam is shown on the following page. The answers provided for several tests: ● ●

Will the OCR incorporate the written answer into the text? Will cursive writing be recognized? 102

● ●

Will the number answer be recognized as a proper number? Will abbreviations be recognized properly?

The OCR of this document used ChatGPT 4. The result is the following text: Exam 1: History of Evolutionary Thought ​ ​

Wallace was a naturalist who developed the theory of natural selection independently of Charles Darwin. The book "On the Origin of Species," which outlines the theory of evolution by natural selection, was published by Charles Darwin in the year 1859.


Prior to Darwin, the theory of when. of acquired char, proposed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, suggested that organisms could pass on traits acquired during their lifetime to their offspring. Cuvier is known for his concept of catastrophism, which influenced early thoughts on the Earth's geological history before the idea of uniformitarianism took a stronger hold. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato proposed an early version of evolutionary thought, suggesting that life formed from non-living matter and that complex forms of life evolved from simpler forms.

The only flaw was the abbreviated text (see line starting “Prior to Darwin”). If you look at the exam sheet (previous page), you’ll see that the writing overlapped words on the lower line (suggested that) but these were properly recovered in the OCR. This is quite promising as the format of the OCR result matches the one used for grading. There might be a way to do the OCR from the version of ChatGPT which uses the Assistant. That’s another situation to be examined and, possibly, resolved.

Essay Exams The goal here is to determine if ChatGPT can grade exam questions that are long written answers (often called “essay exam questions”). Here is the stepwise approach: 1. An exam question is asked to determine the quality and comprehensiveness of GPT’s answer. 2. The ChatGPT response is examined to make sure it is OK. 3. If it is OK, ChatGPT is asked to create a grading rubric. 4. The grading rubric is entered into a ChatGPT Assistant profile so it will be used in the exam grading. 5. The original exam question is slightly adjusted to better match the ChatGPT answers and rubric and a simulated student response is created and submitted to ChatGPT for grading. Step 1: The exam question.


What is the evidence for the cause of the extinctions about 65 million years ago? Step 2: ChatGPT’s answer The cause of the mass extinctions around 65 million years ago, marking the end of the Cretaceous period and leading to the demise of the dinosaurs, is a well-studied topic in paleontology and geology. The prevailing evidence supports the hypothesis that a catastrophic asteroid impact, along with subsequent volcanic activity, played a significant role. Here are the key points of evidence: Chicxulub Crater: A massive crater in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, known as the Chicxulub Crater, is a primary piece of evidence. It is dated to around the same time as the extinction event. The crater, measuring about 150 kilometers in diameter, is consistent with an asteroid or comet impact. Iridium Layer: A global layer of sediment rich in the element iridium, which is rare on Earth's surface but common in asteroids, was discovered in geological strata dating to the boundary of the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) periods. This layer suggests a massive influx of extraterrestrial material. Shocked Quartz and Spherules: Unique forms of quartz that are formed under high-pressure conditions, as well as tiny spherules of rock that would have been ejected into the atmosphere by the impact, have been found in the same boundary layer. These are indicative of a large impact event. Global Fires and Soot: Evidence of widespread fires, including soot and charred plant remains in the K-Pg boundary layer, suggests that the impact would have ignited fires around the globe, contributing to the extinction through habitat destruction and atmospheric changes. Climate Change: The impact would have thrown massive amounts of dust and aerosols into the atmosphere, leading to a "nuclear winter" effect with drastically reduced sunlight. This would have disrupted photosynthesis and led to a collapse of food chains. Deccan Traps Volcanism: In addition to the asteroid impact, there's evidence of significant volcanic activity in what is now India (the Deccan Traps) around the same time. This would have contributed to the environmental stress through volcanic gases affecting the climate and acidifying oceans. Fossil Record: The fossil record shows a sharp decline in biodiversity at the K-Pg boundary, consistent with a rapid, catastrophic event rather than a slow decline over time.


These pieces of evidence collectively support the theory that the asteroid impact, possibly compounded by volcanic activity, led to a rapid and dramatic change in the Earth's environment, causing the mass extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous period. This theory is widely accepted in the scientific community, although research continues to refine the understanding of the event's specific dynamics and consequences.

Step 3: Create a grading rubric This is not shown here. Instead, it is shown in the next step with the creation of the instructions for a ChatGPT Assistant. Step 4: Entering the grading rubric into a ChatGPT Assistant This was done with a few small additions (e.g., how to report the results). The resulting rubric is shown in the Run instructions. Step 5: The student answer and the grading User The following text is to be graded: """ The Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction Event, occurring approximately 65 million years ago, is most famously known for the extinction of the dinosaurs. However, this event also led to the demise of numerous other species, including various marine animals and plants. The primary evidence supporting the asteroid impact hypothesis is the global iridium layer found in geological strata. This element is rare on Earth but abundant in asteroids, suggesting an extraterrestrial origin. The Chicxulub crater in Mexico is widely accepted as the impact site. The consequences of this impact likely included the ejection of massive amounts of dust and debris into the atmosphere, significantly reducing sunlight penetration and causing drastic climatic changes, akin to a "nuclear winter." Volcanic activity also played a role in this extinction event. The Deccan Traps in India experienced extensive volcanic eruptions, releasing large quantities of gases and particulates into the atmosphere. These emissions would have contributed to the blocking of sunlight and further climatic alterations. Another aspect of this event is ocean acidification, potentially exacerbated by the impact and volcanic activities. The introduction of sulfuric acid and other substances into the oceans would have had deleterious effects on marine life, particularly organisms with calcium carbonate shells.


In summary, the Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction Event resulted in widespread extinctions and ecosystem changes. The primary mechanisms for these alterations appear to be the combined effects of an asteroid impact and significant volcanic activity, leading to climate change and ocean acidification. However, it is essential to note that other factors might have also contributed to this event.""" Run instructions ‍You are a teaching assistant who grades written exam questions for the Biology Department at a research university. Your specific responsibility is the exams for the Evolution course. You use a grading rubric to determine how many points a student earns for each question. ### Grading Rubric for the question "Provide the major results, evidence and mechanisms for the Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction Event". **Total Points: 100** 1. **Identification of the Event (20 points)** - Correctly identifies the time period of the event (5 points) - States that it marked the end of the dinosaurs (5 points) - Describes it as a mass extinction event (10 points) 2. **Asteroid Impact Evidence (20 points)** - Mentions the Chicxulub Crater (5 points) - Describes the presence of an iridium layer (5 points) - Recognizes shocked quartz and spherules as evidence (5 points) - Discusses evidence of global fires and soot (5 points) 3. **Volcanic Activity (15 points)** - References the Deccan Traps volcanism (5 points) - Explains how volcanic activity could have contributed to the extinction (10 points) 4. **Environmental and Climatic Consequences (20 points)** - Describes the "nuclear winter" effect (5 points) - Explains the impact on photosynthesis and food chains (5 points) - Discusses potential climate and atmospheric changes (10 points) 5. **Fossil Record Analysis (15 points)** - References the fossil record showing a decline in biodiversity (5 points) - Explains how the fossil record supports the rapid extinction theory (10 points) 6. **Clarity and Coherence of Response (10 points)** - Answers are well-organized and coherent (5 points)


- Use of appropriate scientific terminology (5 points) 7. **Bonus Points (up to 5 extra points)** - Demonstrates critical thinking or includes additional relevant information (e.g., discussing ongoing research or alternative theories) **Scoring Guidelines:** - Full points are awarded for complete and accurate answers. - Partial points are given for incomplete but partially correct answers. - Points are deducted for inaccuracies or irrelevant information. - Bonus points are awarded at the discretion of the grader for exceptional work. **Score Reporting Format:** - List the number of points for each of the 7 parts of the rubric. - Sum the scores for the 7 parts to get the Total Score. Written Exam Grader Score Breakdown: ​ Identification of the Event (20 points) ​ Correctly identifies the time period of the event: 5 points ​ States that it marked the end of the dinosaurs: 5 points ​ Describes it as a mass extinction event: 10 points ​ Asteroid Impact Evidence (20 points) ​ Mentions the Chicxulub Crater: 5 points ​ Describes the presence of an iridium layer: 5 points ​ Recognizes shocked quartz and spherules as evidence: 0 points (not mentioned) ​ Discusses evidence of global fires and soot: 0 points (not mentioned) ​ Volcanic Activity (15 points) ​ References the Deccan Traps volcanism: 5 points ​ Explains how volcanic activity could have contributed to the extinction: 10 points ​ Environmental and Climatic Consequences (20 points) ​ Describes the "nuclear winter" effect: 5 points ​ Explains the impact on photosynthesis and food chains: 0 points (not explicitly mentioned) ​ Discusses potential climate and atmospheric changes: 10 points (discussed as "drastic climatic changes") ​ Fossil Record Analysis (15 points) ​ References the fossil record showing a decline in biodiversity: 0 points (fossil record not mentioned) ​ Explains how the fossil record supports the rapid extinction theory: 0 points (no explanation provided) ​ Clarity and Coherence of Response (10 points) 108

​ Answers are well-organized and coherent: 5 points ​ Use of appropriate scientific terminology: 5 points Bonus Points (up to 5 extra points) ​ Discusses ocean acidification, which is a relevant additional aspect: 3 points (critical thinking, additional relevant information)

Total Score: ​ Identification of the Event: 20 points ​ Asteroid Impact Evidence: 10 points ​ Volcanic Activity: 15 points ​ Environmental and Climatic Consequences: 15 points ​ Fossil Record Analysis: 0 points ​ Clarity and Coherence of Response: 10 points ​ Bonus Points: 3 points Total Score: 73/100

Testing Comprehension University students in small classes are often given a reading assignment. In class, the instructor asks specific questions to determine if the students understand (and remember) the main points of the assignment. This ChatGPT test is used to create the questions that might be asked in class. User Create a list of questions to test a student's comprehension of the following text: """The Ethnobiologist's Dilemma How do we open the pages of walking encyclopedias, be they New Guinea tribesmen or car mechanics? "Listen, I already told you. The reason I said your VW didn't start was its solenoid was no good. Like I said, what the solenoid does is .... OK, forget it, you don't need to understand it. All you have to know is I fixed it and you owe me $203.67 and you can drive it again." My car mechanic must have seen my eyes glaze over, just as I had seen my physiology students' eyes glaze over when I tried to explain osmotic diuresis to them in my lecture that same morning last month. It's humiliating to feel like an ignoramus, as I do about cars. At least I feel OK in my own areas of scientific expertise. So do most other scientists in their specialty: scientists are generally the experts who know more about 109

their subject matter than do any other people. But there's one science in which this usual directional flow of information is often stood on its head. That's the branch of cultural anthropology termed ethnobiology -- the study of how people from different cultures perceive and classify animals and plants. In my column in the April 1989 issue I described how many New Guinea tribesmen are walking encyclopedias of facts about locally occurring species. This month's piece is about the cruel dilemma that arises when these walking encyclopedias are quizzed by an ethnobiologist, or even by a professional ornithologist na'ive about New Guinea birds, as I was when I began working in New Guinea twenty-five years ago. I'll mainly discuss birds, but similar issues arise with classifications of other species. I eventually realized that the ethnobiologist's dilemma illustrates the frustrations that all of us face in everyday life, whenever we have to quiz experts like our doctor or car mechanic. [Most of the text has been removed. You can find it in Jared Diamond’s The Ethnobotanist’s Dilemma, Natural History, June 1989.] For instance, the starter on my 1961 VW Beetle broke down not just last month but many times before that. One mechanic after another fixed it but would not explain the problem and how I could avoid it. The mechanics undoubtedly saw that I am as ignorant about cars as Ralph Bulmer was about rocks, and that I could not understand their explanation. The bad service that I continue to get is my own fault for not practicing what I preach to ethnobiologists: I never took the trouble to study a VW manual. Similarly, consumer advocates are now urging us that if we want to get good care from our doctors, we have to be willing to spend some time reading up on our own health problems. Thus, I see the ethnobiologist's dilemma as a metaphor for much of modern life. To them that already understand, more knowledge will be freely given. To the rest of us dolts, it's a struggle.""" Run instructions‍ Your role is to create questions that test a student's comprehension of a body of text. These are university students so they are expected to find and interpret the finer points of the text. You limit yourself to providing five questions that cover the general breadth of the text. You are not looking for facts as much as an understanding of the general lessons put forward in the text. Comprehension Tester 1. Based on the text, can you explain the "ethnobiologist's dilemma" and why it is named as such? 110

2. How does the author contrast the experiences of ethnobiologists with those of other scientists? 3. In what ways do the methods of collecting bird names in ethnobiological research reflect broader challenges faced by people when trying to understand expert knowledge in other areas of life? 4. What specific examples from the text demonstrate the difficulties in relying solely on bird pictures or specimens for gathering accurate ethnobiological information? 5. Discuss how the author's personal encounters with New Guinea tribesmen influenced his approach to ethnobiology and the conclusions he draws about effective communication with experts in any field.

User Can you create a grading rubric for the third question? It should have a total of ten points. Comprehension Tester Grading Rubric for Question 3: "In what ways do the methods of collecting bird names in ethnobiological research reflect broader challenges faced by people when trying to understand expert knowledge in other areas of life?" ​

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Full Understanding (9-10 points): The student thoroughly explains how the challenges of ethnobiological methods, such as using pictures, specimens, or walking through the jungle, parallel issues encountered outside of ethnobiology, such as grasping complex information from experts like doctors or mechanics. They should mention the importance of context, the limitations of one's own understanding when posing questions, and the need for the inquirer to have some foundational knowledge to facilitate effective communication. Good Understanding (7-8 points): The student provides a clear explanation of the parallels between ethnobiological research methods and general expert communication challenges. They should describe some specific issues such as the difficulty of interpreting information out of context or the need for common language or knowledge base, but may not comprehensively cover all aspects of the broader implications. Moderate Understanding (5-6 points): The student makes general connections between ethnobiological research methods and difficulties in understanding expert knowledge in other fields. They identify at least one or two key factors such as context or foundational knowledge but fail to elaborate on how these


factors interplay or do not cover the breadth of the challenges mentioned in the text. ​ ​

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Limited Understanding (3-4 points): The student shows a basic recognition that there are parallels but provides a vague or incomplete connection between ethnobiological research methods and broader communication challenges. Discussion lacks depth or specific references to situations outside ethnobiology. Minimal Understanding (1-2 points): The student struggles to identify or articulate how ethnobiological research methods are indicative of broader challenges in understanding expert knowledge. The response may be off-topic, overly generalized, or missing a meaningful connection to the main point of the question. No Understanding (0 points): The student does not address the question or the response is entirely unrelated to the content or intent of the question. There is no mention or understanding of the ethnobiological methods or how they reflect general expert communication challenges.

User Please use this grading rubric for the following student answer: """People who collect bird names need to have an expert who can reliably do identification. The challenge in this and other fields is that there aren't very many experts who can help. Native people use different names than us. That's the same problem when you talk to other people who tell you things in technical languages. Auto mechanics have their own language, for example. Before you can understand anything you need to become an expert yourself.""" Comprehension Tester Using the provided grading rubric, the student's answer would be evaluated as follows: ​ The student touches on the need for expertise in identification (paralleling the need for foundational knowledge), which relates to the broader concept of understanding expert communication. However, the student's answer lacks depth and does not fully explain the complexities, such as the importance of context, specific methods like using pictures and specimens, and how these challenges manifest in other areas of life beyond expert terminology. ​ ​ The answer acknowledges the language barrier issue but does not expand on the connection between ethnobiology and communication with non-experts outside of this field. ​ Based on the rubric, this response would fall under "Limited Understanding" with a score of 3-4 points. The student has a basic recognition of the parallels (expert identification


and technical language) but provides an incomplete connection without addressing other key elements such as context or the broader communication challenges detailed in the text.


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