Home Inspection and Appraisal Negotiating repairs if needed A home inspection is designed to give a Buyer a better understanding of the systems and overall condition of the home they are purchasing. There may be items that the Buyer will ask to have repaired. These can all be negotiated, and we will help you with perspective in this area. The home inspection is typically set up immediately by the Buyer’s agent after the offer has been accepted since there is usually a 10-business day deadline for the inspection to be completed and for repairs, if any, to be negotiated. Whole House Home Inspection The whole house home inspection usually takes two-four hours, depending on the size of the home. A home inspection covers the major systems of the property: - Exterior, porch, and deck - Foundations and walls - Chimneys and roof - Windows, doors, and attics - Electrical components and plumbing - Central heating and air conditioning - Basement/crawlspace and garage Once a request for repairs is received, we can ask for additional information regarding any requested repairs. This may include calling in an expert to determine if certain repairs are warranted, and if so, a range of costs. With this information sellers can make informed decisions on what repairs will be done. This is often a mini-negotiation within the scope of the transaction.