Yellow Thoughts 01

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August 2008 路 Oplag 1



The Urban Tribe

Yellow Thoughts er en analog blog for kulturel trivsel. For at inspirere, åbne op. En kilde til dine egne idéer, billeder og processer. For resultatet er ikke målet. Du behøver ikke bevise noget, men vær stolt over hvor du er, hvad du tænker. Gør det, vis det. Brug det som et vindue udadtil, uden begrænsninger, uden frygt for hvordan det bliver modtaget. Vi behøver ikke noget færdigt resultat. Rejsen er målet. Skitser er velkomne. Du behøver ikke bevise noget... men du kan være sikker på at du inspirerer andre. Skriv til

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START ANYWHERE Every step counts

Fra Jeppes morgensider, august 2005 Jeg kigger kreativiteten dybt i øjnene og de øjeblikke hvor jeg virkelig tør, får jeg øje på en bundløshed; en dybde uden ende, et grænseløst univers, som lige nu, kun bliver adskilt af en flimrende hinde, der gør at det kun er momentvis at jeg få øje på de muligheder der giver sig til kende i dette udstrakte uendelige univers. Tør jeg, jeg ved jeg tør, jeg har trænet mig selv og mit mod i flere månder, for at turde stå her, så selvfølgelig tør jeg, hvorfor tøver jeg så, hvorfor trækker jeg min hånd tilbage, lige så snart jeg kan mærke energierne fra hinden, trækker den tilbage, som om den er blevet brændt, som om flere volt lige har gennemstrømmet den, men er det ikke også det der er sket, har jeg ikke lige mærket på min egen hånd, de energier der står til rådighed, har jeg ikke lige mærket det på min egen krop og var det det der pludseligt fik mig til at trække mig sammen, sammen som ved kraftige mavesmerter, hvorfor skræmmer det mig, hvorfor lader jeg mit mod svigte mig, jeg kigger kreativiteten dybt i øjnene, beslutter mig til at være stærk nok til at rumme alle de energier, og som en vinterbader der bryder den tynde is, passerer jeg hinden og mærker min krop på ny. Herinde opdager jeg at pladsen er uendelig så længe man prøver at fylde den ud, mens jeg prøver at tilvænne mig det nye land, mærker jeg at nu er det kreativiteten der ser mig dybt i øjnene, imens den berører min hud.

1) Take responsibility for your internal experience — With the ego seemingly always enveloping our deeper essence it can be so challenging to actually “be the change you wish to see in the world”. We all know that we need to “be the change” but how with all the programming and challenges we face do we actually do this? The answer: have a personal goal to take responsibility for your internal experience and love yourself for who you are. This one step, if taken by all, will build more trust, love and compassion than any other. This one step is powerful enough to shift everything toward paradise quickly yet with grace.

2) Follow your Internal Guidance and express your personal brilliance - Each of us has a living Internal Guidance System (IGS) that is consistently attempting to align us with more love, joy and compassion. Our IGS delivers a series of personal desires that can be felt as an opening of energy in our body. Your unique individual brilliance is being asked to be contributed through out your day, whenever you feel this openness it is a request from the Universe. It is in you having the courage to be brilliant and fulfill such requests that the answer to our future lies. To seed, nourish and birth the dream of paradise reborn. Without your internal wisdom and expression of you, we will never reach this goal. Every human is apart of the symbiotic expression of earth. We are apart of nature not separate from it, so why would we not be a necessary part of the whole. Nothing in nature can be eliminated without the whole being affected. Such as it is with your beautiful consciousness, when aligned with Divine Guidance. 3) Manifest your world consciously and with intent – You are already manifesting every moment. It is not whether you want to participate in manifesting the world around you, it is only a matter of whether you do it consciously or unconsciously. Do you desire to be a contributor to our reality in an empowered way or a disempowered way? What every you chose, for not choosing is a choice, you must taking credit for manifesting the world. Focus your thoughts on what you intend and enjoy the energy that is generated by supporting all the achievements being made toward a more beautiful world. 4) Create your personal vision of paradise and spread it among those you love – You have a source of divine energy flowing through you. This energy is desire that opens your entire body when it is focused upon. Each and every desire you have for the future is divine energy guiding your toward that future being achieved. You have inside you the part of paradise that you are responsible for believing in and creating. Find your personal vision of what paradise will be and share it with all those you love and who love you. Spark them in their vision of what Paradise would be. It is the next global conversation worth having and it is up to you to start it! 5) Create community and hold it as a necessary foundation of our future – We are all on the verge of one great experiment coming to its fruition and the next one is about to begin. What is the next beautiful experiment you might ask? Divine collaboration. We have all been held separate by our egoic mind long enough. We all now know how to be an individual and many of us are beginning to wake up to our Oneness as well. It is this unique combination that makes rebuilding of our human community both locally and globally so exciting and necessary. Our next human experiment will build itself on the foundation of community. Hold community close to your heart. Connect with others of like mind, of like region and share your gifts. It is in our relating that we will find the answers to all the worlds suffering so that it can be transmuted in to our greatest shining successes.

6) Be grateful for all your experiences and all that is – Every element of life holds a sacred gift. Some gifts take longer to unwrap than others. The most empowered way to receive anything is to give thanks to the giver before the gift is unwrapped. Gratitude thus occurs before you have decided if what you are being given is what you desired to receive. It is no different with life. Hold a body of gratitude then once the experience has completely unfolded you can see what the gift means to you. 7) Release attachment including being attached to non-attachment – Most everyone has attachment. Even those who strive for non-attachment can find themselves attached to the principle itself. This is what the ego does with all rules, guidelines or decrees. For this reason it can be more effective to simply release attachment when it is found than to be non-attached. Releasing attachment to outcomes promotes miracles occurring. It allows for you as a being to shift from a human having a spiritual experience into Spirit having a human experience. This allows divine source energy to move and create through you unhindered by the ego’s understanding of what should be. There is no greater gift to the world than to allow divine energy to have it’s way through you. 8) See simplicity as the core of sacred living – Every moment is sacred, every molecule is sacred. There is simplistic geometry to all of life. It is in the simple moments that the sacred in life is found, felt, embodied and expressed. There is such great richness and depth in a small blooming flower, enough joy to last a lifetime if felt fully. Look for this simplicity throughout the complexity of your day and the complexity will wash away leaving behind the world of sacred living. 9) Express unconditional love - Unconditional love is in you always. It never needs to be found, it never needs to be generated, it never needs anything accept a noticing that it is there. Love is at the core of every atom of your being. EVERY ATOM. There are approximately 7*10 to the 27th atoms in your body, that is 7 followed by 27 zero’s. Imagine how much love that is inside of you available for you to express. Therefore you already are unconditional love so now it is about remembering and holding the intent to allow it to be expressed through you. Be a commitment to you being love expressed. One last thing love is not necessarily the mushy gushy love of romance. Love is the practical, warm, compassionate, vibrant, life force energy that is coursing through the entire universe. So now you know you can express it at work too. 10) Look for the universal Oneness in your life – There is a universal Oneness that is under the surface of everything. It can be a big concept to tap into, so start small. Look for the synchronistic moments, the perfection of the way your life unfolds and most powerfully the commonality that those around you have with you. Even in moments of strife the Oneness is there. You can find it if you ask to see it. Nature and the Universe are always secretly giving you clues of this as you roam about living the life you have chosen. By asking to see Oneness in your life it will leave more obvious clues for you to find. The inquiry brings with it a deeper understanding of Trust and Surrender to the adventure we have created for Our Self.

10 tenets of creative living


21.06.08 over Vejle

Vi havde fundet sammen i baghaven mellem blokkene for at spise. Det regnede ikke - solen skinnede fra en skyfri himmel. Pludseligt sagde Selma, “Se far, en regnbue”. Vi kiggede op, hovedrystende og modstræ der var den...som en cirkelglorie hang den vandret i luften, i lang tid, over vore hoveder før den langsomt forsvandt. Det var solhverv, og vi tog det som et tegn.

Brændenældesuppe: Wild Food,A guide to gathering food in the wild · ISBN 9781905400591

No Fear No Attachments Han gik ned af trappen sü skyggen af det kys han aldrig fik givet da han kom endnu lÌngere ned hørte han de ord han aldrig fik sagt da han gik to skridt tilbage forsvandt hendes ansigt

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Keramikstilletter Ane Davidsen

t i do

Det var sommeren 1993. Den unge fotograf Dan Eldon og tre andre journalister, udsendt af Reuters, var på vej igennem Mogadishus gader. På vej hen til hvad der skulle være den somaliske oprørsleders hovedkvarter, hvor mindst 50 somaliere lige var blevet dræbt under FN styrkernes bomber. Der, midt i den ødelagte bydel, blev de mødt af en rasende og hævngerrig hob der i blindt raseri tævede og stenede alle fire til døde. Dan Eldon blev 22 år. Fire år senere udgav Dan´s mor, Kathy Eldon, bogen:” The Journey is the Destination”. En bog der viser et udsnit af dans fantastiske notesbøger og billeder, som han havde ført og taget på sine mange rejser rundt i verden. I 1998 oprettede Kathy og Dans søster Amy fonden, “The Creative Vision Foundation”, som har til formål at støtte “kreative aktivister”, der igennem kunst og medier oplyser om verdens problemområder og inspirerer deres publikum til at gøre en positiv forskel i verden. Yellow Business mål er at investere 10% af sit overskud i bl.a. denne fond. LÆS MERE The Journey is the Destination: The Journals of Dan Eldon af Dan Eldon, Kathleen M Eldon, Kathy Eldon Bidragyder Kathy Eldon Udgivet af Chronicle Books, 1997 ISBN 0811815862, 9780811815864 224 sider

Dan Eldon 1970 + 1993

Comment: “Du bliver hvad du spiser”, Et design er ikke en ting, design er en proces. Al udvikling er en rejse, hvor rejsen konstituerer det endelige resultat.

Think Gloabl, Act Local

Da han stadigvæk 1000 år efter kunne smage hendes safter på hans læber mærke de steder hvor hendes krop havde brændemærket ham forstod han at ingen bæk’s brusende flod ville vise ham det han søgte.

Fri proces...

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B u t t e r f l y

I remember Text for the a time birthday of Nanna Ditzel by Stuart Lynch Performed at Fredericia Furniture 2006 fluid, sexless, .... pure. a time beyond production. Not superfluous, Not boring. Not normal Actors and dancers: Louise Nissen, Stuart Lynch, Søren ? But – definitely - transformINGb, Scenography/lighting: jeppe-Nissen where moment - upon moment upon moment Chair adaption, leather and Calligraphy occurred as a chain of endless possibilities - just to touch or even Original The Pillow Book by Greenaway instantly think of dress a pen,from a brush or a pencil wasPeter to metamorphose which was the inspiration for the Butterfly. into shape, form or colour. Appearence was transcendent, not merely surface but of the spirit. The passion to create, to BE shape, to design in all that every moment could be I remember a time There was a man. A business man. He stood in a London park and it was a red and orange autumn. He stood in front of a tall straight tree with bark that ran in long lines up to the leaves. He wore a pin stripe suit. His square breifcase hung limply from his bony fingers and he was forever looking to the cold blue cloudless sky and shifting weight from side to side. Everything about him was secret, hesitant and troubled – he looked as if he was wishing for clouds behind which he could hide. His pin stripes moved in and out with the lines of the bark on the tree. I watched facinated. He was dancing a dance and that dance seemed to be just for me. I watched - mesmerized by the lines - the movement of the black, on brown and all in brilliant fire of autumn. A women appeared - she was all colour, hats, bags and a small black dog. She smothered his now, smiling face, with kisses – his lover I began to draw./ my pencil had started / my pencil was moving. Sight sound vision texture - to transfigure thought from fleeting moment of sun filled mornings Ribbons, cotton and ropes for winding a girl skips, a bird cries and smoke rises in days of spring and bird feathers falling and butterflies. Butterflies pass from flower, to tree, to window, to pathway. Disappearing. Dispersing. Dissolving. ------------------------------------- >> Birthday text for Nanna Ditzel by Stuart Lynch Performed at Fredericia Furniture 2003 Actors and dancers: Louise Nissen, Stuart Lynch, Søren Sundby Ricardo Morrison. Scenography/lighting: Jeppe Nissen Image: Chair adaption, leather and Calligraphy Original dress from The Pillow Book by Peter Greenaway which was the inspiration for the Icon Chair.

Butterfly, butterfly My mind follows the same path. An idea in a territory of dangerious hope. To seduce and be seduced. Butterflies must charm and be charmed in order to survive. I saw a cat chase a butterfly. With feline grace it froze, focussed, attacked. Attempted. Failed. Attempted. Failed. Attempted .... What hunt is more violent? More languid, enticing than the one of provocation, seduction and the terrible risk of failure. Failure is a butterfly in a garden of cats. And yes, Behind the window are the critics:- Pens filled with derision, contempt or attack ... until the wind - carrying MY butterfly - turns and then ... sublime, joyous and full of the future the critics as, spectators, applaude. Casual carrying critical aesthetic distance in a world where butterflies are outside and watching is better than playing. It would seem that there are less butterflies than cats ------------Doctors scientist and neurolinguist tell me that the have found the part of the brain that produces ideas, that contains ideas - in much the same way they can map where sight, language and smell reside They tell me for sure they know where imagination is located. I smile and laugh and tell them they know more than I and then, I offer them a seat //

The Clock of the Long Now Politikere tænker kun frem til næste valg, når vi burde overveje de næste 10.000... “When I was a child, people used to talk about what would happen by the year 2000. For the next thirty years they kept talking about what would happen by the year 2000, and now no one mentions a future date at all. The future has been shrinking by one year per year for my entire life. I think it is time for us to start a long-term project that gets people thinking past the mental barrier of an evershortening future. I would like to propose a large (think Stonehenge) mechanical clock, powered by seasonal temperature changes. It ticks once a year, bongs once a century, and the cuckoo comes out every millennium.”, Daniel Hillis Studietur. New York. 1996. På en af de lige gader, på vej mod endnu en turistattraktion kom jeg forbi en orange VW med åben sidedør og et bogudsalg udenfor. Bremsede hårdt op, gik hen til bunken af mere eller mindre falmet litteratur. Og der lå den. Netop udkommet, bogen: The Clock of The Long Now. 10 dollars, og den har forfulgt mig lige siden. Senere besøgte jeg den, i starten, primitive hjemmeside hvor diskussionen gik livligt omkring hvordan man bygger et sådant hvordan uret skal kombineres med et bibliotek af menneskelig viden. Hvor det skal placeres og at det skal kunne overleve f.eks. en atomkrig, og hvordan vi sørger for at opbevare og gøre den tabte viden tilgængelig når selv evnen til at forstå og læse den er forsvundet i et muligt ragnarok. Brian Eno, en af grundlæggerne af the long now, foreslog at musik kunne viderebringes uden brug af moderne teknologi, men kun ved hjælp af en klippeside og en pind. Man ridser rytmen ind i klippen, og når man efterfølgende lader pinden glide henover den kuperede menneskepåvirkede flade, vil musikken begynde at flyde fra den. Uret er idag lavet som prototype, og hjemmesiden har fået vind i sejlene //Kim LÆS MERE:

“Everything I designed was unnecessary… and I am ashamed of this fact”Philippe Starck

Lige nu og de næste mange år vil vi være i mørket, i det jeg kalder Barbaria...så må vi iføre os hjelm og Kalashnikov og gøre os klar til at kæmpe mod dystre kræfter. Til unge mennesker, der i dag kommer til mig og siger, de vil være designere, siger jeg: La’ vær. Og hvis de alligevel insisterer, ja, så er der kun en vej at gå. Og det er at skabe enten politisk eller miljørigtigt design. Vi mennesker er skøre og dovne, og som designere kan vi desværre i øjeblikket kun være med til at mildne skaderne”, Philip Starck, Living Design, nr. 4, 2008

Philippe Starck’s personal invisible windmill ‘Democratic Ecology’ was introduced at Milan’s Greenergy Design show earlier this year in a vibrant display relaying the intent to enable every man, woman and child on Earth to generate their own power in designer style. The transparent mini-turbine will be available to all in September 2008 and, in typical Starck style, if everyone’s going to have one he’s going to make sure they all look great. http://www.inhabitat. com/2008/07/02/


Konsortium for kulturel trivsel


are you ready to go green

Kulturen lĂŚgger til havn i 2009 (55.704672, 9.532818)



“I’m Okay - I am Alive”


kr. 50,00

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