Annual Report 2010

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2010 Annual Report

Our Mission The mission of Volunteers of America–Minnesota is to provide opportunities which will make a significant, lasting impact in the lives of our program participants, and to elicit community support for our program participants. We pursue this mission by empowering our program participants with the motivation, education, support and competencies necessary for age- and disability- appropriate independence and self-reliance. We strengthen communities by fostering within them the readiness to support their citizens in achieving this independence and self-reliance.

Our Vision We envision a society in which all persons are valued and have the assets for achieving self-reliant, independent, fulfilling lives. We envision communities which support families in providing this opportunity to their children. We envision a society which cares for persons with disabilities and for elders, extending to them the needed supports and appropriate opportunities for independence and dignity. We envision a society which fosters self-reliance and a high standard of ethical behavior, in which citizens freely contribute their time, talent and resources for the common good. We envision Volunteers of America–Minnesota effectively serving as a catalyst to realize this vision.


Table of Contents Mission & Vision

page 1

Board Members


Message from the President & Board Chair..


Number of Persons Served ........................


Revenues ......................................................


Expenses ......................................................


List of Programs


Devon: From bully to protective big brother


Cailee: Unbroken


Bianca: Discovering inner-strength, courage and unlimited potential


Healthy Changes: Better quality of life for older adults


Don: Leading a healthy, independent and productive life


Barbara and Woody: Reading as a harbinger for success in life





Fiscal 2010 Board of Directors

Ross Kramer Co-Founder and Principal Messerli & Kramer

Board Chair

Sean McDonnell Principal McDonnell & Co.

Gene Washington Manager, Talent Management 3M

Board Members Lin Branson Principal Gray Plant Mooty Fred Caslavka Chief Financial Officer Landscape Structures, Inc.

Bela Osipova, PhD Seismologist (Retired) Dan Perinovic Owner and Agent Daniel Perinovic Insurance Agency

Lyle Meyer Construction Consultant (Retired)

Bill Rieckhoff Realtor Edina Realty

Ken Moritz Senior Vice President (Retired) Cargill

Renee Tait Chief Executive Officer Mosaic Builders, Inc.

Don Nicholson Partner Stonehill Group, LLP

Patricia Venus Senior Director of Healthcare Analytics United Health Group, Optumhealth

Gabrielle Clark Private Consultant

Matt Norman President, Dale Carnegie Norman & Associates

Don Conley Vice President, Public Affairs (Retired) Honeywell

Sarah Olson Scovill Vice President of Human Resources Science Museum of Minnesota

Michael Weber President and Chief Executive Officer Volunteers of America - Minnesota

Wally Faster Vice President, Corporate Development (Retired) General Mills Susan Hayes Vice President and Director Community Grants & Services Lutheran Community Foundation Dee Kemnitz Vice President, Human Resources (Retired) Carlson Companies, Inc.

ol release s a ha wk A stude nt of ou r SALT Hig h Sc ho trip. du ring an expe rie ntial lea rning 3

Message from the President and Board Chair Volunteers of America has been serving the residents of Minnesota since 1896. Our history has included a wide range of programming, and our programs have been evolving throughout our history as we seek to respond to the contemporary needs of our community. This Annual Report reflects to the community how we have used the resources which have been entrusted to us during the recently completed fiscal year. We have served the needs of 26,512 program participants, and this Annual Report includes the stories of a few of them. Our separately published Program Impact Report (available upon request) shares in much greater detail the outcomes our sixty-plus programs have brought into the lives of our program participants. We have assisted older adults to remain in their own homes, while retaining a sound quality of life. The students in our small, alternative schools have found settings in which they can progress toward graduation. Our special needs participants have been active in their communities, as employees, as volunteers, and as visible residents. The children in our programs and their families have faced the challenges of abuse, poverty, mental illness, violence, homelessness and are learning to thrive. The adults completing our rehabilitation programs are becoming contributing members of society. The adults with disabilities and the many seniors in our residences are safe in their stable communities. We thank our community partners, both individuals and organizations, who have entrusted to us the financial resources to enable us to bring these opportunities to so many people. As we look to the future, we appeal for your continued support, and we reaffirm our commitment to utilize well the resources which you entrust to us. We will continue to achieve identifiable, long lasting differences in the lives of thousands of our community’s most challenged citizens.

Gene Washington Chair, Board of Directors

Michael Weber President and CEO

12 4

Fiscal 2010 Number of Persons Served Children & Family Services: Avanti Center for Girls ........................................... 89 Bar None Treatment Programs........................... 161 Children’s Residential Treatment Center (CRTC) ....42 Family Prison Visitation & Transportation ..............24 Foster Care ..............................................................70 In-Home Relief .........................................................22 Mental Health Case Management 278 Mental Health Clinics 1,200 Omegon Residential Treatment Center .................71 Services to Students of Success Academy ......... 90 Schools & Education: Adult High School Diploma Program ................... 620 Charter School Sponsorship 2,100 Opportunity High School ...................................... 220 Phoenix High School ............................................ 224 Service Adventure Leadership Team (SALT) High School ................................................125 Older Adults: Affordable Housing Services ................................ 346 Assisted Living Programs 157 Care Options Network 1,000 Caregiver Support Services .....................................51 Community Centers ........................................... . 809 DayElders..................................................................63 ElderRide Transportation .................................... 256 HighRise Social Services 3,608 Hmong Elder Connections & Hmong DayElders .... 267 Nutrition Services 7,607 Outreach, Information & Referral ....................... . 265 Protective & Legal Services ................................. 823 Senior Mental Health Services ......................... 258 Senior Partners Care (SPC) = 1,405 Senior Volunteer Programs 2,755

Rehabilitation Services: Group Residential Housing (GRH) 13 Residential Reentry Centers................................. 348 Women’s Recovery Center ......................................81 Persons with Special Needs: Columbia Heights Board & Lodge 27 Our HOME 23 Semi-Independent Living Services (SILS) 98 Supervised Living Residences 51 ................................................................................ Senior & Multi-Family Affordable Housing: Monroe Village 63 Nicollet Towers 443 North Park Plaza 109 Orono Woods 62 Oxbowl Bend 72 Village at Franklin Station 116

Total People Served Total Served by Age Group Under age 18 Age 18 to 64 years Age 65 and over Age not available Total Number of Scholastic Books Distributed to Children Total Volunteers*

26,512 4,941 5,431 14,572 1,568

2,500 13,602

*Includes volunteers in ongoing roles, groups that volunteer in our programs and those who participate in special events such as Thanksgiving Food Drives, Adopt a Family and Operation Backpack.


Kevin Slowey of the Min nesota Twins helps a sen ior to play the mem ory card gam e during our Hom erun to Hea lth eve nt. The eve nt provided olde r adu lts with activitie s and info rma tion for imp roving and maintaining physica l and men tal hea lth.

Fiscal 2010 Revenues

Program Service Fees & Rental Income

Other Income

Public Support

Revenues Government Revenue & Grants

$ 27,230,673

Program Service Fees & Rental Income



Other Income



Public Support





United Way Total Revenues

$ 42,757,979



Government Revenue & Grants United Way


Fiscal 2010 Expenses By Financial Statement Category Children & Youth

$ 11,727,394





Rehabilitative Services



Management, General & Fundraising



Housing: Homeless, Housing for Families & Disabled 4,434,577




Mental Health



Health Care





Total Expenses


Developmental Disability

Children & Youth

Developmental Disability

Other: Programatic in MN & Community Enhancement

Management, General & Fundraising


Housing Other Elderly Mental Health

Rehabilitative Services

Health Care

By Program Category Children & Family: Residential Programs

$ 8,738,573

Services for Older Adults/Seniors



Schools & Education Programs



Management, General & Fundraising



Affordable Housing Programs 4,311,491


Services to Persons With Special Needs



Rehabilitative Services



Mental Health Programs



Children & Family: Non-Residential Programs





Community Programs & Events Total Expenses


$ 42,531,103

Rehabilitative Services



Management, General & Fundraising Services to Persons With Special Needs

Children & Family: Non-Residential

Children & Family: Residential

Services for Older Adults/Seniors

Affordable Housing Schools & Education Mental Health

Community Programs & Events

Programs for Students

Programs for Children and Families

The Avanti Center for Girls offers a continuum of shelter, evaluation and treatment services for adolescent females who exhibit emotional and behavioral problems. The treatment modality is based on the Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) model and the program is licensed through the Department of Human Services with a Mental Health (SED) certification. Bar None Residential Treatment Services offers a variety of residential treatment and aftercare services, as well as evaluation and stabilization options, for at-risk youth who exhibit emotional and behavioral problems. The program offers specialty units for youth with cognitive challenges and court-ordered adjudicated delinquents, and has two insurance reimbursable Mental Health (SED) certified programs. Children’s Residential Treatment Center (CRTC) offers secure, intensive residential treatment for emotionally disturbed adolescents who suffer primary psychiatric challenges such as mood and anxiety disorders, personality disorders, self-destructive behaviors, eating disorders, and more.

Family Prison Visitation and Transportation offers preparation, support and transportation for children to visit their mothers who are incarcerated in federal prison out of state. In-Home Relief offers temporary, inhome assistance on an hourly or daily basis for Anoka County families who have children with special needs, autism and/or developmental disabilities. Children’s Mental Health Case Management offers coordination of services for families which enable children with severe emotional disturbances to remain at home. Services include mental health, social, educational, health, vocational, recreational, volunteer, advocacy, transportation and legal services. Adult Mental Heath Case Management offers coordination of services for adults with severe mental health issues which assists them in remaining in their community. Services include mental health, social, health, vocational, recreational, volunteer, advocacy, transportation and legal services.

Omegon, Inc. Residential Treatment Center offers intensive treatment services for male and female adolescents who are experiencing serious emotional, social and/or behavioral disorders, combined with abuse/dependency on mood-altering chemicals.

Behavioral and Therapeutic Services and Supports for Students of Success Academy are provided by us through a contract with Hennepin County Success Academy is a program of the Minneapolis Public Schools which provides enriched educational programming, services and supports for at-risk students grades 7–12.

Family Treatment Foster Care offers residential care, and develops, implements and monitors individualized care plans for emotionally and/or behaviorally disturbed and abused children who cannot safely live with their birth parents. The program also licenses, trains, monitors and supports participating foster home families who provide care for foster children.

Mental Health Clinics offers comprehensive mental health services, including psychotherapy, skill development, psychological testing, psychiatric services and aftercare services for participants of our programs and for children and families in the general community.

• DBT Intensive Outpatient Therapy Program for Adolescents offers coordinated individual and multifamily group therapy services for youth age 15–18 who have severe emotional/behavioral problems, and/or emerging personality disorders and who engage in self-harming behaviors. • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Family Focused Therapeutic Services Program is a prevention program offering parent education, case management and support services for deaf and hard of hearing parents of pre-school age children who are considered at-risk for child abuse and neglect. • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Mental Health Services offers culturally and language specific comprehensive school-based, home-based and outpatient mental health services for deaf, deaf/blind and hard of hearing (DHH) children, adolescents and their families. • DHH IMPACT offers deaf, hard of hearing and deaf/blind youth who are struggling with severe emotional and/or behavioral issues with an intensive day program (mental health) in an environment which is both culturally and linguistically accessible and where the primary form of communication is American Sign Language (ASL). • Family and Parent Development Services offers services intended to improve the well-being of families by providing Parent Skill Building, Therapeutic Parent/Child Interaction to improve interactions between parent(s) and child(ren) and Coordinated Therapeutic Services to improve the mental health of the family’s children. 8

• Functional Family Therapy is a special project with Hennepin County Juvenile Corrections which offers specialized high fidelity family therapy interventions for selected juvenile offenders and their families referred by Hennepin County Juvenile Corrections. • Home-Based/CTSS Services offers culturally competent, quality mental health services for children and their families who need frequent and intensive interventions. Services take place in a home, community or school setting. • Infancy and Early Childhood Mental Health Program offers mental health assessment and services addressing the mental health needs of infants and young children and their caregivers. • Outpatient Program offers diverse, culturally competent, quality mental health services for children, adolescents and their families. Services take place in the clinic offices and are individualized to meet the unique needs of each child and their family. • Somali and East African Behavioral Health Services Program offers intensive therapeutic, skill building and rehabilitative services to help strengthen the emotional, behavioral and social functioning of Somali and East African youth and their families. • Wrap Around Services is a special project which offers specialized high fidelity wrap around facilitation for Somali and East African juvenile offenders and their families referred by Hennepin County Juvenile Corrections.


Programs for Students Schools • SALT High School (Service Adventure Leadership Team) is a Minneapolis Public Schools specialty school, serving grades 10–12, which features an experiential and environmental themed program that focuses on leadership development and community-based service learning. • Opportunity High School is a Minneapolis Public Schools contract specialty school which is open to all students and specializes in meeting the educational needs of English Language Learners. Day and evening classes offer flexibility for students to choose programs that best meet their needs. • Phoenix High School is a Minneapolis Public Schools alternative school which offers a small school environment with strong student support in math, science, and the humanities. Phoenix offers credit recovery opportunities through a schedule which allows students to double-up classes in areas in which students are behind in credits and through a wide variety of after-school seasonal activities. • Adult High School Diploma Program offers English Language Learners, age 18 and older, the opportunity to acquire English skills and earn a high school diploma. Charter School Authorizing Program provides oversight and accountability for 16 Minnesota charter schools who provide learning opportunities to students in small, educationally creative settings.

Programs for Seniors, Their Families & Caregivers Assisted Living offers services necessary for participants to remain in their current home. Services and supports are offered at designated housing facilities, which include congregate dining, medication set-ups and reminders, assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), comprehensive case management, socialization and activities, housekeeping and laundry, and assistance with travel arrangements. Care Management & Consultation offers objective, multi-dimensional assessments that clarify an older adult’s needs, and is helpful to older adults, their families, attorneys, trust departments, guardians/conservators and other professionals in providing short-term consultation services and ongoing care management, including monitoring and service coordination. Care Options Network is comprised of over 1,000 members of the senior health care and senior service industry. The Network staff collects and impartially formats vital care-specific data about senior care providers and services. Care Options publishes the SeniorCare GuideBook, the reference tool for the senior care industry, the Senior Housing Directory for the public and has a new website, www., with all of the program’s information available to the public. The Network then distributes this information to the senior care industry, thereby helping find appropriate care, housing, products and services for over a quarter of a million seniors and their families each year.

Caregiver Support Services offers coaching, counseling, information, support and practical assistance for those caring for someone age 60+, or caregivers who are 55+ and are caring at home for a family member age 19-59 with a disability, focusing on African-American families. DayElders offers care and a structured day program at select locations for older adults who typically have limitations of mobility, stamina and/ or cognitive functioning. Estate & Elder Law Services offers a variety of affordable legal services including assistance with estate planning, wills, powers of attorney, health care directives, guardianship, Medical Assistance issues, real estate matters and more.

Family Memory Care for African Americans offers African American caregivers who are caring for a spouse/significant other with Alzheimer’s disease a variety of supports and services to help them care for their spouse/significant other at home for as long as possible and to help them remain a healthy caregiver. Highrise Social Services Program offers case management, information and referral and group services to residents of 40 designated Minneapolis Public Housing Authority apartment buildings and a Volunteers of AmericaMinnesota owned building, who are age 60 and older and/or are disabled. Hmong DayElders offers care and a variety of activities for Hmong seniors, age 55 and older, who typically have limitations of mobility, stamina and/or cognitive functioning.

Hmong Elder Connections offers positive cultural, educational and social experiences for seniors of the Hmong community to help preserve their physical and emotional health and well-being. Protective Services offers information and assistance, referral and assessments regarding incapacitated adults who are having difficulty with financial management or personal decision-making or who may be in need of a guardian and/or conservator. Residences for Seniors with Developmental Disabilities offers residential community-based care for older adults with developmental abilities at facilities located in Milaca and Mora, MN.

Senior Community Centers: Park ElderCenter and Southwest Center offer older adults a wide range of activities, programs and services including group dining, health and wellness classes, educational workshops, cultural events, volunteer opportunities, social work services, caregiver support services, computer literacy, adult day programs and more. Seniors Place offers noon meals, exercise programs, bingo, cribbage, yoga, arts and crafts, music, current events, educational programs, and other programming and socialization activities for older adults.

Robe rt, a sen ior at ou r South we st Ce nte r, plays the Moun tain Du lcim er he made during a three -m on th projec t at the Ce nte r. 10

ade th e la ndsc ap ing gr up to e tim r ei th d te st dona well as tra nsfo rm th e Voluntee rs from C om ca as r, te en C t en tm ea Tr l side nt ia around ou r Om eg on Re ll. a ba ckstop fo r base ba l al st in en ev d an , um gy m nasi

Programs for Seniors, Their Families & Caregivers Continued Senior Mental Health Services offers a full spectrum of specialized outpatient mental health treatment services to assess and treat the symptoms and behaviors related to mental illnesses for individuals age 55 and older. This program also offers educational presentations to senior communities and training workshops for aging and health service providers on mental health issues specific to older adults.


Senior Nutrition offers persons age 60+ (and disabled individuals who live in senior high rises) nutritional meals at 31 congregate dining sites in Anoka and Hennepin Counties. We are also the contractor for six homedelivered programs who serve parts of the Metro area. Somali, Latino, Hmong, Vietnamese, and Lao meals are available at some sites. Senior Partners Care (SPC) helps low to moderate income Minnesotans who are on Medicare obtain treatment from participating healthcare providers who agree to waive Medicare’s co-payments and deductibles and accept Medicare payment as payment in full.

Senior Volunteer Programs • RSVP offers people, age 55 and over, personalized placement in rewarding, meaningful and impactful volunteer opportunities to meet their individual skills, interests, schedule and geographic availability. — Pretty Good Players are adults 55 and over who use true stories and original skits to educate the public about aging issues. They perform for schools, churches and community groups reflecting with sensitivity and accuracy the diversity of older Minnesotans, and promoting and supporting vital aging. — Telefriends offers older adults volunteer opportunities to mentor children in grades 2–6 over the telephone.

• Experience Corps offers adults over age 50 volunteer opportunities to strengthen the reading skills of children, grades K–3 in urban schools. Stipends are available for those who qualify. Special Access offers services to assist with problem-solving and locating community resources for AfricanAmerican elders in Minneapolis. Total Living Home Care™ offers older adults who are residents of Orono Woods apartments and need temporary assistance or longer-term support, a selection of supportive services to help them remain independent and active. Services include health assessment, medication set-up, nursing and homemaking services, laundry, transportation and more.

Affordable Housing Programs Senior and Multi-Family Affordable Housing offers market rate, affordable, and subsidized senior housing in Minneapolis, Orono, Coon Rapids, and New Hope. Rental types and services vary depending on the location, and some include assisted living services, social service coordination and senior congregate dining. Our HOME offers a positive living situation for homeless and at-risk families located in central Minnesota. Each family occupies its own apartment and counselors assist in dealing with personal issues and strengthening self-sufficiency.

Programs for Persons With Special Needs

Services for Adults Completing Rehabilitation Programs

Columbia Heights Board & Lodge offers shelter and meals to adults with serious and persistent mental illness. While at the Board and Lodge, participants are focused on stabilizing their mental health, obtaining a consistent source of income, and moving to a more independent living situation.

Group Residential Housing (GRH) offers housing for adult women coming out of chemical dependency treatment as a “step down” measure allowing them to regain employment and prepare them to seek and obtain permanent housing.

In-Home Support Services offers individualized services for children and adults with special needs tailored to support their needs in a home, apartment or other community living situation. Services for Persons With Special Needs offers supportive living services in small residences for adults with developmental disabilities and seeks to promote independence of participants by working with them to enjoy an active, participatory quality of life by fostering opportunities for active community engagement.

Residential Reentry Centers (RRCs) provide residential reentry services for men and women who are allowed to complete part of their prison sentences in the community. This affords them the opportunity to restore community ties, obtain employment, and pay a portion of their care and supervision to the state or federal jurisdictions who have authority over them for the period of their stay.

Women’s Recovery Center is a licensed chemical dependency residential treatment program for adult women. Women are typically referred for intensive treatment for a period of up to 90 days. Individualized program planning incorporates licensed CD counselors and a staff psychologist and may include work in recovering from abuse, violence, homelessness, as well as physical health. Programming incorporates individual and group therapy, and utilizes best practices tailored to the unique needs of women.

Programs for Volunteers Senior Volunteer Services connects older adults with volunteer opportunities in their communities in the areas of education, human services, the environment and more. Programs include RSVP and Experience Corps. Community Events offers opportunities for individuals and volunteer groups to make a difference in the community. Events include collecting Thanksgiving food for isolated seniors and low income families; purchasing gifts for low-income children, families and seniors during the year-end holidays; providing backpacks and school supplies for at-risk students at the start of the school year; and completing a variety of hands-on service projects at our sites.


Devon: From bully to protective big brother Devon*, age 14, stomped heavily onto the waiting school bus and lumbered down the center aisle stopping at an occupied seat near the back. “Dude, you’re in my seat,” he growled. The occupant glanced up briefly at Devon’s tall, imposing frame and quickly relocated to another seat. Devon’s body hit the vacated seat with an audible thud. For the entire ride home, Devon hurled rude jokes and insults at students. Nobody thought he was funny, and nobody dared to speak let alone make eye contact with Devon. When the bus finally halted near Devon’s Minneapolis apartment, students dashed away to evade Devon’s wrath. Devon stomped off the bus and trudged slowly down the pocked asphalt street toward home. As he entered the apartment building, the familiar odors of fried food and old carpet rose up to greet him. Crying babies, loud music and laughter transformed into white noise as Devon shuffled up the stairs to unit 314 and opened the door. “Where the [expletive] have you been,” his mother bellowed from the kitchen. “Nothing but a lazy [expletive] is what you are. Good for absolutely nothing, except maybe taking up space.” Devon froze. Her wild eyes were almost popping from their sockets. Then out of the blue, she smacked Devon across the face. A drop of blood formed on his lower lip. “I never get no appreciation around here,” she added as she left the apartment slamming the door loudly behind her. As usual, the incident caused Devon to feel jittery. The anxiety was awful and it was hard to breath.


Devon felt useless and abandoned. He didn’t know when his mother would be back or what to expect. She had been abusive and neglectful for years, but now crack had taken control of her. A few weeks later, Devon was taken from his home by child protection, placed in a Twin Cities shelter, and then transferred to Volunteers of America-Minnesota’s Family Treatment Foster Care program which offers supported foster family homes for emotionally and behaviorally disturbed and abused children who cannot safely live with their birth parents. A licensed social worker works closely with each foster family to assist them in understanding what each child needs and to coordinate additional outside services. What’s more, the program develops, implements and monitors individualized care plans to help children in foster care become successful. Volunteers of America placed Devon in the home of Carol* and Donald*, who are experienced foster parents that specialize in therapeutic care for children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral challenges. With no biological children of their own, Carol and Donald had already welcomed three foster boys into their home. Devon was now their fourth. Carol, Donald and a Volunteers of America therapist worked with Devon regularly to help him strengthen his coping skills, decrease his anger and anxiety, and increase his selfesteem and use of social skills. At school, a structured classroom

provided Devon with the support he needed to be successful while he learned negotiating skills and how to effectively advocate for himself. Reading was a huge academic problem and Donald worked with Devon to help bring his reading skills up to grade level. Over time and through the persistence of his foster parents, Devon learned to engage as a member of the family. Today, Devon is nearly 16 and his foster family has made him feel safe, secure and reduced his anxiety. He has learned to use breathing techniques and even reading to calm himself. He is no longer a bully. Instead, Devon has become a protective big brother to his younger foster brothers who have special needs. Additionally, he is learning to use humor (instead of sarcasm) to prevent negative situations from escalating. Devon loves to go “Up North” to the family cabin for fishing and swimming, and enjoys both adventure novels and video games. If you asked Devon he’ll tell you, “I know I have more work to do, but I’m more motivated than I was before. I’m doing better in school, and I want to get a job and take driver’s education as soon as I can. I feel more settled and calm since I found people who really care about me.” *We have changed the name of the subjects and certain details to protect privacy and confidentiality. The individual in the accompanying photo is a model.

D e von‘s foste r fa m ily h as m ade h im re du ce d h is a n xi fe e l safe, se cu re e ty. He h as le a rn and e d to use b re a th ing te ch a n d e ve n re ading n iq u e s to ca lm h imse lf. H e is n o long e r a b u lly.


, fe ct ively with my feelings ef e or m pe co to ills sk ild th e Eventually, I started to bu patte rns of behavior. l na io ct un sf dy y m ge d ch an myself. feel emot iona lly safe, an od an d feel good about go r fo s th ng re st y m l I learned to ch anne


Cailee: Unbroken* Eighteen months ago, I was an entirely different person. I felt trapped inside my damaged life. I had ha a broken heart and was so scared. My dad, who is no longer sca living, had never been a part livi of my life. My mom never really cared about me. It seemed like ca the th men and the drugs were always more important. Life at alw home was lonely, chaotic and ho unpredictable. The county took un me m away from my mom a few times by the time I was eight. ti After that, I went to live with my A aunt. I believed my aunt was a stuck with me and that I didn’t s belong there. I didn’t know b where I belonged. w At A school, I felt like I was the odd o one out. I couldn’t find my place within the social circle and I got picked on. Since it was so hard to get close to anyone, I found it was easier to isolate myself. During that time, my negative self-talk began to impact my quality of life. I developed a severe hatred for every part of myself. I wished I didn’t exist and wondered what was wrong with me. I felt totally alone and was completely numb most of the time. Then at around age 14, I started cutting my arms with a razor blade. Cutting was a temporary release from all the pain, tempo hurt, anger, sadness, and loneliness I was feeling inside. When I cut myself, I felt less numb. It was a weird sensation and I felt quite detached. I felt ashamed and embarrassed about what I was doing to myself. I thought my aunt would hate me if she knew. So, I went to great lengths to keep my cutting

a secret. Then, I started to hang out with people who were not good for me. I started drinking alcohol, using ecstasy and experimenting with prescription pills. My friends encouraged me to sneak out of the house at night and go to parties. At one of the parties, I was sexually assaulted. This made me feel angry and humiliated. I felt like I couldn’t trust anyone. After that, things at home when downhill fast. I pushed the limits, intentionally broke rules, and I got into shouting matches with my aunt. The fights turned physical when I pushed my aunt up against the wall and slapped her face so hard her lip started to bleed. Things got worse before they got better. My self-loathing was so extreme I wanted nothing better than to see myself dead. I actually tried to kill myself twice. After my second attempt, the hospital referred me to Volunteers of America-Minnesota Children’s Residential Treatment Center (CRTC). CRTC provides treatment for teens who have severe emotional problems like mine, as well as mood and anxiety disorders and eating disorders. I didn’t want to be there and didn’t speak to anyone for the first two weeks. I was uncooperative, stubborn and resistant to therapy. During that time, my aunt continued to participate in family therapy even though I told her how much I hated her. The staff at CRTC didn’t give up on me either. Eventually, I started to build the skills to cope more effectively with my feelings, feel emotionally safe, and change my dysfunctional patterns of behavior. I learned to channel my strengths for good and feel good about myself. I began to wonder why I ever resisted love. I found validation for my feelings,

as well as acceptance and hope. Once I was on the right track, I completed treatment in just seven months. Today, I’m back in public high school and have a job at a restaurant. I’m sober, no longer cutting and continue therapy as an outpatient. I have found people around me who have never given up on me and have believed in me the whole way. My major outlet is writing poetry. Being able to channel my energy in a creative way helps me stay positive and builds my confidence. I want to make a difference in other people’s lives and am active in several human rights groups. I hope that in someway I can turn my experience into a positive thing, even if it means making one person feel a little bit less alone. When people see me now, they see a confident 16-year-old who is a natural leader. But things haven’t always been that way. There are always the reminders of the way that I used to be – the scars on my arms, the friends that I no longer see. But, I’m not the broken girl I used to be, I am me. *We have changed the name of the subject and certain details to protect privacy and confidentiality. The individual in the accompanying photo is a model.


Bianca: Discovering inner-strength, courage and unlimited potential “You can do it,” shouted a voice far below. “You’re almost there. It’s just a little bit farther to the top,” another voice bellowed from the ground. Bianca was strapped tightly into the safety harness and was carefully hoisting herself to the top of the high-ropes course. Each movement was calculated. As she was suspended among the trees dangling yards above the ground, Bianca was adapting to meet difficult challenges in new ways. She was tapping into her own undiscovered potential. She was frightened but pushed herself higher with the encouragement of her team – a group of staff and students from Volunteers of AmericaMinnesota’s Service Adventure Leadership Team (SALT) High School. SALT is a unique school which features an experiential and environmental themed program that focuses on leadership development and community-based service learning. Field studies, labs, and service learning trips are incorporated into all classes. Students who choose SALT are typically those who benefit from hands-on, experiential learning or may have been unsuccessful in traditional classroom settings. Until enrolling at SALT, Bianca had attended two other large high schools. “I liked the dance and art programs the schools offered, but the class sizes were all really big,” says Bianca. “I needed extra help. But it was hard to get what I needed


from the teachers because they were so busy – and there were so many students.” Bianca was low on credits and didn’t know how she was going to graduate on time. That’s when a school counselor recommended she transfer to Volunteers of America’s SALT High School. “The teachers at SALT were totally different. They came to my level and gave me the individual attention I needed. They kept me focused,” reports Bianca. “Once I was confident in the learning process, I was able to help other students. We became a team.” While attending SALT, Bianca had the opportunity to participate in a variety of environmental field studies and high adventure expeditions. “I never was an outdoor type of person,” Bianca explains. “But, the learning trips gave me an opportunity to see what Minnesota has to offer. I gained leadership skills and tried new things that were difficult and scary. I knew that if I could get over those fears, I could overcome almost anything. All of the things I learned I have been able to apply to my life.” Bianca worked especially hard while attending SALT and earned enough credits to graduate on schedule in June 2010. Shortly after graduation, Bianca, her mother, and three younger siblings lost nearly everything when they

fled from their mother’s violent 15-year domestic relationship. Despite that, Bianca continued to work as a summer intern with the City of Minneapolis in the Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED) department where she learned about public policy and operations, as well as designed maps and forms for land sales. Bianca was invited to serve on the Youth Violence Prevention Board for the City of Minneapolis as a result of the leadership she demonstrated and a personal advocacy initiative she undertook while an intern. Today, Bianca works two part-time jobs while also attending Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC). She hopes to eventually attend Art Institutes International to pursue a degree in fashion design, but now she says a degree in political science/public policy may also be a possibility. SALT has helped Bianca become successful in school, develop into an aspiring leader, and adapt to meet difficult challenges in new ways. This young woman’s inner strength, courage and perseverance shines, as does her unlimited potential.

SALT h as h e lp e d B ia n ca b e com e su cc e ssfu l in sc h asp iring le ade r, a ool, de ve lop in to n d adap t to m e e t an dif ficu lt ch a lle ng e s in n e w ways.


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Healthy Changes: Better quality of life for older adults It was just after 9 a.m. on a blustery November morning. Snowflakes fluttered down from the gloomy, grey sky and then blew forming mini-snowdrifts on the edges of the ice-glazed sidewalks. The typically bustling Minneapolis street was almost silent. There were few pedestrians and only an occasional vehicle crept slowly up the road past the Horn Towers apartment building. But, inside the building’s community room, activity was abundant. Fitness instructor, Sarah, and several of the building’s senior residents were rushing to-and-fro repositioning furniture in preparation for Volunteers of AmericaMinnesota’s Healthy Changes exercise class. Healthy Changes is a competitive 12-week incentive-based health and wellness program for seniors aimed at inspiring them to make positive changes in their diet and activity levels to improve their physical health and allow them a better quality of life. The program is offered at three Volunteers of America (VOA) senior community center locations, as well as two apartment buildings where VOA provides services for older adults. At 9:15, Sarah made phone calls reminding several participants about the class and quickly registered two new students. Then right at 9:30, class started. About 15 older adults were peppered throughout the room—each had a chair, a set of hand weights, and a rubber resistance band. Sarah guided them through a variety of ageappropriate flexibility and strength training routines while offering a copious amount of encouragement

to each individual. An additional five seniors trickled in and joined the group. As they exercised, Sarah led a discussion about the importance of good nutrition, and eating fruits and vegetables. She kept the nutrition information relatively simple since many members of the class were recent immigrants to America. There were smiles aplenty and it was clear that everyone was having a good time. When the Health Changes class concluded, participants were anxious to share positive feedback. “The class has helped me to lose some weight. Sarah gives us good advice and we do things we would never do on our own,” states Margaret. “I miss it when I can’t come to the class.” Asli, who attends the class with her mother, is an immigrant from Somalia and helps translate important details for other Somalis who attend the class. “The class helps me and my mother know what food is good for us. The class provides good friendships and a good teacher,” Asli explains. Agnes, who is a sprightly 96, quips, “The class helps me keep my joints moving.” Next, Unmatty, who is originally from Guyana says she never paid much attention to nutrition until taking the Healthy Changes class. “You find out that you can change your life and feel better. The nutrition education is important and the exercise experience is good for you,” she explains. Stanley says the weather prevents him from getting enough exercise. “The class is good for me,” he says. “I like to exercise, but it’s tough to walk outside in the winter. I think I need ice skates.” Sy reveals, “The class makes me feel better and gets me out of my apartment.”

Healthy Changes is intended to be a positive educational experience. Fitness instructor Sarah explains, “The program is an excellent way of bringing the diverse group of residents together. It’s helped introduce the immigrant residents to new foods, and the entire group’s eating and habits have changed for the better.” Then she adds, “The participants are always cheerful and supportive of one another. Their energy feeds me just as much as I feed them.” Throughout the duration of the Healthy Changes program, older adults earn points for prizes based on healthy activities they complete in class and on their own. The point system motivates the seniors to participate in the program, plus it gets them in the habit of tracking and watching what they eat and how often they exercise. At the end of the 12-week Healthy Changes, an awards ceremony will be held to recognize top point earners. Health problems like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis, are at an all-time high for the senior population—a population growing at an unprecedented rate. Now more than ever, it’s crucial that older adults know the importance of healthy eating and regular exercise, and are able to make real lifestyle and behavior changes in those areas that will improve their health— giving them a better, more fulfilling, quality of life. The Healthy Changes program is supported by a grant from the Medica Foundation and by the Greater Twin Cities United Way.


Don: Leading a healthy, independent and productive life When Don arrived at the food shelf in Mora, there were already several individuals waiting in the warm hallway for the pantry to open. The cramped pantry space was piled high with cans and boxes of nonperishable food. New food donations were stacked in boxes by the door together with day-old bakery items from the nearby grocery store. Don removed his winter jacket and quickly began putting away new food donations and organizing bakery items on the food pantry shelves. He moved agilely for his 83 years and didn’t rest until the job was done. Don has an intellectual disability. Since leaving the State Mental Hospital at Cambridge and moving to a Mora group home in 1970, he and his wife Kathy, who also has special needs, have lived mainly independent lives. They’ve just needed a little extra help. That’s why Don and his wife are participants in the Volunteers of America-Minnesota (VOA) Services for Persons with Special Needs “SILS” (Semi-Independent Living Services) program which provides participants who live independently with the level of support they need to live productive and healthy lives in their own residential setting. The SILS program has provided Don and his wife with supportive services such as help going through mail and paying bills, help with grocery shopping, accompanied


them to medical appointments, and guided them in volunteer work, exercise and similar activities. Don and his wife recently moved from a Mora apartment building to an assisted living facility because of his wife’s medical condition. Don has always enjoyed lots of activity. He has volunteered at the Mora Food Pantry twice a week for the last five years and also helps out at the local senior center where he sets up tables and chairs, and makes coffee. Previously, Don worked for 30 years at the area’s sheltered workshop for individuals with disabilities and didn’t retire until the age of 73. A diligent worker, Don grew up in a town a few miles away from Mora and talks about how, as a child, he used to help his grandfather who was a blacksmith. He also worked for local farmers helping to feed the pigs and milk the cows. Throughout his youth and most of his adult life, Don has mowed lawns all over town, never accepting money for his services. “Something I cherish about Don is that he doesn’t see his volunteer contributions as work,” reports Kathy Johnsen, SILS Program Supervisor. “He simply sees things that need to be done and does them, willingly and selflessly without getting anything in return. I think we could all learn something from him.”

In good weather, Don can be seen riding his three-wheel bike or walking all over Mora. While he’s a little bit shy with strangers, Don knows nearly everyone in town and loves to joke with them. With a sparkle in his eye and a slight grin on his face, he’ll tell you his favorite activities are garage sales, fishing and Wii Bowling. Don has been able to lead healthy, independent and productive life with the support of VOA’s SILS program. “I’m glad [the VOA SILS staff] come and get me and help me,” states Don. “I’m very happy with that.”

Don has an intelle ctual disability but has been able to independent and lead a healthy, p roductive lif e with the support of our SILS p rogram.


h e is insp ire d B a rb a ra says s c a us e s h e to volun te e r b e p o rta n t to do b e lie ve s it ’s im h e lp oth e rs to n a c e h s t a h w iste n c e. live a b e tte r e x


Barbara and Woody: Reading as a harbinger for success in life The teenage girl was huddled in the corner of the room sobbing. Her knees were pulled up to her chest and her face was buried in her arms. Her eyes were red from tears and her heart raced. She started to shiver uncontrollably wondering how she would survive the torrent of emotions she was experiencing. Moreover, she didn’t know if she wanted to survive. Suddenly, she felt a series of nudges to her leg. She peeped though the slits of her puffy eyes to see Woody, a Labrador Retriever and Certified Therapy Dog. She lowered her knees and Woody placed his head on her thigh and gazed up at her with his soft brown eyes. Her breathing slowed as she placed her hand lightly on Woody’s head. Her tears stopped and she smiled. Woody and his owner, Barbara Clark, visit Volunteers of America-Minnesota’s Avanti Center for Girls once a week as o vvolunteers. The Center offers C sshelter, evaluation and treatment seran vices for adolesvic cent females who ce have emotional ha and behavioral problems. “Because pro he iis so smart and has such a great personality, I thought pers that having Woody become a Certified beco Therapy Dog would be Thera a great grea way to share him with other people

and satisfy my desire for an ongoing volunteer commitment,” explains Barbara. “As I was going through the process of having Woody certified, I learned about Avanti. It’s right down the street from the Blaine Kennels where Woody is a regular. I called and talked to the program director about the Certified Dog Therapy program and we discussed how it might work at Avanti.” The rest is history.

kids. “It has been amazing to see the impact that Woody has on the girls,” Barbara says. “Above anything else, they seem to respond to the unconditional love—something that many of them are missing. Woody seems to sense that, and he will go from one girl to the next giving lots of kisses and taking in all of the affection they can give, then going back for more.”

Woody is able to participate in many different activities as a Certified Therapy Dog, but Barbara wanted to do something that involved strengthening reading skills because she believes that the ability to read is the foundation for success in school and in life. “Although the girls at Avanti are older than the children who would normally practice reading with a therapy dog, I felt that a reading program would still be a good fit because the girls sometimes come from home situations where education was not a priority,” Barbara explains. “The girls have a very wide range of reading skills, from far behind where they should be at their age, to very accomplished. They read to the group. This helps them strengthen their reading skills and also helps them develop confidence. Many of them suffer from low self-esteem and I try to help them understand that being confident speaking in front of other people is a skill they will find invaluable in life.”

Barbara says she is inspired to volunteer because she believes it’s important to do what she can to help others live a better existence. “Volunteer work is important because it gets people involved in their community, and lack of caring and involvement is often at the root of some of our tougher societal problems,” Barbara states. “From a purely selfish perspective, taking time to focus on someone else’s needs rather than my own increases my own happiness. The satisfaction of having made a difference to an individual, or organization, is a great feeling. Sometimes I feel like I get as much or more out of the experience than the people I am helping.”

Sometimes they don’t read, they just talk. Woody helps the girls feel relaxed and safe. For a short time once a week, they can forget about the bad things that have happened to them, or the difficulties they have experienced—and they can just be

In addition to being Woody’s owner and therapy partner, Barbara Clark is Executive Director at Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly, a Minneapolis law firm where she is responsible for business operations and serves on the Community Service Committee. The firm is committed to community service and encourages employees to give back to the community through individual service and events organized by the firm. Each year, the firm recognizes top volunteers with its “Inner Fire Award.”


Fiscal 2010 Donors Volunteers of America–Minnesota gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, families, businesses and foundations for gifts received between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010. The support of our donors enables us to continue our important work and makes a lasting impact on the individuals and families we serve.

$1,000 or More

Marion Leaders Medica Foundation Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America Minneapolis Kiwanis Associated Bank Foundation Arthur and Frances Bell Minnesota Chapter of the Federal Bar Association Bernie Benson Minnesota Community John Berquist Foundation Best Buy Children’s Minnesota Medical Foundation Foundation F. R. Bigelow Foundation Don Nicholson and Lesly Bri-Mar Company Inc. Harder Edward and Judy Cannon Matt and Kari Norman Curtis L. Carlson Family Northeast Bank Foundation Marian Olson Wally Cisewski Open Your Heart To The Collins Electric Hungry & Homeless Comcast Jay and Rose Phillips Family COMPAS Foundation Ronald and Joan Cornwell Carl & Eloise Pohlad Family James Dyvig Foundation Walter and Cecy Faster Qwest Wally and Cecy Faster RBC Foundation - USA Family Fund of the Ripley Memorial Foundation Minneapolis Foundation Fund Kim Foley Margaret Rivers Fund Gallup Organization Santa Anonymous Kids General Mills Foundation Camp Fund of the Mark and Pam Golenzer Minneapolis Foundation Richard Gray Mendon F. Schutt Larry Hassler Family Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation Marta Hudson Special School District 1 Manley and Mary Johnston Michael and Patricia Kehoss Jane Spence Sprint Roger and Patricia Kerber Christopher and Nancy King St. Paul Foundation St. Paul Public Schools Kopp Family Foundation Stevens Square Foundation Major League Baseball Players Trust 3M Foundation Mardag Foundation Douglas and Lores Trask


Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation Gene and Claudith Washington Michael and Carol Weber Caroline Webster Whitney Foundation James and Deborah Wilmes

$500 to $999 Ted and Ruth Arneson Benson-Orth Associates Mary Bornong Joseph Bornong and Julie Tigges Craig Campbell Chris and Susan Ebbers William and Carmelita Ellis James and Annie Feil Gap Foundation Mary Goldstrand Terry Grove Kathrine Hoien Julene Lind Company Steven King Jennifer Kjornes Steven and Kristin Knutson Lila Kravetz Robert and Dorothy Meyer W. Lyle and Jeanne Meyer Cynthia Middaugh Lucille Miller Minnesota Timberwolves Community Foundation Kathryn Mosavat Office Depot Foundation Peter Fritz Donna Pool

Princeton United Fund, Inc. Gary Romsaas A. William and Margaret Rosen Alice Rutt Mary Ann Schoenberger and Darrick Hills Gerald and Geraldine Seavey Lynae Steinhagen Paul Sween and Margaret Simmons James and Sharon Toscano United Health Group Update Ltd. Patricia Venus and Ronald Faber John and Joy Wetzel

$100 to $499 Dorothee Aeppli Robert Agrimson John Albers Laurel Anderson Irma Anderson Kirsten Avraamides Mary Banyard Delores Behm Constance Bell Bethel United Methodist Church James and Lora Bettendorf Frank and Barbara Bonello Daniel Brick Brad and Joan Brolsma Susan Buller Sandra Bullock Richard Burnham Heather Campbell

Ou r Se rvice s to Pe rsons with ized Special Needs prog ram organ a Sp ec ial Olympic s de leg at ion of 15 in Foley with a softb all team s. ath letes an d six staff coac he eig ht Th e “Foley Ph an toms� he ld prac tic es be fo re trave ling to er Pin e City to comp ete with oth te teams. Th e group will pa rticipa in addit ion al sp orts inc luding e basket ba ll an d bo wling in th coming ye ar.


on e in the Center’s Brain-a-th atte ipa cip tic rti pa er t nt C Ce t es hw ut Seniors at our So og ram aim ed at educ at ing pr th on m ere th , ed as -b wh ich is an in cent ive ways to providing th em with easy d an th al he n ai br t ou ab se niors brain ac tivity. in crease th eir pu rp os ef ul


Fiscal 2010 Donors Continued Laura and Michael Campbell Capstone Services, LLC Joe and Pat Carlson Jon and Jean Carlson Mary Case Mark and Gail Casey Fred and Wendy Caslavka The Chair Natalie Chapman Shanyn Charles Christian Community Golf Association Donald and Loretta Combs Don and Janet Conley Kristin and Andy Cook Elizabeth Covart James Craig Glenn Crown Patricia Curran John and Elizabeth Curtin Janet DeGilio Shawn DeVinny Robert and Cyrena Dierauer Marjorie Dirks Luke Dohmen David Dornfeld David Dudycha Frank and Mary Dunbar Chad and Stephanie Dwinal Louis Eisworth Ken Epstein Theresa Ernst John and Kamisha Escoto Express Scripts International Linda Farrell Michael Faulk Kelly Fennewald

Kevin and Margaret Fink Michael and Karen Franke John and Fern Friskey Lester and Marianne Gable Jane Galbraith Gap Foundation Gift Match Program Kathleen Gerner John and Theresa Gibbs Mark Glaess John Grierson Alex Gross John and Lavina Gunther Mary Gustafson Lois Guzik Sandy Hagen Susan Hammitt Robert and Marjorie Hardisty Earl Hatten and Carol Hanson Gregory and Susan Hayes Lori Herkert Charles and Emily Herrmann Britta Herzan Jeffrey Hill Michael and Nicole Hogan David and Grace Holm Joyce Holmgren Mark Hudson Jeffrey Huggett Dennis and Faye Hunt Renee Huser Isle Lions Club Val Jackson Kristy Jazdzewski David Jenkins Edward T Johnson and Evelyn Strand Trust

Sally and Charles Jorgenson Paulette Joyer Dana Kasserman Dee Kemnitz Ted and Marjorie Kolderie Kraus-Anderson Gayle Kvenvold Land O’Lakes Thomas Latzka David and Alyce Lees Thomas Lehrke Cindy Lein Judy Sonsalla-Lissick and Greg Lissick Andy Litecky Tom and Helen Lockhart William and Lorraine Lund Lurie, Besikof, Lapidus and Co. Marilyn Lustig Thomas Lynch Julie Maday Erin and Craig Maki Chris Marquardt Mae Martin Deborah and Tom Mau Pat Mayfield Jeanne McDonald Sean and Britt McDonnell Debra and Charlie McGahey Thomas Meyer Sherilyn Moe and Theodore Margitan Jaime Monson Ken and Margot Moritz Arthur Mulvey Carl Noren Padilla Spear Beardsley Bernice Paulson

Allen and Anitra Payne Dan and Cathy Perinovic John Pesonen Pioneer Foundation for the Performing Arts, Inc. Mike Price Joan Ranfelt Anita Raymond Grace Rice William and Judith Rieckhoff Michael Roddy Sofia Rudesill Marjorie Ryan James and Dianne Safley Jim Sand Brian Sauer Ann Schenkel Rona Schlussman Susan Schoenberger and Kevin Wyman Lois Schurke Sarah Schwab Eloise Schwab William Seehafer William Sierks and Mamie Segall Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Simmons Charles Simonet Bonnie Skelton Maggie Slaker Harry Slater and Sharol Enger Sandy and Jim Sowieja Sharon and John Spies Clayton and Mavis Strandlie TCF Foundation Glenn and M. Jeanne Theorin


Fiscal 2010 Donors Continued Katie Troyak Martha Vetter Laura and Richard Wagner Linda Walker Maxine Wallin Rob Webb Robert Webb Evan Williams Sue Wilmarth Winifred Cahall Teddy and Laura Wong Josephine Zimmar

Memorial Gifts In memory of Peter Blau’s mother, Kathryn • Peter Johnson In memory of Nancy Brewster • Mary and Edward Murray • Penny Myers In memory of Jack L. Dignum • James and Susan Hogie In memory of Michael Ernst • Mary Banyard In memory of Rose Ann Fritz • Anonymous • Charlotte and Charles Moses In memory of Anne Fritz • Anonymous In memory of Craig Hartman • William and Carmelia Ellis In memory of Marilyn Nordstrom Nelson • Walter and Cecy Faster


In memory of John Learmonth • Anonymous • Daniel Brophy • Karyn and Robert Fulton • Mark Ryan • Thomas Scallen • Vineet Sinha • Guy Streater In memory of Betty Schech • Lucille Miller In memory of Leonard Walsh • Walter and Cecy Faster • Janell and Gary Kohls • Gary Taylor and Bev Monnens • Doris Taylor

In-Kind Gifts Al Vento Aveda Bachmans, Inc. Baja Sol Ben and Jerry’s Calhoun Boston Garden Bri-Mar Company Inc. Broders Cucina Italiana Buca di Beppo Cafe Latte Comcast Continental Diamond CRAVE Dale Carnegie Doolittle’s Doubletree HotelMinneapolis Park Place Guthrie Theater

Ichiban Japanese Steakhouse Illusion Theater Land O’Lakes Minnesota Children’s Museum Minnesota Timberwolves Community Foundation Minnesota Twins Community Fund Minnesota Vikings myTalk 107.1 Nemerfieger Oak City Park Nicollet Foundation Park Tavern Bowling Center Qcumbers Qwest ReJoovMe Relaxation Center Science Museum of Minnesota Staples Subway Summit Brewery Sunsets Wayzata Sunsets Woodbury Sunwerks Tanning Supervalu Inc. Timberwolves Fastbreak Foundation Tix for Tots Tryg’s VEE Corporation View Restaurant and Bar The Wedge

We have been reviewed by the Minnesota Charities Review Council and are proud to have fully met its Accountability Standards.

on Volun tee rs he lp un load gif ts Adop t drop -off day fo r ou r an nual ide s a Family prog ram wh ich prov ilies holiday gif ts for low-in come fam an d individuals in ne ed.


Making a Difference. Changing Lives.™ Volunteers of America–Minnesota is a nonprofit organization founded in 1896 which offers a wide variety of services for more than 26,500 children, adolescents and their families, older adults, students, persons with disabilities and special needs, and adults completing rehabilitation programs each year. We are one of the oldest, largest and most comprehensive human service organizations in the state and have more than 60 programs, 900 employees and 13,600 volunteers. We have a rich history of developing innovative programs to meet emerging social issues. We pride ourselves on sponsoring programs which are able to articulate the outcomes achieved in our program participants’ lives. Corporate Support Office 7625 Metro Boulevard | Minneapolis, MN 55439 ph. 952.945.4000 | fx. 952.945.4100 |

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