The Walk

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Walk January/February 2012



BODY FAT TO BODY FIT Keys to total body fitness

TOO MUCH MONEY discovering God’s purpose for money�

GOD IS Stories of the miraculous in the lives of everyday people


KRISTIN CHENOWETH On life and faith

Welcome to The Walk Photo by Robert Lang

“And when they heard that the Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshiped.”

Senior Editor Brenda Gilchrist Features Editor Thandiwe Ogbonna Photographer Romanus Dolor Publisher Kim Matthews

Exodus 4:31 Our aim for this magazine is to allow people to see that not only is God concerned for them, but also sees their pain and has sent the answer in his son Jesus. When I was about 7 years old, I read a poem called “Footprints.” In it, a man dreamed that he was walking on the beach with the Lord. During the dream, the man saw scenes of his life flash in the sky. In each scene he noticed that there were footprints in the sand, a set belonging to him and the other to the Lord. However, he was disturbed that at the most difficult times in his life there was only one set of footprints in the sand. Perplexed, he asked the Lord, “Why, when I needed you most, would you leave me?” The Lord gently affirmed his love for the man and answered, “My child, when you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I was carrying you.” It is my prayer that through the stories and interviews in this magazine, you will feel God’s love for you and see his walk with you. In love with Him,

Kim Matthews Publisher

contents 4

God Is…

Sometimes life can throw you for a loop. These stories of God’s greatness in the lives of everyday people will set you back on track in no time! A marriage brought back to life after an affair and a baby that doctors said was impossible to conceive ... God is and God can!


14 Too Much Money God’s Way Ever wonder what God’s purposes are for money? In each issue this section will be filled with Biblical principles and truths about God’s purpose for money and our relationship with it.

20 Media Reviews Movies, music and books that will encourage your heart and strengthen your resolve. Movies: Inception - The Power of a Thought Music: Undisguised - The Listening Ear Books: The Blank Canvas - You are a Masterpiece in the Making

24 Body Fat to Body Fit Have you ever lost weight then gained it all back? Don’t get discouraged. There is more to long


term weight loss than the food you eat.

26 Adventures in Prayer Real life stories about the power of prayer: After years of hostility and hurt feelings, God healed the broken hearts and made this family whole again.

30 Kristin Chenoweth- on Life and Faith After more than a decade of acting on television and Broadway, Kristin has held fast to her faith in God. She shares candidly about life and faith in the world of entertainment.




Copyright © 2011 by The G8, LLC. All rights reserved. Cover and contents may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission.

T h e W al k M A G A Z I N E


God Is

St o r i es o f t he miraculo us in t h e l i v es o f e ve ryd ay pe ople.

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A testimony from CJ and Shal Gagne Shal & CJ on vacation in Colorado.


e married at the nice young age of 22. After 12 awesome years of marriage, we decided that since we hadn’t had any children yet we should seek out some medical explanations. So we began with Shal. This first doctor’s appointment involved very invasive testing. These tests proved to be a huge blow to our hopes of ever having children naturally. This was also very emotionally and mentally taxing on Shal. The doctor confirmed that she had a condition called hydrosalpinx, which in plain English means that she had blocked fallopian tubes which can cause infertility. This was totally devastating to the both of us. We didn’t like this report, so we turned to God. We prayed at home as well as had our family members pray for us. We also received prayer at our church, Gateway Christian Fellowship. In the meantime, CJ went for a series of fertility tests and the doctors also determined that he had an issue that required minor surgery. We were then referred to the top infertility doctor in the state. On April 20, 2011, the doctor confirmed the same findings as the first doctor and said, “In vitro fertilization is without a doubt the treatment modality that will provide you with the highest likelihood of success.” But, before doing IvF, he recommended undergoing surgery to remove the fallopian tubes to give a

greater success rate of getting pregnant with IvF. We told the doctor that we were going to hold off on our decision to move forward with the surgery until after our vacation to Colorado the following month. needless to say we were both devastated; we felt the hope drain from us, but still held on to our faith that God is bigger than the doctor’s reports. We prayed a simple prayer, ‘Lord, we thank You for miracles, and it’s our heart’s desire to start a family by Your hands and not by man’s, and if it’s in Your will for us to become parents, we ask that You would do a miracle in our lives.’

On June 9, 2011, the doctor sent us in for immediate testing to verify that we had a true positive pregnancy, and also to check for proper placement of the embryo. The results were beyond a shadow of a doubt that we were in fact pregnant and the embryo was in perfect placement. At that test, the doctor informed us that our conception date was on April 22, 2011, which was Good Friday! (now known to us as Great Friday!) To finish our story we’d like to give all the glory to God and to say that we are overwhelmed with joy and excitement to be able to experience the blessing of the birth of our first child in late January of 2012. visit our website to see the video of this story.

We went on our trip to Colorado to celebrate our 12th year wedding anniversary. When we arrived home, Shal mentioned she wasn’t feeling quite right. We both asked each other, ‘Do you think we could be pregnant?’ So off to the pharmacy we went, and 16 pregnancy tests later, we thought, could it be possible that God had really worked a miracle in our lives? We called Shal’s doctor the following morning. We were in limbo, without response for a couple of days. When the doctor returned our call we said, ‘Doc, we have 16 pregnancy tests that read positive could it be true?’ Our doctor said, “I guess congratulations are in order.” We said, ‘But doc, the testing said that it was impossible without IvF.’ Our doctor replied with a surprised tone, “Wait ... this is not an IvF pregnancy?”

Shal and CJ at four months pregnant. The WALk MAGAZINe


A m a rri a g e u n d e r fir e W

e feel very privileged to share our testimony, and our prayer in the end is that we all see Jesus with a greater revelation, because in Christ all things are possible. We were blessed to find each other at the age of 19; we got married and were everyone’s envy. It was just one of those fairytale-like relationships one finds in the story books. We were blessed beyond belief, trips, good jobs, and even a house at the age of 22. We were young, healthy, did not use drugs or alcohol and were pursuing higher degrees, and let’s not forget went to church on Sundays. We felt on top of the world; we can even honestly say that at the time we thought we had everything and were very happy together. However, looking back, there was one thing missing from our marriage, a true relationship with Jesus Christ. We were building a marriage on sand, not on rock. And as is expected it started to sink slowly. Satan came into our lives to steal and destroy all God had given us, and because we weren’t spiritually equipped, we didn’t even notice his craftiness. Ramon’s perspective: What was evidently my downfall was that I had neither a fear of God nor a

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Oddly, I was very respectful towards other people, building relationships and humble in a sense, but deep inside I was selfish, angry, bitter, and full of sin. That sin led to a breakdown in my relationship with my wife... biblical understanding of who He was. It’s said that you can miss heaven by 18 inches. I had a head knowledge but not a heart knowledge. I was truly far from the Lord living without guidance and unwise. I had been very self centered with the “ME” and “I” attitude. Everything had to be my way or no way. I was very prideful and insensitive. As you can imagine, this caused many arguments and disagreements between us, hurting and wounding one another.

Oddly, I was very respectful towards other people, building relationships and humble in a sense, but deep inside I was selfish, angry, bitter, and full of sin. That sin lead to a breakdown in my relationship with my wife, building dissatisfaction with each other, focusing on her errors, and selfishly wanting her to be like other women I came across. These other women didn’t know the real me, yet they seized my attention and had me thinking about the pros of having a single life. This caused great hurt to my wife. Our problems and arguments in my eyes looked so magnified that I became blinded by thoughts of living my own life and having the freedom to speak to women who did not have the issues I thought I saw in my wife. It got to the point where I’d had it and we separated, causing even more pain to each other and to our families. Being separated tempted me with more pride, lies, and sexual sin that caused me more pain and more regret than I ever could have imagined.When one is not discerning with the word of God, one can easily get devoured. The scripture is clear in 1 Peter 5:8- “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Graciela’s perspective: Years went by and without realizing it;

the pain and hurt had overcome my body, mind and spirit. I had become only a shadow of what I used to be. I was full of fears, insecurities, bitterness, jealousy and my heart was growing cold. All of it was covered of course by setting my heart on the wrong things, the material things we were acquiring, the business of life and a career on the rise. I would bring out the past day and night and could not forgive my husband. In efforts to perhaps gain his attention or cause him to feel guilty and repent, I only caused him to get tired of our arguments and increased his zest for freedom. I am not blaming myself, but need to take accountability. I did not have a relationship with Jesus and tried to do things my way. I believe my downfall was that over time I had grown self-sufficient and without noticing, I had forgotten my true purpose in life — to please and honor God, not my own desires and flesh. Let me emphasize that not all was bad all the time. We had beautiful moments

in between, but without Jesus, how long can these moments last, a day, a week, a month? Before long we would begin arguing again. It was a vicious cycle that we could not come out of on our own. We loved each other deeply, but the situation did not improve. The barrier was there and both of our attitudes were not pleasing to God. Seven years into our marriage, in a matter of a few months, my life changed drastically. I lost my job, my husband, and my mother who is the motivation in my life was hospitalized with heart disease. It was all gone in the blink of an eye. How God worked it out From Graciela: Pain and anguish had taken over me and one morning, after crying nonstop all day and night, at around 3 a.m., I had a vision or a dream, I am not sure which. I heard a voice telling

me, ‘the day you are humble like they are, things will be ok.” I wasn’t sure what that meant; all I knew and felt was the need to repent and search the meaning of humility. By this time, God had already surrounded my life with Godly friends who had become angels during those tough moments. We spent hours in prayer and learning the Word. I repented for my sins and even though I had lost everything, I felt as if I had everything, because my relationship with God was being restored. I received many beautiful scriptures from God; Isaiah 54 had become my hope and no matter what was going on, I engraved and believed those scriptures in my heart. About seven months flew by and God had been working in the background answering our prayers, causing not only me to see my errors, but my husband to have a drastic change of heart. During this time, I did not know what he was doing. It looked very different in the natural, because it was all happening in the spiritual world. I

The Hernandez family. T h e W al k M A G A Z I N E


Graciela and Ramon in love again! was healing and my husband and I remained friends. I did not see him as the bad human being who had done this or done that. Instead, I began to see both of us as God’s precious children. I had decided to let go and let God. Still, I was ready to start the legal process for our separation. Then at God’s perfect time, that week my husband and I had to go fill out some paper work at a car dealership. When he got to the check single or married boxes, he began to tear up. We’d had long conversations about our future and moving on, yet something as simple as filling out some paperwork was enough for God to reveal the seriousness of our parting ways. It was very hard, but seeing my husband’s reaction made me realize that God had been working in the background. There was nothing I could do but continue to pray for God’s will to be done in our lives. From Ramon: It’s a dangerous thing when we follow our own mind and own directives in life. We need guidance and to be students of the word. We need to put away the old self and go to the absolute truth and knowledge in Christ. Jesus said that

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He is the way, not a way. He said that He is the truth, not a truth. Jesus said He is the life, so if we drift and go anywhere else, we only deceive ourselves. God had been working in Graciela’s life. With prayer, she was seeking Him to remold her after the brokenness. Through her continuous prayers and with the help of others, she had gained a faith like never before. With that her light had shined in the will of God. We had stayed in communication and she knew the pain I was going through, but I would not admit to it nor confess it; my spirit of pride was at an all time high and convinced me I was fine. At the time, my roommate had talked with my wife and decided to go to church with her. They had gone for a couple of weeks together, and even my roommate began to read the bible and I noticed a change in him. Seeing this I decided to try it for myself. I wasn’t sure why, but I just decided to go to church too. As we were arriving, I kept getting impulses to turn back, but since I was there, I stayed. I sat at the end of the row near the exit, not having a positive attitude toward the whole thing. Out of respect I sat and listened, and as I listened, I listened more and felt

a supernatural lifting of my spirit. The message preached went through me like a warm knife through butter. I will never forget how the pastor asked everyone to get up, grab the past, pray over the situation, lock it up and throw away the key. Instantly I was changed from selfish, lustful, sinful, arrogate and prideful, to a renewed mind and a renewed spirit just as it is written in Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and prove what God’s will is.” Ephesians 4:21-24 “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Having realized that I was nearly throwing away seven years and the woman that I truly loved woke me up. There was an immediate renewal in me that made me cut off all my plans and contacts and give my life to Christ. When I got to know Him, I couldn’t even put it into words. He changed my life. I was one person one day and a totally different the next. He took me from a hurting heart filled with pride and He healed the wounds of bitterness inside me that I kept from childhood, past failures and aggressions, He took a person who was angry even with the littlest things and softened my heart to see the errors of my ways. He took a person who was caught up in emotional infidelity, sexual lust and sin and out of his grace and mercy, He forgave me when I did not deserve it and did not earn it. I could only recite over and over Psalms 27:13 – “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” He forgave me and changed me, to continuously make me a better husband, father, and friend. I’m still not what I could be and not what I should be, but I’m growing.

THE AFTERMATH: When we finally reconciled, there where many tears, new challenges that needed to be faced, and new mercy and forgiveness that needed to be established. The beautiful part of taking on the hard things of life for God is that He will always manifest Himself so we can prevail. We were able to overcome those challenges by faith in Christ, by continuous honesty, continuous tears, and continuous prayer, faith, hope, and love, but the most important love — the love that never ceases, the Love of Christ. We would never want anyone to endure what we’ve endured, but we wouldn’t change what we walked through to get where we are now. God has built, restored, cleansed, and healed us. Even though it was the worst time of our lives, it became the best time, because Christ became the center of it. We can’t regret what happened. God used our circumstance for good. Sin is destructive. We know what it’s like to hurt from sin; we were brought from darkness into light.

Living as God intended is a process and is not easy at first. “The Lord disciplines everyone he loves. He severely disciplines everyone he accepts as his child.” (Hebrews 12:6). But God is full of mercy too and we have no doubt that what he did for us he can do for you, just choose to trust him.

“he forgave me and changed me, to continuously make me a better husband, father and friend.”

Jesus is our Lord and Savior and God is the rock of our marriage. We were told once that “a marriage without Jesus is like a garden without flowers.” It sounded silly then, but we could not agree more now, and we take it very seriously. We have a beautiful relationship, a wonderful family and marriage. He has restored to us the years that were lost, just as it is said in Joel 2:25 — I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten — because we have turned our hearts to God. We have been together now for 11 years and have two beautiful boys. We don’t just get by, we are experiencing a relationship the way God intended. Yet, we don’t take anything for granted. We realize each day is a gift overflowing with grace from above. visit our website to see the video of this story.

Who we are today is a result of our actions from yesterday and who we will be tomorrow will be a result of our actions today. The greatest battle you will ever fight in this life is the battle for control of your mind, because whoever controls the mind controls the body. Don’t give control to the devil. The devil will entice us, causing us to drift from what is right. For us to be transformed, we need to take the authority of our mind and give it to Christ, who has our best interest at heart. Then get honest, lay it all out. Form a bond where there can be accountability and build upon trustful relationships. Then let God forgive you, and most importantly, forgive yourself. In the end, you’ll stand amazed, giving honor and praise to God.

I love my wife now more than ever before. And to think I almost threw it all away...



though I have never asked for or chosen my same-sex attractions. I know what it is like to be called “homo,” “fag,” and “queer” and to believe it is the truth. As a little boy, I dreamed about everything good: being loved, accepted and secure, about commitment and relationship. I dreamed of more, but lived on less. At the age of 6, I heard and understood that Jesus loved me and gave His life for me and I came to know Him as my personal savior. By the time I was 10 I was battling homosexual thoughts and temptations and began to hear at church that “homosexuals could not share in God’s Kingdom” under no circumstances did I hear “such were some of you” (I Corinthians 6:9-11), which is 2000 year old evidence that homosexuals can change. I believed that there was no hope for me because of my feelings, I was a “homosexual” first, last and always. The church wanted nothing to do with me, I thought, so why would Jesus?

A dream come true A t est im o n y b y A l a n C h a m b e r s

MY JOURNAL FROM SEPTEMBER, 1991. I know what it is like to be a lonely boy, not to fit in, to be teased to tears, to watch the boys on the playground and feel such anxiety and insecurity about joining them that I would literally do anything to avoid it. I know what it is like to play with the girls with whom I have more in common and what it is like to feel different from the other boys my age, yet have an insatiable need to be accepted and liked by them. I know the pain of molestation and what it is like to believe the lie that it is my fault, to feel shame and pain because a part of me wants it to happen again because if nothing else, he chose me and thought I was desirable, even if it was only for a moment behind a locked door, under the guise of secrecy, full of confusion and stolen innocence. I know what it is like to be so emotionally hungry for male love, affirmation and attention that the dirtiest of acts satisfies a portion of my hunger. I know what it feels like to believe that my longing for male love and acceptance wears the name “sex.” I know what it is like to come to the realization that I am a homosexual even

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Thus began a legalistic process of trying to do all I could to gain His and everyone else’s approval: attending church every time the doors were open, leading my youth group, studying my Bible, and going on mission trips. Nothing made those feelings go away. I prayed night after night for years that God would take away my homosexuality only to wake up with those same longings. In conjunction with sermons on homosexuality, I heard if homosexuals “nailed their sin to the cross,” “laid it at the altar,” simply “obeyed” or “read their Bible more,” that Jesus would take the burden away. I tried all of those things to no avail. Disillusioned and desperate, I remember going into my parent’s room nightly to see if they had been raptured, taken to heaven, without me. As a teenage driver, I used to close my eyes and speed through blinking railroad crossings hoping a train would hit me. I was living with a secret, feeling utterly unacceptable and thinking that I was bound for Hell. I was so angry with God for giving me a need for something that He condemned. This was my daily reality until 1990, when as a high school senior I attended a youth conference where the speaker said, ‘There is a young man sitting in the audience who thinks he is gay. He’s been molested. He thinks the only way out is suicide. If that is you, I want to talk to you.’ When I went forward, he told me what I had never heard before, ‘God loves you - no matter what.’ Though that conflicted with what I perceived was my church’s message, I finally believed God loved me. The speaker also re-introduced me to I Corinthians 6:9-11, gave me hope for change and referred me to Exchange Ministries, Exodus’ member ministry in Orlando, for counseling Six months into counseling, I was a wreck and before I started making wiser choices, I met someone who invited

me to hang out with him and his friends at a gay bar. There I felt acceptance for what had been my greatest source of shame. I savored not having to hide the fact that I was gay. I also became addicted to anonymous sexual encounters, which lacked the relationship that I

an illegitimate way to meet a legitimate need. The Lord taught me that sex was not created to meet my needs: only He, my heavenly Father, could do that. He let me know that all the times I cried out to Him, He had been there with an answer. I learned the necessity

God began clearly speaking to me. he said ‘I love you no matter what and if you choose to continue living as a homosexual I will still love you.’ was really craving — but, for 10 minutes or so at a time, a portion of my need was satisfied. Later I learned Proverbs 27:7 which states, “To the hungry, even what is bitter tastes sweet”. Easter Sunday 1991 found me alone in a gay bar having been stood up by my friends, where God began clearly speaking to me. He said, “I love you no matter what and if you chose to continue living as a homosexual I will still love you.” He went on to say, “The life you have found might seem good, but good is the enemy of My best.” I told the Lord that I believed Him and that I wanted nothing more than to please Him, but that I was tired, could not fight alone anymore and needed help. At that moment, two friends from church walked through the doors of the bar, over to me and told me that God had prompted them to come and help me. We walked out together. That night I chose to begin obeying the Lord instead of yielding to my feelings. I began trusting Him instead of holding onto ungodly ways of meeting my needs. I learned that it was okay to hurt and to desire, that the need for love and acceptance from a man was not bad, but homosexuality was

of forgiveness: to accept the forgiveness that God offered me and to offer forgiveness to those who had hurt me. I recommitted myself to the process I had begun a year and a half earlier, attending support groups and seeing a counselor. I discovered some of the underlying issues that contributed to my same-sex attractions. I committed to a church that truly represented His heart, full of people who were willing to not only tell me the truth that homosexuality was a sin, but who exemplified God’s kindness and tolerance that led to my true repentance (Romans 2:4).

men and women that far exceeded any encounter I had ever had. My hurt was real and a struggle-free life is not what I have found. What I have found is freedom in the hope that after this short life, God will fulfill His promise of healing to completion. I also found “the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Psalm 27:13). In 1998, my ultimate earthly dream came true when I married my best friend. My wife, Leslie, is the embodiment of all I consider to be godly, pure and beautiful. She is not my diploma for healing, nor is she proof that I have changed. She is, however, evidence of God’s grace in my life, a part of the ‘best’ that He promised me back in that gay bar. God uses her in my life to bring constant encouragement as I grow in my manhood. I am a better man today because of my life with her and because of God’s continuing work in me. Leslie is every way my compliment loving and being married to her is confirmation that God intended marriage only to be between one man and one woman for one lifetime. Alan, Leslie and their children, reside in Orlando, Florida. visit our website to see the video of this story.

I began to share my experiences with those whom I loved the most: my brother and his wife, friends, church members, and eventually my parents and the rest of my family. I found that after telling them my deepest, darkest secret, when they knew that part of me and still told me that they loved me, it was as if I had never heard those words before. It was acceptance, security, love, and commitment on the deepest level. Gradually, my will and then my desires changed. I no longer needed homosexual sex. I had pure relationships with

Alan Chambers



Personal Finance

Photo by Ken Teegardin

Common Options for Dealing with a Financial Crisis By CredAbility During a financial crisis, it is important to remember that bankruptcy is not your only option. You should consider several common alternatives. Below we sum up these options, along with pros and cons for each. 12  The

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ENROLLING IN A DEBT MANAGEMENT PLAN Offers help to people who are overextended through a Debt Management Plan (DMP). The DMP is a debt repayment program that will minimize payments, interest and related fees. It will provide a manageable, tailored plan that enables you to repay 100% of your creditors in full. A DMP lasts 48 to 60 months. They are ideal for people experiencing financial difficulties. But you must be able to make regular monthly payments on time and in full each month. Skipping payments will result in higher interest rates and penalty fees. Your creditors may also report participation in a DMP to the credit bureau, which could negatively affect your credit rating.

HANDLING IT YOURSELF If you have enough income, can budget effectively and feel comfortable speaking with your creditors, then consider dealing with it yourself. To be successful, contact each of your creditors and negotiate a repayment plan. Also, keep in mind that each may respond differently. To get the most from this option, pay close attention to the details and follow each creditor’s directions.

USING YOUR ASSETS TO CONSOLIDATE You may also use the equity in your home or other assets to pay off or consolidate your debts. With this option, you can take advantage of reduced interest rates, lower monthly payments — plus, the interest may be taxdeductible. The terms and fees associated with these types of transactions vary widely, however, and you should examine them carefully. To qualify for low rates, you need a strong credit score. Understand that by using home equity to repay credit card debts, your

unsecured debt will be secured by your home. So, missed payments no longer impact just your credit, but jeopardize your mortgage and home.

NEGOTIATING DEBT SETTLEMENTS If you can make payments in a lump sum or over a short period, then creditors may accept less than the full amount you owe. Known as settling your debt, you must contact each of your creditors to make a settlement offer. Also, you must have the funds to pay the settlement amount in full. Before making a payment, it is important to get the settlement agreement in writing from your creditors. Afterward, your remaining unpaid debt may be reflected on your credit report. This amount could be reported as taxable income to the Internal Revenue Service.

CONTACTING YOUR MORTGAGE PROVIDER Mortgage lenders want you to keep your home. People who miss payments can work with their lender to catch up. If you are behind on your mortgage and do not contact your lender, they may start foreclosure proceedings. Once that process starts, it can be more expensive and difficult to bring your loan up to date. Contacting the lender offers many options to help you stay in your home — including a repayment plan, mortgage reinstatement, forbearance, loan modification or refinance. In some cases, it may be impossible to keep your home. As a last resort, consider selling your home, a short sale, deedin-lieu or bankruptcy. Regardless of the option, lenders cannot help you unless you speak with them.

FILING FOR BANKRUPTCY We strongly urge you to visit with an attorney to discuss the benefits, costs and consequences of filing for personal bankruptcy.

OPTIONS TO AVOID Often, the stress of financial pressure can cause people to make choices that are not in their long-term interest. We advise you to avoid: 1. Payday Loans and Title Pawn: For a two-week advance, you will pay at least 15 dollars for every $100 borrowed— roughly equal to a 400% annual percentage rate (APR). Many people struggle to repay these debts in full. And those who renew their loans often end up paying more in fees than they borrowed. 2. Predatory consolidation or settlement loans. A refinance of an existing loan or a new home equity loan, these are packed with excessive or unnecessary fees. They carry an inflated interest rate and provide no real benefit. The fees and total closing costs may be more than the amount you received for paying off other debt. Plus, the resulting monthly payments are higher, even though you do not receive additional money. About CredAbility CredAbility is a nonprofit, community service agency dedicated to empowering people to achieve a lifetime of economic freedom. CredAbility provides free, confidential budget counseling, community and personal money management education, debt management programs, and comprehensive housing counseling. Contact CredAbility by phone at 1-888771-HOPE (4673), or visit the Website



An excerpt from the book

Too much m o n e yG o d ’ s Way When we do things God’s way, seeking the Kingdom before anything else, God’s blessings naturally follow. This section outlines Biblical principles for chasing after God and causing wealth to chase you. By Dr. C. Tom Anderson

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o into all the world and preach the Gospel. These words are familiar to virtually every born again believer. They come from Mark 16:15. Almost from the time that we meet Jesus, we are encouraged to share our faith with others. It is the Great Commission. We have a responsibility to spread the Gospel worldwide. The problem is that few of us really understand what the Gospel is all about. Most Christians don’t think of it in terms of much more than just getting people saved so they can go to heaven. Consequently, that is all that they preach. It produces a couple of problems in the life of the church today and in the fulfilling of the Great Commission. First, people are born again and then struggle through life, barely surviving, always behind on bills, constantly sick, just getting by. Then they wonder why no one listens to the message they preach about God’s love. Why would a God who loves make His people live that way? It doesn’t make much sense to potential converts. So they remain potential. Secondly, it is difficult for anyone to go into the world when they don’t have enough money to live on and they’re too sick to get out of bed. Preaching the Gospel requires resources and health, whether you are helping in your local church or going to the mission field. People in poverty don’t preach very effectively.

in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2:8-9) Man found life in the Garden. There was food to eat. There was beauty that was there for no other reason than because it was pleasing to the eye. There was security and protection. The Hebrew word for “garden” is gan. It specifically describes a place that was hedged in or fenced. It was a protected place. The word “Eden” means “joy, rapture, ornaments, finery pleasure.” It was literally a “garden of delight.” It was a place of life. Adam and Eve had everything that they needed to be safe, happy, healthy, joy-filled and prosperous. They were blessed. This was their home, the place where they lived. They had it all. They had life.

It’s difficult for anyone to go into the world when they don’t have enough money to live on and they are too sick to get out of bed. Preaching the Gospel requires resources and health...

Fortunately, this is not what the Gospel is. When Jesus used the word Gospel, He had in mind saving a lot more than just your soul. That was only the beginning. He set out to restore everything to man that was lost in the Garden of Eden. In fact, it is in the Garden that we see the first picture of God’s plan for us. The first time that we see God dealing with mankind, it says that He “blessed” them, man and woman (Genesis 1:28). The word blessed in the original Hebrew means to be highly favored, healthy, wealthy and joy-filled. It is in the picture of the Garden that we see just how much this related to their physical existence. The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also

This land becomes a picture of the family as Adam and Eve begin to have children. It is a place of relationships Adam with Eve, both of them with their children, and Mankind with God. It is a prophetic picture of the New Testament ekklesia, the church, where the same relationships of giving and serving were to be the standard. It is from this home, the Paradise of Eden, that the Gospel is supposed to be preached. From their home, the Garden, we are told that four rivers flow out. They are a picture of what the Gospel represents.

Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads. The name of the first is Pishon it is the one which skirts the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. And the gold of that land is good. Bdellium and the onyx stone are there. The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which goes around the whole land of Cush. The name of the third river is Hiddekel; it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates. (Genesis 2:10-14) First of all, there is the symbolic picture of a river. Throughout history, civilization has been connected to rivers. They are a vital source of water that humanity cannot do without. In symbolism, the picture of a river, nahar in Hebrew, combines two things. It is a life force or the breath of the divine and it represents movement. A river pictures a moving life force. Life flowed out of the Garden.

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From the river in Eden, four rivers branched off. But they represent more than just branches. The Hebrew indicates that they are “riverheads,” or starting points. The four branches start from the life in the Garden. The first river is the Pishon. It is a name that means “increase.” It is described as flowing through the land of Havilah where there is gold. Pishon represents prosperity. The second river is the Gihon; the meaning of the word is “burst forth, gushing forth.” Gihon represents salvation. It is the bursting forth from the bondage of sin. The third river is the Hiddekel; the Hebrew name for the Tigris. It means “rapid.” It pictures the quick flight of an arrow. It is described as flowing along the east side of Asshur, a word that means “successful.” Hiddekel represents success. The fourth river is the Euphrates,” the Greek form of the Hebrew name Perat. It means

“fruitful.” The Euphrates represents redeemed time, time that becomes fruitful instead of wasted. These four pictures represent the scope of the Gospel. It is a moving life

It’s about having the means to actually reach the world with the message of salvation. force that proceeds from God through the family, or the church, and flows out to the world in the form of prosperity, salvation, success and redeemed time. This explains why we can send missionaries to third world countries and see people get saved but they remain in poverty. Salvation is only one fourth of the Gospel. When we preach the Gospel to every creature, we are supposed to be doing much more than declaring salvation. We are also declaring success, prosperity and redeemed time.

“Food Pantry” programs need finances to be successful.

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I say all of this because some years ago, God spoke to me very clearly. As I related in Becoming a Millionaire God’s Way, He said, “Many are teaching my people that they are to prosper but no one is teaching them how.” For many who read that, it seemed that my focus was on money, not the Gospel. But the truth is that you cannot preach the whole Gospel without teaching people to live in the abundance of God. It isn’t about money. It’s about being able to do all that God has called us to do without begging for the resources from other people. It is about being successful instead of downtrodden. It is about being efficient with our time instead of ineffective. It is about having the means to actually reach the world with the message of salvation. It is about having more than we need to accomplish things in this life. It is about having more success and more money than we actually need. The Gospel really is about having too much. Without having too much, it is impossible to fulfill the Great Commission.

Get the Right Attitude When God spoke to me several years ago about teaching people how to prosper, He said that if I would teach what He told me, I would have one hundred millionaires in the church in three years. Over the next three years, I actually saw eighty-seven of them come to fruition. In four years it went well over a hundred. What is interesting about it, though, is how many of them are no longer around. Most are still with us, but for quite a few, their wealth took them in a different direction. They were tested by their success and found lacking. There is a danger inherent in wealth. The Bible says, “Despise not small beginnings.” It is important to start out in the process of gaining wealth by growing into the ability to handle it. Quick money is not good money. Easy money is not good money. Until you can handle it, it can destroy you. It is important to know in your own heart why you want too much. So we have to understand some things about money before we have it. We have to understand our motives for wanting it in the first place.

For the sake of my brethren and companions, I will now say, “Peace be within you.” Because of the house of the LORD our God I will seek your good. (Psalm 122:8-9) In this Psalm by David, the word “peace” is shalom in Hebrew. It means “wealth, goodness, health, prosperity, favor, happiness.” Prosperity is another way of saying shalom. It is prosperity in every part of your life, which is what true peace is. Every time shalom is spoken, they are saying, “Prosperity to you.” It is a wish for the person you are addressing to be prosperous, healthy, wealthy, peaceful and filled with joy. It includes all of those things. Then, the next verse says that David sought good for the sake of the house of the Lord. “Good” is the Hebrew word tov. It has basically the same connotations as shalom. In fact, the New International Version translates it as “prosperity.” For the sake of the house of the Lord, we are to seek prosperity. We are to seek the goodness of God, as it is shown in the covenant with Abraham. We seek too much health, too much prosperity, too much joy, too much wealth. But we are not to do it for selfish reasons. We are to seek it for the sake of the house of the Lord. God wants us to have too much joy so that it flows over onto other people. If you don’t have too much joy, it’s difficult to give it away. He wants us to have too much wealth so that we can use it to serve Him and to serve others. It is imperative that we have this settled in our hearts. We seek too much wealth for the sake of building the Kingdom of God. I am not saying that you should not enjoy wealth. When you have too much, it also means that you have everything that you need and everything that you want. It is a fascinating thing to see how it actually works. God’s desire is for us, to continually have too much so that we can use it for good purposes. But in the process, we get to enjoy it too.

Medical outreach programs need volunteers as well as finances.

God wants us to be a bright light. That means that we get to share. If you’re sick or if you’re just struggling to get by, if you’ve got oppression or depression, then nobody

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wants what you’ve got. But when you’ve got too much, you live in a nice home and drive a nice car, you’ve got peace and health and your finances are strong, then people will want to emulate you. They begin to wonder what causes your success. The key is to keep your priorities right.

In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life.(Genesis 3:17) It wasn’t that God cursed the ground, but rather that the soil would not yield

Jesus said it early in His ministry.

He wants us to have too much wealth so that we can use it to serve Him and to serve others. It is imperative that we have this settled in our hearts. We seek too much wealth for the sake of building the Kingdom of God.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. (Matthew 6:33) In other words, if we keep the kingdom in front of us, put kingdom principles first in everything we do, then the things that we desire will be added to us. Don’t let things control you. You control things. If we don’t approach wealth with the right attitude, then the wealth becomes our master. When Adam first sinned, it says that the ground became cursed.

its fruit any longer without toil. In other words, the curse was, “You will toil for the soil.”

Cursed is the ground for your sake.

God’s ultimate plan, however, is to break the curse. The second Adam,

Jesus Christ, came to set us back in the position where the soil toils for us, the same way that it did in the Garden before sin. Adam still had to work and tend the Garden even before the fall, so it wasn’t just a matter of working or not working. Work is good. But before sin, the soil produced for him and he lived in the blessing. After sin, work lost its purpose and became more a matter of survival. It was a struggle instead of a joy. Many of the passages of Scripture that have been cited by people who do not believe God wants prosperity for His people were actually written to deal with the motivation for seeking wealth. One of those passages is in Paul’s letter to Timothy. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (1Timothy 6:10) What had actually happened? They were in faith, but then something from their heart surfaced and steered them in another direction because of their greed. Their faith no longer was important to them, only the pursuit of money. Their things began to take control of them. The things their money could buy began to pull them away from the Word, away from church and away from growth in Christ. Money can do that. But that doesn’t make money bad. In fact money is neither good nor bad. It is only a tool. It is not an object to be praised. It’s not an object to be lifted above our knowledge of God. We have to pull those thoughts and strongholds down and subject them or submit them to the Word.

After sin [Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden] work lost its purpose and became more a matter of survival. It was a struggle instead of a joy.

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Notice that it does not say that money is the root of all evil. It is the love of money that is the problem. We’re not supposed to love money. We’re supposed to love

God. When we keep that priority in order, God will take care of what money can do for us. It is a tool that is used for the work of the Kingdom of God. Greed caused those who loved money to stray. The greed was stuck in their hearts and it produced many sorrows. God gave the solution just a few verses later. It wasn’t to renounce wealth and become poor. It was to change their attitude and use the money wisely. Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. (1 Timothy 6:17) To avoid straying from the faith because of greed, don’t be haughty. Don’t be prideful. Do not get caught up in things. Don’t let things control you. Do not trust in riches.

happen. If you’re stingy without money, you’ll be stingy when you have it. In fact you’ll be even stingier than ever. You have to deal with the issues in you now or you’ll never get to the next level.

It is important to start out the process of gaining wealth by growing the ability to handle it. Quick money is not good money... until you can handle it, it can destroy you.

This verse in Proverbs doesn’t say that those who scattered are rich. It just says that they are willing to plant and to let go of what they have and that produces increase. Those who hang on to more than what is right will have poverty. Their wealth will not last. It will go right down the drain.

us. Many times, people say, “Well, I would give if I had a lot of money.” If you say that, you are only fooling yourself. If you can’t do something little, you’ll never do something big. If you can’t give at the level you’re at now, you won’t give at any level. It just won’t

What is right? It is wisdom to have some money in the bank for whatever problems might come along. But when people begin to stockpile hundreds of thousands, millions or billions, there comes a point where it is greed and it is no longer right. God wants us to be rich for the right reasons. Otherwise, the wealth will fail us.

There is nothing wrong with having great wealth as long as your trust is not in what’s in the bank or in your stuff. Your trust needs to remain in God. In fact, it says specifically in that verse that God “gives us richly all things to enjoy.” Religion has used this verse for hundreds of years against the body of Christ to say that we shouldn’t get rich. We should just stay poor. Of course, then they don’t have to deal with greed. Unfortunately, greed is not limited to just rich people. Some of the greediest people around are also the poorest. It is a heart attitude. Stinginess will keep you poor. There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty. (Proverbs 11:24) A fascinating characteristic of wealth is that it magnifies what is already in

If you’re stingy without money, you’ll be stingy when you have it. In fact you’ll be even stingier than ever.



MedIa revIeWs


you are a Masterpiece in the making! By Kim Matthews


just finished reading The Blank Canvas” by Barbara Lachance and was so encouraged. Whether you’re a seasoned saint or just met Jesus yesterday, this book will speak to you. It’s all about discovering who you are through the eyes of the one who created you. But this is not your typical self-help book spiced up with a “Splash of God.” This is an honest and transparent look at how God takes the great and not so great experiences of one’s life and turns them into a masterpiece. The book is just over 100 pages and can be read in a night or so, but I’d recommend taking some extra time to engage God with the questions at the end of each section.

The chapters are filled with nuggets of wisdom that bypass the brain and go straight to the heart. She writes this about the passing of her 27-year-old daughter:



“At the time of writing this book, she has been gone for two years and yet the pain in my heart is as if it were yesterday … When we learn to embrace the pain we are confronted with in our lives and walk through it with God, we become equipped to comfort others in their time of sorrow.” Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, for who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 1 Corinthians 1:3-4 Lachance candidly shares how God helped her walk through great success and great pain. The book also sheds light on the practical components of prayer. This book was so inspiring, I underlined or noted something on almost every page. When asked what was the one thing she wanted most for people to take from her book Lachance said, “That they would realize that God has a plan for their life … each person has a unique destiny, they just have to discover for themselves what it is.” The book is available at www.

MedIa revIeWs

T h e L I s T e n I n G e a R ’ s M u s I c RevIeW By cece J. davis ‘undisguised’ (2010) released by anthony evans


hether it’s 4 a.m., and there’s a desperate need to connect with God, or at 12 noon for a springcleaning session, ‘Undisguised’ is an album that seems to fit any mood in any season. Anthony Evan’s rich spiritual heritage rides on the beautiful waves of his voice. He believes in the value of consecration, that’s obvious. This album opens with “I’ll Stand,” a dawnawakening tribute to the faithfulness of God and confessing a resolve to, in turn, faithfully worship. This song builds. It’s driving, and awakes your spirit to find a pure place of devotion. It opens the album nicelyit is energetic, but not overbearing. Track three, “Amazing God” says, “From the

north and south we are crying out, there is hope in Jesus name. You’re amazing, God. You’re amazing, God. You can bear the weight of every heavy heart.” It keeps with the feel of track one. It invokes praise, even if you’re standing in the kitchen washing dishes. It is the same for Anthony’s remake of Laura Story’s “Mighty to Save”. The remake puts a gospel feel to the song, but maintains the heartfelt declarative delivery. Both of these songs are gifts to the speechless listener. They profess what we want to say when we cannot find the words ourselves. Track eleven, “Could it Be” is a modern day psalm, describing regret from personal failure and a heart’s return to God’s embrace. It’s a song that most of us can relate to, and even use to help realign our heart back to God’s. This album is contemporary in instrumentation and musicianship, yet it drips with familiar, soulful themes that provoke worship. Anthony Evans’ voice is passionate, skillful and anointed, and he sings each song as if he were alone with God. I’m already looking forward to his next album!



The Power of a Thought

By Kim Matthews

special effects, the storyline has captivating twists that make you want to watch it again and again, if for nothing else than to make sure you really saw what you thought you saw and heard what you thought you heard. There are a couple of scenes where the Lord’s name is used inappropriately. This made me cringe, but if you can plug your ears and get through that, I encourage you to do so, because the illustration of spiritual warfare in this movie is stellar. The movie explores the unknown outcomes of mixing technology with “human-ology,” the progression of suicide (from a thought to an act), and the fragile line between the conscious and sub-conscious. Dominic “Dom” Cobb (Leonardo Dicaprio) is basically a dream thief, exiled and wanted in the United States for killing his wife. His children still live in U.S., which means he no longer sees them. That fact haunts Cobb daily. When a corrupt businessman presents the opportunity to have Cobb’s charges in the U.S. cleared, Cobb jumps at the chance. This of course comes with strings attached, strings that require Cobb to use the very skills that killed his wife. Only this time, he’s breaking into the dream world to leave a thought, not to steal one. Cobb assembles an all-star team that will help him. The team’s job is to plant a thought in the mind of Robert Fischer, heir to a vast business empire. The team oper-

Inception (2010) Available on DVD


od often times speaks to me through films. I

ates on the premise that the simplest thought once planted in the mind will grow into an idea that the person will think is his/her own and will then act on.

have never been surer of that than after watching the 2010 multiple Academy Award-winning movie Inception. This movie is outstanding!

Aside from the sheer beauty of the cinematography and

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When plotting the best way to get the thought to “stick” in Fischer’s mind, the team notes that the thought has to be simple but have depth. Fischer’s deepest relationship is

with his father. Thus the team sets out

That is why we are encouraged to take

out loud until the others go away. Yes it

to suggest concepts in Fischer’s mind

every thought captive (2 Corinthians

takes work, but the alternative is some-

about his father through Peter Browning,

10:5). This means that when thoughts

thing a lot less than desirable.

someone Fischer respects and trusts.

come into your mind, you must evaluate them. Ask yourself, “Is this some-

In the film, Mal (Cobb’s wife) commits

Ok, let’s pause here for a moment to see

thing God would say to or about me?”

suicide because of the thoughts that

what this looks like in real life.

If the answer is “no,” quickly ask Him to

have been planted in her mind (Is it just

tell you what is true, right, or pure about

me, or is the parallel between suicide

What are some of the thoughts that

the subject of the thought. Then think

in this film and suicide in reality a little

people you respect and trust have told

on that thing (Philippians 4:8 … what-

too real?). In Cobb’s dreams, Mal tries

you about God, your Father? Can you

ever is true, whatever is noble, what-

to convince him that the dream world is

see, whether the thoughts were pos-

ever is right, whatever is pure, whatever

actually reality, and that accepting the

itive or negative, how they grew into

is lovely, whatever is admirable – if any-

dream world is the only way he will get

ideas that influenced your choices and

thing is excellent or praiseworthy – think

to see his children again. Problem is,

actions? For example, why do some

about such things).

the only way to accept the dream world is to commit suicide. (It’s twisted I know.

people not pray or read their bibles or go to church? While there are a number of answers to this, they all are rooted in some sort of distorted idea about God.

Sometimes the thoughts are so vile and come so quickly (i.e. “You’re not good enough. You’re not strong enough. You’re not smart enough. It’s too hard.”

Too often we go through life thinking that these distorted concepts are “ok.” They’re not. Thoughts are powerful.

etc.) that I completely skip the first step

You just have to see the movie). Cobb has to confront that deception with what he knows to be true. But in reality Mal was simply the manifestation of Cobb’s guilt in his subconscious.

and just ask God “What’s true? What’s pure?” Then I say the true/pure thought

As the team works to plant an idea in Fischer’s mind, we also watch as Cobb fights the idea that has been planted in his own mind, the idea that his wife’s death was his fault. Lastly, the audience is left “holding the bag” so to speak. Taking a step back, I thought, ‘Do I cheer because the thief was successful at planting a lie and thereby destroying a successful company? Hmm, makes me wonder if the writer of the film was trying to plant a way of thinking in

Cobb tries to convince Fischer that Browning, (Fischer’s Godfather) should not be trusted.

my mind. Just a thought.;



H e a lt h & F i t n e s s

B o dy Fat :

It may be more than what you’re eating! by Ron Williams 24  The

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f you’re struggling with excess body fat, it may not be what you’re eating, but what’s eating you. Soul wounds are stumbling blocks that eat at the core of who you are. These stumbling blocks contribute tremendously to the epidemic of being overweight and obese. Soul wounds are injuries to the soul that emotionally cripple and disable their victims. They can come from many sources and can be inflicted at any point in your life. All soul wounds are caused by a traumatic experience such as neglect, physical or verbal abuse, rape or molestation, or by any negative or hurtful incident. The nature of a soul wound is personal and deeply painful. It has the ability to

body image and maintaining a healthy weight. The majority will also suffer with one or more of the following: excess body fat, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, depression, cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol, or other diseases. Scientifically, the underlying stress created by a soul wound causes a decline in the immune system which affects our health. Stress also causes increased release of cortisol, which contributes to excess body fat, usually on the belly and hips. In conjunction with a poor immune system and the excess release of fat-storing cortisol, we have a decrease in physical exercise and poor nutrition. Most people exhibiting these factors will not only

symptom of a deeper problem. If this is your condition, it is time for you to make a decision and commit to allowing a true transformation. The first step in healing is to acknowledge the soul wound you are suffering. The next step is to realize you cannot win this battle alone, especially in this broken and wounded condition. What you need to understand is that the body fat you have been carrying is partially not your fault. If you are discouraged by the excess fat, the discouragement you are feeling is not the worst thing; it is what you do with the discouragement that matters. Courage means to

If you are overweight and a victim of a soul wound, you will struggle with body image and maintaining a healthy weight. filter into every area of your life including your relationship with food, hormonal disturbances, and excess body fat. Also, it can completely distort how you perceive yourself and who you were meant to be. Soul wounds can reduce you and leave you incapable of fulfilling your capacity. One of the major problems of a soul wound is once it has been there for a period of time, we as human beings do what we were designed to do, which is survive. For the most part, we consciously forget that it is there until a trigger sets it off, which could have an explosive effect. But subconsciously it never leaves and the effects are constant. The fact of the matter is soul wounds affect you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, but at the same time, they manifest themselves in your physical body. If you are overweight and a victim of a soul wound, you will struggle with

become overweight, but given time, may become obese, unhealthy, and have a shortened life span. When a soul wound is inflicted, it creates an emptiness in the soul and we never feel completely satisfied. This leaves us yearning for something more. We try to fill the yearning with an inferior replacement which, at best, makes us feel temporarily satisfied. When this euphoric feeling passes, we are left with a void that sends us on our next quest to fill the emptiness created by the soul wound. These temporary fixes can be vices like drugs, alcohol, sex, and comfort foods. Many of our soul wounds are deeply rooted within the most inner part of our being and some of us have been in this state for so long that we have learned to accept our condition and live with a wounded soul. nearly 70% of the population is overweight or obese. If you are part of this percentage and carry a soul wound, your excess body fat may be a

overcome fear or discouragement. The majority of us have soul wounds, but very few of us are courageous enough to face them. Our goal with the book Faith & Fat Loss , which you can find at, is to bring the understanding necessary for you to allow God to heal the soul wounds once and for all. You can overcome the stumbling blocks that keep you from successfully decreasing body fat and we’re here to help. If you are overweight or obese and feel like your body should have already responded to your fat loss efforts, consider the possibility of having a wound to the soul. The book extensively teaches you the nature of soul wounds, including how they are contracted, what they cause in your life, and how to be free from their devastating effects. Uncover what’s eating you.



A d v e n t u r e s i n P r ay e r

A Family Restored by Kim Matthews

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had been trying to catch up with my friend all week. Each time we set a time to get lunch or coffee, something else “more important” would come up. I was beginning to think we’d have to settle for a phone conversation. This particu-

lar morning I went to the beach to catch the sunrise and pray. It was still early when I finished, so I texted my friend to see if she wanted to meet for breakfast. She called me back saying she needed to drop off her car at the mechanic and would meet me at the coffee shop. Great! I sat at the beach a little longer, thanking God for his new mercies and his goodness to me, and then was on my way to the coffee shop. When my friend arrived, she informed me that plans had changed again. Her mother, who lived around the corner from the coffee shop, wanted us to come and pray for her. I thought “HOT DOG! Let’s go!” Now while I am usually happy and excited to pray regardless of whom I am praying for, this was a special case. My friend and I had been praying for the restoration of her relationship with her mother, for years. The broken relationship had been the source of great pain in my friend’s life. Even though this seemed like the perfect time for God to bring a breakthrough, I did not expect the abundance that he had planned in the hours that followed. We arrived at her mother’s house, and for the purpose of this story, I’ll call her Beverly. Ms. Beverly met us at the door, walking with a cane and a look of weariness on her face. We sat at the kitchen table and talked for the next 40 minutes or so about all the things that were weighing her down. As she spoke, I asked the Lord for the inside scoop on what was really going on. Her physical ailments, that she thought just came with growing older, were being intensified by depression, anxiety and fear, and she felt like she was spiraling downward. I explained the power of our words, whether positive or negative (Proverbs

Photo by Romanus Dolor T h e W al k M A G A Z I N E

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18:21). I also explained how Satan is the enemy of God

and tears rolling down her face, “and Father forgive me

and everything that God loves. I continued to explain how I

for holding on to the bitterness and the anger. It has been

could see the enemy using fear and her words, which were

eating me up inside. I can’t hold it anymore. Please set me

contrary to God’s words, to make her a prisoner in her own

free. Please set me free.”

home. I asked if she had ever received Jesus in her heart. She said yes and her face lit up as she talked about expe-

At this point, my friend was in tears and holding one of her

riences she used to have with Him. My heart broke for her

mother’s hands with both of her hands. I had both hands

and I said, ‘Ok, let’s just pray.’

lifted in praise as tears dropped from my face to my shirt. Ms. Beverly continued to pray and cry as the Lord lifted the

For the next 20 minutes we cried out to God for his mercy

fear and depression from her heart. When it was over Ms.

on Ms. Beverly’s life.

Beverly looked like a

We repented on her

different person! She

behalf, broke the

kept saying, “I’m free!

powers of darkness

I’m free! I’m FREE!

that were oppressing

I feel so light. Thank

her and commanded

you Jesus.”

the fear, anxiety and depression to leave

When we opened our


eyes, the kitchen had been flooded with light

From there we pled

from every window

the blood of Jesus

and door. Ms. Beverly

over her mind and

said “I feel like I want



to walk.” I said, ‘Well

thoughts would be

let’s go!’ Ms. Beverly

whatever was pure,

got up from the table


whatever was honest

My friend and her sister.

and walked toward

or of good report

the door WITHOUT

(Philippians 4:8), and

the cane! Halfway to

that she would hear the voice of her Heavenly Father and

the door, my friend who was walking behind Ms. Beverly

follow no other (John 10:27). We exalted God above every

turned and looked at me in astonishment, as if she couldn’t

other thing that would vie for our attention then asked the

believe what she was seeing but didn’t want to say it. Ms.

Holy Spirit to fill her home with His presence.

Beverly walked down the stairs holding only to the hand rail and then into the yard. We weren’t outside a full two

My friend then cried out for God to restore their family and

minutes when we saw my friend’s younger sister walking

heal their hearts from the pains in the past. Then I asked

toward the house. My friend told her sister what had just

Ms. Beverly if she had forgiven her daughter for anything

happened and we were all in tears again as God continued

that she might have done to hurt her? She answered, “Well,

to heal their hearts.

she knows I forgive her.” I said, ‘Ok that’s good, but I believe that God wants you to pray that forgiveness out to Him.’

I’ve shared this little adventure in such detail to encour-

In a stern tone, she began to pray “Father, I forgive my

age your heart. What Jesus did through my friend and I

daughter for all of the problems and all of the troubles.” She

he can and will do through you and for you. His desire is

paused for a moment then continued with her voice shaking

to restore all that has been lost, be it time, relationships,

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health, finances, joy whatever good thing you once had

the only one that can fix all of it. From there, listen for

but don’t have anymore. He wants to restore it with inter-

his response and do what he says. I can’t promise it will

est. How do you start? Pour your heart out to Him, the

be easy but I can promise that He is faithful to his word

good, the bad and the ugly. He can handle it and he is

and he will help you.

When We oPened our eyes, The KITchen had Been fLooded WITh LIGhT from eVery WIndoW and door.

My friend with her sister and mother.




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K ri s ti n

C h e n ow e t h -

o n L if e a n d Fa it h by Kim Matthews


ristin Chenoweth is a Southern gal with a Yankee flare. A child of adoption who describes her early life as “average AllAmerican”, Kristin is now an actress and singer. She’s had some very interesting roles, including the voice of the good witch, Glenda, in the Broadway play Wicked. She played an alcoholic floozy on the television show Glee, and coming up mid season next year, in one of her biggest roles yet. Kristin plays the “mean girl” in a group of church-going Christian women in ABC’s new show Good Christian Belles. Having been a Christian in the entertainment industry for so long, her recently released CD is fittingly titled Lessons Learned. We had a chance recently to chat with Kristin about her life, love and her faith. The Walk: Tell us about your life growing up as a child. Who were your heroes?

Kristin: My life growing up was pretty average All-American. I participated in drama and was in choir at school and church. I did all of the plays and musicals. I was a cheerleader and on pom squad. I loved hanging out with my friends. Something that always made me feel different was my taste in music. I loved Broadway cast albums and I loved Judy Garland and Barbara Streisand. I also loved orchestra and opera music. I practiced my piano all the time. I was a classical pianist. I of course loved Chopin and Beethoven. The Walk: What was it like when you found out you were adopted? Have you ever contacted your birth parents? Kristin: My parents always told me what adoption meant, and that I was adopted. It was so wonderful to know that they “chose” to adopt me and that someone loved

me enough to want me to have a better home. I always appreciated my birth mother for making the decision to have me and then making sure I got a great home. I have never been contacted by them nor have I sought them out. I’d never say never, but my life is so full, I don’t have that desire. Medically speaking, there are things I’d love to know, but I can live without knowing too. The Walk: You’re starring in the Broadway play Promises Promises. What is your favorite thing about your character or the play? Kristin: Promises Promises was such a challenge. I am known for comedic roles, but I wanted to challenge myself and dig a little deeper. The character is complicated, because she’s in love with a married man that she can’t have, and decides to attempt taking her T h e W al k M A G A Z I N E

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life. The music was so great. To sing (Bacharach and David), that is hard to beat.

used to say, ‘QUIT LISTENING TO YOURSELF SING AND JUST SING!’ I finally got what she meant.

The Walk: What do you like most and least about acting on Broadway?

The Walk: How do you balance your outward success with your inner faith?

Kristin: The thing I love most about Broadway is getting to do it eight times a week, and trying to improve with each show. That’s also the hardest thing - eight times a week isn’t for wimps!!! Staying healthy is my greatest challenge. The Walk: In the title song “Lessons Learned” you talk about things you wish you could change. If you could go back and redo one thing in your life, what would it be and why? Kristin: A while back, I let a particular relationship go because of FEAR. I wish I could go back and tell myself to stick it out. Professionally, there have been times when I might have been too sensitive and got my feelings hurt. So often when someone does or says something to hurt you, it ISN’T ABOUT YOU. The Walk: Tell me about Florence from Oklahoma City University. What are some of the lessons you learned from that relationship and do they still impact you today? If so, how? Kristin: Florence Birdwell is the mentor of my life. She taught me about all the voice technicalities, but she also would never allow a singer to waste her time by not transforming the song into their own. Man, if you didn’t know what you were singing about, she would let you know. She always said, ‘singing is speaking ON PITCH.’ She also

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Kristin: My faith is the only reason I am living. Thank God for God. I believe in Him and I pray all the time for guidance, then peace. I often wonder where I would be if I didn’t have the Lord. As I get older, I realize the miracles that have happened in my life. I credit them to my heavenly Father.

My faith is the only reason I am living. Thank God for God. The Walk: It looks like you are cohosting the Country Music Awards with Trace Adkins. Is this your first time hosting CMA? Kristin: I can’t wait to meet Trace, and to thank him for giving the world his wonderful gifts. I think we’ll have a lot of fun, although he’s very tall and I’m very short. I hope they can get us in the same frame. If not, they can just cut off my head. I’m fine with that. The Walk: A number of your songs are about love. Is there someone special in your life?

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Kristin: I am single, however, I’ve had love, and I’ve had great men in my life. The RIGHT one hasn’t come along. I’m patiently waiting. A man certainly won’t “define” me, but I would like one! Ha ha! The Walk: What is your favorite song on the CD? Why? Kristin: My favorite song on the album is called “Fathers and Daughters” It’s about me and my dad. Jodi Marr wrote it with such tenderness. I also love “God and Me,” which Vicki Shaw wrote. It’s about life’s questions for God and that God ultimately knows best. The Walk: In the song “I Was Here” you talk about “doing something that matters”, touching hearts and leaving a legacy. What is that “thing” that you want to do that will touch hearts and “turn the world on its ear”? Kristin: I want to leave this legacy ... that we all have that inner voice. If you follow what is true to you, it can lead to great things. Also, it can enable you to give back in major ways. Giving to our fellow man is the greatest thing we can do for ourselves. The Walk: The song “Fathers & Daughters,” is it a picture of your relationship with your father? Kristin: Yes. It is my favorite song on the album The Walk: What is your fondest father/daughter memory? Kristin: I love my dad so much. No matter what, he has a pretty good sense of humor. ‘Don’t sweat the

small stuff, Kris.’ That’s what he always says. I try very hard at that, and I think he does too, because we are both perfectionists. I have great memories of us throughout my life... when he taught me how to drive a stick shift, when we said we were going to get up early and start jogging (that lasted one day), his tinkering in the garage, when he tried to help me with science projects, math, and directions, speaking at his mom’s funeral...yeah it’s all in there. The Walk: “What Would Dolly Do” and “I Didn’t” are hilarious but at the same time so real. Do these songs come from a personal experience? Kristin: WWDD. “What Would Dolly do?” She is always positive with great quips, but something tells me she don’t take any crap. I love this about her. “I Didn’t” is a song that I don’t think a woman alive can’t relate to. Has anybody ever been with a narcissist, but couldn’t help but love them? The Walk: “Borrowed Angels” and “God & Me” sound like they are about the loss of a loved one and the questions that follow. Have you lost a loved one? Have you ever felt like you have lost yourself? Kristin: I have lost many friends to AIDS. I always feel sad because I want them back. There have been times when I’ve felt “lost,” but it’s called LIFE. Sometimes you have to take the crappy road to get on the right, well-paved one. That isn’t always easy to see. The Walk: What are some of your greatest lessons learned? Kristin: My greatest lesson is, “Keep your alone time to hear what God is

Kristin Chenoweth trying to say to you.” When I feel lost, it’s been because of the ‘noise’ outside. The Walk: What makes you smile?

Kristin: My dog, Maddie, makes me smile. no matter what kind of day I’ve had, she is there to celebrate. If I say, “Hey! It’s been a crappy day,” she doesn’t get it. She just wants to play and snuggle. Good enough for me!




C o n trib

Dr. C. Tom Anderson Dr. C. Thomas Anderson has been in active ministry for more than thirty years, most of that time based in Mesa, Arizona, where he and his wife, Maureen, founded and now pastor Living Word Bible Church. This independent ministry has grown to more than 12,000 members and become a significant part of the Phoenix area community. This ministry has a strong focus on biblical training for building strong families and marriages, as well as other practical subjects such as finances, leadership, health and nutrition. Widely traveled and renowned worldwide for his easygoing teaching style and for the practical, positive, lifechanging information that he presents, Dr. Anderson has written numerous publications, including Becoming a Millionaire God’s Way, Making Marriage a Love Story, and Will the Real America Please Stand Up? His Wisdom Wins I and II feature power-packed stories, jokes, anecdotes, and inspirations. In Too Much Money God’s Way, Dr. Anderson teaches us the blessings that come from doing things God’s way. In recent years, Dr. Anderson has extended the reach of his ministry through development of national television broadcasts, including teaching programs and informal interview and discussion shows, thereby impacting the lives of millions.

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Cece J. Davis Cecelia “Cece” J. Davis is a native of Halifax, Virginia and is the founder of Cece Jones Ministries, Inc. She graduated from Howard University in 2002 with a B.S. degree in Sociology. In 2005, Cece graduated from Yale Divinity School with a Masters of Divinity and the esteemed Yale Institute of Sacred Music, Worship and the Arts where she concentrated in Liturgical Studies and received a Certificate of Sacred Music. Her thesis was titled, “Praise and Worship: The Sound of Heaven.” Cece credits her ever-evolving development as a worship theologian and practitioner to the influences of such mentors as Stephen A. Hurd, Integrity Gospel artist, and Lamar Boschman, Dean of the Worship Institute in Dallas, Texas. These and many others continue to help her “stir the gift of God” within and refine the art of spiritual worship. Cece believes strongly that worship is a Christian’s response to God’s love that reaches beyond the four walls of the local church. She believes that true worship involves witness, and that our witness to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ is to be evident in our pursuit of justice for marginalized populations. This conviction is the foundation for her passion for HIV/AIDS ministry, and she is the founder of Sing For Change – an initiative mobilizing musical artists and faith communities around raising funds for HIV/AIDS programs throughout the state of Connecticut.

trib u t o r s Romanus Dolor

Ron Williams

As a young child, I always viewed the world differently. I always liked to slow down, and kind of freeze frame every situation and circumstance, to view them at different angles. Born on the Island of St. Lucia, I spent my childhood interacting with people from many different nations and I also had a great opportunity to travel at as early as four years old. I believe this experience caused a deep level observation to be a central part of my foundation as I became an outsider looking in.

Ron Williams is founder, president, author and developer of the Faith & Fat Loss Program and book. An expert on exercise physiology, diet, nutrition and fat loss, Williams has devoted his life to helping individuals physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Globally, Williams is a top natural athlete and one of the most decorated Natural Bodybuilders. He is the sole recipient of the “Natural Bodybuilder of the Decade” award and has won more than 200 titles in natural bodybuilding. He was recently inducted into the International Natural Bodybuilding Association Hall of Fame.

I believe that through these experiences, God gifted me to be able to remove myself from a situation, to not take anything for granted and to always have a fresh perspective on life. After observing people for so many years, I fell in love with them as subjects, so unique, each face and story of life. I have always thought that Photography found me. It just seemed natural to me to see the world as darkness with light painted all over it. I always try to perfect capturing light, no matter how little exists in a scene. Romanus Dolor Photographer

As a college professor of exercise physiology and nutrition, Williams enjoyed teaching, but felt that the most important element was missing: the spiritual aspect. He embarked on an in-depth study of the bible, science and the history of diet and nutrition, and discovered timeless Biblical nutritional principles. Ron has presented these biblical and faith-based concepts to schools, athletic teams, corporations, and churches and has been interviewed on a wide range of radio and television broadcasts. He and his wife, Tonja, live in Salt Lake City with their children, and travel extensively teaching God’s message of fat loss, healing, health, wisdom, and salvation.

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