JNOR Ready Reckoner 2013

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JNOR Ready Reckoner A definitive guide to OOH audience measurement and JNOR



2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

introduction Welcome to the ‘2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner’. This guide outlines the Cover, Frequency, GRPs and CPTs for a range of OOH formats in both RoI and Northern Ireland. The document is intended to be used as a guide to demonstrate audience delivery by formats. The figures are derived from Campaign Planner which assumes perfect distribution and full availability.

How do we calculate Cover and Frequency? Coverage or Reach

Kinetic recommends the use of multiformat and multi-environment campaigns where possible as they deliver higher coverage and frequency.

The coverage or reach of a campaign is the number of individuals in a population who have seen the advertising at least once. Sometimes it is expressed as a percentage of the population, sometimes as a direct number. For instance, a campaign could have covered or been seen by 47% of a country’s Adults population or alternatively it may be reported that the campaign reached 250,000 15-24 year olds.

What is JNOR?


JNOR, the Joint National Outdoor Research, has been delivering audience measurement for the Outdoor industry since 2005. The research was launched in Northern Ireland in 2010. A worldwide industry first, JNOR provides the ability to analyse campaigns on multiple Outdoor Advertising formats. The outcome is an accountable and detailed audience delivery system providing standard audience reach, Opportunity to see (OTS) but also probability based visibility scores, Visibsility-adjusted contact (VAC).

It will be realised that when a large population has been covered by a medium like posters, some people will have seen the campaign only once, but some will have seen it a number of times, and frequent travellers, many times. If we calculate the average number of times that the average individual saw the campaign, then we call this the average frequency of the coverage.

JNOR Technicalities Methodology To obtain the desired affect, two separate research programs were commissioned and married together in order to calculate audience reach and cover for an Outdoor media campaign. The first program is a travel survey to determine the journeys and routes of a representative sample of the population. The purpose of the Travel Survey was not only to collect the journey routes over time of a representative sample, but also to research the level of usage of supermarkets, shopping centres and public transport.

What makes a good campaign? • • • • •

Brief Target audience Timing Objective JNOR Objective – Cover/Freq/GRP/CPT

• • • • •

Well-distributed campaign Sites with high Flow Highly visible sites Cover – Multi environment Frequency - Roadside

Environments There are four different environments in JNOR – Roadside, Retail, Travel and Transport. The average weekly flow differs greatly between Roadside, Non-Roadside & Transport. Flow is an essential factor in audience delivery.

The second program is a classification and traffic allocation system for every panel included in the research. The result being three basic measures for each poster site, traffic flow, Opportunity-To-See, Visibility Adjusted Contact (Flow/OTS/VAC). The Outdoor industry then developed the model further with an innovative concept of Visibility Adjusted Contact or VAC. A Visibility Study was carried out with the help of Dr Paul Barber of Birkbeck College at London University to evaluate how people actually look at particular kinds of panels in different situations.

What are Visibility Adjusted Contacts? A VAC estimates the probability of an OTS being converted to a contact for every poster in a campaign. Eccentricity, angle, size, illumination, background clutter and duration of visibility are taken into consideration for every panel to adjust the OTS score to one adjusted for visibility.





CAFAS Audience Delivery System There are 3 sections to CAFAS (Cover and Frequency Analysis System); 1.

Digest - provides comparative information between Media Owners for sheetage, flow, OTS and VAC.


Campaign Analysis - facilitates the examination of actual or potential bookings on Outdoor Advertising plant.


Campaign Planner - offers the opportunity to combine multi-environment Outdoor media schedules to determine cover using average VAC, flow, and OTS on a network of average panels in the specified environments and regions.

The Panel Classification system behind CAFAS is updated quarterly and independently audited. For more information on JNOR, please contact caroline.decourcy@kineticww.com





2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

large format Recommended 48 Sheet Weights

48 Sheet A 48 Sheet is often referred to as a traditional billboard. It is made up of twelve x 4 sheet sections joined. HD (High Definition) 48 Sheets are now available where the poster is made of one sheet of lightweight vinyl material. 48 Sheets are available nationally.








100 70


50 30 light medium heavy


100 70



light medium heavy

100 0



light medium heavy

For JNOR, 48 sheets are split 81% Roadside, 11% Retail and 8% Travel. Dublin Plus

Planning Rate: Dublin Plus Cycle 18-20: €900 Cycle 1-4: €750 Cycle 21-26: €855 Cycle 5-15: €950 Cycle 16-17: €855

Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy


48 sheets - Dublin Plus All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq 30 43.1% 8.7 50 70

56.7% 11.3 65.3% 14.2 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 30 42% 9.9 50 55.3% 12.6 70 63.9% 15.8 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 30 46.5% 10.3 50 61.2% 13 70 70.2% 16.4 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 30 40.7% 6.6 50 53.5% 8.3 70 62.4% 10.4 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 30 46.4% 11.4 50 61.1% 14.4 70 69.7% 18.2

Planning Rate: 5 Main City Cycle 1-4: €650 Cycle 5-15: €800 Cycle 16-17: €700

GRP 383

CPT €5.5

Weight Light

638 925

€5.6 €5.4

Medium Heavy

GRP 417 695 1008

CPT €26.2 €26.2 €25.3

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 478 797 1152 <15 GRP 267 446 651

CPT €8.5 €8.5 €8.3

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €27.1 €27.1 €26.0

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 528 879 1269

CPT €20.6 €20.6 €20.0

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling

57.6% 11.4 67.4% 12.6 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 70 46.1% 10.5 100 57.4% 12.3 120 62.2% 13.6 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 70 57.5% 11.2 100 62.8% 13.4 120 67.9% 14.8 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 70 45.9% 7.3 100 56.3% 8.7 120 60.9% 9.6 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 70 49.9% 12 100 60.6% 14.3 120 65.5% 15.8


Planning Rate: National Cycle 1-4: €550 Cycle 5-15: €700 Cycle 16-17: €600

Cycle 18-20: €750 Cycle 21-26: €700

48 sheets - 5 Main City All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq 70 47.2% 9.6 100 120

5 Main City

GRP 452

CPT €5.8

Weight Light

656 784

€5.7 €5.7

Medium Heavy

GRP 483 707 846

CPT €27.8 €27.1 €27.2

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 579 840 1003 <15 GRP 338 491 587

CPT €9.0 €8.9 €8.9

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €27.3 €26.8 €26.9

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 599 866 1034

CPT €23.1 €22.8 €22.9

Weight Light Medium Heavy

Cycle 18-20: €610 Cycle 21-26: €600

48 sheets - National All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq 100 34.8% 9.8 150 200

43.5% 11.9 49.5% 14 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 100 35.4% 10.8 150 44.3% 13.2 200 50.4% 15.5 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 100 39.1% 11.4 150 48.4% 14 200 54.8% 16.5 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 100 34.8% 8.2 150 47.4% 9.9 200 50% 11.7 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 100 38.3% 12.3 150 47.4% 15.1 200 53.6% 17.8

GRP 343

CPT €6.1

520 695

€6.0 €6.0

GRP 384 584 781

CPT €28.8 €28.4 €28.3

GRP 447 677 906 <15 GRP 286 437 583

CPT €9.6 €9.5 €9.5 CPT €26.1 €25.7 €25.7

GRP 471 714 954

CPT €24.8 €24.5 €24.5 www.kineticww.com



2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

large format

small format Metropanel & Recommended Weights

Metropole & Recommended Weights A Metropole is an 8m² scrolling unit available in Dublin only. They display up to 4 posters scrolling on each side and are 100% back illuminated. Metropole posters are encased within glass units and are sold print inclusive. Owner: Planning Rate:

40 20 0

JCDecaux €900

Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy

Metropoles - Dublin Plus All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 18 42.4% 9.4 397 24 32

50.0% 10.6 57.4% 12.3 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 18 41.3% 10.4 24 48.8% 11.8 32 56.0% 13.7 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 18 45.8% 10.8 24 54.0% 12.2 32 62.0% 14.2 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 18 40.0% 6.9 24 47.2% 7.8 32 54.2% 9.1 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 18 45.7% 12 24 53.8% 13.5 32 61.8% 15.7

60 45 30



18 light medium heavy

Owner: Rate:


JCDecaux €425 per panel per cycle


For JNOR, Metropanels are split 63% Roadside, 37% Retail.

CPT €3.0

Weight Light

529 705

€3.0 €3.0

Medium Heavy

GRP 432 576 768

CPT €14.4 €14.4 €14.4

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 495 661 881 <15 GRP 277 369 492

CPT €4.7 €4.7 €4.7

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €14.9 €14.9 €14.9

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 547 729 972

CPT €11.3 €11.3 €11.3

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling



Dublin Plus

For JNOR, Metropoles are 100% Roadside.

Weight Light

6 Sheets located on-street across Dublin City with a particularly strong presence across the city centre. Key locations include Stephen's Green, Henry Steet. All back-lit and scrolling units.


41.4% 7.1 57.5% 10.2 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 12 22.5% 7.1 24 40.8% 7.9 48 56.7% 11.3 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 12 24.3% 7.3 24 44.0% 8.1 48 61.1% 11.6 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 12 22.4% 4.9 24 40.6% 5.5 48 56.4% 7.9 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 12 23.9% 8.1 24 43.2% 8.9 48 60.1% 12.8


light medium heavy Dublin Plus

Metropanels - Dublin Plus All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 12 22.8% 6.4 146 24 48


CPT €2.6

293 585

€2.6 €2.6

GRP 161 321 642

CPT €12.2 €12.2 €12.2

GRP 178 356 711 <15 GRP 111 222 443

CPT €4.1 €4.1 €4.1 CPT €11.7 €11.7 €11.7

GRP 193 386 772

CPT €10.1 €10.1 €10.1

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling




2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

small format Recommended Adbox Weights

Adbox 6 sheets located at convenience stores and TSNs - highly visible and in close proximity to the point of purchase Owner: Rate:

Clear Channel €245 per panel per cycle









200 300

250 100



For JNOR, Adbox are split 63% Roadside and 37% Retail.


light medium heavy Dublin Plus

Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy

Adbox - Dublin Plus All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq 75 47.7% 5.0

GRP 240

CPT €5.7

Weight Light

56.7% 8.5 481 63.9% 10.0 640 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 75 46.8% 5.6 263 150 55.7% 9.4 526 200 62.8% 11.1 699 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 75 51.0% 5.8 296 150 60.6% 9.8 592 200 68.2% 11.5 788 Main Shoppers with Children <15 No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 75 46.0% 3.8 175 150 55.0% 6.4 350 200 62.0% 7.5 466 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 75 50.4% 6.4 324 150 59.9% 10.8 648 200 67.3% 12.8 862

€5.7 €5.7

Medium Heavy

CPT €26.8 €26.8 €26.9

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €8.9 €8.9 €8.9

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €26.7 €26.7 €26.7

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €21.7 €21.7 €21.7

Weight Light Medium Heavy

150 200

Adbox - 5 Main City All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 33.7% 5.1 172 175 250


41.1% 7.5 307 49.6% 8.8 437 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 33.1% 5.6 186 175 40.5% 8.2 332 250 48.8% 9.7 473 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 37.2% 5.9 219 175 44.9% 8.7 390 250 54.0% 10.3 555 Main Shoppers with Children <15 No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 33.6% 3.9 131 175 41.0% 5.8 236 250 49.4% 6.8 336 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 36.3% 6.4 232 175 43.9% 9.4 412 250 52.4% 11.2 586

100 100 0



light medium heavy 5 Main City

CPT €6.7

Weight Light

€6.5 €6.5

Medium Heavy

CPT €31.5 €30.9 €31.0

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €10.4 €10.2 €10.3

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €30.7 €29.9 €30.0

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €26.1 €25.7 €25.8

Weight Light Medium Heavy




light medium heavy National

Adbox - National All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq 150 21.9% 6.2 200 300

27.3% 35.7% 15 - 24 Year No. Sites % VAC 150 200 300

7.3 8.6 Olds Freq

22.3% 6.9 27.8% 8.1 36.1% 9.7 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 150 25.1% 7.1 200 30.9% 8.5 300 39.9% 10 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 150 22.3% 4.7 200 27.9% 5.9 300 36.6% 7 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 150 25.3% 7.8 200 30.7% 9.2 300 39.1% 11.1

GRP 135

CPT €8.1

200 309

€7.3 €7.1



153 225 349

€37.9 €34.5 €33.3

GRP 178 262 401 <15 GRP 105 164 255

CPT €12.7 €11.5 €11.3

GRP 198 282 433

CPT €31.0 €29.0 €28.3

CPT €37.3 €32.0 €30.8

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling





2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

small format Recommended Citylight Weights

Citylight 6 Sheets located at bus shelters nationally also known as Adshel. Four positions available – Head on, Contra Flow, Parallel 1 & Parallel 2 (Cantilever) Owner: Clear Channel Rate: €375 (C1-17) €410 (C18-26)









100 75 0

For JNOR, Citylights are 100% Roadside.


Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy


Citylights - Dublin Plus All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 75 65.0% 11.2 725 150 200

78.7% 18.4 82.8% 23.4 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 75 63.4% 12.4 150 76.7% 20.6 200 80.7% 26.1 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 75 70.2% 12.9 150 85.0% 21.3 200 89.4% 27.0 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 75 61.4% 8.3 150 74.3% 13.6 200 78.1% 17.3 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 75 70.0% 14.3 150 84.7% 23.6 200 89.2% 29.9

CPT €2.9

Weight Light

1450 1934

€2.9 €2.9

Medium Heavy

GRP 789 1579 2105

CPT €13.7 €13.7 €13.7

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 905 1811 2414 <15 GRP 506 1013 1350

CPT €4.5 €4.5 €4.5

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €14.1 €14.1 €14.1

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 999 1998 2664

CPT €10.8 €10.8 €10.8

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling 100% Roadside

Citylights - 5 Main City All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq 150 63.1% 12.3 200 300

68.9% 15.1 75.6% 20.6 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 150 61.7% 13.5 200 67.4% 16.5 300 74.0% 22.5 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 150 69.4% 14.5 200 75.6% 17.7 300 82.6% 24.3 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 150 61.3% 9.3 200 67.0% 11.4 300 73.4% 15.6 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 150 66.9% 15.7 200 72.9% 19.3 300 79.7% 26.4


light medium heavy Dublin Plus

Weight Light


200 300

100 0




100 0

light medium heavy 5 Main City


light medium heavy National

Citylights - National All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq 200 43.2% 14.6

GRP 778

CPT €3.4

Weight Light

1039 1557

€3.4 €3.4





GRP 833 1113 1667

CPT €16.2 €16.1 €16.2

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 1003 1338 2006 <15 GRP 572 764 1145

CPT €5.2 €5.2 €5.2

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €16.2 €16.1 €16.2

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 1053 1407 2107

CPT €13.2 €13.2 €13.2

Weight Light Medium Heavy



GRP 630

CPT €3.5



52.2% 24.6 1283 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 200 43.9% 16 701 300 49.7% 21.4 1065 400 52.8% 27 1427 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 200 49.3% 17.1 814 300 55.6% 23 1280 400 58.9% 29.1 1714 Main Shoppers with Children <15 No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 200 42.9% 11 474 300 48.9% 15 731 400 52.1% 18.8 978 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 200 48.5% 18.7 906 300 54.6% 25.1 1372 400 57.9% 31.8 1839

€3.5 CPT €16.9 €16.7 €16.6 CPT €5.5 €5.4 €5.4 CPT €16.9 €16.4 €16.4 CPT €13.8 €13.7 €13.6




2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

small format Recommended Commuterlites Weights

Commuterlites 6 Sheets located at train/rail stations both on the station platforms and in the station concourse Owner: Rate:

Bravo Outdoor €270 per panel per cycle







25 0


20 10 light medium heavy

25 0




light medium heavy

25 25 0



light medium heavy

For JNOR, Commuterlites are 100% Travel. Dublin Plus

Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy

Commuterlites - Dublin Plus All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 10 5.7% 2.4 14 20 40

9.2% 3.0 13.3% 4.1 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 10 7.3% 4.0 20 11.6% 4.9 40 16.8% 6.8 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 10 6.5% 2.9 20 10.4% 3.7 40 15.1% 5.0 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 10 5.0% 1.3 20 8.0% 1.6 40 11.5% 2.2 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 10 6.7% 3.2 20 10.7% 4.0 40 15.5% 5.5

CPT €14.9

Weight Light

27 54

€14.9 €14.9

Medium Heavy

GRP 29 57 115

CPT €36.1 €36.1 €36.1

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 19 38 76 <15 GRP 6 13 26

CPT €20.3 €20.3 €20.3

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €105.8 €105.8 €105.8

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 21 43 85

CPT €48.3 €48.3 €48.3

Weight Light Medium Heavy

Commuterlites - 5 Main City All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 15 3.3% 2.3 8 30 50

5.6% 2.9 16 7.4% 3.6 27 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 15 4.2% 3.9 16 30 7.0% 4.8 34 50 9.4% 6.1 57 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 15 3.0% 2.9 11 30 6.6% 3.6 23 50 8.8% 4.5 40 Main Shoppers with Children <15 No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 15 3.0% 1.3 4 30 5.0% 1.6 8 50 6.7% 2 13 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 15 4.0% 3.1 12 30 6.7% 3.9 26 50 9.0% 4.9 44

5 Main City

CPT €24.7

Weight Light

€23.4 €23.2

Medium Heavy

CPT €60.1 €56.9 €56.3

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €33.9 €32.1 €31.8

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €176.3 €167.0 €165.3

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €80.5 €76.3 €75.5

Weight Light Medium Heavy


Commuterlites - National All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 25 2.3% 2.4 5 45 55

3.5% 2.9 10 5.8% 3.1 18 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 25 3.0% 4 12 45 4.6% 4.8 22 55 6.9% 5 34 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 25 2.8% 2.9 8 45 4.3% 3.6 16 55 6.6% 3.5 23 Main Shoppers with Children <15 No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 25 2.1% 1.3 3 45 3.2% 1.6 5 55 5.2% 1.8 10 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 25 2.9% 3.2 9 45 4.5% 3.9 18 55 6.6% 3.7 25

CPT €37.1 €35.2 €24.8 CPT €90.1 €85.4 €68.7 CPT €50.3 €48.2 €39.9 CPT €264.4 €250.5 €165.9 CPT €120.8 €114.4 €100.7

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling





2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

small format Point of Purchase - Bravo Mall

Point of Purchase - Purchase Point

6 sheets located at shopping centres nationally - key locations include St. Stephen’s Green & Liffey Valley

6 sheets located within retail destinations - shopping centres, malls and supermarkets available nationally covering Dunnes, Superquinn and Tesco stores

Owner: Rate:

Bravo Outdoor €270 per panel per cycle

Owner: Rate:

Recommended Point of Purchase Weights

Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy

75 100

43.4% 3.7 162 48.3% 4.5 215 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 50 36.2% 3.4 122 75 43.5% 4.2 183 100 48.4% 5.0 244 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 50 37.4% 3.1 114 75 44.8% 3.8 171 100 49.9% 4.6 229 Main Shoppers with Children <15 No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 50 37.8% 2.9 110 75 45.3% 3.7 166 100 50.4% 4.4 221 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 50 35.7% 3.2 113 75 42.9% 3.9 169 100 47.7% 4.7 226










CBS Outdoor €278 per panel per cycle line x line / Campaigns over 65 sites - €255


100 75


100 0

light medium heavy Dublin Plus

For JNOR, Point of Purchase 6 Sheets are 100% Retail.

Point of Purchase - Dublin Plus All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 50 36.1% 3.0 108


CPT €9.2

Weight Light

€9.2 €9.2

Medium Heavy

CPT €41.6 €41.6 €41.6

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €16.6 €16.6 €16.6

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €30.5 €30.5 €30.5

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €44.8 €44.8 €44.8

Weight Light Medium Heavy

Point of Purchase - 5 Main City All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 75 30.6% 3.2 99 100 150

35.9% 3.7 42.4% 4.6 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 75 30.4% 3.6 100 35.6% 4.1 150 42.1% 5.3 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 75 32.4% 3.4 100 37.9% 3.8 150 44.8% 4.9 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 75 32.8% 3.2 100 38.4% 3.6 150 45.4% 4.6 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 75 31.1% 3.4 100 36.5% 3.9 150 43.2% 4.9





90 0

light medium heavy 5 Main City

CPT €9.4

Weight Light

131 197

€9.4 €9.4

Medium Heavy

GRP 111 147 221

CPT €43.0 €43.1 €43.0

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 110 146 219 <15 GRP 105 140 211

CPT €16.9 €16.9 €16.9

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €31.1 €31.2 €31.1

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 106 141 212

CPT €46.4 €46.5 €46.4

Weight Light Medium Heavy

31.0% 3.7 34.8% 4.5 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 90 23.8% 3.6 150 31.4% 4.5 200 35.3% 5.4 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 90 25.4% 3.1 150 33.5% 3.9 200 37.6% 4.6 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 90 25.4% 3.1 150 33.5% 4 200 37.6% 4.7 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 90 24.4% 3.2 150 32.1% 4.1 200 36.0% 4.9


light medium heavy National

Point of Purchase - National All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 90 23.4% 3 70 150 200


CPT €10.1

116 155

€10.1 €10.1

GRP 86 142 190

CPT €44.1 €44.1 €44.0

GRP 78 129 173 <15 GRP 79 133 177

CPT €18.9 €18.9 €18.9

GRP 79 131 175

CPT €50.4 €50.5 €50.4

CPT €32.1 €32.0 €32.0

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling





2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

transport Bus Formats

Bus Formats Recommended Weights 300







TSide TSides are located on the driver side of Dublin Bus vehicles. Only Forward Stem TSides are now available where the drop section of the poster is located to the front of the bus. They are available in Dublin only.

Superside Supersides are located on the pedestrian or kerb side of buses so have a higher bias to pedestrians. They are only available in Dublin.

Lower Rear Lower Rears are panels that appear on the lower back of Dublin bus vehicles. Like all bus formats they deliver a combination of good reach and frequency.

For JNOR, all bus formats are analysed under Transport.

Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy

TSides - Dublin Plus All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq 50 73.8% 1.7

GRP 127

CPT €16.1

Weight Light

81.2% 2.8 227 89.7% 5.7 507 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 50 72.0% 1.9 139 75 79.1% 3.1 247 150 87.5% 6.3 552 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 50 79.7% 2 159 75 87.6% 3.2 283 150 96.9% 6.5 633 Main Shoppers with Children <15 No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 50 69.6% 1.3 89 75 76.6% 2.1 158 150 84.6% 4.2 354 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 50 79.5% 2.2 176 75 87.4% 3.6 312 150 96.6% 7.2 699

€13.6 €12.1

Medium Heavy

CPT €76.0 €64.1 €57.3

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €24.7 €20.9 €18.7

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €78.6 €66.3 €59.3

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €59.8 €50.5 €45.1

Weight Light Medium Heavy

75 150

Supersides - Dublin Plus All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 120 72.6% 2.9 208 200 250

80.0% 4.8 82.7% 6.0 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 70.8% 3.2 200 78.0% 5.4 250 80.6% 6.7 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 78.4% 3.3 200 86.3% 5.6 250 89.3% 7.0 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 68.5% 2.1 200 75.4% 3.6 250 78.0% 4.5 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 78.2% 3.7 200 86.1% 6.2 250 89.0% 7.7


150 50





light medium heavy


light medium heavy


Bravo Outdoor €550

CPT €10.7

Weight Light

386 499

€9.6 €9.3

Medium Heavy

GRP 227 421 543

CPT €50.7 €45.6 €44.1

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 260 482 623 <15 GRP 145 270 348

CPT €16.5 €14.8 €14.4

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT €52.5 €47.2 €45.6

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 287 532 688

CPT €39.9 €35.9 €34.7

Weight Light Medium Heavy




Owner: Rate:


Owner: Rate:

Bravo Outdoor €215

Lower Rears - Dublin Plus All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 79.9% 2.1 167 150 200

85.9% 3.1 271 89.0% 4.2 375 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 77.9% 2.3 182 150 83.8% 3.5 295 200 86.8% 4.7 408 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 86.3% 2.4 209 150 92.8% 3.6 338 200 96.2% 4.9 468 Main Shoppers with Children <15 No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 75.4% 1.5 117 150 81.1% 2.3 189 200 84.0% 3.1 261 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 86.0% 2.7 230 150 92.5% 4.0 373 200 95.9% 5.4 516




light medium heavy

Lower Rears

Owner: Rate:

Bravo Outdoor €130

CPT €5.8 €5.4 €5.2 CPT €27.4 €25.4 €24.5 CPT €8.9 €8.3 €8.0 CPT €28.3 €26.3 €25.3 CPT €21.6 €20.0 €19.2

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling




2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

The NI Market





2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

large format

6 sheets Recommended Weights - Province wide

Recommended 48 Sheet Weights 150







48 sheet • Planning rate: Belfast £270, Rest of Province £250




light medium heavy







100 0

light medium heavy

Adbox Owner: Rate:

Six County / NI Province

For JNOR 48 sheets are split 99% Roadside, 1% Retail and 0% Travel.

Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy

48 sheets - Belfast All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq 40 68.30% 13 60 80

75.00% 17.8 78.80% 22.6 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 40 74.00% 16.4 60 81.30% 22.4 80 85.40% 28.4 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 40 74.70% 12.9 60 82.00% 17.6 80 86.20% 22.3 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 40 67.50% 11 60 74.10% 15 80 77.90% 19 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 40 76.60% 17.9 60 84.20% 24.4 80 88.50% 31



light medium heavy

Clear Channel £160

For JNOR Adbox are split 60% Roadside and 40% Retail.

GRP 890

CPT £2.15

Weight Light

1334 1779

£2.15 £2.15

Medium Heavy

GRP 1214 1821 2429

CPT £8.46 £8.46 £8.46

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 962 1443 1924 <15 GRP 739 1108 1478

CPT £3.82 £3.82 £3.82

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT £13.87 £13.87 £13.87

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 1372 2058 2744

CPT £9.69 £9.69 £9.69

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling



48 sheets - NI Province All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 80 45.70% 13.1 597 100 120

50.30% 14.8 53.80% 16.7 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 80 50.90% 15.6 100 56.10% 17.6 120 60.00% 19.9 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 80 49.00% 12.5 100 53.80% 14.1 120 57.40% 16 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 80 40.80% 10.7 100 44.60% 12.2 120 47.40% 13.8 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 80 45.10% 17.6 100 49.10% 20.1 120 52.10% 22.8

CPT £2.38

Weight Light

744 895

£2.39 £2.38

Medium Heavy

GRP 794 989 1191

CPT £9.76 £9.80 £9.76

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 610 760 916 <15 GRP 437 543 655

CPT £4.48 £4.50 £4.48

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT £17.08 £17.17 £17.08

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 792 985 1189

CPT £12.21 £12.28 £12.21

Weight Light Medium Heavy

Adbox - Province Wide All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 70 28.80% 3.6 102 90 130

34.40% 3.8 132 42.30% 4.5 190 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 70 31.20% 4.2 132 90 37.70% 4.5 170 130 47.30% 5.2 245 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 70 30.50% 3.4 103 90 36.80% 3.6 133 130 46.10% 4.2 192 Main Shoppers with Children <15 No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 70 29.00% 2.8 82 90 35.10% 3 105 130 44.30% 3.4 152 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 70 29.30% 4.5 132 90 35.10% 4.8 170 130 43.70% 5.6 245

CPT £7.77 £7.77 £7.77 CPT £32.85 £32.85 £32.85 CPT £14.83 £14.84 £14.84 CPT £51.19 £51.17 £51.17 CPT £41.04 £41.04 £41.04

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling




2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

6 sheets


100 100



Owner: Rate:

Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy

150 200

61.20% 15.2 930 66.90% 18.5 1240 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 58.70% 13.9 818 150 68.30% 17.9 1227 200 74.80% 21.9 1636 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 56.10% 11.2 627 150 65.10% 14.5 941 200 71.10% 17.6 1254 Main Shoppers with Children <15 No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 46.30% 9.6 445 150 53.20% 12.5 667 200 57.80% 15.4 889 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 50.90% 15.8 802 150 58.30% 20.7 1204 200 63.10% 25.4 1605

CPT £3.27

Weight Light

£3.27 £3.27

Medium Heavy

CPT £13.50 £13.50 £13.50

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT £6.21 £6.21 £6.21

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT £23.92 £23.92 £23.92

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT £17.18 £17.18 £17.80

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling





light medium heavy

53.00% 2.8 55.20% 3.6 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 50 50.90% 2.1 75 55.40% 2.8 100 57.70% 3.6 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 50 49.60% 1.8 75 54.00% 2.4 100 56.30% 3.1 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 50 54.90% 2.2 75 59.80% 3.1 100 62.20% 3.9 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 50 47.10% 2.1 75 51.30% 2.9 100 53.40% 3.7

CBS Outdoor £300


75 50 25 light medium heavy

For JNOR TSides are 100% Transport.

Purchase Point - Province Wide All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 50 48.60% 2 98 75 100


TSide Owner: Rate:

CBS Outdoor £250

For JNOR Purchase Points are split 95% Roadside and 5% Retail.

For JNOR Citylights are split 96% Roadside and 4% Retail.

Medium Heavy


Purchase Point

Owner: Clear Channel Rate: Cycle 1-17 £285 Cycle 18-26 £305

Citylight - Province Wide All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 100 52.60% 11.8 620



light medium heavy

Adshel / Citylight

Weight Light





Recommended TSide Weights - Province wide

Recommended Weights - Province wide

Recommended Weights - Province wide

TSides - Province Wide All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 25 31.10% 2.4 75

CPT £9.03

Weight Light

148 197

£9.03 £9.03

Medium Heavy

50 75

GRP 105 158 210

CPT £46.16 £46.13 £46.11

Weight Light Medium Heavy

No. Sites 25 50 75

GRP 87 130 174 <15 GRP 122 183 244

CPT £19.65 £19.67 £19.67

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT £38.38 £38.33 £38.30

Weight Light Medium Heavy

No. Sites 25 50 75 Main No. Sites 25 50 75

GRP 99 148 197

CPT £61.22 £61.31 £61.35

Weight Light Medium Heavy

No. Sites 25 50 75

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling

34.40% 4.9 168 35.60% 7.4 263 15 - 24 Year Olds % VAC Freq GRP 34.20% 3 104 37.90% 6.2 233 39.30% 9.3 365 ABC1s % VAC Freq GRP 34.00% 2.4 81 37.70% 4.8 182 39.30% 7.4 285 Shoppers with Children <15 % VAC Freq GRP 30.10% 2 61 33.40% 4.1 137 34.60% 6.2 214 18 - 34 Year Old Males % VAC Freq GRP 34.20% 3.3 114 37.90% 6.7 254 37.90% 10.5 397

CPT £6.62 £5.91 £5.68 CPT £26.01 £23.24 £22.32 CPT £11.74 £10.49 £10.08 CPT £42.61 £38.07 £36.57 CPT £29.79 £26.62 £25.56

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling




2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

transport Superside


Recommended Transport Weights - Province wide

Solus Rear









80 0

Owner: Rate:

CBS Outdoor £165

Owner: Rate:

CBS Outdoor £90

Owner: Rate:


light medium heavy

75 0




light medium heavy

75 0




light medium heavy

CBS Outdoor £80 Superside



For JNOR all Bus formats are split 100% Transport.

Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy Weight Light Medium Heavy

Supersides - Province Wide All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 80 28.30% 4.8 136 100 120

29.80% 6 30.80% 7.3 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 80 31.20% 6.1 100 32.80% 7.6 120 34.00% 9.1 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 80 31.10% 4.8 100 32.60% 6 120 33.80% 9.1 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 80 27.50% 4.8 100 28.90% 6 120 29.90% 7.2 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 80 31.20% 6.6 100 32.70% 8.3 120 33.90% 10

CPT £6.04

Weight Light

180 224

£5.74 £5.53

Medium Heavy

GRP 189 249 310

CPT £23.75 £22.55 £21.72

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 148 195 243 <15 GRP 111 146 182

CPT £10.72 £10.18 £9.81

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT £38.91 £36.94 £35.59

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 206 272 338

CPT £27.20 £25.83 £24.88

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling


Streetliners - Province Wide All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq GRP 120 32.70% 2.3 76 150 200

34.10% 3 35.50% 4.2 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 36.00% 2.9 150 37.60% 3.8 200 39.10% 5.3 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 35.80% 2.3 150 37.40% 3 200 38.80% 4.1 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 31.70% 2 150 33.10% 2.5 200 34.40% 3.5 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 36.00% 3.2 150 37.50% 4.1 200 37.90% 5.9

CPT £8.97

Weight Light

103 148

£8.31 £7.67

Medium Heavy

GRP 106 142 206

CPT £35.23 £32.64 £30.13

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 82 111 161 <15 GRP 62 84 121

CPT £15.91 £14.74 £13.61

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CPT £57.72 £53.49 £49.37

Weight Light Medium Heavy

GRP 115 155 224

CPT £40.35 £37.39 £34.51

Weight Light Medium Heavy

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling

Rears - Province Wide All Adults No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 33.30% 4.2 150 200

34.20% 5.2 35.10% 7 15 - 24 Year Olds No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 36.70% 5.3 150 37.70% 6.6 200 38.70% 8.8 ABC1s No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 36.50% 4.1 150 37.50% 5.2 200 38.50% 6.9 Main Shoppers with Children No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 32.30% 3.5 150 33.20% 4.4 200 34.10% 5.9 18 - 34 Year Old Males No. Sites % VAC Freq 120 36.70% 5.7 150 37.70% 7.2 200 37.90% 9.8

GRP 139

CPT £4.60

179 246

£4.47 £4.34

GRP 193 248 341

CPT £18.08 £17.56 £17.04

GRP 151 194 266 <15 GRP 113 146 200

CPT £8.16 £7.93 £7.70 CPT £29.62 £28.78 £27.92

GRP 210 271 372

CPT £20.71 £20.12 £19.52

CAFAS Version 33.0, Database. All results for March, CPTs based on March Planning Rates Note: All Alcohol campaigns must take into account the 25% ruling




2013 JNOR Ready Reckoner

glossary of terms Angled Describes the posters orientation (direction or layout) in regard to the viewing road. In this instance it is Diagonal to road, not perpendicular or parallel, but still facing only one traffic flow on a bi-directional road. Cost per thousand CPT(p) and CPT (c)

The term “Cost Per Thousand” (CPT) (CPT(P))is a measure of how much it has cost to reach or cover one thousand members of the population. It is calculated as the total cost of the campaign divided by the population covered. For example, if a campaign cost €250,000 and the campaign reached 2.25 Million (i.e 2,250 thousand) people. Then the cost per thousand covered would be calculated as:250/2,250 = 111.1

Coverage The coverage or reach of a campaign is the number of individuals in a population who have seen the advertising at least once, sometimes it is expressed as a percentage of the population, sometimes as a direct number. For instance, a campaign could have covered or been seen by 47% of a countries Adult population or alternatively it may be reported that the campaign reached 250,000 15-24 year old adults. Distribution

The coverage of a network is not only dependent on the size and quality of the posters within the campaign, but also on how well the posters are spread through a modelled region. The CAFAS system calculates a measure of distribution and adjusts the final VAC coverage to correlate with this.


In the roadside environment, this is the total number of passages past an individual site regardless of its visibility, it is a measure of “busyness”. It is calculated as the total vehicular traffic past the site multiplied by an occupancy factor of 1.6, plus the total pedestrian traffic past the site. In the non- roadside environments, it is the total number of entry and exits at a particular location, not necessarily past the poster, as this further factor is dealt with in the OTS measure.


When a large population has been covered by a medium like posters, some people will have seen the campaign only once, but some will have seen it many times, and frequent travellers even more times. If we calculate the average number of times that the average individual saw the campaign, then we call this the average frequency of the coverage.

GRP GRP or Gross Rating Point is a measure of the total number of “contacts” that a campaign has achieved, basically the percentage of the population multiplied by the average number of times this population have seen the campaign. In each medium it is calculated the same way, but has slightly different meanings. Head-on

When the poster panel orientation is perpendicular to the viewing and facing one traffic flow.


The Flow/OTS and VAC within the research system are sensitive to time of year, daylight hours and hence illumination of the panels. A panel is only counted as having illumination if and only if there is a directly built-on illumination device. This can be a back-light or a top or bottom spot light. Ambient street or location lights are not recognised as sufficient.


In the roadside environment, this is the flow at each location adjusted for poster orientation or direction. For instance a “head-on” or perpendicular to the road poster will only be seen when approaching from one direction and this would mean its OTS would be a half of the total road traffic flow. A parallel poster can be seen when approaching from both directions and would be allocated the total flow for the road. In the non-roadside environments, it is the total flow for the location (a particular Mall or station) adjusted for the number of entrances and exits. For example, it may be the total flow divided by the number of entrances or platforms at the location. The panels location within the environment is also taken into consideration, i.e. in the car park, the entrance or a central area like a ticket hall.


Describes the posters orientation (direction or layout) in regard to the viewing road. In this instance as it is a parallel situation along the road it is seen by both traffic flows on a bi-directional road.

Population covered This is the VAC cover translated to the number of the selected social group in that region, that will have at least one contact with the campaign. (VAC cover% X Total region social group population = POP cover) For example if there are 1,000,000 males in a region, and you have a VAC cover of 56% then you will have covered 560,000 males.


Reach The coverage or reach of a campaign is the number of individuals in a population who have seen the advertising at least once, sometimes it is expressed as a percentage of the population, sometimes as a direct number. For instance, a campaign could have covered or been seen by 47% of a countries Adult population or alternatively it may be reported that the campaign reached 250,000 15-24 year old adults.

Passages past a panel are affected by seasonality. This affects traffic patterns and daylight. Actual Seasonality sunrise and sunset times are used to ascertain daylight. In advertising terms, the share of voice is the proportion of the available media or time that will be Share of voice bought for the particular campaign. For example, if two beer manufacturers were launching a new beer at the same time, then they would want to have at least an equal “share of voice” so that their own advertising message was not overwhelmed by the other manufacturers advertising. In posters, if we select a certain size, for example Adshel bus-stop posters, then the share of voice is the proportion of available posters in a region. If there were 1,000 posters in a region, then 200 posters would be a 20% share of voice. The total visibility adjusted contacts for a group of panels is: the average VAC per week X the total Total Visibility number of panels. The average VAC per week does not change if the campaign is run for more than Adjusted Contacts 1 week. However the total VAC then becomes: the average VAC per week X the total number of panels X number of weeks. The VAC at any particular location is adjusted by month, depending on daylight hours and the posters illumination status. The displayed VAC is for all adults and will not change when a different social group is selected. VAC

The visibility adjusted contact for any poster is the OTS reduced using the probability based visibility model. For roadside posters this model is dependent on the posters physical characteristics, the size, the location relative to the road, the viewing distance and the local speed. For non-roadside, the model is dependent on the immediate environment around the poster, its size and location.

VAC coverage

Is the estimated percentage proportion of the selected audience by region that will have at least one eyes-on panel contact with the campaign of N panels over the time period selected. The displayed VAC coverage will change when a new social group is selected. Displayed in column (VAC cover%).

Is the average number of visibility adjusted contacts (VAC) that the covered population (selected social Visibility adjusted group) will have with the campaign over the selected number of days. It is a mathematical calculation average frequency being the total Visibility adjusted contacts divided by the number of people covered. For example if the campaign covers 1,000,000 adults and there are 13,500,000 Visibility adjusted contacts, then the average number of contacts per person is 13.5 Displayed in column (VA Av Freq). Is the total number of “eyes-on-poster” contacts generated by the campaign over the selected number Visibility adjusted of days for the selected social group? It is a mathematical calculation being the total VAC per week of contacts each poster X the number of weeks X the proportion of contacts made by the social group.

In the planner it is the Av VAC P/W X the number of posters X the number of weeks.

Displayed in column (VA Contacts)

JNOR Locations Dublin Plus: Takes into account Dublin’s commuter belt area stretching north to Drogheda, west to Monasterevin and south to Arklow. See map for boundaries Cork: County border Limerick: County border Galway: County border Waterford: County border Rest of ROI: Area outside Dublin Plus and County borders Dublin Met: Dublin metropolitan region, same as JNLR and JNRR

Dublin Plus Boundaries



kinetic 31 Ballsbridge Terrace Dublin 4 t +353 (0)1 668 1822


3rd Floor, The Potthouse 1 Hill Street, Belfast BT1 2LB t + 44 (0)2890 725 777



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