There are so many reasons why people go to God in prayer. It is calming, it helps us to release our problems, or simply allows us to develop a deeper relationship with God. These are all great reasons to pray, but that is not the whole picture. Prayer starts with recognizing that God is – in fact – our Father, and He cares about you much like your parents or guardians care about you. And because God cares about you – He wants to hear from you. God loves you so much, and wants you to feel comfortable bringing, not just your problems, but your thankfulness, joy, and requests to him. Another important perk of being Prayed Up is the simple fact that our God makes moves. God is powerful, and we can trust that God is able to answer us no matter what we bring to Him. Sometimes, when we don’t see God move in the way we expect, or hear God speak in the way we desire, we may start to think that God isn’t listening, or that God isn’t working. Prayer keeps us connected to God in a way that allows us to be more aware of the various ways God moves. God is not limited to our expectations of him, and that is part of what makes God so great! Understand that God is always working things out for your good, even if it’s not the way you expect. I also encourage you to write down your prayers. Each day you walk through this devotional, write down what you share with God. Then one day, when you are looking back at your prayers, you will be able to see exactly when the seed was planted and be able to share how God made things happen in order to answer your prayer! It’s time to get Prayed Up! 2
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
MADE FOR THIS Exodus 14:10-16
Don’t be afraid – especially in seasons of uncertainy because God has equipped you to be victorious in all seasons. Right now, there is a lot of pressure – it looks and feels like the world is coming apart at the seams. But remember, you – yes you – were made to be able to withstand any obstacle or trial you may face. God made you knowing – in advance – what you would have to overcome and He created you to win. So, that means the things that are meant to break you (and may even look like they will) have no power. You were made for this.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for equipping me to handle anything the world might throw at me. I pray that you will help me to tap into the strength you’ve given me when I start to feel scared. God, help me to remember that my greatest obstacles are small to you. In Jesus’ name I pray these things and count them done. Amen. 3
Kingdom Fellowship AME
There will be times in your life that you will face a challenge when it comes to your connections. An issue with a friend, a disagreement with family, or maybe even a difficult experience at or on your job will cause you to wonder whether or not you should be connected to them in the first place. We can be tempted to label difficulty or hard times as rough patches that we just have to get through. But it is so important, in those moments, to ask whether or not God wants you to be in that situation. Ask God for clarity in seasons of confusion, strain, or even doubt. God just might be telling you that something needs to change.
Heavenly Father, today I ask you for clarity. I pray that you will show me who I should and should not be connected to, and help me to listen when you tell me that something is not for me. I ask that you would give me the strength to walk away from anything that may separate me from you or from the person you are calling me to be. In Jesus’ name I pray these things and count them done. Amen. 4
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
GOD’S BEST IS BEST Matthew 15:21-28
God tells us constantly that He has amazing plans for our lives. He reminds us that He wants to prosper us, He wants us to have an abundant life, He wants to give us good gifts. The question is, why do we settle for less when we know God has better for us? The Canaanite woman knew that God was the only one who could give her what she was seeking: healing. She didn’t give up when she didn’t get what she wanted right away, she – kept – asking. And that’s what we have to do. We have to be diligent in our prayer lives, especially when God has made it clear to us that He has better for us than what we currently dwell in. We simply have to come to Him with what we are carrying so that He can give us His best.
God, today I want to lay everything that has been weighing me down at your feet. God today I give you my worry, and ask that you replace it with peace. I give you my fear and ask you to replace it with trust. I give you my sadness, and ask you to fill me up with joy. God I know that you want me to live an abundant life, and I know that is only possible if I’m honest with you. So, God, help me to continue to share my hurts with you so that I can be set free. In Jesus’ name I pray these things and count them done. Amen. 5
Kingdom Fellowship AME
Genesis 19:15-17, 23-26
The angels gave Lot and his family very specific instructions. However, one person disobeyed – Lot’s wife. We will never know why she looked back. Maybe it was hard for her to leave behind all she knew. Maybe she was scared of where she was going to go next. Maybe she just wanted to see what was going on (have you ever wanted to run back and be messy and see a fight.) Whatever the reason was – she knew she shouldn’t do it - but she did it anyway. And because she did, she was turned into a pillar of salt. God gave her the opportunity to get away and avoid destruction but because she couldn’t let go, she disobeyed God.
God, help me to follow your instructions even when it is hard to do. I pray that you will give me the strength to keep moving forward even when I want to stop. God, I thank you that you love me enough to provide a way out. God, help me to let go of things that aren’t for me. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen.
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
DON’T MISS IT Luke 19:41-44
As Jesus approached Jerusalem He felt a deep sadness because He knew that his very own people would miss out on the peace He could have brought them. There is so much going on in our communities right now. The way we are learning is different, the way we are meeting is different, and we are being flooded with news (mainly negative) and it can be very easy to become distracted and overwhelmed. It is so important for us to make sure that we are taking the time to focus on God. We have to talk to God, spend some time with Him so that He can reveal to us what it is He is doing in and around us during this time!
Heavenly Father, help me to build a relationship with you that will let me see things that other people may not see. I pray that you keep me close to you so that I don’t miss out on the blessings or opportunities you have for me. I pray that when I start to get distracted that you put me back on track so that I get to experience all you have for me. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 7
Kingdom Fellowship AME
BEAUTY OF THE RAIN Isaiah 55:8-11
The text for today reminds us that everything God allows to happen, will accomplish exactly what it is God planned for it to accomplish. This means that no “rainy day” is without purpose in our lives. Every difficult season, trial, or storm in the Bible had a purpose. Yet often times, those who were in the storm would miss that purpose because they would be too focused on the inconvenience of the rain. God doesn’t want us to be so focused on the “rain” in society, or in our personal lives, that we miss out on what He is trying to do within us.
Heavenly Father, help me to see the good even when it’s hard to find. If I can’t find the good on my own, give me the strength to know that the storm will pass and that I will get through even the darkest times. God help me to come to you instead of pulling away in my difficult moments. But, most importantly God, I want to thank you because I know that even when I can’t understand it, you are still moving and doing what’s best in my life. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 8
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
POWER TRANSFER John 14:25-27
The text for today reminds us that God does not give to us in the same way that the world does. Jesus gave the disciples these words of wisdom because he knew that he would have to leave them and didn’t want them to feel lost or alone. So, he reminded them that he was leaving them with peace. There is such power in keeping your peace, because it allows you to be less shaken by things meant to cause you to lose focus. It’s important to remember that God has given you peace, so that instead of feeling afraid or troubled you can find peace in trusting in Him. This is why God wants us to stay connected to Him that He might be able to give us perfect peace when we start to feel afraid.
God, thank you for always being with me. Thank you for being a God that I can trust when I can’t make sense of what is going on. Thank you for always having my best interest at heart and for loving me enough to combat my fears, doubts, and worries with your peace. I pray that you will continue to fill me up with peace when I start to feel scared. Thank you for letting me put my trust in you. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 9
Kingdom Fellowship AME
GOOD INTENTIONS 1 Samuel 15:17-23
The text for today tells us about the newly appointed King Saul. Saul was anointed by Samuel and sought to please God in everything he did. However, when Samuel gave Saul specific instructions from God – Saul disobeyed. Remember, Saul didn’t disobey intentionally. He truly thought that he was doing something good for God. The problem is, God was very clear about what He wanted Saul to do. So, when Saul went against God’s plan – even though it was with good intentions – he was disobedient to God. As a result he ended up losing his position, status, and anointing! It is so important for us to listen when God tells us to do something. Even if we have good intentions, God’s plan is always better.
God, help me to submit my will, and my plans to you. I trust that your ways are better than my own. I pray that when I start being led only by what I want to do, that you remind me to trust in you. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen.
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
Social Media has the potential to be a great source of inspiration, connection, and general enjoyment. It also has the potential be a source of great disdain, insecurity, and doubt. Sometimes we go on our social media and end up leaving feeling drained and that is not God’s will for our lives. We start to feel less than, and insecure about our journey because someone else’s simply “looks” better. But the Bible tells us we ought to do otherwise. Our text shows us 2 things. The first is that, the comparison trap is NOT new; it simply looks different today. The second is that the way to combat the trap – is to remind ourselves that we are who we are ON PURPOSE. God created each of us with a very specific “win” in mind. And as soon as we move from the competitive plane and move into the creative plane, we can begin to tap into our unique gifts and excel the way God intended us to!
God, thank you so much for the many gifts you gave me that make me unique. Help me to not feel threatened or disappointed when I see the gifts you have given others. God, show me how I can use what you have given me to contribute to the world in the way you designed me to contribute. Help me to find the joy in being my authentic self. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 11
Kingdom Fellowship AME
ON HOLD, ON PURPOSE 1 Samuel 16:7-13
In our text we are reminded of a few things. The first is that Samuel was called by God to anoint the man who was going to become king. This put Samuel - and whoever the next king was going to be – in danger. The second is that of Jesse’s seven sons, David was the youngest. The third is that David was so overlooked that he almost didn’t even get invited to come before Samuel at all. Yet, despite these facts, David was the one who God chose to become the next king. That is an amazing underdog story, right? David was between the ages of 8-15 when he was anointed. The Bible tells us that it wasn’t until he was thirty years old that he actually became king. That’s fifteen years! That’s a long time! But the thing is, it was during this period of waiting that he was able to become a great soldier, become completely loved by the people, and become a man after God’s own heart. It’s a great reminder that God will never allow waiting to be without purpose. If you’re on hold right now, God has some growing, some gifts, and some glow ups in store for you!
Heavenly Father, thank you so much for the waiting. Thank you for taking the time to grow me, to heal me, and to develop gifts within me. God I am so excited about the glow up that is coming my way. Thank you for making any time spent on hold, purposeful in your hands. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 12
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
In our text we find a young Jesus (age 12) who got separated from his family after the Passover Festival. Mary and Joseph searched for him for 3 whole days! He was at the temple asking questions and trying to get understanding. And after he asked his questions he responded with such wisdom that even the teachers had a hard time grasping what he was saying. I know that we are living in unprecedented times right now young queens and kings, but it is important to know that even at your age you can still play a major role. How? Start with asking questions. Try to develop your understanding not just about what is going on – but about what led to it. Talk to your parents, grandparents, teachers, anyone who you look up to for wisdom and just learn. If we do not study our history, we will be doomed to repeat it. So, learn, learn, learn in order to make the world better than it is today!
God help me to ask the right questions so that I can learn and gain understanding. Thank you for the people in my life who are willing to share the lessons they’ve learned so that I can learn too. God I pray that you help me to use what I learn to benefit your kingdom. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen.
Kingdom Fellowship AME
Jesus healed a lot of people during his time on earth. And this story is one of the instances of healing that is most often preached. Read the text; it says Jesus spit on the ground to make mud. Can you imagine if someone spit on the ground, mixed it up with mud, and then put it on your eyes? It’s gross, ya’ll - it just is! But this disgusting process is also how this man who lived his entire life without sight, was able to see. We are going to find ourselves in seasons that are painful, or just plain ugly. But – if we let them the ugly seasons will help us to heal.
God, help me to see that my ugly seasons can lead me to growth. Help me to remember that even though things might get ugly, sometimes things have to get ugly before they can be healed. Thank you for being a God who still heals. And God help me to share what you’ve done for me so that others can find healing as well. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 14
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
Matthew 7:7-12
God tells us all throughout the Bible that He has plans to give us a future and a hope. But oftentimes, because we fall short, we can begin to lose faith that God will bless us in spite of ourselves. We can begin to think that because we lied, or cheated, or made a mistake, God no longer wants to give us “good gifts.” This causes us to – eventually – stop asking. But, Jesus reminds us here that God is our Father and He WANTS to give us good gifts! All we have to do is ask! As long as we are in Christ, and Christ is within us, we are children of God. And God – just like any father – wants to give us His absolute best for our lives! Isn’t that great news? God wants to give us good gifts according to His will!
God, thank you for being a Father who likes to give us good gifts. I pray now God, that you will continue to pour out your blessings on me. God I love you, and I thank you for loving me. Thank you for not holding my failures against me and for forgiving me when I mess up. Help me to remember to come and ask you for help when I need it. And thank you for being a God who answers my prayers. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 15
Kingdom Fellowship AME
God wants us to share how He is moving in our lives to help other people. Have you ever gotten a piece of advice from a friend or a loved one that helped you at the exact moment you needed it? I can’t even begin to calculate how many times someone else’s testimony helped me to triumph in my own life. God has called us to consistently return that favor by helping others. God wants to use your story to bring his name glory! He wants to use you to help set someone else free.
Heavenly Father, thank you for being intentional about helping me to help others. Give me the confidence to share my story with others. God, thank you for all the stories and testimonies from my friends and family that have helped me to find strength as well. I pray that when the time is right, you will use me to help encourage someone else. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 16
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
God blesses us when we seek Him. He wants to have a relationship with us, because we are his children. The Scripture for today reminds us that it’s because Abraham went to God when He called him, he ended up becoming the father of many nations. He started out solo, but God increased his impact by making him the origin of a great nation! All because Abraham was committed to our God! God wants to bless us in the same way! But we have to seek Him, we have to pray to Him, we have to commit to Him, because when we are committed we are able to hear God more clearly.
Heavenly Father, thank you for being a God who answers when I call. I pray that you help me to always put you first. God I want a two-way relationship with you, and I pray that you draw me to you so that I can hear you and listen to what you tell me to do. God I commit myself to you, I love You, and I bless Your name. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 17
Kingdom Fellowship AME
What does it mean to be successful in today’s society? If you take a close look, you will notice that the world’s standards for what it means to have successful relationships, careers, and lives are now lower than ever. The bare minimum in relationships has become the norm. It has actually become what most people aspire to! As children of God, however, we are supposed to desire and expect God’s best – not the world’s best. That is good news! The key though is, we have to constantly be reminding ourselves of what God says. That way, when the world tries to urge us to settle for less we will be able to shut that down with confidence knowing that God has better!
God, help me to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Guide me to scriptures, and to people who can reveal what your word is guiding me to do. God, I pray that you help me to seek you, and not the world, when it comes to guidance about what is best for my life. I pray that I might be so connected to you, that I always win in the way you’ve created me to win. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 18
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
We all have a lot of things we want God to do for us, right? Good grades, happy family, great friends, epic life, and a bunch of other things we ask God for regularly. But, how many times have you asked God what He desires from you? When is the last time you prayed to God about what God wants – instead of only what you want? Our text for this week lays out a foolproof plan of something that God desires for each of us. God wants us to put on our new selves – and to not continue to do what we used to do and what the world continues to do. God wants us to be better!
God, help me to always remember that, in You, I am a new creation. Help me to remember that because of Christ’s sacrifice, I no longer have to live as a bystander to sin. I have the ability to fight back with the power of Christ you’ve given me. Help me to constantly be made strong, and confident, in Christ. Help me to be better than I was before, and to never go back to the way I was before I knew you. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 19
Kingdom Fellowship AME
Joseph was gifted with the ability to have and interpret dreams from God. It was a gift so powerful that it caused his brothers (who were already filled with hate for him) to sell him into slavery! What’s more is that it took THIRTEEN YEARS for him to be able to use it again in a much more notable way! In that period of thirteen years, he worked as a slave, was falsely accused, and sent to prison. It was in that prison that the Pharaoh eventually heard of his gift and appointed him as his right-hand man. Much like Joseph, each of you has a unique gift within you. And much like Joseph you may find yourself in an unprecedented season. A season filled with confusion, and transformation, and it may be causing you to adjust in ways that you don’t really want to. But, no matter what season you are in, your gifts are still YOUR GIFTS. You are STILL called to great things, and now is the time to hone your gifts so that when the time comes to use them you will be ready!
God, help me to understand that no dark season can take away or diminish the gifts you have given me. I pray that you will help me to take the time to develop my passion and my gifts so that when you present an opportunity for me to use them I can do so with power and confidence. I thank you that you have created me to do great things, and that no matter where I find myself now, I am still created to do wonderful things in Your kingdom. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 20
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
Nehemiah 6:16-19, 7:1-3
Nehemiah – by God’s grace – has been able to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. This was important because the walls represented protection and peace. The walls that once stood as a shield against enemies and a testament to the strength within had been destroyed and the people were left defenseless. Nehemiah was able to rebuild these walls in record time because God made it happen (read all of chapter 6 for more information), but this power made those without power feel – inadequate. People began to fear God’s power and God’s people and as a result they felt threatened. Nehemiah saw this, He had to deal with prophets and leaders who tried to intimidate him but he knew he couldn’t let the work God accomplished be destroyed again. So, what did he do? He put in place a series of people to defend the walls. He initiated around-the-clock protection for the walls because he knew people were coming to try to break them down. And understand that as surely as you are reading these words right now the enemy wants to break you down too. It is his goal to stop you – especially at your young age – because he knows if he can break you now then you won’t be a threat later. It is so important for you to guard your spirit, guard your heart, and guard your light because God’s purpose for you is so much greater than you could ever imagine.
God, I pray that you might be a wall around me, I pray that you will be the protection of my spirit. I pray that when negativity, or hate tries to bring me down, you help me to combat it with the power and strength that you provide. I pray that you help me to remember to guard my heart and mind against things the enemy sends to hurt me or make me feel week. Help me to constantly find my strength in you. Cover and keep me God. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 21
Kingdom Fellowship AME
Paul tells the Roman Church to ensure that they each recognize that they play a part in the body of Christ. He reminds them that each of them has to play their role in order for the entire body to be well! Our society is designed to make you constantly compare yourself to others. From Instagram to Twitter and everything in between, you are being told and reminded of what someone else is doing. It is natural to then begin to think about how your life, how your role in this season, would be different if you were in someone else’s shoes. The problem, though, is that when you start looking at what someone else is doing, wearing, or even how they are living – you can lose sight of the very purposeful role God created you to play. There is only one you. My auntie used to say, “can’t nobody beat you at being YOU.” And that means, young kings and queens, that you have to put your blinders on so that you can run your very own race! (If you don’t know what those are make sure you check out the Spiritual Snack for this week!)
God, help me to be the best me that I can be. I pray that when the comparison trap tries to take me over, that you remind me that the role I play is made just for me. I pray that you help me to see how my differences make me useful in your plan. Thank you God for creating me to be who I am and for loving me and using me in the way only You can! These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 22
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
As much shopping as we do online nowadays, I am almost 98.9 percent certain that you have experienced that moment when you’ve been shopping online, added things to your cart, and then forgotten about them. Then – all of a sudden – you get a reminder that tells you to come back and complete your order! God is the same way. God wants you to reap all the benefits of your relationship, and connection with Him. God has great things in store for you, just waiting on you in your cart. If you have pulled away from God for whatever reason – God wants me to remind you to return. God wants you to come back and check out all that He has been keeping safe just for you! It is never too late to return to our awesome God and access all of the blessings that have YOUR name on them!
God, thank you for having blessings with only my name on them! Thank you for the gift of being able to return to you even when I have lost my way. God, I pray that you help me to remember that you are always waiting for me. Thank you for all that you have kept for me, I can’t wait to see what you have in my cart. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 23
Kingdom Fellowship AME
1 Corinthians 10:23-24
The people that Paul was writing to here, were so reckless that Paul had to call them out on their behavior and force them to ascertain whether what they were doing and how they were living was beneficial. He wanted them to figure out if their behavior was helping or hindering their growth. You have so much time nowadays, and it is so important that you don’t fill ALL of your time doing things that don’t benefit you or your growth. God wants you to do things that aren’t only permissible (meaning things you’re capable of doing) but that are BENEFICIAL!
God, help me to know the difference between what is permissible and what is beneficial to me and those I care about. Help me to think through my actions, and what I do with my time, before I make bad choices. I pray God that you will help me to make decisions that are in line with the spirit of Christ within me. And I pray that you help me to remember that what I do doesn’t only affect me but it affects those I am connected to. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 24
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
JESUS = OUR UNDO BUTTON Ephesians 2:8-10
We have all sinned, we have all made mistakes, and if we were living in the Old Testament time period we would have a long road to redemption. Between all of their sins, they were sacrificing animals every other day. And if they didn’t offer sacrifices, the penalty was intense! Don’t just take my word for it – look it up! But, Jesus came so that we don’t have to pay the penalty for our sins. He came to save us! And He came just in time! And beyond that, He didn’t just save us – he saved us with PURPOSE! The Scripture for this week reminds us that we have been saved because God has work for us to do - work that is tailored specifically for each person! Remember, you are beyond gifted and powerful – and God loves you so much that He gave you those gifts to benefit more than just yourself! He wants your gifts to be used!
God, thank you so much for Christ’s sacrifice. I thank you so much that when Christ was raised, that he overcame sin and made it so that I wouldn’t have to pay the price for the sins I have committed. God, I pray that you show me how to use my gifts to impact your kingdom, this world in a positive way. Help me to use the gift you gave me to help someone else. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 25
Kingdom Fellowship AME
(It’s long but you can do it!)
Job is one of the most difficult books of the Bible because he went through so much, and struggled through so much - all because of a challenge that Satan made to God. It doesn’t seem fair for Job to suffer so extraordinarily without provocation and yet he lost his family, his friends turned on him, and he lost his livelihood all in one swift blow. But throughout all of the turmoil and struggle he endured – Job – Never – Stopped – Praying. And what’s more – Job was praying and worshiping God and not getting an answer! Frustrating, right? The thing is - we don’t know when this struggle season will end. But we can’t stop praying. We have to trust that even if we can’t see God move, and even when we don’t understand it – that God still has our best interest at heart. Our focus chapter starts with God finally answering Job’s prayer – I want you to focus on the very first line. Remind yourself that it was in the middle of a storm that God spoke – and know that God has the power to get through to you even in the most difficult of situations if you just – keep – praying.
God, sometimes life is really hard and I can’t figure out why. I pray that when I am at my lowest you help me to keep going. I pray that you meet me even in my brokenness, or in my hurt, and let me know that I am deeply loved and covered by you. I thank you because I know that trouble doesn’t last forever, and I thank you that you are with me through it all. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 26
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
In the parable that Jesus shared – the very first line says he wanted to “show them that they should always pray and not give up.” It is so important for us to remember to keep praying and to be persistent when it comes to our prayers. The parable highlights just how unbothered the king was by most people. He was even unbothered by God! But this persistent widow was able to get through because she just never gave up. I know that it can be difficult to continue to pray when you feel like you’re not seeing anything change. That’s why Jesus shared the parable in the first place – to remind us to keep praying anyway. Jesus wanted to show us that as long as we don’t give up on God, God will come through for us. No matter how long it takes, God – will – come – through!
God, I pray that you help me to remember to be persistent in my prayers. Help me to know that even though I might not be able to see you move in this world, that you are moving on my behalf in the spiritual world. I thank you for the knowledge that as long as I keep praying to you, you will continue to answer my prayers. I pray that as I am waiting for you to answer, that you encourage me to never lose hope. Thank you God for the reminder that I should never give up on You because you would never give up on me. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 27
Kingdom Fellowship AME
When we first began this devotional, we touched on the story of Lot and his family. I want us to take a second look. Lot, his wife, and their children were a part of a town that had done horrible things. God decided to punish the entire town by destroying it completely. But, because Lot found favor in the eyes of the Lord, God gave them a way out. Unfortunately, Lot’s wife looked back, and was turned instantly into a pillar of salt. I want you to take note of what God turned Lot’s wife into though; salt. Today salt is produced and sold at extremely cheap prices but that wasn’t the case back then. In fact, salt was one of the most valuable substances in that time period. That means that God still saw her as valuable. He could have destroyed her, and turned her to dust – read your Bible! But, instead, he turned her into the most valuable commodity of their time! God has the power to add value to our mistakes as well. All we have to do is seek him and He can turn our worst moments into the most valuable of lessons!
God, today I want to admit my mistakes. I am so sorry for __________. Thank you for forgiving me of even my biggest mistakes. I pray God that you help me to learn and grow from all of the mistakes that I have made so that I might be able to become more like you. Thank you for using everything to work together for my good, even when I mess up! These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 28
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
GOD’S APPROVAL Galatians 1:10
Social media was originally intended to bring joy into the world. One of the original creators of Facebook said that the “Like” button was created to generate happiness in the person receiving that “Like.” Unfortunately, over time, this transitioned from being a source of joy to a source of validation. We have slowly begun to equate likes and popularity as a determiner of our value. We can become so focused on getting likes, and followers, that we become “people pleasers.” We can sometimes post based on what we think will generate the most likes or comments, and can even feel sad or rejected if we don’t get the response we desired. Even though Paul – the author of Galatians – never had to deal with social media, he did have to deal with people pleasers. The church of Galatia was being influenced by someone literally peddling “fake news” and because they’d lost sight of what the truth was, they started trying to do what was easier and more accepted by their society. They were people pleasers. But God calls us to set the trends, not follow them. We are called to walk in God’s light and that is not always easy, but it is always beneficial. The win is in following God even when it’s not what other people are doing.
God, I want to please you not the world. I pray that everything I do might bring you glory. I pray that as I allow my light to shine, that others will be drawn to me and I can lead them to you. Help me to follow you even when it’s not what other people are doing. Lead me in the path you want me to follow so that I might bring you glory. I love you and I bless your name God. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 29
Kingdom Fellowship AME
Isaiah 1:17, Micah 6:8
I know that there is a lot of hatred in the world right now. It can be overwhelming when we think of all of the wrongs that have taken place – especially in the last few months. Reading these two Scriptures reminds us that our God wants us to always do what is right. Our God wants us to pursue justice and “do good” in this world whenever the opportunity presents itself. Even if you can’t march, there are other ways you can do the right thing, and encourage more good and light to exist in this world. Focusing on your own growth, helping others to see the light within themselves, speaking up when you see someone being treated badly, serving the community – these are all very real ways you can do good. Remember that it doesn’t matter how old you are you still have the power to influence this world in a positive way.
God, I pray for all those who are suffering in this world. I pray that you might comfort them and fill them up with your love even in their lowest moments. I pray God that you help me to contribute to the world in a positive way. I pray that you guide me to opportunities that will allow me to “do good.” Thank you for using me and for giving me power even now. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 30
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
CHECK YOUR SOURCES 1 Chronicles 19:1-6
We have to be careful who we listen to because their advice may be coming from the wrong place. In the text for today, David had honorable intentions but King Hanun’s advisors made him believe that David was out to get him. He became paranoid and ended up lashing out at men sent there to provide their condolences. He ended up hurting innocent people because he listened to the wrong people. Who are you listening to? Understand that most people give advice based on personal experience, and if their experience was negative they may influence you in the wrong direction and cause you to make a mistake. Make sure that the first person you ask for guidance is God, and that the second person you ask is someone you can trust to guide you in a way that is in alignment with God’s purpose for your life. If you aren’t sure who that person is, look to your parent, or guardian, look to your teachers or ministers, or pray and ask God to show you who can help!
God, I thank you that you are always willing to provide wise counsel for me. Thank you for being a God who has placed people in my life who know you, and know what’s best for me, that I can trust when I need advice. God I pray that you reveal to me who I can talk to when I am feeling lost or alone. And I thank you for the reminder that I can always talk to you. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 31
Kingdom Fellowship AME
Matthew 5:14-16
A while back I was looking up at the stars and was struck by something. Each star had its own shine. When the sun is out, the stars don’t disappear – it’s just that the sun is so bright that you can no longer see them. I believe that God calls us to be more like stars than like the sun. Not because the sun is too bright, but because the stars don’t have to diminish other stars in order to shine more brightly. You don’t have to shine so brightly that no one else can. You don’t have to bring someone else down in order to be lifted up. Instead, encourage someone else to shine, especially when you see them losing sight of who they are or becoming discouraged. And – more often than not – encouraging someone else will encourage you too! Let your light shine, because you just might spark the light in someone else.
God, thank you for making me the light of this world. Thank you for creating me to have an impact on this world in a positive way. I pray that you give me the courage to be who I am in you. I pray that you give me the ability to encourage other people to be led by you. I pray that people see the God in me so much so that they become drawn to you. Then I pray that you might do what you do best, and ignite their light too. I love you God. And I thank you for being who You are. These things I pray in Jesus’ name and count them done. Amen. 32
Get Prayed Up Teen Devotional
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