Kingdom Christian Magazine_December 2016 Featuring Anointed Gates Church

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Christian Magazine






“A place of intimacy and war”

2 Corinthians 10:5


rayer is a wonder and Intercession is the Ministry of Jesus Himself and we are called to join Him in it. To intercede means; to intervene on behalf of another, to mediate, to negotiate, to commit to praying for another. I, too have a wild imagination like my kids do, and God has let me use it, so allow me to give you a picture of what Intercession is. I see intercessors as the Spiritual Police or Lawenforcers of the spirit realm.

He lets us in on some things. Discernment becomes stronger.

Intercession begins with Intimacy and we should be motivated by love.

3. Friendship with our Father makes us powerful overcomers. As we are sanctified, we are empowered. Holiness is for Power. But we are made holy (set apart, changed, transformed) as we become Friends of God. Intimacy is everything!

1. God wants our friendship more than He wants our good works. In Mark 16 we read how Jesus appeared to the Disciples first before He gave them instruction to “go and preach the Good News to everyone”. Intimacy, spent in prayer and reading scripture, is a place of impartation where God imparts his love for others into us. As we become His friend, we then become his partners in ministry. He invites us to share in some secrets.

2. Before we can engage in Spiritual warfare we need to get to know God’s heart. And we can only know Him in a place of intimacy. It is there that He can purify us and sanctify us so that we can become, first, His friends, then His messengers, vessels, and intercessors. (How can we declare and decree if we don’t know the heart of the Father?)

4. Intimacy with God will cause your intercession to defeat the Giants of your life and the life of others. Read the full article at:

Pastor Briy Ortiz

CONTENTS Anointed gates church





2 intercession

Pastor Brisy Ortiz

5 balance

Minister Johnson

6 prophetic encounter

Prophetess Fleming


7 Higher ground Ministries

Apostle Morant

8 Cover story

Anointed Gates Church

10 koppel advertising Branding

Prophetess Fleming krystal Kim livingston


11 AFT, city of hope

Lady Delsa Chrisitan

12 Credit recovery Joseph Phillips

13 the key to love Chief Stitt

Life after Infidelity!

14 marriage

Life After Infidelity

Founders Note

ceo Jesus

Publisher Xcellence Publications

Founders Greg George Sharina George

Assistant Editors Antonino Ippolito

Graphic Designer Xcellence Publications

Photographer Jeff Lawson

Contributing Writers Kimberly Fleming Stacey Greene Brisy Ortiz Shalonda Johnson

Praise the Lord, This is a bittersweet moment. This is our last time addressing the people of God in the year of 2016. This has been a great year of manifesting purpose. God has “clearly” given a prophetic Word to his people concerning their assignment and the preparation has already begun. In 2017 there will be an outpour from the people of God who have not been playing church. Individuals who have taken their walk seriously and aim to please God in thought, word and deed will be used to pour out in a great abundance. Even though there will be a “great pouring out,” we must not be ignorant concerning satan’s “devices.” He will try and come against the weakest areas in our lives. Even in this God has given us discernment and wisdom by His Spirit to overcome the attacks of the enemy.

Merry Christmas Everyone! Greg & Sharina George ~The Founders~

All rights are reserved and no part of this publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.

Genesis 1:28 “walk in dominion and subdue everything”

Minister Shalonda Johnson A balanced life is also known as work–life balance is a concept including proper prioritization between “work” (career and ambition) and “lifestyle” (health, pleasure, leisure, family, and spiritual development/ meditation). I am sure many of us unintentionally have been guilty of living an unbalanced life. The reason I say ‘unintentionally’ is that we are often juggling many aspects of life: Families, children, work, co-workers, employees, ministry, trying to accomplish our dreams, going back to school, and in the mist of all of this, still trying to accommodate everyone else’s needs. How exhausting! When your life is not properly balanced, and lacks prioritization of one’s day-to-day life, it can become stressed and full of pressure and anxiety, all of which contributes to decline in health, potentially causing heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, and obesity. God never intended us to live an overwhelming life; His will is for us to

A Balanced Life be healthy mind, body, and soul. 3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.” Here are a few steps to develop a balanced life. 1. Take care of yourself. You cannot accomplish anything if you’re unhealthy. 2. Know what your priorities are. Balance does not entail cramming in every activity possible. Examine your values and decide what’s important to you. 3. Develop an efficient mindset. Be organized and plan ahead. Take time at the beginning of each week to assess what needs to be done. 4. Expect the unexpected. Rather than get stressed and upset, learn to roll with the punches. 5. Maintain a positive mental attitude.

Min. Shalonda Johnson Find me on Facebook Shalonda Johnson

Prophetic Encounter


By Prophetess Kimberly Fleming


t the beginning of this year, the Lord spoke to me and I sent an email blast to many of my loved ones and friends stating that God said this year would be the year of Sweet Sixteen for His children #SweetSixteen. The response to that email was immediately filled with excitement, confirmation, and expectancy. Then all hell broke loose. When God gives you a promise, the job of the enemy is to come steal that promise from you. The Bible says in John 10:10 “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The devil comes to steal that Word, kill that Word, and destroy that Word that God has given you.” But as the verse continues on in John 10:10; Jesus says, “He has come that we might have life, and have it more abundantly.” God wants you to live an abundant life. The promises of God are yay and amen. If God said it, He’s gonna do it! However, the enemy wants to deceive you and trick you into believing God isn’t gonna do it. So he sends all kind of distractions, pain, and discouragement to delay the promise, to make you think that, that prophetic word isn’t going to happen. We were on vacation back in February when my mom had a heart attack while vacationing with us. When we came home she ended up having a triple bypass. A few months later, she had to have a stint put in because part of the open heart

surgery didn’t take. A few months after that, she fell and broke her toe. She has had a hard year of physical challenges, and even though death tried to take her, it couldn’t because God gave her a promise. She could’ve thrown in the towel and given up many times, but she chose to praise and trust God in spite of it all. You see, she reminded God of all the promises that He gave her and she thanked and praised Him for it. What you’re going through is real and at times vicious and gut -wrenching, but God gave you a promise, so you can’t give up now. Why? Because you’re still here. You made it! When your back was against the wall and it looked as if it was over, God made a way! This year isn’t over. God still has plenty of time to do exceedingly; abundantly above all we could possibly ask or think. This is the season for miracles. He still has time to do miracles! This was a very tough year for me personally, but I thank Him today for my sweet sixteen year because what was meant for evil-to hurt me, to utterly destroy me-wasn’t able to. The weapons formed, but they could not prevail. God made the impossible possible: My mom is alive and very well, and through it all I’m still able to praise Him. Be encouraged. It’s not too late. This is still your year! #SweetSixteen. Be Blessed!! Prophetess Kimberly M. Fleming Facebook Kimberly M Fleming Twitter @prophetesskim




Apostle & Prophetess

Morant Monday-Friday @ 12:05PM Higher Ground Ministries

456 Columbus Avenue Fostoria, OH 44830


Anointed Gates Church

Pastor Clifford: We’ve prayed about how to service the needs in our community. First and foremost, children in the Thethe Anointed Gates church, although we also give to Ministries is a church children in the community. organization dedicated to What we saw is what God sees. When the growth of spirituality God education sees a need, He sees and of the localthat as community. We are a a void or capacity. What we have giving ministry with the to those found with the connection mission of acknowledging in the community is that we work and addressing thefill current together to try and the void of needs and concerns of the There the needs in our community. surrounding neighborhood. are families who don’t have to give We believe that anyone can to the children, so it’s kind of like start something, but you need fulfilling a wish list for the children. a commitment to complete All children make their thatyear, thing. As a people, we lists and we secretly partner with need to be “hot” not “cold.” local businesses to fulfil desires. To be effective in those the faith

community requires standing

Pastor Renee: It’s exciting for me to see each child receive something and learn to be thankful and

appreciative. It also teaches the Spirit of giving. The kids come looking forward to receiving every year. We also do “hot chocolate with the Pastors” for Christmas and it’s fun. It gives us the opportunity to get to know the kids in the community and hear their needs. Our biggest passion is making sure no one goes home empty-handed for Christmas. I believe we should help if we can help. Pastor Clifford: We also give to the community by way of the Father-Son program. The youth give back to the community by cutting grass for a senior, picking up outside in the community, or participating in the neighborhood sports program. Pastor Renee is also aligned with the vision by giving recreation time right here at the church. We have wish programs that talk about what the kids wish they could do.

We fulfill many of their desires throughout the year. The greatest gift you can give kids is time. They appreciate the time you give them. Pastor Renee: We also teach them how to serve. We take them to the homeless shelter and different places where we can give to those without. It gives them a real sense of appreciation. When they see someone without, it makes them appreciate what they have.

Watch Night 2016

You’re invited to our New Year’s Watch Night service on December 31, 2016 at 8:00pm. We stay at the church all night and will even feed you breakfast in the morning.

Anointed Gates Church 800 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 Pastor Clifford Burns Pastor Reneé Bailey-Burns

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Day 37 of a 40 day personal consecration my going and my coming for every year and season until His return!! My course has been charted and my committed plans will succeed through His Hand! I am the head and not the tail because of what He did at Calvary! I am crossing over the Jordan and gathering my stones of remembrance along the way to my promised land!

Lady Delsa Christian

Photo: Jeff Lawson

I am so full this morning, I just don’t know where to begin or end! God is a faithful God! I became sick in the beginning and did not know if I would make it, but the hand of God! I had to face some situational things in the beginning, which caused me to react in a way that caused me to ask the question, “Is God calling me to this?” Oh, I can stand boldly on day 37 and say, “It was His Hand pulling my HEART and His voice guiding me to Him!” His sheep know His voice. He called me to it and He is seeing me through it! Through the guiding of His Hand; He took this year to establish

My theme scriptures of 2017 will be 1 Kings 3:9-15 and Esther 8:5. My personal 2017 theme: “ANYTHING FOR THE KING IN 2017!!” I am rejoicing today at what the HAND OF GOD has done! I will shout with a loud voice: “HE HAS DONE GREAT THINGS!” I will shout with the voice of victory, MY GOD IS GREAT AND GREATLY TO BE PRAISED! I WILL SHOUT WITH A LOUD VOICE: “NOW UNTO HIM WHO IS (MORE THAN) ABLE TO KEEP THAT WHICH IS COMMITTED TO HIM!” MY VOICE IS HIS TRUMPET OF PRAISE!

Read the full 40 day blog at:


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The Key to Love is: GIVING Giving is a way of showing love and caring for another.

Giving is a way of showing love and caring for another. Our Father in Heaven gave His Son for us! Jesus gave His Life for our sins. Christmas is a time of giving. It’s our opportunity to show not only love, but also the level of love we have for others. When I give, it feels good. When I give, I’m following the model that God showed us. Although His giving was much greater than any giving we can do we can still represent Him by giving as God has blessed us. What do you give? When you give, do you expect a return from that person? Giving can come in many different forms. You might not be able to give financial gifts or buy expensive items but sometimes I exhibit giving by a kind deed. Spending time with an elderly loved one or a friend who can’t get out. I have a young nephew. He’s under 10 years of age. He recently asked me to come to his school and be his VIP for the day. Considering how busy my schedule is, it’s difficult to get away. However, I thought about how much it will mean to him if I can go. Therefore, I found a way to adjust my schedule, so I could be there. I gave my time. Seeing the smile on my nephew’s face when I walked through the classroom door made it worth everything I had to do to be there. I know that my nephew will never forget times like this. As I write about my nephew, I can’t help but think about all the people who “gave” to me, whom God put in my life. They “gave” by mentoring, teaching,

and coaching me on how to become a motivated and productive member of society. By giving myself, I’m duplicating what was done for me. Think about it: Each of us, at some point in our lives, benefited from another person “giving” to us. You see, giving is a powerful attribute! Giving can positively impact family, relationships, business, and friendships. Okay, we know that Christmas is established as our time of giving, but don’t you think God would love to see us represent Him by exhibiting a giving spirit year round? Chief Antonio F. Stitt Contact information: Phone: 216-214-6766

Life After

By Stacey Greene

infidelity! Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Has it been four years or five? I asked myself this question at a recent book signing. The woman purchasing my book was asking how long it had been since I discovered my husband texting another woman. I chuckled to myself as I realized that I could not remember if it was four years or five. If I really want to, I can still dredge up the memory of when the pain was so fresh, so raw, so real. Each day brought a song on the radio that made me sad. I may be innocently walking through the grocery store and see the back of someone’s head that had the same color or style hair that she had. Maybe I was just cooking dinner and my husband was late getting home from work. There went my mind, wandering again and thinking of a dozen inappropriate reasons why he might be late. If you are the recovering spouse of an affair, do not think that forgiveness will make all of those hurt feelings simply go away. Forgiveness is just the beginning of what may take up to a full year to get through, and a lifetime to fully understand. With my situation, it felt similar to the loss of a loved one. It was in fact, a loss of trust, which can be just as painful. As with the loss of someone dear to you, that first year seems so difficult. The first time their (or your) birthday comes around, you are tempted to feel that loss. It is the same thing for the recovery process in getting through the affair. I remember the first Christmas after the infidelity thinking about what a crummy gift I had received the year before when he was giving her a much nicer present. The first birthday after the affair, I lamented about how the

year before he had snuck out to see her after giving me a 99 cent card and a cake from the grocery store. The best advice I can give is to avoid the huge temptation to play the guilt card. For about a year or two after the affair, when I felt that I was not getting the kind of attention, love, or time I felt I deserved, I would work into the conversation that she got the texts in the middle of the day or the lunch at a restaurant on a weekday and I didn’t. I felt it really set us back as a couple, as Jimmy was truly trying to put this behind him, and there I was, throwing it in his face again. Why? Was it just to get a little more attention? Did I think making him feel guilty would make him drop everything that was going on in his life and fawn over me like a lovesick teenager? It was a bitter pill I had to swallow to step back and realize that he was trying his bestand still is trying-to be the best man he can for me. Am I doing the same to be the best woman I can for him? I think of Galatians 6:9 “Let u s not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Continue to love, respect, honor, enjoy, and laugh with your spouse. Keep the lines of communication open and honest, and eventually, you too will be scratching your head saying “Hmmm, has it been four years or five?”

By Stacey Greene

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Women of Purpose Empowerment Session

Pre-registration required

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Evang. Sharina George

Min. Shalonda Johnson


Min. Jucinta Jones

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