Christian Magazine
Prophet Jeremiah Davis
Tim Walker
“Transformation Through Application”
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Evang. Sharina George
11 PROPHETIC ENCOUNTER Prophetess Fleming Pastor Tim Walker
Pastor Tim Walker
14 INNER HEALING Apostle & Pastor Graddic
Pastor Pernell
16 MENTAL POSTURE Gina Marangoni
18 DETOXIFICATION VS CLEANSING Keri Berardinelli 20 WALK IT OUT Prophet Davis 21 KINGDOM IS...
Keri Berardinelli
Visit our website:
Prophet Davis
Jesus Christ
Xcellence Publications
Chief Editor
Sharina George
Executive Secretary Mrs. Melissa Gruden
Assistant Editors Delores Taylor Holly L. Reed Kim Adams
Graphic Designer
Xcellence Publications
Photographer Jeff Lawson
Contributing Writers
Kimberly M. Fleming Gina Marangoni Pastor Chelsea T. Pernell Keri Berardinelli
Praise the Lord Readers, I want to take a moment and encourage everyone who has ever been broken. God’s intent behind being broken is to bless you. Remember in Luke 22, when Jesus broke the bread and then distributed it? Well, if your prayer is to be used and be nourishment for someone else, you have to be broken. Brokenness is not a bad thing. It’s not a place most people desire but rest assured some distributing is coming shortly after your breaking. Unless you break the vessel you cannot get all the precious contents. It’s through brokenness, that our true anointing flows to bless those around us. We shine the brightest when we are in situations, God alone can fix. They aren’t comfortable but rest assured God is getting the glory if you suffer well!
Sharina George Chief Editor
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication can be copies or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publication LLC.
Genesis 1:28
“walk in dominion and subdue everything” Send all prayer requests to kdcprayer@gmail.
As Pastor of Kingdom Keepers Church, I
have identified four components essential for the full operation and effectiveness for fulfilling kingdom assignments. These components are purpose, people, places, and partnerships. Each one of these essential components will be discussed in detail. Purpose Purpose, for our discussion, concerns the reason for our existence. Why are we here? Discovering our purpose helps us find our direction and focuses our attention and energies. Spending time with the Holy Spirit helps us with the discovery of our purpose. The Holy Spirit will provide clues as to our purpose. Jesus knew why He was born and once He announced His purpose, He started
to effectively operate and His important either. Ministry purpose became contagious should also operate in varas others embraced their own
ied venues such as: schools,
workplaces, politics, family People
life, missions, etc.
Not all roles are beneficent, but all roles are necessary.
In many cases, an antagonist We is needed for the purpose of
alone—we need partners to
driving the individual into support us and to help us dethe fulfillment of his/her as-
velop strategies to advance
signment. The Bible provides the kingdom of God. Our many examples of Biblical partnerships must involve characters that have experi-
people outside the body of
enced antagonists who drove
Christ as well as those in-
them into fulfillment.
side the body of Christ. In the operation of the partner-
ships that we form, we must
We must recognize that there remember that compromise are geographical territories is not an option. that we should be equipped to cover. It is important to re-
Pastor Chelsea T. Pernell
member that the church is not the sole venue for ministry—
Email Pastor Pernell @
and it may not be the most
Greg & Sharina George
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CRITICAL EXAMINATION Understanding God’s Word is foundational
STEWARDSHIP {dress and keep the garden}
Genesis Introduction
The book of Genesis, in Hebrew means rê’shı ̂yth- the first in place time order and rank. H7225 (Gen 1:1)
Surrounding Context In five days God created everything productive for man to survive. (Gen. 1:1-25) When God placed man in the Garden it was for a specific task and that was to tend and take care of it. Gen. 2:15 tells us God put Adam in Eden to tend and keep it. Dress means - aw-bad’- work, serve, labor. (H5647) Keep means shâmar- hedge, guard or attend. (H8104) God’s intent is that mankind would be productive in all they placed their hands to do.
Original Audience Those who came out of Egypt after 430 years of bondage. These words were very valuable to Israel because they could see how God called them to be owners from the beginning.
Today’s Audience Today we are no longer under the Adamic, Noahic, or Abrahamic covenant but in the covenant made by Christ’s blood.
Heb. 9:25 For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant... (NIV) Our dominion comes from a heart submitted to God first and then and only then, can we truly walk in good stewardship. While management does not save, it is an underling principle in the life of a believer. Your DNA carries a special map called purpose that can only be lived to its fullest with God in you. The power of God works in earthen vessels to accomplish what we can’t in and of ourselves. The gifts that God has in you are to be properly managed meaning, only used to advance the Kingdom of God. Your gifts, children, finances and marriage are not for your glory but for God’s glory. When we properly manage and take care of what we have it gives praise to our creator. True stewardship is taking care of every area of your life. Proper balance is important to God. According to Matthew 25:23, if you are faithful over the few, God will cause you to prosper. God bless you. Evang. Sharina George
Proper Context H1288 bârak- to kneel God was pleased with man
Gen. 1:22, 9:1, 17:16 (same meaning)
H559 ‘âmar - to say
̂ H30 ‘ĕlôhıymsupreme God Genesis 1:1
Adam and Eve Gen. 2:19, 3:20
cont. from verse 27
Gen 1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto exist, continue H4390 mâlê’-mâlâ’- fill, be full To fill again
H7235 râbâh- bring up Genesis 2:8
them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, H6509 pârâh - increase, grow Man was made to produce and steward to remain
H776 erets- firm, ground
Gen. 2:15, 4:1, 47:27
all fish
and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the H7287 râdâh - subjugate, prevail against H3533 kâbash conquer, keep under
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living H8064 shaw-mah’-yim- sky
H3220 yâm - large body of water
H5775 ôph- bird, that flieth
plants, animals] (yourself)
thing that moveth upon the earth. H7430 râmascrawl or mové All Hebrew definitions taken from Strong’s Concordance, E-sword Version 10.2.1 Copyright 2000-2013 Registered Trademark of Rick Meyers
E, I
City of Hope Ministries
Apostolic Faith Tabernacle,
ity ie of H str o p e Mini
934 East 105th St, Cleveland, OH 44108
Kingdom Now! 1 Corinthians 2:4 And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Lee P. Christian Jr. Lady Delsa Christian
Weekly Services
Christian Education................................................ 9:30AM. Sunday Morning.....................................................11:00AM Sunday Worship Experience................................... 6:00PM Wednesday Bible Class.................... 12:00 Noon & 7:00PM Friday Night Prayer................................................. 7:00PM
Elder Lee P. Christian, Jr. Pastor
Work The Power Inside Of You Prophetess
Kimberly M. Fleming Ephesians 3:20 Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the POWER that works in us. This is one of my favorite scriptures because, one day in prayer, God showed me that in order for Him to do exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or think, I needed to tap in and use the POWER He has given me. There is power that God has given us but we don’t use it. Don’t get me wrong I love the prophetic, I AM a prophet. However let’s not become prophecy junkies. Seek the Lord for yourself through prayer, fasting, and studying your Word. Exercise your faith and begin to use the POWER that is in
you. Mark 11:23 says, “Have faith in God and whoever says to the mountain be thou removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” God will move mountains when you stand in faith believing, when you use His Word, and the POWER He has given you. So, in this New Year 2016, have faith in God. Trust in Him. Don’t doubt or lean to your own understanding. God has equipped you to overcome every obstacle and every trial. Everything you need to live victoriously this year is in that POWER that’s working within you. Now work that POWER that’s in you and He will do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think. Be blessed!
Prophetess Kim Fleming
R E T N I E lker V
a I W L A m i T H r o C t s R a
Sr. P
What is transformation in terms of Romans 12:2? In context of that passage, Paul has spent several chapters describing this glorious inheritance we have received through faith in Christ. He ends it by talking about
how we have been en-grafted into the vine and the gifts of God are irrevocable. In light of everything God has done for you, God is beseeching you, which in the Greek, is a term meaning, “I’m begging you,” don’t be conformed to the image of this world. Conformed in the Greek means, “to be pressed into the mold.” It’s the idea of allowing the outside influence to shape you. Don’t allow your circumstances, culture and disadvantages you’ve had to experience, define your life. Present your body as an act of worship. By doing this you will learn to think differently. The Greek word transformation is where we get the word metamorphosis. The case and point study is the process of the caterpillar to the butterfly. The caterpillar has
written in its
DNA that it can fly and that it’s supposed to be a beautiful butterfly but caterpillars can’t fly. When we look at the Greek word it’s the idea that the end result is already written in the DNA but you’ve got to go through the process for what’s deposited on the inside to come to the outside. Some people want an early release. Why is the process so important? It’s the struggle of breaking out of the cocoon that gives the caterpillar the strength to fly. Everyone is looking for a shortcut and trying to circumvent the process. There’s something that we learn at every level that prepares us for the next. The key to all of this, is the fact that there is no shortcut.
Don’t Conform Conformity is allowing the world to think for you. Instead of
accepting your history as destiny, do something different. Allow the Word of God to renew your mind. When you are going through difficulties let the reservoir of the Word be your source. Senior Pastor Tim Walker Visit our website at: Watch the full length interview at:
Inner Healing Healing is actually a work of the Holy Spirit.
What is the difference between inner and outer healing?
Pastor L. Graddic: Outer healing is physical. It may be something that needs to be corrected in our lives. You may need to be healed from habit or something you can do yourself. On the other hand inner healing is actually a work of the Holy Spirit coming within you to heal something or a place in your life that has received trauma. The Holy Spirit will work through the care giver which is the person who is praying for the other person. The Holy Spirit is so important because He will reveal to the person who is praying, the healing that the wounded person needs. Somethings
Intercessory Prayer is 90% of a person’s inner healing.
are not able to be expressed, but the Holy Spirit can reveal it to the both of us. We both then begin to pray that the enemy will loose that thing so that freedom can come. Is intercessory prayer a large part of being healed? Apostle R. Graddic: I would say that it is 90% of a person’s inner healing. Inner healing comes when a person realizes they’ve been hurt. We are good at carrying our hurt. Even some leaders. People don’t look for you to be hurt, they look for you to lead. A lot of times leaders are leading people that are hurt, when they should be receiving healing themselves so they can be more effective. Apostle Randy & Linette Graddic Watch the full length interview at
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Gina Marangoni “MENTAL POSTURE would get a cutting blow from an DETERMINES unkind person – calling me ugly and fat. I slouched again. PHYSICAL I gave a piece of myself POSTURE” away every time I slouched. I al
“I’m tall. I reached five feet seven inches in sixth grade. I have always been one of the tallest girls in my class, for as long as I can remember. I hated it. I towered over the boys and I never felt very feminine. My mother watched this, over the years, and would tell me. “Don’t slouch! Be proud of your height.” Yeah, yeah, mom. Her words fell on deaf ears. I wanted to be petite, small, and cute. I was none of these in my mind. I was too tall, too big and less than. I began to slouch again. I learned I had other skills that others valued, more than cute looks and petite frame. I was intelligent. I had something to say and others listened. I stood tall again. I was kind to everyone, regardless of their appearance. I fought for the underdog – for those no one else loved or understood. I felt good. Then I
lowed the other person to take my self-worth, to make me feel less than: inferior. I had to fight it every day, by putting on a brave face. Shake it off. It hurt, but I tried not to let it show. I grew a thick skin, but still felt small underneath. This was not the kind of small I wanted to feel! This was wrong. I continued to give pieces of myself away to others through my twenties.
Seeking approval from others who did not deserve my attention. Bending to be who I thought they wanted me to be. Loving the wrong people for the wrong reasons. It was never enough. I was never good enough. Little did I know, it was not me, but others who had the issues. I had to hit a low before I picked myself up off the bottom and got back up. It was a LOW low. I put myself in harm’s way and did not care about my own safety. I finally
Gina Marangoni Photo: Jeff Lawson
snapped out of it and got back on my feet. I had to rebuild my self-esteem and self-worth. No one else could do this for me. I had to do this for myself. It was hard and it took over a decade to accomplish. I was finally feeling good about myself. I had a good job, nice apartment, good friends and colleagues who respected me. I was in a meeting with my supervisor: a very petite, cute woman, who was quite a powerhouse. We had good talks. She coached me as a mentor. I respected her. After that meeting she told me, “you know, you sit very straight, rigidly. It’s a little off-putting to the men in the meeting.” I was crushed. Here was my mentor telling me to
slouch, to be less “intimidating,” for others’ approval. I couldn’t believe she was buying into this. I heard a voice come out of my body saying, “Okay, I understand, and I’ll do that next time.” I just gave a piece of me away again. I thought about this conversation all that day and the rest of the week. I turned this over in my mind. Should I be different at work than in my personal life? Was I intimidating? Should I change to fit the expectation? Should I be less than? Then I heard my mother’s voice in my head. “Don’t slouch! Be proud of your height.” I straightened my spine, stood tall and decided to be ME. I’ve never looked back and I never will! So now, I encourage you, the reader, to do the same. Regardless of your size, height, or weight, stand tall because you are beautiful, smart, and important. Never let anyone take a piece of you away.
Gina Marangoni
Keri Berardinelli
Certified Clinical Colon Hydro-therapist, HHC, AADP
A 101 Guide to Restoring Vitality
ow that the New Year has rung in, many people will contemplate embarking on a detoxification and/or cleansing program. These two terms are used interchangeably, but truly have different meanings. First, let’s clarify the meaning of these terms. Cleansing means “to wash clean; to purge.” Detoxification is defined as: “the metabolic process by which toxic substances are eliminated from the body, rendering substances from toxic to
non-toxic.” The former works gently with the body and kick starts the eliminative processes bringing the body to a more balanced state. The latter requires more energy and nutritional support to biochemically activate the body’s detoxification pathways, converting harmful toxins to substances that can safely be excreted from the body. Detoxification and cleansing go hand in hand. Cleansing is undoubtedly an adjunct to detoxification and one will get optimal results, with their detox program, when including cleansing therapies. However, cleansing can be done on a continual basis, on its own, to keep the body balanced and free from excesses. We live in a culture of excess. People tend to eat too much, drink too much and overly stress to the point of bodily imbalance and
Cleansing tion and a reduction of toxic exposure. Keri Berardinelli, HHC, AADP Founder, Green Lotus Wellness Center
Keri Berardinelli depletion.
Cleansing is a way to counteract excesses in lifestyle. On that note, where are we being exposed to toxins that need detoxing/cleansing and how do you achieve detox/cleansing? We are all exposed to toxins on a daily basis. Toxins come from our food and
water, the environment (outside and inside our homes/jobs) hygiene and house cleaning products, medications, alcohol, pathogens (in the body), and our own metabolic processes. It is impossible to completely avoid toxins, however, they can be reduced and managed. Detoxification is usually achieved through the supplementation of specific nutrients, either orally or intravenously, as well as, diet modifica-
Read the full article at:
Green Lotus Wellness Center Wellness Winter Retreat is on February 21, 2016 at 10am. For additional information and/or registration, please call: 440-477-6310.
WALK IT OUT! What did Jesus come to show believers? Jesus came to show believers the power of God. Before Jesus came in the flesh as God, there was no demonstration of what the miraculous looks like. Jesus came to show us how to operate in the miraculous on earth. Paul was stating in 1 Corinthians 2:4, I didn’t come with great words. There are a lot of preachers who can give you some wonderful words but they have no power. Why has it become common in society for people to say I’m a Christian and not live the life of Jesus?
In society everyone is compromising and wants to be the next wonder and the next
great in the Kingdom. It’s become common for people to live one life at church and another life outside of church. We are taught that all of us are the children of God and the Bible say’s my sheep know my voice. If we hear His voice we will live how He told us to live. Why are so many people not applying what they preach? That comes with accountability. No one is telling us you have to do the right thing. The standard of holiness is still set. I got to the point where I wanted to preach so badly and I had to juggle between my passion and my past time. I had to get my behavior together so I could operate in my passion. Prophet Jeremiah Davis Watch the full length interview at
The Greek definition for Kingdom is basileia G935; royalty, rule, a realm.
Matthew 9:35 Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. (NLT)
Mark 7:8 For you ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition. (NLT)
Mark 3:24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. (NIV)
Matthew 12:33 A tree is identified by its fruit. If a tree is good, its fruit will be good. If a tree is bad, its fruit will be bad. (NLT)
Matthew 16:17 Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being. (NLT)
Matthew 12:1 At about that time Jesus was walking through some grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry, so they began breaking off some heads of grain and eating them. (NLT)
James 1:22 But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. (NLT)
John 18:36 Jesus answered, “My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world. (NLT)
Matthew 23:11 The greatest among you will be your servant.
The Truth Behind the Leadership Chair
The duties that fall on a leader’s shoulders are momentous. Every leader has to be sure that God has called them to lead. If He hasn’t called you, the weight can crush you. Some people look at the leadership seat and desire to sit in it not knowing the responsibility. You don’t know the weight that comes with the chair. Some people will dog you to your face and you still have to love them and be a genuine example. Money may lack but you have to stay consistent. Your body may be sick but you still have to pray. Everyone smiles and admires your strength not knowing the grace it takes to hold you daily. The place where many leaders find themselves is like Moses in Numbers 11. They put on a smile but inwardly, they’re suffering from the weight. I believe you have to be graced to sit in certain seats. If God has not called you, don’t go. If He has, He will keep you and hold you under the weight of the pressure.
When you are serious and dedicated to doing right no matter the cost, there are many times you will have to raise your hands and let God handle situations. You are the under Shepard God is the Shepard. You are the agent which God uses to grow and teach His people. The church is not yours but God’s. Don’t let your assignment make you bitter or upset. Seek God’s help in every situation. I know the people look at smile and don’t see the responsibility that comes with leading people but don’t let anyone make you strike the rock, which is talks about being disobedient to how God told you to handle a situation. Your reward is prepared, walk out the journey with God’s help. John 21:17, encourages us to feed HIS sheep. If we love the Lord, let’s serve God’s people with love and not emotions.
Evang. Sharina George