Kingdom Christian Magazine_June 2016 Featuring Pastors Paul & Patti Endrei

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JUNE 2016

Christian Magazine







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Minister Jucinta Jones on Fridays @ 5:30AM est


Exhortation & Intercessory 218-486-2948 Access code: 82310#

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1Thess 5:17 Pray without ceasing



JUNE 2016




Phorfina Wade

6 “THE CHIEF” Antonio Stitt

7 CREDIT REPAIR Joe Phillips

8 PROPER CONTEXT Sharina George



Apostle Larry James


Pastor Paul & Patti Endrei

14 WAIST TRAINING Tracey M. Brown



Julie Whitney Scott

20 DIETARY EXCESS Keri Berardinelli


Apostle & Prophetess Morrant

Editor’s Note


Jesus Christ

Genesis 1:28

“walk in dominion and subdue everything” Praise the Lord Readers,


Xcellence Publications

Chief Editor

Sharina George

Executive Secretary Melissa Gruden

Assistant Editors Delores Taylor

Graphic Designer

Xcellence Publications

Photographer Jeff Lawson

Contributing Writers

Phorfina Wade Julie Whitney Scott Kimberly Fleming Tracey M. Brown Keri Berardinelli All rights are reserved and no part of this publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.

Happy Father’s Day to all our wonderful fathers! In June we will begin our summer season. We are so excited for all the new things that happen in the summer. It’s time for barbeques, beach parties and picnics. For many it’s a time to spend time with family and travel across the country. With all the activities and fun going on, we must also remember it’s a good time for us to get out there and talk to individuals about the good news of the Lord. It’s a great time for outdoor tent meeting, prayer walks and church outdoor events. Enjoy each day the Lord gives you. Always remember there’s something to

Gregory & Sharina George

Greg & Sharina George The Founders

Visit our website:



Phorfina Wade

When I was little girl I used to wonder why I had to say the Pledge of Allegiance in school. I can recall a time when I was in the first grade, and each morning I would stand up beside my desk, and face the American flag. The flag was located in the front of the classroom to the right ofbthe green chalkboard. I recall placing my right hand over my heart and pledging my allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Immediately after we recited the Pledge of Allegiance we began to sing in unison “My Country Tis of Thee”. The reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance and My Country Tis of Thee were completed at the beginning of each school day. Even as a child I knew these daily task were not optional. I have been a Christian well over 20 years, and I now have an appreciation for the portions of American History that were given

to me many years ago. As a Christian, there are somethings that should be part of our routines as a matter of growth, fellowship with God, and fellowship with each other. Though the Christian faith has many denominations and reformations we must be able to stand together in a world that is becoming increasingly hostile toward the people of THE CROSS. We cannot afford to be divided on our basic foundational beliefs. Ephesians 4:3-6 states “Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all”.

~Read the full length article at

Shield & Buckler Coaching and Mentoring Inc. “The Chief” Antonio F. Stitt Founder/CEO

Author of : ”Change the Parent, Change the Child” & “The Thoughts & Concepts of the Chief”

The Chief will and you Module: will do the rest! Philosophies ofchange the Shieldyour andmindset Buckler Parenting ​ The philosophy is to change the behavior of the parent, by changing the parent’s mind-set. The focus is to change how the parent views their child. In most cases when a parent contacts S&B, it is discovered that the parent has made a number of mistakes in how they interact with the child. These mistakes can range from, not holding the child accountable for what they say and what they do; rewarding bad behavior, permitting the child to develop a sense of entitlement. These are just a few behaviors that can result in a negative response from the child. It takes more than a couple sessions to impact the mind-set of an individual. It takes consistent and repetitive coaching and mentoring on the S&B concepts.



Chief Antonio


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CRITICAL EXAMINATION Understanding God’s Word is foundational Necessary Pain!

2 Corinthians 12:10 2 Corinthians Introduction The book of 2 Corinthians was written by Paul. Paul explains why he defers his visit and encourages the believers to be merciful on others and rejoice in your suffering. Original audience Writing from Macedonia, the opening greeting of the letter states that it was addressed to the church in Corinth and to Christians throughout Achaia (the Roman province comprising all of Greece south of Macedonia (biblica. com) Context When Paul returned to Ephesus, he wrote 1 Corinthians a severe letter “out of great distress and anguish of heart and with many tears.” The severe letter had brought its intended results (7:5–16). The encouraging report of Titus of the improved situation at Corinth is the immediate occasion of the writing of 2 Corinthians. In his letter he includes encouragement, direction and instruction. Paul, being the humble man he was, let the church at Corinth know that because God had given him so much revelation, God also paired it with a thorn in his side that Satan sent to give him pain. He prayed and asked God to remove it but God told Paul, that His grace is sufficient and His strength is perfect in our weakness.

How does this text apply today? Sometimes in life our pain is not only to be expected, but it is necessary for our process. In ministry God wants to produce people who are not just empathetic but sympathetic. Sometimes your ministry is born out of your misery. Paul decided to flip the script on the enemy and take pleasure in his infirmities. To suffer for Christ’s sake gave him strength. He realized that there was a certain strength in God he had when he was weak. 2 Corinth 11:30 If I have to take credit to myself, I will do so in the things in which I am feeble. We must remember that all the glory belongs to God and it our pleasure to serve Him no matter what’s going on in our lives. I remember a time when my family lost everything. It was a very hard time for our family but we learned very valuable lessons. There is so much we can take from each stage of our lives. I’m not where Paul was but I’m striving to look at the good in every situation. Sometimes our pain is necessary. It’s not the place most of us want to be in but sometimes pain is necessary.

Evangelist Sharina George {simply submitted}

Proper Context

dio G1223 - consequently:

eudokeō yoo-dok-eh’-o G2095 to think well of

to gain or aquire

Korinthos a city of Greece: - Corinth

2 Corinthians 12:10 Therefore I take pleasure astheneia G772; feebleness (of body or mind); disease, infirmity, sickness, weakness

anagkē G303 distress: - must needs, needful

in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in hubris G5228; insult, injury: - harm, hurt, reproach

G5228 ὑπέρ huper

persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for diōgmos G1377; persecution hostility, ill-treatment

stenochōria G4728; narrowness of room, calamity: anguish

Christos G5548; anointed, that is, the Messiah

when I am weak, then am I strong. hotan G3753 at that moment

astheneō G772; to be feeble, be diseased, impotent folk, sick Resources

dunatos G1410; powerful or capable, able, possible, power,

All Greek definitions taken from Strong’s Concordan=ce, E-sword Version 10.2.1 Copyright 2000-2013 Registered Trademark of Rick Meyers


Apostle Larry James I used to be a very bad person and I was a thief. I remember I got in trouble and had to do a stint in county jail. I called everyone I knew and no one bailed me out. It was truly an eye opener to me. I went to church but the church had not gotten in me yet. My grandfather is a Pastor but I was just out there doing all kind of crazy stuff. I met God through processes. I had to go through some

things. I actually challenged God. When God said He would do this, if I do that. I challenged Him and found out He would do it. That’s what stopped me from being a thief. I later learned that, if you have faith, you don’t need to steal because God will provide a way for you get everything you need. People told me that I would never get a job in corporate America because of my background but God blessed me anyway.

Apostle Larry James KAZ Radio TV Network Burke Lakefront Airport 1501 North Marginal Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44114


Father & Son Weekend

Host & Hostess

Pastor Clifford Burns & Pastor Renee Bailey-Burns

Fun, Food & Fellowship for the entire family all weekend at Anointed Gates.

Friday, June 17th

Movie Central 8:00pm

Saturday, June 18th

Unity Cookout 10:00am - 4:00pm

Sunday, June 19th

Father & Sons Breakfast 8:30am-10:30am Followed by Sunday Service at 11:00am

Anointed Gates Church 800 East 152nd ~ Cleveland, OH 44110 (216) 249-5811

Pastors, Paul & Patti Endrei

Ministry Beginnings Paul: We have been in full time ministry for 33 years. We began in youth ministry in a church in Lakewood. They had 6 kids in the youth group and none of them wanted to be there. We had a real big challenge and realized we really needed to think beyond the four walls of the church. We decided to focus on outreach and see what will happen in the youth group. We

ended getting around 100 kids in the youth group. We rented out a gym on Friday nights and the kids started pouring in because they wanted to enjoy the activities. Patti: What was also really awesome is that we had those kids sit for about 15 minutes to hear the Gospel of Jesus. They came because of the activities but they received the word of the Lord while they were there.

Patti: Our service for the first three we had 52 people in we went to Bay Vilcommunity cenWestlake. After that quire the property

began at our house weeks. Our first Sunday our house. From there lage for 3-4 years in a ter then a High school in the Lord blessed us to acwe currently have.

Paul: This property was a million dollar miracle. We tried to find land all throughout Westlake. We ran into a Christian business man who was developing this land for a housing subdivision. I contacted him and told him, “the Lord needs your property.” He looked at me like a deer in headlights. He has everything laid out for the subdivision but he went and talked to his business partners and they sold it to us. Through God’s grace we were able to pay off the land through a series of miracles.


Church on the Rise 3550 Crocker Rd, Westlake, OH 44145

Beginning Church on the Rise

Major Kingdom Advancements

Paul: We have American and over both have traveled of ours is planting spoken on several book, “Glue,” that marriages together. our ministry we have marriages.

started 6 churches in 3,000 in Africa. We to Africa. A real heart churches. We have occasions about our talks about keeping We believe through saved hundreds of


The core of the When we speak of core training, we may be tempted to confuse it with waist training. Over the next two articles, I’ll be discussing their differences and dispelling any myths you might have about them. Let’s start with waist training. Waist training refers the practice of wearing a waist trainer to achieve an hourglass figure by reducing the circumference of the waist and creating bodily restriction. Quite a few female celebrities have made the waist trainer a popular fad these days, although wearing corsets has been a fashion trend for many years. It now comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. It can snap, button, zip, and hook, or be fastened with Velcro. It can range from very affordable to very expensive. A quick Google search of waist trainer results in thousands of options ready for the all too eager woman seeking a quick fix to solve her “weight” problem! But does it solve the real problem? In my opinion, someone decided to market it as a garment that does all the work for you. What concerns me is that waist training and waist trainers deter you from making healthier choices in the long run. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not knocking anyone who wears waist trainers. I wear them while I’m working out. They have a purpose and it’s not all cosmetic. So before you put on your waist trainer on again, consider these tips:

issue Part 1: Waist Training 1. Wear it while you work out.​ As I mentioned earlier, I wear my waist trainer while I’m working out for targeted core training, which allows me to perspire more, keep my core contracted, and spine aligned. 2. Measure​ your​ waist ​properly​ . Make sure to measure your true waist size and resist the urge to buy a smaller size without measuring at all. Wearing a smaller size is detrimental to your health. You can cause damage to your internal organs. 3. Wear ​it ​correctly. ​Make sure that it’s not too high or too low. It should sit directly under your breast to contour and smooth out the waist.

4. Choose ​the ​appropriate ​gar-

ment ​for ​your ​body. ​Not all waist trainers are made for one body type. Keep in mind that you might need one made for a long torso or short. Also, consider the hardware. My preference uses Velcro fasteners because they have a little give. 5. Be​ more ​concerned​ with​ your ​health ​and ​fitness​ than​ outward​ appearance​. Recognizing the importance of acquiring better health and practicing regular fitness will lead to the type of body that you desire. It’s not a quick fix, but leads to long term results. God is more concerned with your inward than your outward appearance. Read I Samuel 16:7​ and I Peter 3:3​for a biblical context on this topic. Read the full article at

Tracey M Brown, Fitness Advocate #makeitalyfestyleTM

Owner of BodyTraceFitness Gym 23600 Mercantile Rd Ste #123, Beachwood Ohio 44122 310-709-4467

Sunday, June 16, 2016

Father’s Day 2016

Special Interview with Pastor Clifford Burns of Anointed Gates Church in Cleveland, OH.

How did your father and sons program begin? I believe there is a bridging of the gap needed. There’s barriers between father and son in our community. As a Pastor, I understand we are exposed to many things. One of the things I find myself exposed to is trouble in the home. There’s either a missing father, missing income, missing son or a communication issue. Either way you look at it, it takes away from the home and that’s why my program was born. It’s about the rebirthing of the family, especially between father and son.

Anointed Gates Church 800 East 152nd ~ Cleveland, OH 44110 (216) 249-5811

~Watch the special interview at

Prophetic Encounter

What are Prophetic Conferences?

Prophetess Kimberly Fleming

My annual prophetic conference Let The Prophets Speak is held every July here in Cleveland, Ohio. Though this would be a great time to advertise or talk about it, I’m actually bringing it up for a reason. We “the churchâ€?, will flock to any type of prophetic conference looking for a prophetic word, but will not pack the church out for prayer. Prayer is a awesome way for us to talk to God, and for Him to talk back to us. As a prophet of God I’ve seen the good and bad of the prophetic. I’ve seen it abused and used for the wrong reasons, wrong motives, for financial gain, even fame. But I’ve also seen the good and best of the prophetic when God speaks to the heart of His people, encouraging, strengthening, and comforting them. When lives are changed, souls are saved, bodies and minds healed, when the Word spoken is a confirming word. The prophetic shouldn’t be used as a guide for your entire life, nor should prophets be treated or act like psychics. We are the mouthpiece of God and we say only what He says. We are not to add or take away from it. We can’t allow our emotions or knowledge taint or interfere the Word. Learn to hear God for yourself. I have had some ask how do I know it’s God talking to me? John 10:27 say “My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow meâ€?. God speaks to us through our minds and hearts. God will use the prophetic to confirm what He’s already spoken to you in your own private prayer time or said in His Word. The promises of God in His Word are the true words of prophecy and it will come to pass. Therefore Prophetic Encounters, Conferences, Summits, have their place. They should be a place where you can come to be Strengthen, Comforted, and Edified. They should be a place where the prophetic word confirms what God has already spoken to you. Let’s not become prophecy junkies, but also let’s not despise prophecy. Prophecy is awesome when it’s done right and when it’s done according to the Word of God. Be blessed! đ&#x;’œ Let The Prophets Speak Prophetic Conference July 13-15, 2016. Christian Fellowship Center 14713 Lakeshore Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Contact Prophetess Kim at

Minister Julie Whitney


Edify, Exhort



Let’s Talk

{ }

We women and men who follow Christ, are to edify, exhort and encourage one another in all relationships. Edify is to instruct someone and to morally and spiritually uplift them. Romans 14:19 says “Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things one may Most of all wherewith edify another.” We we bring do this by comforting glory to each other and helpChrist ing to resolve difficulties and strife between one another. When we edify one another we do this “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry; for the edifying of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12).” Most of all we bring glory to our Christ We women and men who follow Christ are to exhort and encourage or persuade those that are lost to be found, those that are sick to be healed and those who are troubled and need salvation. 1Timothy 2:1 tells us “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, sup-

plications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;” When we do this we are leading others to be saved and encouraging those who don’t believe to believe in whom we believe in, and to follow Christ into the kingdom of heaven. (Titus 1:9) We are not only called to encourage others but we are called, and must at times, encourage ourselves as David did when “David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” (1Samuel 30:6) Read the full length article at

Keri Berardinelli

Certified Clinical Colon Hydro-therapist, HHC, AADP

What does it Mean to Reduce Dietary Excess and Cleanse your Colon? A Necessary, but Taboo Discussion…


o start the discussion, I’ve often spoken about our societal norms of excess. We live in a state and a culture of excess. We often eat rich foods in excess; these are foods that are high in protein, fat and sugar and have a denatured quality to them. We often eat these foods past fullness, without much mindfulness or intention. What is mindful eating? What is eating with intention? Mindful eating is eating with an awareness. There is a focus on one’s environment and community, weather dining with friends, family, or with a partner. Mindful eating is eating without stress, focusing on the aromas, taste and texture of the food. Chew, chew, chew… Eating with intention is about gratitude and prayer. When you pray over your food, and with gratitude, your food trans-

forms. It will taste better and will be more enriching to your physical, emotional and spiritual body. This is factual in the science community, without bringing religion into the equation, but what you focus your thought on, has an impact on the physical. If your focus is on blessing, love and gratitude, your food will comply. Also, a denatured, processed food is not going to resonate optimally to God’s blessing because it is devoid of what God has intended for us in the means of ‘real’ nourishing food. ‘Real’ food has Divine intelligence to which it responds. Food that has been processed and devoid of being a ‘real’ food, is now man’s science experiment, in which profits proceed, with very little nourishment for our bodies. You may want to consider the fact that everything

Read the full length article at

Keri Berardinelli has an energetic vibration to it and food that is heavily processed, with chemical and altered ingredients, has a very low vibrational quality to it that results in a low vibration in you, resulting in less than optimal energy to do the things you want to do in this lifetime. want to do in this lifetime. Now that we understand about eating mindfully and with intention and without excess, what does it mean to cleanse your colon? Most of us do not eat mindfully, or without excess, in today’s modern culture. In ancient cultures, man most likely ate to excess, or the word “glutton”, being a sinful act, would not have been mentioned in the Bible. Cleansing your colon is one way to “hit the reset button”, so to speak, eliminating the excess back-

up in one’s system. Cleansing the colon is also not a new concept. It goes back to ancient cultures, including the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians; the ancient Romans and Greeks, etc. In ancient times they used hollow reeds and warm pure water from a natural water source, heated by the sun. The ideal time to cleanse was midday when the sun was high in

the sky. Upon releasing the foul and unclean waste from the body, ancient people were advised to pray for forgiveness while releasing their own filth. The modern colonic is much more sophisticated and thorough and consists of specialized equipment introducing a gentle infusion of water into the colon, via the rectum. The entire therapy is relaxing, yet effective, without the use of chemicals or drugs. The use of laxatives DOES NOT compare to pure water! The use of laxatives can be irritating to the colon, expelling waste quickly in a spasm, but leaving a lot of additional waste in the confines of the bowel, which results in less than optimal results, especially for people who are chronically constipated; in addition, those people who have just had extensive surgery and/or are using potent narcotics to control pain while healing.




Apostle & Prophetess

MORANT Monday-Friday @ 12:05PM Higher Ground Ministries

456 Columbus Avenue Fostoria, OH 44830


WORSHIP is who we are, not what we do

“My strength is in my worship!”

W orship became a part of my life when I was

younger. I was singing in my car and my mom looked at me and said, “You have a good voice.” From there I started getting voice lessons and my teacher used to be a worship leader. She opened me up to a lot of Christian songs. She also trained me to be able to go on a

platform and lead. I love those quiet places in worship. I sit there and just listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying. It’s in those moments that really overcome and gain strength to keep going.

To see the full length interview visit

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