Kingdom Christian Magazine_June 2017 featuring Generation Y

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JUNE 2017

Christian Magazine



of a seed

Sharina George

Beauty Tips

Wilder brackins

Let Judah

go up first

Donna Renay Patrick

Generation Y “Declaring God’s Power to the next generation!”


june 2017

generation y



4 let jujah go up first Donna Renay Patrick 8 beauty tips Wilder Brackins 10 healthy marriage Stacey Greene

cover story


12 kbi men’s conference Pastor Greg George Jr. 14 Event planning Mrs. Sheron Davidson 16 Cover Story Generation Y 20 Potential in a Seed Pastor Sharina George

wilder brackins


24 Prophetic intercession Prophetess Fleming 26 Move in the Moment Minister Jucinta Jones

Page 22

summer concert

Pastor Sharna George


Proceeds Benefit Africa


Let Judah go up first!

Donna Renay Patrick “God, I’m just not feeling it, today.” Have you ever spoken those words to God? I have. Everything around me was dark. I couldn’t see God anywhere in my situation. It caused me to think as the psalmist did in Psalm 73:13, “Did I keep my heart pure for nothing?” To paraphrase, “Why am I even serving You? Can you admit you’ve been there? I certainly have. It isn’t that I no longer acknowledged God, or that I refused to believe He is real. But my faith was being shaken to the very core of me, and I struggled to trust

God. My life seemed so out of control, and I saw no light at the end of the tunnel. Where was God? There are times in all of our lives when circumstances can hurt us to the point that the last thing we want to offer God is praise. There are situations that grip our hearts to the level of desperation. We feel hopeless, helpless, and powerless to affect any positive change. In Psalm 34 David made a conscious decision to bless (“praise”) the Lord at all times. He chose to continually keep the praises of God in his mouth. We know from Genesis chapter 29 that Leah named her 4th son Judah because with the birth of this son, she chose to praise the Lord. She knew that Jacob did not love her in spite of the fact she had borne him 3 sons. But at some point between the 3rd and 4th son, she decided not to lament Jacob’s lack of love for her; she said “this time I will praise the Lord” (Gen. 29:35). It is from this passage that we derive the meaning of the term Judah, being “praise.” When we consider other references to the term “Judah,” we will learn that Judah, this same 4th son of Jacob, interceded on behalf of his younger brother Joseph when his brothers plotted Joseph’s death. It was on Judah’s suggestion that they sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites (Gen. 37:26-27). It was also Judah, several chapters later, who acted as surety for their younger brother Benjamin when Joseph, now a high-ranking official in Pharaoh’s government, demanded Benjamin be brought to him (Gen. 43:8-9). It was from this 4th son that the tribe of Judah descended. The tribe of Judah was

the largest of the numbered tribes to emerge from Egyptian bondage. It was from the tribe of Judah that Jesus Christ, and King David sprang. In the book of Judges we see 2 instances where the Lord said the tribe of Judah is to go up first against their enemies in battle. The first occurrence is found in Judges Chapter 1 following the death of Joshua. When the children of Israel inquired of the Lord who should go up first against the Canaanites, the Lord responded, “Judah shall go up. . . “ (Judges 1:2). The second is found in Judges 20:18, when once again the children of lsrael inquired of the Lord who was to go up first against the sons of Benjamin. Again, the Lord’s answer to them was “Judah shall go up first.” While Judges Chapters 1 and 20 tell of battle in the human realm, where the “praise” tribe went out first against their enemies, the question we must ask ourselves is: when we find ourselves doing battle in the spirit realm, what or who goes first before us in battle? Do we enter the battle alone, or do we allow Judah, or “praise” to go first? Do we merely repeat the problem to God in prayer or in our complaining? Consider the Lord’s prayer - it begins and ends with acknowledging God for Who He is. The Word of God says that flesh and spirit are constantly at war with one another (Galatians 5:17). Praise is not an act of the flesh; it is an attitude of the heart. It takes discipline to train our spirits to send out praise as we enter battle with our enemy, the devil. It is often a sacrifice for us to offer up praises to God rather than complain. When King Jehoshaphat was facing battle

Cont. on Page 7


Pastors greg & Sharina george



Xcellence Publications


Pastor Greg George Pastor Sharina George

Chief Editor

Sharina George

Assistant Editors Antonino Ippolito

Graphic Designer

The founders

Xcellence Publications

Praise the Lord,


We are pleased to bring these magazines to you each and every month. It is such a pleasure to be able to give you the revelation God gives to us. that will advance you in God’s Kingdom. All of the contributing writers give such inspirational messages each month. We pray that our magazine will bless you richly. We feel incredibly blessed to place this valuable information in your hands. My desire is that these pages, speak to you. I believe that exposing believers to knowledge regarding living in the Kingdom, will advance the entire body of Christ. Not just a specific ministry or individual but this magazine will impact the body of Christ as a whole. Thank you so much for being a valued reader.

Jeff Lawson

Contributing Writers

Jucinta Jones S.A.M. by Wilder Donna Patrick Kimberly M. Fleming Stacey Greene Sheron Davidson Genesis 1:28

The founders

God bless you, All rights are reserved and no part of this publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.

with three armies, he stated the problem to God, but he also called to His remembrance God’s faithfulness in the past. He knew God had shown Himself as a Deliverer and mighty Warrior before, and he had every confidence that He would do it again. David knew well that Saul was out to kill him, but that did not stop him from exalting God when he wrote Psalms 34, 57 and 59. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego faced certain death in a fiery furnace, but they continued to exalt God’s name and trusted Him for their deliverance. Paul and Silas’ feet were in stocks, yet they offered up praise to God in song and in prayer while in jail. Praising God when we see no logical reason to do so gives us power to face our obstacles. Praise changes our focus and shifts our minds off the problem and on to God’s power to sustain us. In our sacrificial praise, God may choose in His sovereignty to change us before He brings change to the situation. Because King Jehoshaphat stationed a praise choir to march before the

army in 2 Chronicles Chapter 20, by the hand of God there was no battle to be fought when they reached the battleground. The enemies of God’s people had destroyed themselves. I want to challenge those of you who may be neck-deep in battle right now. In the heat of our spiritual battle let Judah go up first. Let the praises of God go forth out of your mouth. Let the praises of God be as rivers of living water flowing from your belly (John 7:38). Before you spend hours just talking about the problem and how bad things are, stir up the power that God has already given you in your praise to Him; even though your praise is sacrificial. This is the kind of praise that reaches the heart of God. It is this kind of faith-building praise that will sustain you while you wait on God. This is the kind of praise that will keep you focused on God’s promise, His plan, and His provision; it will keep you grounded in His faithfulness, and even more determined to press into your blessing.

About Donna

Donna Patrick is a musician and choir director, worship leader, and speaker with a passion for worship ministry. She has authored two award-winning praise & worship devotionals - At All Times, and It’s In Your Praise. Her Bible teaching and leadership experience spans over 25 years. She hosts a weekly internet radio program where the focus is, worship is not just something we do, but it is who we are. Visit her website:

BeautyTips How to shape your eyebrows

The angles of your face are highlighted by your eyebrows. You can narrow the facial structure, broaden it or lift the eyes by working on your eyebrows. You can frame your eyes perfectly and tone down or underline the eye makeup with the right eyebrow shape. Perfectly shaped eyebrows bring balance to your face and add symmetry to all of its features. Using the Golden Ratio The golden ratio is a number that depicts the perfect proportion that is most pleasing to the human eye. Anastasia Soare, beauty ‘innovator’, was perhaps the first person to apply this number to the techniques of eyebrow shaping. Anastasia has created the perfect look for innumerable celebrities and has transformed asymmetrical and sparse eyebrows into the most stunningly attractive facial features. Anastasia’s trademarked Golden ratio technique brings about balance in your face using the eyebrows as the starting point. You too can use this ratio to determine the shape that will set off your facial features in the best possible way. This is how to do it:  A: Draw an imaginary line from the outside corner of your nose upwards towards the inside corner of your eye. Your eyebrow should end where it meets this line.  B: Draw another imaginary line from the tip of your nose crossing the pupil of your eye diagonally. The point where this line cuts the eyebrow is the perfect position for the arch.  C: Draw an imaginary line from the bottom of your nose to the outer corner of your eye and beyond. This is where your eyebrow should end.

Wilder Brackins Hudson S.A.M.byWilder (216) 773-3889


Sam Mau

Stacey Greene

We Both Eat the Finding a Neutral Activity Are you and your mate competitive with each other? If not, I am 100 % jealous and suggest you read a different article today. However, if you are like me and my husband, everything can become a competition if we allow it. For some background, my husband and I met when we were both competitive athletes, racing almost every weekend. The year we decided to marry, the wedding had to be on the one weekend that both of us were free from races. Riding our bikes together meant Jimmy sprinting to the top of a hill without even breaking a sweat. For Jimmy, swimming with me meant struggling to catch a quick breath while I glided by him not even needing a breath every stroke, but only every third stroke. Let’s face it. We each had our own strengths that we worked hard for. Sad thing is, often I felt just a bit too much satisfaction beating him at Scrabble. He seems just a bit too smug kicking my rear at Labyrinth, (the game where you must take a metal ball through a moving maze.) I could win 3 out of 4 games of pinball and he could always annihilate me at darts, and the list went on and on and on. Ecclesiastes is riddled with verses about competition, starting in Chapter 4. Look at 4:9-12 and see how we need each other to go through lifes challenges. Tearing each other down in competition is not okay. Galatians 6:4 rings true to me when I read “Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else.” I started to realize that I had a real problem with myself if I felt the need to be constantly

Same Salad


proving my superiority to the one I love. I wish I could tell you that close to thirty years later I am more mature, but I still like to show my prowess. Just being honest here. My solution? Try something neutral, or something that neither one of us has much experience in. I recently asked my husband to brainstorm with me, and here are some of the things that the two of us came up with. 1) Birdwatching while hiking. No competition there unless we are keeping score of who identified more species. 2) Reading . We can read a book to each other, taking turns at the chapters, or we can just bask in the physical presence of each other reading our own books. When we do this, I also enjoy distracting him when I think we have read enough! 3) Canoeing. This can be horrible if you are in separate boats, as there will always be a winner.

Same boat, no problem. 4) Gardening. Unless you are childish enough to say “My tomato plant grew taller than yours”, then you are fairly safe here too. This is a fantastic way to spend time together, and I do not mind doing more of the weeding when I know that Jimmy is doing more of the heavy tilling. The end result is….we are both eating the same salad.

Mrs. Sheron Davidson Hello my name is Sheron Davidson and I am the owner/ operator of New Beginning Events. This company’s focus is to please you, our client. Our passion is to make sure we have a sincere grasp of YOUR vision to make it a reality! Our goal is that your event day and entire planning experience is stree free.We are known for our: Birthday Parties, Anniversaries, Weddings/Receptions, Baby Showers, Graduation Parties, etc‌the list goes on!



Mrs. Sheron Davidson

Each event incorporates creativity, elegance, excellence in detail and that “Wow� factor that is sure to impress your guests! New Beginning Events is a Full Service business.Our event options include all necessary: linens (tables & chairs), centerpieces, balloons, DJ, and more!.I am providing you with some photos of past events from just a few of our many satisfied customers! We would love to coordinate your next event and make it a true success! Please feel free to contact me any time at

Generation Y “Declaring God’s Power to the next generation!”

Generation Y is a youth organization/ministry that works in partnership with young adults and children. Our mission is simple: We declare to give God a yes and a yield with our hearts our talents and our time. In addition to this, we want to help those who are lost become aware of Christ, understand and experience worship in a private and corporate setting, and to help youth grow in understanding and acceptance of self by affirmation, Biblical concepts of self-image, and by giving them positions of leadership suitable to their gifts, mission/ service projects, affrimation activities, etc.

joshua anthony


The Potential of a Seed

Pastor Sharina George

When you look at a tree it’s hard to believe that one small seed can become so big and tall. As you walk throughout your Christian life, you are continuously planting seeds. Those seed will grow up and mature that’s why we are careful of what type of seeds we plant. We talk to unsaved loved ones, work in our different ministries and endeavor to live a life pleasing to God. While doing all of this I am reminded that you are planting seeds. The enemies’ assignment is to pluck up the seed once it is planted. I want to encourage you to plant the seed and WATCH God grow the seed. The Bible say’s in 1 Corinthians 3:7-9 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building. As you mediate on this scripture, you will see that it is not up to us to watch over the seed, but to trust that God is going to cause it to grow in His timing. Our ONE purpose is to advance the Kingdom of God. We are encouraged to take inventory on our labor. Are we advancing God’s kingdom or our own agenda? If we find that we have any other motive than God, we should re-evaluate doing what we are doing. Time is winding up and it is high time to be about our Father’s business, the business of winning souls for His glory. May we ever advance the kingdom and glory our God.


Kimberly M. Fleming

Prophetic Intercession 1 Thessalonians 5:17 PRAY without ceasing!

I often say in order to hear God clearly you must have a prayer life. A prayer life that is a lifestyle, not an event. Prayer is essential to the prophetic! So you may ask what is prophetic intercession? It’s simply praying the heart and mind of God. You’re listening to His voice and what He has to say and follow His directions. You may further ask what’s the difference between a intercessor and prophetic intercessor. The Dean of my school Prophetic School Of Ministry, Pastor/Prophetess Lisa Turner says it like this......”An intercessor hears and prays, a Prophetic Intercessor HEARS AND PRAYS”. Prophetic intercession is a place where the ministry of the priest and prophet unite. It’s a place where we put down our prayer list, our own

agendas, learn to come before God and hear what it is He wants us to pray. You are praying for a situation or circumstance that you may not even have knowledge of with sharp precision in your prayers, to get right to the root of the issue or problem. It’s a place where we allow Him to lead and direct our prayers. In prophetic intercession we are praying in agreement with God’s will. As we pray in agreement with Him, His power is released through our prayers. In these last days prophetic intercession is so important. Jeremiah 27:18 says “But if they are prophets, and if the word of the Lord is with them, let them now make intercession to the Lord of hosts.” Prophetic intercessors conspires with God that His glory will be seen, known, and felt in the earth. America needs prophetic intercessors now more than ever. It’s in this realm of the Spirit we can see strongholds broken, block demonic assignments, see lives changed, and miracles happen! It’s where we see things as God sees them.


Kimberly M. Fleming

Yes we have a lot to pray about and we need to pray daily, pray without ceasing. But we need to turn up our prayers, sit and listen to hear what’s on the heart and mind of God. Go deeper into prophetic intercession, posture yourself to pray in agreement with God’s will and watch His Power be released in the earth through your prayers. The prayers of the righteous person is powerful and effective. Be blessed! Prophetess Kim

Be blessed!

Booking info; Prophetess Kim Fleming 14713 Lakeshore Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 Sow A Seed Connect with Prophetess Kim; Facebook - Kimberly M. Fleming Twitter - @prophetesskim Instagram - prophetesskim

Save The Date;

Let The Prophets Speak Prophetic Conference July 12-14, 2017

“Move in the Moment!” Minister Jucinta Jones


any of us have big dreams, visions, goals and ambitions that we would like to accomplish at some point in our lives. Perhaps, you have a vision to start your own business, ministry, write a book or do mission work. It’s important for us to understand that with God, all things are possible, but faith without works is dead. If we want to accomplish great things then we have to be faithful over the few things that God has already entrusted to us. God also desires for us to work towards reaching our goals, and when He opens up a door that will allow these things to come to pass it’s imperative that we move in the moment. As I was in prayer recently the Lord began to remind me of the scripture found in in Hab. 2:3 (nkjk), which

says, “For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.” In other words, God has a set time not only for our purpose to be fulfilled, but for us to live out those dreams and goals according to His will. The vision is yet for an appointed time, so I encourage every reader this month to make up your mind that you’re not going to miss your time. When God tells you to get your book published, then move when He says to move. Don’t allow the spirit of fear to paralyze you another day, and keep you from moving in the moment. We can no longer

allow disobedience and the opinions of others to prevent us from following the leading of the Lord in various areas of our lives. Therefore, as you evaluate your goals and dreams I encourage you to write them down and create a personal and business vision board. The word of the Lord this month is that if you can see it, you must write it, and then do it! God has a great plan for your life, and doors are going to begin to open for many of you this year, so it’s time to get prepared to move in the moment. Website: Email:

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