MARCH 2018
Christian Magazine
c. wayne brantley
Lady Darlene Brantley
The Purpose of Fellowship The Bible says...
MARCH 2018
4 DISTURBING THE PEACE Donna Renay Patrick 6 FOUNDERS PAGE Pastors Greg & Sharina George 8 LOVE OVER FEAR Elder RD Anderson-Bailey
10 DELAYED GRATIFICATION Leslie Elia, Financial Article 12 HEART CHECK Alia Worthy, Single & Saved
Bishop C. Wayne Brantley Lady Darlene Brantley
18 SURVIVE THE COLD SEASON Angela Mosley, Physical Health Minister Donna Renay Patrick
20 FORWARD MARCH Evang. Carmella Hill, Mental Health
22 THE BEST EXAMPLE Bishop Clarence Pope, Men to Men 24 HUMILITY AND POWER Brianna Triplett, Precious Oill
26 A LOAN FROM GOD Ruth C. Dept, Poetry Corner 28 TEEN CORNER Taylor Hauser
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Donna Renay Patrick
DISTURBING the PEACE And the Lord says, “These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. And their worship of me is nothing but man-made rules …” (Isaiah 29:13) Loud music at 3:00 in the morning. A drunk intruder to a high-class event. A man waving a loaded gun in the workplace. A group of hostile gang members interrupt an otherwise fun, well-supervised high school basketball game. These are all incidents that could bring local police intervention for disturbing the peace.
Everywhere Jesus went He caused a stir. The Pharisees stayed upset with Him. The scripture says that a ruler of the Pharisees named Nicodemus broke the line and paid Jesus a visit by night, so he could see for himself who this stranger really was. The religious leaders were comfortable in their hypocrisy and double standard of living. But Jesus shook things up. Nothing was the same when Jesus was around. Lives were changed, thoughts and behaviors changed, sick people were healed, and blind people regained sight whenever Jesus was around.
Lazarus had died, but Jesus came and spoke life back into his body. Everybody in the house laughed when Jesus told them that Jairus’ daughter was not dead, only asleep. He breathed life back into her limp body AFTER He had put the amused houseguests out (Mark 5:39-42). Jesus disturbed the peace. That is exactly what in-spirit-andin-truth worship should do – disturb the peace. Just as Jesus shook things up every time He opened His mouth, real worship should shake things up in our churches
and our individual lives. Real worship brings change because when the presence of God is the focus, the atmosphere and everything concerning us will change – our leadership, our pursuit of purpose, and the way we see God and the world will all change. Real worship that pleases God will disturb the peace to the extent that choir rehearsal will turn into a prayer service. Pastors who work diligently to prepare Sunday’s sermon will be okay with not preaching that day because the presence of the Lord is so thick in the building that just His presence is enough to minister to
the hurting and the lost. When we make worship our priority, the Holy Spirit brings new ways of doing church. The problem is we have done “church as usual” so long that it is now commonplace. Change is never easy, but it is necessary for growth. Just as our food intake must change if we are to grow physically strong and healthy, so it is in our Christian walk. We must change our spiritual diet. I remember when worship became so real to me. In a dark confusing time in my life, God’s throne room became my sanctuary. I have made a personal commitment in any church I serve in to be an agent of positive change. I have vowed to disturb the peace. Sometimes we need to cause a stir. The best 12 years of my ministry were spent in a church where I was part of a team of musicians and worship leaders who disturbed the peace every Sunday and the pastor encouraged it. Being a worshipper himself, he set the example. I pray that somebody reading this will hear what I’m saying. We’ve been too comfortable. Pastors, leaders, those who hold positions of authority in your denomination, it is time for us to disturb the peace with life-changing, in-Spirit-and-in-truth worship! The call has gone out. How will you answer?
Donna Renay Patrick is a transformational speaker, award-winning author, musician/choir director, and worship leader. She has authored two devotionals focused on making worship a lifestyle, At All Times, and It’s In Your Praise. Recently, she co-authored a devotional for women in the workplace entitled, Be Refreshed. She often teaches in three areas where she is most passionate: The priority of worship, knowing your purpose, and effective leadership. Visit her website at Follow her on social media: Facebook: Donna Renay Patrick, Author Twitter: @DonnaRPatrick Instagram: Donnarenaypatrick LinkedIn: Donna Renay Patrick, M.A.
Xcellence Publications
Pastor Greg George Pastor Sharina George
Chief Editor
Sharina George
Angela Wachsman
Graphic Designer Xcellence Marketing
Cover Photo Micheal Wells
Contributing Writers
Donna R. Patrick RD Anderson-Bailey Leslie Elia Alia Worthy Angela Mosley Johnnie Dent Carmella Hill Clarence Pope Brianna Triplett Taylor Hauser Ruth C. Dept
Genesis 1:28
Praise the Lord faithful readers, As we approach the Passover season we are reminded to be grateful for the blood of Jesus. His birth was awesome, and His death was epic. We are truly grateful that God saw fit to save us from a world of sin. Be grateful for everything you have and always give God glory not only in this season, but in all seasons. May God continue to bless you as you read these rich articles. God bless you, Pastors Greg & Sharina George All rights are reserved and no part of this publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.
Let’s Pray! Connect with
Minister Jucinta Jones on Fridays @ 5:00AM Est.
Exhortation & Intercessory
218-486-2948 Access code: 82310# Email requests:
1 Thess 5:17 Pray without ceasing
LOVE OVER FEAR Elder RD Anderson-Bailey, MFT
he Bible tells us that “…Perfect love casts out all fear” in 1 John 4:18 KJV. There are times in relationship and marriage that incite fear. With every instance that evokes panic, stress and hopelessness in our relationships, we must remember that God designed love to cast out fear. Any time we are afraid, we recreate scenarios from our past and use them as guides in our present that could possibly hinder us from experiencing a love-filled future. In my story, I met my husband about five years ago. My husband wasn’t what I wanted at the time. I wanted to be married, but I had my sights set on a different type of man. I thought that I would marry an executive, a doctor, a lawyer or some other professional. So, when I met my husband at a mutual friend’s house, I was not at all interested in him. We ended up being in that same friend’s wedding together and even had to walk down the aisle together (I tried to get another partner). I avoided him like the plague!!! But eventually we started to date (months later). I got used to him taking me out, but fear kept me distant and resistant to committing to him. I remember on one date in particular, he called me out. I would jump or avoid his holding my hand and even kept conversation very surface leveled. So, while on a date, he came out and stated he felt “I was closed off to him.” Up to that point, no one I was previously dating had called me out like that. I was flustered and a bit defensive. You see, fear presented my then boyfriend as a threat to my very guarded heart. Fear presented messages of “Don’t let him get close. He’s just going to hurt you” and “Just have fun while it lasts, it’ll be over soon.” But the reality is that the false evidence that had my heart locked down tighter than Alcatraz was creating the threat of losing love that I was trying to avoid. I would have broken up with him as soon as the words flew from his mouth (and had intended to). Except, I assessed the actual threat and found out that the source of danger was ME! The threat of this relationship ending had nothing to do with him and everything to do with what I believed about the past relationships. It took a while before I knew he was my husband.
But I realized that he was because he brought me to a place of self-reflection and healing. I almost believed the fear and would have totally missed the LOVE I was seeking. When I dropped my guard, love was there to conquer all fear! LOVE wins when you assess the threat and your beliefs around it! Had I believed the false evidence solely, I would have cut him off and never looked back. But because LOVE is stronger than FEAR, he was able to defuse my mechanisms and shed light on his willingness to bring me healing and not harm. Are you blocking yourself from a truly loving experience? Does fear have you bracing yourself for another break in your heart that hasn’t happened? Are your fears replaying past dangers that leave you guarded and distant in your present relationship? If so, then you need to explore your beliefs and assess present threat or risk by present circumstances. You’ll find that in the end, when the circumstances are right, LOVE WINS!
Love over Fear By Eld. R. D. Anderson-Bailey, MFT
Leslie Elia Life Leadership
Delayed Gratification The first time I heard the term “delayed gratification,” it hurt. I knew exactly what it meant, and I knew I was not doing it. But, to be “Financially Fit,” people with the right mindset or money view know how to discipline themselves. They can make financial decisions based on a long-term vision and are able to adopt the habit of waiting, which ultimately gets them closer to their dreams. I have been a distance athlete since the age of 13. I eventually competed in a 140-mile triathlon in Hawaii that took me more than 12 hours to complete. If I did not wait until I was properly trained and entered the race, I would not have finished. Being financially fit is like being physically fit: it takes training. I know there are sales on dresses you want, dining rooms that need to be remodeled, cars that seem like a deal with no money down, or new golf clubs that guarantee to improve your game, but your finances may not be there yet. One of the greatest men of all time, Ben Franklin, stated that even a very small leak can sink a ship. Dr. John Bridges, in 1587, said that a fool and his money are soon parted. Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady say that there will always be another deal but sticking to your budget is the best deal of all. I remember when my husband had been looking at a racing bicycle on the internet. He was watching for sales and tracking the prices on a notepad. He already had several racing bikes from his years of being a bicycle mechanic and racer, but the newer bikes are lighter, faster and have more gearing choices. I get it. In fact, I got that same bug a year earlier, and saved up cash to purchase the first new racing bike I had purchased since 1990! You should have seen the look of pride when I went in and paid cash for the bike that I love and use all summer long. The feeling of having saved first was amazing. Ah, but this is Jimmy’s story. So, to purchase the bike he wanted, he said he would let go of one of his older bikes by selling it on eBay first. Wouldn’t you know, the older bike did not sell on eBay, but he panicked, and purchased the new bike on a credit card that already had a balance! How could he?
Financial Article March 2018
The Magic Green Box Didn’t he listen to the same financial CDs that I did? He claimed that the price had gone down even more, and he knew it would never be that cheap again. One week later it went down another $75.00. He called the company to get the lower price, but they refused. Each time he rides that shiny bike that he is still paying for two years later, I must ask was it worth it? Delay your gratification and never put anything on a credit card that already has a balance. Who wants to pay interest on top of interest? Oh, and by the way, is anyone in need of an older racing bike? My husband has a few he would like to sell. Please note that both Sharina George and I have access to the Magic Green Box that I write from. We hope you are working along with us and are excited to purchase the kit which includes a hardback book with 47 principles, a paperback workbook, and eight audio tapes. There is also a digital version for those who don’t want physical books.
As I agreed to in last month’s article, I would like to share my time for free and will help your church group, book club, career center or youth group start a Master Class for Financial Fitness. Please contact Leslie at or if you would just like to purchase the materials, please contact Leslie
Heart Check r
ecently, while being at the doctor’s for an annual physical, the doctor asked me to take a few deep breaths as she placed the stethoscope on my heart. She proceeded to listen carefully as I began to inhale and exhale for any abnormal signs. Afterwards, we discussed aftercare needed. In that moment, the Lord really gave me an awareness of heart checks and their importance spiritually. Are you overdue for a heart check? What we think, speak, and do are signs of what’s already in our hearts. Luke 6:45 declares, “The [intrinsically] good man produces what is good and honorable and moral out of the good treasure [stored] in his heart; and the [intrinsically] evil man produces what is wicked and depraved out of the evil [in his heart]; for his mouth speaks from the overflow of his heart.”
Unhealthy heart Need help identifying an unhealthy heart? Galatians 5:19-21 lists examples that all contribute to an unhealthy heart. This includes sexual immorality, drunkenness, idolatry, jealous, envy, impurity and pride. Don’t fret! Confronting these things gives God the opportunity to change your heart as you allow Him to do so.
Healthy Heart So, what does a healthy heart really look like? Galatians 5:21-23 gives a great example of this. It states, “But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (AMP). As we continue to allow Holy Spirit to have His way in our lives and continue to grow in God’s presence, He begins to plant seeds in our hearts that produce fruit. As we mature in Christ, the fruit of the Spirit becomes evident. Who better than the One who created us to uproot the things in our heart that’s not like Him and bring healing? This is God’s specialty. As we spend time with God, this calls for daily checkups with God. He uses His word as a diagnosis to confront the issues in our heart. Hebrews 4:12 states,
Alia Worthy
Alia Worthy Heart Check
1 2 “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” God’s Word is accurate in revealing the areas in our hearts that we may even be unaware of.
Continue to stay consistent in your relationship with God. The more you spend time with Him, the more you continue to grow in His image and adapt to His ways. Get around others that can hold you accountable. People are known spiritually by their fruit. Those that hold us accountable should be able to identify the fruit we have, whether good or bad. Sometimes those closest to us can see things in us that perhaps we may be blinded to. Continue to grow in God’s Word. His Word brings cleansing. David prayed in Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.” God’s Word is like water that literally sanctifies and cleanses us.
Cover Story
the purpose of fellowship Bishop C. Wayne Brantley Lady Darlene Brantley
Why is it important to attend church?
Bishop C. Wayne Brantley
The question of church attendance and importance of attending church is an age-old question that has been discussed and debated since the early days of the church. In the New Testament, Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to forsake or abandon the assembling or gathering of ourselves together as the manner of some is, or in other words as some of the people were beginning to do. But rather, they must come together to encourage one another because they saw “the Day� approaching. The Day meaning the second coming of the Lord. The church is the body of baptized and Spirit filled believers who the Bible tells us that when two or three or more of them are gathered together in the name of the Lord, He has promised to be in the midst or middle of them. And finally, in the second chapter of Acts, after the day of Pentecost, the Bible tells us that the new converts continued steadfastly in the Apostles’ doctrine, and in fellowship and the breaking of bread and in prayers. It then further goes on to say in succeeding verses that all of them that believed were together and had all things in common.
Lady Darlene Brantley
Photo Credit: Elder Michael Wells
I would like to share a short, personal testimony. Approximately three (3) weeks ago our oldest son relocated to California and my sister and I accompanied him, helping him to drive. During our return, I fell ill with a bronchial condition that I suffer from, as well as a touch of the flu. I was bedridden, and home bound for two (2) weeks, unable to make it to the house of the Lord. When I was finally able to muster the strength to return and walked through the doors of the sanctuary, I felt empowered and encouraged by the presence of the Lord AND His people. It enveloped me, and I was made glad. Our Zion’s Women’s ministry motto and the main focus of ExerShare is to know that we are not ALONE in whatever we have gone through, are going through, and will go through. Unity and love for one another is the goal and fellowship are key! What is the dangers of attending church with a religious mind-set?
Bishop C. Wayne Brantley I see the problem of attending church purely from a religious mindset, is that to be religious does not necessarily mean that you are spiritual or saved. The secular definition of the word religious is, “a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the universe. ”It has been said that the etymology or origin of the word “religion” comes From the Latin word “religare,” which means to tie or bind to a cause. Consequently, if your cause is not in alignment with the will of God, you can find yourself following a manmade doctrine instead of the doctrine of Christ. In fact, Jesus warns of this very thing in Matthew 15:89 when He said, “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and
honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men.” Finally, the Apostle James brings greater clarity and understanding to the often-misunderstood meaning of what true religion is when he wrote in James 1:27, ‘pure religion and undefined before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”
Can a person be a member of an
online church? Bishop C. Wayne Brantley I think that you can be a member of any church. However, the real question is not membership, but rather fellowship. This question works in tandem with the first question that was posed to us. Why is it important to attend church? The word fellowship comes from the Greek word “koinōnia,” which literally means partnership, as in joint participation. It deals with communion and means to have social intercourse. It’s plain and simple. You can’t have fellowship with the television! You can have entertainment, you can sing the songs they sing and pray the prayers they pray, but you can’t have fellowship! Do you really want to touch and agree with a screen or do you want to touch and agree with a human, a fellow Christian or with somebody that can immediately impact your life, or you impact their life? Please understand that I am not excoriating (degrading or denouncing) the use of tv as a means of preaching the Gospel. There are those who are incapacitated, bedridden, or house bound that cannot get out to church because of their condition. But this is where true “religion” and “koinōnia” comes in to play, “…to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction….” James 1:27. Remember, there is nothing more assuring and comforting than that of a human touch. Jesus touched people and things that nobody else would touch! Lady Darlene Brantley
When wisdom speaks, you listen! God bless you all, much love!
Zion Pentecostal Church
14102 Harvard Ave
Cleveland, Ohio
(216) 921-8918
Zion Pentecostal Church
Practical tips to help you
Survive the Cold Season By Minister Angela Mosley
No one likes to be sick, but what if I told you a couple of practical tips that would help or prevent a cold? In this article, I am going to give you practical tips to help stop or lessen the duration of a cold. Now, what is a cold? A cold is a common viral infection in which the mucous membrane of the nose and throat becomes inflamed, typically causing running at the nose, sneezing, a sore throat and other similar symptoms. In most cases, a viral infection means that a person gets the virus by ingesting virus particles that can be shed from an infected person who does not wash their hands after using the restroom and, therefore, can transfer the virus to others by shaking hands, preparing food, or touching hard surfaces.
Stay consistent with your checkups and information from your doctor or naturopathic doctor, especially regarding getting the flu shot.
PRACTICAL TIPS: 1. Stay consistent with your checkups and information from your doctor or naturopathic doctor, especially regarding getting the flu shot. My family gets the alternative method from our naturopathic doctor; to us, it is much safer. 2. Keep washing your hands as much as possible. Many viruses may be spread by indirect contact when someone sneezes onto their hand and then touches a doorknob, only to have the virus picked up by the next person who also touches it. 3. Always “Do the elbow cough.” This is when you simply cover your face with your entire elbow and then cough. Since viruses cling to your bare hands, you can reduce the spread of viruses by perfecting the art of the elbow cough. It’s also an easy technique to teach kids. 4. Make it a daily habit to disinfect all common surfaces. Viruses that cause colds and flu can survive on common surfaces for
up to 72 hours. The best way to do this is to use a disinfectant wipe on phone receivers, doorknobs, light switches, and remote controls. 5. Hydrate throughout the day with water. It can help strengthen your immune system. And if you become sick, water flushes your system, rehydrates your body and washes out the toxins. An adult should drink eight an 8-ounce glasse of fluid each day. In closing, let me encourage you with this scripture: Psalms 41:3 says, “The LORD will sustain and strengthen him on his sickbed; in his illness, you will restore him to health.” So, continue to believe God that he will restore your health.
Carmella HILL Evangelist
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with supervising credentials (P.C.C.-S). & Founder of Empower to H.O.P.E. Services, LLC.
Are you tired of going in circles…Forward March! Are you tired of going in circles?
while, we develop patterns of behaviors that lead us to believe there is no other way to act. Then It sounds absurd to we develop a mentality of “This is ask such a question. just how I am!” Well, in actuality, However, this is exactly it is how we have become what we do when through experiences that impact we refuse to move us either positively or negatively. forward. We become These experiences influence how stuck and complacent we view ourselves and the world in the state that we (i.e., others). are in, yet we want to be further ahead. How Help, I’m stuck, but I frustrating this must be don’t want to be! to have to deal with, wouldn’t you agree? Recognizing and acknowledging
How did I end up here? Sometimes we are comfortable with our current situations that they become “normal” and status quo. The situations, our thoughts and feelings, and responses become “normal.” After a
where we are a great first step to becoming unstuck. We cannot address what we are not willing
to face! Yes, it is easier said than done. However, we cannot use this as an excuse to avoid dealing with it. Did you know that avoidance is a defense mechanism that we use to protect ourselves? This defense mechanism is often used to protect us from being emotionally, mentally and physically wounded or hurt. Psychologically, avoidance serves a purpose that we gain benefits from despite its negative connotation.
Moving Forward, Changing Directions. We may try to wait for something external to us to change, but the reality is change occurs within us. The desire to want to change must be greater than the desire to continue to remain stuck. How bad do you want to change? Then, go for it, one step at a time...Forward March!
Mental Health CORNER march 2018 Mental Health Tips:
Let the past go!
The past is the past. It cannot be changed, reversed, or altered. The deeper question is “What’s so important or valuable that we want to hold on to it?
Change our outlook! Situations may not change but our perspective about it can. Often, this is the only thing we can change. Remember, change happens within us.
Face our fears! This will decrease our tendency to avoid situations despite the perceived benefit of psychologically protecting ourselves.
The conclusion of the matter At some point, hopefully we will become “Sick & tired” of the conditions we are in and make a conscious mental, emotional, and behavioral effort to change directions. If we continue to go in circles, this only results in no movement forward. If this is alright with you, then no further action is needed. However, if you want to gain ground, a FORWARD MARCH is necessary! SELAH
Men to Men
Bishop Clarence Pope
ood day, brothers. We pray that this time of ministry finds you and yours in a great state and more importantly, right standing with God. There are many godly men in the Bible. I can even dare that
there are some rather impressive examples in our own lives, but I believe it is important to best ascertain what godly manhood is by going to the source Himself: God! Let us look at the life of our Savior, the life He lived in the flesh. If He never raised anyone from the dead, opened blinded eyes or even walked on water, He PLEASED the Father. At his Baptism, John stated: “You should be baptizing ME,” but Jesus deferred to the fulfilling of all righteousness. We will address this a bit later. The Spirit descended as the Father declared His pleasure with the Son. Jesus was then led by the Spirit into the wilderness where He was tempted forty days by the devil. Afterwards, the devil attempted to use Christ’s human traits against Him....lust of the flesh, (physical need), lust of the eye, (SHOW Him all the Kingdoms...), and the pride of life (Egotism). Jesus passed each test without ever stating His Sonship; the Father and an angel did that. Afterwards, he went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath, was given the Scriptures to read. He turned to the appropriate scripture, read it, closed the Book and sat down again. He then told the audience that “This day is the scripture fulfilled,” (or, the scripture you’ve just heard has just been FULFILLED).
A few points to address and we will have completed our assignment for now:
1. A man of God must know that he is whom God says he is, PERIOD!!
2. A man of God must be able to
endure temptation. It’s what’s in the world For ALL men.
3. A man of God must understand that the Anointing upon Him is assignment-oriented!
4. A man of God must understand he IS the fulfillment of scripture, with his obedience to God.
5. A man of God must remember that he is being watched!
These are constants with all men of God, which, by the way, has nothing to do with a preaching ministry or even a pulpit at all. It is essential for God’s man to be sensitive to God’s voice and understand His heart to impact the world for Him, and not have his OWN agenda, as it is with many men. Options will ALWAYS be on the table for us, but we cannot be superficial men of God SAYING we worship, love God, love man, but our hearts are far from Him, having our OWN agendas. Our love for God is found in SERVICE! Service to the world around us, and contrary to popular opinion, the details are not always OBVIOUS. We must maintain a constant prayer life. You’ll note that when Jesus prayed, he talked, AND the Father talked. To know the will of the Father in situations, He often had to withstand the opinions of His contemporaries as He obeyed His Father. These are very important issues in the lives of God’s men. If we are to influence the world for His Kingdom, we must live so He can use US. Go forth and serve, brothers!
Bishop Clarence Pope Higher Hope Ministries 9114 Miles Park Ave. Cleveland, OH 44105
PRECIOUS OIL Humility and Power Brianna Triplett
omething about Jesus that astounds me is his humility. Everything I am going through, God himself can understand on a personal level because God, the Creator of the universe, the beginning and the end, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the all-seeing, allknowing, and all-powerful one, stepped down from his heavenly throne and traded the infinite for finite, eternal with temporal, immortal for mortal and took off his glory and traded it for weak human flesh. God was still God but also man in the person of Jesus Christ and experienced rejection, slander, gossip, betrayal, persecution, discrimination, political strife, religious corruption, verbal and physical punishment and abuse, and separation from the Father on the cross when he had taken on the sins of all of humanity. He seemingly humiliated himself to show those who have eyes to see, his glory, and for his glory to be shown through us. His blood makes us victorious and how exciting is that, that as believers we have victory! Victory over our flesh, victory over our thoughts that would try to cause feelings of hopelessness, anxiety and rejection. Believers have victory over death and over hell and because of this victory we have over our sins, addictions and spiritual darkness, we can
have victory in our finances, our relationships, and our mental and physical health as well. I’ve watched the same resurrection power that raised Jesus up from the dead raise areas of my life up from the grave. The same woman who did’t have peace in her mind because of the things from the past that haunted her and made her question the outcome of her future now has peace that surpasses all understanding and has been called a vessel of peace by others. This woman whose father and mother were diagnosed with depression and thought that she would inevitably follow in their footsteps has seen generational curses broken and has experienced the joy of the Lord. This woman who did not see her worth shows in her actions that she understands that she is more precious than rubies, her body is a temple, and she is a host for the presence of God. This woman who constantly felt misunderstood now has healthy relationships, and people who would not even say “Hi” to her when they passed her by tell her how much they love and appreciate her. God’s strength has been made perfect in my weaknesses. God used me, someone who was powerless, to shame those who are powerful
(1 Corinthians 1:27). God comforts us all in our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted by God (2 Corinthians 1:4). God encourages you to be an encouragement. God healed you so that you can believe and pray for others in need of healing and set you free, so you can help deliver someone else. Jesus humbled himself and made us powerful. We are powerful not by our own might but by the power of his Holy Spirit within us. Romans 8:11 says, “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.” So, my prayer for the Church is Ephesians 1:19-20: “...That you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor….” Dear believer, walk in humility so that you can be filled with God’s power.
PRECIOUS OIL About Brianna Brianna Triplett currently resides in Lockport NY. Brianna has a master’s degree in Psychology and works as a Children’s Care Manager at Salvation Army. Brianna is a spoken word artist who is a part of Crossover Ministries and is a writer for Kingdom Christian Magazine and an active member of the Chapel at Crosspoint, a nondenominational church in Getzville, NY.
PoetryCORNER A LOAN FROM GOD First gaze at your child, a most beautiful sight, none dare to dispute it, your quick inventory begins: Ten fingers, ten toes. Your mind a racing tool, what to do for this wee person. Your child looks at you with all the trust at your feet. No mistakes can be made. Only you are to be trusted with this greatest treasure. Your loan can be recalled at any time, day or hour. How have you treated this gift? Did you make a tear in a page of your child’s life? Did you forget and lose a day in guiding along the way?
CORNER As a teenager, if you had a dime
for every time somebody asked you what your plans are for adulthood, let’s be honest, you’d be rich! Often as teens we can get so caught up in our dreams we forget to ask what God wants for us. As a Christian teen, it’s important to ask God His plans for us as teens and eventually as adults. It’s important because it could be the opposite of what you had in mind. It’s also important to talk to God about his plans because if you have your own way, you could get lost as an adult.
Taylor Hauser A couple of ways to get on the right track early as a teen are:
• Talking to your Youth Pastor about some of the decisions that you are in the process of making. Decisions like college, friendships, relationships, et cetera. • You could also talk to a mentor or your parents. • Pray and ask God what to do. • Make a list of your goals and see if they match things found in the bible.
The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths.” We should also think not just about the future but the present. Have you ever asked yourself, would God be happy with the life I’m living right now? Is what I’m doing now setting me up for success? Am I living God’s plan for my life and myself? If you answered “Yes,” Great! It’s good to ask yourself these kinds of questions even with your friendships and places you want to go in life. You want to make sure they are God friendships and God Places. If you answered “No” to these questions, then it’s time to turn around and get back on track before you get lost on your own. Remember, God knows best. In Jeremiah 29:11, it says, “For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Lastly, always know that what we do in life matters and that God should always be a part of what we do.