Kingdom Christian Magazine_November 2017 Featuring Pastor Chelsea T. Pernell

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Christian Magazine




JOSHUA Grimmett







No matter how much you love your favorite pale pink lipstick or your stunning moss green eye shadow, there is a time when you have to bid goodbye to them. Using cosmetics past their expiry date can have disastrous effects on your skin. In general, if you notice a change in the smell or color of your cosmetics then it is time to discard them. Here are a few other points to note about the shelf life of makeup. Mascara- Since you apply this eye makeup product with a brush the chances of bacteria being introduced to the mascara are very high. Contaminated mascara can cause eye infections (conjunctivitis, sties etc). Throw out your mascara after a maximum of 3 months of use. Eye Shadow- Powder shadows have a longer shelf life and can be replaced between 18 months - 3 years provided you maintain excellent hygiene with your brushes/applicators. Cream based shadows have a much shorter shelf life and need to be discarded as soon as you notice anything off about the color or smell. Eyeliner Pencils- The normal eyeliners can be used for up to 2 years with regular sharpening, whilst the liquid ones should be kept no longer than 6 months. If you notice a white film forming on the tip, it is time to throw the pencil out. Recurring eye irritation whenever you use eye makeup is also an indication that it’s time to replace your eye makeup products. Wilder Brackins Hudson S.A.M.byWilder (216) 773-3889


Sam Mau



2 BEAUTY TIPS Wilder Brackins



4 DON’T COMPLAIN- COMPETE! Donna Renae Patrick 6 FOUNDERS PAGE Pastors Greg & Sharina George COVER STORY


8 MARRIAGE TIPS Stacey Greene 10 I’M THANKFUL Prophetess Kimberly Fleming 12 FINANCES: MONEY IS A GIFT Leslie Elia 14 THANKSGIVING Pastor Monterol Johnson



16 COVER STORY Pastor Chelsea T. Pernell Preacher Girl 3:16 20 STILL STANDING

Minister Jucinta Jones


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Don’t Complain-Complete! For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5:12) (ESV)

Donna Renay Patrick What are you complaining about? We all have at least ONE justifiable complaint about something. It may be the job you absolutely hate that you get up and drive an hour to get to everyday. Perhaps your bestie - whom you love dearly, just talks too much. You’re not driving the car you really want. Your wife takes too long to get dressed. Your husband doesn’t move fast enough when you want something repaired around the house. The dog sheds hair all over the house. You have a bad hair day

EVERY day. The list goes on and on. But while you’re complaining, what could you be doing differently? After coming through a very dark season in my life when uncertainty and anxiety accompanied me everywhere I went, I have a new perspective on complaining. During that dark period I dreaded the night because I felt I hadn’t done enough that day. And I dreaded the next day because I had no idea what NEW challenges the day would bring on top of the ones I was already facing. A former Pastor of mine often said, “Sometimes you feel like you’re on top of the world, and other times you feel like the world is on top of you.” Have you been there? That is exactly how I felt more times than I can express. So many times I felt I was literally losing my mind; that’s how much pressure I felt. Not only was I hemmed in on all sides, but I felt trapped and saw no hope of escape. But you know what the most interesting thing was? A myriad of problems keeps some people up at night – they are robbed of sleep. But not me! Through all of that turmoil I slept very well. That surprised me because with all I was facing you would think it would keep me up at night. But I thank God for Jesus! His Word says He gives His beloved sleep. (Psalm 127:2) The Lord woke me up in the wee hours of the morning with a message I’m almost ashamed to admit. I heard the Lord say to me, “How DARE you dread

a day that I gave you!” Remember the Bible says flesh and spirit constantly fight with one another (Galatians 5:17). You see, my problems had clouded my purpose and reason for being. My spirit knew who I was and what I was here for, but my flesh only saw problems that seemed to have no solutions. I was doing all I could but nothing seemed to change. Many days I walked around in a state of dread because I saw no light; I was in a cave. There is a difference between a cave and a tunnel. In a cave there is an entrance, but no exit. In a tunnel there is a way in, and a way out; you just may have to travel a little further to find it. When the Lord challenged me that early morning I was so convicted. I had been so dazed and confused by what was going on around me that I wasn’t being grateful. My spirit knew I should be thankful, and that God’s Word actually demands it. My spirit was yet strong enough to know that God was in control of my situation, and of me. But my struggle was very real. My flesh couldn’t see that God was actually carrying me, and loving me in the midst of the trial. I have a new appreciation now for Kurt Carr’s song, I Almost Let Go. My spirit knew my breakthrough was nigh, but my flesh couldn’t see it. I was in good company, though. The Psalmist wrote, “But as for me, my feet almost slipped; my steps nearly went astray” (Psalm 73:2). God sent the right people

Cont. on Page 7

CEO Jesus



Xcellence Publications


Pastor Greg George Pastor Sharina George

Chief Editor

Sharina George

Graphic Designer

Xcellence Publications

Cover Photo

Stephen Midgett

Cover Make-Up by: Robbin L. Jackson

Contributing Writers

Jucinta Jones S.A.M. by Wilder Donna R. Patrick Kimberly M. Fleming Stacey Greene Joshua Grimmett Leslie Elia Monterol Johnson Genesis 1:28

Praise the Lord, We are so grateful to experience this fall season with so many of our family and friends. It’s during this season of fall that many people travel and see family they haven’t seen in a long time. Things come and things go but remember that family should be your top priority. Love on one another, dance, cuddle and hug one another. May God continue to bless all of our faithful readers. God bless you, Pastors Greg & Sharina George All rights are reserved and no part of this publication can be copied or reproduced without permission from Xcellence Publications LLC.

at the right time. Don’t ever think God doesn’t see you, because He does. God always knows the pain you’re in because not only does He rejoice with us, but He suffers with us. God knew exactly where I was, but there was something He wanted to teach me and He put me through a very long and painful process to do it. God revealed Himself in so many ways in a trying time. He let me sleep at night, He gave me notes and chapter titles to write my third book, He allowed me to continue doing ministry, He gave me enough sense to seek encouragement through a variety of anointed preachers and teachers, and He showed me some things about Him (and myself) that I had not known before. Remember how David encouraged himself in the Lord? That’s what I did. It

made no sense whatsoever to my flesh, but I did it anyway. I knew where my help was; I just had to fight to get to it. I love what the writer said in Psalm 116. In verse 4 he prayed a very simple, short prayer: “O Lord, I beseech thee, deliver my soul.” But as he continues to write about the grace and mercy of God, by the time you get to verse 8 he says, “For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.” God gave the Psalmist more than he asked for! And He’ll give you more than you ask for. That’s what He did for me. Just don’t give up; you have a mission to complete.

About Donna

Donna Patrick is a musician and choir director, worship leader, and speaker with a passion for worship ministry. She has authored two award-winning praise & worship devotionals. At All Times, and It’s In Your Praise. Her Bible teaching and leadership experience spans over 25 years. She hosts a weekly internet radio program where the focus is, worship is not just something we do, but it is who we are.

Visit her website:

Stacey Greene




Proverbs18:22 “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”

Do you remember the first time you slept in the same bed as the woman or man you married? Did you cuddle or stay up all night talking? Did you have delightful lovemaking or did you spoon each other and think romantic thoughts? My husband and I slept together for years. Cuddle time, spooning, pillow talk and great lovemaking were all part of marital bliss. Then the kids started coming. The eternal earth mother that I am convinced my husband that the family bed was the best way for baby’s nighttime feedings and parentchild bonding. I never regret that decision, as our lovely, grown children are smart, independent and healthy. The time that they were needy and dependent was fleeting in the grand scheme of things. However, at one point I realized my husbands need to get a good night sleep was not happening with all of us crowded into his space. In order for him to be functional at work, I started going into the kid’s room for one more story or one more feeding for the baby and just ended up sleeping the night there. Years later when everyone was weaned and sleeping through the night, I crept back into our room with my husband. He announced that he had gotten used to

sleeping alone and I was relegated to the downstairs futon for anything other than the conjugal visits. In all honesty, I can sleep standing up, lying down, on a couch, in a chair, when a storm is knocking the house down or basically anywhere. I did not understand his sleep issues but saw what a grump he was when not well rested. No need to watch him take out his crummy nights sleep on the rest of us. As time progressed I learned to stop missing the intimacy of sleeping next to a

HEALTHY MARRIAGE warm, delicious, loving body. I was busy taking care of the kids, the house and working part-time. When I went into the bedroom one night and caught my husband throwing his cell phone under the sheets, I began to rethink our entire relationship. Yes, he was cheating on me and texting another woman before bedtime. No, it was not entirely because we did not cuddle at night, but it did not help matters that we had become roommates with benefits instead of partners. Sleeping with your spouse is an integral part of marriage. I get that one of you likes a firm mattress while the other likes it soft. He has to get up early for work while she gets to sleep in. She has to fall asleep to music while he needs it quiet. She falls asleep during a storm while he hears the neighbor’s dog barking 4 houses down. She loves the sheets tucked in while he has to have one toe dangling out of the side of the bed. He tosses and turns while she sleeps like a rock. Sound familiar? No matter what issues you think you have about sleeping in the same bed as your mate, think again. Sleeping in separate beds is a great way to kill a marriage. I doubt that my husband would be texting another woman if I would have been there, every night, to hear his banter, cuddle him, or let him open up in a safe space. I often wonder what my children thought when they saw me bringing a change of clothing into the family room and setting up an alarm clock by the futon night after night. Was this the example of a happy marriage? No.

Sleep with your husband or wife! That 5 minutes you talk before dozing off is special. That 2 minutes of spooning before rolling over is precious. That argument you had at dinner softens as you melt into the warm sheets together. I know when I can’t get to sleep, nothing calms me down or relaxes me better than nuzzling the strong shoulders of my man. Get the special bed that has adjustments for soft and hard firmness. Throw out the scratchy sheets. Get the sleep mask if he wakes you with the morning light as he is going to work. Learn to sleep to her music playing and for goodness sake, keep the TV out of the bedroom. Keep your bedroom as a sacred, safe space where there are no distractions. Allow your alone time to be a time of relaxation, peace, joy and………(you fill in the blank). 1 Corinthians 13:13 “So now faith, hope and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

I’m Thankful


Kimberly M. Fleming 1 Thessalonians 5:18 days to give thanks in all circumstances. We are approaching one of my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving! A day we set aside to be thankful for all the blessings God has blessed us with all year long. It’s a day of feasting, fellowship, and family. However it’s can also be a time of realizing there are some who aren’t as fortunate as we are. For me personally it was right before Thanksgiving that my beautiful daddy went home to be with the Lord. It will be ten years this year. Though the pain is not as deep, as it has been in the past, there is still that ache in my heart and a void in my soul that makes Thanksgiving not the same as it used to be. This year has brought many challenges and deep pain for me, and maybe for some of you as well. It has made me question my calling, the prophetic, and life as I know it. One day during my pity party I was having, I was feeling so alone and wondering if God even liked me. After my tantrum and tears, God took me to the Bible and to Matthew 26:36-46. This talks about Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. He showed me how alone Jesus felt for a

moment and how He for a brief second, wanted that cup to pass from Him. What God was showing me is that though we feel unloved, unappreciated, rejected, inadequate we are not alone. Even though the disciples were there Jesus still felt alone. You can have a lot of people in your life and still feel alone, even isolated. Jesus went through those same feelings. And yes deep down we do know that but, sometimes God has to remind us. We are not alone He is with us, carrying us, fighting for us. So I’m thankful today and everyday to know that with God on my side I can get through any trial. He loves me and I love Him! If God before me who can possibly be against me. I am more than a conqueror! Thank you Lord! What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season? I am thankful for Jesus! Thankful that in spite of myself, He’s always there for me and for you too! Be blessed and have a very happy Thanksgiving!

Prophetess Kimberly M. Fleming Prophetic School Of Ministry Facebook-Kimberly M. Fleming Twitter-@prophetesskim


Kimberly M. Fleming

Booking information for Prophetess Kim Fleming c/o Christian Fellowship Center 14713 Lakeshore Boulevard Cleveland, Ohio 44110 216-403-9966 Sow A Seed Cash App $Kimberly7 Connect with Prophetess Kim

Leslie Elia

Money is a Gift

Last month I spoke of the magic, green box. It is a finance pack that changed my and my husband’s lives.

Understanding that it is not what you make but what you keep was principle number one and we quickly made a segway into Principle Two – money is a gift. I know, I know. You worked hard for that less than optimal paycheck and you may want to use it for something fun. Something you “deserve.” The Bible (and once in a while common sense) tells us otherwise. There are verses in 1 Corinthians (seeking the good of your neighbor, and being a trustworthy steward), Colossians (working for the Lord and not men, and doing word and deed in the name of the Lord), Titus (showing integrity and dignity ), Proverbs (not withholding good and giving freely when we can), Leviticus (when you reap your harvest leave some on the edges), Hebrews (remembering to not love money and to be content with what you have), 1 Timothy(warning that you have denied your faith more than an unbeliever if you do not provide for your relatives), Matthew (the story of the five talents), and one of my favorites, Acts 20:35 “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said ‘It is blessed to give than to receive.’” Stewardship must be awfully important for God to bring it home to us so many times, but what do we consider stewardship? It can encompass taking care of something, managing, an obligation, or something entrusted to one’s care. Money has such potential to be misused. So, if you want to understand how to be a good steward of your finances, get that savings account opened TODAY! Perhaps you did that last month with principle one (understanding that it is not what you make but what you keep) but now is where the rubber meets the road. Are you putting 10% away with each paycheck? Maybe you are already stressed out that you are trying to tithe 10% to your church. I get it. I have been there. But, remember, God has given you this opportunity to be a good steward of not only your cash but of your gifts and talents. Think of this 10% as investing in yourself. If you were a business or a company your value is determined by your current income and assets. What is your value today? Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward write “Remember, your financial future is in your hands. You are the most

Principle #2

important investment there is.� These words can sting if you are not able to squeeze out a tiny portion of your paycheck and put it in your savings account.

I can still recall the disappointment going to a restaurant with friends and only ordering an appetizer instead of an entre because of the price. I bought my daughter her school uniform from The Salvation Army. I accepted hand me down clothing from friends. My children seldom wore name brand clothing (unless they earned the money to purchase it themselves) and only 2 years ago did I jump into the 21st Century with a refurbished smartphone I purchased online and paid cash for. All of those sacrifices seem small to me now, as I look at my emergency savings account and feel the profound sense of security knowing that if my transmission falls out of my car tomorrow, it will not affect the other financial obligations I have each month. Start that savings account, and keep to a 10% rule. You will be shocked how God will bless your investment in yourself.

Money is a Gift


Pastor Monterol Johnson



HAVE AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE am sure that if I did a survey asking people of all the American Holidays, which is their favorite; an overwhelming majority

would choose “Thanksgiving Day!” During this time family members near and far decide to move heaven and hell to ensure that they come together, once a year, on Thanksgiving Day to enjoy each others company over a meal at the dinner table! Yet, for me, the highlight is not so much as seeing family members that I have not seen in a while or that often; it is when we all as “one man” hold hands, bow our heads, and offer up a prayer of Thanksgiving to God, not only for the food, but His grace that allowed all of us to

be together one more time! Thanksgiving Day seems to be that one day where the family collectively gives honor to our God, Lord, and King! It is the one time where I get a chance to see so many people I love acknowledge the God that I so desperately desire all of them to get to know and serve! For, this is one of the biggest missions of my life! That is to see all my family members saved! This time of prayer and thanking God is very fitting. Due to the fact, that God truly is the reason that families are able to come together during this time. In fact, James 1:7 tells us that, “Every good and perfect gift is from above,” that is from God! Psalm 116:12

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asks a very important question, and that is, “What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me?” Outside of the answers given in the next few verses of that Psalm; God desires and even deserves to be thanked for all that He has done for us! So, just what is “Thanksgiving?” It is having a heart of appreciation or gratitude toward God thru acts of praise and/or worship for who He is and what He has done! And this truly is the ultimate reason the Bible says that we are and were created! Look at what the 24 Elders in the book of Revelation tells us; “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created!” Psalms 106:2 says it like this, “Who can utter the mighty deeds of the LORD, or declare all His praise?” (NIV)

The answer to Psalm 106:2 is all of creation! In fact, if we fail to be thankful and give praise to God that He so justly deserves, then, we will eventually become idolatrous and find ourselves experiencing the side of God as Judge instead of a loving and caring Father! You don’t have to take my word for it, just read this verse out of the book of Romans! “Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused.” (Romans 1:21 NLT) You see, God truly is worthy of the praise! He has been so good and patient to the children of men! We owe our very existence to Him! Therefore, praising Him and being thankful should be a part of who we are and what we, the recipients of so many great benefits from Him, should constantly do! – Pastor Monterol Johnson

O’ Give Thanks

Pastor Chelsea T. Pernell

O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever. (Psalm 107:1) The power of being thankful has shifted my life. The expression of gratitude causes me to participate in daily reflection. During this time of reflection, I have begun to count all my blessings and avoid taking the small things for granted on a daily basis. Sometimes when I see the condition of others who are in transitional situations, it causes me to put things in perspective and really acknowledge that I am blessed and I should be a blessing. If we fail to give thanks, then we have failed to acknowledge the goodness of God that has been extended toward us. After looking at the aftermath of the recent hurricanes involving the lost of lives and homes and the interruption of the proper functioning of cities, it really made

me both grateful and willing to give away some of my possessions. When people have options regarding wearing apparel, food, transportation vehicles, living accommodations, then being thankful is like breathing—it’s effortless but required in order to live. People should make a conscience effort to give thanks to God, not in some things but in all things. “All things” includes the wilderness experience, growth process and victory of success. The wilderness experience is a stage in our life when we must develop a total dependence on God and in which we get to know ourselves. This stage allows our hearts to be shaped to thank God for provision, protection, and his promises. We must give thanks in this stage because it can easily become a time of complaining and desiring to return to a previous place of bondage from which God has delivered us (Exodus 16). Sometimes it’s very easy for

a person to complain because of a current situation and then miss the opportunity to develop an intimate relationship with the Creator. During this stage, we are stretched to accept a promise without seeing a promise. So when we start giving thanks, it helps us to start to generate the faith to believe that God’s promise will be manifested in the fullness of time.

We must give thanks during our process. The process is the stage in our life when we are being developed for our kingdom assignment. The kingdom assignment is in totality the purpose for which we were born and the reason that we are here in the earth. During the course of our life, we experience many life lessons and some of those

dichotomous lessons may include loss/gain, disappointments/excitement, lack/abundance, fear/faith, sadness/joy, hurt/healing, confusion/ peace, and a plethora of other emotions. My personal witness and testimony is that after all the lessons my process has produced over my life time I have learned to give God thanks and change my perspective of how I see my life lessons in this process of grooming me for greatness. I must intentionally accept and understand that I am required to develop the mind of Christ and wholeheartedly accept that God has a providential plan and when I am in his will, way, and Word, Romans 8:28 will be fulfilled in my life. So my responsibility in the process is to give thanks for God’s plan that is being revealed for my life. When we see things from a life-giving perspective, it alters our response about the situation. As I mentioned earlier, there are a plethora of life experiences that shape our life. I have chosen to give thanks and not complain about my growth process. For example, instead of focusing on my losses—

my thankful response is that this experience is an opportunity for God to refill my life with newness. Once we have gained wisdom from the process, we can enter a life of success in Jesus Christ and through the illuminating power of the Holy Spirit. Our mindset is now functioning at a level of victory. A strategy for success is to recall what God has already performed in the wilderness experience of our life. This produces a “Thank You Lord” because we have evidence that He is well able to perform once again in our life. So, instead of living a defeated life, allow gratitude to stir up the body, soul, and spirit to just remember that this is an opportunity for God to be glorified. There are many people in the world and even though we may be having a growing experience at a moment in time— someone else is a little more challenged than we are, so do not complain, do not give up, but trust God and give thanks.

Preacher Girl 3:16

You’re Invited! Kingdom Keepers Church Pastor Chelsea T. Pernell

291 E. 222nd St. ~ Euclid, OH 44123 ~ Suite #233 Service Times: Kingdom School 9:00AM Sunday Worship Service 9:40AM Lessons for Life Bible Study Thursday’s 7:00PM-8:30PM Corporate Prayer and Communion 1st Tuesday of each Month at 7:00PM Sabbath Rest: Every 5th Sunday (No Service) ____________________________________________________

Special Service Kingdom Keepers Church Pastor Chelsea T. Pernell

Season of Change Christmas Give- Away Celebration ! December 16, 2017, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Celebration hosted at : Kingdom Academy Child Care Center 22035 Chagrin Blvd. ~ Beachwood , Ohio 44122

“Still Standing!” Minister Jucinta Jones


reetings faithful readers and awesome people of God! It’s with great joy that I’m writing this month’s article because it’s one of my favorite months of the year, and it means that we’re getting closer to the end of 2017. Some of you were given prophecies at the beginning of the year or perhaps God spoke to you while you were in your prayer closet. I simply want to remind you that God is faithful, and whatever He has said is going to happen in your life will happen at His appointed time. However, this month my assignment is to offer a

word of encouragement to each of you because some of you absolutely can’t wait for the year to come to a close. Perhaps, you’ve faced various challenges this year like sickness, disappointments, setbacks, marital problems, financial issues or other things that have caused you to feel like quitting. If you fall into any of these categories I want you to take the time to pull out your journals or notepads and REFLECT on everything that’s occurred in your life this year that you felt like you weren’t going to survive. In fact, after you write the things down I want you to hold the paper in your hand, lift it up above your head, and thank God because you’re STILL STANDING!

Every plot that the enemy tried to use to destroy you thus far has failed, and because of the great God that we serve you my friend are still standing. I personally am glad that you’re alive to read this article because as we prepare to enjoy the holiday season with our loved ones I encourage you to REFLECT each time that you feel like having a pity party, and after you reflect I encourage to lift your hands and say, “God I thank you that I’m still standing!” People of God remember that God is bigger than your circumstances and He’s going to continue to show Himself strong in your life. Thank God that you are STILL STANDING!

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In the times that we live in it is very important for us to continue to shine our light. Light has one

purpose and that is to dispel darkness. Jesus commanded us to let our light shine before others. We are to shine the light in the midst of darkness. We must be the light where other people are experiencing darkness. When Jesus calls us to shine our lights, he is calling us to get rid of the darkness, to light up our dark world with his light. You may be wondering how do I continue to let my light shine I’m glad you asked. We let our light shine by living according to his word, treating everyone the way you would want to be treated, with love and compassion. John 12:46 tells us “anyone who believes in Jesus won’t have to stay any longer in the dark but will live in the light” When you connect to Jesus you will receive the power you need to shine your light. It is very important that you are plugged into the right power source. A few months ago I preached a sermon entitled “Who are you connected to” and I want you to know that you cannot connect to everyone. In this season that we are in there are some people your going have to leave behind. There are some people only




connected to you because of what you have. Connected to the wrong people cause you to disconnect the light that you are supposed to be shinning. Darkness cannot connect darkness. You have to connect with people whose going to push you to keep the light. I know it gets ruff sometimes and you feel like giving up and throwing in the towel but you have to keep the light on. Don’t go back to the things you got delivered from in this season forward is the only option. The word of God tells us that we are the light that Christ has set in the dark world. We must shine our light so that God could be seen, felt, and heard. Matthew 5:16 tells us “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in heaven” I tell my young people all the time we have enough copycats it’s time for some people to step up and set examples in this


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world. Don’t shine your light to be seen but shine your light because you want to be the example. When people see you they shouldn’t be seeing the world but they should be seeing Christ. Let your light shine everywhere you go. You don’t have to do everything the world is doing. Be the change, be the example, and LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE !

Minister Joshua Grimmett

Chief Antonio Stitt


Founder/Ceo Shield & Buckler Coaching and Mentoring Inc.

s most of you already know, I am the Founder/Ceo of Shield Buckler Coaching and Mentoring Inc. I coach and mentor parents on how to improve parenting skills. I coach and mentor kids on behavior issues; and young men and women on ways to create a plan of success for their lives. In conversation with parents, I have often heard the concern of the parent not knowing where their child is, because they’ve run away. Then weeks or sometimes months later finding out that the child had been harbored at one of their friend’s house.

Here are a few questions and comments some of my clients/parents had for parents that harbor missing kids in their home. 1. How would you feel, if you found out that your child had been hiding out at a friends house, but their parent never called you to see if you approved? 2. Have you ever thought about how much I worry about my child, and whether or not they are safe? 3. How can you think it’s okay for your son/daughter to have their girlfriend or boyfriend stay overnight UNSUPERVISED, AND WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF HIS OR HER PARENT? 4. What kind of parent allows their teenage sons girlfriend to not only spend the night, but sleep in the same bed? 5. My daughter is a runaway. When I watch the news, I am always afraid that I’m going to hear about my child being found hurt or dead. I wonder if these parents ever think about that, or do they even care.

These are just a few questions/comments parents have shared with me. They are frustrated and angry. I’m a law enforcement executive, and I don’t understand why our legal system does not take action to hold these parents that harbor missing kids accountable. I welcome your feedback and comments on this.

Let’s Pray! Connect with

Minister Jucinta Jones on Fridays @ 5:00AM Est.

Exhortation & Intercessory


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1 Thess 5:17 Pray without ceasing

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