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The Curriculum
Lower School
The Lower School curriculum aims to provide breadth, balance and variety of activity. All pupils follow a common curriculum in the first two years, as outlined below, with figures representing the number of 50-minute periods per two weeks allocated to a subject.
First Year
English Mathematics Junior Science Modern Language 1 Latin History Geography Religious Studies Art Drama Design Technology Music IT & Computing Physical Education Games Extended Studies Tutorial period 7 7 6 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 4 1
Pupils choose one of French or German or Spanish as their first modern foreign language. On Friday there is time devoted to the Extended Studies Programme, comprising six different units over the school year.
Second Year
English Mathematics Junior Science Modern Language 1 Modern Language 2 Latin History Geography Religious Studies Art Drama Design Technology Music IT & Computing Physical Education Games Wellbeing 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 4 2
Pupils choose an additional modern foreign language alongside the continued study of the Language studied in the First Year.
Class Sizes
On entering the Lower School, pupils are taught within classes of, on average, 22. Once in the Sixth Form, classes are smaller still with an average class size of 10 this year. Small teaching groups throughout the School are supported by the very latest technology and modern facilities including an extensive use of 1:1 digital learning.
Third Year
English Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Modern Language 1 MFL2 / Italian / Latin Latin Classical Civilisation History Geography Religious Studies Art Drama Design Technology Music Computer Science Physical Education Games Wellbeing 6 6 4 4 4 4 6 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 2
MFL2 indicates modern language 2. Pupils start a two-year course leading to Religious Studies short course GCSE at the end of the Fourth Year. Students choose three subjects from the following: Art, Music, Design Technology, Drama, Latin, Classical Civilisation, or Computing. At least one of these options must be from the four creative subjects.
Upper School
In the Upper School the core is reduced and pupils choose three options of six periods per two weeks to complete their timetable.
Languages must have been studied in the Third Year in order to be opted for at GCSE.
Fourth Year
English Mathematics Modern Language 1 Physics Chemistry 6 6 6 5 5 Biology Religious Studies Physical Education Games Wellbeing 5 3 2 4 1
Plus three of the below. At least one must be a humanities subject.
History, Geography, Economics, Philosophy & Ethics, Latin, Classical Civilisation, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Computer Science, Sports Science, Art, Music, Design Technology, Drama. Those opting for Philosophy & Ethics will take the Higher Project Qualification (HPQ) instead of the short course Religious Studies examination in the Fourth Year.
Fifth Year
As the Fourth Year curriculum, Further Mathematics is taken as an extra examination by a proportion of the year group (usually two sets).
Parents receive one formal written report during the course of the year and a parents’ evening provides an opportunity to discuss academic progress with teachers. Half term progress grades are given for all pupils. Parents are invited to contact the tutor in the first instance if they wish to raise any matter relating to their child’s school work or to arrange an individual meeting.