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Year 8 to Year 9 Options Computer Science
A science certainly, but also about art and language.
For current Year 8 students at King Edward VI School, computer science develops many of the themes introduced in Years 7 and 8 IT and Computing. It is though more akin to GCSE Computer Science and this year aims to prepare you for GCSE using a practical approach in class.
Think about this. The more challenging problem is not to play chess but to write the code that will play chess.
Even though it is technical, it is a work of art. This is a creative subject. You will get a level of satisfaction in developing the tools and language to create.
This year will develop the following:
Problem solving skills: Understanding how to break larger problems down. How to express these in a formal manner using Pseudocode ready to automate using a machine called a computer.
Learn a Computer language: You will be able to instruct a computer using the Python language and also explore the languages of the web.
Physical Computing and robotics: The Internet of things is upon us! Smart toasters are no longer a dream! Learn how microcontrollers coupled with sensors and motors are in increasingly more things from cars to fridges - what is their impact in an increasingly connected and automated world? - the Internet of things.
Cyber Security: One of the fastest and highest paying industries. Learn about how computers, mobile phones and networks are attacked and safeguarded.
Head of Department: Mr DG Cutler dgc@kes.hants.sch.uk