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French at King Edward’s is taught in a lively and communicative way and the Year 9 programme should prove stimulating and rewarding to all pupils, whether studying French as their first or second modern language. By the end of the year, all French pupils should feel confident enough to continue with French in the Upper School.
Pupils in Year 9 continue the ‘Dynamo’ course which they began earlier in the Lower School. Pupils in their second year of French will meet six times a fortnight rather than four and use the ‘Dynamo 2’ textbook. Those who have studied French for longer at KES will follow the ‘Dynamo 3’ course and meet four times a fortnight. The aim is that all students will have a solid foundation before they embark on their IGCSE.
As well as the textbooks, pupils have access to complimentary resources on the Dynamo website and teachers can assign tasks and assignments accordingly. There are videos that accompany the course and pupils enjoy following a group of French teenagers and their adventures. As pupils will have become familiar with the Studio books already, this is a natural and straightforward progression for them.
French teachers work closely together to encourage and challenge all pupils. At this stage, all classes are mixed ability, allowing all pupils to access materials evenly. French teachers aim to open students’ eyes to the possibilities and opportunities of studying French at IGCSE. We are lucky to have a French assistant who organises a French speaking club every week and also sees pupils in lessons to work on their spoken French.
We have an annual visit from a French speaking theatre group, which allows students to appreciate the progress they have made in their French-learning journey and this coupled with further opportunities in the Upper School to explore the language, such as a biannual trip to Paris, means that our students truly grow in their knowledge and understanding of French culture and language.
French is the first or second language of many countries; France is our nearest continental neighbour and an important business partner and provides many leisure opportunities. Fluency in such a major language is an asset in many careers and the French department aims to engender passion from the outset in this excellent subject.

Head of Department: Ms K M Clement