Welcome to King’s Hawford Early Years
Situated in a dedicated Early Years building right at the heart of the School, nestled between colourful aviaries and the School double decker library bus, sits King’s Hawford Kindergarten, a nursery within the King’s Foundation offering Early Years education to children from 2 to 4 years old.
King’s Hawford is often described as one big happy family and I truly believe that this stems from the warm and nurturing environment on offer in our Kindergarten. We are proud to provide a rural homefrom-home setting to ensure young children gain the stability needed to develop confidence and independence as they start their school journey.

Kindergarten is the start of the King’s education journey for many children. Even at this young age we are able to introduce to them a whole range of exciting indoor and outdoor experiences, whilst ensuring they have access to activities that appeal to their individual interests.
Our Kindergarten children experience everything that King’s Hawford has to offer. Whether it’s caring for our chickens and birds, swimming in our indoor heated pool, exploring our Forest School, or taking part in exciting musical sessions, there really is something for everyone.

Children have opportunities to investigate and experience things whilst playing and exploring. They learn to concentrate, to solve problems for themselves, develop their own ideas and to make links by thinking creatively and critically.
Early Years Ethos at King’s Hawford
At King’s Hawford it is our aim to create a happy, stimulating, home-from-home environment, which will promote the learning process for all children and where friendships and confidence flourish. We aim to provide children with the strongest possible foundations for their educational journey. This is done by instilling key characteristics in our pupils. At King’s Hawford…
• We are adventurous. Outdoor learning is at the heart of what we do. We make full use of our local area to enhance educational provision.
• We are respectful. As a school we promote an ethos of tolerance and mutual respect which is rooted in Christian values.
• We are confident. We want all children to show initiative in their own learning and we aim to ensure that each child feels fully included, secure and valued within the school community.

• We are individuals. We nurture growth of individual characteristics through the development of intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual potential.
• We are playful. We believe that childhood is a time of play through which children discover the excitement of learning, the rewards of achievement and acquire life skills. Childhood should be preserved and not rushed.
Every child, from nursery and beyond, learns to collaborate, persevere, reflect and challenge themselves in order to become inquisitive learners.
Prime Areas of Learning:
Our curriculum involves activities and experiences to meet the learning and development requirements in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) – the three prime areas of learning and development are:

• Personal, social and emotional development
• Communication and language development
• Physical development
Alongside these are four specific areas, through which the prime areas are strengthened and applied:
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Expressive arts and design
• Understanding the world
Early Learning Goals:
The children’s progress is monitored carefully and assessed using the Early Learning Goals which show the level of attainment expected by the end of the EYFS (end of Reception). We share the results of the profile with parents / carers in the final term and provide an opportunity for discussion with their child’s Reception teacher.
Kindergarten is open from 7.30am until 5.50pm and half days are available. We recommend that children attend at least four sessions per week to ensure social continuity.
Morning 7.30am – 12.30pm
Afternoon 12.30pm – 5.50pm
Kindergarten 1 (2 - 3 years)
Settling into KG1
Kindergarten 1 is the start of the King’s educational journey for many children. Children can start in KG1 immediately following their second birthday. It is recognised that starting school is an important event in the life of every child and the transition from home to school needs to be as smooth as possible, thus close home / school links are considered essential.
Induction visits provide the opportunity for staff to meet the children and get to know them well before they start. A development profile is completed and all aspects of Kindergarten life can be discussed in an informal, relaxed manner.

It is our intention that children feel settled and happy in the absence of their parents. All children are greeted warmly on arrival and encouraged to get stuck straight in to the activities on offer. All children are allocated a key member of staff known as the key person.

KG1 Daily Routine (approximate)
KG1 weekly activities include swimming, PE, Music and Forest School.
7.30am - 9.10am Arrivals and activities 9.15am Story and welcome 9.30am Snack 9.45am Activities 11.20am Songs and stories 11.30am Lunch 12.10pm Activities 12.30pm Hometime – morning session 1.00pm Rest time 2.15pm Outdoor play 3.00pm Sandwich and drink 5.00pm Light tea 5.50pm Final collection
Progress Check:
Kindergarten 1 staff conduct progress checks and provide parents / carers with a written summary of their child’s development in the prime areas. This progress check, which should be shared with the Health Visitor, will identify the child’s strengths and any areas where progress is less than expected.

Kindergarten 2 (3 - 4 years)
Settling into KG2
Children move into Kindergarten 2 for their Pre-School year, at the beginning of the Autumn Term following their third birthday. KG2 builds on the foundations of KG1 and helps to prepare children for their transition to Reception the following year. Children are encouraged to attend at least four sessions each week. Ideally most of this group will be attending for several full days per week by the end of the Summer Term. The children are grouped into pastoral ‘colour-groups’, each group cared for by an experienced nursery practitioner, known as their key person.
Daily Routine (approximate)
7.30am - 9.10am Arrivals and activities 9.15am Story and welcome 9.30am Snack 9.45am Activities 11.20am Songs and stories 11.30am Lunch 12.10pm Activities 12.30pm Hometime – morning session 1.00pm Rest time 2.15pm Outdoor play 3.00pm Sandwich and drink 5.00pm Light tea 5.50pm
Weekly Sessions:
Kindergarten 2 provides a fun-packed and varied programme of activities and events on a weekly basis. These are available to all children depending on their age and stage of development:

• Forest School
• P.E. Lesson
Swimming Lesson

In addition to the programme of activities offered, a number of clubs are offered to KG2 children for a small charge, including:
• Ballet • Rugby Tots
Transition to Reception:
In order to make this move as relaxed and smooth as possible, during the Summer Term, the Reception teachers take Early Years assemblies, visit KG2 to read stories and get to know the children. The children also visit Reception classrooms to become familiar with their new surroundings.
Reception (4 - 5 years)
Settling into Reception
Children who have had their fourth birthday before 1st September move into Reception. There are two classes, each with 10-15 children, who are looked after by a teacher and supported by a teaching assistant. Literacy and mathematics are central to morning activities. The day is more structured, although there is still plenty of opportunity for exploration and child-initiated activities. Adult-led focus work extends during the year as concentration spans and listening skills continue to develop.
The Reception Day:
7.30am - 8.30am Arrivals 8.35am Registration 9.00am Morning lessons
11.30am Lunch
12.00pm - 12.30pm Lessons
12.30pm - 1.10pm Outdoor play
1.10pm - 3.30pm Afternoon lessons
3.30pm Hometime
3.30pm - 4.30pm After School Club
4.30pm - 6.00pm Late Club
Our Weekly Timetable Includes:
• Music Lesson
• German Lesson
• Swimming or P.E. Lesson

Weekly Assemblies:
• Early Years Assembly
• Whole School Assembly
• Games Lesson
• Forest School
After School Clubs:
We offer an exciting range of after school clubs which run until 4.30pm. These may include:
• Ballet *
• Rugby Tots *
• Music
• Cookery
• Painting
• Construction
• Gymnastics
• Eco Club
*Ballet & Rugby Tots are offered weekly for a small charge.
Transition to Year 1:
We aim to make the transition from Reception to Year 1 as smooth and as welcoming as possible for children. Year 1 follows on from the Early Years Foundation Stage with an exciting, hands-on creative curriculum.

• Sticker Assembly
At some point during the year, Reception class leads an assembly to which parents are invited.