Lower Years Handbook
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Contents 3 Welcome from the Head of Lower Years 4 Organisation & structure
The Lower Years The Senior Management Team Important contact information Communication and keeping in touch
6 School Information
Timings and supervision The School Day Absence and Attendance Catering Valuables and Lost Property
8 Pastoral Care
Ethos Responsibility for Pastoral Care PHSE and RSE in the Lower Years E-Safety and use of technology in school Pastoral Support School Policies School Rules and Behaviour Management Uniform
11 Curriculum Matters
Pupil Planner Homework Rewards and Praise Behaviour Points Academic Reporting IT systems- communication of information The Library
14 Co-Curricular
Activities, clubs and societies Charities Music and LAMDA
15 Map and guide to King’s
Welcome from the Head of Lower Years
Dear Parents and Guardians, I am delighted to welcome you to the Lower Years at King’s, where your son or daughter will spend the first two years of their senior school experience. I am very much looking forward to meeting and getting to know all our new pupils and their families over the course of the next few months: I hope to see you at our whole school events or parents’ conferences and at sporting fixtures or around the school campus. I hope that your child settles quickly into King’s and enjoys their time in the Lower Years. These are incredibly important years in their education, where they will be encouraged to develop good learning habits, such as independent study skills and self-organisation, whilst also participating in the large number of co-curricular clubs and activities that are on offer. Through this participation, it is our aim that all pupils at King’s gain greater self-awareness and confidence, which is also translated into their academic studies.
Miss Kate Arnold Head of Lower Years
The Lower Years provides a close-knit community for your son or daughter, where they will be encouraged to be ambitious in their learning and respectful to all. One of our key priorities is establishing age-appropriate pastoral care and supervision whilst ensuring that pupils experience life as part of the wider King’s community. In addition to having a Form Tutor, with whom they can discuss their successes and anxieties, pupils will also work alongside our Deputy Head of Lower Years, Mrs Rachael Worth and myself. Similarly, parents can get in touch with Form Tutors in the first instance, the Deputy Head of Lower Years, or myself should you have any queries about anything relating to your child’s life at school. As such, you will have opportunities to meet their Form Tutor through various events at the beginning of term to ensure that a strong relationship is built between pupil, parent and tutor. This handbook is designed to introduce life in the Lower Years and includes important information about pastoral care and school routines. Joining a new school community can be a challenge and I recognise that you might be feeling slightly apprehensive about the changes ahead. I hope, therefore, that you find the information outlined within this handbook to be useful. Should you have any immediate queries before September 2020, please do contact myself or one of the following members of staff: Miss Kate Arnold (Head of Lower Years) karnold@ksw.org.uk Mrs Rachael Worth (Deputy Head of Lower Years) rworth@ksw.org.uk Mrs Vickie Peckston (Registrar) registrar@ksw.org.uk I look forward to welcoming your son or daughter into the school community and hope that you will embrace all that being part of King’s has to offer, leading to what we hope will be a fun, enriching and rewarding education with us.
Miss Kate Arnold Head of Lower Years
Organisation of the Lower Years Miss Kate Arnold Head of Lower Years
Mrs Rachael Worth Deputy Head of Lower Years
L4 (Yr.7) Form Tutors
U4 (Yr.8) Form Tutors
Learning Skills Department Joanna Lucas Jill Knipe
Health Centre Staff Claire Furber Emma Rossiter
The Lower Years at King’s Years 7 and 8 (L4 and U4) are known at King’s as the Lower Years and provide a foundation period, during which academic, social skills and a growing sense of maturity and responsibility will be established. This is a very important and special time in a pupil’s education and the emphasis is on establishing good habits in all areas of school life and good relationships with all involved in the King’s community. We hope very much that the first two years at King’s sees pupils enjoy a myriad of opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom, and that pupils make solid friendships and enjoy the learning experience on offer. Our aim is to ensure that when pupils enter the Middle Years, they have acquired broad interests and enquiring minds and that they feel safe and happy within the King’s community.
The Head of Lower Years, Miss Kate Arnold, with the help of Mrs Rachael Worth, Deputy Head of Lower Years, is responsible for the pastoral and academic development of pupils in L4 and U4. They aim to provide a community in which pupils can gain confidence and acquire a sense of belonging. The form groups within this section of the school are all based in the Annett building, but pupils take lessons in subject areas which are based throughout the school, bringing them into contact with more senior pupils. There are five form groups in each year with each form group consisting of approximately 22 pupils. Form Tutors are responsible for the pastoral care of each pupil and, as a parent, will be your first point of contact. All information regarding a pupil’s academic work, behaviour, sporting and artistic achievements is passed onto the Form Tutor so he or she has a complete picture of each pupil’s progress.
Senior Leadership Structure at King’s Mr Gareth Doodes Headmaster
Mr Jon Ricketts Senior Deputy Head and Deputy Head Pastoral
Miss Alison Oliver Deputy Head Staffing and Co-curricular
Mrs Katie Beever Deputy Head Academic
Miss Helen Jackson Bursar
Pastoral Groups 2020/21 L4A
Miss G Ormandy
Mrs H Lacey
Mrs R Shearburn
Mr W McGarvey
Mrs S Parry
Miss A Williams
Mrs J Williams
Mr E Lummus
Dr C Brown
Mrs R Rutter
Mr S Cuthbertson
Keeping in touch - Firefly and the newsletter The King’s Worcester Firefly site is a key source of information about your child’s life in school and offers a variety of information about day-to-day life at King’s such as current menus, school policies and the school calendar. All new parents will be sent set up instructions at the start of term. You will also receive a weekly eNewsletter from the Headmaster and once a year, you will receive the school magazine, The Vigornian. You are also encouraged to follow ‘King’s Worcester’ on Twitter @ KingsWorcester, @kings_worcester on Instagram and Facebook. Most departments and main activities have their own Twitter accounts.
Mr A Gilgrass (Floating Form Tutor)
Communication If you have any queries about your child, then please do contact your daughter/ son’s Form Tutor in the first instance. Early communication is essential to build an effective partnership between school and home and we welcome the opportunity to work alongside you should you have any queries or concerns about life at school or your child’s wellbeing or progress; we aim to keep parents fully informed on all matters relating to their children. Any enquires for pupils in the Lower Years should be sent to loweryears@ksw.org.uk.
Reason for contacting the School
Who should I contact?
Contact Information
School office
absence@ksw.org.uk 01905 721 704
Form Tutor- please copy them in to any absence emails See list of email addresses Emergency Appointment
School office
Medical/ Dental
Form Tutor- please copy them in to any absence emails See list of email addresses
Planned Appointment
Form Tutor by email or letter in advance. Please copy emails to the office email address
office@ksw.org.uk 01905 721 704 See list of email addresses
Medical/Dental Contacting the Lower Years staff
absence@ksw.org.uk 01905 721 704
Miss Kate Arnold (Head of Lower Years) Mrs Rachael Worth (Deputy Head of Lower Years)
karnold@ksw.org.uk rworth@ksw.org.uk
The Lower Years team
loweryears@ksw.org.uk or 01905 721 791
Health Centre
Mrs Claire Furber/Mrs Emma Rossiter
health@ksw.org.uk 01905 721 711
Senior Leadership Team
Mr Gareth Doodes
headmaster@ksw.org.uk or you can make an appointment to meet with the Headmaster via his secretary, Mrs Alison Stanley, on: 01905 721 740
Mr Jon Ricketts
01905 721 779 or jricketts@ksw.org.uk
Mrs Katie Beever
01905 721 697 or kbeever@ksw.org.uk
Miss Alison Oliver
01905 721 708 or aoliver@ksw.org.uk
Miss Helen Jackson
01905 721 721 or hjackson@ksw.org.uk
School Information The School Day Our school day starts at 8.30am, where registration takes place in form rooms. Pupils should not generally enter the school site before 8.00am as there is no official staff supervision before this time. There is no official supervision on site prior to then and therefore we require that pupils should not be onsite prior to then. We have two weekly whole school Assemblies, The Cathedral Assembly takes place on Tuesday morning and we have a second one Assembly on Thursday, between 8.40 and 9.00. Travelling to and from school Bicycles are allowed, with the Form Tutor’s permission, but we do not advise their use when children are getting used to a new routine. Bicycles can be kept at the rear of Choir House during the day and must always be locked when left on school premises. Please encourage your son or daughter to walk safely but quickly to school either from home or after a journey on public transport. We strongly advise that they avoid the tow path as we do not consider it safe for young pupils on their own. They should use more public routes when they walk to and from school and should always walk with friends. Pupils should bear in mind that they are representing the school when in public. Supervision and Lower Year’s Playground The Annett Building is open, with a member of staff on duty and in the Lower Years’ Playground, during morning break. Lunch is eaten in the Dining Hall between 11.55 and 12.30. Activities and clubs then take place during Long Break, which runs between 13.40 and 14.15. During Long Break, the School Library is open for supervised use, and Lower Years’ staff are again on duty around the Annett Building and Lower Years’ Playground. Afternoon Registration takes place at 2.15 pm, except on Games afternoons. At the end of the school day, pupils are free to go home, unless taking part in after-school activities. They may also work in the Library until 5.50 pm Monday to Thursday and 5.30 pm on Friday. After this time, they should leave the school premises. All pupils must be off the site by 6.00 pm unless they are under the direct supervision of a member of staff. A supervised homework club is available in one of the IT suites after school.
Absence and Attendance The law requires all school-age pupils to attend school for the whole school day throughout the school year. The school must submit its records for authorised and unauthorised absence to the Department of Education and parents are respectfully asked to help us in maintaining honest and accurate data. If your son or daughter is ill, please leave a message on the school’s absence line - 01905 721704/ absence@ksw.org.uk - on each day of his or her absence- copying in the relevant Form Tutor. When he or she returns to school, parents should send a dated signed letter or email to the Form Tutor, giving the reason for absence. If your child has a medical appointment, which cannot be arranged outside school hours, please give the Form Tutor advance warning, preferably by signed email.
It is a legal requirement for parents to seek the school’s approval before they arrange for their children to miss school for any reason other than a medical problem. This includes missing school for the following reasons: family holiday in term-time; family event such as a wedding or funeral; public performance or participation in sport. If a pupil needs to miss school for any reason, such as those given above, parents are requested to contact the Head of Lower Years, who will discuss the request with the Headmaster, in plenty of time and well before they finalise any arrangements. The Headmaster will take into account the pupil’s prior attendance record and the reason for the request. Please be aware that he is not legally or contractually bound to grant the request. In the case of a family holiday, leave of absence under exceptional circumstances may be granted for up to ten school days for one family holiday which for non-financial reasons cannot be taken during the school holidays. Requests for absence for other reasons will not generally be authorised, unless they are for obviously educational reasons. For example, if your child is taking part in a sporting activity, outside of school supervision, the school must be sure that there is some educational experience involved before giving approval for your child to participate. There may be some requirement for your child to receive tuition whilst away. Any absence of more than ten days may only be granted in exceptional circumstances under the terms of the legislation about compulsory school attendance. Please be aware that if your child misses school without prior permission, or if he or she stays away for longer than the agreed term, this absence will be recorded as unauthorised. In some instances, the school will seek advice from the local Education Welfare Officer if pupils are missing school for unauthorised reasons. Lateness It is important for us to instil in all pupils the value of punctuality, as well as a legal obligation for us to record lateness in pupils of compulsory school age. For these reasons, we ask all pupils to arrive for registration by 8.30 am and 2.20 pm. Anybody who arrives after the Register has been called but whilst the member of the pastoral staff is still logged in at the computer will be marked L (Late but before Register has closed). If pupils arrive after 8.40 am or after 2.25 pm, they will be marked Late after close of Register. If a pupil is frequently late, his or her parents will be informed and sanctions may be applied. Leaving school during the school day Pupils may not generally leave the school site during the school day (including lunchtime and break times), unless collected by a parent. If a pupil is unwell during the school day then they must go to the Health Centre where the nurse will assess their health and contact parents, as required. Pupils are not allowed to contact their parents directly to ask to be collected.
Catering The Dining Hall Hot and cold snacks (including a cooked breakfast) may be purchased from the Dining Hall before school and after school. Pupils are encouraged to bring in a healthy snack for morning break.
before the start of term to say that your child will bring a packed lunch (which will be eaten in the Dining Hall) and return any lunch pass issued.
The school offers a lunch with choices of soup, hot main courses, salads, sandwiches/wraps, jacket potatoes, pasta dishes, desserts and fruit. There are, of course, vegetarian options. It is assumed that pupils will be having a school lunch unless you write in to the bursary
If your son or daughter has allergies or special dietary requirements, please contact your child’s Form Tutor or the Catering Manager, (01905 721793). Items containing nuts are clearly marked and the school is used to catering for special diets.
Sample menu
Valuables and Lost Property
Open Mornings & Service Days
If your son or daughter loses something, he or she should check bag racks, locker areas and the changing rooms (particularly at the fields) before then going to Lost Property. Valuable items (such as wallets or mobile phones) will be kept in the School Office if handed in.
Open Mornings are held on three Saturdays each year at 9.30 am (until c 1pm); there are two Open Mornings in the Autumn Term, the second for potential Sixth Form entrants (including our own Fifth Form) and one at the start of the Spring Term. Pupils are expected to be available to help out at the general events and parents are specifically requested not to arrange other appointments on these days. We believe that pupils derive a significant benefit from showing their school to others: the process enhances their communication skills and fosters pride in their achievements.
Please ensure that your son or daughter marks all items of uniform, games kit and other possessions (such as watches, books, shoes, bags, calculator and mobile phones). Unnamed items are taken to the Lost Property store in the Annett building. Pupils can access this every Thursday at morning break or ask in the School Office for the key. Regrettably, from time to time, a pupil may suspect that an item has been stolen. In such instances, the loss should be reported to the Senior Deputy, Mr Jon Ricketts. The school keeps a register of such incidents. In order to avoid any possibility of such an occurrence, children need reminding that they must store their possessions carefully.
All pupils and staff take part in a service day on the first Monday of May. This takes the form of a fete or walk to raise money for charity. We request that all pupils join us for these days.
Money and items such as mobile phones must be stored in locked lockers. During Games lessons, all valuables must be handed in to the supervising staff. Parents need to be aware that pupils are responsible for the security and safe use of all their personal property and for property lent to them by the school. Each pupil is provided with a school locker and a padlock is recommended. Your child will need to bring a padlock, with two keys, one of which should be securely labelled with your child’s name and Form. This should be handed to the Form Tutor for safekeeping. The following padlocks will fit: ‘Master 40mm’, ‘ABUS No65/40’ and ‘Yale Y125/40’. Please do not buy a padlock with a combination lock. Pupils should use their lockers to store books and kit during the day, only carrying with them what they need for each group of lessons.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care at King’s is a caring approach fully integrated and interwoven into the fabric of teaching and learning; the school’s organisation and its engagement with the world beyond the school gates. Through our focus on the development of the individual, we aim to provide a genuinely caring environment where young people can thrive and develop as curious and engaged members of the King’s community and a broader society. Our ethos emphasises mutual respect, openness, and warmth; it is the quality of relationships within the school that makes the pastoral care at King’s so special. Responsibility for Pastoral Care in the Lower Years The Form Tutor has overall responsibility for the pastoral and academic development of their tutees. Work in the Forms is overseen by the Head of Lower Years, Miss Kate Arnold and her Deputy, Mrs Rachael Worth. They work with the Form Tutors to develop age appropriate induction and transition models as well as having a holistic overview of pupil wellbeing and happiness in the Lower Years. The pastoral staff are extremely experienced in dealing with challenges affecting this age group and work collaboratively to ensure all pupils feel happy, safe and valued in the Lower Years. The Deputy Head Pastoral, Mr Jon Ricketts, is responsible for pastoral care and development at King’s. PSHE and RSE in the Lower Years The aim of PSHE (Physical, Social and Health Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) at King’s is to allow pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to live a happy and healthy life in modern Britain. The programme is designed to challenge students with aspects of moral and social responsibility at each stage of their development so as to offer an environment in which pupils can discuss areas affecting adolescents and those in the wider community. Form Tutors teach PSHE sessions, in consultation with the Head of PSHE and RSE, Mrs Catriona Rees and the Deputy Head of Lower Years. In the Lower Years, pupils are taught by their Form Tutors for one thirty-five-minute lesson per week.
Lower Four – PSHE Topics covered Term
Topic Areas
Autumn Term
Ground Rules Follow up team building Activity day Core Values Organisational skills Growth Mindset Work Step One Friendships Bullying Being Safe: Streetwise
Spring Term
Money Learning skills – revision strategies Growth Mindset: Learning Challenges Step Two Self Esteem
Summer Term
Exam preparation Mindfulness Growth Mindset Careers
Upper Four – PSHE Topics covered Term
Topic Areas
Autumn Term
Ground Rules Values Adolescents E-Safety
Spring Term
Learning Skills Healthy Eating Healthy Lifestyle Self Esteem
Summer Term
Learning Skills Revision preparation Mindfulness Careers Top Tips for next year
Pastoral Support The Health Centre The Health Centre plays a pivotal role in ensuring our pupils are well-cared for physically and emotionally, providing an environment where pupils are supported through medical concerns. The nurses are also able to provide support with emotional difficulties within the department and signpost pupils to appropriate support. A fully qualified nurse is on duty full time throughout the school week. The rooms in the Health Centre allow the nurses to deal with medical / emotional issues which occur in the course of the school day. If a pupil feels unwell before the start of the school day, parents are requested to keep him or her at home, and not to send their child into school in the hope of a quick recovery. Pupils with special medical problems such as Asthma, Allergies, Diabetes, and Epilepsy will have an individual care plan drawn up with them if needed. This will be applied to all visits and trips. Nurses can administer medication according to the medication Policy which is available on Firefly. If pupils are unable to partake in PE/games, they should bring a note from home in the first instance. Off games notes can be given in emergencies and for issues that arise during the school day. If a pupil has been off on the day of a match or prior to a match, it is the policy of the Games Department not to let him or her play during the match.
E-Safety and use of technology in school One of the school’s primary safeguarding principles involves protecting pupils online; it is a requirement of government legislation that we closely monitor pupils’ online activity. Our school monitoring software tracks screen activity on school owned devices and/or school Wifi. Specifically, the software identifies and captures key words associated with bullying, swearing, racism, pornography, gambling, extremism, grooming and other concerns. The system automatically takes and sends a screenshot of any inappropriate material to the Designated Safeguarding Leads who will then deal with the information accordingly. Pupils are aware that the system is in place and sanctions may be applied for those who breach our AUP (Acceptable Use Policy). Mobile Phones Mobile phones must be switched off during the school day and may only be used with permission from a member of staff; unauthorised use will result in the mobile phone being confiscated (it will be taken to the School Office, from where it may be collected at the end of school). As pupils may make calls from the Lower Years’ Office or School Office if there is an urgent matter or last-minute change of arrangements. You may wish to discuss with your child whether it is necessary to bring a mobile phone to school. Urgent messages can be passed on via the School Office.
Counselling Service- Carmel Callaghan The School’s Counselling Service is in addition to the already wellestablished provision for pastoral care, guidance, and support for pupils in the school. Our counsellor is highly experienced in working with young people and families; she is British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy accredited. She is available to work with pupils when they are experiencing problems or concerns which may be easier to share with someone other than a member of staff. Her training enables her to develop a working relationship with pupils with the aim of facilitating their growth and emotional development. All that is shared by the pupils will be treated in confidence - if the counsellor is concerned for the pupil’s safety or that of others then she abides by the BACP code of ethics which could mean the sharing of relevant information with other agencies to ensure that all children are appropriately safeguarded. Pupils can be referred by a member of staff or they can self-refer to see the counsellor. Information about timings and her contact details can be found in every classroom in school. Parents and pupils can contact their Form Tutor for further information. Further Pastoral Support Parents or pupils with pastoral concerns should contact their Form Tutor, the Head of Lower Years or the Senior Deputy to look at further options for support and intervention, as required. If someone is behaving towards your son or daughter in a way that is upsetting him or her, do please encourage him or her to tell someone. Pupils should expect to feel safe from physical and emotional upset at school. If parents have any concerns about their child’s welfare or would like any advice on dealing with issues involving their child, they are welcome to contact the Form Tutor. Any question, concern or complaint about the pastoral care or safety of a pupil must be notified to the school as soon as practicable. If a pupil wants to make a complaint about something, for example the way he or she is being treated, the first thing to do is speak to a member of staff he or she trusts. A copy of the school’s formal complaints procedure can be supplied on request.
School Policies
The most up to date versions of key polices can be found via the link below: www.ksw.org.uk/policies The School Rules and Behaviour Management The School Rules and sanctions are drawn up to assist in making the school an orderly and safe environment; to give a sense of security to everyone in the school; to ensure respect for others and the property of others and to make clear the distinction between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Unacceptable behaviour disrupts the learning of others and infringes on the rights, safety or learning on any member of the school community. The school asks all parents to ensure that they have read through the School Rules with their children and expects them to work with the school in the interests of all pupils to encourage strict adherence to these rules. The School Rules apply on school trips, including educational visits and sporting events. They also apply outside school premises, for example when pupils are on the way to and from school and when they are wearing school uniform. A full list of the School Rules can be found in the Pupil Planner and on Firefly, along with the Behaviour Management Policy. At King’s, we aim to create a caring, stimulating and secure environment and to promote high standards of achievement and behaviour. We recognise that pupils learn best in a safe, compassionate and ordered environment. Our behaviour policy and the core values promoted in the Lower Years are designed to allow pupils to develop a sense of self-discipline and an acceptance of responsibility for their actions, as well as to ensure that pupils complete any task(s) reasonably assigned to them in connection with their education. It is also designed to empower all staff to determine and request appropriate behaviour so that all pupils may achieve to the best of their ability, develop selfesteem and mutual respect. The school asks all parents to ensure that they have read through the School Rules with their children and expects them to work with the school in the interests of all pupils to encourage strict adherence to these rules. By signing the Terms and Conditions, parents confirm that they will continue their child’s education at home and that pupils will take a full part in the activities of the school, will attend each school day, will be punctual, will work hard, will be well-behaved and will comply with the School Rules about the wearing of uniform. Please also see Behaviour Points overleaf. A full version of the Behaviour Management Policy is on Firefly or the website.
Uniform and Equipment Please see the link to our uniform guide below: www.ksw.org.uk/lower-years-uniform Please note that Form staff are informed when a pupil’s dress and appearance do not meet the expected standards. Various sanctions are in place for pupils who do not follow the rules on uniform. Pastoral staff will contact parents when pupils repeatedly fail to follow the rules and do not meet our expectations in terms of dress and appearance. Further Equipment Items
Further Information
Bags and rucksacks
Pupils need a double strap rucksack for their books and a separate small bag for their Games kit Large bags should be avoided as these will not fit in the pupils’ lockers Please do not allow your child to bring unnecessary items to school - many pupils become overburdened by the weight of their bags.
Padlock for locker
Master 40mm’, ‘ABUS No65/40’ and ‘Yale Y125/40’ Please do not buy a padlock with a combination lock
The Mathematics teachers will advise on appropriate models of calculator when needed, which is not until the Upper Fourth
Pencil cases
A pencil case will be needed, and should contain the following items (all clearly named): ink pen with spare cartridges, red pen, pencils, pencil sharpener, eraser, ruler, highlighter, glue stick, small pair of scissors and coloured pencils
Stationery and Tuition fees include standard text books and text books stationery If loss or damage occurs, the cost will be added to the pupil’s school bill.
Curriculum Matters The Pupil Planner Each pupil is issued with a ‘Pupil Planner’ in which he or she should write down the homework set for each subject each night, and if it is written work, when it is to be handed in. Please check your child’s Pupil Planner regularly and encourage its effective use. Please sign the Pupil Planner each week and use it to communicate with the Form Tutor.
Homework Homework is set for three subjects each evening, and sometimes four are given at the weekends. In the first half of the Autumn Term only, Lower Fourth pupils will not be given homework on Fridays. As a guide, your child ought to be spending about 20 minutes on each ‘set’ homework in the Lower Fourth, and about 25 minutes each in the Upper Fourth. If your son or daughter regularly takes longer than this to complete his or her homework, please contact the Form Tutor. Do not allow your child to work for too long if he or she is struggling. However, a child who develops a keen interest should not be discouraged from spending longer on his or her work. We expect homework to be done at home, or else in the School Library after 3.40 pm or Homework Club. Breaks are times when we think it important for young people to relax or attend music rehearsals or some of our many clubs and societies, rather than work. We realise, however, that some pupils have other commitments in the evening, and in such cases, it is expected that pupils would request permission from their Form Tutor to do homework in school. From time to time some pupils become disorganised and fail to work adequately on their own. Usually, pupils will be required to redo an unsatisfactory piece of work. If problems persist, you may be asked to sign your child’s homework diary each night to show that set work is being done satisfactorily. As noted above, if you are anxious about any aspect of your child’s progress at school, you should contact the Form Tutor, who will support and guide you with the next steps.
Rewards and Praise
Sample Homework Timetable Term
Wednesday Thursday
English Language Latin Biology Geography* Chemistry
Maths History Art
DT Language Physics
English Language History Physics Geography* Art
Maths Chemistry Biology
DT Language Latin
DT* Latin Geography
Language Physics Chemistry
Maths English History
Language Biology Art
Maths Biology DT*
Language Physics English
Geography Art* History
Language Latin Chemistry
Maths DT* Biology*
Language Physics Latin
History Art Geography
Language Chemistry English
The school reserves the right to impose disciplinary penalties where a student’s behaviour falls below the standard which could be reasonably expected of him or her, whether because of failure to follow a school rule or an instruction by a member of staff. Further information may be found within the Behaviour Management Policy on Firefly.
If a pupil produces a good piece of work in relation to his or her abilities, a Merit will be given to reward this effort. Certificates are awarded to those who receive 10, 20, 30 or 40 Merits in a year; in addition, a book token is given to any pupil achieving 40 or more Merits in a year. Headmaster’s Commendations are given for exceptional pieces of work or for sustained quality in work. Form Prizes are awarded at the end of each academic year at the Lower Years Prize-Giving. Two are awarded per form and they may be for academic excellence, industry or improvement during the year or a combination of these. Disciplinary Penalties (Sanctions) including Detention Disciplinary penalties (sanctions) are applied when it is necessary to a) stop the inappropriate behaviour; b) allow the student to make a better choice next time; and c) show other students what is/is not acceptable in school. Sanctions are meant to penalise unacceptable behaviour, not the student. They should be seen as a constructive measure to bring an improvement in the student’s behaviour or learning.
Behaviour Points
Academic Reporting
The primary form of communication between members of the teaching staff is via behaviour points. Behaviour points are not, in themselves, punishments, and should never be presented as such. They are intended to inform a student’s Year Group Tutor about his or her well-being, attitude or behaviour. Where the student’s behaviour is unacceptable, they provide information for the pastoral staff about severe or persistent incidents or issues. These may be shared with parents as appropriate.
Reporting plays a vital role in helping children achieve their potential at King’s. Each report should provide clear communication about a child’s progress and is a chance to celebrate achievement, look for new challenges and take action to address any problems that may emerge. Reporting at King’s primarily takes place via grade reports, full reports, and parents’ evenings.
In particular, parents need to be aware that all students, including those over the age of 18, may be required to attend a detention, either after school or on some weekends or non-teaching days. The school will give parents 24 hours’ notice in writing of a detention which is held outside school time, stating why the detention is being given, when and where it will take place and how long it will last. If a student fails to attend the detention, the Headmaster will determine how to deal with the original misbehaviour and the absence. If a student commits a serious breach of the School Rules, persistently breaks less serious rules or intentionally misses a school period, he or she will be given a Saturday Morning Detention (which will, occasionally, be held on a Friday evening). Saturday Morning Detentions are normally supervised by the Senior Deputy in his office and last from 9.30am to 11.30am. Students who miss a Saturday Morning Detention are made aware that the normal punishment for this offence is Suspension. The school operates After School Detentions on Tuesday and Thursday evenings (15.50-16.50), which may be issued by either Lower Years staff or departments. These could be for breaches of our behaviour policy or for a collection of behaviour points that suggest unwelcome patterns of behaviour, e.g. lack of punctuality or frequently forgetting equipment. The normal penalty for missing an After School Detention is a Saturday Morning Detention. The Lower Year’s Detention is during long break on a Thursday, and is issued for incidents of poor behaviour within the Lower Years community..
At the core of the reporting system at King’s is the focus on pupil effort. In association with good teaching, it is the critical factor in ensuring the best possible academic outcomes. We therefore place great emphasis on effort in our reporting system by providing an effort grade in each reporting event and closely monitor these grades for each pupil over the academic year and as they progress through the school. While attainment grades provide helpful information about where a pupil stands academically at that moment in time, it is widely recognised that both low and high attainment grades can have a demotivating effect. We therefore only provide attainment grades once each term.
Summary Effort grades, attainment grades, exam results and full reports are issued throughout the academic year. Reports go to pupils in school and via email to parents at home. After each report, there are individual discussions between the pupil and their tutor to celebrate achievements and plan for future progress. Parents’ Evening offer the opportunity to discuss pupil progress with subject teachers. Pupils in the Lower Remove (year 9) and above are invited to attend with their parents. Ther is also an end of year Pastoral Parents’ evening to discuss their child’s performance throughout the academic year.
Reporting Schedule for the Lower Years
Autumn 1
Autumn 2 Spring 1
Spring 2
Second halfterm
Second halfterm
After internal exams
Effort and attainment grades
Parents’ Evening Effort grades
Full report Effort grades
Effort and attainment grades
Full report and exam results Effort grades
Parents’ Evening Effort grades
Full report Effort grades
Effort and attainment grades
Full report and exam results Effort grades
U4 Effort and
attainment grades
The Library
IT Systems
The School Library occupies the two lower floors of School House. It provides resources and services to support the curriculum, and a place to study quietly, in a supervised, spacious and comfortable environment.
Pupils have access to plenty of computers in the Library and ICT rooms.
Opening hours are 8.00 am to 5.50 pm (5.30 pm on Fridays) and resources include books, periodicals, music CDs, DVDs and audio CDs, alongside a suite of desktop computers for pupil use. Scanning, colour and mono printing facilities are available, as is a self-service photocopier. Pupils are expected to maintain a quiet and studious atmosphere. There is a designated room for those who need to work in silence. Pupils are offered guidance and help in developing both a love of reading, and good literacy skills to assist them in information research and evaluation (particularly from the Internet), retrieval and presentation. During Lower Fourth, pupils have sessions on library, literacy, and information research skills and these are followed up in curriculum studies. There is a Lower Years reading group ‘W.R.A.I.TH.’ (Writing, reading and imaginative thinking), promotional events such as quizzes and author visits, and involvement in national events such as World Book Day. Pupils may volunteer to become Pupil Librarians or to represent their year group on the Library Committee.
When they use a school computer, they should make sure that they are familiar with the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for IT. This is displayed in the computer rooms and is included in the Pupil Planner. The school will take any breach of this AUP very seriously. Please see the E-Safety section for further information regarding our school monitoring. All pupils are issued with a Microsoft Office 365 account to ensure they can access emails and their work on any device and outside of school. Key things we require: • Password security is important and ensures no unauthorised access to accounts. It is therefore, a priority that pupils choose a strong password and keep it private. •
Pupils should not take photographs of other pupils or staff without their consent to do so.
Pupils should not use chat rooms or messaging services in school, either through school computers or their own devices.
Pupils must never install software onto any school computers.
Our Co-curriculum
It has long been a central aim of The King’s School Worcester to provide a rich, stimulating and varied co-curriculum. All pupils are encouraged to participate in the programme of activities and opportunities that comprises our co-curriculum as it provides an invaluable contribution towards personal, moral and social development and encourages life-long interests and healthy, creative and fulfilling habits of body and mind. With some 100 clubs and activities on offer – in addition to our enviable programme of sport – pupils at King’s are able to learn new skills, embrace fresh challenges and realise their ambitions. Sport is very strong among both boys and girls and benefits from the significant expertise and commitment from our staff as well as some outstanding facilities. Our rowers have, over recent years, won many medals in local, regional and national events. We enjoy high levels of success in Cricket, Athletics, Tennis, Basketball, Swimming, Sailing, Kayaking, Sub Aqua, Judo, Cross-Country Running, Climbing and Fencing and we are proud of the breadth of sporting opportunity we offer. Our winter team sports – Netball, Rugby, Hockey and Football – demonstrate an excellence of which we are justly proud with regular success in local, regional and national competitions and fixtures. In 2019, our U16 Netball Team secured a win in the National Schools regional competition and went on to be crowned the fourth best team in the country while our 1st XV Rugby players won the Natwest U18 Schools Bowl to pick just two examples. Other activities on offer include Young Enterprise, the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Music, Drama, Debating and Public Speaking, Art, Dance, Departmental Clubs, Community Service, MUN and CCF. They take place during lunchtimes and after school, and there is also a range of weekend events. Some activities are also based at the Old Chapel, the School’s outdoor centre in the Black Mountains. Community service is a strong feature of life at King’s and a number of our pupils volunteer to read with local primary school children and visit older members of our local community. Trips take place at weekends and during half-term and main school holidays. A Classics trip to Italy, History trip to France, Rugby tour to South Africa, Netball and Hockey tour to Barbados, Cricket tour to the Caribbean and Religious Studies trip to the Holy Land are just a few recent highlights. We also make sure that there are many valuefor-money trips within this country each year across a wide range of subjects and activities. A ‘Himalayan Club’ sends a party of between 20 and 30 Lower Sixth students trekking and carrying out community work in different parts of the world each year. Many of our pupils have been on joint trips in recent years to Morocco or Iceland.
Clubs and societies are introduced to pupils in the ‘activities fayre’ during the first week of term. A booklet of all events will be provided to pupils. A copy can be found at www.ksw.org.uk/ clubs-and-societies.
Charity Work As well as whole school or Lower Years fundraising events, each Form is encouraged to raise money for charity from time to time. Additionally, a major fundraising event is held each year on the May Day Bank Holiday - either a School Fête or a sponsored walk - in aid of local and national charities; attendance at the May Day events is compulsory for all pupils, and their families are encouraged to participate. The Lower Years also participate in an annual charity run.
Music and LAMDA If you wish your son or daughter to learn one or more musical instruments or to have singing tuition, please contact the Director of Music, Mr Simon Taranczuk, by the beginning of term. Music lessons will usually take place in lesson time on a rotational basis so that pupils do not miss the same lesson each week. The school’s peripatetic teachers are self-employed and will bill you directly at the start of each term. If you wish your son or daughter to give up these music lessons, you must give a term’s notice in writing to the teacher. LAMDA Speech and Drama lessons can be organised, individually or in pairs. They are held at lunchtimes, after school or on Saturday mornings. Please contact the school office if you would like to arrange lessons for your child.
Pastoral: Year 7, Choir House, Mathematics Department
Music School, Deputy Heads
History & Politics Department, Economics & Business Studies Department, Chaplaincy Estates Manager
Sports Hall, Gym, Climbing Wall, Dance Studio, Drama Studio, LAMDA, Underground Car Parking Pastoral: Castle House, Vigornian Room, Weston Centre, Staff Facilities
Art Department, Sir Terry Frost Gallery
College Precincts
Caretaker, ICT Support, CCF & DofE Office
Chemistry Department, Physics Department, ICT Department, Science Lecture Theatre
Design & Technology Department
School Archive, Classics Department
Health Centre, English Department, Pastoral: Bright, Creighton and Kittermaster Houses
College Green
Pastoral: Year 8, RS Department, Geography Department
Castle Court
Library Square
School Library, Long Gallery, Careers Department, Learning Support Department, Examinations Officer, Pastoral: School, Chappel, Oswald and Wulstan Houses
Sports Fields
Slingpool Walk off Bromwich Road
Reception, School Office, Headmaster, Bursary, Registrar, Marketing, Foundation
Map of King’s
ksw.org.uk The King’s School 5 College Green Worcester WR1 2LL t: 01905 721 700 e: info@ksw.org.uk
The King’s School, Worcester: A company limited by guarantee, registered in England. Registered office: 5 College Green, Worcester WR1 2LL. Company No: 4776324. Registered charity No: 1098236. The information, terms and conditions set out in this prospectus and all occasional papers may be amended from time to time, and their provisions, subject to any such amendments, shall continue to apply for the whole period during which a boy or girl continues to attend the School, irrespective of his or her age.