King's Worcester Middle Years and Sixth Form Handbook

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Senior School Handbook

Discover Your Passion #DiscoverYourPassion |

An independent co-educational school | 11-181

Contents 3 Welcome from the Head of Middle Years 4 Senior School Structures

Pastoral Structure Senior Leadership Structure at King’s Communication Important Contact Information

6 School Information

The School Day Catering Valuables and Lost Property

8 Pastoral Care

The House System at King’s How to Contact the Houses Houses Pages Pastoral Responsibility PSHE and RSE E-Safety and use of Technology in School Pastoral Support School Policies The School Rules and Behaviour Management Uniform and Sixth Form Dress Code

21 Curriculum Matters

Aims The Pupil Planner Homework Rewards and Praise Academic Reporting Behaviour and Discipline The Library IT Systems

24 Our Co-Curriculum Activities, Clubs and Societies Charity Work Music and LAMDA

25 Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form Sixth Form Matters

27 Map of King’s


Welcome from the Head of Middle Years

Dear Parents, Guardians and Pupils, The Middle Years are such an important part of life at King’s. Pupils entering Lower Remove may be the most junior members of their new House, but they will act as role models to the pupils in the Lower Years, taking on greater responsibility in school societies or clubs and around the school site. Progressing to the Middle Years is an exciting time, but understandably one that might make some pupils feel nervous or worried. I expect that pupils new to King’s and the Houses have lots of questions about the school life, so we have put together this document to try to answer some of them before you arrive. We hope it’s useful and helps make the transition straightforward. The range of subjects available in Year 9 (Lower Remove) is considerable as we want pupils to find learning both challenging and exciting. We do not expect pupils to know everything from the first instance, but encourage them to embrace those brow-furrowing moments in lessons; ask questions, challenge themselves, and get stuck in because we never know where it may take them. Effort and enjoyment are the most important part in academic success. Pupils need not be afraid to ask for help from their teachers; we are passionate about our subjects, but more importantly we are passionate about helping pupils develop.

Dr Iwan Davies Head of Middle Years

Naturally, we hope that pupils will want to expand their horizons by getting involved in as many of our co-curricular activities as they possibly can. The range of activities are too numerous to name here, but there really is something for everyone. Balancing these commitments is important and Year Group Tutors will help guide pupils on societies or clubs to join. I hope that you are really looking forward to joining King’s or moving up into your House – we are certainly looking forward to getting to know you and hope that you will be very happy in the senior part of the school. Should you have any queries or concerns then the Year Group Tutor is the person to contact or speak to in school, in the first instance. This handbook is designed to introduce life in the Middle Years and includes important information about pastoral care and school routines. I recognise that you might be feeling slightly apprehensive about joining a new school or House and therefore hope you find the information contained within this handbook to be useful. Should you have any immediate queries before September 2021, then please do get in touch via Best wishes,

Dr Iwan Davies Head of Middle Years


Senior School Structures Pastoral Structure Mr Jon Ricketts Senior Deputy Head and Deputy Head Pastoral

Mr Josh Hand Head of Sixth Form

House Tutors LR-U6th

Dr Iwan Davies Head of Middle Years

Year Group Tutors LR-U6th

Health Centre Staff Claire Furber Emma Rossiter

Senior Leadership Structure at King’s Mr Gareth Doodes Headmaster

Mr Jon Ricketts Senior Deputy Head and Deputy Head Pastoral


Miss Alison Oliver Deputy Head Staffing and Co-curricular

Mrs Katie Beever Deputy Head Academic

Miss Georgina Mason Director of Finance and Business Development

Mr Simon Holden Director of Operations

Communication If you have any concerns about your child, then please do contact your daughter/son’s Year Group Tutor (House) in the first instance. Early communication is essential to build an effective partnership between school and home and we welcome the opportunity to work closely with you should you have any queries or concerns about life at school or your child’s wellbeing or progress; we aim to keep parents fully informed on all matters relating to their children. Keeping in touch The King’s Worcester Firefly site is a key source of information about your child’s life in school and offers a variety of information about

day-to-day life at King’s such as current menus, school policies and the school calendar. A link to Firefly can be accessed via the school’s website, New parents will be sent a link to access Firefly once their child starts at the school. You will receive a weekly eNewsletter from the Headmaster and once a year, you will receive the school magazine, The Vigornian. You are also encouraged to follow ‘King’s Worcester’ on Instagram @ kings_worcester. and Twitter @KingsWorcester. Most departments and main activities have their own Twitter accounts. We also have a number of department-led and co-curricular activity twitter accounts.

Reason for contacting the School

Who should I contact?

Contact Information


School office

Year Group Tutor- please copy them in to any 01905 721704 absence emails See list of email addresses Emergency Appointment

School office

Medical/ Dental

Year Group Tutor- please copy them in to any 01905 721704 absence emails See list of email addresses

Planned Appointment

Year Group Tutor by email or letter in advance. Please copy emails to the absence email address 01905 721700

Medical/Dental Contacting the Heads of Section

See list of email addresses Dr Iwan Davies (Head of Middle Years)

Mr Josh Hand (Head of Sixth Form) House staff

Please see House specific information

Health Centre

Mrs Claire Furber/Mrs Emma Rossiter 01905 721711

Senior Leadership Team

Mr Gareth Doodes or you can make an appointment to meet with the Headmaster via his secretary, Mrs Alison Stanley, on: 01905 721740

Mr Jon Ricketts

01905 721779 or

Miss Alison Oliver

01905 721708 or

Mrs Katie Beever

01905 721736 or

Miss Georgina Mason

01905 721 721 or

Mr Simon Holden

01905 721 721


School Information

The School Day All pupils should arrive at school before 8.30 am each day, where registration takes place in Houses. Pupils should not generally enter the school site before 8.00 am. There is no official supervision prior to then and therefore we require that pupils are not on site. There are usually Assemblies on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, between 8.40 am and 9.00 am. Travelling to and from school Bicycles can be brought to school with the House Tutor’s permission. They can be kept at the rear of the Choir House building during the day and must always be locked when left on school premises.  Please impress upon your son or daughter the need to walk safely but quickly to school either from home or after a journey on public transport. We advise that pupils should use public routes when they walk to and from school and that they should always walk with friends.  Absence and Attendance The law requires all school-age pupils to attend school for the whole school day throughout the school year. The school must submit its records for authorised and unauthorised absence to the Department of Education and parents are respectfully asked to help us in maintaining honest and accurate data.   If your son or daughter is ill, please leave a message on the school’s absence line - 01905 721704 / - on each day of his or her absence- copying in the relevant Year Group Tutor. When he or she returns to school, parents should send a dated signed letter or email to the Year Group Tutor, giving the reason for absence. Please note, however, that we may have to check on the authenticity of e-mail correspondence regarding absence.   If your child has a medical appointment, which cannot be arranged outside school hours, please give the Year Group Tutor advance warning, preferably by signed letter.   It is a legal requirement for parents to seek the school’s approval before they arrange for their children to miss school for any reason other than a medical problem. This includes missing school for the following reasons: family holiday in term-time; family event such as a wedding or funeral; public performance or participation in sport.  If a pupil needs to miss school for any reason, such as those given above, parents are requested to contact the Head of Middle Years or Sixth Form, who will discuss the request with the Headmaster, in


plenty of time and well before they finalise any arrangements. The Headmaster will consider the pupil’s prior attendance record and the reason for the request. Please be aware that he is not legally or contractually bound to grant the request.   In the case of a family holiday, leave of absence under exceptional circumstances may be granted for up to ten school days for one family holiday which for non-financial reasons cannot be taken during the school holidays. Requests for absence for other reasons will not generally be authorised, unless they are for obviously educational reasons. For example, if your child is taking part in a sporting activity, outside of school supervision, the school must be sure that there is some educational experience involved before giving approval for your child to participate. There may be some requirement for your child to receive tuition whilst away. Any absence of more than ten days may only be granted in exceptional circumstances under the terms of the legislation about compulsory school attendance.   Please be aware that if your child misses school without prior permission, or if he or she stays away for longer than the agreed term, this absence will be recorded as unauthorised. In some instances, the school will seek advice from the local Education Welfare Officer if pupils are missing school for unauthorised reasons. Lateness  It is important for us to instil in all pupils the value of punctuality, as well as a legal obligation for us to record lateness in pupils of compulsory school age. For these reasons, we ask all pupils to arrive for registration by 8.30 am and 2.20 pm. Anybody who arrives after the Register has been called but whilst the member of the pastoral staff is still logged in at the computer will be marked L (Late but before Register has closed.) If pupils arrive after 8.40 am or after 2.25 pm, they will be marked Late after close of Register. If a pupil is frequently late, his or her parents will be informed, and sanctions may be applied.   Leaving school during the school day  Members of the Lower Sixth, Fifth Form and Removes may only go into Worcester city centre during school time (the hours of set teaching periods and morning break) if they have written permission from their Tutor. During lunchtimes in the Summer Term, pupils in the Lower Remove may go into town if their parents give their written approval and if they have satisfied the school that they will be good ambassadors in the city. This privilege remains thereafter though may be withdrawn at any time in the case of any individual pupil if it is thought appropriate. Before going out at lunchtime, pupils must sign out with the School Monitors at 5 Castle Place. Pupils must return by 2.15 pm.


Valuables and Lost Property

The Dining Hall Breakfast and hot and cold snacks may be purchased from the Dining Hall before and after school. There are vending machines outside the new Sports Hall.

If your son or daughter loses something, he or she should check bag racks, locker areas and the changing rooms (particularly at the fields) before then going to Lost Property. Valuable items (such as wallets or mobile phones) will be kept in the School Office if handed in.

The school offers a lunch with choices of soup, hot main courses, salads, sandwiches/wraps, jacket potatoes, pasta dishes, desserts and fruit. There are, of course, vegetarian options. It is assumed that pupils will be having a school lunch unless you write in before the start of term to say that your child will bring a packed lunch (which will be eaten in the Dining Hall) and return any lunch pass issued. If pupils forget their lunch pass, they will need to go to the Bursary to get a temporary pass.

Please ensure that your son or daughter marks all items of uniform, games kit and other possessions (such as watches, books, shoes, bags, calculator and mobile phones). Unnamed items are taken to the Lost Property store in the Annett building. Pupils can access this every Thursday at morning break or ask in the School Office for the key.



Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


Early Lunch for those with an Early Lunch Card


Lower Remove

Fifth Form

Upper Sixth

Upper Remove

Lower Sixth


Fifth Form

Upper Remove

Lower Sixth

Fifth Form

Lower Remove


Upper Remove

Lower Remove

Fifth Form

Lower Sixth

Upper Sixth


Upper Sixth

Lower Sixth

Lower Remove

Lower Remove

Upper Remove


Lower Sixth

Upper Sixth

Upper Remove

Upper Sixth

Fifth Form

If your son or daughter has allergies or special dietary requirements, please contact your child’s Year Group Tutor or the Catering Manager (01905 721793). Items containing nuts are clearly marked and the school is used to catering for special diets.    A sample menu can be found on the Joining King’s Hub (

If a pupil suspects that an item of theirs has been stolen, they should inform their Form Tutor, who will contact the Senior Deputy, Mr Jon Ricketts. The school keeps a register of such incidents. In order to avoid any possibility of such an occurrence, children need reminding that they must store their possessions carefully. Money and items such as mobile phones must be stored in locked lockers. During Games lessons, all valuables must be handed in to the supervising staff.  Parents need to be aware that pupils are responsible for the security and safe use of all their personal property and for property lent to them by the school.

Open Mornings and Service Days Open Mornings are held on three Saturdays each year at 9.30 am (until around 1pm); there are two Open Mornings in the autumn term, the second one being for potential Sixth Form entrants (including our own Fifth Form) and one at the start of the spring term. Pupils are expected to be available to help out at the general events and parents are specifically requested not to arrange other appointments on these days. We believe that pupils derive a significant benefit from showing their school to others: the process enhances their communication skills and fosters pride in their achievements. Please check our website for dates of these events.


Pastoral Care Pastoral care at King’s is not just a complementary practice: it is a caring approach fully integrated and interwoven into the fabric of teaching and learning, the school’s organisation and its engagement with the world beyond the school gates. Through our focus on the development of the individual, we aim to provide a genuinely caring environment where young people can thrive and develop as curious and engaged members of the King’s community and a broader society. Our ethos emphasises mutual respect, openness, and warmth; it is the quality of relationships within the school that makes the pastoral care at King’s so special. The House System at King’s Pupils new to LR, UR or the Sixth Form will join one of nine Houses which will be their pastoral base throughout the Sixth Form. The Year Group Tutor has overall responsibility for the pastoral and academic development of their tutees, and they are the first port of call for parents with any concerns about their child’s experience at school or academic progress. House Tutors work alongside the Year Group Tutors and oversee the happiness, development and integration of all pupils in the House. The pastoral staff are extremely experienced

in dealing with challenges affecting the Senior age group and work collaboratively with the Head of Middle Years, Head of Sixth Form and the Assistant Head Pastoral to ensure all pupils feel happy, safe and valued in the Middle Years and Sixth Form. How to contact the Houses Please see the contact details for the House Tutors. All Year group Tutors can be contacted by using the staff member’s first initial and surname followed by


House Tutor

Year Group Tutor



Miss R Ellender

Miss E Ferguson (U6) Mrs N Essenhigh (L6) Mr C Atkinson (FF)

Mr E Lewis (UR) Mrs L Walmsley (LR)

Choir House (E9) 01905 721750


Mr A Deichen

Mrs A Gamble (U6) Miss J Hewitt (L6) Mr M Warren (FF)

Mr E Houghton (UR) Mr D Branchett (LR)

MFL 01905 721751


Mrs N Sears

Mr J Gardiner (U6) Mr R Ball (L6) Mrs L Ruiz (FF)

Mr A Swarbrick (UR) Mrs Parry (LR)

School House (S6) 01905 721752


Dr R James

Mr C Haywood (U6) Mr A Hooper (L6) Mrs D Salkeld (FF)

Mr A Maund (UR) Miss E Preece (LR)

Annett Building Ext 293


Mr W J Joyce

Mr A Falzon (U6) Mr O Heydon (L6) Mrs E Woodward (FF)

Mrs S Lucas (UR) Miss E K Trow-Poole (LR)

Choir House (E1) 01905 721769


Mrs C Neville

Mr G Williams (U6) Mrs E Shepherd (L6) Mr T Sharp (FF)

Mr C Wilson (UR) Miss E McKenzie (LR)

Choir House (E6)  01905 721753


Mrs C Rees

Dr R McLaverty-Head (U6) Mr E Low (L6) Mr J Sarriegui (FF)

Mrs E Friend (UR) Mr G Ward (LR)

School House (S5) 01905 721767


Mr T Pearson

Mr J Mason (L6) Dr M Parkin (U6)

Mrs E Darby (LR) Mr R Ward (LR)

School House (S2) 01905 721766

Mr A Batchelor (UR) Mr S Greenall (LR)

School House (S3) 01905 721770

Mrs S Bradley (FF) Wulstan


Dr M Poole

Mr N Blakemore (U6) Mrs C Yates (L6) Mrs L Miller-Symonds (FF)


Welcome to…

House Tutor Miss Ellender

We are delighted that you are going to join Bright House and we are sure you will enjoy your time with us over the next few years. My name is Miss Ellender and I will be your House Tutor. We will be working with you to make sure you are happy and successful in all aspects of school life.

A Brief Introduction Bright House is named in honour of Henry Bright, Headmaster at King’s from 1589-1627. Registration takes place in the House room, at the top of Choir House. As well as being large, this room has fantastic views of the cathedral and across College Green. The Sixth Form rooms are also on this floor, while the Lockers and the House office are on the floor below.

Staff in Bright House As House Tutor, I am involved with every member of the House, but each year group has a Year Group Tutor who is directly responsible for their academic and pastoral welfare. The Tutors this year are:

LR Mr C Atkinson

FF Mr E Lewis

UR Mrs L Walmsley

Your Year Group Tutor is the one who will get to know you the best. They will talk to you about your grades, your reports, your concerns, in fact about anything and everything that is part of your life here at King’s. They will encourage you to get involved in sports, music, drama or any other clubs that interest you and will keep a record of what you have done throughout the year. They are the ones who will be in touch with your parents should the need arise and the ones that your parents will inform about absences or any worries they might have. Your Tutor will also keep a record of merits and behaviour points. Bright is a happy and welcoming House and we encourage all year groups to mix together with each other. When there is no assembly or organised activity in the morning we spend House time playing games such as dodgeball, taking part in activities and quizzes, or just getting to know everyone else in the House. Like all Houses, we take part in lots of House competitions through the

L6 Mrs N Essenhigh

U6 Mrs E Ferguson (nee Cameron)

year and, although we only won the senior football this year, we always enjoy taking part and encouraging each other. As well as the competitions, we run a House Christmas party and for the last few years have collected Christmas boxes for children in Eastern Europe. We have two main expectations for pupils joining Bright House; the first is to get involved, the second is to take responsibility. There are lots of activities and clubs to take part in, both in House and around school, so try something new, or even run a House activity yourself. Taking responsibility means taking the initiative with your learning but seeking help when you need it. Perhaps it goes without saying, but we also expect impeccable behaviour around school and for every pupil to try their very best in everything they do. In short, to wear the orange tie with pride!



Welcome to…

House Tutor Mr Deichen

The members of our House are incredibly proud of Castle, and rightly so. We are very lucky to have such a supportive staff team and an outstanding group of students.

A Brief Introduction The House was founded in 1902 as the second boarding house to be established at King’s, after School House. It was situated in what is now the Music School on College Green and the name was chosen due to the boundary of the old ‘Castle’ or County Gaol meeting the back of the house. The house was a senior boarding house until 1985 when it became the junior boarding house and then finally in 1993 it turned into a mixed house with four girls and nine boys. In 1995 Castle House was no more having been incorporated into the Health Centre. In 2015 the House, like a phoenix from the ashes, was reintroduced and was based temporarily in the newly constructed Keyes building. After a couple of years, I was appointed as House tutor and moved Castle into the MFL department, allowing each year group to have their own room. This is unlike any other House within the school and allows greater flexibility of House time and much improved contact with the Year Group Tutor.

Staff in Castle House As House Tutor, I am involved with every member of the House, but each year group has a Year Group Tutor who is directly responsible for their academic and pastoral welfare. The Tutors this year are:

LR Mr D Branchett

UR Mr E Houghton

FF Mr M Warren/Mrs R Roberts

Even though you will have your own room, you will be mixing with different age groups. The Lower Remove, Upper Remove, Fifth Form, Lower Sixth and Upper sixth are regularly involved in activities that ensures interaction across the age ranges. You will be in a small pastoral group of about 15 pupils with your year group. You will get a chance to take part in House events, and even if you are not participating, I will encourage you to be there, supporting. We have had great success in the inter-House basketball competitions, as well as football, netball, quizzes, art competition and of course the House Song, to name but a few. You will be asked to help in the fund-raising events that we organise, such as the Macmillan cancer support cake sale. You will take responsibility for your own


L6 Miss J Hewitt

U6 Mrs A Gamble

belongings; we will encourage you to get yourself organised each morning before registration. Every day is different but in an average week we will join the other Houses on a Tuesday and Thursday for a senior school assembly in College Hall. Other days will be taken up with many different activities, such as specific year group assemblies, time dedicated to PSHE, inter-year games, House assemblies and activities and in the first term, House song rehearsals. There will also be plenty of time dedicated to one-on-one discussions with your YGT. This will all follow a morning registration and the reading of daily notices at 8:30. Do ask if you have any questions, or I am happy to put you in touch with the Upper Sixth students ‘Head of House’ should you wish to get their perspective. We really look forward to you joining Castle


Welcome to…

House Tutor Mrs Sears

As House Tutor, I am involved with every member of the House. My office and classroom are in Chappel and my door is always, quite literally, open. I am always happy to talk to any one of our pupils and encourage them to use the House space at any time to either study or relax.

A Brief Introduction Chappel House is named in honour of WH Chappel, Headmaster of King’s from 1896-1919. For many years Chappel House was based in what was once called the New Block and is now the Annett Building, and then we found ourselves in the ground floor of Choir House for eight years. Seven years ago the House moved into the top of School House (building!) and we have appreciated the extra space for the Sixth Form, our bags and lockers, and the lovely views of the river and School Gardens.

LR Mrs Parry

UR Mr A Swarbrick

FF Mrs L Ruiz

L6 Mr R Ball

U6 Mr J Gardiner

Staff in Chappel House Chappel wouldn’t be the wonderful place it is without our Year Group Tutors, each of which is directly responsible for the academic and pastoral welfare of their own year group. Representatives from all years lead in terms of House and School Council, Sports, Socials, Charity Events and Music – there are many opportunities!

What is the House all about? Chappel is very proud of its charity work. Before the lock down, we raised over £1200 for MIND and MAGGS Day Centre. We hold events that everyone gets involved in and enjoys – we look forward to you joining us. Competitions also play a big part in House life. Last year we were victorious in the House Song Competition, one of the most important events of the year. We also won the House Hockey and were close runners up in Debating, the Quiz Competition and Netball. Members of Chappel get stuck in and have great fun; we encourage and support each other, work hard and are proud of what we achieve!



Welcome to…

I am delighted that you are going to join Choir House and I am sure that you will enjoy your time with us over the next few years. My name is Dr James and I will be your House Tutor. Choir House encourages all its pupils to give their best in a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. We aim to encourage pupils to look House Tutor after each other, be respectful towards Dr James others, challenge intolerance and give their time generously. We are proud of our alumni and the strong relationships that they formed during their time in the House; the friendships that are made here will stand the test of time.

A Brief Introduction In 1927 Cuthbert Creighton (Headmaster of King’s) succeeded in persuading the Dean and Chapter to enlarge their Choir School into a Preparatory School catering also for non-choristers. The Choir School was transferred to St Alban’s in 1948; this is when Choir House became a boarding house for senior boys. Boarding ended at King’s twenty years ago and, like the other eight Houses, Choir is now a day House. In 2014 the pastoral unit that is Choir House moved into a newly refurbished base in the Annett building. We are lucky that we have plenty of space; I hope that you enjoy spending time in House.

Staff in Choir House As House Tutor, I am involved with every member of the House, but each year group has a Year Group Tutor who is directly responsible for their academic and pastoral welfare. The Tutors this year are:

LR Mr B Williams

UR Mr A Maund

FF Mrs D Salkeld

Getting involved During mornings in House, you will take part in a range of activities and many of these will be with the different year groups. There is a wide range of talent within the House and we take part enthusiastically in all competitions. We have been very successful in many events over the last couple of years and we also strive to continue our work for good causes; we need your ideas and energy in looking for new opportunities to help people that are less fortunate than ourselves.


L6 Mr A Hooper

U6 Mr C Haywood

And finally... I want you to seize every opportunity available and to ensure that you have fun and work hard in all endeavours, both inside and outside the classroom. It is the good nature and commitment of all pupils and staff over the years which makes Choir House so special to me. I want you too to be proud that you belong to Choir House and I hope that you settle in very quickly and play your part in making us a happy and sociable community


Welcome to…

Everyone looks after each other and we’re all friendly House Tutor Mr Joyce

A Brief Introduction Creighton House is named in honour of Cuthbert Creighton, Headmaster at King’s from 1919 - 1936 and then again from 1940 - 1942. Registration takes place in the House room (E1), on the ground floor of Choir House. Lockers are in this area, as is the Sixth Form study and my study is opposite. This page contains details which will help you to understand the House system and to feel at home in Creighton. All of us, Tutors, Year Group Tutors, your parents and you yourself, will be working together to make sure you are happy and successful in all aspects of your school life. I hope you enjoy your time in Creighton.

LR Miss E K Trow-Poole

UR Mrs S Lucas

FF Mrs E Woodward

L6 Mr O Heydon

U6 Mr A Falzon

What is it like being in Creighton? •

You will be mixing with five different age groups. The House room is the base for the LR, UR and Fifth Form; while the Sixth Form have their own room.

You will be in a small pastoral group with your YGT.

You will be encouraged to participate in House events including LR camp, Creighton charity BBQ, 6th Form curry night and House charity cake sales, as well as a host of interHouse competitions

You will join us to help in the fund-raising events that we organise, so we need your ideas.

There are opportunities for involvement in our developing House-Buddy scheme, providing support for members of Creighton

We have an evolving House Council who help to plan wholeHouse activities.

Your Year Group Tutor is the one who will get to know you the best. He/she will talk to you about your grades, your reports, your concerns, in fact about anything and everything that is part of your life here at King’s. They will encourage you to get involved in sports, music, drama or any other clubs that interest you and will keep a record of what you have done throughout the year.




Welcome to Kittermaster House! I will be your House Tutor for the next few years so we will get to know each other very well and I am sure that all of us, Tutors and students, will be working together to make sure your time with us is happy House Tutor Mrs Neville and successful. As a House, we pride ourselves on our warm, friendly atmosphere, where pupils and staff work together to make the most of every opportunity.

A Brief Introduction Kittermaster House is named in honour of F. R. Kittermaster, Headmaster at King’s from 1942 – 1959, a dynamic man who oversaw many changes to the school. We are located, perhaps confusingly, in the Choir House building. The whole House register together each morning in the House room.  Lockers are in this area, as are our two Sixth form studies and our staff office.

Staff in Kittermaster House As House Tutor, I am involved with every member of the House, but each year group has a Year Group Tutor who is directly responsible for their academic and pastoral welfare. The Tutors this year are:

LR Miss E McKenzie

UR Mr C Wilson

FF Mr T Sharp

Opportunities for leadership, working with others in House We strive to give every student opportunities to enhance their leadership skills and we aim to work together through a range of in-House activities e.g. quizzes, debates, sharing experiences and even dodgeball!  What does it mean to be a member of Kittermaster House? We value kindness and honesty as integral qualities of a Kittermaster student. Learning to support each other underpins all that we do. We hope you enjoy your time in Kittermaster and that you take advantage of many of the opportunities offered to you.


L6 Mrs E Shepherd

L6 Mr G Williams

Charity events This year we have written Christmas cards to vulnerable members of our local community (coordinated by Naomi through the NCS programme) and we have also raised funds and awareness for Diabetes UK. We are always looking for opportunities to run charitable activities; just ask.


Welcome to…

Welcome to Oswald House. We hope you will be very happy as a member of Oswald. There will be many opportunities to take advantage of, whether it be in-house competitions, representing the House in sports and charity events, camps at the House Tutor Mrs Rees Old Chapel and the all-important House Song. We look forward to seeing you flourish and have lots of fun in all areas of school and House life.

A Brief Introduction Oswald House is named after Saint Oswald who died in 992CE. He was a much-revered monk and played a key role in renewing monastic life in England. He became the Bishop of Worcester and was responsible for building the second Cathedral in Worcester (since knocked down and rebuilt by St Wulstan). Oswald was passionate about caring for disadvantaged people and it is said he died whilst washing the feet of the poor. He is buried in the Cathedral. As House Tutor, I am involved with every member of the House, but each year group has a Year Group Tutor who is directly responsible for their academic and pastoral welfare. I am always open to talk about anything; from the latest football result to your worries and concerns. The Tutors this year are:

Staff in Oswald House

LR Mr G Ward

UR Mrs E Friend

FF Mr J Sarriegui

Like St Oswald, members of the house are expected to share his compassion and care and contribute to the wellbeing of the whole House. We expect you also to: • Talk honestly to and with us • Be polite, respectful and on time • Dress smartly following school rules • Take part in what we do with good humour • Be prepared to have a go at something or think differently What competitions can you take part in? Oswald has the enviable reputation of turning up in force to all events: it is the willingness to have a go, be part of a team, have fun and hopefully enjoy some success together which typifies this House. In recent years the main competitions have been:

L6 Mr E Low

U6 Dr R McLaverty-Head

Autumn term:

Junior netball General knowledge quiz House Music Competition Maths Countdown Boys basketball

Spring term:

Boys 5-a- side football Girls hockey Senior netball Debating (junior and senior) Maths Challenge

Summer term:

Sports Day

Charity We value any ideas pupils have for raising money for charity. In previous years we have held a school-wide bake-off, an afternoon tea and even run a marathon in relays. The House votes for its preferred charity and the events are entirely pupil organised and run.



Welcome to…

House Tutor Mr Pearson

The Year Group Tutors and I welcome you to School House. My name is Mr Pearson and I am the School House Tutor. You are part of a House that will oversee your well-being, progress and sense of community. Your gifts and talents will be celebrated as we enable you to Discover Your Passion.

A Brief Introduction School House is located at the heart of the King’s School campus in the building that bears the same name. The building was opened in 1888 and held thirty or more boys who were all boarders. Since its inception there has been considerable change and, today, School House is home to a number of the King’s School Houses. School House is overseen by myself and five Year Group Tutors (YGT) who collectively share the responsibility for the pastoral care and academic progress of all the pupils. The House School staff team for the 2020/2021 academic year are;

Staff in School House

LR Mr R Ward

LR Mrs E Darby

Welcome to School House • Be yourself! You are a valued member of this House and we want you to flourish. • Be kind, polite and follow the school rules. • Be respectful of others. • Do your best for yourself and your House. • Make the most of your time at King’s.

L6 Dr M Parkin

U6 Mr J Mason

Get involved From the infamous House song competition, to a wide range of inter-House sporting contests throughout the year, there are plenty of chances for students to be active members of School House. There is opportunity for student leadership within the House as well as the organisation of charity events and celebrations. We want to involve parents and guardians in these events too. Pastoral Care Do not hesitate to get in touch with the School House team with any questions or concerns. In the post COVID-19 school environment, pastoral care will be more important than ever. The House Tutor and Year Group Tutors will do their very best to ensure the wellbeing of the students in the House.



FF Mrs S Bradley


Welcome to…

As House Tutor I would like to welcome you to Wulstan House. I have been in charge of Wulstan House for almost three years, a role I previously held for nine years in Bright House. I have taught Chemistry at King’s for over 25 years and have coached cricket and football teams throughout this time. Whilst the House House Tutor system has changed significantly since Dr Poole I first became involved, I believe it remains one of the key reasons why most students look back with great fondness at their time at King’s, and develop into confident and well-balanced young people who have a proper appreciation for the feelings of others.

A Brief Introduction Wulstan House emerged in 1961 as a ‘day house’ and is situated at the very top of the School House building. It is named after the former Bishop of Worcester who later became a Saint. The name seems quite fitting as Wulstan (1008 – 1095) was recognised by William the Conqueror for the excellent pastoral care he gave to the diocese! The accommodation includes a main house room, two Sixth Form rooms and two small discussion rooms. It is also lucky to have some of the best views of our lovely city!

Staff in Wulstan House As House Tutor, I have an overview of the whole House and I make sure I get to know each and every one of you, but each year group has a Year Group Tutor (YGT) who is directly responsible for your academic and pastoral welfare.

LR Mr S Greenall

UR Mr A Batchelor

FF Miss L Miller-Symonds

In Wulstan House we always expect our students to show respect to others, involve themselves enthusiastically in the activities we do within year groups and between year groups, and work positively with their Year Group Tutors to make the very most of their time at King’s, and the great many opportunities it offers. This year’s most popular morning activities have included debating, hotly contested current affairs quizzes and even more competitive dodgeball matches against Choir House! Much of the organising for these things is done by our Heads of House who are also very important in setting the tone for the house; we believe Wulstan is

L6 Mrs C Yates

U6 Mr N Blakemore

a warm and friendly place to start the day, and somewhere where students know that their concerns are always going to be of high importance to us, the staff. Whilst the Heads of House will be working closely with me on a day-to-day basis, many other Sixth Formers will be taking charge of things such as running the house song (challenging!), sorting out sports teams, discussing and driving other initiatives such as social and charity events etc.


Pastoral Responsibility Senior Deputy and Deputy Head, Pastoral, Mr Jon Ricketts, is responsible for pastoral care at King’s. Working alongside the House Tutors, Heads of Section and the Year Group Tutors together they provide a uniquely supportive environment designed to foster and encourage pupil well-being. Our Head of Middle Years is Dr Iwan Davies and he works with our Year Group Tutors to ensure that all pupils achieve their best as they progress through their GCSE courses. Our most senior pupils are guided by Mr Josh Hand, our Head of Sixth Form, who works closely with our Higher Education team and House staff to ensure that all pupils make the most of their time in the Sixth Form and that they are prepared for life beyond King’s.

PSHE and RSE The aim of PSHE (Physical, Social and Health Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) at King’s is to allow pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to live a happy and healthy life in modern Britain. The programme , which is in line with new PSHE and RSE statutory curriculum, is designed to challenge students with aspects of moral and social responsibility at each stage of their development. Thus, offering an environment in which pupils can discuss issues affecting adolescents and those in the wider community.   In the Middle Years, Year Group Tutors teach regular PSHE sessions, in consultation with the Head of PSHE and RSE, Mrs Catriona Rees. Pupils also have the experience of PSHE days where they work with external experts, reviewing aspects of adolescence and the wider world. In the Sixth Form, students also take part in weekly Key Skills sessions. These cover vibrant areas of life for 16-18-year olds, including work experience, journalism, research writing, festival safety, cancer prevention, cooking and other PSHE and UCAS related topics. The Key Skills programme also incorporates our EPQ sessions as well as visits from external speakers. PSHE programme of study 2020-2021 Pupils in the Middle Years cover a range of topics including: • The Teenage Brain • Stereotype, Prejudice and Discrimination • Racism and religious intolerance • Sexism and homophobia • Gambling and Alcohol • Drugs – law and classification of • Anxiety and Coping strategies • Self-esteem – media messages and appearance ideals • Police and court system • Rights of the Father • Finance and budgeting • Healthy and unhealthy relationships • Types of government and voting • Medical and health advice services • First Aid • Mental Health • Depression • Self-harm • Human Trafficking • Phone addiction


Sample Key Skills Programme (Spring Term L6th) 19/2/19



Consent F3 CMN

Cooking   Debating Self-help First Aid



(2) JOH/ JP-H Vigornian Room


Amy Forbes-Robertson- Festival safety - JMT This talk usually recaps on previous sessions. We talk in detail about the transition to Uni, physical/ sexual/mental health services and how to access them in a new city, freshers’ week/initiations, travelling and gap years too. There is a case study of a student difficulties involving alcohol and we discuss the new relationships they will rely on away from home and how we need to ‘know our normal’ and not be a ‘bystander’. Revisit STIS and contraception and Consent.


Karl Hopwood- eSecurity - JMT


Bob Tait- Drugs Awareness - JMT

26/3/19 Emma Cole- Positive Voice - JMT HIV- contracting and living with the disease 2/4/19

Cancer Self-Prevention from Wendy Gough - JMT Wendy Gough Cancer Awareness Foundation, has over 20 years’ experience delivering PSHE lessons on Testicular and Breast Cancer.

E-Safety and use of technology in school

One of the school’s primary safeguarding principles involves protecting pupils online; it is a requirement of government legislation that we closely monitor pupils’ online activity. Our school monitoring software tracks screen activity on school owned devices and/or school WIFI. Specifically, the software identifies and captures key words associated with bullying, swearing, racism, pornography, gambling, extremism, grooming and other concerns. The system automatically takes and sends a screenshot of any inappropriate material to the Designated Safeguarding Leads who will then deal with the information accordingly. Pupils are aware that the system is in place and sanctions may be applied for those who breach our AUP (Acceptable Use Policy). Mobile Phones  Mobile phones must be switched off during the school day and may only be used with permission from a member of staff; unauthorised use will result in the mobile phone being confiscated (it will be taken to the School Office, from where it may be collected at the end of school). As pupils may make calls from the School Office if there is an urgent matter or last-minute change of arrangements, you may wish to discuss with your child whether it is necessary to bring a mobile phone to school. Urgent messages can be passed on via the School Office. Sixth Form pupils have more flexibility and freedom in this area. However, we do ask them to behave responsibly with their devices around school and to set a good example to younger pupils.

Pastoral Support The Health Centre Claire Furber and Emma Rossiter The Health Centre plays a pivotal role in ensuring our pupils are well cared for physically and emotionally, providing an environment where pupils are supported through medical concerns. The Nurses are also able to provide support with emotional difficulties within the department and signpost pupils to appropriate support. A fully-qualified nurse is on duty full-time throughout the school week. The rooms in the Health Centre allow the nurses to deal with medical /emotional issues which occur in the course of the school day. If a pupil feels unwell before the start of the school day, parents are requested to keep him or her at home, and not to send their child into school in the hope of a quick recovery.) Pupils with special medical problems such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, and epilepsy will have an individual care plan drawn up with them if needed. This will be applied to all visits and trips. Nurses can administer medication according to the Medication Policy which is available on Firefly. If pupils are unable to partake in PE/games, they should bring a note from home in the first instance. Off-Games notes can be given in emergencies and for issues that arise during the school day If a pupil has been off on the day of a match or prior to a match, it is the policy of the Games Department not to let him or her play during the match.

Counselling Service The School’s Counselling Service is in addition to the already well-established provision for pastoral care, guidance, and support for pupils in the school. Our two counsellors (Dr Kate Mason and Mr Michael Siglioccolo) are highly experienced in working with young people and families and are British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy accredited. They are available to work with pupils when they are experiencing problems or concerns which may be easier to share with someone other than a member of staff. Their training enables them to develop a working relationship with pupils with the aim of facilitating their growth and emotional development. All that is shared by the pupils will be treated in confidence - if the Counsellors are concerned for the pupil’s safety or that of others then they abide by the BACP code of ethics which could mean the sharing of relevant information with other agencies to ensure that all children are appropriately safeguarded. Pupils can be referred by a member of staff or they can selfrefer to see the Counsellors. Information about the Councellor timings and their contact details can be found in every classroom in school. Parents and pupils can contact their Year Group Tutor for further information.

Further Pastoral Support Parents or pupils with pastoral concerns should contact their Year Group Tutor, House Tutor, the Head of Middle Years/ Sixth Form or the Assistant Head Pastoral to look at further options for support and intervention, as required. If someone is behaving towards your son or daughter in a way that is upsetting him or her, do please encourage him or her to tell someone. Pupils should expect to feel safe from physical and emotional upset at school. If parents have any concerns about their child’s welfare or would like any advice on dealing with issues involving their child, they are welcome to contact the Year Group Tutor. Any question, concern or complaint about the pastoral care or safety of a pupil must be notified to the school as soon as practicable.  If a pupil wants to make a complaint about something, for example the way he or she is being treated, the first thing to do is speak to a member of staff he or she trusts.  A copy of the school’s formal complaints procedure can be supplied on request.


School Polices The most up to date versions of key polices can be found on the website.

The School Rules The School Rules and sanctions are drawn up to assist in making the school an orderly and safe environment; to give a sense of security to everyone in the school; to ensure respect for others and the property of others and to make clear the distinction between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Unacceptable behaviour disrupts the learning of others and infringes on the rights, safety or learning on any member of the school community. The school asks all parents to ensure that they have read through the School Rules with their children and expects them to work with the school in the interests of all pupils to encourage strict adherence to these rules.  The School Rules apply on school trips, including educational visits and sporting events. They also apply outside of school premises, for example when pupils are on the way to and from school and when they are wearing school uniform. A full list of the School Rules can be found in the Pupil Planner and on the website, along with the Behaviour Policy.   Please see the link to our School Rules: At King’s, we aim to create a caring, stimulating and secure environment and to promote high standards of achievement and behaviour. We recognise that pupils learn best in a safe, compassionate and ordered environment. Our behaviour policy is designed to allow pupils to develop a sense of self-discipline and an acceptance of responsibility for their actions, as well as to ensure that pupils complete any task(s) reasonably assigned to them in connection with their education. It is also designed to empower all staff to determine and request appropriate behaviour so that all pupils may achieve to the best of their ability, develop self-esteem and mutual respect. The school asks all parents to ensure that they have read through the School Rules with their children and expects them to work with the school in the interests of all pupils to encourage strict adherence to these rules. By signing the Terms and Conditions, parents confirm that they will continue their child’s education at home and that pupils will take a full part in the activities of the school, will attend each school day, will be punctual, will work hard, will be well-behaved and will comply with the School Rules about the wearing of uniform. Please also see Disciplinary Penalties. A full version of the Behaviour Management Policy is on Firefly.


Uniform and Equipment Please see the link to our uniform guide below: Please note that Form staff are informed when a pupil’s dress and appearance do not meet the expected standards. Various sanctions are in place for pupils who do not follow the rules on uniform. Pastoral staff will contact parents when pupils repeatedly fail to follow the rules and do not meet our expectations in terms of dress and appearance.  Sixth Form Dress The Sixth Form Dress Code plays an important role in contributing to the spirit and expectations of both the Sixth Form and the wider school. As leaders and role models, Sixth Form students are expected to set an example to the rest of the school through their high standard of business-like dress and the way in which they present themselves. The Sixth Form Dress Code encapsulates one of the key aims of the Sixth Form at King’s-to help our young people develop a mature and independent approach to learning and selfdevelopment. Our Dress Code aims to promote a smart, modern and professional appearance which allows our students to prepare for life beyond King’s. The Dress Code is in place for the Sixth Form and students are expected to adhere to its specifications. It is important that the Dress Code complements the main School Uniform Guidelines and that students recognise that the school is a working environment. We base our expectations on the type of clothes and appearance that would be acceptable in the work place. House Tutors are the arbiters of Sixth Form dress but students should respond to any member of staff who asks them to amend or adapt their interpretation of the Dress Code. Students are expected to travel to and from school in normal school dress. The school reserves the right to decide what is considered appropriate. Students who do not follow the guidelines will be subject to appropriate sanctions. Please see the link to the dress code below:

Curriculum Matters

The academic aims of the King’s School are: 1. That every pupil fulfils his or her academic potential; 2. That teachers and pupils pursue excellence in teaching and learning; 3. That our pupils develop a love of learning, both individually and with others, and acquire a wide range of learning skills; and 4. That we create an environment in which pupils are confident in their ability and increasingly ready to take responsibility for their own learning. We aim to offer a curriculum that supports these academic aims. It is also our aim that our curriculum is intellectually challenging and offers cultural, spiritual and physical development which will prepare our pupils successfully for their future beyond school.

The Pupil Planner Each pupil is issued with a ‘Pupil Planner’ in which he or she should write down the homework set for each subject each night, and if it is written work, when it is to be handed in. Please check your child’s Pupil Planner regularly and encourage its effective use.

Homework Homework is set for three subjects each evening, and sometimes four are given at the weekends. As a guide, your child ought to be spending about 25/30 minutes each in the Lower Remove. If your son or daughter regularly takes longer than this to complete his or her homework, please contact their YGT. Do not allow your child to work for too long if he or she

is struggling. However, a child who develops a keen interest should not be discouraged from spending longer on his or her work.  We expect homework to be done at home, or else in the School Library after 3.40 pm or Homework Club. Breaks are times when we think it important for young people to relax or attend music rehearsals or some of our many clubs and societies, rather than work. We realise, however, that some pupils have other commitments in the evening, and in such cases, it is expected that pupils would request permission from their Tutor to do homework in school.  From time to time some pupils become disorganised and fail to work adequately on their own. Usually, pupils will be required to redo an unsatisfactory piece of work. If problems persist, you may be asked to sign your child’s homework diary each night to show that set work is being done satisfactorily.  As noted above, if you are anxious about any aspect of your child’s progress at school, you should contact their YGT, who will support and guide you with the next steps.

Rewards and Praise Rewards and praise are one of the fundamental ways in which we courage a sense of belonging, community and ownership. We care about embedding intrinsic motivation in all of our pupils and actively encourage them to always try their very best. A range of different rewards are applied over the year by teachers for outstanding behaviour, effort and academic achievement. They are accessible to all pupils and are given out in many areas of school life. When a pupil produces a good piece of work in relation to his or her abilities, Merits are given to reward this effort. Headmaster’s Commendations are given for exceptional pieces of work or for sustained quality in work. Postcards home and other direct contact with parents also recognises outstanding effort or achievement. There are also several subject and pastoral prizes awarded at the end of every academic year. We also actively celebrate pupil success via the school news on our website, in our weekly e-newsletter and on social media.


Academic Reporting Reporting plays a vital role in helping children achieve their potential at King’s. Each report should provide clear communication about a child’s progress and is a chance to celebrate achievement, look for new challenges and act to address any problems that may emerge. Reporting at King’s primarily takes place via grade reports, full reports, and parents’ evenings. At the core of the reporting system at King’s is the focus on pupil effort. In association with good teaching, it is the critical factor in ensuring the best possible academic outcomes. We therefore place great emphasis on effort in our reporting system by providing an effort grade in each reporting event and closely monitor these grades for each pupil over the academic year and as they progress through the school. While attainment grades provide helpful information about where a pupil stands academically at that moment in time, it is widely recognised that both low and high attainment grades can have a demotivating effect. We therefore only provide attainment grades once each term.

Reporting Schedule Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1

Spring 2



Second halfterm


Second halfterm

After internal exams

Effort and attainment grades

Parents’ Evening Effort grades

Full report Effort grades

Effort and attainment grades

Full report and exam results Effort grades

Parents’ Evening Effort grades

Full report Effort grades

Effort and attainment grades

Full report and exam results Effort grades

LR Effort grades Full report

Effort grades Parents’ Evening Effort and attainment grades

Full report and exam results Effort grades

UR Effort grades Full report

Effort grades Parents’ Evening Effort and attainment grades

Full report and exam results Effort grades


Effort grades Full report Effort and attainment grades

Parents’ Evening and effort grades and mock results


Effort and attainment grades

Full report Effort and Effort grades attainment grades


U4 Effort and

attainment grades

Effort and attainment grades

Effort and attainment grades

Summary •

Effort grades, attainment grades, exam results and full reports are issued throughout the academic year.

Reports go to pupils in school and via e mail to parents at home.

After each report, there are individual discussions between the pupil and their tutor to celebrate achievements and plan for future progress.

Parents’ Evening offer the opportunity to discuss pupil progress with subject teachers. Pupils in the Lower Remove (year 9) and above are invited to attend with their parents.

Behaviour and Discipline The school encourages a high standard of behaviour and employs a positive approach by using praise, rewards and encouragement to achieve this. To allow the school and our pupils to fulfil their potential good behaviour is essential. Disciplinary Penalties (Sanctions) including Detention Disciplinary penalties (sanctions) are applied when it is necessary to a) stop inappropriate behaviour; b) allow the pupil to make a better choice next time, and c) show other pupils what is/is not acceptable in school. Sanctions penalise unacceptable behaviour, not the pupil. They aim to bring an improvement in the pupil’s behaviour or learning. The school reserves the right to impose disciplinary penalties where a student’s behaviour falls below the standard which could be reasonably expected of him or her, whether because of failure to follow a school rule or an instruction by a member of staff. Further information can be found within the Behaviour Management Policy on Firefly. The purpose of this policy is to enable pupils, staff and parents to share the responsibility for creating a successful and happy school.


Parents’ Evening Effort grades

U6 Effort grades Full report

Effort and attainment grades

Parents’ Evening and effort grades and mid-year exam results

Full report Effort and attainment grades

Full report Effort and attainment grades

Internal exam results. Parents’ Evening Effort grades

The Library

IT Systems

The School Library occupies the bottom two floors of the School House building. It provides resources and services to support the curriculum, and a place to study quietly, in a supervised, spacious and comfortable environment.

Pupils have access to plenty of computers in the Library and ICT rooms. When they use a school computer, they should make sure that they are familiar with the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for IT. This is displayed in the computer rooms and is included in the Pupil Planner. The school will take any breach of this AUP very seriously. Please see the E-Safety section for further information regarding our school monitoring.

Open hours are 8.00 am to 5.50 pm (5.30 pm on Fridays) and resources include books, periodicals, music CDs, DVDs, blue-rays and audio CDs, alongside a suite of desktop and laptop computers for pupil use. Scanning, colour and mono printing facilities are available, as is a self-service photocopier.  Pupils are expected to maintain a quiet and studious atmosphere. There is a designated room for Sixth Formers who need to work in silence.   Pupils are offered guidance and help in developing both a love of reading, and good literacy skills to assist them in information research and evaluation (particularly from the Internet), retrieval and presentation. There is a Middle Years reading group ‘W.R.A.I.TH.’ (Writing, reading and imaginative thinking), promotional events such as quizzes and author visits, and involvement in national events such as World Book Day. Pupils may volunteer to become Pupil Librarians or to represent their year group on the Library Committee.

All pupils are issued with a Microsoft Office 365 account to ensure they can access emails and their work on any device and outside of school

Password security is important and ensures no unauthorised access to accounts. It is therefore, a priority that pupils choose a strong password and keep it private

Pupils should not take photographs of other pupils or staff without their consent to do so

Pupils should not use chat rooms or messaging services in school, either through school computers or their own devices

Pupils must never install software onto any school computers


Our Co-curriculum It has long been a central aim of King’s to provide a rich, stimulating and varied cocurriculum. All pupils are encouraged to participate in the programme of activities and opportunities that comprises our co-curriculum as it provides an invaluable contribution towards personal, moral and social development and encourages lifelong interests and healthy, creative and fulfilling habits of body and mind. With some 100 clubs and activities on offer – in addition to our enviable programme of sport – pupils at King’s are able to learn new skills, embrace fresh challenges and realise their ambitions. Sport is very strong among both boys and girls and benefits from the significant expertise and commitment from our staff as well as some outstanding facilities. Our rowers have, over recent years, won many medals in local, regional and national events. We enjoy high levels of success in Cricket, Athletics, Tennis, Basketball, Swimming, Sailing, Kayaking, Sub Aqua, Judo, Cross-Country Running, Climbing and Fencing and we are proud of the breadth of sporting opportunity we offer. Our winter team sports – Netball, Rugby, Hockey and Football – demonstrate an excellence of which we are justly proud with regular success in local, regional and national competitions and fixtures. In 2019, our U16 Netball Team secured a win in the National school’s regional competition and went on to be crowned the fourth best team in the country while our 1st XV Rugby players won the Nat West U18 Schools Bowl to pick just two examples.   Other activities on offer include Young Enterprise, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, Music, Drama, Debating and Public Speaking, Art, Dance, Departmental Clubs, Community Service, MUN and CCF. They take place during lunchtimes and after school, and there is also a range of weekend events. Some activities are also based at the Old Chapel, the School’s outdoor centre in the Black Mountains. Community service is a strong feature of life at King’s and a number of our pupils volunteer to read with local primary school children and visit older members of our local community.  Trips take place at weekends and during half-term and main school holidays. A Classics trip to Italy, History trip to France, Rugby tour to South Africa, Netball and Hockey tour to Barbados, Cricket tour to the Caribbean and Religious Studies trip to the Holy Land are just a few recent highlights. We also make sure that there are many value-for-money trips within this country each year across a wide range of subjects and activities. A ‘Himalayan Club’ sends a party of between 20 and 30 Lower Sixth students trekking and carrying out community work in different parts of the world each year. Many of our pupils have been on joint trips in recent years to Morocco or Iceland.

Activities, Clubs and Societies One of the main advantages of being at King’s is the number of activities on offer. Year Group Tutors encourage pupils to get involved in as much as possible and parents are requested to lend their support to these efforts. Pupils attend an Activities Fayre at the start of the Autumn Term so that they see the range of activities on offer. Some clubs and societies meet at lunchtime or after school, others at the weekend. We encourage every pupil to take part in at least one such activity and hope your child will do so. Your son or daughter must inform you if he or she will be staying late after school. An Activities Guide is issued at the Fayre, or found on Firefly which details all the clubs and societies, including the times, venues and staff in charge.

Charity Work As well as whole school or specific fundraising events, each House is encouraged to raise money for charity from time to time. Additionally, a major fundraising event is held each year on the May Day Bank Holiday - either a School fête or a sponsored walk - in aid of local and national charities; We request that all pupils join us for this day and families are encouraged to participate. The Lower Years also participate in an annual charity run.

Music and LAMDA If you wish your son or daughter to learn one or more musical instruments or to have singing tuition, please contact the Director of Music, Mr Simon Taranczuk, by the beginning of term. Music lessons will usually take place in lesson time on a rotational basis so that pupils do not miss the same lesson each week.  The school’s peripatetic teachers are self-employed and will bill you directly at the start of each term. If you wish your son or daughter to stop these music lessons, you must give a term’s notice to the teacher.  LAMDA Speech and Drama lessons can be organised, individually or in pairs. They are held at lunchtimes, after school or on Saturday mornings. Please contact the school office if you would like to arrange lessons for your child.


Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form Dear Parents, Guardians and Students, I am delighted to welcome you to King’s Worcester Sixth Form. This is a tremendously exciting transition for existing students as they move on to the next stage of their education, and for the new students who join from a range of schools. I hope that your son or daughter settles quickly into the Sixth Form and find the next two years productive, enjoyable and inspiring. I very much look forward to meeting with students, on a regular basis in the Weston Centre, and with parents. This will be at both formal and more sociable occasions, making use of the wonderful buildings and gardens throughout the school.  Whilst the Library, The Bolland Room and Departmental Libraries are the main focus of Sixth Form students’ non-contact time, the Weston Centre is the social hub. A newly designed and flexible space, it offers space to relax, socialise and make new friends. There is a café downstairs and further comfortable seating in the mezzanine level above. The Head of Sixth Form office is next to The Bolland Room and I am always available to offer support. We are proud of the beautiful design of the Weston Centre and of the atmosphere that students have created in there. Students will join one of nine Houses which will be their pastoral base throughout the Sixth Form. Their Year Group Tutor and House Tutor will be the people who oversee their school life and will offer pastoral and academic support. The House is the first point of contact with the school and parental queries should initially go to Year Group Tutors. This enables a smaller and close-knit community in which to seek support and build relationships, but students are always welcome to seek advice from me, Mr Ricketts - Senior Deputy, Mrs Neville - Assistant Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Fellows - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, The Chaplain, the Nurse and the School Counsellors.

I believe the Sixth Form at King’s to be one of opportunities: academically, pastorally and with a broad cocurriculum. We want students to make the most of these opportunities.

One of the main advantages of being at King’s Sixth Form is the number of activities which are on offer. In the Sixth Form there is a broader range of games options, further trips and educational visits and an enormous variety of activities. Further opportunities can be discovered at the Activities Fayre this September.   Students also take part in weekly Key Skills sessions. These cover vibrant areas of life for 1618-year olds, including work experience, journalism, research writing, festival safety, cancer prevention, cooking and more. The programme also covers an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) or Gold Arts Awards. We are proud that King’s Sixth Form is supportive, successful and aspirational for all students. In order to make the most of their time here, it is important that they seek a sensible balance between academic work and co-curricular opportunities. We recommend that paid work is avoided where possible.    Do get in touch if you have questions in the meantime via  Best wishes,

Mr Joshua Hand Head of Sixth Form


Sixth Form Matters Careers, UCAS and Higher Education

The Careers Department in the School Library is always open to students. The Careers Department can be contacted via the Careers Lead, Mrs Audery Williams at Our Head of Higher Education, Mr Richard Davis, can be contacted at rdavis@ should you have any queries about the UCAS process.

induction to learn the Sixth Form specific techniques.

Driving Matters

Members of the Sixth Form who have passed their driving test and plan to drive to school must undertake to: •

complete the driving form on Fireflly.

not to give lifts to any members of the school unless both the driver and passenger(s) have obtained written permission from parents/guardians and submitted this to the SLT secretary.

Written permission from parents/guardians must be obtained before a student may be transported in a car driven by another member of the school, other than by his or her sibling.

We also have a Head of International Applications and Head of Medical Applications. Students considering their options for A Level must think carefully about their long-term aspirations and the qualifications required to achieve them. In the Summer Term, the Lower Sixth will begin to consider seriously what they want to do after King’s. As part of this process, they will normally take part in an open day to a local university, in order to get their first feel of university life and the sort of courses on offer. Students will receive full support in the UCAS process and any other route they wish to pursue post-18. This process in launched during the L6 induction day in September, with the team from Unifrog providing students with the opportunity to research and be inspired by the world of opportunities that awaits them. The House team will also be the first point of contact in the process of applying for UCAS and other post-18 opportunities. Mr Davis, Head of Higher Education, Mrs Williams, Careers Lead, Mrs Shearburn, Head of International Applications and Mrs Sears, Head of Medical Applications will also lead valuable workshops. Please note that students are allowed to miss up to two days of school to attend universities (in addition to a year-wide day in June of the L6). They must get their Absence Cards signed (found in their planners) but staff in advance of any planned period away from school.


Currently Upper Sixth Students undertake mid-year examinations in January and Lower Sixth students have internal exams at the start of the Summer Term. In addition, individual departments ensure that students gain sufficient exam practice in appropriate conditions. Members of the Upper Sixth who are picked for teams will be required to return to school to take part in representative sport during exam leave and they will be required to return for the final few days of the Summer Term, including King’s Day. Parents are advised that they should not allow their children to arrange to be away during term time until they are sure of the precise dates of exam leave. Please also check for details of the contingency period- Mrs Beever will contact you about this once released by the exam board.


In the Sixth Form, all pupils initially choose four A Level subjects in Lower Sixth (Year 12) and will continue with either three or four of these to full A Level in Upper Sixth (Year 13). Students will spend a portion of their non-contact time in Supervised Study Periods. It is a time in which independent study habits must be fostered, in order to be successful in the Sixth Form and indeed beyond. Students will work with mentors from Elevate UK from their very first day of


Driving Lessons Students are not entitled to organise driving lessons during their Study Periods. No lessons, including House time, Games and Key Skills, must ever be missed in order to attend a driving lesson. Students are allowed to attend a driving test if this occurs during lesson time or a study period. Students must ask parent to inform their House Tutor of any driving test. Parking Please note that there is no parking for students on school premises.

Games Lessons

Students have games lessons on Wednesday afternoons, which often involve a walk to the games fields across the river. The main girls’ sports are hockey, netball and tennis, athletics or cricket in the Summer Term. Boys’ main sports are rugby in the Autumn Term, rugby Sevens or football in the Spring Term and cricket or athletics in the Summer Term. Both boys and girls may opt for rowing as their major sport. Many other sports, including cross-country, basketball, gym, yoga, climbing, swimming and more, are also available. ‘Off Games’ Normally, if students are well enough to come to school, they are well enough to do games. In some circumstances, however, a student may need to be ‘off games’ and the School Rules will apply as they do lower down the school.

Parties and Going Out

Students must arrive in school at all times ready to work and participate fully in school life. It is our belief that this cannot happen if they have been out late the night before. We strongly discourage going out mid-week and ask for your help in reinforcing the expectation that school nights are for completing school work. If, as a result, a student is unable to take full part in a lesson, we would treat this in the same way as missing a lesson for any other illegitimate reason and would use a Saturday Morning Detention as a sanction.



Pastoral: Year 7, Choir House, Mathematics Department

Music School, Deputy Heads

History & Politics Department, Economics & Business Studies Department, Chaplaincy Estates Manager




Sports Hall, Gym, Climbing Wall, Dance Studio, Drama Studio, LAMDA, Underground Car Parking Pastoral: Castle House, Vigornian Room, Weston Centre, Staff Facilities

Art Department, Sir Terry Frost Gallery



College Precincts

Caretaker, ICT Support, CCF & DofE Office


Chemistry Department, Physics Department, ICT Department, Science Lecture Theatre


Design & Technology Department








School Archive, Classics Department










Health Centre, English Department, Pastoral: Bright, Creighton and Kittermaster Houses





College Green

Pastoral: Year 8, RS Department, Geography Department










Castle Court


Library Square



School Library, Long Gallery, Careers Department, Learning Support Department, Examinations Officer, Pastoral: School, Chappel, Oswald and Wulstan Houses
















Sports Fields

Slingpool Walk off Bromwich Road


Reception, School Office, Headmaster, Bursary, Registrar, Marketing, Foundation





















Map of King’s


27 The King’s School 5 College Green Worcester WR1 2LL t: 01905 721 700 e:

The King’s School, Worcester: A company limited by guarantee, registered in England. Registered office: 5 College Green, Worcester WR1 2LL. Company No: 4776324. Registered charity No: 1098236. The information, terms and conditions set out in this prospectus and all occasional papers may be amended from time to time, and their provisions, subject to any such amendments, shall continue to apply for the whole period during which a boy or girl continues to attend the School, irrespective of his or her age.


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