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Pastoral Care
Happiness is key to academic excellence, which is why we prioritise the wellbeing of our students. The pastoral care for every sixth former offers personalised advice both for academic and pastoral growth.
Our active and enviable House system is at the heart of our pastoral structure. Students from Year 9 to Year 13 are assigned to one of nine houses comprising around 90 pupils. Our House system offers a sense of belonging, loyalty and care for each other. You will not only be part of a close-knit community, but you’ll also have the opportunity to lead House activities, offering mentoring and support to younger pupils. Your House and Year Group Tutors will offer a holistic approach to ensuring you achieve all-round progress. Your Year Group Tutor will support you through the challenges of Sixth Form studies and higher education choices with a particular focus on UCAS and other applications and also provide 121 support. You’ll also benefit from internal and external talks focus on handling the pressures surrounding drugs, alcohol and support with physical and mental wellbeing.
All staff take responsibility for the wellbeing of every student and those who need extra support are quickly identified. For more specific needs, Year Group Tutors, the Head of Sixth Form, Deputy Head Pastoral, School Nurses and the School Counsellor work together to help sustain your happiness and progress.