Rsis update september 2013

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RSIS UPDATE Issue 6 - September 2013

Greetings from Bath, in the west of England! We’ve had RSIS teams, and all their adventures in Ladakh, Peru, Romania, South Africa and Canada. We hope you enjoy reading about their exploits as much as we have!

Liz Gray, RSIS Projects Manager

July / August 2013 Projects 5 projects Canada Peru India Ladakh Romania South Africa

CANADA The Canada Project this year has been a stunning success. Despite there only being a small team of 10 students, they have worked harder than any other and have achieved a huge amount of work, all in very good humour. They have truly embodied the spirit of working hard and playing hard and have done so as one united team which is great to see. The team had three different Projects week, the team worked alongside Rangers from BC Parks restoring the Kitwanga Mountain Trail that had lain covered for several decades. Using saws, axes and plenty of other tools, the team worked their way up the trail, which weaves for several kilometers up the mountain (more vertical than horizontal by all accounts!) of the mountain by the 5th day to be rewarded with incredible views of the snow-topped mountain range around them. The Rangers were extremely

pavilion. This is the community meeting place, where youth and Chiefs meet to discuss issues and problems, and where ceremonies and story-telling take place. The group also worked at Soaring Spirits an underground root cellar (for storing food) and also on some of the pathways. They were joined during the trip by some First Nations youth and community members who added valuable cultural depth to the team, and made some great friends too! After all the work was over, the team enjoyed a wonderful 3 days canoeing down the Skeena River in a traditional 12-man First Nations canoe, camping on the side of the river each night and enjoying some great barbeques! The trip ended with a big meeting at the Council Fire, with speeches from the local Chiefs, skits, songs, drumming and a massive feast! A wonderful experience for the whole team, who have really done themselves, their families and their schools proud!

The team of 10 students came from Cobham Hall School, Salem, Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Brookhouse School, Regents School Pattaya, Louisenlund, Bayview Glen School, Scindia School and Appleby College. The Project Leader was Dagmar Dietel from Salem, and the Deputy Leader was Zoe Sills from Gordonstoun School. None of this would be possible without the help and support of Thom Henley our local Project Manager, BC Parks and the First Nations communities in Kispiox and Kitwanga.

After this hard work, the team were rewarded with a couple of days visiting Alaska. They were able to watch the bears trying to catch salmon and even had slides on the glaciers which was a

“This trail was cut in the late 70’s and has not been cleared or maintained since that time – basically the trail was obliterated by windfall and underbrush before the students began work up Cannery, a National Heritage Site near there. The trail is also extremely Port Edward. It was established in steep, climbing 860 vertical metres 1889 and is the oldest intact cannery in less than 3 kilometres. The in British Columbia. The team spent students and group leaders all 4 days here scraping and repainting worked very hard help clear the some of the buildings and helping with trail to alpine. Not only did they the exhibits. They stayed in the old work hard, they also worked bunkhouse and enjoyed the incredible safely and were cheerful in their views and peace over the water. work. We couldn’t be happier After this, the team travelled back down with the end results!” to Kispiox where they spent 4 days Area Supervisor Bryan Last, working with the local community to BC Parks. build 18 benches for the Council Fire

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