Round Square News (May 2011)

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Round Square News May 2011 - Issue 7

Board Meeting at Wellington College The Board of Directors of Round Square, together with the Secretariat, met at Wellington College over the weekend 12/13 March as has been the custom over recent years. The Full Board Meeting was preceded by a meeting of the Executive Committee. The Board Meeting included separate meetings of the various Sub Committees of the Board – Membership, Finance, External Operations (Projects) and Advancement. The first day of meetings was tightly scheduled covering reports from the Regions and Sub-Committees as well as receiving an update from the Executive Director and Project Director. The second day was given over to a facilitated strategic planning session focusing on the areas of Governance and Membership. Documentation regarding Round Square Governance, specifically the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, are being reviewed in the light of this facilitated discussion. They will be forwarded to the Round Square Membership before the Annual Conference at Wellington College this year with an opportunity to discuss these documents in Riikas during the Conference. Most Members of the Board of Directors were able to attend a Friends of Round Square (UK) function in London prior to the meetings at Wellington College. It was a wonderful celebration of the work of the Round Square Schools in the UK.


RSIS 2010 Projects

2011 Projects ‘New’ Cambodia

Cancer Shavathon

Great Korean Adventure

First Ever African Regional Conference

Round Square IDEALS in Song

Junior Round Square Conference - India

New Members

International Conference News

Nguni - Cute Hahn

Roderick Fraser, Chairman, Board of Directors, Round Square

Report from Brian Dawson, Executive Director I would like to begin by congratulating Suzanne on her first newsletter. As you will see she has done a great job sourcing articles of news and interest for us. Certainly this edition continues to highlight the enthusiasm and energy displayed by our member schools. The New Year began with promise and has certainly not disappointed. One continues to be encouraged by the variety and growth in Round Square activities across the globe. John O’Connor, head of Brookhouse in Nairobi was welcomed as the incoming Africa Regional Director. At this time, the membership committee met and was able to conclude a number of issues. New Global members were proposed, new

Regional members announced and the notion of Partner schools was redefined. The Board has made progress towards addressing issues such as staffing and governance. A number of Regional meetings and conferences have already taken place along with a selection of Junior and Young Round Square conferences. Most regions have already determined their split for schools attending the 2012 conferences as well as a final affirmation of the Regional Charters. These charters will provide a much needed set of protocols for the running of each region. Preparations are well under way for the 2011 conference which will be held at Wellington College Berkshire.

At the America’s Regional conference held recently At Appleby College, St Andrews school from Roca Baton Florida, has agreed to host a combined conference for 2013. As with all conferences, this promises to be memorable and inspirational. A special word of thanks must go out to all those schools that have collected contributions for the Save Japan relief effort. Brian Dawson Executive Director

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