Round Square News (November 2011)

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Round Square News November 2011 - Issue 9

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II opened the Round Square 2011 Conference

Wellington College, England

INSIDE Over 1,000 students and staff from around the world, had a taste of British school life when they recently attended the Round Square Conference at Wellington College, in England. Opened by her Majesty The Queen, and attended by the Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of York and HM King Constantine of the Hellenes and Queen Anne Marie, the conference was also attended by students from 90 schools from around the world and gave students the opportunity to share experiences, work on local

community projects and gain an understanding of other cultures. Key note speakers included: Karen Darke, Jasmine Whitbread and Colin Jackson. Guests and delegates were invited to reflect on the Conference theme: “Reaching Beyond Our Limits” and this was embodied in many of the activities: the military gun run (demonstrated by the Wellington pupils), a long-distance run, culminating in a run through a lake and many Service and Adventure projects. See pages 4 and 5 for photos of the conference. Thanks again to the organisers for a superb conference.

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